original plc presentation developed by faculty of holly springs high school, nc

Collegial Collaboration: A New Way of Life for Professional Educators EDUC – 503 November 12, 2012 Original PLC presentation developed by faculty of Holly Springs High School, NC Modified by Kimberly Beck, April 2011

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Collegial Collaboration: A New Way of Life for Professional Educators EDUC – 503 November 12, 2012. Original PLC presentation developed by faculty of Holly Springs High School, NC Modified by Kimberly Beck, April 2011. Forward thinking…. - PowerPoint PPT Presentation


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Collegial Collaboration: A New Way of Life

for Professional Educators

EDUC – 503November 12, 2012

Original PLC presentation developed by faculty of Holly Springs High School, NC

Modified by Kimberly Beck, April 2011

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In times of drastic change, it In times of drastic change, it is the learners who inherit the future. is the learners who inherit the future. The The ““learnedlearned”” usually find usually find themselves beautifully equipped to themselves beautifully equipped to live in a world that no longer exists.live in a world that no longer exists.

Eric HofferEric Hoffer, 1972, 1972

Forward thinking…

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The essential question for ALL educators must be:

What do schools look like when they are organized around the commitment of high standards by all students?

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We know that part of the answer has to be collaborative efforts of all those engaged in the process of educating these learners.

One current “buzz word” for such collaboration is professional learning communities.

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Whatever collaborative efforts are part of your professional life, constantly seek to have those efforts:

• Include ongoing discussions about current reality and best practice

• Have a commitment to continuous improvement (Good enough is NOT good enough)

• Be results oriented

• Involve more and more colleagues over time

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Professional Learning Communities (PLC) for Collaboration

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A PLC is . . .A PLC is . . .A PLC is . . .A PLC is . . . PROFESSIONAL?

“Every teacher is a leader; Every leader is a teacher.”


In a PLC School, learning applies as much to teachers,

administrators, and parents as to students.

Focus on instruction, curriculum and assessment.



Cooperation vs. competition

Focus intensely on the mission, vision, goals, and values.

Improvement of the whole vs. striving to get ahead


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PLCs at Work: Core ElementsPLCs at Work: Core Elements

• Mission, Vision, Values and Goals

• Collaborative Teams

• Changing Your School’s Culture

• Planning a PLC-Model School

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The Four Keys to a Successful PLC

Mission: Clarifies Priorities/ Sharpens Focus

Vision: Gives Direction

Values: Guides Behavior

Goals: Establish Priorities

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“Why do we exist?”


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Schools exist because their mission is “learning”.

Questions to ask as Educators

• What is it we expect all students to learn?• How will we know when they have learned it?• How will we respond when they don’t learn?• How will we respond when they already know it?


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“You've got to be very careful if you don't know where you are going

because you might not get there.”

Yogi Berra, 1947

“You've got to be very careful if you don't know where you are going

because you might not get there.”

Yogi Berra, 1947

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“What do we hope to become at some point in the future?”


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Questions to ask as Educators with a Vision

• What are the essentials for our students?

• If we did an excellent job with the essentials, what would that look like?


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“How must WE (the professionals)behave to create the school thatwill achieve our purpose?”


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Question to ask as Educators with Values

• What attitudes, behaviors, and commitments must WE demonstrate in order to create the school of our vision?


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“What results do we seek andhow will we know we aremaking progress?”


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Questions to ask as Educators with Goals

• Which steps should we take first?• What is our timeline?• What evidence will we present to demonstrate • our progress?


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Professional Educators. . .

• Emphasize learning• Emphasize active student engagement and

significant content• Collaborate with colleagues• Focus on student performance and

production• Function as leaders

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Separated by their classrooms and packed teaching schedules, teachers rarely work or talk together about teaching practices.

Linda Darling-Hammond, 1995

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Collaborative Teams Engaged in Collective Inquiry

You cannot have students as continuous learners and effective collaborators, without teachers that have the same characteristics.

Michael Fullan, 1993

You cannot have students as continuous learners and effective collaborators, without teachers that have the same characteristics.

Michael Fullan, 1993

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PLC Assumptions about Collaboration

1. If schools are to improve, staff must develop the capacity to function as professional learning communities.

1. If schools are to function as professional learning communities, they must develop a collaborative culture.

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3. If schools are to develop a collaborative culture, they must overcome traditional teacher isolation.

3. If schools are to overcome their tradition of teacher isolation, teachers must learn to work in effective, high performing teams.

PLC Assumptions about Collaboration

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• Collaboration is embedded into every aspect of the school culture

• Time for collaboration is built into the school calendar

• Products of collaboration are made explicit

• Teams have access to relevant information

In a PLC school with high performing teams. . .

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In a PLC school with high performing teams. . .

Teams pursue specific and measurable

performance goals:

Strategic & Specific




Time bound

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The SMART Goals process creates the motivation for team action and experimentation. But in order to apply the SMART Goals process effectively, individuals need strong team skills, the ability to understand and use data, and a willingness to engage in continuous improvement.

The SMART Goals process creates the motivation for team action and experimentation. But in order to apply the SMART Goals process effectively, individuals need strong team skills, the ability to understand and use data, and a willingness to engage in continuous improvement.

The best way to improve schools is to develop the people within them.

— Richard DuFour and Robert Eaker

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The SMART Plan

• Guides the work of the PLC

• Emphasizes the measurement and tracking of progress toward the goal

• Provides a means of analyzing the student work data

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David Salisbury & Daryl Conner, 1994David Salisbury & Daryl Conner, 1994

If you intend to introduce a change that is If you intend to introduce a change that is incompatible with the organizationincompatible with the organization’’s culture, s culture, you have only three choices: you have only three choices:

1)1)modify the change to be more in line with modify the change to be more in line with the existing culture, the existing culture, 2) alter the culture to be more in line with the 2) alter the culture to be more in line with the proposed change or proposed change or 3) 3) prepare to fail.prepare to fail.

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A School’s Culture Might Mean. . .

• Shared decision-making and teamwork

• Effective meetings • Focus on goals

• Continuous Improvement

• Results Oriented

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“Perhaps the greatest insight we have gained in our work with school districts across the continent is that schools that take the plunge and actually begin doing the work of a PLC develop their capacity to help students learn at high levels far more effectively than schools that spend years preparing to become PLCs through reading or even training.”

Richard DuFour, et. al., Learning by Doing

“Perhaps the greatest insight we have gained in our work with school districts across the continent is that schools that take the plunge and actually begin doing the work of a PLC develop their capacity to help students learn at high levels far more effectively than schools that spend years preparing to become PLCs through reading or even training.”

Richard DuFour, et. al., Learning by Doing

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Planning a PLC Model

Key Questions to ask:Key Questions to ask:

• How do we develop a shared vision and goals?

• How can we effectively use data in all aspects?

• What are some additional ways to get collaboration among colleagues?

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PLC ResourcesPLC ResourcesDuFour, Richard and Robert Eaker. Professional Learning Communities at Work: Best Practices for

Enhancing Student Achievement. Bloomington, IN: National Educational Service, 1998.

--and Rebecca DuFour. Professional Learning Communities at Work. Educational Workshop. Kennewick,

WA, May 16-17, 2006.

--et. al., Ed. The Power of Smart Goals. Bloomington, IN: Solution Tree, 2006.

--et. al., Ed. On Common Ground: The Power of Professional Learning Communities. Bloomington, IN:

Solution Tree, 2005





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Collegial collaboration thru data teams

Another framework

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Data teams are groups of professional educators, working collaboratively to analyze the effect of their actions on identified student outcomes.

“Data teams adhere to continuous improvement cycles, examine patterns and trends, and establish specific timelines, roles, and responsibilities to facilitate analysis that results in action.”

(S. White, Beyond the Numbers, 2005, p.13)

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By definition…

What are the similarities between PLCs and Data Teams?

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District: District Data Team

School: School Data Teams

Classroom: Instructional Data Teams

Student: Student Assistance Teams

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To create a consistent and comprehensive framework for improvement planning that translates from district to school to classroom to individual students

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Data Teams:

• Are Research-based• Empower teachers

* Focus on what adults can do differently to improve instruction

• Create coherence within the district/school• Provide a mechanism to set achievement and

instructional priorities

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Data Teams:

• Provide time for collaboration and planning• Follow the five-step process:

• Collect and Chart Data• Analyze strengths and obstacles• Establish goals: set, review, revise• Select instructional strategies• Determine results indicators

• Provide opportunity for training and resources

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District Data Team • Meets monthly• Identifies District:

– Goals– Student Outcome

Indicators – District Targets – Adult Action Indicators

• Develops District Strategic Improvement Plan

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School Data Team• Meets monthly• Identifies School:

– Goals– Student Outcome

Indicators – School Targets – Adult Action Indicators

• Drafts School Strategic Improvement Plan

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Instructional Data Teams • Meets frequently• Focused on groups of

students• Engaged in

collaborative, cyclical process

• Identifies specific strategies for targeted timeline

• Assesses short term results

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By description…

How are PLCs and Data Teams similar?

How are PLCs and Data Teams different?