· in the plant...

"\, , '. , . '. .,' ., , · , · . .. · . . ,.' ' , . '. , '. ' ,,: , . , . , . , ; " ,,' . '1" ,', . " '1t,' , C . . . , . .' . , , <,' ',c '*' . , .' , '. " '" " . . '. ' . l"sur4tnco Rgti"9, Is ltb CIa" . ., . . . Wlilell mt:l1l\ savlnltsg'l.'llefnUy pn••. . .. flro YOllr 10(,1l1 bl!jUtl.lUce. . Ilgcnc:les afe At work nuw m.a.klng .mt'nts on. pollctr.s since the crreclh'!'l datil . '\lr 'tl1e IIC\V ... nnll' April . J " i " . .. ' . ,.. -'" '. •• , - ,. ., ' . •• i, ' , , , ... '" ' . ' , . , . t , I: _ , , . , " , , , ., . P)CK I .. , ," >, , " , , .; , . , ,. , . . , ". ' , '. - ' I ',' IIronnd Town ., .. ,:BY /'Ios.ey WATERS- . •• •••••• " ," proclatme!l thl/! wel':k, M:a,y '1·7, 196'1. as lllel ponel Week.ll:1!- J$ II candldnte fo, Natlcm\ll JayCee rresident. This Is the I'ItS\ J,lmeanyone from New l',{exlw tlW> high omce. Hereside15 m Fe .,• * '" * . Ne\vs items dldn·t get to, cheek Qut before we lett. tla'y for ... Albuquerque: An4 nou,ncemC!llt tbat the owner or Rut•. dOSO may llave·com· pleled negotlatlons ror sale to an· olhir bIg IndoJ)('ndent coinplLnY: ,lind 1\ or chlnchlUa breed. ' ('r6 tllJ:; weck.end at ttw ChnparrM, •, BlIlnQone of tho 'ClvII Air PlI.trol several Ruldoso people llayCl aided In .. rOl) " prlvl\w plane bCltevc:d lost In tlle MeiU>;o-.. New ldCKICQ \lre4l this week. . .. '. * * * · , , ) . I , , ·',.Ii· " , ."'-', ."., L "" .. ," ..... - ", .. 1- ", ' '1'., ., "t I ." I' , ' .., ' .. ;,' ti-'"',,1;W -.,:" .," ,'" ,;"" '; <'f.,'" ".f,' .. ' " "Of#, "'-" _I _\' " '" ' \ '. " """.1/ '1", .. ,- " '-: :,.t,'" ", 't" .,., " .' " '. •. . " ,,,' , -", ',; '.:'" ... ; , "',','- ".' ,', ': <f., ,', f. ••• '. ' <" '., } •• " ' ' , , '., '\ ' ., 1\ .. " '.;f,..' · :'.:':, ,.' : . .. ' ....AnJlMt· .:eXPO 6-1. .' ' VQU.,9,J Ilprlpg anil. AlJ .it · ' II&I!V:f.S yoq ... ' Jnll)' not be .; , '. :, •. 'is::!' .' .. '. Call o.r by will . . .' help f ClU ,. , .' .. ', ... '. . '. , .' J;"::. ... :-l .'. DAN D. SWEARINGlN, 'Inc. . '. ' .... - os: '. .,., . ,' ,..;,' , "' .,.,... insuraoce J\eal _ Phone . RI''Y CLARKJll - , .•. '.' '. .• -. .: '. .' ...' .. ':. . ." .. '. "';' : '. . .:' .. '.fIO, ', .' .---, .... :. .....;.. ---- _: "?'" :-- "':": f- -- . •. .. ' .... -:...- .•'nVmOso. 'LINCOLN '. --: ... .' ... P.50 per Tear ·1J\·1.. lnC;f)!l\· COUna1; 0 C4i-, ., '. . Celani . 'Travel Writers Stockholders .. 'Robert . .Are Due Friday . Of All-Seasons' Clllnni ;li"acbee»"was Crowned Rill M 10 With a sonwrel1J lUI Queen o( the , 'Jhll'ty·t",'Qh-avel writer" 4Uld ,reet av COlorful 1967 t 0U f' counsellors, represt"ntlnll'. .. i, berore a full M\1Se Batu1'daf nIgbt, new:q:apers lind mngazlllCs 11.1; well '1 !ll' 26 IitOCkhOldcrs In U'nf esco.... Robe'" ..... ·nm'"M. J.... as Automobile AssQClation oWccs 11 I te .... .... •• •• "" ......... le., n. prvn corpo . l'C'Celved .ll. sombrero also, as Itfng _.Jl aU part$ oC ihe U, S, nrC) due Cor I.C n" I up hl\'ro It month al{O to pro. this year. nQbert O. Ander/i9n or a vl!>JL,hel'o Frida>' a{wtnoon nud ll1l't" I'xt,a toul'lsm bu.';jneSll tor tu.e t d th It th I }:-at\U'tfIW morning. Tho group In. Roswell Prosen e e roya· y .er wrHers rrom liUch publica. l'Ommumty. wHl hold tile lUl. crOWllS. 'I'M qUeen is the Uonl> l\Il ti'atIQn. 11IIa: "o,·k.ho:dlml "Jeet at 2 P.rn. " ,·or Mr. lind Mrs •. Paul \\f'cI. nn)" MIlY 10, lit the HoUdar Tinnie and tile kfni 4> the of TlmC:5 d , . JIM WIMB"R"Y ., lL.lll;'4.. .. . .. It &' ..... ec .. '. •. ..,tl11"' .. ., . '. ... .. . Mr. and Mrs. RQbe pman. Motor M'llgllzlnc. TheY \\111 !(lUI' the f,l.)('kho:d('r., III Ruldoso AU-se... :avll. bcd$ near Garrb:o%o, vlSlt pe k Wlemberly ',III: .IlIC' weluel": BnulcU'S' Dep·t, Ross Is Named" . CllJlltan llud Lincoln then IIrrlve In IC !W\'l'r IJolla.. at Tinnie: RU!. i"'" ''Ii. thlli area ror a tOUI' of Sierra BiancA. T n d cl.I" 're 11 phone Co.. & ommerc.c:u ", ... , . Ski and IWcrcaUcm IUCI\. 0 Id!.h " At\urne>'8; Sierra Blanca . For Phone Company. . Downs nnd the Ruidoso country. I' :! 11 . Inc. Lnkcslde EsmWB. SIer. n -'k B tt Dal!(ln W. Ros.'llui.sbCen ap""int- CockJ.nlYe I plll'ly Is pllUUllld by the Robertson .'. 1,1 WUII"I l\Illor Co .. .Ruldoso Na· ,.. . enne .... , kf 11' Id tn d I II ,'.1 I ',I. ('0 .. rtuldo.'o Color cable .. '" . cd commclI:cllll JJll1nageT tor :Rut· ,'I\ce c or I' IIY even Il' Iln d .,. I h Co rdl to a "upper \\111 follow nt CllllparmllV nit.' 1\Ic·arly Cofl.'ltruc:tloa Co., RI -t' es A're Held oso .e ep one .• aceo Motor Hotel. Jim Wlrnbc!'I)', ('Iectrlcnl ('011· tp,. \\ It"p. r,tIll Pill!.' COCfee Shop .' nn anllooocement made by 0., R, tru"lor nlld nppllnll_ dnnlnr Who I I " ,. 1 RI V I b r C .. .. I,.. , .. , 1'1:1 )1111111'0 ,.oom; I Simonds. general c:ommero1ll. man· u dO!lo al (ly Cham Cl' 0 am· I \\Ilfj tl eUlldlCtutc 10\ lruNIC'I' In 1111' In · Alb" . <e' all'cr, Dallas, RO/JS replaces auyS, mt-rcc ofCIcerli and mC'moor". memo 1",;( mlllllC'lJ:nl 1'lh'uOII, WII.'I 1\11- WIlli!), 1'1>' Ruld060 uquerque 11obertson.who ball resllmed to -.c. bers ,Of the Amblls,'llldorll Club lind pO.III('(1 \'1Il1\1l1' tl'll!\tl'I' for RlIldo:<o \V J WllIIIIIlW. Jr" Billie lbcl K,I4 copL 11 position With a luve com· ·lthels here will IIccompany the by .Mtlyor 1.lo>'d I •. [)"vl:l. Jr In \\u.dy 1.lquor. a.emg . James RIchard (Dick) Bennett, munlcaUofl." manUfacttu'.1ng firm. which will be trnvclu1lt In a III t 111urHltly'Il council mel'lll1B to A, ll, \'111'421' of RuJdoso, I>JlvJli Tlte News crewJolna witb the lnstrm'helltal In the development or Ross bel{an his career In thtt. bu."" Mrs, Bell UIIdlWlt tepre$cmt. fill Uill of Ouy L, nobert. Ill' ,t·llIpml'J;t:., In",., IIIgh CoUntry family Imd wUh .. rreatnumber of Albuquerque's Olel Town died Mon· telephone fndu.'M'IJn. 19iD when he TO MAKE MOVIES HERE- ptctured IQst week aathey vlslied 1118 tile tourist division of the Dc. ".lin Who has 1'l'SllrllCd W man' 10 I",d I' Hu.da.:.o Slnte BAnJt, Sierra New .l'rlexlcans week In day nlgbt In Ruldo!o. Hondo Vtll· Joined Mountain states Telephone ,Ruidoso Downs race track 10 confor with officials regarding t:l'rtment or Development, Slulta I: a Iil\;, Whl re hl.' 'vIII be nssocillt. Ruldo:1O Ncy,'!l. , hili' the: pasidnr or our (O(ld frle 1e'l Oeneral Hospital. CO. In the plant ROB' tho making of a 30-mlnu'le7 documentary color film 0.0 qual'- Fc, nnd Keith Bickell, dilltrict IlAlea cd wlUl IJltornnt:onlll Telcpho'lt' II: 111'1 U( e CabIn.. '!. and co-worker Dick An Bennett, 64, was dUlgent In the weU. In 1962 he came W\th RUidoso h f I Sid M Y k CI manngcr for Continental 1'rallwlI'/ll. nplr Co. 'Vlnlberl'l, VtlIa Inn. Clulparrnl Hotel. 'O._. I' 1"-'" co"""'l-·Io"· ,.: t r Old " .... .. lor orses aret. 1'0. mOl), ney aran, New or ty. presl,. '" "!II .. "" ••. lUmpoD nl'. r ........ y. -... "u, -, dove....pmen 0 AUWD as a Telephone Co. as .. PBX Albuquerque. nrc In th" for t"!'1 ,,"Aslon. WB.'l Ilworn Into' of.-''""U' ,, n\/Id·mllJUK're4. rOlltleman witb a tourLI;t attrQCtlon While be lived In man. In. 1903 he was promoted to dent of T. M. I. Productions; Stan TurtlebauQl, CIllO of New lour which WIll cover n Inrl:e pnrt flee ·by.... ;unleIPIlI judge Au:,t1n Investigate kcell of humor, he )eft btl Albuquerque. serv1ce toreman wacs again York, producor, and Jim Goodhue, AmClrlllo, coordinalor for of the . Prll,htt . Ouy Inekl't! 11 montw . lnllfk on JI 1 WM &olk>d witb Jdni, ; and hllIl Il\tc mother bought promoted In 1966 to plant. BUpclrv1ls· the American QUClr\9r Horse Ass'n. The trio talked plclns for A brt'Akrut at. Nob lUll rcstau. MJr\'JnIl IIh four.yrllr ('lcctlve Icrm Break.!ns-Oiililwav Alwa)'s bUsf. het Wall a 10 1&1 work- La COclna buildIng on the plaQ or. In h1s newly appOlnte4 ]lOBIUon. making a sfory for Pcuamounl films of quarler horses al Rul. Illnl llnd II visit to nUldoso DoWM AmcRl oilier bUlilness htlnclled \'lIhlKI' MArlihal \VjlI)b ot er lor nUlcJOllO and lIJa state. no 11 and opemted the popular remurant Ross wlU be responsible for all doso Downs. to bo climaxed with the running of tho 1967 . b on the tour Frldll'l bt'forc do. during the nlC'l'tlnU WM rurther dis. Hutdo"u DOWWl repoM Inw3Up. being lLcoorded (reJ't hOllor Iu hflC 'tor 10 years. Shops now OCCUP'l the commercial mattera In Rutdoso, AII.Amerl.can Futurity, rIchest horse race In the wqrld. Tho p:U',lng for Roswell, Some RuldO<o cU'jj<'on or ProSpt'I't1i or .1011 contmUlnll on break-ins ot t9WP. g( whllre. . /Ruldoso Downs, Cl.p1t&n' and .N'es· films will be shown 10 70 million pooplo In theatres through. tOlll'la will llCCOmpllll'l the party collecting It.'i 0\\11 1e mUlIICIp:l1 N Il on U. 8. '70 !n . n:Uh vhlQn ... he \\1!rked Jor man)' Bennett worked WIth Ircno CJITcro. b d" f h from Cnl'rlzozo here and on to Rog."li In ". 1'0\" IltUldlftd UU'o''''h Ihl' lIollYWJod with the Io!ItI of a ISl1lI.l1 ye "rs '0 preserv- and re5tcre the •• and out ·h'" world, Walt Wiggins, pu lie relations IroctoT or to""., .... ,. ' .... , f "r "tl"" and 1N\n' AlA Of' v. er, tormer -wbuquorque newspaper- Dalton, his whe Nell. a !On I .. !v _ well. twle ,buredU Of re' ....nUr. VlIIl\tl<> 1I1l1"t1Ii. () n.. c ... ... 'Y"" _ Town liectlon-40 hold 'for New woman, In Improving the plata and OrCA:. rcitldo in Ruldoso. ,\pother Downs said this weok. Televlsl,!n rights aret alsp n!!t· . 'rwo rcprtstmUltlvc1f or tho A.A.A cll'\'k.mannger Jim IIlne nnd Uln I" SliD m {'htl."lJCl fn,," · pan of Us :patri andherl- he Wia n rounder In the hlt>torlcal mill. Oary, Is preiJentl)' attending gotlQted by the T.M. I. concern with malor networks for will be accomJlt'II)1ng the IItnte. vlll1l80 a,torO(')'. John T1lolnJ):lOn. t>/liulllnC)'. II l.llnaU· amount ot tage. Nl'w Mexico wlU feel hIa t»elcty there, He &tressed the 1m· 'I'cxas Bible COlle1le In Houston. showtng tholt foolage on lhls year's race on sports shows, \111It. also. reportC'd on tht!lr InVI'I;Ugntioll 01 I han.:e from 'fhrda S1l1er'lI !'1ow'- ,lU Jlnord to folie .ach old portnnce of the plaza In many cMc TCXIlS as a sopbomQre. Wiggins saId. the prO!;lpt'cf'l all their vl.')lt to &lntn etl & O!lt5. 1c bb . y tunCUOllll. In Addition, Ros:1 15 aCUve In Boy . -..." .. -" Ff' la!\t Jt l"l tht" ronl't'n'lU!l t.lfllUl1h n bile wow, e }lorn In Chandler, Okla,. Dennett SCOut work wiUs the Conqulstador ." - •. ;.-;: , i or rooulcil memberll thaI HUllllo;() pollre wetro < * ** came to lJbuquerque In 19:18. He Boy SCout. Council. He Is .an or· ,. . .....: .":. ' ,' 1I1111WV'!lTluUTi(Uc purllurd furth'(.r "!or tJrrnlt.til of iher Joe;£-vvoc ......... 'A consolo ZCnlthlittlreo was glv· WIUJ marr{ed. 1n Albuquerque -:M dalne<!' mll11ster Wltb Vnfied ; , . .' t . I" ' '., . . AINT IT nnd'lhnl lho new method or collect- 11.1\1'1' In Indian UU16 where cCft1 en away Monday by Nunley's Drug years ago. Bennett. moved to Rut· Penlfico5tal Church In Ruldo8o ., ": . I Ini might brlnll more rl'\'cmue 10 \\n, Uilln('(i lImatlblni a wfnd<rtt In Plnm Dee lUI'fln openlna' event doso tOUr years alto to work with Downs. , THE Ibe vl1!ngr.', RUt! nn undetl'rmlned amount .of priZe!, Brenda McGee or Ru1d<leo the RUidollO NeW's. He retired a Ro!!S slated lip .... ,. lo9ldnr j ", z;:tolen. was tho WlnJler, ..usa (1.\'el1 away fear allO or .!alllni health, to the aerv· ;. U·· '. H 0 tJ. ..,. Jf1U1Jn/flf. 1Utal Chevron 01111 r ltNll!l mlll.'JIna'. but lOillJ. _ 4 a'J :part of iho swro'" Sen'lCttil,wero, held. &t 2'lnltW TR T Wll!:l a c2!!.l!.rg .. ..._. 1ng··WM a Ronson bUt&no: tab1e •.. .. " ..... eLC04., .. _ ... ., .......... ; ·_·_·· .. ·..-<:onIHu:t- .. n nlc or AmarlUo. .. " ....... 048 GUN r f R nnd diesel rucb tor the villngl' 011 _ lijffitcf wonl)y-:F'i.wVance, iiltI an In w1ifch Mr. aM Mru. M UIC' blH!!1 of hill bid ot 1111 ('('ntn , Iru;I4-mMlccamera won by UAry Benilett wete active as Olty SurVey Underway ptr unllon on dh';K'1 nnd .Ia'm C'l'nt::l Ruidoso Optometrist Lob B<!th Are ot Ruldo- rcsldC!1lts. He ·was II member ot the '. . A Saddle "'or Your Pillow CJCI "\lOOI!!I!;, OUII': blddl'ffl wC're H"ads County GOP to ••• Order ot at. By Planner Here. A cowbo)'!\ lifo Alnt so bad, hell nll'l &11 011 Co.. b'1ltrld'u 011 Co, .. * * *rl 1 the lk:ett by Rotnr'l members ·Were lni'onned , .. 'II (lot ht, horllo. his \l btg nap. Bnd Humble 011 &: CO, Ur IJ"I(' "::l:= Here's some hlsto ea We& r an a reGS pe orm w or the survey beln(t made tor the P'l hilt nn lCll'S hill saddle blanket ltIue reported 011 delayn III Mil. arl-.I. 1\n:J t' (' ,e ___ .. ::::0 city by Chambera and campbell' of· :'1 fer lIdJIC<' Pllllh Pad . ueslngobt the Iltruellon or lhe muniCipal SWim. ""-'U "" .... . - .>tI. . ....".., Albuquerque, Featured speaker at II sun nn e eVen rceu ... IC Illlllll' poot lind tbtU ....ture hit and the loW Hlgh1.anda, In 'Las Vegan, .'--:-:'\ watV1JX gUM'in Uie coijOnwooa dllte rould be df'lcrmlnl'(/ )...t In ('i\fMA>lO &tur y. 5 W&l'1 24. lillowtilll Wag 8;110 1fiC1ie!j Ellza6em, a muaen •. vcr· the tlrm. The survey Will be a guide .. "I 'the flml'lI or the bllCOn tryln for 111(' new rrt'rl'lltiotl raclUty An 1\ T c lJt'rt' W. }J. .48 of an 1nch or preclp- Il1ty (If New Mexico, and Margaret, tortuture Plam1h'll' forb eCononi- :wi nn Ihc cofrce brewin trom an old cxpbnatlon wtll be Mkt'd thr CC1l1' IIln 01 JtUldo:;o Downtl WAIl named l"-,!lon••. Ie INIJ1 N9V.O throU8b a RWdoso 1Ugb Ie development·of 'U!6 \IilJ&te.' cowboy can, till of these make tho tractor why ron.'itructJOIl In not on l\ Illrmbrr or the central tOtlUn&t- I AP.l'll 30, 11 wtat of 1'l:l days, only School, and two granddaugbwr«. The weekly lunobeon meeting. life or 11 ,COWboy Brand, 'rho eaU or hdI h d I." 2.59 Inches of precipitation was F'rench Mortuary was In charge held at Wattle's Ollfe wa& vtslted thc do\,('. lhe moo of tM cow, the lIC CU €', t (' IrU:*'cl4 r('C()mmc:on _. __ __ :me:l!llirtd Mre, anll Jut WiMer's of artangements In Albuquerque by Dove NeweU, J'cinu MeDer- 1U1!IWl'r or the Ule ylpc of the cd. Scllool Band To"- 'U ed ont .. 10.35 In h al1<1 Cha..... • of RosM 10 Ru1dOOo I th h r .... A I'" 1I1n1' tlllllrd ht' \lnd 'niomp!'OlI .... anow.a " c• t""'. mott, Dr. Scbreln, Joba. 1"&lis, all coyo 1'. e oot 0 .. ..,. ow, u,e \'JIlIlt':4 Uw t.oClllOiWl'rtIlnllU1. t>lo N W k es. s snowfall In e. . .ot A1a.mogordo; nIU- Wolff -and whlnnC'y tht> url'ltlnhorstt nm all md H 1Jie last 20 YaifS l'i'li'&1lUtett M lfj. RepUbliCan Women Frank KaUfmann of Rcmt.teU: Hobb !)r.nultful r.cuods -of the range. \1...ton while nt thl' /:Iatl' capllnl In It!lldCloO ItJah SChool Band wJU cl:les In One winter be declares-all Gaon of LovJnrton: Tom Isoclts of 'I1I(' cuttln sand as It comes reJalton to lIll" :lO mill lux IImlln' Il.>}\(' II lour and WC!CtilH- ot wb1chaccents the dryne.seJn thls To Meel May 9 AlbUqUerque: O. S. itootels, N. R. HONOR GRADUATE5-CClpitan High School honor graduCltes ncroS!! the desl'rt, the lion, Thnmp:;on tolutt'd lhnl plat of IIll\' of 11I'Xt Week. 'l1tey wtll IKYe and the need lor C&UUon ,The Lincoln County R.cpubUcan Matlack Don Hart L Hlne are, from left, Virgil Hall and Jane Dean. The two will each rreeZln rllln hlttlna you In the rdce, thl' I> mJll 11'\')' ..... hJl'h bl'IOI\lF-' to Itf'r(, Tul'sday rnornlnir aDd With. -nn)' and aU k1nds attIre ••• Women's C1ub WIll meet Tue6day from n.u1d050, BUt Bkck'or Ex Paso make an honor address at Capitan Htgh Sc:hool (ommence· lhe J)('lUn hall talllng rrom above the vlJlnge. l'l uolng !(l Ule nchoob 11 l'Iml'€'rl. nl CApitan and then at PO!:tnlltlltl!r L F (Joe) Dryden next week May 9 In the home or .. A .... m"'nt exercl •• s to be held a p.m. Friday. May 26- al high nn the IIghlnln tlpllltin tho ground by way or nn opinion whl('h \\ll.'l nom/o. 'hl'" will hl1ve loom at tbe' . ... ,. --'. and. ·LeOna ..-cu. Ro- v ... "I\'('n 00 yearn 0"0 MaW'" Uult th(' handed us a lengthy pUblicity re' 'Mm, A. N. Spencer In CarrUoM tarian from RuIdoeo.' choal lind playtng acrO!UJ the caUle hom.'! .. ..... liar-do IlIgh SChoot and travel oa lease on an locrelU:e' on Interna· tor a covered' dish luncl:leon and s. , _. __. ar(' nil 11 part of the JIre here on RUldol'O l'choob we rc county I" Ro.'lwell. Tuesday afternoon a tlonal JlQsWrates tor alrm&U and meeting d 11:30 a,m. Mrs. O. D. ". ,\ SIA-aF.P-ORT cI IbM the ·c!toOJ!l werc j,:,'lIIc and IIwlirinunK iii 'url thatrt Intort a pre v ;l. te """"""'an.&O ON ,LIONS PROORAlr Oland Perry Picked Hrl' or Ihe cowboy on the plains. l'IlLlt,trd to n portIon or IllC VIllage's .i':.:l!..Qulll'= Lakes. '11Iey wU1 spen4 .. ;c port On' her kip w. FOR RUidoso uL10ns Club heard U F' D 1"t1:.{ I 1'hl! st!nlf ut llROrplon, tin> bllZ !1 tn.1I II'\')'. til€' lI.ght al repon: nspecmc Informa- ot(lb. D. C., and the MoUler of the lJU81nesS and are on Bill Adkln.'1 teU aU ..bow. his trIp Y• e \Jll e or n rnttler, the. bel/erin of 11 loco Hinl' nnd the et)Ut\('!1 Iltpl/' wUl mvc ooacertIJ atDextel" . t10n on the new rates Year will be annoooeed. 'l"be pro. the tor here to Russia at the Tuemlay At Lincoln caw. blind with rile or maybe the at l..ngtJl the by lind nt Ft, strtn(on lfo.olpttal. '1be1' II can be obtained from the local gram wUl a1s6lnelude the honoring to a«ehd the rzu.maUodat evening. Plallll wefe also made tor With the aln or n fire truck and Ilcrellniln at a big mountain cat which the vUlaltl' rould recover '\\-111 I'('turn Wetlneooay aftemooa. 1 'pcL40Ul«:es." ••• or senfor Cltluns' who wtJl be Machines 't'hund6y and the annual broom sale to be held rlre hooe rrom the people over In fillCnldn throughlhe 3Age. lJl ot that 1.'4 now uolnlt to j * * * at Frida'l thls 1'ieek at Ullq DoWIL±l anet Wlttntle 11dvlt:e llo .. ·COWboY fftat:e<HhIlHt- dtFU 111gb School banel 'Crnent 10 t-, .,-- -:Ruidoso Uffti, otlfij pro- arc made bY 1he'SCbOo1 tol" '. '0_' - ._- Fritift Tii.n. fUclt-llvtn: .". .. e. Thttty DIU' JOC4l !iclulots nrc lhcnm:l1 P'{l];U\ill .t. CIO\is: IiK 81.(- -tlon Jor- fire- it:suranee- .. ". ,. gramfnclud.lf .. dln1Wlr, 'and' area Visually HaDdicapped industrial :.,s:;trtb tl:am ot WIl'l, or- nnd keep nrc the PAY. tull beneftt oC the mill levy. thrn Ul'll,u' 'Ihcoy re¢elved a m raUng. cd to '7th claSS. which wJ11 be a Mrs. Warren Barrett recerAly ..ctlVltles. sUch as tl.ab1ng'. branch In Alamogordo. Procee<ls 1,llnWl.t1on or the Lincoln Fire De. penslon."l atl two II leave arC! celialnly there 'would be nu obj('l" 111 fH'rform:lnoo and aU m r ' .saV1nlt generally on rates•. ,'Ibe surgery for the removal TIle rroup·ts .lrOf.l1. the LUb- ot the sale go !(l help the school's partmcnt on AprlJ i2, iot on to a not part ot tho benefits that e&me lion, .' s:uht rClldlnw• .! RuIdoso Insurors AssclCfatlOn is of tata ....ctS in the 8tm ToWers bock, Tex. area.;-.nd a.1I1mUat' mUdenf3. sam Montgomery Is tine with me cowbot agll, no fourty hOur Mayor Day'- rnatracftd the.__.. .::. ,_ .• ... ." ._. .. \ pJiuwllg a special EI PaSO, " meeting. here m duthman lit Ihe mtve:; .. _ .. _.LU£I . .-cl .-etq-Jread-'Urls' week. n_ Hl'ad ancllM(l ...,..rt1 . _c..·_ , .. - --,_._- cera- ee.., " bonUS In' hl!J jlaYClleclUJ. No sIr, he tfte ('oWlcll, to .d .... w an orell. _.. ", , 'to -- . y-·o.. . newly formed organlZJltlon are. worked from 'till 'til cant an calTie mulcl! deelarllJl' a one mill tn Ihtl first woolc 01 May to tevleyt ,. ,Mrs.naIPh Dun16p has been Oland Pt'rry, tIre chler; BlII Wud, In and ted his Mr511, ate hl!J chUck levy 'Oft aU auellllecl Ihr. UJ61.68 ' . fire ehler, and MAurtfdla an hit the bunk, Red layout there "lihln the eorporate! Umlla 01 PllIl'ln:m scrved as mA1OI' IlC'O" spending ten. rr Pert'l. secretary-trclIsurcr, In Ihe nlllht so cool, smokfng a thC\ VlIlarc 01 Kukloso lor pur. tNll for pa11o( the UIlIU1 daughter w . was t or a VOlunteer firt'men inclUde Bert DUrham with hig head on hili saddle Of rtilrllll' the Indebted- arrived, horse. Pflllgsten, Bob CUmpston, Roillan 1I!!lnln to the SOWidIJ or. night. an riCali aralmt tbe Vlllare .treet., 'til'! cou.ncU Maell, 'l'Ode. Brennemnn.A1bert maybo lookln up at the !lUtrll so slcll.tWaJlllJ, elc. . uPrtm,ed regretli tb&t W · .. I .. . Booky, Walter Hcnn. Ray Taylor, bright. &!glncer QuInton t>lmle! gnve a Was retJllPlltI(t froth tb6 CUy l'Ofti'no . e' 'c' om' e Edward Pell.llcld. Ctlrls>tobal. Za· 1 liCen l\ oowbO)i. onet'i wanderln report· on the Ilf&tus 01 proposed IIIIt bOdYI and welcomed die tte.1i . . .. mora, BUlShteeengollt, EsmiICl down 1\ bU.'ly iltreet waUl.hin the lleWer dl'i'trlct. 2. Attorney 'I'homp. membcd. A proclamation TiM .1-;en. . /':$AllIS. JUlin. Garcia, Kenneth Rus- cats IUld thn mUlIn crowd, hearth gOIl prqsented a list or the area!) to Hebettool\. by Hint! on bebalt 0( \be To IJneoln CoWltV sell, Juan Zamora, Arthur salas. alliho city noises, the hOrntl art all. be (or that could bel excluded from roWletl, comine'ino....unc RObe"" 'MR. Ant> 1I4RS.:MAlUt'bt1NCA· Hob Lucero. Henry sanchez, . r wa{cllCd ashe tried to erOSij the dlt;trlet iijld ateas that might r;on's work on the pibeltbe 'kat add chtldteh:. Mark, .;DeAn, 3. J1lTi Netbl1way, Raymond Trujillo, agaInSt thli light an decUed Xbet. to be condemned. DnnleJ stat- three Yl!nl'$, . abd 'rystlOt lrave movecf to RUI· LOss Morris, OllclI RamcY. E;d- ler ht!lp betOtehe died of fright. (·d that the nllgnineht of the ills- l\ft!mbt'r.'J of the ottfc1al' f&n:lUt doSC) frolTiP1At\Q,'reX1i.S, They ate . ga,' Phillips, Rlohard Phillip!! and As we jj'aUle4 tho other sldC! I I.!lt ttlet had been 'rho coun- m:?L tlt thlt home ot Mayor JIi'£ liVing In the-bOUse just- to the rtsh\Lee tt Is expected Ihat other hllll to Join me lor a cup an we ell movcd thl\t the oower d1Btdcr. DL\Vl$ on .Monday hltbf; 10 bQi:IOi' ol .tack's' Wil/'.f\e' Shop In 'nutdOsO men, . who Wereunllble to attend aM on·tl\.e stoollfi the crowded cMe be tutne« ewer to tile. ctilPnei!t "tid nlc }'e!!>igntill and h1a. WiU. Downs, .bttncan Jll·· It bulldllit con- :thO rtriSt meeting. Will voluntt'!er we talked or lUIS itt" t.tid the city tho Mlorney wlth In!.irUClIbnll to Mr. lind Mrs. Robor(eoii..' '. tractor. . . ,theJt serVices llll, IIremen the way. Reclaimed Ullt talks In town proceed With tlla district. as It how ... . . . ,:' }d.Jt• .At'iP 1t, .'. . Were Clomplelcly tUckertld out b1snd!! WlJhY!!tfl.3cn>t1on oLthIUllt.'. Md soli. :Kenneth, H. iiave moved' loolimore -Ci\iiioMlI/Ic bOWd, with aUpciljSlble . t4 Jtwdoeo from Glleue TheY . . ,tb03C! WhO eX«.!lided Ii. lie1pliig Iilfitf ch4neel& In a: lllnaltl. bour UtaIJ M and' to proceed Wltb c»ndem. i are lIvUllr In t ". to ret tis SUlliCd. on thIsl much iiil d'Y.m lIald If One nation It tiecclmll.tY Wherll IiISC- . tlie WOinal1 l j ClulS' bW!dlng.· .YO- '. i r.t!edeeltlte de a spokC.'l· nt menm t.i · .ri 19 a plfmil$e.r'on Uie:. . .... 0 man or, the iti'QUP tlLld, WAY. fOU,s eat ahed die of bloat Robert WlndbAtl1fjr. L f' ailee crew At the .htee ·track.. ',> .. . '*"J . ,""'P'., H' 'f" -'''. . tn, a very pali1ftl1 bbUcltlJ. Iin VUI_ EllUtes "liked When could t& . :.MIt, AND UlUJ, D)i;Lo; .. : ... . Time lor .. ready to head bOrne and If tM. bld$ be,'ex'PCCted (0 be oPClMd on PUUo ...,.,-.._ LI()N haV(! moved to 1W:lddseJ from / .... 2t,; .... :.} Pami-up, tb' ...p WI'1t bandy tool. GOOd LOrd 'Mlllet mel only tet metbl: c:Qn:'Jfrliqtlbn of the .l1(lwcr pro- JUIiC')I1t.' ". lIlA, TheYllve In .. }lel•. " .• :'. .. C"". '. ..' ,:,' t,J •• .uppUe. I .. wonl . ever a1lt tUm:.· lOIelLVO tM3l\clt. Arter dL!lclllJ.!jJon by tho toW' J1otl.1e 0& tI.'lC! lklittOMbSi the' ,,?ll, ,"'. ':", . f' Jut lJOiJe,cfioPPliJlr bcH:fj. rakel,rangeualtj•. bl.Jt U lever'. dO Imcoun¢!J .hd ttw "as '. '.. .' .. .. :}: .wheelbattOWjj. lawn .IIh()I''' He WIII.rn_ketn«11it, there (Ietet'nilnedtbif, July i3, 11l6h/oUld . MlIUIt. ., . '. .' •• .. ", n;:, . '.:",;'; . .:.:... ",oj,. 'W , .' ,. -: . ,,,;..,,,,,, ... ,",I'On,,, d;_ ""-' .... -. billJj.paliUM. till eta .... tit 1:10 place tor bo Ute tatiOf. dAte. lO,rtM Mr. and .. . .' ... '. •... " .. ··JOTA[·, \I'm Chl.f E'f.,l.+, •. i:lti'nf . ttl! .. :en,elc, _ ,_ _. ... , __ .. bidS:.on-;thtf .... ,,( .. t··· .. 'When fiilhe \' ... .' '8" e:'" " lei J. ! - .. from bC)rn APril %Jt., M... •• to " t \. ·.bUrtt.erlc) ''''''01'09114'6 6f.. t Het ton.,.o- -nearby' .' e'.' 'a'r'c e , ..•.. .... "1' the service to te:m .. vn.. . ).(t. t.M:)It ... J .. JilC!le<f :.$cjhJrdQfmomlfflJ •• llf,.. </ .1f9f •. .. •. . obI. t6 fldg . '.' 'I , and pay (trlvet Ri1kloao .. ot., .. {rom:EI FIlliiO. •• Rye tll· ltOO · ". ·O·.-n· .o-L;;.;.,I ""'.;1' L"'··Jf.""Jt. «:··· .. ·ftlllll .... . 1." .. 'L''''fn- ··OJL,· ... ot· .. . . I-tit··.. to by em WMdt it &be bQrn .MI., . .. , ., .... .• '. ·uatlet No. 77fif. W !IUet'c!( TrIll... j,;I .. '. '"."' ...... ... ''lII' ,..",<4( JO,I1W n: 1 an '" I..,. . .toJ.'M. 1'llO, H*t illfl N , .t et ttiJ. 1).,,11_1' iftct' Waf '6sf s btt<QUMt\f ·:·eI 'Of\Ote4 hi, pftOJ forhtfp, "0"1e was. ' MaYoi"t!&w.· I1OOnOtlUl8 ... '.' ., ... ".'." ..... ,'.,;. .... ;... ," 4, .• ...... , . JnPUbr bli .. t. up ,. '1' . .. ' . , ," ., ,'. 1'! .-• , -I ' " . ,-" , .

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Post on 27-Mar-2020




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Page 1: · In the plant de~ent.lnROB' tho making of a 30-mlnu'le7documentary color film 0.0 qual'- Fc, nnd Keith

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Ruldoso'~ l"sur4tnco Rgti"9,Is N~w ltb CIa" . . ,. . .

Wlilell '~UI mt:l1l\ savlnltsg'l.'llefnUy pn••.. ..flro I~rallce. YOllr 10(,1l1 bl!jUtl.lUce. .Ilgcnc:les afe At work nuw m.a.klng ~djll,l·

.mt'nts on. pollctr.s since the crreclh'!'l datil .'\lr 'tl1e IIC\V ...nnll' April ~l. . J

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IIronnd Town.,..,:BY /'Ios.ey WATERS- .

~.~.~~.~••,~.~.~•••••• ~.!

" ,"

~\,I)l'1lor Cit.r~o h~1; proclatme!lthl/! wel':k, M:a,y '1·7, 196'1. as lllelponel Week.ll:1!- J$ II candldnte fo,Natlcm\ll JayCee rresident. This Isthe I'ItS\ J,lmeanyone from Newl',{exlw ~s souill~ tlW> high omce.Hereside15 m~tm~ Fe . , •

* '" * .Ne\vs items we~' dldn·t get to,cheek Qut before we lett. ~r1y

'lhl\r~ tla'y for ... Albuquerque: An4nou,ncemC!llt tbat the owner or Rut•.dOSO TeleJlhop~CO, may llave·com·pleled negotlatlons ror sale to an·olhir bIg IndoJ)('ndent coinplLnY:

,lind 1\ me~tl,ll~ or chlnchlUa breed. '('r6 'lter~ tllJ:; weck.end at ttwChnparrM, • ,BlIlnQone of tho 'ClvII Air PlI.trol

lllll~ several Ruldoso people llayClaided In .. ~nrbh rOl) " prlvl\wplane bCltevc:d lost In tlle MeiU>;o-..New ldCKICQ bor~tcil' \lre4l this week.. .. '. * * *






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"t I ~ . " I' , ' .., ' ..;,' ti-'"',,1;W -.,:" .," ,'" ~'. ,;"" '; ~; <'f.,'" ".f,' .. ' ~ ~ "'1l:-~"}:!lt~"'1:i!/;,1', " "Of#, "'-" _I _\' "

',tl·"ageSlQf:;'2·setdpJi.~~~~'.A,:· '"' \ '. " """.1/ '1", .. ,- " ~ '-: :,.t,'" " , ~,.' 't" .,., " .' "

'. "~*fld.'~~ ,~bl.t'*'~ ,~~,.l4cJ1S~~I •.t.~"'.""i~1""" .'~ " ~. ,,,' , -", ,~' ',; ~;~. '.:'" ~,,~,,~ ... ; ~ , • "',','- ,<._~~., ".' "~,' ,', •

Clarke."nsut,a"ee"'~AQenc,'• ': <f., ,', f. • •••'. ' <" • '., } •• ~ " ' ' , ,

• '., • ~'. • '\ ' ., 1\ ~' .. " '.;f,..'

· '.~' :'.:':, ';,:~, ,.' IF.vO.IH'f"Nro~~~~~,' :. .. ,+,.,~.'....AnJlMt· .:eXPO 6-1. .' 'VQU.,9,J n(f~!~:!.'{htii Ilprlpg anil. ~umm~r, .~~C*,~l'o$lt.lnsiJfrJnc~/AG"NT, ·~lIf,omoblle,)Ia.biuty imsura~!!e AlJ .it

· ' II&I!V:f.S yoq I'l~ ... ' Jnll)' not be ad~u"~.· .; ,'. :, •. 'is::!' .' .. ' . Call o.r ~om~ by ~nd .,w~ will :~llltapPY

. ..' ··;t~ help f ClU,. , .'.. ', ... '. . •'. ~., , .' ~ J;"::....:-l ~'.'~.'. DAN D. SWEARINGlN, 'Inc. .• '. '.... - os: '. .,., . , ' ,..;,'S~';:·' , ~~ "' .,.,... ~l"~ insuraoce ~ J\eal F.:~la~ _ Phone ;5"~. RI''Y CL~Jt~E-- CLARKJll - J>iI.O~~,g5'1;UI5.: , .•. '.' '. .• - . .: ~' '. .' ...' ..':. . ." .. '. "';' : '. . .:' .. '.fIO, ', .' .---,....:. .....;..---- 7"':"~ _: "?'" :-- "':":

f - -- . ·~qI';Ji'46"I!'JOU~~Olli=Y~·_·~.~~., •. ~.~ ..' ....-:...- . •'nVmOso. 'LINCOLN 'POU~ l{~~; ME~lCO ·Zn:~D~r:~. '. --: ...Fni?:~~<~~!~~\.~~.;~;~;!~,i!NffiIDf~·V~A1.iT~tAC[~~~~S'f', .' ... su~;CrIPUODJi; P.50 per Tear ·1J\·1..lnC;f)!l\· COUna1; S4~:io 0 C4i-, ., ~

'. . Celani Pach~o, . 'Travel Writers Stockholders.. 'Robert Chip~an ..Are Fiesta.Roy~lty Due Friday . Of All-Seasons'Clllnni ;li"acbee»"was Crowned Rill M 10

With a sonwrel1J lUI Queen o( the , 'Jhll'ty·t",'Qh-avel writer" 4Uld ,reet avCOlorful 1967 ~ndoUelQcan ~est.a t 0 U f' counsellors, represt"ntlnll'... i,berore a full M\1Se Batu1'daf nIgbt, new:q:apers lind mngazlllCs 11.1; well '1 !ll' 26 IitOCkhOldcrs In lWJ~U'nf esco.... Robe'" .....·nm'"M. J.... as Automobile AssQClation oWccs 11 I te ........ •• •• ""......... • 'Aa·~('al'on;. le., n. prvn corpo .l'C'Celved .ll. sombrero also, as Itfng _.Jl aU part$ oC ihe U, S, nrC) due Cor I.C n " I up hl\'ro It month al{O to pro.this year. nQbert O. Ander/i9n or a vl!>JL,hel'o Frida>' a{wtnoon nud ll1l't" I'xt,a toul'lsm bu.';jneSll tor tu.e

t d th It th I }:-at\U'tfIW morning. Tho group In.Roswell Prosen e e roya· y . e r clude~ wrHers rrom liUch publica. l'Ommumty. wHl hold tile tlr~ lUl.crOWllS. 'I'M qUeen is the da~ghter Uonl> l\Il Suns~t Ma~a.lllIn(l. ti'atIQn. 11IIa: "o,·k.ho:dlml "Jeet at 2 P.rn. "

,·or Mr. lind Mrs•. Paul PAcb~ o~ \\f'cI. nn)" MIlY 10, lit the HoUdarTinnie and tile kfni 4> the ~n of ~~ O,;o~rllwPhl~:.~e ~Itue TlmC:5

d, . JIM WIMB"R"Y ., lL.lll;'4.. .. . '_c~cc~.~. ~cc~.. It &' ..·'Or~' '. Ol·~ •...,tl11"'.. ., egram"~ . '. ... ..

. Mr. and Mrs. RQbe pman. • Motor M'llgllzlnc. TheY \\111 !(lUI' the f,l.)('kho:d('r., III Ruldoso AU-se...:avll. bcd$ near Garrb:o%o, vlSlt pe k Wlemberly ',III: .IlIC' weluel": BnulcU'S' Dep·t,Ross Is Named" .CllJlltan llud Lincoln then IIrrlve In IC ~1:""" !W\'l'r IJolla .. at Tinnie: RU!.

e · i"'" ''Ii. thlli area ror a tOUI' of Sierra BiancA. T n d cl.I" 're 11 phone Co.. ParliO~ &ommerc.c:u ",...anag~r , .Ski and IWcrcaUcm IUCI\. RUldo.~o 0 ~,uccee Id!.h " At\urne>'8; Sierra Blanca .For Phone Company. .Downs nnd the Ruidoso country. I' :! 11 . Inc. Lnkcslde EsmWB. SIer.n-'k B tt Dal!(ln W. Ros.'llui.sbCen ap""int- CockJ.nlYeI plll'ly Is pllUUllld by the Robertson .'. 1,1 WUII"I l\Illor Co.. .Ruldoso Na·•,.. . enne.... , k f 11' Id tn d I II ,'.1 I ',I. ('0 .. rtuldo.'o Color cable.. '" . cd commclI:cllll JJll1nageT tor :Rut· ,'I\ce ~I" c or I' IIY even Il' Iln

d .,. I h Co rdl to a "upper \\111 follow nt CllllparmllV nit.' 1\Ic·arly Cofl.'ltruc:tloa Co.,RI-t'es A're Held oso .e ep one .• aceo ~. Motor Hotel. Jim Wlrnbc!'I)', ('Iectrlcnl ('011· tp,. \\ It"p. r,tIll Pill!.' COCfee Shop.' nn anllooocement made by 0., R, tru"lor nlld nppllnll_ dnnlnr Who I I "

,. 1 R I V I b r C • .. .. I,.. , .. , 1'1:1 )1111111'0 ,.oom; ISimonds. general c:ommero1ll. man· u dO!lo al (ly Cham Cl' 0 am· I \\Ilfj tl eUlldlCtutc 10\ lruNIC'I' In 1111'In·Alb" . <e' all'cr, Dallas, RO/JS replaces auyS, mt-rcc ofCIcerli and mC'moor". memo 1",;( mlllllC'lJ:nl 1'lh'uOII, WII.'I 1\11- WIlli!), 1'1>' l!~Il'('II'Il', Ruld060 D~uquerque 11obertson.who ball resllmed to -.c. bers ,Of the Amblls,'llldorll Club lind pO.III('(1 \'1Il1\1l1' tl'll!\tl'I' for RlIldo:<o \V J WllIIIIIlW. Jr" Billie lbcl K,I4copL 11 position With a luve com· ·lthels here will IIccompany the by .Mtlyor 1.lo>'d I•. [)"vl:l. Jr In \\u.dy 1.lquor. I~uldo.~ a.emg

. James RIchard (Dick) Bennett, munlcaUofl." manUfacttu'.1ng firm. ~roUJI which will be trnvclu1lt In a III t 111urHltly'Il council mel'lll1B to A, ll, \'111'421' of RuJdoso, I>JlvJliTlte News crewJolna witb the lnstrm'helltal In the development or Ross bel{an his career In thtt. bu."" Mrs, Bell UIIdlWlt tepre$cmt. fill Uill vllr~lIcy of Ouy L, nobert. Ill' ,t·llIpml'J;t:., In",., IIIgh CoUntry

family Imd wUh .. rreatnumber of Albuquerque's Olel Town died Mon· telephone fndu.'M'IJn. 19iD when he TO MAKE MOVIES HERE- ptctured IQst week aathey vlslied 1118 tile tourist division of the Dc. ".lin Who has 1'l'SllrllCd W man' 10 I",d I' Hu.da.:.o Slnte BAnJt, SierraNew .l'rlexlcans ~hls week In~ day nlgbt In Ruldo!o. Hondo Vtll· Joined Mountain states Telephone ,Ruidoso Downs race track 10 confor with officials regarding t:l'rtment or Development, Slulta I:a Iil\;, Whl re hl.' 'vIII be nssocillt. D~l\(\('ll ~1t.,.I'rprlllc!l, Ruldo:1O Ncy,'!l.

, • hili' the: pasidnr or our (O(ld frle 1e'l Oeneral Hospital. CO. In the plant de~ent.lnROB' tho making of a 30-mlnu'le7 documentary color film 0.0 qual'- Fc, nnd Keith Bickell, dilltrict IlAlea cd wlUl IJltornnt:onlll Telcpho'lt' II: 111'1 U( e CabIn..'!. JtolldaYHO~,and co-worker Dick ~nneU. An Bennett, 64, was dUlgent In the weU. In 1962 he came W\th RUidoso h f I ~ Sid M Y k CI manngcr for Continental 1'rallwlI'/ll. lnl~TI nplr Co. 'Vlnlberl'l, pre~-nt VtlIa Inn. Clulparrnl Hotel.'O._. ~I I' 1"-'" co"""'l-·Io"· ,.: t r Old ".... .. lor orses aret. 1'0.mOl), ney aran, New or ty. presl,. '" "!II .. ""••.lUmpoD nl'. r ........y. -... "u, -, dove....pmen 0 AUWD as a Telephone Co. as .. PBX re~lr· Albuquerque. nrc n~lo;tlrtIr In th" for t"!'1 ,,"Aslon. WB.'l Ilworn Into' of.-''""U' , ,n\/Id·mllJUK're4. rOlltleman witb a tourLI;t attrQCtlon While be lived In man. In. 1903 he was promoted to dent of T. M. I. Productions; Stan TurtlebauQl, CIllO of New lour which WIll cover n Inrl:e pnrt flee ·by....;unleIPIlI judge Au:,t1n Investigatekcell llens~i of humor, he )eft btl Albuquerque. serv1ce toreman ~d wacs again York, producor, and Jim Goodhue, AmClrlllo, coordinalor for of the I:tat~. . Prll,htt . Ouy Inekl't! 11 montw .lnllfk on JI 1 WM &olk>d witb Jdni, ; ~. and hllIl Il\tc mother bought promoted In 1966 to plant. BUpclrv1ls· the American QUClr\9r Horse Ass'n. The trio talked plclns for A brt'Akrut at. Nob lUll rcstau. MJr\'JnIl IIh four.yrllr ('lcctlve Icrm Break.!ns-OiililwavAlwa)'s bUsf. het Wall a

101&1 work- La COclna buildIng on the plaQ or. In h1s newly appOlnte4 ]lOBIUon. making a sfory for Pcuamounl films of quarler horses al Rul. Illnl llnd II visit to nUldoso DoWM AmcRl oilier bUlilness htlnclled \'lIhlKI' MArlihal J~I \VjlI)b ot

er lor nUlcJOllO and lIJa state. no 11 and opemted the popular remurant Ross wlU be responsible for all doso Downs. to bo climaxed with the running of tho 1967 . b on the tour Frldll'l bt'forc do. during the nlC'l'tlnU WM rurther dis. Hutdo"u DOWWl repoM Inw3Up.being lLcoorded (reJ't hOllor Iu hflC 'tor 10 years. Shops now OCCUP'l the commercial mattera In Rutdoso, AII.Amerl.can Futurity, rIchest horse race In the wqrld. Tho p:U',lng for Roswell, Some RuldO<o cU'jj<'on or RuJdo.~o'15 ProSpt'I't1i or .1011 ~'1 contmUlnll on break-ins otJIPtJ1~ t9WP. g( M~~IJ~rq~whllre. . /Ruldoso Downs, Cl.p1t&n' and .N'es· films will be shown 10 70 million pooplo In theatres through. tOlll'la will llCCOmpllll'l the party collecting It.'i 0\\11 1e mUlIICIp:l1 N Il 'a~rf!< on U. 8. HI~way '70 !n

. n:Uh vhlQn... he \\1!rked Jor man)' Bennett worked WIth Ircno FiSh~ CJITcro. b d" f h from Cnl'rlzozo here and on to Rog."li In ". 1'0\" IltUldlftd UU'o''''h Ihl' lIollYWJod with the Io!ItI of a ISl1lI.l1ye"rs '0 preserv- and re5tcre the •• • and out ·h'" world, Walt Wiggins, pu lie relations IroctoT orto""., .... • ,. '.... , f "r "tl"" and 1N\n' AlAOf' v. er, tormer -wbuquorque newspaper- Dalton, his whe Nell. a !On I .. !v _ well. twle ,buredU Of re'....nUr. VlIIl\tl<> 1I1l1"t1Ii. () n.. c... ...~ 'Y"" _

Ol~ Town liectlon-40 hold 'for New woman, In Improving the plata and OrCA:. rcitldo in Ruldoso. ,\pother Downs said this weok. Televlsl,!n rights aret alsp b~tng n!!t· . 'rwo rcprtstmUltlvc1f or tho A.A.A cll'\'k.mannger Jim IIlne nnd Uln I" SliD m {'htl."lJCl fn,," Pr~rlptlpn· M~!l;<t. pan of Us :patri andherl- he Wia n rounder In the hlt>torlcal mill. Oary, Is preiJentl)' attending gotlQted by the T.M. I. concern with malor networks for will be accomJlt'II)1ng the IItnte. vlll1l80 a,torO(')'. John T1lolnJ):lOn. t>/liulllnC)'. II l.llnaU· amount ot

tage. Nl'w Mexico wlU feel hIa ,~01JI t»elcty there, He &tressed the 1m· 'I'cxas Bible COlle1le In Houston. • showtng tholt foolage on lhls year's race on sports shows, w:d~ \111It. also. reportC'd on tht!lr InVI'I;Ugntioll 01 I han.:e from 'fhrda S1l1er'lI !'1ow'-;w:.,~an ,lU Jlnord to folie .ach old portnnce of the plaza In many cMc TCXIlS as a sopbomQre. Wiggins saId. <~_~= ~. .'_~. the prO!;lpt'cf'l all their vl.')lt to &lntn etl & O!lt5.

1c~~&'). ~'allbb~ .

y tunCUOllll. In Addition, Ros:1 15 aCUve In Boy =c=o=".~.~'=.~.~~~~ • . -..." .. -" Ff' la!\t w('~k Jt l"l tht" ronl't'n'lU!l t.lfllUl1h n bile wow, e}lorn In Chandler, Okla,. Dennett SCOut work wiUs the Conqulstador ~-""r..' ." - •.;.-;: , i or Ih~ rooulcil memberll thaI l~ HUllllo;() pollre wetroln~~~

< * * * came to lJbuquerque In 19:18. He Boy SCout. Council. He Is .an or· ,. . i"~~::"'~" .~ .'~:.'~"'.''''_'';~4 .....: .":. ' ,' "--~f 1I1111WV'!lTluUTi(Uc purllurd furth'(.r "!or tJrrnlt.til of iher Joe;£-vvoc ~.........'A consolo ZCnlthlittlreo was glv· WIUJ marr{ed. 1n Albuquerque -:M dalne<!' mll11ster Wltb the~ Vnfied ; , . .' • t . I" ' '., . . AINT IT nnd'lhnl lho new method or collect- 11.1\1'1' In Indian UU16 where cCft1

en away Monday by Nunley's Drug years ago. Bennett. moved to Rut· Penlfico5tal Church In Ruldo8o . , ": . I Ini might brlnll more rl'\'cmue 10 \\n, Uilln('(i b~' lImatlblni a wfnd<rttIn Plnm Dee lUI'fln openlna' event doso tOUr years alto to work with Downs. , THE Ibe vl1!ngr.', RUt! nn undetl'rmlned amount .ofpriZe!, Brenda McGee or Ru1d<leo the RUidollO NeW's. He retired a Ro!!S slated ~t., lip ....,. lo9ldnr j ", AlI\lU~ •.,\\~ z;:tolen. ~re; ~)'."was tho WlnJler, ..usa (1.\'el1 away fear allO ~use or .!alllni health, to~ard to the ~t.Yof aerv· ; . U·· '. H 0 tJ. ..,.Jf1U1Jn/flf. 1Utal Chevron 01111 r ltNll!l mlll.'JIna'. but~ lOillJ. _

4 a'J :part of iho swro'" ~~_~., Sen'lCttil,wero, held. &t 2'lnltW cU5rc'm!.l!~tit~~1e- TR T Slltnda~d d~.ler. Wll!:l nwar~.(>d a c2!!.l!.rg )el~_bc!~~~out ..~_~..._.1ng··WM a Ronson bUt&no: tab1e ~.l1t$davat.Si•..Jolln''!.~~ .." .....eLC04., .. _ ....,..........;·_·_·· .. ·..-<:onIHu:t- .f,o..-liuppl~lk C'l'.,olin~f>ctll..n nlc or AmarlUo.

~ .. :I'i.!'.,.,~,"""" "....... 048 GUN r f R nnd diesel rucb tor the villngl' 011 _=~ _lijffitcf wonl)y-:F'i.wVance, iiltI an ~ral, In w1ifch Mr. aM Mru. M UIC' blH!!1 of hill bid ot 1111 ('('ntn ,.~=. ,

Iru;I4-mMlccamera won by UAry Benilett wete active as Olty SurVey Underway ptr unllon on dh';K'1 nnd .Ia'm C'l'nt::l Ruidoso OptometristLob ~pb<!l1. B<!th Are ot Ruldo- rcsldC!1lts. He ·was II member ot the '. . A Saddle "'or Your Pillow CJCI "\lOOI!!I!;, OUII': blddl'ffl wC're H"ads County GOPto • • • Order ot at. ~ew. By PlannerHere. A cowbo)'!\ lifo Alnt so bad, hell nll'l &11 011 Co.. b'1ltrld'u 011 Co, ..

* * *rl 1 the lk:ett f9:VlV~by~~~ Rotnr'l members ·Were lni'onned • ,.. 'II (lot ht, horllo. his boot~, \l btg nap. Bnd Humble 011 &: l~ftnlnll CO, Ur IJ"I(' vr~d"::l:=~~Here's some hlsto ea We& r an a reGS pe orm w or the survey beln(t made tor the P'l hilt nn lCll'S hill saddle blanket ltIue reported 011 delayn III Mil. arl-.I. 1\n:J t' (' ,e ___

~~e'rrom~~~IPcIO~v;~..tbile!:~; ::::0Ka~o~~ek:-pcea~=r:t city by Chambera and campbell'of·:'1fer lIdJIC<'PllllhPad. ueslngobt the mo:~. Iltruellon or lhe muniCipal SWim. ~:;:~~;~lU~t ~:on~~~~ ~~:::""-'U • "".... . - .>tI. . ....".., Albuquerque, Featured speaker at II sun nn e eVen rceu...IC Illlllll' poot lind tbtU lIn-opl'llRlI,"njJ{f-~~~=:'T.:'ii;:=r.;o;-' ~~~ai"--h18~ te~.pc ....ture hit~ and the loW Hlgh1.anda, t1~veralty In 'Las Vegan, ootln«~plln-ot .'--:-:'\ watV1JX gUM'in Uie coijOnwooa dllte rould no~ be df'lcrmlnl'(/ )...t In ('i\fMA>lO &tur y. ~e 5W&l'1 24. lillowtilll Wag 8;110 1fiC1ie!j Ellza6em, a muaen •. vcr· the tlrm. The survey Will be a guide .. "I tr~lI, 'the flml'lI or the bllCOn tryln for 111(' new rrt'rl'lltiotl raclUty An 1\ T clJt'rt' 1'1ln,,~n. W. }J. ~I.mel\Sur~ .48 of an 1nch or preclp- Il1ty (If New Mexico, and Margaret, tortuture Plam1h'll' forb eCononi- :wi nn Ihc cofrce brewin trom an old cxpbnatlon wtll be Mkt'd thr CC1l1' IIln 01 JtUldo:;o Downtl WAIl namedl"-,!lon••.Ie ttlt~ INIJ1 N9V.O throU8b a ~mol'C a~ RWdoso 1Ugb Ie development·of 'U!6 \IilJ&te.' ;,.~; cowboy can, till of these make tho tractor why ron.'itructJOIl In not on l\ Illrmbrr or the central tOtlUn&t-

I AP.l'll 30, 11 wtat of 1'l:l days, only School, and two granddaugbwr«. The weekly lunobeon meeting. life or 11 ,COWboy Brand, 'rho eaU or h d I h d I."2.59 Inches of precipitation was F'rench Mortuary was In charge held at Wattle's Ollfe wa& vtslted thc do\,('. lhe moo of tM cow, the lIC C U€', t (' IrU:*'cl4 r('C()mmc:on '.«~ _. __~_~_.__:me:l!llirtd Mre, anll Jut WiMer's of artangements In Albuquerque by Dove NeweU, J'cinu MeDer- 1U1!IWl'r or the ~If. Ule ylpc of the cd. Scllool Band To"-

' U ed ont.. 10.35 In h al1<1 Cha.....• of RosM 10 Ru1dOOo I th h r .... A I'" 1I1n1' tlllllrd ht' \lnd 'niomp!'OlI ....anow.a rtl~llllUr " c • t""'. • mott, Dr. Scbreln, Joba. 1"&lis, all coyo 1'. e oot 0 ....,. ow, u,e \'JIlIlt':4 Uw t.oClllOiWl'rtIlnllU1. t>lo N W kes. ~l1Ido:;Os ~test. snowfall In e. ..ot A1a.mogordo; nIU- Wolff -and whlnnC'y ~r tht> url'ltlnhorstt nm all md H1Jie last 20 YaifS l'i'li'&1lUtett M lfj. RepUbliCan Women Frank KaUfmann of Rcmt.teU: Hobb !)r.nultful r.cuods -of the range. \1...ton while nt thl' /:Iatl' capllnl In It!lldCloO ItJah SChool Band wJUcl:les In One winter be declares-all Gaon of LovJnrton: Tom Isoclts of 'I1I(' cuttln sand as It comes reJalton to lIll" :lO mill lux IImlln' Il.>}\(' II lour Tu~'1 and WC!CtilH-ot wb1chaccents the dryne.seJn thls To Meel May 9 AlbUqUerque: O. S. itootels, N. R. HONOR GRADUATE5-CClpitan High School honor graduCltes whlt~ln ncroS!! the desl'rt, the lion, Thnmp:;on tolutt'd lhnl plat of IIll\' of 11I'Xt Week. 'l1tey wtll IKYer~on and the need lor C&UUon ,The Lincoln County R.cpubUcan Matlack Don Hart ~. L Hlne are, from left, Virgil Hall and Jane Dean. The two will each rreeZln rllln hlttlna you In the rdce, thl' I> mJll 11'\')' .....hJl'h bl'IOI\lF-' to Itf'r(, Tul'sday rnornlnir aDd ~YeWith. -nn)' and aU k1nds attIre ••• Women's C1ub WIll meet Tue6day from n.u1d050, BUt Bkck'or Ex Paso make an honor address at Capitan Htgh Sc:hool (ommence· lhe J)('lUn hall talllng rrom above the vlJlnge. l'l uolng !(l Ule nchoob 11 l'Iml'€'rl. nl CApitan and then atPO!:tnlltlltl!r L F (Joe) Dryden next week May 9 In the home or ..A.... m"'nt exercl••s to be held a p.m. Friday. May 26- al high nn the IIghlnln tlpllltin tho ground by way or nn opinion whl('h \\ll.'l nom/o. 'hl'" will hl1ve loom at tbe'. ... ,. --'. • and. ·LeOna ~ ..-cu. Ro- v ... "I\'('n 00 yearn 0"0 MaW'" Uult th(' ~handed us a lengthy pUblicity re' 'Mm, A. N. Spencer In CarrUoM tarian from RuIdoeo.' choal lind playtng acrO!UJ the caUle hom.'! .. ..... liar-do IlIgh SChoot and travel oalease on an locrelU:e' on Interna· tor a covered' dish luncl:leon and • s. , ~ _. __. ar(' nil 11 part of the JIre here on RUldol'O l'choob we r c county I" Ro.'lwell. Tuesday afternoon atlonal JlQsWrates tor alrm&U and meeting d 11:30 a,m. Mrs. O. D. I~"""'_""~ ". ,\ SIA-aF.P-ORT ~--~iCr-Y"4-theyre-a-par' cI IbM the ·c!toOJ!l werc j,:,'lIIc and IIwlirinunK iii~~_'url thatrt Intort a pre v ;l. te """"""'an.&O ON ,LIONS PROORAlr Oland Perry Picked Hrl' or Ihe cowboy on the plains. l'IlLlt,trd to n portIon or IllC VIllage's .i':.:l!..Qulll'= Lakes. '11Iey wU1 spen4 ..~y~~~i'e'S ;c~nc:trom ~ port On'her ~.nt kip w.w~: 1IEit~ FOR CONFE.~pi:. ~ RUidoso uL10ns Club heard U F' D 1"t1:.{ I 1'hl! st!nlf ut llROrplon, tin> bllZ !1 tn.1I II'\')'. til€' lI.ght al ~elL repon: nspecmc Informa- ot(lb. D. C., and the MoUler of the lJU81nesS and lfOI't'&~ are on Bill Adkln.'1 teU aU ..bow. his trIp Y • e • \Jll e or n rnttler, the. bel/erin of 11 loco 'nm~p."lOIl. Hinl' nnd the et)Ut\('!1 Iltpl/' wUl mvc ooacertIJ atDextel" .

~. t10n on the new Intema~ rates Year will be annoooeed. 'l"be pro. the pr~m tor :a.~ here to Russia at the m~ Tuemlay At Lincoln caw. blind with rile or maybe the dlseul!l,~ at l..ngtJl the sn~~'J by lind nt Ft, strtn(on lfo.olpttal. '1be1'II can be obtained from the local gram wUl a1s6lnelude the honoring to a«ehd the rzu.maUodat~ evening. Plallll wefe also made tor With the aln or n fire truck and Ilcrellniln at a big mountain cat which the vUlaltl' rould recover th~ '\\-111 I'('turn Wetlneooay aftemooa.1 'pcL40Ul«:es." • • • or senfor Cltluns' who wtJl be Machines~ 't'hund6y and the annual broom sale to be held rlre hooe rrom the people over In fillCnldn throughlhe 3Age. lJl ot that 1.'4 now uolnlt to lh~ _Fot!Y~~YlmmlJm~~.~~~ j * * * gu~ at !~~ !".,e~~, ~t w~ ~e· Frida'l thls 1'ieek at~~_Ullq W~nddlnd-nen. ~-brooms--nutdO!l() DoWIL±l anet Wlttntle 11dvlt:e ~()$O--Are llo p~i'te-(){-whY .. ·COWboY ~1&--Ma¥"Or--D!wl't fftat:e<HhIlHt-dtFU 111gb School banel 'Crnent 10t-, .,---:Ruidoso halt~'classII1ClL' 1lO~ Uffti, otlfij pro- arc made bY 1he'SCbOo1 tol" ~. ~"be" '. '0_' - ._- Fritift Tii.n. ~ucltt fUclt-llvtn: ."...e. Thttty DIU' JOC4l !iclulots nrc receL~1n1t lhcnm:l1 P'{l];U\ill .t.CIO\is: IiK 81.(-

-tlon Jor- fire- it:suranee- now~loWer.. ..". , . gramfnclud.lf .. dln1Wlr, 'and' area Visually HaDdicapped industrial :.,s:;trtb tl:amot~m:I~ndo WIl'l, or- nnd keep nrc the s~dard PAY. tull beneftt oC the mill levy. thrn Ul'll,u' 'Ihcoy re¢elved a m to '7th claSS. which wJ11 be a Mrs. Warren Barrett recerAly ..ctlVltles. sUch as ~U1nlr, tl.ab1ng'. branch In Alamogordo. Procee<ls 1,llnWl.t1on or the Lincoln Fire De. penslon."l atl two we~1t II leave arC! celialnly there 'would be nu obj('l" 111 fH'rform:lnoo and a U~ m

r' .saV1nlt generally on rates•. ,'Ibe undc:riv~~ surgery for the removal etc~. TIle rroup·ts .lrOf.l1. the LUb- ot the sale go !(l help the school's partmcnt on AprlJ i2, iot on to a not part ot tho benefits that e&me lion, .' s:uht rClldlnw•.! RuIdoso Insurors AssclCfatlOn is of tata....ctS in the 8tm ToWers bock, Tex. area.;-.nd ~ld a.1I1mUat' mUdenf3. sam Montgomery Is tine !i~rt. with me cowbot agll, no fourty hOur Mayor Day'- rnatracftd the.__.. .::. ,_ .• ~. ... ~_.' ." ._. ~_ ..\ pJiuwllg a special ~~entOl1H~ EI PaSO, " meeting. here mJ~ duthman lit Ihe mtve:; .._.._.LU£I . .-cl ;;i~d .-etq-Jread-'Urls' week. no:mttBdllR1m;lw::buttt:1IJr:=:YlU.'iL.aUomeY;::on-.JMlJOn~r-n_ Hl'ad ancllM(l~~.

~-......,..rt1 . _c..·_ ,.. - --,_._- ._~-~_.~. ~·--~-f·_"v, cera- ee.., " bonUS In' hl!J jlaYClleclUJ. No sIr, he tfte ('oWlcll, to .d....w an orell. _.. • ", , 'to

- - .~ f~~·~~~,~"~~. y-·o.. . ~. newly formed organlZJltlon are. worked from 'till 'til cant an calTie mulcl! deelarllJl' a one mill tn Ihtl first woolc 01 May to tevleyt,. ,Mrs.naIPh Dun16p has been Oland Pt'rry, tIre chler; BlII Wud, In and ted his Mr511, ate hl!J chUck levy 'Oft aU p~Hy auellllecl Ihr. UJ61.68 b~et. '. as.'ll1Jrah~ fire ehler, and MAurtfdla an hit the bunk, Red layout there "lihln the eorporate! Umlla 01 PllIl'ln:m scrved as mA1OI' IlC'O"

spending the~ast ten.~1U1rr Pert'l. secretary-trclIsurcr, In Ihe nlllht so cool, smokfng a thC\ VlIlarc 01 Kukloso lor pur. tNll for pa11o( the m~ UIlIU1daughter w . was t or a VOlunteer firt'men inclUde Bert DUrham with hig head on hili saddle ~ Of rtilrllll' the Indebted- I;('Iv1~ arrived,horse. Pflllgsten, Bob CUmpston, Roillan 1I!!lnln to the SOWidIJ or. night. an riCali aralmt tbe Vlllare .treet., 'til'! cou.ncUmembers~. •

Maell, 'l'Ode. Brennemnn.A1bert maybo lookln up at the !lUtrll so slcll.tWaJlllJ, elc. . uPrtm,ed regretli tb&t ~l1IIIOaW· .. I .. . Booky, Walter Hcnn. Ray Taylor, bright. &!glncer QuInton t>lmle! gnve a Was retJllPlltI(t froth tb6 CUy l'Ofti'no. e' 'c'om'e Edward Pell.llcld. Ctlrls>tobal. Za· 1 liCen l\ oowbO)i. onet'i wanderln report· on the Ilf&tus 01 proposed IIIIt bOdYI and welcomed die tte.1i. . . . mora, BUlShteeengollt, EsmiICl down 1\ bU.'ly iltreet waUl.hin the lleWer dl'i'trlct. 2. Attorney 'I'homp. membcd. A proclamation TiM .1-;en. .

/':$AllIS. JUlin. Garcia, Kenneth Rus- cats IUld thn mUlIn crowd, hearth gOIl prqsented a list or the area!) to Hebettool\. by Hint! on bebalt 0( \beTo IJneoln CoWltV sell, Juan Zamora, Arthur salas. alliho city noises, the hOrntl art all. be (or that could bel excluded from roWletl, comine'ino....unc RObe""

'MR. Ant> 1I4RS.:MAlUt'bt1NCA· Hob Lucero. Henry sanchez, . r wa{cllCd ashe tried to erOSij the dlt;trlet iijld ateas that might r;on's work on the pibeltbe 'katadd chtldteh:. Mark, .;DeAn, 3. J1lTi Netbl1way, Raymond Trujillo, agaInSt thli light an decUed Xbet. h~V'e to be condemned. DnnleJ stat- three Yl!nl'$,

.abd 'rystlOt ~, lrave movecf to RUI· LOss Morris, OllclI RamcY. E;d- ler ht!lp betOtehe died of fright. (·d that the nllgnineht of the ills- l\ft!mbt'r.'J of the ottfc1al' f&n:lUtdoSC) frolTiP1At\Q,'reX1i.S, They ate . ga,' Phillips, Rlohard Phillip!! and As we jj'aUle4 tho other sldC! I I.!lt ttlet had been check~d. 'rho coun- m:?L tlt thlt home ot Mayora~ JIi'£liVing In the-bOUse just- to thertsh\Lee ~~II, tt Is expected Ihat other hllll to Join me lor a cup an we ell movcd thl\t the oower d1Btdcr. DL\Vl$ on .Monday hltbf; 10 bQi:IOi'ol .tack's' Wil/'.f\e' Shop In 'nutdOsO men, . who Wereunllble to attend aM on·tl\.e stoollfi the crowded cMe be tutne« ewer to tile. ctilPnei!t "tid nlc }'e!!>igntill tr~ and h1a. WiU.Downs, .bttncan Jll·· It bulldllit con- :thO rtriSt meeting. Will voluntt'!er we talked or lUIS itt" t.tid the city tho Mlorney wlth In!.irUClIbnll to Mr. lind Mrs. Robor(eoii..' '.tractor. . . ,theJt serVices llll, IIremen ~y the way. Reclaimed Ullt talks In town proceed With tlla district. as It how ... ~ . . . , : '

}d.Jt• .At'iP~ 1t,S.~Ynl!xt m~eUng.dat(l. .'. . Were Clomplelcly tUckertld out b1snd!! WlJhY!!tfl.3cn>t1on oLthIUllt.'.Md soli. :Kenneth, H. iiave moved' :-:C"~~0t1t.-.tjtncer~an1l:A-:-8'~:~U-trnttlniJ-.clfininor1liJiriloolimore -Ci\iiioMlI/Ic bOWd, with aUpciljSlble .t4 Jtwdoeo from Glleue Wyo~ TheY . .,tb03C! WhO eX«.!lided Ii. lie1pliig Iilfitf ch4neel& In a: lllnaltl. bour UtaIJ M ha~ and' to proceed Wltb c»ndem. iare lIvUllr In t bOlI8'e',~lroilt".to ret tis SUlliCd. on thIsl much woulcltak~ iiil d'Y.m lIald If One nation It tiecclmll.tY Wherll IiISC-

. tlie WOinal1l

j ClulS' bW!dlng.· .YO- ,,~, '. i r.t!edeeltlte de rlment,~' a spokC.'l· nt bliUieu~~HJrli.llHhemenm hatl:11'IC1oJt;~.'beiimllfninW¢-.~~-r,,"",.~."'i.t.i· .ri 19 aplfmil$e.r'on Uie:. • . ~...,..,:~ ....0 man or, the iti'QUP tlLld, WAY. fOU,s eat ~t'WJ ahed die of bloat Robert WlndbAtl1fjr. Etd(J~dC) L f'ailee crew At the .htee ·track..',>.. ,~ . '*"J . ,""'P'., H' 'f" -'''. • . tn, a very pali1ftl1 'WAY~ bbUcltlJ. Iin VUI_ EllUtes "liked When could t& ltuiGtioE~N~~~".

:.MIt, AND UlUJ, ~OJ4Ell; D)i;Lo; .. :... ;t;~, .Time lor .. fiPr1n~. Clfc!a!J-~f ready to head b~k bOrne and If tM. bld$ be,'ex'PCCted (0 be oPClMd on PUUo ...,.,-.._LI()N haV(! moved to 1W:lddseJ from / ....2t,; .... :.} Pami-up, tb'...p WI'1t bandy tool. GOOd LOrd 'Mlllet mel only tet metbl: c:Qn:'Jfrliqtlbn of the .l1(lwcr pro- JUIiC')I1t.'". lIlA,~oid.'1'ejCjUI.TheYllve In .. }lel•. " .• :'. .. C"". '. ..' ,:,'t,J ••~ .uppUe. IroIrtGJ'~bletJ.Water~. I ..wonl .ever a1lt tUm:.· lOIelLVO tM3l\clt. ArterM~ dL!lclllJ.!jJon by thotoW' J1otl.1e 0& tI.'lC! lklittOMbSi the' ~.' ,,?ll, ,"'. ':", . f' Jut lJOiJe,cfioPPliJlr bcH:fj. rakel,rangeualtj•. bl.Jt U lever'. dO Imcoun¢!J .hd ttw ~ecr. l~ "as '. '.. . '

~. hi1tP~ '~'8hil~ ~uoa"~'..,~ .. ~.'t"! :~;,'I. :}: .wheelbattOWjj. lawn f~j .'.ow~r •.IIh()I''' He WIII.rn_ketn«11it, there (Ietet'nilnedtbif, July i3, 11l6h/oUld . MlIUIt. ~ . , .

'. ~11lQitt~ an¢Rcl~~ibWbtlf . ' ••~_..~::.. ", n;:, . '.:",;'; . .:.:... '(f"~ ",oj,. 'W , .' ,. -: . ,,,;..,,,,,,... ,",I'On,,, d;_ • ""-'....-. .~ billJj.paliUM. till eta.... .ln~tjvenijO'~ tit 1:10 place tor bo Ute tatiOf. dAte. lO,rtM ope~ Mr. and J.ttow~;~~~ ... ~rlY ~nt:~, .' ... '. •... " .. ··JOTA[·, lC)$''''Rutd~ \I'm Chl.f W~.·E'f.,l.+, •.~WQ. i:lti'nf .ttl! .~h.~lif' _b.~ ~.. :en,elc, _,_ ".C'~- _. _~.:....., __ -~~:~_1i.!'~J(~~J~~~:-=,.~~f.-..bidS:.on-;thtf ~Y(~....p~~,~,gapl~~jJIII:"-~-~i'.', ~.'~".

,,(..t··· ~.'. ~~A1'·9~t'~~:.:~· ,!!,.l¢:t~lpiic'When lhT.f;&~~I.:.jQ'if.DM:cd\iI6;n~n·laelplit:ptiOiii fiilhe \' ... .' '8" e:'" "fuI'=:~~~--~-~' " lei J. ! - .cou.n~ '~'Ved .. l'eQUe&~ from bC)rn APril %Jt.,M...:.~•• to~ "t \. !~i:htldte1f,'M1~Je'.4>;'8nd.~:·.bUrtt.erlc) ''''''01'09114'6 t!~ !tc:Itfy~ti 6f.. t :'''''~.d~~tcHJc:i.mfri' Het ton.,.o- -nearby' .' e'.' 'a'r'ce, ..•.. .... "1' the J'cl~ service to te:m .. vn.. . ).(t. t.M:)It... ~.~J .~! .:2.hav,~ ..JilC!le<f to,~ :.$cjhJrdQfmomlfflJ ~aJ:~n, ••ti~t.a~llf,.. </ .1f9f•.~..~. ~r'•.~. w~~ .obI. t6 fldg . '.' 'I , and pay • (trlvet Ri1kloao ~~.. ;I*f~ ot.,~

.. {rom:EI FIlliiO.~W••~)' Rye tll· ltOO· ". ·O·.-n· ".J'~".o-L;;.;.,I ""'.;1' I,,~".- L"'··Jf.""Jt. «:···..~lliN ·ftlllll .... .1." .. 'L''''fn- ··OJL,·... ot·..~I··f. . W·. I-tit··.. to~ by em ~e WMdt it &be bQrn .MI., 1~. . .. , .,.... ~.•'. ·uatlet No. 77fif. W !IUet'c!( TrIll... j,;I .. ....n~ '. '"."'...... ""o~nTQm ~ ~r ...~ ''lII' ,..",<4( ~. JO,I1W ~. n:1 an '"I..,. . .toJ.'M. 1'llO, H*t ~i'j)ft. illfl~N~ ,. t et ~rk. ~1*',ttiJ. 1).,,11_1' iftct' ~ycr~rd·.)(" t·.~wWaf '6sfsbtt<QUMt\f ·:·eI 'Of\Ote4 hi, pftOJ forhtfp, "0"1ewas.' MaYoi"t!&w.·dlt~cJ ~u I1OOnOtlUl8~}.

... ~rn~t:ta9t~'" '.' ., ·-mQffU"Ct~"tl'lj~fji'/1f'"'biniVRf/r:o...r"'>:'~;:~~'Jti':rQWn':.COlJnf..yNo·rttt.".'." ..... ,'.,;. ....;... ," 4, .• O¥ ...... , .l~ JnPUbr bli ..t. up etutJJl¢a<)J'.~-ll,. '1' . . .' .

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Page 2: · In the plant de~ent.lnROB' tho making of a 30-mlnu'le7documentary color film 0.0 qual'- Fc, nnd Keith














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Page 3: · In the plant de~ent.lnROB' tho making of a 30-mlnu'le7documentary color film 0.0 qual'- Fc, nnd Keith



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'.' S..& H..


. STOKELY'S MIS - NO. ~OO . . . " . ,:.. ~.. ; . . .


lOMAIOJUICE ".........;......J-$1STOKELY'S - 303 SIZE ..


FRUIT" [OCKIAll ,4 FOR 89¢.

lIBBY.'S -.c60Z. .. . ~ . ',HOR


GR,fPE . '··R ' . DRINK .......:.......·.2 FOR 39¢tHEESE fOODS Chor. Dol/ohl •• 2,.S. 6rMARK mSIZZLER .

.PORIABL~ GRI'll $1.49CORNED BEEF gb~~ §5c



... "GARBAGE CAN· .WlthUd $:J ..l ..'·, ..... -, ...30Gal. ..•........ ~.... .



"C"_::1&"0__ --_ .


:" :: . '!XTRA LARCE - "AA"· .. ·0>··'· ,,,., ...., '. j '.-> • '. , ~ •

''', . '. .' -, .. .

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11. s. D.A. GRADE A- ICE I'ACK



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__.Bt..AD.E-~~. _~, _ . __.~.__ .... .


- - -.- - -- -- --. - - - - - -- - - - ~- -- - --- - - - - -

SAUSA' G"E Morrell 1 LB. 39C: ,Hot·or Mild. • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • ROLl




'. -STOlttLY~S AULG~N: -: ·NO. _~Ob . . .. .

.' ',:;. JASPARAGUS.:.........3lOR 89¢-8TOKEJ;.Y~S -:' 303 SIZE ", .

. :(UI' 'GREEN BEANS I 5 FO~ 99¢. ,.. ... '

. . :VMlJ~~tS- 300 SIZE. .



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......- .ROUND-STiAK.............. B. 8 ¢ .JttMBo-ALL MEAT-BY CHUNK OR SLICED

, '. , • s.

· .1~'1, ,.-.. ~'...~•.,. . .

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~IIlt,, ,·11 .

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Page 4: · In the plant de~ent.lnROB' tho making of a 30-mlnu'le7documentary color film 0.0 qual'- Fc, nnd Keith







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Page 5: · In the plant de~ent.lnROB' tho making of a 30-mlnu'le7documentary color film 0.0 qual'- Fc, nnd Keith


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Ruidoso News



MRS, MArty lOU PMKER " MRS.KI;NNETH REAMY' "Officers Elected , " .,,'''''---:h" h"'~"'__"_'"'~~' Capitan Fashion ,,,:For FHA' Chapter United ChurchWomen Show Presented ~.

Thtt Future Homemakers of To Meet Friday May 5 '1'111' Cll.pllan Woman's Club pre".Amer/.ca pha~r In \.he RuJdoso " !>t'nll'd a spring fushlon 'shoW o¢

SPEAKS HERE-Pr. Edward ',,E, High SChool elected officers for the The Unlled Church wrmcn of 'Thursday, ~prl1 20 In the cap1~Storm, Jr., Bap'tlst Conven- 1967-68 ~h9Q1 year- In the last Ruido:;o has SCheduled a covered Womnn's CIllb building. Theme ~i'tl . f N MIS d meeting of the Il1"OUp, dish luncheon and meeting Friday Ilw show Wtls ..April In Paris" aM

on Po ew ex co un ay Marya~ ,Jennln~, da.ughler of I1ll'i week, May 5, at '12 noon. at thc WIl!; stn~(>d In .Il s,ldewalk Cafe " secretary, will speak Mr. Imd M:rs. Jack Jenninll6, and Community Mcl1lodL..t Church In mosphcrl,) WIth small ~l)les c;le~at Firs! Baptist Church, Ru,i- a Junior, was eleete<! presJ.dent: RUidoso. The women or ttle Mctho- orl1,tl~d with chl.'Cked tablecloths 104do$.o Downs Sunday, May 7. "~nne Neal, daughter of Mr, llnd dll:ft Church will be h~.stel;ses llnd bottles C1lVl'l'<'(1 \\1th candle ~.Dr. Storm. wlifl also s how Mrs. Blil Nelli, was elected vice- wtll furnish oorfee, tea Ilnd bread; drlPplll~lI, A wtdo variety Or f~-slidlt pictures of his' recent president; Shari Pal"llOns, daughter Jll\d 1hos~ Jl.t1.~l!dll!l{ wlUl)rwg .l! tpm for filty!"t. sports -nnd evenJn,.

r M d Mrs DI k ...... CO,vered d1sh of some kind. All wcar WNC ShO\\11 llnd mOdel".. Ul.trip' to Hong Kong. A supper, 0 r. an . C r ..roons, h h I1l, wlflbe held ot chutch ar Sl!crctnrYi Regina S1tarp; daughter cure. WOIll~!} !n ..~ ar!}.@. ArC .In- ~Iuded Mrs,' K~mlethRCi\I1lY,NrJ;,

. or Mr. and Mrs. ~er Sharp, vllcd to a.ttend whether thcy a.r(> DIlIIIW D:lI'llllg, Mrs, Lamar era~4130' p.m. using China as lis tr~!lurer: Amell'" Aguilar, daU8h- mcmbers of the United Church ven~ IIl1d Mr'), MI~r)' Lou ~r~theme. Evening services will tel' afMr. and Mrs, Pedro Agu,tlar, Women or not, It wall I\lUlounced. Mr~l John Abll' \\l1S pl'Olrram dl+be held at 7:00 p.m. Public Is sOIlg'leader, and CIndy Harris, Tho progrlUll for the Ilftcmoon rN·tOI' Ilnd Mrb John Schuster, nat!invited to affend this special dnughter of Mr. and. Mrs. B. O. wlU be atonG' the ltnes or the 00- 1'1\101' TIll' rashlolUl shown were

f---"!I' H II htstori rie·r;::.;rrn~rl$~~~!';l1~e~n~le~.whtt'h Is ProspetU)'~ "from'ilrunMh nnd the Sportaw_rervletf. ••• • w~rr~;ume th~;CJ:Uf.'S 'at l1le be- Povt>rty nnd Pl'Ople. It WllS report" Shup III RUldohU lind the F'lsb,!on

I In~ • 'h Inn7 no _.. I ted, (llllh'r,\' Illlli C'u1ll1ll1It:~' Dry 00048.Hugh SllIes. PlllitOI' of the First Il' IUI~... "O. • e "" -v<> 8 ....00 erm, .. U I r u Orrtcers or l1le. UnJt't'(l Churc1l or ('llnUUn Chl'rllt'S Jubl1ee a'n<lBapLI....1. Church of RuJdOllo Oowns, 1 II a . . "

" -------- Women or RuJdollO ~cludl's Mrs. corf"I' ......1'1. ',I'rwd 10 the,,28 w'*,••,.I'ti ' J'!"lurned hlbt Monday rollow1nghis' Wood)' Sicvenson, president: ~N, mcn' ntt,'nl!mn tilt' aftalr.J.lrlr.'

conducting revivnl 6Cl'Vlces In BSE Coordinating Truman Spencer, vice-prcsldcnt: Mil!'» Lou PlUkl'I' (lnd Mrs. JOMg~~~~il,T(,XIIS Ilt tbe First BapUst Committee Meets Mra. TO~ Jones, treasurer. and tlle Schu.,tt'r "\'NI' th,' h~;teliSCs. ,..

TIl ' d'-~tl U r l\._ otrlac of secretary wtll be nUl!d In . ~."~. -,."..,.'. , ,'-"'~=" - '-- , e coor ..... ng oounc 0 .."" .._ ntl d.... d .,;,;;:,a

B t 81 Ph ri' M an t'1ectloll to ...., 00 rme u.. ",e Ilollltll l.ukt' 01"'1111 Satur .Y.~CUl1dy Strl")CI'S To e a gma I soro .y met on- b I 'Inn Frld TIl I t hI ..:.t day nt"ht,. May 1 1Q, l1le home of us ness moe..... IIY. C )'0111' 111'1.'1111('8, n!ill 11K al.' Il. o.m.....

B H d At T M J D • --k _"_I r'" eleated Ilecretary moved aWllY from Inl:' 111'1'1111 for fUll at the lu"N'C onore' ea rl>. . .,.,.".. C, rman 0 w.o ..,_It'--' ...- "" lub Ruidoso. litrc,ullfl In our IU"11 from O.m "A It'a w111 bc held In tho home of eomm "'''' .01' ...., .-.. c year.

Mr, and Mrs, Charles Rumbaugh Th~ comml1tee is oompolled of iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiion StUldllY afWrnoon, Mny 7. at 2:30 rcprcsentaUvea from each of thehonorllllf thl' C'IIndy strlpCrs WhIch tour BSP chapters hC1"C'. OOOrcUlU1t­19 1111' Ol'\l'l1plzntlon ot young' girl.'I lug oouncll. o!rleers were electedaffiliated with the RUidoso HoSf11tal with Mm. LeRoy OOOCh from XiAuxtllary. '1110 girls ass1s~ the Alpba Rho chapter as chairman,Auxiliary members In tho opera- Ilnd Mrs. Reggie HUibes from PhIUon or UIl.'I'ln1t1)!f0JlP61nllie 101)D~haptcrr8/1-8eCrutary •.Mr&,Howard­of th" ItuldO'.;o"ltondo V.lley HOs- Tate Is the outiolni secretary. Apalll here. 'The ten is bot~ held 1Q, rCpOrt was mado on the Olft

. N'UililtUoliolUiogtffii-rcccIVllii "pr~Jeolr-ltl-=-wh!~embcr84l~lI­their :lG-hour pln:l. The ilrls have tour chapters aro worktni utiserved from 20 to 010 hours each In which WIll be USed to purchaseth" liMp, Attending the tea In addt- oome needed equipment for tholion to the candy stripers will be RUldoso-ltondo Vlllley HOl!IpiUtI.their Illothcrn and a.loo members of Those attendini the meeting !n-the RUldolJO Hospital AuxUhiry. cluded Mrs. LeRoy Oooch, Mrs.... . . David Travl1l. Mrs. Floyd Haako,

Mrl/. 11. Z. Tate, "~. Mary 11111­am, Mrs. W. D. Horton, Mrs. P. T.V1\l1Iant. Mrs. Robert .Bet.verll,Mrs. Howard Tate, Mrs. W1IUamMorrJoon, Mrs. Tommy Pcr~

alld Mrs. J. D" Locke.

. 'l ~ ,. - ~ ;

•" ­, ',. ~ ~


, "k..ln.Alm'.."h....

014 JI,uihlllb.rt1I••plh,lIi,"

15 Unit." ...", ..,Ith

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BlddoN, N. M•Pho. %57~7

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IS)' the Da)' or B1 the Week

C1u~ - F.mltles 1#."f-r;;:!

.. -ll'amU)cIk1U1lorli, .,-_...

Churcb Oroupi



ftealltUId Upper Cahyon Areaa.. lMl Mr. ,. )(r••liT·"., W. E. 1J ..rtfl~"

.," ...

, ". ' '


-open 24 Houra-

ISCUI'-HILL-C-AfE~--r-I~'rr7 Oar Ow IlrMkI ..

u••••AI!. 1Stee.1te "ftll »_1'..... A.,pc. ......"'..fAtal" .lI Itl,...., 'It - I JlUMKa..., __ Tradl

-OPEN YEAR 'ROUND-:'Dings to Do - Where to Shop

_ID. 'fhe..PlaV91'Ound..oLthe..Southweat---·- ....

.....,I,.........,~,·....=--=~~~Fiesfa~Cabiris'""·RESTAURANT Me:lIC&D FootI -Motel-"Everything I, Cooked -l(/tchena"H-

In UIlIe'c Kftcbel\" By I)ay or W..k- U"w"tnr. Kultl••• - Bolt m Ruidoso - Pho. %5'7oU02



, "Le'trll ••• C.bla. with IJJ:tOil.lI•


. :t hi>

Mountainair L~- .."'---- j- ~~

~ - - - ---)~v----",-..-- -~

. .

1111'. & lUra. Eel AuIIetlloD. Best.

Pho. 25'7....0711 .... Room l'JaOllN

F. O. Bes .... ~U1DOSO.N~ IS.


7 :III. Eut or Race Track OD US '1'


..---;Rwdo.o~1IIes1"'W. _. ~-

. , .


• I"



Carrizo LodgeArt Ckluel r:lnd

Ch.urcb. G.roUpl

Herb .. Pauline OrercerHD

Pho. Z5700U75 - Drawer ABaldo.., New Meltle-


___ • J\J2, ~1Ic.h~~ SP5ltJlI,the '

, LPcl of Etlt'halltmel2t


No. 115



~ ,PI,.. roo.t In IuWoeo'I,...., Channa.,. Spot'"

, ..-- ------ ---- ~ - - --_ .. --•

, .

''Best Food In Town"Real Pit Bar~B·Q

. Mexican Food ~' Cliolce Steab,

Ivale DinIng Room - Special Ralol For PartiesOen. and Josep'hlne Slacey - 257-2291

. "

FJREPt.Ad:s "AND 'TV -'1"9' .'Jm,$~ anti of rluldQ$o's more 'populo, 'motels,. oper.ated pyMr. an~ Mrs. M. R. Haws,was ,built here on Sudderth I"

• a fin, stemd of Ponderosa· Pinos. In 1959. Tho placohas

17 ront~d. units "wl~h fire­place. ,TV \J"d has beautiful/lvlng 'qutlrt~rs for tho own­ers. StatUQ of ra,,"g horse Ind lapdsl:Ciped garden, and asnowmal) statue In wintermon~ht' 'not.s the tvio mal"recreations of area.

, ,.AU Co1a'U 11II.....~'TV'.-~&N

" fIho. 257-2521 - ••255- -lufcUto'0. Hecl1em DriTe III u.e .".,. Ie

U:Ie W Area ......... Lab

~....~ Carll.ria, KId.

. ~f"'WStMb..... lIeore.U "'I.&nat'. ", w.,; iIe..

.~~oIte ,.. .... otft. ----'.. + ------.~ ....

- . 'Teie"'.","~••,j' ~

,."· ',





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Page 6: · In the plant de~ent.lnROB' tho making of a 30-mlnu'le7documentary color film 0.0 qual'- Fc, nnd Keith




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Page 7: · In the plant de~ent.lnROB' tho making of a 30-mlnu'le7documentary color film 0.0 qual'- Fc, nnd Keith





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. . "

..... ,. __ •• UR'

, ', .

., '_I , '1'

,Lynn ,& .LindaM~Guire '

Felst - CdurteoUI(heck Our S.rvlce 'Ian - Fr.. Estlmate,t

New,.Remod.I, R.palr - U'.nsed ~ Bond.dW. Ani Excluslv. 0.01... for Carrl.r HeCltlng anti

Atr ConditionIn",.Phone 2$7.0.4352 - ltuJclOia

. COMPANYPHON.! ~7-4.243 -ISOX 1072 - RUIOOSO, N. M.

Professional Carpet Cleanil1g~~· ...

HomfJ - BUILDER - CommercialRepairs - Remodeling - Roof Repaln

'arntlng All Types - Wrndow and Floor CleClnlng Servl(e

Ruidoso Maintenance COliLicensed Conh'actor'

lox 1227 - RuldolO, N. M. -.,holM 257-2302

~...m19Tae •Shower DNrt

Wlact.w 01..1 • Sure Frail" • MJt...... WJn4ow.PaUe Doe,. • .4... 0 ....CompL:te Glan ServIce .

--NEW'-MEXI(O vtASS---

_ ••,.;... mn••••"';7_1' rn:_ sri-....-...... If_a••"._.. _ •. / ....'i." (~~.,_,_,~I_._._._._,~i_._._.~,_._ _.,•.•.•

..._.....- .--_._"-*.. _.__ ... ~,_; __ -'._1_

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.., . "

. '


., .



, ,

Time lor .. 8prln. ('Ieah.upl.1'Alnl-up, Clx-up "itk handy toolsAnd /lUllJltleJl Irom Gambits." hose. chopping JllK'lI, rAkelll, Repar,. Clnd Servlc. On'fheeJbarro,,'lII, lawn lood. IJower HouMhoJd Appffcmee."crdll and bulbll. paillt•• ru( dean- Pho. 2~7..2a35,-257~105erll. !.t~.__.__. .. _~~_, j{QJnit.thone..31..2022---..

-I# •



HOLLYWOOD CAR PARTSHlighl. Waterman. Hhtlay 70. Hollywood. Ibo. 371-3417*_1_'__1.-._1_= _•••, , _•• _1 __ •••, 'r••__

. is _ -D_-...-....Fiiii._1" ._?.._I_~.--3_. .'....-_~_5'-;- .;;,';'_ It.



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H. & H.·Construction



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"J:' ' .. !",' "


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- We Gr.... YES Stamps -

WASH;" GREASE - ROAD SERVICE .~Mt. and.M!!~Clrotd Cruse -t-. I 'Jum.257....206

"' .. ~'" '0.,,,, ~'.<,'.,'''." l'~ 'lit', "

·..• ftese 'QuaJifieaC~ntradQr$lUld'Fmn$nffer Many Fin~ SerVices.and Products' . · . '.". - . ' . .~~~~~-~............................,....~'-~~~. """'!'.. , .

. . ~" ,-..:l·~~~~~~~~"";;""~~~.~~~~~~~'.~"""",,,,,,,,,",,,..........~.~.,~.. '~.~~ • ',' - ' ,., ,.' • " .- • " ". ,,~ • >" •• "i " " . ~. -,"'" - .. ,. . '. -. ". '," .. .<'

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"t INSIQE . ':' ~l)'

'f~<""'orf" ~'1"-• •': OUTSIDE :~ .~.· .... ~· .~• " T. C. DElJ..ANEY. Mgr. •= ",YOURBEST.BUY , We Olve S. & ~ Orccn, S~amps :

: IN PAINTS! Fha. 378-26-15 - Hlway'lO :.. • )I.. . ...• .1.. .1

.' .~ ~ .0 WOO' ~ ., .',,, ft- ·l'-ri' . •. '~ .,___ _ __ .,...... ~. •

,~ ,'.' '. --•.,'" ., • '. • '~ •• • " • • • • • • • • • " .,. • • • • ~ j, • • • • • • • " • • • • • • " • " • • • II '. " " • ,_ II!. /' - . . ' . ." -. ...,;,.....~~ ..~~, .......-.............,. . ..:......,.~............ ~'" . . . '-"'-"- .-,"- .".. """'=_lI'~-_~__tt___ T """~

PAINT CHART....Tho various pQlnb u.,d by '$chool ~ncJvcled by John, Webb, Chevrol,t JU,ioOaOAN's SON.IN.MW LJQnB Broom Sale .t'AOE liEVEN~ECl'lON Itautomobile mQker. '$ noted In !;hart ,beln9 Motor Co, expert who worked with !;reW of IN TnAIMNI) TQLasi A Week fhlidoRO New"studied here bv Manuel Gomel': center, !;Incl Sierra Blanca Mt>tor Co. hore last week on W"rrcn C. ~hlck, son of Mrs. RUidoso bUilnesses and residences ,--.2:~~daY. May Ii.1~

, I f d Jennlo L. SCluck or CUrtis. Ncb.,~ouls Sanchez, on right, In Qulo renovation proper renovat on 0 use cars. lln5 been promoted to chlef ma:;ter WIll be visited tn A thoroughly or· SEARS nAS SALf.'SMAN

-~=~~=~=~~~~~~~~~~--~~~~~~~~~.~=~=~~~~=:~~ "hl' '~d· ~~d~~~~~~~~' . .~.. Mtl'L !;IDIllllil!tna ,tbe ...,reo.:;yI\Y ..Jillr~ean.. gbl$LenllBuaJ..$rtl c In_ dueled, by RUldos:Ot.loilll ClUb IN nVlDoso AREA- - -- " ..

~OQ$T 1;0 EOUC;ATION-Last hook·up is shown b~lng made A"uro 'RENOVATION" TA"T"H·T'· tloh\lPl this week. lofanuel Oomcz tho U. S. ,'.ir Forco In 'rhallanc1. throull'hout n ext week. May a Scars. Roebuck & CO. has ()~'t~pjp" tdi:J«.\tfonal tehwlslon Into the Ruh:fosoSchoQI System. , . '. U U . Ilnd Louis Sanchez wtll turn tholr ~•. SChick. all aircraft malnltn· through 13 Wilen tho annual broom 0 soles ornco here In Shler'lI Sbop.\Qwtlilhf Clark of Ruidoso Cable TV Is on pol'; fa Ins1all cable LOCAL" FIRM' CR'EW Ullenls toword eVery onr passing 111100 tluperlntcndent, is .. member' and !laM bUlb Ilt\te wtll be llta"ed. pinII Center on U. S. Hlallwa)' 'ZO,~ foto Whfte Mountain School. The cable fQcIlltles have QI. S . through the Slerrn BttUlCO Mo~r of tho Pncltfc Atr Forcell. Amor!· The many Items manurllctured by llollywood, Joe McQulrk Ie, ealcls-r~a""'. ~an In~taTled In the other municipal schools. Tele. Co. denlershlp. Cl\'n oversOM Illr arril In SOuth· tho New Mexico SChool ror the man ror the nrca and Us In the or.

"f L._~-'-- ell'Sl AsIIl, tho Fnr EAst and tho viM,uaU" n"ndl"ap""'d's Ind"nlrlnl flce el\ch, M:l~\day. A lc1ephone....lsMn ·h"ook.up will enable schools to view educational TV Wnnt to Imow why that, old .dlrty Blnnca Motor tiO.'s crew. THREW:: TE.LEI'JION"~ pn 1flo II Id vete.... 'l of World " ~ .. ....... ...,\'1" I _Inn d In ...1- Jr...... ..0 • e ... n... branobat A1aml\lYordo wtll be oold on.'l\verlng service 13 malnlalned by •from I<NME.TVJ Albuquerque. Later White" Mountain School cnr you \l!lcd to own looks so Iihnrp Not 11 !letal 15 lI ......e wm> .~IIJl'LOYEES1I0NORED Wllr II. lie I\lso served durina tho by cohUnlitClell f~m the Llol!.'! club the ,company the balMce or the

wJII have programs orlglnale there as part of Ruidoso Coble and, :mlney cIh the u,'.led car lot now cqmple1e r.cnovaUon pr«>Ject: Afler IN DINNEn SATURDAY KorclI.n War. He ts a 1935 graduate b"re who Mil call 011 motel:l. cafes. time, llt>ted I\.S 21i7-4086.TV'trvlce. Camera and video tape facilities are being Install. that you've traded it off? °ldcorb Is "~!ledl on .. tra(!e tu:e RuIdoso'Telephone Company em· of Nebraskt\ SChool of AgricUlture, ';bool$ Md other elM$lflcattolU of ==========:=:;;::::_.I bl flU's 1111 the result or .. speclnl 0 ulJgy '" g ven .. camp e e ployees honored three of their CUrUI.l. 1Itu wtro, Jren,e, ls tho b lne ,well a" 11' rc..Jd..n t1.'"" v co e company or cased circuit viewing here. k.IU b __ I I d manl"ur"---""d"r ......... tho noor " ""~.... 'I..... "" ,--..!---- -~- ...,.~-'<~---- s that eastly could e cla~f e .. ,,--, " """"" number who nrc ll'llvtng tho firm dl\U8trter_ of MnJ. A MCC'1ebdou ,too, Bam MontllQm"'"". who 1!1 on B FI •

' as part o~ thp. am, and it's not mats. heod liner. whec18. In the t\118 month. Includilla commercial of RUidoso. &be eIUb't1 connnltte~·to hcjp mnlet"! .rown .ymglearned b)' accIdent. tJ1,lnk. and even thl1 UtI) tools arc mllnager Guy Roberlr.on. ond Mm.

John Webb. an Instructor In the shlned nlld paInWd.· J)can ,Phl1llpsllnd,lotrll. PegS)'Ovo..~m~nta for Ihe annual event • S . .'Ilrt or Ilutomoblle recandlUonlng 'rhe rccondltlob1ljg. 19 nOt. only con. Mrs. Ovcoon In going' to Itol- SHOP' 8ald laM week. .emcefrom Chevrolet Motor P1v1slon'n for look!;. bowever. MOst .Important brook, Arl~. to work wtth n.,phonc .,~U.. SC.pleiatapJe,., ,.per ell,.. WAYNE UNDERWOOD, 0wMrDallas relrlonal omcc, spent three to the operation I!J to bring the used comp:my there. Robertson Jolll9 LOCAL STOR. ,aper ,.leellert .t the Newa .nIOll. Ch.....&ft't S.----dnys In RUIdoso last wook reillylng car u~ to roadworlhJncss bOfore it InternaUonal Telephone & Tele· FILii f()fJ)EItS _"'.. ...""...

-- C"ni:~~lf<1rq'··. ~_~_~~,,,,:,,~,.,~~ """"d"ll!'l""'''~'' l~l~~!~~..c,~:~Id;; dUllorSI.n'-'IlI.. :~~:'~I1;;"":t ·-~~:!=~l~·-,. ___'_dL

'5'a'. .A.p' ~,~ra~:'~,"~~ ., ·~·~---~:...:---~--·~Ih1tn··(~~~,[-mP1fJ2n-r,:O~Mr~r·. ~n-a'[)._~~1'.'~~ --·~~--Ho..........~-Bu1lt·In------Hfghf'251 ..2t63--;------~-L... _. ' 'V ~ .~~pal~R:;:;.n:g~~~.~, '_. ; Rob~rir~;,"~tr5~PhllllP3. ~trtJ. ~. A;pllances Wed Skle~.' Formica Topt , . .' ',' • GOn, Mr. and Mm. l);\l1.qn ~, Wf-t.-rly El-&-f

CStat. Road 37 -ltuJehMev....... No Job'rooSman- .,:.; , "-~.' .. ,,-~. -I' "',- .'. , ,'1 Mr. and Mrn. Roy Otlmblo. ~tr. and 't-'~='unuu=:=~~=_=......:.:... :-_==========:-:.

4IeODS "N,9JobTooiara- .' ... ,,;;;.. ';J/ . "~:f' ~=~.l.~~~r~~r. :sr::.~:; Ruidoso News~ ~""_.'.'~. Flx-lt Serv~ 'J c'" d'" J I Pobb9. Mr. nnd Mrll. Ch.llrll.'3 Wllrd. ~~~ __

-. Phon. 257·2520·., . ~ d Richard Sllnclll.'ll. Mr. nnd Mm.

:~,,,,~.;;::=:";=;:::.=.;;;====~~=R~lil~doso==:;-BBo~xE"~89~=~;~, 1; r,"X .::\. r: :~4:Jl:~1~1~~:v~q~~:~n~nd Refrigeration BeI' ~",;,., .....:." )...~ .:~-l", .. , Amomottve A1r(, , S -.S· n '_:, " The /:rea. ouldootll bI c.lllnx- Co d1tf n1Jl:5.Ruidoso' Chevron-· ,ervice - tation .~ f,"" ;' .~, f~:mt~:~lnr:,plcnlt'ltlnK Items at HARor'SE. & M.






' ;,, \,I .

Page 8: · In the plant de~ent.lnROB' tho making of a 30-mlnu'le7documentary color film 0.0 qual'- Fc, nnd Keith







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t!COt.UMBlA PlCTIJRES, ""'"' ---'_~

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. 'It!'v .(;;l~.

, ,

, , ,

- Ph'l 5.I~ct.cUhort $l,Iblectl -< ,

.~--DdveOut Early~nd.Enjoy~aFinQMeal,-or.­Sandwiches and Drinks at 9Ui' Snack BJlr.

",T,akeAdvan$ageofDayugh! Saving nine-;Use the' E~~a' Hour 'ro"Ha;VQ 'i9. Bttla:x

, and Enjoy Fme Food Before ih.,. Show. Starts•.

-Thf... fitS'. RoJIck.

~~~--~"';"-Bi'Qraa YOU',.nOt Mr. RoJac~., .'

* * *-' WEDNESDAY .. THURSDAY, .... ' .. _._~., ._.~,_... ~, .c. ,~



l(eepiDg"UpWith Folks' In '.' .I.jju,:oln Countv




PostmaS1el'll or lh15 aree. to attend the semtnar In .Al.buquerque, t1lJs weelt-end IncludeMrs. Ii. A. PameU. RuidolSo Downs:Mrs. Lee WimberlY, Holl~:Mrs. AUeen LlndamoO,d., Alto: Mia,

. DIxie .Sparks, one of the e;omtmtteo•• 1 "••.•1•• '_-...... ••••n~n__._n.,.•a_F." ':',.n •• ,_P, planntni the event," n. Stanton.

~, .. , .. . _ . and Roy Harmon, QurlzOao,' wboJon COUPS SCIlOOLINO KINO ORTIZ HEADS C. A. P. will be an 1n8'trUctoT•.

• 1r;DEI~W"y--"T''CHAPAKRAL In a meotlnr-1a8t-week-ln-Cal'ri· -'-.Monday throujl'h 111u1'll\ia1 tb1a IIOZO .~ by Alton any of Try Ozlle 'C:.~ lDcloo~ or '

~~c1C. Eight_~yon ~ob COrps RuldoooDo':"M, and.~ Gene outdoor'S. Maybo thltl ypt~ yo.'p ".pCr~ve----Oeen l'ece1V1nlr-sat1e)'-ot-'RWdoiIO;·,KtDo·;"OJlle-nn-----R-.Irnlnlng In tJevc~1 tlubjcda tnelUd· named to~d the COmmunlt1, Ac· many lIR. wpre U!ere'. loW' 01 ... ..In" advisory work tor youths, in .. tlon Prorram for IJocoln OClUDty. heaVY trattlo-bt ajorea, det:lll, ~fipecll\l COUrllC, belni held at the ,He lIUCCe«ls the R(rV. Luther Pitta 11omes, haUwa)'., 1obblet,. walk- \. . ,> .Chaparral MOWl' mtd. of Ru!doeo. , . wa,... Get tbe lJtotT frem 'Gamb1ell. t- ;.~ ._,c~".~~-" •• '

• ... _ Oi ,., ,


. ,


Ruldoso NeWillFridaY,May 5, lOG7

LoIn Dunlap 'wu .. weekoend.EPISCOPAL CIlURCII ~cst or Bobbitt Lucero. . ' ! •SERVICES : ••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••• :

During lIrJay••1Ioly oommunJon Mr". Kathryne 114tJl Travia sa:., WA'r I S C·0 0 K"'N i :.wl11 bo «lcbrated at tho Cburclr ()( v1lliung ooveta! clUes hi MexIco. •the Jloly MoUnt In nuJdOIlO wlth the • . •J1(lv. Jameo 11. Ktrkp&t:rlck of Jtos- Le! Us Help You : Welcome to the hOt'HrMn, trackfMnonn.1 .ancbdl ... :woll In c:hal'ie or aervicco on tbo W"h Remodelfn" WIth ,' : . otfMJt con~d with RuIdoso Down;. May thIs 21st :IIe<\Ond and touM SUDdAya of tho Hotpolnt BuUt-ln : yea' be your greatest yet. Drop In from time to time for .'month. On I<!ay 14, \he oorvice will 1It..__oa-ILII ti .bl) at 11 a.m. ~ on May 28 at 6 A H : some 'nUT_I.. 1\ or ps.. :p.m. La)' foadC!fS wlllscrvo dl1rtDg PP BnC8I : :UIC other SU11c1a)'tl Of May. Wimberly Elechic • ,_ ~~.__~.._~..=..""•.'._:~ ~ _~_~_'~ ..........".".,_o;':.;.....:::"-_:.:.='=:.;=:-;.:==;:--' : :,",. W··.I1·ar· '-W-,'11'."a-.,''.t·" ,_. ,.: ,.....' > • ' ,co;" ,:

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•• it ill iI.' :li- II it'•• , , ••Ii.'.,5 • • > n I ~ t 15 'j ? ' ••

\ 8,- . a.~.-tlre!-- --, -l-~pricet-· .


la...••• , •••8~


-,- ,·,--~---~cMorton', .• , ~7

........ 3


oas.'. 2 lIS. $1~.09..


, ....•

u ar

'" c.

FRI. •SAT. SPECIALS"'-FRANKS. G~~;~~s, ",,:, ,.,. 49C

SALT PORK", .. , I.B." 3~SIRLOIN STEAK lB, ..••••••• 89C




.' .fI" "


" .

NEW DRESS SHOP Tr"owr" Chost DressShop oponod hero lasl week end in buildingformorly occupied by Trco\Uro Chest GiftShop, Ownor and oporCJ'or of shop is M"Sam Nunnally who is shown In one of thephotos ,Shop now fealuros casual as weU asdreu and 'porI' c1othos for wamon, and Mrs.Nunn'ally ,qld she carrios particularly largesolocllon of smoll wamon', ,izes, Sorno of


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Page 9: · In the plant de~ent.lnROB' tho making of a 30-mlnu'le7documentary color film 0.0 qual'- Fc, nnd Keith



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~Boruto!-' tu~"~,~' ,.Opens 'Sat~day: .

'1)·Qutlltoc}glllre9pt(~tlIl41n- ~em!l~Int> Al'o@d. 'RuJ~Q§oWlt.habol,\t : 9,3QO.ct\to~l'ob.(i·$I7Je· 'tr9uthnUm; 'Ule ~rea\wate:r,lid~st'. W~k.'

l;lOIlJtO Lll~e rect:~:Vel1 'aMut 3,100f1~1} I~ pl'epal'atl,lIl?- for mil Illite's PAOE nNE : "."", SECTION BM~y 6 openIng. 'Pte, 3,100 rllill put .~ .;.,.,,-~- - -._,_..... . .

, "',' In- lRlll ~eek, are 4f~c:'l1lt\Qi) to'1,9M" ;!,j~""":' ., , . :";~"t~ cRlchabll:·sl~e tro"~' .lI,lr~ai:ly /itQCk•

.. ~., .,f 11, • h,,.,. ":""'\1".1 1l!1.111·U1Q.lak~ t1U&'lIprlng., . ,. " ~""" h '\ \, ' ""'h ) , " , ,".~ ",:.',' ,.:.. : ",.., ':;:,', <:\' I.';., ;'. i,:i' i':il~~:' 1t'''J:J.l.~~''''''~; ';'; ....1. er ukes rec~l~ Catchable·

4- ,~' ""'/ ~ ~>~" .:':~(,';~~:;,"\,'~:;', ~~.if'~,~ ., :'e,~; c I . , ":)j ,:;;~\.:~';}~'\~1 . Iil~1J lro~t WC1·C Nosal and Alto". " .' .'~'''';~;:;~ :'''~ . ,.~ .•~, :' ", ~ ;:"~J~,'l .~a<:A belllg IiWc~ed Wllh apollt, 2,000.

,r'y .,~,: '•., 'Etrenm.s III ~he atC!l !"(W(lIY1n\t t~utwere the n,uldoso n,iver, ~,5IjO !Ish, 1 , ••• ,'

and the Tularosa ~vel', 6~0 (1s~. .;. ~;':;;~\011llrics Cockerell. n,uldoso tUs- J:. ,if '~l!:~""

---trlct""conSlll"Vatlon'oCflc9r. -reJ>l?$"-'--~' '''''f.(,,?' ..Ul!'\t JltrCall1& .In tll9 !lUt@, !lr~ v~!"~ ':t"~;:i.e:.k'·~~~low clue to the small rW\off tltls' .. '<~'.;'::~ vYOOI'. St.rcl\m fMllns wtll probably'" ';.1,";, '~'}~'i:d rr h

.•1.... r '1Q~ 'i ... ' ,'!.rop 0 to Jlot In~ UJll~ w,... area"""-;'l';li,\,;!~"\ol~,

seLs somc good ,rains soon. .·\/1~~~ ..1.:,;1::~>t'+t':Ruidoso area 11s111ng was called ' • ':':' :'J ,t';::/-:'"",'

ex.ccllent by Coclterell. N:pt{!ll "Mr'';'f!;,;ffj ,~,.;'Allo Lakes nnd Pte n,ilIdoso and ~""\'~ \)"Tularosn JlIvers were nil hC1\vlly :\';1'~1~sloelted Illl>'t week so the swd fish· 'luV> should conUnue. Cockerell sp,ldthat just nbout nllY bait was seor.bIg. .' • .

Southc/lo.'lt(Om f\s\lQrmcn arc reomlndrc,l that. Bonito Lake will 0~!1on May G M G l1.m. mountatn~ay.

lIfl'ht lime. •

:# ...".,... 1 5


; 13ig Boy Bar-E·Q Grill Wiih Rotiserie - vim Be Given To Some One May 13th,S p.m. Register~ .. -~ ---- ---- - _._. -- - --.-- -- - ----~-,,-_.~-~--------_.-

~ f~r the Drawing - WILL BE OPEN ALL DAY SUNDAY.•


These Specials Good Thurs., Fri., Sat. - May 4-5-6

.. ,


, '









• I,


!••'~ ----





~, ., • J ,,' .. ~ " • •

CAPItAN fLY~R .... JImmy ~ Wright, CClpltan,' doso's first invltClllonal tr,ock lTIoel held here...9 0es Q.Vttf' .bar at 9 feefl!" pole vault In Rul. Salurday 01 new track. ' '. d fhot 1'1I1, Ortiz, (MlltOl.O. 1st.

W''en "S .H'a"mpe'r' 'lil' a"; Hlt\:ilnl:~IIl. l.bra ;11111'11. 2nd;, i'III'>~, MII.l,l\1;;h, 3rd ht'·H'II!,OIl.

l!:\II1ICI'. 4th, 111'11,1. y, Ulltrlt. flit!, ,

k1>I.·l·U" ' {til hard',oll. l.onhllul'!n

F• t" T M' t' I I Ir,o' 7' ," ('hI, ('I), Jl<1'lc,l·lligh."IrS " rac ' ee 21d; Oltll. (.\lrIlL.". 3rd. 1;\1;"'1'11-• '" II. 1';"111\1', 11h. !'!lUllll. fuillco·n.

~~Lt~"dl'lvrn by derry-Ed';;;;;~or r .. 1 W1ndlt and' IJJbwhll; dust ]I~l<l HllH'd, P!\·'ll - Hl·J1ql.'rlillllo HQt ,II .....:amoIWrdo was the winner of both down !-heb~ and Cffort3 of track rprlngs Of 'rrulh or Con~equenc"li. .Yllil' Vllll;; VI 11: F.t:mn·, 'Ir;\;. II·...,Jw A alld B Clnl>!> with a \.lme 0( al1d f1r;i:d' eompcl.\lorll ,In RIlidOllO I',\, ;0.11' Wl\ll'cn Tulllrosll .anc,l " • l.IlIl M'. 1).1'10. N/1U •. 1,I·hllHlIl.:53.4.' .Hl;;h S(AlG(),\'ff firm InvltaUolll\l I 'I'ro'a lrnldl. 3rd; 0.1...11\10. Ulltcli. ,MI\H:.Il. vi (,1. lhu.m 'I \llaro ,u••

.... Tn 4 WIlS the winner In the D 'l'l\ek mo·t here lI1I dar Satul'day. -llh; Maberl)·. Eunice. lith. . II. .\, .. Ji .,•• ·lfIbl.IIJI ~ !IIhProduction Clas,s With•• a time of Almc<;t ::00 )'QIIDr:: athletes from 13 :l.!O·)'d. J:iit,h-lI:ndl.'r~oll. TorC. Ill' II Jump \S.II., t. HllId,o~o. '1st.:54,8 second... 'IhD .car Was driven ll~hr'l(i wer~ 011 hand for R full I I :2.1.8; 1,lvin'IlilOn. Tulnro:liU. :r 0'; I al'\.I'I. rw'.Io'('. ~1Il1 (illL'"

...-b)Ll3ob-Brown o( ilia B~\lQ ~mwtt J ~~ -;,It ot {l\·enls. . :?1:rl; Ml":ld ·rs. CllI'l:>lmd 1>t1d·Ult;h. I... .1"1'. II d Ma .011. Mld,Wnll••Rneln\; Team of EI PaSo. second ~ i:lil- --{'~rl~bRd,Mld Jtlitb.-Ihh)clAd,.\-post<-{lrd: -Gape. CloudcrQlt. 41h: Wl\lker, ~lll III (\ ~L:l, l'.I1'tll';II. l,ord ,!Jun:,WllS another Tn 4 drlvon by MIke " , " .~ cd .l bl'r tn,1 12~\!' 1l().llt".lo win the ,u nl'O a. 51h. .>11.'Knepper nlf;o. or El Pa.o;o with 110 ' .!,:;, ,·~,~r~, '''r' meet. follow~d. by L9rd5bU\1r wltb «O-)'d. DLvJ\-&lpcr. Hutch. IBI. .. Ul< ~.d Jump, -t'IlI" I'. !,lal('h: ht,lime of :55.3. 'Ihlrd In D Production . • ~'~'!i ".:C~'~'\;~" sa nnll E1ltllco WIth 50. O\hrr tel}tn :~(i,O:' Haw: Dexter. 2nd; Slanc••0 10 • en ,t',I.D, IIM.h ~lld: ~1."IlI'

<." ~,' '" ,',"'" ~ '., Wa:lBob.Larson.of''f?PR50Wltha~ ~L~~:,~"":"..;rl~,, ';'f'~-,l,·,':','~<-·::\.~~, ~(I>rel\ wero: J1~I!;h. 4Svi 'TuIR', r "~lIllc' 3rd'Slmmons Ji,:unlcc 11'1.hUIllCll,~nJ.l\.IllJll'~Jn.lorC,..iU ;1.'>' ,'~':.' "'1'.. 1 f ' . ",',,~;; Llmc of .55.5. also Illll'I'R 4. ",•. "\.>,'~l~~1lIIIIl;>r,, .,.', .,~.. '.' ~'.v->' rO~l\. 42: Het $PrlM'lI or TruUl or <,h' ilatl ,,' EU;lle 61h '. • •• t. Me-I ,on. ·Jull\a."a. Gth

",~~~,~ "'-:#•.. t~, '","~i' ,••;,;.~ "~ '." ,',': Flr"lln E ProducLlon was stephen ..s~ I:",,~.;¥t•• ~;,,;,. ,,!,,:; !.':,.,,~~:,;),; ~ ·~~.~:'~·2:c ", C'On'l:quCllc;ll. 38t~: Ruldo:;o, II: • c~. e.. ~4"·)d, 1,,·.i1) lint It, hi 46:t-:-rt:~~::: ,;'J;'~ •.'~:. '. _"t,' i • '. ');," ".. "::i~t:.J-fopkln!\III Il '1'& 3. His best time :\?,~..~::- "14,.... ;.' 'oj,; :. ~~:: ,;::,~~' ~''$i'~ '. Dc ••cr. JO'~: Ct\rrlzOZO, 10: Lako 6lI().)'d. RW1-Lund,lord. Mld·1ll 1u.p, .. 11, :l..d. l~U1"lt·. anI. TorO•

.' .. ~:~~c~ .~ " '.- was :52.5. He was from EI P/1so. \~J4i~"'~",*~~:'J'';''~t.1!':;',;h~':'','1;;'~N,',f· A.l:hur. 4, Rnd C:ou(1::rofL. 2. CApl. llil. 2:13: Yell. Eunlcc. 21ld; 1.111111••tll L"d b.II'!J, Mh,~LAlQM ENTRANTS-Three of the G1Clnt Slalom entrants In Next WIlS Oerry McGcah In a ~i!r"'''.-;'<t·~;,:"~,;:-;;!,, ~:7,.fi',.,~,~J, :'I-:,'."..! :,~: tAil and 1I0ndo laUed 10 make II hU,C.';)SQ. 3rd: OOlllllllrll. Lordlilltlrll. lillO·~d Itc,lIY lulal'O'.ll, ht.

Po eh'I'h II f 2 H '''''lO, r, .. • ~ ,..... '. ' ',"rt.. I h: Dran. TorC. 51h. 1 ',',n r-J'. I "1··1·

I:U(··•• 21.'11. tln'HII. ·,trd.'

la,st Sunday's Sports Cor (lvent held on White Mountain Road r e \\. a me 0 e was ....... " , " ,.'.. ~' .... , .........'.~ J' , ., ... . v ••., , - ' fl'om E1 PllsO, Next was an. 41:. . ' '1he e\'c11~lIl1nd the WilUlerll were: Two MJle nuu--corro!lcO.Mld. c.lJlltl 0. 4;h: nUldo, (J, 6111,, her,. ;411 three cars are coming out of first chicane, a'group U Tn 3 d I bEl N 1 ( JIlr:II. 11'1. 12:14.1: J(;hl\.~Qn. Tulll' ~-fII, Reay· Mal WIll. ht. 3'41 U.~' ~t.f:,Qrr/!n,fo test drivers' sklll.- They ore competing In E Pro. ~)~~OgOrdO~lr~~ lme '::;, :5:':. 0 TAKES FIRST-Johnson of lordsburg WClS way o;Ffront In hb Golf Team Goel rOM. 2nd: CoCkNlll\lIl, 'lor C. 3rd; L0I11~bUlR. ~I.(\,'. Jill. 'I'uhl') ductl,!)n l:lo~,jflcatlon. Flnt Is a TR 3, English modo; second a The F Production ClaSlJ was wolt'.. heat, and showed beautiful form to r!,ln Ihe mile In 5121 In UIU,,,'IJ l.oldcbul'l{. 4th; Oalle· .O' n. :CUI. Ual,l;h. 5th:~ fiqtl ltq110n; third is Datsvn, Japaneso. by l\ DatlJun driven by Bob Nol. Invitational track meet here Saturday. Photo shows him To Dlstl'1ct Meet Iro~, LordllburG .6111, MIle Ml!d.~) Itt lay l.l11l.1i!:£h.

!l ~ • • f1on'of EI Pu50 wllha "me of :52.9. tid hu.dtl" 10:.:11 l$,hool'lI «olr tenlll Lod Jluij,lo'l'. ~ Slllldllra. TorC, hI. 4 05 I. 'lor". ?lld, rUlorollll.,. S 'I H d dF :~(O"t In Illat clll~'J was a sunbeam breaking tope afler race which drew cheerJ rom orge crow \\'111 (,OIl,Jplllo ,III DUllrlllt G-n's dill· 1~1,. :20.4; Mo1.lle~~ EWII:c. 2nd: ;l1:lt. ~OId"i) 4th Eunice. Slh

.', "~' e.yera, un re ans Alpine drlvell by Frank nurson of on hand despite high winds. . , ,~'.._._ ._. 1.let IOW&;IIIllCilt 1n U03well o\'\)r I

f l\\ll\. J-I~IC~. 3rd, MId· ,~~rr prll 00 IC)UI~trlr!_, ____. . EI P/lo.o;o Wilh t\ Ume or :53.9. Third . ','. N. w Ml'xlco M;Ut.ary It1:iUIUf:o linkS JIIRh. 41b. B;at«l. Lontabus,;. 51h. •h.I'\ f nl ItP.(Il. -0 Wun .or Uun·


I njJ' _lW·~·~·~:,!-~,Ss- .,'-S_~~-- 0'r~-t--s"': _C~~-r"- S'-I-a--l~o" m--.-'.,' dWrltlv·eRJI 6b·ly)rllpeIFwlkth~'~leOUf~~ft0mr-~or·G. . -- - '- -, ~..-' --,--,,~ - ,- --,----i:-----EKturdllY--thlll--W"kr--KcU----Ne~lI"hHUrdlcs·· MC1lderll. Mtd~ (:ad, will bl' tVlllprlll'll !II Ul::tru:t11 "'I" nuo VI> • ltuldc. '0 hl311'11 IIlblcUc d1rcctor~ ~IIUb.liit. :l1l;n;UWICI1ll.1ilI4I·IDIPI. 1j·n lIanr-nmt lW:\t ilwr.t:rnrEu·r--- do. 'Ille "'inll!!t 111 1110 Formula V A d u· Siro 1 Imld. On IlIO lum \\'111 be Jack Rnd 2lld: B1R~l\. Lord:lbum.3rd; Da\'L1, llot'l' thq W('Ckol'lId, ('oncb Bob Ll'('

,,' :! .Fa'·~te'st .'Ca'r M-a-k~e'-s-1\Jr...liole In' ••48-.~---- --CElliiO;p~l\~sWo'M\'V'~1""thrm..Il~ldll'IVe;oDCSr- .•-~.aor~~. " ,roun -al-· 0 - 'I1illlmy-., ....v.lltfttH..-J«lDny...-.8I.We•. lIAJelui.!!nd EAlld(lI'~. _n>rC. UC~4Ih.E.'Ef:I.~.!:1 •.l:l~~~m'-1 ~un' ~rn Will,~.' U tJ .... • \1"1 ""~ Care)' 1Iol"'.on and DRlin)' JlallllMy. nil 5 I. om I ill, ~e e\liml> ~lti.'u nllkffi'.--~.. ". By 1'tIARC 'VALEN )(08 larmed ehtcM(lll. There were cndn. MHo Il.~Jolm~on. Lord,bul·g. llI;;h JUIllI). WadI' Lum'. lJ8il. 1)111

Inu"tdOSQ NeWi &Catr Wrlterl three ehlt':lne8 in the course. -Two '.Ibc winner In the LadleA' ClllfSIJ . B K W bb (.r,.1 Il'ace In tile hllJb Jwnp by I~I. 5:21; Arllll'nl.'rez. Arthur. l'l\Ilur. 2l0. nralll(Oy \\1lltf'. 2n1l1(O ., ~VCl1'41 hundred tllOrl'l car fanll were al IIII' s!l,lrtlnr: point which ....11'1 Bctty Fish of Alamogordo - Y aren 0 - Jumplna- S' .... :!lId. OUII,.. Mld·JUgh, 3td, J)!Aeellla. Cll:f.1 ))crr), 1'41:11)'11, Dr;l) RQbert'>.

ttl~e4 .ou~ sunday lor the Olant wn,. at the.- r.chaol. The 'third way prlv1n!J 110 Sprite wIth a time of ! • • • Lord,btll'l;. 41h: Bla.'lt1. Lord..bW'g. liM. PdU null. l'Il'Il,'l, Itoy 1101111'slalom held hero In RUidoso. 71 lllmo....1 al I11c (!nd which was ncar 1:00.1. secOJid Waif Kaylito PaSsero ,... 'lb'J JUI1\()r-8eIUOr prout and ban- 5th. . . , • ,lion. I'e:ny~. lmUI\1ll1' were entered. 'Ibe event Wll!l \Ill! hlchway. Mo: I of Ihe winners or EI PMO drIVing a Porche W1Ut ' llU.:t wUl bo hold th14 Sliturday Jl\VIlI111 ~·nOS5. Mid·lI1gh. 1lIt'. mtle. navIIl·:l 1l111( Of\\('!paI1sorU by..111e;Otcr4 Spl>~ Car comJll(!~d the' courae In le$S than u ume of 1:00.6. Ollar Par~il\: '1111' b,mllUt:t benin, l\\ '/;00 p.m, lIlr,bt nt the chapattl\llloial. cor. 1'10' 'II", 8e~. ltatch. 2nd: Rich· P,rry. dltlt'Pl'\ U,f'lm:1' Klloln fl"

p ~ ~aJlon an(l. WIl5 held ou· the 11 mlnuh Next 'were f1l.'dan.,. In the A ClaM 'Ibo annual JunloroS<!lllor Bunqurl alld .tJIC prc,lll 1" trom 9:00 p.m. to F-"'ro.1"#·'-nd 1lQb.tonNl\~ f'j 0 m' a~~!lon. .L~r<f.Jburlf' .3rdi KcllOll. l~fJI. nlld 13tlll)'''''llll«ln. low hurt!·I ro~dt'l~l\~ ':(rom lJlgh\IIllY 31 Co ' 'Illlt lnslM1 time WM made In a Ule winner Wa:lIlUebatd 1"Inch of and pr1>m will be held Snturdu)" 1.00 a.m. School!lor,h1p and Count.,· ma)' bo orderoc1 from Mary Eunice. 4,h. Noble. EUltlce. GUI, \~!l "r WlitU:'M'ouPtaln School. llPl'C\lllly bUII~ car In l11e Modified Alamotlord~. drlv1fil:t a Ool'\lllr wllb 'May 6. at the Cllaparral Molor no· r(O v:.mdbllllY \\111 {'nd al the close E\elyn 1'::nlh:l. 'lhoso from 'l1lcda'.jJ ii ;;,; , ..,i;;;· ..-.· " c,

Early. In the' event t\ (:nr In the CII\'>9 '111(0 l\f(\lllt rJl\>hed l.!u'ouuh 1\ time of .56.2. Seci9nd watI Day, \c1.Both the Banquet and Prom of the prom III J:oo ••m. nIR)' !Ie otd<ir~ from Mary Ann ii . ~E ;P':'OdUl!~lon chl'l!lt~lcatlon. over. th~ tn11~" 111 .:A8.l'j'40C0n)19. ,tt Was Lind or Alamogor~.drlvfng,.Mus- iule tlChOOt spOnsored acUvlllel1 '1IM'e III to be t\ breakfast at Nob Jellnln~lI. 1kj(~tls for the b~akf'll~ : WELCOME :tUm~,. '1M car w:ttl fmmcdilltely dri\'l!1l by Bob WI1Ufleld of EI Paso. tall(l With iii time or :1)8.1. .. . 11111 Jtt9111urullt Irom 1:30 unlU 2:30 lIlny be wrdlll~d from SUUn : -rhlhkd.tmd the driver walked away ~~ext Wll!1 ItIck Rlchllrd!l of El '111e willner of thC D C1llSS wau ttme of :58.ll. flf.cll!'ored by Mr. al\d Mra. W. D. COlli")'. Milt)' Esieul and Sllndy:. =ulllnJilrelf. 1hc rellUlt of the minor FMO In the sume kind of car wltn John Whitfield 0{ E1 Paso drivtng '1hc D Sedan Class wan WOIl by (,'OIl:C)' lind Mr. nnd Mra. U. S, Lt'ttwlch, 'f)IO breakll.lll W111 bo : =nlX'ldt!tlt. WIUl to cause OtrlClllls 10 :1).8 1'1 VolkllWllgen With a Hme 01 :5404. Craig fWlhnan of EI Paso In a 'FIM Plnna:;,,". p..mut /il>OMorcd. Tonun)' Valliani : =llklW' do""",thc course by pine'"" A SUlIbnllln ........ n d ,.. ( •. Ralph K1ehr of Et Paso wu sec· Ih" f 1 00.3 .5 hlllldllJl" "eketl\ for tb/J sboW. :. =.. '....Itlon'~·1··ol.-'ft"'l ..... • .. .. til "';"'dr lUll e ...e Thas.. ond. nlsO In a VW W1U1 a Ume of w,~ 'Q~ lIle 0 ': • 'Were III 10 be a movl,o at. UlO .. -..~~ .. IRJ~ OS. (Os. wme o. e pro uc on eltrs. e -590 . ..11m..." Cllnnon of Alamogordo U(,WII!' Utl\,e.ll1 "I11('Mre brglnlllnit Elluw tleketll WlJI not be oold lit tho : -

__ ,..'" tlriver. ~'&l1 pa~_~ba~be::...drl.v('r WOll Frank nuroon of EI • . ....~ ,.. "n,lft .... "'as Event ChaIrman. COmWllca· l't:.!:lO llpOIl.l.arl:d by Mr. and Mr(l, door. S· :llijr!>ntu!aow DOwns. Pn':.b, "tIm-110m wag :lltt'&Ccond.....-...Jn...~..Jl.~J.1lllS Ym wInn~Ltlonll-W(!l'.e-handled-bY-Whltc..sandtl..-JiI('k...J(,tllllllltJl.-.and..Mr nulLMrlJ • • • • -

1Aop {JorrcU -and Ml1re Vnlen en. The Tlaer III In the C Prbducllon was Terry Koclt driving a Flat. wUh Rl1C1nU A..<:oociatlon. AMr the Glunt Hn.-o·d crulle .. , - -~1tWto"1)fhrr1JUtlilllr : .n-A~r--'W'&Ael#-pEmS~'NEt-...=...--.k!redfrom}tuld'oso. Orn'\!!. AnQther Sl1J\beam Tiger from 11 time of :56.6. He WIl3 frOm E1 Sialant was ovet the compcUlorll . '. . l'ert'~~ Clllldoloncl'!l 10 MlIl't\lfot: Il.l ~"'... Il.K I'- . in.. 'V.,.' =

.MO(ff. Qf U\e entrants went through El Paso finished second III tbc Paso. Scc:ond. Wa!I 13m OWer of lind their Irlends enJoyed a dinner Pit u'(' rf'Jnrmber th~t.otll~ the nl.'1l1ll n 011 UIQ PlIll:!lll~ of Iter fR':. ' :th~ i»Urt~ ,twice wilh the best of 0 CIIlS8 In 'S4.3. 11 was driven by Alamogordo dHV~ a VW W1tb a ptepared bY the Elks at the Elks ~'l1lqUlt nnd prom ,arc !;('~IO()\ 81»n· tho r, 6 '. • : GIFTS FOR MOTHER =~P_~~ ~~.e~CO\lilting. The o\).stae- Kenneth Wllllon of EI Paso. A Cor. Tell Che town ,,:llh wuHl«s, Lodge UaU, ;.:.~~;~:r ::("~h~~~~c~un~v~a~: =at ' I'i El' -- .. Jr J GP' -, '. . .~ ~J' "u· '" _~_U'".-wmiiJiaii.iiiiiii:ii::i:ii=]"--- , ~=_. . ~ - lhl:' ...chllOI. ca~~lo~/tr:t1tJ~:~:~;"~ : Miss SavIor's Cundy :_~_ •.,_. IIJ' DII1 Pippin. B1»II'.lOr UtI' st'ulorli boUlfll~ memory booktj, S Coly' =• • 'It/ Jean !>'purlock. h"poD.'lOr 1tll'<;!' bcoh bM'('O- place!!' lor cartlli, - -t : 'af Pilt Valliant. Pr1nOlplll nuw.;r!\t:h.'l {\tIll lI1atl)' Qtbcr m~' : Lt"ncl ::(. • nUll r ..:trent:; are In\1trd 10 at· orte,'t. : V.' t')'}'! =

II'lId 111,.- Altd or brcnJdMt. II ' " • II ..: h .' =\\1i\~ rinMullccl\. Ilollor ttUlIrt)n (or O>nunrllCC· : Ynrdley =

.. • • IIIrnt nnd ~laUlrAIC. Mlll'oCU!d • A I 0 I G' f I -Craig Cbarks.R1ek)-· co)'. LaffY from lJlt' lfRUOnal lfoOOf 8OmoIY. :' .nIlt .l lCI' .1) l l<'Il1S =

Utnham. JI·try llllllada)', Mike Ar(O lda lUt'tIIl:td:.<m. ~ Heal. : =' ..wlte, EdWin Mlllt·r. MllCll l'aYn<". Tl,lIlIlIlY VAllIal1~ nnd Mien nakcr. : •• =

-.\lfrl'd-i'l'lImtlftolUcky -scott.. Hick .- - . - .. ~, ,-"--"--1-.. ...." -----, -:- - '-~-- ~e'~ =f:((-\'4 m:un, Dtlllllll No:;1(rr. aU of A" prolll lIJ1l\J aJiptOO(:bcrl. tme : o'n-... -, --=_=,..,~IUtldo:;o trlgh SChool. and Crall; qOt: lion Is dl.:ltUrOC'l1 very frClluent. :WJlIIlJllr or ..;I Pa!o. former il\lUlt!nt Iy. Should mflttJc!l1 M,Udcnl.'i bo ,,1' :l'l'rl.'. wr flt Wflti ll'{lOu:mr Dill Plpptn IfiW('(110 attend the' prom? : =lu Ibe l:Outhwer;t. district Key Club T>cnnltc.1)'=-dltmllle Dran\ley. = =UllIo,-cnUon In Pbcenl~ IllSt. week· VnUJ t am told one rcar,on tgood : =«'lId. rM\:;01l1 lhAt. they shOuld not. J be· : armac =1

,Hlghllf;ht ~f the kip' bci;ld1!11- ,en~ ';ll'V~I~1"tIUId bt'i -PcrtceUY 1lC1mt.'k -.:. . - ... -. -' - • ~t'tlablln!t Ilfogrum'l dllrlll1f dInner sibil'. -Stcve DliY, : • :: .~--

nnd dllneeA were a trIp to a .....lC n)' all mOtln.,. 'Ifiere " no tcliOOD : I -

lTlu::l'um nod the gilvernor'lI ball for them not La be "hie to go U ... . . . :Iarid ballquet.. The boyS SPell' the they 11'0 to ~);ilOOl UK! \Vb(>le y~r ~~!.!!!'!•.!!~!~~.!!.!.!~·!..A..........··.'·..~··II....~'......II•.'1II'!it Ill'! III nil cam • _ 11. . !.nXlmlllnU'l!Ql!1!)!i)"ll)"),mxn».».~nll:4XlWtlll(~X'll~)llnlln'

wtllppte fainlly. ruck scott and '111ey're I'UU I1I1111a11 aren't Ul(!)''1 It H S SENIORCtnl¢ Whipple:! were Injured WMn ·...,Jlm Itttnkln; - ' , •II· CAt ran 11110 the motor &COOler WllbOut qucll'UOO. )'CUI ....chuck ,,: *if''J{....,... ' ..:: ' ."Ihal Ihry were riding. Craig had Dllme1J"'·':;:",,:fJ'~~ ,

'(lnly scralches and brul~S. ttlolt Yea. -Frllllk btlt.ts. '. "~ ,',11M a broken ler. Bl»h, came bick )"c:\ or )'e$ Inhoy wnllt W. -nay.When the otherll did. Pippin woUld mOIK! TlI, 10 l1i.rtll!l 1M IIceldent WI\lI not l'e~. ~IUI Qotllctl.the bo)'~' lault. 'Veil. It U>e)' 10 tq ~~I, -So

• • • Ta)'lor., •.carLsbad Mld'Hlgh toOk flr:slYclI. -D. NOIlkl!J',· .'

pll\ce Ip the MldCl$() track meet ' 'Vell....gUvcr.kt VMJdeIJrJ,:•.hero eaturda)-', Lordsburll lOok !!leO- .Not. U1lkM II .111: opel) to' ~lutnlll•..()n(1, ,nuld()S()'~ AlIcn :awr @k IC.nlln.~ t, ~•.ie ,~, .,1 .§G••i.,i~liii••ii•••ii.,I.I••••,••,I.ii.illiiiil~ ••11" ••"lii••i'~I-IOLIDA:Y BOWL =-§-~--"~ ()'perrBowlinr-Everr~lJa~· '•• l!{' ''t • ,- ~ i.', "r' 'It." { ~ ,5 Every .Sunday F~llV ·Da,


• 9';;',"'iai!io',.., ".,..~,

= . ":Pau1 Jones 1'6um~.i1t,· .j_~.__~__~.@~~~~~$lIl!<_~_!;g9.' I'.~~~_.......t' .•--~.. .,--- -<, ..--~-.... r'- . , , ' '. , ',. - ;'1, - - --~>--'-'---• ' • AI _.,. ""._. ~ __•• _ ...

I..; ~ "TqOur ~',,, . ,iIi..I••••••••••••••••••••••••••••., ,••


Page 10: · In the plant de~ent.lnROB' tho making of a 30-mlnu'le7documentary color film 0.0 qual'- Fc, nnd Keith

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Page 11: · In the plant de~ent.lnROB' tho making of a 30-mlnu'le7documentary color film 0.0 qual'- Fc, nnd Keith



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~ ;"; {l""t',:"," " - ~.... , ','" ", ' .. I' ,~ ~ ~If •. .' ~ • ,. .' . ' .,, ~ ,L" ", - .' l- \ : t :"~ ~ , " .

, "', It- ,. ~ '\ ~':I"c : • .. "',' •~ ~:' , ,'Ii.",~ ",' ~ ",' , . " ., .',' l '" • , '. '.

t ~ "/,,:>.,'t!'\)'f ~. 1'1 . : 'If .'~.'., .' .',. .• .....,', .' . . " '.', fF' , .. ·f.....· ."

[>;·,?ri~tl.Sif,AIIR1c'5Hc)P'~"·., :.,~q,!.{i"'1,~~~;kl'ME: ·.·M:OD.'EI. .. ' 'PAOEI:dcmo NeWt.' ;, :'.~o~ ,~. ~t.ti llIPme~ '~re ~~ QQl}'.q~Ut>' :~lereJtandlS.e h'~m ~~ '. . fq,hl~"ApPCl"'IF6r A"y CI"~AI'9~~sicm', . ll'rtOOY, Mar II. lllG'l. :ttIIr':'fp(J&~: ~··~~;t bc:O[,~tmo~ . rllPIlwllle l !ln4 '~e~nd!,ble '. ',,".fl.I~.,Jri';" lewl,Maun,y' ""'. .' . .:.' 1:fI\\b': ~,~Vf,;.~f ~ fq " .,. t JnltJa '. Thll;l "" 11l~,!1'8 eiOUU... mtstore sJiNIl\l ~.,~4Qn vis!t- THll: MOOJ!1L. .P~'Pli"9n M'LUVP .'. , ntlw.w ce.rmj;nt ~ '~'& cJ:eatlVCl . ". . . .'. "'" bill 1 lU., ""~'qqt,i~t, To;ni~etUW (iemaiid••C1~.fI OW~llld and opOr~Wd by mQOa~dq.t ~16 N, MallJ.Jl\ }t9;iWeIl (;I"rrills No m!\tt\1r' W)ln,t Your nt:eds mu.y . ". .'

. ··....:b··· ..' ~,,~ . '-Y' U In J k o' CI' ""'b I Ol.ft ll, eo~l\plcW Iml1 J~)mim~J'lenslve be m ID(lIl'S f,lloUlIJlt:, y<)u can tbld . ;, "."co:: ::, ". I ,:..".,. ric;r~I~":"'" ~.~J<!!S .•" AIAa,+" i\e ."avur;e, eo s ..... r. c .,.",p, stock of' qUal!ty m9n'~. Weal' 11\~. thl; pel:!t ,at l'!.~'asonable prices a~ ~,..r.::,'.

I .Ii\ '~1-:e~r ~~' !I-il. 'e~~~n~ se~ lIas t\ statf ot expqrlenQl:q I;IlllcB tlol1all~! n4ve"U.sed n~lJ1c: bronds. 'I]JE: MOQJi,1L,. CiOJIVcul\1l1t· {reQ f}":: tl~~on' or f~e.tabi,-lqa," • .' 'ladlQs to help ~'O~ Wi,\n. )'9tU' se~ . I ..•. t ' .... .· .' ,'1,.. 'i,I'J.\fui,''', :.hit.' w.~: lit com"..Ictl!. Bcl!!ct"ion Pl·obl('lru!.· 'l(o,u will.. il.p'p~cla~ the,. Qu\\IlW Jll~t\lr "lsIlO.. oxwft \york.- Plu'kjtlJ\" bl\Qk Qr sore. t . i'\~',,'

',J,." .,. b llla~'1I!lp ma1\es tal!:lr! cloWng :b!U'd In ttll.:> ,ncvlcw Qr Rbswell tlmlll it!,;,i .qr ~t(1l~;:M ~Jll\lJ aU sizes and· ll\oncy-!>aVlnK bargains to '. e ·round t.o l)fl\t.- n~ l\ny pI'leo, . We wish t<> recommend this nlllnli1c ·ti;~:;,~,~i> or 'zi~ra;'1hread;'lln'd' t.apc~ here fOI' nil your, seWlJlg needs, . ' ..... . d ".•"" ,, In 'Ilie'~i~ totor rango' t(lgC'!Jler, Make Cleo's Fnbxlc Shop Your one- l?Q¢ tbel! !lew,l:lele<:tJ.ons of suits, estab~lshl11cmt. 10 ourr~!lders nn ~~;'~(': ;.... ' .. >"';1 i_ . 1:' 'I 'f'~" t'" . .' d .' l.' I' h'd l"P.9rt.~Qa~ nnq slac/Q> III the new aUg'l;lllit ~'OU· \1hit t1J~m nild selec;:t;~:~\~:t ~~~... <."'" se ect .on 0 Ilc .. ·nB s ep, 'SIW!! 1;l..~PP,qg' ell'. mldwclgilt fflbrlcs' Uiat /l're com. your new sUlwner \Va~<\l'obe' r~m t;'~~ :'5/

. ! aJd$lI~ .nofIlc)Ils. 'nUs· tlrnl.I1\lYt? quart ll. for~jlbJe 110W Iln~ on .tmO"'i~ t~.e their lal-ge biock of qualltv .Iller. ~~·:r;f!'I'," '. '5'IlP, M''A''R'y''S· HOSP'.IT''A', '"L" s u III n\.e I', tnllored IJy IlART.. chnndll!ll.. ' 'k~~",~\.! " '•.:. . . . .... S,CH,t\Ii'FN.Im& ~. CORLll:E Bey Scouls can find any QUhelr it¥~·~;il,;~,I '. '. ./....." ....,. "{:1' . . ',' and GR%FFQN, 'Wide selections or WllrOI'm' lloea..., at THE MODll:L i~;'i;";\\"~ S; :11~r>,'l! '~oo.P,lt~ It? l()Cflt- by more' people every fear, 'I'hey socks. tics nnd IlCcesl:iorle8 are on and they also haVe II. complete line ~~;ll~:1t.

4,td. jlf\·~ut4I' In n<>~U. 'I1l~y l}rc aecre~lIted by thll National display, 'fl1c ~hoe depa!1ment fee.- of Boy S~lIt acceSo$ories,' t;:i:~'.~~ f,c:...__ "1ntr!V(l~J:l. pro~r attentlOl\ an.~ lJo~rd .0r_Hospltnla .~M the3~~~ .t~res FlRll:~..anqFL0RSl.J!IDd . 'I11e1r.JrWndl.x.c.,pO.urtC9lULl?~n..J:;:':f:*,i,,7~:i;:.=t'lf~-'l$etvl~~'Phqn~-~lno; , ·COmrillsrQll""'o......;WQ~faiIon ~8hOCS and h\l'ts by, ST1!lTSON. nel makell shopplnJ: at THE ,~~':':;;·fr~

! R.~&\~,~, medtcal andsurgl. H~PltaIS.. .'.. ... ... •. PROM tt~~ls_ here--for that MODEL areal pleasure.' ~'!f.~:,r:'. t:l.Jl~ te~1\ be obt.a\Jled·at-a mom- IhlrSt. Mary- 8 H~ltal III con .~"..........--__~_~_ .. __ .. . ".. '.'" , '. .

i eW:l~lI't1~.~!1 It ,Is J:l'eCA:asary Unually making chn~s In order K ky" M'" '. IS'I . 'HONOREO~WITH RACE-Sierra Blcmca Ski Photo from left,Sam Nunnally, Mrs. Nunnar>"\ VI? ~~ the ~re or a PbYlllcian 10 keep up.wlth the rapId dewlop· or 5 otorcyc e a es ·CI.l,Ib offl~i" were on.hond'at Sunla.nd Park Iy, Mrs. Bob Crosby• Jack SpQIl, BOb:'"j • Willi lttandlng I\ursos" think of U}e ments In the liclentiClc {{eld and In ..,I at; MlaT,y's Hospital In Roswell. order' W bctt4)r meet. the ever In· "Roswell's Motorcycle Headquarters" - Doris Coon, Owner April 23 whon thoSlem;l Blanca Ski Club Crosby and Marvin B. McGuire. Jockey 001\::';

. ~~'err ef!orl.l~ made liere t.o pro. creasing demands that are being Korky'!! ·¥otorcyclo sales Is Iho rC'&iollllble ratea. "Purs~ WQS fun, to present blanket to Carson lewis Is up. " 'vti;hl the best pOssible care and at-- put on It for Itl! service. ' authorized sal'c:s anll service for the It rou are In tlie market tor a 1st. LIeUT. MILES WJLL.IAMS. JR. ,1, Echols' owner. when his Sharply won" In ..•__.... _ . lJ' :'""",~'~ntlon. The rooms are well llghted This Review wouldn't be com· . good used motorcyole. they now .. _. _, _...__anll ooeer;tuJ. 'I1}e value of thls 10· plete without prominent ",entlon ~1l••kJic>:m H 0 n dlat ~~rckYC

fles. have on hatld a ~ood selecllon that Fh'st lIeuten{\nt .Mlles EJ wu· -f"'. , .' . , " '".~.~;r;'~:?;~r,l:""!,!r:.- .:,~;~;..'"1"""'"""'~ ~ ~7_-'.·"""._ •

t I..--ltA' Is "".~ I o-d ."'- din has'"'" I 41.e~ calfY II. comp e e s""" 0 ac· 'II J f ...~ d ..._ ~ <i." •.• , .~, .,. ..,. , '\ Jy'" '" '. , • • ., ....•. ,. ,1'&. ~gi" J:\.J ~~.. apprec a:K of this OUlf:)wr.n g ...~W , S ~", nrc all guaranteed. nnlS. rt, son 0 ",L,,,. ~n "YAH,. ~.,,:~ :y. ~\~,;~\.;:,<~.,,; .,~ ,dt~;I"J.;t:~.;;:,:~~~ .. :t'i~:./f i~' ,.~:Jl:t.t 'J 'i\',~. ,c:l :.~:<~. :~< :>t ' •-r-'--_.... . .. .. ~.._..,..... eto~orle:;n.nd replacolllcmt parts. Korky'li Motorcycle Sale.'! ls 10' M~les E. Wllllallla Q{ Capitan, ~8 ffji~:::"I.ll:~~~{:i~"£· ······t!;;i;~~~··:,'~~. '~l :~:: .• : '.'" ", " .. ,:: ..'POTEET'S BODY SHOP Phonc 622·2690. cl\tl'd at 1805 Sll: Main In Roswell arrived COl' duty at Tomw'lbof Ccin. ~'\.'~1;~~,;>:· .':t:lt,i.~;,,"'; .'",.';':::" .~, ~,

• . . . 'Ibc HONDA: motorcYcle C'lllUlOt and you nro lIivltcd t.o come In and tral Airport, Berlin, OernlallY, ,\~",.:..~~~~,.' j~'" ~: ~;1. 1;;'. ::~;"~'~"l' " ,. 2620 W 2nd on Hwy 70 Roswell Phono 622 9S88 bo Illat<:hed ror It.'l f!n" performance look OVer their l\..'lSortmcnt of new Lleut, Williams; a muwrlel control t,·',,@Jt1;J'i;~.~';'; ..'n,:,i.,'~'~;i ;

,tt'hisjunSTell8ive,fll'm In ~ell tMy ca; bll,1n(l paint so It wlll a.lId 10~ operation e~~e. Whether and used motorcycles and Ir It's oCCIcer, previously' s c r'v ed, In ~;)~"~~1~:;':t~~~i7.~j:u:"~ ,:;:.:.,)1*,\10 Wppec:\thelr,shop wIth . ~ou \\RilL It;j'r~r b~"in(,'Ss or plea- parts or ncclI~orles YQU need. re. F\·llnee. lIe III ali<':lll,t"lIcd W the All' h ~,{, ~r;.::.,:}; , •

IIlt~.~'klljl\l1d cqUl nent now matQl} ~rII:~!Y ,wUh .yQ!,lJi ~l\.r• ..Jillr.c....yJ,!u: C!Ull.'·t.&;O· wrom;..on non~ lnotnbl.'l"' 'lhat"'thlJy-stmld'lrell11ll:t -ForeCY'Communlcftllolll>S-ll'T'Vi-cro-­1 ~aU~ In·Becura.te Il: cooUomt.· 'Illey "Ilio have glass inlltallatloll da. C\'CI'Y f$lIlt' Ihey 111a~I' lind t1~Rt !.heh· which provideti l{IObal eOnlmWllca·~ • OIJ i:>c;n)pl(lte auto bQdy and fender l;ervlce and acC(.'5S to all auto body .KorkY'$ Motorcycle saleS, have t;tandarc1 of :<ervlce Is tbe highest. tlons und ald~ t.o flerlal navigation

: repellrlng' '1\ll4 flnlsl1:!ng. Because parts, Includ'llg those of sporls and Clrst class mecllanlcs that give It Is w.lth plellSure thl\t we rep; for USAF and other a!{encies. TheortbeJrilxcetlent workmanship and foralgn cars. prompt and <!~JlCn~ble service for ret-ent thIs fll'l1,\ In our 1967 Good lIeuLenl\nt. l\ GTaduate of P1loeni)C

'j s~ni~ -and. tb(!lr rilr treatmmt tel You will find thll\r cl1arges very any make or I1lOdel at the 1Il0st N('lghoor Revlew. 'Arlr..1 Union 111gh tSChopl, receIvedi'their c\ll:>1oinerll it Is well worth roa.'lonable. Frank Poteet. owner. ----. •.. _-_.•__.- , ..----;-,. his. D, B, A. dCII'I't'e In 1004 from

io~ tltrn\ (0 dls~s., YOl\r auto bQdy Sllp(!rvises every Job. THOM SEN '.. 5 i~he ;pnlvCl~lty of New Mexico, and• repair .lIIl<l ~ pa!l)ting' DOcd5 With Mr. Potect Invllcs you to drop l~, II IIll'mber or AI~1uI Kappa Psi,; tIit!ni. , by their &bop for In!onnl\t1on and Ll~ut WilUlIms wns commissioned; 'Iboy :ha.~' II. wide a'electlon of tree et:t1mate. You will lIk~ their Quality Fumltu,. ,- Everything For tho Home III 1064 upon compIeUon of om·! Pll-lnt.'l from which 't.o choose or fast and accurate service. 'IllOIll'i-"tl·8. Roswell's !lnest and 1>. ddlng, Rcccni rl1b"'l. accessories ef'!' Tralllltlll' St'hool at Lackiand

. ,~~...._ ~,.... .:..... •• _ .~.' "~,~__ , ....... _ IlIrgl'~t runllture /llore bas two 10- Rl:d a COI;lple'e line or Uotpolnt np. Al"D. Tcxns,('atlon~-·the ftore at 1210 E. 2nd . ' • • •"'U'NIVERSAL APPLIANCE' CO Rnd Wl\rc.'holL'ie &\11.\'1 at 816 S. At· p.lancrll. R)' ('IJAI'LAIN KLINE

. • klllOOn Ave. They l(!aturo Ule lateb"t A rull line or C111lll.·l IlII1lC'rll\lIl 'fell men wilh local Il\w.k~lng· n . '.'.' •'mE YOUNG - Owne, styles III complete home furnlsh· b)' 1'~u1h Rnd A1exandc·r,. Smith In dUlll"'l rec('lvcd rOIL'llng rcrosnltlon

Many fam11l~ have reason W 'Illey now have a tunlUure de· Ings, ., the new(,'St d(,l'lll'n/l and materials Is pillS apprl'cll\t\on rrom the 63 tflo sen1cCIJ pcrfonned partment·next door. 'Illey haVe an. F.'lne furniture Unea can be found (,!\turcd In their oorpet depart· [,0118 present at tho "Law and Ordertorth1s atea by the universal Ap. t1clpated your needs and their stock. In their litorOlS, sueh as 'Ihornas· ment, Bnnqul't.. on MIlY Pay In CI1plttm .,

~. plJllnc'c' CO. lOcalcd at)23 N. Main, la compolled of l3&icful. artistic ville, Droyhlll and othor popular Visit this complele hom\l funl' SChool CI1fc1crla. ' _pbobe ll22-6480, ~ Roswell. and practIcal furnllure from wl11ch brands. 'l'J'lelr large selectlon aa· .Ishln~ c.lo"tabllshmcllt In Iloswell and ,. TIle 1lll'U receiving rccognJtlon ET LO S U G . , t

I· '.Oic l1n1vcrllQl Appllanco Co. to make your selections. sure'! yOu a style or furniture to let the'lr !I'lendly and courtcous per· were: Slilte Patrol Olflccr. Darrell FL~ RD B R TRtO - Johnson, at left,- conla, who placed fourth and Biase) at rIght':")i~s )n salc-s and service 011 This Is the place to visit In Res· suit your taste and"tbat will be a IiOlUllll help ~·ou" 'rhey nrc qualified Austln: Mayor J. C. Ocrmany: won mile run for Lordsburg In Ruidoso Invl· who w~m fifth-ali scoting polnls for th.·iail JrongidA\ro applhmccs. They arc well tor your appllanCCfl and furni~ Irlbute to your scleoted setting; to style any room or your home Deputy Sheriff. Ernl!l<i SllJlcbcz: taliona! track meet Saturdoy. Center I, Pia· Mavorlck thlnclad team. ( :

.! )'P\1r trancbllJcd dealer. can them 'tUre nec.'ds. . ....'hrther It be Early' American, ....1UI n taSteful selectlon nnd bare· Sttlte Pntrol OfficeI'. BU! Butts; . ~ -:--.-;!P~;,-<...,;.;;:;.':-,;.:......... ..;:-:.;~~" lfor an)' Inform.a.Uon on llny large Tho writerI' of th18 1967 Oood French or ItaUan Provincial, Mod· rul color-e:oordl1mtlon lO eatch rour Gl}lIIC WardNI. Chnrles COCkcrea:. w!lIch beRan last SWldny morning, ~"l.'t,l"J.,:;"~';,/'.;''}: :)J ><. ,'. '. '. J 'lot (>11iall -wtlanee. Kcl~hbor Review hlgl11y recom· ern, Contemporary, or tbo latellt eye and caplUre your lieart. AIlk 'I'own Mllrlllmi. Ray Provine: JIlIl· 03 cburch folkt; dId m't Ulelr cloolcli H rrJ' :';d~..:~ ',', . " \' ... 'v'" -' ' , , ,

, ~"dol'lJ arc invited to stop In mend Iho Universal Appllance Co. style-tho pew 8pa~h Decor. about their easy payment plan or Ucc of \lIC Pellce. K. A. HUIlYi cat· ahead one IlOur and arrived at the ,/. ~;: ,;'. t"'~: . ,.;~ ; ,",:7 ~. ,"':, . ..~ 'R:,',!abd 109k overtbelr d1splay or re. for"tht'lr community aptrlt and for 'Iher also feature a varied selee· "1\11 622·2850 or G22·2792 ror Infonna· till InSpl'ctol·. Larry 1\trner: Flro Methodlllt Church on tlJno (or Wor. li:'~; .~\:. ~0.' ' .. ':' , •. '. •

trl~tol'lJ•.rreczeril, wasberlS, dry- their I11gh. quality lIne of homo ap. Uon or clulln, table and pole lamps. tlon.. Chll'l. Lee SmUh. and E1crm l)lun· lihlp I\~ U ••IlL ·L~.l'.~~t~1.6~:;',. '~. :'; ,.,"' . ' ,f ~~~~~~~~~~~~..1!!!slurnilure. ~~_______ ~)LCOuti!l(!lot.-:1Ul'gll-......- • • • -';;'.:+;:t,"'" ~,.-:~'c;...'fi"· ~~."" .._ ~=:"""~-~~j . _

SOUTHWEST BEARING CO I.oOI1\III, • l''our.oapl!at) Churches havc set ~'~~);;"~~'••:.':. ',\'~" . ,"', .' .. ,;:',:' 1MRS WADE'S DONUTS • Commander Trankle SUva, of up & unltc:d VaCC\t:lOll Blbla SChoolj(,:.~~~.~ 'J ,"'. ,t '., "

'. • All Type & $I~ harlngs ancl TheIr Ace.SIOr"s For Any Need Capl~1l1 Amcrlcan Legion POl;t No. to. bo bl!ld for. aU Jnterested cl11l· :{"": ;,,~0~;'~~1'~.;:;";:'~....:::' :. ;..._ ..·W.s.W':dcl'4'DohUtsliJ lOCi~d at precaul!ons or utensils than tbJ4 Industrial Rub&.r Pmum _ LNaRIPLATE Lubes 67 made lhe prelientotlons 01 "P- dren JWlo 12-J6 rrom 8:30 a.m. to ~-~r:.uch,y,:.:'~· " ,

601 'W. 2nd in Roswell. Thb shop Mop requlrccs. Be cardul of your prec.'ll\t1on. 12 noon each 4I\y•. '11l1s inclUdes the .'ft;;~~ .!::.':.:,' •• ~,o, ..f~I'cr.t. tasty ckUCSOUs donuts 'Ihw firm Is one ot the leaders chIncrt th(!)' handle LtJBIUPL~'.\'E l?Mt Commander l;'rt"d McDonald A..q> of OQd, BaP,tlllt, Mctho- i~ .i;'~~.·:~~;ll,' ~.; .:. J •

lh&~ 'rou Mil Jov". No lm>UP nUl. health nnd al.....aYs be sure of the or lIS kind in Ih1iI dlstrlct. 'I1tey LUDIUCA'rlON8 lor every purpv!lc Wl\..'I wlabIl' to be pr('lJent. due W dl!lt a~ NIlUJ'()I1C ChurcllCll. Next r""~::.';;~""'£.-:;.I;:< '.'w:.~ l!l complete withoUt di>nuts. food )'OU cat. ,You can rest lISSurcd hnvo bullt Ihclr reputation upon the anet for YQur convenIence 1\ lllle or h'Uddl'l1 re>qu('l\t to toke Jllck Ald· !netting with (our teachers trom It,,' .(1:,,:"1 :;'.,

· iir.J. Wado's Donu<.B. Phono the donut... made by Mrs. Wade'o "crvlec, IinUlllactloll And good-wtn rl"h to Rllldo:IO IIospltol... eachcburj:h, 13' Monday, May I, At !tv,,,;"~,, ....~~ J ...',',0~·H13 to ortler. T1lC)' Il1vCl llpe· Donuts In lloswell are ~ for ('xten(\ed to ~lr 1tUU1y fI&~lldled "RO'ro and 0, T. C. 100111 for nllY AlIlllrl\'1l1l Lc1l101l St.'\w Chaplain '1 p'.m, a\ Ibll'1\9~'QfMr. and Mr1l. l.>"i •.!,~f;. \':;.""~ ...:"

, (,ella! ,~ts Cor largo ·quanUty )'OU, and. )·ou \\1ll11ke lJlcm.· I.·U!ltoltlerH. LOllg cxpcrlcn~o In lh1tI IlIltl n11 nerd!>, IIlr;o 11 complete Hnt' AJrI'('d KIUle was ehalnnan or the LllWW 011111111,11'-". Plana wUl bo ,·~:,~:c.~...:,;;.;~\. ,'.J~" '4t~/!.rs.". .''Oc, In tho 1967 ncvtow, I11gl11y llne or blJb1nelJS l~ qualUled Jack oC OOOD~EA1t Industrial Producto program lIe had collduoted a po. maw watleud the ·URptu:t V. B, S. I.',..':>.' ' •• ' "•.•, , ... ,.', ~,.;.tpf'l.~,llbcst of ingrcdleDta arc reconuncnd the products ot Mrs. 'rlcc, tho mana!«!r, to provlde tho lIucb Il'l teals. rcl:lIn(!N1. gronunet.!l lice po!ltl'r Illclur(' colorll1{f contest cUnlo ibis rnonth In La .LUll. :b·~·\"::'1"\f', ~ , .' ,c, '\ :':i,' " ,

r ~ jlun:aklnlt tho douuts bore. U Wa(\(!'s Donutl'l. Remember to pick demands of blA cusoom(!rs wtlb n.nd o\ht'rb. '1110Y arc IOCll~d l\\ ,In tbe !Imt !Ill' Il'rndolJ of Capitan •• ,. • .\f.~~t., ;~;i{;;" ',c" ", "'~1\, ~, wert, makJJfi doouta o.L homo up a nck whllo yOu are In Roswell quallty lIlerc1111~tllO at talr prices 1101 S: Atkinson Ave. In Ro!l.... ell. 5cl1001 wIth the COOpclratlOl1 of '!bo Annual P'oUl'th QIlaI'klrly \;,"" ' .~ , "I"" -.. '", '

$:Oil COUld, hOt, 1lBC, more sanltary l'hopplng. nnd aU \\1th 11 'llervice guarantee. 'through COil:jt:Ult vIgilance Gnd Supl, Dunne DarlIng ",nd tcacherll: COlltt'll.'1\CC ot· Capitan MCUlodlsL r;. . ~!'..',:';' :';" (' , '.

- '1hey hllve I. COUlploJ.(l line of e/tecullolt or their polley of Invltlllg Mrs. Jack :YOWl". Mrs, Fred PfLna'. Church Vqlt-d ~lmoU81y w rl!,. :~f I, > .,, :-. 'S'-'EARS R'OE'BUCK & CO SKF', alld olher popular. brands. new business and Ulen tr(!nUnll it ,;ten. Mrll, LnMO)1le Pclcrs, Mm. qlfel!t reaPJXIlutmeQt ot Chaplain . ~~' ·"c·', .:; •. '. " .. -. .-- Roller BearJngs In taper, cyUndrl· \\1tl1 all faIrness hlUl aUnllted much Rnfftellt.'\ Pryor. Mrll. Jack Ald· AUrcd 6. Kline on e~I1UalJy lh<l .rr,'.: ';''\ ., cal and ball typo In a size for Bny SUCCil!l and populnrlty ror sount· rlrh and Mrll, Wnllacc Fergu:JOl1. name arranlNmenj& as were In of· i<l'."\ I~..'~letItlt·1ocat<'d !at 1000 8. phcrc that envelopes evory c:u..'t- need, 11101111' with Srals. Rctalnlng' WEST BEAlUNO CO. nmonn the Chnplllill Kline prc/;cnlcd first feci- 1hL'I PlJfJ\ )'O"r. I~;':, . ,:t>J, .In Ito,.welJ. pbo1kl =·1310 or toml'r of this popUlar store. Jtblm!J.-Y',Ix!~tII. Chaln_~el.ll. ~~ or thitLdllJtrtet. TIulI Jt,cvlew IIrlu' hoxes of. c'hocoJatc covered " '.7..... "'. \,;~~.,.,..ry,.

'. .. ~a-.Jo.r----i)rdel'lt, thht---£at:lt-dCPftt'tment.-Js-1lupcr\n4!IP .St(!nVe5, Scrow 0CMs,· COnveyor or RO!n\'eU progr~lve flrlll!! wish· chl'rrie9 rol' bem colored poUCCl Chureh U-tlmbcrllhlp CJas:s dis. ti/"':\~";l..(L ...«~ ~t" thQ~ whlCh III both dl:<I by tboSo well t.ralnC'd In the BeIt3 Speed ncdueers and o\.ber es to complllnl'nt thlJl firm on th(!lr polltc:rll III each or the f\rIlL 8lX CU511lot16 begin 8Ur\day &L tl46 a.m, 14., "~<~-1;" f '.~ .fj~a"r; a.W ~J:' W1~ the pco. need of the depa~tnent. and Pt~ attaciuncnts needed by tho firm, drJ>(!Mable businellS prlnclpl(!/l and Ifflit1cs. 11lcY Were: C1r/;,.t grade, In1M.~ChurCh. OtiIplabl ~l"~t".1'V"t':.,.',,,', .':' .' "

~ P16 Ilbd 1$ .. where )'OU can merchandise JlJ \'Iell bandied 60 ranch IbdustrlalL'lt and repair me. n mucb needed llorVlce In tills nrea. Darcl Cockerell; accond grade, KllllC to.YIl old members, nl!W mem. '~,.!~': ~.;,,(~ ,',l, r .' ,',: ~'r r~, "" bb~ j;blle rou arc In Itos· that all goods will be the "teaL ehanl~. (Pb?nc 823·2300 for Information nnd BNb Corn(!Uus: tJllrd grado, Joe burs and folkll 1n\(lrt!Stcld In w)lat l .1;":>7;j ~'.. ~ " :';, . ? 'I. ,~'.twen ~a'. tUt friendly atmos· qUllltt-y that the market artords in For tho j>r01ecLlon or your ma- Ilcrvlce. SchlL"wr; rourth grade. Beth KUnc; memoorsh'" shoUld meten .ret cor. t.. /.",'" ;.. ,.'J,;'j ;"

1'.:' '., ' .. ;"'7flIi4:lN ',,111eh PtcdomJnlltes at.. all elyle-dMlgn, material and quality. '" .. ". ....., "

Uinta ~ Placed tb1$ storo in an W(, call tho aUCnUon or our tead. ~,,~ " . ".. - tlflh ~r:rade. Linda TntJIUo: lIlxtb dlally Invllcd. Thls courllc laatn for '$ir.>i"'<i, '.. "'.,. ~ .JndWSc1tJa{ cla.r.$ by lUCU and can ers 10 tho adV1lntage of hiVing. SMITH MA·CHINERYCO., Ine. ~rade., Sle\'tm Tally. st~ SUUdaY". ,;1~"'·'J. ;'•.~q:~ .. , # ..

wiln; bO utmed "Sbopptng Head- ~torc IlkC' this Which has maintained On the llpot \'Oluntccrtt of mcn. • • • \9 :'~:f.:~ ,,> ~,' I, •

qUi~rs", tnt .\.be d k • .and sur. the best 111 serViell to the · lIe. Compt--- MachIn. Shop and .... -tal Fabrtcatfon Service womrn and chlldr(!n cleaned dlshc!l. SunbOlun atnItl!rrt WSll II1ng "A ,~,f'~;":;'.;,··,- ,'<, "t '....:_.Iolo_.." 'I u .'.""'. tnblr"l nnd noor In quIck Capll4n LIUle B6u In o.We"" at 11 a.m. ,.t.•,,,;- c. /" : ',.. . '.. ' .•~~1UtS. 'art'&!J. 'I1Ia't mUCh dis· Visit this progressive firm wblcb k I ,- d R d P ~ ". " .~~. YJon! ..~" finds true has the Interest or evcry CUStomcr John 0 ..,. Equipment - "'r e ey, P..r,.11 an e a umps coopcrnuve hllltlt. wot'Ghlp in tho Metb<:ldlSt ClNrch. '{~ 'l' :....~ ,; , ,,:'; • . ,.....'..;_ <'\ <~ 'I.e~sa!OQ la \.be trtC11d1y atm03- at heart. To be ctllclenl, a Piece of farm "Ill..oh service, titles are cqUlppcd • • • • • • ;:.::,: ., ~"I"." ,.A;... ., .", '. 'i.l~'\;" , .'

,_<uk· .----.-..... _. '. . .,. or IndlL·.irlal machJ.rl\!ry must. be to ll5oo111blc or .repair lIny equip- Despll~ daylight l>/lvlng UJne. Ncw ktndemrtt'tl· SW;tdaY' School ~,. 'to ~,..: '_:"i.,~ ,... _l ..~. " ..:,:, '.- 1VA"'N','s SH-'AM';"·R·OC'K STA"-. bUIlt to sland the rough u,'lC neeO$- men\ on the job or In thdr shop. • . • ' CIa.<;s. laugbL by MI'IJ. Frieda WlM- ,:f" . • . . ',l .~' ,~"'"WJIii

lOarily 1n\'Olvcd In the working or SMl'l1t MActnN~n:YCO. In d('al· R ell L- .. ,J- low Blld Mt3. UltabclJl German)". ":.:I" .•'!"-' ..,.. , . - .----- ._~Jl!!m!l!!1d_o!'.,..!1.1n. and....rock ..!''Ork.. "0or _ DF~ItK~L]o,,"Y__ond l'EElt- osw. - Ive...s.L.OC.K...bc.o.g1nll. U1t11..81Jnl:1aJLJn. the~~ -'G£TS-A""'""RIBBON-;o;. J\1/-llnk-- 1tuTd--'- '---1~l eli' --- ~,

·----MlfttttrAVfitR~t,.=SfiarTiCliclnlnsf;;"'"Siat COvers TI1c mrrnl MAClIINEHoY co. fca· LESS PUlIIlJ5 alld UEPA sUbmcrgt· • _ mli~ C.'lurcb. Your pre-school oh1J. • o,n cr, UI 050: won Irs pace '11.•,. 'fattAM Itood S.rvke-Joe Van, Ow,..,& Mg,. turcs tho ramous J01tN PEERE ble pumps and have pressuro tanks COmmiSSiOn Co dren arc wclcome at. 11:45 a.m. high lump and a ~Iuo ribbon rn RUidoso s '.nvllaltonal Irack

VtUl'S .El2amrock station at. QOO $tArler, murn(!r In.,'iaDaUon and line or mach1ncr)' wtllch has stood and the accessorIes to Install or ." ,.' moet Saturdoy wblch saw athletcs from 13 s(hools compo,"West 2nd. In tRoswCij fea.tures the other minor auto repairs. lhe test of )urs 01 rugged USllgc repair your water llyMem regard· T. M. and Joe Dy., Owners AROUND HI HKOOI- Ing•(~In b1gh octane gu. 8h&mrock Van and has pro\"Cn saUsfactory In let:!t of llIzc need~. 'rhe lto:.;well Livestock OonunJs. IContlJlved 'rom'rI.~e l-l:lec. III -...,;;....-------------..--~~, ~--- ,ind otbcr popular brands of motor Stop by-you will find Joe every phase to lbe farmer. ranch· Contact tho SMITH MACHINEltY 1>iOll Co.. located at IlOO N. Oard1!n Karon Petty ALTO 8-RIffS 1I,,\'.t.·, at AIU, "wny bilck UI lIU6,oil, along' w1121 t.trca, batterld and and bls employees friendly and cr an4 1nd1L'itrlallst6 111 tbla area. ·CO. !1rst ,,;ben In the market ror A...e. In ROb"W(!I1,eonducts cattle -:Yes, theY &W to tJehool and make 1111 .lu1l11 O;;d. 0" IiIC Ill're ttl;linother auto wppi~and accCSSQrles. ~_ancl v.~Ut~~_IO Be.rve ~UI This finn AlsQ feat.qros a com· or necdlnit repnlrs on nny t'.qulp. !'.akcs c"'~_ Mon~ 41.00 [email protected]_1rd. WiW1 -~!tl' _ U 1'.L!l tm a tt.~ ooYIl...-'At' Wi 8fil,tfon nBERVICS" IS ...any ",1lY Uiey 'Can. They . pTelcfupart...<i and repair department mcnHnaoe or meUlT, wlWUiel' 'fiil'iff. mit's every W~dncOOay. 'Illey _100 Q)Y. 'lilt' lla!llh Jbrlll'r fnnuly Mthclt tne*o. Along With !W1ng')'Our t;(lrv!« )'Our car while you are f>0 that. In o\"CrhAU1ln1r )'Our equip. Indu..<-trl_l. pumptng or eUlcrwlse. hll\"C IIPCCIIlI SI1I(!ll' by announce. I can't say. rd like w know why C'.llIcH41f" r,.It \I..I!t'd Tilll \IIo~r4~. they ..-tsn )'OUr" windshield. shoppIng or do ~bat Ion!: needed mcnt ttrey can live you the.beat stop by a1. 512 E. MaIn Bnd let one ment. l'hone G:!2.5S!lO Cor lnlonna. Iho sc.boolll~Yll lhoy can't.. TO lI1e, MI'. ('''HI l>uH'1lI Iw.t wt't'k-c.nllol1eck )'Otir tlrC5 and under tbc repaIr Job. ~rvlce In the 8hc>rtcn time at. Ute of !.mIl,' reprellCntaUvC!I show you tlon 1t dcit\3 6eetn lintalr, l1'. they Wero \\ I,,:. Mr. JI'r1)' PC'a~ or E:11~'. ' -. ' . W......HW)l.--least-po$,...4JODlf tho I\dVIU1U\gCS--(jf...~.ust1'l", .JOHN...---rills company 01ljoYlt a; 1Ju1v\n3 bravc--c~me-bilc ~'{'.Ilh' willi til... " lllld IIlstted.~---

YAN'S SKAM:l'tOOX STATION 'to at 900 W. 2nd. or pbonci 823-0992 With rcptlr IlcrvlCC$ they do Lathe, D~mE equipment· to put y~ur blL'ltnctlS 'COVl!r\ng' a WSde t(\rrlwry. scl100l 'ikl work twtCtl as bard ILlI IV AIllEN UNDAMOOD . nud C!ilfy,h&s ~~ iVlllU&b1e aDa tbcfot prckup and delivery In ROswell MlI1lDg, VerlIcal norh1g, 0 r l 11 fann, ranch or Industrial Job on a When YQU eooolgn your llveslock a rct;ular litl,ldcnt then Why not1 Alrl1len Ken SChafer nnd Ktlllli til.! M"h.I:1\ l':tl (lurk or NogaleqlrlpmenL \<i do a c»trlptcte ~rake or for emergency AAA toad servo Press, MetalWng and ,other mao reallY pAying basis. Phone 622·1812 here you can always depend upon Marrled 01' not, thllY are part or Crawford of lIollolltalt were "U('9!:1 :"~'J)JJl(1 lit "II IIh way 1101110 fromjObj properly acfjU$tlng the braIteB Ice. "Why Not Try AAA ror More chIne shop IlcrvlCCS, arc and aecty· 011 week days and 622·3257 atter 6 gottlng the ttlgh6t.i market. valuo. thlll lleboo/l Tho acJ100l "ctn so or Mrs. Lula AJlderOOll nnd KNIt Uu.lIt1'O~. ~ ..t~ t\lD¢.\1t), generator. Efflclent Mbwrlng servIce".. lene weldlng 1UId any inetal fllbrl· p.m. and SUndays, .,,_ H(!rc you arc MSurcd of honest much money trom tho state for Ander/JOn IMt wcck"end 1.1," ful" SltllllUij!l has 'nlturutc1

.. ; • weights (or llvestock. eaoll tltUdent. - marrIed or not, H, E. Marr of TulnrO:O:\l llWPIll'd from ';ll('ulllllt: U1I' WInter In lIen"." A ·'1 B'0 DY SHOP' EM' C0 Fabr·ics This company conduetll a bUsl. ~arol1 Alvi1l. In Mondlly. HId father Wt\!l PO:-lt· h·f. tllall". nells or hllIh commercial valltC' to Yea, I personally dol\',L thlUk It'8 . t •' '_f_ I the pUblic. RcmelttbClr th1II fllOt- fair. All loti" R3Ulcy ttY to !Irttsh 1.11' ow] Mt:, Hollel1. Wlml\~

w .' • cern......" AutO ledy; Upholstery, Palnttng & Gla" 'nsta latlonS.rvl~j,Fftfor a Golden N..dl." It thn ranners of th1ll. commWilty thcl1' cdUOll\JOI1 r think 1bCy IlhOll1d dOtt'~ !lOti why thoy cnll't !r0. .1'11. fl'lUfllt'd Irolli Dall.:v. Oil St\lurday•.> . • • '. • • • Furnitur. Upholstery" Appliance RefinishIng'. ., 'l'ho ~ 'M co FabrlCll located at Were colllpclllcd 10 sl11p their live. get.. to po.nlolpo.lo In L1u~scbool ac. tnC,lr AdallalldUfl, Jr, '11,1')' had 'Ut;\'l\ lhl.'ro fOr (urt.lwr

i . 'J:\W! pri>tU'e~ve fil'DT h1, RoewcD, that -or )'OUr caf. perfectly and do "Ocho" eKm1er, QIC owner. aDd I.tock elseWhere, they would tall tal.' tlV1lfcs. -eaUi)' carpenter. I Ilureel • .(1mln Chtlrit'll. . llt'1l1mr'1l1 1J1l11l'r' l'!ll"'. haVil\lj !tOne! ,<· ~ Jia\1ng C!qulppCd their Shop with the allY gliI...<os installation that· Is need. his. cmploy~s fuVlte yOU to drOp 714. W.HObblt, phone. 622...920. In short of !totting the price obial1Wd ~ rc41JY dcin'~ lICO any rCail4n to,'(' I thtllk they !lJlOUld go. ~.Jlm thlllugh a cntawM ollCl'aUon UlCtC•• J~t:Wolsil~ t!qU1prnQ~ special- d ,."'.... ..:....... . ..... L· by their lIboP located 6102 $. ldRJn ltosWCllls ODO of thC leadl'ng fabric "t '''c ftft'sw'''11 Llve c a. Ihnm ....... _,....., ....... " 't l5aY for Reed . In curly 1"t'bnl1l,ty. .,

be, lJX ':accurate~.nd t!cOnoriiical e MI 1I0VC JV'" car u... new ap- In lUIsweUfor fufOrtnaLlon aDd lU1 cotltets' In this area. They haVe ;lo;'co:MI<" "" IIU sure, ::~1; £f:P~ It depclnds It she or I:lhc 11.118 11 Ur f):\lp WYllfl nnd Jack Spitll~ a'ltlo body r-cpalrhtg and peatallCC again. 'Illey access est.ltnate 01\ Atit body, tutnlWt'4! or tWit theft i'tlput.atlon upon quality We are pll.'llued to gtve U1lllre- Yos, 1tbltiJC m"ti 1I1101IJ<j "C!. to 'oo.~', 1111 ..' werl' III 011 MOl1d:iY white over Ui1li',~"itb.· blt:erlor llPllOl&lCrmg. to all body pallt$. upholstery and appliance work With nO obligation, . "'.... . ~ ...J.. Y....., All n ""ker way I'lor"~d III IlI'tOI'(\ «01"'" txLck. ..J!eeaUBe or thelr excollent. work- rinlshlng materials fucludJilg- thOsc YoU will always rind ~m friend. morchnlidtsc~ servlce and guUuW!1l liable {Irm commendable menUon go, .ncw aUther"to a J)fm or RW~ y;":;; It th:Y h::ve ~l1e to R. Jr. to R~I;lo:~;' .. •... r .'mull.blp il14 acm...e Ilndihclr faIr- ot'S])OI'tS lind foreIgn ears. 1y, courieoWl ai14 WIllIng Ib &8i5lSt extended to Utelr many satisfied lrl tbls ReView. We -Rll8Ure our dosO HIgh IlO t th1nkthCY $hOuld 8. and bavn be(!t\ lh\"Olvcd in Ilch061 'III' ('hnrll!' c:ockC'n~lI fl\mlly"""....... t'...:..... , .... '';A'" . ..........'" ' ..... A 1 00"'''' 'SHOP ,.".. In ...... ......- 1/ ,customers. I'eaders (hat they wlU !tet a fait gctto ItO. -Nancy Ware!. . k d I ". P'......a 0.- ~ ......n, .cus.v..~..l'& " . .,. • . . ',"," a .......~ accellS you . any way .....,y can.....,oo E·.... 0' 0 Fa'b I Vide tM deal In every irllooactlcltl. I thlnk theY should go. 1 retLllY l\oUVltlcfl before they were Illor· hOl\1f' from l~ WN' 'I'll Ii ""I llllO.I<wcn \'lOk:& 7OI1t' ·trmo to.~ to all typca of UphOlstery mater1al3 KelU1ey l\UpcrvlB4!S each and every - . r C8 pro s .n, . ; ,. " " '''' "',, "'0;" '.. ded. -Torttmy VaUlant. Atr and Mro Lt'c- TUkens arQ11~ i.utQ bOi1YtI!Pll!ij 'UPbolsWrlnS..and do In eXi>e~_tasbkln any fU;mt. Job and lI,'(i;_u~<>5U1!.y~..wllUiko. de~~:a Of. U:tr:~:'rcr~~~ ---- 'C'H'EWN'I'N'G"-fOO'TW'".'E""':R". ._l'JlHJ IClll.iMuur nu.~rrlc~Ltitt!.'.b~l'~JrOl1!.J~(~[\!1I1101J.t~~'t~xli~_ml';.. ~.

. .. iUd~t~1hem;~~, .."tu'teu~tng and appllaiiCeor Thill,' fIlS{ ana a,ccuralC aervlCe. qua _~ D~~rir ~ r ~ . r M dent WhO gOCIi wschooi should hlWC 1\1 l' ulw,tYA pll'['d to conte hOmcf· lJ:tiet C!C b)cn1d lllWlut from their' fixtUre Uflnl.sblng toYO\U' specl!t· PfIOtfe G23-335G .tid after bOUili~ t1ew.....~ iIla..,. a s an coors a . . . . '. . .' JWt1. all much right to go as MY 10 l,a Junta Ouest Itunl:h. 'il., ,:Wide eeledlOl1IlO \.b&t k WUl makb catlons and your needS. 823-1401. real~onab1;...!rlecfs .• 'l'hClny aloo :~c Broadmoor ShoppIng C.nt.r -- M.h.....y ShopPfttiJ cente, on(\ rite. -peaIJY »(onton, Mr (IIld MI'" D A. KJmmld bkV.Jt

4• '" ... . ~ "d" ., . "--•• ,~ . ".~ :" ...... ." "." '", ...... : p, ... .. • ...e .. " ",; .>.. " atse ",,,,,,,Ie..0 lICW i cssen ""~ 1010 S. MaIn .... 1400 W. 2nd I think that these otudt'llt!1. ('''11\1' back 10 Ibl~l arc" t() 11'1(1. 1'hlif'LES,TERI 5 5·H·O E5 ~to~ with a Wide sclecllon of pAt-< CbewnJng Footwtlar. WSlh t~ j()o lotiiJ that- 1>lay a In tho IIlnee thoy Brc studCI1I.'i, t;hould b" (';llllt hero frOnt Luboock but pM~

. . , ~ . . " . m'...... '.. caUona for YOUI' shopping convon" correct r~ COIWmC Of. Ute' WeU· allowed Ib a.ttend the- j>roin, l'in to tt\al time tilt')' !nude lh<!1t~~· It> PopUJiu' iW rcH&6te abOe-1Itore ttaCUve m.' Ainq llOri1e or the nattoDIJI)' &4. 'J1Icl! large and .comproliemiV~ lonc:c. Is tho lamll)' 8bl>e. store' for dr~d- ",<>man are On d1llplay lrt a fltrro IthCW woUld conduct themselvcs In AlbuqUl'l'Qtw. 'they bave a c~!ID ~U lIf U5fer'. Sb<Hi8. 10., S&tmfatt:lon 18 I; til .............. \fe-rUsed b~ Lester'. Sboei lItoC!' Of d1'illCtY tnaterl61K oftCt- ii Ine enUro famlty, . Varlet)' ot PrlCt6". Th6y aliSO' carry A.!I wen or batter Ulan anyone else. chlll.n ranch ttl Oo.V\hm~IcaW at. :111 N. 1-f&!o. ,~cz· '.. ." '" ~...,.-.a, .. ..' . ". . ': Wide setecttOl1 from wblch to The managemeIW Is WoU 1ntornv the b«tt bt'ancfUri otthOPedto ih0c6, -TInt LeftWich. . n!·t\r Alto. At, Olle tlme 1\ {ow YB'lJ61f, . ' '. ........~. .n,d tile aeffiQe lU14 ~CY fcatUre)U"e; N~tu1"liWJeI',. ,Llfea.trtcli• ~,crc!ate your own fallblons. od 1n tM. business and' Jtj prePared. .Wo atc ~. to comPllil1cnt·thJ8 u ~e$(l J)«Iplc ate U\. /;IChool and back lhey lived horo- and the 00 ~~ 'J1lis imdettl stOre Is''~te17 of this Store lIS aaUslaCtloli l\Mtr· -<:llrUc BrownNW'8e, DatUel Qreca, '""'"8QW.lId .aVe.. ' to ottcr lhe lAtest myles in. fOotoprdfrrcll81.,o lthOe i!lt6re on. thO pas!. help out li1 any acUvltl~ atf,QClat. botbood 19 h~l>pY. w welcome- (jeq~ to tender or~O; anteed In toot- comfort..· BusterB~P'~ IWCl BOblclC~.,' iO 'l.hI, 1961 .JWVU:W of reliable wear, 'I1telr IblUty to thO IlhoC lIon they occupy lt1 th& everyday eel With the Pt'Om, by .11 Jl1cana )"001 back us-tUtt, {l'., J/!!'

.....~~.~ts:'~.~ 7be m_1iIIge. Y~.:tVl1lJt!ce-U1e'~ w.litcs:.~...'tlt .w$.·!HJ-dcl9<t-Ncllflib9~Re ~u.....ntmSr-w~, .8O,UlM-It--correcl.lY-t1t&.\M.~ hi&-.llfe.-:-ot.,thlJJ.,arft.,~:f.b.l!!!-"l'lf~~-:::~\yat<1:(J,~rlo -.- -:=-.~{",l--:-J!U:~I!.~J!Cr!t.:t~()..~t.¥!'.", '-:'::::~. _.'l'o'i~" J8 ·et11d~1aDiJIf.r'W1tJt ·tm42Mlrtr. 1:he'~ 1nClu4ej'~ 'VIew; "'Ii6'~U"~t "pteDUrif 1tt'~illt31fi1e....t&br1C'''1llmJJ"wonlti1S'lltnrMiWY])iimxliIiiUiia--foM''lO-if11iiYIJ supply Ule rlilit Yea,QCc&u,o 1liCy aro SUlf parr cn<l1illfC With hIlr Pl\rel1t$~, . .if;bc dOCk:.. no la perteCt.b' tr&Dlt and tot mell and oo,a-.M well as the reco~'i h t s ente~. waii our rea~r.,.VWt them When arca. .' f!1lOe jOd.ilt>eom~ or tb<, llCi1Q()1, t ~Uy tblDk Mrs. Don Dlli,ll. She a..tteMs .~.1I:l ,~,)W '~.1lie 'Jat:olR 1ltJtea 1()'r 'If'(lfIitSi.~ JIt18, wtDre 10 -an U:.lft.60~ ~.~ ~'tiO-' ~1h~11; lOCat... lltioea In .. Wide· ririe\y Of ..., onsemble Wftb ~. ltom~ fhfB U. pcopltl lrom. other scb«;ls or 111' P()t1u.lea-thlll.- bClhlt'llet'~:

...~~~ fi' be.'lt .~. trlttsl .A,l. i\Uof~rlnrfJdlllit)'. . ....~i1~liI~II. ~fi~ lliark flfjoJIPffid C<!n{ct, In~. new 1I1!J100 l\J14IJ!Jl1\.n1l'1f l'JWlh•.h~ JI'oof,we.l', j\mml'lr MIl:tO. ·,?llke LOCko, }'t':l1' tttl'tt', . .tid:!"i '..' .~

I,~ • ~~j~., .



Page 12: · In the plant de~ent.lnROB' tho making of a 30-mlnu'le7documentary color film 0.0 qual'- Fc, nnd Keith
Page 13: · In the plant de~ent.lnROB' tho making of a 30-mlnu'le7documentary color film 0.0 qual'- Fc, nnd Keith
Page 14: · In the plant de~ent.lnROB' tho making of a 30-mlnu'le7documentary color film 0.0 qual'- Fc, nnd Keith