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'l'b.eoommlttee ot oommuulc!ltloQ b,v GnU ot Moxtoo and Clm'ltw&u Sea Will tooOJnliielld that.tllo United Statcs'pl\f tho aubald.lea of tbo Gutr of Mcx.!oo line., bfJ cauao now the countrlci. border- Ing on the sttll p&jr the aoverai!Jnca a veey heavy aub&ld,y, and they could uautno moro expenses of thla clau than those the,v at present lu.ve. lkxlco. for> roa\ancc, P41Y11 Ame.rka!\ UnCI to Orlean• and· othtl!' American p01U va,o bcav7 aobaldlca bo.aldot \hcao ab11 to tho German and Span· ' ... ' ' ' ' \ • < • , .•.. ,"'. t·. " ' . ,. ,, . . ' ' . ' . ' . . . ; .. ., ' . . u wu l't!JI(lrted favorablY. . fur In Wublogton, D. pasact2 by \ho Homo. Io'nmu, .MAncu 7. · &!nato cal on dar actlcn.1 and c:llll\o up u unnntab· caao Clark SA.Tunnu, lliJWU 8. Tho Senate WM not Ill aeialoo. . Uoralll- 'i'he morning hour> ,,.., con· aomed fn d!Jcuaalon or" bill for •tWndanoe of wltllcallt!ll before realatcra Otl&Od omcc., Puaed, · Tile lloll.le then, in commlttoo of tho whole, resumed oonaldoraUon of public bulllllilstmcunrca. Tho. llnt bm called tip wu Utat. from t;;:;o,ooo to -.:.o,ooo, tho Ulii!& of tho oca&. of tho public blllldlnp a\ Newark, Now JCUtly, and making an approprlaUon or tJOO,OOO Ill• ere&&&. . Mr. Dlotul& ra!acd tho J)lllnt or order that. U. wu not within tho J)Owcr of tho eotn· tnht.eoon public nnd .,ronnda to an approprlalloa, and arrer a long dii.Clltalon tbo opproprlatlon W&!lalritkcn out, and tho bill &II amended laid aafde with ravotriblo f'CI'.OmmondaUou. !\luMDA.Y, MAucn 1 o. Ss:!IA'tc-Mr. 6!4nford otrcrtd a pro-. amble and rcaolut!on lnatrncUng tho com· mlltoo on flnkllco to lnqulro wbli\ rcliol for .tho ClldaUng oopl'()Uion tnlal be flll'tlllbOO by tho United and JlU!lcularly wbcU:er loan. may nnt. ba n:ade by tlio Government on on Teat ata!b of lmprovcmcotsil ataucb ut.es an:Uo ancll u wi make Ule to tbo GPVC!l'Dcetlt lJCl" feet. the to recctvo acm11 •m•U rate or> :3 per ocut.) and t.0 bEl a ot tbo loana at ft. lie lo support of tho to the which ot . . KAllA Wublnflon, anybody who toucl!.ca that. bat touches ooorse 011d I'll .C.bt blm. Wba\1 Nobody w.nta to touch Otol'ICI 'l'bcm wo•u open aoot.her botUo.•• · Tho orgle wound up In • mud tr.o i!Rbt Ia tho atreeti ot qultt old Hamlltou., In wll,lch tho ll&l'!Jluter, who wu In tho crowd, got whipped ud McCalla,.,.. bod· ll,y thrown out ot a cardaro. A po!Joe oftt' tried t.0 anet' McCalla, bu& b and a mau whipped fbe onlcer lnd wero put aboard by aome Amerlcapa before thl) om. cera sot tbcre. . •· . • • .. •• . . ' ' \1 ' .........,... •' ' ' - l I I I •• MRS. .LONOEVJTY. - MeCaUabu ukcd tor a coon ll1Utlal A 8tory o1 a Man•it Inhumanity to ucl wlllRCJUt. --WomAn. · . ,--------- Man'• Juhumanlty to man Ia Europe Can't Buc:k Amtrlea. :ompl\rcd to hle lobuW!Ullty to wo• N.&w Yonx, March 6.-A ltomo e{M» mnn, ea)'e tho Chlcn::o Uorold. .. The 1a1 to Lho Herald IllY•: .f.ll Rome wU cJ;· won of an lowB widow nro proof or thJs. clkd tcHla,y over a \rl&l of"Dutralo lllll'a" l.lra.Margt'Ot. Grabnm Wll!l nyoUDll' nn!l Cllwboya on wlld boraca tnl'lllallld b,v Ulo rnJr wlaow whoa abc rocolvcd nn otror Duko ot Senconcta. - manlngo of lrom n wo:Jilby mnn whom •'or aovcral da,ya tbo.Uoman authOriUca abc Wll!l dlapoand to woo. Du &ho bavllbooll.aupcdnt.cndlnc -otftl1rtnl,ont nnd illiO bad monily, eo ebo e&tm blll'l'lora to keep tho aav.,. conaulk!d her frlolld nolabtior .J. n. tro:n rcachlnR tbe andlenoe. Ikcd, lu whom abo hnd nbldluulaltb. Tho lllllmala camo from tilt duko'a ltccd wu mnrrlcd. llo told tho wfdow 001 herd on tho l'onUna manlles, ant! bo lbal. be did no& wnnt bor to marry tlto rlcb man. Why bocnuso ho wanted clawllha\ norowbo,yoa eal1h OOUld rldo hor bhnsolr: lila witc Wll!l IlL She ooc. 'l'ho rowboyalautbed at. tho bDut. would Uvo loull'• Could tho wldO\V Then tho duko ducd Ulcm to mount any wa.n.P Bho could aml clld. Ono onool t.ho ali. Ever; man, woman and rolled luolf up Into a bundlo and took cbUd expected thut tw9 or 'Ultto Ita ftaco on tho •holt o!Abo duoty pnat. woa!d bo killed In tho cxporlmcn,, OVCl' SUI &ad'D wtro nto thrco moGI9 & carrl.agca woro Orlven ·to the PtoUo d11y. Threo 1ftiU'IJ nddcd tbolr chlpa dl Caswllo, and an audience of 20,000 pro- to tho fnck·pot nnd (lrow out ot \ho plo braved the drlpptor rain, Lonl Dot· g11mo When f.he bottlug too hiJrh Ccrln and ma111 other> diploma\& for thom. Mrs. Uocd Alop& nod cnt 1o tho 1peclal tflbnllo. Among tho Wo!re Wllb p:llnful regulorlly. 1-'iYo nornaunroro.thc.wlfe Vrtlalcr -crla"" purclla!JCd tlcltot& ill th& lottcrr ¥• nn'd drow blnnb 1\fra. ltocd'e and aciOllJI of uU tho Juuga fllloo tl1omaolvca with puro aJr Two ot tho \71M bonos wcro driven Into cvcey avo 10 conda. Sovoo yoQI'8 took t!lo arena. 'l'l:ey had nelthcr u.dd!• or to wJoga nod wout to flnd · brf:llo on. lJUtrato Bill &DnO:lnted that tho north vole of torcaoUullnC$3. they would be ronquardl lo tlvtl !lllntilcs. This wu too )llUch fol' need. Sbo '.rho oowbosalaaaood, milled, bridled and too• And :&Ir. need who bn!l the horses. 'l'llo anlmat. leaped borrowed tilo widow's Jnouoy all \h()ao In the air, wrlthtcl, bucked and reU1!4 yea-. took to lllmeolt • nml madly. bot all Ia yafo. In Jlva mloutca blutblog bride. Tha widow 19 a wJdow they r!aden euiJ,y around whne the aUll... &mace roari:d an4abrlcked with dllltbC. ll\ltralo Blll now any Roiiii.D to ·> ... i . ·' --

Upload: lamtuong

Post on 06-Feb-2018




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erur clf.$ tll~ ih'umtner l'lllti1i'l; and fs • hatlhhlp whfcb n4Jitlior Uiey !1l)r thoee> the; ~cailJt.oj),

.u~. .•• Weafetn Fun"~ Mortt;i! .. Havt Oot!t.

\\1tathU ~o douowith tbta \'alt. bot• rowl!cl ea]iiltalt t.allol! has 'bt!en l!lriJilo.redr !tl!o'UUda -ot \tl~, W'lfli• tattd oUJ.es

. Tho •ubiJd,v lt is }lroposod to attll1 wUb will bo abou~ PX>,OOO per .rear.

'l'b.eoommlttee ot oommuulc!ltloQ b,v ~" GnU ot Moxtoo and Clm'ltw&u Sea Will tooOJnliielld that.tllo United Statcs'pl\f tho aubald.lea of tbo Gutr of Mcx.!oo line., bfJ cauao now l;ll~'all the countrlci. border­Ing on the sttll p&jr the aoverai!Jnca a veey heavy aub&ld,y, and they could no~ uautno moro expenses of thla clau than those the,v at present lu.ve.

lkxlco. for> roa\ancc, P41Y11 t~ Ame.rka!\ UnCI to ~ew Orlean• and· othtl!' American p01U va,o bcav7 aobaldlca bo.aldot \hcao ab11 to tho Ftcnc~. German and Span·

' ... '

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u wu l't!JI(lrted favorablY. . fur poa~oftloo In Wublogton, D.

pasact2 by \ho Homo. Io'nmu, .MAncu 7. ·

&!nato cal on dar

wltbou~ actlcn.1 and c:llll\o up u unnntab·

caao Clark

SA.Tunnu, lliJWU 8. Tho Senate WM not Ill aeialoo. . Uoralll- 'i'he morning hour> ,,.., con·

aomed fn d!Jcuaalon or" bill for com~orz •tWndanoe of wltllcallt!ll before realatcra Otl&Od omcc., Puaed, ·

Tile lloll.le then, in commlttoo of tho whole, resumed oonaldoraUon of public bulllllilstmcunrca. Tho. llnt bm called tip wu Utat. tn~lng from t;;:;o,ooo to -.:.o,ooo, tho Ulii!& of tho oca&. of tho public blllldlnp a\ Newark, Now JCUtly, and making an approprlaUon or tJOO,OOO Ill• ere&&&. .

Mr. Dlotul& ra!acd tho J)lllnt or order that. U. wu not within tho J)Owcr of tho eotn· tnht.eoon public bultdln~~~t nnd .,ronnda to rcco~mend an approprlalloa, and arrer a long dii.Clltalon tbo opproprlatlon clau~ W&!lalritkcn out, and tho bill &II amended laid aafde with ravotriblo f'CI'.OmmondaUou.

!\luMDA.Y, MAucn 1 o. Ss:!IA'tc-Mr. 6!4nford otrcrtd a pro-.

amble and rcaolut!on lnatrncUng tho com· mlltoo on flnkllco to lnqulro wbli\ rcliol for .tho ClldaUng •lfl'l~hltarul oopl'()Uion tnlal be flll'tlllbOO by tho United State~, and JlU!lcularly wbcU:er loan. may nnt. ba n:ade by tlio Government on mo~ on Teat ata!b in!lcp~:::ulcot of lmprovcmcotsil ataucb ut.es an:Uo ancll amo~nt u wi make Ule to tbo GPVC!l'Dcetlt lJCl" feet. the to recctvo acm11 •m•U rate or> :3 per ocut.) and t.0 bEl a ~tago ot tbo loana at ft. d~\!0::1. lie lo support of tho

to the comt::~lttceon

which ot

. . KAllA 0\JTRAG~S •

Wublnflon, anybody who toucl!.ca that. bat touches ooorse 011d I'll .C.bt blm. Wba\1 Nobody w.nta to touch Otol'ICI 'l'bcm wo•u open aoot.her botUo.•• · Tho orgle wound up In • mud tr.o i!Rbt

Ia tho atreeti ot qultt old Hamlltou., In wll,lch tho ll&l'!Jluter, who wu In tho crowd, got whipped ud McCalla,.,.. bod· ll,y thrown out ot a cardaro. A po!Joe oftt' ~r tried t.0 anet' McCalla, bu& b and a mau whipped fbe onlcer lnd wero put aboard by aome Amerlcapa before thl) om. cera sot tbcre.

. •· .~

'~ . • •

-~. .. •• . . ' ' • \1 ' • .........,...

• •' ' '

• •

- l I I I • • •• ,.....:=0::~

MRS. RC~D·g .LONOEVJTY. -MeCaUabu ukcd tor a coon ll1Utlal A 8tory o1 a Man•it Inhumanity to ucl wlllRCJUt. --WomAn. · .

,--------- Man'• Juhumanlty to man Ia n-·tblu~ Europe Can't Buc:k Amtrlea. :ompl\rcd to hle lobuW!Ullty to wo•

N.&w Yonx, March 6.-A ltomo e{M» mnn, ea)'e tho Chlcn::o Uorold. .. The 1a1 to Lho Herald IllY•: .f.ll Rome wU cJ;· won of an lowB widow nro proof or thJs. clkd tcHla,y over a \rl&l of"Dutralo lllll'a" l.lra.Margt'Ot. Grabnm Wll!l nyoUDll' nn!l Cllwboya on wlld boraca tnl'lllallld b,v Ulo rnJr wlaow whoa abc rocolvcd nn otror Duko ot Senconcta. - manlngo of lrom n wo:Jilby mnn whom •'or aovcral da,ya tbo.Uoman authOriUca abc Wll!l dlapoand to woo. Du ~ &ho w~ bavllbooll.aupcdnt.cndlnc lh•~rectlon -otftl1rtnl,ont nnd illiO bad monily, eo ebo e&tm blll'l'lora to keep tho aav.,. ·~ conaulk!d her frlolld nolabtior • .J. n. tro:n rcachlnR tbe andlenoe. Ikcd, lu whom abo hnd nbldluulaltb.

Tho lllllmala camo from tilt duko'a J~· ltccd wu mnrrlcd. llo told tho wfdow 001 herd on tho l'onUna manlles, ant! bo lbal. be did no& wnnt bor to marry tlto

rlcb man. Why bocnuso ho wanted clawllha\ norowbo,yoa eal1h OOUld rldo hor bhnsolr: lila witc Wll!l IlL She ooc. 'l'ho rowboyalautbed at. tho bDut. would no~ Uvo loull'• Could tho wldO\V Then tho duko ducd Ulcm to mount any wa.n.P Bho could aml clld. Ono yea~ onool t.ho ali. Ever; man, woman and rolled luolf up Into a bundlo and took cbUd expected thut tw9 or 'Ultto m~p Ita ftaco on tho •holt o!Abo duoty pnat. woa!d bo killed In tho cxporlmcn,, OVCl' SUI &ad'D wtro nto thrco moGI9 & ~000 carrl.agca woro Orlven ·to the PtoUo d11y. Threo 1ftiU'IJ nddcd tbolr chlpa dl Caswllo, and an audience of 20,000 pro- to tho fnck·pot nnd (lrow out ot \ho plo braved the drlpptor rain, Lonl Dot· g11mo When f.he bottlug ~ot. too hiJrh Ccrln and ma111 other> diploma\& wt:re~· for thom. Mrs. Uocd Alop& nod cnt 1o tho 1peclal tflbnllo. Among tho Wo!re Wllb p:llnful regulorlly. 1-'iYo nornaunroro.thc.wlfe ~t Vrtlalcr -crla"" purclla!JCd tlcltot& ill th& lottcrr

¥• nn'd drow blnnb 1\fra. ltocd'e and aciOllJI of uU tho no~lo h011a~ Juuga fllloo tl1omaolvca with puro aJr

Two ot tho \71M bonos wcro driven Into cvcey avo 10conda. Sovoo yoQI'8 took t!lo arena. 'l'l:ey had nelthcr u.dd!• or to tlio~lvce wJoga nod wout to flnd · brf:llo on. lJUtrato Bill &DnO:lnted that tho north vole of torcaoUullnC$3. they would be ronquardl lo tlvtl !lllntilcs. This wu too )llUch fol' ~11'1. need. Sbo '.rho oowbosalaaaood, milled, bridled and won~ too• And :&Ir. need who bn!l tn~rt~nU:d the horses. 'l'llo anlmat. leaped borrowed tilo widow's Jnouoy all \h()ao In the air, wrlthtcl, bucked and reU1!4 yea-. took to lllmeolt • youn~r nml madly. bot all Ia yafo. In Jlva mloutca blutblog bride. Tha widow 19 a wJdow they wctt~ r!aden euiJ,y around whne the aUll. .. &mace roari:d an4abrlcked with dllltbC.

ll\ltralo Blll now d~UU any Roiiii.D to

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0~-T: p.\JirijL -:- -- - -- - --~--~.- -~~~~--·~4V.&Oa.t.Y •

• . PA~KER & G~AY" . . '

Harness And Saddle· ntaoturers. '



Cilii Engineers and Arobitects,

ltfakct1u~benStoc~Saddlcir• tlto SotdTttcat mui /)m.t.ratf.t~t- t1ten~c. , 'Jf't>IQlicit>t1n. IMptclion. of ouJ" St~:k cmll1?riu.1. ~-. •~: ""' .

Roawell• ." - .. - N C"\.V M-exico.

o.~DA;E~STqnoo~~~c:~ur. TROTTER . & DANIEL~ . Batter &: Cleghorne; I • • ~ '1\:TD A n.c· T.T''t'r11~oTs·

-norasaw..- .. BUILDERS Jill 4'1J., - .t1.1."\i m~~ , Restaurant & ShQ~ Order House, . . sotr.rn MAlN STRE'm', noswnU. N. K. . ~ :_ . '

Roswell, If. M. , ' . Bstlmalu and Platts furn.Wud on all }:lnils of t~·ork on $7~_orlJWtiu. '· . . _-

---1 GO T0.-2.~-•

Hervey & Blackwood's -fl 8,.~}f~~tt- • ~A~OO!{,

.v ...... -1-~-- ~- ------ . -~~~--.-- -·--- ·-- -·--- -' . .. · . ..:ifP' · -FOR-

Good "Wines, Liquors and Ci~ta.rs. 0 . -.. . . . .. . . ' -

-.-:BIG BARGAINS: -m--

Sa•h, Dour• Blinds, .,

And Lumber of all d~riP.. tions. and everything in -Building }.taterial a~ the , Krr lnkf Plllitt lint

E. LAS VJIOAI.-lf•lL ' .

TEXAS·· ~k . . '

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no-ta-~~~~~ ...., f± .. t m- ·a "':J ''f *';:to!W ·• .w~_.._. - e· · 'hci&H J - • b<l' b'' - *

lfOUNTAIH4MIHTifrl BlJT(JHfms •.

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-.-• · MQULDINGS, F~NOE PO,STS,,. &C. ·. '

-New "Mexico • ~

.. . A FIILL I.Utt; OF

·' •

. ;t1)1p.# _+p,0 ere\ . · · · ~oo;:ra & ·MoDO ~D, 0

P{~i,!• W~olesale ~ R~~ail Liquor Dealers. · .. Cultivator•, ·. · Harrowa, Choice 'Wines & Ci,gars.

Double Shovel•, Ranch Trade SOlicited. Hay Rakee, Bottle Goods A Spectaltj.

' .. .


. Mower•,· Main Street, Ro•·.Vol ~n, N. M • • 8Uikey•,

• t .t .W. A. J£%fKI!fa. c., c., ' .\V. A •. JENiilNS &

--A-'1'·--~- --

., P. F. OARaU'l'.


k. General Machit~e Ag e11ts,.

Roc bottom Prices . DIALitll···" . ~


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ALL KINDS li'~RM Il\IPLE?.IENTS, .ltzd 'Solicits tTw insptctio,, of Impr,em.~nis before p:1rlles purclwslnJI

· ·· elscw1urc. · ,



Pla.11s a11d Specif~cations. . ~ .

• I£8T&MAfta MADI ON


W. F.Sw.a: • •



Fine Steel 'Work A Specialty .


-- J

Mrs. -A. O~Neil, Propriet.or."

D g St t~ n4 -;-V · HODBOtL;I ru S, d ~a ~0 U~-J Photographic ·• Ari • Gallelf .

. ' . 4 Tolftt Artlcf••· ·~·· ....... .

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:Mocha, Java and Rio. A DIAUTIFUI. OOUVIHIII

Picture Card Gb.roD WJTII IVIIlV .. OUNO .. JICICAOI '

LION COFFEE When IOU hoy rtmr. Orooorlal '17.

pukll.uo LlON UOirl~Jm.. Ub dlf I:Jc:t lntJ.o Uoltnd BtatGI··mado upfro01 • eclcctlun of )forha1 Jav, and RIC?. pru~rl7 blended oqd 11 fODccdcd J!7 aU to mmhlltba nlccct ('Up of Colr+e lo the l~nd.. For Snlo Everywhere.

Woolson Spice Co,, Manrra, KANIAI 0JTV1 Mo. TOLWDO,.O.

IWilUl! I!ITR JC[! mru F.ol nla&. . _,.. ---,,

""'·""'• "' J J. m:rnw~ort, rm~VJUI.

\ 01' \YJI.J, II.A I. ~OlfJt1' T;r:;o. lain ar.d Trm 1;13

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· .. ~&ue ~W'M.tli~f.lf, O,m-.ll~ l'leP< 'f•ll!ll' GpQtJyfllil' n\lb.btll,'lal'e.the belt.

Tbe woman who Wllntl to be c;illed wt llll!lCI getl mad when you a&JJ ber • llttlo tsrt.

Scott'• Emulsion of' Pure Cod Ldver OJI, with Hypophoaphitea. For LYna'n'oublcs antl1Vns:tnl1 Dllauu

Dr. J. Bu&O:!UCP New Or!eau., La •• •11•= "&oWt Emublonla the Jlnett pre. paratloll ottbO kloO, In aft'(l(:llOlll ot tbo luna:a and on:er wutln~t dlteuca, we !flllY conalder It our mrn\ ffll&bio agent. to a a perfectly elegant and qroeablo fohn.

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