los angeles herald (los angeles, calif. : 1890) (los angeles … · 2017-12-19 · los angeles...

LOS ANGELES HERALD. SUNDAY MORNING, NOVEMBER 23, 1890. FIVE CENTS. VOL. XXXV.?NO. 39. A DEVILISH PLOT. Latest Phase of the Indian Trouble. A Death Trap Set for General Brooke's Soldiers. Total Annihilation of the Troops Planned a la Custer. A Friendly Scout Gives Timely Warning. Conflicting Reports as to the Extent of the Danger. Assooiatcd Press Dispatches. Omaha, Neb., Nov. 22. ?A special from the correspondent of the Bee at Pine Ridge agency, received at a late hour tonight, contains the most startling news yet received of the Indian trouble. It is to the effect that William McGau, formerly a government scout, and now a rancher, arrived at the agency this evening with a story of a plot to massa- cre the soldiers under General Brooke. He enjoys a wide friendship among the Indians, and a few nights ago stopped at their camp. When supposed to be asleep he was really awake and listening to the plan out- lined by the bucks. The place where they hold the ghost dance is a narrow valley, on two sides of which are dense clumps of trees. The Indians planned to keep up the dance until the soldiers interfered. Then the devilish plot will be put into execution. The dance will be kept up in the middle of a natural amphitheater, and when the soldiers defile down the valley between the trees the hundreds of Indians who will be concealed therein will mow them down with their rifles. McGau says they talked the matter over in tbe most calculating manner, figuring just bow they will dispose of the braves so as to insure the killing of every soldier. McGau, as soon as he could get away, hastened to the agency to inform General Brooke of the awful fate projected for him. This story has removed from the minds of the officers the last doubt of the bloodthirsty spirit that has taken possession of the In- dians. THE GOVERNMENT NEWS. Official Reports From the Scene of Trouble. Washington, Nov. 22. ?The war de- partment has authorized the number of Indian scouts in the division of Dakota to be increased by five hundred men. They willbe selected from the Indian police and other disciplined Indians. Major General Schofield this afternoon said every hour passed without an out- break, brightened the prospects for a peaceful settlement of the pending dis- turbance. Secretaries Proctor and No- ble were in consultation this afternoon with the president, who manifested much interest in the subject, and de- cided that two regiments of cavalry should be sent to Pine Ridge from Ari- zona and New Mexico. Dispatches from General Miles state that the separ- ation of the friendly and turbulent In- dians is proceeding rapidly at Pine Ridge. General Brooke anticipates no immediate trouble, and thinks separa- tion will make easier the task of re- straining the turbulent Indians from overt acts. Telegrams have been re- ceived confirmatory of the reports that the Messiah craze is rapidly extending north, and across the Canadian line, under the operation of Sitting Bull's emissaries. >' Acting Indian Commissioner Belt has sent a circulai to all Indian agents, ex- cept the agents of the tribes in Dakota, in regard to the ghost dance. He says: "It is very important, in view of the ten- dency of such excitement to obtain a general hold upon the Indians, that the office be kept advised as to the condition of affairs at each agency, with the view to the adoption of all proper precaution- ary measures to prevent an outbreak of the Indians and enforce obedience by them to all the regulations of this de- partment. You are therefore instructed to keep this office fully posted by letter, or by telegraph if the emergency should require." Acting Commissioner Belt has re- ceived the following telegram from Agent Dixon: "The Indians at Crow Creek and Lower Brule are under good con- trol. Have had three leaders from other reservations under arrestat Crow Creek, and discharged them under promise of good behavior. The Indian police are sufficient protection under present indi- cations. There are no Indians away from the reservation bo far as the police can ascertain." GHOST SEANCES. Weird Incantations Kept Up In the Vicin- ity of Pine Ridge. Omaha, Neb.', Nov. 22. ?A special to the Bee from the Pine Ridge agency says: Two of the most reliable scouts in the government employ report to Gen- eral Brooke that last night 160 lodges of the vvounded Kneo fanatics, including gome of the most desperate and treach- ous redskins in thia part of the country, moved to White river, twenty miles north of here, and again begun the ghost dance, in a wilder manner than known thus far. The scouts talked with sev- eral leaders, and all declare that they would shoot any government officials or soldiers who attempted to suppress the dance. This ia by far the most menac- ing news that has come to General Brooke since hia arrival. The Indiana in these 150 lodges are armed with Win- cheaters, navy revolvers and knives, have large quantities of ammunition and provisions, and are receiving heavy reinforcements hourly. Gen. Brooke re- ceived a telegram from Gen. Miles last night, giving him power to call just as many more troops to this point as he deemed expedient. Some of the acouts and Indian police sent out Thursday to notify the non- dancing faction to move into tbe agency precincts until the trouble was settled, have returned. They report the friendly Indiana willing to come in. Some have already done so, and it is believed all willbe in by Sunday night. The dan- gerous work of bringing tlie disturbers to time will begin Monday morning. (ieneral Brooke has received an in- timation that the war department will certainly insist upon the suppression of the ghost dance at all hazards. Both the commandant and the agent were greatly chagrined and nettled at learn- ing last night that another lot of some 300 Rosebud warriors had put in an ap- pearance, as if they had risen out ot trie earth, only twelve miles northwest of here, and were preparing to establish a ghoat seance. These all have Winches- ters, and are loaded down with ammu- nition. WON'T STOP DANCING. A .Master of the Ghost Dance Writes an Insolent Letter. Omaha, Nov. 22.?A special to the Bee from Pine Ridge agency says: Cen- sus enumerator Bee, who arrived this morning from a trip through the more distant portions of the reservation, is of the opinion that the ghost dances will result in trouble before many days. The settlers on the borders of the reserva- tion, he says, are flying out. General Brooke is non-committal, but evidently much troubled. He thinks the crisis is not far away. Agent Royer received a communication from Little Wound, high priest of the dancers, in which the chief says he wants to know what the soldiers are coming for. The dance is a religious one, said he, and we are going to keep it up until spring. If we find the Christ does not appear we will stop, but not in the meantime, troops or no troops. He announced that he would start another dance .at Medicine Root creek tomorrow morning. He said he had been in- formed that the soldiers would stop their rations. He does not care, he says, as what they get does not amount to anything, but if such is the case he wants to know,so his people won't have the trouble of going to the agency. He concluded with an emphatic reiteration that they would not stop dancing. Dr. Royer has not yet replied. DRAWING IN HIS HORNS. Sitting Bull Stops tho Ghost Dunces in His Caiup. Minneapolis, Nov. 22. ?A Standing Rock agency special to the Tribune says: Major McLaughlin's visit to Sit- ting Bull's camp had the effect of stop- ping, for a time at least, the ghoat dances. McLaughlin received a letter from Bull yesterday, who says he has taken his friend's advice and stopped the dances. Bull's child is very sick, or he would come to the agency today to draw rations. It is reported here today that Bull's followers are growing less, because the Messiah has not appeared, and that discourages the chief. The agent thinks the re is no probability of trouble here at present, and may not be this winter or spring. He is "working hard on the Indians with a score of able assistants, and makes a strong argument against the craze. The people en the east side of the river are fleeing for their lives, with no one in pursuit. The ex- citement is all unwarranted. The report of a massacre forty miles south is be- lieved to be unfounded. SCARED SETTLERS. The Alarm General All Along the East Side of tho Missouri. Minneapolis, Nov. 22.?The Tribune's Aberdeen, S. I)., special says: Reports indicate that the Indian scare is general all along the east side of the Missouri river, north of Pierre to Mandan. The settlers are becoming very much alarm- ed and fleeing to the towns, leaving most of their possessions behind them. At Gettysburg there seems to be the most excitement, and Governor Mel- lette has gone there tonight with a large supply of arms and ammunition, hoping to quiet the alarm. Telegrams were received by him tonight from sev- eral points asking assistance. Dispatches from the commanders at Forts Yates and Supply, say everything is quiet. It is evident that most of the alarm ig groundless. GRAVE DANGER. An Outbreak Expected in the Spring, if Not Sooner. Minneapolis, Nov. 22. ?A special to the Tribune from Mandan, N. IX, says: Settlers were coming into Sims, forty miles west of here, all day ; roving bands of Sioux scared them. More guns were shipped tonight. A dispatch from Fort Keogh states that the Twenty-second infantry leaves Keogh Monday morning for Fort Lin- coln. Itis reported at Keogh that the troops at Ellis and Missoula have re- ceived orders to be ready for active work in North Dakota. The actions of the In- dians satisfy everybody that grave dan- ger exists oi an outbreak in the spring, if not before. Parties in today from Mercer county report insolent behavior of the Indians. NO GROUND FOE ALARM But Settlers Are Fleeing for Their Lives ?lust the Same. Mandan, N. D., Nov. 22.?Sheriff Bur- genbeimer this morning received a tele- gram from Sims, a town forty miles west of here, stating that people are coming in from the Muddy and Heart rivers, having been warned by the Sioux to look out for themselves. The sheriff shipped forty guns to Sims and Hebron. Captain Halleren, the com- manding officer at Fort Abraham Lin- coln, maintains that there is no ground for alarm. THE SCARE SUBSIDING. Tho Danger Believed to Be Confined to a Few Agencies. Minneapolis, Nov. 22. ?The Tribune's Bismarck special says: The Indian scare in this section is subsiding. A dispatch from Governor Mellette of South Dakota to the officials in Bis- marck, says these is no foundation for the rumors of Indiana crossing the river into Campbell county, and all rumors of an outbreak in South Dakota are un- founded. The danger now is believed to be at Pine Ridge and other southern agencies. No Danger of An Uprising. San Antonio, Nov. 22.?General Stan- ley, commanding the department of Texas, said today fie had received no notification 'from the department re- garding troops for the Indian country, as reported last night. He also said he thought there was no danger of an up- rising. SPORTING MATTERS. Stamboul's Failure to Lower His Record. A Phenomenal Two-year-old Pacer Discovered. The Human and Equine High Jump Records Broken. Tommy Warren Wins a Prize Fight?Joe Acton Floors the Strangler. Baseball Games. Associated Press Dispatches. Stockton, Nov. 22. ?Stamboul was not feeling right today, and could not trot better than 2:l3'i. The horse had not recovered from the effects of the hard work given him two days ago. He was first given the word on the fourth at- tempt to start, but broke after making the first quarter in 33 seconds, and came back lor another start. After a short rest, he was sent off again. Gold- smith held the first quarter down to 33 seconds; the half-mile post was reached in 1:05 ; the three-quarters in 1:39%, and the mile in 2:13>.i. Gold- smith has decided to make another trial next Saturday. Chief Thorn, a 2-year-old pacer, owned by L. U. Shippee, created the sensation ot the day by making a mile in tho re- markable time of 2:20 U. The judges announced that it was the fastest record ever made by a 2-year-old pacer on the coast, and the fastest but one in the world. Lottery Ticket trotted against 2:20.?4, and made a mile in 2:25. Shippee's Moses S. trotted against his record of 2:19.,. He made a mile in 2:20. California lowered his record to 2:27. The meeting will be kept open till Saturday for another trial to lower Stamboul's record. CALIFORNIA BALL GAMES. The Senators and Colonels Victorious in Saturday's Games. Sacramento, Nov. 22. ?The Sacra- mentos had a walk-over with the Stock- tons in the first game today, and won by a score of 6 to 2. Hickenbotham, the new Stockton pitcher, did excellent work, but was given poor supuort. Stockton, Nov. 22. ?The second game Was an exciting affair, and the visitors came near losing the game. Harper was put in the box after the seventh inning by tbe manager of the Sacra- mentos, who feared Stockton would bat Kilroy too hard. The game ended, how- I ever, in a victory for the Senators by a score of 8 to 7. San Francisco, Nov. 22. ?The Oak- land* again defeated San Francisco to- day, in a game full of errors and poor playing, by a score of 0 to 8. THE FISTIC ARENA. Little Fakir Warren Wins a Battle at New Orleans. New Orleans, Nov. 22. ?Tommy War- ren of California and Tommy Miller of Indianapolis fought before the Audubon Athletic club tonight ior $1000. Miller could hardly hit Warren at all, and was knocked out in the third round. Boston, Nov. 22. ?Ike Weir has re- ceived a telegram from Phil Archibald, a San Francisco book-maker, asking if he was ready to depart for Australia, December 13th. Archibald guarantees expenses and backing for a battle with Griffo, the Australian featherweight. Weir starts for fan Francisco next week. SLUGGER SULLIVAN. Falls Through a Window and Kicks a Fellow Showman. TAUNTon, Mass., Nov. 22. ?John L. Sullivan and Duncan B. Harrison, with other members of their company, struck this city yesterday. Sullivan celebrated in his usual manner, and nearly broke his neck by falling through a window at the City hotel. During the afternoon he varied the monotony by kicking Harrison in the back. Harrison went to Boston to- day, and it is feared his spine is injured. HIGH JUMPERS. Both the Human and Equine Records Broken. Providence, R. 1., Nov. 22.?At Nar- raganaett, today, D. E. Lomergan, of Roxbury, Mass., broke the record for a atanding high jump without weights, clearing 5 feet 2M inches. Chicago, Nov. 22. ?Filemaker tonight broke all previous equine records for high-jumping. With a run of less than 30 feet, he jumped over bars 7 feet 2)4 inches high without scratctiing. Tom Potter rode him. Acton Throws the Strangler. San Francisco, Nov. 22.?Evan Lewis, the strangler, weighing 188 pounds, and Joe Acton, weighing 162, wrestled tonight at the new Wagwam, for $500 and sixty-five per cent, of the gate receipts." By the terms of the match Lewis was to throw Acton twice in two hours. He only succeeded in throwing him once in that time, and the match was awarded to Acton. THE FIRE FIEND. Several Large Industrial Establishments Burned Out. Paterson, N. J. y Nov. 22.?This morn- ing the extensive silk mill of Banford Bros., was burned, together with the residence of the proprietors. Loss, $400,000; insurance, $200,000. The 300 employees, including women, became panic-sticken, but it is believed all es- caped. Alton, 111., Nov. 22.?The flint glass factory buildings of the Illinois Glass works were burned this morning. Loss, $100,000. Five hundred hands are idle. Beli.aire, 0.,N0v. 22. ?Fire destroyed tho most valuable part of the Bellaire stamping works this evening. Lose, $100,000; insurance, $50,000. Paris, Nov. 22.?A velvet factory at Lyons burned; loss, 750,000 francs. Santa Rosa, Cal., Nov. 22.?A large barn on William Hill's ranch, west of this city, containing 100 tons of hay, was destroyed by fire last evening. Six horses and several cows and calve3 per- ished in the flames. The loss is esti- mated at $10,000. No insurance. The fire is supposed to have been incendiary. RocKLiN.Cal., Nov. 22.?Four dwelling houses and contents and a blacksmith shop burned thia morning. Loaa, $2500; insurance light. EMBARRASSED BANKS. Depositors In a Chicago Bank Left in the Lurch. Chicago, Nov. 22.?The private bank of W. L. Prettyman, on the north side, closed its doors this morning. Prettyman could not be found, so no statement of the assets and liabilities was obtainable. Many poor people's hard-earned savings are involved. Lyons Bros., dealers in crockery, have $15,000 on deposit. This is believed to be the largest single loss. This afternoon an assignment was made to the cashier of the bank, John- son, and at the same time he was made the assignee of the North Division lum- ber company, in which Prettyman ia the heaviest stockholder. Prettyman also assigned his real and personal es- tate. The assets and liabilities of the two conceniß, and Prettyman's estate, will reach, it is believed, a million dol- lars. Assignee Johnson refuses to make any statement of the assets or liabilities of either the bank or the lumber com- pany. He said the cause of the assign- ment was the tight money market and its bad effect on the lumber company. This concern and the bank were closely connected. One of the former depositors in the bank, however, who asserts to have a pretty good knowledge of its ail'airs, believes the liabilities of the bank will reach half a million, and the assets are problematical. He said Prettyman has been speculating heavily this year in real estate, and putting up houses for sale, and that the business has not proved profitable. A large num- ber of depositors in the bank are poor people. , New Yoitiv, Nov. 22. ?The run on the Citizens' Savings bank was continued this morning. The bank officials say the run will tie broken today. The pay- ments already made aggregate nearly $300,000. Newark, N. J., Nov. 22. ?The run on the Howard Savings bank was consider- ably abated this morning. Many de- positors are returning their money. Philadelphia, Nov. 22. ?No state- ment has yet been made by Barker Brothers. It is not likely to be made for several daye. Wichita, Kan., Nov. 22.?The Com- mercial bank of Newton was closed to- day after a rush by the depositors. The capital stock was $75,000. No state- ment of the affairs has been made. The Bank of Whitewater, which is a,branch of tho Newton and Oklahoma banks, is also closed A LARGE FAILURE. The Largest Rolling Stock Company in the World Embarrassed. Chicago, Nov. 22. ?The United States "Rolling Stock company haa beon placed in the hands of a receiver; liabilities, $3,81(3,000; assets, $6,053,000. Attorney High, of the company, says the failure waa precipitated by slow collections and depression in the money market. The company is the largest builder of rail- way cars in the world. It has plants at Hegewisch, 111., Decatur, Ala., Annis- ton, Ala., and Urbana, Ohio. The cap- ital stock is $4,000,000. The assets con- sist of the plant at Hegewisch, worth $2,000,000; tlie plants at the other places mentioned, worth $1,500,000; car trust bonds, worth $1,533,000; rolling stock leased to various railroads, worth $300,000; supplies and material iv process of manufacture, $1,100,000, and accounts amounting to $300,000. It is understood that the failure is due to the inability to collect $300,000 due from various roads for the rent of cars. The property was put into the hands of a friendly receiver, that thia rent may be realized on. The company employs 2200 men. Its caah payments to employees and for ma- terial arc $600,000 monthly. Stringency in the money market compelled the railroads which bought cars of the com- pany to pay their bills in long time paper, inatead of cash, and it has been extremely difficult to discount the paper. Judgo Blodgett, of the federal court, appointed A. Hegewisch receiver. Hegewisch ia the president of the com- pany. The judge ordered the receiver to continue tlie works. New York, Nov. 22. ?Vice-President Roys, of the United States Rolling Stock company, made a statement to- night in conformity with that made by the offiicials of the company in Chicago today. He said auxiliary proceedings will be had in all the states where the company has property. All the cred- itors are satisfied with the arrangement for a receiver, which is to enable the company to tide over the critical point. The London committee advised it, and this feeling has been fully reciprocated by the board of directors in New York. DASHED TO DEATH. A Demented Woman Jumps From a Sixth-Story Window. New York, Nov. 22.?Mrs. Charles Coombs, of Brooklyn, daughter in law of Mr. Nelly, congressman elect of the third district, committed suicide in a horrible manner this afternoon. She went to the Pierrepont hotel and asked for a room on the top floor, saying she was troubled with palpitation of the heart and wanted to be away from all excitement. The manager conducted her to a room on the sixth floor. Soon after she went for a bottle of wine, and later rang for a chambermaid. When the latter entered the room, the lady was standing with a wine glass in her hand. Without a word, she dashed the wineglass to the floor, and rushed to the window aud jumped out. She turned over and over and struck with terrific force on the roof of the ex- tension, bounded off and landed on a large flower urn standing in front of the hotel, and there rolled to the sidewalk dead. Her mother is in a critical con- dition from the shock. The suicide had been married seven years. She lately suffered from ill-health, and was un- doubtedly temporarily demented. Wall* Collapsed. Jersey City, N. J., Nov. 22.?The walls of a building in course of erection by the Wells-Fargo Express company, fell this morning, burying a large num- ber of men in the ruins. Only one was killed, George Barrett. Twelve laborers were hurt, one or two of whom will die, The broken wall was too freshly built to stand the strain of a high wind which prevailed, and the weight oi the tim- bers. > OLD WORLD NEWS. Professor Koch Prematurely Decorated. The Value of His Discovery Over Estimated. Many Physicians Doubt the Efllcaey of the New Remedy. A European War Flame Kindled by the King of Greece, but Quickly Smothered. Associated Press Dispatches. Berlin, Nov. 22.?[Copyrighted 1890, by the New York Associated Press.) ? The bestowal by Emperor William of the grand cross of the Order of the Red Eagle upon Professor Koch was gazetted tonight. This is the first time this decoration has been bestowed upon any- one that did not possess the preceding classes of the order. Though confidence in the ultimate value of Koch's discovery does not abate, public disappointment over the immediate results of the treat- ment grows daily. Professor Koch's assistants and others estimate that 17,000 cases have already been treated, the greater number of whom were suf- fering from exterior tuberculosis, and comparatively few cases of tubercles on the lungs. Experts are beginning to concur in the opinion that the cure of this disease is uncertain. Prof. Koch blames the press for raising exaggerated hopes of instant benefit in every form of tuber- culosis. Many physicians are express- ing opinions. Some say that the possi- bility of the cure of lupus alone has been proved, and not scientifically ea- j tablished. Lupus arises from the same bacillus associated with lung tubercles. Dr. Ullman, an eminent authority on bacteria, says it will take fully a year of frequent injections, besides treatment under right sanitary conditions, to en- able one to form reliable opinions as to the curability of consumption, in either its advanced or early stages. Opinions expressed by others are varied, but j nearly all advise conservatism until further experiments make more positive the effect of the remedy. A Blaze of War SmotheTed. Acrisis in the eastern question has been sprung upon tbe triple alliance by the sudden adhesion of the king of Greece to the project to foment openly and assist a rising in Crete, simultane- ously with risings in Epirus and Mace- donia. Chancellor yon Caprivi and Count Kalnoky sent a joint note to Athena, warning the government that in the event of raeaaurea being taken to- ward war with Turkey, the drrebund'e aquadrona will blockade tbe coasts of Greece, and leave the Hellenic army to take isolated action on the land against the Turks. The decisive character of this stopped the blaze of war over Eu- rope. Tlie Xiitno Railway Harder. Details received regarding the rail- way murder at Kutno, show that when the train left Lomez, all the passen- gers, save the murderers and their vic- tims, had quitted the compartment. The murderers threw a quantity of in- cense powder in the eyes of the Victims, and dispatched one with a knife and the other with a bludgeon. The bodies were thrown out of the carriage, and the murderers sprang off the train as it was slowing up. rOMIKVSEII CABLEGRAMS. Bits of Intelligence Flashed from For- eign Shores. The Ne /a is frozen over. Navigation is closed at St. Petersburg. A new French loan of 700,000,000 francs willbe issued January Ist. The government has forbidden a meet- ing to be held at New Ross today, (Sun- day), to express confidence in Parnell. The natives who murdered Kreigel and Heasel, officials of the German East Africa company, at Kilwa,have been ex- ecuted. A man arrested at Belfort, France, on suspicion of being a spy, confessed that he waa in the employ of a foreign gov- ernment, and suicided. The Comptoiv Nationale D'Escompte has failed to float the South Brazilian railroad loan. Only one-third of the amount of the loan has been subscribed. The British foreign office has promised to return Padlewsky, suspected of hav- ing murdered General SeliverskofT, in Paris, if arrestad within the British dominions. The police are searching for him in London. Notwithstanding the fact that the government has forbidden demonstra- tions in celebration of the 22nd anni- versary of the death of the Manchester martyrs, an attempt' was made at Bel- fast. The police promptly suppressed the demonstration and arrested thin y persons. No Trouble Expected in Canada. Ottawa, Nov. 22.?An Indian uprisic, is not anticipated in the Canadian northwest, although ugly rumors ire afloat. A mounted police force of 100 ! 1 men, capable of quelling any revolt, pa- trol the boundary. AnAlleged Massacre. Pierre, 8. D., Nov. 22. ?A telegram from Gettysburg, S. D., states that sever persons have been killed by Indians near Leban, and asks for militia. No one here credits the report of the massacn- THE HERALD Stands for the Interests of Southern California. SUBSCRIBE FOR IT. -*9sB A YEARS? Buys the Daily Hbbald and (2 the Wbbkly Hbbald. IT IS NEWSY AND CLEAN. A SOLEMN silence prevailed in the Court room as tht Jury took their places and the Judge instructed the Clerk to ask the customary questions: "Gentlemen," said the Clerk, "have you agreed upon your verdict?" Foreman of the Jury?"We have." The Clerk?"Do you find the defendant guilty or not guilty." Foreman of the Jury?"We find the defendant guilty of selling Clothing at Prices Lower Than Were Ever Before Charged for articles of similar quality." Clerk ?"Are you all agreed upon that verdict?" The Foreman ?"We are." The spectators were visibly affected as His Honor pro- ceeded to inflict the full penalty of the law. "Prisoner," said the grave and dignified Judge, turning to the accused (the proprietor of THE LONDON CLOTH- ING CO.), "you have heard the verdict of the Jury. The sentence of the Court is that you still continue to offer for sale your Clothing, and the Court hopes it may be pardoned for remarking that the public is indebted to you for the opportunities you furnish to those who are looking for their moneys worth.

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Page 1: Los Angeles herald (Los Angeles, Calif. : 1890) (Los Angeles … · 2017-12-19 · LOS ANGELES HERALD. VOL. XXXV.?NO. 39. SUNDAY MORNING, NOVEMBER 23, 1890. FIVE CENTS. A DEVILISH


A DEVILISH PLOT.Latest Phase of the Indian


A Death Trap Set for GeneralBrooke's Soldiers.

Total Annihilation of the Troops

Planned a la Custer.

A Friendly Scout Gives Timely Warning.

Conflicting Reports as to theExtent of the Danger.

Assooiatcd Press Dispatches.

Omaha, Neb., Nov. 22. ?A specialfrom the correspondent of the Bee at

Pine Ridge agency, received at a latehour tonight, contains the most startling

news yet received of the Indian trouble.It is to the effect that William McGau,formerly a government scout, and now arancher, arrived at the agency thisevening with a story of a plot to massa-cre the soldiers under General Brooke.He enjoys a wide friendship among theIndians, and a few nights ago stoppedat their camp. When supposedto be asleep he was really

awake and listening to the plan out-lined by the bucks. The place wherethey hold the ghost dance is a narrowvalley, on two sides of which are denseclumps of trees. The Indians plannedto keep up the dance until the soldiersinterfered. Then the devilish plot willbe put into execution. The dance willbe kept up in the middle of a naturalamphitheater, and when the soldiersdefile down the valley between the treesthe hundreds of Indians whowill be concealed therein willmow them down with their rifles.McGau says they talked the matterover in tbe most calculating manner,figuring just bow they will dispose ofthe braves so as to insure the killingofevery soldier. McGau, as soon as hecould get away, hastened to the agencyto inform General Brooke of the awfulfate projected for him. This story hasremoved from the minds of the officersthe last doubt of the bloodthirsty spiritthat has taken possession of the In-dians.


Official Reports From the Scene ofTrouble.

Washington, Nov. 22. ?The war de-partment has authorized the number ofIndian scouts in the division of Dakotato be increased by five hundred men.They willbe selected from the Indianpolice and other disciplined Indians.Major General Schofield this afternoonsaid every hour passed without an out-break, brightened the prospects for apeaceful settlement of the pending dis-turbance. Secretaries Proctor and No-ble were in consultation this afternoonwith the president, who manifestedmuch interest in the subject, and de-cided that two regiments of cavalry

should be sent to Pine Ridge from Ari-zona and New Mexico. Dispatchesfrom General Miles state that the separ-ation of the friendly and turbulent In-dians is proceeding rapidly at PineRidge. General Brooke anticipates noimmediate trouble, and thinks separa-tion will make easier the task of re-straining the turbulent Indians fromovert acts. Telegrams have been re-ceived confirmatory of the reports thatthe Messiah craze is rapidly extendingnorth, and across the Canadian line,under the operation of Sitting Bull'semissaries. >'

Acting Indian Commissioner Belt hassent a circulai to all Indian agents, ex-cept the agents of the tribes in Dakota,in regard to the ghost dance. He says:"Itis very important, in view of the ten-dency of such excitement to obtain ageneral hold upon the Indians, that theoffice be kept advised as to the conditionof affairs at each agency, with the viewto the adoption of all proper precaution-ary measures to prevent an outbreak ofthe Indians and enforce obedience bythem to all the regulations of this de-partment. You are therefore instructedto keep this office fully posted by letter,or by telegraph if the emergency shouldrequire."

Acting Commissioner Belt has re-ceived the following telegram from AgentDixon: "The Indians at Crow Creekand Lower Brule are under good con-trol. Have had three leaders from otherreservations under arrestat Crow Creek,and discharged them under promise ofgood behavior. The Indian police aresufficient protection under present indi-cations. There are no Indians awayfrom the reservation bo far as the policecan ascertain."


Weird Incantations Kept Up Inthe Vicin-ity of Pine Ridge.

Omaha, Neb.', Nov. 22. ?A special tothe Bee from the Pine Ridge agencysays: Two of the most reliable scouts inthe government employ report to Gen-eral Brooke that last night 160 lodges ofthe vvounded Kneo fanatics, includinggome of the most desperate and treach-ous redskins in thia part of the country,moved to White river, twenty milesnorth of here, and again begun the ghostdance, in a wilder manner than knownthus far. The scouts talked with sev-eral leaders, and all declare that theywould shoot any government officials orsoldiers who attempted to suppress thedance. This ia by far the most menac-ing news that has come to GeneralBrooke since hia arrival. The Indianain these 150 lodges are armed with Win-cheaters, navy revolvers and knives,have large quantities of ammunitionand provisions, and are receiving heavyreinforcements hourly. Gen. Brooke re-ceived a telegram from Gen. Miles lastnight, giving him power to call just asmany more troops to this point as hedeemed expedient.

Some ofthe acouts and Indian policesent out Thursday to notify the non-dancing faction to move into tbe agencyprecincts until the trouble was settled,have returned. They report the friendlyIndiana willingto come in. Some havealready done so, and it is believed allwillbe in by Sunday night. The dan-

gerous work of bringing tlie disturbersto time will begin Monday morning.

(ieneral Brooke has received an in-timation that the war department willcertainly insist upon the suppression ofthe ghost dance at all hazards. Boththe commandant and the agent weregreatly chagrined and nettled at learn-ing last night that another lot of some300 Rosebud warriors had put in an ap-pearance, as if they had risen out ot trieearth, only twelve miles northwest ofhere, and were preparing to establish aghoat seance. These all have Winches-ters, and are loaded down with ammu-nition.


A .Master of the Ghost Dance Writes anInsolent Letter.

Omaha, Nov. 22.?A special to theBee from Pine Ridge agency says: Cen-sus enumerator Bee, who arrived thismorning from a trip through the moredistant portions of the reservation, is ofthe opinion that the ghost dances willresult in trouble before many days. Thesettlers on the borders of the reserva-tion, he says, are flying out. GeneralBrooke is non-committal, but evidentlymuch troubled. He thinks the crisis isnot far away. Agent Royer received acommunication from Little Wound,high priest of the dancers, inwhich the chief says he wantsto know what the soldiers arecoming for. The dance is a religiousone, said he, and we are going to keep itup until spring. If we find the Christdoes not appear we willstop, but not inthe meantime, troops or no troops. Heannounced that he would start anotherdance .at Medicine Root creek tomorrowmorning. He said he had been in-formed that the soldiers would stoptheir rations. He does not care, he says,as what they get does not amount toanything, but if such is the case hewants to know,so his people won't havethe trouble of going to the agency. Heconcluded with an emphatic reiterationthat they would not stop dancing. Dr.Royer has not yet replied.

DRAWING IN HIS HORNS.Sitting Bull Stops tho Ghost Dunces in

His Caiup.

Minneapolis, Nov. 22. ?A StandingRock agency special to the Tribunesays: Major McLaughlin's visit to Sit-tingBull's camp had the effect of stop-ping, for a time at least, the ghoatdances. McLaughlin received a letterfrom Bull yesterday, who says he hastaken his friend's advice and stoppedthe dances. Bull's child is very sick, orhe would come to the agency today todraw rations. Itis reported here todaythat Bull's followers are growing less,because the Messiah has not appeared,and that discourages the chief. Theagent thinks the re is no probability oftrouble here at present, and may not bethis winter or spring. He is "workinghard on the Indians with a score of ableassistants, and makes a strong argumentagainst the craze. The people en theeast side of the river are fleeing for theirlives, with no one in pursuit. The ex-citement is all unwarranted. The reportof a massacre forty miles south is be-lieved to be unfounded.


The Alarm General AllAlong the EastSide of tho Missouri.

Minneapolis, Nov. 22.?The Tribune'sAberdeen, S. I)., special says: Reportsindicate that the Indian scare is generalall along the east side of the Missouririver, north of Pierre to Mandan. Thesettlers are becoming very much alarm-ed and fleeing to the towns, leavingmost of their possessions behind them.At Gettysburg there seems to be themost excitement, and Governor Mel-lette has gone there tonight with alarge supply of arms and ammunition,hoping to quiet the alarm. Telegramswere received by him tonight from sev-eral points asking assistance. Dispatchesfrom the commanders at Forts Yatesand Supply, say everything is quiet. Itis evident that most of the alarm iggroundless.


An Outbreak Expected in the Spring, ifNot Sooner.

Minneapolis, Nov. 22. ?A special tothe Tribune from Mandan, N. IX, says:Settlers were coming into Sims, fortymiles west of here, all day ; roving bandsof Sioux scared them. More guns wereshipped tonight.

A dispatch from Fort Keogh statesthat the Twenty-second infantry leavesKeogh Monday morning for Fort Lin-coln. Itis reported at Keogh that thetroops at Ellis and Missoula have re-ceived orders to be ready for active workin North Dakota. The actions of the In-dians satisfy everybody that grave dan-ger exists oi an outbreak in the spring,if not before. Parties in today fromMercer county report insolent behaviorof the Indians.


But Settlers Are Fleeing for Their Lives?lust the Same.

Mandan, N. D., Nov. 22.?Sheriff Bur-genbeimer this morning received a tele-gram from Sims, a town forty mileswest of here, stating that people arecoming in from the Muddy and Heartrivers, having been warned by theSioux to look out for themselves. Thesheriff shipped forty guns to Sims andHebron. Captain Halleren, the com-manding officer at Fort Abraham Lin-coln, maintains that there is no groundfor alarm.


Tho Danger Believed to Be Confined toa Few Agencies.

Minneapolis, Nov. 22. ?The Tribune'sBismarck special says: The Indianscare in this section is subsiding. Adispatch from Governor Mellette ofSouth Dakota to the officials in Bis-marck, says these is no foundation forthe rumors of Indiana crossing the riverinto Campbell county, and all rumors ofan outbreak in South Dakota are un-founded. The danger now is believedto be at Pine Ridge and other southernagencies.

No Danger of An Uprising.San Antonio, Nov. 22.?General Stan-

ley, commanding the department ofTexas, said today fie had received nonotification 'from the department re-garding troops for the Indian country,as reported last night. He also said hethought there was no danger of an up-rising.

SPORTING MATTERS.Stamboul's Failure to Lower

His Record.

A Phenomenal Two-year-oldPacer Discovered.

The Human and Equine High Jump

Records Broken.

Tommy Warren Wins a Prize Fight?JoeActon Floors the Strangler.

Baseball Games.

Associated Press Dispatches.

Stockton, Nov. 22. ?Stamboul was notfeeling right today, and could not trotbetter than 2:l3'i. The horse had notrecovered from the effects of the hardwork given him two days ago. He wasfirst given the word on the fourth at-tempt to start, but broke after makingthe first quarter in 33 seconds, and cameback lor another start. After a shortrest, he was sent off again. Gold-smith held the first quarter down to33 seconds; the half-mile post wasreached in 1:05 ; the three-quarters in1:39%, and the mile in 2:13>.i. Gold-smith has decided to make anothertrial next Saturday.

Chief Thorn, a 2-year-old pacer, ownedby L. U. Shippee, created the sensationot the day by making a mile in tho re-markable time of 2:20 U. Thejudges announced that it wasthe fastest record ever made bya 2-year-old pacer on the coast, and thefastest but one in the world.

Lottery Ticket trotted against 2:20.?4,and made a mile in 2:25.

Shippee's Moses S. trotted against hisrecord of 2:19.,. He made a mile in2:20.

California lowered his record to 2:27.The meeting will be kept open till

Saturday for another trial to lowerStamboul's record.


The Senators and Colonels Victorious inSaturday's Games.

Sacramento, Nov. 22. ?The Sacra-mentos had a walk-over with the Stock-tons in the first game today, and wonby a score of 6 to 2. Hickenbotham,the new Stockton pitcher, did excellentwork, but was given poor supuort.

Stockton, Nov. 22. ?The second gameWas an exciting affair, and the visitorscame near losing the game. Harperwas put in the box after the seventhinning by tbe manager of the Sacra-mentos, who feared Stockton would batKilroy too hard. The game ended, how-Iever, in a victory for the Senators by ascore of 8 to 7.

San Francisco, Nov. 22. ?The Oak-land* again defeated San Francisco to-day, in a game full of errors and poorplaying, by a score of 0 to 8.


Little Fakir Warren Wins a Battle atNew Orleans.

New Orleans, Nov. 22. ?Tommy War-ren of California and Tommy Miller ofIndianapolis fought before the AudubonAthletic club tonight ior $1000. Millercould hardly hit Warren at all, and wasknocked out in the third round.

Boston, Nov. 22. ?Ike Weir has re-ceived a telegram from Phil Archibald,a San Francisco book-maker, asking ifhe was ready to depart for Australia,December 13th. Archibald guaranteesexpenses and backing for a battle withGriffo, the Australian featherweight.Weir starts for fan Francisco nextweek.


Falls Through a Window and Kicks aFellow Showman.

TAUNTon, Mass., Nov. 22. ?John L.Sullivan and Duncan B. Harrison, withother members of their company,struck this city yesterday. Sullivancelebrated in his usual manner,and nearly broke his neck byfalling through a window at the Cityhotel. During the afternoon he variedthe monotony by kicking Harrison inthe back. Harrison went to Boston to-day, and itis feared his spine is injured.


Both the Human and Equine RecordsBroken.

Providence, R. 1., Nov. 22.?At Nar-raganaett, today, D. E. Lomergan, ofRoxbury, Mass., broke the record for aatanding high jump without weights,clearing 5 feet 2M inches.

Chicago, Nov. 22. ?Filemaker tonightbroke all previous equine records forhigh-jumping. With a run of less than30 feet, he jumped over bars 7 feet 2)4inches high without scratctiing. TomPotter rode him.

Acton Throws the Strangler.San Francisco, Nov. 22.?Evan Lewis,

the strangler, weighing 188 pounds, andJoe Acton, weighing 162, wrestledtonight at the new Wagwam, for$500 and sixty-five per cent, ofthe gate receipts." By the terms of thematch Lewis was to throw Acton twicein two hours. He only succeeded inthrowinghim once in that time, and thematch was awarded to Acton.


Several Large Industrial EstablishmentsBurned Out.

Paterson, N. J. y Nov. 22.?This morn-ing the extensive silk mill of BanfordBros., was burned, together with theresidence of the proprietors. Loss,$400,000; insurance, $200,000. The 300employees, including women, becamepanic-sticken, but it is believed all es-caped.

Alton, 111., Nov. 22.?The flint glassfactory buildings of the Illinois Glassworks were burned this morning. Loss,$100,000. Five hundred hands are idle.

Beli.aire, 0.,N0v. 22. ?Fire destroyedtho most valuable part of the Bellairestamping works this evening. Lose,$100,000; insurance, $50,000.

Paris, Nov. 22.?A velvet factory atLyons burned; loss, 750,000 francs.

Santa Rosa, Cal., Nov. 22.?A largebarn on William Hill's ranch, west ofthis city, containing 100 tons of hay,

was destroyed by fire last evening. Sixhorses and several cows and calve3per-ished in the flames. The loss is esti-mated at $10,000. No insurance. Thefire is supposed to have been incendiary.

RocKLiN.Cal., Nov. 22.?Four dwellinghouses and contents and a blacksmithshop burned thia morning. Loaa, $2500;insurance light.

EMBARRASSED BANKS.Depositors In a Chicago Bank Left in

the Lurch.Chicago, Nov. 22.?The private bank

of W. L. Prettyman, on the north side,closed itsdoors this morning. Prettymancould not be found, so no statement ofthe assets and liabilities was obtainable.Many poor people's hard-earned savingsare involved. Lyons Bros., dealers incrockery, have $15,000 on deposit. Thisis believed to be the largest single loss.

This afternoon an assignment wasmade to the cashier of the bank, John-son, and at the same time he was madethe assignee of the North Division lum-ber company, in which Prettyman iathe heaviest stockholder. Prettymanalso assigned his real and personal es-tate. The assets and liabilities of thetwo conceniß, and Prettyman's estate,will reach, it is believed, a million dol-lars. Assignee Johnson refuses to makeany statement of the assets or liabilitiesof either the bank or the lumber com-pany. He said the cause of the assign-ment was the tight money market andits bad effect on the lumber company.This concern and the bank were closelyconnected. One of the former depositorsin the bank, however, who asserts tohave a pretty good knowledge of itsail'airs, believes the liabilities of thebank will reach half a million, and theassets are problematical. He saidPrettyman has been speculating heavilythis year in real estate, and putting uphouses for sale, and that the businesshas not proved profitable. A large num-ber of depositors in the bank are poorpeople. ,

New Yoitiv, Nov. 22. ?The run on theCitizens' Savings bank was continuedthis morning. The bank officials saythe run will tie broken today. The pay-ments already made aggregate nearly$300,000.

Newark, N. J., Nov. 22. ?The run onthe Howard Savings bank was consider-ably abated this morning. Many de-positors are returning their money.

Philadelphia, Nov. 22. ?No state-ment has yet been made by BarkerBrothers. It is not likely to be madefor several daye.

Wichita, Kan., Nov. 22.?The Com-mercial bank of Newton was closed to-day after a rush by the depositors. Thecapital stock was $75,000. No state-ment ofthe affairs has been made. TheBank of Whitewater, which is a,branchof tho Newton and Oklahoma banks, isalso closed


The Largest Rolling Stock Company inthe World Embarrassed.

Chicago, Nov. 22. ?The United States"Rolling Stock company haa beon placedin the hands of a receiver; liabilities,$3,81(3,000; assets, $6,053,000. AttorneyHigh, of the company, says the failurewaa precipitated by slow collections anddepression in the money market. Thecompany is the largest builder of rail-way cars in the world. It has plants atHegewisch, 111., Decatur, Ala., Annis-ton, Ala., and Urbana, Ohio. The cap-ital stock is $4,000,000. The assets con-sist of the plant at Hegewisch, worth$2,000,000; tlie plants at the otherplaces mentioned, worth $1,500,000;car trust bonds, worth $1,533,000;rolling stock leased to various railroads,worth $300,000; supplies and materialivprocess of manufacture, $1,100,000,and accounts amounting to $300,000.

It is understood that the failure isdue to the inability to collect $300,000due from various roads for the rent ofcars. The property was put into thehands of a friendly receiver, that thiarent may be realized on.

The company employs 2200 men. Itscaah payments to employees and for ma-terial arc $600,000 monthly. Stringencyin the money market compelled therailroads which bought cars of the com-pany to pay their bills in long timepaper, inatead of cash, and it has beenextremely difficult to discount thepaper. Judgo Blodgett, of the federalcourt, appointed A. Hegewisch receiver.Hegewisch ia the president of the com-pany. The judge ordered the receiverto continue tlie works.

New York, Nov. 22. ?Vice-PresidentRoys, of the United States RollingStock company, made a statement to-night in conformity with that made bythe offiicials of the company in Chicagotoday. He said auxiliary proceedingswill be had in all the states where thecompany has property. All the cred-itors are satisfied with the arrangementfor a receiver, which is to enable thecompany to tide over the critical point.The London committee advised it, andthis feeling has been fully reciprocatedby the board of directors in New York.


A Demented Woman Jumps From aSixth-Story Window.

New York, Nov. 22.?Mrs. CharlesCoombs, of Brooklyn, daughter in lawof Mr. Nelly, congressman elect ofthe third district, committed suicide ina horrible manner this afternoon. Shewent to the Pierrepont hotel and askedfor a room on the top floor, sayingshe was troubled with palpitation of theheart and wanted to be away from allexcitement. The manager conductedher to a room on the sixth floor. Soonafter she went for a bottle of wine, andlater rang for a chambermaid. Whenthe latter entered the room, the ladywas standing with a wine glass in herhand. Without a word, she dashed thewineglass to the floor, and rushed tothe window aud jumped out. Sheturned over and over and struckwith terrific force on the roof of the ex-tension, bounded off and landed on alarge flower urn standing in front of thehotel, and there rolled to the sidewalkdead. Her mother is in a critical con-dition from the shock. The suicide hadbeen married seven years. She latelysuffered from ill-health, and was un-doubtedly temporarily demented.

Wall* Collapsed.Jersey City, N. J., Nov. 22.?The

walls of a building in course of erectionby the Wells-Fargo Express company,fellthis morning, burying a large num-ber of men in the ruins. Only one waskilled, George Barrett. Twelve laborerswere hurt, one or two of whom willdie,The broken wall was too freshly built tostand the strain of a high wind whichprevailed, and the weight oi the tim-bers. >

OLD WORLD NEWS.Professor Koch Prematurely


The Value ofHis Discovery OverEstimated.

Many Physicians Doubt the Efllcaeyofthe New Remedy.

A European War Flame Kindled by the

King of Greece, but Quickly


Associated Press Dispatches.

Berlin, Nov. 22.?[Copyrighted 1890,by the New York Associated Press.) ?

The bestowal by Emperor William ofthe grand cross of the Order of the RedEagle upon Professor Koch was gazettedtonight. This is the first time thisdecoration has been bestowed upon any-one that did not possess the precedingclasses of the order. Though confidencein the ultimate value ofKoch's discoverydoes not abate, public disappointmentover the immediate results of the treat-ment grows daily. Professor Koch'sassistants and others estimate that17,000 cases have already been treated,the greater number of whom were suf-fering from exterior tuberculosis, andcomparatively few cases of tubercles onthe lungs.

Experts are beginning to concur inthe opinion that the cure of this diseaseis uncertain. Prof. Koch blames thepress for raising exaggerated hopes ofinstant benefit in every form of tuber-culosis. Many physicians are express-ingopinions. Some say that the possi-bility of the cure of lupus alone hasbeen proved, and not scientifically ea- jtablished. Lupus arises from the samebacillus associated with lung tubercles.Dr. Ullman, an eminent authority onbacteria, says it will take fullya year offrequent injections, besides treatmentunder right sanitary conditions, to en-able one to form reliable opinions as tothe curability of consumption, in eitherits advanced or early stages. Opinionsexpressed by others are varied, but jnearly all advise conservatism untilfurther experiments make more positivethe effect of the remedy.

A Blaze of War SmotheTed.

Acrisis in the eastern question hasbeen sprung upon tbe triple alliance bythe sudden adhesion of the king ofGreece to the project to foment openlyand assist a rising in Crete, simultane-ously with risings in Epirus and Mace-

donia. Chancellor yon Caprivi andCount Kalnoky sent a joint note toAthena, warning the government thatin the event ofraeaaurea being taken to-ward war with Turkey, the drrebund'eaquadrona will blockade tbe coasts ofGreece, and leave the Hellenic army totake isolated action on the land againstthe Turks. The decisive character ofthis stopped the blaze of war over Eu-rope.

Tlie Xiitno Railway Harder.Details received regarding the rail-

way murder at Kutno, show that whenthe train left Lomez, all the passen-gers, save the murderers and their vic-tims, had quitted the compartment.The murderers threw a quantity of in-cense powder in the eyes of the Victims,and dispatched one with a knife andthe other with a bludgeon. The bodieswere thrown out of the carriage, andthe murderers sprang off the train as itwas slowing up.


Bits of Intelligence Flashed from For-eign Shores.

The Ne /a is frozen over. Navigationis closed at St. Petersburg.

A new French loan of 700,000,000francs willbe issued January Ist.

The government has forbidden ameet-ing to be held at New Ross today, (Sun-day), to express confidence in Parnell.

The natives who murdered Kreigeland Heasel, officials of the German EastAfrica company, at Kilwa,have been ex-ecuted.

A man arrested at Belfort, France, onsuspicion of being a spy, confessed thathe waa in the employ of a foreign gov-ernment, and suicided.

The Comptoiv Nationale D'Escomptehas failed to float the South Brazilianrailroad loan. Only one-third of theamount of the loan has been subscribed.

The British foreign officehas promisedto return Padlewsky, suspected of hav-ing murdered General SeliverskofT, inParis, if arrestad within the Britishdominions. The police are searchingfor him in London.

Notwithstanding the fact that thegovernment has forbidden demonstra-tions in celebration of the 22nd anni-versary ofthe death of the Manchestermartyrs, an attempt' was made at Bel-fast. The police promptly suppressedthe demonstration and arrested thin ypersons.

No Trouble Expected in Canada.Ottawa, Nov. 22.?An Indian uprisic,

is not anticipated in the Canadiannorthwest, although ugly rumors ireafloat. A mounted police force of 100!1men, capable of quelling any revolt, pa-trol the boundary.

AnAlleged Massacre.Pierre, 8. D., Nov. 22. ?A telegram

from Gettysburg, S. D., states that severpersons have been killed by Indiansnear Leban, and asks for militia. No onehere credits the report of the massacn-

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A SOLEMN silence prevailed in the Court room as tht

Jury took their places and the Judge instructed the

Clerk to ask the customary questions:"Gentlemen," said the Clerk, "have you agreed upon

your verdict?"Foreman of the Jury?"We have."The Clerk?"Do you find the defendant guilty or not

guilty."Foreman of the Jury?"We find the defendant guilty of

selling Clothing at Prices Lower Than Were EverBefore Charged for articles of similar quality."

Clerk?"Are you all agreed upon that verdict?"

The Foreman ?"We are."

The spectators were visibly affected as His Honor pro-

ceeded to inflict the full penalty of the law.

"Prisoner," said the grave and dignified Judge, turningto the accused (the proprietor of THE LONDON CLOTH-ING CO.), "you have heard the verdict of the Jury. Thesentence of the Court is that you still continue to offer for

sale your Clothing, and the Court hopes it may be pardonedfor remarking that the public is indebted to you for the

opportunities you furnish to those who are looking fortheir moneys worth.