oprf bulletin, oprf headquarter: cysd, bhubaneswar ... · oprf bulletin, vol -16 24x7 emergency...

OPRF Bulletin, Vol -16 24x7 Emergency Contact Number: 0 674-2300788 Any relevant information mail us at [email protected] OPRF Headquarter: CYSD, Bhubaneswar phailinresponse.wordpress.com Children can't wait…The Child protection thematic group had a threadbare session on 28th of Oct at OPRF: The discussion points were around three major aspects ? Major areas of concern and emerging issues on child protection in the post-disaster scenario ? Mechanism available to address the protection issues ? How more people can be brought into the framework to address the issues holistically The house opined: ? Loss of books, uniforms and other school materials –it was shared that the department has already declared that the students will be provided with books and two sets of uniforms soon after the school opens. Provision of notebooks could be thought of as children have lost everything and Govt. provision is only for books. ? Infrastructure of school – in many areas the school buildings are damaged, which is unsafe for children. So the department should ensure repairing of school buildings at the earliest possible. ? Dis continuation of immunization and supplementary food in Anganwadi centres. ? In many areas schools are still in distress conditions so attempt has to be made to ensure their functionality ? Risk assessment & Need for a child safe area in the community. Criteria and safety measures ( Do's and Don'ts) of this safe area -Creating safety net for children at the village level – formation and strengthening of child protection committees. For immediate intervention it is suggested to initiate discussion with DCPU to speed up the process of formation of VCPC at least within next one month. ? Psychosocial support/ counseling ? Provision of supplementary nutrition and safe drinking water ? Activating the Institution like the School management committee – to take care of Infrastructure arrangement like cleaning or arranging alternatives where the Schools are damaged. ? Children consultation in district level to get children's voice and suggestions ? To promote and initiate vocational training to check dropout rate from Schools ? Developing or strengthening mechanism to address Child abuse cases in shelter centers/ provisional shelters. ? Appropriate media policy for coverage of children's story and photographs in disaster affected area. Detail report -phailinresponse.wordpress.com

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Page 1: OPRF Bulletin, OPRF Headquarter: CYSD, Bhubaneswar ... · OPRF Bulletin, Vol -16 24x7 Emergency Contact Number: 0674-2300788 Any r elva nt if orm aion mu sphai @g l.com OPRF Headquarter:

OPRF Bulletin, Vol -16

24x7 Emergency Contact Number: 0 674-2300788Any relevant information mail us at [email protected]

OPRF Headquarter: CYSD, Bhubaneswarphailinresponse.wordpress.com

Children can't wait…The Child protection thematic group had a threadbare session on 28th of Oct at OPRF:

The discussion points were around three major aspects –?Major areas of concern and emerging issues on child protection in the post-disaster scenario ?Mechanism available to address the protection issues ?How more people can be brought into the framework to address the issues holistically

The house opined:?Loss of books, uniforms and other school materials –it was shared that the department has

already declared that the students will be provided with books and two sets of uniforms soon after the school opens. Provision of notebooks could be thought of as children have lost everything and Govt. provision is only for books.

?Infrastructure of school – in many areas the school buildings are damaged, which is unsafe for children. So the department should ensure repairing of school buildings at the earliest possible.

?Dis continuation of immunization and supplementary food in Anganwadi centres.?In many areas schools are still in distress conditions so attempt has to be made to ensure

their functionality?Risk assessment & Need for a child safe area in the community. Criteria and safety

measures ( Do's and Don'ts) of this safe area -Creating safety net for children at the village level – formation and strengthening of child protection committees. For immediate intervention it is suggested to initiate discussion with DCPU to speed up the process of formation of VCPC at least within next one month.

?Psychosocial support/ counseling?Provision of supplementary nutrition and safe drinking water ?Activating the Institution like the School management committee – to take care of

Infrastructure arrangement like cleaning or arranging alternatives where the Schools are damaged.

?Children consultation in district level to get children's voice and suggestions?To promote and initiate vocational training to check dropout rate from Schools?Developing or strengthening mechanism to address Child abuse cases in shelter centers/

provisional shelters.?Appropriate media policy for coverage of children's story and photographs in disaster

affected area.

Detail report -phailinresponse.wordpress.com

Page 2: OPRF Bulletin, OPRF Headquarter: CYSD, Bhubaneswar ... · OPRF Bulletin, Vol -16 24x7 Emergency Contact Number: 0674-2300788 Any r elva nt if orm aion mu sphai @g l.com OPRF Headquarter:

(Plan India initiatives -*These case studies have been collected as part of Plan's Phailin response program by Plan staff.))

Phailin: The journey from stormy seas to stormy emotions and a final silence!Arti, (name changed) 14 year old from Podampet village in Ganjam block still shudders to think of last Saturday. She had been hearing alerts on the mike for the last few days to move on to safer places, but being in the coastal village all her 14 years, she was quite unconcerned.“I thought nothing will happen this time also, so we went about our normal chores. But the wind suddenly caught on speed in the morning and then we were scared. We picked up few of our clothes and important documents and rushed through to the cyclone shelter in the nearby village. The road was flooded and we had to wade through thigh deep water to reach the other village. I did not sleep the whole night as I was very scared.”

Young girls in these areas are now scared to move out of their houses and talk to unknown people. They just stare out with baleful eyes while their fathers and brothers talk to various humanitarian agencies. Plan team members made an effort to draw them out and converse with few of them regarding their experience during the cyclone and their needs thereof. Most of them were concerned that their education would suffer as there was no electricity and they had heard rumors that their schools had been destroyed.

Sunita, (name changed), 10 yr old from Biti Nuagaon said: “I stay in Chattarpur and I had come to visit my maternal grandmother on Wednesday for Durga Puja and my school was off. Now I am stuck here as all roads are blocked. There is no electricity and no buses are running, so I cannot go back home.”

On being asked about her experience during the cyclone, she said: “it was horrifying. I had never witnessed such strong winds before. All of us were made to stay in the nearby school on Friday. There were many people from outside as well. Everybody was packed into the school building. I was so scared that I was crying on my grandmother's lap the whole time.”On being told that Chattrapur was even severely affected, she was extremely concerned and asked whether her school was also broken and will it reopen!! Do we have an immediate answer to it??

If I don't have anywhere to stay, how will I think of other things?

The importance of shelter in a person's life cannot be under rated. It provides a base from which one can fly to many quarters of life and yet be secure in the knowledge that s/he can come back to a safe haven at night. Unfortunately for many families in Ganjam district in Odisha, home now defines a mass of rubble and an open roof.

Cyclone Phailin's devastation left very many families stranded on the roads with nowhere to go. Meena (name changed), 16 year old Ganjam block shared: “We somehow withstood nature's fury on that Saturday by running into our neighbour's house nearby. But now we have nowhere to go. Our roof has completely blown off and even the walls have collapsed due to incessant rains over the past three days. My whole family is now sheltered along with five members of our neighbour's family in their one room house.”

Plan India's representative spoke to Meena and her friends regarding their experience pre and post Phailin. The girls were univocal in their assessment. Most of the damage was shelter and livelihoods, however as far as their concern went, houses were first priority. They were very grateful for the family kit supported by Plan and Aruna (Plan partner), but sought support for rebuilding houses.

Sumi (name changed), 17 year college student from the village summed up the whole discussion thus: “I am very thankful to Aruna and Plan India for the kits especially the hygiene kit utensils, water storage and the tarpaulins that they have given us in this adverse time. It will go a long way to help us restart our lives. We have also heard that they will start small classes at the local Anganwadi (pre-school centre) in our village. However all said and done, right now, we need to build our houses first. It is scary for us to stay in other's houses or under the open sky. We as a group feel that rebuilding houses should be the first priority of the government as well as NGOs.”

Children special

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Dist Update

Health Camps for disaster affected people by Civil Society organizations: On 28th October 2013, PECUC organized 2 numbers of Health Camps in Ramayapalli and Banabulapali Villages of Chhatrapur Block of Ganjam District. Total 242 people were treated and provided with medicines. Major diseases found are loose motion, cold, body ache, fever, skin diseases etc. On 28th October 2013, PECUC organized 2 numbers of Health Camps in Mahamadpur and Raghuchawk Villages of Nachinda GP, Bhogarai Block of Balasore district. Total 233 flood affected people were treated and provided with medicines. Major diseases found are loose motion, cold, Anorexia, Gastro, etc.

GanjamOPRF & SEVA Volunteers are engaged in Packing of Cook food & Distributed 3000 nos cook food pack & 25 patto Packed in Kasara,Biripal,Aliyabad, village of Karadapada G . P o f G a n j a m B l o c k & in,Gangapur,Munsipentha,patlang Rajpur,Bipiling , V i l l a g e o f Patlamg G.P of C h h a t r a p u r B lock . SEVA o r g a n i z a t i o n volunteer are also Working w i t h O P R F Volunteer above mentioned both the area .P A I D Organisation has distributed 2000 packed Cook-food & Biscuit & water pouch in the village Hansapur of Patlang GP of Chhatrapur BlockIn village Bada NoliaSahi of Augustinuagoan GP of Chhatrapur Block ,OPRF Volunteers (11 nos ) with the support of community people has formed Sanitation Commit tee. & the commit tee lead by Laxmi,Krishna, Raghunath & Ramaya and around 40 local volunters along with OPRF volunteers jointly cleaned the village today. This was highly appreciated by the central visiting team.PAID NGO-They have distributed Biscuits-50 packed ,patato-205kg &water packet in the village saravimpur of patlang Gp of Chhatrapur Block.

Jagatsingpur & Kendrapada Peoples need immediate declared

compensation for their crop loss due to saline water .

Rabi , vegetable seeds & agricultural instrument support for their livelihood restoration

People do not informed about the special package or scheme declared by the Govt for flood /Phailin ,in the area of Agriculture & horticulture Source –INSAF NGO.Source –BAT & NET Organization.

C R S i s engaged in p r o v i d i n g shelter kit to affected HH in Rangeilunda and Ch i k i t i B lock . GPs assigned by d i s t r i c t administration

s are as below: 1. Rangeilunda Block- Boxipalli, Gholabandha, Kamalapur, Indrakhi and Dora (all villages)2. Chikiti Block - Katur, Eksingh, Sonpur, Jhatipadar and gobindnagar (all villages3. NAC - Gopalpur CRS will be providing temporary shelter kit to 7000 HH in above GPs(1 tarps of 12 X 18, 2 plastic sleeping mat and 40 mats nylon rope in first phase). Distribution has started since 15th Oct and as of 27th Oct, 4581 HH are covered. Local partner for this response is SWAD (society for welfare Animation and Development).

Horticulture Department has declared to provide seeds to all framers as per their choice with 90% subsidies, In Phailin & flood affected Area . --Contact –Asst. Horticulture Officer (AHO) in Each Block As shared to OPRF team by Mr.Swayam Bikash Das, Deputy Director, Directors of H o r t i c u l t u r e O f f i c e N a y a p a l l i Bhubaneswar

Page 4: OPRF Bulletin, OPRF Headquarter: CYSD, Bhubaneswar ... · OPRF Bulletin, Vol -16 24x7 Emergency Contact Number: 0674-2300788 Any r elva nt if orm aion mu sphai @g l.com OPRF Headquarter:

Government Updates...

Page 5: OPRF Bulletin, OPRF Headquarter: CYSD, Bhubaneswar ... · OPRF Bulletin, Vol -16 24x7 Emergency Contact Number: 0674-2300788 Any r elva nt if orm aion mu sphai @g l.com OPRF Headquarter:
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HELPING HANDS:CYSD, AAINA, Adhikar, Bakul Foundation, Uddyam, We4U, YDF, Open Hand, NYP, Soch India, Being Indian Foundation, Water Initiatives, Plan India, SPHERE India, ACM, RCDC, SODA, RGVN, Gram Vikas, Grama Utthan, LIPICA, Yuva Odisha, CARD, Natya Chetna, POPET, , YDT, CBS, Prerna, Aurosikha, CLAP, HDF, Utkal Sevak Samaja, United Action Council, People’s Forum, CTC, Sai Mahavir Trust, SVA, PDDMF, Save the Children, Water Aid, Teri , lifeline, ARM, Fellowship , INDIA , Help Age India, Action Aid India, Unicef, UAA, ISERD ,SFDC, RDAC, SACAL, SPWE, POPET, INSAF, FREEDOM, ISRD, DCA, CASA, SFDC, OVHA,CRS,YCDA, ISWAR, SRDO, GVSS, LWSIT, ABHIJAN, PECUC, SAVA, UPKAR ,Aparajita,Somuha Bikas.,Trocairs , OLS, SMRC, Sahid Juba Sangha, LALA, YSD and many more...


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