oerlikon checklist 2012

Form Status: FR 1/14 300357919/FR1/001/01 Supplier Qualification - On-Site Audit Language Selection: Supplier visited Company: Supplier ERP ID Location(s) audited: Audit Date City Country Main Business ocus Lead Auditor and Co Auditor(s) !a"e #ole $articipants%List of &ntervie'ees: !a"e #ole Supplier Audit Questionnaire (*+) BU-Specifc Quest Manator! Questi on S#o$ %riterias En is

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Form Status: FR 1/14 300357919/FR1/001/01

Supplier Qualification - On-Site Audit

Language Selection:

Supplier visited


Supplier ERP ID

Location(s) audited:

Audit Date City Country Main Business ocus

Lead Auditor and Co Auditor(s)

!a"e #ole

$articipants%List of &ntervie'ees:

!a"e #ole

Supplier Audit Questionnaire ( *+)

BU-Specifc QuestMan ator! Question S#o$ %riteriasEn is

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Supplier Audit QuestionnaireDate:

Completed by:

Supplier QualificationResult of On-Site Audit

Supplier visited

Company: 0

Su""aryAudit Scope


* Manage"ent ./ ,

.* inance 01/ ,

2* Quality Manage"ent 1/ ,

+* $roduct Develop"ent +/ ,

3* Custo"er #elations4ip 3/ ,

5* Supply C4ain / ,

* Manufacturing and Asse"6ly / ,

0* Business Continuity Manage"ent / ,

7* &nfor"ation Syste"s 57/ ,

1* Sustaina6ility 53/ ,

Overall &"pression 8,cellent ./ 1


Strengt4 &"prove"ent Areas

orging and Mac4ining in sa"e pre"ises !eed i"prove"ent in 4ouse 9eeping as per 3S S D

$lant is 6ig enoug4 ;ai<en i"ple"entation re=uired

>ood inencial condition Set up and 4ot inspection to 6e conducted as per control plan

?ell 8=uiped Bac9 up data s4ould 6e stored parralel to recover in case of failure

!o 'or9 instruction at s4ot 6lasting

$rocess standard at C!C-3 part no* 3 + 5+ "anually corrected on s4eet*

&nternal audit need "ore aut4enticity

&nspection fre=ency of parts not foll'ed to C*$* at so"e places in "ac4ine s4op

Add pac9ing std in $$A$ docu"ent*

'nc"u e BU-Specifc Que

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1 1

11 Supplier Audit Questionnaire

Date: (ecem)er 30* 1+99Completed by: (ecem)er 30* 1+99

Manage"ent #esult

M a n d a t o r y

N o t A p p l i c a b l e

U n a c c e p t a b l e

M i n i m u m

R e q u i r e m e n t s

A d e q u a t e

E x c e l l e n t ! o r l d

C l a s s

Assessor C

* #esponsi6ilities and Leaders4ip

"#"#$" Mana%ement ob&ecti

"#"#$)*s "+,-,.and periodic re

"#"#$0Not properly documen



"#"#$2 3o/ does mana%ement reco%ni4e and re/ard employees success5System in place

"#"#$+No suc6 record (or com

"#"#$7Plannin% (or automati

"#"#$8 Are correcti'e actions arran%ed 9 CIP PDCA and monitored 5



"#"#"$ 1es

*. $eople develop"ent

"#)#)*rainin% pro'id

"#)#0 !6at type o( opinion sur'ey su%%estion communication pro%ram is in place5System in place

"#)#- 3o/ is t6e de'elopment plan documented and controlled5System in place

*2 #esources ,

"#0#" Does t6e supplier ensured t6e a'ailability o( t6e necessary resources 5


"#0#) Is personnel competent on t6e basis o( appropriate education. trainin%. s;ills and experience 5


"#0#- Is a mana%ement representati'e announced and communicated /it6in t6e /6ole or%ani4ation 51es


3o/ are mana%ement?s responsibilities and accountabilities (or t6e company@s (inancial and non=(inancial ob&ecti'es de(ined5

3o/ can you demonstrate t6e in'ol'ement o( t6e mana%ement related to maintain t6e >ualityMana%ement System 9 >MS and 6o/ do t6ey re'ie/ it5

3o/ is t6e mana%ement in'ol'ed and 6o/ do t6ey promote t6e Continuous Impro'ement Process9CIP and do t6ey support t6e needed resources5

Are all ;ey (unctions sta((ed5 9Pro'ide or%ani4ational c6arts co'erin% mana%ement. quality. anden%ineerin%

3o/ does t6e company use benc6mar;s and competitor in(ormation to impro'e t6eir competiti'eposition 5

3o/ does t6e company determine current and (uture requirements and expectations o(Customers 5

!6at acti'ities and measures are per(ormed by mana%ement to impro'e customer and supplierrelations5

Does t6e supplier conductin% mana%ement re'ie/s /6ic6 incl# PIs 5 9 B*D. IRR. ERR. /arrantycosts. CSI. etc# on re%ular basis

3o/ does t6e company translate requirements (rom strate%ic business plannin% to speci(ic 3umanresources plan 5 !6at is t6e pro(essional de'elopment process5

system e'ident but not documented

Does t6e supplier ensure t6at responsibilities and aut6orities are de(ined and communicated /it6int6e /6ole or%ani4ation 5

Are t6e aut6orities o( t6is representati'e de(ined and are t6ey adequate to monitor. de'elop and

'nc"u e B

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1 11$

Supplier Audit Questionnaire

Date: December 0$. "8,,Completed by: December 0$. "8,,

inance #esult: 01/

M a n d a t o r y

N o t A p p l i c a b l e

U n a c c e p t a b l e

i n i m u m

R e q u i r e m e n

A d e q u a t e

x c e l l e n t ! o r l d

C l a s

Assessor Co""ents

.* inance


)#"#) !6at is t6e suppliers current cas6 (lo/ and capital situation5B;

)#"#0 No di((iculties




.*. B -specific Questions

$)#)#$" <U=spec# >"

$)#)#$) <U=spec# >)

!6at is t6e suppliers turno'er 's# t6e expected Berli;on purc6asin% 'olume9dependency ratio 5

3as t6e supplier currently or 6ad t6ey in t6e last ( i'e years experienced (inancialdi((iculties5

!6at is t6e suppliers (inancial ratin% 9DF<. <an; in'esti%ations. Credit re(ormresp# (inancial standin%5

Are t6ere any social political en'ironmental ris;s t6at need to be considered 59 !ars. Corruption. Po'erty. natural disasters. diseases etc#

'nc"u e BU-Specifc

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1 111

Supplier Audit Questionnaire

Date: December 0$. "8,,Completed by: December 0$. "8,,

Quality Manage"ent #esult: 1/

M a n d a t o r y

N o t A p p l i c a b l e

U n a c c e p t a b l e

i n i m u m

R e q u i r e m e n

A d e q u a t e

x c e l l e n t ! o r l d

C l a s

Assessor Co""ents

2* Quality Manage"ent x

0#"#" !6at is t6e current status on ISB ,$$"9or similar 5

*S "+,-, (rom Gincotte.Galid*ill au% )$"0

0#"#) !6at procedure is in place to ensure Internal Audits5

Audit carried out but action plan not proper

2*. $rocess Control ,

0#)#" 3o/ are speci(ic manu(acturin% processes de(ined and documented5Bpn std and CP e'ident


System in place

0#)#0 !6at is t6e pre'entati'e and correcti'e action process5

8D monitorin%


0#)#2 3o/ are statistical tec6niques and related tools inte%rated into t6e >MS5Monitorin% durin% de'elopment only

0#)#+System in place

0#)#7System in place

0#)#8 Document E'ident

2*2 &nspection esting ,

0#0#" Hoss meter not calibrated

0#0#) 3o/ is inspection F test status documented and traceable5o;

0#0#0Record e'ident

0#0#- !6at?s t6e process (or recei'in% and s6ippin% inspection5System in place

0#0#2 Are t6e (inal tests made accordin% to standards5 Are test reports %enerated5 1es

0#0#+ Does t6e inspection test team 6a'e aut6ority to liberate or not any product51es

2*+ Docu"ent Data Control and Arc4iving ,




!6at is t6e procedure (or identi(yin% and controllin% non=con(ormities in allbusiness processes5 Are all non con(ormin% materials identi(ied5

!6at met6od is in operation. to ensure t6at personnel and processes arequali(ied and controlled5

Process standard at CNC=2 part no#2"-"+-" manually corrected on s6eet#

!6at and 6o/ does t6e or%ani4ation set tar%ets (or process impro'ement and6o/ are t6ey measured 5

3o/ can you demonstrate your internal external continuous impro'ementprocess 9 CIP 5

Do you 6a'e a (ormal Production Part Appro'al 9PPAP process to quali(y and

%et Customer appro'al (or quality critical process or product c6an%es 5

!6at is t6e calibration and pre'entati'e maintenance process (ortest inspection equipment and are t6e per(ormance results recorded5

*o /6at extent is t6e strate%y and process (or inspection and testin%documented. controlled and traceable5

3as t6e supplier establis6ed a documented procedure /6ic6 de(ines t6eidenti(ication. stora%e. protection. retrie'al. retention time and disposition o(quality documents and quality records

Does t6e supplier 6a'e a documented procedure (or t6e e((ecti'e stora%e timeo( rele'ant data and is t6is accordin% to Berli;on requirements5

'nc"u e BU-Specifc

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1 1

11 Supplier Audit Questionnaire

Date: (ecem)er 30* 1+99Completed by: (ecem)er 30* 1+99

$roduct Develop"ent #esul

M a n d a t o r y

N o t A p p l i c a b l e

U n a c c e p t a b l e

i n i m u m

R e q u i r e m e n

A d e q u a t e

x c e l l e n t ! o r l d

C l a s


+* $roduct Develop"ent and &"prove"ent

-#"#$" Does t6e supplier demonstrate understandin% o( Desi%n Galidation5 1es.Desi%n secti

-#"#$) B;

-#"#$0 3as t6e supplier a documented procedure (or controllin% o( tec6nical c6an%es5 1es.c6an%es reco

-#"#$- Is t6ere e'idence o( re%ular desi%n and de'elopment re'ie/s /it6 customers5 1es

-#"#$2 1es

-#"#$+ 3o/ is t6e pro&ect = production inter(ace %uaranteed5 B;

-#"#$7 B;

-#"#$8 Does supplier 6a'e prior use and ;no/led%e o( Desi%n Jailure Mode E((ects Analysis 9DJMEA 5

-#"#$, Does t6e supplier 6a'e a documented de'elopment process5 Some record e'id

-#"#"$ 3o/ are t6e desi%n inputs and outputs de(ined and 6o/ are t6ey documented5 Desi%n records e

-#"#"" 1es

-#"#") Discuus durin% A

+*. $roduct and ec4nology #oad"ap

-#)#" 1es

-#)#) 3o/ does t6e supplier mana%e core competencies5 Re%ularly updati

-#)#0 Does t6e supplier use benc6mar;in% to de'elop ne/ desi%ns5 1es

+*2 &ntellectual $roperties ,

-#0#" 1es

-#0#) 1es

+*+ Develop"ent Capa6ilities and #eferences ,

-#-#" 1es

-#-#) E'ident

-#-#0 !6ic6 re(erences can you s6o/5 AP>P data

Are desi%n and de'elopment inputs relatin% to t6e p roduct requirements de(ined. pro'ed anddocumented 5

Are multi=(unction pro&ect mana%ement tec6niques in p lace to e((ecti'ely trac; and meet all ;eye'ent dates 9i#e#. quote pro%rams. prototype material. toolin% pro%rams. sample submission dates.and ne/ product launc6 pro%rams. etc# 5

Are (inal products accompanied by complete speci(ications5 And are t6ese speci( ications supplied (or (inal users5

Does t6e supplier 6a'e a documented procedure related to 6o/ t6e desi%n is c6ec;ed anddocumented 5

3o/ and /6en does t6e supplier reali4ed t6e 'alidation and t6e 'eri(ication o( t6e ne/ or modi(ieddesi%ned products 5

Does supplier utili4e tec6nolo%y road maps or plannin% tools to insure t6ey /ill remain competiti'e5

3o/ 6as t6e NDA 9Non=Disclosure A%reement been communicated and en(orced t6rou%6out t6ecompany and t6e supply c6ain5

3o/ does t6e supplier %uarantee t6at t6e NDA is e((ecti'e in 6is company and on sub=supplierside5

3as t6e supplier a lab or access to a lab /it6 adequate and calibrated measurin% equipment toolsi( required#

Is t6ere any e'idence t6at t6e supplier is truly embracin% Ad'anced Product >uality Plannin%9AP>P and not &ust doin% paper/or;5


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1 1

11 Supplier Audit Questionnaire

Date: (ecem)er 30* 1+99Completed by: (ecem)er 30* 1+99

Custo"er #elations4ip #esult:

M a n d a t o r y

N o t A p p l i c a b l e

U n a c c e p t a b l e

i n i m u m

R e q u i r e m e n

A d e q u a t e

x c e l l e n t ! o r l d

C l a s

Assessor Co"

3* Sales and Delivery x

2#"#" System in place

2#"#) 3o/ can you demonstrate your c6an%e process5 Procedure a'ailable

2#"#0 1es.Periodic re'ie/

2#"#- Is t6e sales scope clearly de(ined in t6e proposal or order5 1es

3*. Cost Manage"ent ,

2#)#" 1es

2#)#) Do you compare your suppliers cost prices /it6 lo/ cost re%ions5 1es

3*2 Custo"er Services ,

2#0#" Account department is t6e

2#0#) Does t6e company 6a'e a ;ey account mana%er5 1es

2#0#0 !6at are t6e company?s education pro%rams (or customers5

3*+ ?arranty and $roduct Lia6ility ,

2#-#" !6at is t6e company?s a(ter sales ser'ice process5

2#-#) 1es

2#-#0 3o/ do you mana%e /arranty claims 5 As per BH System2#-#- 3o/ lon% is your /arranty period5 NA

3*3 B -specific Questions

$2#2#$" <U=spec# > "

$2#2#$) <U=spec# > )

!6at is t6e process (or documentin% and coordinatin% purc6ase orders. quotes and contracts toensure t6at order requirements are /it6in supplier capabilities prior to order acceptance5

Are contracts re'ised (ormally /it6 t6e supplier@s customers in relat ion to t6e scope. price andterm5

Does t6e supplier 6a'e a cost reduction pro%ram /6ic6 is extended to 6is sub=suppliers5 Is costreduction passed alon% to customers5

!6at is t6e process (or 6andlin% customer accounts5

Does t6e supplier 6a'e an acceptable complaint mana%ement process5 Jor example 8D report. orcorrecti'e action report. etcK

'nc"u e BU

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1 1

11 Supplier Audit Questionnaire

Date: (ecem)er 30* 1+99Completed by: (ecem)er 30* 1+99

Supply C4ain Manage"ent #esult:

M a n d a t o r y

N o t A p p l i c a b l e

U n a c c e p t a b l e

i n i m u m

R e q u i r e m e n

A d e q u a t e

x c e l l e n t ! o r l d

C l a s

Assessor Co

5* Supply Manage"ent ( SM ) x

+#"#" <y Audit

+#"#) 3o/ are suppliers initially quali(ied5 Iso certi(ication

+#"#0 System in place but no r

+#"#- No suc6 record

+#"#2 B;

+#"#+ 3o/ are cost impro'ement results s6ared /it6 your customers5 1es

+#"#7 Is an acceptable documentation process in place and controlled /it6 suppliers NDA. >A. etcK# 1es

5*. &nventory Manage"ent ,

+#)#" !6at is t6e internal and external in'entory mana%ement system5 In'entory mana%ement i

+#)#) *raceability e'ident

+#)#0 3o/ are customer supplied products controlled5

+#)#- !6at are t6e material 6andlin% and stora%e processes5 Satis(actory

+#)#2 !6at are t6e pac;a%in%. labelin% and s6ippin% processes5 As per customer requirem

+#)#+ B

+#)#7 Are all materials controlled (rom recei'in% to customer@s acceptance5 1es

+#)#8 1es

5*2 Logistics ,

+#0#$" In /6ic6 /ay do you measure your on=time=deli'ery 9 B*D to/ards your customers5 Plan Gs Actual

+#0#$) Is t6e company prepared and experienced in export control re%ulations5 1es

+#0#$0 3o/ does t6e company measure t6eir lead=time 5 Monitorin%

3o/ does your or%ani4ation e'aluate and select its suppliers5

!6at met6od is in place to ensure supplier per(ormance measurements and suppliers continuousimpro'ement process 9 CIP 5

!6at partnerin% relations6ips 6a'e been establis6ed /it6 ey Suppliers 9Education and *rainin%also to be considered 5

Can t6e supplier pro'ide a brea;do/n o( (ull cost disclosure 9material. labor. o'er6ead by partnumber product5

3o/ are materials and products identi(ied and traceable t6rou%6 t6e production and ser'iceprocess5

Partially systems in placERP

Are t6e stora%e. production. (inal products and non=con(orm materials area s clearly separated and


Does t6e supplier 6a'e GMI 9Gendor Mana%ed In'entory or GCI 9Gendor Consi%ned In'entoryCapabilities5

'nc"u e B

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1 1

11 Supplier Audit Questionnaire

Date: (ecem)er 30* 1+99Completed by: (ecem)er 30* 1+99

Manufacturing and Asse"6ly #esult:

M a n d a t o r y

N o t A p p l i c a b l e

U n a c c e p t a b l e

M i n i m u m

R e q u i r e m e n t s

A d e q u a t e

E x c e l l e n t ! o r l d

C l a s s


* S4op floor and 8=uip"ent x

7#"#$" Is t6e company capable to 6andle t6e amount and t6e 'olatility o( Berli;on@ demand5 1es

7#"#$) Is a documented and clear manu(acturin% process (lo/ (ollo/ed5 1es

7#"#$0 Record e'ident

7#"#$- B;

7#"#$2 Is t6e s6op (loor bi% enou%6 to 6andle our modules components sub=assemblies5 1es

7#"#$+ Is t6e company capable to 6andle t6e typically expected lot si4es5 1es

7#"#$7 Is t6e s6op (loor equipped to 6andle all rele'ant media 9air. /ater. industrial %ases. liquids. etc# 5 1es

7#"#$8 Is t6e company able to process and assemble t6e required materials5 1es

7#"#$, Does t6e company 6a'e all rele'ant testin% equipment5 1es

7#"#"$ Is capacity determined appropriately5 1es

7#"#"" Are parts. tools F equipments arran%ed in (ixed location5 Needs impro'ement

7#"#") Is personal sa(ety equipment pro'ided5 Pro'ide but not (ollo/

7#"#"0 Are Sa(ety Audits conducted5 1es but need e((ecti'e

7#"#"- Are resources a'ailable to desi%n tools F %au%es5 B;

7#"#"2 Is s;illed manpo/er a'ailable to carryout mac6ineries maintenance5 yes

*. S9ills and Capa6ilities

7#)#" Does t6e supplier?s manu(acturin% equipment correspond /it6 t6e supply requirement pro(ile5 1es

7#)#) Does t6e company@s manu(acturin% equipment correspond /it6 t6e supply requirement pro(ile5 1es

7#)#0 1es

Does a documented manu(acturin% process exist (or unique product and is t6e company quali(iedto li'e up to rele'ant special requirements 9li;e tolerances. dimensions. extreme temperatures.extreme pressures. etc#

Is t6e s6op (loor equipped /it6 li(tin% de'ices able to mo'e our (inis6ed and semi=(inis6edproducts5

Does t6e company 6a'e su((icient rele'ant en%ineerin% assembly manu(acturin% ;no/ 6o/ 9e#%# inmec6anical. electrical. pneumatically en%ineerin% 5

'nc"u e

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1 1

11 Supplier Audit Questionnaire

Date: (ecem)er 30* 1+99Completed by: (ecem)er 30* 1+99

Business Continuity Manage"ent #esult: /

M a n d a t o r y

N o t A p p l i c a b l e

U n a c c e p t a b l e

M i n i m u m

R e q u i r e m e n t s

A d e q u a t e

E x c e l l e n t ! o r l d

C l a s s

Assessor Co""ents

0* Business Continuity Manage"ent

8#"#" Is your company located in a 6i%6 ris; country area5 No

8#"#) Do you 6a'e a <usiness Continuity Plan 9<CP 5 <CP a'ailble

8#"#0 Does your <CP include your critical sub=suppliers5 I( required

8#"#- Is your <CP appro'ed and si%ned by your Mana%in% Director51es

8#"#2 NA

8#"#2#2 Product Product Hroups "

8#"#2#+ Product Product Hroups )

8#"#2#7 Product Product Hroups 0

8#"#2#8 Product Product Hroups -

8#"#+ N A

8#"#7 3o/ is it ensured t6at t6e company can al/ays be reac6ed5 Ad6erance stron%ly

8#"#8 yes#

8#"#,N A

R*8$: Countin% (rom t6e time /6en an Estimated Maximum oss scenario 9EM occurs. 6o/ lon%time does it ta;e (or you to reco'er to an 8$ supply capability o( t6e %oods /e are buyin% (romyou 5

Are all necessary acceptance criteria met by your alternati'e suppliers in case your ori%inal mainsupplier@s location is 6it by a disturbance5

3a'e you identi(ied t6e person /6om to contact around t6e cloc; Berli;on in case o( a ma&ordisturbance occurs5

Do you 6a'e t6e insurance company@s sur'ey report includin% t6e Estimated Maximum oss 9EMscenario5

'nc"u e BU-Spe

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1 1

11 Supplier Audit Questionnaire

Date: (ecem)er 30* 1+99Completed by: (ecem)er 30* 1+99

&nfor"ation Syste" #esult:

M a n d a t o r y

N o t A p p l i c a b l e

U n a c c e p t a b l e

M i n i m u m

R e q u i r e m e n t s

A d e q u a t e

E x c e l l e n t ! o r l d

C l a s s

Assessor Co"

7* Business Soft'are % SCM Soft'are

,#"#" Bracle

,#"#) Does t6e supplier use any ERP 9Enterprise Resource Plannin% So(t/are5 usin% excel#

,#"#0 Does t6e supplier use any external quality mana%ement so(t/are5 t6rou%6 excel S6eet

,#"#- Does t6e supplier pro'ide any electronic con(i%uration support to your customers5 1es

,#"#2 1es

,#"#+ Does t6e supplier use any ;ind o( statistical so(t/are pro%rams5 Not e'ident

7*. Develop"ent ools ,

,#)#" Autocad F Pro=e#

,#)#) Dra/in%s in Autocad and

7*2 Data 8,c4ange or"ats

,#0#" Does t6e supplier use any ;ind o( internet plat(orms to communicate /it6 your business partners5 N A


,#0#0 Can t6e supplier support t6e use o( barcode labels5 N A

7*+ Arc4iving Data Bac9-up ,

,#-#" Document retain system e

,#-#) Are t6ere measures in p lace to ensure no loss o( critical business data on a (requent basis5 <ac; up (or all Mac6inery#


!6at ;ind o( o((ice so(t/are are you usin% and 6o/ are you supportin% a'ailable mar;etstandards5

Does t6e supplier use any so(t/are support to mana%e t6e maintenance o( you mac6ines. testequipment and tools5

!6ic6 en%ineerin% so(t/are are you usin% and 6o/ are you supportin% a'ailable mar;etstandards5

3o/ are you supportin% t6e electronic transmittal o( en%ineerin% results 9bill o( material. dra/in%s 5

!6at ;ind o( testin% so(t/are are you usin% and /6at possibilities do you pro'ide to submit testrecords5

So(t/are attac6ed /it6 meainstruments

Is a procedure implemented ensurin% t6e arc6i'in% o( critical business documents (or a su((icientperiod o( time5

Is a procedure installed ensurin% t6at quality records are maintained to demonstrate e((ecti'eoperation o( t6e system#

System in place.needs ims6op blastin% and 3 * St

'nc"u e BU

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1 1

11 Supplier Audit Questionnaire

Date: (ecem)er 30* 1+99Completed by: (ecem)er 30* 1+99

Sustaina6ility #es

M a n d a t o r y

N o t A p p l i c a b l e

U n a c c e p t a b l e

i n i m u m

R e q u i r e m e

A d e q u a t e

x c e l l e n t ! o r l d

C l a


1* 8nviron"ent Manage"ent Syste" (8MS)

"$#"#$" !6at is t6e suppliers current status on en'ironmental certi(ication5 Certi(ied

"$#"#$) Jollo/ed

"$#"#$0 3as a senior mana%er been %i'en t6e responsibility (or mana%in% en'ironmental issues5

"$#"#$- Maintained

"$#"#$2 Procedure e'ident

"$#"#$+ Employees 6a'e de(ined en'ironmental responsibilities. and 6a'e recei'ed suitable trainin%5 Not (ully a/are

"$#"#$7 Does t6e supplier 6a'e a continuous impro'ement pro%ram (or its en'ironmental per(ormance5 No suc6 plan

"$#"#$8 Annualy

"$#"#$, Needs impro'emen

"$#"#"$ e%al o; needs im



1*. Social ,

"$#)#$" 1es

"$#)#$) 3o/ /ell are youn% /or;ers protected. and c6ild labor pre'ented 1es.system in plac

"$#)#$0 Is an acceptable le'el o( 3ealt6 and Sa(ety mana%ement bein% ac6ie'ed5 Routene c6ec;up

"$#)#$- 3o/ /ell is (reedom o( en%a%ement bein% mana%ed5 B;

"$#)#$2 !6at is t6e (atal and serious in&ury annual (requency rate5

$ $

Is t6e supplier in compliance /it6 rele'ant applicable en'ironmental la/s and re%ulations5Jor example Ro3S. !EEE. REAC3. CE. etcK

System in place bSr#M%mt#

3as t6e company identi(ied its si%ni(icant en'ironmental aspects. and introduced suitable controlsto pre'ent or reduce t6eir impact5

I( rele'ant. are t6e en'ironmental aspects o( products and ser'ices considered at t6e desi%n sta%e./it6 actions ta;en to eliminate or /6ere t6is is not possible reduce impacts5

Does t6e senior mana%ement team conduct re%ular mana%ement re'ie/s to assess t6e company?sen'ironmental per(ormance5

Does t6e company 6a'e a pro%ramme to ensure t6at t6eir ;ey suppliers are encoura%ed to reducet6eir en'ironmental impacts. and ensure le%al compliance5

Are /astes t6at are stored. treated. or disposed o( on=site mana%ed in properly desi%ned (acilitiest6at /ill pre'ent (uture en'ironmental impacts5

Does t6e supplier 6a'e a pro%ram to identi(y. e'aluate and control /or;place exposures toc6emical. biolo%ical and p6ysical a%ents 9e#%# c6emical (umes. noise. dust. mold at or belo/ le'elsestablis6ed as sa(e by applicable la/s and re%ulations5

Noise protection pusin%

Does t6e supplier 6a'e a pro%ram to pro'ide and require t6e use o( personal protecti'e equipment/6en sa(ety 6a4ards and /or;place exposures cannot be controlled by ot6er means5

Personal protecti'ebein% used#

3as a senior mana%er been %i'en t6e responsibility (or mana%in% social policy issues. and

understand t6eir role5

recorded.minor enyear


7/26/2019 Oerlikon Checklist 2012

http://slidepdf.com/reader/full/oerlikon-checklist-2012 13/14Form Status: FR 13/14 300357919/FR1/001/01

Supplier Audit QuestionnaireDate: 0

Completed by: $

Critical ;ey &nventories

* ;ey and%or Critical $roduction 8=uip"ent ("ain):

!pe o. Mac#ine: Suita)"e .or mac#inin, o. pro ucts suc# as: %apacit!: ;ears o" :1 %8% B"an <ear& =M% B"an <ear345

*. Ot4er Critical % ;ey 8=uip"ent or Soft'are availa6le at t4e supplier:

!pe o. 6>uipment or So.t$are: Function / ?pp"ication / ?rea o. usa,e1 %MM* Q?& MS &007 ?"" (epartment345

*2 ;ey $ersonell 6y Supplier:

erson or ro"e $it#in compan! rocess $#ere t#is ro"e is critica"1 Mr B 8 Up#a #!a (e e"opment an Q ?& Mr ri)#u an ro uction345

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or eac4 section you can define 3 additional =uestions for your specific B *Leave t4e e,cess cells e"pty if you donEt fill in all 3 =uestions per section*#eference &D 8nglis4 C4inese >er"anDo no c4angeFFF Manage"ent Manage"ent Manage"ent"#2#$" <U=spec# >""#2#$"#" Ans/er " = "#2#$"#"

"#2#$"#) Ans/er )"#2#$"#0 Ans/er 0"#2#$"#- Ans/er -"#2#$) <U=spec# >)"#2#$)#" Ans/er ""#2#$)#) Ans/er )"#2#$)#0 Ans/er 0"#2#$)#- Ans/er -"#2#$0 <U=spec# >)"#2#$0#" Ans/er ""#2#$0#) Ans/er )"#2#$0#0 Ans/er 0"#2#$0#- Ans/er - = "#2#$0#$-
