ok for now

Ok for Now By Gary Schmidt

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Ok for Now. By Gary Schmidt. Pre-reading. Two things I remember about John James Audubon are ____________ ____________ And I predict he is important to the story because___ Two things I remember about Joe Pepitone are ____________ ____________ - PowerPoint PPT Presentation


Page 1: Ok for Now

Ok for NowBy Gary Schmidt

Page 2: Ok for Now

Pre-readingTwo things I remember about John James

Audubon are________________________And I predict he is important to the story

because___Two things I remember about Joe Pepitone

are________________________And I predict he is important to the story


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Plate CCL The Arctic Tern

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Chapter 1 pp 1-31 I think _____ is the most important thing Doug

has ever owned because_____ , evidence on page______.

On p. 6, Doug’s mom says “Which of your sons will it be this time?” This is an example of ___________ and a prediction I have is _______.

Doug’s relationship with his dad reminds me of_____

I think the job will be good/bad for Doug because _____ and I predict that people are afraid of the Windermere place because_____.

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Plate CCII The Red-Throated Diver

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Chapter 2 pp 33-69I think that Doug is mean to both Lil and Mr.

Powell even though they try to be nice because_____

Hypothesize why Doug spends time drawing in the air, but tells Mr. Powell “I don’t draw.” on page 39.

One inference I can make about Doug after his first trip delivering groceries is _____.

Based on the author’s description on p 46, draw a picture of Mrs. Windermere or her house. Explain why the author included so much description.

Describe Mr. Powell.

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Plate CCXCIII The Large-Billed Puffin

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Chapter 3 pp 71-107Doug’s experience at Washington Irving JH

can be summarized as_____, and this reminds me of_____.

On p. 90, Doug asks, “You know how that makes me feel?” Explain why he asks this question.

I predict that Doug’s brother did/did not rob the Deli because_____

Differentiate between the way most adults in town treat him after his brother is accused of the robbery.

Mr. Ferris speaks at the top of p 102. Paraphrase this, and explain how you think it makes Doug feel.

Predict how Lucas’ return will affect the family.

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Plate CCXLI The Black-Beaked Gull

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Chapter 4 pp 109-127Re-read the top of pg. 113, re-evaluate what

details we may have missed to explain why Doug is laughing.

Doug clearly doesn’t like books, is upset that the plates of the Audubon book have been sold. Analyze why.

I think Doug _____ in gym ____ because he was feeling _____.

On p 126, Mr. Ferris figures out something that no other teacher ever has – explain this in your own words.

“Maybe, I thought, maybe everything is not ruined forever.” I predict this means…

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Chapter 4 cont’d pp 128-146If I were Doug, and my father took the money

I was paid, I would feel_____.I think Doug’s brother is crying because _____

(p 138).Predict what the other kids saw when Doug’s

shirt was ripped off of him in gym class.I think Doug feels ____ on p 145, and I can

connect this to_____.I feel _______ about Doug’s “birthday present”


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Plate CCLXXXVIII The Yellow Shank

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Chapter 5 pp 149 - 184Even though Doug acts mad, he really feels

_____, evidence on pg. _____.Compare and Contrast Doug’s dad idea of

what the picnic would be like with what the picnic actually was.

Predict what will happen to Doug’s prizes from the trivia contest.

On p. 177, Doug decides he’s going to ______. I think this is important to Doug because_____.

Support the idea that Doug standing up to his dad is a turning point in the novel with evidence from the text.

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Plate CCXLII The Snowy Heron

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Chapter 6 pp 187 - 212On p. 193, I think Principal Peattie tells

Doug_____.Hypothesize about how Lucas coming home

will affect the family.Explain how Doug’s statement about the

heron, “He’s okay for now” is really about himself.

I think hearing the protestors yell at Lucas made Doug feel_____.

On page 212, Doug starts referring to his middle brother as Christopher. Explain how this change by the author signals a change in the character.

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Chapter 6 pp 212-227On p 214, make a connection, ask a question,

or make a comment about the way Doug reacts to the PE teacher.

I think that seeing this glimpse of the PE teacher makes Doug feel _____ and I think the PE teacher reacts this way to Doug because _____.

Lucas wants all the letters thrown away because _____.

Contrast (tell the differences) between why Doug’s mom thinks it’s a wonderful Christmas and Doug shivers.

I think that Doug and the PE teacher both have a change in heart because _____.

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Plate CCLX The Fork-Tailed Petrel

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Chapter 7 pp 229-259On p. 235, Doug talks about a poem with two roads in a

wood. I think he’s talking about_____.List three differences in Christopher.I think Doug is the only one to say something to Lucas

because_____.Explain the change in Lucas at the bottom of page 241.Who do the fork-tailed Petrels represent? How do you

know? Summarize what Doug has done with the Audubon

book.I think Lucas didn’t tell Mrs. Merriman because _____.

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Plate CCLI The Brown Pelican

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Chapter 8 pp 261 - 289 Make two predictions about the rest of the

novel.I think Doug calls himself a chump because

_____.I think the thief is ______ because _____.Doug’s dad looks at Ernie because _____.Characterize Mr. Ballard. Use at least three

adjectives.Support the idea that Lucas wants his

brothers lives to be different than his, provide two pieces of evidence.

Joel is telling Doug _____ and I know because ______.

Compare Christopher to the Brown Pelican.

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Plate CCXXXVII The Great Esquimaux Curlew

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Chapter 9 pp 291 - 308Mrs. Windermere can be described as _____

for the way she got Doug and Lil to agree to be in the play.

On p.300, Mr. McElroy talks about actors not becoming president, this is foreshadowing of whom?

Think about Lucas’ experiences at the Gulf station. Compare and contrast gas stations then and today.

A connection I can make to what’s happening to Lucas is _____. I think the townspeople are treating him this way because _____.

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Chapter 8 pp 308 - 324On pg.312, talks about Jimmy Stewart, I think he

is _____.When Doug sees Joe Pepitone, I think he feels

_____.Summarize what happens during the performance

in your own words.It’s ironic that Joe asks for Doug’s signature

because _____.Re-read the last line on pg. 324, paraphrase what

it means.Make a prediction about Lil.

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The Arctic Tern

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Chapter 10 pp 327 - 346Doug says he’s happy in Marysville

because_____ and his attitude has changed because _____.

If I were Doug, I would feel _____ when Lucas gets up the stairs by himself.

Coach Reed isn’t such a bad guy because _____.

I think the author has Doug’s father stop eating with the family to symbolize _____.

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Chapter 10 pp 346-360Hypothesize about how Doug’s father got the

jacket.Mr. Daugherty’s visit is important because _____.Explain what Principal Peattie means when he

tells Doug, “I think you’re going to go wherever you want to go.”

On page 357, Mr. Ferris jokes about tiny computers – why is this funny?

I think Lil has _____.If I were Doug or Lil, the moon shoot would make

me feel _____.