notes on leadership


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Page 1: Notes On Leadership

Notes on

Leadership By

America’s #1 Leadership Life Trainer

Dr. Will Moreland Founder, Will Moreland International LLC

Developing World Class Leaders in Life and Business

Will Moreland International, LLC

480-442-3056 P.O. Box 1581

Queen Creek, Az 85142

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Copyright 2012 by Will Moreland All Rights Reserved

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1. Everyone is a Leader. The question is what type of leader will

you be? To become a genius level leader, you must continually

develop as a person. Leading yourself correctly is your most

valuable tool as a leader.

2. Vision. As a leader you must have a compelling vision for the

future. Everyone wants to be a part of something meaningful. At

the end of their lives they want to know what they contributed their

time, talents and energy made a difference.

3. Integrity. Integrity is not about being perfect, it’s about doing the

right thing, at the right time, for the right reasons, regardless of

how it may make you look in the present.

4. Character. This is who you really are when the camera is not on

you. The conversation that you have with yourself, when no one

else is around. Your character is your life story, what will others

say about you when you are no longer around.

5. Personal Development. This is a crucial element of having lasting

success as a genius level leader. The leader that fails to grow will

become bitter, envious and jealous of those they once led.

6. Energy. Bringing high level energy to the environment will cause

others to be motivated. When they see their leader is excited about

the work to be done, they will be excited as well.

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Copyright 2012 by Will Moreland All Rights Reserved

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7. Communicating. One of the greatest tools a leader will possess is

their ability to communicate clearly the mission, vision and heart

of the organization. To ensure that all levels understand what is

expected of them will prove to be of great value.

8. Legacy. Every genius level leader thinks about their legacy. The

sooner you can think about what type of legacy you want to leave

behind, the better leader you become. You understand that each of

your decisions is paving the way for what you leave behind.

9. Fear. No one can avoid being fearful at some point in their life.

Genius level leaders learn how to prepare, face and overcome fears

that appear in their lives.

10. Love. Leaders must love who they are and love other people.

If a leader is unhappy with them, they cannot lead well. It will

reflect in their actions and they will cause damage to others.

11. Relationships. Knowing how to cultivate and develop those

around you is one of your chief tasks as a leader. Relationships are

the bedrock to your success as a leader. Build great relationships

and you will be a great leader.

12. Excellence. Excellence is the continuous goal of leaders. It’s

not an event or arrival point. It is the pursuit of always becoming

better and producing the best results possible at the time.

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Copyright 2012 by Will Moreland All Rights Reserved

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13. Focus. When a leader loses their focus they are headed down

a destructive road. They allow certain things to occur that in the

past would never happen. Their sense of purpose will be lost and

they will lose their way.

14. Time Management. We are all equal in time, separated by

what we do with our time. No one gets more time, learning how to

master the moments to produce the best results from your time is

the key to achieving more in life.

15. Habits. Leadership is influence. Someone is watching you.

How you pattern your life is someone map in life. Having good

habits leaves good trails for others to follow. When we have bad

habits we are creating bad leaders around us.

16. Family. Never sacrifice your family for career advancement.

Your family environment really tells the story of what type of

leader you really are. Grow your family and take them on the

journey with you.

17. Leaders are Necessary. Leaders are needed at all levels of

life. Home, community, government any aspect you can think of

we need leadership. Learn to respect leaders and leadership.

18. Create Heroes. Gone are the days of the “One Man Shows.”

Genius level leaders want to surround themselves with other

genius level leaders. The way you do this is to develop the leaders

around you and create heroes throughout the organization.

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Copyright 2012 by Will Moreland All Rights Reserved

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19. Challenge. Challenge yourself and those around you to

develop, be better, innovate and produce at high levels every time.

Watching a video of Michael Jordan the NBA great basketball

player, the commentator said “He was going to give you his best

every night.” Take the challenge to be the best you can be every


20. Development. Give the space for those around you to

develop. Don’t over react when mistakes are made. Trust your

leadership ability to navigate the team out of tight spots. Correct

the problems; never tear down the person.

21. Reward. No one likes to be over looked when they have

done a good job. Small rewards go a long way. Create ways to

reward those you lead when they have done a great job.

22. Passion. Be passionate about the work you are doing.

Approach each assignment like a blank canvas and paint

something beautiful on it. Passion is your finger print on your


23. Purpose Beyond Position. Position is the starting point of

leadership, not the finishing point. Have a greater purpose than a

title; what type of mark do you want to leave. When people talk

about your influence in that position, what will they say?

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Copyright 2012 by Will Moreland All Rights Reserved

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24. Use Stories. In his book Tell To Win, Peter Guber makes the

point that good leaders tell winning stories. Stories inform,

instruct, motivate and inspire. Learn to be a great story teller.

25. Enjoy the Journey. Learn how to really enjoy life. Come

from behind the desk, take a walk at lunch. Try something

different, experience something new. Capture great moments from


26. Goal Setting. Creating big, bold and brave goals will help

keep you focus, energized and motivated. It can’t be said enough

that people that have goals produce more in life. When you have

no goals you have no direction.

27. Wisdom. Glean wisdom from those around you. Never be

afraid not to know something. It is one of the ways we connect, not

knowing everything. This ensures we connect with the people

around us.

28. Grace. As a leader you have the privilege of influencing

someone’s life. This is a grace that should be highly regarded and

never forgotten. When someone trusts you to lead them, they are

extending you a private invitation into their lives.

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Copyright 2012 by Will Moreland All Rights Reserved

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29. Empower Others. True leadership is when you learn how to

empower others and don’t try to keep it all to yourself. Shared

power is the greatest use of power. Any leader that hoards power

will not be effective over time.

30. Confidence. When I was in the military, I learned that those

that follow you want to know you have confidence. If they are

going to follow you into battle, you better be confident in the

mission, plan and execution.

31. Self Control. Be an emotional leader, but never lead from

your emotions. Stay cool, calm and collective at all times. Take a

step back when you need to, never answer before you have all the

information possible. Never give angry solutions.

32. Be Service Minded. If you really want to be great and

become a genius level leader, you must serve. Serve the

organization, serve those you lead, and serve the environment.

Those that serve well become great leaders.

33. Be Humble. I commonly say I am the result of a lot of love,

mistakes, prayers and help from countless others. No one can

achieve great things without the assistance of others; no success is

the result of individual efforts alone.

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Copyright 2012 by Will Moreland All Rights Reserved


34. Learn to Transition. One day you will become the old

leader. Learning how to transition into this new role will benefit

everyone around you. Learn how you can best add value from this

new position.

35. Learn from Life. Life is a great student and is constantly

teaching lessons. She is resolved to continue to teach you the same

lessons until you grasp them. Understand when she is teaching and

learn the lessons.

36. Know Your Stuff. You don’t have to know everything, but

know what you are supposed to know. Learn your material, your

client, your customer, your product and everything you can about

your responsibilities.

37. Be a Risk Taker. Never shy away from what may seem to be

risky. Learn everything you can before you take the dive. Get great

counsel, minimize the risk, but never be afraid to take a risk.

38. Treat People Right. Treating people with respect comes

from how you view humanity. Everyone is worthy of respect from

a humanity stand point. Never look down on someone because of

their position in life.

39. Live Healthy. Don’t neglect your health. Make sure you are

having annual check-ups. Stay on top of your health, no need to die

before your time. Develop healthy habits now.

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Copyright 2012 by Will Moreland All Rights Reserved

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40. Mentors Matter. Ensure you surround yourself with great

mentors. Mentors help you navigate the journey more effectively.

Be a mentor as well, we all have something we can teach to others.

Share your knowledge and wisdom.

41. Be Thankful. When you count your blessings, I am sure they

out number your wants and desires. Be thankful for what you have,

there are millions that would trade what they have for what you


42. Smile. This simple but yet powerful tool will prove a great

asset for you.

Dr. Will is author of the top selling book Genius Potential and a sought after speaker

for conferences, corporate training, colleges and organizations around the world.

Dr. Will is founder of Will Moreland International LLC a think tank for developing

world class leaders in life and business. The author of fourteen books ranging from

leadership to mental development, his insights on leadership gleaned from his military

duty to working with different organizations is remarkable.

For more information about his books, seminars, training and speeches, please contact him at:

Will Moreland International LLC

P.O. Box 1581

Queen- Creek, Az 85142

Phone: 480-442-3056

Email: [email protected]

Visit us on the web at:

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Copyright 2012 by Will Moreland All Rights Reserved

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Dr. Will is the noted international leadership expert whose impact extends well beyond his

presentation. To discuss having Dr. Will take your next event to the genius level, call 480-442-

3056. Email us at [email protected] or visit us on the web. Electronic press kits available

upon request.

Titles from Dr. Will