· ,' -;· ....

,' -;· . ' . ' ,. ·, . ,, .,. '-=· . . ' ... ·L ·, : '• '1' . •' : _/;\, . ' ' . ,, 'o, ,_ r \ .. , l ' ' { 1 Advertising! Is thebes · adnl'tlsiDitnedium. Job Printin; •• Done Neatly and at the· Mo;;t reasonable prjces .. =======::;:::::==:::;::::: ··- --- . . .. -·- ·--- - :;:;;:: ;:::::: --------- ------·- ----- ··-- . -------r, THURSDAY, MARCH 15, H)o6. NUMBER :z8, VOLUME 2 ., WHITE OAKS NEW •· ' . ·, Best.Gree·ty cwt, Pride of Denver Flour '' ' Imboden's best . '' ' Second grade Kansas '' ,. .. Nafive Pink Beans ,, Granulated; Sugar " ' . ' . 16 lbs for. (PRICES SUBJECT To MARKBT Ft.UCl'UATIONS.) . . $1.60 2.65 .2.85 l.OO Fl'esb Alfalfa Seed Graham FJouJO --- STETSON HATS. .CAPITAN. N_. M. . -- ...... . ;. ' ' "" ; . .. . ·' .. ' ,. II' . - •• ....... ' ' ; ' ------ - .... _ ____._ .. -- ---- - ---- 1880 1905 ................ , ............... .: ..... . We are STILL lN. 4HE ·RING ' With a General Assortmeni of GENERAL MERCHAN DISE That We Are Selling At l .. O\\' Prices. ONE PRICE TO ALL. Pride of Denver flour, $2.65 per aoo lbs. TALIAFERRO .. . NOCAL ITEMS. Our little town wue nil o)!ci•e- mont Tnesduy lust wben it w:1s dlsc,lvorod thal tho Post office bud heou broken :nto und un ''tternpt mudc to hronl' opon thu Hnfe tn wlucb tho P. M. Uncle 8nm't1 funclt1. Oo mv.esti. tzation it wus ro,md tn11t tho burg- llu·s llttemptort to drall into snfe wltb o stool drill and ul11o uttod o bonvy 8 lb hnmmor in ba·oukmg tho luck and comblnu- tion. They ovidentlv. were ama- 5 lbs. lard, 65cts. 10 lbs. " • $1.::15 ERGANTILE and TRADING CO. IF YOU HAVE MONEY·· \'OU l:lllOUI.U llli:I'Ul-il'l' IT In )'Oilr t.nnk. 1\nnkM lonn n por- lion of the lefl wllh them 10 the rundunru, •loc•k.: rol•..r, IUI.'tt•lu!nt nnd othor wor&by and cbuothe rummuullr Jt ht•nt·llh•rt, Wu \\IIIII y<lnr depoall,. EXC·HANGE BANK, WHITE OAKS NEW MEXICO INTEB.EI!ii'l. PAlO UN F) DB I"OHITtoi, o I l l 1 1 : o l l J J 1 J ./ J '•fl •' "1 l -,.-,1,• ,>\.ttl -"t \o-'tl- ,.. •• .. , "' ."r-t .......... ,.., '!,.• "" "'- ...._, "-'' \ teurs ur got an their evil work, as tboy did not succeed • CO, l'bos. \\'. Honloy, wont to Curn.. --- --- -- -- -- -- .. - . . -- --·- __ Professional Cards. AN E.UOHBLE l'IME AT CARIZUZO. One of the ploasont •social fnocti•ms tba.t brls occnrrecl in CO BON A CONTENTIONS. zozo on too stage nnd waroct tbe I /obn H. Cannjng, Proprietor. , facts to tho chief inspector ut Don. -- ·- - -- --·- .. · · · · --- - Rev. Pope, of io hold. vor, wbo in ropty inllltrncted bim ing' u nwivul. Hitt first net woe to bavo Lbo locllla&utboriho" inved. A Complete Line of Strictly HIOH··ORADEI sectwu for a long took to firo ooo of ibo sit•to1 s wbu could. tbo CllBU. Sborift' Owt)n QEO. B. ·BARBER, place ut Currizozo l11st Ft·Jduy n't witnstund the tomptution tu c11mo up tbo noxt dlly ancl is ATTORNEY -AT-LAW, wben "The Currizozo Ta·ud- trip tbe hght fuotust1c. · A !I dune- on ll.. strung clue. Tho GENERAL MERCHANDISE LlNCOLN, . NK\':_ MEXICO. Uompnny" coJobrnted tho com: ing is nbout tho only amusement 8UpJ>Ot!ition IN, th11t tbo partaes in courts ot 1 plction uf their btg sto1'o b.v o nv·uluble for tbis community it a 8 who so reeontiy opurated in Alu:... Lbe Territory. I WO':!t delightful du.nco. Thas pa·edioted tbnt to bis wore tho .ron try nurl it iA YOU QET DEAL- ! dunce . wus 1tttended by a vury closo cemmunion will bo limited. hkoly that by this tlmo tbo sboriff 1 lnrge nod. repro&entntivo gather-- Mr. Clurunce Dnlunoy and a Mil!s bus tukon them in onstody, aut he J. E. WHARTON, :mg. Ct'ronn, Ancbo, WbrteUaks. Bllll, of Douglus Arizonu, were bad tbom looatod RtTorrnnoo orin ATTORNEY-AT-LAW • . . Bontto, Angus, ltlnrried ut the residence of N. B that vaoinity. Tbe tools lllled GR. 0 cE RJ.I E s TftE lltRXICO . J.i'ort Stunton, Tb1·ec Brown lust Suudny, wore stolon from tbo power bouse At. .• UJOGORIJO, - •'"" · I . . t 10 · RtvE.'rs, Oscuro ·and of tho Now Moxaoo Homostuke Spucial attention t;•ven \o 0118 8 1:1nrroundina towns furnashed their Mr.· Atkinson of is Reduction Co. near Walnut sta Lincoln a• well 1111 Otero rouoty. quota of pl:osuro loving couplcfl, visiting bis soniJ bncl looking nfter tif'o. f P his sbeap·iu tbis vtcinity. Prices. uod to tbo sweet strnios 0 ro- Quito a number of otn cttizoos H. JllftJeft, Jolll Y. Helltl ftssor John Barrett's orcber;trn the _ Joo Holzmun, munugor of the nttcndod tho bull of tbe Hewitt & Hudspeth, I dnnoing was l'cpt up until 5,30. bag store, wont do,wn tn Ancbo Cnrriz,•zo tradln)! store and Always\ Fresh and at lowest A Gomplete Line of I next rooming when uvcry one lch nnd tbe Jicorillutl Sulurdlly. every ooo uxa•rcssod themselves 1 for home, only tbnt tho Mrs J, A. Simp"'on it. quite sick. , 11 ; hrlvin 2 8 most onjoynblo tamo. · 1 nights wore 110 abort when suob Corona now bus water works io ,luck Gruor bad lbe miaforttmo CA FRUITS and VEGETABLES HEWITT BLocc. WHIT& OAKS •. events occur. Everyonowasvery full oporutaon. Electt·io Jjghts In Standard and Colden Niaaara Branda. I · d b 1 · lo hrOilk hie httlo finl!'er wbilo fuvoa·nh y Wit t 10 new will be tho next move. stoa·o building nod went awny helping to remove tho big sufo of HOTEL OZANNE, tba en,torprisinA Judge Trapp bold court Friduy tho Mercantile Co. Wo un. men mterosted in tho new Corpo- nod bmmd over to Lho nrond J derl!tond th11t Dook Lucy wall also Plcltle•, DJOJed Prutt• "a good line " Teas and Coffee•, , WniTI Nl!lw MEXIC'.o. Mow opon for Olean bed& and an ostl'!lleo\ cuisine await• tbe tr•v.,ltng pubUo. ' Oirctory. . - Plymouth Church anry Sunday as follows: . rution every success, The build- thoR. R. agbnt at Gollinn11 nod " burt unloading It ut Carrizozo. It ing will bo occopted in about two rnucher of thut neighborhood to hoP dangerous piece of Be•t obtainable. A C.."'MPLBTB LINE OF weeks, no.:l tho. stock wttb burglury of a box fnrnature. of first clu11s eoods between Ala- cur. Tho hood \Vas fixed nt five B. F. Brown, aCtor no absence GENERAL MERCI-IANDISE. mo'-!m·do und S•mta will 'be bun<!red dQIIaar• and tho tr.ancbor r,f ubuut three months in lbo vlcin. offet·ed to tbG public of tbltt Yicju.· furntshod 0 bonrl, but tho lnw and ity of Las PolotuaiJ Sprang• bul Ang Oompe,ition aty nt fllir uuJ rousonablc priCes. t be gospel cou.rt refused to nccopt to N ug11l, and bas soant· · · . . it because ono or the bondsmen wonderful · 1e8 to toll ae to tbt . bud ·not signad bts name right J:rOllt eu 1 •. 0 qualitio11 of tbu DO YOU WANT COAl,. dowu oanbo line. Wuboutallo"· wutcr thoro• full A new oyunad" Onal mining at our mine '!ill mg the nceusctla low minuter. to · plant wall be iQstRUod, more .. l fix Jt up bo .as .bustled oft' to joll, Tho P6ngston Bros. bavo wm be nddod, cancl llD etootrio euaponded tho of March and a) loavmr. •· wife und sov ral chi I cbnsed tho Peters fruit aud nJf,alfr.. nowor plnnt ,.,i!l bo looatod nt. Lboee who wlmt\to secure a tuppl.r ,.. . fJ f tb 0 1 i -r · ' · i d · to bani water and lnok utter urm no 0 onaJe, ant gong 1omo point on the R. B. whuro S.C. ---... - . n uftomnnn, nnd inci.Jootrdly tn()k in tno big b11ll 11t Crlra·iz•,zn. Sbo will rotua·n on , train. . · 8ondny School at- 10 a. m. OJirfatiao · Endeavor Soelety ; . ' . m. . . make \he r oi' era at. onco eo . · t tb li j . b 1 W • J. Doering b11s cbnrgo ortbo at •hat the c"n filled be""re .tho tho s.•ook u. nfll lbo .urund· Jury 10 0 0 aum ng .. UB 0 " 18 00 11 coul o.-n boobta&lned ohcuply, noJ. Y .. " '"' "' u 1 1 F d d AJL.- t 11 N U'-!ul Mca·cnntilo Co'a bus moss · : A 1 mcole •' argo sene, re ·liD ""r "' tho nower will be truosmittcd u vor ftret of pr 1 nes"• •. ' · , k f tbe 11 ... i f d ,.. · · tlurmg.tbo ,J, tl. Cun· .. OLD AD! , }ftbo strakes a job .oo ter. .NV.P to arm, flO tho mountains to Ppreons, Col. oing ut Cu•·rizozo. _..:,__ __ _ · MetftOdst ·' \ ., . . brimtttono be will m"lt O. wall . to the UlCda Ktco deserves greut credit for hie NooALES. l\ba. Frank Crumm ond the out tbo grato tbo first dav .for cornfield& tbtiJ Yf!&r. Tho bove p'usastent faltb in hi!li pro&•orlios, ". _ : ,,, Sabbatll School eJCb Sundav at (#utily n;oved buck to their ranch ·•boo be ''gcte a goin" tbe 'doYII 11\Arkotcdahout. 300,000lbaofcoro, uod wJ&h tho oow pluot, will un. Quito u la&·go fJua·ty from thltt ·:,::. · lO o'clock •• "'· ' nor&Gea,fof to•.n inst Moudny . eould'nt stop ; . bim. Hill au•l bellow. rof,iav lbo Bblll'Oboldol'8 . t>luco tho buU Cnrri• .. (}';}_S> Weekly Wednesday Frank bimee1f still uP,orating. ehoUI!l be clnutgod toR. Batrury. Col. ,J. M. Rice hal •ncceedod a hundred folu bofpro very loog. tuzo f\rlduy ovontog llDcl .. : " ... · .. •itbt. · · i ·.tb ad wn iJ ar · ' • . S S 8 floaocing tbe Eaalo proportio• M••• Harne mindlclcot school roport huving bad 11 vo&·y ooJo_y ... .. · •... · 0 41 .. _._:l,,.i .• · .. ... ·" ' News ftern the ... leU Friday able tlmo. • · ··. ,\:t,·'. "att· tfa' from the countrt:t bas .crowded out local · wdl now bo run to tbmr · J b J M c h 1 ·. ;'' .,· •·• · . . .. , .. ,r . . o n. • c ourt waa ctq . . . Jlcs.. fqt a.. day. ·· •ttJID$. due . · tbe interest oJ tbc ·'). ' · ... · · ! ,,_. .'" .... ,,.- - >f' ';><•--. ''• ; ,, !:; - . .. ' . . ' . . ' . I' ... 7 " .·-· .. ', .·· .. · .. ' 'ill; ' ' : ' ' .. .. ·- . .. : )_.: . ,, ·.· ... ' . ' ' . ,, . . ,.. ({;'i·':. Miiililliiliiliilliiiiiililiiiiiii·· ·lij·· ...,;;;;;, •• .... --- .. · ""-. ,h,i,cl,.:c;.\. .. .. ·!]xf · ._.' ', ·.· ........ :t ::'r•: .··. ··, .:: . -. . -'4' ,. . ' ' ' ·' . ' ' I j !1 . I '

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Advertising! •

Jl~l'~batJts-tbis Is thebes · adnl'tlsiDitnedium. • •

Job Printin; •• Done Neatly and at the· Mo;;t reasonable prjces

-·===~=;;;::::::=:::::::;:==--:::;:;:=::::;;:;;:::==~::::=:::::::::===:::::-::::: .. =======::;:::::==:::;::::: j__:;:=~=======================:-.:::::· ··- --- . . .. -·- ·--- -~---:;:;;:: ;:::::: --------- ------·- -· ~ ----- ··-- . -------r,



•· ' .


Best.Gree·ty Potato~.s, cwt, •

Pride of Denver Flour '' '

Imboden's best . ' ' '

Second grade Kansas '' ,. ..

Nafive Pink Beans ,,

Granulated; Sugar " ' . ' . 16 lbs for.


$1.60 2.65 .2.85 2~10


Fl'esb Alfalfa Seed Graham FJouJO



.CAPITAN. N_. M. •

. -- ...... . ;. ' ' "" ; . .. . ·' ..

' <!1~- -:It'-'~· ,. II' . ~ - •


....... '




------ - .... _ ____._ .. -- ---- - ---- ~- ~

1880 1905 ······.··········~·,····· ................ , ............... .: ..... .

We are STILL lN. 4HE ·RING '

With a General Assortmeni of


That We Are Selling At l .. O\\' Prices .

ONE PRICE TO ALL. Pride of Denver flour, $2.65 per aoo lbs.


.. .

NOCAL ITEMS. Our little town wue nil o)!ci•e­

mont Tnesduy moroin~r lust wben it w:1s dlsc,lvorod thal tho Post office bud heou broken :nto und un ''tternpt mudc to hronl' opon thu Hnfe tn wlucb tho P. M. snfogunrcla~ Uncle 8nm't1 funclt1. Oo mv.esti. tzation it wus ro,md tn11t tho burg­llu·s llttemptort to drall into the~

snfe wltb o stool drill and ul11o uttod o bonvy 8 lb hl~toksmith hnmmor in ba·oukmg tho luck and comblnu­tion. They ovidentlv. were ama-

5 lbs. lard, 65cts. 10 lbs. " • $1.::15



\'OU l:lllOUI.U llli:I'Ul-il'l' IT In )'Oilr l~>rnl t.nnk. 1\nnkM lonn n por-

lion of the depo~tt• lefl wllh them 10 the rundunru, •loc•k.: rol•..r, IUI.'tt•lu!nt nnd othor

wor&by l'nlerprl~''"• and cbuothe rummuullr Jt ht•nt·llh•rt, Wu \\IIIII y<lnr depoall,.


INTEB.EI!ii'l. PAlO UN ~riM F) DB I"OHITtoi, o I • l l 1 1 : o l • l J J 1 J ./ J '•fl •' "1 "~" l -,.-,1,• ,>\.ttl -"t \o-'tl- ,.. •• ~ .. , "' ."r-t .......... ,.., '!,.• ~ "" "'- ...._, "-'' \ ,~,\o.:

teurs ur got fri~btooed an their evil work, as tboy did not succeed •

:::~~Q~~f':~:~:~!nt;::t:;::~e?. NQOA~ _ME~CA~TILE CO, l'bos. \\'. Honloy, wont to Curn.. --- --- -- -- -- -- .. - . . -- --·- __

Professional Cards. AN E.UOHBLE l'IME AT


One of the mo~t ploasont •social fnocti•ms tba.t brls occnrrecl in

CO BON A CONTENTIONS. zozo on too stage nnd waroct tbe I /obn H. Cannjng, Proprietor. , facts to tho chief inspector ut Don. • -- ·- - -- --·- .. - · · · · · --- -

Rev. Pope, of E:~tnncia, io hold. vor, wbo in ropty inllltrncted bim ing' u nwivul. Hitt first net woe to bavo Lbo locllla&utboriho" inved. A Complete Line of Strictly HIOH··ORADEI

tbi:~ sectwu for a long tim~ took to firo ooo of ibo sit•to1 s wbu could. tbo CllBU. Sborift' Owt)n QEO. B. ·BARBER, place ut Currizozo l11st Ft·Jduy n't witnstund the tomptution tu c11mo up tbo noxt dlly ancl is

ATTORNEY -AT-LAW, oi~bt wben "The Currizozo Ta·ud- trip tbe hght fuotust1c. · A !I dune- on ll.. strung clue. Tho GENERAL MERCHANDISE LlNCOLN, • . NK\':_ MEXICO. in~ Uompnny" coJobrnted tho com: ing is nbout tho only amusement 8UpJ>Ot!ition IN, th11t tbo partaes in courts ot 1 plction uf their btg sto1'o b.v o n v·uluble for tbis community it a8 who so reeontiy opurated in Alu:... Lbe Territory. I WO':!t delightful du.nco. ~ Thas pa·edioted tbnt ncceat~aoniJ to bis mo~,mlo wore tho .ron try nurl it iA -T~E ~TD~E W~E~E YOU QET ~ ~U~~E DEAL-

• ! dunce . wus 1tttended by a vury closo cemmunion will bo limited. hkoly that by this tlmo tbo sboriff

-------~------- 1 lnrge nod. repro&entntivo gather-- Mr. Clurunce Dnlunoy and a Mil!s bus tukon them in onstody, aut he J. E. WHARTON, :mg. Ct'ronn, Ancbo, WbrteUaks. Bllll, of Douglus Arizonu, were bad tbom looatod RtTorrnnoo orin t=m~.~~~~~~~~==-=--=~.~--~--~--~.~-~-~~. ~-=~-~-=~•

ATTORNEY-AT-LAW • . No~l, Cup~tun, . Bontto, Angus, ltlnrried ut the residence of N. B that vaoinity. Tbe tools lllled GR. 0 c E RJ.I E s ~LL TftE TI~E.

~"'w lltRXICO . J.i'ort Stunton, Pua·~:mns, Tb1·ec Brown lust Suudny, wore stolon from tbo power bouse At. .• UJOGORIJO, • - •'"" · I . . • t 10 · RtvE.'rs, Alnmo~ordo, Oscuro ·and of tho Now Moxaoo Homostuke

Spucial attention t;•ven \o 0118 8 1:1nrroundina towns furnashed their Mr.· Atkinson of E~tunciu, is Reduction Co. near Walnut sta

Lincoln a• well 1111 Otero rouoty. quota of pl:osuro loving couplcfl, visiting bis soniJ bncl looking nfter tif'o.

f P his sbeap·iu tbis vtcinity. Prices. uod to tbo sweet strnios 0 ro- Quito a number of otn cttizoos H. JllftJeft, Jolll Y. Helltl ftssor John Barrett's orcber;trn the _ Joo Holzmun, munugor of the nttcndod tho upt:nin~ bull of tbe Hewitt & Hudspeth, I dnnoing was l'cpt up until 5,30. bag store, wont do,wn tn Ancbo Cnrriz,•zo tradln)! Co'~t store and

Always\ Fresh and at lowest A Gomplete Line of

I next rooming when uvcry one lch nnd tbe Jicorillutl Sulurdlly. every ooo uxa•rcssod themselves At,Dfned~·Bt·LBW 1 for home, only rep:rottin~ tbnt tho Mrs J, A. Simp"'on it. quite sick. ,11; hrlvin2 8 most onjoynblo tamo.

• · 1 nights wore 110 abort when suob Corona now bus water works io ,luck Gruor bad lbe miaforttmo CA ~EO· FRUITS and VEGETABLES

HEWITT BLocc. WHIT& OAKS •. events occur. Everyonowasvery full oporutaon. Electt·io Jjghts In Standard and Colden Niaaara Branda. I · d b 1 · lo hrOilk hie httlo finl!'er wbilo • fuvoa·nh y ampt•es~~ Wit t 10 new will be tho next move.

stoa·o building nod went awny helping to remove tho big sufo of HOTEL OZANNE, wtt~binA' tba en,torprisinA ~entlc- Judge Trapp bold court Friduy tho No~&l Mercantile Co. Wo un.

men mterosted in tho new Corpo- nod bmmd over to Lho nrond J derl!tond th11t Dook Lucy wall also Plcltle•, DJOJed Prutt• "a good line " Teas and Coffee•,

, WniTI Q~acs, Nl!lw MEXIC'.o.

Mow opon for bu,.ano~s. Olean bed& and an ostl'!lleo\ cuisine await• tbe tr•v.,ltng pubUo.

' Oirctory. . -

Plymouth Cong:re~tatoraal Church •

Servic~e• anry Sunday as follows:

. rution every success, The build- thoR. R. agbnt at Gollinn11 nod " burt unloading It ut Carrizozo. It ing will bo occopted in about two rnucher of thut neighborhood 11eom~; to hoP dangerous piece of

Be•t obtainable. A C.."'MPLBTB LINE OF

weeks, no.:l tho. ·lu~gc11t stock cbur~t('d wttb burglury of a box fnrnature. of first clu11s eoods between Ala- cur. Tho hood \Vas fixed nt five B. F. Brown, aCtor no absence

GENERAL MERCI-IANDISE. mo'-!m·do und S•mta Rosr~ will 'be bun<!red dQIIaar• and tho tr.ancbor r,f ubuut three months in lbo vlcin. offet·ed to tbG public of tbltt Yicju.· furntshod 0 bonrl, but tho lnw and ity of Las PolotuaiJ Sprang• bul

Ang Oompe,ition ~at.

aty nt fllir uuJ rousonablc priCes. t be gospel cou.rt refused to nccopt r~turnurl to N ug11l, and bas soant· · · . . it because ono or the bondsmen wonderful · 1e8 to toll ae to tbt

. bud ·not signad bts name right J:rOllt eu1•. 0 qualitio11 of tbu DO YOU WANT COAl,. dowu oanbo line. Wuboutallo"· wutcr thoro• full ca~Jacity, A new oyunad"

Onal mining at our mine '!ill t)~ mg the nceusctla low minuter. to · plant wall be iQstRUod, more null~ .. l fix Jt up bo .as .bustled oft' to joll, Tho P6ngston Bros. bavo pu~· wm be nddod, cancl llD etootrio

euaponded tho ~ast of March and a) loavmr. •· wife und sov ral chi I cbnsed tho Peters fruit aud nJf,alfr.. nowor plnnt ,.,i!l bo looatod nt. Lboee who wlmt\to secure a tuppl.r ,.. . fJ • f tb 0 1 i -r · '

· i d · dr~n to bani water and lnok utter urm no 0 onaJe, ant gong 1omo point on the R. B. whuro

S.C. WIENE~. ---... - . ~ n

uftomnnn, nnd inci.Jootrdly tn()k in tno big b11ll 11t Crlra·iz•,zn. Sbo will rotua·n on Montl~ty morntog'~t , train. . ·

8ondny School at- 10 a. m. OJirfatiao · Endeavor Soelety

; . '

. "'~ P· m. . . ~bonld make \he r oi' era at. onco eo . · t tb li j . b 1 W • J. Doering b11s cbnrgo ortbo

at •hat the c"n ~.e filled be""re .tho tho s.•ook u. nfll lbo .urund· Jury 10 0 0 aum ng .. UB 0 " 18 00 11 coul o.-n boobta&lned ohcuply, noJ. • Y .. " '"' "' u 1 1 F d d AJL.- t 11 N U'-!ul Mca·cnntilo Co'a bus moss · : A 1 • mcole •' argo sene, re ·liD ""r "' tho nower will be truosmittcd u vor ftret of pr 1 nes"• •. ' · , k f tbe 11 ... i f d ,.. · · tlurmg.tbo nb~tonco.uf ,J, tl. Cun·

.. OLD AD! CO~tl'ANY. , }ftbo JurJg~·OVar strakes a job .oo a· ter. .NV.P to arm, flO tho mountains to Ppreons, Col. oing ut Cu•·rizozo. _..:,__ __ _

· MetftOdst Church~


\ ~


. .

~bovohog brimtttono be will m"lt ~1. O. wall . otte~d to the UlCda Ktco deserves greut credit for hie NooALES. l\ba. Frank Crumm ond the out tbo grato tbo first dav .for cornfield& tbtiJ Yf!&r. Tho bove p'usastent faltb in hi!li pro&•orlios, ". _ : ,,,

Sabbatll School eJCb Sundav at (#utily n;oved buck to their ranch ·•boo be ''gcte a goin" tbe 'doYII 11\Arkotcdahout. 300,000lbaofcoro, uod wJ&h tho oow pluot, will un. Quito u la&·go fJua·ty from thltt ·:,::. · lO o'clock •• "'· ' nor&Gea,fof to•.n inst Moudny . eould'nt stop ; . bim. Hill oat~ au•l bellow. ~oubtcdly rof,iav lbo Bblll'Oboldol'8 . t>luco at.tood~l tho buU ".~ Cnrri• .. (}';}_S> Weekly pr~ye.:meettng Wednesday Frank bimee1f i~ still uP,orating. ehoUI!l be clnutgod toR. Batrury. Col. ,J. M. Rice hal •ncceedod a hundred folu bofpro very loog. tuzo l11~t f\rlduy ovontog llDcl .. : " ... · .. •itbt. · · i ·.tb ~fn ad wn iJ ar }!'~glo · ' • . S S 8 floaocing tbe Eaalo proportio• M••• Harne mindlclcot school roport huving bad 11 vo&·y ooJo_y ... .. ,:::~·'' 1

· •... · 0 41 .. _._:l,,.i .• 0~,. · .. ~ ... ·" ' News ftern the enrrc)un~li~g .· ... Psnon~. andtb~ famouapr~ tc~tcbor, leU f~r,EL Pa~to Friday able tlmo. • · ··. ,\:t,·'.

AJm•~•: "att· tfa' ~~1e from the countrt:t bas .crowded out local · wdl now bo run to tbmr · J b J M c h .·1

·. ;'' .,· •·• · . . .. -"11~ ~ ~· ,· , .. t"~;'t" ,r • . . • o n. • c ourt waa ctq ~: . . . Jlcs.. Wff<thllr~ fqt a.. day. ·· •ttJID$. due ,-~e., . · tbe interest oJ tbc b~;~cfttl'U$f.' ·'). ' · ... · ·

! :~,. ,,_. .'" .... ,,.- • - • >f' ';><•--. ' '• ; ,, !:; - . ·-~.-- .. ' . . ' . . ' . I' ... 7


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"Csn a man live on water?" aiik; 80mebod.).'. Wb.r. ~'.eruitnly. Mal)y aail· ora do. ·.

• • ~-· . ' Suit Begun '" . F<!d.eraJ Court at San


Go'V. lJ, J. Hagerman Jiu b1aued a ~ttorney Cbarl~ A. sPiesa of Lail Wasblngton.-.,..on' advfces that a p~clamatlou deaJgnaUftg l,llarch 30th Vega,s, ba.t gone to Waablntton to rep. feder!U f!tJ.It ·was ftled In San Francisco lUI Arbor Day. re~rent E. J. 'll.c~n &; Co,. ·of TrJn1· w d da · • · ·

The secretary of the <:inferior bas dad, against die D; & R. ·a: liallmad e l}es Y against thJrty-one elevator withdrawn trom settlement tor ex·· fn a f!'lilt, Jn the Supreme Conrt to test• concerns, including the Otis Elevat-or am.lnatlon with a· vtew iQ creat.tng ~be tlle validity or the New Mexico hide In· <;ompa.ny, on the charge of violating Mount Taylor ·Cores~ reserve; 116,000 speetton -law. The raUtoad company the anti-trust; law, Attorney General acre11 ot· land ln McKlnley and Va.len· refl!&ed to accept a ·shipment or hldes :&f('OdY. made tollow•~~ statement: c1u counties, New Mexico. · COI\Sfgned to Denver until they bad '""6

. The N~w M()XIoo. Nurses' A.a8c>cfa- been ln$IJected., The railroad has won ~f11tes attoflley for tlie ••Boya· to Play "'!. ..:cker," ··a•s the tlon Qlet at. Albuquerque. a.n.d formed a In, all the ~mtorial. courts. . ' l"·ti~~~~~~:!lstrlet bt California, under

P<1 .. J l'ermanent or 1 u 1 J A AJb I ~he a~tomey general,

It wu appropriate that Anna Gould mould blr~ a tutor to keep tab oil Bon1'8 toots, • .

~ea4llne. It· biUI been th!!' tathera ot gao za. on, e ect ng the · . n • ., uguerque dispatch of Marcb ftled States .Circuit Court tbe. bo)'s up tO now. · · . following om cera: LllJian RadcUrre, 1st says: VIetor Telles who · Ls for circuit a bill, ot com-

PJ:esldent; Mary Merritt, vice presl· charged with beating Peter SlocUJil plaint the Otis Elevator com-. · ~rdln_g to Dun'tFtbo cost of llvlng

dropped a bit In Januarry, but the Jl'(r eery bJJI don't 11bow It.

There lis- ono good trait about· all brides. They are always wlll1nJ' to •tand up for thel.r drel!.l!makera. · .

Naturally .Count· Bool scorna a set· tlemrmt or $40,000 a Jflllr. A inero ·utc lnsuranco J)l'(t!~lden t sets more "than that. . .


Bomr1thlng haa been found to 11tart1e ·Part!!. It Ia a play by Sardou called "Splrltua!lt~m,". not tho C~ote11ano· scanda.l.

d,ent; Ruth l'tlllare~t, secr~t4TY; Dallfr' lumber, ov~ th,e ~ead With a re: pany and twenty-sev:en · other com· Claypool, trettllurer. , "· vol"ver In a ·tight at· Jpe PadUla's aa• pantes and. thre~ ~dlvJduaJ·s engaged

After. (lOuring alcohol ·on tbe leg o~ loon in the Zuni woods la.1t ThUrsday In the eleva. tor business ~barging them William .llttrderpan, E; Chaves, ao Al· from the ~rrects .ot "wbtcb .Slocum Jate; with violation or the· $berman antl· b1~querque saloon. k(leper,'& appJied' a died, w~ brought .to Albuquerque to. trust law. The cxn:ppan1ea named· match, severely ~urnlng HUt"deman to day by Pad fila, who Is a. deputy s)Wrlfr, defendants cO.mprlse the· prlneipai ele-1 uch an extent that ·he may lose one to whom Telles surrendered Tuesday vator compaQ.les of the United States, loot .. Hardeman caueed.'thf' ·arre.Bt ot 1 ;;~':;.i'fs In a slgnea Interview, TJ.~lle~ _but the operath;m8 speclfi~;;ill.Y com· Ghavez who· P!'®hdmed it e, practical I· the· mtmler, but ~!aims ~locum plalned of have been ·carried on mainlY Joke. . , · · robbed ~lm of ·f6Q wbJch he retqsed·to in and the states and terri· : Jap (';lark, accusecl of the murder of give up. . · · tortes west of the Rocl{y mountains.

James Chase, was -lodgf!"d ln. the pent· Claims of damages · bavtt. bE~eD, "It 11'1 charged that these com):laqtes t.e.ntl~try at Ban~ Fe March 6th, hls ap· brought at Santa Fe against the El make and sell at least eigbtly per c'ent pllcal.lon for a writ ·ot baboas corpus Paso & SQutbweatern Ratlway Com· Clf all of the elevatars used !n that ter· having be~n dlsmliiACd bY Judge Mann pany on account of an extensive pral· rltQry and that they have entered Into a al E11tancln. Witnesses f.or Clar~. ri!3 near ROy several day3 ago, combination among themselves to co~­wbo w.ere to be at the hearing, did n<it caused by spar.~s' from a loco~ot\ve. ~ol and enhance . the "prices at which appear. · Several thous.anil· acres of range were elevators ar.e sold; that. in order to

'fbe Albuquerque 'l'ractlon Company. burne~ Slld 100 tons of fodder on the malce combination effective the

C has rl;!cctved 10."00 t•efl '"" be. uaad In Canada AnCbp . ranch went un tn" Otis ele"vator Cqmpany bas acquired

an 11 mrm Jive on .,..n.tllr? •s'·a a · ,v • "' """ f1 •~ t"h h I· j " " ext('ndlng ·lines lnt.Q the Highlands· dis- ames:. Tb~re·was a high wlnd aniftor e w o e or a ma orlty Interest ln the conl.empomrr: In this ago Qt. sU:ick:l-trlct of !Jie city. It wlll·n.lso build a a time the farm buildings .at the Evans buslneases of all the otherdefenda·nts, war..crlpg (•xtrautdlnli.ry tho queetlon 1J1 Une to the American 1 ;um.ber 'COm.- rancl) · were tjueatened with destruc- although s.aid defendants are said to be a strange ono. . . llany's plant and contc!Jlplatee a .line tfop, but fortunately the ·wln!J ·sblfted operating as apparently separate and

--·- ----.'---'-- t:o the new Mesa Agricultural pa.!)t •nd just as the greedy tlanies wer~ r~ach· lndepe~dent concerns; that when an A New York prof~nsor. Ood&· tbllt riU'.El track.' lng for tho · fence surrounding qulry Is received trom a customer by

man readily •JII:Nltll fish bones .. Thta· · A PI b ' buJldJnga. ·. any of the defendants It is ltnmed1ately tts urg, Pennsylvania, · dis· A D d referred to the Otis Elevator Company ·dernonst rut(•ll lim utron;;cat. defobae J)atrh or March 6th says: Thomaa . enver Is patch says; IrtcorportL· · and If there Is no outside competlUo.n, ot tho poor uhi~d. Rlnnker, receiver of the Enterprise tlon !Japers were filed yesterday tor that company designates the concern

_......;.. ___ ..;..._~- bank, said to·day that Frnncls J. Tor· eight m<lre ·cold storage companies. which Is to get the busl:ness, fixes an Tho thlc~f wbo lltolo

11 cburrh ·bell ranee hnd notified blm that negotla· They ·are Colorado companies, but the c 1 " bi ·

tl • d h !Jlants ate to "be loca"ted at town" l··n ex ess ve an.., exor tant yrlce to be

had a cor>Hrunt rlng!J,.lg In bla care o?~t~e ~~ufF~rg~~~:~~~~a~· ~s:~! ·New Mexico. This makes something charge_d and directs· the othel" com-w~lch took, the plac~ Of tho GUll, imaJJ •ralJmadgo syndicate. . Jlk~ thirty cold fltorage COmpanies that paniCS to aubmJt bids, apparentlY. in vo c:e or ('onsdct1ce. . · bave been ln"orpora•~.,·. bcv practJ"nlJy good .faith, bUt higher thari the bid ot

Japan'll ontrnnco upot tbe internfto tlounl opbr•ro or lito ln trlgnlfled by bor II.Ptlror,rlnt ton of $~0,000,000 to prQ­mot.u bcr wnr cflktcncy,

~-~---'-~:.,.-__ John L. S4lllvnn Wf•B knor\tc(l out

In ono rounli 1n f~IHclnnd," Of1lo," but It Willi !Jy n jur1~o. wbo wmdtln't l~ bla boxing (lXhlbltloll". go on. ·

.... "--~-........ ----D' Anna Oould getn her divorce and

returntJ to thl~ rountry, tho b.a11d11 that mMt hor nt tho docii DCC1d riot play· HMy .Doni II('R ovor tho ucoa.n ...

In the Territorial Supreme Co.urt the '"' '""" ~ ..... the company which hna bee " slg the aame men within the last two or · .... 0

.,.e • disbarment ,Jroceedlog· s against J. M. • nated to receive t'he contract· I"" out Lhree weel(a. The compariles .lncor"'"'· ' ,, · Palmer, an attorney of Farmington, d ......... side col}lpetltlon does appear, oqe or. New Mexico, was remanded: to the rat.e yesterday are each· capitalized these subsidiary companies Is directed First .hidlclal District Court for a hear· tor $2(i,(IOO, and · their offlc~s al'e at to take the contra~t at a loss, in ord!')r lng. "Palmer, who has many cllenta tn Trinidad. · The inCorporators are tor· to freeze out tbe competitors. . : D\,irnngo, Colorado, ·1s charged with ·UD· mer Judge Northcutt, ·A. W. McHen• ''The blll also alleges that there at·e tlrotenslonal conduct. drle, ~he district attorney ot l.;as Ani· only three elevator companies not In

I I mns county, and F'.· W. Clark ot Trlnt· the combination carry'ng. on busln·ess

..ew s J;.aBelle; after ly,ln,. uncon·. dad "The n" f ti 1 ' f

. li .. · ,.mea o 1e com pan es are west of the n'"'"ky 1noun· taln" s. and In 11c ous or four weeks at J..aa Vegas, as foil · s t Ro · ~""' -

I OWB! an a sa, Clayton ord_er to drive these companies out or

tl ed of InJuries tttllltalned by strlkln,g a W"gon Mo d s ri A · 1 ' .. un • · Jl nger, gul ar, busln'ess and aacure an absolute moo-trolley (Jole while climbing the side of Tll"SOn Dllh d A rill ""' " • er • ma o. opoly the Otis Elevator Comna· ny has. n moving car on tho Hot Springs· rond. Tb " La Belle was to have been married· e Sons of Confederate Veterani Instituted suits against them for al· soon to a ·young lady from St. Lends. Qf Chaves county recently met at tho leged tnrrlngement or Its patenta, His aged Jnot~er Is the only relative. court house at Roswell and perfected which aults are brought solely to . • . an organlznUon to be ltllown as Jerr harass and Injure '''em, and when one . Tl!e Oood Government L4)agUe or {,)avis camp. A canvas allowed that or these i!ldepen t at companies SO·

N"ow tbut a Now 1'otlt pbyKlrlan n•••·• Albtlquorque has reorganized for· the there lire 336 perfJotis In Chaves county cures a contract, the Otis Elevator •.old Lbt1. women In a vub!f~ addroQ city camp11ign. J. F. Sulzer was eligible to membership. Tho folloW· Company .notifies the customer that It Lbnt tlwy a.l"c

11m_artcr Uuui n.en, It elected J•rosldc·Jl; John S. Beaven, lng omce.rlf were elected: Geo. M. haa t:Jrougbt suit ~galnst the lndepen-

8..,0m8 lU Lry tD conceal It vice Jlrctddent; A. B. Stroup, secre~ry, Slaughter, commandant: F." J. · Beck1 . dent for Infringement and I( the cus· lonaor. . · rmd Otto . Dieckmann, treasurer. Dur· adjUtant; Dr. R. L. Bradley, surgeon; tomer allows . the in~ pendent com-

11na th'' m£•etlng nabbl Jacob H. Kap- M; U •. Jl'lnley, quar:termaster; b. c. tmny to carry out the contract, he (tlie Jan and J; F. Sul:cer were the"pal Hill. chaplatp; J. G. Hedgecoxc. treaa· customer) w111 thereby become liable

• ---------

A Chicago protcusor aay11 tbnt r.olc1 wouthur · drlv(•ll rnon to drink. ADd wlum tho gootf old liutpnu•t· tlmo rolla round agAin th«1 bot \\catbcr turnlslu:11 UJ.O C!XCUJIO. . '


ISJ>eakers. urer; Charles ~rown, color •ergeant, for damages for said lnfringem~::nt. 1'he body of· Nabor MartiJJez, who and H. F. Vermllllon, hlstorlan. Th,e "The b111 prays that the defendants

disappeared during 0

snowatorm last Daughters of . Conf~derate · V-eterans b<> Pf:'rpetually enjoined from carrying ·Decomber, was rouml t()o(lny nea~;. the met at the same hbur, also In tb~ court out .their 111egal combination." lUo Grande river, says a Santa. Fe dUr house, and made. pre'llmlnary arrange­pr~tcll of March 6th. Mllrtlnpi had ments to ap •lY tor a charter tor Camp nt•rtild from Cerro, Taos· county, :Valverde, u, C. V. Slxty·seven char· to rcllovc his son, who was herd· ter membera..siGJ!ed the roll.


Prea~dent Signa Bill Thai Me Does Not Like. •




Road .Will Be Jn~epende'!t and Mr. Moffat Will Retain Control-Main Line 11 ·to ~o Through Steamboat (:anon Safe. ·

• · Denver.-Tbe Republican of Friday

morning says: The Denver Rep'ubli· cg,n Js autborizetl by Dayid H. Moffat, now in New York, to sta,tc authorita­tively that all arrangement~ have been D?,ade by IU~ to go rorward ·with the

. -construction and conmletion of the • • Dli)nver, ·Northwestern & Pacific rail-road-the Moft'at Short Line-to" its.

" destfnatlon at Salt Lake Ctty with the

' • I ' •

utmost dispatch. A telegram received from Mr. ;¥otraf last evening cc;>ntalned

• the ,folloWing:

"Have cbnchided financial arrange­ments !or pushing construction of road through to Utah. The work will be crowded ahead at opce." · At the headquarters of the railroad· here -preparations have qt;Jen under way for several days for building ·on a very

·much larger· scale t,ban · has yet -been attempted~·

Citizens of Steamboat· Springs have been assured by Mr. Moffat that 'his road. wut go to that town and there wm be a big celebration of the announce­ment there to-day. Wo~k OJ?. the. Moft'at road wlll be un­

dertaken from the tw,p ends of the Une. Machinery !s .being ordered -on a scale that ntl)ana'~bus1neas. · All recordfl in Western mountain' railroad 'building are going to be eclipsed. !fbe power· fui Interests that bave gone behind Mr. Motrat In furnishing unllinlted capital for tbe.·undertaking made only one 're· quirement, and that was that the road. sho1,1ld tie complkcted clear through at the very eadiest moment. -Tlple to these people lti" valuable. Money there Is In ple.nty.

It is understood that wblle tbe road was financed from New York, foreign. capital Invested to a largl) ext.ent In the undertaking, But Mr. Moft'at still controls. His original project has not been altered ln any lm"portant respect. The Motrat road ·wlll be independent; it will C!lrry out the original ldea ot Its The European capital­Ists who did mpst to furnish the capi­tal to Mr. Moft'at In building tlie Den· ver & Rio Grande railroad bave joined hands wltll htm again. Their first venture tume!J out admirably. Colo­rado and tbe West are well thought of by them.

For·.the first time since Mr. Moffat ·undertook tbls great· work of opening a new empire and o1 maintaining Den­ver as the gateway of continental traf·

~ I


. The Suffering• Of . · P'•· w•~•"· · . .,

L. s, Gorbam, of 5;tts :Jl1qst :lth· St.. Olympia, W21-11h:, says: "SiX year• a&'o 1 cot w;et and tQOk cold, a~4- ~ali eooa

· ftat In bed, suqertq· tortures ·with mt bac){. EVerl. move- . ment caused a~ a1o~

:~:~~~:~i ::~t ~ hausted · ine, ISO that tor a time I waa dazed and' stupid. .oa the ndJ?ce ot a friend l be~_an- using Doan'• KidneY I'Uls, and soon noticed a chang,

for the better. Th~ kidney secretlona bad been ~lsor!lered . And. Irregular,. ·and contaln!31l 11 bea:vy se~tlment, but In a week's time the urln~ ,was clear and natural again and the, passages regular. Gradually the aplilng and soreness left my back and then the . . . lamen·ess. I used six· bo:~tes to· make sure of a c"ure, and· the trouble haa never returned/' · · . · · · ·. So)d bt all dealers.. 50 cent11 a box. Foster-Milburn Co., Buffalo, N.Y. ·

BlograpJ"Jy of Oiiil%•

Mrs. Alex. Tweedle wJ!I $hortly issue a ll!e of President Biaz from ·mt,ltetlaJ l!upplied I,Jy, the Mexican rufer. . '


Black Splotches All ()ver Face-Af· fected Parts Now Clear as Ever:­

Cured by the Cuticura Reme-. . · dlee.

' "About four years ago 1 was a:mtet·

ed · wl,th ·black splotches all. over my face. and a few covering my body, which produced a severe itching lrrl· ' tation, and which caused ·me a great deal of annoyance and sull'erlng, to such an extent that 1 was forced to call In two of the leading physicians of my ro.wn. Arter a thorougll exami· nation of the dreaded cQmplain.t J.luiy announced it to be skin eczema In It•. worsr. form. Th~y treate·d me for the same for the len~rth of one, year, but the treatment did me no good. Fin· ally my husband purchased a ·set or the · C1Jtfcura Remedies, ·and after . using the contents of the first bottle · ot Cut~cura Resolvent in . connection with the Cutioura Soa"p and· Ointment; the breaking out entirely stopped. I continued the use of the Cut1cura Remedies for six monthfl, and after . that every splotch was entirely gqn• ~~d the affected parts were left as · clear as ever. The Cutlcura Reme­dies not Qnly cured me of that dread· ful dlaease, e9zema, hut other coinpu:.. cated ~roubles as well. Lizzie m. } Sledge, 640 Jones Ave.;~ Selma, Ala. Oct. 28, 1905.'!

fie, he finds blm!lelf. on "easy street.'' Carf Will Prov& Costly, He need worry no more regarding the finances. The money is ready to build An interesUpg suit bas· just been de-

Jfenry Jomc11 cnmpllrnentll tho Amerlcnn pi10ill(l on taking care of theIr tcoU1. It \\'all bolloved tllat Heu~ ry wou14 evcntuully Ond aomo· iOOd quality lu u1. · ·

lng sheep, and !)VIdonUr lost. ble wny .:In tho bl!ndlng snow ._Dd froze nnd starv.,d to death.

' • ..__;...____ - A terrible accldant occurred nt AI·

Uowuver"" tl\oro Ja a man In Jlltta- buquerquo on the Gth tnst. Tho Santa ourg who bus lived thero· for more P'n'a Cnllfornla llm!tod rnn ·.Into 11 than twontY·Ilvc yt•11 r 11 wl!hrmt J;ctUn• plumber's wngon at .one of the cross· bto nnmo Into the 11canduj ucpllrtmen& tnr.11 at the. city limits, and Instantly of tbe 11owupnpvrn. ·Idled tho driver, J. W. Pnxton, carry·

Soya Confeaa to Murder.

A Santa Fe .dispatch says: Sherlrr J. W. Owen ·Of ·Ltncoln county, who for the _past te'Y weeks had J,Jeen workJng upon the mysterious dlsappeafance of Marcelino Garronzo rtom the Jtcar1llo district In I~lncoln -county, has secured a confession from B. Otero and . B. Aragon or R.aventon, that they bad murdered the old m~. who ·was a wenltby OWDE!T of goats and bad ro~JJed. him ot 1600 bEi always carried Jn a belt around -hill body. They hall shot tlie ai;'ed m11n in tho bead and then bad .thrown the body Into a· mine bole, coveting 1t Wlth rocks.

the road clear tbrougb to Salt Lake ctded In the District Court at Burtalo City. There have been times. when the Wyolillng, Blld will be taken to th; combinations In New· York pressed him State Supreme· Court. The suit in." v.ery bard; they were determined to volved the ownership of a $10 calf.

Washington. f- The Pres1dent has stotl the building of the road or get it Several witnesses ldentUl'ed the cal! as signed the joint resolution Instructing Into a combination. ·But Mr. MoUat belOnging to the· plalntirr on the one the Interstate Commerce Commission held to his original intent and would hand, arid the Jnstinct of the cow and· to examine.. into the subject of rcllroad, not give up •. He said at. the beginning ·calf were put in evidence as provln~ dlsctlmlnation lind monopolies In oil that tho Moft'at road was Intended motherhood on .the other. Expert cow~ and coal. The President Intimated cut the distance to the Pacific co~Lst, men Vfere called in to testify, and they that llttle or notblng'Dllgbtbeachleved, · and would be held an open way. . . swore that on the range the .fact that a. and· sa!d that copsequently be signed The tollo.wlng Washington diapatcih calf sucked a p·art1culnr cow Slld th11t

• tm· tho· body over n hundred ylirds be-l -- - foro being freed (rom tbo whecll:l and

Twell ty·follr towl•la have been Ol' pilot, The bllrllt!ll were. tossed J~to ~e l()rotl for t ht• lllltl ot tha t wcnl)'·iaovOD alr 11nd both lnntantlY kUled, and tho mou1beu of tho Mllrylnnd sonQto, and wcaon wus split in twain .. U is!cotod that npp.uontly sh: ·or , Dr. A. r. Burton· wns 1trrestcd on tho liOn at ora II II paired. th(l 1\th lnst., nt Eat.ilncln, where be

-~ - filed on· a hmilcntond, by Deputy

the resolution with hesitation. chronicles: the end of the Gore canon the cow Permitted It was taken as ln hJs meesage to Congress Mr. dispute:' conclusive evld,ence of parentage.

Roosevelt said: "As .the resolution 111 The Department of Justice has re· · The case promises to go through all now, the commission, which · ts very . fused· to reconsider lts decision ot the courts of the land. Somethlnt: busy wttlt lts legitimate work and missing the suit for an lnjuncit':t~' .. ,~··· like $500 has already been spent bT which ~as no extra money at Ita dis· ·brought to .prevent the Denver, North· the litlg_ants. · •

Suppoaed Paupor waa Rich.



Wbon tboy havo ROt 11 llt.t!o mor• Unltod States Marshal P'orort.' Darton UIOd to tbclr wealth thouo J>lttaburc will bo tnkon. to Eufaula: I. T.. to fellow• won't worry :lbout choru1 answer n chargo of contempt ot court; &lrla; tboy will be anU~t..'led wltb no- It Ia alleged ho tullorl to ob~Y a sub-

Tlte stepfather of the boys WllS a!\>. teJJtcd In connection with the crime ant\ othe• arr~sta mny follow. The g(iats bolonglng to Garronzo bad been distributed among his notghbors. BQth boys are only eighteen yeUt"a of nge,

posal, wouJd be able ,to make the loves· western & Pacific railroad trom ushig ~Jgatlon orily in the most partial and Gore canon tor its roadb~d ln ·the con· unsatlstactory manner, .and moreover structlon of Its line to· western Colo­It Is ~uestlonable Wbetbor It could, un; . rado. This action: bas been taken after der tbts resoluUon, ~minister · giving careful consideration to the re•

. at all or compel the attendance of wit· quest made by Senator Flint of Call-

William B. Cook·, the oldest 1nltiat~cl Odd Fello..w in California died re­cent\y\ apparently ·in gre~t poverty ~ and b s lodge buried hJin. He was -

body 1011 U111n a 111 iuclpal. poon" 1111mmonln;; him Into court to. ---~---- toattry .tn a murder cnso ngalnst n

A Now Yorlt 1,11r,.on uuya llin() Ollt 'brother pbyalolan, who la accused or ,, tun Caaltlonablo womon In that cltr poisonlns a girl to hide her ccmdltlon~ are too tend ot tho IJOOJ.e. ·'rnu pal' By a strange colncldenc<'. Mrs. eon tbould try to net luto u dllrl,lrcnt l>oiQrlttll Itmqoro do TruJillo dted nt 'IOCIJ.a.l act botoro t le too tate. tho dinner tuble at Santa Fe oil the Oth

tust., In tho same tnanncr that her huaband •llo11 tour yenrs ugo at the Now Year's dlnnel' tablt•. Both were

· When Garrenzo was. first missed early Jn January It was supJ~Sed thnt he bad lJOrtsbtld in a snowstorm and lt was tho ftndlng or the. amulet be wore and part or his bolt In the possession of a ·woman th!lt gave Sheriff Owen the· first c:lue to the murdor. ---:-·------

Turlu)y, bavtnr unwo.rrante4 arrru1t1 or Amorlcnns. br.n reudlly COD• aentod to &llol~glrtc. 1\ lu hlltdly noo­eaanry to udll Lhnt no I!JOUI')' payment wu domut1dod With. thu nr-olo(ly,

"If yo11 set that tlrod lecllng, oat a puuud or nuuty ," l!n)'e Prof. ~o·. s., 'Wbo la tu·auh:v &hnt cnndy to a aroat romoclp for ta~Jsuu. lh.1 Pr·or. IAt anorr;a;cd h11 &cnlua to tbo can47 fw .. LT •

Now York miiUonnlroa arc soluc to 41ulld u theater dovotud ox.olu1lvoly to "'*'1111 3rt.'' It It ta tno kln<l ot btsh art ano.t Now York mllltonalrcll Uko tbey 1bould biro Georao Lederer 10 mallllllt It tor thew.

ll 11 4Jmoull to llJ"Uro out why tb0t1o two Chlf:lAUo buednciltl m\m would not ClOmmlt aulcldo. uutll tbotr 11\W)'O.fl wero at hand. Otd tboy wnnt. to· mulrt tit. Potor bollove Uto7 dl\l lt by ad· \'let of COIIUHIT . . ' ·····- ==·······'•i•' ....

atxty·atwen renrs ohl at tho Urue of Albuquetquo 011 Strike. donth. Sho was lnnghlng heartJly An AlbuquerquE: dlstJntch of March when suddotUy sllo paled nnd dle•l 3d says: 'I'he sn1illl ratlnerll and tore httlJI could be aunlmou(ld. She lit rnnc::hors .on ruo Grande "V'alley land aurvlvcd by two sons and one daugh· Ove mUes .south or tbls city, Bl'fi much ter •• excited to-day over a strike or oli

A atrong donlnl WUB made by Col. mnda by .tatUn af,.lndrlckSOQ, Jt~or w. B. Jlopowoll, prealdont of the Penn· somot~mo be tins Uoc:!n bOring for water, sylnnla t>evolol>ment Comt)rmy, and when at a dotltb of about ttlnely .feet vlec prcehhmt of tho Bnntn Jo'o C:C)ntral bo at.rucl< a Dow ot oil. lie touched a Rail co r h rt 1 1 lfcht.ed rt~atcb to tho fttl.ld tbnt

Wll)' mpon)', O t. O l'OJIO Cl Qtt O ftO"' • .._, lli"•l"""b hole nod W"• 8tt'"• of biB rand to the Oould Jln(Js, nnl1 bo ... '-'11'-T ... "" .... • ahowud ~~ wlogriUJl he hnd rocblv()d prl!led to aoe. ~t burn readlly. from (len. F. J. Torranco or Pittoburg, This attctnoon lho adjacent tam'l· tho principal owner, to tbo sam~ errcct. and rancbore/ wltll U~ndrlck~ donttrnl Mnnasor samucl n. Grlm· son, qamo .here and' h~ld n meeUng. t~bnw nod tho other ontelnlj; or tho rotul They ptilpoao to ralso n' {IUlll ()f "OV• at.rn dunlod tho repol't. · oral tllousand tlolttmJ and

, , mol;'(l tl.lorougbl:Y tur Qtl. It TM Douvor prtnta tho stOOd "tbfe ntternoon from·

tonowtns Pormhu•, 11at9 .exiunhulll \hi) $1.llt1 · M1~reh Gt.b: liMllrlo. 11r.ti boting tllat lndiCJtlloniJ ·~rb W~~~j~ tfln.l lu•• Panhllodlo bright tor 1>11 At a· i,l(JI,lth f t)aat ot tht~o ~"rutr~d f()Ct.,' · · , · . days · . · • Tho. • ~,,·,o:~~~~~~~;~ ·:,· ·~·r ·,!) .. ll .. i"qti.

·nesses. · · l'ornla, who made a direct appeal to "It this power was disputed by the Presfdent Roosevelt to have the De,

parties Investigated, the Investigation partmeilt of Justice reopen the Gore would be held up tor a year or two. c!anon case with a view to renewing

"I recommend to Congress the sc· against the rallroad company. ThEI rlous consideration of j\lst what they President permitted L n to file a brlei wish tho commission to do and how • w.ltb Attorney Genera., \loody, and he fo,r they wish tt. to go, having In vl~w . dla thls, going fully lntu the case, and the possible lncompatlblllty of con· flUng what was considered addl-ducting an Investigation Uko this, . tlonaj eVIdence In SUJlport ot the con• of also proceeding criminally tenUous ot the reclamation service.

·court (It law, and furthermore, tbat a The acUon of the department In re• · sumctent sum, say $60,000, be at tualng to reopen the case. removes all added to the current appropriation posalble obstacles to the railroad com• thp commJsston, sa as to enable them pany in lts desire to us!~ Gore canon to do the work indicated In a . for tta rigbt of way and itfl. permanent aud oomplete m;mner. whtlc at rlgbt ot way maps will uow undoubt· same time the power ls expU~tiY edl:Y be .approved by the Interlorc De· terred ~pon tbQm to admlnfl!ter parttnent.


and compel the attendance: of ncase11 ht maldnlr the. investJgaUon question, w.Jtlc}l, . ~ovet"B we>tk apa.rt'from their teal dut;l.~s.

"Bl$! it •war~,. unwlSr~~to~~=~;~~eJI';Reported Purchaae by the colorado .... tp~sUg•U~>tt ... not• to ful'JUsh Southern. ·tbet moil~'f, botb Denyer.-Tbe RepUblican of ~ta.r.,.. to .J.'end~r aa1t1 ~ For soverat years th~!re 11w1 J

talk In that the Colonido & is to uuy the Qolorado

and something like a of this ts fouild in the an· by the Colorado &· South··

tb~ dlsl)osltton ~t tbe mouey hpJiid It recentlY. ~lsetl through a big "'I ~,e ..... Of tbls sum 7;000,0()0 hi

.the otr ~~~~-th~sa, a<

u~:~I~~~\~~~nw~Jxuo,urnat, M:r. !'I tlie Colo-

even "in arrears tor several months' rent fol'" a shabby room where be had lo~ed for thirty years. The public admlntstrator's search of safe deposit vaults, bowever, revealed that Cook was a mis~r. who left more than $100,-000 In bonds and other securities. HI• only relatlve is a bro,ther In VIrginia.

Ferrets Carry Wires. Superintendent ot Construction

CU~e of the" B~l "Telephone Company, · wbUe superlnten~Ung the laying· of the underground system ot cOnduits at Terre Haute, Indiana, employed ferrets ~o carry wtres thro11gll: ·.the ducts. A rat Is put In tbe duct and 'glven a start ab:end of the ferret 'to which t• harnessed -a line. • •

... .

. '

Page 3: · ,' -;· . ' . ' ,. ·, . ,, .,. '-=· . • • • . ... ' ·L ·, : '• '1' . •' : _/;\,

, ' '

C~i\gressman· · H.~v(, Violated Laws

·-•s Ye~ar.-Oid M.other ' ' .

ks as D.epartment Clerk •

• . . '

At· the of 80, Mrs, Ann E. Grid• ~'My work is verY ploaaa.nt Mre,'' ley, mother of the famous captain tQ said 1\lrs, Gridley. "l have Uttlo Wl'lt-

'"I' '"h ·G.Man1 CsblldrO.,I! afed<S'ickl~~ 11 ' rwo onm::u LET-'T "' o~ er r~•ys woet .,ow ora fo.-. .... b dren, f!Q1 usoo by,~o1l.her Gt-ay, "n\l~ll in Qhlldron'll · .Home, New York, Qm·o Fovcrtsl,lueas, liend· aohe. Stomach. Tl'Ptibllls, Teot.lllng Dis· orders, Broa)t up Colds and Df.ll'ltroy Worms. A tall Druggt~ts' .2-~l'. Salllplo r.tatled ·Fl tEE. ,.\ddl'C$8 Allen S. Olm&tud, Le ROy, N. Y.

If mlirln!?l'i~ ;r~ made in heaven· tt 1!\. evident 'on the face of the returns ·t'~at divorces m·e ar1·unge<lln the other ~u~· .,


"' Mra.~DlmmlokofW~n~ · · Bow Lydl~ E. P!nkham's Vea;retable Oom;pound,1\ ~er WcU. .



, whom .Admiral Dewey gnve the order, tng now to do, and span~ most of my "You may begin firing when you get tllJlJI arranging documents ,alphnbetF rea~y,;· Gr~dley," .and gl'l1ndmothe'r o! cally tmd numerically,· practlce Lieut. John P. V. Gridley, -l~llled two' has .. given me quite a ,bit of skill ·tn Y'ears ago by the explosion on t}le bat- · this line.

It lS wlth ~o.t plellosure we publish'· the follow.lng letters, as they convino. Jng'y prove the cluJm WQ hn. VC fiO many tb'Ues ·made in· our'co~umns thnt ld',l8.

' '

. r

tleshlp Mlsso.url. Is regularly' 'at work , ."Everybody Is very conslderate nn1l ns a clerlt In the land omce,, a sub-· ~ · dtvlslop of the department' of Ule in- ! '

I tEirlq,r, a.t Wafihington. · ·~ Mrs. Gridley hns worked for the gov- ·

ernmept, almost -continuously, ·ror . thirty ye~n;. Het· salary '·Is $1lQO :a yeat:. · ·

Mrs; Gridley· came to \Vashington. ' ~.:.._ frotn. Michigan shortly after the w'ar, ·

' ' Hl'!r liusJmnll was Franlt . Gridley of . HHlsda!e, . Mich. · He bad been en- · gaged In' mercni)tile ptirsuita before

' ... the war. b.ut be became. a confirmed

\ ~~ . .. I

•· lnvaU~ and Mrs .. Grlc)ley sought· em• ployment an'd st)pported both ·ror mlmy

'-'--......:..,_.,;,.,~--- -­ ' . Lowi~' Single Billdl'l' st1•1li~tht l'i~ clgrn• II!

g<iod tJUallty nil tho tiuw. Yottl' deulet· ol'

Congressman E. Spenc!')r Blackburn, buro was a member of the North Caro· indicted by a federal grand Jury In Una . legislature four' years, and was' North Carolina for violating the laws as.slstant United ·states district attor­of the United 'States In practicing be- riey tor several years. He was a 'dele­fore the treasury department at Wash- gate at large for North Oarolina to ington, is servmg his s.econd term ln the :Republican national convention ln congress. He has been called "the . Chicago in 1904. . . handsomest man In congress." Bl.ack~ 1 . .


Theodore Tilton, Seventy Years Old, ·- Keeps Up HI• Work.

Only a few weeks ago Theodo,re r Tilton celebrate'd his seventieth birth­. t day anniversary at his residence on

the Avenue Kleber. In Parle. As a rule, his natal anniversaries are mark­ed by gatherings of the .American lit .. erary set. Tilton reci,tes a poem or makes an address. . This year the function was ·postponed and the re­port went the rounds that the last

·bad been held. Mr. Tilton is, how­ever; tn' fairly, gQqd health. 'lfe· keeps up bls journalistic work, thoui;;b he does not care to lhave It more parti­cularly Identified. From the day the Tnton·Beei:lher jul'J{ \llsagreed he has shunned the public gaze of his coun­h~ymen at home, tl\ough Americans are said to read him ofte~er than they read some other American .correspon­dents residing In Europe. His contt'lb,., utlons appear under various names.

' ' ' It la repor'ted that he has prepared a .full sfatenlent of the ·.whole .. dlmculty between himself ancl Henry Ward Beecher, which will be brou~ht out by a leading New publishing bouse

• thirty days after ·his death. ' '

Japaneae Exodus to Korea, Every batch of news ·from Korea

teli~ of tnb~ratlng Japanese who have left Uielr Islands and landed on the big ~peninsula, where they expect to settle in one or another of the fertile valleys that may be turned Into ftne gatdenll. This movement of the Japa­nese Iarmore to the mainland· was to be ei'pected as soon as the predomin­ance of Japanese Influence began to be asserted. There•ts not a country In the world that needs more room than Japan does .. with Ita 48,000,000 people and seven-eighths of Its island empire covered with mountains t~at are mag­nificent but can never be made to coJ}trtbute largely to tlie support of a rapidly Increasing people. The Japa· nese government Is encouraging tbfs western movements of its frugal anil lndlistrlotft! farmers abd the large nrea

Eminent Author Not Adapted for- the Role of "Lion.'' · . '

Thoma!! Hardy, though a frequent visitor to London, stlll makes Ills

'home In Dorchef!lter, near which he Willi born and where b.e has lived al­most his entire life. He· is said .to be quite Indifferent to the social fam·e that I!Uccessful novel-writing brings. "He always looks a little, too grave and distant to be quite at hls' .. ease in the midst of. the jangle of smart con· verliatlon," writes/ .a "Correspondent who has see~ the author recently, "but at a small Uterary.d1nner he becomes at ·once sytiipaihetfc. and l~terestlng. 'lnd can be grave and gay. In st~tture he is short, trimly bullt; the face is Intellectual. the forehead deeply lined. wlt.h ~hougpt, the dome of the bead expansive and thinly coveret, with hair. · The eyes are meditative, cau­tious; now and then llghtlng up with kindly· humor, bUt generaily very sad. Mr. Hardy always looks as' though he were a watcher, sitting apart from the battle of life and noting down the defeats of th~ day."

Mind· Controls Matte~ • · The phYsical effects of inental causes .bave bad striking illustration wlthln the last slx months In the cases of several of our fellow townsmen, Tbe }\eads of the chfef insurance com­panies which were Investigated went successively to.bed as though they had been 'Poisoned with a slow polson. Mr. Hyde Is ~till young, and the vigor ot youth brought him through all dls­tr~ssea wlt~out any obvious Impair­ment of vitality, .but It went hard with the older men. Mr. Alexander bro\{e down • compJet~ly under the strain, and. hl11 fellow presidents both In turn took slcl,, So it b8.a been with J~stlce Duell, who went down before tbe exposures of the Town Topics' trial aa though. he had been struck With· a club. The firing line 111 not considered a healthy place. but It Is r.lenty enough ~ealthler to be there than to be the target.-Harper's Weeltly. P. of fertile lan~s •still lying waste rn

t Korea bids fair to gh'e the opportuti· lty "that is BO sorely neede'd by the Life of ·German ~rown Prince. swelllng tide of Jananes~ Ufll. Slnce his marriage · the Getman

crown prlnoe bar turned over (1.4 new Protection of Wild Life. . • _leit,t an~ Is ~f!\tllng. doW!. strt!btlt'lti.sty.

Is there any· wa·y of accolklitl.n~ 'or He ts !ull of Vhdill f9r dev(lfOplitg hfs the' prt>penslty maiilfestell by 0: · Yarg6 prhiably estate at OelS ancl has proftl• number of people to kill s(lmethlng tot tl:!~d to d6uble the sida~JE!s of ltls ..em· tbe lliike of ·killing 'It% It ls not 'til· ·ployes tt they Prod~c&tMliest wheat ber{teil' from our/ "Silvage aribestorb. ali() . !'Ye in. Biles fa. He· ta.liCI! of' cut· They • tortured · and killed' tli~itt tlv~tf~g. beets and tn~nuf(lcttiripg­enemfes, but *ever !llew wlta attlr#Als sugar C)Ji hi!J own lanif and has litarted exeei)i ·tot use, and never ill ore tban· bUilding model .cottages for· his . ten; were'he!ided. Civilized man, so~ca11ed, ants. l:l~ QllY11 hlinself he ''ls MVe'r 8o however, goes out hito the wotlds ai:ut bappt as when he bas more wdrk thaJJ fields 'vilth murder tn hi~ lieart nnd he can get t!is;llugli,'1 and. thllt·wtthdut calls tt' sport. Notblng ts cunnhig y;ork lle "begins to ruilt.'' He bas nb enough. to keep out of his way,· · talite WhdtC.Ver for ~llltAry ilfe, bJit

~ lntf JW b'liiocent, hlirmless or be1tutiiftll ·I fnJQ;lense tn«trest ·In socfal as to ~~lle ids thfrst tor slaugliter, He Ia devoted to the ·crown

yf!nrs. !'h.e. has one son, Lucius E. Gridley,

for years an. employe or the treasu~y .department, with Whom sl1e lives.

Lewis' Fnctoi'Y, Peoria, 111. · An huru .. st., rl~lll tlltn~,.-'il..,t 11 'prett~: · l:'lnltha.m,,ofLy:nn, l!fnss.,isfullyqn~·

WOIItUII II< ulHt~ " •Jobl~ \\'Q~~. fiedtogivchelpf\oladv:icetosiokwomen.

. Mrs. Gridley bas a pE'nslo'n ot $20 ' 11, mon'tb, grunted her ·on account of her services lll.l' nurse d\trlng the rilvll war. ),"resld~nt Roosevelt has taken a PE(rsonal Interest In Mrs. Gridley, and baa recomme:udell that congress ·pass a bill Increasing be1· pension to $100 a ~ontb, which would enable her to resign from ofllce and take a few

• years' rest. •

The prfze money to which Capt. Grl.dley was entitled as a result of the captures in Manila bay, amounting to ·nearly $10,000, went. With the .lns\lr· ance· and. pension, to ·his widow, who resides In Erie, Pn. The latter also received the Insurance, etc., after the death 'of her son, the·young lieutenant who was killed on the Missouri.

Capt. G;rldley's ·remains. were ere· mated In Manila, and no monument has been erected to commemorate him or his bravery In the national ceme­tery at .Arlington, though there Is also a b!U fot: this purpose pigeonholed somewh~re. I~ some capitol committee rQom.

DO l1i'a1 Ann~ <hicU~

kind. tiometlmetl 1 th!nlt It wou!d Lle restful If 1 could afford to go and pay n few visits, and see my relatives and friends. That Is where that Increase of pension would come in handy. ··aut I 'am more anxious that they built\. a suitable mon)lment to my son In Ar­lington. That is really a grief to mo."


7JEST· ·',f'Hl.}IG · A1JOVT '

, A <IUARANTitl;;tl ('tlUI•: j;:0 n l'li.FJS •.. lle~d !lfrs, J)bllmlck'a !etterS~ . , ltchlu~; unmt, Hhmuh•~r~ t'•"t"''llnlf l'U""· t>rufl'. Her first letter: · Kl~t• 8ru outhorltud h> retuu11 mouuy tr I'.'o.ZO Doo.r Mfs. Plnkhn~,·-· ODrrl>U:!>i'l' (aJt• tO CUJ'U Ill U to 14 d•yo, 6tki, ' 8

•• --·-· ;_ _____ · "I hn\·~ boonl\auttcrer for the post~~ l.eum' to tuiJor· whlh• you ~·utt It'>'"'' Yt!IU'I\.wltb 1\ tl:ou.hle which first orlgil 1,1 wor!t. wnntiN'" •from Jlll!nCnl period&-tb6 pnlna wcreext'nlcl• ___ --~ ntlng, nfl~h inflantu1ntion and uli.'Cmtlon <•ftbo

:B.ioh"' 3'ui....,. :Redlshes ll'ree· 'tmnaleorgnna !l'h·•dootorsn.~I nm~t. lulvo ' -J • . . • • • . an operation or I cu.nnot live. I db :nut, wn:nt

Evcn•body lo,:c~ JUil'y, tender mdtsbes.·· tomibmlt to a.n opm:ntron if I oo'n· ~bly Salzer 'knows th1s, lwur" he ot¥cr~ to scud nvold it, Plooso hel~. nle.*'-Mri.".M.arY )'OU nb~qlutely free ~tnlki<'nt rndiRh seed Dimmick, Wosbi'ngtou D. C. " to keep you in ,te\ldf'l' ruuishcs all ~um• .ncr second letter:. ' n1cr long· nnd, b1s great , Dear Mrs. P.lnkbiun:- . · . ·

SU,ZJ:R S DAIIGAI~ BRED DOQK, · 1 " Y PU will f\lUIOIIlbe\'·my condition Wblllll with itB wonderful Fui'priscs ·nnd sreat 1. l!ult wrow you, and thnt tho drn•tor flnJd I bargnill~· in JICods at btu•gnin '.pr!Cllll.. must lmve an tlfl!lro.tlon (II' I could not live.

I reooived your li!ndlettorandt:ollowc4 your ndvioo vecy e&rofully. mid nm now antjrely w~ .As my cnso wns so Btlrious it llOOUlll a miracle that I am cttl'l'd. llmow tbnt 1 0'1'0 not only ,my b~~alth.but my lito tD Lydla It

The -enormol,la cropa on our seed .fanna Pinltham's Vogot:Jblo C'OIIIpcl\1\\d IUld Ll> your tho Jlll!ll ~~Mmi compel ua to i88ue this · advlll!). l ~ walk mlles w'lthoub·ruuwllo or spt!cinl ctitulogue. & ~~~~ and I wish every Jnllfol'iug woman

sE:>fD 'l'lllS 1\0TJOI!I '1'0-DA T. 1 w:ould read this lot!;4)r and ioolioo what yoa . . J cnn do tor them, "-M I'M. Mary Dllpmlck. llDih

and recet~e the radishes and the wonde~ and·Ewit;Capltol Stroots,WMbingtoD. D. a. fnl Hnrgnm Rook free. · · 1 H · · · Remi~ 4c nnd we ndd a packaso of Ooa- ow eaRy lt wns for Mrs. Dlmmtck to 'mo~. · the mmit faa.hionnble, aer,·iccnble, wrlto to <Mrs. Plnkhntn q.t Lynn, Mlitls.p beni1tiful nnmjnl ilowt-t. · · . and how little it cost her-a. twO"COnti

John ·A. Sn zer Seed Co., Lock DmWU! stamp. 1cthowvnhtablewo.athercplyl W . Ln. (Jrosse, Wis. · As Mrs. Dlinmlcksaya'-itsa.vedherlife. .--1- Mrs. J>fnlchn.m has on ~le thousandl

A IH'IH)hot 111 u pe'i;j.qon \l(ho np<wt~< of j\tBt such letters u.s the a.bove, ~ tht' unexpectf'd. •It offers nllbl(fW9mc:Q. hclp:h\1 n.dvloo.

' . '


St •. acob.s.Oil ' . ,

Is the short, sure·. easy .cure for ·

Rheumatism , and


' ' . '

' It penetr.ates to the seat of . torture. and relief ·promptly follows.

Prlc:e, 25c:. Rnd•50c.

Elaborate· tests have been made at type ·of fertilizer .was needed for a · many .Of the stations, particularly in given crop. 1 Une(\Uillled Equip-the East, and the South, In order to Instead of purchasing manures from ment on All Trains deterniine the value of the worthless- New Yorlt and Philadelphia for fertU• 8or .Fulllntorma,lon Writ• ness of son fertilizers, says the Amer· lztng sweet potato ground, as had been c. P. QUYOT, Trav•llnl lean Illustrated Magazine... While the the custom, the station advised a com· Pa11en1er Alent, 80t 17th use of bacteria for Inoculation may blnatlon of various fertlllzers as like· ~~~===s='·:• :D:•:n:~v:•:'•:C:o:l:· ===~ uJUmatel;y do away with all need of IY' to give the p~eci.!Je food the sweet 1 -fer.tfllzatron, yet large amounts are potatp Jteeded to bring about the most still spent upon cdnlmercla~ fertilizers, sasisfactory ,.results. More thar. 20:000 and It wlll probably be some time be- j ncres of ground In New Jersey aro (ore they shall be all abandoned. In I gl\'en up to . the cultivation of tho fact, something like $1ii>,OOO,OOO Is an· sweet potato, and· the cost of produc· nually pald out by tbe farmers of the J tlon 1\lls thus been lessened by from United States for Certlllzers. $6 to $10 per acr(l, maldng an annual

It ts unqu~tJonablY. true that much I saving of nc'atl.:Y or qultc $200,000. j fraud ha\1 been ·practiced upon the j In this stt}Uon, as In many other fanners In tbls direction. ln New .Jar· stations, the lnforinaUon glven the sey the station showed tile far~ers I farmers in tho wily. ot methods ot pre­that by cl\)bblng together and purchns- vE'ntlng insect pests results in a snv: lng the' raw riintl:!rilil ot· Whlt!h tho fer· lng Qf thotit~nnds pf dollars a year.. UU~ers are compo.11ed ·they could sa~e Wlt~out the uld of the stliUons, orcb· from 25 to 4S ~ey c~lit; The ~stlmnted ards and vegetable trac~s as well, In· savlnl ltt cost to the- tarlfie~s of the deed, Jil some ct~~s ehtlre field crol\ .state by ·~lila d,ne feature alone is· areal( would bo aestroycd. It Is this trom $75,oolqo '$100,000 per year. This constant.· searching tor the ncgatl'Va stadon ·.has also de.tnon$traUid' the tld\'ailtageli. so to call tbe!ll, that f!pectnl tGo!l np~tll'l. ot' ci:lrtalli plants, miir!ta ()tte ofthe moat signl'ncant tuno-shqwt~g.· U1e tafmcr Wb~t particular Uort~ of the station!!: . • . I· """' L. ...::._- """ -- ---~- - - - --'""' --- - --- - - --- - .... - __ ....._.......,... .- ""'V'"- --- - ---- - - - _, - ...._ ... - .

who ha&

w.r~ind tnterest· «r·ent states·

-Jaa,~oo­a:avaL SEPAh.TORS

AMERICAN HOUSE r..v:.r.v,~ ... •i=· r'l•not. rhe b<lM J:l- per daJ> botol In IU W••t. Amtrloan nlan.

Oxford Hotel Denver. Olfll block from Union Depot. ll'lraproof. C. H. MORSE. IIIII',

E~ E. BU~LINGAME 4 co .. ASSAY OFFICE ANO· frl:d~~~ ...

• Ia

and very, lltUe ~it~ swims.. files «>r 'W~o · exerel~es tM. jireatest run~ ts toa small tor blm to l'lPt onlY on him but ~ aU f.e'i/•enl.tti down-Walib(ngt6n · Post. ,

' ' .

Force of ·Envtr!)htnont Compelling.· ' ' '

Sclepl;lsbf are colltfnuat~y telling us ~hat things ad11Vt thenuselves to their ~nvtronment. It ·fs. an lnevltahlo law . ' ~ '

~ • ~. bt' n~tqre. If you go clo:Wn Into the u~~& to a 11utnc.lent· dep~b. r® ·may ll~d , .

' ' " #

' >

ftshes bJt,'t~ but no ~dJt&. 'ti!Jt . Woleae

"'· • •

' ..

• •

. ' •


' . ' ' .

. '


• • • .. , ' ,.


' • !J ,,

• ' ll, .,, e . '

... ~·~ " ' 'J

• . • ~~ • .:::Cr

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Page 4: · ,' -;· . ' . ' ,. ·, . ,, .,. '-=· . • • • . ... ' ·L ·, : '• '1' . •' : _/;\,

.... ..

. ,



. \

"' .

TBE OUTLOOK w ~dding B~lls Have .. : 'WHITB OAKS, • Just Rung for Royalty


It's but a ll~J.l from cunning tb rae-~allty. . - '•

. ,,

Careful· Woman. IJsect. 411. ·of ... • ~~-· t ·,... ~~· ,!·,

~ERVOUS DYSP£P4{A ·. ·. · · · · Celery . BuQtb to

lU'l' l!al~d ts · ''That ~as Sunday. · MoM~Y 1 too~ A Pe•.:t.;;.•t;tNI:!~~u;,~:·Pu~~red ~ de1lclous. Not tbl;l cel~ey 11talks; all but the v~iY ln· Brangbt ·to the vel'f vl}l'go of stt\rv~, many of us can slde one'!. a~d. stew~d alld. creamed tton by the rejection of all nourishment, a«ord celei?. tt them. I pov~r~¢ ttt.e celery wlth w~ter. 1ter vitality all\l.ost destrof<ld; the r~ {s too exl}en· Wh~n tlle ceiery ,had boile!l tender I CI>Vel'f of Mrs. J . .t\· Wyatt, qf No. 116~ · :. slve; there · is poured the water otf illto a: wtde- Seveuth street, Des :Moiues, · Illw'll, so ·much wjlste. · mouthed bottle, ,tlol1tmg tt•t.tghtly; and seemed honele11s. Her physician a lltter)y · ·


. ' I .. I d

ortcn tndlcn.tea · ••nu "a. -ve to. "aYed- lt I bu.tter"d ·and ·.,altM the ~ h difli .._,. ' ,.. "' '" .. 1f~Ue!1 to reach the seat of t. e OIUFY e~pJaln,'' s a: l d c,elery; tosaln$' tt UJI wJtb a tork· 'to fWd death ' 1:es11:lted, if she ~ad Plioebe. "We }tcep "lt frQ~ bur,nlng, then ·coypred ft llOt ~nrsued nu 1ildepe11dent cou,rse sug.

I . .. A premature lltart n ~remuture tlnlsb . -

There ls .-no grtutuutlng from school of ellperleiu:". -•


Among JlqlltlclanB tho prowrtlo!l or tho· t..Jcct Ia very nrnall.

- •• KnowlN\ge · of ono'il lgporance Ill

• r tho. rnnater key w wlt~dom, ·

- ' . About tbe lnnt thing on (•nrth. u 'nan

wnptB to think cit le bh1 flJ1Itlll. . -Some rnt•n IN1rn to foar troacllcl'}'

,by utudylng ttH·Ir own nnt urcl!. · --

A tnn of .-:oat now Ill hotter two ton~t t>f granltH lwrentter.


-A wlt'l<>w ulw'n}•fl llCIJl!!B to got a

dltrPr(•III 11ort c)f. rnnn tlw next 'Umo.

'flwrP IH room u t tho 1 op fm• the rn rw W}tr, can JHlRh tho other fQlloW urt.


whllt· IJtJX . .


rnuy tn phm volltlrnl reform· U<•lllc•<l UU IHI OJllfJ{Y dry gQOd8

-· • An nltc·mpt w judgP hh1 fnturo by ),hi JlUKt !11 c•ncmgb to. c1hl('UIIr!lgo nnY

are, too poor to. with m.lik, bro~bt Jt w a boil, Ulfclt· her sist;(,r•s ~perieuc~. . ' • buy thi.J;Igs to . eu.ed lt a. utt]e, and-we ate it. ,· · . Mrs. Wyatt rm:V.s: •• I ho.d ptQIJ 1U the.

. . throw away, 1 ."Tuepday f took the' gravyJett trqrn l.'egion: 9t .tbo heart, palpHatiolL and, • ; never ·throw -anything il.Wa;Y unless it is the roast, put. this '\VIth the tat ·ott tbe shQrtne!is of breath so that I co,nld 1~ot;. spontng. -S~olled .food tJ!. w~rse than roast In~ ~bout a pltl,t.ot ·water, walk very fast. :My he11d ached vezy~ none. I use ·u!l: the. bits as w.e go t_n an ·qmon, wt ln: two lef~9r baked badly and .I wns setzecl with .voniitillg! along_; then tbe~·are always fr~sh and potatoe!l, BUced':fltie,·dt;,oPued J:p. t.wcJ.oJ spells when~ver r took any fo.od, A doo-; gqod. . • ' · . · . tliree spbonfulJ! ot ·brpa.((ed tomato. tor ®led wbc;~. pronounced t~~. · "Thfs bunch of' celery «lost me s from U1.e day bqtqre, and b~~~JJ:r:!t:::: gastritis, b.ut he, gn.v~ ~t.te no re- .

·cents; .1 Pf!3JfEid Qnt the frea~est bunch W~ho~~ to ll '~!oil,~ WJlen t~e . rlief.. !Eben I ti'iel\ ~ seooud.<loctorwith~, at tbe market1 It was· freiJll clear to· boiled I put ~n· ·three raw .out l:leueiUr.. By ~hi~ ~hue· I llil!i become,;. t.he tips of· the leaYE)S.. · ·. pared· and'. ~lVe~ lengthwise very waak. ! could not' lteep ~bo lllOilt'

·"Flrst, 'I cl~aned tbe wbQle thlng; boil mor.~ qpl?kly that way}, and delieate broth ou. my .stomach, u.ud'at· ·Tho German people suhscrlbnd bo- morca'(ltllo ci>mpanle!l an~ private ·ln/ separating tbe l!talks lind eutt\ilg oft the P?tatoes w~re, .done and the .ol,llon . the ·epd ol.a·inouth 1 waa·I!oarcoly mot~,

tween $10,000,000 .and $12,000,000 for dlvtdUII.VJ poured out. money· for c.har: any brQWn bruised pta:ces, betng care-. tender l py.t in .'{Jl~. remnants .. ot .tl;te ·than skin and bone aud wasreally sturv·· ne~ hospitals .allll otlter.. ·chl\rltnble tty. :As tl ,eault 100 new hospitals ·or·. ful not to waste lt ln cutttng; . roast itse~f; dashed tn t.hat bottle ·of j~~i~~:i~~call(ld }low m'u~h benefit.JJJ.k .

. .

wor1u1 tn borior of tna l!Uver wed11lng e"ten~fons to new ltospltals have been .. · ~ , ·. . celery juice .that I had saved, let th.e D Will' • Pi · • . The leaVE)& 1 shred, ded and used to w· hole ,..,...,.., to·"' boU once .,.,0 ,.6 , to' o)! !lister }lad -~ot .from r. · ~ams )) ltnn .. vt-rl!nry of Etn!)eror WliJiam and !lcl!lcated. . · . ....,. .... .,. .. • ... • n·11 d d ·a d t'- .. ft~. th 1 l• .... · · ·· · seasl?n ~he stuftiu,g ·for· a roast.. Sage .out the meat, thi"k. ened tbe· .·......;vy ~" 1 s·nu eel . e .., .-ae em •n 11 .. .,.e-Empn•aK Auguf!lll Vlctortu, whloh was Tbe 'WC!llllng ot Pr.!i)ce Eitel. Frttz di tth J b 1 .,. .,.... of the dootQ:r's medicin~. It prov11d a · ' mnrlwll Feb, 27 11r ·the wedrtlng of and 'the Duchess Sopbte Charlotte of . sagyee~t w 9 n, but ce ery suits. Uttle,.'llc>urf!d It over the mj;lat, an!}~ wise decision. for they helpe~ UHl Rli

I>rloco JJ:It'cl Fritz. . Oldenburg Wi\B almost a ropllca or to a T. . . we. ate th"at: •nu.l.t c.elery water sea· eise had done. Soon I eoul£1 .. ·'l'lu•lr mnJostlos all nolln!!cd ~ev~rn.l tbat ·<·f tbe crown prince and :crown · "The outside sUllks (two ot them, soned tbe stew to ·a. tltm. . nild.ctackers Ill)!\ stet\dily .

rnonr.hs Ago that ·theY: woulrt not l'C· prlnces11 · IMt June. The Duchee·11 you' must rememllflr that I arp not · '"You have ju~tt nowd'i;Jaten ·the celerl lu Ji,vo 'v~ks '1 was

CCIV " .. t 1 1 1 b s · hi t tb l·'-'L'uldng for " farnlly of ten), I chopped hearta ln. tli;,.. "ala ... , to · bed. -Dr. 'Willinmf;'.

. o •• ny . fiTu~cm s rom t Hl r su · otJ e, JiB par or e pag~ant, enter·. ,.. ... " "' " "' n:u " · th 1 thi .. h t j(l t tb I f I I II l d a II cooked with t' he ro"'st. Th. eY. ....... b"t'"' a'lt. ·1 snve-' leaves and ·"' 8 wera e Qn Y ug ~ ·

11 · c K on v occns. on o t 1e T a ver c er n on the evening of Feb: .26, .. ·~ " "' u h k d th it'· ' d · · th ...

lll 'I h came out nice an .. tender ln the ·gravy. ju\· "ed. Ti.;e"'e wasn.'t ...... uch· "'aste in c eo e evol~ mgan f\S soon a.fl. a ..

we• • ng, · ' ey urgetl all who con· J!roceedfng through a flower and ban· \.!. ... " ~· • ... .. ,vft.Bstoppedmyother dtftlcultiesleftme. .l.(lmplu.t(ld a -wecldlnr; gift to r,;lve tile ner bedecked wp.y to the castle, · "The· rest I put away ln a cold J>!ace. · that 8-cerit buncb. was there?" .. 1 have a vigorous appetite now and M.l't ~oney to csllurttable I'IJierprlses. Where t.he emperor, I!Urrounded -by · ablQ ·to i\tteud tQ aU·the dutie\J of ~Y'


'(• J• ' I

• -

. The rcnult was almoat unparallcle" biB famlly and numerous German M A AT~. SCifftJ~TS . o·F. "G .. .rD,,I';!oA. T· ...... A . .., . ... hQm~.· I prai~eDr.Will~s'PiJlk Pill!!·' . In Of•rmtin ·history. Mnnlctpalltten, Jlrlnces, welcomed her. · J~ A r ..n.e<~ 4:"'A. .1~ for P1de People¢oall my fnendil becat1!1~ · ·· ~ · · , • l am . thoroughly convinced of their · (

. Prof., Albart H. Smyth of the C(lntral 'Adams. fl'l.mUy. whlcb· were locked to. a merit•.. f • . I .

• II IIlii. NEW TREAT,.,.ENT OF CRIMINAL. K~EP BOCIETV WOMEN POSTEl;). blgh school, Phlladelp1Jia, whO Is de· va'ult of the Massachusetts HfstorleJ • 'Dr.WUliams'Plllit Pillsnre~old l>y all' dared to .)mow more about Fr11nltltn aorlety; to remaiJl there unw tbe pres- !irttggist;s qn~ by the D,r;Wil iams :Mad­the.~ any man living,. in an ad· ent geneta~ton. · ot tbe., f~mtly b~d tcine Co.,~ euectaQ.y, N.Y•

-· r-;o mntl~·r how homely on helrc1111

mny be•. 11bo 16 nt•vt•r romlnded of bur ugllrumu. '

-no !'.ar,..f•JI when you hnnlllu a

vhonol(rllJth, or you hillY develop luto 11 record IJ rtlll )WI".

.-Mnny 11 mnn wu11llt 11top ~~ny'tng pl)(l·

mluma un hlu llfr> lnunrn!ICII tf ho lm(•W whut hlu Wlfo. hnd decided to do "It h lltP nwlt•·Y -~ Chlcngo NMv.&. ·

-----·----BUBBLES •.

----Hnrd UJl-tho .Iron U10utor curt,dn.

It to not N1ny to IIOl•).J cool when be­\ woon two l\ruu. -

111 tbll J!Crllon r«w«•lvlng •,olng t)Vc•rworlwd? -

11 uharnpoo

II do(•lln't nlwnyn mond 11 ulolcn urn· brullu to rt•covor 11.

. Tbl• ll<'nlo of a voice lan't used for

tho wulnhtnn ot word11.


. --·no whnt )'Oil clo w1th1mt much

hut don't do lllto 11 dutlo, -ndo,

---- .. ,... -Woman to Work Out. Reformation In Otlrla Make Go!ld .tncomea · Acti!'IIIJ aa

· · Salvation· Army. . ''Book Dlgostcra.'' A llttfu · para.f,'1'11llh in the. publtc. Half a .dozep clever girls tn New

profiH this week· points to an trnpurt.. fork ore earnfng 11ubstantlol lnco'meis ant and u!gnlflcant e'>'cnt In our social na "boolt diGI)I!ters.'' of. them blatory. . Tvie.lvc years ago n. woman hos for her clientele women too bUsy counulll..,tl murder In fl. ·fit or Jt'ulonlly. with social engagements u; f\nd time She hn.11 IIcon In prison ov'or since. for reading, yet whq wlsh to keep No.w the J-lome Of!Jcc, de111'rous tllnt abreast of current nteratitre. The th13 wonm11 11h9tlld bo gtvon n cna-Dcc "digester" carefully follows· note­or n•trlovln.g 11 brol<on life, 'has taken worthY. publtcatlons rtn fiction. art, tho Initiative In ottorlntr to hant1 over sclen·ce, .hlstQry or religion. Once or tho .woman to tbe .care ~r tlte SaJVa· twice a week she calis at the bouse tlon Army, SM wm be placed In OD(l.l of a '.'client" to review the cqntents of tJI tho .1\rm)''ll country homel.l, nnd will · t~o boolts read. She ls careful to remain entirely under tho supervision memorize any epigram or wltty eay· of thnt orgnnt'zntton, which wm ·also tng that her client might ·introduce ef• bo rosponllli.ihl tor bor muln tenance. fecUvely In conversation. "It ts re· 'rhiH Ia ·n new expllrtmcnl In ibc-refor· marknble how llttle.letsure some wom· mni.lon ()f crlmtna)s, and one whlcll lt n.ten ltav~," said a Vassar ·graduate h1 Intended to rop~11t · In the case of ~bo has ad~pted the now cnlllng. pthor unfortunllt0 11ernon11, ·who are 'They·clin seldom give me a·balfbopr not nccoi!I\Urlly crlmlnnl In their fn· all to myself. 1 am a.sked to can at Ltlnnllol\11, b1tt have lost their Uberty th.e qome hour as the hatrdresl\er, the thrOIIKh ovll chance or Clrcumatan~e. manlcute o.r tb!) chirOpOdist and {n -t.ondvn Mall\ speolally gay •easons all· three. of

Wanted Merr)' _Men In Camp. . :Pr. \VIlllnm Hqnry Drummond, the

J•l>!'t of tbc ll'ronch ·caruullans, ' bns gl von lit> bls medical pructioo and <flODtl Into cotlPOr mining In the dom·

theso attondllnts may be at work tippu her while t sit at a llttle dlstnniie and post her .upon· current books.''

$enator'a Expert Knowledge. ·

Tlw cro11t or 11 hill Ill 11 lftJotl one <rm··linlon. Pnrt or hts duty· recently was Bonator Foraker:, while debating -the

pure food bill, was -gettt».g warm on tb1l subject or fusel oll ln whisky. He hnd submitted to s9vera1 Interruptions and hls ·pattonce was !lbout e'l'httuated when Senator . Tmman aslted htm a qucatlon •• The Ohio man repiled some· What pettishly, whereupon Tillman sa14~ · "I was head barl(eeper down ln South Carolina when the dlspen• sury ayetem was ln!}, and 1 know what I am talking about." 1\l:r. Foraltor allowed him to ~o on, and In flve minutes the. Southerner amply' mnde good his boast and bad shown tbat he was the best posted man In tho senate on tlto making ot whisky and hnd lillonceil everybody, 'Forake; lnclndod. "1 l'll!l not much of a 11harp on thO tute. or wlll~:V. but 1 k110w all about the making ot It," he ended triumphantly, and no one could oar him uny.

n flintilY. 1111 old 1111 tbo h\1\u. to ongngo o. number (lf workmen. In ·-

Btnc1y Hu:• \lUI!.Y lwo. 11 11m It> llllt•rlnR llllrlKI ng

\ -hut not 1111 to roproota. ·

A tblr11l for ntVI•IIIl:l' mny not bo ap. tll•tu\od by nwn llowlnll your lndlf.'JlP. tlon. -

"ruHl fl'llow who cnn muko lovo ·OS·

Nll1Uonully well hrut t119 "spark." or aonlu11. - "* J.lko l"lllhlron, tbo INltrlo 11Gbta Rbonlcln't bu pormlthnl to so out attor darlc.- Phlladclphll\ Oullotln.


D\11 olo worl' roll e. eo t'loso tor boRV· tm do &Uilflle Kl~ll acnrod an'lhlnka we plno bop ln. -

Povnrty ain't no bletll\n' tn tUaaulAe. tlo fact la, doy 11 \n 't no d\sxutso tt.bout It : lt'a da p\aln, ol'·fuablott tlllnr:. -

Wat\ln' tor do wagon won't do In lU• dtt)' au' Utn(l. De wlao man alta up oatfy an• cakoa de flat tratn.-Atlant• ConaUtuUon.

------·-WITH THII IAOII • 0--

doing so ho tuitonlshed everybody by n rndlcnl doparturo from old·tlme methods. . Aftor nskfng somo tnoro or loRa perfunctory q\1esuons rcgEtrd.tng a e·andldnto'a ability as 11. minor ho tnqulred: · "Cnn yon piny tho ftddlo or con~.~orl!M? Do you tln n <'C or ~;~In~?'' It waR notlolld thnt ·unless th& m!ln wuld glvo nmrm11Uvo rotllY to at l(!aat two or tbc;~ao qucl!tlona be stood atna\1 ctumco ot- IJOltli\IC ~ork. . Tllo wladom of Or. Drummond's course bQctuno o.ppnrcnt wl\cn i.t t1ovolopc(l that uenr· ly n11 tbo mon bo onf'n.gcd· wore ~ood bUU\Orcl\ rotiOW8 Whose hl\pp)' llplrlt.s kQI)l thll mininG camp In poace.

What Kanaaa Owct the Hen. Nlshtlngalea, h1rk11, awnns and such

pootlc rQwl bavo boon ballo~ and hymned untn the world ls very weary of tbom. Wl\ore 11'1 t.ha robust Amorl· can barll who wlll wrlto blgb .wlth joyoua pen tho harm.cas, nocessary bunt Wht do our cblidron road ubout tbo:e• tabulou, goetlo <lf tbe · Romt\n capital 1 Tho bans of Kansas urp.. wortblor a\lbJ&cta. Horo l.J one yco.r'a work ot thorn: •uun,tn .worth of CJIJJll• wtllcb, as o. Kunaaa cconomlst 1\ooe wen to romll\ll tbo wodd, lJJ. Jn·

Wbn pt«Juuro gtvoa sht\ll joy eeJvo.-Uon.hlUlln lo'raukUn.

tt1~-11t. at G por cent on tl44,622,220. •.ro Mf notlilllg or "brollora" apd ot.b• cr ,b)'·pr~>duats. Kaneaa bop!\. mllko

ro- ¥UO¥'e money for KantU\1 tb$n do her

- • We 1lCl Vll all our a eo rot 11n1: And

If WO knOW OUI'MIOI\'CK, WO Jbt:mtd Dot "Judtce "o~teb otbor ~aritlliY • .-...oeotll't Ellot.

' -··

llbftlp, wool, barloy, ita•, fruit, so''' gbum, oats, potntooa, 'i'ha bell t.iboutd

'tho hlrd of Kanso.a •• tho. eaalo Ia bttd ot two4om.-l!l-9ortbol1y!a

. .,ortunta M•d• tJ'ftft'l .LQ\t4trlll'l•

roan w•• · C!lm_,H ln. NDw y.,y.lf

d.ross before· the Pennsy-lvania His· . paBs~d awa:v. . · llVIPRO .. ~V-~~M--E-N_T,.......,S_O_C_IETIES. , I.OI'Y cll!b !1ltetcbe4 the history 0~ pub· "I WaS entertained by };li'O~~k~ Adams 1\c and lWlvate c~llectlo~s of .Franldlo. at his country home," ·said :Prot. mabu~crii)ts be had ·peru.sed, says the Smyth. "I felt certain· thl\t my eyea Pllllacelphlll Le<lger, He told tbe fol· ·would never rest on the Adams· manu· low!ng anerdote of J. ·Pletpont Mor· scripts, and WRf. · conslderabll• sur· gan s colhlctlon: · . .prlsed when ~r. Ada~ said td me:·

"I was mu~h surprised to learn thnt •or course, lf. you wa:rtt to see them Mr. Morgan. owned valuable. Franldfn yo\t c11n, alnce 1 have tlie key.' 1 lost manuscripts, and as M waa abroad .at no .time taking advantage of his offer." the .time l wrote to his nephew, Junius · · Morgan, thla gentl~man 'suggested . PrQf. Smyth referred to the Frank· that we should 'b'reak Into' hla uncle's lin collection owned by Lord l>an& residence, and we did so, spending an downe, to which he bad access. While afternoon ln the finanCier's library.. the guea~ of Lord Flh:•Maurlce b\s I found three c9mplete sets of Frank· lorrlshlp ·told of the copies of the e9l· lin manuscripts bt\l not the Cotllnson lectlon made by Henry Steveus tllld letters, which i was ·anxloU.'l to see. sent to Washington :Wltb. the 11nder· J."lnally, as night was aetUng In we st~mllng that tho United States gov• tl\scovered a wonde,rf-ul pile of ~anu· ernment was. to purcba~e them. The Kr1-fpts, Including Pop~'s .'Rape of'"the copies we~e not purcliase~. and re­Lock.' stotles by :P.oe, ·novels of Feni· main locked ~P In one of the federal more Cooper and others, a 1 d 1rom the. bull(ltngs to this date, where no o:q.e center ol It 1 extracted the •corre· · Is allowe.d to consult them. Rpo~dence (If Franklin and Peter Col· Lord Fftz•Maur~ee declared that llnson; ' ;, Stevens' death was hastened by hts

·prof .. smyt:h also read the collection treatment by tb~ American govern· of PrankUn letters owned b)" tho ment:

• ··--- . t-tow· "Fhey ·May Be . Organized I~ .

''· , . Every Town. . . . The organlzallon of w society is aim·

ple. A . president, secretary and treas· · urer are the necessary omcerl\ and · · the committees whloh are appoillted may be a~:~ many or as few .as are re· qulrea, says Harper's Bazar. lt is ve1•Y. desirable to interest the town officials and the prominent cltt:~iens of the place nn~ sec'llre their co-operation. The school teachers should be enlisted and through them the children may be . ~eached. 'fhe yOUJJ.'g p~ople also sho~ld hav~ 'a share in making plans for the town. T~e dues should be small, pos~ibly $2 a year paid in quar terly SUII!S, aud in SOme . plSiCeS a . promlse ·of twa days• wor-k a year is al~o added, one day being glv~ri. to horne improvements, and the other to those of a public ·character. · · •

The most important committee, be­cause the one Whose work is funda· · me~tal, is that <lllo-- sanitation. The members are to invilstlgate .the town's . water supply. tha publfc sewers and drains~' arid .• the baclt premtses ot·

~~~·~ -MM.-.;......-.,.,._._ ...... ~1 houses_,· The refuse too often ... throWIL . . 'llf7A~"»Llr .... Moo-n. o' F ME' """.Ic· 0 In rubbiSh heaps .is to be carted away w. n ~ u .ta' and· destroyed;. a place ls to be ·pro··

·vtded for ash plies, and one where gar~ .b11ge may· be ~arried by a public. otnclal aud burned. These ·unstshUy spots should be far from the center or the tl>wn nnd a thlck hedge ,may screen the place from. the highway. In all public places such aa the railroad sta·· tton, the village corners, nnd J)ark had the schoolhouse yal'dB there shOuld b& neat rubbish boxes place.d, pa:in·ted, 'not ll. bdrnlng red, a,s is too often the case; but a soft and lnconsplouou.s leaf· ' green.


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(4 yr. j

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' ' ' ' '' ' • r ,, ' ~· ., • f -, f; ,, .~ q~;.~ I ;' ,,, ·~. it'!f:" ,t~, •. )-, .. , .. -l''~ ~ .. ' . I" ' '~ ... \". T

' ' "'-!', •• . . " .. ,!!'hit nelrBP"P~r Vlta, pttbllalled ln

JlPme, d.en~es that the Dowase1· .,.tueen ~.u-gberlt3 la kolq to · UJ• 11Jllt6d Sta1,es in th~ sprtng. •· · •

. nEFE•ATEO fN CHAMB~R OF· DiP·r~rs gr1!at ~:~~~lilpui~os!/;· · · . 1'11~ food whic' (:C)ntaiQs in its!1:lf ~v~? e)emen~ n·e~_essa~. tn·•t;)nclea supply· ptopl;)lttonSfPfoperlY preP:Lred by "- pbyslCt!ln ~nd chenust which ma"'a o.nll pp,cltet bandlter· the pertect food fot rnan, ~s

. ' . · UTJ.~S, RI;SIGN$. H A waterspout descended upon Na•

hanor~ ln the Island. of Madanscar · Februaey 2let, entJroly deatro;vlng the RESIGNATION 'IS. village ·and drownmg many persons.

' . ln except, show on


not only but l.s a lnv\gor­

lnvlg· bowels in all·


. ?-'he cltlze~ ot ;Eiatli, England, have d~clrled by 11 , vote ot two to ,one against the o.ccept;o, Qf An,drcw Car­negie's pffer of •65,000 tor a publtc Ubl'IU'Y, , . · Old Nol'th College at Mld4leton; Cop.necUcut •. belongln,g. ttt •be Wes­leyan University,· was b\irD 1 March 1st: · It contained 150' rdoml. and was ' . ' erected tn 1827. •

The ptemler o,· Japan, Marquis Salqnjt, teJI!porarUy will ·aslilulll~ the

·port!ollo 'of torelgn minister, made va" cant by the resisnation r~cenUy of Count ·Taltahtro Kato. · . '

' ' ' . . .. '

The San .Francisco boa.rd of super· ·visors has 'ordinance tbqng tb~ prtce ot gas at 85 cents per 1,000 fei\t Alld ·providing for a. ten pfi!r cent. re!luc~lon lJi the wat\'11" rate.

· DlspatclJell bn.1•e China by the of the pro-paganda . at that five Ma,rist missionaries ha:ve mils· sacred and their mission destroyed. . ' . ' .

Reports . froin the Artega dtstrlct, state of C)lihu'flhua, Mexlco, state that fines aggregat.i'!lg $127,000' have .~een f~posed on several mluers. of thnt · d~s­trlct for infractions of the stiUJip l~~:w.

Perfect weather marlted the annual. carnival celebration at New Orleans, February 27th, and ·enormous crowds witnessed the a.nnuo.l lJP,geant of his ma.;festy Rex. Prpnuo:~cuous · xnasktn~: was general. ·

It Is asserted that the ,pope bas ex· pressed his ln'tenUon· to holJi .a con· slstory during the first fortnight · of April alld create some cardinals, as there are now twe~ve vacancles·in the sacred collega.

Judge .Trlebor, ln the Un1te4 States Weatern State!~ .Sh!)W Remarl<able Co.urt at St . .u>uls, fined four members

Progress. ·· ot the C~~orpenters' district council and· tbelr organizer, adjudged to be In can·

A repo1 t prepared .bY tM Census Bu·. tempt- at court, an a.gg1·egate, wltb reau tor t,he uae of the congressional costs, ot $1,600. · .

or WMn there ls a more or lesa Important

9rhsll$ comell at An Awkward Tlmo f~Jlei'itil. the 'tramps gather· at the Nilt· ' J ancl 'M•y Embarrass Moro~can Cqn·I.~:;!~;~Q~m~a~r~~ea::~~=~~ .• ~elected by nn

fl!lrence """'Trouble . Is Over Al'ltl· ·Church Crusade. · ·· · . . . Paris.-Like a bolt of liglitning-from . . '

a clear s'ky the ltouvl~r Illlnlstry wp.11 de!eated lp; tbe Cban1be1· of Deputh~s Wednesday, n1gbt and Immediately. te· liltned. · · · ·

The • .Cabinet crisis 'c.omes at a;, most tira~aUc niomimt, when · tbe Frlmco- .. She---:-Do ~·ott co~~lder it unhlc~ty to German contest hils .reached ,a: elects- on Friday: He-It's to -ive stage;'l,\nd may exeJ't an lmporta.n.t 'poor old Friday. wl.tb ·a su1·e

. . p;.,:u•s lllte tbaL . · . · adve.rlie lnfluen'ctl on' tbe Algech'ns con-. ' '

terence ap,d on European atfnlrs .. ' ' .

The dllfeat ot the gov~rnment ca.llle on a comp~ratlvety' minor debate· over the cJiqrcb disorders. ').'he govern· ment' succeeded In holding only 23-i YQtes, while the various . plemeuts In opposition-Clericals, Socialists and Natfona11sts~united nnd. polled . 267 votes,, thus placln's the 'ministry in a

· 'l(). 'Pl'Ovido to~ Good Health throughout; tlie term o11 o.long Ufo,-~uko ·Gnrfteld T~r Ns.~ro•s medicine; it lnsut·es a no.tural action ·of-.....~ livei·, kidneys, stomach llolld 'bowels a.nil'll:ceps t no blo1>d pure. Send · s~mple. Gt~rllcld 'f"Ca ,Jo', 1 ~wo}Ayu,·~. Y, MeJ~.tiou ~hls paper.. ·

Fish tnalte excallent eyen fishing· stlmulntes Uon. .

' '

brain rood; the lmng'lna· ' .

minority ot 33. · Premiei·.RoltVIer,wlt}l all of bls · Worth u.uowtnt )eagues, Immediately proc~eded to the :...ihat Alfoock's nrc ~he orlglnal and oply foreign office, wh·e're a joint lettel' ·o~ genuh;l'e porous plo.ster5; all otller IIO·called .resignation was prepan~d. Lnter M. j>orous plaster!! arc imitations. presented this letter to Pres· · !dent Failleres, \vho accetltetl it. Tho A. blrcl In the Is wo•·t~ 12: or, Pre~ldent announced-· his intention of more on '+ .~onnot. · . consultlpg the .presl<\ents of the Sen- · Mn. Wtn•low'tll'loo~n•o~r rtyrup, ·ate .nnd Chamber of D('ltuties to·mor· Jl'orehtldrCIJl tootb~n~,t, oofton• tbe ~rutu•, rei\ueoa •II'

'llalllmr.~•\ll.,&aat.JIII&In,uure• wllldOOU<l. ~ • botU.. row rela.Uve to the .formation o£ n new C!,tblnet. · The 'mnrrln~enhle n!\'e goner!llly <le-· . 1'he debate hi the chamber Wits on ponds on tho t~lze ·,,: the. bank .u<'<'OUitt,

the bloody rlot ye'stcrda.~' dur\~g the r .. (l\Vis' Sin,;; Bint.ler cignr-rlcllru>t, most taking (Jf nn· inventory of n .cl~urch ln. '"\\sfving am!)lce 011 tho mllrko~. Your the vUlage of 'BoeschepE', rt,)sultlug \n dealei- or Lewis' F~ptory, p..,orla, Ill.· tile death bf a manifestant, . --

Yarloul! orators severt•ly Cl'\tl!lisod 'some men ,,j .... "\l'<ittgN'. In ndve1·s1ty the goverr.:ne·nt's com·st',. ass~rUng. than Itt P.t·osperllS·. · that it .threatened lO \H'<'Cipifa.te a l'& . TO CUitE A (l()J,D tN ONE DAY liglous \Varfare. 'rake LA X A TlVE llltO~lo Quinine 'l'uhtet». llrnl!'

Premier Rouvler reSIIOUdC!): • ''The &lata refund tlloll0Y If ~~ tall• to· curo. E. w.


"' •

iOc. I pa~k~ge~ · ·AI math 'nourlabmtnt aa 3 loat.ei of bi'lld .. · · ·Dr. Price, the. fa~ous food expert, the cre-ator of pr. Price~s .Cream Baking Pow~er"anlf.Deliciou~ Fla.vor~ng Extracts •. hl'ls never been .compell~d, notwtthsta1~.du1g strenuous Food laws .• tl) c:hange any o~ his products .. Th~Y· I:tave :atld ·;;dways. )Vi~l conform to their requ.i,e-­ments. This is ·an ab!olute guarantee to their qualit1

. ~nil nnrit·"' . ' .

committe,e on manufactories discloses . Tbe·Russlan Cabinet has declded to that tn tbe percentage 'of IDCJ'ease .in establish. local committees· in the nntnber of hiQ.ustries and value of 1 products -nlanufac.tured five of tho far provinces eonalatlng of o.flicla s, western. states leads the list. In Ok- zemstvolsta and peasants tQ assist the the last five years capJtalln· agrarian banks to .deviae··meanl! fo1· tha vested ill manufacturing increased 361 more protlt~ble' wor~ng of the soil. per cent., value of the. production, 200 Dr. William Hill, who was present per cent.; number of establishments, a professla:Q,ai capacity at the· bir~h 107 pel,' cent. and nuJllber of employes, William J. Bryan, and who. consul 141 per cent. • ' at Sarnia, Canada, during Oleveland'l

QROVI''8 alll'uaturo 1.1 on ellCb box. 2:io.

government bas the dutr to apply the --- -· J!;;~~~!~~:~~s~~~~!!~~!~~~!~~!!~ law. lt. will apply lt wit bout weak- Proor of tlw pollli<oul pudcllng lies ln. nes.1:1, · bul llltlo wltll tho lll'UUI:'m::e, t .. e ph•tn <ll><tt·lb•Jtlnn. , and wisdom consistent with public trailqullllty. ·I na~ th~ ndoptloll of 'a resolution approving these declnra· .

Indian Territory ranks on a par with first administration, dled at Bloom.lng• Oklahoma with an increase of· 200 per' ton, Illlnols, March lfit, aged seventy• cent.' in the ·value· of manufactured mar seyen years. . · terlals, 215 per cen,t. increase in ca.P" . At a tneetiilg Marc4 1st the 'Mptual ltal Invested and an~tncrease of 160 Life directOr's took steps to sue the Me·

. ~er cent.: In the number of estabUsb- cur'dys for $750,000, an~ wm. engllge ents. Nevada, Idaho and Utah rank Joseph H. Choilte .as counsel. The1

ext. There was a decrease In number also Indorsed part of tbe A1111strpng of manufacturing el,ltablll:Jliments de· ·report. and accepted the 'resignation ul sp~te an increase in outp'9t and· capital ~:Jtuyveaant Flab. . · lnvested'ln a majority ot tlle states, Having accumulated a tortune estt­due, lt is ~tated, to· the consolidation . mated at upward Qf $1,000,000 bY ln·

· of small enterprises·. The increase of vestments tn Wall street, Thomas l\1 production and- catlltal l1;1veste.d in all Hllllai'd, ro.r many years manager ol

· the states runs. from twenty to two tbe Waldorf-Astoria, ·nas severed' hh bundred per cent. in tbe flve years. con:nectlon wlth'tbat hotel and retlred

from business )lfe. . . Prepared. for Ar.ctlc · R&e~:~.arch. .Fire at Bridgeport, Connecticut, on

. Captain Mfkltelsen, who ls ~ to wake the 27th Ult., destroyed the bi; factory a tour of the northern part of this c~n· of the Stal' Shirt Company, enta111nB

· ttnent, is about ready to lea,.ve !or the a losa of $7p,OOO; Seven hundred West, says a New York dlapatch; His opemtiVell were taken ,oul sleagea and other paraphernalia have safely, but MrEI. Jennie Heaphy, a~ed been arriving from England. He will· forty·two coUapsed . from exc.ltemenl

. buy his shlp ,at San Ftancllico upon his and died. arrival there. · Sult 'brought at 'Parla by Countea• . A few days after his· arrival here, Bonl de Castellana {tormerly 'Anna

-Captain Mikkelaen laid his plans · be. GoUld) against her huabud ·ror a. SoP' · tore the American Geographic~ So· aratlon wM reac}led u.pon th11 doc~el ~lety, wltb a statement pt ~e unex· ot the ftrst tribunal of the Seine, bqt petted sltuatioll ln whtch he, was the· court adjourned the case · tor .a :place(}. · due c:on~lderaUon the. fortnight wllen a date tor the heartns . society decided to present to him the w.Ul be' bed. ,

tiona of tlie -government." · · The .resolution was tllerNtpon pllt to

a· vote and defeated. The 'i't-fllllt was due to a combination of opposition In· fluences. The vote was moi'o cxvres· slve of personal nntngo11i~m to the ministry than opposition lo church iii• ventorles. .

Prior ·to '~le CabinE>t crisis, q,.e Franco.Qerman conhoYersy over !>to· roccan control seeine1l to be .in the balance, ·wltb the inclination strongly toward an agreement. All devendod upon Berlin'!'! laat word. If tills was a frilnk concession of a T·~r~~n~~~~~~~~~:. polfcy "'lthout lmpossi\.Jlc then agreement was assured; . but . the concession hivqlved. further condl· tioos, France, wh,tlsc prldl.' wna · nl· ready much arouse<l, was prepared to reject lt. The foreign office stated the sltuntlon as follows: , .

"The teported Ge:rman concession ·has not been communicated to us, and we are tb'erefore unable definitely to state what action . ma~1 be taken thereon. One thing, howevl:'r, ~an be stated with absolute pos\th·e~ess ..

'namely, if the German concessl.on of :the pollee question Is condltlonfl<l upon · International supervision it win not be f accepted. · · : ·It is generally beltev.ed tltll:t M. Rou· vier, untll his successor Is appointed, wlll continue to carry on the same policy. ·

entire s'Um required to .enable hlm to •·castle, . Gout~t the magj,lft1Jent THE CHINESE BOYCOTT. l~ave tor the· North on hls owu 'ressel place· pJanne(l bl Howard _ ail soon as there !.s any possl,blllty of: 1'1 . ev"r be built tn court In

h W 1 n "' • It Has Not .seriously Damaged Amerl· pushing thr'Jugb Be ring strnlt ·into Clty, attorneys tor Howard the Arctic ocean. The 'Mikkelsen ex· announc~ he had abandoned . ca·n Tr'ado, . pealtlon is going to Bank's Land tbe project. Tpe jury~ with· a colored . waahttigton.-In view of the wide· under the ;Joint auspices of the Royal'>re:ins.n, ordered Goulu to JlaY $65,000 spread reeling rqgardlng the ettect of Geographical Society· ot LOndon and to the contract<Jr. the Chinese ,boycott of American the American Geograpb_lcal Society. Replying to questions in .Parliament • goods, Scm·etary Metcalf ot tllf' De-

the Javanese ~ovel,'nment announced · partment ot CQmmerce lind Lnbor has the Intention of adopting the two given out a statement showing_ the y~ara• co'nscnptlon plan and. explalned . amount of exports from tbl~ country that, whlle tucrefl!!lng the .wll'r estab. • to· China by m·onths, July, 19\l4, l..o .Tan· Usbment twenty·three per cent. Jt 'uary, 1906, nnd t:1·om Juty, 19115, to Jan· would only involve an il.dtUttonal out· ~uaty, 1906, respectlve).y,


Experrenco of a Mlnllter Who to Think That of Coffee.


"A descendant of the Danes, a na· tiOJ'). of coffee drinkers, 1 used coffee freely tUl I was 20 )'ears old," wrlte•

·a clergyman from Io"a. ••At that time I was a student at a Biblical Instlt11te, and. SUddenly became aWare ·Of th• fa«:t -that my nervea 'hild becolile de-

. moriillzed, tny brain- dull and 1111igg\sb and tbat tnspmnla was falltentns it•

· hold uJton. me. ·

of Jl,tSOO,OOO. · : It avpenrs. from this that tho j otal Dr. Ott, Ktng Edwiltd!s Marlenbad ·.exportll for tllo seven montbs ('ndiilg

pby~1ctan1 has takeu tbe occaalo~ of . Jamtary-, 1S05, amounte.d to $Z:\,432,94S, bls return fro)tt. htlf \'l~lt to England whereas for tile seven months ondlng to publlcty· lJ:eny the rumors Ol :the ·January, 1906, they equnled $28,862,680, Jqng's tnness: These, llr. Ott declares, ·or n total Increase of $5,429,732. are malfcl'ous Snvent:tona, possibly Tbe ahipments of cotton cloth gomlR traceable to-'PollUcal motives. He 1unra for the vei'lod fitst· mentioned King Edward was never in .belttelt 1· amount~d to 112,947,530, whllc for tho health than at . .vresent. seven lD..,Uths ·end1n~ January, l!IOG.

A.,.C:~f~l~!L1~ D ·they wcro $19,606,848, · . r.: 't'~ J There Waif liltewtse· an lnereaso In

... ••.'" . •,, ' ' ' ..

,lor Ilifants and ChUdren.

·The Kind You Have· '

·Always Bousht <»

B.ears lt~e. eigna~

of •

In Use·

· For ·Over· Thirty Years·

- .


W. L. DOUOLAS ··s~&·3~SHOESfli w. L. Douglae . CJit Line·,


: · "t was loath to bellevl)·that the11• · . ' Jltbtngs came from the eoiteci t was

~ •drinking, but at last w'M forc'eli to · :· that c~nicluslon, and quit flo · · ' · · · "1' was so ·accustomed to ':a ,bot tilble

re1su ~ · exports -ot , romwr tngms. ~(!

~~-p~~~~;-~~~~ amou.nta being .stared at $1,478.19'7 for tbe .l)ottod ~ndlng ja:nuaJ'Y 1905, and

If you ate wllllna to work we can give you 11 chance ; you wlll not aet rlcb, bur you can earn ·a fair income (mln, or woman). w,rlto .\Vlth r"ferencct. · co

.on,e·tllLltd ··3,19G,SGQ fOF the tmrlod ending Jnnu· Ch11cill 'at')", 190G, ' '

A . Ml\rly ,10.0 -per cent. is of tnlnernl olls,

' and felt the· need,_ mmb, that .atter a:elta~iJ!.f.e!tf:r«iWL ~i:•f·

a time and

:::~.~i·1 ~ent bac" to n. tlmes, but jl}waya -'''"' d;(al\1

" . . ·f'l',t\1tA . '~SU\tB. 1 ~ad. abOut :mv:· n!lnd tll;e.t co1ree· was .a ·~e•a'es)ittrlr.J•.·tM


·tor tbl;! , 19M, be·

they were, orily 1)orlod of ttme

" ' . .

m .A

' ' • • • ta·seRtt·o . ·. H~ S. HGWLAND,

l ·Ma.dlson Avenue~ . ·N~w York Chy •

' ' ' . . " tba.n tbliY cotton

01- $311!).­an<l mln·

. . . . ' , . •' ' .. r,


' '

. '

., '

• ' ' .

j ,, J





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• '


alackf The l••dioti.i, they 80ii tbore, An"us 'N. M, ·Mar.·l3,, ~~:=

'*'bil"' wo lwld tl•~ t~uuk. E"d'•tor Ou•Jni.,.. · n "" " · " "'""~ • tbe· ex~~)f~jve " lltl- ltrapaper ~erofed to "•l•terest of . For Jbat. b!Jy Bevenf;(e, you·see, ~~arSir.~Wcare'~l~d fo~o~jce ,. To tl)e :PC~ple Qf the: T~t~i~orv

WWft Oaks and I.JsCOII CD~;, M. Frumlnji~tn-:co, tbat Mr •. Wlener hit$; of New Me~ioo~ · ::··-.:. -":- -- --- .. ":..:::::::.::.:.::::-_,... - And our only Rnct.eo · an ex.planation ~n the '!latt~r .of In accord3~ce WJth the · ~~tab· P•bt•llcct ~ ... ~ ... ,. Tll\n'"'du,.·. ot A •btl tuerqu .. •·o, the roa«.l contract, It 1s a ste-n. lisbed custom ·and by vJrtue of ;;:::.. ---- ··- ·-.:~..:.--c:.::-. .. ; ~-:- :-:::.:· ,-:-l :· ,: With t,l,• Rort~turial .b•ta, · tl•at public opini·o,. baa at I~st the la.wa Qf tbe te.rtitQry of. .N~.w ~·· "..: ~~dletlfe, 11

!ltor and ''b. ·~·hey tuz~ed ue 1o t~jeep whb their penetrate;d his htde, but fr?~ ~~~·.Mexico ena.~t~d for that purp9se; V.ntillrl.!d n• Rl'4l<lllll>i'IIIMI matter, ltoptclllbut ~~,'"1 . Jillgaml\rrc. ' ,/- poin.t of view ~is e~pJan.~tio~ a~~' t 'b~reby desj.gnate Fr, id'"ay,Marcb ·, ·. '

• 1101. Ill powl tlftlce •• WbtU• Onll •• NI!W ··~ rn, Tl ' I ·. . J n WlJat I n ' d tJacletlhe "''" of t:t.>Ufi'MI l)f Mllfnlv Zit, 18711. le r J &t .. g~ .m .... ree, not 10 ~ny way ~xp a.t • . : ~' 30th, 1906, ;'U\ ' Arb~r .uity'' an I '•

-,- .. ·---~·- . - Thth·jlg-gn-mtt .. ~ee- wewantt<~~~()Wis,_wJJy.dadt_h~ re4;ommepd t)lato~ ·tha.t·daythe.js··, u-... lt. BAK .. E':. ~SUPSCIUJ'TION PrtWE. . 'I bey .put us to itlael' w~ib tbelr board ref. use to. give . the · con-_ pe()ple irt' all ·partM of the ter;ri-. One Y"ar (m Advnnc"}· · · · .Est.OO jigg~tm!lree, tract to Mr. CbandJ~r?· ... fory· turn aside frQm- tbe.os;di·i · .... ~ .. , .• If nuL pu:id WJlhtn !I mon.,!.hs. · ~.50 ; .,.-::' :-r ....

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- STATE HO 0 D ~:.,~;:(:~:~;~~~:~i~~~·:·~:! ::::;::. :O:.'f: ~~~~':':"::,~ ~::.':1':."/b;.:';t.:'-ta:\::;- . ·' .. ' -ali ki11~s at . . 1 ·• · · .· . -HAS GOt~rE tiOW11,pupercorf.(!11pOodcnt. n~.o:!lo- filet, they proeee4 to ADV_Atf~ gro~nl\s, places and ways, and ,in PAIJL 'M'" A·.' YE· R' s· : .. '.

,.. • '

m~ to. muk .. o n ~ort of l>•.m (luix- Boo-rn $150 L W~RE HFHI:\;l>~ADE ~.ucbotbcre1fortsobs~rvance.and · . ., ·:. · · . , . ·· · · GL1MMERING ntelltu.,·co CHI tho North ~ole th~ msnoNJ>. NovJfBoOt_b was so exercisesassballbem harmony · . · • ~ . , .. .J.._ , .

• -·-·..... <:omingaummm·,inu_tmlluqo, .~~much· .more ··~sponstble than withtbedayso~stabbsh~d •. Tlie ·· WHlTE OAKS.,·N.EW'·MEXIC,-0 .. ·. FORJUSl A LllTLE WHIJ.E reuchw~,ttbt• p,;Jo tboy w·lll bnul! Cbandlerwbydsdbe have to be dayabovedesigriated shall be~ · , ··- ·, · · ·.

Atm Til£ H1'ATEIIOOU Lf.AUVP.ItM, .11 p "n•d .H~!hl nnd Jflllf't ~' hm·cniie paid .i~ advance. when C~andler holliday in all the public s~bC>Qls , , . · ·· ·

UHTEArtOF 'TOiliU"CfF<.JUTII£~£· willthrmv New Mo~h~omoon .. offered to complete. the work and of the terdtory. artd the cnunty , . uo ~~D. F.(~R f1 ... o·f· ~· n· l .. JT~J.· ·, AI.TJIINU~IIA.VEOtcLl' UEr.:. \VAK1', 11bino intc1.hyittoraqH, potasl~ tor a dolJ~r u:til tne supe'rintendentsof the vapous 11 lflfJ · " ]. J.J. ill lJ UUTJIEU' \TJNIJ. ----· ·-·-··- ..... ,.~- wholeJObwascomplete,d. ·• countie'sarebereby·a4~onu•~ed, TB.E · . ·. .. , .

· , · ·- . . Tho IlnMwcll ltcf.(i·dor nnd tho r. W~ener also Ktat¢B that ·he to give notice of tbi~ pr~Jama-:- · , · 'fhc HenatC' after paMKillg' _the ·ri·ihuno bi;Vl,l llOOfJCIItdlllod nntl had a rJght to draw 4 ~warrant tio~ to the teac .. bers u~der . tO n· o· UNO TR. 'IP R ftT' ES T'o··.

Foraker anwndmcot Lr a maJor· 111;,·.-.nftc,i· thc•y wt·ll llorvo np j111 t after·the board bad abJOU~ned, their direction and to use pat'tic· . . . · .I'\ . . · jty of thirh~c•.l procc~de_d to lop MltJfl' urulor tho hvpl)(mutotl DIUJII• to himself,_on a contract that~(), ular care.and'atte~tiot) to p~omote ' MIN' NEI.:!(·). *PA.' \ ' ofTNewMextcoan<lAnl' .. una en·-~ 't 1, . .1, b 'I'b t tb•'J bondhadbeenfiled for, andQn by allpropermeansattbeu•cum. ·ARKAN~AS , • "' " . · . h o ~~·I(.IHtor- 1'1 llfiC", 11 " • · · , h f . · '"''ISSOUPl llrC!IV from the Lull and sr.t t em 1: 1• ·••ill L 1-11 .. llf' whacb not one dollar$ wort ·O mnnd th~ observance of the day COLORADO ,.,. " . . . 1 uow com •mu 1011 ... dO qt ... · W d 't ... . .,. NvBRAI.:!lr' adraft on the desert wtth on Y" . • J • l ,· 1 f 0. 1 work bad been· done. e QU ·by tb·e school children in all sec- ILLINOIS · I'J Q ~a. ·

. • Wd~·~·Jf·(JVICOOCOC •Y, 10 II • . 1 f . R1'0RY ~ NORTHDAI\Ol'A' fc\V ditVIl ratJOf)li and no Bever- I l 't Ill I • I h lt'l y rcpnh. tbmk SQ, and good awretsare~ tiotisof the territory. lftbe day INDIAN rER I . ' ' . 11

1 111 1 " ru,vocr&

0 011 t h · · that the cbaxrman · · IOWA OKLAHOi\fA ·

ag_c at a . . . . . licun princtplu~:~ 1ll1d I htiB ho " I'll. t ~ opmaon . .• . ' . is ob.c;erved as at sb~mld . be: ' MlCHII.:l "N ' •. WJ..:.I''ON' sl I \;T ·. And the aontl~·m11Q from Indt- · . t 1 1 · . t' ·put bas foot mto Jt when be dt'ew homes and our country will be u""~ ""'"' ... - 4'1

. lruum·utc.•r u t ,,.t t omuow tc N . h :.t • h . . . . . L OINT. IN T.HL' SC)U'rHE' IJ • ., . ana--who for.tiH~ pa~t three yeurs ,.. · b 11 ,1,1 p · 11 · 111 that warrant. eat er "oes " made more beautiful and tbts m . ,· AND.AL P ; . t;· c. . • a.Q.~:· , t . 1 ,.,,.,mat u c . 10 ccu~'~ VII oy ,

1 •

1 tc

or more hn~o~ bl'cn. tl'}'llll!' o wor' · J 1 h 1·• attbmpt t() . exp am w sat· too itself will teach patriotism and -=~===:=:;:;::;;::VIA--:;~~ .. ===~==~ . 1 1 lu ht~ onujlrntnlnlc' ou l 10 .. caur It 1. t·" . h . ::;: . = . up n reputahun nK t tc Ktar >I'On· f h . pace at .J•e Recret ses~non, w ~n make the generataon soon to as- h co buste.r ot the nge in hiR r&ttcanpt It will dorivo ,&'OlD l IS now uc .. the li\heriffwas prese'nt a~<l ~9cke4_ some the duties of titizensbip a El Paso & Soot . western to force the l>cor•lt! oJ New Mex- qt!idliiun. , up jn a ba\:k roam With the com· .home loving, country lo\'ing. pe~ · · · · · · · · · ' ico and A.-imna into un unholy ~I · · 10--·.--.--r Tl:& -"'~:x missioners •. Whr don't he teU 1>le~ a natiuns rich treasure in ROCK.· ISlAN~O ' .. hancc-hc hilt~ only succcetlcd m 'f110 Now O••lunml· hc•,lrd nt us w.hat be dad· wnh that $150,00 time of peace and best defense in gettinfl' bimRelf thrown anrllmm· huullh nJ'll e~llol'inJ,ftu'tmy. cush h' and wh~t use it was put to. !t time of war. THE ROVTE ·OF dcd all rL donkey. And Rodcy I •wlwol clflldJ'A.lD un lho numhor nf certainty did nc,t take $150'00 Done attbee~cutiveofficetbis · ·,

·Whore, wber~ j~ he? Onlv lcn:n .. nwt~quito!l thoy. ~utcb. · All worth of powder to bu~lcl that third day 'oi .t\farcb, A. D. 1906. THE GO-LDEN STATE· ina ~P a(tuinl'lt the bnclc ''nd of vuung11t.t•rt lu~ve to dct I»· 10 ua:i"~ road. ~e <toes not•exl,)lau~: ~b~. , Wi,ness my hand and the great . . . · · . : ·


• •



• .. tho httJe COrll\,'1' groct•ry munch- tho hiiiH-UI' fiC'Ill(l14-ol ''',~' 1\'lll•. . out of the. · Jatl Meal of the territory of,New Mex• rr·Eo' . lnll peanutt-1, 1uld htR Wl'ctth, und mlnl~t lhuy buvo cuplt~a-cll, . ldVC have ~een workinfl.()Jl tbe toa4. ico. ·

• fiaurln« ont t?u mmH Heclndctl lhom .cmmt"d :uuJ JrOt thoh· mon- N~w 1? ~~not~sion;_th!. pe._!)~~.le, .By th-= Governor.,. . J'l'o.,. Fui.l· Particulars Seo .any Agent or uc!.di'es'tt ,. '( nnd unohtru~l\'<! wny to dl"poKc ''Y un thorn., fhls ttt ttx,,octed tn thas vactnttY' hav~ fullr._._aect~ea. ·· (Seat.) · H. J. HAGERMAN. ·· · •

J • 1 t • t ,GlR~.El' JU~G • · · · V • ft., STILES uf bit' l\enutori11l toga for a woo en ho olwnpot· tb11n P••y•nf! « I•Otnr. that it wa& A put- u_p lOb, on he; J. w. RAYNOLDS. General :.\.runt : Gener,al P~urtll:ngerAge~tt,- .. tthlrt. hlll.ltt chu·anll n yftllnw fever c:>ru- p~rt of Mess.r~:o. Wien~r Q.rid ·secretary of New··Mexlco. · · • • .EL·P.ANO:TF.XI\8. .

A .. Cor the rcHt of u~. we need ·dem•c. l!nt those scm:IIWiltt• KrO\lSC, to gtve the con*ra;et tq . ,' --·· :--:-r·--; 'il. .: :::. ;;4

, , • • • • • ',ur· ;! ;; :: ' · ·~· · '\ ' ',., ·: ':-7'~>.~-not l'ODl'crn ourMi'lvc~ vtT\' nn1cb iollllllwrn 11111lllOJor · uis:rht~·. wo~ •t Alleriff r,tt the expen~e of,tbe· A dhtpatcb · frpm. . * ~ * * * ·~ * * * * * * ~ * ~ * * * * * ··» ·)(- * * .* *.*. *.,~ .. ~.:.;,t. ovc•· 1.tntr.hood muttcrtt, nod cs- ho Ill~ muludiuns n& tboy ·_WCI"U in tax p~~oyers • .lind w~en ~be right sttth~s that ;Mr. R()der. was very *' 1,l'ci,

11Jy ov~:r the rnnttcr or nmat. time gon(l by. . timu. come~ tbev·w•ll remember ~uch dis~ppointed at.the ,vote in. * · A:L·,··L K·JN,· -··DS *

&fllllllltion with Ari;tOUI\.' No J'C- ' 'V" -i'Jii'l ;· ;r=-..-r';7. these ~rentlemen if tb.ey bavt; ·tbQ senate on fhe statehOOd bill. : . ·... ' '"1i)l._ * pgcnt it~ Ultcly c!ver to be discov· ·'l'he po~plQ of St. Louis who the nenr~i to ever pr~sent tbeni· ~e connot be m()re di~apoointed * : creel tba t w111 bl'lnll \Ill' in to yer· TtaVt! il~t·n paying tolls at tho mte sclveja ·f~r· election ~~in. As to, w~th the r~suU, tha~ the peo~le of * . . -... ' · *' teet hurmon)'i ns the lute flnsc() of $5 for each freight car and $1. the selhng Qf county property, ~·ew Mex1co are wtth Mr. Rodey . : *' ,

• '

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bnRlabundantl); J)fOVl'n. All t-hat fo; te~ms. r.rosBhlg 'tbe Gould all w(' know is that .it should f~r' i~ the matter. 111

, nr.F ·~ lH neceMMury will b'! for UK ~o ·briclgo arc r,eJl~ctina deeply, n()t havo been put upat .pu~!ic ~~le . .A:cco"riti;.;t;the -:;stianate"f" tic· . 9f ~ · ; , , '· . · foiJQw tb: even t_cnor of our way to say hotly, that tho money went and. rtot sold t.o favo~e:l :tndtvtd• Mr. !Gifford Pincbot, the ! ,. · .. * ·

11n,l tttateh.ootl wall come to Uf' of to meet. Coun,t Boali's extrava· uals at private $lie, ~ who ts paid by the : . . . ··*: •

our o_wn ragllt nbout m•tlo.on ns "nnce and debauchery ill Paris. Tti~DJsaA1-mtrJE~ '>~A~AYER. • * ·,. ltJN .. TJNG • JOB WQR. 1{· .. · *' we ru·c renll\' rendy to. llBliiUmu miJov tb;nk thut th~y are ent1tletl . , , . 'for e,etablishaog: and * · · ·· . · . . ~ ·* th t II h " n ibllity + ' 1;· ";'" • ·--..,-: · · t ;;;;;;a forest reserves over rane-e - ,r. . .·. , ~ · ·· · · . · · *: ·· n • ll res,.o

14, • , • · to o. rre"' bthl 00e ncross the Mi$.. · · ·~ ~ *

W 1 tt t1 1 Hd f 1 tl , .. IIBR£ TOO.. ·tne rental of these Jandtl will . ;sic .• · . * 1 >e '" tn~ 0

a·na roll s, ~lsslppi on .. aencrnl principle~, , brin~r in to the ·. t.Tnited States . * · · · . · · \.1 the openma: up of nnmcnne boU• and the pQint' to their arguml3nt . · · . · * · N. EATLV AND QUICKUY D'ONE AT 'THE * h~R of coal, uhd. rlcb clcposi~s of gets red 'hat when theY· itguro 'l'be follow1p&" fr~m the Mm- treaa.p~y fully.o?e million dollars * · · · · · .J. • • ·, ·, :

the more J>t'ccwus mincralR. ta• up tlmt they. have been paving lng Report~r, pubhal,\(!d "t Tre$ \)er :v.ear •. Tbas ts just * ,. • . ~ ken tO&rt'tbtH' with homes tend en• about $9,00Q,OOO to buy a f,oollah Pled~t\,R, 'tb~s ter~Jtory,. has Jaad mor., thlJn.was ground OQt·of * 4 • OUTLOO.· :K OF Fie .. · .. e·. ' * trii!K b'1hur tnaclc at tbo rl\te of American "'irl n pinchbeck title se\$etlil forctble aUustrations. of ~•glnal ~e~Uers·o~ Iowa, * ; , *

1 1 t 1 d t o .. .,.. · 't t · tb • th' "'a ...... ,the t-CllAessee.or·anytbeotber * . , . * an lUtu rec oer ny n ur sev .. • worn by 11 llttlc, cigarette smolc• 1 s ru 1n . ~s "" r~ ·" . . · · . . . .• . . · . . · . * ~ . · rat land ohices we need ba.vo no lilg, monlccy..;faced Parisl.ati .tt~. · . ., _, .· .• .. , "· _. ,.~ .: ·~ t~rr.dor~f:s annua~ly up to . # * * * * ·* * tt *· *·• * * * * * · * .W * * * .* ~ *· * * * 41 *· * it~ fcarM that nn cat•ly nnd t:woa•nb1o rounder With tbe moral~ Of th«l · -~~e de~ttibon· . .:•ven fiy ~be ttmc·whmthe lntertor ·Depart . . • .

eonsldoration of onr claHM for alum9/' ... - ' .Dad~ Mlnmr ~~cor;d ,of a. pro-- Mr. :·t:t:._a~.· ... ~a· .. 'PeJ· C:. e .. ~ ntral . n.,· a·il. way' . tlcpn.rate statehood, w111 Ion" ba - .... -----,

7: •. ll • » ,.Jnotert..~n'd thedi.fteren~,b~ween .,..-. ii:JI. &·All;; , J~

denied Utl. a, ' · a promoter and wHo , ~N c::oBNlj:Q';I'iON w:tT 'l'o thoso ,,cslmistic. people wbo Wban Hersey and ~cl,hn•n ~r~ El

arc tllWays looklnJl on the dark .ttiscover the ::q'ott11U~ot~·~1 • 1!t•ttex.. :$ay thiit a 1 ,

tdde, who would prefer A clotld pccted tbat ~be. n& o~ Q a ~tl . · wltbout A Milver lining, and who '\\Ult,avo to awe at • 9ivd, or ~n belleve thnt tbiK action malft1sln· ·uncivll ((overnmeut. remotlet tb.

• •

. •

~detlrtlte setback to oua· progrcaR, tnrdf, $ctn«l it a tow.reg1me'nts and adhlltiRlon" u " ~tate-th~y Unit~~. ·St.-tea tr;oops~, :eellll

. ., . ... ....


wUttu•otmbly d~•·ive aoma trtl."!&s... d ''~ urc of consolutil)n ftom th(~ aot..up a

SYAWiiONY IN ••10" •

Wet bM•e ~abur,d tor tlflt$bOo4 •.. \V" l\JYI Wt'Jtkod hi btJII CAUIIU, I.C(Itlil

·We l1~'' turuad ovor1 Ol\r'•''• lJ,~ve lf•}lplolt · at atrttWII l ·

lfopfna .«wor again•' t•opo, ·. . 'lfi. tn~tk~ our tlolnl.

Juj,·Utrf bon' baw boon flUlll No\·•y.ttl aJo'"'•

~ J ~ IJ' • • , '

·f~ttbo f.'WY&l lJonr~J«i tcm •o~, . ·txo• hJIMn .. it ~ ; · ·

" ' ' • • ' ) >

. . Ar.~.o'-lr.~twn "n«l o.._lt .,~~.~t~,+ ' ·01' alti.llquorn,.... ' .:" '.' ·.,;lJt~n~ . With lrla1))tJ>n.,.,..,h._, ll•ro~ ·

' I ' \

· · · ~~~~1rturntd 'u~t•U down whj\ a ' • ~ ~. J : · • .. r ·~~~,p·ll,.,~ · \ . j · • ..

f::~'i:~:>' . :4·1 , .. C~t."':4ll!llftt:i•• . . •

' '

' ' . ' ' ·• • .. ~ •• .:1.

' • I • • • I

. .!'$ • • 4i •

• '