onomatopoeia animation process book


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Post on 30-Oct-2014




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design by Daniel Forni


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Onomatopoeia AnimationDaniel ForniType 23ONOMATOPOEIA ANIMATION PROJECT /


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Page 3: Onomatopoeia Animation Process Book

In this project we used typography to represent sound, and investigated how it could be used as a vehicle for interpreting pitch, rhythm, tempo, volume, and other mu-sical concepts. In the first part of this project we chose a segment of instrumental music and designed a printed piece which used ono-matopoeic syllables to visually and typographi-cally represent the mu-sic. In the second part, we used previous work as a springboard from which we designed an animated sequence that synched to our musical selection, with type-forms as our visuals. This project allowed us to investigate the limits of printed typography, and to consider what could be acheived ad-ditionally through the dynamic properties of screen-based animated typography.

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Initial StoryboardsWhen first starting the project I made a series of storyboards outlinig a few key ideas and concepts that I thought of. I did not focus on doing anything chronological or too organised as I really just wanted to explore rough concepts.

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First After Effects WorkThe first section of the animation that I completed was the expanding O’s and E’s. This imagery had been one of the strngest ideas I had and was something I wanted to focus on straightaway.

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FeedbackOne very helpful part of the project was the critiques we received. We did it slightly differently than a normal critique, we provided each other with notes with was so helpful when looking back and going over thngs that needed to be corrected or improved.

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Final EditingThere were a few hurdles within the project, legibilty was an area I had to work on, because at times the sentiment of the piece overwhelmed the legibilty of the type, exact tim-ing and smoothness, using lights and trying to make things as 3D as possible were another two areas that I improved on.Above are a few of the scenes where these edits applied.

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Below are screenshots from my final design, including the re-edited scenes and some of my personal favourite parts

Final Animation Design

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