olympus q4 report

OLYMPUS OLYMPUS QUARTERLY COVERAGE REPORT TO: Susana Mora, Masanori Sako, Jorge Fournier, Roberto Garcia, Stephanie Sherry, Jennifer Coluchi and Eric Zamora CC: Edward de Valle, Christine Martinez de Castro FROM: Laura Bries, Tere Garcia DATE: January 27, 2014 SUBJECT: Olympus Quarterly Coverage Report Below please find a comprehensive summary of PR media coverage obtained and activities performed by 3A Worldwide Agency on behalf of Olympus from October 1, 2013 through December 31, 2013. TOTAL NUMBER OF PRESS CLIPS: 67 TOTAL CIRCULATION: 61,741,115 TOTAL PR VALUE: $565,286.79 AVERAGE COST PER CLIP/ PER QUARTER: $8,254.35 EXECUTIVE SUMMARY During the last quarter of 2013, 3A/Worldwide more than doubled editorial coverage for Olympus in its top priority markets. The agency excelled in securing placements for Olympus in the identified target markets and increasing its presence in Chile for the fourth quarter of the year. Olympus key messages such as offering consumers the best in technology, design and innovation were highlighted while also capturing and creating stories throughout the region. By nominating Olympus to the Latin American Digital Awards 2013, the agency was able to increased brand awareness throughout Latin America and position the brand as a leader in the industry. Furthermore, during the Expofoto in San Jose, Costa Rica, which took place in October 2013, the new OMD EM1 was launched. During this press launch the agency obtained a total of 20 media attendees and secured more than 19 hits in print, broadcast and online. In the next quarter, the agency will help introduce the visionaries program in Latin America. This will help establish Olympus as the leader in the professional series category. Also, our main goal is to shift focus from technology publications and increase Olympus presence in photography publications. With the launch of new products this quarter and anticipated coverage, we are certain Olympus will become a technology leader in the region. Through these innovative initiatives we look forward to continued growth in our relationship and presence in the Latin American market.

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 TO:  Susana  Mora,  Masanori  Sako,  Jorge  Fournier,  Roberto  Garcia,  Stephanie  Sherry,  Jennifer  Coluchi  and  Eric  Zamora    CC:  Edward  de  Valle,  Christine  Martinez  de  Castro    FROM:  Laura  Bries,  Tere  Garcia    DATE:  January  27,  2014    SUBJECT:  Olympus  Quarterly  Coverage  Report    Below  please  find  a  comprehensive  summary  of  PR  media  coverage  obtained  and  activities  performed  by  3A  Worldwide  Agency  on  behalf  of  Olympus  from  October  1,  2013  through  December  31,  2013.      TOTAL  NUMBER  OF  PRESS  CLIPS:  67  TOTAL  CIRCULATION:  61,741,115  TOTAL  PR  VALUE:  $565,286.79  AVERAGE  COST  PER  CLIP/  PER  QUARTER:  $8,254.35    EXECUTIVE  SUMMARY  During  the  last  quarter  of  2013,  3A/Worldwide  more  than  doubled  editorial  coverage  for  Olympus  in  its  top  priority  markets.  The  agency  excelled   in   securing  placements   for  Olympus   in   the   identified   target  markets  and  increasing  its  presence  in  Chile  for  the  fourth  quarter  of  the  year.  Olympus  key  messages  such  as  offering  consumers  the  best   in  technology,  design  and   innovation  were  highlighted  while  also  capturing   and   creating   stories   throughout   the   region.   By   nominating   Olympus   to   the   Latin   American  Digital  Awards  2013,  the  agency  was  able  to  increased  brand  awareness  throughout  Latin  America  and  position  the  brand  as  a  leader  in  the  industry.  Furthermore,  during  the  Expofoto  in  San  Jose,  Costa  Rica,  which   took   place   in   October   2013,   the   new   OMD   E-­‐M1   was   launched.   During   this   press   launch   the  agency  obtained  a  total  of  20  media  attendees  and  secured  more  than  19  hits   in  print,  broadcast  and  online.    In   the  next  quarter,   the  agency  will  help   introduce  the  visionaries  program   in  Latin  America.  This  will  help  establish  Olympus  as  the  leader  in  the  professional  series  category.    Also,  our  main  goal  is  to  shift  focus  from  technology  publications  and  increase  Olympus presence  in  photography  publications.  With  the  launch  of  new  products  this  quarter  and  anticipated  coverage,  we  are  certain  Olympus  will  become  a   technology   leader   in   the   region.   Through   these   innovative   initiatives  we   look   forward   to   continued  growth  in  our  relationship  and  presence  in  the  Latin  American  market.      

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 STRONGEST  MARKET  PER  QUARTER:  PERU  During  Q4,  3A  Worldwide  increased  the  percentage  of  coverage  gained  in  Peru  by  20%.  3A  Worldwide  has   remained   on   strategy   as   Peru   is   the  most   important  market   for   the   brand,   and   the   agency   has  succeeded  in  building  the  majority  of  press  coverage  from  this  market.    MARKET  WITH  MOST  ROOM  FOR  GROWTH  PER  QUARTER:  Argentina                                    

Argentina    2%  

Chile    8%  

Central  America  2%  

Colombia  2%  

Costa  Rica  27%  

Guatemala  3%  

Mexico    8%  

Panama  9%  

Pan  Regional    11%  

Peru  30%  

Quarterly  Market  Breakdown  of  Coverage  

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 MEDIA  TYPE  ANALYSIS:  During  Q4,  3A/Worldwide  succeeded  in  gaining  comparable  amounts  of  online  

th  long  lead  and  short  lead  coverage  for  the  brand  to  obtain  maximum  media  exposure  among  its  regions.  









October November December

Online  74%  

Newspaper  3%  

TV  3%  

Magazine  20%  

Quarterly  Market  Breakdown  of  Coverage  

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October  2013   MAGAZINE   Architectural  Digest     Excentricidad  

Tecnologica   Mexico   61,000   $28,954.00    

October  2013   MAGAZINE   Ciudad  Plus  Travel  &  


Tecnologia  Olympus  OM-­‐D  EM-­‐5  Fotografia  y  tradicion  

Panama/  Venezuela     10,000   $30,000.00    

October  2013   MAGAZINE   La  Costa     Gadget  mania   Mexico   15,000   $24,000.00    

October  2013   MAGAZINE   Selecta   Obten  solo  lo  mejor   Panama   45,000   $18,300.00    

October  2013   MAGAZINE   TechLife    

Una  Camara  De  Calidad  Reflex  y  Compacta    

Central  America   109,177   $22,900.00    

October  24,2013   MAGAZINE   Mia  La  Revista   Techno  Love   Panama   21,080   $20,500.00    

October  31,2013   MAGAZINE   Somos  Celebres  

Llega  una  camara  profesional  compacta  y  poderosa    

Costa  Rica   217,640   $16,662.50    

November  2013     MAGAZINE   4W  Magazine  

TG-­‐2  iHS  de  la  serie  Tough  La  nueva  camara  ruda  de  Olympus  

Panama   25,000   $28,500.00    

December    2013     MAGAZINE   4W  Magazine   TG-­‐2  iHS  de  la  serie  

Tough   Panama   25,000   $29,500.00    

December    2013     MAGAZINE   Escenarios   Maxima  resistencia  en  

situaciones  extremas   Mexico   3,000   $21,500.00    

December    2013     MAGAZINE   Milenium  PyME  

La  cumbre  de  la  innovacion  de  Olympus  

Costa  Rica   2,000   $20,460.00    

December    2013     MAGAZINE   Revista  Summa   Nuevo  producto  para  

la  region  

Central  American  Colombia  Dominican  Republic  

55,000   $23,700.00    

December    2013     MAGAZINE   Revista  Vos  

La  nueva  camara  es  la  cumbre  de  la  innovacion  de  Olympus  

Costa  Rica   7,000   $20,650.00    

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December    2013     MAGAZINE   TechLife     Stylus  1  camara  sin  

igual  Central  America   109,177   $20,500.00    

October  1,2013   NEWSPAPER   La  Industria   Toda  la  potencia  en  

una  camara   Peru   2,878,345   $18,500.00    

November  28,2013     NEWSPAPER   La  Nacion   La  Tecnologia  esla  más  

buscada   Costa  Rica   25,000   $19,850.00    


September  12,2013   ONLINE   Prensalibre.com  

Cámara  Olympus  OM-­‐D  E-­‐M1  es  ligera  y  poderosa    

Guatemala   116,581   $5,343.29    

October  2,2013   ONLINE   Zoomenlinea.com  

true  facebook    Olympus  presenta  la  OM-­‐D  E-­‐M1   Panama   10,399   $1,954.93    

October  9,2013   ONLINE   Mundoenlinea.cl   Nueva  cámara  insignia  

de  Olympus   Chile   764,099   $3,100.79    

October  25,2013   ONLINE   7mares  Surf  mag  true  

Facebook   Olympus  Tough  TG-­‐2   Costa  Rica   34,071   $2,677.00    

October  25,2013   ONLINE   Larepublica.net     Expo  Foto  2013  

exhibirá  73  imágenes   Costa  Rica   190,893   $6,561.94    

October  25,2013   ONLINE   Revistasumma.com    

Olympus  lanza  en  Costa  Rica  su  nueva  camara  OM-­‐D  -­‐M1  

Central  America/  Colombia  /  Dominican  Republic  

88,928   $3,762.33    

October  26,2013   ONLINE   Amcostaricaarchives.c


Olympus  unveils  new  cameras  for  this  

 Costa  Rica   2,834,672   $3,118.13    

October  28,2013   ONLINE   Vos  true  Facebook  

Expo  Foto  mostrara  el  trabajo  de  55  fotografos  de  America  Latina  

Costa  Rica   8,525   $1,562.91    

October  29,2013   ONLINE   Artstudiomagazine.co


Olympus  presentó  en  Expo  Foto  2013  su  nueva  cámara  la  esperada  OM-­‐D  E-­‐M1  

Costa  Rica   7,425,102   $5,834.87    

October  29,2013   ONLINE   Teckntl.blogspot.com   Olympus  Stylus  1   Guatemala   1,704,664   $2,704.66    

October  29,2013   ONLINE   Xataka.com   Olympus  Stylus  1   Chile   4,665   $4,276.25    

October  31,2013   ONLINE   Artstudiomagazine.co


Olympus  Stylus  1  rendimiento  y  portabilidad  

Costa  Rica   7,425,102   $5,834.87    

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October  31,2013   ONLINE   Technochatnews.com  

La  nueva  E-­‐M1  toma  por  sorpresa  la  Expo-­‐Foto  2013  

Costa  Rica   3,456,996   $3,168.91    

November  2,2013     ONLINE   Ohmygeek.net  

STYLUS  1  la  nueva  cámara  de  Olympus  con  manejo  de  DSLR    

Chile   368,918   $5,072.62    

November  3,2013     ONLINE   Photo-­‐marketing.net  

Olympus  Stylus  1  Compacta  y  Tecnologica  

Argentina   N/A   N/A  

November  4,2013     ONLINE   Elfinancierocr.com  

Sony  y  Olympus  lanzan  últimas  novedades  en  cámaras  

Costa  Rica   56,938   $3,131.59    

November  4,2013     ONLINE   Luhho.com     Olympus  presenta  la  

nueva  Stylus  1   Peru   1,102,661   $6,738.48    

November  4,2013     ONLINE   Pcworldenespanol.co


Conoce  a  los  ganadores  de  los  Latin  American  Digital  Awards  2013  

Pan  Regional   146,811   $1,153.51    

November  4,2013     ONLINE   Tecnews.pe  

Olympus  lanza  la  Stylus  1  una  poderosa  cámara  compacta  para  fotógrafos  semi-­‐profesionales  

Peru   722,270   $6,620.80    

November  4,2013     ONLINE   Tecnologia21.com  

Olympus  Stylus  1  DSLR  rendimiento  potencia  lentes  y  portabilidad    

Peru   40,913   $2,045.65    

November  5,2013     ONLINE   Jcmagazine.com   Olympus  Stylus  1  

descubre  la  nueva  era   Peru   513,433   $2,567.16    

November  5,2013     ONLINE   Luhho.com  true  

Facebook  Olympus  presenta  la  nueva  Stylus  1   Peru   18,407   $3,374.61    

November  5,2013     ONLINE   Masaryk.tv   Olympus  presenta  su  

nueva  Stylus  1   Mexico   80,523   $4,026.15    

November  6,2013     ONLINE   Agenciaorbita.org  

Olympus  Stylus  1  Unifica  DSLR  rendimiento  potencia  lentes  Y  la  máxima  portabilidad  en  un  paquete  compacto  

Peru   1,612,940   $1,267.31    

November  6,2013     ONLINE   Serperuano.com  

Olympus  Stylus  1  Descubre  La  Nueva  Era  

Peru   368,918   $2,898.64    

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November  6,2013     ONLINE   Telefoniamagazine.co


Sony  y  Olympus  lanzan  últimas  novedades  en  cámaras  

Costa  Rica   1,683,532   $9,259.42    

November  7,2013     ONLINE   Ekaenlinea.com  

Olympus  unifica  sus  mejores  funciones  de  imagen,  lente  de  alta  potencia  en  la  nueva  STYLUS  

Costa  Rica   944,761   $5,773.53    

November  7,2013     ONLINE   Perusmart.com   Olympus  presenta  la  

Stylus  1   Peru   278,985   $1,704.90    

November  8,2013     ONLINE   Zafari.cl   Olympus  Stylus  1  

descubre  la  nueva  era   Chile   7,772,858   $4,254.20    

November  9,2013     ONLINE   Elfinancierocr.com   Novedades  

tecnológicas   Costa  Rica   56,938   $3,250.59    

November  12,2013     ONLINE   Technochatnews.com  

Olympus  Stylus  1  Unifica  DSLR  rendimiento  potencia  LENTES  y  portabilidad    

Costa  Rica     3,637,832   $3,334.67    

November  29,2013     ONLINE   Luhho.com  

Descubra  la  nueva  cámara  Olympus  OM-­‐D  E-­‐M1s  

Peru   1,204,964   $5,954.00    

December    2,2013     ONLINE   Tecnews.pe  

YES!  y  Olympus  te  regalan  una  cámara  PEN  mini  E-­‐PM1  

Peru   722,270   $5,674.97    

December    3,2013     ONLINE   Jcmagazine.com  

YES!  y  Olympus  te  regalan  una  cámara  PEN  mini  E-­‐PM1  

Peru   513,433   $2,353.23    

December    4,2013     ONLINE   Agenciaorbita.org  

YES!  y  Olympus  te  regalan  una  cámara  PEN  mini  E-­‐PM1  

Peru   1,612,940   $1,267.31    

December    4,2013     ONLINE   Eltiempo.com  

La  revista  especializada  Stuff  reveló  los  ganadores  en  las  23  categorías  de  sus  premios  anuales  

Colombia   213,418   $6,369.70    

December    4,2013     ONLINE   Serperuano.com  

YES!  y  Olympus  te  regalan  una  cámara  PEN  mini  E-­‐PM1  

Peru   368,918   $2,898.64    

December    5,2013     ONLINE   Tecnowebstudio.com  

YES!  y  Olympus  te  regalan  una  cámara  PEN  mini  E-­‐PM  

Perú   951,374   $4,756.87    

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 *Please  note  that  all  clips  are  included  as  an  addendum  to  this  PR  


December    10,2013     ONLINE   Pcworldenespanol.co


Los  Mejores  Productos  de  2013  Su  Guía  de  Compras  

Pan  Regional   147,223   $3,157.75    

December    10,2013     ONLINE   Pcworldenespanol.co


Mejor  Cámara  Digital  Active  Life  Olympus  Tough  TG-­‐2  his  

Pan  Regional   147,223   $3,221.10    

December    10,2013     ONLINE   Pcworldenespanol.co


Mejor  Cámara  Digital  Profesional  Olympus  OM-­‐D  E-­‐M5  

Pan  Regional   147,223   $3,195.85    

December    11,2013     ONLINE   Peruinside.com  

Yes!  Olympus  te  regalan  una  camara  Pen  Mini  E-­‐PM  

Peru   1,574,393   $1,732.43    

December    11,2013     ONLINE   Perusmart.com  

YES!  y  Olympus  te  regalan  una  cámara  PEN  mini  E-­‐PM    

Peru   278,985   $1,704.90    

December    11,2013     ONLINE   Unocero.com   5  cámaras  que  

gustaron  en  2013   Mexico   12,683   $6,975.65    

December    12,2013     ONLINE   Agenciaorbita.org  

Regalos  de  ultimo  minuto  con  Olympus  Tough  tg-­‐2    

Peru   1,612,940   $2,789.30    

December    12,2013     ONLINE   Serperuano.com   Olympus  Touht  TG-­‐2   Peru   368,918   $2,900.87    

December    14,2013     ONLINE   Jcmagazine.com  

Regalos  de  ultimo  minuto  Olympus  Tough  TG-­‐2  

Peru   513,433   $3,100.00    

December    16,2013     ONLINE   Ansia.cl     Olympus  Tough  TG-­‐2     Chile   2,635,690   $2,790.10    

December    17,2013     ONLINE   4wmagazine.com   TG-­‐2  iHS  de  la  serie  

Tough   Panama   1,596,641   $4,850.90    


October  28,2013   TV  Online   TechnoChat    


Roberto  García  Representante  Técnico  para  Costa  Rica  de  Olympus  

Costa  Rica   1,802   $1,651.83    

October  31,2013   TV  Online   Extra  TV  

Presentamos  la  cámara  fotográfica  OMD  

Costa  Rica   35,890   $17,090.18    

                Total  Reach:   61,741,115   $565,286.79  

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October  1,  2013    December  31,  2013    

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Segment  Duration:  6:02  minutes  Channel  Extra  TV  canal  42,  section   Clip  Tecnologico  at  6  PM