p i a squaredeal i to - university of...

Rw1 Sv 1 v7 ry o I1 rye 1 OCALA EVENING STAR SATURDAY JANUARY 4 1908 A P v I I 0 A SquareDeal Is assured you when you buy one of Dr 1 Pierces Family Medicines for all the in- gredients ¬ I entering into them are printed on j the bottle wrappers and attested under oath as being complete and correct They I are gathered from Natures laboratory being selected from the most valuable na ¬ tive medicinal roots found growing in our American forests While potent to cure they are perfectly harmless even to the I most delicate women and children z Li Not a drop of alcohol enters into Dr Pierces leading medicines A much better agent is used both for extracting and preserving the me ¬ dicinal principles vizpure triple refined glycerine of proper strength This agent possesses medicinal r properties of its own being a most valuable antiseptic and antifer ¬ ment nutritive and soothing de- mulcent t Glycerine plays an important part in Dr Pierces Golden Med- ical ¬ Discovery in the cure of indi ¬ gestion dyspepsia and weak stom ¬ ach attended by sour risings heartburn foul breath coated tongue poor appetite gnawing feeling in stomach biliousness and kindred derangements of the stom- ach ¬ liver and bowels For all diseases of the mucous membranes the u Golden Medical Discovery is a specific Catarrh whether of the nasal passages or of thestomach bowels or pelvic or ¬ gans is cured by it In Chronic Catarrh of the Nasal passages it is well while taking the U Golden Medical Discovery for the neces ¬ sary constitutional treatment to cleanse the passages freely two or three times a day with Dr Sages Catarrh Remedy This thorough- course of treatment generally cures even in the worst cases In coughs and hoarseness caus- ed ¬ by bronchial throat and lung affections except consumption in its advanced stages the U Golden Medical Discovery is a most effici ¬ ent remedy especially in those ob ¬ stinate hangoncoughs caused by irritation and congestion of the j bronchial mucous membranes The U Discovery is not so good for acute coughs arising from sudden colds nor must it be expected to cure consumption in its advanced stagesno medicine will do that but for all the obstinate bangon or chronic coughs which if neg ¬ lected or badly treated lead up to consumption it is the best med ¬ icine that can be taken its an insult to your intelli ¬ gence for a dealer to endeavor to palm off upon you some nostrum- of unknown composition in place of Dr worldfamed medicines which are OF KNOWN COMPOSITION Most dealers recommend Doctor Pierces medicines because they know what they are made of and that the ingredients employed are among the most valuable that a medicine for like purposes can be made of The same is true of leading physicians who do not hes ¬ itate to recommend them since they know exactly what they con ¬ tain and that their ingredients are the very best known to medical science for the cure of the several diseases for which these medicines- are recommended With tricky dealers it is dif- ferent ¬ I I Something else that pays then a little greater profit will be urged I upon you as just as good or even better You can hardly afford to I accept a substitute of unknown com- position and without any particular record of cures in place of Doctor Pierces medicines which are OF KNOWN COMPOSITION and have a record of forty years of cures behind them You know what you want and it is the dealers business to t supply that want Insist upon it n I A TiiEcli in time saves nine i Save man a sick spell by giving the chil- aBALLARDS I I t HOREHOUND SYRUP I f EVERY MOTHER should keep supplied with Bollards Horehound Syrup if she wishes to save her children from serious sick spells It con- tains ¬ i absolutely nothing injurious does nut constipate Good for children as well as adults- I I A cough often leads to consumption and should be checked immediately f i A Household Necessity l J C Smith Houston Texas writes ltl have used + Ballards Horehound S rup in my family for the past- s few years and find it far superior to any other cough medicine we have tried Every household should be- t supplied with this worthy remedy t The Delight of Children i pURES COUGHS COLDS WHOOPING + C 1 SORE THROAT BRONCHI- TIS < AND ALL LUNG TROUBLES RICE 25c 50c and 100 AVOID ALL SUBSTITUTES w Ballard Snow Liniment Co 500502 North Second Street ST LOUIS MO i Sold and Recommended by THE ANTIMONOPOLY DRUGSTORE OCALA FLA DAMES R MOOREHEAD B J POTTER DAVID S WOODROW President General Manager Secretary Woodmar Sand and Stone Companv BUILDERS OF CEMENT SIDEWALKS I Dealers In Lake Weir Sand Manufacturers of Concrete Blocks Paving Material Fence Pelt etoLa- t timatee and Plans furnis hcd ind Contract Takes K I FRENCH NOBLEMEN FIGHT I Anna Goulds ExHusband Administers I a Beating to his Successor in Her Affections I Paris Jan 40unt tnni cp Cas- tHlane from whom Anna Jould re- jvntly prmuivd a divorce awl Prin Hfli lJp Sayan who several times i vas r jn rU Il to be engaged to Miss Gould nHKed in a rough and tumble I light yesterday resulting from what Count Boni claims to be an old grudge I The tight started in the church of St Pierre de Claillet and was resumed at the doorway Count Boni says the prince insulted him and the sacred edifice and when he reached the door spat in his cousins face Then came a clash uf canes followed by rough fist When the police arrived Count lo cnsu llin was holding the prince- in the gutter and his brother Jean de Castellane was administering a severe kicking Prince Sagan suffered a severe scalp wound from Bonis cane Both were arrested but later released KIT CARSOu Fiat of Which the Hardy Frontiers- man ¬ Had No Recollection- One of the most noted of the hardy western frontiersmen was Kit Carson- to whom with Daniel Boone belongs- the credit of having always dealt fair- ly ¬ with the various Indian tribes as they themselves acknowledged The withdrawal of Carson by the govern- ment ¬ was the cause of a great war Captain Henry luuian in his book The Old Sruta Fe Trail relates an amusing incident of the gallant pio- neer ¬ My own conception of Kit Carson- as a child was that he was ten feet high that it would have required the strength of two men to lift his rIfle that he usually drank a river dry and picked the carcaas of a whole buffalo clean as easily as a lady does the wing- of a quail Years after when I made the uequaintniiee of the foremost fron- tiersman ¬ I found him a delicate reti ¬ cent undersized wiry Ulan the very opposite type of what my childish brain had created One day while Kit was at the fort I came across a periodical that had a full page illustration of a scene in a forest In tile foreground stood a gi ¬ gantic figure dressed In the traditional buckskin- On one arm rested an immense rifle His other arm was around the waist of the conventional female of such sensational journals whine in front half a dozen Indians lay prone evi- dently ¬ slain by the hero in the im- possible ¬ attire ii defense of the pre- posterous ¬ female The legend stated how all this had been effected by Kit Carson- I handed it to Kit lie wiped his spectacles studied the picture intently for a few seconds and then said Gentlemen that thar may be true but I haint got no recollection of it SEVEN YEARS OF PROOF- I have had seven years of proof that Dr Kings New Discovery is the best medicine to take for coughs and colds and for every diseased condition of throat chest or lungs says TV V Henry of Panama Mo The world has had thirtyeight years of proof that Dr Kings New Discovery is the best remedy for coughs and colds lagrippe asthma hay fever bronchitis hemor- rhage ¬ of the lungs and the early stages of consumption Its timely use al ¬ ways prevents the development of pneumonia Sold under guarantee at Ty dings S Cos drugstore Fifty cents and 1 Trial bottles free BROOK HAVEN WEARS THE BELT- As Possessor of the First Lynching of the Year 1908 Brook Haven Mass Jan i Prob- ably ¬ the lirst lynching of 190S oc ¬ curred here yesterday A mob took a negro from a policeman in broad day ¬ light and shot him to death The ne ¬ gro was unknown to the police and the members of the mob but was sup- posed ¬ to be the murdered of a police- man ¬ in Oakvale Miss Tuesday night TIRED OF LIFE Atlanta Jan 4Notes left by Mrs Marion McEachern found dead at ITS Ivy street yesterday indicate that she committed suicide by poisoning be ¬ cause she was tired of life Her hus- band ¬ who is in North Carolina has been notified SPECIAL A r oulvctMENT Regarding the National Pure Food and Drug Law We are pleased to announce that Fo leys Honey and Tar for coughs colds and lung trouble is not affected by the National Pure Food and Drug law as it coptains no opiates or other harmful drugs and we recommend it as a safe remedy for children and adults For sale by all dealers I tom r L- nN Free Yen a4 twrr ii1r11t FREE TO YOUMY SISTER ieM fr 1Nwti lama wears yy 1 know womans sutrlarsr 4 t Y S L I have found the cure > r I will wall free of say caarce lay I111N ment with full instructions to any toffwae j mm- mmzm woman ailments I want to tell el woos 3S3 this curt yoM my reader for ywrrtM7ore a your mother or your sister I want to teflj 11t > to cure yourselves at home without the doctor Men cannot understand womeas i 2J mvfys What we women know treat exaetieae better than any doctor know that soy Iota f i > maV ment is s safe and sure curs for LOeerIN p- iis s- sW8 Whitish discharges Ulceratis DIi- FaUinc W8it- sm of the Womb Prafiise Scstya Periods Uterine or Ovarian Tumors or SWH WM also pains In tae held btu an i bowM < n- lpi down feeflnsrs aervousaess creeping mzm5y SS- rfmm the spine aadancliely tfeeirete cry > i weariness kidney and bladder troubles caused by weaknesses accaiier to ow sesv e > I want you a cesspfetfe test eayr ment entirely free topreveteyou that you eai mmm yourself at home easily Quickly aW aurebr member that It wW est > SV stetlldag tot treatment a complete trial and if you should wish to continue it will east you eisC week or less than two cents a day It will not interfere with your work or eecvaatSoBV Just me year name and address tell m bow you suffer if you wish and I will saw yaw ski for your ease entirely free in plain wrapper by return malL I will alas sea4 yarer ii bookWOMANS OWN MEDICAL ADVISER with explaaatorr plusttatieaa women suffer and how they caa easily cure themselves st nome Ever weawm alba Mar learn to think for herself Then when the doctor saysYon njustkfve aa epsrstiett decide for yourself Thousands of women have cured themselves ae ressesy It 4 old or yon c To Mothers of Daughters I will explain a simple aonNr tteattlaallt wlidt and effectually cures Leucorrhoea Green sickness and Painful or Irr uMrMastrastisi fit Ladies Plumpness and health always result from its use Wherever you live I esa refer you to ladies of your own locality whe kaew aad w1i t any sufferer that this Home Treatment really cures all womens 4fr sasat sad aaabs nr Plump and robust Just send ate yeur address and the free tea days tract NM M isle the beak Writ today aa you may pet nee this offer again Adiiass MRS M SUMMERS BoxH SOtlth B lld9 llMfci w l L Whiskey of Merit C 4 11 HAT is the only kind we ever distilled and i JL sold That is why our whiskies sell over and- over > < r to the customer who was satisfied with the first orderand continues sothat is why we enjoy the confidence of thousands 1i Whiskey is either pure or something else Wef select all the grain carefully use only pure water age to fullmaturity in our own warehouses and in- sist ¬ that our whiskies reach the customer in original 1f packages This protects us protects the customer i safeguards our goods from adulterations by middlemen Our whiskies have no equal for use in the sick M room being wholesome and tonicy to weak atom 1 achs they are the best to serve your friends they 1 will appreciate their purity arid enjoy their J mellow flavor The natural vim and vigor of the Corn and Rye is concentrated in pure liquid form J in each of the following brands EXPRESS PREPAID Four Full Quarts in glass j ATTIC BLUE LABEL 1 4 Finest Kentucky Bourbon 400 Pure Old Corn- ALLAN M WILLOW DALE RYE SINCLAIRS- Old and Fragrant 285 Georgia Corn Sill The Swift Creek Distilling Co Incorporated LOUISVILLE KY Fig If We Distill ItIts Right Y e ait- I an PILLSBURY TOOK THE POSITION Vacated by Brownson as Chief of the Navigation Bureau Washington Jan 4After a con- ference ¬ with President Roosevelt Sec- retary ¬ Metealf iinnouiiced that Capt E P K Pillsbury has been selected to be chief of the navigation bureau of the Navy Department The selection of Captain Pillsbury is only temporary I Quick as a WinkT- hat exactly expresses it Just as quickly as you cans the contents of one package of JellO THE DAINTY DESSERTi- nto a pint of boiling water yon will have pre- pared a dessert which will surprise and del t- all who taste it When it has become cold it will jellify and be ready to eat For a more elaborate dessert try the following Banana Creafla Peel fire large bananas rub smooth with five teaspoonfuls of sugar Add one cup sweet cream beaten to a froth then one package- of Lemon JellO dissolved in one and B caps of boiling water r Pour In mold or bowl e Q and when cold garnish d i with candied cherries I Serve with whipped cream r t Beautifully illastra ted recipe book free Andrea The Ceswsee rare Feei Ce Le ley NY VVOOD- A Big Load for J- C S II B H SEYMOURP- hone 186- t p t > NOTICE OF APPLICATION- Tax f < Deed Under Section 8 of C 01- ter 4888 Laws of Florida Notice is hereby given that Miss tile Ncodham purchaser of tax c Y tiiicates Nos 4379 and 4389 dated 4th day of April A D 1898 has said certificates in my office and made application for tax deed o sue in accordance with law Said sA tiflcates embrace the following M scribed property situated in Marl i county Florida towit Lots 11 13 15 17 19 21 25 29 r lii 30 block 1 Andersons add to in std of ne 4 of sei4 sec 13 tD lJ- r 21 e The said land being ass at the date of the issuance of l certiiicates in the name of > Chester and H L and E B Ande c Unless said certificates shall be deemed according to law tax will issue thereon on the 10th day January A D 1908 t tts Witness my official sIgnature T M seal this the 7th day of December I D 1907 S T Sistrun Clerk Circuit Court Marion Co By H B FQY Jr D C t En the Circuit Court of the Fifth 1T cial Circuit of Florida In and for 1 rion CountyIn Chancery- The Passumpslc Savings Bank aC poration Under the Laws of the S ytr of Vermont Complainant vs MrL B Brockington Defendant Order1 Constructive Service It is ordered that the defendant her in named towit Mrs E B Brocki M ton be and she is hereby required j appear to the bill of complaint cause on or before I Monday the 3rd day of February 1 I It is futher ordered that a pytOr this order be published once a w for eight consecutive weeks In Ocala Star a newspaper published d said county and state This 4th slay of December 1907 S T Sistrii Clerk Circuit Court Marion Co IJ By H B Foy Jr D lC Hocker 8 Duval- Complainants Solicitor Jr p- I Large assortment of CUT and CHINA mtPoatofflcC DrJiaN I + j I i d fL 0 1 < tar k f +7 i fi Y w 1 S Jj t t cft- i

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Page 1: P I A SquareDeal I TO - University of Floridaufdcimages.uflib.ufl.edu/UF/00/07/59/08/00737/0032.pdfheartburn foul breath coated tongue poor appetite gnawing feeling in stomach biliousness

Rw1 Sv 1v7 ry o




P vI


0A SquareDealIs assured you when you buy one of Dr


Pierces Family Medicines for all the in-

gredients¬ I

entering into them are printed on j

the bottle wrappers and attested underoath as being complete and correct They

I are gathered from Natures laboratorybeing selected from the most valuable na¬

tive medicinal roots found growing in ourAmerican forests While potent to curethey are perfectly harmless even to the

I most delicate women and childrenz

Li Not a drop of alcohol enters intoDr Pierces leading medicines Amuch better agent is used both forextracting and preserving the me ¬

dicinal principles vizpure triplerefined glycerine of proper strengthThis agent possesses medicinal

r properties of its own being a mostvaluable antiseptic and antifer¬

ment nutritive and soothing de-mulcentt

Glycerine plays an importantpart in Dr Pierces Golden Med-ical


Discovery in the cure of indi¬

gestion dyspepsia and weak stom ¬

ach attended by sour risingsheartburn foul breath coated

tongue poor appetite gnawingfeeling in stomach biliousness andkindred derangements of the stom-ach


liver and bowelsFor all diseases of the mucous

membranes the u Golden MedicalDiscovery is a specific Catarrhwhether of the nasal passages or ofthestomach bowels or pelvic or¬

gans is cured by it In ChronicCatarrh of the Nasal passages it iswell while taking the U GoldenMedical Discovery for the neces ¬

sary constitutional treatment tocleanse the passages freely two orthree times a day with Dr SagesCatarrh Remedy This thorough-course of treatment generally cureseven in the worst cases

In coughs and hoarseness caus-ed


by bronchial throat and lungaffections except consumption inits advanced stages the U GoldenMedical Discovery is a most effici ¬

ent remedy especially in those ob ¬

stinate hangoncoughs caused byirritation and congestion of the

j bronchial mucous membranes The

U Discovery is not so good foracute coughs arising from suddencolds nor must it be expected tocure consumption in its advancedstagesno medicine will do thatbut for all the obstinate bangonor chronic coughs which if neg¬

lected or badly treated lead up toconsumption it is the best med¬

icine that can be takenits an insult to your intelli ¬

gence for a dealer to endeavor topalm off upon you some nostrum-of unknown composition in place ofDr worldfamed medicineswhich are OF KNOWN COMPOSITIONMost dealers recommend DoctorPierces medicines because theyknow what they are made of andthat the ingredients employed areamong the most valuable that amedicine for like purposes can bemade of The same is true ofleading physicians who do not hes ¬

itate to recommend them sincethey know exactly what they con¬

tain and that their ingredients arethe very best known to medicalscience for the cure of the severaldiseases for which these medicines-are recommended

With tricky dealers it is dif-ferent



I Something else that pays then alittle greater profit will be urged

I upon you as just as good or evenbetter You can hardly afford to

I accept a substitute of unknown com-

position and without any particularrecord of cures in place of DoctorPierces medicines which are OFKNOWN COMPOSITION and have arecord of forty years of cures behindthem You know what you wantand it is the dealers business to

t supply that want Insist upon itn


A TiiEcli in time saves ninei Save man a sick spell

by giving the chil-aBALLARDSI



f EVERY MOTHERshould keep supplied with Bollards Horehound Syrup if shewishes to save her children from serious sick spells It con-tains

¬i absolutely nothing injurious does nut constipate Good

for children as well as adults-II A cough often leads to consumption and should be checked

immediatelyf i

A Household Necessityl J C Smith Houston Texas writes ltl have used

+ Ballards Horehound S rup in my family for the past-s few years and find it far superior to any other cough

medicine we have tried Every household should be-t supplied with this worthy remedyt

The Delight of Childreni pURES COUGHS COLDS WHOOPING






Ballard Snow Liniment Co

500502 North Second Street




Woodmar Sand and Stone CompanvBUILDERS OF CEMENT SIDEWALKS

I Dealers In

Lake Weir SandManufacturers of Concrete Blocks Paving Material Fence Pelt etoLa-

t timatee and Plans furnis hcd ind Contract Takes




Anna Goulds ExHusband AdministersI

a Beating to his Successor in

Her Affections I

Paris Jan 40unt tnni cp Cas-

tHlane from whom Anna Jould re-

jvntly prmuivd a divorce awl PrinHfli lJp Sayan who several times i

vas r jn rU Il to be engaged to Miss

Gould nHKed in a rough and tumbleI

light yesterday resulting from whatCount Boni claims to be an old grudge


The tight started in the church of StPierre de Claillet and was resumedat the doorway Count Boni says theprince insulted him and the sacrededifice and when he reached the doorspat in his cousins face Then camea clash uf canes followed by roughfist When the police arrived Countlo cnsu llin was holding the prince-in the gutter and his brother Jean deCastellane was administering a severekicking Prince Sagan suffered asevere scalp wound from Bonis caneBoth were arrested but later released


Fiat of Which the Hardy Frontiers-man


Had No Recollection-One of the most noted of the hardy

western frontiersmen was Kit Carson-to whom with Daniel Boone belongs-the credit of having always dealt fair-ly


with the various Indian tribes asthey themselves acknowledged Thewithdrawal of Carson by the govern-ment


was the cause of a great warCaptain Henry luuian in his bookThe Old Sruta Fe Trail relates an

amusing incident of the gallant pio-


My own conception of Kit Carson-as a child was that he was ten feethigh that it would have required thestrength of two men to lift his rIflethat he usually drank a river dry andpicked the carcaas of a whole buffaloclean as easily as a lady does the wing-of a quail Years after when I madethe uequaintniiee of the foremost fron-tiersman


I found him a delicate reti ¬

cent undersized wiry Ulan the veryopposite type of what my childishbrain had created

One day while Kit was at the fort I

came across a periodical that had afull page illustration of a scene in aforest In tile foreground stood a gi ¬

gantic figure dressed In the traditionalbuckskin-

On one arm rested an immense rifleHis other arm was around the waistof the conventional female of suchsensational journals whine in fronthalf a dozen Indians lay prone evi-dently


slain by the hero in the im-


attire ii defense of the pre-


female The legend statedhow all this had been effected by KitCarson-

I handed it to Kit lie wiped hisspectacles studied the picture intentlyfor a few seconds and then said

Gentlemen that thar may be truebut I haint got no recollection of it


I have had seven years of proof thatDr Kings New Discovery is the bestmedicine to take for coughs and coldsand for every diseased condition ofthroat chest or lungs says TV VHenry of Panama Mo The world hashad thirtyeight years of proof thatDr Kings New Discovery is the bestremedy for coughs and colds lagrippeasthma hay fever bronchitis hemor-rhage


of the lungs and the early stagesof consumption Its timely use al ¬

ways prevents the development ofpneumonia Sold under guarantee atTy dings S Cos drugstore Fifty centsand 1 Trial bottles free


As Possessor of the First Lynching ofthe Year 1908

Brook Haven Mass Jan i Prob-ably


the lirst lynching of 190S oc ¬

curred here yesterday A mob took anegro from a policeman in broad day ¬

light and shot him to death The ne ¬

gro was unknown to the police andthe members of the mob but was sup-posed


to be the murdered of a police-man


in Oakvale Miss Tuesday night


Atlanta Jan 4Notes left by MrsMarion McEachern found dead at ITSIvy street yesterday indicate that shecommitted suicide by poisoning be ¬

cause she was tired of life Her hus-band


who is in North Carolina hasbeen notified


Regarding the National Pure Food andDrug Law

We are pleased to announce that Foleys Honey and Tar for coughs coldsand lung trouble is not affected bythe National Pure Food and Drug lawas it coptains no opiates or otherharmful drugs and we recommend itas a safe remedy for children andadults For sale by all dealers


tomr L-

nNFree Yen a4 twrr ii1r11tFREE TO YOUMY SISTER ieM fr 1Nwtilama wears yy

1 know womans sutrlarsr4 tY S L I have found the cure

> r I will wall free of say caarce lay I111Nment with full instructions to any toffwaej mm-

mmzmwoman ailments I want to tell el woos

3S3 this curt yoM myreader forywrrtM7orea your mother or your sister I want to teflj 11t

> to cure yourselves at home without thedoctor Men cannot understand womeas i

2Jmvfys What we women know treat exaetieae

better than any doctor know that soy Iotaf i > maV ment is s safe and sure curs for LOeerINp-


sW8Whitish discharges Ulceratis DIi-FaUincW8it-

smof the Womb Prafiise Scstya

Periods Uterine or Ovarian Tumors orSWH WM also pains In tae held btu an i bowM

< n-lpidown feeflnsrs aervousaess creeping

mzm5y SS-


the spine aadancliely tfeeirete cry> iweariness kidney and bladder troublescaused by weaknesses accaiier to ow sesv e

> I want you a cesspfetfe testeayrment entirely free topreveteyou that you eai

mmm yourself at home easily Quickly aW aurebrmember that It wW est > SV stetlldag tot

treatment a complete trial and if you should wish to continue it will east you eisCweek or less than two cents a day It will not interfere with your work or eecvaatSoBV Justme year name and address tell m bow you suffer if you wish and I will saw yaw skifor your ease entirely free in plain wrapper by return malL I will alas sea4 yarer iibookWOMANS OWN MEDICAL ADVISER with explaaatorr plusttatieaawomen suffer and how they caa easily cure themselves st nome Ever weawm alba Marlearn to think for herself Then when the doctor saysYon njustkfve aa epsrstiettdecide for yourself Thousands of women have cured themselves ae ressesy It 4

old or yon c To Mothers of Daughters I will explain a simple aonNr tteattlaallt wlidtand effectually cures Leucorrhoea Green sickness and Painful or Irr uMrMastrastisi fitLadies Plumpness and health always result from its use

Wherever you live I esa refer you to ladies of your own locality whe kaew aad w1i tany sufferer that this Home Treatment really cures all womens 4fr sasat sad aaabs

nr Plump and robust Just send ate yeur address and the free tea days tract NM Misle the beak Writ today aa you may pet nee this offeragain AdiiassMRS M SUMMERS BoxH SOtlth B lld9 llMfci w


Whiskey of MeritC



HAT is the only kind we ever distilled and iJL sold That is why our whiskies sell over and-over


to the customer who was satisfied with thefirst orderand continues sothat is why we enjoythe confidence of thousands 1i

Whiskey is either pure or something else Wefselect all the grain carefully use only pure waterage to fullmaturity in our own warehouses and in-sist


that our whiskies reach the customer in original 1f

packages This protects us protects the customer isafeguards our goods from adulterationsby middlemen

Our whiskies have no equal for use in the sick Mroom being wholesome and tonicy to weak atom 1

achs they are the best to serve your friends they 1

will appreciate their purity arid enjoy their J

mellow flavor The natural vim and vigor of theCorn and Rye is concentrated in pure liquid form Jin each of the following brands

EXPRESS PREPAIDFour Full Quarts in glass j

ATTIC BLUE LABEL 1 4Finest Kentucky Bourbon 400 Pure Old Corn-


WILLOW DALE RYE SINCLAIRS-Old and Fragrant 285 Georgia Corn Sill

The Swift Creek Distilling CoIncorporated


If We Distill ItIts RightY

e ait-

I an


Vacated by Brownson as Chief of theNavigation Bureau

Washington Jan 4After a con-ference


with President Roosevelt Sec-retary


Metealf iinnouiiced that Capt EP K Pillsbury has been selected to bechief of the navigation bureau of theNavy Department The selection ofCaptain Pillsbury is only temporary


Quick as a WinkT-hat exactly expresses it Just as quickly

as you cans the contents of one package of

JellOTHE DAINTY DESSERTi-nto a pint of boiling water yon will have pre-pared a dessert which will surprise and del t-

all who taste it When it has become cold itwill jellify and be ready to eat For a moreelaborate dessert try the following

Banana CreaflaPeel fire large bananas rub smooth with five

teaspoonfuls of sugar Add one cup sweetcream beaten to a froth then one package-of Lemon JellO dissolved in one and

B caps of boiling waterr Pour In mold or bowl

e Q and when cold garnishd i with candied cherries

I Serve with whippedcreamr

t Beautifully illastrated recipe book freeAndrea

The Ceswsee rare Feei Ce Le ley N Y

VVOOD-A Big Load for J-


hone 186-





f <

Deed Under Section 8 of C01-

ter 4888 Laws of FloridaNotice is hereby given that Misstile Ncodham purchaser of tax c


tiiicates Nos 4379 and 4389 dated4th day of April A D 1898 hassaid certificates in my office andmade application for tax deed osue in accordance with law Said

sAtiflcates embrace the following


scribed property situated in Marlicounty Florida towit

Lots 11 13 15 17 19 21 25 29 rlii30 block 1 Andersons add toin std of ne 4 of sei4 sec 13 tD lJ-r 21 e The said land being assat the date of the issuance of


certiiicates in the name of>

Chester and H L and E B Ande cUnless said certificates shall bedeemed according to law taxwill issue thereon on the 10th dayJanuary A D 1908 t tts

Witness my official sIgnatureT


seal this the 7th day of DecemberI D 1907 S T Sistrun

Clerk Circuit Court Marion CoBy H B FQY Jr D C

tEn the Circuit Court of the Fifth 1T

cial Circuit of Florida In and for1

rion CountyIn Chancery-The Passumpslc Savings Bank aC

poration Under the Laws of the S ytr

of Vermont Complainant vs MrLB Brockington Defendant Order1Constructive ServiceIt is ordered that the defendant her

in named towit Mrs E B Brocki M

ton be and she is hereby required jappear to the bill of complaintcause on or beforeI

Monday the 3rd day of February 1I It is futher ordered that a pytOrthis order be published once a wfor eight consecutive weeks InOcala Star a newspaper published d

said county and stateThis 4th slay of December 1907

S T SistriiClerk Circuit Court Marion Co I J

By H B Foy Jr D lCHocker 8 Duval-

Complainants Solicitor Jrp-


Large assortment of CUTand CHINA mtPoatofflcC DrJiaN

I+ j

I i d fL 0

1 <

tar k f +7 i fi Y w1

SJj t
