(onover, kranich bach, schubert and kinosburu pianos. · wishing to know the truth in re-gard to...

CANDY CATHARTIC CURE CONSTIPATION iJO. 50 DRUGGISTS. 25c 5. DRUGGISTS. .. .. . .. . ... ... ... . . . __•__- -- _-C - CX = C • Z C -• ,• C • - --- •Z•_ e LOUISIANA POPULIST. I"FRIDAY, January 14, 1898. There were more Populists votes refused to register, and then refu- sed to vote after they did register, than was cast in this election in this parish. We are glad to know that they didn't vote the Demo- cratic ticket, for perhaps some time or other they will get tired of the present order of things and de- cide to change. Quite as few Populists voted the Democratic as did Democrats vote the Populist ticket. Oh, there's two parties in this parish, and 'the lines are well drawn. Any Person Wishing to know the truth in re- gard to their health should not fail to send for a valuable and new 64- page Booklet which will be sent FREE for a short time to those who metion this paper. This book is published by the celebrated phy- sicians and specialists-l)r. Hatha- way & Co., of 337 St. Charles St. New Orleans, La., whom you should address. Write to-day. The result of Tuesday's election for members of the Constitutional Convention resulted as foilows: Breazeal, Democrat, 572. Presley, Democrat 549. Gamble, Populist, 303. Ross, Populist, 303. For Convention, 400. k Against Convention, 131. t The Democrats carried wards 1, j 4, 7, 9 and 10.. The Populists carried wards 2, 3 , and 5. Wards 6 and 8, wore carrid by 1i one candidate from each party. CASTORIA b Pr Infants sam Children. C e A W. C. Percy of Bayou Sara, 0 was in town this week seeing his I ' abany old friends hero. He will a probably be with us for a month. h Don't forget the Monroe and Natchitoches railroad on which the a utuore existence of our city and e much of our parish depend. Vote the tax in wards 1 and 4. ' ' SooceumulPhymlanas. P SWe heartily reommend D•. ath wa of 37 St. Charles Oe.rlmean, la., abeing e reliable and remarkiabl I in the treatment o cbroue IimTases . uThey ore wher others fail. They never em-A ploy traveilg doctors. O•r read- ol ons lif need of nmedical help di rhouid oertainly write them and W .go - iii, ooele free of charge thei~ip .ort leii of your erse a by rert .' They guarantee C t.er coes. &Agars many Dew oeratin thisi p.rish m' didn't vote Tuesday, and ime of thea it mum in the parish da ~*ks mt 88g bqand l o or ~oppbeeatseas ~d Gaiap bae h adve ba t 4ht;r~aeeq tlc 'it;i ~-i *4ela T Our farmers are still picking cotton on Cane rive and adjoining. They just simply made so much that with all the available help in tea the parish and many pickers im- u- ported from adjoining parishes, jr, they could not get it out before in the 1st of January. Cane river )w has outdone the thing. 10 The campaign got pretty warm ea few days before the election and several "Cards" was the result, but we are glad to state that most of it was caused by misunderstand- he ings and exaggerated reports that to are the most natural thing in the 's world during a heated campaign. In lMemoriam. Died, Jan. 8th, at his home on Red river, Mr. J. Pollard Harri- son; aged 4t~ years, oldest son of Mrs. S. J. Harrison. Few words, and simple, yet what +e a world of woo they convey to k the hearts of all who loved him. And to know him was to love him. What a loss they chronicle in the u lives of us who are left to mourn. Ah! the Hand of God rests heavy on our hearts. He has seen I tit to smite us, and has called from our midst, one of His best beloved, but one that we cherished too; our kind, tender and true friend whom we shall miss and regret as long as life shall last. "Jesus taketh those He loveth best"-and He has taken him home to rest forever in the happiness of Heaven. But oh! his happiness is our sorrow. What is to fill the 3 void left in our darkened lives? Who could ever replace this dear ' lost friend, this true heart of gold? One of nature's noblemen, his pure, beautiful life was one long offering of love and devotion to his beloved mother and family-of comfort and generosity to all who enjoyed the belessing of his friend- ship. Truly, for such is the Kingdom of Heaven, and God wanted him over there. He has breathed his last 'farewell, and passed from among us. No more will our 4 hearts be gladdened with the smile of his kindly eyes, with the sound - of his gentle voice, which shall ' linger around us always as sweet- est memories of the past. He has gone-alas! like the many that have bloomed in the summer of our lives---gone-but 6 not forever, for love shall bring ' us together astain, his tender faith- ful love which will never cease to a plead at the Throne of Mercy, for our blissful reunion beyond the clouds. Estray Notice. Taken up and Estrayed before me by SAmes Cox, living about 4 miles from Allen. pan 8 panish Lake, a three ,ear old Helfar, marked .with crop and un- - derbit in each ear, and hole in the right, white and red frosty. Branded Hr M on left hip, and a two year old heifar, red roan, marked with crop off the right ear, and underbit in the left. Branded C W on the left hip. The 8 year old ap- praised at seven dollars, and the 2 year I old at six dollars, by Rosell Rodrigues and P. 8. Hawley, conjointly with me, the undersigned Justice of the Peace. The owner is hereby required to come forward, prove property pay charges Y and take them away, or they will be d dealt withas the law directa, this 20th day of December, 1897. J:.J. HORTON, iee, 1. J. P. Ward 8. Esiray "'otice. Estrayed before me the undersigned Justiqeofthe Peace by D. S. O',uin, one small Filly, sorrel color, three white t feet, with small blaze in the face. No ) or brands, and about three' year's old. ppraised by M. H. Holloway e arnd H. L Brian, conodntly with me, at the sum of Seven dollars and Fity cents, N. T. SMITH, Dec. . J. P. Ward One. -Job work must be paid for when MEDINE MUSIC Co,, -- DEALERS IN -- SHEET MUSIC, MUSICAL INSTRUMENTS, (onover, Kranich & Bach, Schubert and Kinosburu Pianos. 115 Bourbon Street, Near Canal, New Orleans, - - - - - La. $50 in Gold! n, Will be Paid to any Man or Woman. It remains far the elebrted firm of ph lclaam and specialist•, Dr. Hathaway & Co., ( Graduates Registered), to place a genauine b nese proposition before the public, which has never been made beforo. i- We agree to t~oat any person afflicted with any abroalediseasoand cure them, furnishing medi. )f cues and everything necsaary for their case or forfeit $50.00 in gold, providing the patient faith- fully follows treo'nmont and directions, and the case isa curable one. it This offer is plain, end there ies no catch to it; end furthermore, theoffer is good and the money perfectly sate because we are financially respon. Dr. Hathawaay& Co.'s .exporience during the Inst 2U0ycnrs ha. proved the feet that they have cured thousands of 1cases where other dec- tore have failed, and this warrants them in making this remarks. I ble offer. All persons who are sufferinr from any chronio deseace, have now an opportun nity to test the trect. mcnt of the acknow- 1 lodged leading physi. / iaan and special•ts of this country, with an absolute surety of be- Sincug cred. Special tii Qcases, such as catarst, blond poison. wreaknes of men and women which affeet the delicate oa an and private diseases of se t kinds, heumatlm, strlclure, varicoccIs, rupture. female troubles, sain erptlons, ulcers, kldna. and urindar dl. seases, Ievr and stemsch dilciult!e liquor, f epln sad morpwhia bSald or ta chronic u,,eue. Our treatment can e taken at home Sundr our directions, or we will pay rail. road firs and hotel bli toall who rfertocoes So our ofse for treatment, itf we failto ere. We have the best of inancial and professional reer onces and transact our businees on a strictly professional hbais, promising nothing but what we can fiu.Sl We do not believe in any of the irac•preecrplleane, free curs, freccsmpleorC.O.D. ? fracda, but think it bs best in the end to be hon. ret with ouM patiena. WLito us ta-dar, don't da- l e have carefully prepared BSyptom 3lanke No. , for men; No. 2, for women; o. , fr skin dsoses; No. 4, for cntnrrh, and now 4 p booklet which swe will end Free toal whoe dosre truthful information about their C l tboC. Cal or address DR. HA'THAWAY & CO., WiSt. Charles St., Masnic Temple, Mention this papor. New Orleans, La. l REPIR YOUR STOVES AID SEWING MACHINES. J. A. ENLOE is in the business, with material for all kinds of repairs on eith- er Stoves or Sewing Machines. All work guaranteed. Address me at Natchitoches. Seplt. 10 '97. D. c. 30AKtBORU uGII. 31. 11. CARVE SCARBOROUGH & CARYER. Attorneys at Law. NATCHITOCHES, LA. - Will practice in the District Courts in the Parishes of Nat hitoches, Red River and Sabine, and in the Supreme Court r ' of Louisiana. and the U. S. District and Circuit Cburts for the Western Distrie , of Louisiana. Ian 17-1y. I coxxaxc>ztA 41 years neowned as er. 4ob false rom 0 ee made, Ovcar lat1000oarlat alineds aOver l0DGod and s iver Med. selm Diplomas etc., awarded a us by American and European Expositions, Commerilat t Co•uae nlcudes Sxpert Ac- counting and Audfitin, and S OGuaranteed Higher and .perior, to any other in the - M[South. We own our college building and have unequalled facilitiee and an unexoclled 1 taculty,. Graduates bold leading positions all over the I country, Instructilonallpersonal. SHaving numerous businees connections and being universally and reputably known, we have superior advantages in aiding students to seuoare eituationas. .i& etore is connected with 8ould College .n which stndents do actual business with reel goods and actual money, and they keep the boo-ks in the latest labor saving forms. Students enter at any time. English, Aca- demic, Shorthand and Business schools. All separate faculties. Send for catalogue. Addresa G80 . 8oUIW & 80N0 TilE BOSS BARBER. -0-- -O - CHARLEY! TUCKER, who presides over tho FAMOUS Ton sorial Parlors on 2nd Street, near the Courthouse, will give you the best and quickest shave in town. Hair-cntting in all the latest ' styles done to perfection. Call on him. Sailuel J. Ilenry, Alttorney at Law. NATCHITOCHES, LA. Will practiee in alithe State and Fed tal Courts. D DELOACH Variable Friction Feed Saw Mills, Planers and Matchers, DcLoach Corn and Flour Mills, Turbine Water Wheels, ", Hungry Elephant" Baling Press, t.- Engines and Boilers, MILL MACHINERY AND GEARING OF A LL KINCS. SAW REPAIR' IN a specialty. WORK OuARANT.Efal L R.T J c3'seCs .. nearly lI n the treublei I lfe. and more kspecily t In macin.r~v. Our VARIAPLB FRICTION as app!ied to **4 S.,aj Milk a.. Pltanrs 'n blks the operator to take ju t c t at he neds mor. i.•rutd to vyeli a capacity tweety 'Per c .;t. greater th.,Ln the o:1 s vlt' , with " "t pow r,. 97 Saw •ills solw in one month proves it: w~odcrtui pcpularltd a, tsi th'v go to all parts of the w .rlJ. " - The DeLoaFh Varkb!d Frictio, F1ed Planer, . " , - . ,tetcher and 2Moulder beats them all. Wrlto at once Ifr large Illustrated catalogue. . . - DeLoach Ail Mfg. Co., Atlanta, Ca. I ii Wb nagtip St, New York City, sad II S. IIth St., St. Lou, Mo. -- S. I. Prothro, PIIYSICIAN & SURGEON, NAT'CHITIOCE,, LA. Diseases of Women and Clhil dreg a tpeciality. Office in the Trichel Drug store. muay31-ly. W. X. MOSELEY, SURGEON & PHYSICIAN. NATCHITOCHES, LA. -0- H- Office at TRICHEL DRUG STORE, ResidenceCity Hotel. April 2, 1897. ELP WAFNTED tnhc Uat a=ut3 6,000 oon to 81 Civil forvloo vaoadw this yeau. Only aenmln schbtl theltim undal in ente placco. $600 to 62,50 i nsla:l. Date oct locatios ofi nest Ocam aoticna a3 vaitatlo :iroa:tioa sent PEEE on aqucot. COL4tKIA CIVIL CEICICZ dCbDEY, Dop't3, Wach. D.O. --- ~--r Pay Your Siubscription.- If you haven't paid your sub- scription it's your fault, not ours. Don't be bashful, but come by and see us, and while you are coming, bring your dollar ailonr. U0 an8 Whiskey Itan curod at home wit- o-tpaii. 0ook of l . tenlarm sent lFb•rE .RM.WOOrner, M.iA 01 aN.PryOlC __ u 0G1O The Old Reliable AxxuoMa NoNoonpsoaonx is again lathe family that gave It birth, and iscele-. bratitsg It return by a moorevigorous, bold and out- spoken demanud for radleal reforms than any other crnal of nt.lioual circulation. It ie edited and pub- .lshed by Prof C. Vknenut, whb is well known as apolitical poeaker in more than 2Otates. It Lsplcy but not iconoclastie; bright, but not bitter; logical end profound, bt not dry and prosy. In short, it Is just what every Populist familyshonldreade, and every poputlst should delight in extending its circulation in is locality, It6 atipurtr~ents are A moet complete news servioo N1W.E , is given, and no other Populist paper gnveefull Market Reporta WA•RIETY' th:.t are equal to those of the tPJ"iUiTS, trent dailies. Itr "open court" whore anyone PE+ PL• ny o s y ay what ho pleases, Is Ro U31, worth many tuiteo othe t of the paper. Iire in fourdr the c:eam of the rafor; thought of the nation. ':: a .:nlchange department is in cllCAi.&A - ":• rv of a special editor, so IOL Ut:., thit, a subt•jcrilion to the NoN. corNokawnar I equal to taking a wago• n o:. i.ounaetthe beMa from allt ato0 ono.,. Amonr its regular contributors rer )Ino. .Toha D)av!a, lIon. W. gpect 1 A. Pelfrr, s'rof. Iidpnth, Rev. Ottrer•paadlenee, ln !von llrtdahost ofothers whose writings are sought with cagirnessandreadwiUt interest It keens itereaders Informed on the wvrk o f Congrescr .No other O artt'aly tnl ? laptr bha sohgh a reputation ,l)w,@ usa the No'e oxNnoar. r for furn.tdln ful hIformation on It is tho l.WSTTIaiT, i:RIGtII'EZT, SPICIEST end ABL.:Til l'op hait taper In Ithe iJntId BLates, anti it fe. read in every ,pura.rwruotheoo.ntry. Itis a es• colum:r, 8 pago weekli jourcal of cstabllshed reputatiol terd rraia:lon, ltanded in 18'1. Subcrlp- lion priee, galU.fa oas . dal trtp,3 meonthl, 2 eenf . benJd l-ij.L icretd for aunrplo copy. Address, ld. NON COIFO:rT, ST. IndlanaIolis, In4 Subscribe for and read the Lou SIANA POPULIST, $1 a year, in ad- vance. WE SXow our srmedy owasS the WOBB CA8 . That you may try it wiLAout expense, we will send yea Oss Give Age, Poset Ofce andState.dddss, Hall Chemical C., West Philad'a, Pa JNo M. 'l'CCKE. Presidhlent. I). C. SCA~iOnROUGU, Secretary, JNo. A. B ARLOW, 'reatiirer and en:'eral Ma:iarc:'. GIVANOVICII OIL COMPANY, Limited. -MANUFACTURERS AND DEALERS IN ALL KINDS OF- COTTON SEED PRODUCTS, T CHIT 0 UIIE, - - L 0 UISANA, i RHEUMATISM, REURALGIA and their , marvelous ourse. scienoe of thelgth Century I ATARH, STHMA, HEADACHE looks with mament CAT ARRH, ~ R nEi n at themostremarkableree- ord of cures over known in the World's history. Hundreds of thousands of Sufferers cured without a sIngle fallure by "FIVE DROPS." Though so universally used and tested did you ever hear anyono speak ill of this great remedy? No,you never did and never will, for if taken as directed and In the proper quantity "5 Drops" cannot fail to curo any of the diaeses for which it is recommended. What it has already done to relieve the suffering is told in thousands of letters of grateful praise. th e Po••.liss ard Free ,"ilvr Press o• the U1ited Slates, has •irdia fonearded t• i foUoawuSvkUrfor blgiicatiz. a 8 Jan. . 25, Isgl . Dmu Sn--I am anxious for the sake of the suffering and out of gratitude to you to give my personal endorsement of your wonderful remedy. On the 9th of January, 1897, was Washington and was suddenly seized with an agrvated, ca of nmmtory rheumatism; so severe and painful was the attack that wit in Mt hours my left arm wats paralyzed and I was only able to dress with assistance. I secured a bottle of 5 DROBs and took a dose that night, rubbing some on externally as directed. The following morning I was surprised to find myself immensely relicved, and continuing treatmce,t woke the second morning cured. My arm was absolutely free from pain, and all swelling and stiffness had disappearced, The quicknes and cOmpletoness of my cure was re" markable. I have known for over a year of the great curative properties-of your medicine and have several friends who have been cured by it of Noralgia, Catarr - and Azthus. Wishing you every succoss and trusting that those eimilarly afflhicted will at leant give this remedy a trial. Sincerely yours J PLIM•EBI RNE•, Bureau of Populist and Reform Pagers. Old Stock Exchaage Building, Chicago, Ill. CURES THE INCURABLE. Dzan Sins;-I would like to thank you for your great rmedy, "5 DROPS," and tll you what it has done for me. I had Ilheusmatiam in every joint and in the heart. and•i had Oatarrh of the head for li years, I was so poorly that i lost the use of my lets an. arms, anda oUld not move without pain. I wus so tri pled that I had done but little work for seven years, and our family physIcian, a goo doctor, told" me dthat my Rheumatism and Catarrh were incurable, and I believed him. But now, after using "5 DROPS" only two months, I can trulyv say 1 have not felt so Well forseven years,"•this medicine does maore than Is claimed for it. At this time my Catarrh is much better, and I have scarcely any Rheumatism at all and the heartweakncss and pain are gone. My hearing is now good anm eyesight is much better. I have gained more than 10 pounds of flesh and can rio a• ul day s work. It Is the best medicine lever saw to give a motber who has a young child, for it has the same offect on the child as on the mother. It wards off Group and cures theo hives of the child and causes sweet antd refresbing sleep to both young and old. Jan, Yours respectfully, WMa. M• er .. LLEMS, We received Eke foll.winq lkter, from Mlr. 7 ,7. Wilson of Omaha, Ill. Mr. Wilsol his een for many years an it'alid, and readig the above letter 'which was puMislhed, wrote Mr. Kellems, asding Vi his edrosemtmc was genume, and receivedthis rejly,wkih he/ofowardedus. MR. J. J. WILSON. Du n SDt:-Your letter of recent date at hand, the tostimonlal you speak of is' gannine The company who manufactures and sells "5 Drops" published my testimonlal just ia Igaveit to them and every word of it is true, and• I could swear to it and prove it iby many witnesses. The company did not ask me for this letter. I sent it to them 'lat January for publication in order that poor sufferers, incurable as I pnee was and as you are, might be cured, Get "5 Drops" and use it and it will cure you as it has cured me. I hays received many letters like yours and it is a pleasure tome to answer all who write, Tell all your neighbors what I have written about '5 Drops•!' I know how to sympatbhze with those whoare allicted,. for though I suffered so long, it is now 8 months since I have felt any pain. Dr. S. W. Relloms my brother, uses "5 Drops" in his practice, aad jolUs me In dorsing this great rememy. He says for a case like yours it is a positive cure. - sm , Sept. 21. 189 MRB, W. M. AM•D DR. 8.W. KELLEMS. If you have not sumocient confidence after reading these letters to send for a large bottle, send for a sample bott , which contains sulicient medicine to convince you of its merit, This wonderful eurative gites almost instant relief and is a permanent cure for Iheunatlim, Sdatim, Neuraala, Dyypespc Backache Asthma, Hay Fever, Ctarrh, S.eplhesea t, - Nrvoup, e Na voua Neuralgie headaches, Heart Wea•nss Teothiacb, Barache, Croup, "La~irppe," Malaria, CaplngWainbmap, Bronchitis and klndiad Diseases. "FIVE DROPS" I the name anddose, Largebottles (o.doses) $1.00. Six bottlaes ft 5.00. Sample bottle prepaid by mail se. Not sold bydruggists, bat only by n" and our agenat Agent appointed in new territory. SWANSON RHEUMATIC CURE CO., 167DearboraStCbjicgo,[R .

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Page 1: (onover, Kranich Bach, Schubert and Kinosburu Pianos. · Wishing to know the truth in re-gard to their health should not fail to send for a valuable and new 64-page Booklet which




.. .. . .. . ... ... ... . . . __•__- -- _-C - CX = C • Z C -• ,• C • - --- •Z•_ e


There were more Populists votesrefused to register, and then refu-sed to vote after they did register,than was cast in this election inthis parish. We are glad to knowthat they didn't vote the Demo-cratic ticket, for perhaps sometime or other they will get tired ofthe present order of things and de-cide to change.

Quite as few Populists voted theDemocratic as did Democrats votethe Populist ticket. Oh, there'stwo parties in this parish, and

'the lines are well drawn.

Any PersonWishing to know the truth in re-gard to their health should not failto send for a valuable and new 64-page Booklet which will be sentFREE for a short time to thosewho metion this paper. This bookis published by the celebrated phy-sicians and specialists-l)r. Hatha-way & Co., of 337 St. Charles St.New Orleans, La., whom youshould address. Write to-day.

The result of Tuesday's electionfor members of the ConstitutionalConvention resulted as foilows:

Breazeal, Democrat, 572.Presley, Democrat 549.Gamble, Populist, 303. Ross, Populist, 303.For Convention, 400. kAgainst Convention, 131. tThe Democrats carried wards 1, j

4, 7, 9 and 10..The Populists carried wards 2, 3 ,

and 5.Wards 6 and 8, wore carrid by 1i

one candidate from each party.


Pr Infants sam Children. C

e A

W. C. Percy of Bayou Sara, 0was in town this week seeing his I'abany old friends hero. He will aprobably be with us for a month. h

Don't forget the Monroe andNatchitoches railroad on which the a

utuore existence of our city and emuch of our parish depend. Votethe tax in wards 1 and 4. ' '

SooceumulPhymlanas. PSWe heartily reommend D•.

ath wa of 37 St. CharlesOe.rlmean, la., abeing

e reliable and remarkiablI in the treatment o

cbroue IimTases . uThey orewher others fail. They never em-Aploy traveilg doctors. O•r read- olons lif need of nmedical help di

rhouid oertainly write them and W.go - iii, ooele free of chargethei~ip • .ort leii of your erse aby rert .' They guarantee Ct.er coes.

&Agars many Dew oeratin thisip.rish m' didn't vote Tuesday, andime of thea it mum in the parish


~*ks mt 88g bqand l o or~oppbeeatseas

~d Gaiap bae h adve ba t

4ht;r~aeeq tlc'it;i ~-i *4ela

T Our farmers are still pickingcotton on Cane rive and adjoining.They just simply made so muchthat with all the available help intea the parish and many pickers im-

u- ported from adjoining parishes,jr, they could not get it out before

in the 1st of January. Cane river)w has outdone the thing.

10 The campaign got pretty warmea few days before the election and

several "Cards" was the result,but we are glad to state that mostof it was caused by misunderstand-

he ings and exaggerated reports thatto are the most natural thing in the's world during a heated campaign.

In lMemoriam.

Died, Jan. 8th, at his home onRed river, Mr. J. Pollard Harri-son; aged 4t~ years, oldest son ofMrs. S. J. Harrison.

Few words, and simple, yet what+e a world of woo they convey to

k the hearts of all who loved him.And to know him was to love him.What a loss they chronicle in the

u lives of us who are left to mourn.Ah! the Hand of God rests

heavy on our hearts. He has seenI tit to smite us, and has called from

our midst, one of His best beloved,but one that we cherished too; ourkind, tender and true friend whomwe shall miss and regret as long aslife shall last.

"Jesus taketh those He lovethbest"-and He has taken him hometo rest forever in the happiness ofHeaven. But oh! his happiness isour sorrow. What is to fill the3 void left in our darkened lives?

Who could ever replace this dear' lost friend, this true heart of gold?

One of nature's noblemen, hispure, beautiful life was one longoffering of love and devotion to hisbeloved mother and family-ofcomfort and generosity to all whoenjoyed the belessing of his friend-ship.

Truly, for such is the Kingdomof Heaven, and God wanted himover there. He has breathed hislast 'farewell, and passed fromamong us. No more will our 4hearts be gladdened with the smileof his kindly eyes, with the sound -of his gentle voice, which shall 'linger around us always as sweet-est memories of the past.

He has gone-alas! like themany that have bloomed in thesummer of our lives---gone-but 6not forever, for love shall bring 'us together astain, his tender faith-ful love which will never cease to aplead at the Throne of Mercy, forour blissful reunion beyond theclouds.

Estray Notice.Taken up and Estrayed before me by

SAmes Cox, living about 4 miles fromAllen. pan 8 panish Lake, a three ,earold Helfar, marked .with crop and un--derbit in each ear, and hole in the right,white and red frosty. Branded Hr Mon left hip, and a two year old heifar,red roan, marked with crop off the rightear, and underbit in the left. BrandedC W on the left hip. The 8 year old ap-praised at seven dollars, and the 2 year Iold at six dollars, by Rosell Rodriguesand P. 8. Hawley, conjointly with me,the undersigned Justice of the Peace.

The owner is hereby required to comeforward, prove property pay charges Yand take them away, or they will be ddealt withas the law directa, this 20thday of December, 1897.

J:.J. HORTON,iee, 1. J. P. Ward 8.

Esiray "'otice.Estrayed before me the undersigned

Justiqeofthe Peace by D. S. O',uin,one small Filly, sorrel color, three white tfeet, with small blaze in the face. No )

or brands, and about three' year'sold. ppraised by M. H. Holloway earnd H. L Brian, conodntly with me, atthe sum of Seven dollars and Fity cents,

N. T. SMITH,Dec. . J. P. Ward One.

-Job work must be paid for when



(onover, Kranich & Bach, Schubert and Kinosburu Pianos.115 Bourbon Street, Near Canal,

New Orleans, - - - - - La.

$50 in Gold!n, Will be Paid to any Man or Woman.

It remains far the elebrted firm of ph lclaamand specialist•, Dr. Hathaway & Co., (Graduates Registered), to place a genauine bnese proposition before the public, which hasnever been made beforo.

i- We agree to t~oat any person afflicted with anyabroalediseasoand cure them, furnishing medi.)f cues and everything necsaary for their case or

forfeit $50.00 in gold, providing the patient faith-fully follows treo'nmont and directions, and thecase isa curable one.it This offer is plain, end there ies no catch to it;end furthermore, theoffer is good and the money• perfectly sate because we are financially respon.

Dr. Hathawaay& Co.'s.exporience during theInst 2U0ycnrs ha. provedthe feet that they havecured thousands of1cases where other dec-tore have failed, andthis warrants them inmaking this remarks.

I ble offer. All personswho are sufferinr fromany chronio deseace,have now an opportunnity to test the trect.mcnt of the acknow-

1 lodged leading physi./ iaan and special•ts ofthis country, with an

absolute surety of be-Sincug cred. Special tii

Qcases, such as catarst,blond poison. wreaknes

of men and women which affeet the delicate oa anand private diseases of se t kinds, heumatlm,strlclure, varicoccIs, rupture. female troubles,sain erptlons, ulcers, kldna. and urindar dl.seases, Ievr and stemsch dilciult!e liquor,

f epln sad morpwhia bSald or ta chronicu,,eue. Our treatment can e taken at homeSundr our directions, or we will pay rail.road firs and hotel bli toall who rfertocoesSo our ofse for treatment, itf we failto ere. Wehave the best of inancial and professional reeronces and transact our businees on a strictlyprofessional hbais, promising nothing but whatwe can fiu.Sl We do not believe in any of theirac•preecrplleane, free curs, freccsmpleorC.O.D.? fracda, but think it bs best in the end to be hon.ret with ouM patiena. WLito us ta-dar, don't da-

l e have carefully prepared BSyptom 3lankeNo. , for men; No. 2, for women; o. , fr skindsoses; No. 4, for cntnrrh, and now 4 pbooklet which swe will end Free toal whoedosre truthful information about their C ltboC. Cal or address

DR. HA'THAWAY & CO.,WiSt. Charles St., Masnic Temple,Mention this papor. New Orleans, La.


J. A. ENLOE is in the business, withmaterial for all kinds of repairs on eith-er Stoves or Sewing Machines. Allwork guaranteed.

Address me at Natchitoches.Seplt. 10 '97.

D. c. 30AKtBORU uGII. 31. 11. CARVE


Attorneys at Law.NATCHITOCHES, LA.


Will practice in the District Courts inthe Parishes of Nat hitoches, Red Riverand Sabine, and in the Supreme Court r' of Louisiana. and the U. S. District andCircuit Cburts for the Western Distrie, of Louisiana. Ian 17-1y.



41 years neowned aser. 4ob false rom0 ee made,Ovcar lat1000oarlat alineds

aOver l0DGod and s iver Med.selm Diplomas etc., awardeda us by American and EuropeanExpositions, Commerilatt Co•uae nlcudes Sxpert Ac-counting and Audfitin, andS OGuaranteed Higher and.perior, to any other in the

- M[South. We own our collegebuilding and have unequalledfacilitiee and an unexoclled 1taculty,.

Graduates bold leading positions all over the Icountry, Instructilonallpersonal.SHaving numerous businees connections and

being universally and reputably known, wehave superior advantages in aiding students toseuoare eituationas.

.i& etore is connected with 8ould College.n which stndents do actual business withreel goods and actual money, and they keepthe boo-ks in the latest labor saving forms.

Students enter at any time. English, Aca-demic, Shorthand and Business schools. Allseparate faculties. Send for catalogue.

Addresa G80 . 8oUIW & 80N0


presides over tho FAMOUS Tonsorial Parlors on 2nd Street, nearthe Courthouse, will give you thebest and quickest shave in town.

Hair-cntting in all the latest 'styles done to perfection. Call onhim.

Sailuel J. Ilenry,

Alttorney at Law.NATCHITOCHES, LA.

Will practiee in alithe State and Fedtal Courts.

D DELOACHVariable Friction Feed Saw Mills,Planers and Matchers,

DcLoach Corn and Flour Mills,Turbine Water Wheels,

", Hungry Elephant" Baling Press,t.- Engines and Boilers,


a specialty.WORK OuARANT.Efal L

R.T J c3'seCs .. nearly lI n the treublei I lfe. and more kspecily tIn macin.r~v. Our VARIAPLB FRICTION as app!ied to

**4 S.,aj Milk a.. Pltanrs 'n blks the operator to take ju tc t at he neds mor. i.•rutd to vyeli a capacity tweety 'Perc .;t. greater th.,Ln the o:1 s vlt' , with " "t pow r,.

97 Saw •ills solw in one month proves it: w~odcrtui pcpularltd a,tsi th'v go to all parts of the w .rlJ. " -

The DeLoaFh Varkb!d Frictio, F1ed Planer, . " , -.,tetcher and 2Moulder beats them all.

Wrlto at once Ifr large Illustrated catalogue. . . -

DeLoach Ail Mfg. Co., Atlanta, Ca.I ii Wb nagtip St, New York City, sad II S. IIth St., St. Lou, Mo. --



Diseases of Women and Clhildreg a tpeciality.

Office in the Trichel Drug store.muay31-ly.



H- Office at TRICHEL DRUGSTORE, ResidenceCity Hotel.

April 2, 1897.

ELP WAFNTEDtnhc Uat a=ut3 6,000 oon to 81 Civil forvloo vaoadwthis yeau. Only aenmln schbtl theltim undal in enteplacco. $600 to 62,50 i nsla:l. Date oct locatios ofi nestOcam aoticna a3 vaitatlo :iroa:tioa sent PEEE on aqucot.COL4tKIA CIVIL CEICICZ dCbDEY, Dop't3, Wach. D.O.

---~--rPay Your Siubscription.-

If you haven't paid your sub-scription it's your fault, not ours.Don't be bashful, but come by andsee us, and while you are coming,bring your dollar ailonr.U0 an8 Whiskey Itan

curod at home wit-o-tpaii. 0ook of l. tenlarm sent lFb•rE

.RM.WOOrner, M.iA01 aN.PryOlC__ u 0G1O

The Old Reliable AxxuoMa NoNoonpsoaonxis again lathe family that gave It birth, and iscele-.bratitsg It return by a moorevigorous, bold and out-spoken demanud for radleal reforms than any othercrnal of nt.lioual circulation. It ie edited and pub-

.lshed by Prof C. Vknenut, whb is well known asapolitical poeaker in more than 2Otates. It Lsplcybut not iconoclastie; bright, but not bitter; logicalend profound, bt not dry and prosy. In short, it Isjust what every Populist familyshonldreade, and everypoputlst should delight in extending its circulation inis locality, It6 atipurtr~ents are

A moet complete news serviooN1W.E , is given, and no other Populist

paper gnveefull Market ReportaWA•RIETY' th:.t are equal to those of the

tPJ"iUiTS, trent dailies.Itr "open court" whore anyonePE+ PL• ny os y ay what ho pleases, IsRo U31, worth many tuiteo othe t ofthe paper.Iire in fourdr the c:eam of therafor; thought of the nation.':: a .:nlchange department is in

cllCAi.&A - ":• rv of a special editor, soIOL Ut:., thit, a subt•jcrilion to the NoN.

corNokawnar I equal to takinga wago• n o:. i.ounaetthe beMafrom allt ato0 ono.,.Amonr its regular contributorsrer )Ino. .Toha D)av!a, lIon. W.

gpect 1 A. Pelfrr, s'rof. Iidpnth, Rev.Ottrer•paadlenee, ln !von llrtdahost ofotherswhose writings are sought withcagirnessandreadwiUt interestIt keens itereaders Informed onthe wvrk o f Congrescr .No other

O artt'aly tnl ? laptr bha sohgh a reputation,l)w,@ usa the No'e oxNnoar. r for

furn.tdln ful hIformation onIt is tho l.WSTTIaiT, i:RIGtII'EZT, SPICIEST

end ABL.:Til l'op hait taper In Ithe iJntId BLates,anti it fe. read in every ,pura.rwruotheoo.ntry. Itisa es• colum:r, 8 pago weekli jourcal of cstabllshedreputatiol terd rraia:lon, ltanded in 18'1. Subcrlp-lion priee, galU.fa oas . dal trtp,3 meonthl, 2 eenf .benJd l-ij.L icretd for aunrplo copy. Address,

ld. NON COIFO:rT, ST. IndlanaIolis, In4

Subscribe for and read the LouSIANA POPULIST, $1 a year, in ad-vance.

WE SXow our srmedy owasS theWOBB CA8 . That you may try itwiLAout expense, we will send yea Oss

Give Age, Poset Ofce andState.dddss,Hall Chemical C., West Philad'a, Pa

JNo M. 'l'CCKE. Presidhlent. I). C. SCA~iOnROUGU, Secretary,

JNo. A. B ARLOW, 'reatiirer and en:'eral Ma:iarc:'.




, marvelous ourse.scienoe of thelgth Century IATARH, STHMA, HEADACHE looks with mamentCAT ARRH, ~ R nEi n at themostremarkableree-ord of cures over known inthe World's history.

Hundreds of thousands of Sufferers cured without a sIngle fallureby "FIVE DROPS."

Though so universally used and tested did you ever hear anyonospeak ill of this great remedy? No,you never did and never will, forif taken as directed and In the proper quantity "5 Drops" cannot failto curo any of the diaeses for which it is recommended. Whatit has already done to relieve the suffering is told in thousands ofletters of grateful praise.

th e Po••.liss ard Free ,"ilvr Press o• the U1ited Slates, has •irdia fonearded t• ifoUoawuSvkUrfor blgiicatiz.a 8 Jan. . 25, Isgl .Dmu Sn--I am anxious for the sake of the suffering and out of gratitude to you to

give my personal endorsement of your wonderful remedy. On the 9th of January, 1897,was Washington and was suddenly seized with an agrvated, ca of nmmtoryrheumatism; so severe and painful was the attack that wit in Mt hours my left arm watsparalyzed and I was only able to dress with assistance. I secured a bottle of 5 DROBsand took a dose that night, rubbing some on externally as directed. The followingmorning I was surprised to find myself immensely relicved, and continuing treatmce,twoke the second morning cured. My arm was absolutely free from pain, and all swellingand stiffness had disappearced, The quicknes and cOmpletoness of my cure was re"markable. I have known for over a year of the great curative properties-of your medicineand have several friends who have been cured by it of Noralgia, Catarr -and Azthus.Wishing you every succoss and trusting that those eimilarly afflhicted will at leantgive this remedy a trial. Sincerely yours J PLIM•EBI RNE•,Bureau of Populist and Reform Pagers. Old Stock Exchaage Building, Chicago, Ill.

CURES THE INCURABLE.Dzan Sins;-I would like to thank you for your great rmedy, "5 DROPS," and tllyou what it has done for me. I had Ilheusmatiam in every joint and in the heart. and•ihad Oatarrh of the head for li years, I was so poorly that i lost the use of my lets an. arms,anda oUld not move without pain. I wus so tri pled that I had done but little work forseven years, and our family physIcian, a goo doctor, told" me dthat my • Rheumatismand Catarrh were incurable, and I believed him. But now, after using "5 DROPS" onlytwo months, I can trulyv say 1 have not felt so Well forseven years,"•this medicine doesmaore than Is claimed for it. At this time my Catarrh is much better, and I have scarcelyany Rheumatism at all and the heartweakncss and pain are gone. My hearing is now goodanm eyesight is much better. I have gained more than 10 pounds of flesh and can rioa• ul day s work. It Is the best medicine lever saw to give a motber who has a young child,for it has the same offect on the child as on the mother. It wards off Group and cures theohives of the child and causes sweet antd refresbing sleep to both young and old.Jan, Yours respectfully, WMa. M• er ..LLEMS,We received Eke foll.winq lkter, from Mlr. 7 ,7. Wilson of Omaha, Ill. Mr. Wilsol hiseen for many years an it'alid, and readig the above letter 'which was puMislhed, wrote Mr.Kellems, asding Vi his edrosemtmc was genume, and receivedthis rejly,wkih he/ofowardedus.

MR. J. J. WILSON.Du n SDt:-Your letter of recent date at hand, the tostimonlal you speak of is' gannineThe company who manufactures and sells "5 Drops" published my testimonlal just iaIgaveit to them and every word of it is true, and• I could swear to it and prove it ibymany witnesses. The company did not ask me for this letter. I sent it to them 'latJanuary for publication in order that poor sufferers, incurable as I pnee was and as you are,might be cured, Get "5 Drops" and use it and it will cure you as it has cured me. I haysreceived many letters like yours and it is a pleasure tome to answer all who write, Tell allyour neighbors what I have written about '5 Drops•!' I know how to sympatbhze with thosewhoare allicted,. for though I suffered so long, it is now 8 months since I have felt any pain.Dr. S. W. Relloms my brother, uses "5 Drops" in his practice, aad jolUs me Indorsing this great rememy. He says for a case like yours it is a positive cure. - sm ,Sept. 21. 189 MRB, W. M. AM•D DR. 8.W. KELLEMS.If you have not sumocient confidence after reading these letters to send for a large bottle,send for a sample bott , which contains sulicient medicine to convince you of its merit, Thiswonderful eurative gites almost instant relief and is a permanent cure for Iheunatlim,Sdatim, Neuraala, Dyypespc Backache Asthma, Hay Fever, Ctarrh, S.eplhesea t, -Nrvoup, e Na voua Neuralgie headaches, Heart Wea•nss Teothiacb, Barache,Croup, "La~irppe," Malaria, CaplngWainbmap, Bronchitis and klndiad Diseases."FIVE DROPS" I the name anddose, Largebottles (o.doses) $1.00. Six bottlaes ft5.00. Sample bottle prepaid by mail se. Not sold bydruggists, bat only by n" and ouragenat Agent appointed in new territory.

SWANSON RHEUMATIC CURE CO., 167DearboraStCbjicgo,[R .