los angeles herald (los angeles, calif. : 1890) (los ... · drug store 110 s. main street.,...

United States Signal Service. Report of observations taken at Los Angeles, September 23. 1890: Max. tern., 70: mm. tern.. 63. Rainfall past 24 hours?lnappreciable. BRIEFS. Supervisor Thomas E. Rowan yester- day stated that he was a candidate for re-nomination. A call for a public meeting this even- iug has been issued by the Municipal Reform Association. The first social of the season by the Illinois association will be held" next Tuesday evening, September 30th. Allhigh school alumni are requested to meet next Thursday evening, 7 :30. at the city hall, Broadway, rooms of the city board of education. The Crown Hills association at its meeting last nigl.t, decided to ask the council to give that part of the city a sufficient water supply at once. The American Federation of Trainmen will hold a four days' convention ami a grand ball in this city beginning October 21st. Illinois hall has bten secured for the occasion. The ladies of the W. R. C. union fair will meet in Masonic hall, No. 125Vj S. Spring street, Wednesday, September 24th, at 2 p. m. All iiiemaWs are requested to be present. Good Will lodge No. 313 I. O. G. T. will give a musical, literary and dra- matic entertainment on Saturday even- ing, 27th inst. at 8 o'clock, in the G. A. R. Hall, No. 612 South Spring street. The management of Robinson's circus wish it made public that Mr. Robinson extends an invitation to all the orphans in the city to visit the show free of charge. Matrons should make applica- tion so seats can be reserved. John A. Logan post and corps will hold a joint open meeting this evening in their hali, No. 612 South Spring street, near Sixth, at 7:45 sharp. All; members of the G. A. R. and W. R. C. and friends are cordially invited. Several of the prominent liquor deal- ! ers of this city have received telegraphic advice from the east to raise all imported champagne if.'l.oo a case. They have also been informed to mark up other goods in their line. This is due to the McKin- ley tariff bill. The council on Monday amended the ordinance in reference to saloons, by in- \ eluding carpet beating establishments among those for the establishment of ; which it will be necessary to receive tlie permission of three-fourths of the res- idents in a block. The amendment was brought about owing to the fact that a party intended to put an unsightly shanty for a carpet beating concern on Pearl street. PERSONAL. General Manager Wade, of the Santa Fe roads in California, will return from San Francisco today. There are telegrams at the office of the Western Union company for Ma- dame Leo Cotes and.l. S. Benhayon. W. S. Rhinebart of the Arcade hotel, and J. \V. Scott of the Arcadia of Santa Monica, went to San Francisco yester- day. There are telegrams at the Postal tel- egraph office for J. M. Brooks, Miss Gertie Wilcox, Chas. Nicholas and Henry C. Wyatt. W. McDonald died on Monday even- ing at San Bernardino. He was for- merly a resident of this city. He was a brother of Mrs. Mark Jones. P. B. Perkins, a well known water works builder of Springfield, Missouri, accompanied by Mrs. Perkins, has ar- rived and will make this city his perma- nent home. Mr. Perkins "is at present the guest of D. H. Ireland, on Twenty- third street. Sam H. Joseph, the featherweight advance representative of Robinson's circus, is in the city. Mr. Joseph is an accomplished manager who has dove good work for his show in the short time he has been here. Mr. L N. Inskeep, of the Los Augeles business college, with the intention of surprising his friends in Los Angeles, quietly went to San Diego on the morn- ing of Saturday, September 20th, and was there married to Emma L. Gilford of Orange, by the Rev. W. W. Tinker. Mr. and Mrs. Inskeep spent the fol- lowing two days at Coronado, and on Tuesday returned to Los Angeles, where they were met and welcomed by their many friends. WHY DID HE GO? A St. Louis Merchant's Trip to the Post- oftice, ami the Result. California's last i ion Is beginning to take hold of St. Louis. J. V. S. Barrett, the -commission merchant of 122 and 124 North Commercial Street, was one of the first to test Joy's Vegetable Sarsaparill" in sick headaches. Its effect was such a gratifj lug surprise that he went over to the postoflice and told his friend, Thos. P. Culkln, the superinteudeut of the registry division, who was also worried with headaches, about iL The following letter de- tails his friend's experience also: ? Postoffici, Sr. Locis, Feb. 20,1890. \u25a0J. V. 8. Barrett, Esq.: ? Lea k Sir: You ask me. Did I act ou your ad- vice? I did, and am glad to have to thank yon for it For years I have suffered from indiges- tion and headaches. Takiug your advice, I pur- chased a bottle of Joy's Vegetable Sarsaparilla. Before I had finished the first bottle I could eat almost anything withimpunity, and have been since rarety troubled with a headache of any kind, for which I give due credit to your ad- Tioe and Joy'B Vegetable Sarsaparilla. Yours, etc, THOS. P. CULKIN. Superintendent Registry Division, Postoffice. The Annuals Have Come. A large consignment of the Annual Illustrated Hjcbald has arrived. Parties desiring it can be supplied in quantities to suit at the Herald business office. Send it to your eastern friends. It will be more valued than a letter. Its wide circulation will materially benefit this section. There are forty-five pages of information about Southern California, and fifty tine illustrations. TELEGRAPHIC BREVITIES. nth and Point of Miscellaneous News Dispatches. Asa Dow, president of the Chicago board of trade, is dead. William Walter Phelps, United States minister to Germany, is home on a visit. A man was found nearly cut in pieces and robbed of $130 on the road between Santa Rosa and Windsor, by tramps. A shipment of 7000 cases of canned peaches has been made from San Jose direct to London. The shipment re- quired a special train of twenty cars. Three Chinese have been arrested at I The Dalles, Ore., charged with being ' implicated in the robbery of the First National bank of that place a week ago. At Harrisburg, Pa., the wife of Carl \ Hopsmith jumped in the canal with her infant son and was drowned. The wo- man was homesick to return to Ger- many. John W. Lattin, aged 78, Wilson Van- I dewater, aged 42, and Mrs. Vandewater ! were killed at Poughkeepsie, N. V., while trying to cross tlie railroad tracks in a carriage ahead of an express train. At Omaha, Ed Wiggard, a teamster, fatally shot Allie Horine and then blew out his own brains. Wiggard left a note saying the woman had promised to marry him, but had been anfaithiul. Before the German Catholic congress lat Pittsburg, Rev. Dr. Buecheler, of New York, said Catholics had no use for public schools. Roman Catholic, child- , ren ought to be brought up in their parental faith. At Martinez, Cal., William Martin- j dale, who shot and killed John Burke, near Clayton, two weeks ago, pleaded guilty to murder in tlie lirst degree, and asked the judge to hang him and not imprison him for life. The Galveston Athletic club has tele- graphed Jack Dempsey, at Portland, Ore., offering a purse of $11,000 for a tight between him and Bob Fitzsimmons. A similar notice was wired to Fitzsim- mons at the Bay of St. Louis, La. Arch Bishop Riordan has purchased a ' tract of seventy-live acres near San Rafael for 150,000. It is proposed to ; establish a catholic College where young ' men can be educated for the priesthood. I The cost of the buildings will probably reach $800,000. The Annuals Have Come. A large consignment of the Annual Illustrated Herald has arrived. Parties desiring it can be supplied in quantities jto suit at the Hbbald business office. Send it to your eastern friends. It will be more valued than a letter. Its wide circulation will materially benefit this section. There are forty-eight pages of information about Southern California, and fifty line illustrations. A Brooklyn Heights Fire. An alarm of lire was turned in at a i little after one o'clock this morning from East Los Angeles. The tire was beyond Brooklyn Heights. No particulars ; could be obtained. Boils and pimples and other affections arising from impure blood may appear at this season, when tbe blood is heated. Hood's Sarsaparilla removes the cause of these troubles by purifying, vitalizing and enriching the blood, and at the same time it gives strength to the whole system Died. jMcDONALD?At sun Bernardino, Cal., on Mon- jday, September 22, 1890, W. A. J. G. MeDon- j aid. attorney-at-law. agod 29 years. Fifth I son of Senator, the late Hon. Donald McDon- I aid, of Toronto. Canada. Funeral on Thursday, the 25th inst.. at 11 o'elock a. m. from residence of his brother-in- law, R. G, Lunt, Esq., corner of Hancock and Patrick streets, East Los Angeles. 9-24-21 MILLTKEN?In this city. Sept. 23. 1890. Louisa M.,wlfe of George E.Milliken,native of Maine, aged 57 years. 7 months Funeral services at her late residence, 237 S. Broadway, at 10 a. m., Thursday. San Francisco papers please copy. Fr. Aockerblum's OLD RELIABLE DRUG STORE 110 S. MAIN STREET., Adjoining Grand Opera House. Will, from today, and hereafter I conduct their drug business on the same basis as that which obtains in the conduct of other mercantile pursuits, viz: On as close a margin of profit as pure and gen- uine goods can be be handled. We are con- vinced that a large business at a small ratio of poflt is far more satisfactory than a small busi- ness at large profits. We therefore intend to give the I.os Angeles public the benefit- of lower prices on everything inour line than has ever been offered here before. Please examine tlie appended price list, and note the sweeping reductions we make. Every article in our va- ried and complete stock of drugs, druggists' sundries unci fancy goods, bears a correspond- ing reduction ill price. Prescription tilling a specialty. Purity and absolute accuracy al- ways guaranteed, at rates fully one-third less than is usually charged. We quote prices today as follows: * Vaseline a bottle?t'hesebrough's, genuine 5c Castoria a bottle t 20c EpsomSaltsa pound 10c ( team Tartar a pound, strictly pure 48c Pond's Extract a bottle 80c A 78c Tincture of arnica an oz 5c All other ordinary tinctures an oz 5c Sozodont a bottle 59c Quinine sulphate, P. <tW. anoi 75c ?J grain quinine pills a doz 10c Tetlows' Bwansdown, with bottle of per- fume 10c 1,000 sheets wire loop toilet paper 10c Rochelle Salts 2 oz. for 5c Allcock's Porous Plasters 13c, 2 for 25c a good thermometer 20c Genuine Dupont, 4-row tooth brush 19c A good toilet soap, a doz 48c Cuticura soap, a cake 19c, a box 55c Sulphur a pound.. 5c Copperas a pound, sc. 0 for 25c Washing ammonia, a pint bottle 15c Powdered alum 4 oz. for 5c Powdered borax 4 oz. for 5c Swift's Specific, "S S s," a bottle 74c Swill's Specific, -'S S S," large bottles $1.25 Superior qualityBay Hum a pint 50c Murray it Lannan Florida Water a bottle 49c l.undb'org's and Eastman's bulk perfumes an oz 25c Carter's Little Liver Pills 15c Ayer's, Hood's and Warner's Pills 15c Other patent pillsat 15c to 19c Ayer's Hair Vigor a bottle 07c Chamois skins from 10c up Hood's Sarsaparilla a bottle 79c Aver's '? " " 78c Joy's " ?' " 79c Hair brushes 25c. 50c, 00c, 75c A- $1.00 Acme Nurser, test in use,complete 25c 9-20-lm DAILY HERALD. THE LOS ANGELES HERALD: WEDNESDAY MORNING SEPTEMBER 24, 1890 8 1 5(07 a. m.' 5:07 p. ra. Notice to the Ladies. The Grand Opening of the Paris Pattern Hats and Bonnets, and Imported Novelties, will lake place at MME. D. GOTTHELF'S, Saturday. Sept. 20th. and tlie following Mon- day and Tuesday. No cards. 9-19-lru FIVE CENTS A LINE. Situations obtained, help secured, houses /anted, property of all kinds bought and sold, and money loaned by advertising in these columns. Everybody Reads Them. RED RICE. RED RICE'S, LOSANGKI.ES. WEDNESDAY. September 24th. Hiphurrah, Red Rice is himself again. Come and rejoice withus. We will make you glad by selling you furniture oheflo, cheap. We have such beautiful new- marble top bed room sets all going for half fac- tory prices. A Davis sewing machine for IS. Household for $15. Domestic, most new, for $20. A Singer Cabinet for $20. A'es, yes, stoves, stoves of every kind. A lot of new- ones we can sell you" at second hand prices. Alot of second hands ones very cheap. Then there is such lots of tinware, crockery, etc., all selling at Red Rice prices only. Red Rice's Bazar is at 141! and 145 South Maiu street. There is also nice furniture selling cheap at Red Rice's Warehouse, 422 and 424 South Main street. WANTED?HELP. WANTED? A GOOD i-Oi.ICITOR, GKNTI.K- -tl manor lady. Easy place to work, and gooil pay. Atlas Endowment Association, room 58 Bryson-Bonebrake Block. 9-14-lm. YTTANTED ? ACTIVE MEN AND LADIES TT can make from $:! to $5 per day taking or- ders for the Annual Illustrated Herald. Apply for particulars at the HERALD BUSINESS OFFICE. 9-9. tf \\T ANTED?ALL NEEDING HELP FREE? TT employment or any information, address E. NITTINGKR'S BUREAU: established 1S80; 319' i S. Spring street, Los Augeles, Calif. Tele- piione 113 mlo-12m WANTED?FEMALE HELP. YtPTnWd- TT work. A good home. Wages $10 per month. Apply at 14 LOOM IS ST. 9 17-tf WANTED?MALE HELP. TV ANT ED?A RANCH HAND. MALTMAN, TT Room 4, Graml Opera House. 9-24-3t ATTEND THE Bankrupt Sale THE MeDonald & Fisher Fine Stock of BOOTS and SHOES Must he closed at once. The finest Stock in the city. Bottom Prices. GIBSON & TYLER, 142-144 N. Spring St. 9 21-lm EDUCATIONAL. INSTITUTE] Teachers prepared for county examinations. Professional training. Second session begins Tuesday, September 23d. C. C. BOYNTON - , 130% South Spring street, Los Angeles. 917-7t-wk-lt THE FALL TERM OF MISS MARSH'S School, a Hoarding and Day School for Young Ladies and Girls, at 1217 S". Hill St. and 1220 S. Olive St»wili begin Wednesday, Sep- tember 10th. Kindergarten open September 22d. 9-231010-12 r OS ANGELES SCHOOL OF ART AND DE- lj corner of Spring and Third streets. Classes reopen Wednesday, October Ist. O-lti-lm THE OCCIDENTAL UNIVERSITY OPENS on Wednesday, the 17th, with good pros- pects of a larger attendance than ever before. 9-7-lm TRINITY SCHOOL, 1534 MISSION ST., PRE- pares young men and boys for university college and business. Fall session opens Mod- day, August 4, 1890 Address, Dr. E. B. SPALDING, rector, San Francisco. aull-Smos T OS ANGELES BUSINESS COLLEGE AND A_ English Training School,new number, 144 8. Main st. Experienced teachers; complete courses of study. K. R. SCHRODER, I N. INSKEEP. F. W. KELSEY, Proprietors. a22tf \\ T R. STOLL, VOCAL INSTRUCTOR. It ? with German Conservatory of Music, i 431' S. Spring street. je29-tf I SHORTHAND, TYPEWRITING, TELJJGRA- I phy. LONGLEY INSTITUTE, 120 W. First ! St., the only school inthe city in which these arts are taught by competent gentlemen, skilled I in their profession. Terms moderate. ELIAS LONGLEY, 30 years a reporter, W. H. WAGNER, stenographer and telegrapher. jul-Om ACADEMY OF IMMACULATE HEART, PICO j Heights?The scholastic year comprises two sessions of five months each. The first session commences on the Ist of Sept. and | the second ou the Ist of Feb. Pupils are re- ceived at any time. For particulars apply on the premises. jul 5m SCHOOL OF CIVIL, MINING, MECHANICAL, Engineering, Surveying, Architecture, Drawing. Assaying. A. VAN DER NAILLEN, I 723 Market St., San Francisco. mlO-tf "yyrOODBURY'S BUSINESS COLLEGE SHORTHAND AND TYPEWRITING INSTITUTE, 159 South Spring Street, Los Angeles, Cal SESSIONS DAY AND EVENING. For particulars, call at office or address m'2o-tf F. C. WOODBURY, Principal. PERSONAL. PERSONAL ? CASS Mi COY, YOUR SISTER Mrs. Woodroff. at No. 147 R. R. street, wishes to see you. 9-24-5t RANCE AND TEST MEDIUM. TELLS past, present and future. Developing class. Los Angeles House, West Colorado st., Pasadena. 9-23-7t tt-|7>CONOHIC" PRICES?SUGAR, 18 LBS. ! J_ brown or 15 lbs. white, $1: 4 lbs rice,sago or tapioca, 25c.; 13 lbs. white beans 25c.; starch, i 4 packages, 25c: germea, 20c.; silver cream, 15c; 8 lbs. conimeal, 15c.; pickles, 10c. a qt.; good black or Japan tea, 35c; sack flour, 80c; Northern flour, $1.15 ; 10 cans salmon, $1; 9 cans oysters. $1; can roast beef, 20c: potted tongue or ham, 10c; 4 cans sardines, 25c; 0 lbs. raisins, 25c; 40 bars soap, $1; bacon, 12Uc; hams, 14c; pork, 10c. ECONOMIC STORES, 509-511 S. Springst. Telephone 975. m5 tf DIVORCE LAW A SPECIALTY: ADVICE free. W. W. HOLCOMB. attorney-at-law, office, old Wilson block, 120 W, First St., rooms 10 and 11. ma29-tf I)BR80NAL ? INTERESTING TO EVEBY- body How to make and save money. Read j the classy ed advertisements in the Hbuald daily. A few cents spent in an advertisement may make thousands of dollars for you. You may procure a situation; sell your house and lot; rent your vacant property; buy a paying business or sell to advantage; loan your idle money or borrow cheaper than from agents, and ina thousand different ways use these col- umns to advantage. On this "page advertise- lm u:-an-onlv FIVE CENTS A LINE A DAY. DENTISTS. DR. C. STEVENS & SONS, 107 N. SPRING St., Schumacher block, rooms 18 and 19; teeth tilled and extracted painlessly; plates $4 to $1.0; lwirs, 8 a. in. to 5 p. m.. Sundays, 9 a. m. tod pi m. je2o-tf A DAMS BROS., DENTISTS, HAVE RE- -CX moved to 208 N. Main st., opposite Temple block. je6-3rn M. PARKER, D. D. S? 145 N. SPRING . St.; gas administered; prices moderate. au2l-tf LW. WELLS. COR. SPRING AND FIRST ? sts., Wilson block; take elevator; teeth filled and extracted without pain; gold crowns and bridge work a specialty. Room 30. m4tf | DR. TOLHURST, DENTIST, lOS'.j N. SPRING St., rooms 2, 0 and 7. Painless extracting. gTcunningham, DENTIST, REMOVED ? to No. 31 N. Spring St., rooms 1 and 2, Phillips block, Los Angeles, Oal. mlstf FOR S*ALE?Country Property. TjpOß SALE OR EXCHANGE-~~2O~ACRES P choice orange lands at Rialto, San Bernar- dino county, 3 miles from the town of San Bernardino. 10 acres out to oranges of 2 years' growth, the balance ready for planting. Good wa- I ter riuhts. Parties desirous of purchasing orange lands will do well to investigate this. For fur- ther particulars apply to W, D. ECKSTEIN, Rooms 8 and !) Wilsou Block, corner First and Spiing streets, Los Augeles. 9-17-lm -|7H>R SALE ? A PARTY WHO WANTS A JT piece of ground to improve and make a liv- ing on, can buy 10 or 20 acres 10 miles from Los Angeles and a half mile from railroad, on his own terms; this is excellent soil and is well adapted for deciduous or small fruits, or chicken ranch; cash no object; a good oppor- tunity ior tlie right man. Address P. O. BOX 000, I.os Angeles. 9-12-lm 17<OR SALE?OB-ACBE RANCH, NINE MILES j from court house; grain, alfalfa and fruit land; all improved; price $100 per acre, or 50 acres at $80 per acre. R. C. CARLTON, Ful- 1 ton block. Jy2s-3m SPECIAL. NOTICE. \ DR. PARKER, DENTIST. CORNER BROAD- ' way and Third st. 9-21-1 m To THE BLIND WISHING SCHOOL AD- ! vantages address 351 North Chicago street. 9-10-18 A f RS. NANNIE CATCHING, TEACHER OF ] ivl piano, guitar and voice culture, 055 S. Spring st. 9-lt>-2m "vfoTb'E?THE LOS ANGELES CITY WATER ; Company will strictly enforce the follow- ing rule: The hours for sprinkling are between 0 and 8 o'clock a. m., aud 6 and 8 o'clock p. m. For a violation of the above regulation the water will be shut off, and a fine of $2 will be charged before water will be turned on again. ' aul7-ly ATTORNEYS. Uj. Tdcock7~attorn c y" ' suTm'm'- . volving realty carefully attended to, in alt counties of the state. Also an abstract of the county. Room 3, 115 W. Ist street. 9-10-trao ISIDORE B. DOCKWEILER, ATTORNEY-AT- law, rooms 10 and 11, Bryson-Bonebrake block. ml 9(im Geobge h. Smith. Thomas L. Winder Henry M. Smith. SMITH, WINDER <fc SMITH, ATTORNEYS- at-law, will practice in all the State and Federal Courts. Offices: Rooms 1, 2, 3 and 4 University Bank building, 117 New High sf, Los Angelas, Cal. Telephone No. 583. rnl4tf LOST AND FOUND. 1 OST - TO ABSTRACT COMPANIES, AT- IJ tornevs and others. Gone, missing: Ab- stract of title »>, or including, lot 4, blcck 27, and lot 1. blovk 32. Hancock's survey. Return to office of D. McFAKLANU, Burdick Block. 9-23-lt T OST-1 GOLD LOCKET WITH DIAMOND 1 J setting, also plated fob buckle attached. The owner will pay the tinder $5.00 for return of same a; SUPREME COURT CLERK'S Olilce. 9-23-2t T~OST-ON SUNDAY AFTERNOON, BE- xj tweenOth st, and Boyle Heights, a ladies' blue cloth walking jacket. Finder will be suitably rewarded by leaving at LINDLEY HO- TEL, Sixth st. near Broadway. 9-23-2t ffIJIO.OO REWARD?STRAYED FROM CALI- riP fornia Sewer Pipe Works, at Vernon. 1 bay horse, white star in forehead, 1 white hind foot, shod all round, weight aimut 1100 lbs. Leave information cor. 3d and Broadway, or at Works in Vernon. 9-13-2wks KOK RENT?HOUSES. FOR RENT?A FINE NEW HALL. ON SEC ond floor of St. Vincent's Hall, Hill street, opposite Congregational church. Apply to Superintendent of Broadway Market. 9-21-tf T7OR RENT?HOUSES ALLOVERTHE CITY. J: C. A. SUMNER &CO., 7 8. Fort street, mlO-tf WANTED-MISCELLANEOUS. Wm MTCn- AK<- > nls to sell"tlu"' I'inTcss cloth. iVHIULIJ Line; the only line ever Invented Hint holds the clothes without pins; a perfect success; patent recently issued; sold-only by agents, to whom the exclusive right is given; on receipt of SO cents we will send a sample line by mail, also circulars; price list and terms to agent-: secure your territory at once. Ad- dress The Pitiless Clothes Line Co., 17 Herinon street, Worcester, Mass. ap23-sa-w -6m \u25a0IX7"ANTED TO BUY?WK HAVE APARTY TT who wants a grocery business. A. K. CRAWFORD, IS Court street. 91S-0t XXTANTED?EVERYBODY TO KNOW THAT T T E. F. MOREHOUSE, carpenter and jobber, buys and sells second band goods of all descrip- tions; keeps constantly on hand ladders of all kinds. Masons' hods, daubers, etc.. 010 S. Springst. 9-12 IT1 OR SALE ? WAGONS AND CARRIAGES " Ismght, sold and exchanged. 128 SAN PEDRO BT. 9-12-3 in TV*"ANTED ?ONE BOILER 25 to 35. ONE- M Inch iron. S to, 12 horse-power. Apply to 555 BANNING ST. au3l-d-w- lmo \\ T ANTED ?PICTURES TO FRAME. CHEAP- T Test place at BUKNS'S, 250' S. Main St. au'2l-tf FOR SALE. FOR SALE?HANDSOME, GENTLE FAMILY horse, harness and elegant phaeton. In- quire 730 TEMPLE ST., corner oi Flower. 9-20-tf POR SALE?SMALL AMOUNT OF CAPITAL E required. A boarding house very near power house of new electric railroad, a fine lo- cation for boarders. The house is on leased land. Enquire at the premises of Mrs. S. T. BROOKS, Nil. 1021 Santee street. 9-19-7t 17»0R SALE?GROCERY STORE DOING GOOD 1 business, cheap. Call at BEESON & REED First street near Broadway. for particu- lars. 9-17-7t FOR SALE?ALL OAK CHARCOAL. AP- ply to F. UHETTI, Sau Fernando, Cal. 9-3- lmo T-<OR SALE CHEAP. 150 GOOD SOUND .1 puncheons in lirst class condition. Apply to W. 11. WORKMAN, 357 Boyle avenue. au 29-lmo FOR SALE?A FINE NEW UPRIGHT PIANO never been used. $225.00. tf PACIFIC LOAN CO., 124'» S Spring St. FOR SALE?City Property. rvii: SALE-FINE BUSINESS PROPERTY ON J? Main st. between Second and Third sts., c' cap. No agents. Address J. L., XA. 40. this oftlee. 9-23-tf IpOR SALE?S-ROOM HOUSE AND LOT,5Ox ' 120, near corner of Grand avenue and 14th street; price, $3,500. F. M. SPRINGER. 12I 1 . S. Spring street, room 13. 9-20-11 IT-ORSALE? $550?4-ROOM HOUSE, 1 BLOCK 1 from Washington street. Only $150 cash, balance $100 per year. F. M. SPRINGER, 124% Spring street, room 18, 9-20-7t I-iOR SALE OR RENT?ONE O-ROOM COT- tage. No. 433 west side Ducummon street, near Alameda. One 10-room dwelling. No. 30 Clay street, ntar 4th, Also lot 50x200 ft., S. side of 10th stieet near Pearl. On long time and low interest. Apply at 335 N. Main. J. R. TORERMAN, agent. " 9-fris-tues-St FriOß SALE?A VALUABLE BUSINESS COR- -1 ncr on Broadway, close In. BURBANK, BAKER & ODEA. 114 S. Broadway. 9-10-tf~ I*7iOß SALE ?VALUABLE PROPERTY ON* J Washington street near Grand avenue. Lot 00x180. House of eight rooms. Very cheap if sold within 10 days. BURBANK, BAKER A ODEA, 114 S. Broadway. 9-10-tf I~rfoß SALE ? LARGE LOT ON FIGUEROA near llth street. & great bargain. BUR- BANK. BAKER & ODEA, 114 S. Broadway, 0-lli-tf" FOR RENT?ROOMS. IfiOß RENT?UNFURNISHED ROOMS, NOR- -1 TON HOUSE, corner of 7ai and Hill, \_ block from market and postoffice. Rent reason- able. uu27-lmo BUSINESS CHANCES. BUSINESS CHANCE ?AN UNEQUALLED opportunity to make money. A hotel for sale at Keeler, Inyo county,' Cal., the present terminus of the Carson arid Colorado railroad. The hotel is located on the east shore of Owen's lake. A fine business is being done, but owner has good reasons for selling. An eneigetic man can make a fortune in a short time. Ad- dress JOHN BARNES, Keeler, Invo Co., Cal. 9-20 lm XX T 'ANTEDTO SELL?THE RIGHT Of ONE IT or the three Pacific states, of a good pav- ing article at a bargain. Apply at 220 N. CHI- CAGO ST., Boyle Heights. 9 21-3t P'OR SALE?BAKER BUSINESS AND TEAMS to run said business st Monrovia, cheup. Address H. ZRELL, Monrovia, Cal. 919-2wks SMALL iTbOTOGKAPH GALLERY IN THE city for sale. Address B X, 40 Herald Office. 0-10-7t ARCHITECTS. RB. YOUNG, ARCHITECT, . Rooms 47, 48 and 49, New Wilson block, First and Spring sts. ml2-12m. REMOVAL SALE. Montgomery Bros., Ofter their entire stock of Diamonds, Fine Gold Jewelry, Watches and Optical Goods at Special prices from now until October i, 1890, owing to our remaval to larger and more elegant premises. We quote no discount, but offer such prices as will make it an object to you to buy. Extra special values in Silverplate and Clocks. Montgomery Bros. 118 North Spring Street. 9144 m B. SENS 8c SON, Merchant Tailors Have just arrived from the East with an entire new stock of all the newest designs in foreign and domestic, woolens. Our prices are reasonable, our work- manship the best to be had, and a perfect lit guaranteed. Please give us a call at No. 227 WEST SECOND STREET. Yours respect fullv, 913 - 3 m B. SENS Sc SON. FINANCIAL. YOU DEAL WITH PRINCIPALS ONLY, AND save commissions. $25 to $25,000. Long and short term loans a specialty. Buy notes and mortgages. CRAWFORD A MeCREERY, Room 11, over A>»Angeles Bunk, corner First and Spring. au27 11,500,000 TO LOAN AT R. G. LUNT'S LOAN AND INSURANCE AGENCY. Redick block, cor. First &Broadway. Loans made on improved city and country property; 9 per cent gross city, 8 per cent ktoss country. Building loans made. Bonds negotiable. Agent for tne IERMAN SAVINGS AND LOAN SOCIETY, of San Francisco. jul-3m PACIFIC LOAN COMPANY?LOANS MONEY in any amounts on all kinds of personal iroperty and collateral security, on pianos vitaout removal, diamonds, jewelry, sealskins, ricycles, horses, carriages, libraries or auy prop- erty of value; also on furniture, merchandise, \u25a0tc, in warehouses; partial payments received, nonev without delay; private" offices for con- ultation; will call if"desired: W. E. DeGROOT, Manager, rooms 14 and 15, No. South Spring st. m3O [OS ANGELES LOAN CO. WILL LOAN j money on pianos, without removal, liamonds, jewelry, carriuges, horses and any- hing of value: private* rooms for consultation; illbusiness eontidi-ntial: money without delay. iOOMS 8 AND 9, Wilson block, cor. First and Spring sts. W. D. Eckstein, manager. m29-tf &XAA AAA T0 LOAN UPON IMPROVED Tr.JUO.vAJV city and country property: low- :st rates; loans made with dispatch. Address he Northern Counties Investment Trust, Ltd., fRED. J. SMITH,Agent. Pomona, Cal. W\ (\(\(\ AAA T0 LOAN AT 9 PERCENT. P1 ?UUv.UUO gross to 12 per cent, gross, on niproved property?Los Angeles cityor acreage. IE'LLMAN, ALLEN & CHALFAS'T, Perrett luilding. 127 W. Third st. mlO-1 lm IfONEY LOANED ON REAL ESTATE, DIA- VA monds, watches, jewelry, pianos, seal- kins, live stock, carriages, bicycles, aud all inds of personal and collateral security. LEE IROS., 402 S. Spring, mlB-tf If ONEY LOANED ON IMPROVED CITY »1 ami country property, bonds and stocks, iiiy amount, low rates. Bonds bought. JNO. PIRTLE, 138 S. Spring street. au3l-3mo [F YOUWANT MONEY WITHOUT DELAY, L no commission, at prevailing rates cf inter- st, see Security Savings Bank, 148 S. Main st. 9-21-tf If AIN-STREET SAVINGS BANKANDTRUST tJ. Company, 420 S. Main st. Money toloan t (>% per cent on business property. jel-tf VTONEY TO LOAN ON MORTGAGE?MOR- Yl TIMER & HARRIS, attorneys-at law, 79 empie block. a22-tf If ONEY TO LOAN AT CURRENT RATES Tl on good risks only. M. F. ODEA, 114 Iroadway. ml3-tf If ONEYTOLO ANCHEAP. F. E. HOLLOWAY VI 15 Califoruia Bank Building. 9-20-tf EXCURSIONS. UlOrK ISLAND ROUTE EXCURSIONS VIA [\i Denver and Rio Grande R'y, "The Scenic ,me of the World," leave Los Angeles every uesday via Salt Lake and Denver. Pullman 'oij-ist Sleeping Cars fully and elegantly quipped. Solid Vestibule trains between Den- er, Kansas City, Council Bluffs and Chicago, lagaiflcent dining and free reclining chair ars. For rates and sleeping reservations, call r address F. W. THOMPSON, Agent, 138 South pring st. je2-10m TO REDONDO BEACH?Southern California ailway (Santa Fe line), summer schedule, leave 'irst-street depot, daily, 9:00 a. m., 10:15 a. m.,- -:0O p. m. and 5:25 p. m.; leave Downey avenue n Sundays, 8:42 a. m. and9;47 a. m.; returning 2ave Redondo, 7:35 a. m., 11:20 a. m., 3:05 p. a. and 5:30 p. m. daily. Saturday and Sunday ound trip rate 50 cents, good for return until londay evening. je6-tf fTNION PACIFIC RAILWAY EXCIfR- U sious every Wednesday via Odgen and leaver. Through tourist cars fully equipped o Chicago without change. Only one change 0 New York and Boston. For tickets and res- rvations, call on or address, JOHN CLARK, gent, 151 North Spring street, Los Angeles. i)-l-otf J ANTA FE ROUTE STILL AHEAD OF ALL 3 competitors, both intime and distance, to 11 points East. Special tourist excursions East very THURSDAY. For full information, ap- ilv toor address any agent, or CLARENCE A. VXRNER, Exc. Manager, 29 N. Spring. jultf 'OMETHING NEW. ? PERSONALLY CON- -3 ducted Excursions East, via "Rio Grande" ty., every Monday. J. c. JUDSON & CO., 119 i. Spring st., Los Angeles. jel2-tf IXJALTERS'S SELECT EXCURSIONS TO 1 T all points east leave August Oth and 20th; lersonally conducted to Boston. 119 N. SPRING T. ma29-tf PHILLIP'S EXCURSIONS?THE MOST COM- L fortable wav to GO EAST. Office No. 140 N. \u25a0pring st. m27-tf WIES END ANGER'S SPECIALS.. go<iirHudlcTi VOY/S cheap. Also spun of draft horses at J. C. iELL'S corral, S. Los Angeles street. IX7"ANTED ? PARTNER IN WELL PAYING VT nursery. No bonus. Valuation of stock ally. Knowledge not indispensible. t7-OR RENT?SIS, WATER FREE. HOUSE 7 rooms; barn. On Ocean ave-nue. E r OR RENT?SI 7. WATER FREE. HOUSE, 1 barn, 8 acres, chicken yards and buildings. T. WIESENDANGER, 50" Brvson Bonebrak* Hock. 9-24-4/ MEETINGS. SOUTHERN CALIFORNIA COUNCIL, NO. j 728, Royal Arcanum?Meets second and ourth Friday evenirgs of each month, at K. of '. Hall, No. lis 1 ., s. Spring street; visiting irothers cordially invited S. E. LEVIS, Box 1175. Secretary. mal3om STORAGE. JUNCTION WAREHOUSE ? JUNCTION 'J Downeyave. and San Fernando st. Rates easonable. Tel. 385. C. RAPHAEL & CO. jy'3-Om I MEDICAL. CONSUMPTION Can be Cured. nPHJC ABOVE ASSERTION IS BEING VERI- L fled every week by those who are being treated by 81. Hilton Williams with his Med- eal Inhalations and tlie Compound Oxygen Treatment for diseases of tlie head, throat and chest. Patients come from all parts of the country for treatment, as will be seen by the following tables: 8 September Ist, out of the 390 patients then under treatment, were from the following states and in Los Angeles. 97; Los Angeles county,s6; California outside Los Angeles city and county, 120; Oregon, 20; Washington, 10; Arizona, 25; Minnesota.;!; New York. 0; Ill- inois, 4; Texas, ill; Missouri, 15; Canada, 10; England, 2; Australia, 1; Kansas, 5: Indiana, :t: Michigan, 2: Nevada 1. Total, 390. Occupation as follows, viz: Ministers, 25; lawyers, 40; bankers, 14; farm- ers. 90; musicians (vocal) 80; musicians, (in- strumental) 20; doctors. 20; tailors, 14; miners, 801 railroad, 19; students, 18; teachers, 25; laundrynu n. 0; real estate agents, 15: bakers, 5: ex-soldiers, -I; others, 20. Total, 390. By the employment of proper inhalations in the form of medicated vapor (not steam or spray) we are aide to produce immediate and direct action upon the diseased surface inthe pharynx and the nasal passages, for air will and its way into tlie remotest and intricate cavities, where it is utterly impossible to make Quid applications. By these means nearly every case of catarrh, throat diseases, bronchitis and tlie early stages of consumption can be permanently cured. Persons desiring treatment by this system ol practice can use remedies at home as well as at our office, and which will.cause no incon- venience or hindrance from business whatever. I have seen so many of these cases cured that I do licit consider auy case hopeless unless both lungs are seriously involved. Even then the Compound Oxygen and other inhalations aid us in dissolving tlie mucus and iv contracting and healing the cavities, which nothing else can do with the same success. The very best references from those already cured. CONSULTATION FREE. Those who desire toconsult withme inregard to their cases had better call at the office for an examination, but if impossible to visit the office personally can write for a copy of my medical treatise, containing a list of questions. Address M.HILTON WILLIAMS, M.D., 137 S. Broadway, Los Angeles, Cal. Office hours?From 9 a. m. to 12:30 p. M. and from 1:30 to t p. m. Sundays excepted. PHYSICIANS. DR. C. EDGAR SMITH?DISEASES OF women a specialty; rectal diseases treated by the Brinkerhoff" painless system; office, corner Main and Seventh sts., Robarts block. Telephone 1031. mltttf DR. M.HILTON WILLIAMS. DISEASES OF the head, throat, chest and blood a speci- alty Office 137 South Broadway, MILLER BCIbDING. ()-5-tf DR. H. C. ROYKit HAS RETURNED. OFFICE at the Hammam, 230 s. Main. au2B-lmo DR. H. ARENSBERG, FR»M THE UNl- versity of Berlin. Private, chronic and vervous diseases a specialty: also all diseases of the blood, skin and general weakness arising therefrom suecessiulv treated. Hours, 9 to 12 a. m.,2;t04 and 5 to S p. m. Offloe, 305% S. Spring St., room 30. Tho Ramoua, bet. Third and and Fourth sts. ma29-tf AS. LANGLEY, ELECTRIC PHYSICIAN, ? 355% S. Springst., cor. Fourth st. Electrical treatment, baths and massage. jul-3m REBECCA LEE DORSEY, M. D. OFFICE No. 7% N. Main st. Special attention given to obstetrics, gvnecology and diseases of children. Hours 9to 11 a. m. and 2to4p. m. Telephone 513. je2-tf 9 DR. DARLING, OCULIST AND AURIST, Office 229 W. First st. Office hours, 9a. m. to 4 p. m. jultfd&w LADIES CAN SEE MRS. DR. WELLS DUR- ing her vacation at her cottage. No. 2 North Beach, Santa Monica. Look box 77. mls-t£ CHAS. W. BRYSON, M. D.-DISEASES OF women a specialty. 44J.£ S. Spring St., rooms 2 and 3. Telephone, office, 796; resi- dence, 798. mlltf R. C. E. CLACK'S HAS REMOVED HIS office from 75 N. Spring to 41 8. Spring st. Hours, frorh 11 a. m. to 2p. m. Specialty- Sexual and skin diseases, chronic diseases in general. m24-tf HOMEOPATHISTS. SS. SALISBURY, M. 1).. HOMIEO PATHIST. ? Office, rooms 11 and 12, L. A. Bank build- ing, cor. First and Spriug sts. Residence, 648 S. Pearl st. Office hours, 11 a. mto3p. m. Tel- ephone Nos.: Office, 597; residence, 577. m24-tf RS. BEACH tk BOYNTON. OFFICE, 37 Spring st., Los Angeles, Cal. Office hours, Bto 12 m., 1 to 4 and (i to Bp. m. Dr. Boyn- ton's residence. 735 Olive St. ml9tf ISAAC FELLOWS, M. D? HOMEOPATHIST Office hours, 11 to 12 a. m., 2to 5 p. m. Office, Nos. 2 and 5 Odd Fellows' building, Los Angeles, Cal. Residence, 508 South Mainst. m9-tf specialists! B'^^Li^LtrT'LYKadli" TSospTtaC is'lJoW open, under the management of Mrs. Dr. J. H. Smith. Patients can have their choice of physicians, and the best of care is given. Mid- wifery a specialty. 145 Bellevue aye. m2Btf R. SWAIN, CHIROPODIST. No. 142% North Main Street, Los Angeles. Phillips Block, Room 18. Corns removed without pain."lngrowing nails and bunions a speciality. Difficult cases solic- ited. Fifeeen years practice. Formerly of San Francisco By dropping a pos'.al card, I will call at your residence. 9-3-lm mTnino! pacific mining properties bought and sold. Min- ing prospects and mines bonded, and capita furnished for development of those that can be shown to have merit. NOLAN &SMITH, office 132 Noith Spring street, Los Angeles, Cal. au'24 (imp abstracts! Abstract' and title Insurance com. nany of Los Angeles, N. W. cor. Franklin I and New High streets. « ml7-9m

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Page 1: Los Angeles herald (Los Angeles, Calif. : 1890) (Los ... · DRUG STORE 110 S. MAIN STREET., Adjoining Grand Opera House. Will, from today, and hereafter Iconduct their drug business

United States Signal Service.Report of observations taken at Los Angeles,

September 23. 1890:

Max. tern., 70: mm. tern.. 63.Rainfall past 24 hours?lnappreciable.


Supervisor Thomas E. Rowan yester-day stated that he was a candidate forre-nomination.

A call for a public meeting this even-iug has been issued by the MunicipalReform Association.

The first social of the season by theIllinois association will be held" nextTuesday evening, September 30th.

Allhigh school alumni are requestedto meet next Thursday evening, 7 :30. atthe city hall, Broadway, rooms of thecity board of education.

The Crown Hills association at itsmeeting last nigl.t, decided to ask thecouncil to give that part of the city asufficient water supply at once.

The American Federation of Trainmenwill hold a four days' convention ami agrand ball in this city beginning October21st. Illinoishall has bten secured forthe occasion.

The ladies of the W. R. C. union fairwillmeet in Masonic hall, No. 125Vj S.Spring street, Wednesday, September24th, at 2 p. m. All iiiemaWs arerequested to be present.

Good Will lodge No. 313 I. O. G. T.will give a musical, literary and dra-matic entertainment on Saturday even-ing, 27th inst. at 8 o'clock, in the G. A.R. Hall, No. 612 South Spring street.

The management of Robinson's circuswish it made public that Mr. Robinsonextends an invitation to all the orphansin the city to visit the show free ofcharge. Matrons should make applica-tion so seats can be reserved.

John A. Logan post and corps willhold a joint open meeting this eveningin their hali, No. 612 South Springstreet, near Sixth, at 7:45 sharp. All;members of the G. A. R. and W. R. C.and friends are cordially invited.

Several of the prominent liquor deal- !ers of this city have received telegraphicadvice from the east to raise allimportedchampagne if.'l.oo a case. They have alsobeen informed to mark up other goodsin their line. This is due to the McKin-ley tariffbill.

The council on Monday amended theordinance in reference to saloons, by in-\eluding carpet beating establishmentsamong those for the establishment of ;which itwill be necessary to receive tliepermission of three-fourths of the res-idents in a block. The amendment wasbrought about owing to the fact that aparty intended to put an unsightlyshanty for a carpet beating concern onPearl street.


General Manager Wade, of the SantaFe roads in California, will return fromSan Francisco today.

There are telegrams at the office ofthe Western Union company for Ma-dame Leo Cotes and.l. S. Benhayon.

W. S. Rhinebart of the Arcade hotel,and J. \V. Scott of the Arcadia of SantaMonica, went to San Francisco yester-day.

There are telegrams at the Postal tel-egraph office for J. M. Brooks, MissGertie Wilcox, Chas. Nicholas andHenry C. Wyatt.

W. McDonald died on Monday even-ing at San Bernardino. He was for-merly a resident of this city. He was abrother of Mrs. Mark Jones.

P. B. Perkins, a well known waterworks builder of Springfield, Missouri,accompanied by Mrs. Perkins, has ar-rived and will make this city his perma-nent home. Mr. Perkins "is at presentthe guest of D. H. Ireland, on Twenty-third street.

Sam H. Joseph, the featherweightadvance representative of Robinson'scircus, is in the city. Mr. Joseph is anaccomplished manager who has dovegood work for his show in the shorttime he has been here.

Mr. L N. Inskeep, of the Los Augelesbusiness college, with the intention ofsurprising his friends in Los Angeles,quietly went to San Diego on the morn-ingof Saturday, September 20th, andwas there married to Emma L. Gilfordof Orange, by the Rev. W. W. Tinker.Mr. and Mrs. Inskeep spent the fol-lowing two days at Coronado, and onTuesday returned to Los Angeles, wherethey were met and welcomed by theirmany friends.


ASt. Louis Merchant's Trip to the Post-oftice, ami the Result.

California's last i ion Is beginning totake hold of St. Louis. J. V. S. Barrett, the-commission merchant of 122 and 124 NorthCommercial Street, was one of the first to testJoy's Vegetable Sarsaparill" in sick headaches.Its effect was such a gratifj lug surprise that hewent over to the postoflice and told hisfriend,Thos. P. Culkln, the superinteudeut of theregistry division, who was also worried withheadaches, about iL The following letter de-tails his friend's experience also: ?

Postoffici, Sr. Locis, Feb. 20,1890.\u25a0J. V. 8. Barrett, Esq.: ?

Lea k Sir: You ask me. Did I act ou your ad-vice? I did, and am glad to have to thank yonfor it For years Ihave suffered from indiges-tion and headaches. Takiug your advice, I pur-chased a bottle of Joy's Vegetable Sarsaparilla.Before I had finished the first bottle I could eatalmost anything withimpunity, and have beensince rarety troubled with a headache of anykind, for which I give due credit to your ad-Tioe and Joy'B Vegetable Sarsaparilla.

Yours, etc,THOS. P. CULKIN.

Superintendent Registry Division, Postoffice.

The Annuals Have Come.A large consignment of the Annual

Illustrated Hjcbald has arrived. Partiesdesiring it can be supplied in quantitiesto suit at the Herald business office.Send it to your eastern friends. It willbe more valued than a letter. Its widecirculation will materially benefit thissection. There are forty-five pages ofinformation about Southern California,and fifty tine illustrations.


nth and Point of Miscellaneous NewsDispatches.

Asa Dow, president of the Chicagoboard of trade, is dead.

William Walter Phelps, United Statesminister to Germany, is home on avisit.

A man was found nearly cut in piecesand robbed of $130 on the road betweenSanta Rosa and Windsor, by tramps.

A shipment of 7000 cases of cannedpeaches has been made from San Josedirect to London. The shipment re-quired a special train of twenty cars.

Three Chinese have been arrested atI The Dalles, Ore., charged with being

' implicated in the robbery of the FirstNational bank of that place a week ago.

At Harrisburg, Pa., the wife of Carl\ Hopsmith jumped in the canal with herinfant son and was drowned. The wo-man was homesick to return to Ger-many.

John W. Lattin, aged 78, Wilson Van-I dewater, aged 42, and Mrs. Vandewater! were killedat Poughkeepsie, N. V.,while

trying to cross tlie railroad tracks ina carriage ahead of an express train.

At Omaha, Ed Wiggard, a teamster,fatally shot Allie Horine and then blewout his own brains. Wiggard left a notesaying the woman had promised tomarry him, but had been anfaithiul.

Before the German Catholic congresslat Pittsburg, Rev. Dr. Buecheler, ofNew York, said Catholics had no use forpublic schools. Roman Catholic, child-,ren ought to be brought up in theirparental faith.

At Martinez, Cal., William Martin-jdale, who shot and killed John Burke,near Clayton, two weeks ago, pleadedguilty to murder in tlie lirst degree, andasked the judge to hang him and notimprison him for life.

The Galveston Athletic club has tele-graphed Jack Dempsey, at Portland,Ore., offering a purse of $11,000 for atight between him and Bob Fitzsimmons.A similar notice was wired to Fitzsim-mons at the Bay of St. Louis, La.

Arch Bishop Riordan has purchased a

' tract of seventy-live acres near SanRafael for 150,000. It is proposed to

; establish a catholic College where young

' men can be educated for the priesthood.I The cost of the buildings will probably

reach $800,000.The Annuals Have Come.

A large consignment of the AnnualIllustrated Herald has arrived. Partiesdesiring it can be supplied in quantities

jto suit at the Hbbald business office.Send it to your eastern friends. It willbe more valued than a letter. Its widecirculation will materially benefit thissection. There are forty-eight pages ofinformation about Southern California,and fifty line illustrations.

A Brooklyn Heights Fire.An alarm of lire was turned in at a

ilittle after one o'clock this morning fromEast Los Angeles. The tire was beyondBrooklyn Heights. No particulars

; could be obtained.Boils and pimples and other affections arising

from impure blood may appear at this season,when tbe blood is heated. Hood's Sarsaparillaremoves the cause of these troubles by purifying,vitalizingand enriching the blood, and at thesame time itgives strength to the whole system


jMcDONALD?At sun Bernardino, Cal., on Mon-jday, September 22, 1890, W. A. J. G. MeDon-jaid. attorney-at-law. agod 29 years. FifthI son of Senator, the late Hon. Donald McDon-I aid, of Toronto. Canada.

Funeral on Thursday, the 25th inst.. at 11o'elock a. m. from residence of his brother-in-law, R. G, Lunt, Esq., corner of Hancock andPatrick streets, East Los Angeles. 9-24-21

MILLTKEN?In this city. Sept. 23. 1890. LouisaM.,wlfe of George E.Milliken,native of Maine,aged 57 years. 7 monthsFuneral services at her late residence, 237 S.

Broadway, at 10 a. m., Thursday.San Francisco papers please copy.

Fr. Aockerblum'sOLD RELIABLE


Adjoining Grand Opera House.

Will, from today, and hereafterIconduct their drug business on thesame basis as that which obtains inthe conduct of other mercantile pursuits, viz:On as close a margin of profit as pure and gen-uine goods can be be handled. We are con-vinced that alarge business at a small ratio ofpoflt is far more satisfactory than a small busi-ness at large profits. We therefore intend togive the I.os Angeles public the benefit- oflower prices on everything inour line than hasever been offered here before. Please examinetlie appended price list, and note the sweepingreductions we make. Every article in our va-ried and complete stock of drugs, druggists'sundries unci fancy goods, bears a correspond-ing reduction ill price. Prescription tilling aspecialty. Purity and absolute accuracy al-ways guaranteed, at rates fully one-third lessthan is usually charged.

We quote prices today as follows: *Vaseline a bottle?t'hesebrough's, genuine 5cCastoria a bottle t 20cEpsomSaltsa pound 10c( team Tartar a pound, strictly pure 48cPond's Extract a bottle 80c A 78cTincture of arnica an oz 5cAllother ordinary tinctures an oz 5cSozodont a bottle 59cQuinine sulphate, P. <tW. anoi 75c?J grain quinine pills a doz 10cTetlows' Bwansdown, with bottle of per-

fume 10c1,000 sheets wire loop toilet paper 10cRochelle Salts 2 oz. for 5cAllcock's Porous Plasters 13c, 2 for 25ca good thermometer 20cGenuine Dupont, 4-row tooth brush 19cA good toilet soap, a doz 48cCuticura soap, a cake 19c, a box 55cSulphur a pound.. 5cCopperas a pound, sc. 0 for 25cWashing ammonia, a pint bottle 15cPowdered alum 4 oz. for 5cPowdered borax 4 oz. for 5cSwift's Specific, "S S s," a bottle 74cSwill's Specific, -'S S S," large bottles $1.25Superior qualityBay Hum a pint 50cMurrayit Lannan Florida Water a bottle 49cl.undb'org's and Eastman's bulk perfumes

an oz 25cCarter's Little Liver Pills 15cAyer's, Hood's and Warner's Pills 15cOther patent pillsat 15c to 19cAyer's Hair Vigor a bottle 07cChamois skins from 10c upHood's Sarsaparilla a bottle 79cAver's '? " " 78cJoy's " ?' " 79cHair brushes 25c. 50c, 00c, 75c A- $1.00Acme Nurser, test in use,complete 25c




15(07 a. m.'5:07 p. ra.

Notice to the Ladies.The Grand Opening of the Paris Pattern

Hats and Bonnets, and Imported Novelties,willlake place at

MME. D. GOTTHELF'S,Saturday. Sept. 20th. and tlie following Mon-day and Tuesday. No cards. 9-19-lru


Situations obtained, help secured, houses

/anted, property of all kinds bought and sold,and money loaned by advertising in thesecolumns.

Everybody Reads Them.


RED RICE'S, LOSANGKI.ES. WEDNESDAY.September 24th. Hiphurrah, Red Rice is

himself again. Come and rejoice withus. Wewillmake you glad by selling you furnitureoheflo, cheap. We have such beautiful new-marble top bed room sets all going for half fac-tory prices. A Davis sewing machine for IS.Household for $15. Domestic, most new, for$20. A Singer Cabinet for $20. A'es, yes,stoves, stoves of every kind. A lot of new-ones we can sell you" at second hand prices.Alot of second hands ones very cheap. Thenthere is such lots of tinware, crockery, etc., allselling at Red Rice prices only. Red Rice'sBazar is at 141! and 145 South Maiu street.There is also nice furniture selling cheap atRed Rice's Warehouse, 422 and 424 South Mainstreet.


WANTED? A GOOD i-Oi.ICITOR, GKNTI.K--tl manor lady. Easy place to work, and

gooil pay. Atlas Endowment Association, room58 Bryson-Bonebrake Block. 9-14-lm.

YTTANTED? ACTIVE MEN AND LADIESTT can make from $:! to $5 per day taking or-

ders for the Annual Illustrated Herald. Applyfor particulars at the HERALD BUSINESSOFFICE. 9-9. tf

\\TANTED?ALL NEEDING HELP FREE?TT employment or any information, address

E. NITTINGKR'S BUREAU: established 1S80;319' i S. Spring street, Los Augeles, Calif. Tele-piione 113 mlo-12m


YtPTnWd-TT work. A good home. Wages $10 per

month. Apply at 14 LOOM IS ST. 9 17-tf



Bankrupt SaleTHE

MeDonald & Fisher

Fine Stock of BOOTS and SHOESMust he closed at once.

The finest Stock in the city. Bottom Prices.

GIBSON & TYLER, 142-144 N. Spring St.9 21-lm


Teachers prepared for county examinations.Professional training. Second session beginsTuesday, September 23d. C. C. BOYNTON-,130% South Spring street, Los Angeles.


THE FALL TERM OF MISS MARSH'SSchool, a Hoarding and Day School forYoung Ladies and Girls, at 1217 S". HillSt. and1220 S. Olive St»wili begin Wednesday, Sep-tember 10th. Kindergarten open September22d. 9-231010-12

r OS ANGELES SCHOOL OF ART AND DE-lj corner of Spring and Third streets.Classes reopen Wednesday, October Ist.


THE OCCIDENTAL UNIVERSITY OPENSon Wednesday, the 17th, with good pros-

pects of a larger attendance than ever before.9-7-lm

TRINITY SCHOOL, 1534 MISSION ST., PRE-pares young men and boys for universitycollege and business. Fall session opens Mod-day, August 4, 1890 Address, Dr. E. B.SPALDING, rector, San Francisco. aull-SmosT OS ANGELES BUSINESS COLLEGE ANDA_ English Training School,new number, 1448. Main st. Experienced teachers; completecourses of study. K. R. SCHRODER, I N.INSKEEP. F. W. KELSEY, Proprietors. a22tf

\\T R. STOLL, VOCAL INSTRUCTOR.It ? with German Conservatory of Music, i431' S. Spring street. je29-tf I

SHORTHAND, TYPEWRITING, TELJJGRA- Iphy. LONGLEY INSTITUTE, 120 W. First !St., the only school inthe city in which thesearts are taught by competent gentlemen, skilled Iin their profession. Terms moderate. ELIASLONGLEY, 30 years a reporter, W. H. WAGNER,stenographer and telegrapher. jul-Om

ACADEMYOF IMMACULATEHEART,PICO jHeights?The scholastic year comprisestwo sessions of five months each. The firstsession commences on the Ist of Sept. and

| the second ou the Ist of Feb. Pupils are re-ceived at any time. For particulars apply onthe premises. jul5m

SCHOOL OF CIVIL, MINING, MECHANICAL,Engineering, Surveying, Architecture,

Drawing. Assaying. A. VAN DER NAILLEN,I723 Market St., San Francisco. mlO-tf


159 South Spring Street, Los Angeles, Cal


For particulars, call at office or addressm'2o-tf F. C. WOODBURY, Principal.


PERSONAL ? CASS MiCOY, YOUR SISTERMrs. Woodroff. at No. 147 R. R. street,

wishes to see you. 9-24-5t

RANCE AND TEST MEDIUM. TELLSpast, present and future. Developing

class. Los Angeles House, West Colorado st.,Pasadena. 9-23-7t

tt-|7>CONOHIC" PRICES?SUGAR, 18 LBS. !J_ brown or 15 lbs. white, $1: 4 lbs rice,sagoor tapioca, 25c.; 13 lbs. white beans 25c.; starch, i4 packages, 25c: germea, 20c.; silvercream, 15c;8 lbs. conimeal, 15c.; pickles, 10c. a qt.; goodblack or Japan tea, 35c; sack flour, 80c;Northern flour, $1.15 ; 10 cans salmon, $1; 9 cansoysters. $1; can roast beef, 20c: potted tongueor ham, 10c; 4 cans sardines, 25c; 0 lbs.raisins, 25c; 40 bars soap, $1; bacon, 12Uc;hams, 14c; pork, 10c. ECONOMIC STORES,509-511 S. Springst. Telephone 975. m5tf


office, old Wilson block, 120 W, First St., rooms10 and 11. ma29-tf

I)BR80NAL ? INTERESTING TO EVEBY-body How to make and save money. Read j

the classy ed advertisements in the Hbualddaily. A few cents spent in an advertisementmay make thousands of dollars for you. Youmay procure a situation; sell your house andlot; rent your vacant property; buy a payingbusiness or sell to advantage; loan your idlemoney or borrow cheaper than from agents,and ina thousand different ways use these col-umns to advantage. On this "page advertise-lm u:-an-onlv FIVE CENTS A LINEA DAY.


DR. C. STEVENS & SONS, 107 N. SPRINGSt., Schumacher block, rooms 18 and 19;

teeth tilledand extracted painlessly; plates $4to $1.0; lwirs, 8 a. in. to 5 p. m.. Sundays, 9 a.m. tod pim. je2o-tf

A DAMS BROS., DENTISTS, HAVE RE--CX moved to 208 N. Mainst., opposite Templeblock. je6-3rn

M. PARKER, D. D. S? 145 N. SPRING. St.; gas administered; prices moderate.au2l-tf

LW. WELLS. COR. SPRING AND FIRST? sts., Wilson block; take elevator; teeth

filled and extracted without pain; gold crownsand bridge work a specialty. Room 30. m4tf |

DR. TOLHURST, DENTIST, lOS'.j N. SPRINGSt., rooms 2, 0 and 7. Painless extracting.

gTcunningham, DENTIST, REMOVED? to No. 31 N. Spring St., rooms 1 and 2,

Phillipsblock, Los Angeles, Oal. mlstf

FOR S*ALE?Country Property.

TjpOß SALE OR EXCHANGE-~~2O~ACRESP choice orange lands at Rialto, San Bernar-dino county, 3 miles from the town of SanBernardino. 10 acres out to oranges of 2 years'growth, the balance ready for planting. Good wa- Iter riuhts. Parties desirous of purchasing orangelands willdo well to investigate this. For fur-ther particulars apply to W, D. ECKSTEIN,Rooms 8 and !) Wilsou Block, corner First andSpiing streets, Los Augeles. 9-17-lm

-|7H>R SALE ? A PARTY WHO WANTS AJT piece of ground to improve and make a liv-ing on, can buy 10 or 20 acres 10 miles fromLos Angeles and a half mile from railroad, onhis own terms; this is excellent soil and is welladapted for deciduous or small fruits, orchicken ranch; cash no object; a good oppor-tunityior tlie right man. Address P. O. BOX000, I.os Angeles. 9-12-lm

17<OR SALE?OB-ACBE RANCH, NINE MILESj from court house; grain, alfalfa and fruit

land; all improved; price $100 per acre, or 50acres at $80 per acre. R. C. CARLTON, Ful- 1ton block. Jy2s-3m



'way and Third st. 9-21-1 m

To THE BLIND WISHING SCHOOL AD- !vantages address 351 North Chicago street.9-10-18

A fRS. NANNIE CATCHING, TEACHER OF ]ivl piano, guitar and voice culture, 055 S.Spring st. 9-lt>-2m

"vfoTb'E?THE LOS ANGELES CITY WATER ;Company willstrictly enforce the follow-

ing rule: The hours for sprinkling are between0 and 8 o'clock a. m., aud 6 and 8 o'clock p. m.For a violation of the above regulation thewater will be shut off, and a fine of $2 willbecharged before water willbe turned on again.

' aul7-ly


Uj.Tdcock7~attorn cy"' suTm'm'-. volvingrealty carefully attended to, in altcounties of the state. Also an abstract of thecounty. Room 3, 115 W. Ist street. 9-10-trao

ISIDORE B. DOCKWEILER, ATTORNEY-AT-law, rooms 10 and 11, Bryson-Bonebrake

block. ml9(im

Geobge h. Smith. Thomas L. WinderHenry M. Smith.

SMITH, WINDER <fc SMITH, ATTORNEYS-at-law, willpractice in all the State and

Federal Courts. Offices: Rooms 1, 2, 3 and 4University Bank building, 117 New High sf,Los Angelas, Cal. Telephone No. 583. rnl4tf


1 OST - TO ABSTRACT COMPANIES, AT-IJ tornevs and others. Gone, missing: Ab-stract of title »>, or including, lot 4, blcck 27,and lot 1. blovk 32. Hancock's survey. Returnto office of D. McFAKLANU, Burdick Block.


T OST-1 GOLD LOCKET WITH DIAMOND1 J setting, also plated fob buckle attached.

The owner willpay the tinder $5.00 for returnof same a; SUPREME COURT CLERK'S Olilce.


T~OST-ON SUNDAY AFTERNOON, BE-xj tweenOth st, and Boyle Heights, a ladies'blue cloth walking jacket. Finder will besuitably rewarded by leaving at LINDLEY HO-TEL, Sixth st. near Broadway. 9-23-2t

ffIJIO.OO REWARD?STRAYED FROM CALI-riP fornia Sewer Pipe Works, at Vernon. 1 bay

horse, white star in forehead, 1 white hind foot,shod allround, weight aimut 1100 lbs. Leaveinformation cor. 3d and Broadway, or at Worksin Vernon. 9-13-2wks


FOR RENT?A FINE NEW HALL. ON SECond floor of St. Vincent's Hall, Hillstreet,

opposite Congregational church. Apply toSuperintendent of Broadway Market. 9-21-tf




Wm MTCn-AK<->nls to sell"tlu"' I'inTcss cloth.iVHIULIJ Line; the only line ever InventedHint holds the clothes without pins; a perfectsuccess; patent recently issued; sold-only byagents, to whom the exclusive right is given;on receipt of SO cents we will send a sampleline by mail, also circulars; price list and termsto agent-: secure your territory at once. Ad-dress The Pitiless Clothes Line Co., 17Herinon street, Worcester, Mass. ap23-sa-w -6m

\u25a0IX7"ANTED TO BUY?WK HAVE APARTYTT who wants a grocery business. A. K.

CRAWFORD, IS Court street. 91S-0t


buys and sells second band goods of all descrip-tions; keeps constantly on hand ladders of allkinds. Masons' hods, daubers, etc.. 010 S.Springst. 9-12

IT1OR SALE ? WAGONS AND CARRIAGES" Ismght, sold and exchanged. 128 SAN

PEDRO BT. 9-12-3 in

TV*"ANTED?ONE BOILER 25 to 35. ONE-M Inch iron. S to, 12 horse-power. Apply

to 555 BANNING ST. au3l-d-w- lmo

\\T ANTED?PICTURES TO FRAME. CHEAP-T Test place at BUKNS'S, 250' S. MainSt.



FOR SALE?HANDSOME, GENTLE FAMILYhorse, harness and elegant phaeton. In-

quire 730 TEMPLE ST., corner oi Flower.9-20-tf

POR SALE?SMALL AMOUNT OF CAPITALE required. A boarding house very nearpower house of new electric railroad, a fine lo-cation for boarders. The house is on leasedland. Enquire at the premises of Mrs. S. T.BROOKS, Nil. 1021 Santee street. 9-19-7t

17»0R SALE?GROCERY STORE DOING GOOD1 business, cheap. Call at BEESON & REED

First street near Broadway. for particu-lars. 9-17-7t

FOR SALE?ALL OAK CHARCOAL. AP-ply to F. UHETTI, Sau Fernando, Cal.

9-3- lmo

T-<OR SALE CHEAP. 150 GOOD SOUND.1 puncheons in lirst class condition. Applyto W. 11. WORKMAN, 357 Boyle avenue.

au 29-lmo

FOR SALE?A FINE NEW UPRIGHT PIANOnever been used. $225.00.

tf PACIFIC LOAN CO., 124'» S Spring St.

FOR SALE?City Property.

rvii:SALE-FINE BUSINESS PROPERTY ONJ? Main st. between Second and Third sts.,c' cap. No agents. Address J. L., XA.40. thisoftlee. 9-23-tf


' 120, near corner of Grand avenue and 14thstreet; price, $3,500. F. M. SPRINGER. 12I 1. S.Spring street, room 13. 9-20-11

IT-ORSALE? $550?4-ROOM HOUSE, 1 BLOCK1 from Washington street. Only $150 cash,

balance $100 per year. F. M. SPRINGER, 124%Spring street, room 18, 9-20-7t

I-iOR SALE OR RENT?ONE O-ROOM COT-tage. No. 433 west side Ducummon street,

near Alameda. One 10-room dwelling. No. 30Clay street, ntar 4th, Also lot 50x200 ft., S.side of 10th stieet near Pearl. On long timeand low interest. Apply at 335 N. Main. J. R.TORERMAN, agent. " 9-fris-tues-St

FriOß SALE?A VALUABLE BUSINESS COR--1 ncr on Broadway, close In. BURBANK,

BAKER & ODEA. 114 S. Broadway. 9-10-tf~

I*7iOß SALE ?VALUABLE PROPERTY ON*J Washington street near Grand avenue.

Lot 00x180. House of eight rooms. Verycheap if sold within 10 days. BURBANK,BAKER A ODEA, 114 S. Broadway. 9-10-tf

I~rfoß SALE ? LARGE LOT ON FIGUEROAnear llth street. & great bargain. BUR-

BANK. BAKER & ODEA, 114 S. Broadway,0-lli-tf"


IfiOß RENT?UNFURNISHED ROOMS, NOR--1 TON HOUSE, corner of 7ai and Hill,\_

block from market and postoffice. Rent reason-able. uu27-lmo


BUSINESS CHANCE ?AN UNEQUALLEDopportunity to make money. A hotel for

sale at Keeler, Inyo county,' Cal., the presentterminus of the Carson arid Colorado railroad.The hotel is located on the east shore of Owen'slake. A fine business is being done, but ownerhas good reasons for selling. An eneigeticman can make a fortune in a short time. Ad-dress JOHN BARNES, Keeler, Invo Co., Cal.

9-20 lm

XXT'ANTEDTO SELL?THE RIGHT Of ONEIT or the three Pacific states, of a good pav-

ing article at a bargain. Apply at 220 N. CHI-CAGO ST., Boyle Heights. 9 21-3t

P'OR SALE?BAKER BUSINESS AND TEAMSto run said business st Monrovia, cheup.

Address H. ZRELL, Monrovia, Cal. 919-2wks

SMALL iTbOTOGKAPH GALLERY IN THEcity for sale. Address B X, 40 Herald

Office. 0-10-7t


RB. YOUNG, ARCHITECT,. Rooms 47, 48 and 49, New Wilson block,First and Spring sts. ml2-12m.

REMOVAL SALE.Montgomery Bros.,

Ofter their entire stock of Diamonds, Fine Gold Jewelry,Watches and Optical Goods at Special prices from now

until October i, 1890, owing to our remaval tolarger and more elegant premises. We

quote no discount, but offer suchprices as will make it an

object to youto buy.

Extra special values in Silverplate and Clocks.

Montgomery Bros.118 North Spring Street.

9144 m


Merchant TailorsHave just arrived from the East with an entire new stock of all the newest designs

in foreign and domestic, woolens. Our prices are reasonable, our work-manship the best to be had, and a perfect lit guaranteed.

Please give us a call at

No. 227 WEST SECOND STREET.Yours respect fullv,

913-3 m B. SENS Sc SON.



$25 to $25,000.Long and short term loans a specialty.

Buy notes and mortgages.

CRAWFORD A MeCREERY, Room 11, overA>»Angeles Bunk, corner First and Spring.


11,500,000TO LOAN AT R. G. LUNT'S

LOAN AND INSURANCE AGENCY.Redick block, cor. First &Broadway.

Loans made on improved city and countryproperty; 9 per cent gross city, 8 per centktoss country. Building loans made. Bondsnegotiable.


of San Francisco. jul-3m

PACIFIC LOAN COMPANY?LOANS MONEYin any amounts on all kinds of personal

iroperty and collateral security, on pianosvitaout removal, diamonds, jewelry, sealskins,ricycles, horses, carriages, libraries or auy prop-erty of value; also on furniture, merchandise,\u25a0tc, in warehouses; partial payments received,nonev without delay; private" offices for con-ultation; willcall if"desired: W. E. DeGROOT,Manager, rooms 14 and 15, No. SouthSpring st. m3O

[OS ANGELES LOAN CO. WILL LOANj money on pianos, without removal,

liamonds, jewelry, carriuges, horses and any-hing of value: private* rooms for consultation;illbusiness eontidi-ntial: money without delay.iOOMS 8 AND 9, Wilson block, cor. First andSpring sts. W. D. Eckstein, manager. m29-tf

&XAA AAA T0 LOAN UPON IMPROVEDTr.JUO.vAJV cityand country property: low-:st rates; loans made with dispatch. Addresshe Northern Counties Investment Trust, Ltd.,

fRED. J. SMITH,Agent. Pomona, Cal.

W\ (\(\(\ AAAT0 LOAN AT 9 PERCENT.P1 ?UUv.UUO gross to 12 per cent, gross, onniproved property?Los Angeles cityor acreage.IE'LLMAN, ALLEN & CHALFAS'T, Perrettluilding. 127 W. Third st. mlO-1 lm

IfONEY LOANED ON REAL ESTATE, DIA-VA monds, watches, jewelry, pianos, seal-kins, live stock, carriages, bicycles, aud allinds of personal and collateral security. LEEIROS., 402 S. Spring, mlB-tf

IfONEY LOANED ON IMPROVED CITY»1 ami country property, bonds and stocks,iiiyamount, low rates. Bonds bought. JNO.

PIRTLE, 138 S. Spring street. au3l-3mo

[F YOUWANT MONEY WITHOUT DELAY,L no commission, at prevailing rates cf inter-st, see Security Savings Bank, 148 S. Main st.


IfAIN-STREET SAVINGS BANKANDTRUSTtJ. Company, 420 S. Mainst. Money toloant (>% per cent on business property. jel-tf

VTONEY TO LOAN ON MORTGAGE?MOR-Yl TIMER & HARRIS, attorneys-at law, 79empie block. a22-tf

IfONEY TO LOAN AT CURRENT RATESTl on good risks only. M. F. ODEA, 114Iroadway. ml3-tf

IfONEYTOLO ANCHEAP. F. E. HOLLOWAYVI 15 Califoruia Bank Building. 9-20-tf


UlOrK ISLAND ROUTE EXCURSIONS VIA[\i Denver and Rio Grande R'y, "The Scenic,me of the World," leave Los Angeles everyuesday via Salt Lake and Denver. Pullman'oij-ist Sleeping Cars fully and elegantlyquipped. Solid Vestibule trains between Den-er, Kansas City, Council Bluffs and Chicago,lagaiflcent dining and free reclining chairars. For rates and sleeping reservations, callr address F. W. THOMPSON, Agent, 138 Southpring st. je2-10m

TO REDONDO BEACH?Southern Californiaailway (Santa Fe line), summer schedule, leave'irst-street depot, daily, 9:00 a. m., 10:15 a. m.,--:0O p. m. and 5:25 p. m.; leave Downey avenuen Sundays, 8:42 a. m. and9;47 a. m.; returning2ave Redondo, 7:35 a. m., 11:20 a. m., 3:05 p.a. and 5:30 p. m. daily. Saturday and Sundayound triprate 50 cents, good for return untillonday evening. je6-tf

fTNION PACIFIC RAILWAY EXCIfR-U sious every Wednesday via Odgen andleaver. Through tourist cars fully equippedo Chicago without change. Onlyone change0 New York and Boston. For tickets and res-rvations, call on or address, JOHN CLARK,gent, 151 North Spring street, Los Angeles.


JANTA FE ROUTE STILL AHEAD OF ALL3 competitors, both intime and distance, to11 points East. Special tourist excursions Eastvery THURSDAY. For full information, ap-ilv toor address any agent, or CLARENCE A.VXRNER, Exc. Manager, 29 N. Spring. jultf

'OMETHING NEW. ? PERSONALLY CON--3 ducted Excursions East, via "Rio Grande"ty., every Monday. J. c. JUDSON & CO., 119i. Spring st., Los Angeles. jel2-tf

IXJALTERS'S SELECT EXCURSIONS TO1 T all points east leave August Oth and 20th;lersonally conducted to Boston. 119 N. SPRINGT. ma29-tf

PHILLIP'S EXCURSIONS?THE MOST COM-L fortable wav to GO EAST. Office No. 140 N.\u25a0pring st. m27-tf


go<iirHudlcTi VOY/Scheap. Also spun of draft horses at J. C.

iELL'S corral, S. Los Angeles street.

IX7"ANTED? PARTNER IN WELL PAYINGVT nursery. No bonus. Valuation of stockally. Knowledge not indispensible.

t7-OR RENT?SIS, WATER FREE. HOUSE7 rooms; barn. On Ocean ave-nue.

Er OR RENT?SI 7. WATER FREE. HOUSE,1 barn, 8 acres, chicken yards and buildings.T. WIESENDANGER, 50" Brvson Bonebrak*

Hock. 9-24-4/


SOUTHERN CALIFORNIA COUNCIL, NO.j 728, Royal Arcanum?Meets second and

ourth Friday evenirgs of each month, at K. of'. Hall,No. lis1., s. Spring street; visitingirothers cordially invited S. E. LEVIS,

Box 1175. Secretary.mal3om


JUNCTION WAREHOUSE ? JUNCTION'J Downeyave. and San Fernando st. Rateseasonable. Tel. 385. C. RAPHAEL & CO.




nPHJC ABOVE ASSERTION IS BEING VERI-L fled every week by those who are being

treated by 81. Hilton Williams with his Med-eal Inhalations and tlie Compound OxygenTreatment for diseases of tlie head, throat andchest.

Patients come from all parts of the countryfor treatment, as willbe seen by the followingtables: 8

September Ist, out of the 390 patients thenunder treatment, were from the followingstates and in Los Angeles. 97; Los Angelescounty,s6; California outside Los Angeles cityand county, 120; Oregon, 20; Washington, 10;Arizona, 25; Minnesota.;!; New York. 0; Ill-inois, 4; Texas, ill; Missouri, 15; Canada, 10;England, 2; Australia, 1; Kansas, 5: Indiana,:t: Michigan, 2: Nevada 1. Total, 390.

Occupation as follows, viz:Ministers, 25; lawyers, 40; bankers, 14; farm-

ers. 90; musicians (vocal) 80; musicians, (in-strumental) 20; doctors. 20; tailors, 14; miners,801 railroad, 19; students, 18; teachers, 25;laundrynu n. 0; real estate agents, 15: bakers,5: ex-soldiers, -I;others, 20. Total, 390.

By the employment of proper inhalations inthe form of medicated vapor (not steam orspray) we are aide to produce immediate anddirect action upon the diseased surface inthepharynx and the nasal passages, for air willand its way into tlie remotest and intricatecavities, where itis utterly impossible to makeQuid applications. By these means nearlyevery case of catarrh, throat diseases,bronchitis and tlie early stages of consumptioncan be permanently cured.

Persons desiring treatment by this system olpractice can use remedies at home as wellas at our office, and which will.cause no incon-venience or hindrance from business whatever.

I have seen so many of these cases cured thatI do licit consider auy case hopeless unless bothlungs are seriously involved. Even then theCompound Oxygen and other inhalations aidus in dissolving tlie mucus and iv contractingand healing the cavities, which nothing elsecan do with the same success.

The very best references from those alreadycured.

CONSULTATION FREE.Those who desire toconsult withme inregard

to their cases had better call at the office for anexamination, but if impossible to visit the officepersonally can write for a copy of my medicaltreatise, containing a list of questions. Address

M.HILTON WILLIAMS,M.D.,137 S. Broadway, Los Angeles, Cal.

Office hours?From 9 a. m. to 12:30 p. M.and from 1:30 to t p. m. Sundays excepted.


DR. C. EDGAR SMITH?DISEASES OFwomen a specialty; rectal diseases treatedby the Brinkerhoff" painless system; office,corner Main and Seventh sts., Robarts block.Telephone 1031. mltttf

DR. M.HILTON WILLIAMS. DISEASES OFthe head, throat, chest and blood a speci-

alty Office 137 South Broadway, MILLERBCIbDING. ()-5-tf

DR. H. C. ROYKit HAS RETURNED. OFFICEat the Hammam, 230 s. Main. au2B-lmo

DR. H. ARENSBERG, FR»M THE UNl-versity of Berlin. Private, chronic and

vervous diseases a specialty: also all diseasesof the blood, skin and general weakness arisingtherefrom suecessiulv treated. Hours, 9 to 12 a.m.,2;t04 and 5 to S p. m. Offloe, 305% S. SpringSt., room 30. Tho Ramoua, bet. Third andand Fourth sts. ma29-tf

AS. LANGLEY, ELECTRIC PHYSICIAN,? 355% S. Springst., cor. Fourth st. Electrical

treatment, baths and massage. jul-3m

REBECCA LEE DORSEY, M. D. OFFICENo. 7% N. Main st. Special attention given

to obstetrics, gvnecology and diseases ofchildren. Hours 9to 11 a. m. and 2to4p. m.Telephone 513. je2-tf 9

DR. DARLING, OCULIST AND AURIST,Office 229 W. First st. Office hours, 9a. m.to 4 p. m. jultfd&w

LADIES CAN SEE MRS. DR. WELLS DUR-ing her vacation at her cottage. No. 2 North

Beach, Santa Monica. Look box 77. mls-t£

CHAS. W. BRYSON, M. D.-DISEASES OFwomen a specialty. 44J.£ S. Spring St.,rooms 2 and 3. Telephone, office, 796; resi-dence, 798. mlltf

R. C. E. CLACK'S HAS REMOVED HISoffice from 75 N. Spring to 41 8. Spring st.Hours, frorh 11 a. m. to 2p. m. Specialty-

Sexual and skin diseases, chronic diseases ingeneral. m24-tf


SS. SALISBURY, M. 1).. HOMIEO PATHIST.? Office, rooms 11 and 12, L. A. Bank build-

ing, cor. Firstand Spriug sts. Residence, 648S. Pearl st. Office hours, 11 a. mto3p. m. Tel-ephone Nos.: Office, 597; residence, 577.


RS. BEACH tk BOYNTON. OFFICE, 37Spring st., Los Angeles, Cal. Office hours,

Bto 12 m., 1 to 4 and (i to Bp. m. Dr. Boyn-ton's residence. 735 Olive St. ml9tf

ISAAC FELLOWS, M. D? HOMEOPATHISTOffice hours, 11 to 12 a. m., 2to 5 p. m.Office, Nos. 2 and 5 Odd Fellows' building, Los

Angeles, Cal. Residence, 508 South Mainst.m9-tf


B'^^Li^LtrT'LYKadli"TSospTtaC is'lJoWopen, under the management of Mrs. Dr. J.H. Smith. Patients can have their choice ofphysicians, and the best of care is given. Mid-wifery a specialty. 145 Bellevue aye. m2Btf


No. 142% North Main Street, Los Angeles.Phillips Block, Room 18.

Corns removed without pain."lngrowing nailsand bunions a speciality. Difficult cases solic-ited. Fifeeen years practice. Formerly of SanFrancisco By dropping a pos'.al card, I willcall at your residence. 9-3-lm

mTnino!pacificmining properties bought and sold. Min-ing prospects and mines bonded, and capitafurnished for development of those that can beshown to have merit. NOLAN & SMITH, office132 Noith Spring street, Los Angeles, Cal.

au'24 (imp


Abstract' and title Insurance com.nany of Los Angeles, N. W. cor. Franklin

Iand New High streets. « ml7-9m