office in truin'a opera house block. three cents per

PIANO ! L O W E L L J O U R N A L . p i a n o One Dollar a Year. VOLUME XXVI. Office in Truin'a Opera House Block. Three Cents Per Copy LOWELL. MICHIGAN, WEDNESDAY, JULY IG, 1890. NUMBER 2. I t i if A RIVER HORROR, Terrlblo Explosion on the Stoamer Tloim at Oblosga •aaglwl Itodl.i ilirnwn ni(h Into Air- Mast IJvi*. I.3.1 and H*T«ral P . r t o u Waaadnl V„,„ JI ,,, W ho Wa«« oa Iha lloal hull Mi.tlDf l>KATH> lUHVEHT. CBirAOn, July 13,—Ky a t^rrlflo f*- ploaion that xliook all tbo buildings In tha centnr of the city and atartlod thounancU of riMldcnn the atern of the tnajnlflo^nt frolght Tioga wan blown out at 7::t. r i o'clock Friday nljrht and no lp«sthun tifu-iin nu-n met Inalant death. Nine OI I MTK M-re Inlured. Theory dlfTetM a. lo the caiine of the explosion. Some r|«ini that the com- buttlhlo rarifci of oil utored In hold S, directly aft the bollern, waa the MUM. Othera claim that the water In the bollera had been alloaeil u» run low and that they were uimhli' 10 withatand the atrain broupht to J«'ar ui>oii them. Tbtre were, however. ISO b.irrols of oil •lortd In hold No. .S. and it appeara from the teatlmony of thoM who ea- eap«d the wn-rk that thla was the lm- mediate oaun' of the expioaion. The atear.iboal Tloira was built at Baffalo in I?"! by the i'nlon Dry-Dock Company for ihc I'nlon Steami>uat Com- ptay as a part of the Krlo line's fleet She is 312 feet long, .tofcetin^the beam, tad i* of eroit tonnage and 1,744 net. Her depth Is 14 fi-eL She coat when now IL'M.OOO. CHICAGO, July 14.—The explosion on tb« Tioga Friday evening killed not flfWen person*, a^ wai at Brat aup- poaed. but at lea.t twenty, and tha list of falalltle* may reach thirty. 8«Ten dead bo.Ui-« were recovered Priday evening, six on Saturday, and tlx more weia lakrn out Sunday. One of the Injured men dli-d at the hoaplul (Saturday, ao that the number of recov- ered dead up to midnight laat night was an even twenty. .Seven men known to bar* be«n at work on the boat are still mining. FOR CONGRESS. Oa>4l«atea Nomln Dlsinet omlnelMl hj Veri Ceeteetiews. Larcoi.x, ML, July ll.--The Demo- crata of the Fourteenth Illinois district have Dominated Owen Scott for Con- gma. L> MAILS la.. July The Eleventh district Hepubllcin Congrvulonal con- vention nominated George Perkins, pro- pistor of the Twin City Journal, to suc- ceed L S. Strubble. HCROX, 8. D . July 11.—The Inde- pendent State convention, held b'ere" Thursday, nominated F. C Zipix of DMdwood, and A. A. I^eavitt, of Worth- lag, for Congn-M. COLDMBUS O., July 13.—At OmrilK I B the Democratic CongreRsiona! con- TSBtlon for the Sixteenth Ohio dlstricL •X-Lisntenant-Governor John U. War- wick was nominated toauowed William MtCialey In Congross. on the seventy- fonrlh ballot OLKKCOB, Minn., Inly 13. — The T»rBj«ra' Alllan'-e Congressional con- •mtlon for the Third district nomi- Bated W. W. (table, a farmer of McLeod County, for Congress KNIGHTS OF PYTHIAS. MII DC Of Iha ftaprame l a i ' c . at Mllwauka*. IIILWACKKE, July IL—At the meet- ing of the supreme lodge of the Knlghta of Pythias yesteMay Oeorgo W. Shaw, of Km Claire, Wis., was elected 8u- prsma Chancellor, and W. W. Black- wall, of Kontucky, Vlce-Cbanoellor. Other oflcera were elected as follows: ••piaasiPtSlata. K. T. niarkner. Baa Dtefa CsL; Bepmsr Ma.t«r Kxrbeootr. S. J. Wilier. WUmtBToi> tVL: fiuprrme Keeper <* Recovda •nlTI- a ». C WSlM. NaahvlUe. Teaa ; Bo •rtMaHasMr at Ams, O. H. MonUca, Neva- 4*1 Bapretoe Secrrtarr Kialowiaent Fand. W. B. KtuqpJy. Ctadrtstl. O : ftaprrme Xawr Osarf, Dr. D. C. Bartwrll, Cberaaaa. Wy.; 8u preBM Oottr Ooard, John IL Tboojpaon. Wash- l«lsO>.D. Mn-WAUKEC, J u l y 11—The dillllag touraament. In which the Knights o! the Pythian order met In friendly oon- teot, came to an end Friday. The nsmoa of the wiaaer* were duly aimouncej and iftt prizes awardrd. and when the her- alds had hlowx a farewell blaat upon their trumpets the big conclave was practically ended. STANLEY MARRIED. • d MU. Tronaal Cnllad la LMdon. L o s DOS. July 14.—Tbo marriage of Mr. Henry M. Stanley and Miss Doro- thy Teaaaat took place Saturday In Westminster Abbey. Mr. Sunley showed the ejects of the lllnew oy which he ma attacked Friday, and be was com- pelled to use a stick to aMist him in walking to and from the altar. The Ahhoy was crowded with friends of the s bride and groom. TJfc cor- omoay was performed by Vey Rev. George Bradioy. D D.. Dean of West- BiUter, Very Rev. Frederick Willism toanr, D. D - F. R- 8-. ArchbUbop of VTeatmiastor. and Right Re*. William Boyd Carpenter, Lord Bishop of Rlpon. Laka DBO Hot«l Baraad. ST. Paru Jnly ll.-Word bu been tOceiTed here that Lake F^mo Hotel, lo- eated thirteen miles from here on the Use of the Chicago. St Paul. Minneap- olis * Omaha Railroad, waa burned yos- terday morning. DeUils are not yet In, but the loes will probably be from $50, >00 to <75. MO- Twntr-»K>il Baildlac. 0*:lror*L ' ITHACA. Mich.. Jnly IS - F i r e started Thnrtday night in the old Cectral Hoose and totally desiroyod the whole Heck and nearly the whole block west, eusing a low of frsv-OO; inaurance, flSiMQi Twenty-eight buildings were 'boned. The cause of the Ore Is sn- Gaattllna Ktplntlon. WABSAW. Ind.. July lU-Mrs. William C Gordon, a wealthy widow, and Will- lam C Ever*, a young man about the kosse, were fatally bornod y«»ierday by aa ox plosion of a gaw> ine nlove. Th» t ailu.'r i: f.ri. SEW TOBK. July li-Buslneas-fan- nres for this week number l^T. against 199 last week and 2"9 in the correspond- lag week oi 188*. _ Go to Gile's for Teas. Tli-y Jure jnst received a lot of new crop, the n m that arrived. ASK YOUR FRIENDS A BOUT IT 1 Yoor dtetmwng cough can be cured. We kflow it because Kemp's Balsam within the part few yean ha» curvd so many coagbs and colds in ibis commu- nity. Iu remarkah U- sale haa been woo entirriy by iU genuine merit. Ask some friwd wbo has used it what he thinks of Kemp's Balsam Tbt-re is no medicine eo pore, none so effective. Large bftuies 30c. and |1 at all druggists. Sample ' •" free. TEACHERS MEET. Tha National Kilacatlunal Aaai>rlatloa la HMdnn a t HU fauL ST. I'Atu Minn.. July 11. - T h o Na- tional Educational Assoclstlon elected tho following ofllcra yi-storday. Presi- dent, William IL Uirrott, of Nashville, Tenn.; Seort-tary, B. II. Cook, of New Jersey, Treasurer, J. M. lirimwood, of KansaH City. The chief featuro of tho day WSK sn addn-ss by Hishop Ire- land, In which ho defendi-d the parish s<.%ool sinl laid be was in favor of the State school. Its only fault being Its non-religiuiis character. He ssld the accusation that Catholics wer" bent on dostroyinit the Slate school was un- founded. and said he was unreservedly In favor of ••ompulsory education. J. H. Thayer, State Nii|>erlnti-ndent of Public Instruction of Wisconsin, made replv to ArchMshop Iroland. Ho referred tu the attiKide of the Cathollo church on the public senool sy.tem, and bis arraignment of the Jesuitical ultra- montane moveme-i In tho Catholic church was pointed In the extreme. The Jesuit*, he said, wero lr> illrectop. position to I he pulMo schools, and as they became more secure in iheir posi- tions they iMuame more hold In thfIr attack. ST. PAI 'I . Minn.. July 13.—Yesterday was the fourth and U't ilsy of the ses- sion of the thlrty-fo'irth annual conven- tion of the National Educational Asso- ciation. Kesoluiions wire adopted favoring moral training in the publlo schools; approving compulsory educa- tion to a limited extent: commending United States Commissioner Morgan's plans for Indian school lands, and In- dorsing land grants for coHegen Jloa A. A. Gunby, Jutlre of ihe Louisiana Court of Appeals, spoke on the race problem. He said tho true solution of the problem on u Just basis lay In a re- striction of suffrage, and the only Just restriction was an educational quaiiflca- tlon. President J. C, Price, of Living- stone College. Sslisbury, N. (1. a colored man, argund that education was a neces- sity and right, and raid negro freedom would never l>e complete until the col- ored man had become educated. President Canfleld made a brief clos- lag talk, turDln; over the gavel to the new president, W. U. liarrett, who spoke for a moment, and then the con- vontlon waa declared adjonrned tint die. CLINTON B. FISK. Cnaipaclad Wall -Knows SEN.m: AM) HOI SK, DEATH IN ITS TRACK. FREMONI IS DEAD. Th 'kraal I>ralh of Iha I rnhlbltlonlsl. NEW TOBK. July 10.—General Glnton B. Fisk died st his residence, 175 West Fifty-eighth street, this city, at 10:30 a. m. yesterday. In thertMyear of his ago. General Flsk had suffered from an at- tack of la grlppu since last winter, and his death was due to a relapse. His last hours wem peacefully sp'-nt while surrounded by his wife, his son Clinton B., Jr., and his only daughter, Mrs. Mary F. Park, who was a constant attendant at bis bedside sine* his Illness begsn. [Cllntoe B. Fltk wa» bora at York. I.tnof*- too County. Ksw York, lint his falhrrfiolifratwl to Ulchlfaa anon altrr. where he received his ednoatlon. In IS7» he removed to St. L/njIt and early tn the war enlisted in the stnice and became Cnlooel of theThM) thlnl MIsMnirl lofaalry. He was rapidly promot-l and at the rloae of the wsr waa asalstant commletkmer under Oen- era! Howard in the manuiremeat of the freadmea'a tureao In K'Dtiicky and Ten- aesaee. He was for many yean Iden- ttaed with the l>rotalbftlea partj. and la IM waa ttis norolnri. for Oorrrnor ol Sew Jersey, poUtef 1S,S00 vote*, in Wss he was the nonlaes of the Prohibition NatU-aal cy.nrectloo for Presidset.] FROM WASHINGTON. A Dally lUenrd of Kranta al (iencral la- tere.t lo All. WASHISOTOS. July 11.—The Navy Department has ordered two war vessels to proceed to Central America to protect American interesu and subjects in the event of war between Salvador and Guatemala. - WASBIXOTO*, July 11.- Tli^ Presi- dent Iste Thursday sftornoon spproved the act for the admlaslon of Wyoming as a State of the Union. WAsmxiiTo*. July 13.—The Presi- dent haa appro-, ed the leglslstlve, jn- dlcisl snd executive appropriation bill; the act to provide an additional Asso- ciate Justice of the Supremo Court of the Territory of New Mexico: the act to provide for the disposal of certain aban- doned military reserrations In Wyo- ming. SWEPT BY FLAMES. Oaatractloe of r a n 4e fraa.-a. la Iha la- land of Martlnlqua POST or SPAIM, J u n o 39.—Details con- coralng the destruction of tho town of Fort do France. In the French Island of Martinique, say that 1,700 bouses were destroyed, making 5,000 persons home- loot, and over a score of residenu lost their lives. The property loss was 91.000,000. The cause of tho Ore was attributed by some to kerosene and by some to a Hatch stove. Fort de Franco is on the w^st coast pf Martinique, and Is tho capital of tho colony. It has a One harbor, strong fortiflcaiions and be- fore the fire bad many flue public build- ings. Iu population was about 15,000 in 1880. WAR OF THE RACES. Kagreaa and White. K l ed In a Baltla la <iaarKia. Gxirris, Ga., July 11.—A fatal race riot occurred at Starr's mill pood in Payette County at 8 o'clock Thursday afternoon. Four negroes were killed and six wounded, two of whom are re- ported dying, Eight whites were Mhot,bat it Is thought only one of them fatally, making eighteen in all killed and wounded. A darky selling wine on the occasion became engaged In a war of words with a white man about the pur- chase of some wine, which resulted In the negrogettingsllghtly cut From this the quarsel began and was uken up by others with the result as stated above. Bnmrd Alive by tfia Tarka. Cox*TA!(Ti*oru~ July 11. —According to advices received here a number of Armenian peasants at Aiakiles who failed to pay their taxes were burned alive by Turkixh /aptiehs. ftonth Habola ludepeadaata. 'HCBOX, S. DL. July It—The Indo- pendent cusrention adjourned Thurs- day after putting a full State ticket in the field. II. L. Loucka was nominated tor Governor. FIM, PII.KS, P I L E S , LOOSE'S R ED CLOYEE P ILE REBEDV. is a positive specifi? for all forms of the disease. Blind. Bleeding. Itching. Ulcer- sled and Protruding Pilea.—Price 80c Sold by all druggists-_ Harklea*. Arniea Salve. The Beet SALVE in the world for cuts, Braisee, Sores. Ulcers, Salt Rheum. Fe- ver Sores. Tetter. Chapped Hands, Chil- blains. Corns, and all Skin Eruptions, and positively etirso Pilea, or no pay re- quired, l l Is guaranteed to give perfect satisfaction, or money refunded. Price 25 cento per ho*. For sale by Hunt dt Hnnter Tho Fifty-First ConifroBS mid What It In Doinu. A Dally Summary Proeea llnga Con. lalnlnc All ihe ImiMirianl Work linos bv Ihe Kall'in'.|akar. I |i to I>a(*. «r.\ ATK. WASHIM.THX. July » —In the Senste yesterday an attempt to get thn tariff hill up fur consideration was defeated by a vole of UU to 30. The conference report on the silver bill wss presented, and the elis-iIun hill was received from the House. WASIIIIKITOX, July 0.—The confer- ence report on the silver bill was dis- cussed in the Senate yesterday. Peti- tions wen- presented from many States prsyieg for an acknowledgement of Almighty tiod snd the Christian relig- ion In the constitution of the United States. Memorial exercises were held In respeet to the memory of the Iste Rcpre-ent itive s. s. Cox, of New York.y WASIIIXIITOX, J u l y la -In the Sen- ate yesterday the sundry civil appro- priation bill (Ml.341,flSO) was reported and the silver bill was further discussed. The presiding o01i;<>r (Senator Ingalls) announc.-d his signature t4i the hill for the sdmisslnn of Wyoming as a State. WASIOXIITOX. July 1'J.—A resolution was Introduced In the Senate yesterday calling for an International conference to establish a uniform standard be^ tween gold and silver. The hill to es- tablish s United States Isnd court wss : discussed WASIIIXOTOX. J u l y K— In the Sen- I ale Snturdav the shipping bills were : passed—the tonage subsidy measure by a vote of 'JU to IV. and that for a postal I subsidy by a vote of 38 to 18. The tariff | bill was tsken up and was made tho ' rsgulsr order for to-day, Hocsr. WASHIXOTOX, July 8.—In the IIouso yesterday a hlli was Introduced appro- priating $3,000,000 to establish In- dustrial training schools. ^.Tbt bill for the esuhlUhm'-nt of Indian in- dustrial schools in California. Minne- sota, Wisconsin anl North and South Dakota was favorably reported. WAsniMOTnx. July ii. —In the House yesterday the Senate amendments to the House bill for the admission of the State of Wyoming wnfu concurred In. The Mississippi contested election cases were decided in favor of Messrs. Catcb- ings and Hooker, Demoorata. A bill waa introduced to establish publlo •ohools in New Mexico, and the bill giving army nurses a pension of 813 a month wss favorably reported. WASIIIXOTOX, July 10.—A resolution waa adopted In the House yesterday calling for information on the negotia- tions between (treat Hrltain snd tho United States on the itehring sea ques- tion. A favorable report was made on tbe bill appropriating for s pub- lic building st Wsus in. Wis. WASHISOIOX, July II.—in the House yesterdsy ihe journal was approved, after a long discussion, by a vote of 103 to 81. The conferenoe reports on the diplomatic and consular and the agri- cultural appropriations bills wore adopted and the land grant forfeiture hill was further considered. A concor- ront resolution was introduced provid- ing that the President of the Senate and the Speakerof the House be author- I red to close the preseaf session of tho Pifty-flrat Congress by adjourning their rMpective houses the 31st day of July. 1890, at 3 p. m. . WASIIIXOTON, July 13.—In the House yesterday the conference report on the silver bill was presenti-d. and a favor- able report was made on a bill to revive the rank of Lleatenant-General of tho army. WASIIIXOTOX. July R—The House on Saturday took up the . onference report on tbo sliver hill, and after an ex- tended debate agreed to it by'a vote of 133 yeas to 90 naya. All the *oles in the negstlve were ca»t by Deraocrata. Three Democrats voted ifi the afflrma- tlve. They wen-: Alderson (W. Va.), I«wis ( MI M ) and Sweeney (la.). The measure will sent to the Trcildent today, and he is expected to .ign It at once. KILLED AT A CROSSING. Wirt Ijidiea Meel wilb In.ianl Dnttli >>ar Owago. V V. BIXOBAMTOX. N V.. July 11.—A special train on tiie Southern Central road carrying Supurintendent Titus struck a carriage containing,five ladiea at the grade croasing two miles north of Owego about fi o'clock Thurs- day evening. Three of the wom- en, Mrs. Cleveland, the widow | of es-Sheri(T Cleveland, of Tioga County, Mrs. James Shay and Mra Avery # Whltroarsh were Instantly killed. Mr^ Thomas Keahan and Mra Harvey Van Duser were cai.glit In tbo pilot of the toromotive and carried some distance. They were badly Injured, and have since died. Uancad and Cremated HlasalL MABmsvuxr. Ind.. July ll—Dong- j las Thompson, llvina two miles east of bore, left bis room Thursday night after the family had retired, going to an old school-bouse three miles distsnt. He sot fire to the building snd then hong himself to s rafter with a i-heck- reln. Nothing but the lower part of tbe legs was It ft t<> prove his identity, Ill-heal'h was the cause. Taa Live. I M I . SAX FBASCISCW, July II.—A great Are at Kirin. Japan, destroyed one-fifth of the city and caused a loas of between I8.000.000' and •31,000,000. It spread along the river, burning large timber , rafts, on which were hundredsof people.'^ Ten lives were loat. Uxmesuta Bummor Roaorta Do- B'royod by a Cyclone. An Eirur»i"ii Stenmrr C'a|i.!tet ami tOO or More I'rr.ou. Are liruvtnsd—Tlia l o f ol l.lla Hi Olher I'olnl. Ilrlnfi the Total lip to Ali..ui son. rneipwl <1 Ifalli of Hi* Amrreoi '• I'allillnder." NEW VOIIK. July U,—lieneral John Charles Frem-iiii, the Hrsi candidate of tho Rofliihllcau iwrty for President, died at the li'itiii- id his adopted daugh- ter In this city t ::::<•) o'clock yesterday aftormsiii, Ih'nih was due to inflam- mation of the lioni is. He had been III ess than a week. A dispatch was sent nd Elitalieth Fremont al !.•« Angeles, if" iliail * dt I to Mrs. Freuioni mid i (a daughter,) who ar WRECK ASP BULV. ST. PACI , Minn., July M.-A report j (» daugh has reached this city thai a cyclone or | Cal., of tbe drain of the husband and hurricane struck Lake City, located father. on Lake Pepin, about seventy mile, lOei r, ,1 Join. c i,url, . Kr.-mont was born at . , J .. 1 Bavsnuai. <i • . J j-umr. 11. |K|T and was «rail- below here, and that a largo num- Dtted aI n , a ,|.. , m ino. m osto her of people were lost by the sink-| i^r, ism, i.. u.i..; ,i ui his oan eipense Ing of a summer. The steamer Sea i lanreeipeiliilo •.•ih''i-' •b:-c' of Undlng a Wing was comlnif up the lake 1 prscticihlen.iM. it.e mountains to Call- at alioui 1' o'clock Sundav nleht, and ' ornl •• A "" r "" bantships ha at aooiu v OCIOCK nun. aj nignt. »na , , hr .^riugot iSrt. Here when opposite the -Hy the storm struck bl , ruualuing rich sold it and sent it to the bottom. There mlnra. !!• wa. of ihe tlrst Slates were on board about itVl |s-ople froni j Senators from ( alifernla -rriln.'from isn to Diamond BliifT and alsmt fifty more , , * 1 - . ^ , , ,, . ^ . . . . , . | ID H** to iic tip hlw R^klf nrt In New\orfc wore on a barge which was in tow. | Mdtathe»n.uin/»...r«a.theilr.t candidate A late estiliiat4' says that at least 300 of the [uny l"r Pr-idenl of tba persons were drowoed, among the num- XJnited Stale-. Th' IVim^r .isnominated Mr. bor being some of the le-.t known and Bnehanan and the • An. rican" party Mr. Flll- tfnA more. Krcmenl ne.-ived IU electoral votes, most pron ln< nt ja-opl. of Red recvlvinrf the re- Wing and vicinity. malnlug lit vote.. w«- elected. Sixty-two Isxlies have been recovered Boon after tbe rliil war broke out PreBont by the rescuing parties sent out from wsaniad'a Majori; ... ral and rlared In eom- the shore. Those identifled so far are: m * aa "'rsrtn.eni, his hesd- ,. . , ... quarters Mm: at M l-iuls. He ioned a proc- Mlss IfempllnK. lliarles Hempling. Kred Hrinpllnz. Ml-" Way, Charhs Dinslapn. Henry Stefflns-.n. Annie Htee^-r. Krands Sleeger. Minnie Adaais. Katie Dally, Htss llleraon, Minnie Fl»her and Charte« Iilii>llii(. ST. PAUL, Minn.. July 14.—Death and devastation visited the States of Minne- , New York.) iota and W'lsroBsin Sunday afternoon asd the death list will lie large. The summer reports seem to have suflcred severely, owing to ihe fsct that st this season they are thickly populated, and lamatloo frc lng th- slaves In his district s mea.ur.' whli h th- I'r—ld'nt thouirbt uowl.-e at the time, at;.I F em001 was recalled and placed In ••..inniaii l In WeM.-rn Virginia From litTB to I8SI h.- a a- Oov'rn'.r of th» Territory ol Ariiona S'lli-uurnity h- pracliced law In BASE-BALL. Standing of Ihe Hit leading urganlia- tick, fnr the W^a's Kndad Jnly It. In the contest fo' the championship the losses of life there are fearful to of 'h'' ''•ding base-ball organliatlona contemplate i the clulst stands as follows: A young man drove In from Lake Coleman wllh the Information that at least two persons had been killed and over 100 Ininrisl at ibat point Boston Passing slong the cyclone struck Lake Broositn Joanna. Lake liervais. Lake Yadnals, Js" jjjS" "*TIOX«. ill #i '.1/ llruoklva 'MMI.MT :is .-s i inclnnatL... wssi.BP i'lillad.-lpala 13*,.— r, u Ml ll..<ion . . 4i;n .Wt , , , . , . . Philadelphia .r-.f I lurairo ... »aj|.SSI Little Can:ida. and passed on alsiut four Ptiuburgh . 31 U I" New Vorlc... -D 10 .«» miles to the east of W hite Bear lake. Cleveland ...« •••..if: Oveianrt ..lldlw Tho passengers on the St I'aul A Du- Inth train which left White Hear at 4:53 wore approaching tiladstono when they saw the cyclone forming, and watched its whistling motion without fear or ex- •itement Not so with tho engineer, however. He saw the threatening as- Buffaio. !i:l» ABgaiCAX LI-NR Loalaville.. Athletic.. Bt Louis. Korhe-l»r . Cohuntms pect of tho sky. and. with a startled look Tol»io.. ahead to seo if all ».i« clear, ho took a Brooklyn!!.! Brmer «rrip on the throtile. and the on- fine leaped forw ard under his touch. Ills ILL'S tow* Judgment and quick action undoubtedly saved the lives of tho pa-ssengers. for Ottawa. I'llt-huiyh .11" SI «rareax lilj '.I is &•*• r.-j Mllwankee... ISC »r* o" Minneapolis.. M* sa M Kansas City..« Bl .W .|.» > llelivrr .... ,.«» .M x. •: :.i: Sioux City.. tSilv rJ4 . j I)-• Moine.. 1 *;,*. OB ie Umaba R4 >i JR .!!.> :wi SI. I'auL llt.Oi M the twlstlnir. terrifying devastator crossed the tracks scarcely more than a minute after the train had pasaed. Help that bail been called for from the •tricken district was at once sent The storm first struck th" farm of James J. Hill, the president of the Oreat Northern railway, twenty miles north of here, wrecking several build- ings and killing three farm laborers as well as several head of stock. Tho fury Monmnulo Ottumwa Dubuiiue Aurora Cdr Rapid, Jollet... Blfrilng J f ISTV.K-8TAT*.||j||v^ :il« Kvassvilw»...i»UpM . liurlinvton .. s:*l|.«a •.. ••• i » T.-rr.. Haute. *•«? .817 s'.ii". - * -jyaij.liB .1. .• \1 i',...rla .. ',lll,a|.««l i.te. MICHIGAN STATE NEWS. A HORRIBLE DEED. An In.anr Mother Murder. Two of Mar Chlldran and I in. Mer Own Threat TROT. N. Y.. July li-Mrs. James William*, w ho p sides about two miles of the storm was fe arful and every thing east of Fair Haven. Yt, murdered her in its path wa-swept ay. two childrea. girl 17 years old and a Eleven people were instantly killed boy of 0. set tire to the house and cut at the small town of Yadnals, on the her own threat The territde tragedy line of the St. Paul A Duluth road, six was enacted about 3 o'clock yesterday miles north of here, and the village morning. One other child, a boy of IS wrecked. Not a building was left years who was sleeping upstairs, es- Standing in a sound condition, whllo raped with his life. He was awakened tho great ma; inty of them wore blown by the smell of smoke, and going down- to pieces, the Inmate* suffering death stairs found the house full of smoke, wijjpout warning. and his mother standing in the door- TTie place where the cyclone struck way screaming for help. There was tbe ground and caused loss of life was a great wound in her throat, on the shore of l^ike liervais, where J. and bioud steaming down her H. Schnrmeier. of this city, bad a sum- dress front He atiempted to get hor mer cottage inn little basin where out, but she i>as deierufln'sl to go back, Simon (Jood w as also located, and only by violent efforts was he able Tho funnel-shaped cloud swooped to finally sueneed. She was undoubtod- down on them, demolishing tbo dwell- ly Insane. .Msiut mo weeks ago her inga and a number of other buildings husband wa* killed in Lis state quarry In the same nelirhborhood. Tbe camp at Hyduville. b; falling fromaconsid- of Colonel Helle»er. of this city, was crable height blown down, but ihe party escaped In- jury." In the wreck of the Schurmeler and Good nousea. however, five were killed and ten injured. For three miles along the shore of tba lake tbe road from St. Paul runs within a few feefot the water. Along tbe line of this highway the, water Ufull of buggies, wagons, horses, broken tree) and the debris of housoa. It Is practiially certain that many people were blown Into tho lake and drowned, though no bodies Kit Killad I.I a Train. SAX PBAXCISCO, July 14.—It Is re- por;ed here that a terrible accident oe- curred la»e Sunday afternoon at Baden, tyelve mile* from here near the ceme- tery In San Mateo County. A wagon contalnlnir fifteen people was run Into by a train. The people were tossed in all directions and six were killed out- right and others were injured. Dlphthrrla'. Many Vletlmv UALIFAS. July 14.-Advices from St have been recovered. Every thing is Jobos, N. F., say that there have been confusion, and thu rain waa so heavy S,671 cases of dlphtlierla and deaths that It Is almost impossible to make any since the outbreak of the epidemic, headway In the wreckage and waste of Tbe disease Is now utder controC water. Many farm houses along the ' ; •hore of the lake were blown down and , THE MARKETS. In some places portions of them were Nrw YORK. July 14. carried a mile. LIYESTOCK-Catiir . ' r.-1< o 4 « At North St Paul the wind blew down Sheep 4 a m » W 4 *i & 4 u s r. .i 4 su 4 40 4J 1 B MS WX mSO SI 44K a furniture factory snl several dwell- FLODft- Oood to Cliolce Inga, and two persons were killed, both Patenla of them by lightning. 1 lt ^' Midnlebt rejioru from Lillle Canada. COHS-Sn j- a village of .' KIO p. ople seven miles 5 from St Paul. Indicate that tbe cyclone BAKLKY-CanaJa '!!!!!! struck that pla<-u with full force. Twelve houses were blown down, three people killed and eight or ten injured. el ® 13 ra .iIJ Ti 6 u'iQ e is Ignored Iha Vato. BATON Rouor, La., July 11.—Tlie Houso yesterday adopted tbo resolution of tbe Senate declaring that tbe Gov- ernor bad no power to veto the lottery hill by a vote of 01 lo 37. and the pro- mulgatior, of the bill was Intrusted to EOGS—rrert . the Secretary of siau*. The legislature BB iS5 CORN " than adjourned «/„< Among the bills signed hy the Governor was tbe ipecial car hlli. similar to that of Mis- sissippi. re<|uirlng all railroad compa- nies to furnish equal but separate ac- commodations for wblto and colored paasengera. PORK—Mr, l.ARD-Wcsttni Stram. ... BLTTER—Western Creamery. CHICAGO. BBEVES—Shlppiag Steers In ti a 4 SO Cow. I Hi ^ 3 to fitockers S *i ft 3 00 Feeder. 3 i 61 3 HI Starrs 3 fn ^ 3 UI Bulla 7 <0 d 3 79 HOGS— Live I e.fcl t" ("hidco.. J !.l H 3 U SHEEP . 3 ID a 5 00 BtTTTEH - Creamery S IB Oood to ( belee tia'ry « kt II « e wh Ben llnllarworllt Hi CBICAOO, July lit- At the meeting of tbe board of directors »t thn Columbian Exposition Friday night Congressman Benjsmln Butterwortb, of Ciiicinnatl. 0.. waa elected aecreUry-generaL I.* (irlppe In I eel.nit LOXIWIX, July I".' Adcices from Ice- land are to the efTeet that Influenza la epidemic In that country, .snd that a large number ol cases have terminated fatally. WORTH HUNDREDS OF DOLLARS. My wife used only two bottlfs of "Motbey's'Friend" before her third con- flnement. Says she would not be with- i out it for hundreds of dollars. Had not half as much trouble as before. DOCK MILES, Lincoln Parish. L«. Write The Bran field Regulator Co., Atlanta Ga.. for further particulars. Sold by Yeiter A Look. Come and look at our Piano, oars now, yours it'may be. It will certainly belong t. • Mine of yot. Talally Shot Mlma-lf. BocKPonn. Ill, July 11.—Chief of Po- lice Albert W. Webb shot himself through the head yesterday afternoon with suicidal intent inilicling wounds from the effects ol w hich bo must dlo. It bsd been discovered that be bad forged tbe name of a friend to two notes amounting to WT.V lta.,laii Villages llnrnrd. ST. PETrBMicno, July l i — Flames have destroyed i')ii houses at Maidan and £31 dwellings at Wassilkervo.' At each place seven persons lost their Uvea. MILES' NERVE & LIVER PILLS. An important discovery. They act on the liver, stomach and Ixiwels thrrmgh tbe nerves. A new principle They speedily cure biliousness, I did taste, tor- pid liver, piles and constipation. Splen- did for men, women and children. Smallest, mildest, surest. SO dnses for 35cents. Sample free at Yeiter & I<ook's Drug Store. 3Hn (H •1 « 51* * a 3iA 3 11) & 3 tu ii ;s tiiii ws m a i T7H 4 f. U i 2r, 4 411 a 4 « 3?. a >« 3 7.S o 4 a w».a OTH SBH SJ u s»Si 4» A 48? xi a 40 Self Worklnx Cri-nked POTATOES - X-a l fi Ih.I) POBK—M<s>a ...... LARD—Bleam FLODB—Spring 1'alents. Winter Patent. Bsltrr.' Straight-. GRAIN—Wheat. Xo Corn. S a *. Oats. So. v Bye. So s Ban-} No. a NortSwctern .vi LCMBKII- Sldlur . 17 80 Flooring 31 dl Comumn lloard. n ill 013 I Frnrln* . .. ... II Jo a i 8 < Lath-Dry »» «. «80 ShlD,-ir- * ill a 2 BU ST LOUIS. CATTI.r-Steer. r T. a 4 80 BUiekers and feeder* J iJ a 3 40 HOOS »"alr lot'imlc llrovj 3 » a 3 80 Packlai Uraii.-. 3 «i a 4 10 SHEEP S 10 9 4 W OMAHA CATTI-K—P im- 4 in a 4 » liuod Ui Ct- 'ce C.m . . a > 10 •G<«d Hulrhcrs .Slei rs "O a 4 10 HOtJS 3 40 a 3 50 I 00 00 Old papers office. n.) cents |ier 100, at Uiis Old papers, for sale at this office, 'ic, per down. 100 LADIES WANTED, And 1110 Men to call on any aniggist for a fro- trial package of lime's Family Mislieine. the gn-al K/> a and Herb rem- edy discovered by Dr. Silas Lane while in the Rocky MOUBIBIIIS For diseases of the blood, liver and kidney, it isa|'*>- itive cure. For oonsii|iatioii and clear- ing up tbe complexion it does wonders. Children like it. Everyone pntim-s it. Large size package. Sn .-entii. At ail druggists. GIVEN A BLACK EYE. Malrlmonlal Axenoln. In Michigan Wilt | Have to Saalc Haw I'I. Id.. The Supreme Court of Michigan re- | cently rendered a doclslou that must drive innirimonlal agents In the State j out of business. An aged farmer re- | cently secured a young wife. A person ! who claimed to have boen inslrumentai , in bringing ahoul the match sued tho | bucolic bridegroom fur bis commlsalon, | and ••settleil" for a consideration of i $40"i. Nmie days after tho marriage tbo | husband announced that be had been sivlndled. and sued the agent to recover tbo SdiMi. The cast- Qnally went to the | Supreme Court, which gave judgment to , the farmer, declaring that all matri-! monlal agent*, or persons who follow i the vocation of nmteh-niaking for gain, ! are engaged In .in Illicit pursuit The | court also expressed Its opinion to tbe ; effect that persons of either sex lacked Intelligence who .ought to achieve mat- • rlmonlal felicity hy means of news-; paper advertisements or of mercenary | agencies. A FILIBUSTER, A Hawaii Man K.ld. Canada and SteaU ' III. Child. When James IUIeyasUe<| f..r a divorce from his »:fe the woman at once left town, taking with her the little daugh- ter. Mr. Illley seeurel his decree and the custody "f the child, hut Mrs. Riley had bidden It. and it took many weeks to locate her. The father and dotecllvos I finally found Mrs. Illley at S t Gather-i ines, Ont. They stopped over tbe bor-j der the other day and drove In a car- riage to where Sirs. Riley was living. Mr. Riley rushed upstairs, seized the little girl, and In a nioment dashed away i with her. 'I he party then crossed to I New York, and now Mr. Riley andhli| child are safe In Howell. Ileallh In Michigan. Reports lo the State Board of Health by sixty-six observers In different parts of the Slate for the week ended j on tbe 6th Indicated that cholera morbus, [ Inflammation of the bowels, cerebro- spinal meningitis, scarlet fever, mem- branous croup, pneumonia, 'whooping- cough and remittent fever Increased, and typho-malarlai fever and typhoid fever decreased, in area of prevalenco. Diphtheria was reported at twenty places, scarlet fever at sixteen, typhoid fever at six and measles at thirty- seven places. ^a#er I rrnk of;htnlnf. The sev- re storm which passed ovet Fowleryflle the other afternoon accom- panied by thunder and lightning played some queer freaks. A chimney was struck and demolished but no damage was done. While William Dickinson lay on the floor of his house a short .distance from town the lightning tore off his trousers from below the knee, also ripping his Imots open lyid produc- ing unconsciousness for half an hour. MHI « uf Vrtvrsns. Tne annual encampment al Lansing of the Michigan division of Sons ol Veteran-, ended (In other afternoon with a prize drill, ihe llattlo Creek camp capturing first honors and Grand Rapid- second. I he following division officers were elecied; Colonel, Frank B. Eddy, oi laiwell; Lieutenant-Colonel, H. C. Tnompson, of Hay City: Major, George W. Stevens, of JonOSvilltt. W ork of a Klra-Craekar. A distressing accident occurred in Davidson township the other afternoon. A 7-year-old son of Walter Wooden was left a'.one In the bouse, and while play- ing with fire-crackers the houso was sol on fire anl burm-d lo the ground. Wooden and hi- wife hastened In from the Held to find ihe remains of their son burned to a crisp and the house andcon- tenta completely destroyed. A Kalal Kuiiaway. Henry Henderson borrowed his em- ployer's team at Port Huron recently to take his family lo a picnic. Tho team look fright and ran away, throwing thi occupants of the vehicle out Injuring Mrs. Henderson seriously. Mrs. Hen- derson was so badly hurt that she would die. A daughter an I son were Instantly killed, and another son had his lefl band torn off. Short Iiol Nnw.y flamt. Bert the 15-. ear-old son of Henry Wydgrat, was drowned at Holland the other day. A Slate -anliary convention will hold at Holland October 'J and 10. A Slate teachers' institute will held at Mason for three weeks follow- ing August 11. Bids were opened recently for build- ing tbe basement and area walls of th« court-house and i>ost-ofllcn at Detroit Patrick Dee. of Detroit, was the lowest bidder, at $111,(ITS. Dexter Mussey died »t his home in Armanda the other morning, aged 81 years. In IS.T7 b e l o c a - e d In Macomk. County and had resided there ever slnco. He was a Representative in the Legi» latnre from ISa5 to 1m'>3. being apeakei In ISOl-'O-i. Louis Hubbell. a farmer living neai Flint was struck by a passenger trals and killed a,few dais ago. Warnle Hallock, aged -Jo years, wat drowned recently al Holly by the uj> setting of a boat Grand I^dge wool-buyers claim U have purchased (mi.OOO [amnds of wool this season. David Nelson, a wealthy slock-buyei of Bellevue, commit ted suicide recenV ly while temporarily Insane. The colored people of Flint will havs a big emancipation celebration on Au- gust 1. Ex-4iovernor liegolo will president of the day. At a masa-meetir.g held al the Swedish Methodist Church In Isbpemlng recent- ly, a citizens' committee of nine mem- bers, one from each church, was ap- pointed to put a stop to Sunday ball games. The other morning the barn of Henry Fenner, near Hear Lake, was burned. Tbo skeleton of a man was discovered In tbe smoldering ruins, and It was sup- posed that a tramp got into me barn foi a night's lodging and set thlmn on fir* with bis pipe. Prof. l.ol.«-tle*. Mrmnry Sy.tmi f. Creat- Iiik ereaier iau-mil than firrr Id all part, of the is-imry. and reraons wiahlox lo Improre thrtr mernnry shoold «»nd for hU proaprctns frae an advcnltod In another column. OUR NEW Wall Papers HAVE ARRIVED! OIIAS. LAW-STBR, eaorairroa NATIONAL HOTEL, Naar D., O. H. * M Depot | r-c w - Afzcsr. Finn Clan. Hoard and Iteajoaale Rata Livery and Ketd HUhle In Connrctloa. COME AND SEE THEM BEFORE THE ASSORTMENT IS BROKEN. W. 8. WINEGAR To Invalid and Wounded SOLDIERSI I The undersigned nt the request of many ! Invalid Stoldiera, has qualified and been admitted to practice in the Interior Department, | ai'd nil the bureaus thereof and it now | Headv te Prosecute Claims, I for those that may be entitled to PEN- SION and BOUNTY, MILTON M. PERRY. Milton M, Perru, . Attorney A Counselor a t L a w Train't Hall Block, - Lowell, Mich, 1 Special attention given to Collectlona Conveyancing, Loans and Sale of Real Estate. FRANK C. ALGER. Aftomoy at I-aw- Collcrtions Given Prompt AttentioD MOSEY TO LOAN AXTIMREST RATEa AND IN'SI HANCK VRITTtN. I'nlon lllo«-V. - IOWEL1, MIC9 The lecent xjieech of Oingremnian Mc- Kinley of Ohio before CongreMs on tbe IM'iiding tariff bill, has just been issued in inmpblet from. Tbe speech includen valu djli- Hlaiistit-al tablea, and is an ad miMble presentation o' the advantagas of the principles of prfcti-tion. ns em- , t«>lied In the new Tariff Rill. Send a two-cent stamp for a copy to the A inaneAv PiurmTivi: TARIFF 1 EAUI E. 23 West 4 J3d Street, New York City, > 03 •D n> o o Hh CD P CD 5 6 Q o t >• U CD P H-' CD >1 Tl (0 0) 3- 33 § CO sr C* S. P o w o ui 9 o o CD CD W < o c o > z 0 m H H 1 m 2 O z H X m $ m 03 o Sfl UI 0 N* w w (j Dd m 0 _i ^ m ^ 5 Q o o CI w % 4 CITY FOREMAN 8i TALBOT, PROP'S. Orders for Pa*aenitrr» or RannMre left at Train'• Hotel, Darlt Houae or the Bus Barn will reotlre prompt attention. EVERY WIDOW OF A SOLDIER Dependeit on Her Daily Labor FOR SUPPORT In entitled to a I'ansioa. Alto ELvery Soldier HO* dhiblrd. whether hi* dUablllly was COB- trn.1' 1 in Ihe arrilca or not. Fatbera and )|..thi .n without ritKSKNT me UM of support ecUtlel to $14 per monih. Shall be Pleased lo Prosecule Any Such Claimi No ciiarce l r nle>a Sueeeaafol I fee Limited to Tea Dalian I Th' OMm( I'enaloo Arroe) In the Slate, Eatab- li>h>d June. IWI. Addreaa (wllh atampl C. E. PERKINS. PHOBAVE OFFICE. ORASD RAPIDS, MICH. AT J. E. LEE ' S MEAT MARKET On the Ilmliro. will always be found tbe cholcaat oita of Mrcl, Flub and Pool- try In their seaMns. at Prlcca Alwayi Reasonable. J. E. LEE. - Lowell. Mich. KIDNEY 1 BLOOO s&LIVER! $1.00 A eoniE, SIX (OH Si, THY IT TO-OAY F.E,C.FEREMEDY nil nil CURED BY litcMUtaiatic Plate ISTJST arurr roa tu. crmn-no rtau Proa errs firrheatnatltai. Nrarslclaandfiriitlrs. NeJ t.jrcr-a;-, !>;« rrrTjw>*rt. or by malL Hcenu. NoTeltjr I'laater Varkf, LoweU,. 1 " Mra. Allan's Ooldsn Hair < r>rWui Fit Bltaib. Mamma Dura, lor drTrlntlBftbabaat. Raima, fat muo In auprrflaaMhali. baudmMaa Allr-Ma abnlmlc aM reUlLVod let. a am:, for muKralel rlrralar. Full Unaeffn. hair CaaOa MRU R. W. Woob - i waai>AT..Dnauii. Foraaltb/Uniutau LIVER wi h Coujrh, so wi Ivood imprt'^nati-cl with kid- n-• pcii^nn. Many pt-ople m iriy Cough away lives w 1,1 ; ^hnt tlwy raM Tonsump- tion. which, however, would Di^ppcar were the blood thor- ou^hly rle;mfd out of its Uric Acid I'oison bv the vegetable harmless alterative. F.E.C.HEREMEDY jKOO A 60niE. SIX FOli $5. TRY IT TO-DAY iL-T-T-E-iT-ID THE WEST MICHIGAN plNESSfflllRSinAM GRAND RAPIDS, MICHIGAN. WE TEACH Actual Business Shorthand and Typewriting AND TELEGRAPHY. IN OUR NORMAL DEPARTMENT WE HAVE A THOROUGH TEACHERS CODRSE. Scientific, Classical, Music, Civil Engineering, Fine Art AND ELOCUTION COURSES . We Board and Room our Students tor per week. Expenses l ess here than anywhere else. Address A. E. YEREX, Pres. PISO'S REMEDY FOR CATARRH. Beau Eaalcfft touae. Cheapest. Belief In immi-diaU>. i cure la certain. For Cold in the Uc^d it lias uo ixiuaL C A T A R R H I ' k an Ointment, of which a small particlo ia appUetl I ha. nnatwia Priet, Mc SolJ by I>rumi»u or <*nt by I i, fc. T. HAZIXTOE, Worrt n. Pa. I mall. Address,

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i f

A RIVER HORROR, Terrlblo Explos ion on t h e S t o a m e r

Tloim a t O b l o s g a

• a a g l w l I t o d l . i i l i r n w n n i ( h I n t o A i r -M a s t IJvi*. I .3 .1 a n d H*T«ral P . r t o u

W a a a d n l V „ , „ J I , , , W h o W a « « o a I h a l l oa l h u l l M i . t l D f


CBirAOn, July 13,—Ky a t^rrlflo f * -ploaion that xliook all tbo buildings In tha centnr of the city and atartlod thounancU of riMldcnn the atern of the tnajnlflo^nt frolght Tioga wan blown out at 7::t.ri o'clock Friday nljrht and no lp«sthun tifu-iin nu-n met Inalant death. Nine OIIMTK M-re Inlured.

Theory dlfTetM a. lo the caiine of the explosion. Some r|«ini that the com-buttlhlo rarifci of oil utored In hold S, directly aft the bollern, waa the MUM . Othera claim that the water In the bollera had been alloaeil u» run low and that they were uimhli' 10 withatand the atrain broupht to J«'ar ui>oii them. Tbtre were, however. ISO b.irrols of oil •lortd In hold No. .S. and it appeara from the teatlmony of thoM who ea-eap«d the wn-rk that thla was the lm-mediate oaun' of the expioaion.

The atear.iboal Tloira was built at Baffalo in I?"! by the i'nlon Dry-Dock Company for ihc I'nlon Steami>uat Com-ptay as a part of the Krlo line's fleet She is 312 feet long, .tofcetin^the beam, tad i* of eroit tonnage and 1,744 net. Her depth Is 14 fi-eL She coat w h e n n o w IL'M.OOO.

CHICAGO, July 14.—The explosion on tb« Tioga Friday evening killed not flfWen person*, a^ wai at Brat aup-poaed. but at lea.t twenty, and tha l i s t of falalltle* may reach thirty. 8«Ten dead bo.Ui-« were recovered Priday evening, six on Saturday, and t l x more weia lakrn out Sunday. One of the Injured men dli-d at the hoaplul (Saturday, ao that the number of recov-ered dead up to midnight laat night was an even twenty. .Seven men known to bar* be«n at work on the boat are still mining .

F O R C O N G R E S S .

Oa>4l«atea Nomln D l s i n e t omlnelMl hj Veri Ceeteetiews.

Larcoi.x, ML, July l l . - - T h e Demo-crata of the Fourteenth Illinois district have Dominated Owen Scott for Con-g m a .

L> MAILS la.. July The Eleventh district Hepubllcin Congrvulonal con-vention nominated George Perkins, pro-pistor of the Twin City Journal, to suc-ceed L S. Strubble.

HCROX, 8. D . July 11.—The Inde-pendent State convention, held b'ere" Thursday, nominated F. C Zipix of DMdwood, and A. A. I^eavitt, of Worth-lag , for Congn-M.

COLDMBUS O., July 13.—At O m r i l K IB the Democratic CongreRsiona! con-TSBtlon for the Sixteenth Ohio dlstricL •X-Lisntenant-Governor John U. War-wick was nominated toauowed William MtCia ley In Congross. on the seventy-fonrlh bal lot

OLKKCOB, Minn., Inly 13. — The T»rBj«ra' Alllan'-e Congressional con-• m t l o n for the Third district nomi-Bated W. W. (table, a farmer of McLeod County, for Congress

K N I G H T S O F P Y T H I A S .

•M I IDC Of Iha ftaprame l a i ' c . at Mllwauka*.

IIILWACKKE, July IL—At the meet-ing of the supreme lodge of the Knlghta of Pythias yesteMay Oeorgo W. Shaw, of K m Claire, Wis., was elected 8u-prsma Chancellor, and W. W. Black-wall, of Kontucky, Vlce-Cbanoellor. Other oflcera were elected as follows:

••piaasiPtSlata. K. T. niarkner. Baa Dtefa CsL; Bepmsr Ma.t«r Kxrbeootr. S. J. Wilier. WUmtBToi> tVL: fiuprrme Keeper <* Recovda • n l T I - a ». C WSlM. NaahvlUe. Teaa ; Bo •rtMaHasMr at Ams, O. H. MonUca, Neva-4*1 Bapretoe Secrrtarr Kialowiaent Fand. W. B. KtuqpJy. Ctadrtstl. O : ftaprrme Xawr Osarf, Dr. D. C. Bartwrll, Cberaaaa. Wy.; 8u preBM Oottr Ooard, John IL Tboojpaon. Wash-l « l s O > . D .

Mn-WAUKEC, July 11—The di l l l lag touraament. In which the Knights o! the Pythian order met In friendly oon-teot, came to an end Friday. T h e nsmoa of the wiaaer* were duly aimouncej and i f t t prizes awardrd. and when the her-alds had hlowx a farewell blaat upon their trumpets the big conclave was practically ended.

S T A N L E Y M A R R I E D .

• d MU. Tronaal Cnllad la LMdon.

L o s DOS. July 14.—Tbo marriage of Mr. Henry M. Stanley and Miss Doro-thy Teaaaat took place Saturday In Westminster Abbey. Mr. S u n l e y showed the e j ec t s of the l l lnew oy which he m a attacked Friday, and be was com-pelled to use a stick to aMist him in walking to and from the altar. The Ahhoy was crowded with friends of t h e s bride and groom. TJfc cor-omoay was performed by V e y Rev. George Bradioy. D D.. Dean of West-B i U t e r , Very Rev. Frederick Willism toanr, D. D - F. R- 8-. ArchbUbop of VTeatmiastor. and Right Re*. William Boyd Carpenter, Lord Bishop of Rlpon.

Laka DBO Hot«l Baraad. ST. P a r u Jnly l l . - W o r d b u been

tOceiTed here that Lake F^mo Hotel, lo-eated thirteen miles from here on the U s e of the Chicago. S t Paul. Minneap-ol is * Omaha Railroad, waa burned yos-terday morning. DeUi l s are not yet In, but the loes will probably be from $50, >00 to <75. MO-

Twntr-»K>il Baildlac. 0*:lror*L ' ITHACA. Mich.. Jnly IS - F i r e started

Thnrtday night in the old Cectral Hoose and totally desiroyod the whole Heck and nearly the whole block west, e u s i n g a low of frsv-OO; inaurance, flSiMQi Twenty-eight buildings were

' b o n e d . The cause of the Ore Is sn-

Gaattllna Ktplntlon. WABSAW. Ind.. July l U - M r s . William

C Gordon, a wealthy widow, and Will-lam C Ever*, a young man about the kosse , were fatally bornod y«»ierday by a a ox plosion of a gaw> ine nlove.

Th» t ailu.'r i: f . r i . SEW TOBK. July l i - B u s l n e a s - f a n -

nres for this week number l^T. against 199 last week and 2"9 in the correspond-

l a g week oi 188*. _

Go to Gile's for Teas. Tli-y Jure jnst received a lot of new crop, the n m that arrived.


Yoor d te tmwng cough can be cured. W e kflow it because Kemp's Balsam within the part few y e a n ha» curvd so many coagbs and colds in ibis commu-nity. I u re mark ah U- sale haa been woo entirriy by iU genuine merit. Ask some f r i w d wbo has used it what he thinks of Kemp's Balsam Tbt-re is no medicine eo pore, none so effective. Large bftuies 30c. and | 1 at all druggists. Sample ' • " free.

T E A C H E R S M E E T .

Tha National Kilacatlunal Aaai>rlatloa la H M d n n a t HU f a u L

ST. I 'Atu Minn.. July 11. - T h o Na-tional Educational Assoclstlon elected tho following ofl lcra yi-storday. Presi-dent, William IL Uirrott, of Nashville, Tenn.; Seort-tary, B. II. Cook, of New Jersey, Treasurer, J. M. lirimwood, of KansaH City. The chief featuro of tho day WSK sn addn-ss by Hishop Ire-land, In which ho defendi-d the parish s<.%ool sinl laid be was in favor of the State school. Its only fault being Its non-religiuiis character. He ssld the accusation that Catholics wer" bent on dostroyinit the Slate school was un-founded. and said he was unreservedly In favor of ••ompulsory education.

J. H. Thayer, State Nii|>erlnti-ndent of Public Instruction of Wisconsin, made replv to ArchMshop Iroland. Ho referred tu the attiKide of the Cathollo church on the public senool sy.tem, and bis arraignment of the Jesuitical ultra-montane moveme-i In tho Catholic church was pointed In the extreme. The Jesuit*, he said, wero lr> illrectop. position to I he pulMo schools, and as they became more secure in iheir posi-tions they iMuame more hold In thfIr attack.

ST. PAI ' I . Minn.. July 13.—Yesterday was the fourth and U ' t ilsy of the ses-sion of the thlrty-fo'irth annual conven-tion of the National Educational Asso-ciation. Kesoluiions wire adopted favoring moral training in the publlo schools; approving compulsory educa-tion to a limited extent : commending United States Commissioner Morgan's plans for Indian school lands, and In-dorsing land grants for coHegen Jloa A. A. Gunby, Jutlre of ihe Louisiana Court of Appeals, spoke on the race problem. He said tho true solution of the problem on u Just basis lay In a re-striction of suffrage, and the only Just restriction was an educational quaiiflca-tlon. President J. C, Price, of Living-stone College. Sslisbury, N. (1. a colored man, argund that education was a neces-sity and right, and raid negro freedom would never l>e complete until the col-ored man had become educated.

President Canfleld made a brief clos-lag talk, turDln; over the gavel to the new president, W. U. liarrett, who spoke for a moment, and then the con-vontlon waa declared adjonrned tint die.

C L I N T O N B . F I S K .

Cnaipaclad W a l l-Knows


Th 'kraal

I>ralh of Iha I rnhlbltlonlsl.

NEW TOBK. July 10.—General Glnton B. Fisk died st his residence, 175 West Fifty-eighth street, this city, at 10:30 a. m. yesterday. In the rtM year of his ago. General Flsk had suffered from an at-tack of la grlppu since last winter, and his death was due to a relapse. His last hours wem peacefully sp'-nt while surrounded by his wife, his son Clinton B., Jr., and his only daughter, Mrs. Mary F. Park, who was a constant attendant at bis bedside sine* his Illness begsn.

[Cllntoe B. Fltk wa» bora at York. I.tnof*-too County. Ksw York, lint his falhrrfiolifratwl to Ulchlfaa anon altrr. where he received his ednoatlon. In IS7» he removed to St. L/njIt and early tn the war enlisted in the stnice and became Cnlooel of theThM) thlnl MIsMnirl lofaalry. He was rapidly promot-l and at the rloae of the wsr waa asalstant commletkmer under Oen-era! Howard in the manuiremeat of the freadmea'a tureao In K'Dtiicky and Ten-aesaee. He was for many yean Iden-ttaed with the l>rotalbftlea partj. and la IM waa ttis norolnri. for Oorrrnor ol Sew Jersey, poUtef 1S,S00 vote*, in Wss he was the nonlaes of the Prohibition NatU-aal cy.nrectloo for Presidset.]

F R O M W A S H I N G T O N .

A Dally lUenrd of Kranta al (iencral la-tere.t lo All.

WASHISOTOS. July 11.—The Navy Department has ordered two war vessels to proceed to Central America to protect American in teresu and subjects in the event of war between Salvador and Guatemala. -

WASBIXOTO*, July 11.- Tli^ Presi-dent Iste Thursday sftornoon spproved the act for the admlaslon of Wyoming as a State of the Union.

WAsmxiiTo*. July 13.—The Presi-dent haa appro-, ed the leglslstlve, jn-dlc is l snd executive appropriation bill; the act to provide an additional Asso-ciate Justice of the Supremo Court of the Territory of New Mexico: the act to provide for the disposal of certain aban-doned military reserrations In Wyo-ming.

S W E P T B Y F L A M E S .

Oaatractloe of r a n 4e fraa.-a. la Iha la-land of Martlnlqua

POST o r SPAIM , J u n o 3 9 . — D e t a i l s c o n -

coralng the destruction of tho town of Fort do France. In the French Island of Martinique, say that 1,700 bouses were destroyed, making 5,000 persons home-loot, and over a score of res idenu lost their lives. The property loss was 91.000,000. The cause of tho Ore was attributed by some to kerosene and by some to a Hatch stove. Fort de Franco is on the w^st coast pf Martinique, and Is tho capital of tho colony. It has a One harbor, strong fortiflcaiions and be-fore the fire bad many flue public build-ings. I u population was about 15,000 in 1880.

W A R O F T H E R A C E S .

Kagreaa and White. K l ed In a Baltla la <iaarKia.

Gxirr i s , Ga., July 11.—A fatal race riot occurred at Starr's mill pood in Payette County at 8 o'clock Thursday afternoon. Four negroes were killed and s ix wounded, two of whom are re-ported dying, Eight whites were Mhot,bat i t Is thought only one of them fatally, making eighteen in all killed and wounded. A darky sell ing wine on the occasion became engaged In a war of words with a white man about the pur-chase of some wine, which resulted In the negrogett ings l lght ly c u t From this the quarsel began and was u k e n up by others with the result as stated above.

Bnmrd Alive by tfia Tarka. Cox*TA!(Ti*oru~ July 11. —According

to advices received here a number of Armenian peasants at Aiakiles who failed to pay their taxes were burned alive by Turkixh /apt iehs .

ftonth Habola ludepeadaata. 'HCBOX, S. DL. July I t—The Indo-

pendent cusrention adjourned Thurs-day after putting a full State ticket in the field. II. L. Loucka was nominated tor Governor.

F I M , PII.KS, P I L E S ,

LOOSE'S R E D CLOYEE P I L E REBEDV . i s a positive specifi? for all forms of the disease. Blind. Bleeding. Itching. Ulcer-sled and Protruding Pilea.—Price 80c Sold by all druggists-_

Harklea*. Arniea Salve. The Beet SALVE in the world for cuts,

Braisee, Sores. Ulcers, Salt Rheum. Fe-ver Sores. Tetter. Chapped Hands, Chil-blains. Corns, and all Skin Eruptions, and positively etirso Pilea, or no pay re-quired, l l Is guaranteed to give perfect satisfaction, or money refunded. Price 25 cento per ho*. For sale by Hunt dt Hnnter

Tho F i f t y - F i r s t ConifroBS mid W h a t It In Do inu .

A Da l ly S u m m a r y o» P r o e e a l lnga C o n .

l a l n l n c All i h e I m i M i r i a n l W o r k l i n o s bv I h e K a l l ' i n ' . I . a w - t | a k a r .

I | i t o I>a(*.

«r.\ ATK.

WASHIM.THX. July » —In the Senste yesterday an attempt to get thn tariff hill up fur consideration was defeated by a vole of UU to 30. The conference report on the silver bill wss presented, and the elis-iIun hill was received from the House.

WASIIIIKITOX, July 0.—The confer-ence report on the silver bill was dis-cussed in the Senate yesterday. Peti-tions wen- presented from many States prsyieg for an acknowledgement of Almighty tiod snd the Christian relig-ion In the constitution of the United States. Memorial exercises were held In respeet to the memory of the Iste Rcpre-ent itive s. s. Cox, of New York.y

WASI I IX I ITOX , J u l y l a - I n t h e S e n -

ate yesterday the sundry civil appro-priation bill (Ml.341,flSO) was reported and the silver bill was further discussed. The presiding o01i;<>r (Senator Ingalls) announc.-d his signature t4i the hill for the sdmisslnn of Wyoming as a State.

WASIOXIITOX. Ju ly 1'J.—A resolution was Introduced In the Senate yesterday calling for an International conference to establish a uniform standard be^ tween gold and silver. The hill to es-tablish s United States Isnd court wss :

discussed WASI I IXOTOX . J u l y K — I n t h e S e n - I

ale Snturdav the shipping bills were : passed—the tonage subsidy measure by a vote of 'JU to IV. and that for a postal I subsidy by a vote of 38 to 18. The tariff | bill was tsken up and was made tho ' rsgulsr order for to-day,

Hocsr. WASHIXOTOX, July 8.—In the IIouso

yesterday a hlli was Introduced appro-priating $3,000,000 to establish In-dustrial training schools. ^.Tbt bill for the esuhlUhm'-nt of Indian in-dustrial schools in California. Minne-sota, Wisconsin a n l North and South Dakota was favorably reported.

WAsniMOTnx. July ii. —In the House yesterday the Senate amendments to the House bill for the admission of the State of Wyoming wnfu concurred In. The Mississippi contested election cases were decided in favor of Messrs. Catcb-ings and Hooker, Demoorata. A bill waa introduced to establish publlo •ohools in New Mexico, and the bill g iv ing army nurses a pension of 813 a month wss favorably reported.

WASIIIXOTOX, Ju ly 10.—A resolution waa adopted In the House yesterday call ing for information on the negotia-tions between (treat Hrltain snd tho United States on the itehring sea ques-tion. A favorable report was made on tbe bill appropriating for s pub-lic building st Wsus in. Wis.

WASHISOIOX, July II.—in the House yesterdsy ihe journal was approved, after a long discussion, by a vote of 103 to 81. The conferenoe reports on the diplomatic and consular and the agri-cultural appropriations bills wore adopted and the land grant forfeiture hill was further considered. A concor-ront resolution was introduced provid-ing that the President of the Senate and the Speakerof the House be author-I red to close the preseaf session of tho Pifty-flrat Congress by adjourning their rMpective houses the 31st day of July. 1890, at 3 p. m. . WASII IXOTON , J u l y 13.—In t h e H o u s e

yesterday the conference report on the silver bill was presenti-d. and a favor-able report was made on a bill to revive the rank of Lleatenant-General of tho army.

WASIIIXOTOX. July R — T h e House on Saturday took up the . onference report on tbo sliver hill, and after an ex-tended debate agreed to it by'a vote of 133 yeas to 90 naya. All the *oles in the negst lve were ca»t by Deraocrata. Three Democrats voted ifi the afflrma-tlve. They wen-: Alderson (W. Va.), I « w i s ( M I M ) and Sweeney (la.). The measure will b» sent to the Trcildent today , and he is expected to .ign It at once.

K I L L E D A T A C R O S S I N G .

W i r t I j i d i e a M e e l w i l b I n . i a n l D n t t l i > > a r O w a g o . V V.

B IXOBAMTOX . N V.. J u l y 1 1 . — A

special train on tiie Southern Central road carrying Supurintendent Titus struck a carriage containing,five ladiea at the grade croasing two miles north of Owego about fi o'clock Thurs-day evening. Three of the wom-en, Mrs. Cleveland, the widow | of es-Sheri(T Cleveland, of Tioga County, Mrs. James Shay and Mra Avery #Whltroarsh were Instantly killed. Mr^ Thomas Keahan and Mra Harvey Van Duser were cai.glit In tbo pilot of the toromotive and carried some distance. They were badly Injured, and have since died.

Uancad and Cremated HlasalL M A B m s v u x r . Ind.. July l l—Dong- j

las Thompson, llvina two miles east of bore, left bis room Thursday night after the family had retired, going to an old school-bouse three miles distsnt. He sot fire to the building snd then hong himself to s rafter with a i-heck-reln. Nothing but the lower part of tbe legs was It ft t<> prove his identity, Ill-heal'h was the cause.

T a a L i v e . I M I .

SAX FBASCISCW, J u l y I I . — A g r e a t

Are at Kirin. Japan, destroyed one-fifth of the city and caused a loas of between I8.000.000' and •31,000,000. It spread along the river, burning large timber , rafts, on which were hundredsof people.'^ Ten lives were loat.

U x m e s u t a B u m m o r Roaorta D o -B'royod b y a C y c l o n e .

An Eirur»i"ii Stenmrr C'a|i.!tet ami tOO or More I'rr.ou. Are liruvtnsd—Tlia

l o f ol l.lla Hi Olher I'olnl. Ilrlnfi the Total lip to Ali..ui son.

r n e i p w l <1 Ifa l l i of Hi* Amrreoi '• I'allillnder."

NEW VOIIK. July U,—lieneral John Charles Frem-iiii, the Hrsi candidate of tho Rofliihllcau iwrty for President, died at the li'itiii- id his adopted daugh-ter In this city t ::::<•) o'clock yesterday aftormsiii, Ih'nih was due to inflam-mation of the lioni is. He had been III ess than a week. A dispatch was sent

nd Elitalieth Fremont al !.•« Angeles,

i f " iliail * dt I to Mrs. Freuioni mid

i (a daughter,) who ar WRECK A S P BULV.

ST. PACI , Minn., July M . - A report j (» daugh has reached this c i ty thai a cyclone or | Cal., of tbe drain of the husband and hurricane struck Lake City, located father. on Lake Pepin, about seventy mi le , lOei r, ,1 Join. c i,url, . Kr.-mont was born at . , J . . 1 Bavsnuai. <i • . J j-umr. 11. |K|T and was «rail-below here, and that a largo num- D t t e d aI n , a , | . . , m ino. m osto her of people were lost by the s i n k - | i^r, ism, i.. u.i..; ,i ui his oan eipense • Ing of a summer. The steamer Sea i lanreeipeiliilo •.•ih''i-' •b:-c' of Undlng a Wing was comlnif up the lake 1 prscticihlen.iM. it.e mountains to Call-at alioui 1' o'clock Sundav nleht, and 'o r n l•• A""r "" bantships ha at aooiu v OCIOCK nun. aj nignt. »na , , h r .^riugot iSrt. Here when opposite the -Hy the storm struck bl, ruualuing rich sold i t and sent it to the bottom. There mlnra. !!• wa. of ihe tlrst Slates were on board about itVl |s-ople froni j Senators from ( alifernla -rriln.'from i s n to Diamond BliifT and alsmt fifty more , , * 1 - . ^ , , , , . ^ . . . . , . | ID H** to iic tip hlw R^klf nrt In New\orfc wore on a barge which was in tow. | Mdtathe»n.uin/». . .r«a.thei lr . t candidate

A late estiliiat4' says that at least 300 of the [uny l"r Pr-idenl of tba persons were drowoed, among the num- XJnited Stale-. Th' IVim^r .isnominated Mr. bor being some of the le-.t known and Bnehanan and the • An. rican" party Mr. Flll-

tfnA more. Krcmenl ne.-ived IU electoral votes, most pron ln< nt ja-opl. of Red recvlvinrf the re-Wing and vicinity. malnlug lit vote.. w«- elected.

Sixty-two Isxlies have been recovered Boon after tbe rliil war broke out PreBont by the rescuing parties sent out from wsaniad'a Majori; ... ral and rlared In eom-the shore. Those identifled so far are: m * a a "'rsrtn.eni, his hesd-

„ ,. . , „ . . . quarters Mm: at M l-iuls. He ioned a proc-Mlss IfempllnK. lliarles Hempling. Kred

Hrinpllnz. Ml-" Way, Charhs Dinslapn. Henry Stefflns-.n. Annie Htee^-r. Krands Sleeger. Minnie Adaais . Ka t i e Dally, H t s s l l leraon, Minnie Fl»her and Char te« Iilii>llii(.

ST. PAUL, Minn.. July 14.—Death and devastation visited the States of Minne- , New York.) iota and W'lsroBsin Sunday afternoon asd the death list will lie large. The summer reports seem to have suflcred severely, owing to ihe fsct that s t this season they are thickly populated, and

lamatloo frc lng th- slaves In his district s mea.ur.' whli h th- I'r—ld'nt thouirbt uowl.-e at the time, at;.I F em001 was recalled and placed In ••..inniaii l In WeM.-rn Virginia From litTB to I8SI h.- a a- Oov'rn'.r of th» Territory ol Ariiona S'lli-uurnity h- pracliced law In


Standing of Ihe Hit leading urganlia-tick, fnr the W^a's Kndad Jnly It .

In the contest fo ' the championship the losses of life there are fearful to o f 'h'' ' ' •d ing base-ball organliatlona contemplate i the clulst stands as follows:

A young man drove In from Lake Coleman wllh the Information that at least two persons had been ki l led and over 100 Ininrisl at ibat point Boston

Passing slong the cyclone struck Lake Broositn Joanna. Lake liervais. Lake Yadnals, J s "

jjjS" "*TIOX«.

ill #i '.1/ llruoklva 'MMI.MT :is .-s i inclnnatL... wssi.BP

• i'lillad.-lpala 13*,.— r, u Ml ll..<ion . . 4i;n .Wt

, „ , , . , . . Philadelphia .r-.f I lurairo ... »aj|.SSI Litt le Can:ida. and passed on alsiut four Ptiuburgh . 31 U I" New Vorlc... -D 10 .«» miles to the east of W hite Bear lake. Cleveland . . . « •••..if: Oveianrt ..lldlw Tho passengers on the S t I'aul A Du-Inth train which left White Hear at 4:53 wore approaching tiladstono when they saw the cyclone forming, and watched its whistling motion without fear or ex-• i t e m e n t Not so with tho engineer, however. He saw the threatening as-

Buffaio. !i:l»

ABgaiCAX L I - N R

Loalaville.. Athletic.. Bt Louis. Korhe-l»r . Cohuntms

pect of tho sky. and. with a startled look Tol»io.. ahead to seo if all ».i« clear, ho took a Brooklyn!!.! Brmer «rrip on the throtile. and the on-f i n e leaped forw ard under his touch. Ills ILL'S tow* Judgment and quick action undoubtedly saved the lives of tho pa-ssengers. for Ottawa.

I'llt-huiyh .11" SI

«rareax l i l j

' . I is

&•*• r.-j Mllwankee... ISC »r* o" Minneapolis.. M * s a

M Kansas City..« Bl .W .|.» > llelivrr . . . . , . «» . M x. •: :.i: Sioux City.. tSilv rJ4

. j • I)-• Moine..1*;,*. OB ie Umaba R4 >i JR

.!!.> :wi SI. I'auL llt.Oi M

the twlstlnir. terrifying devastator crossed the tracks scarcely more than a minute after the train had pasaed. Help that bail been called for from the •tricken district was at once s en t

The storm first struck th" farm of James J. Hill, the president of the Oreat Northern railway, twenty miles north of here, wrecking several build-ings and kil l ing three farm laborers as well as several head of stock. Tho fury

Monmnulo Ottumwa Dubuiiue Aurora Cdr Rapid, Jol let . . . Blfrilng

J f ISTV.K-8TAT*.||j||v^

: i l« Kvassvilw»...i»UpM . liurlinvton .. s:*l | .«a •.. ••• i » T.-rr.. Haute. *•«? .817

• s'.ii".-* -jyaij.liB .1. .• \1 i',...rla .. ',lll,a|.««l



A H O R R I B L E D E E D .

An In.anr Mother Murder. Two of Mar Chlldran and I in. Mer Own Threat TROT. N. Y.. July l i - M r s . James

William*, w ho p sides about two miles of the storm was fe arful and every thing east of Fair Haven. Yt , murdered her in i ts path w a - s w e p t ay. two childrea. • girl 17 years old and a

Eleven people were instantly killed boy of 0. set tire to the house and cut at the small town of Yadnals, on the her own threat The territde tragedy l ine of the St. Paul A Duluth road, s ix was enacted about 3 o'clock yesterday miles north of here, and the village morning. One other child, a boy of IS wrecked. Not a building was le f t years who was sleeping upstairs, es-Standing in a sound condition, whllo raped with his life. He was awakened tho great ma; inty of them wore blown by the smell of smoke, and going down-to pieces, the Inmate* suffering death stairs found the house full of smoke, wijj pout warning. and his mother standing in the door-

TTie place where the cyclone struck way screaming for help. There was tbe ground and caused loss of life was a great wound in her throat, on the shore of l^ike liervais, where J. and bioud steaming down her H. Schnrmeier. of this city, bad a sum- dress front He atiempted to get hor mer cottage i n n little basin where out, but she i>as deierufln'sl to go back, Simon (Jood w as also located, and only by violent efforts was he able Tho funnel-shaped cloud swooped to finally sueneed. She was undoubtod-down on them, demolishing tbo dwell- ly Insane. .Msiut m o weeks ago her inga and a number of other buildings husband wa* killed in Lis state quarry In the same nelirhborhood. Tbe camp at Hyduville. b ; falling fromaconsid-of Colonel Helle»er. of this city, was crable h e i g h t blown down, but ihe party escaped In-jury." In the wreck of the Schurmeler and Good nousea. however, five were killed and ten injured.

For three miles along the shore of tba lake tbe road from St. Paul runs within a few f e e f o t the water. Along tbe line of this highway the, water Ufu l l of buggies, wagons, horses, broken tree) and the debris of housoa. I t Is practiially certain that many people were blown Into tho lake and drowned, though no bodies

Kit Killad I.I a Train. SAX PBAXCISCO, Ju ly 14.—It Is re-

por;ed here that a terrible accident oe-curred la»e Sunday afternoon at Baden, tye lve mile* from here near the ceme-tery In San Mateo County. A wagon contalnlnir fifteen people was run Into by a train. The people were tossed in all directions and six were killed out-right and others were injured.

Dlphthrrla'. Many Vletlmv UALIFAS. July 14 . -Advices from S t

have been recovered. Every thing is Jobos, N. F., say that there have been confusion, and thu rain waa so heavy S,671 cases of dlphtlierla and deaths that It Is almost impossible to make any since the outbreak of the epidemic, headway In the wreckage and waste of Tbe disease Is now utder controC water. Many farm houses along the ' ; •hore of the lake were blown down and , THE MARKETS. In some places portions of them were Nrw YORK. July 14. carried a mile. LIYESTOCK-Catiir . ' r.-1< o 4 «

At North S t Paul the wind blew down Sheep 4 a m » W 4 *i & 4 u s r. . i 4 su 4 40 4J 1 B



a furniture factory s n l several dwell- FLODft- Oood to Cliolce Inga, and two persons were killed, both Paten la of them by lightning. 1 l t^'

Midnlebt rejioru from Li l l le Canada. COHS-Sn j-a village of .'KIO p. ople seven miles 5

from S t Paul. Indicate that tbe cyclone BAKLKY-CanaJa '!!!!!! struck that pla<-u with full force. Twelve houses were blown down, three people killed and eight or ten injured.

el ® 13 ra .iIJ Ti 6 u'iQ e is

Ignored Iha Vato. BATON Rouor, La., J u l y 11.—Tlie

Houso yesterday adopted tbo resolution of tbe Senate declaring that tbe Gov-ernor bad no power to veto the lottery hill by a vote of 01 lo 37. and the pro-mulgatior, of the bill was Intrusted to EOGS—rrert . the Secretary of siau*. The l eg i s la ture B B i S 5 C O R N " than adjourned «/„< Among the bil ls signed hy the Governor was tbe ipecial car hlli. similar to that of Mis-sissippi. re<|uirlng all railroad compa-nies to furnish equal but separate ac-commodations for wblto and colored paasengera.

PORK—Mr, l.ARD-Wcsttni Stram. . . . BLTTER—Western Creamery.

CHICAGO. BBEVES—Shlppiag Steers In ti a 4 SO

Cow. I Hi ^ 3 to fitockers S *i ft 3 00 Feeder. 3 i 61 3 HI Starrs 3 fn ^ 3 UI Bulla 7 <0 d 3 79

HOGS— Live I e.fcl t" ("hidco.. J !.l H 3 U SHEEP . 3 ID a 5 00 BtTTTEH - Creamery S IB

Oood to ( belee tia'ry « kt II « e w h

Ben llnllarworllt Hi CBICAOO, July l i t - At the meeting of

tbe board of directors »t thn Columbian Exposition Friday night Congressman Benjsmln Butterwortb, of Ciiicinnatl. 0 . . waa elected aecreUry-generaL

I.* (irlppe In I eel.nit LOXIWIX, July I".' Adcices from Ice-

land are to the efTeet that Influenza la epidemic In that country, .snd that a large number ol cases have terminated fatally.


My wife used only two bottlfs of "Motbey's'Friend" before her third con-flnement. Says she would not be with-

i out it for hundreds of dollars. Had not half as much trouble as before. DOCK MILES, Lincoln Parish. L«. Write The Bran field Regulator Co., Atlanta Ga.. for further particulars. Sold by Yeiter A Look.

Come and look at our Piano, oars now,

yours it'may be. It will certainly belong t. • Mine of y o t .

Talally Shot Mlma-lf. BocKPonn. I l l , July 11.—Chief of Po-

lice Albert W. Webb shot himself through the head yesterday afternoon with suicidal i n t e n t inilicling wounds from the effects ol w hich bo must dlo. It bsd been discovered that be bad forged tbe name of a friend to two notes amounting to WT.V

lta.,laii Villages llnrnrd. ST. PETrBMicno, July l i — Flames

have destroyed i')ii houses at Maidan and £31 dwell ings at Wassilkervo.' At each place seven persons lost their Uvea.


An important discovery. They act on the liver, stomach and Ixiwels thrrmgh tbe nerves. A new principle They speedily cure biliousness, I did taste, tor-pid liver, piles and constipation. Splen-did for men, women and children. Smallest, mildest, surest. SO dnses for 35cents. Sample free at Yeiter & I<ook's Drug Store.

3Hn (H •1 « 51* * a 3iA

3 11) & 3 tu ii ;s tiiii w s m a i T7H 4 f . U i 2r, 4 411 a 4 « 3?. a >« 3 7 .S o 4 a

w».a OTH v . v a SBH SJ u s»Si 4» A 48? xi a 40

Self Worklnx Cri-nked

POTATOES - X-a l fi Ih.I) POBK—M<s>a . . . . . . LARD—Bleam FLODB—Spring 1'alents.

Winter Patent. Bsltrr.' Straight-.

GRAIN—Wheat. Xo Corn. S a *. Oats. So. v Bye. So s Ban-} No. a NortSwctern .vi

LCMBKII-Sldlur . 17 80 Flooring 31 dl Comumn lloard. n ill 013 I Frnrln* . .. . . . II Jo a i 8 < Lath-Dry » » «. «80 ShlD,-ir- * ill a 2 BU

ST LOUIS. CATTI.r-Steer. r T. a 4 80

BUiekers and feeder* J iJ a 3 40 HOOS »"alr lot'imlc llrovj 3 » a 3 80

Packlai Uraii.-. 3 «i a 4 10 SHEEP S 10 9 4 W

OMAHA CATTI-K—P im- 4 in a 4 »

liuod Ui Ct- 'ce C.m . . a > 10 •G<«d Hulrhcrs .Slei rs "O a 4 10

HOtJS 3 40 a 3 50

I 00 00

Old papers office.

n.) cents |ier 100, at Uiis

Old papers, for sale at this office, 'ic, per down.

100 LADIES WANTED, And 1110 Men to call on any aniggist

for a fro- trial package of l ime's Family Mislieine. the gn-al K/> a and Herb rem-edy discovered by Dr. Silas Lane while in the Rocky MOUBIBIIIS For diseases of the blood, liver and kidney, it isa|'*>-itive cure. For oonsii|iatioii and clear-ing up tbe complexion it does wonders. Children like it. Everyone pntim-s it. Large size package. Sn .-entii. At ail druggists.


Malrlmonlal Axenoln. In Michigan Wilt | H a v e t o Saalc Haw I 'I . Id. .

The Supreme Court of Michigan re- | cently rendered a doclslou that must drive innirimonlal agents In the State j out of business. An aged farmer re- | cently secured a young wife. A person ! who claimed to have boen inslrumentai , in bringing ahoul the match sued tho | bucolic bridegroom fur bis commlsalon, | and ••settleil" for a consideration of i $40"i. Nmie days after tho marriage tbo | husband announced that be had been sivlndled. and sued the agent to recover tbo SdiMi. The cast- Qnally went to the | Supreme Court, which gave judgment to , the farmer, declaring that all matri-! monlal agent*, or persons who follow i the vocation of nmteh-niaking for gain, ! are engaged In .in Illicit pursuit The | court also expressed Its opinion to tbe ; effect that persons of either sex lacked • Intelligence who .ought to achieve mat- • rlmonlal felicity hy means of news-; paper advertisements or of mercenary | agencies.


A Hawaii Man K.ld. Canada and SteaU ' III. Child.

When James IUIeyasUe<| f..r a divorce from his »:fe the woman at once left town, taking with her the l itt le daugh-ter. Mr. Illley seeurel his decree and the custody "f the child, hut Mrs. Riley had bidden It. and it took many weeks to locate her. The father and dotecllvos I finally found Mrs. Illley at S t Gather-i ines, Ont. They stopped over tbe bor-j der the other day and drove In a car-riage to where Sirs. Riley was living. Mr. Riley rushed upstairs, seized the l i t t le girl, and In a nioment dashed away i with her. 'I he party then crossed to I New York, and now Mr. Riley a n d h l i | child are safe In Howell.

Ileallh In Michigan. Reports lo the State Board of Health

by sixty-six observers In different parts of the Slate for the week ended j on tbe 6th Indicated that cholera morbus, [ Inflammation of the bowels, cerebro-spinal meningitis, scarlet fever, mem-branous croup, pneumonia, 'whooping-cough and remittent fever Increased, and typho-malarlai fever and typhoid fever decreased, in area of prevalenco. Diphtheria was reported at twenty places, scarlet fever at sixteen, typhoid fever at six and measles at thirty-seven places.

^a#er I rrnk of;htnlnf. The sev- re storm which passed ovet

Fowleryflle the other afternoon accom-panied by thunder and l ightning played some queer freaks. A chimney was struck and demolished but no damage was done. While William Dickinson lay on the floor of his house a short .distance from town the lightning tore off his trousers from below the knee, also ripping his Imots open lyid produc-ing unconsciousness for half an hour.

•MHI« uf Vrtvrsns. Tne annual encampment al Lansing

of the Michigan division of Sons ol Veteran-, ended (In other afternoon with a prize drill, ihe llattlo Creek camp capturing first honors and Grand Rapid- second. I he following division officers were elecied; Colonel, Frank B. Eddy, oi laiwell; Lieutenant-Colonel, H. C. Tnompson, of Hay City: Major, George W. Stevens, of JonOSvilltt.

W ork of a Klra-Craekar. A distressing accident occurred in

Davidson township the other afternoon. A 7-year-old son of Walter Wooden was left a'.one In the bouse, and while play-ing with fire-crackers the houso was sol on fire a n l burm-d lo the ground. Wooden and hi- wife hastened In from the Held to find ihe remains of their son burned to a crisp and the house andcon-tenta completely destroyed. •

A Kalal Kuiiaway. Henry Henderson borrowed his em-

ployer's team at Port Huron recently to take his family lo a picnic. Tho team look fright and ran away, throwing thi occupants of the vehicle out Injuring Mrs. Henderson seriously. Mrs. Hen-derson was so badly hurt that she would die. A daughter an I son were Instantly killed, and another son had his lefl band torn off.

Short Iiol Nnw.y flamt. Bert the 15-. ear-old son of Henry

Wydgrat, was drowned at Holland the other day.

A Slate -anliary convention will b« hold at Holland October 'J and 10.

A Slate teachers' institute will b« held at Mason for three weeks follow-ing August 11.

Bids were opened recently for build-ing tbe basement and area walls of th« court-house and i>ost-ofllcn at Detroit Patrick Dee. of Detroit, was the lowest bidder, at $111,(ITS.

Dexter Mussey died »t his home in Armanda the other morning, aged 81 years. In IS.T7 beloca-ed In Macomk. County and had resided there ever slnco. He was a Representative in the Legi» latnre from ISa5 to 1m'>3. being apeakei In ISOl-'O-i.

Louis Hubbell. a farmer living neai F l i n t was struck by a passenger trals and killed a,few d a i s ago.

Warnle Hallock, aged -Jo years, wat drowned recently al Holly by the uj> setting of a boat

Grand I^dge wool-buyers claim U have purchased (mi.OOO [amnds of wool this season.

David Nelson, a wealthy slock-buyei of Bellevue, commit ted suicide recenV ly while temporarily Insane.

The colored people of Flint will havs a big emancipation celebration on Au-gust 1. Ex-4iovernor liegolo will b« president of the day.

At a masa-meetir.g held al the Swedish Methodist Church In Isbpemlng recent-ly, a citizens' committee of nine mem-bers, one from each church, was ap-pointed to put a stop to Sunday ball games.

The other morning the barn of Henry Fenner, near Hear Lake, was burned. Tbo skeleton of a man was discovered In tbe smoldering ruins, and It was sup-posed that a tramp got into me barn foi a night's lodging and set thlmn on fir* with bis pipe.

Prof. l.ol.«-tle*. Mrmnry Sy.tmi f . Creat-Iiik ereaier iau-mil than firrr Id all part, of the is-imry. and reraons wiahlox lo Improre thrtr mernnry shoold «»nd for hU proaprctns frae an advcnltod In another column.


W a l l P a p e r s


A R R I V E D !

O I I A S . L A W - S T B R , eaorairroa o»

NATIONAL HOTEL, Naar D., O. H. * M Depot | r-c w - Afzcsr.

Finn Clan. Hoard and Iteajoaale Rata

Livery and Ketd HUhle In Connrctloa.








T o I n v a l i d a n d W o u n d e d

S O L D I E R S I I The undersigned nt the request of many ! Invalid Stoldiera, has qualified and

been admitted to practice in the

Interior Department, | ai'd nil the bureaus thereof and it now

| Headv t e P r o s e c u t e Cla ims , I for those that may be entitled to PEN-



M i l t o n M , P e r r u , . A t t o r n e y A C o u n s e l o r a t L a w

Train't Hall Block, - Lowell, Mich,

1 Special attention given to Collectlona Conveyancing, Loans and Sale

of Real Estate.

FRANK C. ALGER. A f t o m o y a t I - a w -

Col l cr t ions G i v e n Prompt Attent ioD


I'nlon lllo«-V. - IOWEL1, MIC9

The lecent xjieech of Oingremnian Mc-Kinley of Ohio before CongreMs on tbe IM'iiding tariff bill, has just been issued in inmpblet from. Tbe speech includen valu djli- Hlaiistit-al tablea, and is an ad miMble presentation o ' the advantagas of the principles of prfcti-t ion. ns em-

, t«>lied In the new Tariff Rill. Send a two-cent stamp for a copy to

the A inane A v P iurmTiv i : TARIFF 1 EAUI E. 23 West 4J3d Street, New York City,


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FOREMAN 8i TALBOT, PROP'S. Orders for Pa*aenitrr» or RannMre left at Train'•

Hotel, Darlt Houae or the Bus Barn will reotlre prompt attention.


Dependeiit on Her Daily Labor F O R S U P P O R T

In entitled to a I'ansioa. Alto

EL v e r y S o l d i e r HO* dhiblrd. whether hi* dUablllly was COB-trn.1'1 in Ihe arrilca or not. Fatbera and )|..thi .n without ritKSKNT me UM of support ecUtlel to $14 per monih.

Shall be Pleased lo Prosecule Any Such Claimi

No ci iarce lrnle>a Sueeeaafol I f e e Limited to Tea D a l i a n I

Th' OMm( I'enaloo Arroe) In the Slate, Eatab-li>h>d June. IWI. Addreaa (wllh atampl


AT J. E. LEE'S MEAT MARKET On the Ilmliro. will always be found tbe

cholcaat oita of Mrcl, Flub and Pool-try In their seaMns. at Prlcca

Alwayi Reasonable.

J . E . L E E . - Lowell. Mich.


s&LIVER! $1.00 A e o n i E , SIX (OH Si, THY IT TO-OAY F.E,C.FEREMEDY



CURED BY litcMUtaiatic Plate ISTJST arurr roa tu. crmn-no rtau

Proa errs firrheatnatltai. Nrarslclaandfiriitlrs. NeJ t.jrcr-a;-, !>;« rrrTjw>*rt. or by malL Hcenu.

NoTeltjr I'laater Varkf , LoweU,.1"

Mra. Allan's Ooldsn Hair < r>rWui Fit Bltaib. Mamma Dura, lor drTrlntlBftbabaat. Raima, fat muo In auprrflaaMhali. baudmMaa Allr-Ma abnlmlc aM reUlLVod let. a am:, for muKralel rlrralar. Full Unaeffn. hair CaaOa MRU R. W. Woob-

i waai>AT..Dnauii. Foraaltb/Uniutau

L I V E R wi

h Coujrh , so wi

Ivood imprt'^nati-cl with kid-

n-• pcii^nn. M a n y pt-ople

m iriy C o u g h away lives

w1,1; ^ h n t t lwy raM T o n s u m p -

tion. which, however , would

D i ^ p p c a r were t h e blood thor-

ou^h ly r l e ;mfd ou t of its U r i c

Acid I 'oison b v t h e vege t ab l e

ha rmles s a l terat ive.


i L - T - T - E - i T - I D


p l N E S S f f l l l R S i n A M


Actual Business Shorthand and Typewriting AND TELEGRAPHY.


Scientific, Classical, Music, Civil Engineering, Fine Art AND ELOCUTION COURSES.

We Board and Room our Students tor per week. Expenses less here than anywhere else. Address A. E. YEREX, Pres.

P I S O ' S R E M E D Y F O R CATARRH. Beau Eaalcfft touae. Cheapest. Belief In immi-diaU>.

i cure la certain. For Cold in the Uc^d it lias uo ixiuaL



' k an Ointment, of which a small particlo ia appUetl I ha. nnatwia Priet , Mc SolJ by I>rumi»u or <*nt by I

i, fc. T. HAZIXTOE, Worrt n. Pa. I mall . Address,

L O W K L L J O U R N A L . W K D N K S U A Y J U L Y 1 6 , 1891)

B u s i n e s s C a r d s .

I L . w . T n t n r o . r h y a l r u n a u r t I m r -


nu'jco. rhy«i — i MBo* n w \mui A l*iok'" rtnrr

Or . M r D A N M C I . L . M !>.. Phyaloiah u d . Honroa . .fV* * ntld*T W.

MC. URKr.NE * . D . Ptiratmn mn .*or-• (PMB. om<» o»fr ficoM •HknWn*

117 r . BBOOKS. I 'hr. lrun an.! «nf^ >1 OtBr* « w M. Kuhm > •lore

ufllr* HrTirn—* to 10 • m . IU) 4 »nit T Ui * p m.

L O W E L i ; J O U R N A L p r a u m n v c m r e i T . i t

L O W E L L , K E N T CO. , M I C H . — • ? —

C H A R L E S Q U I C K .




S u b s c r i p t i o n $ 1 . 0 0 a Y e a r .



AL R E R T J A C K « O N , A t lo r r ry and Solid- ' lor. OTorUMr^ll Nutonal Bank.


BO . WTLSOM. Comractof ami liullder . Ur«Hrn<» ST liurtaoa Lowell. Ml.-h.


| C . - iCOTT. Hanlwara . 8a*b !>«« . and »l • Olaaa. Biiild«fi Rar t lwair a •pwtal ty i FKTMI XIIU

I U H K ( I l L K S a C O . . O n K ^ n M and ITorli »' t.ia*. Orockon. *c,

C"« f lcCAKTV. WbolfMaleand .rooer. / » Bank Block

m m H, WALKER, ; A T T O K N E Y A S D S O L I C l T O l t

O v e r F o u r t h N a t i o n a l b a n k , 1

'Canal S l fMi . T ^ p l n n e No **..

G U A M ) R A r i D S , MICH

Lncal b u d n a a I temi 5 rant* pf* lino aa rh In-arrtlon.

l*«»l adTCTtlaMnmM at »u tu l» p r i o n Car ta of Thank* SO oanta «aca. r a f a r d l n a of

tb» Bumhcr of llara. AH I t e n * I s u a d e d lo baaeflt any o o e t bu«l

neai will be r h a r c d f i * a l ad»»rU«ln* rale* Reaolutloni of condnlenoe, |1.S0. Marrlace. dealt, and birth nalkwa free. Card* la Directory Oulamn, f l par Une per

year. Card* of I hi. la Dirertory, fS ("* yea r Kaia* for l a rc r r advertlaeOMnU m a d e known

al iheofflca.

MM K.TAT*fa. IITI' t - u r r a n - u rkASk « a m

Tatemii, ClapurtoD A Hlne, COUNSELORS AT LAW,

o m e n ; G R A N D R A P I D S ,

75 Lyon St , Court Block. M I C H . '

hpedal AlienUnn tn l*r<>hale HtMnrmi Wale LVilleCUOIl*

D r . E . D . M c Q U E E N , Resident Vrterlnar) Snixeon,

Oraduate nf Unurlo Wuirlnar ' Onlle^e, Toron- 1 lo Caniuia. pmreaMunalli

A ' . u n d t t o t U D l i o u e i of E o n e i u i Catt le H .opiuu for Lanie and Iilnraard >lorae« Call*

will deceive pmiapi at lentluu nicbt i t day. OkriCE AT rKRRIN'S I.IVKKV HARN.

s . P . H I C K S .

x t f o r n v y , Uol lrH-t l ) i i i>Hnd

I n mi run c e .

MONEY In LOAN on REAL ESTATE SECURITY Id KlUU* ol S«no and upward* at I'lirrenl

raiea. o m c P . 0 \ KK ('I.Allh A Wl.VKllAK'l


HENRY N. STONE. I n s u r a n c e A g e n t ,

Oftire mith Hownc, C o m b s k Su ikcr ,

1 . 0 W K 1 , U M I C H

Pull<-ie« W r i t t e n a t . th.- L..t>p«t I ' l l r c a .

R . H B . H B B . K T ,


H o e S u l i s , O v e r e o a i s a n d T r o u s e r s

K l r a t H o u r \Ve«t n t »;«pr.-». o t l l r e .


Abstracis ofTiilc#Real Esiate I ' n r t e i c i t y N a l l o n a l Malik.

r . R A W O R A f l l M . - M I O I I I O A N .

mrISETH |w*akaaa>oI MyaadRnt. EOmC*

Old* Ynaf L )MM>anaooaMM anuna. •. M

MBa..wtAk. uaajjiji i» • • «aiuiaar>»T»ui twt . AMaltfl 'l— i Boa* TUATBUT-lwau la • «•*, U ^ Z * i h — 4 r » r.MIHll. Beirut.

a Z Z T g l l l g MKMOAL C O ^ BUFFALO. M . V .

v U J




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u i r e c o 3

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A Haven ol Reat P r o Med tor the Road A(enu hy m Jer»ey Parmer.

Ia Caniilra oonnty, not tu from IV-Uir. at Morriirill*, live* a pbun old (Wman fanner, bKwod »nth a big farm and almndancc of thi* worliTa good*. Hii hospitality to the hotwele* and homeliwh wandcwni the wurid calls tramp* i* known fnffli Maine to New Orleaua and ir. •m ooatn to ocean, im tho Derktiibarh place i* a big bam. In this bani. in ^"intet and in rommer and on any day in the year, wliether it be ChrUtJuav New Year or the Fourth of Jnly, can 1* fonad women with chil-dren in their ami*, a nhiftlew fisherman with a ragged anit tin him and a aliil-Idah in his hainl. or some htnrdy and homelesa (Jerman ontoart, jierhapa. with a tmnk on his Khonlder. trndgingorer from the railway station to t l * B«-ki*n-bach bam, which by aome fine free-mammn among tbe tramp* of America ia known as a "Saint's Rest' for the homi'less wandi-rer a thousand miles away seeking rest or idlsnem. or, it may be, a day's work with 'Pilgrim acbooo and scallop shell."

If the stranger sits on the port-h of any tme of the farai boUM on the main road leading to Murrurille he will lie greeted at any bmir of the day with the Inquiry:

"la this tbe way to Bockenbach's ham?"

And yon can tell with your eyes shut that the Inquirer, lie he a man or a wo-man. is seeking a temporary refuge un-der tbe eaves of Beckenliach's bam.

Now it will be a frowsy looking wom-an. with draggled alprts, half a bonnet and an old shawl, in one c. inter of which is wrapped a buby not old enough to walk or talk. If it is a warm day she may ait down on the grash. after getting her bearings and distmoei to the bam. with her back up against a tree, and she may jutuM- loue euough to take a nap. with her head hanging ovnr one shoul-der .while her prattling balm, nnconacioua of its shabby •urnranding*. crawls through the high grass and plucks with tiny fingers, tbe daffy-down-dillim which dot tbe g w n s w a r d like day stars.

Next it may be a great hulking Ger-man, with a military air, a* if he had fought with Von Moltke, or tn 1 letter days tak.-n a "•choonrr" with Bimiiairk. This mini wears high ttipjied boots, with a great box like a sailurV chest, which is strapped on bis shoulderv, and the Teu-tonic traveler with a big "pipe in hi* mouth panset- long enough to say. "Vere rot dot Beckon bach's liam." Them will be a score or more along today, looking like FalstafTs ragged regiment, all kings and queenn in shr^U, Utters and imtcliea. And it is a substantive fact thai a tramp in Texas made an engagement in mid-winter with a bellow nomad at FI Paso, saying: "Yah, .lacob. 1 meets yon again wben dose ja-as all urturt he pick't down by dot DickenlaK-h liam in Jersey." And when the voice of Ihe turtle dove was heard iu the land the two trftni|is met at Beokenbaoh's bam after an honeiit day's toil in the generon* German'* pus patch at Morrjsville.

Most of tlieae iiictun-Mjue trauijis al-lege that they are aeeking work. Some of thorn are, and nime of them goes away empty banded from the hoiiem Herman's plantation who it. willing to do a fair day'# work for good waoea.

Tbej- begin by picking jieas. Becken-liaiths liam is a sort of agricultural ex-change. where the Delair farmen. come to get field lianih-. nmle and female, fur the I usy MMon. After the jiea season is over they struggle through the straw-bom" flurry only tn tackle the tomato vines, which yield the nomad workers a financial harvetn of no mean meatrare. Then come the red raspberry, the culti-vated blackberry, cherrim and currant* down to peach season, citrons, cante-loujiet) anil watermelonii, and when Juck Frost comet, the cohmy of trani|M thin ont and si-ek a softer climate and milder sldoa.

Then; is a boss even among tramps. Sjauiish Dick is IMMS of the Beckenhach bam. Dr. Duuliar Hylton says that Spanish Dick iadewvndeJfromaUiNUiiith hidalgo with a liar sinistur. Ha speakf •ix languages, and waa once an impres-iario in Jenny Lind a time at Caatle Gar den, Tint has now d«Mceuded-to lie a Ihm among the pea piukers on the old Ger-man's fanu. There an- traces of dignity and erudition in the way Hidalgo Dick iMum hi* orders iu a strawberry patch —Cor. Pliiladelplna Times.

A R e p o r t e r * Ul l* HI* l i e n a n d See*

M a n y C n r l o n * T h l n j * — T h e r r o f e m r

T a t h t A b o u t t h e P e o p l e H e H a * Mel

a n d W h a t T h e y H a v e T h o u g h o f H i m .

There in a queer little shop in n Bowery basement where half the jugglers and magicians In the country rfrder their "props.", l l i* presided over by Otto Mamer, a ttndrnt of occult science, who has bewildered all sorts of people throughout tho civilited world. Yon can never iwiss the dingy entrance to hi* little den that yon will not see a crowd reading the kigns and examining the myrterions ware* in hi* ahowcase. If yon go down the narrow Mairway yon will see no one within, but if yon wait a few monientf a curtain will lie drawn, giving yon a momentary glimjioe of a dimly lighted room lieneath Hie side-walk. and the magician will appear be-fore your eyes.

He may not seem particularly orerjoy-ed to meet yon. for hi* habitation is full of dark secrets, and his black art inter-est* him much moru than intercourse with bis fellow men. What there is in tbe dark little chain bur behind tlie cur-tain no one besides himself can tell. l i e ' ."i.T rT. J T-V '""T " " . C . " '' , ; t n the funeral jrtle. vm no account

"When do you expect him h o m e r "In alaint three \ i-ka." Tbe door slammed after tbe question-

er. jnst iu the in'vu with the beard, wbt^ was waiting for Sara, jnmped to )kit feet. "Wh—what did you aayT" shtfut-ed be. "Did you say Sam wasn't com-ing for three weeks'?"'

The liarli-r cc-jireaied hU smile, and tn a vrdce llwt was low and even toned, he said: "Yes. sir. Sam U up country. and we exjiect him liai k in about two weeks and a half. But If ytfti want to wait for him we'll make up a bed for you right here on"—but the M l waa lost by Ihe door slamming on the retiring form of tbe man who was waiting for Sam.— Lewislon Journal.

A a I n d i a n W i d o w ' * H a r d l-ot .

Mu*lr That TooehiJ Ih* llrart. An Incident of a i cnliarly luachlng

character occurred in one of the elevated rail mad tralss that bnatghl tear* to the eyes of the |>aswngi-r«. Tlie train hail jns t l e f t One Bondred and Twenty-fifth atrei t whe» the paMengers saw entering the car a little boy about 6 years old, be-ing half pushed and half carried by an older boy. evidently bis brother. At the fin>t glance it wss seen that the little fel-low was blind and hi* eyelids had almost grown together. H e had a pale wan face. Imt wa* smiling. A quick look of sympathy passed over tbe faces of the paseenger*. and an old gray haired gentle-man gut up and gave hi* seat to tbe two. Tbe "big brother." who wa* about U years old, tenderly lifted up the little

According to the ammrit quot«l by b h ^ »*? 0 n h l * W

Dr. Farrow in hi* valuable work . « the ' I "Mortuary Curtoouof tbe North Ameri- ^ b u , - ^ can Indians." the Tokotins. of t)regna. ' 1 1 1 0 0 **•


H e l u v a n t o d t h e Ca l l l t i pa .

I There Is a kindly old gtmtlmiuui In Springfield to whom tlie trum|Mit like notes of tbe callio|<e or stoam piano on drcas day bring a strunge medley of triamph and grief. This man Is the In-ventor of the iiutrument, J. C. BtoU-dard, who livus on tlie Advent camp ground. He never t in* of telling bow-forty years ago be kept the common i s WorctsW black with jieople all day long the glorious Fourth with hi*x novel In stmment, and how he was swindled ont of the profits by a stock o m p s a y . He has in his possession a characteristic or t ide by N. P. Willi*, describing his sensations on first hearing the calliope. —Springfield (Mass. i Bomestead

A W o n d e r f u l Clueh

A now French d i s i contains a novel application of tlie mtignet. The clock is shaped like a tombonrine. with a circle of flowers painted on IU head. Around tho circle t w o bees crawl, the larger une requiring twelve hour* to complnte its clnmlt. while the smaller one inakeH it every hour. Dlflerent flower* represent the houn . and the bees, which are of iron, are moved by two magnets behind the head of the tambourine.—Chicago Tribune.

guards its setreta as he does hi* life There it is that be conceive* the magic devices which line the wall* without.

Tbe Bowery magician's den wa* in-vaded by a reporter rei-ently. There wa* apparently not a sonl there. The report-er looked around. There wa# a picture on tbe wall. He turned suddrtily and Was startled to finA the original of the picture face to face liefore him. He had not entered by tbe staircase, and there waa evidently no other means of ingress. The dark curtain in tbe dark little cor-ner only explained the mystery when it wa* later pointed out by Profinsor Man-n-r.

Tbe magician did not have on hi* per-farming costume. He was in hi* shirt sleeves and wore old trousers. Hi* bands were black and grimy, a* though be had been working at a forge.

Professor Maurer began to tell of the various countries he bad vim ted. There was a plate of eggs before him. An be talked be picked u p a wand, and at went mindedly balanced one of tbe eggs on it* tip. The more be talked the more eggs he balanced, one on top of the other, with the liottom egg shl l on tbe wand. In some unaccountable manner all the eggs but one suddenly disappeaml. The wand was hardly bigger around than a lead pencil and was a solid stick, but while the reporter watched tbe remain-ing egg it pawv-d into one end and out at the other. The magician caught it in his band and then slowly dosed the up-hfted palm. The egg vanished. The reporter found it in hi* inside vest pocket

Let me take your hat," said tlie pro-fessor.

T i e rejiorttT iiassed it over. A* be did so somi thing tapped bim slightly on tbe top of the head. Tbe reporter looked up, but saw nothing. A slight chill came over him. Was there anything be-hind bim? He tnmed to look, and caught a glimpse of a skeleton liand as it van-iahed into air.

The magician did not appear to know what was going on. for be kept or cttat tinp all tlie time. Bnt instead of talk-ing with his mouth his voice seemed to lie coming thrench his hut.

"What i* your jiet s n i m a i r his hat wa* saying; and when the rejsirter re jilied "A fox terrier," a fox l e m i T was token from the hat. A live eat came next, and after it followed several other artides. The thing was becoming mo-notonouh, when suddenly there was a flash of blinding light. There was brim-stone in tlie air. and if it liad not been for the dear sky without one would have tlioughl the place 4iad la-en struck by lightning. One of the skulls on the wall dropped his jaw, while lii* eyes blazed with unearthly fire. The cat walked about nervously with its liack hair up and its tail swelled nearly double its ordinary size. Whenever anything funny was said all the skulls would drop their jaw* with a click.

The professor performed many of the stock tncks of the magi dans right lie-

tbe rejKirter's eyes. Articles aje peared and dinapjieared or ware turned into odd forms as he willed. Bird* were find from pistols and bouqueU from shntgnns. There wa* no end to tbe peculiar tricks.

"When 1 was traveling," said the pro-fessor, "1 used to have mime very funny experiencea Y " i can find any nnmlmr of persons today in little towns, particu-larly in this country and France, who still believe in witchcraft and sorcery. This dans of jieople look on me as satan himself, and believe that i am gifted with gupuuatund power. 1 have had western mineni offer m e large sums if I would give them a wand tliat would detect gold on the mountains. I have hud young women iu France beg me for some potion that would bring tlieir sweethearu to them. Old men and women have told me their troublt* and sought some magic way out of them. On three occasions 1 have boon suninioned in an emergency1

to sick bed* "Many of tlie tricks 1 perform require

•Unght of hand, but there are some which you could do yourself if yon only knew tlie secret. Wben 1 um performing 1 never mention what 1 am going to do. but simply name the urtides I am going to work with and let the audienne see tbe reanlt. That muliM it a greater sur-prise to them. 1 never show a trick twioe in succvMiiin. 1 never look at my bunds while performing, but Aeep my eyw on tbe audience and talk to them.

"Many jugglurs and magicians make n mistake by hurrying, but that often spoils the effect I take every opportu-nity 1 can to see others perform, whether they are good or liad performer*, and I have learned not a little from the faulU I have seen in the latter,"

A "vanishing lady" bowed as tbe re-porter left the shop, and a "demon pea-cock" screeched a hellish farewell -N e w York World.

W a l U u g f u r s a i n .

A mini V-ith eleven weeks of wiry Imlr and u long growth of lietinl siepped into a Imrlier shop in one of our two d t i m the other day and rat down I^obably he was not in his liest mood. At any rule he liaiked cress, even though it wan his nest turn.

"Next," said the Imi lair. "I'll wait for Ham," -md the man with

the hair and U-urd. mid a* he suid it he kicked at the d>ig and looked about as pleu-sant as a circular suw in motiuu.

"All right." said the lutrla-r with em-phusis. "Next."

coin]ielled widows to IMTS thruugb an or-deal to which the suttee would almost be preferable. Tlie body of tbe deceased husband was kept for nine day* laid out in hi* lodge. During these nine days the widow is obliged to be lieside it from sunset to sunrise, no nut ter what tbe season or the temperatun-. On the tenth day the body is burned, together with whatever of property once appertained to it in the way of cbitbing. anns .e tc . The widow must also lie liaside th«.corpse on

may ftbe move until the doctor so orders.

This merciful command is never given, however, until the bring liody of the poor woman i* completdy covered with blisters. If at any time during the fife of her husband site ha* been known to commit any act of Infidelity, or to neglect to minister to bis comfort in any way, she is now severely punished. Tbe rela-t ives of tlie dead warrior will again and again fling her liack upon tbe burning pile, fnnn which her own friend* must as many times drag her forth, more dead tban alive. When all is over the widow must collect the larger bones, roll them up In an envelope of birch bayk and carry them nmstantly «m her back for years. She i* now a riave to tbe whole village, and her least refusal to obey an order i* cruelly punished. Tbe ashes of her late husband are collected and Iraried in a grave, and shonld any weed* a]i]iear upon this grave she is obliged to root them ont with her bare fingers, while her busliand'i relatives stand over and beat her.

New York** i i r e a t e s t I i e t r r t l v e .

Inspector Byrnes i* a tall, finely devel-oped man. His hair and carefully trimmed nmstache are gray. His com-{Oexion is florid. H<* has nice bands. His eyes—well, now we i-ome to the re-markable feature of the num. They are gray in color. They can smile kindly and they can give an im|iaswve, sphinx like glance that Mtnds the cold chills over you. 1 can fancy uo more genial, pleasant companion than thi* man, nor a more stem, uncompromising. relentleM queetiimer. He i* well dressed, hi* neck-tie i* unimpeachable, bis linon immacu-late and he wears some liandsouie dia-mond*. He i* dever. keen, diplomatic. He can parry an unwelcome qnestun gracefully or answer it with tact and judgment. He imiiresses one a* s sin-gularly modest man, not seeming to care to talk mnch of hi* brilliant ochleve-m en to.—New York Cor. Kansas City Globe.

ropalarll) mt Kpenrer'a Worha. Tlie total sole* of Heihert Spencer1*

works in Great Britain up to April 18. 18W>, have amounted to 104,000 copies, exclusive of tbe "Descriptive Sociology.* This nomber indtrfsa 88,760 copies of the various volumes of "Tbe Synthetic Philosophy," mi,500 copies of ••Educa-tion" and mi,00!i copies of "Man ventus the State." The total Halt* of the au-thorired American editions of Mr. Spen-cer's works to date have amounted to KM.dOO oipies, and cheap reprinu of cer-tain Isioks have had a large sale. These figures are given by the publish"-™

There is a genius in Co basset, Mass., who HJ lends his time getting up startling effects for tbe stage. He has recently taken out*two patents, (me of them is for an arrangement of sbdes and sjinugs liy whioh a man, or rather a dummy, goes all to pieces. At a signal the head flies toward the celling, tbe leg* move to the sides and the arms drop to the flotir. Tbe b<dy remains in tbe chair. A be-heading a|iiiaraius is another of thi* in-ventor's ghastly devices. The ax drops into a socket in tbe block and th* head fall*.

W h y N o t ?

Dr. Bmwn-Seqnard is going right alonx with hisdixir theory and practice, and it has certainly bdjied bim if no-body else. He says the day will come within 100 years when a tonic will lie used which will give a person from 180 to 200 years of active life.—Detroit Free Press.

T l i e e b n w . E x - R l n a , E l p l a l u * ,

* A lute copy of The Rangoon Gazette gives ex-King Tbeebaw's official expls-natimi of how he came to lose the throne. Tlieebaw writes thus; "My late father, tbe royal Miudoon Min, the golden foot-ed lord of the white elephant, master of a thousand golden umbrellaa, owner of the royal |ieacucks, lord of the sea and of the world, whose face waa like the sun—he always smoked the Esoof che-root while meditating on hi* treatment of the Imll faced, earth swallowing Eug lisk. Had 1 done the same 1 should never hfve lost my throne, but I used the opium drugged cherooU from Ma-nila and the trash which was sent me from San Franciwo. and I fell. (Signed) Thee l a w , fonuerly king

Young men an- said to be io scarce in the village of North Wsldoboro. Me., that a girl 11 years old ha* been em-ployed to help run a machine In a rtsve mill.

ThU puzzled some of the poasengm. snd several turned to see what the child meant. But the "big brother" knew, and i m m e d u t d y drew out a small month hannonicim and placed it in the little fellow's hand*. Both boy* were wdl drawed. Tbe Uttle fellow look the in stmment into his thin hands, ran it across hi* l i |a and began to play aoftly "Nearer, My (tod. to Thee." Team came into the eyes of Ihe old gentleman who liad given up bis seat, and as the little fellow pUyed on. running into "Bock of Ages" and*"Abide with Me." there were many moist eyes in the car. Tbe little player seemed to have a re-markably true ear and occosioiially. when tbe instrument would rasp, be would turn sadly to hi* "big brother" and «ay. "Don't whistle."

The train milled along, the passen-ger* listened and the little fd low pUyed oh tirelessly, never inissing a note from "Annie Laurie" or "Home. Sweet Home." Finally the "big brother" leaned down and t d d the little one to grt ready to leave, a* tbe train was ap-proaching their station. Then, a* if be knew he had won a whole carload of friend*, the blind boy quickly clianged "The Snwanee River" into "AulJ Lang Syne," and with one'accord tlie i«asen-ger* burst into a round of applause, j while the "Ing brother" carried the bt-tle one ont of the car.—New York Times

P I L E S ! PILES! P I L E S !

Dr. Wi l l iams Indian Pile Ointment ia the only sure cure lor Blind. Bleeding or Itching Piles ever diaoovered. It never fails lo cure d d chronic case* of long sUnding.'

Judge Coon*. Maysville, Ky. . say*: 'Dr. William's Indian Pile Olntinent

cured me after years o' suffenng " Judge Ooffinbury, d e v d a n d . U .savs:

"I have found by experience that Dr. WiUiam'a Indian Pile Ointment gives immediate and | iennanent relief."

We have hundred* of such lesiinio-niala Do nol suffer an i n s u n t longer, sold bv all druggist* at TtOc and | I per box. (JWyl)

S C 6 H ! I W

H o w M u c h 1* l i e W o r t h ?

Of all current questioiiB thin is the one must frequcutly asked. It U, iu fact, the great question of the day. Nobody to •peak of inquires: "Is he honest:'" "la he patriotic?" Everybody pnU the query; "What is he worthT Money is not merely the commen-lulstandanl of value, 1 was waiting fur Ham. bnt too often the critorioa of social posi-

A F o u r t a e n I t a y R u n .

TU) longest run by couducturs on rec-ord U undoubtedly that uf the Pullman conductor* whose trip ertenoa from Washington. D. C.. to Mobile. Ala., thoncc- liack to Philadelphia, thenoe to N e w Orleans and thence liack to Wash-ington. Fourteun day* an- consumed in the nm, allowing the uumluctor to reach his hoice only twice a mouth, although it indndea a "lay off" at the different temitnals. Of course, this is an excep-tional arrungnmuut uf run*.—Chicago Railway Age.

C l i i n i f ' r . v S a l e .

OTATF.OK MICH Ml AK.- Tbe Clrrull O m r l for O i be Cnuaty ol Kent. Is Chancery

In "be matter of the Lowell NalSmal Hank, of Low t i l . Mlchltfui

In piir-uam-e and by autborl t r of lb* reaolu-il-m of iMtinnUnnsof the shareholder* of *al.l l lank, r l reu at 'heir mrel inp of J u n e Tth, lam. ami .if tlie order of t h e naid Clmi l t (Vmrt, Ic Ch*nr*-T, made June W h . iwn. I. * • arenl of said *liarel..ildei*, shall aril al p o U r auctl.m lo the hlclM-st bidder, rmpecthe ly i the n r b l being raaerred Ui rejerl any and all li*d*i. on Tuead*) Ihe ZHh day of July. A. I> I"* ' at one oVlocs p m , i taudard Um*. at the front d n < of Ihe b a u k - n t offlce >4 Howne, 0>«ili* K Striker ilbal being the former Banking b o m * and place of liuslnea* of Hie said l o s e l l National llank i. In the Village of I-oweU, Kent Count) , t he follow-ing dearrll>ed real eMUIe In | iarr r l -

Ktaar PiSTSL - All that certain pier* or parrel of land deacrtlw^ a* foHow*. In wit: U a a a i m c -Ing a t the Northeaat corner of Hndge and RJ 'er alreeta, acvordlng to the recorded plal of Hlrhard t \Vs-kh*m. of the Vlllag* of Ixiaell, In the Cour*.- of Keol and Slate of MIclilgaB.

I thence souUi'-riy on the east aide of aald River l otrw-t t o the aouUi line of lot aeren (7); IbeniT

naat on aaid aonth Una of lot aeven Ci lo the west haak of FUl river: thence northerly on the wrwt meander line of Fla t river to lb* south Une of Bridge street: thence weal to the plaor of beginning. Thi* deacrlptloa la Intended to cover all t be rlgbt, Utle and iou-reat Ir the null pro|e erty known a* the "Urwell MUU," In aald V|j-Uge of Lowell, together wllh all right* Inrldent tliereto; also the right of die undivided one-half of tbe water rlglila. In and lo lb# wate r of Hat river at the dam, at or near said mill, exoepl tbe • a l e r right IierHofore c«*i»ejed and deacrlbed In a deed, dated January Hth . IHTB. given by William w . Hatch and wife and Kdw.n K. Craw and wife, to Henry F. Clark and OiaeWy E. C a r k , recorded In I lie "(Bee of the Kcglater of Heed*. In said County of K e n t . 'aeuaiy W h . A ll. IKTC, la lilier W of deed*, on imge M: also the right of (towage of tbe gran t o n lo said Lowell National Bank upon Island* nuinher I S. M . 5 and *. and each bank of laid FUl river, north of •aid dam and south of the ( |uaner line running east and weal, acroa* secUon* » and » . town T north of range nine w**t. In aald O n w t y of Kent. S ta te of Michigan: The Island* above menUoaed and deacrilied a re all Iu aald F U l nve r in Town-ship 8 North. Range S west. In raid Count) of Kent. Th* conveyance of the right of flowage above mentioned is Intendtid to convey any and all right* of flowage o* nod and I'luaevH. d through and by virtue of a deed from William K Cutler, aiadgaee of Lot* A. BUT. surviving pa r tne r of the lata flnn of Stiff H Stiff, aad DO more <* greater right* than were thuf obtained or acquired.

Bald mill contain*; Five (5) run of atone One double set Nordyke and Monnan roll*. On« 'ouble set AlU* roll*. Oae single aK Do union roll* Oood wheat cleaning roachlnen , flour i«H-krrs,

threr Uorae bolt*. One Centrifugal.reel (Geo T. Smith i Two Purlflor* (Oeo- T. Bfulthi. Two Cydooe Unit colleclor*. Oapacl t i of mill I C barrel* In S4 bout*. (iaooxe I'ABCU^The undivided one half Inter

est In all those ce ru ln plree* or |iarael* of land si tuate and being In the County of Bl. Ixmla. and State of MlnnnsiU. and deacrlbed a* follows: Tbe rmn half of the aoutlieaat quarter of section f o u r (4k. and North lialf of SouUiwest (|U*rter and Nortlieaat quarter of Nonhwrs l quarter, and Nonbesat q u a r e r o f N-irtheaat quarter of section ten (10). and Soathwrst quarter of North eas ' ([uarter and Kortlieaal fractional oukrter of Northeast Qiianer of section two Hi, all In tnwnslilp flftv tw* ISTI, NorUi of range thirteen lIBu West of fou r th |i m. ; Also Nortlieast quar-ter of Southwest quarter of aertlon twnuly-al* OBI, and West Iiail of Soiiibnast quarter and Southeain quarter of Northeast quartor, and Nortlieast quarter of huuthw<at quarter of arc Oon twenty-fiwr (Mi. In towoihlp flftj -three .Mi North , of range I h l r U e n . U ) W e * , of fourth p . II . Also West fractional half of Nortbweri

Sarter of seoUon thirty iJOl. In town flfly three I Nortli, of r»u*e twelve (ISi West, of fourth

Ltn , : All of said |iarcels containing r.10 sores of id aocordtng to I 6. aurvey, be the same morr

r leaa T m a s Paai i t . All that parrel la Township of oaton. County of lonla. Michigan: Ooauaeaetac

a l a point on the South Bank of Urand Hlver. S


Achiicetoiiieioiev. Salary and Kxiiena. > paid or oommlaslon If preferred, balesmen wanted everywliere

Sn ezpertenoe needed Addreas. s lat ing age. The C L. Vaa trosa* Ncaaaar O o , 111— ia.S. V.

i • (LfeaMSI Offlue, In die City of Grand Haplds. on the nw.b da)' of June , In the year 'me thousand sight hundred and ninety.

I'imsint. Cyrus t Perklna. J u d g e of Proliale In the Matter of the Estate of

JARED HILLCK. dsoaas*d

WIIIan. P. Miller having flUd In thi* codrt a petition j i r a r ' n g that th* acminlatratlun of aald estate may tie graoted to j o x i p h White or aome other suitable peraon.

l l Is ordarrd that Musaav. TWK s n s n i l o r JCLT, I (mi.

a t ten o'clock In the foremain. a l aald Proliata-j Office, lie amHilinml for bearing said ptt l l iou.

Ana It Is Fur ther Ordarrd . that a onpy of Una order he puliliahed three aucoejalve week* pre vioua In said day of hearing, hi the Lowell Jour nal . a newsiiaiier prtuied and circulating in said County of Kent CVKl'B E. HEKE1KR,

IA t rue « ipy . I J u d g e of 1'rotiale. AtsiLrs II Maaos. Iceelaier (Mwl.)

C l i a n c e r y Male .

STATE OF MICHIGAN the Clfcult Court for Ui* Comity of K o u l - l n Chancria

Faasuia Kiso. ComiiUlnant,

. — Maav J . K o r r E t i * E . Kor». Cauiin-ia Z. Haas i sa . SIOSL li. Korr . G a m i - u k A. Ck twruau , kl var ies A. Kor r . Eo- ra L. K o r r , A u c a E Koi r aad Caaauca 11. K o r r , Iiefendnnla.

Ini i t i thu^.h. of a decree made in this caime on tlie Slrd day of May. A, H ts«u, I Khali wll at l*iibli* Auction to the hlgheai bidder, at lis- south frout door of the Court House. In wit ttourt Hloi-k, so called, on Lyon Street. In the City of Grand Itapida. In aaid County, on the 1st dsv uf August A U I MBO a t o n e o clock lo the af ter noon of that dav . all that certain piece ur parosl uf land

Coaiinencing a t a point on the south side of Bridge Street. Iielng oa U s two CJi, Block ten IIUj. Aver) * Plat of the Vlllagv of Lowell. Kent Count) , Michigan; slzty-aeven ieri feel We«luf the North East c o m e r of aald Block leu: Thenur Boutb. eight) lour IS4i feet, Iheuoe Weal twenty one ,S11 feel, then or North eighty-four (*4 feet to South line of Br idrr Street, aad tbem-e l«at un BuuUi Hue Uridgi ( tweaty our tXl f re t , to place of heKlnnlug

The terms of aale are cash Haled J u n e Huh, ISW,

ALFUEU WULOOTT. Circuit Court Ontum-asiotier,

ALBEBTJSCKbON. Kent CoUBtv. Mich Sollctlor fur t^Nnplalaanl i4VaTi

Embroidered Flonncings.

S a t i u e s S l a u g h t e r e d ! W e a r e C l o s i n g O u t a t 8 , 1 0 a n d 2 0 c e n t s .

N o w i s y o u r o p p o r t u n i t y t o g e l

Satines Cheaper than Ever Before!

G i n g h a m s I G i n g h a m s I N E W D E S I G N S ,

A t f r o m 8 t o 1 8 c e n t s a y a r d .

Bargains in Handkerchiefs All This Month.

nslk 'wester ly f n in a point where tlie Section line between SeuUon* I and *. Township e North, of eight west, intersecta SouUi Bank of Grand Kiver, a t the mouUi of tin Mill race , running thenoe up aaid Mill race Soutbrrl) along the East Hank thereof I* nsls, Eaat V rods SUnk*: thenoe Scnth 7 deg East Id mda. thenoe South n rods, lh . i»-e South IS d i« . East » rods, thenoe Weal on houth line of BeeUiai It. to the edge uf a bleb hank of Lake creek alsmt *i rod*. Uience North along Our high hank thereof above high water mark *• rod*, tc. the Weal epd of the hndge across aald Ijuie creek, theuce North U. Grand Klver. parallel with the East line of aaid Section li. thenoe np aaid river a lung Uie Huulh haak thereof Laalerl) lo the place of lieclu-nlng, coataining l.'i acre* of land niotv or leas Excepting therefrom land lieitHoforr deeded to C. Lyon, aad esiepUug right ol way uf li. A M. K. K. Co . and en^-ptiug piece of Und Irlug » Booth side of Main Street. West of Vlllngr l o t No 41, Village .if Saianac. 50 feel wide on aald Main Street anil running South lo the South line of aaid Lot 41. and subject to the nghl of flowage of tlie Mill JKinil, logslbcr wllh tlie right to flow the water hack mi laud formerly oa ne«l b j Elijah IVaU and Dew invued by Nathan Holmeaand hh. aaslgua. In Town of Boaton. In same manner de-scribed In deed tmin ArcheUus C Lee and wife lo Fred C Lee and wile and anme rifhls con ed In Mid deed recorded in U h o r H7 of lie I'ngea IM! anil in: ol Iteglnter'a oflliK- of Ionia (.'uuuly. Iieilig pn-mlsea descrilied anil conveyed hi de«l f rom Fred C. and Addle 11 l-ee lo said Bank, rvourded Ube r M. Page 401, In aaid office

Also any cliallela and p e n u n a l u y les-^rpt nutea ; lo aaid Bank. elL Michigan. June SOth, I ' M FRANCIS KING.

Agent of the Sharvhulders of the Lowell Na'Jou al Ihoik, of Lowell. Jliclilgun.

M. H WAhSBH, Solicitor and of Couusel for Ageul

Tlda la an esci'lleut opisir tualty to buy good property cheap. Any infurmati ini g l sdh fur nished. m A R U b KING, Agent

Lowell, Michigan.

I>BOBATE • IIUIEK. - Stste ot MS-mgaa. Snuaty 1 of Al a session of the Probate Court for Uiecoie ' ivof K e f ' , iieln.V j i- I'roliate Of-fice. iu Uir (Jlty of Grand Hi. id*, on Ihe TUi dry III July in tiie yi-ai one thou .and eighl him dred and ninety.

I 'rrsent Cyrus C I 'ert lna Judge of Probate In the malter of tlie estate of

HIHAM H. AUSTIN deceaaed

An lustruiuent in a r l l l ag purporting lo be Ihe last will and taaiam»nt of aald deceaaed having been Hied in Ull* Court for probate

II Is urdnred. thst Fainat , r u t 1ST U*I or A I I O I « T I (Ml.

a t ten o'clock Iu Uie forenoon, al aaid Pnibate Office, lieappolulSd f o r p n e d i * aald instrument.

And II la l urther Onleml . Thai a copy of this order be nubllalied three sueceaalve weeks urerl. ous to aald day of hearing 'n Uie U n r s u . Jonas a i - a uewapa|e-r printed ai.d cln-lilaUug Iu aald County ol Kent CYHUS E PEIUCINK.

(A true copy.| J u d g e of I'rohate ADOLTII B Maaos. Eegtaler. (IwS)

etc.*. bel.oiclng to Iialsd at U

W e a r e M a k i n g a

Special Drive S p e c i a l V a l u e s a t f r o m 8 c t o 3 5 c ,

{ U J


Remember we have the Exclusive Sale of the

O U A B A N T E E D F A S T l O - A C ' K B U R L I N G T O N

Bissell Carpet Sweeper W e h a v e t h e E x c l u s i v e

S a l e o f t h e " G r a n d R a p i d s

S w e e p e r . " w h i c h i s ' t h e l a t e s t

o u t a n d a fine m a c h i n e i n e v -

e r } ' p a r t i c u l a r .



2 E ) F L O O R

W e a r e s h o w i n g a fine a s s o r t m e n t o f

C - A " R " P - E - T " S *

L Y O N B L O C K . L O W E L L , M I C H .

G o o d

B e t t e r B e s t

Wilson—Philaon is u mun who kuep* bis wonl. whatever due m s y lie rniid of him.

Bllson—Do you llud him so? Wilson—Yes. he borrowed five dullars

from me u year ago. und he said he'd never forget my kindnesi..

Bllson—And he hasn't': Wilson—No: every time be wanU to

borrow money he comes to me.—Har-jier's Bazar.




YEITER & LOOK, * u u v o o u m i .

lion snd the louchslcoe of character— Now York Lndger.

The "next" got into tin- cliuir and left I Nothing del ighu the uverugu English-the man who wu* uniae s i t t ing by the man mon-than to be a member of a ao-wiudow. watching for Kuu Hitlf nil clety with a long and involved name. In hour passed. Tin; shop waa full und fact sodeties such aa "The Society for then- seeund to IN- a good dent ol amuse- i the Bitter Promoiiou uf Relaxutiun from muni among all except the num who Busineen Can* and Enjoyment During

One by one tho Lunciieon Hour* in the Munidpallty of cusiomers kept coming iu. The dock London" grow in strength and influence.

A century of prugnu* ban nol produced •I ri medy equal Ui Ely's Cream llalin lor : U i-ciiturrh, cold In the head und buy fever. It is not a liquid or a snuff bin' is |ier- ' (ecll* safe and easily applied Into the i n.atrils. It gives iuimediate relief and i cures tbe worst case*.

bunds iiaimed frousUJUp. in. Uj"-jUl p. m., mid then tn H' 0 p. m. At about th is time th* door ojieiied anil a head iiopiied


Mr* Livermore says that Iter husband is a Repuhliuun while ahe is a Prohibi-tionist: he u a pnitectiuuist and she a

"Hiiird from Ham yet?" suid the bend. ; free trader; he bus a pew in one chnreh, "Y-a." rejilied the burlsir. *he in another: he has ono doctor, she "How i* ho; baring a good time?' another; and yet they are happy and "Ouesn he i>. At auy rate be nay* harmoniims and never dream of quarrel-

bo is." i


Boots and Shoes-that Can't be Beat! Stylish, Well-Fitting Footwear!

Good Looking;, Durable Materials!

Our store is filled with a First-Class Stock of G o o d s . We i m i lc ihc inspect ion of e v e r y o n e w h o reads this adver

t i s e m e n u Our stork o f

feadies and Misses fine Shoes Reserve Special Attention.

Ladies'and Misses' Oxford Tie and Russell Shoes IN GREAT VARIETY.

Call and Look Through Onr Large and Elegant Slock of Boots and Shoes,

I T W I L L P A Y Y O U .

O U R P R I C E S A R E ALL R I G H T ! O u r M r P e t e r W h i t e i s a l w a y s o n h a n d t o d o a l l k i n d s o f

r e p a i r i n g w i t h n e a t n e s s a n d d i s p a t c h .

M o r t g a g e S a l e . W ' H E U E A R , default ha* been made in the ' » V payment cd the monei *ei-ured by a i* r \

lain Mortgage dated 'lie eighth day of April. A li. I M . sad executed by Glllisn ft Beaion and ' Ella M Ilenloa, of the townahlp of Bowie-, t-nuu ly of Kei't, s la te of Mu-i igan to Urtoa Hill, uf | Lowell, ooui ly and stale aloresssl . aiilcii aald I Mortgage was duly recorded in the offics of the Beglater of Deed* of the coutil) of Ki-nt, s la t - of Michigan. In Hher U . of Mong . g « , on iiagi- KM. on the Kh day of April A. I . |(*<u. at I l ;«l oViisjk

And whereas the anniuui eiaiuied to be due ou dale of Una notlne I* Uie

and Fort) -e ight sud Ci likl Imllars. principal sum and inieresi and t a ses (ISIJ liy tlie aald Orhis Hill, aa Mortgagee, on tbe premlaea deai-nla-d In the *aid Mortgage. wllh luieresl tbonsin, and Uh' fur ther sum of Twsniy-Fim l iol laraaa an aUoniey fee In Uie foreclosure of Ihe said Mortgage, as Is p r o u d , d hy la* and which la Uie whole amoum claimed lo he unpaid on said M •ngage. and uo suit or pranrediiig h a r m * been UnlPuied at Uw ur io eqidt) lo recover the dent secured 0) aaid Hon-gage, or any part therwof, wbereby th* power uf aale coiilalneii In said Mortgage lias Uecome op srallvr.

N«» Thervlore, Notice hi Herehy Gives tha i liy virtue of said power uf sate and la pur-uanoe of the statute In auuh case made and provhled, Uw •aid Mortgage will la- forecioaeO bv a sole uf the prenoaea IbatslD descrilied at 1'ubhc Aucuou to the blglisai bidder s> Uie fruul dour of tbe (Ur cull Court Houae of the said county of Kent Jn tn* d ly of Qmud Hap da, ou the SRh day of ugiiat. . A. D IMW, a t ten o'clock in Uie forenoon of that day wlunh said premlaea are deacrlbed in aaid Mortgage aa fiilhiw*,lo wit: "The Last I ia If (Ml of the SouUi W est fourth (Wi of Section uumlier four (I i Town flr* (ii North. Haage nine (*) West, rontaiuing eight) ac re , of land laore or last. seeordUg to the anrvey thereol '

listed Msy ftth. A. H IWU. OKTON HILU

F lu** C. « i uaa . Mortgagee AUy. fur Monflsgss. '


I »lli HI ATE OKIiElt - t t t a l e ofMichigan, County I uf KeaU as Ataaeaabai of Uw Probate Court ; for aald county uf Kant, bald at the Probote Offlcr. In tlie Citv of Grand liapid*, on Uw aoth day of J u n e , m t h e y s s r one thousand eight liitndnid and ninety.,

Freaent Cyme F_Herklnii, Judge uf Prolials. In Uie Maltor of tbe Kolatr ol

• A S T CUAl'EL.

Of. Osei's Electric ItH. FOR MAN '"HO WOHUI

SeUlUa. tinad

. t r S a S l S K i ' R S Aug. n, IM. Aug. 1. UM

..- — .am—AaMdalat (limnnati iaiuluan, ISS

y Of ttlim 1 iai.u vmtaviM.- intonb^uio Md mmiM*

An instniment in wriUng purpurtlug to be the last will and teatament of aaid daowaed ha 'h lg been hied In this county fur probate,

It la Onlarud. that Monday, the fttb day of July, IWU, a t Mm o'clock In the forenoon, al aald Pnibate Offlce, be appointed for proving aald iiMlruiueal,

And It Is FHither Ordered, Thst a copy uf this order be published three •ucceaslve week* pre vlmuUi said day of heannc , in the I s iwau . Jot-as*L a newspaper pniited and circulaling In said Count) of Keni.

o m n E. PEBKINM, (A true copy! Judge ol Probate.


PUUUATE OUUKK. Huteof Mlelii:an. couuty of Kant. as. At a analon of the Probate

Court tor said Couoly of Kent, held at the Pro-bate Ufflot In the City of Grand Uaplda. on the Mh day of J u n e In the year one Ibouaaad eight huiidrsd and ninety.

Pnaen l , Cyrus £ Perkins. Judge of Probate. In tlie m a t t e r uf Ihe eataU- uf

GIDEON IL COVILL, Deceased. On reading and lllliig Uie petlUuu duly vnri-

lied, of Uiren Lewis, Administrator of aald estate, praying this Court for Llomse and au thurity lo soil the real ratal- of aald deceased, therein deacrtbed. for the rsaiuim. and puipoaes lbs rein sel for th .

It ia Onlerad, Uiat

WauNcatuT, TUI Sin nsv o r JULY, IHTD, at ten o'cloolt lu Uie forenoou, s t ssld I 'nihale Offlce, be ap|s i lnled for hearing said pilitliSa. ,-uid that tbe helni at law uf aald deceaaed and all peraooa intereated lu aaid estate appear before said Court, a t said Unu and place, to (how cause wh}' a license should not be granted lu •aid Admiti lurator to sell real mhtte as prayed for lu *ald iieiltion.

And It Is fu r the r onlerad, Iha tacopy of this or-der be published llmie sucvnaalve week* pre vioua to said day ol liearlng. In Ihe U i w a u . Jotiu sa t . a newsuniwr prluled snd circulating hi said County of Kent,

o n u m E. I'EHKINB. U f f i O T - , M A s - ,

Ksglstsr IBlwB,

F i r s t D o o r W e s t o f A J t h e n ' s C l o t h i n g S t o r e .

I ) HOB ATE OBDEK.- Slate of Michigan, ( o u n 1 ly of Kra i . a*. At a aeaslun of tlie Probate Court fo r said County of Kent, bald a t the P m bate Offloe, In the Oily of Grand Uaplda. on Ih* i I4Ui day of July. In the year ona thooaaini eight hundred ami ninety

Pressnt. Cyrus E. Perkins , U the mat te r uf Ihe estate

EDWIN K OF ,W, deceased

An la Ml lu wrlllng purport ing to be the l * s t Will and Testameni of said deoaasnd Imv-ing lieen tiled la this Court for I 'mbale,

It I* Ordered, that

MIISTUV. T M ( I r s DIV o r A r a n r . 1890. at tan o'clock hi the forenoon, al *Bid i 'mba le

F A R C O ' 8 '

"Box Tip" School Shoes for B O V 8 and 6k ls . Heeled or mtfa Haai.

Btaeo—0tol(H( • l . s s l l l oUH 1.50 -* i m s i .7a

•Mto s.iNi

f o r G n t l M i f n ,

F A R H O ' S

$ 2 . 5 0 LADIES'WOT Dongul* or Coat. Button.

Qssra. or Cois«oa Bessa. Taekleaa and FladbU. tSSrsf iBltit: aef _ .


- . .uur t f -Uj r tor K a ^ a S b a ^ If be d o - n o t ** • ' u* •rul »o will fu-aUii «uu a imir uu

f . n - d . ^ - n , v r lu t - >*- F A l . O O ft 0 0 . , O h ' . « o . Tit

S o u i m LOWKLL in -

A . J . H o w k t i S o n

F K G K H A M ^ S -


F o r Cold.. , Cout lha . I l o a r a e o e a a . Wbi . .> |b Offlce. be ru|Milnled for p r o s i n g « i d l i istrumrnt, ' " S C 0 " S b . C r o u p . Should be lound In every

And It is Fur t lwr Onlerad. that a copy of this h o ^ h o l d . Fleaaant, Bafe. f tar talo Always order be published three sunceaslve wmka ore I ? ' ' " I " " ' ' " r Children s Thrus t and I .ling vlous lo said day uf bsarlog. In th* L o w s u . Jooa- Tn>uhlos. Oonialati tin oplatea, Uius uvoidlnr s a u a newspaper printed and clrculaUng lu said u"' "Sttgerou* effect ofien reaultdig wben cough county of Kent. mixture- prepared for adulta an , given to chlld-

(A true conv.) tTHUH E PE11KINH ™o Wave t h e t l l i l U r a n Hat a botUe to-day. oopv ADOLPN B. Masos.

Ilegtstni Judge of Probate

"fwSi Tou may need 11 to-night Boil by all D r u g g i s i

F I F T Y D O S E S 2 0 C E N T S .

L O W t L L J O U K M A L : W K D N K S D A V , J U L Y 1 6 . i s b u .

Bas'L s r s i i s a . I M R S C- A S L A D E , rsacass or

Bownc.Combs&Striker. I IwtriiifiUI ^Vocallnsic,

BANKERS. L o w e l l , - M i c h i g a n .

Trsnaai t a (j.-ni-rsl lUnkinx Husincss and Issue lirafts available in all

|sut* of tbe World.

M . C . G R I S W O L D .



How does the Idea of a fair strike you.

for thi* fall

Frank Tucker's Vlelro|siliians, Tue*

day, July ii.

Go to flii'ken'i for Ire i ream, f m i u

and eonfet lion*. Lucian B. Lull, of Sparta, visited U w - [ v % l" * • Avery «'xi«-cts to ion

11 fnei .d*lasi ar« k. . fl.-« of ae|K.. for ihe far w

Mik S. W. Hand, of Clinton, HU.. i*

I visit!UK Mrs O. W. 1'arlier.

Mr and Mrs Horace Rotiinson.of biki-| IJOesna. were in town yesterday.

A. Fisher dt Co. carry s full line of E.

1 E Chase'* cookies, cake* ar.d b o w l .

Firttire* st "Philley's." one cent each ' by ihe hundred. CaM and see iamples.

A c c o r i a t i n n M r * ^ ^ C r , w •0'<1 h,*r , o 1-ftSSOCIdtlUII. ; n M o f u ^ h ^ J e f f e r > ( ) n S l r t o 0 r l

Rwtulv Meetinc'i flrtt Thuraday in every, H ' ' 1 ' _ ^ , . , , ' , fsofilh, .1 B. C. Smith's rtor.. ] • 4 <». b a v . t h . e . c l u « v . . I s

D G. L O O K , P r e s . • f M r V • n Msntmoib Red


B u s i n e s s M e n ' s

F o r R a i n -HcvenJ choice farm* lo-r o i O d l t . ( ^ 4 i n K e r n f Verjcvn-•IWB, Bowne and 11-too. AUt several liou*e* ami l<iU in the village of Lowell. Can suit all classes of customer*. For further particiilar* inquire at Uie office of 8 . P. H1CKH. ill over Wi-et ft Co'* druy alore.

Thas. J. CHURCH ft son,

B A N K E R S ,

Lyon Block, I-owell , Mich .

A fienenl Banking Butinen Conducted.

TO A >78 ami ~ t r .T—r-rq

K r a f t s Hold o n a l l F o r e i g n C s u n t r l e a .



Always ha* on bond a line •election of

Fresh Meats, Salt Meats,

Fish, Poultry,

and Came IN SEASON.

Cboice Lard md Tallows, and is in Uie morkts to Imy

C H O I C E . S T O C K ^

A T T E N T I O N , O O M K A I > l > !

By a raosot eoactiaent

Efery Soldier New Disabled ia entitled to s IVnukm of from | l . lu f i t

per moath , and every

Soldier's Widow t a e n U t M l o a Feostua 1 shall be oleaaed

prose.-ute I'laim* Charge* (tied by U a at l io. S o charge unleas Fen

sloe is proourad.

A L B E R T J A C K S O N ,

H a a k H U c h . - L o w e l l . M i c h

MoCARTY W a n t s y o u r

WOOL A n d All O t h e r

S o r t s of

PRODUCE For w h i c h h e will

p a y t h e



L O W E L L , M I C H .

L. F. S E V E R Y , J i n , Copper and Shee t - I ron

Jot 2d Door Eail of Yeiter & Look's Store.

Repair ing Done on Short Notice. Eavs Troughs and Fumaoe Work a Hp-dalty

L O W E L L , - M K H 1 G A N .

Clark Si Winesar have ju*t rooeived a larse lavoioe of Wall Paiier in s t y m . Call snd look them over

lavoict- of Wall Pajier in latest


You can get batteronlk at Uie Lowell • 'reamer}' now fur UOMIIB per barrel, all you want.

Uncle Ptios. Saylc* rislu-d Ixiwell Monday. He u living wtUt bis son Frank, at Saranac.

Mr* Irving Tucker, of lndiana|iolis, Ind . tisilMl ber many relaUvea in suuth Liwcl l ami BoaMm, last week

Harry, the four year old sun of Mr and Mm D, H. Water*, fell from abatnuiock. lasl Thursday, and broke hi* arm,

Monday was a banner day for divor-oew; only seven application* made for

dissolution of the oonjugial relations.

Mrs Dr Sovereign, of Evart. ho* been rkh i f l f ber mother and td*ter. MrsJ. O nirron and Mr* B D. Slocking, for a week.

Hon. E. R. William* and wife, of Orange, late of Lo* Angeles. Cal., spern Saturday and Sunday with Mm Nellie Mealier.

Found—A liab> carriage dusu-r, July

4Ui. Owner can have same at this 0IH1* by proving properly and paying for due notice.

H Nhah has ibe 1**1 line of Agricul-

tural Implements in Lowell. Oliver and Syracuse Plow*. R^ed Hum)we and Cul-tivators.

Mr* E. R. Collar and family and Mrs A. E. Tattle and family leave, lo-mor-row. for Bay View, where ihey mill sjwnd the summer.

Frank Tucker'* Melro|ioliUan'» will p U y the interesting comedy drama.

Miss MulUm," with a fine company. Prioe 25 and «5c.. reserved <eals a l Tlie Fair.

In another column we publish an or-dinanoe adopted al a speinal meeting of Uie Council, last Saturday night, in regard to electric lighting. Read it and •ee if it is what you want.

Mi*s Bessie Husled—who recently re-turned from scbooi at Chatham, Onl,— and Ms-ter* Otto and N, P. . Hosted, have relumed UiGd. Rapids, after spend ing a couple of week* with their faUier, N, P. Husled, at this plan-.

Mr* Mary McNeil, of Mlddlevilie. feeble old lady, aged W years, went l o Dr Amos Hanion'e ottiue to have a tumor removed from the nde of her face. The doctor adminiBierwl chloroform and the iwiieui died almost immediately.

Rev. J . S. Edmund* and rnnuly are •pending Uie fore part o f thi* week in

Cleveland. O. They will return Thum-day or Friday, and Uier* will beserrloM as usual, both morning and evening at Uie Cougregational church, next Sun day.

Yesterday L. W. Aldrich Irroaghl home hi* pacing mare, "Maud Adair," which tuel wiUi an atx^deul al Port H uroc while ncormg m a race, Slie has done remarkable well ao far thi* seaaon and if shi* recover* will make tlie fall circuit.

We were somewhat premature in an nouncing tbe marriage, a couple of week* ago. of Edward Morgcn. although we had ii on what we comndered the best authority, But we find in tbe Gd, Rapids pajier* of Friday the announoe-ment of a license ueued to Edward Morgan and Annie Cox.

Mr and Mr* D. G. Look. Mr and Mrs P. H. Schneider, and Mr and Mr* A. I1 iaher will spend this week camping on tbe abores of Cam|iuu Lake. Later iu the week Uiey will be joined bv Misses Mate and Zoa Altben, LibUe a s d Jessie Gardner. Mr Martin Simpson, of Lowell, and Prof Hutchinson, of Lake Odenaa.

Deputy Grand Master J . Q. Look, with a body-guard from Lowell Lodge. No, Wi. F. A A. M., oonalsUng of J, W, Berry, C. G. Stone, B. Brower. 8 . F. Edmond*. M. Ruben, B, G. WiUon. of this place, and Rev, J. T. Husted, of Gd,

Rupid*. went to Greenville last mgbl , to attend tbe dedtcaUon of tbe Maaomc Hall. Tbe servioes were conducted by Oep. G. M. Look and an immense tiiui-wus liad.

What is to binder Lowell's having a

good agricultural F*b ibis fall ? Uiaml Rapid* will not have one. Uiere are two complete ground*, with race track, grand stand and gtable; nothing to pre-vent esoept. possibly, a lack of enter-prize, We can have a t i n t daa* three days meeting, with a few.good races and a Ing Agricultural display. If any thing is going to be done in this matter

)-4t must lie done at onoe, us there is no time to ujiare. Let'* have a fair!

The "Fnondalup Ring" craze ha* struck town and a man i* in danger of bung compelled to stand and deliver at any Ume. The scheme—for the benefit of ibooe who are nol s'jquainted with it* working—is for each young lady to eatab-

lish a sinking fund, to be built up of con-trilmlions from their friends of a |>enuy each, in no case u any one allowed to give more, and to buy a ring with this fund. Of course the value of the ring

gives the number of friends one has, and each penton tries to prove herself popular. Your humble aervant ha* been hoping ugainst hop" that this craze would skip Lowell, hut alas, it is here in full force and we have been coiupellod l o g o do«-n ii i io our capaoioua pocket (cupaciouH been use il has always had room to spare i and hunt for that lonely

cent, and now Dial Are have formed thai extravagant practice of giving, we can meet, once in u while, a young lady with u amile, because we have contributed to

bor fund.

Min Winn i fml -Shaw is viailing friends at Olllvei.

W e a n - handling a full l ^ e of E. E. Chase's Bakery Good*.

B. E ynick left this inorning for Chicago fur a few .lays.

There I LIS been the largest yield of hny ever known in this region.

A full line of fresh ciokies, enke* and bread al A. Fir her A Co'*.

Hamburg Stesiks. boneless ami lender, f u n . thing new, at J, E, Lee's.

Will N. A very e x p e r u l o leave, ulmul


Mm L. F. Heele.i. of « J . Rapids, spent Sunday with Mr and Mis M, Ruben.

Anna Beehler relumed la«t week lo her home in Detroit, for the summer.

Mr and Mr* Ueo. Winegar are visiting Mm Winegar'* | iarenu at Morrice, Mich.

Al Mu*ic Hall Tuesday evening, Frank

Tuckef's Metropolitans. Prices 25 and 35 cent*.

Miss Kiltie Mason is making her broth-er Fred, at Ionia, a visit of a couple of we-k*.

Wait for Tucker'* MelropoliUns. Tues-Ity eve., Pnces i i and 35 c. Will plav Mi-a Mullon.

Have you tried those Hamburg Steakt:, •omeUiing new. Iionelea* and lender, at J. E l«-e'*?

Cla-re Shaw and Mr Hinkson and wife, of (Jd. Rapids. s|*-nl Sunday at O. A. Robinson's.

Marks Ruben*' house is rapidly i ssum-(ng a new Bha|ie, When Marks geU it done il will IH- right.

Mi"* Minnie Wright i* spending the healed term wltL her brother. H . D. Wright, at Millbrook.

King, yuick & King's saw mill *Urted up again Monday morning, a/u-r a couple of week* lay oB.

Mrs M. Lyon has her old school chums. Mrs Amanda Walworth, of Nofwick. N. Y.. and Mr* Marj Giel. of Ovid. Mich.,

visiting her .

Mm John Ackerson. of Middleville. who ha* lieen visiUng tier ainter, Mr* M. Ruben, for some two w»*kB. relumed home last Thursday.

M C. Griswuld loft lasl week for a v»i-il at his old home in Coon. MmGnswold ha* been east a couple of weeks, they will u ike an extended visit.

Wanted—A girl or woman l o do gen-eral housew ork on farm. Wage*. |2 .00 Ui | 2 50 |ier w eek. Address or call on


Ada. Mich.

Tlie wheat harvest u in full blast and it promises an Immense yield. Twenty bushels to the ar je is about as little as

any one expecU and some piece* are ec-Umated at from HS to 40 bushel*.

Until tbe rain Saturday afteraoon there were nol enough people in town for a curporaU guard, but the shower atopped tbe baying and harvesting and tlie town w-as quite well filled a t BO clock

There will he an examiiiatiun held Jnly 2».for candidate* for entrance to

Wwt Point, to take effect July Ist, 18M. Tlie examinating committee are E. B Archer. (Jd. Rapids: Dr O. R. Long, Ionia; and F. B. Walkin*, of Hopkins

Sut ion .

Rev. J . W. A m e y , of S.tranac, i* an admirer of good homes and own* three

flyers. H e wouldn't race for money, but likes to see theai go. so he hired the race curse for July 2«lh, and ha* wsued invitation* for all who own fast horse* to join biui in a matinee, just fur fun.

R. P. Water* left lust Saturday for Chicago, where be has joined Uie stable* of Hunkins & Wightman and will ride winner* thi* •eason. R. P. is an old e x -perienced rider, but has been living here Uie jaiKt three yearn devoting hi* ume to traiuiug. He lias had mncb experience in tne east and u a valuable acquisiUon.

Did any body say M. B. Devme. of Belding. was a chump-1 goes* not. H e contracted to handle Uie P. of 1. wool

for 1 cent a pound commission. One day last w eek be made | s 0 0 and before UM- season is over his profit* will he $5,-

000. N o money invested, no nsk* to run, noUiing but profita. He gotbar* them tn.

We are Indebted to Mr Henry Lamb, through Uie American Health Associa-tion. for a copy of "Praotkul Sanitary and Eoonoipic Cooking," adapted to per-son* of moderate and small mean*, by Mm Mary Hinman-Abel. The book enters into tbe chemistry uf tbe table and i* tilled with recijie* for tbe proper preparation of food. It u for sale, post paid, by tbe Essay Department Ameri-can Public Health AsacciaLon, P. O. Drawer 2WI. Rochwter, N. Y.. English l«xi, cloth, 40 oenu: German, 60 cenu.

SAHANAC, July 14.—About 0 o'clock

last Saturday afternoon as Tboa. Taylor, a farmer of Earton township, was driv-ing Uiruugh town with a reaper bis team beoatne frightened while croating tbe

railroad track and one of tbe line* break-ing, be wa* miable to control them. The team ran aoroa* the river bridge and out on tbe high water road wben- tbe drive wheel of tbe rea|H<r bfoks and Mr Taylor was thrOwn under the machine and dragged four or live rods, cutting hi* head iu a terrible manner. Tbe in-dex linger on hi* righl Hand wa* torn out and bl* Uidy and limb* badly bruin ed H u skull wat fractured and the scalp nearly all lorn off. requiring 88 utitches. DmOealerand A'unch attend-ed thu injured man and have hopes of hi* recovery .—G<1. Rapid* Ik-mwrat.

Ananias Wurden was found dead io lu* bed Satuiday morning at bl* home iu Cannon township, having committed Huicide by shooting himself, l l i* be-

lieved that he wa* lod to thi* fatal act by despondence, caused by financial dif-ficulties He was at one time wealthy and, during tbe late war. was a partner of Wilbur F. Storey, of tbe Chicago

Time*, but for several years pa*! he has fallen into comparative poverty and thi*, with advancing age and the loss of hit

wife a few year* ago -and tbe death of eighl children,!* supposed-lo have driven bim to Melf-destruction. H e was 85 years of age and leave* no children. H e lived on bis farm alone, about two oud a half mile* from Ro-jkford. Dmeased wa* the next youngest brother of Admi-ral John L. Wurden, of Keamarge fame, and for many years ha* been prominent in Democratic county couvontion*, Tbe writer saw him in Grand Rapid* on F n .

4§y afternoon, unsuccesaful in negotiul-ing u loan to pay a mortgage on hi* farm now due. and it was noted by some of hi* friends that he wa* looking exceedingly downcast and md —Cniar tipriugreiij,. J*r.

under Ihe new Inw. Should the old c h n n 1* ;illo*e<l the new one would be -nsp n-led. anil vice versa, as no person c m n eel vi 1 >.i la-u-lnns.

Tie -e hulls cover nmst of the ques- tcir. which fort has U-en well lions a-k.-d in Ihe hundred* "f letters known, and it has been a aoaree of which an ll iwing in loCaptsin Relknsp wondenneot to a giaslly number of our fntm all |>»ri«oi Micbignn, clti/ens why nothing ha* been done.

How'a This'

On the 4lh the Village Mamhal and t couple of special ••IWcem g-tined adtnis aion lo a saloon and found il muiiini , foil blast, in a hack room with un Ini

but the mysi.-ry ha* bew» cleared away. L»*l T ue la j I'roaecutor Stewart w^a in tow n and ^ppboaUon was made l o him for an order for a w iirrant, but before laf-uing n he wiahed lo coiuult the Vil-

lage Attorney. .After the conmllatlun lie thought there had lieiler be nothing done, a* lie had l* en informed thst the Council did nol want the violations

prosecuted aad neither did a majority of the cilitena. »o j o b-i the circumstanco it would be bard Io secure a oonticlion,

if nol impoM-ibie. If ii is s fart, a* sUte.1, that the Coun-

cil snd cilizena do not want the viwU

I The annual school meeting war held at lb* High ru >oi. Central hchooi build-ing, la"t Monday nighi and E. R Collar and H. D. Marsh were elected

I to succeed Milton C. Barber and 8. E Morgan. On the qiieaUon of fn«e U-xl laa.ka Uie voters ware nearly of one moid, out of *4 voles cast. voting "n.. free lexl books." There were voted f it library pur(s~e> $'.ii0 and the bhra-rian receives |185 [a-r annum, additional Mr (Siahsm rea>l a cotnuunlcalion from Pnd. Lsizelere lo the Umrd. asking for addlUoiisl room al Uie west ward, ae-aigning aa a reason that there were flft

. , , . . . . . s c h o l a r * enrolled in the primary room tion* prosecuted, the information should , • , ' , . r . . .. . . : and un tvi rage daily nltendance wf over

10. which over crowded the room. This in justioe hav» been given lo sll the

dealer*, so all could have had an equal q u r a ( i < M | q u i u . . couiderabl

c h m c e and not alone g.v# immunity lo l | | a c a a l „ w i i jt ultimstely left to trscU I l o t h e scene of the conflict, bat so


One Anliusl K«llrtquUh»<l HU Hall-•!•»« Grip •HI IIU For'* Throat*

A fi^ht in the death 1*tween two blooded stallions wa* ih* thrilling apec-tacle witucswsl on ( apt. B. F. Tn-rter'a fann at Aurora. Ind. Two 3 year-old italhuni. npirittal and valuable thoroogh-breils. were turned into adjoining pairt-aree to feed. A wooden fence divided tbe fiel'U. and allhuugb a* colts tbe pair plsyfally bit and kicke«l at each other across il, the fence wa* suppomsl to be •trong enoiigh to keep them separate and pn-vent trouble.

The colt* began their fight over the fenc-, and kicki-d and mswed at each otb.-r tmlil the fence was demolished. Then they came Together in a struggle, which for fiorceneas and length exceeded anything which the sjs-ctalon ever wit-neesed.

They stood • « their bind legs, fiercely pawing and striking at each other with their in.n shod foref.-el, and U-aringeach other's iiM'k und ihonldera with Uieir teeth. Their neighing and screams of rage and the boimd of their kicks and «ni rt» wen- hoard fully half a mile away,

half dozen or more [s-rsnn- were st-

A l V T E l

AT ONCE! | WO Oood Mra to aeli the '

K I N G O F T H E D A I R Y '

Cold Air ( reamln l-AUHM, Kopf

imlng C M l hh,-.

C aa*. Call oa C. W. Mais flt, Lowell. Mlcb

- F O R -

The Magnificcol New FaatRfamihlp

CITV o f R A C I N E 1 DO I'm* buibeiT. *Wplng accoauBodati'ic*

fbr Mi pawnrersK y d ihc pop

M E N O M I N E E Will leave (IRAND HATtN for CHICAGO dally,

eicept Saturday, *t " p m

D A Y S O F S A I L I N G .





NorelUoa lo Collars and Smith'

m o r e of this!

Arriving la CHICAOO ihafDiluwlcg morning U tine for to* oatgdng train*

thiaa- who have shown an inclination lo ^ t h l . I V w r d „ V ,H . treat Ihe law with contempt, but the . . , . . . , . i , ed to psv the Dire<-Uir IIOO. ainl Ih. facts are the Council have given no one ' aulliorily to R|ieak for Uiem in thi* mattiT md he baa evidently exceeded hi* authonly. There is anoliier side from which Una m s j 1* viewed: our mamhal and hi* aRsistanU bare taken great pain* lo discover and obtain evi-dence against jiartiea violating law*and if it ia Ibe desire ol our Village B<«rd thai they l « winki-l al and overlooked he should be ona of the fimt lo be in formed, so as nol to make himis-lf ab-noxious to those wliose offence* are to

be condoned. We have interviewed the member* of

Uie Council and they slate that be lias no authority, either ofRcul or personal, lo make any such sUleiuent. He ha* no authonly to (tate the |io*ition of the Council on anv question until be is fimt mstruned by them, as he is simply re-tained by them, aa h«t might be by yon. and ha* no n g h l l o state what {Ksiilion they might take until he ha* received bis instructions.


Last Thuraday evening there was a g .ss1 sized crowd at Music Hall, to listen Ui a propokiuon from J. W. Boynton in regard lo a railroad to run, ultimalely. from Rogers City, on Lake Huron, to Cnicago. iqiening up a vast territory that

if unoccupied and wbicb contains, ac-cording to b u eatimaU*. about 1.000,0(W camuf lumber, w hich would be Ufbutary lo hi* line, but just at present be w i>hes lo commence at Belding and Lowell, work buth way* and build t h u nedion first, then from Lowsll to Gd. Rapids. Tbe proposition he made was for Lowell Ui suhsenbe |2.000 a mile for half of tbe distance lo Belding and furuiah to him Uie right uf way through the Village and io U>e place where our mileage aUipa. The route be suggests U about 20 rod* suutb of Mtin and Bridge Street* tbe entire length of Uie busioeaa |iortiun, then east and north through Keene lo Belding. After receiving tbe propiau-Uun and listening u> s few remark* I>r. Elsworth. tlie meeting adjourned, Ui meet last night, at which Ume there wa* a larger u imoul Uian at tbe first meeUng, but nothing final was done, as Mr Boynton waa not ready to report his route, but be has surveyor* on tbe ground nuw and a further adjournment was u k e n until next Friday evening, when it is ex|iecled tu be able lo answer lum liually. Let alt who are inlereAed turn out and see w bat can be done.

rliiuUA were the enraged animal* that for i.-arly an bonr no one dared to go n.-ir them. Covered with

. , , f'Min. with flaming eyes and ojien r l 4 ,dr-v vx hibiled in the elect ion of t h e v e r ) . i n r K M . ! mis ting adjourned There waa quite a

FARE, b e n h included, -^ ; Hound Trip, good f o r Season, 5 . 0 0

For the benefit of pension applicant', Congressman Uelknap gives tbe follow-ing don'U and what<to do under tbe cir-cumstances. A* Congressman Belknap i*

a member of the inval id pension commit-tee. which drafted tbe Uw, be has prepared thi* statement of w hat to do, which will aid pensioners:

"Don't employ a peDHion claim agent here, but get one in your own locality,

sif une can be employed at all. Don't pay tb^sgenl in advance. Don't send pustage ur money for postage to Uie pen-sion deport meui, a* it 1* so much thrown

away. Tbe department has it* mail

franked. This does nol apply to jienaion Inquiries to congreesmcn, a* their pri-vate letters are nol franked, and postage nbould be inclosed to them. Don't send discburge pajwrn to Uie department un-ices colli d for. a* they have sll tbe dis charge records U'fore them here. Don't give discharge papen to a^enu unless they are known to be responsible men. Don't throw away (10 by employing an agent wben tbe Uw U BO simple that any child of ordinary understanding can make out the necessary {laper* and se-cure tbe pension for any one entiUod lo it. And particularly don't pay a claim agent for attending to tbe matter and then ask tbe Congressman to do all tbe work of filing Uie claim and ge l l ing it through."

As to what lo do to necure u iienaion, Capt. Belknap nays to write to tbe Pen-sion office for tbe neoessary blanks or else send for tbem to a Congressman. Four things are esaential in ancuring a pen* •m: 1.—Tbe soldier must hare serve 1 at least ninety day* in tbe War of the Rebellion and baft been honor-ably discbaiged. 2.—There must be di-rect proof of tbe aoldiur's doolb. in case tbe application u by a widow and or-phan. Tbe cause of death need not have been due lo any service, a.—A widow

must show Uiut kbe is without means of support other than her daily Ulior. 4 — The widow must have been married tu Uie eoldier prior to Jane 27, IWKl.

Lasl January then? were 74,223 wid-ows' claim* }iendUIR, and 8*,600 widows' claims rejected. All. or nearly all, of

these 060 rejected claims, can now be allowed, nays Capt. Belknap, and tbe previous diaalbwanoe should not detei

another application. When u.ulauuunt is in doubt a* lo bib pension being allow-ed under tbe old Uw, Capt. Belknup ad-vise* Uiat the application be made un-der Uie new law. Under Uie old law tbe allowance I* graded according to the

rank of the soldier, but tbe new law puis privates and offionrs ou tbe mime level. There are also UU.OOO widows who have never anked for pensions, and at lea*! 34.000 of these can he reached by

tbe new law. Altogether i l IB f an Ui aappase Uiat fully lllb.OW widow* will be put on tbe rolls wiUiin a nboit time.

Many person* have claims pending in

Mr Msmh. it having lieen custoniary for the So. purl of the district Ui have line

repr.-*. ntalive on the board and as C O Hill l u s moved inUi another portiun uf tlie district, one jsirtion favored electing one ineinU-r from ther* and anoUier fai t mo wanted to hare Mr Hill siill

a n redi ed with represenling them and a neai bit ..f psi l ism-nlary figuremg waa unlulg-d in. but Mr Marsh's majonlv' waa i«o large and be stand* elected.

A • Ortlluance.

To protide lor ilie Afe ly and good ordei ..I ii.e Village of Lowell by weil and plo|a-riy lighting the aaine.

StiTIOK 1.—The Common Council ol Uie Village of l>owell dourdam thai Iruin and oiler lu.e Urdinonor shall liwvo tie-come operauve it shall be Uwlul for th< Couimua CouiM'll ofortwotd loag ier oud c-mtruct with ami to gram nnto any pt-m-m. jieieoiis, i-o liaiinemliipor corpor-ation to well and properly light the raid Village by go*, electricity <>r otlierwim-oa may He derme.1 for I lie beal inu-reat, nofei v ond giaal order of aaid Village.

i'lovuied: I hat if It shall be necwaiory I" ere. I any p<>l|W. wire*, conduits ur Other thing* neceMary Ui be Used foi such |Hir|ioae. under or through ony street, lone, alley, grounds or thoruagb lore in aalj village. Uiat Uie same shall be au laid or erscled aa nut to inu rfere with Ihe dis inageor pasnageuf any sucfi sUcet, 'one. aliey. puWlt grounds ur iborou, of ate.

S f TION 'II —il i* further provided thai any person. |*-mons, |atrtiieisliip or cot | «jr at to ii entering into any au. b agreenien or ooniroct ot accepting ao) giaot f iom sucn Cooinion t o u u n l l«i Uie purpoae* aloreaaid shall have Uie right lo use such |iotUon of the a t n e U , lane*, alleys and bigbwaysof Ihe Village ol Uiwell oa inoy be ueennary for carry -nig out the iKiriioeea of this art and a* may lieei^retiaed m a n ) such agreement, omtiai't or grant made with Uie aald Cumtuon I.OUIH-II and not imonaiau-nt w lib this act or with the Uw* and cun-*tiluUon nl thi* ktute.

SECTION HI—That in consideration of tbe |>rivitegea herein provided for. thr Common Council aforesaid nwerve* th. nghl after tbe expiroimn of 10 yeais from Uie date of making any such agree nu-nt or grunt a* u herein provided lor: ot purchasing frum *uch |ioniun. person*, ONporatmn, their suix<ea*om. aasignr or 14ial reprewenlalivBa. ail tbe wires, cimduits. polea, building*, fixtures, op poistu* »r other property owned and u*ed lor the purpose* aforeooid, and the price Ui lie juud therefor may be asoer-ia tied and determined by five disinier-ested men. two of whom to I* chosen by such CointnoD Council and t w o to lie ch'iaen by tlie other party ur his or their suoomaom, assign* or legal reprewenu-Uve all.I the otli.-r by tbe four so cbuaen.

SlxTIOk IV —It i* fun her ordained by said i ouimon Council that il shall U-uniaa f ui for any |arson or person* to wanionly injure, break, pull down or remove any (silea, wires, cuoduiU. fix-tuiea ur Oilier things erected and tieed, or to light, or W couiw to bs lighted, or tu exliuguinli or couae Ui lie extinguiah ed ony public light put up or used in pursuance of this ' Irdinant* or io pur suonoe ol any Writing made by virtue lu-reof and that any ("-mon or persons w no shall be found guilty of any vioU Hon* uf ibis Ordinoiioe may la- fined nol lea* iiian One, isir more than One Hun-dred D lUars. in tbe disc re Hull of the Court, including c i s u ol suit, and in defeull nl |W> melit of such fine may lie coiuiuilled to Ibe ocrnmon jail of ihe County oi Kent, not exceeding ninety days.

isrjTliiN V. —All former ordinances and |a.rta of ordmancra iu any wiae oontravemng the pioviMionsof l ni- Act are liereoy re|a-aled

t-iriiain- -' and Ful.luhed this 12lb day of July. A. D Iffixi.

Ketumlag.leae* CHICAOO Sally. eioerK Bun Hon of fury a* the , bit and - ' M ^ y

THE '• Of>LfHESTER" B I B B E R CO. C l Q n n m a l - l U their With ItKIAe r* See l l ined wMh 4 > J . V U I n b n r. T b ! . Cll-i « t • IL* aiaa- 1U>1 . r e . e B U ISa

f u l l , r f r o m t i .pMng 0 8 .

C*'l f i * l b s - ' • • i t e b e a W


tore each other. While the looken on weft* devising KSDe means to s.-parate T " ^ 0 t T S ^ ^ A ^ t i 0 0 ' them the furimu aniiiials grew more frantic, and repeatedly rolled over *scli other on th" pronnd, biting and kickiug de-jieralely. At length the smaller uf Uie two, a bright bay, caught his antagunlst by the throat wllh hi* teeth and dragged hiin to the ground. Tbe larger home kicked and rolled in au effort to avoid choldng to death, but the smaller ininial clung to its bold.

Tbe battle, lately *0 nuisy, went on fiercely in dead silence, except for the thud of tbe fwt of the two equine glad-Utors. Tbe larger home became more and more feeble, nntil finally il ceased to move. Still with bulldog tenacity tbe victor held bis grasp npun lus opponent's t l inat . polling and -hairing savagely, al thimgh bis own strength was fast de-dining. He was at last Jiealen away by Uie more courage, ui* of lbs aiieclatora. Hi- ran a few yards and dropped from aheer exhsoation. His a d v e r w y was deail

Altliough badly cot and bmiaed from Uie t»a-th and hoofs of lus foe, the l iving animal sunived tbe terrible conflict.— Cin'-itmati Diapatch.

10HN SINGLETON, Gen. P m . Agent.

Goodrich Tmaaportatluc Co.. Chicago.




Paris Green! U R E \\lhk Hellebore I

INSECT POWDER! Drugs of All RiDds!


Yeiter & Look's Union Block Drug Store. LnWEtL , MICH.


All jwrsotis are bereliy w arned ugainat tresposMing un my Huckleberry Mur-h.


I rohlblUuu i aueua.

A caucu* will U- hel 1 at Good Tem-plars Hail Monday. July 21*1, al 2110 P. M.. to elect delegate* to Uie County Cuiivontion.


The censua taking remind* me uf an old story that u forgotten by [leuplo now. On the printe.) blank* were the word*;

A g e -g f a t h e r ( t f U v i n g , A g e u l m - A h - r 1 If B r i n g 1

'hie of the j«i[STa was returned with Ue- startling information that Uie father waa 120 veer* old and the moUier 112. The city father* ho-tencd down to see tliis ancii'iil pair, and were much surpris-ed to h -ar tliat Ihey died I0U4 ago. • Tben what do you mean by this?" aaid the angry official, pointing Ui tbe age*. ••Why. that's atraigb: enough. It says 'Age if living, and that would 'a' been their age- if living now."—Boston Tran-•enpt.

Rickert* lue Cream U the best


Tlie Braik* and AccoubU of the Uu-firm of Howk ond Bostwick are in our Icm'ls for settlement. All indebted will plea*.- call and setUe at once.

A . I . H O W K 4 S o * .


Wbot i* the n-aaon Uiat o phyaicion will not indorse a goml thing w hen be kii'iirt a- well o* be knows unyffiin{f that the article in question ho* been used for yi o'a ond u a valuable r^miedy. but be-en use it i* s |iroprietory medicine they cry 11 down. There i* not a prescription case in any drug store in al! Ibis bruad land tliat iloe* not bold tbiaaome article. Tl.ere are few if any (diyaician* who do nut prescribe it. And yet w ben the same arni'le i- made and aold in Urger pack-ages. and the price is ao mucA Mutr a preaenpuun that u- where tbe *liur pinch-es. But there ore physician* who are w illing lo indorse a gtod thing, a* Uie following will show.

• i have used quiU- extensively m m> practice of late LOOK'S Extract Red Cioter for IndigesUon, CoBsti|sition. Iiii|e-|aoa and Sunnacb Trouble*, with tlie very l-est result*, and have found it worthy nl all and mure than is cUlmed f -r 11.' Tne only diaoppuinlm-nt tophy-aicU'is ia that it exceed* iU recommenda-lion "

F. H . K » A « * . M . D . FinJl'tf, Ohio.

Fur sale b) all druggiKts.


Who have thai tired and all gone feeling, and ituo'l like Ui be disturbed, will con-tinue lo lie troubled with thi* complaint until they renew their impure blood. Sulphur Bitter* will cause new and rich bluud lu ouume though every artery and vein in the human system. See another column.

Do You Want Boots or Shoes ? Y o u can g e t them a t

"The Old Reliable" BOOT AND SHOE STORE,

W h e r e you will a lways find tlie

Larges t a n d Best S tock in T o w n Compr i s ing e v e r y t h i n g in the line of footwear .

A. J. HOWK & SON, Successors to Howk & Bostwick.

Bank Block, Lowel l , Mich .


All |ier»on* are hereby warnad ugunist

trespassing un my farm. Auy |«eraoii caught picking huckleberries, or other wild fruiU, will be proaecuted to the full extent of tbe Uw.

Mu* JAKE M c L t A K .

Lowell MarOeta.

Cora | 0 40 W heat, h hite B0 Wheat, red Mil Ool* 2* Flour, per hundred 2 IS* i)rati per ton is 00 Mi'ldlings, |a-r um 15.00 C u m Meal, per ion IH 00 CorndCOaU lU.OO Buiter 8 Egg* 11 PotaUw* ST.

l o r Hal*.

M> farm containing r.2 acre*, the D.! L & Gd. R. Ry. ran* through it, taking I up 12 acm>, leaving IflO acres. 2 houae*, giaid liorn, orchard and 2 good KUgar buHhes, 100 acre* under culUvaUon. 1 Suiiable for t w o farm*. For further |iar- i

ticulam add re** Mow* l iv iugs ton , Low-

ell, Mich.

Tiftkr S o t l r r .

1 have bought tbe acocurts of Uie Ule finu of Coons It NcNaugbton and all <

(lensm* indebted to tbe above, will call and aetlle the same at onjic.




V outer ai) lea b-A Seta, prior* to Mil all W*. Avui* A noiia. fui^aULU-ma.

nuid hi' all daUon.

HUDSON, Dealer in


he Best and Puret*. Medic inej EVETT M A D E .

win drive the It umiirfnmi you Z ^ L n .t.-tti. stal )-ur *L1:

C VCrTlaelBU and *o..e<h. ""— V ^ ^ L r i B i p l e * and I

V '-v, Ii. •y^^wlii'hmar your U-*utv "X. < ' / J k a ai* cau**<l by Uiiaif* V '*'-VA^S

| V ' a ^

reuiiiVKllusahin una ifyuui

^ V v , ua- an l utr| ' . • •',/ > v., an<

, ' '


To their Friends and Customers. We mean by this.

Good, Honest Bargains, And Extra Value for Your Money.

The finest lot of white goods ever brought into this place. If you want anything in this line do not fail to visit our Dry Goods Depart-ment. Also a fine lot of Ladies Fiannel Shirt Waists and Belts.

In our Clothing Department you can find anything you need, from the very finest sum-mer Flannel Shirts to a cheap pair of Trousers. Call and see us.

Yours Respectfully,

J. La HUDSON, For Nal*.

HUUMC and Lot in Lowell, w orth (000. Will sell and take good hume and buggy, baUtice, time tu *uit cuatomer. Box

the iiemuon oflloe, and about 40 jier i ^ w e U . Mich, cent, of Ibetie ore now bung up awaiting additional proofH of disabilitie* received

in service. Captain Belknap, advise* that these cluiuiunU can continue their , _

old claim and UIHO make application ! Fancy Ties a'. Smith*.


Rickert * Ice Cream.

New Crop Tta* al Giles.

•A « -r Tlie l>"*e V ' t

a.iall-..ul,< a l e a ^ V V, . / e , .leaiulul. l l l * t h e ^ * V * . *4 ' I la at and eh.aioe*l^*/, > . »,,, ' <rl Ud-ilil'IIK . 1 • > ft. (. '• < . •• F nw will br *au*Sad ' I ' let li ul y i a Umgjrtai-IKNCrWAIT. CII.TITal os'1

If vou are mB. rlns fn-u. IZI. . ,M . I' --a-', and a L-b I" loe t-l' I .ml «. • , i -• M IJ'IH U WTThttS^ ll'lwv ui vur tall lui-urv.


Kend i S e.uit aU,iii|H. lu A. I*. < I'dwsy A Co-I Uualuu. Maaa.. lui U .l uodiuil« utA inibtlahwlf

L O W E L L J O U R N A L : W K D N E S U A Y , J U L Y 1 6 . l » » 0 .

POWDER Abso lu te ly Pure.

A CTMIU CF urtar bakfnr powdrr. llirh«T

of »ll lo lr«*rnlnit rtrrnctli.-P. S

Brport, Auf. IT. I8W.

C A L L A X S #

peue&F I cr!;FrcTx'TTr*s.L

"Ik ' ' ir'

I^A \ N ' X . •

Thfti- Cnodt i'ontnln llir L>-a-.r«or !\i-edl>-« o l l i ir f l u e Tr."-.

Ub« tbom for a J>1- is ;i:i sm -li and cpepdy relief for iMfLVctH AZJTE t.uO CHRONIC CiURRH. CLt*. • It* S <01£ JHnOi T. HU FEVER, ki'i'.- . MD :LL BROhCH/AL DISEASES; t"i cr.- fr<«e

I • n B'lult'jration. aa BO-.! ! i - •"•'"1 ;! ri:< Ir nianufsciur.' • t .0 BEST OF lOSiCCO aad FRESH HUE UEEOLES

M•.vtrFAfTijr.!ii> i r

pu»F m m c!fi?R co. F R E E H O L D , N . j .

NEICHBORHOCO NOTES. Lo«»"-Mra Iluiubergtr and little son Harvey,

or Conrtpondenh trill plfane nail > the latter part of last week and their communiealiont to thry trill reach , h e f o r < . ) A r t 0 f (hie week at their former thi* offlce not later than Tuetday mom- home in Dutton.

'"O" i Rnfui Troyer, of Lbke Odessa, Is visit-

Kimdair. ; inK h i " nioth«r at present.

Geo. T'lnmraer and wife took tn the N a ^ ' . ch.ldren o f ^ w n e Center,

e x r a n l o n to Ottawa last Sunday. Four ^ T U u U n « t h e i r C O u r i n - M , V 0 - P u d t * coaches were fairiy filled. Hncklebenying and harverting are

A short hu ? K y race took place near , h e * * <* "

here Ja^ week between one of o u r . ' g Cnater had the mWortune to have young ladies and a man of a family, which reeulted in the latter coming out second best and getting greatly excited over it.

The whoat harvest li in full blast and with good weather will soon be aet ured.

H U M P H R E Y S ' Mrvffull/ i*

{<£« j n i n s i ? rtflc 1. »tpmUfi eurr for tte dlMMC Baineil

(WdrhrMV»rrl«B r*Mrtlrs^rifcrfl orlt .

snrtncu arr •rVn!iai-*J|\ sM «d fOi UlABT wUMlfaroTfr

South Lowvll Ilrms.

Harv est has come and the laborers are few.

There will be (Quarterly Meeting servi-ces at the U. B. church, next Saturday

and Sunday.

Mrs Wm. Murphy, better known as

"Grandma." has returned from an e x -tended visit with her daughter, Mrs Chas. Roeenburg, of Canada.

Mrs Chia. -Yeiter Sunday*! with her parents, Mr and Mrs King, at Elmdale.

Geo. BartteU is on the sick list.

Mrs Weter and Mrs Albert W«-ter, of Belding. visited with Mr and Mi> ('has.

Stoughton recently.

The older tea Is Uie less strength there is. Gile's has just received new crop teas.

Alton Atom*.

Our hot weather still continues.

Denry Aldtich has returned from Washington stale and has been spending a few days with his brother, Wm. B. Aldtich.

Mrs Chas. Wilson has gone to Chicago on a visit.

Mr and Mrs Philips, frrtn Alpena, have been visiting Mrs Ps . sister and other relatives at and near Alton. Mr Philips is over 90 years old' and is remarkably smart for a man of that age.

Mrs Pen tier, from near Six Ijikes, visited at her father's. S. D. Godfrey, lust Sunday and Monday. Her sister. Mrs Alice Brown and children, accom-panied her home and will be gone two or three weeks.

iJeth Bates has gone to Milwaukee to

r*x*srAL ana. ex am rurza. Vvrrm, Confmtinn. lalUamutlom

Worn K W o r i u ('<4 -

L'Ufctna or Adaics .

Bradarbn, Mick II laiimi. vnzrx,-

Hhrummtlmm, lit

uriJCM. srlwukerveHiF

. • riL*'"

S P E C I F I C S VfTeraaj i*in-. ["•Ira. Itlloil ur . Ipb 1 Ii al ifi T< or 8..™. or Wook KJI* . '•tarrh.lnliortitt.Cniil In".. Ifrad . VfeeotilBC CaCkU, Vi-4rm I'lmgt*.,

ilhiBK, Oppri-Mi l liruutaUw Imjalrpd HimrlQi. I GUOIII. Hw riu^c •

|lllT.I-kr*lcmlw<akaM. " UI)

it-kcfM trtmj H14lax .

. j l l t ir MHIMJ wmk.' - 'oluuttrj Utecbvira. I.QO

• n'm.WrdiHBed iSS Ipfuf l-rrlud.. Willi Si«.n, .50 M m t . r i b ' Urmn.^plUiUael.iiB llrpur• spttiii. HL VliUft* 1'iuce I . M llnbrrlit. rlrvrml'-.l orr'lhrip®! .&# r»»lc C'«B(r«ilad* » lni^l"ti- . f t

Sold bj rini«V'«, or •ruip-MMld on rrrrliK

M'lcw. Pit. lunnmrir b irru . (IU ixnal r llOD'l lu rl<Jh Mtid gl.l<l. D.«I1M rrr*.

IIumiibrrr«- Wrdl.-lurCo.i • Koll. iSt, V V.

0 \ \ . L \ K t S W V i f S .

ULMl'HUtVS' VtTXKIKAKT KI-ECinr^-n t'Mrd b> kll

i OL irralttu-IR srss


Y K I T E R & I - O O K .


IN ' H t f F O T B

HEAD the Cure

V V f u s j I

ELY'S CREAM BALM Cleanses the Nasal Passages . Al-

lays Inf iamai ion , H e a l s the Sores , Res tores the Senses o f Tas te , Smel l and H e a r i n g .

A partlrlr U aiiiilird Into e«rli luxtrll • ml !• •srt-rulilt-. rnrrfiUr. Hi I>rUKi;UI* ur by until. U A UBOTIltlUi. SC Watrrr HI.. Sum Voxk.

If Y o u Have CONIUMPTIONICOL'&HorCOLD B R O N C H I T I S 1 Threat A S K t b n

S C R O F U L A I "Wasting D f r i K h

Or m»vnim*MU**r*tht Threat anilMnf mrt Jnflnwud, Lark af Htrrn'j'h or Km* r—tfT, you CM b* rdlfMi awl Curtd ky


W l t b H y p o p h o s p h l t c s .

P A L A T A B L E A8 M I L K . Jtkfrr McH'm .nd I* n» ra-

p i M l U n • r nlleHallon M.rt v„u (o MMpt m Itbtlllulr.

Sold by all Druggtsl*. i O O T T * B O W H E . C h o m l o t e , W.Y.

Geo. Fletcher and wife vbiited al Fred Kichmooa's, near Cook's Coroera, lasl Sunday.

Sirs Russell lias returned to her home at Luther.

Morae |.*ko Rlpplr*.

Mi* Cora Holmes, of Belding. and Cora Baker, of La Bar^e, visited Mus Nina Blake^lee, recently. Mr C. J. Pelzer and Bert B B!atte»l<*e. of Grand Rapids, spent tbe Fourth at Lowell wiUi Cora Holmea and Nina Blakeslee. (We heartily wish to apologise forourcare -leaawwt in not sending :n thew items last week.

Mrs Perry Hinyon Is at St. Louis, Gratiot County, trying the virtues of the mineral spring at that place.

Haying is done and harvrating is well under way. The wheat crop is quite good.

W. Johnron lust a young colt week.

Sirs Merritt und Mrs Dr Bobinsou. of Gd. Rapids, visited at Mrs Blair's last week. Mrs Merritt is Mrs Blair's sister

Mr ana Mis Blair recently leceived a short visit from an old t ime friend. Sir Anson Jones, of Indiana.

S. P. Curtiss spent Sunday at I/iwell He is still quite senously indisposed.

Wfc were a l iule a head of those July 8tli new potatoes, and also have sweet corn nearly fit to use.

Nate W. Blair's pantaloons hung in bis room with nine dollars in the pocket,

the pants remained but the money mysteriously dUappearwl.

Our Piano if creatiiiK oonsiderablf in-quiry. come up and find out about it.

TerKCUDM Visitor.

Mr and Mia Don Collar and child run of Campbell, have b^en visiting their parenta, Mr and M n Nelson Collar and Mr and Mrs J. W. Walker.

Mrs Ju;n<« I /wp and children, of S]>aria, are visiting at James Fox's.

Mr and Mrs L. B. Lull, o l Sparta, has been vialting friends here.

SIrand Mrs JoeMcKee, of LOWHII, were a t Fred Misner's, Sunday.

Master Leslie Parkt-r. of Muskegon, has been spending several weeks with his grandparents, Mr and Mr* William Sfkner.

Mrs Henry, of Seattle. also Adolpli and Walter Ninnaiuan. of Muskegon, arc vuiUng their sister. Mrs Fred Sllsner.

Sirs Byron Parker und daughter, Slios Katie, of Sluskegon, came last Friday to visit Sim P s . parenu, Sir and SIis Wm. Mbner.

Mr und Mrs Wm. Parker vuiu-d tlieir, children In Campbell, recently.

Jay Merriman baa lieen sjiending a two weeks vacation at home.

Mia- Florence Daniels has lieen very sick. She is a little beUer now.

Nelson Collar has so far recovered an to be able to ride to town.

Arthur Smith, of Grand Rapids, has l*en spending a few day« at his aunt's. Mm Wm. Slisner. He has now gone to Muskegon to work In the new iron rolling mill.

J. 8. Daniels has now traded Ins prop erty at Fox's Comers for Grand Rupius

city property and intendx moving lo the city in the near future.

Mm Fred Peglar and children, also Mrs Ps . mother. Sirs !>*. ull of Grard R ipids. have moved In their old home here to sjiend the summer months.

G. W. Crosby was so badly efTected with the heat, a week ago. tliat b f was obliged to stop work for a time. H e is all right now.

Frank Misner is home for a few day*

Harvesting is nearly finished and so far the grain baa been secured In good ccudidon there having been no rain, only a hard sprinkling Saturday after noon, since harvest commenced.

We have just beard that Sirs Fmwr,

his threshing machine burned. Saturday evening, by an incendiary. Loss un-known to ua at present.

J. Gile's & Co. have just received a lot of Teas, new crop, about a month earlier than we received before.

TOWB U n r T i d i n g * .

Mr Thilios lost one of his horsee but


Miss Emma Covill and Miss Libbie Rolf, of Lowe I1, have been visiting at

HaUie Sargent's.

Mrs John Thibos has been spending a f e w days with her danghter, Mra John Collier, of Lowell.

Clinton Snow has just a few raspber-ries. They picked ten bushels on Slon-day.

The Ladits Aid Society was held at the home of Mrs Jas. Lewis, last week.

Miss Lulu Stapleton is home from Cannonsburg, where she lias been visit-

ing ber sister. SOMOVE.


Jno Giles, of Lowell, was in town


Miss Flora Chamlierlain is enjoying a visit with her mother, Mra E. F. Sayles.

A. D. Sbepard and family spent t b e 4ih and 5lh in Lowell with the former's parents.

Asa Stockle and Ed. Ferguson captur-ed some of the prizes given on jumping

at Lowell the 4th.

Ella Kopf, of Lowell, and a marri from Gd. Rapids are the guest

of Wesley Fox and family.

It was a rather cold day to get sprink-led tbe 4th, but many there were who were drenched by the careless firemen who showed their skill (.-) at Lowell. It was anything but agreeable.—WrniR

Spray your trees, save your fruit. H Na«h has the best Spraj ing Pump in tbe market.

Ada I tains.

Fred Wood and wife, from Belding, ar.- visiting at Mr Wright's.

Mr and Mrs Henry, from Gd. Rapids,

are spending a few days at Mr Sproat's.

Dr Van Amburg and wife have spending a week at Caledonia.

James Burns and wife, f iom Chicago, have been spending a week at Sir Burns'.

Mrs Bethel Bristol and family, from Metropolitan, are visiting at James

(Irattaa Uathcrlnga.

Hay fever is an earlier visitor than

ueual this season.

Born — t o Sir and Mrs Alexander Ogilvio, July Sth, a daughter.

The farmers have commenced a pro-picious harvest, but what to do with the surplus hay crop sUll puu le s them.

Wheeler Pond has purchased a n e w Empire Binder. |

n . . „ , . ; Art 0 f namaUrralnf . Prof. Harvey L Brown, of the Minor , D t m a f V . „ . n i n g u p l a c i n g upon

School, has a very interesting young a b l n e a r i j ornamental "

' - • Mrs Brown preeented him with ) fometimca inlaid wi lb y J d and silver.

The growing vnlnc of a good picturo is iUmtratcd by the prices paid for the '•Skittle Players," by Jan Steen, now owned by Lord Ashbnrton. In 1709 It was knocked down for 53 florins: 1765, IM florins: 1777, 770 florins; 1780, 1,230 florins; 1784,1.540 florins: I7W. l.COO florins: 1797, 1,650 florins; 1803, 1,400 florins: 1811, 2,400 florins: 1877, 3,500

a fine daughter, July lOlh.

Rev. Father McCormic, of Brooklyn, N. Y , is the guest of Father Crumley.

Miss Ola Pond, with a large company of young friends, enjoyed a picnic party in H. D. P o n d s grove, July 10th.

Mrs T. Watson and daughter, Mrs E. Hydorn, of Greenville, and Mr and Mra S Bigley, of Eureka, attended church at Ashley, July ISth.

Miss Belle Cotton, of Dakota, bnt late-ly of Ionia, is visiting her uncle, Charles

Watkins and family.

Miss Mertie Rich and Misses Anna find Bessie Newton, of Greenville, are visiting Mrs L E. Brooks and other relatives here.

Mi.-<£ Slary Casner is at Grand Rapids attending the Teachers Normal, com-mencing July 14di. ,

Mrs Willis Purdy and Mra Perry Purdy, of Alton, were visitors at Dr Spencer's, July 13th.

SIr>: Bert Less iter is improving and may be able to return from Gd. fcipids. tbe last of this week.

Slessre Wright Green and W. Cooper, of Grand Rapids, with their families,

were visitors at Henry Green's, last week. Wright doesn't forget the dear

home and his parents and friends here.

Mrs E, R. Spencer, of Belding. with rr little dauicbter Maud —our namt«akc

—visited "Maud" and family. Wehaye no joys greater than social communion with dear and long-known friends.

Rev. J. H. Faircbilds gave us a excellent discourse from the 116 Psalm, 12, IS and 14 verses, last Sunday. Thes* thiee verses convey a glorious of spiritual faitb and works.

Who can look upon tbe lovely lily, bringing its snow-wt from filthy bogs and disgusUng mires, without being reminded of undefiled by surroundings, unaffected by polluUons, subtle influence on every s i d e - M A C K .

Jno. Broad bent has rented the Steam Mill and desires yourtrade. Flour, Feed, Ac. at bottom prices.

aa in Dozuascoa blad-.-* It is so called from Dauiaacus, which was celebrated in the Midillo Ages for this class of orna-mental art . - Dry Goods Chronicle.

The Dnlteof Westminster each year takes in about $5,000 in sixpences and •hillings, paid by sightseers for admis-sion to his country seat at Eaton halL The dnke has a land rental amounting to fS75.000 a r»ar.

DEAFNESS C A N T BE CURED by local application, as they cannot reach the diseased portion of therar. Tliere is only o n e w a y to curedeafnets, and that is by constitutional remedies. Deafness is caused by an inflamed condi-tion of tbe mucous lining of the Fu- ' and Poultry are subject.

Mose Headley and lady, from Wood ville, are visiUng at Dr Van Amburg's.

Bethel McLain have be«n sjiending a few days at Corunna.

Sirs Hontoon and Mrs Kirk started for

their home at Chicago, last Thursday.

Will Watson is spending a f e w days

at home.

Parnetl I'oluta.

Wheat harvest is in full blast. C. E. Francisco is kept busy us a Dr., being called far and near to attend to tbe wants of the binders.

Jno. Slalone haannew Deeriug Binder.

D. F. Howard has a nem- Johnson Binder.

Mr and Sirs J. Koena have the sym-pathy of all in the IOSH of their only i 3 years old. He liad just recovered from scarlet fever when dropsy set in, from which he died, July.rub.

Mrs Pat Bresnahan, who has been

very sick. Is able to sit up.

Fred Alger, of Lowell, visiied at S. D Norman s, Monday.

Miss Genevieve McGee, of Gd. Rapids,

is visiting her many friends here.

A llUle son ol John McCarty's is very sick with Typhoid fever.

The Four Ckimera.

How was Sunday for a warm day.

Harvest is in full bioom in this section

of the county and in some portions it is all over with.

Mr and Mrs Frank Gordon returned Ui their home iu Gd. Rapids, later spending a week visiting friend* and relatives in

this vicinity. Morae, of South Lowell. Sun

with fnends in this vicinity.

P. J. McEwen, of Peloskey, is visiting in this neighborhood. He reports good times, lots ol fisb and a very pleasant

season up there this rummec.

Charles Johnson, one ol Porter Perrln's lias ing hands, killed a rattle snake that

was nearly 21 feet in length. Tbe por-tion of his body bore the rattles was dislocated by thi' mowing machine, but it was a genuine sauger just the same, and a very large one.

We b u r that Slarlin Cobb in a married man. We are not sure yet, but will let you know later. PKTKU.

C. H. Fargo & C o s flenuine Tampico (loot alios are the l est ever offered in Lowell for the money, f2 . at A. J. Howk ft Son's.

H^ath Hoalou.

Myron Keyser and Fremont Cilley were among those who secured some

ist week, and some wan edl lust in this locality.

Burt Buxton hail a runaway un Satur-

day, throwing him some distance and damaging the binder aoiu> srlmt. but. «ery fortunately, himself and team es-oaped unharmed to any extent.

W«j hear Sunday s|iuken of u« a hot day, the thermmneter r>i;isterin>; over one hundred.

Rev. J. W. Arney did not fill his u|i-pointment on Sunday.

How about the Farmers Picnic. Alsiiil time to ftea' something about it.

The rain on Saturday seemed to go m streaks through the western part of lot ia Co., from what we hear.

Several in this locality have the huckleberry fever, and some bail enough

so they say they are ICOIII»: to gel some, and among the number are some of the "weaker" sex, who wouldn't think they could cut stove wood enough to last a

The prospect is very unfavorable for

the apple ai.d peach crop in this vicinity.

Mrs Celia D. Sessions, widow of Hon, Alonio Sejsums.died in Berlin, Tuesday evening of this week She was seventy

1. The funeral was held Una

EILERTS DAYLIGHT LIVER PILLS are a boon to suITerernfrom Sick-beadaches. Sour Stomach, Torpid Liver and l^ligestion, Sugar-o. -ted. pleas ant to lake and warranted to go through by daylight.

Et ixnr's EXTRACT o r TAR & W i u i CuEKiiY is a safe, reliable and pleasant remedy for Cough, Colds, Bronchitis, Asthma, and all throat troubles; will ie-iieve ami benefit rousumption. Try il and Is- convinced. Every bottle war-ranted; price 50c. and one dollar i-er bottle. Sold by all druggists. Prepared bv the Emmert Propnewry Co.. Chica-g^. HI.

DR JAQUES* GERMAN WORM C A K E S destroy worms and remove them from the system. Safe |.len»anl and effective.

H A P P Y HOME BLOOD PURIFIER is Ibe Peoples Popular Medicine lor pur-ifying the blood; preventing or curing Dvspepsia. Bilhonsness. Headache. Doils and all Fevers and Stalarial Disec-

stachian Tube. When this tube gets in flamed you have a rumbling sonnd or imperfect bearing, a i d when it is en-tirely closed. Deafness is the n*ult . and u n l e * the Inflammation can lie taken out and this tube restored to i u normal conditibn, bearing will be destro* ed for-ever; nine cases out of ten are caused by catarrh, which is nothing hat an Inflam-ed condition of the mucous surtsces.

We will g ive One Hundred Dolla.'s for any case of Deafness (caused by catarrh! that we cannot cure by taking Hall's Catarrh Cure Send for circulars, free.

F. J. CHEOT & Co., Toledo, O.

moUierof Owirge and Hiram Fr&sei

bad a stroke of paralysis, she having no j W H , k -

use of one side. We hope that it will W a n t e d - A mamed man to work on not prove serious and that she may re- | dairy farm Will furnish house io live cover soon. ; " " " I w l " pay good wages, tne year

I round, to the righl man. Address, See the new Steel frame Harrows at 1 D. O, StteUAT,

Nash's. i Ada, Mich.

Abbott, of Keene, was buried He had lieen sick with con

over a year. He was 2•-, yean, old. Hia funeral was held at the M.'E. church iu Keene and be was buned in the Pinckney cemetery under the aus-p i o s of the Sons of Veterans.*

Prof F. E. Converse bos been elected principal ol the high school at Pontiac, Mich. It is a merited recognition ol his qualifications, and it is a gratification to his fnends here to learn of bis success.

The Rev. J . W. Arney, of this village lias" purchased H, W. Dodge's ( Aimee, |>ayiug •300 for ber.

E. H. Hunt had auotber sheep killed by dogs last Saturday night, and some time in the latter part of the week War ren Peterson, living west from town, had two badly injured, and one was killed on Randy Taylor's farm, Jamerson Henry, of Keene, bad one killed on his mother's place east from town, and Mr flail, in Berlin, has bad a number killed. In all there has lieen over fifty sheep killed and all because somebody persists In keeping

a worth leas cur or two. W e hope the owners of the dogs will be discovered

J. L. Griflith. of this township, market-ed Vi fleeces in Uiis village, which weigh-ed 217 pounds, g e u i c g 30 cents straight for tbe clip. It was from sheep uf a cross between the Lincoln and Leicester breeds and the wool was pronounced as being tbe best marketed this season in


The Saranac base ball c lub cmne home from I^iwell with depressed counten-ances. They had been done up in a score of 2P to 0. Tbe Lowell l a y s ^ad ao im-ported pitcher, but the Saranac boys say that it was their own measly playingand not the good playing of the Liwell club

that beat them.

Wm. R Payne met*with a serious aeci-ini. ThiimdHy of last week. He was

laying a stone wall for the foundation

of the new house Homer Anderson is building, and while dressing one of the stone' a cnip flew and struck him in the eye. Tbe Injury was so great that be has since been entirely disabled and it is d ubtful if the sight of Uie eye can lie saved.

A chap by the name of Groesbeck—un editor at that, who lived In Palerson, New Jersey, comniitted Mliclde recently beca'ise the collections in the office were not euough lo defray the expense* of the pa|s'r be was editing. Ii ediuirnln thin section comniitted suicide for llu.t cause, we fear that there would he un epidemic of suicide among the profa^iuu inside of two weelw.

A party of fourteen people came down the river from Ionia, lasl Sunday, in a small sleamtsiat, and when alsiut a half a mile M o w the bridge at this village the Uiat ran aKuinsta snug which crush-ed a hole through the bottom and it at once began to sink. There wus a wild scurrying for the shore which fonuna'e ly waa but a short distance away, and all escaped with only a good Helling. One child narrowly escaped drowning. —Ijmil.


I » o s E ' b RED C LOVER P ILLS CURK S ICK Headache, Ilvspepsta, IndiKestion, Con-stipation. 23c. per Box, 5 Boxes f o r | ] . Sold by all druggists.

IIHINKONKSM—LIUUOK IIAIIIT In all Ilia World Ihprn la but onr Cura,

Ur. UaluiM' (iuldi-u Hpeellle. It can b> Kl*M" In a cup of tea or coflw wllh-

T H E WONDERFUL TOWER TbP highest structure in the world is

Eiffel Tower, at P a n s 1.000 feet high. But the great discovery of Dr Franklin Miles, is certain to tower far above it in promoting human happiness and health. This wonderful nerve medicine builds up worn-out systems, cures fits, spasms, headache, nervous prostration, d imness , sleeplessnesi-. m •nthly pains, sexual troubles, etc. Mrs John R. Miller, of Valpaiaiso, Ind., and J. D. Taylor, of Lotcansjion, Ind., gained 20 pounds n month while taking it. Finely illu'tral-ed treatise on "Nervous Diseases" and sample bottle'.f the Restorative Nervine, free at Yeiter & Look's, who guarantee it.


Still lives, so do hundreds of others who have been cured of Rheumatism and Neuralgia by the great blood purifier. Sulphur Bitters. Send for testimonials.

THOUSANDS POISONED. In a recent work on Heart Disease, Dr

Franklin Miles—Ihe noted speeialist— gives many new and startling facts. T b o i m n d s o f people are slowly imisonmg themselves, waakening their hearts by tbe use ol tea, coffee, tobacco and alco-hol. The*, are H K A K T W i l l i ' s ,

it to beat rapidly, thus gradually it out, producing shortnese of

breath when exercising, fiains m side and shoulder, hungry and faint spells. Fi-nally b e a n failure and sudden death. For weakened and Irritated hearts the press everywhere hiehlv recommend ihe New Heart Cure discovered by Dr Frank-lin Miles, which is for sale at Yeiter £ Look's.


This remedy is becoming and so |io|i-u l a r a s t o u e e d no special notice, All who have used Electric Bitters sn-g the same'aong of praise.—A (Hirer nieda ine does not exist and it is gunrunteed lo do all that is clain.ed. Electric Bitter* will cure all diseaa* of the liver and liver and kidneys, will remove Pimples. Colls, Salt Rheym und other affections caused liy impure blood —Will drive Slalaria from tlie system and prevent as well as cure all Slalaria fevers.— For cure of Hi'adache. Conxtipotion and Indigestion try Electric Bitters— Enure satisfaction gauranteed. or money refunded—Price 50c and $1.00 per buttle at Hunt & Hun'ers Drug Store.


Read the following: Mr. C. H Morris, Newark. Ark./ says: "Was down with Abscess of Liiii'gs. and friends and physicisn* pronounced me an Incurable ConsUu.o. . .c Began taking Dr. King's New Discovery for Cousump-tion. am now on my third bottle, and able Is oversee tbe work on my farm. Il is tbe finest medicine ever made.'

Jesse Slidd'ewart, pecatur. Ohio, says: "Had it not lieen for Dr. King's New Discoverv for Consuimition I would have died of L u i v Troubles. Was given up by doctors. Am now in the best of health." Try it. Sample bottles free at Hunt & Hunter's Drug Store. ^

Man was made to mourn but need be suffer unnecersarily? For every poison there is an antidote and happily Blud-bilder is the anudote to many evils that poison c a n ' s existence. 'This great vegetable specific is tbe most valuable thst medical research has succeeded in

from tbe secret depths of I t is a surprisingly controlling cases of cancer and tumors, it

j landular swellings, al levisles epilepsy, roguiales the digestion, tones Uie i slnep, sustain, against fatigue und ex-pels scrofulous and all other blood de-rangeuients. Price f l . 00 . Sold by all druggists.

Children Cry for Pitchcr's C a s t j r h .

Price 50c. and one dollar per bottle. UNCLE S A ' S NERVE & BONE

LINIMENT will relieveSpra^ns.Bruises, Neuralgia and Rheumatism. Sold by all druggists.

UNCLE SAM'S CONDITION POW-DER will cure Distemper, Coughs, | Colds, Fevers and most of the dmeases to which Hotses, Cattle, Sheep, Hogs

Sold by all druggists.

Mothers will find Dr. Winrbefl's j Teething Syrup just the medicine to I have in UM- house for the children; it

ill cure Coughs, Colds. Sore Throat, and Regulate the Bow ela. Try it.

$1.50 buys a pair of Fine Dongola shoes at A. J. Howk & Son's.

Don't say there is no help for catafrh. hay fever and cold in head, since thousands tesufy that Ely's Cream Balm ha" entirely cured them. luniiersedes the dangerous use of liquids and snuffs. It is easily applied into the nostrils and gives relief at once. Price 50 cents.

very desi rable th ing jus t now would be a

Qoo\ wave. T h a t we may not" get , bu t we

^ ^ u g h t t o t ry and m a k e .

^ ^ u r s e l v e s comfortable , let us t ry and be g o o d - n a t u r e d a n d

j f ^ o o k well to our feet. W e cannot en joy the

Wa r m wea the r if you w e a r heavy shoes. W e invi te you to call

^ ^ t ou r store, where you will find a nice -

a r ie ty of slippers, low shoes and l ight-weight f o o t w e a r of

Every k ind at very r e a s o n a b l e prices. R O B E R T S O N & S O N .

W A N T E D P. S —100 pairs of slices on our special bargain counter.

A. R. H E N D R 1 X .


Steam & I lot Water Heaters Steam Fitting an l Pump Repairing,

I R T I F I C I I L S T O I E W I L I S . F U G 6 I I G . E T C

Anr pwwnu IntenJln* lo lay wal rihaliort, wOl flixril to lb«4r Ii


E n t c q i r i s i n g 1 h r e she rman k n o w s that

th-- th resh ing machine t ha t will

work the mos t rapidly, clean perfect ly,

and save all the grain will b r ing him

the best jobs and best prices, and so he will W r i t e n o w to

a t o n c c invest igate ' ou r claim that

bea t s any th ing he re to fo re made in

all t h e s e and o ther po in t s T h e

wide-awake F a r m e r will also g e t

o u r circulars and sat isfy himself

whe the r he can af ford to have his grain

was ted by o t h e r th reshers when he

can m a k e m o n e y by having his gra in

th reshed with the N e w V i b r a t o r .

O u r pamphle t giving full information a b o u t T h r e s h i n g Machinery'

and Trac t ion E n g i n e s

s e n t on application.

thinj; of that soft. *01 On.lli to their lolerak lo g*mypr!cm Q T A l i work at Lowest Living Rates, u d Sat-

isfaction guaronUed. f i t

G e o . D. H e r r i o k & Co.,

Pianos, O r g a n s and Musical Merchardise,

1 3 F O U N T A I N S T . ,

Sartman (Hall §lock. - grand §apids) fificb.

The Leading Musical House of Western Hiehigan. STEIN WAY & SONS,




KRAKAUER PIANOS. One of the Finest Toned and Most Durable Pianos on the Market

13 Fountair St. - Grand Rapids, Mien.

Wbrn I'.aliv v u alck, *« r«" Jw Castoria. Wben ihe van a ClilW. «lw crtol for CaMorla. Wh-n the bscamo llto. tbe clunc to Cscif la, « W tho bad ChlUirn. tba carp Ibrm Caatort*.

To core Blllonsnett, Sick Headacbe, ContU-patloa. Malaria, Urer Complainla, take

Uw sals and certain remedy.

BILE BElNS Oa* t h e WBAIX Mae fMIKUe Beaut to tbe beulsL Tuat AHE TUS MOST comnfiftan.

S n t t o b l o iOM- a l l Jk P r t e e o f Cither s i s* . «5«. p e r Bot t l e .

nS8W8£C-I»SH i.r4llinftltJta«»(-B<Lastiia.'tT.lHtt U.

TREE Iff s |

•*4 rV«« nl r** TW flfehtur >( CMC ••teeVTW*

Tte •BOMrtaf r«t (to* •#(! niwiij*

.HU Uir knoalcdJis of the penaa takl» It.effeot- n- « T - O . - N. - U I . i . v -lucatpned} ami pormnn-nl c-m, whetbrr tb-l-nwiita a M s r a t e dnater OT aa aboMin S L . i - ~ V t> rv — -wreck. Thuuoanat of drunkanU hart Inrn MIMII r f "tTr~*T - - "** mom curtd «ao harr takrn thr Uoulea Kprdftc lu i . tlieir ua or wlUiinu U*lr kaowMp;. and ! — to daj beUe»e the, quit dnnkiog of thSr own , T o bsarn B o n k - K e e p l n e , R h e r f b a n d , fn* will. So harmful effrcta rrmlilnK from | Ifte., a (lend Ihe

s s t s r - ^ ^ w -

The Mails.


SuVi a. m.—closed pjuch for Grand Bapids.

12:'7 .a m —Way mail. U:86 p. m.—Way maU.


750 a. in.—Closed pouch for Detroit. 10:56 p. ni.—Way mail. 420 p. m.—Way mail.

• o o i s o BOOTH. 7 K) a. m.—Mail by carrier. 756 a. m.—Mail by L. ft H. R R. 455 p . m . -

FROM THE SOUTH. 4:00 p. m.—Mail by earner, except Alto

1050 a. in—Mail hy L. & H. R. R— "

OOISO KOKTH. I Jo 11 m.—Mail for Falbtssburg.AIUin,

Grant, Grattan. FlfflM THE KOKTH.

l l^Oa . m.—Mail received from above p l a y s .

All mails close 80 minutes before Ume above stated.

Post Office oiien from 7 a. m. to 740 p. ru.. standard Ume


Lumber Yard.




Y a r d a t rear of T ra in ' s Hote l ,

Lowell. Mich.


Loaded for Bear! Nut much Ume to talk, but lots to sell goods.

A.1TD OOODS ! The "proper thing," this year, is OLD SILVER, which we have in a

great variety of styles, also Novelties in Oxydired Goods, Fiat Ware Old Silver, Etched, Pearl Handled Table and Tea Knives, Fruit Knii

11 # Pi #• If Cvsswlinn C • 1 • . . . v I ' . 111.. • .. C — - — J V* I rw • a wa, • • Nut Picks Sterling Silver Pieces, Plates, Snoons and Forks Hunting Case, Stem Wind Watches, zo and Up;

in Knives,

Gold Filled. Gold Filled Open Face,

Stem Wind Watches, 15 and Up,

And Anything Else in tbe Line of Fine Jewelry.

SHF.RMAN, The Jeweler.

Detroit, G'd Haven Alilfankee U A I l - t V A . Y



KOS.H1. 11, II, 16, III Mtxrd

3:10 a. m p m p. m. noon. Il;« 8KS 9:110 W;00

Lowell, 5-SO i t " ' SJe »:VI P i S ' -Q.Kspldt, 8:40 t t f " «;IC lU;a

FAfMESUEU n u m EAST Usee. Km 14. IS. IH. ft. I M . M l l M

a. m- a. m. p. m. p. m. a. tn. O.Kaptda 6:«0 la*) »:«i luai u S

p.m. 1 * 4 ; l i

^ ^ 0 ( i M r t r a a i '

TrsM^nUttoS Oo.'T'SSSim?'Sf daU}'. "Iprpt HSUudMr.

Kos. 14and Ithairr ekyaot Buttett Ot

Lowsl l . lonla.

7M 1034 4*> UM .:u :ise> aa nr.

b o . IIS laa rca Oraad l U p l d . s t Tp. m Baiur-d s y t o a l r . with coach a t i acbcd u> t a k r paM- u *er> lor Lowall and Ada.

Tlirouirti UokeU to all Prtaclnal polnui E a u a n d a r r on t a l i a t U.well K-alion. A O. HEYULAUKK. J O H N W. LOOU.

Agnat Uownll Traff ic Maaa«er . Detroit.

c :... *• r-if • •


4* U I- -U* %«t» IW. •mKmtgl tltimili irJ i-f*-' - a • Wfcto* WO- • el.— - . v ^ •»i fWs «• *rr -^>1 W1 ia* -C '. H fmmkmmwBli.K " - • tu* S'l nTl'mitl.'u' . ki'J

Loiell i Hasllogs R. R, TIME TABLE:

b l-el j l t of r r o l i - c t t o i . Algr tUi'.-le mn- will I n .

£«'«l. , |nanianxevpt -l : i r . ! I . " Khi . li "—

Tl. . ' V/ImiII-m y I w H v c c e n l a . |>i>iMae


THE AMEHICAN V a o t e o m r z T A AT r 11 L < NIN

«Mf, .1 • T l ' r e l , " r « l w i t h a v l i t s " p n a m u f o r Pn.lOA—

itn ,h'' ""e'o" >1 Jum*m P , " f < * l 0 0 | d m e n .

?i I " ? 'ndLtno-.ttDdpn-Kntnlo-dhiii i taliU. fao t i—comi tu- lKin . uf v u i r . » . u « f " . J . 'i1!1. " t b i - r MIYtunei r tlowim tbe rnUTtkm.

o n e w m tic s e n t o u r s o o l p t of I lwi<ic<<pl " Maire*, Uvlmr and ll Will b e s c u t f o r I c e n u . I w wil l U t s u u i f o r au c e n t s o r f a r a i ocnta . o r a n y n r . - f o e ill . p a i d O n t a r b y o n n l i e r .

"f %'Wwettre Hifia to184

'inr«ahi nomr t T - i t r t l u u In tl i n m n i. > tMt*

NT.« 'Hrtcc t . V 'l . :ur" irgaur-ltm ib. uf

4 - Mix 1 a n l i n w a t i r r l s h i Wnoluf iaeKai .

7- liH- 1 fnaj r , -TiulD ; It* • •• n t l M a t ' T u«tr r L « p% a« mrn

t ' . " W t ' " • " • S i - " J ia l i f Wk. u V- . < •>w«te Prtjr L-raTi..- -A IIUl..ri. ,1

.l-»UlW. Il l | . I l u i u j u t ag

" " " : t ' m ' U--11'•U-.-Uui, «'• i'-obiic Mter]" bBDWw'H ^

iht-rwiu^ .. m U— It itiff bl M^PmkinMvVi.r-Tnrtt Mer

! „ kett b a n c a d r m ] ? ,

ia Otruiaa. Brtit A ^ i i l o a -

J t ^ ^ - l ^ . 1 . -


U w » e Lowell, 7 « a a - Elmdale, 7:4» a a

A n l T e a t Freepor t . S : 1 0 a a

«ectl». Tarin

6:10 p m

TRAINS SORTU. • « : 4 % a a j

llOiOO i al H o s n H



Antwnt to I. "Vocrini ^ ^ iiian> (joertlnn

Thl-Amatkaa Wonl I n d t u u y . " i L u Aa-

j » - * W t — t t ' i ion in Wt j r " .

Watiori'a. XFR— " A HBORL

erot«-ilSn aDd'tkerwroT C r u o s


aw. cum..

/Milchail'sKldKrPiastBfi V ATO..IOAJWJ«B». U; .^

m t . m U i m t o a h . s - J i ^ n o i ' . l o a . Oil chroale VUaex l o C J . r j . j j

they i U a o rtl'cf ntrt:i f - r i - S KtTCIIEI.I/B K f D M V

FlMHTEItH, l>r n n n r ^ K e r c r T w U m i , or »<-U I j- nt}"! f i r 5 *

Kinrn l t r p i n a i e r V . . . r - a - I m r r l l . i : < i . .


i f f l le ted with T h r o a t snd . L u

tS Cts. a Bottts at Dran l s t t .