north county leader - 17th february 2015

Your Quality Local Newspaper The Newspaper with the BIGGEST circulation in the North County We Deliver A registered newspaper at the G.P.O. 17th February 2015 Volume 22, Issue 05 Leader House, North Street, Swords, Co. Dublin. Tel: 8•400•200 • [email protected] Step Out In Style… The Heart Of Shopping In Balbriggan Anti-Water charges protesters blocked local county councillors and council staff in the local authority car park in Swords last week, in a move which came as a complete shock to all. A group of approximately 10-15 protesters prevented councillors and staff from leaving the car park, by blocking the car park exit, after the monthly meeting of the Council. The blockade lasted for approximately 90 minutes, in which time the gardai were summoned to secure the release of the elected representatives. The group of protesters shouted chants loudly through microphones, criticising councillors for their stance on Irish Water and steadfastly refusing to let anyone leave. County Mayor, Mags Murray was due to visit her seriously ill daughter in hospital, directly after the meeting, but was refused permission to undertake her urgent journey. One of the protesters was clearly heard telling the Mayor, “If your daughter was that ill, why were you at the meeting in the first place?” Eventually, she was allowed to leave. Among those trapped in the car park was Chief Executive of the County Council, Paul Reid, who confirmed that staff safety is his first priority. “Although I don’t want to make specific comments in relation to the inci- dent that took place at the staff car park, I want to reassure my staff that their personal safety is my priority at all times,” he said. “Council staff had already put in a long day in preparation, and in support of our monthly Council meeting. The fact that they were then blocked in the car park for a period of time, as they left their place of work was completely unac- ceptable,” he continued. “I think great credit is due to Council staff who, as always, managed themselves in a very dignified manner, until they were allowed to leave the car park. I will continue to put the security and wellbeing of staff to the forefront of our plans. It is disappointing that our Last Friday was a very special day for the pupils of Old Boro National School in Swords, when they held a fundraiser in aid of the school. Each child had to bring in a treat for themselves, using any kind of sweets, chocolate or lollipops. They donated 2 when they brought in the goodies, and they were allowed to have them as a Valentine's Treat. Pictured showing off their gorgeous creations are junior and senior infants, Amy Wembridge, Sophie Bowbrick Fox, Alex Evans, Rose Browne and Andrea Ciobanu focus on staff safety may need to be increased at future council meeting, but if this is required it will be put in place,” he told the County Leader. Councillor Darragh Butler told this newspaper that the whole thing erupted as a result of Cllr Jimmy Guerin’s motion that, “While recognising people’s right to peacefully protest, condemns outright the intimidation, bullying and in some instances, violence against Irish Water workers, and all those involved in the installation of water meters, and calls on all those involved in this activity to respect these workers and protest peacefully within the law.” Butler has expressed surprise that Socialist Party councillors would vote against a motion that, whilst recognising people’s right to protest, condemned intimidation and violence. “What sort of world are we living in, when elected members won’t condemn violence and intimida- tion? They weren’t alone, with some Independents and Sinn Fein members also refusing to support the motion,” he said. “The infantile blocking of the Council car park was like a sketch from Monty Python. Firstly, you had the Socialist Party claiming they were not involved in the protest, yet they were the ones who advised who could leave and who could not leave,” he claimed. “Then you had Sinn Fein who stood to the side of the protest, neither fully with the protest, nor against it, desperately trying to play for both sides at the same time as per usual. Then they were on Twitter claiming they were standing with the protesters, when quite clearly they weren’t. Just to clarify, there were nine protesters blocking the car park, not 25/30 as claimed by others,” he added. He also went on to say that there were reported burglaries in the Swords area on the night in question, and that the gardai deployed to the council car park, could have been more gainfully employed in tackling burglaries, which are on the increase. Now security personnel have to be employed to ensure the safety of elected repre- sentatives and council staff. This means we will have less money for playgrounds and other necessary facilities in the area. Councillors have no decision making power over Irish Water, so why are we being targeted?” he concluded. A furious Cllr Keith Redmond (FG) went even further in his criticism of the protesters. He told the County Leader, “This was outrageous behav- iour by the protesters, deciding who could leave and who could not. The actions of Socialist coun- cillors, Eugene Coppinger and Matt Waine was deplorable. They played a pivotal role in who was allowed to leave. They pointed out who were councillors and who were council staff. I was also very disappointed in the role played by the gardai on the night. There were 10 to 12 of them there, and they could have sorted the problem out sooner. Nobody has the right to imprison people like that,” he concluded. “I want to reassure my staff that their personal safety is my priority at all times.” - Paul Reid, Chief Executive Fingal County Council “The actions of Socialist councillors, Eugene Coppinger and Matt Waine was deplorable. They played a pivotal role in who was allowed to leave.” - Councillor Keith Redmond By Patrick Finnegan Claims Of Electioneering From Both Sides A motion by local councillor, Keith Redmond (FG), seeking to remove the 15 per cent limit on Local Property Tax reduc- tions, so that larger reductions can be applied, has been criti- cised as a political stroke aimed at garnering votes in the general election. The motion was rejected by six councillors, at the full Council meeting held last week. Redmond’s motion reads: “It is expected that the valuation on property prices mandated to occur in 2016, is expected to reveal that valuations have increased far above 15 per cent, and as a result, local councillors will be powerless to prevent what may be an unnecessary imposition of higher property taxes.’ Three of those opposing the motion, Cllr Joe Newman (NP), Cllr Justin Sinnott (NP) and Cllr Duncan Smith (Lab), outlined to the County Leader why they opposed the motion. Newman said, “I think it’s an unworkable proposition that wasn’t well worked out I’m opposed to the local property tax in it’s present format and it needs to be adjusted in a manner that is acceptable to the community. In it’s present format, it is not acceptable. Cllr Redmond’s motion to increase the percentage discount to more than 15 per cent, left loose ends, in as Continued on page 10 Pictured are local councillors, Joe Newman, Justin Sinnott and Duncan Smith, who voted against the motion submitted by Cllr Keith Redmond, asking for the removal of the 15 per cent limit on Local Property Tax reductions Anger At Protesters’ Behaviour

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North County Leader - 17th February 2015


Page 1: North County Leader - 17th February 2015

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North County

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A registered newspaper at the G.P.O. 17th February 2015 • Volume 22, Issue 05 • Leader House, North Street, Swords, Co. Dublin. • Tel: 8•400•200 • [email protected]

Step Out In Style…

The Heart Of ShoppingIn Balbriggan

Anti-Water charges protesters blocked localcounty councillors and council staff in the localauthority car park in Swords last week, in amove which came as a complete shock to all.A group of approximately 10-15 protestersprevented councillors and staff from leaving thecar park, by blocking the car parkexit, after the monthly meeting ofthe Council. The blockade lasted forapproximately 90 minutes, in whichtime the gardai were summoned tosecure the release of the electedrepresentatives.The group of protesters shoutedchants loudly through microphones,criticising councillors for their stanceon Irish Water and steadfastly refusing to letanyone leave. County Mayor, Mags Murray wasdue to visit her seriously ill daughter in hospital,directly after the meeting, but was refusedpermission to undertake her urgent journey. Oneof the protesters was clearly heard telling theMayor, “If your daughter was that ill, why wereyou at the meeting in the first place?” Eventually,she was allowed to leave. Among those trappedin the car park was Chief Executive of the CountyCouncil, Paul Reid, who confirmed that staffsafety is his first priority. “Although I don’t wantto make specific comments in relation to the inci-dent that took place at the staff car park, I wantto reassure my staff that their personal safety ismy priority at all times,” he said.“Council staff had already put in a long day inpreparation, and in support of our monthlyCouncil meeting. The fact that they were thenblocked in the car park for a period of time, as

they left their place of work was completely unac-ceptable,” he continued. “I think great credit isdue to Council staff who, as always, managedthemselves in a very dignified manner, until theywere allowed to leave the car park. I will continueto put the security and wellbeing of staff to theforefront of our plans. It is disappointing that our

Last Friday was a very special day for the pupils of Old Boro National School in Swords, when they held a fundraiser inaid of the school. Each child had to bring in a treat for themselves, using any kind of sweets, chocolate or lollipops.They donated €2 when they brought in the goodies, and they were allowed to have them as a Valentine's Treat.Pictured showing off their gorgeous creations are junior and senior infants, Amy Wembridge, Sophie Bowbrick Fox,Alex Evans, Rose Browne and Andrea Ciobanu

focus on staff safety may need to be increased atfuture council meeting, but if this is required itwill be put in place,” he told the County Leader.Councillor Darragh Butler told this newspaperthat the whole thing erupted as a result of CllrJimmy Guerin’s motion that, “While recognising

people’s right to peacefully protest, condemnsoutright the intimidation, bullying and in someinstances, violence against Irish Water workers,and all those involved in the installation of watermeters, and calls on all those involved in thisactivity to respect these workers and protestpeacefully within the law.” Butler has expressed surprise that Socialist Partycouncillors would vote against a motion that,whilst recognising people’s right to protest,condemned intimidation and violence. “Whatsort of world are we living in, when electedmembers won’t condemn violence and intimida-tion? They weren’t alone, with someIndependents and Sinn Fein members alsorefusing to support the motion,” he said. “The infantile blocking of the Council car parkwas like a sketch from Monty Python. Firstly, youhad the Socialist Party claiming they were not

involved in the protest, yet they werethe ones who advised who couldleave and who could not leave,” heclaimed. “Then you had Sinn Feinwho stood to the side of theprotest, neither fully with theprotest, nor against it, desperatelytrying to play for both sides at thesame time as per usual. Then theywere on Twitter claiming they were

standing with the protesters, when quite clearlythey weren’t. Just to clarify, there were nineprotesters blocking the car park, not 25/30 asclaimed by others,” he added.He also went on to say that there were reportedburglaries in the Swords area on the night in

question, and that the gardai deployed to thecouncil car park, could have been more gainfullyemployed in tackling burglaries, which are on theincrease. Now security personnel have to beemployed to ensure the safety of elected repre-sentatives and council staff. This means we willhave less money for playgrounds and othernecessary facilities in the area. Councillors haveno decision making power over Irish Water, sowhy are we being targeted?” he concluded.A furious Cllr Keith Redmond (FG) went evenfurther in his criticism of the protesters. He told

the County Leader, “This was outrageous behav-iour by the protesters, deciding who could leaveand who could not. The actions of Socialist coun-cillors, Eugene Coppinger and Matt Waine wasdeplorable. They played a pivotal role in who wasallowed to leave. They pointed out who werecouncillors and who were council staff. I was alsovery disappointed in the role played by the gardaion the night. There were 10 to 12 of them there,and they could have sorted the problem outsooner. Nobody has the right to imprison peoplelike that,” he concluded.

“I want to reassure my staff thattheir personal safety is mypriority at all times.”- Paul Reid, Chief Executive Fingal County Council

“The actions of Socialist councillors,Eugene Coppinger and Matt Waine wasdeplorable. They played a pivotal rolein who was allowed to leave.”- Councillor Keith Redmond

By Patrick Finnegan

Claims Of ElectioneeringFrom Both Sides

A motion by local councillor,Keith Redmond (FG), seekingto remove the 15 per cent limiton Local Property Tax reduc-tions, so that larger reductionscan be applied, has been criti-cised as a political strokeaimed at garnering votes inthe general election. Themotion was rejected by sixcouncillors, at the full Councilmeeting held last week.Redmond’s motion reads: “Itis expected that the valuationon property prices mandatedto occur in 2016, is expectedto reveal that valuations haveincreased far above 15 percent, and as a result, localcouncillors will be powerlessto prevent what may be anunnecessary imposition ofhigher property taxes.’Three of those opposing themotion, Cllr Joe Newman (NP),

Cllr Justin Sinnott (NP) and CllrDuncan Smith (Lab), outlinedto the County Leader why theyopposed the motion.Newman said, “I think it’s anunworkable proposition thatwasn’t well worked out I’mopposed to the local propertytax in it’s present format and it

needs to be adjusted in amanner that is acceptable tothe community. In it’s presentformat, it is not acceptable.Cllr Redmond’s motion toincrease the percentagediscount to more than 15 percent, left loose ends, in as Continued on page 10

Pictured are local councillors, Joe Newman, Justin Sinnott and Duncan Smith,who voted against the motion submitted by Cllr Keith Redmond, asking forthe removal of the 15 per cent limit on Local Property Tax reductions

Anger AtProtesters’Behaviour

Page 2: North County Leader - 17th February 2015

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Reilly Launches Anti-Bullying Resources To Aid LocalsMinister for Children and Youth Affairs, Dr. JamesReilly, recently launched two important resources tohelp support young people around the North Countyaffected by bullying, their families and teachers.Tackle Bullying, an online resource for young peopleaffected by bullying, was developed at the NationalAnti-Bullying Researchand Resource Centre(ABC) at Dublin CityUniversity and funded byNational Lottery Funds. Itis the first forum of itskind and encouragesteenagers to share theirexperiences with theirpeers or offer support toothers. While the forum willencourage peer-to-peerconversation, all postswill be monitored byprofessionals and anoption to contact one ofthe moderators directlywill be available to thosefeeling very unhappy orhave a serious issuethey’d like to discuss. Thewebsite will also contain some useful information onthe subject such as tips on staying cyber-safe andnewspaper articles which might be useful local forschool projects. Speaking at the launch, MinisterJames Reilly said: “Internet Safety and cyber

bullying are issues which have resonance across anumber of Government Departments and statutoryagencies,” he said.“The anti-bullying agenda has been a recurringelement in its consultations with young peoplearound the locality and has been addressed in a

number of Comhairle na nÓg initiatives supportedby my Department,” he added.Understanding Cyberbullying, a Guide for Parentsand Teachers, by Professor Mona O’ Moore, wasalso launched.

Pictured are Minister for Children & Youth Affairs Dr. James Reilly, Professor MonaO'Moore, Author "Understanding Cyberbullying", Sinead Kane a PhD student in DCU anda researcher with the Anti Bullying centre and James O Higgins Norman, director of theAnti Bullying Centre and Senior Lecturer in the School of Education studies at DCU at thelaunch

British Passengers UrgedTo Use Dublin AirportDublin Airport and AerLingus have joined forcesin a major marketingpush to promote flyingfrom Britain to NorthAmerica, via DublinAirport. The two compa-nies will host roadshowsin nine British cities overthe next two months, toshowcase the excellentconnectivity offered byAer Lingus and DublinAirport, and the ease oftransferring throughDublin. Dublin Airport

Managing Director,Vincent Harrison said,“Dublin Airport has beengrowing significantly as atransfer hub for passen-gers from Britain andcontinental Europe overthe past three years. Lastyear, a record 750,000passengers used Dublinas a hub, which was a 34per cent increase on theprevious year, and welook forward towelcoming even moretransfer passengers in

2015.” “Using Dublin toconnect is a faster, moreefficient and morepleasant option thanconnecting via a conti-nental European airportor travelling by road orrail to a larger Britishairport, saving money,time and stress versusLondon,” said Harrison.Aer Lingus currentlyoffers connectingservices from 19 Britishairports to its transat-lantic network at DublinAirport, and will operateseven North Americandestinations from Dublin

this summer. DublinAirport and Aer Linguswill hold events in cities,such as Manchester,Glasgow, Birminghamand Cardiff showcasingthe Aer Lingus transat-lantic product andexplaining the ease andconvenience ofconnecting in Dublin.They will also jointlyattend a trade show inLondon to target theBritish travel tradesector. The first eventwas held in Bristol onWednesday, 4thFebruary.

First Low Cost FlightsFrom Dublin To USAWOW air, Iceland’s low-cost airline, has announced thatit is the first low-cost carrier to fly transatlantic fromDublin, with a new low fare route to the USA for Irishpassengers. Beginning next October from just €149 oneway, including taxes, WOW air will fly to Boston andWashington, via Reykjavik Iceland, from Dublin Airport.Flights will operate on Tuesdays, Thursdays andSundays, offering the cheapest connection betweenDublin and North America. Last October, WOW airannounced that the airline would fly from Dublin toReykjavik, offering the first ever direct scheduled flightsbetween Ireland and Iceland. This route begins on 2ndJune next. WOW air will fly three times a week fromDublin to Boston Logan International Airport and Baltimore Washington International, via Reykjavik Iceland.

Page 3: North County Leader - 17th February 2015

21 Years Serving The Community Of North County Dublin17.02.2015 Your No.1 Local Newspaper 03

Patrick Ryan celebrated his 80th birthday with a party at the Carnegie Hotel, Swords lastweek. Patrick's wife Agnes also celebrated her birthay on the same day. Patrick andAgnes are pictured with their daughter, Jacqui Payne from Rush and their son, Brian Ryanfrom Lusk

Quinn CriticisesLack Of Public BinsLocal councillor, Malachy Quinn (SF)has had several enquiries from dogowners in the Balbriggan area,regarding the lack of dog foul bins. Hetold the County Leader, “If you eitherown, or are responsible for a place towhich the public has access, forexample, a schoolcampus, public park,train or bus station orthe precincts of a shop-ping centre, you areobliged by law to keepthe place litter-free,regardless of how thelitter got there.” “Alsoby law, dog ownersmust remove their pets’ waste frompublic places and dispose of it in aproper manner. However, responsibledog owners are finding it difficult toadhere to the law, due to the lack ofthese bins,” he said. Quinn went on tosay, “The littering issue is not goingaway. In fact, there are dog foul notices

everywhere, but not enough bins for thewaste. Five bins have been removedfrom the route at the WestbrookRoundabout along the Naul Road toStephenstown Road. This is a commonroute for our many dog walkers here inBalbriggan. It has been brought to myattention by responsible pet owners,who are mindful that this will allow forthe introduction of a laissez fare atti-tude to the issue of littering,” he said.The introduction of more bins acrossNorth County Dublin is needed toaccommodate the responsible dogowners and encourage others to bin thewaste. In comparison to other areas ofDublin, and the large amount of dogowners here, the problem is not huge.But the removal of bins has seen asudden increase of this problem.”“Furthermore, litter and the lack of binsalong our coasts is a worry, in particularour beaches, which need more bins,and not open bins. The few that arethere are regularly overloaded. This is aserious health problem and needs to bereduced by the introduction of morebins across the North County,” heconcluded.

Cllr. Quinn

Malahide Sea Scouts Wednesday Troopcelebrated it’s 40th birthday with a partyrecently, One of the three scout troops inthe group, the Wednesday troop wasformed in 1975, when the group acquiredits first scout den on the current site. Theexisting Friday troop, which had reachedover 100 members, split into two distincttroops. The troops shared annual camptogether, but they soon developed theirown distinct identities.The Wednesday troop currently providesan adventurous outdoor Nautical and land-based programme for over 70 scouts. Theevening also provided an opportunity torecognise the achievements of the Scoutsin the Troop during the year. Among theawards presented were, Andrew Desmond(Scout of the Year), Daniel Crothers(Canoeist of the Year), David Seagrave(Sailor of the Year), Ronan Allen (Hiker ofthe Year), Reuben Allen (Oarsman of the

Year), Kian Hopkins(Seamanship Award) andColum McCaffrey (Leader ofthe Year).Present for the Celebrationswas Group Leader, Colin Lynchwho noted that the upcomingyear is no less ambitious, withmajor challenges affecting theScout Group as a whole. Onthe cards is a total Scout Denrefurbishment, a Gala Ballfundraiser in April and anattempted sponsored row fromHolyhead to Malahide in June. The Summer Programme willcontinue, while the Den is out of servicewith all three troops already planning theirannual camps. While most will camp inIreland this year, a party of 25 MalahideSea Scouts will form part of the Irish contin-gent to the World Scout Jamboree in Japan

in July. With the den out of service untilafter next Christmas, scouts will continue toparticipate in the kayaking, boating andsailing programmes with the kind supportof Malahide Yacht Club and MalahideMarina.

Malahide Sea ScoutsCelebrate 40 Years

Members of Rush MusicalSociety (RMS) are celebratingreceiving the keys to theirnew home, the former GardaStation in Rush. This is agreat milestone for thesociety in their 27th yearentertaining audiences in theNorth County. For RMS, thebuilding is ideally locatedclose to the Millbank theatrewhere the society stagestheir annual productions. Thegroup wasted no t ime inputting the building to use,as members raised the roof

with choruses from theirupcoming production of ‘TheBest Little Whorehouse inTexas’ heard by passers-byon Wednesday last . Thebuilding will also accommo-date Rush Tidy Towns,allowing them to continue thewonderful work they carryout in the community.Spokesperson for the RMS,Barry Kavanagh said. “We arethrilled to finally have a placeto cal l home and want tothank the OPW for theirassistance in making this

possible. This wil l helpstrengthen the society whichhas a growing membershipand allow us to expand ourrange of activit ies.” “Wehave had wonderful supportfrom the local community andbusinesses over the years andwe hope they will come onboard to support our ‘Friendsand Sponsors’ drive, in orderto fund the renovation of theformer Garda Station to makeit more adaptable as a livingpart of the society and thebroader community,” he

added. Plans for the develop-ment of the society will beannounced in March duringperformances of ‘The BestLittle Whorehouse in Texas’ inthe Millbank. Rehearsals arenow in full swing for theBroadway Musical madefamous on screen by DollyParton and Burt Reynolds.The show, which offers, foottapping tunes, fancy women,high octane routines, comedyand a collection of meltingballads, wil l be staged for nine nights in the Milbank Theatre, Rush fromMarch 19th-28th.

Rush Society Receives Keys To New Home

Pictured are Malahide Sea Scouts of the Year, who werehonoured as part of the group’s 40 anniversary celebrations.Included are, Back row: David Seagrave (Sailor), AndrewDesmond (Scout), Daniel Crothers (Kayaker). Front row: KianHopkins (Seamanship), Reuben Allen (Oarsman) and RonanAllen (Hiker).

Page 4: North County Leader - 17th February 2015

04 Your No.1 Local Newspaper 21 Years Serving The Community Of North County Dublin 17.02.2015

Continued from page 1much as it could be reduced to 100 percent, which doesn’t make any sense atall. I think it’s an unworkable motion.” “He did not specify an amount, whichleft it in such a way that you could createa situation where people in the councilmay want to reduce it by 50 per centright up to 100 per cent. It’s unworkableand in my opinion, it is a cynical ploy byCllr Redmond to garner votes for theupcoming election. Fine Gael are theparty that introduced the property taxand this is a motion that was not wellthought out,” he said. Cllr. Sinnottopposed the motion on the grounds thatsuch a move would place other servicesprovided by the local authority in doubt.“Bringing such a motion to the Council,when the power to make such a changelies with his own party, is nonsensical. Ifound it to be somewhat disingenuous,as we are now coming into an electionseason. It may have been a bit of show-boating on his behalf. I think that localproperty tax, based upon a notionalvalue of property is no way to fund localservices. We had the decision to reducethe property tax by up to 15 per cent,because we knew that the finances werestrong and even with the 15 per cent cut,there was still a surplus.” Duncan Smith was one of four Labourcouncillors who voted against themotion. He said, “When we agreed thereduction in the property tax, we, TheLabour Party, proposed a reduction of 10per cent in order to save up to €2 million.We are aware that there is a housingshortage and my concern with thismotion, particularly coming from a veryright wing Fine Gael agenda is that it ispurely to reduce taxes, to such a degree,

that it would put in danger the funding ofour local authority, at a time when weare just bedding down in a new fundingmodel for the property tax. I just thinkit’s a provocative motion and is aimedwith the general election in mind, and atthis stage I’m not prepared to riskfurther funding reductions to vitalservices, which must be protected. Idon’t agree with the ideology behind themotion,” he said.Meanwhile, Cllr Redmond responded tothe criticism by telling the CountyLeader, “I’m not running in the GeneralElection. My critics are trying to deflectpeople from what is actually at issue.The Labour Party councillors and leftindependents voted against the motion,because they are afraid of beingaccountable to their electorate for theirspending and taxing. There will be anautomatic, uncontrollable Local Propertytax rise, if properties are revalued in2016, at 15 per cent more than their 2013valuations.” “North County propertieshave increased by 25-30 per cent in thatperiod. Labour and left Independentsknow that will happen and want thatextra revenue to spend on new petprojects. They don’t want councillors tohave the ability to match those priceincreases by reducing the local propertytax. They want to be able to blamecentral government for the tax rises, sothey can buy votes with the extra cash.They are actually electioneering here,not me. This is classic tax and spendleftism. Ultimately, they are opposed tolocal politicians being accountable tovoters for their taxing and theirspending. They’re actually against localdemocracy. They’re afraid of it,” heconcluded.

Claims Of ElectioneeringFrom Both Sides Sinn Féin MEP for Ireland South, has

criticised the framework for theEuropean Fund for StrategicInvestments, more commonly knownas the “Junker Plan”. Speaking in Strasbourg, Liadh Ní Riadastated that the plan is far from the“cure all” it is presented asbeing. She said, “We alreadyknow that the level ofinvestment proposed inthis plan falls way short ofwhat is needed. However,the proposed frameworkthrough which the fund is tobe administered, is full of funda-mental problems that are deeplyconcerning”.She went on “The Commission aresaying that SMEs are going to benefithugely from this plan. However, publicbodies will not be able to apply solelyfor these funds, and we therefore have

no guarantee of the accessibility forSMEs. The national pipeline that hasbeen discussed, which is a centralisedwebsite, will clearly be advantageous

to English speaking countries only.She concluded “The Juncker

plan undoubtedly comes witha serious health warning,and is very flawed. Weknow at this stage that it isprioritising privatisation to

the detriment of publicinvestment”.

Brian Hayes was elected to theEuropean parliament last June, but

he certainly is doing his bit to stay infront of the people. He seems to be onthe radio more often than when ajunior minister to Michael Noonan. But,he has committed to see out his fullfive year term in Europe. Not only at

home is he making an impact, but hehas recently been appointed a substi-tute member of the Parliament’s newSpecial Tax Committee. Speaking after his appointment, Brianexplained that this committee has ashort 6 month term of office. Thecommittee will explore how theMember States apply the tax treatyrules and look at aggressive tax plan-ning issues. He says, “Importantly, theCommittee will have the power tomake any recommendations that itdeems necessary, however, it shouldbe noted that such recommendationswill be non-binding.” He points outthat the focus of this committee is notdirected in Ireland or other small coun-tries, and he is seeking an early deter-mination by the Commission, as itlooks at how State Aid rules on tax areapplied in Ireland. From his time infinance, he has a lot of experience todraw on, so let’s hope he’s right to beoptimistic.

Junker Plan In Sinn Féin SightsBy Cathal Boland

Blaze DestroysLusk LaunderetteResidents of Lusk were shocked, when a laun-derette and DVD shop were destroyed by fire onFriday last.Fire fighters tackled the blaze in the rentedcommercial premises, called Life2Short. Thealarm was raised by a female member of staffshortly after 9am, minutes after she opened thepremises. Fire crews from Swords, Skerries andBalbriggan, and a tender from Phibsborough,with specialist rescue equipment, attended the scene.Sandra Hickey, who owns the shop said, “W aredevastated by the loss of our lovely little shop,but we hope to be back in business soon,” she said.

Local councillor Duncan Smith(Lab), has voiced his concern overthe recent spate of burglaries inthe Swords area. Smith is one ofmany local representativesconcerned over burglaries in theNorth County. “I have receivednumerous reports in the pastweek of burglaries and break-ins in NorthWest Swords. There has been a number ofopportunistic crimes such as people’s carsbeing stolen in the morning as they de-icethe car by turning the engine on. People inestates off the Glen Ellan Road in Swords

have seen a real spike in burglaries,” Smithsaid. “I have written to the Superintendentrequesting further Garda patrols at night

and in the mornings. I am askingpeople to remain vigilant andmake sure they keep doors andwindows locked. This recent spikein crime is more reason why weneed a new Community PolicingForum for Swords,” he added.Smith had recently put a motion tothe County Council stressing theneed for a community policingforum for Swords, but the request

was denied, which Smith said he was“disappointed” about. “The Gardaí do agreat job with limited resources, but weneed the Council to support theCommunity too. I will be raising this matterin the Council Chamber again,” Smith said.

Cllr. Smith

Smith VoicesConcern AboutLocal Crime

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Aer Lingus hasannounced thatStephen Kavanagh isto be its new chiefexecutive. He hasworked at the airlinesince 1988, mostrecently as ChiefStrategy andPlanning Officer.He will take over fromChristoph Mueller,who is leaving at theend of the month to becomeCEO at Malaysia Airlines. He is a graduate of University

College Dublin, andhas had a number ofroles in Aer Lingus’operations andcommercial depart-ments, before beingappointed an execu-tive in 2006. He alsoworked on theairline’s stockmarket flotation.He has been chiefcommercial officer

from 2009, where he ledimprovements in retail andrevenue management, partner

and network development. AerLingus chairman ColmBarrington said: “Stephen hasworked in Aer Lingus for over26 years in a range of increas-ingly challenging roles and hehas a commanding knowledgeof both the company and theindustry. I am particularlypleased that it has beenpossible and appropriate foran internal Aer Lingus execu-tive to succeed to the positionof chief executive.”He concluded by saying,Stephen has been a keymember of the executive teamthat, over the last five years,has transformed Aer Lingusinto a strong, profitable airlinewith a resilient business modeland an improved cost base.”

New CEO For AerLingus Announced

Stephen Kavanagh

North County HeroSinks West IndiesIreland shocked the cricketing world, when theysensationally defeated the West Indies by fourwickets in their opening Pool B World Cup match inNew Zealand. The winning runs were struck byBalrothery man, John Mooney, just as he did againstEngland four years ago.The West Indies, put into bat, totalled 304 for sevenfrom 50 overs, with a 154-run partnership for the sixthwicket between Lendl Simmons (102) and DarrenSammy (89) the highlight of their innings.However, Paul Stirling (92), Ed Joyce (84) and NiallO’Brien (79 not out) impressed with the bat to ensurevictory for Ireland, who wobbled as they neared theirtarget, but got over the line with 25 balls to spare.Mooney’s stature as a cricketing hero has been ratch-eted up a few notches with this display, and manypundits are quietly confident that Ireland can causefurther shocks in this competition.Next up for Ireland is a match against United ArabEmirates in Brisbane on 25th February, where all eyeswill be firmly on our local North County hero.

Local man, John Mooney, snaps a selfie with some of hisIreland Cricket team mates before heading off to defeatthe West Indies in the Cricket World Cup.

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21 Years Serving The Community Of North County Dublin17.02.2015 Your No.1 Local Newspaper 05



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Local TD, Alan Farrell (FG) has said that the factthat live register figures are continuing to fall isencouraging and it shows that our economicgrowth is strengthening.He told the County Leader, “We are now aheadof target for the 100,000 jobs that we promisedto create nationally from the beginning of 2012to the end of this Dail period. I am acutely awarethat there are many families in the North County,who have not felt a huge lift as this economystarts it’s recovery. The good news from a localpoint of view, is that we are seeing the fastestrate of jobs growth in the country, here inSwords, which is an extraordinary feat for thiscommunity and it’s surrounding towns,” he said.“The Swords Social Welfare office has seen a 17per cent improvement in the number of people

working in this community. Indeed, as ofJanuary’s figures, Swords was the bestperforming town in the entire country. This isgreat news for local families, where the new paychecks are bringing money to relieve financialpressures through mortgage repayments andother commitments,” he said. This is good newsall round, as the state saves around €20,000 perperson no longer on the live register, whichcould be put towards helping people, who arerenting in private accommodation, as rents areincreasing,” he said.The good news was not just confined to Swordsand surrounds, as Balbriggan also experiencedencouraging new live register figures. Farrell

explained, “The jobs figures in Balbrigganimproved by seven per cent last year, which is avery significant improvement, given thatBalbriggan suffered disproportionately to therest of the region, due in the main to it’sgeographical location at the top end of thecounty. I’m really hopeful that the improvementin the jobs growth, along with a couple of vacantindustrial units, which are in the process of beingtaken over, is good news for the town This isgood for all the surrounding towns and villagesas well and is very uplifting,” said Farrell.“I will continue to actively engage with theMinister for Jobs, Enterprise and Innovation,Richard Bruton TD as we work to generategreater levels of job creation in the NorthCounty. The economy is not improved, it isimproving and we have a lot of work to do,” heconcluded.

Uplifting News As Live Register Figures Fall

AIB Swords will hold anAfter Hours mortgageadvice evening at theirMain Street, Swordsbranch on Wednesday,25th February. Branchmanager, LuciaO’Riordan said, “Thiswill be on openevening, especially forpeople who are inter-ested in buying a prop-erty or trading up,especially with the newCentral Bank regula-tions. We’re here toplay a part in helpingpeople with any problems they may have and tosupport them,” she said. The event will takeplace from 6pm until 8pm, and there will bemortgage advisor present to help people on aone-to-one basis. Local solicitor, Pat McGonaglewill be there to help people with whatever legalconcerns they may have. Richard Kelly from IrishLife will also be there to discuss life cover andother issues. A valuer and estate agent is alsoexpected to be there on the night.

MortgageOpen EveningAt AIB Swords

AIB Swords BranchManager, Lucia O'Riordan

Thank You From Esquires CoffeeEsquires Coffee inAirside Retail Park aredelighted to donate€2,000 to the Ir ishCancer Society, as aresult of theircampaign to raisefunds for WorldCancer Day on the 4thFebruary last. Theinitiative, which wasto raise awareness ofcancer, involvedEsquires making acontribution from theproceeds of every cupof coffee purchasedon the day, to supportWorld Cancer Day. Itproved to be anastounding success,and people weredelighted to supportsuch a great cause. Proprietor of

Esquires, Tony Tynantold the CountyLeader, “The supportfrom the local commu-

nity was tremendous,and I would like to saya big thank you to allour customers who

helped supportEsquires fund raisingfor this very worthycause”.

Meals On Wheels MalahideNeeds YouMeals on Wheels in Malahide are in need ofdrivers and cooks for Mondays, Wednesdaysand Fridays. If you can assist them in any way,please contact the Malahide Parish Office on018451244.

By Patrick Finnegan

Alan Farrell TD, is pictured outside the Social WelfareServices Centre in Swords

Pictured are Tudor Nastas, Lynn Kilbride, Proprietor Tony Tynan, Manager Kiva Murphyand Cloud Poylog with the cheque for €2,000 for the Irish Cancer Society.

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06 Your No.1 Local Newspaper 21 Years Serving The Community Of North County Dublin 17.02.2015

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Pupils of Holywell Educate TogetherNational School, and St Mary'sNational School Garristown, hadvery exciting visits from dragons, aspart of the Junior EntrepreneurProgramme last week. The Junior Entrepreneur Programme(JEP) is a nationwide entrepre-neurial education programme forprimary school pupils. The NorthCounty Dublin business partner forthe programme is One4All, theSwords based Gift Vouchercompany, which is headed up byMichael Dawson, a native of NorthCounty Dublin, who is an awardwinning entrepreneur. North CountyLeader, the No 1 local newspaper ismedia sponsor for the events inNorth County Dublin.The pupils of 5th and 6th classes atHolywell Educate Together NationalSchool gave some business peopleserious food for thought, whenthey held their 'Meeting theDragons' session as part of theJunior Entrepreneur Programmeonsite at the school on Tuesday10th February last.There was a mixture of excitementand nervousness in the air, prior tothe children presenting their ideasto the dragons. The illustriousmembers on the panel included,Maria Boyne (School Principal),Carolyn Barnes (Holywell Board ofManagement), Michael Neary andKevin Neary. Kevin Neary’s presence, in particular,intensified the atmosphere, because Kevin is the co-founder (with Michael Finucane) of GameStopGroup, a name well-known and recognised by themajority of the pupils. There was a very definiteresponse in the affirmative from his young audience,when Kevin asked had anyone heard of GameStop –hands shot up into the air as confirmation The pupils of each class presented their businessideas to the dragon panellists, with the HolywellJuice Bar and the Potty Presents (producing person-alised plant pots) emerging as the business ideas tobe pursued by the 6th Class and 5th Class respec-tively. The dragons were impressed at the profes-sionalism of the pitches made by each of the teams.and at the level of market research completed by thestudents. Although they confirmed that they hadfound it difficult to choose from the potential busi-ness ideas, the dragons based their final decisionupon the likelihood that each business would beeasy to set up and operate.After the teams had presented their product ideas tothe panel of dragons, Kevin Neary spoke with thepupils. He was very impressed with the level ofknowledge that 5th and 6th class pupils in Holywellexhibited. He spoke about his own experience of setting up hisbusiness when he said “Everyone applied them-

selves and worked hard and within weeks of havingopened the first dedicated shop in the centre ofDublin they knew from the soaring sales that thebusiness would be a success. The company grew to60 shops in Ireland and U.K., and in 2003, it wassold to GameStop, the largest US retailer of videogames. Since then it has continued to increase itsmarket share and is seen as a mecca for gamers.Success in business, as in life, is not about gettingthe top scores in school, but, yes, it does involvehard work.”Meanwhile, Sean Mitchell, Senior Vice Presidentand Chief Operating Officer of Movidius, visited St.Mary’s National School in Garristown on Friday, 6thFebruary to chat with the 5th class pupils aboutMovidius, the company he co-founded with DavidMoloney in 2005. The company produces visionprocessors for electronic devices, which bringshuman-type vision to mobile devices. Theirsecond generation chip has been tuned for powermanagement allowing it to greatly improve tech-nology companies ability to deliver mobile cameratechnology, augmented reality, 3D scanning,indoor positioning and object recognition. Thecompany said its new chip could be used byGoogle, as well as other large technology compa-nies. Movidius was nominated as a finalist in theemerging category in the EY Entrepreneur of the

Year awards 2014. The childrenwere very excited to be in thepresence of such a technologicalguru. If the pupils were excitedbefore Sean’s visit, then that wasdoubly true by the end of thesession. He took them outside toshow them a drone in action, asan example of the technologythat the company is developing.The drone took an aerial video ofthe school and of the children.The pupils were in awe of this hi-tech wizardry, and rooted to thespot when Sean sent the droneinto the air.

Official media sponsor

Pupils Spellbound ByDragons

Pictured are the Holywell Educate Together National School 6th classpupils, Sebastian Peter Pluta, Daniel Oladimasi and Cameron ReidMasterson, with their winning project 'Juice Bar'. Also pictured aredragons, Maria Boyne (School Principal), Michael Neary, Kevin Neary andCarolyn Barnes

Pictured are the Holywell Educate Together National School 5th classpupils, Eleanor McCaffrey, Sofia Joyce, Nadya Haidar and Adam Cox Elliswith their winning project 'Potty Presents'. Also pictured are dragons, MariaBoyne (School Principal), Michael Neary, Kevin Neary and Carolyn Barnes

Pictured is Sean Mitchell, Senior Vice President and Chief Operating Officerof Movidius, who visited St. Mary’s National School, Garristown on Friday,6th February last. He is pictured her with some pupils from the school, and5th class teacher, Aoife Kirwan

Hope For Drogheda Hospital? Our Lady of LourdesHospital, Drogheda,which for many localresidents in the northernpart of the North Countyis their first port of call,has been given somehopeful news to aid theirsevere overcrowdingissue. The Irish Nurses andMidwives Association(INMO) confirmed thisweek that the hospitalwould receive 88 extranursing posts and 65more beds (along with anumber of other initia-tives) be brought onstream to deal with theovercrowding crisis. “The INMO welcomesthe commitment torecruit extra nurses andthe provision of addi-tional bed capacity. Thisis a positive outcome for

our members who havecontinued to strugglewith unmanageableworkloads on a dailybasis due to persistentovercrowding andunderstaffing,” saidINMO IndustrialRelations Officer, TonyFitzpatrick.“We will continue toengage at local level toprogress the proposalsand to ensure thatnurses are recruited andbeds opened as amatter of priority,” hesaid.This new develpmentcomes on the back ofwhat has been a toughweek for the hospitaland its staff, as theyexperienced the worstovercrowding in the

country again last week.The Irish Nurses andMidwives Association(INMO) reported thatthere were 40 patientson trolleys in A&Eawaiting an in-patientbed, 10 extra patients ontrolleys on already full

wards and 13 in theMedical AssessmentUnit on Monday lastalone. However, theINMO remained positiveabout the news, adding:“The INMO welcomesthe commitment torecruit extra nurses inDrogheda and the provi-sion of additional bedcapacity. This is a posi-tive outcome for ourmembers who havecontinued to strugglewith unmanageableworkloads on a dailybasis due to persistentovercrowding andunderstaffing.”The Organisation alsowelcomes the commit-ment that no patient willhave to suffer the indig-nity of being on a trolleyon a corridor, as perHIQA recommendations,by October 1, 2015. Wemust never see our sickand elderly having toendure these conditionsagain. Every effort mustnow be made to bringadditional beds onstream as a matter ofurgency.”

Our Lady Of Lourdes Hospital, Drogheda

Sing YourHeart Out InMalahideCÓRUS is a new type ofsinging class open toanyone who wants tolearn to sing. No audi-tions are needed, andthere is no need to beable to read music. Youcan join with friends orjoin and make friends.Come and learn to singyour heart out to yourfavourite in Pop, Rock,Country, Irish and Gospel.Join the friendly Malahidegroup from 8pm Mondayevenings in the MalahideCommunity School. Allare welcome.

Awards NightIn BalbrigganFingal Adult EducationService are holding theirannual GraduationAwards ceremony onThursday, 26th Februaryin The Bracken CourtHotel Balbriggan at 7pm.Students will bereceiving FETAC Awardsfrom levels 2 to 6 on thenight, in a range ofsubject areas.

By Jennifer McShane

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21 Years Serving The Community Of North County Dublin17.02.2015 Your No.1 Local Newspaper 07

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Castle TheatreGroup ShowcaseTheir WaresA group of local artists have come together inSwords, in an effort to gain recognition and abase where they can collaborate together intheir pursuits.Castle Theatre was formed by local artists, andthey held an information evening, whichfeatured some outstanding art work, crated byit’s members at Empire in Swords onWednesday last. The event was attended by alarge gathering of invited guests, includingsome local county councillors, as well as CouncilChief Executive, Paul Reid.Co-founder of Castle Theatre, Sean Farrell spoketo the County Leader about the aims and aspira-

tions of the group. He said, “The aim of CastleTheatre is to eventually get a theatre estab-lished in Swords, where artists can collaborate,along with film makers, musicians and others.We want to have everyone represented,,” hesaid.“Tonight is the launch of a campaign to get ourvoices heard and this event is all about aware-ness and getting our message out there.Eventually, funding will be required, so hope-fully the Council will be kind to us. We arelooking for a venue, perhaps the old library onNorth Street, near the Castle. At the momentwe’re in negotiations with the Council, with aview to getting such a location,” he said.The group recently created a large mural over apiece of graffiti, close to St Colmcille’s GNS inSwords, which was featured in a video whichwas shown on the night. It drew much praisefrom those in attendance, who were veryimpressed by the creativity shown by the group.See our pictures of the event on page 12

Team Evolution from LoretoCollege Swords are delightedto see their hard work inresearch and preparation fortheir project has paid off, asthey have successfullygotten through theQualifying Stage of theF1 in SchoolsTechnology Challenge.Team Manager PatrycjaKrzemien describes thework their team has putin so far to get to thisstage in the competi-tion: “It has taken manyhours and time outsideof school to get us tothe Regional Finals. Forme, designing and engi-neering the car wasparticularly difficult andtook several weeks. Itwas fantastic that ourteam was given theopportunity to see ourcar being made, and Iam really lookingforward to seeing our

car race in March,” she said.The Qualifying Stage consistedof a five stage plan on howTeam Evolution intended tocreate their 25cm balsa wood

Formula One car by showingtheir research, proposedbudgets, designs and so on. Marketing andCommunications Manager forthe team, Adedoyin Obikoyagave details on their team’soriginality and explained whyit sets their team apart fromcompetitors: “Our name ‘Team

Evolution’ was chosen aswe wanted to acknowl-edge how women haveevolved and come to theforefront in sport overthe last number of years.We are inspired by manyof our Irish sportinglegends including KatieTaylor and DervalO’Rourke and wanted tonot only encourage moregirls to part take in sportbut especially in racing,”she told the CountyLeader. The team added thatthey are looking forwardto participating in theRegional Finals in March.The F1 in SchoolsNational Finals will betake place on the 29thand 30th of April.

Swords Students ‘Drive’towards F1 Finals

Pictured here are the members of Team Evolution fromLoreto College Swords, who have reached the F1Regional Finals.

Irish Continental Group (ICG) hasappointed Andrew Sheen to theposition of Managing Director ofits Irish Ferries division. He willassume his new role with effectfrom the beginning of April.A resident of Malahide, Sheenhas been involved in shippingfor over twenty-six years, ten ofthem with Irish Ferries, duringwhich time he has held anumber of positions - first as asea-going Chief Engineer and,since 2010, in shore-based oper-ations roles. He has beenOperations Director since 2012,

with managerial respon-sibility for technical andoperational matters atthe ferry company.A Chartered Engineerand Fellow of theInstitute of MarineEngineers, he holds aBEng (Hons) degree inMechanical and MarineEngineering and an MScin Marine and OffshoreEngineering.Previous appointments includeroles in marine consultancy andEngineer Surveyor and Technical

Performance Managerpositions with the UKMaritime & CoastguardAgency.Wishing Andrew everysuccess in his futurerole, ICG ChiefExecutive, Eamonn.Rothwell said“Andrew has impressedus all with his strongskills in the ship opera-

tional area along with hisundoubted drive and enthu-siasm in developing IrishFerries.”

Malahide Man Gets Top Job In Irish Ferries

Andrew Sheen

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08 Your No.1 Local Newspaper 21 Years Serving The Community Of North County Dublin 17.02.2015

north county


The brand new Spring Summer Collections fromBT2 were recently showcased at The DeaneHotel, Dublin. Pictured is Rasma wearingNeedle & Thread Embellished Top €105 andNeedle & Thread Tulle Midi Skirt €70. Thisseason, BT2 cements itself as the ultimatedestination for the most exciting finds fromthe fashion world. Must-have labels combinewith the hottest collaborations from AlexaChung and Stella McCartney to create a

contemporary fashion treasure trove. Thedesigns have made a number of appearances onthe award season red carpet already, and are sureto be snapped up by all girls who love a glamorousguna coming into springtime.

ShimmeringSpring Style

Incorporating her signaturestem design, albeit in amore subtle, embossedstyle, Orla Kielystrikes again withyet another fabu-lous collection.The ‘ClimbingDaisy’ collectionboasts a beautifulmarriage ofpatent andleather, usingshades of black,cream and bold tangerine for a timelesslyelegant range of handbags and wallets. From the Margot Ba to the satchel-stylePunched Patent Leather, €439 (pictured), thisrange is undoubtedly one of her finest collec-tions to date. This season also sees Orla add a furthercontemporary touch to her collection, with thenew range of ‘Spot Stripe’ leather creations; arange of bags and wallets with a punchedspotted design. From large totes to 60s-stylecrossbodies like the Forget Me Not bag, €229(pictured), this cool contemporary range is amust-see.


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OCS Celebrates OneMillionth PassengerOne Complete Solution (OCS), recently cele-brated its one millionth assisted passenger atDublin Airport. Evelyn Graney, living in Londonwas flying in to visit family in Dublin, when shewas declared OCS one millionth passenger.OCS has been providing assistance for peoplewith reduced mobility at Dublin Airport since2008. The company works with Disability UsersGroups to ensure all services are provided inaccordance with best practice, while recognisingthe unique needs of every individual.Welcoming its one millionth passenger, OCSOperations Manager Áine Mulcahy said: “We aredelighted to celebrate assisting our onemillionth passenger. Our goal is to ensure allpassengers with reduced mobility have a stressand hassle free experience through the airport.”Ms. Graney said she was surprised anddelighted to be the one millionth passenger “I’mfeeling particularly special today with this warmwelcome. It’s a great way to start my visit. I useOCS regularly when I’m flying the service andattention is always excellent,” she said.

Evelyn Graney was declared One Complete Solution's onemillionth passenger at Dublin Airport recently. Picturedhere are, Vincent Harrison (Managing Director, DublinAirport), Áine Murphy, OCS, Derek Murphy OCS, Corkhurling manager, Jimmy-Barry Murphy and Evelyn Graney

Urgent Traffic Calming Measures Needed Around DonabateLocal councillor AdrianHenchy (FF), has said thata number of areas inDonabate village need tobe addressed for suitabletraffic calming measuresas a matter of urgency. Heidentified the following

areas, which should begiven priority from theCouncil: Scrum Diddleysice-cream parlour loca-tion, the entrance intoDonabate ShoppingCentre, the area whenexiting Donabate Village

at the Fairways and theSpires Estate, the apex ofthe Beaverstown Road,Ballisk onto the mainPortrane Road. “Theseareas should be givenimmediate considerationat the aforemen-tioned locationswith a view tomaking improve-ments for all roadusers, includingpedestrians, froma safety anda c c e s s i b i l i t yperspective. Itshould be noted thatthese works identifiedshould be a priority for2015 budget,” Henchytold the County Council.Addressing the areas inquestion, the localauthority responded bysaying: “The OperationsDepartment applied for

funding from the NTA in2014 for the provision of apedestrian crossing in thevicinity of the trainstation, Balcarrick Road,(New Road) and ScrumDiddleys. Funding was not

granted at thattime.” “A speedreader has beenerected on TurveyAvenue in a directresponse toimproving pedes-trian safety byalerting motoriststo their speeds

on the approach toDonabate,” they added. They also said the generalarea was examined inOctober/November 2014with regard to pedestrian,motorist and cyclistissues, adding that thearea of road stretchingfrom the train station tothe Portrane Road, whichincludes the entrances tothe Donabate ShoppingCentre, the Spires and theFairways estates was notconsidered appropriatefor traffic calming ramps.

Cllr. Henchy

Top Of TheClass AtAnnual Quiz Progressive Credit Unionrecently held their AnnualCredit Union School Quizfor 2015. They weredelighted with the largenumbers taking place thisyear, with over 170 chil-dren taking part. A greatday was had by all thestudents and the winnerswill now go through tothe Stage two chapterlevel later this year.Congratulations to StMolagas National Schoolin Balbriggan, who werethe overall winners on theday. The team from StPatrick’s in Donabatecame in second place,with another team fromSt Patrick’s taking thirdplace. Progressive CreditUnion would like to thankBracken EducateTogether National Schoolfor the use of their hall onthe day.

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21 Years Serving The Community Of North County Dublin17.02.2015 Your No.1 Local Newspaper 09

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New DAA ChairmanEndorses Need ForMetro NorthPádraig Ó Ríordáin, the incoming DAAChairman, appeared before the JointOireachtas Committee on Transportlast week to discuss his nominationfor the post and priorities for his termin the role. Local senator Darragh O’Brien (FF),has welcomed the firm endorsementof Dublin Airport Authority Chairman-Designate, of the Metro North railproject.“I welcome the strong endorsementfrom the new head of DAA Pádraig ÓRíordáin for Metro North. This is critical pieceof infrastructure and should be progressed as itwill add huge value to the economy not just in

the North County, but for the whole country,”O’Brien told the County Leader. “Dublin Airport is one of busiest airports in

Europe in terms of transatlantic travel and itdoesn’t have a rail link to the city centre. MetroNorth would be a huge asset to the city. The

proposed rail line would run fromSwords to the city through the DublinAirport site.” “Metro North couldcreate 6,000 construction jobs andopen up an economic corridor fromthe North County through to the citycentre. The benefits for the NorthCounty from this project are signifi-cant and well tested,” O’Brien added.“The fact that Dublin AirportAuthority’s new Chairman has given astrong endorsement of Metro North, Iam urging the Government to heed

the views expressed by myself, my party, thebusiness community and the County Councilabout the importance of investing in this vitalpiece of infrastructure,” he concluded.

Pádraig Ó Ríordáin,the incoming DAAChairman

Farrell Keen For Improvements In LuskLocal councillor KenFarrell (Lab), hasrecently asked theCounty Council toimprove various areasaround Lusk. He firstlyasked the ChiefExecutive to makearrangements to havethe footpath atBridestree, Lusk,(Newhaggardto Lusk Road)cleaned up asit had becomea danger forpedestrians towalk along?”The Councilresponded bysaying theywould examine thearea, provided theycould get suitablefunding. “The locationreferred to is a lowarea on the footpathwhich collects waterafter a heavy showerand leaves residuebehind when the watersoaks away.This replacement of

this section of foot-path will be examinedshould funding allow.The path has beenswept in the lastweek,” the Councilsaid. Farrell then asked thelocal authority to makearrangements to havedouble yellow lines

placed outsideto alleviate thetraffic problemsthat exist at 13Dun EmerPlace, Lusk.However, theC o u n c i lresponded bysaying that this

would be difficult todo. “The provision ofdouble yellow lines inresidential areas oftenprove difficult toenforce and can resultin displacing theparking problem,”they explained. “Whilethe situation will bemonitored, it is the opinion of

the OperationsDepartment thatdouble yellow lines

are not required atthis location,” theyadded.

Cllr. Farrell

Generous Cheque Presentation From Swords LionsSwords and DistrictLions Club presentedFingal CounsellingService (FCS), inBrackenstown Swords,with a cheque for €1500towards the cost oftraining 14 counsellorsin suicide preventionand suicide ‘postvention’ skills. This tookplace in FCS in BASE,Brackenstown, Swordsrecently.Lions President DaraghSandford congratulatedthe group, explainingthat suicide preventionprogrammes are amajor service project forLions Clubs all overIreland. He said that the clubwere delighted to besupporting this local project.He outlined how the clubrecently provided stickers in alllocal licensed premisesshowing helpline phonenumbers, and added that thatlocal Lions Club have been

supporting FCS over manyyears. Mary Forde, on behalf ofFCS, explained that the primaryaim of FCS is to meet the coun-selling needs of people in thegreater North County area. “Weare increasingly aware of thenumber of individuals andfamilies affected by suicide and

therefore this specific suicideprevention training – this is thesecond such course of thisnature,” she said.She thanked the Lions Club fortheir generous donation andexpressed her gratitude to theclub for their support overmany years.

Pictured at the cheque presentation to FCS are is Celia Kennedy (FCS), Josephine Murphy(CourseTutor), Mary Forde (FCS), Lions President Daragh Sandford, Trish Curtis (FCS) andColette Gough (FCS).

VolunteersNeeded InMalahideMalahide BethanyBereavement SupportGroup are looking for newvolunteers. The Bethanyteam provides supportand assistance to familiesto prepare the funeralliturgy. They also facilitatemonthly and weeklysupport group meetingsfor the bereaved in theparish centre. Newmembers are required toattend a 10 week-training session. The nexttraining sessioncommences on Tuesday,17th February. If you areinterested or would likemore information, pleasecontact Alan on 0877587511.

Ladies BowlingClub In SkerriesAn on-going Mondaymorning competition forLadies in the Skerriesbowling club has recentlystarted. Sign in eachMonday before 10.45am(entry fee per sessioncosts just €1.00) in theclubhouse in Skerries.

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10 Your No.1 Local Newspaper 21 Years Serving The Community Of North County Dublin 17.02.2015

Pictured at the VIP Night at the Pavilions for the first screening of Fifty Shades of Grey at Movies@Swords are, LouiseO'Loughlin, Deirdre King, Karen Kelly, Georgina Clarke and Kelly Anne Brouder Siobhan O'Donnell and Tony Keely Lindsey Hyde and Tara Mooney Troy

Brook Wright and Rachel WallaceTracey Jackson, Helen O'Connell and Pamela AshmoreCeline Elliott and Suzanne SheehySue Griffiths, Deirdre King and Joan Donohoe

Grace Mongey, Suzanne Jackson, Amie McPartlin and Amy O'Driscoll Emmet Bergin and Beatrix Madarasz Elaine O'Neill. Martina Cahill, Laura Hogan and Aisling Gargan

Vilma Bugailaite and Ausra IgnatovieneAisling Ryan and Amy FitzsimonsMargie Hickey, Brenda King and Tina KingMichelle Gleeson, Jen Crampton and Maria Kelly

Sinead King, Denise Sheridan, Irene O'Brien and Hazel Ryan Anne Crummey, Sinead Nethaway and Elaine Howard Julia McKeon and Anne-Marie Gavin Naomi Gargan and Margaret Weldon

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21 Years Serving The Community Of North County Dublin17.02.2015 Your No.1 Local Newspaper 11

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Swords Tidy Towns Seeks New VolunteersSwords Tidy Towns are seeking new volunteers for 2015. “We had a verysuccessful year in 2014, and with your help we can achieve even more successin 2015, so if you are interested in joining our group, call 086 6008313,” saidTidy Towns Chairman, Ken Duffy.

Public ConsultationLaunched ForMedical ‘Fitness To Drive The Road Safety Authority (RSA),together with the NationalProgramme Office for TrafficMedicine, a joint initiative betweenthe RSA and the Royal College ofPhysicians of Ireland, launched apublic consultation process forMedical Fitness to Drive (MFTD) Off-Road and On-Road AssessmentGuidelines. A MFTD assessment generally ariseswhen a doctor wants further infor-mation on the ability of a person todrive, usually after the person hashad a sudden illness, e.g. stroke orheart attack, or an existing conditionhas worsened. Typically in such acase, the doctor will look for a reportfrom an Occupational Therapist orfrom an on-road driver assessor whowill provide information on whetherthe illness has affected the person’sability to drive. The consultation

process, which is now open and willrun until Monday, 9th March 2015,allows for feedback and submissionsfrom the public and medical profes-sionals on MFTD Assessments.Professor Des O’Neill, Director,National Programme Office forTraffic Medicine welcomes theconsultation, “Many professionalsand stakeholders are involved withMFTD, and few European countrieshave clarified the roles and path-ways involved. This consultation isan important step in clarifying rolesand pathways for Ireland.”Declan Naughton, Director, DriverTesting and Licensing at the RoadSafety Authority added that, “Todate the Road Safety Authority andthe National Programme Office forTraffic Medicine has updated themedical fitness to drive guidelines inline with international evidence andbest practice. We are now taking afurther step to support medical prac-titioners in making decisions aboutthe medical fitness to drive of theirpatients and we greatly welcome theviews of the public aboutproposals.”

Reilly Determined To ForgeAhead With Tobacco Plans Children’s Minister and local resi-dent, Dr James Reilly is forging aheadwith plans to introduce plain pack-aging for tobacco. This comes,despite a growing level of oppositionfrom fellow EU member states.Dr Reilly maintains that this measurewill be very effective in reducing thenumber of young people taking upsmoking. A total of 10 EU countries have objected tothe plans to introduce standardised tobacco products,including Hungary, Poland, Spain, Italy and Portugal.This represents the highest number of objections apiece of Irish legislation has received, and MEP, BrianHayes said that the level of disquiet illustrates thatIreland is well ahead in terms of addressing the abuseof tobacco. Dr Reilly is adamant that the measures willhave a profound impact in terms of tackling tobaccoaddiction in this country, and he has no intention ofamending the proposals.

Dr. Reilly TD

Gardening Talk In BalbrigganBalbriggan and District Horticultural society are hostinga Gardening Talk on Herb Growing by DominicaMcKevitt on Thursday, February 19th in Scouts Den(beside Lidl Balbriggan) at 8.30pm. Admission is €3 andall are welcome to attend.

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12 Your No.1 Local Newspaper 21 Years Serving The Community Of North County Dublin 17.02.2015

Emma Witter, Lien Tran and Rachel MullenCllr Eugene Coppinger, Cllr Joe Newman, Margaret Reid and County CouncilCEO, Paul Reid

Pictured at the launch of the Castle Theatre initiative at Empire in Swords areSean Farrell, Helen Gartland and Jean Lowndes

Maria and Rory RobinsonSarah van Zanten and Kevin KilduffArtist Lauren McCabe is pictured with some of her artwork.Also pictured is Kevin CarrickAlan Thornton and Stephen Thornton

Ryan Ashe, Rob Mulligan and Anthony CerviCllr Darragh Butler, Jean Lowndes, Cllr Anne Devitt and Margaret ReidCiara, Marie and Alex Farrell

Luke Captain and Grace Richardson Naiyie Lamb and Sonia Kurilo Shauna McDermott and Sean Mythen Brian Watchorn and Ais Flutts

Cllr Joe Newman and Robert O'SullivanDavid Kenny, Laura Kenny and Rita KennyBrian Kilduff, Olivia Robinson and Gary RobinsonLouise Taylor, Colm Toal and Ryan Weldon

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21 Years Serving The Community Of North County Dublin17.02.2015 Your No.1 Local Newspaper 13

We asked “What isthe most romanticthing you received

for St Valentine’s Day.”


I have to think about that. Nothing particular, I would have to say one year when I was given a card.

Well, for me Valentine’s Day is a commercial day.That is the reason why my boyfriend and I wont takepart in that day.

Eva BreitwieserDes Cooke

YOURVIEWWith reporters

Eva Breitwieser & Des Cooke

I can’t think of any special Valentine’s Day. But gettingthe flowers is very romantic and every woman loves it.

We are not very romantic, rather practical. Lots ofchildren, but no red roses. He takes good care of meand that is important. This year we are married for 60years.

Marion Sutton, Swords

Oh I think it is more than 10 years ago. He broughtme to Paris for a weekend. That was very nice andromantic, we enjoyed the time there.

It was last year. He brought me to a restaurant andthen we lit a firework on the beach. Then we wentto a local nightclub afterwards. It was a really lovelyday!

When I first started going out with my boyfriend, hebrought a card over and we were just hanging out.That was our first official date.

He asked me to marry him. That was so romantic andit's quite hard to beat!

I think it was a very nice box of chocolate and ahuge bouquet of flowers. It was a great day!

Rose Prendergast, Swords

Vanessa Panzini, Italy

Peter Gorgon, Swords

It was a very long time ago. The most romanticthing for me was when we went out for a nicemeal.

Joan O’Brien, Swords

Carmel Bourke, Coolock

Sinéad Flynn, Donabate

Danielle Fitzgerald, Swords

Barbara Delaney, Swords

Connie Walton, Swords

Not much I’m afraid. I don’t think Irishmen arevery romantic!

Corina Mooney, Howth

I have the most unromantic husband in the world!And to be honest, it is so long ago since we wouldeven think of Valentine’s Day.

Una O’Brien, Swords

Henchy WantsFurther UpgradesTo NewbridgeHouseLocal Fianna Fail councillor, AdrianHenchy has asked the CountyCouncil to follow on a number ofareas where the wall inNewbridge House inDonabate is badlydamaged, most likely fromcar accidents over theyears. He also asked that “a provi-sion is made for the repairand reinstatement of thisbeautiful wall and to ensureinto the future that this wall is afocal point of NewbridgeDemesne.” “The recent works also saw asignificant clearance at both sidesof the main entrance to the park,which greatly improves driver andpedestrian visibility, and I would

hope that there are plans toupgrade and finish this area to ahigh standard,” he added. The Council responded positively tothe requests, saying that the areaswould be assessed as we come intospringtime. “It is proposed that thedamaged areas of wall to the frontof Newbridge Demesne would berepaired by the operations depart-ment’s construction crew on a

rolling programme as sched-ules allow. This work willcommence with the damagedarea nearest the Kilcrea junc-tion,” the local authoritysaid. “The clearance worksat the entrance to theDemesne were necessary toprovide appropriate sight-

lines for those exiting the park.There is very limited scope forreplanting at the entrance withoutimpacting on the sightlines,however, the look of the area willimprove in spring as the vegetationcomes into leaf. The area will beassessed at that time,” theyconcluded.

Cllr. Henchy

New Initiative ForDublin AirportDublin Airport has teamed up with Coindrum, anew facility that offers passengers the oppor-tunity to convert their unwanted euros intoshopping vouchers for The Loop. Coindrum issimple to use - customers deposit their eurosinto the machine which converts the cash intoa shopping voucher to spend exclusively inDublin Airport’s shopping area, The Loop. Ten per cent credit is then is added to the finalsum calculated (completely free), giving shop-pers a real incentive to get rid of theirunwanted euros. The initiative is particularlysuited for departing passengers at DublinAirport who are leaving the Eurozone.Commenting on the new initiative, DublinAirport’s Director of Retail, Paul Neeson said:“We are constantly looking at ways to improvethe customer experience and drive salesthrough our shopping area. Coindrum is anovel idea that not only encourages passen-gers to off load their unwanted euros, it alsorewards them with an added incentive to shopbefore flying.”

Ryan Calls ForSchool CapacityReviewLocal TD Brendan Ryan (Lab),has called for a review of theclassification for local schoolswith a view to expanding theDEIS scheme. The DEIS schemeprovides additional supports forschools with above averagelevels of economic hardship anddeprivation. “Unfortunately we are not ableto deliver the opportunity for achild to reach his or her fullpotential at this time ascurrently there is no capacity toexpand the DEIS programme,”Ryan told the County Leader.“There are eight DEIS schools inthe North County, and I believe

that a reclassification shouldtake place of the DEIS scheme,so that further schools in theNorth County can qualify,” hesaid. He added: “I asked theEducation Minister JanO’Sullivan to consider differentcriteria than was used in 2005when the scheme first began. Isaid that criteria, such as theprevalence of families in receiptof Rent Supplement for exampleshould be included. The toppriority is to ensure that thedisadvantaged are identifiedand adequately resourced interms of education as we moveinto real recovery.” “I am encouraged that MinisterO’Sullivan wants to ensure thatas the economy recovers, themost disadvantaged in oureducation system will not be leftbehind.”

Local TD Alan Farrell (FG), hassaid that VHI’s decision to cutpremiums on seven of its plansand freeze the prices across therest of its policies, is a positivedevelopment in terms of makingprivate health insurance moreaffordable across the NorthCounty. “Over the last number ofyears, due to a combination ofeconomic conditions and risinghealth insurance premiums,private health insurance becameunobtainable for many localpeople. This is simply unaccept-able as health insurance is not a‘luxury’ but is an importantresource which must be afford-able for all,” Farrell told theCounty Leader.“Last November, MinisterVaradkar introduced the Private

Health Insurance Package whichlargely focused on implementingmeasures to allow for a reductionin the cost of health insuranceand, following this, a number ofpolicies have become moreaffordable. However, this is anissue which we must continue tomonitor and address,” hecontinued. “With the youngest populationdemographic in the State, it isessential that young people in theNorth County can obtain andafford health insurance cover. OnMay 1st this year, the LifetimeCommunity Rating will come intoeffect. This is a modification of thecommunity rating system and itwill encourage people to take outhealth insurance cover at ayounger age.”

Health insurance Must BeAffordable For All - Farrell

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Skerries Choir Seek New MembersThe Skerries Sea Sharps choir, formed in 2010, are recruiting newmembers. All welcome! They meet each Wednesday at 8.00pm upstairsin Joe May’s in Skerries, and would love to see some new members.Contact Paula at 087 9698849 for further information.

New Lighting For Rivervalley PitchPublic lighting has finally been installed along the foot-path to the all weather training pitch in Rivervalley. Thiswas confirmed by the County Council, who said: “Thesenew public lights at the Rivervalley Park have been opera-tional since 27th January.” The move was welcomed bydelighted local coun-ci l lor, Joe Newman(NP), who had longbeen campaigning tohave l ightinginstalled at the pitch.Newman told theCounty Leader: “I amdelighted followingmy representation tothe Council that thelights are installedand working.”These l ights wil lprovide extra securityto people who areaccessing this superbfootball trainingfacility,” he added.

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14 Your No.1 Local Newspaper 21 Years Serving The Community Of North County Dublin 17.02.2015

County Clubbers Is Now Online @www.northcountyleader.ieand also on Facebook!Pics: Derek O’Mara

Ronan Gallagher, Damian Burke & Carl Foster

Adam Salman, Fred O’Connor & David Brennan

Brian Heaney & David Neville

Rebecca Black & Keith Byrne

Erica O Neill & Greg White

Dean McGarry & Ellis Murphy

Laura Fagan & Jemma Brady

Michaela O’Connor & Jason Nolan

Arianne O’Byrne & Ciara Spencer

Shannon McDonnell & Lauren Clarke

Sean Morgan & Ellen O’Connor

Amy O’Keefe & Amy McFadden Laura Kearns & Lea Smith

Don Farrelly & Cian Hodgins

Scott Mooney & Austin Golding

County Clubbers visitedpopular Swords nightclub

Rouge last week. The brightneon lit Dancefloor was

bouncing with enthusaim asthe young crowds and coupleswhere captured in the momentby the Dj spinning out mixes.The chatter of friends and the

clanking of glasses whereheard into the early hours

of the morning.

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21 Years Serving The Community Of North County Dublin17.02.2015 Your No.1 Local Newspaper 15

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Launch Of Daffodil DayThe I r ish CancerSociety and Del llaunched Daffodi lDay 2015 last week.Daf fodi l Day wi l ltake p lace onFriday, 27th March.This year marks the28th Daffodil Day,I re land’s longestrunning and biggestfundrais ing day.The Societyannounced agrowth in cancerinc idence that issure to have adirect impact on itsservices increasingthe need for thepeople in the NorthCounty and thegreater Dublin area,to support DaffodilDay, so they canreach thei rfundraising targetof €3.5 million for2015. Funds raisedon Daffodil Day byvolunteers acrossthe North County godirectly to fund thework of the Societyacross support ,p r e v e n t i o n ,research and advo-cacy. Night Nursingis one serv icefunded by DaffodilDay. Last year theSociety was able tofulfil 96 per cent ofrequests for a nightnurse. Seventy fivepercent of cancerpatients wish to dieat home surroundedby family, yet only25 per cent get todo so. The I r ishCancer Societyprovides the onlynight t ime careservice for cancerpat ients in theirown homes. In 2014the Society’s nursesprovided 1 ,242nights of care to 381patients in Dublinand this service isfully funded by thepeople of Dubl in,who consistent lysupport the work ofthe Society.I t ’s v i ta l thatDaffodi l Dayreaches i ts ambi-t ious fundrais ingtarget of €3.5million in order tocontinue to provideand expand thisservice and others.The Society arecalling on the publicto help support thecampaign on Friday27th March and askpeople to volunteer,organise or donateon CallSave 1850 6060 60 or visit.

Volunteers from Garristown and Swords, are pictured with GAA commentator MartyMorrissey at the national launch of the Irish Cancer Society’s 28th Daffodil Day.Included are, Linda Sexton, Sinead Sexton, Carmel Mitchell and Sue Butler

Volunteer from Skerries, PaulaO’Neill is pictured with GAAcommentator, Marty Morrisseyat the national launch of theIrish Cancer Society’s 28thDaffodil Day 2015

Volunteers from Lusk and Rush, Jackie Austin andRachael Mariam are pictured with GAA commen-tator, Marty Morrissey at the national launch ofthe Irish Cancer Society’s 28th Daffodil Day 2015

Volunteers from Rush and Lusk, Angela Byrne and Michelle Herbert are pictured withrugby star, Tony Ward at the national launch of the Irish Cancer Society’s 28th DaffodilDay 2015

Volunteers from Skerries, Paula O'Neill and Niamh Collins are pictured with rugby star,Tony Ward at the national launch of the Irish Cancer Society’s 28th Daffodil Day 2015,

New Tourism Enhancements For SwordsSwords is to get anumber of additions, inorder to enhance thetourism prospects inthe area, according tothe County Council. Fianna Fail councillor,Darragh Butler origi-nally asked the Councilabout the possibility ofa Heritage Trail (cycleand walkway throughthe Ward Valley Park)from Swords Castle toKnocksedan includingSwords Castle, St.Columba’s Church andTowers, St. Colmcille’sWell, KnocksedanBridge and the oldMill, at a recentCouncil meeting.

The local authorityresponded by sayingthat, although theywould be happy toengage with localcommunities that wishto establish localheritage trails, theywere not aware of anyproposal that hascome forward from theSwords community fora heritage trail. Theythen said they hadcommissioned a newfeature to elevate thetourism potential ofthe area, complementa heritage trail shouldone be developed inthe future.“The County Councilhave commissioned

Abarta Audio Guides toproduce an audioguide to the mainarchitectural heritagesites within the historiccore of Swords, whichincludes Swords Castleand St. Colmcille’sWell,” they said.Swords HistoricalSociety was consultedin relation to the guide,which will be launchedin the near future.Although the audioguide is not a heritagetrail, it would comple-ment a heritage trailshould one be devel-oped in the future,”they added. The Council also reaf-firmed: “The promo-

tion and distribution ofinformation on SwordsCastle and the areaaround it is currentlybeing examined as partof the Swords CastleCultural QuarterMaster Plan. A FingalTourism Strategy 2015-2018 is also in theprocess of beingformulated. In addi-tion, a separate tenderhas been issued for theestablishment of stan-dardised branding andsignage templates forWalking and Cyclingroutes in the NorthCounty. The insertionat this time of newh e r i t a g e / t o u r i s msignage would there-fore be premature,”the Council concluded.

MalahideMusical SocietyPresents‘Oliver’Malahide Musical andDramatic Society areexcited to announcethey will be performingLionel Bart’s spectac-ular show ‘Oliver’.Oliver is a show for allthe family, full ofcomedy and excite-ment. They have a verystrong cast with a verytalented group of localchildren cast to playthe Orphans andFagin’s Gang. Oliverwill be running fromTuesday 17th Februaryuntil Saturday the 21stof February, with showsnightly beginning at7.30pm. Tickets are €16for adults and €10 forchildren, a family ticketfor two adults and twochildren is €40. Therewill also be a matineeperformance onSaturday at 2.00pm.Tickets are €12 foradults and €8 for chil-dren. Tickets can bebooked by [email protected].

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16 Your No.1 Local Newspaper 21 Years Serving The Community Of North County Dublin 17.02.2015

Siobhan McGrath from Gaelscoil Bhrian Boroimhe made herConfirmation at St Cronan's Church Brackenstown, Swords. She ispictured here with her grandad, Willie Hempenstall, sponsor SineadRoberts, Leah Roberts, Sean Hempenstall, Samantha Hempenstall,Karen Roberts, Joan McGrath and Nicola McGrath

Alicia Curran from Gaelscoil Bhrian Boroimhe,is pictured with her parents, Gavin andGenevieve Curran after making herConfirmation at St Cronan's ChurchBrackenstown, Swords

Pictured after making his Confirmation at St Cronan's ChurchBrackenstown, Swords is Luke Maguire from Gaelscoil BhrianBoroimhe, with Mary Breen, Ciaran Breen, his mother, Grainne Maguireand father, Gerard Maguire

Adam Hennessy from Gaelscoil BhrianBoroimhe made his Confirmation at St Cronan'sChurch Brackenstown, Swords. He is picturedhere with his parents, Sandra and John

Ava McGuinness from Gaelscoil BhrianBoroimhe made her Confirmation at StCronan's Church Brackenstown, Swords. Sheis pictured here with her mother, Pamela andfather, Terry

James Doran from Gaelscoil Bhrian Boroimhemade his Confirmation at St Cronan's ChurchBrackenstown, Swords. He is pictured herewith his mother Nicola Doran and his brother,Tadhg Doran

Ross Fitzpatrick from Gaelscoil BhrianBoroimhe made his Confirmation at StCronan's Church Brackenstown, Swords. He ispictured here with his sponsor and brother,Cian Fitzpatrick

Alex Ó'Liongsigh from Gaelscoil BhrianBoroimhe made his Confirmation at StCronan's Church Brackenstown, Swords. He ispictured here with his mother Orla

Fionn O'Doherty from Gaelscoil BhrianBoroimhe made his Confirmation at StCronan's Church Brackenstown, Swords. He ispictured here with his parents, Eoin andElaine O'Doherty

Caoimhe Dixon from Gaelscoil Bhrian Boroimhe made her Confirmation at St Cronan'sChurch Brackenstown, Swords. She is pictured here with her mother Catriona Dixon,Father Stephen Dixon, sponsor Clare Daly and grandmother Peggy Daly

Eoin Hannon from Gaelscoil Bhrian Boroimhe made his Confirmation at St Cronan'sChurch Brackenstown, Swords. He is pictured here with his father, Paul Hannon, cousinAmy Mooney and his mother, Louise Hannon

Colaoise McGee from Gaelscoil Bhrian Boroimhe madeher Confirmation at St Cronan's Church Brackenstown,Swords. She is pictured here with Lydia McGee, LewisMcGee, John McGee, Rian McGee and Karen McGee

Aoibhe Moore from Gaelscoil Bhrian Boroimhe made herConfirmation at St Cronan's Church Brackenstown, Swords. Sheis pictured here with her mother, Nicola, father Ian, sponsor JulieCahill and grandfather, Lar

Alex Cronin from Gaelscoil BhrianBoroimhe made his Confirmation at StCronan's Church Brackenstown, Swords.He is pictured here with his father, AidanCronin

Ellie Harmon from Gaelscoil Bhrian Boroimhe made herConfirmation at St Cronan's Church Brackenstown, Swords. Sheis pictured here with Sandra Harmon, Ann Hogan, Gerry Harmonand Jamie Harmon

Callum Monaghan from Gaelscoil Bhrian Boroimhe made his Confirmation at St Cronan's ChurchBrackenstown, Swords. He is pictured here with his family, Saoirse Maguire, Maggie Clune,Darragh Monaghan, grandfather Flan Clune and father Brian Monaghan

Lucy O'Brien from Gaelscoil Bhrian Boroimhe made herConfirmation at St Cronan's Church Brackenstown, Swords. Sheis pictured here with her parents, Leslie and Olivia and herbrother, Tom

Ciaran McCabe from Gaelscoil Bhrian Boroimhe madehis Confirmation at St Cronan's Church Brackenstown,Swords. He is pictured here with his mother, SheenaMcCabe and father, Derek McCabe

Erin O'Brien from Gaelscoil Bhrian Boroimhe made her Confirmation at St Cronan'sChurch Brackenstown, Swords. She is pictured here with Carol O'Brien and hergodparents, Paul and Toni Oragano

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Ryan Welcomes Lift OfHousing EmbargoLocal TD, Brendan Ryan (Lab), has stronglywelcomed the approval given by Minister forEnvironment Alan Kelly, for 200 extrahousing staff to be hired by local authorities.“The lifting of the recruitment moratoriumfor local authorities to hire 200 new staff

members for individualhousing sections is awelcome move fromMinister Kelly,” Ryan toldthe County Leader. “Overhalf of these appointments- 114 in total - will bedeployed in the four

Dublin local authorities, including 28 in thelocal authority area of the North County.

Increasing the internal resources of localauthorities is key to tackling the housingcrisis and for public representatives likemyself, it was clear that local authoritieshave been acting with stretched resources inthis time of crisis,” he added. “Hopefullythese positions can be filled quickly and willbe to the benefit of the many people on thehousing list and for those in emergencyaccommodation,” he concluded.

Ryan TD

An exciting property development oppor-tunity has come on stream in Swords,with 20 adjoining houses in a primeSwords Town Centre location up for sale.All are three and four bedroom semi-detached on large sites in a location offMain Street.The houses are on Seatown Road and StColmcille’s estate, with large gardensbacking onto the County Council’s headoffice on Main Street. All are zoned “MC-to protect and improve Town CentreFacilities” under the Fingal DevelopmentPlan 2011-2017. This represents a hugepotential for redevelopment or refurbish-ment. and 15 of the 20 houses arecurrently rented. Guiding price is €4.3million. Agent, Enda Hanrahan ofChartered Assets told the County Leader,“We expect interest from Investors andProperty Developers, seeking a primerefurbishment or redevelopment oppor-tunity. The portfolio has huge potentialfor value enhancement.”

Twenty Swords Homes For Sale In Single LotTwenty Swords Homes For Sale In Single Lot Permission SoughtFor KinsealyHousing SchemeA new face has emerged on thelocal property scene, with the newsthat property developer, GregKavanagh is set to apply for plan-ning permission for a substantialhousing scheme in Kinsealy.Kavanagh (29), who is a newcomeron the property scene describeshimself modestly as the ‘Ronaldoand Messi’ of the property world, isto apply for planning permission forthe development, close to CharlieHaughey’s former home atAbbeville.His company, Generation Homeshad splurged over €100 million onresidential land banks aroundDublin, and he is now capitalisingon rising house prices in the North

County. However, it is believed thatthe company will face challenges inKinsealy, due to drainage issueswhich need to be tackled.The Kinsealy development is justone of thousands of homesplanned for the greater Dublinarea, as Kavanagh had been in theprocess of acquiring land bankssince 2011, when the propertymarket was still in the doldrums.

Abbeville, Kinsealy

Page 18: North County Leader - 17th February 2015

18 Your No.1 Local Newspaper 21 Years Serving The Community Of North County Dublin 17.02.2015

Fingal County CouncilI, Kieran Lawlor intend to apply for plan-ning permission for development atLissenhall, Swords, Co. Dublin The devel-opment will consist of the construction of2 no. single storey blocks of 6 no. & 4 no.starter workshop units (10 no. in total)and associated site worksThe planning application may beinspected or purchased at a fee notexceeding the reasonable cost of makinga copy at the offices of the PlanningAuthority during its public opening hoursand a submission or observation in rela-tion to the application may be made inwriting to the Planning Authority onpayment of the prescribed fee (€20)within the period of 5 weeks beginning onthe date of receipt by the PlanningAuthority of the application.

Dublin City CouncilPlanning permission is being sought at 50Ardlea Road, Artane, Dublin 5 by ElaineOsbornefor the demolition of wall in front gardenand removal of lawn. This is to create offroad parking/driveway by paving of this area. The plan-ning applicatioin may be inspected, orpurchased at a fee not exceeding thereasonable cost of making a copy, at theoffices of Dublin CIty Council during itspublic opening hours and a submission orobservation in relation to the applicationmay be made to the authority in writingon payment of the prescribed fee withinthe period of 5 weeks beginning on thedate of receipt by the authroity of theapplicant.

Fingal County CouncilAustin & Jennifer Hickey are applying forplanning permission for demolition ofexisting kitchen extension at rear,construction of new single storey exten-sion at rear, internal alterations and allancillary works. The Planning Application may beinspected or purchased at a fee notexceeding the reasonable cost of makinga copy at the offices of the PlanningAuthority, Fingal County Council, CountyHall, Swords, Fingal, Co. Dublin, duringit's public opening hours and a submis-sion or observation may be made to thePlanning Authority in writing on paymentof the prescribed fee within the period of5 weeks beginning on the date of receiptby the authority of the application.

Fingal County CouncilWe Cummins + Voortman Ltd (SustainableConservation Architects & Urban

Designers - are applying onbehalf of our client Paul Egan for PlanningPermission for development for refurbish-ment, alteration and extension of existingtwo storey dwelling to include a twostorey extension to east/side of thedwelling, single storey extension to rearof the dwelling, demolition of existingstore and reconstruction of the store innew location and all associated works at24 Inbhir Ide Close, Malahide, Co. Dublin.The Planning Application may beinspected or purchased at a fee notexceeding the reasonable cost of makinga copy at the offices of the PlanningAuthority during its public opening hoursand a submission or observation may bemade to the Planning Authority in writingon payment of the prescribed fee withinthe period of 5 weeks beginning on thedate of receipt by the authority of theapplication.

Fingal County CouncilFurther information / Revised PlansI Aidan Coleman give notice that thatsignificant further information/revisedplans, in relation to the applicationRegister Reference F14A/0251 for site at51 The Strand, Donabate, Co Dublin havebeen furnished to the Planning Authority,and are available for inspection orpurchase at a fee not exceeding thereasonable cost of making a copy, at theoffice of the authority during its publicopening hours. The revised plans show adetached 2 1/2 storey, 3 bedroomdwelling.That submissions or observations in rela-tion to the further information/ revisedplans may be made in writing on paymentof a prescribed fee, no later than 2 weeksafter receipt of the newspaper notice andsite notice with the planning authority.

Fingal County CouncilPlanning Permission is sought by D and NDonegan for two storey extension to rearof house at 49 Haystown, Rush, Co.Dublin. This planning application may beinspected or purchased at a fee notexceeding the reasonable cost of makinga copy at the offices of the planningauthority during its public opening hoursand a submission or observation may bemade to the authority in writing onpayment of the prescribed fee 20 eurowithin the period of 5 weeks beginning onthe date of receipt by the authority of thisapplication.

Fingal County CouncilPlanning permission is sought by NicolaButterly at Balcunnin, Skerries, Co. Dublin

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Attention Home Owners, Architects & Builders

Fingal County Council Planning Application Adverts are

FREENorth County Leader, Your No.1 Local Newspaper

are happy to announce that we are now accepting Planning Application Adverts for the following areas:

Balbriggan, Balrothery, Skerries, Lusk, Rush, Loughshinny,Ballyboughal, Naul, Portrane, Donabate, Swords, Kinsealy,

Malahide and PortmarnockAdverts must be supplied by email [email protected] by can also post your advert on a disk toNorth County Leader, Leader House, North Street, Swords, Co. Dublin

Architects based outside our distribution area can pick up the paperfrom our offices or at pick-up points listed on page 2.

Alternatively we can post a copy of the paper at a charge of €10

KAVANAGH, Gabrielle (Gay) (Bath Road, Balbriggan,Dublin) Peacefully at Beaumont Hospital, surrounded byher family. Predeceased by her husban John. Sadlymissed by her daughter and son Joanne and John, son-in-law Garath, daughter-in-law Geraldine, grandchildrenAlex and Gabby, sisters Kathleen and Cepta, brothersBilly, JH, Paddy, Sean and Sly, sisters-in-law, brothers-in-law, best friend Monica, neices, nephews, relatives,and very good neighbours May she rest in peace

MC GILLIVAY, Oliver (Market Green, Balbriggan, Dublin)Peacefully in St. Vincent’s Hospital surrounded by hisfamily. Predeceased by his grandson Ben, Sadly missedby his loving wife Eilish, son and daughters John,Sandra and Donna, daughters-in-law Triona, sons-in-lawDave and Vincent, grandchildren Nicole, Adam, Killian,Chloe, Daniel and Sophia, his brother Ronnie, sisterRita, sisters-in-law, brothers-in-law, nieces, nephewsrelatives and friends. Rest in peace

KELLY, Bridget (Ardlamon, Ballykisteen, Tipperary town,Tipperary / Ballyboughal, Dublin and more recentlyClondalkin, Dublin) Peacefully on February 10th, 2015,at her daughter’s residence, Grance Dieu, Ballyboughal,Co. Dublin predeceased by her husban patrick. Deeplyregretted by her loving family Catherine (Fox), Breda,Joan (stobie), Mary (O’Dwyer), Eileen (Barlow) Freda,Pat and Eamon, her sister Mary Mcgrath, sons-in-law,daughters-in-law, grandchildren, nephews, nieces, rela-tives, neighbours and friends. May she rest in peace

GERAGHTY, Christopher (Christy) (Clonard St ,Balbriggan, Dublin) (exFás/Solas) Peacefully at OurLady of Lourdes Hospital, Drogheda, surrounded by hisloving family. Pre-deceased by his loving wife Mary andhis daughter Una. Sadly missed by his childrenChristopher, Myra, Marian, Siobhán, Tommy, Brenda,Barry, Fidelma, Sinéad, Fionnuala and Aideen,Daughters-in-law, sons-in-law, his 24 Grandchildren, 5great-grandchildren, relatives and friends. Christywould his celebrated his 90th birthday on 12th Februaryand on that day we will celebrate his life. May he rest inpeace

BUCKLY, Loretta - Feb. 9th, 2015 (Portmarnock) (peace-fully) at Fingal House Nursing Home, Swords, Belovedwife of the late Brendan (Bud) deeply regretted by herloving son Dermot, daughters Mary, Brid, Loretta andFionnuala, sons-in-law, daughter-in-law, grandchildren,great-grandchildren, relatives and friends. Rest in peace

RICHARDSON, John (Johnny) Peacefully. Reposing atMcNally’s Funural Home, Balbriggan today, Monday,from 6pm to 8pm. Removal tomorrow, Tuesday, to S.S.Peter and Paul’s Church arriving for 10am Funeral Mass.Burial afterwards in S.S. Peter and Paul’s Cemetery.May he rest in peace

WALSH, Charlotte (Swords, Co. Dublin) - Feb. 7th, 2015(peacefully) at the Mater Hospital, deeply regretted byher loving husband Pat, Jordan, brothers, sister,Brothers-in-law, sisters-in-law, nephews, nieces, rela-tives and friends. Rest in peace

WOODS, Peter (Piercetown, Garristown, Dublin) Lovinghusband of Mary and dear father of Fiona and Rachael.Sadly missed by his family, son-in-law Scot, grandsonKilian, brothers, sisters, brothers-in-law, sisters-in-law,nieces, nephews, relatives and his many dear friends.Rest in peace

FITZSIMONS, Damian, Clontarf Dublin. 6th February2015 in Rathoath Manor Nursing Home. Beloved son ofthe late Matthew and Marion. Sadly missed by his sisterTerry, brothers Gerry and Joe, nieces, nephews andextended family and friends. May he rest in peace

KENNY, Robert - Feb 7th, 2015 , (Swords and formerly ofFinglas) (peacefully) at St. Francis Hospice, Raheny(lateof Dublin Fire Brigade), sadly missed by Bridget, sonRobert, daughter Jenifer, grandchildren Jack andMicheal, relatives and friends. May he rest in peace

LENNOX, Ann (Nano) Skerries Co. Dublin ( Ex AerLingus) February 7th 2015, Peacefully in the Wonuderfulcare of the staff of Rush Nursing Home surrounded byher loving family, daughter of the late William and Annlennox, sadly missed y her loving nieces, nephews,sisters-in-law and friends. Rest in peace

DARCY, William, (Rush, Dublin) born November 5th1943, passed away Preacefully, February 5th 2015, atBeaumont Hospital. Devoted husband to his late wifeMairéad Darcy and loving father to his children, David,Hilary, Sarah and Deirdre. Sadly missed by his lovingfamily, daughter-in-law Yeda, grandchildren Mateo andEmily, extended family and friends. May he rest in peace

FINNEGAN, Gerard (Gerry), Malahide, Dublin 6th Feb.2015 Peacefully in Beaumont Hospital. Belovedhusband of Patricia, father of Stephen, Peter and Clare.Very sadly missed by his extended family, neighboursand friends. Rest in peace

MAYPOTTER, Owen (Balbriggan, Co. Dublin) 7thFebruary 2015, (peacefully) Owen Beloved husband ofthe late Angela, Sadly missed by his loving childrenElizabeth, Teresa, Kevin, John, Collette, Phyllis, Noeland Wendy, sons-in-law, daughters-in-law, grandchil-dren, great-grandchildren, sister Kathleen, sister-in-lawBiddy, nephews, nieces, Extended family and friends.May he rest in peace

Recent published deathsfrom the North County

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Page 19: North County Leader - 17th February 2015

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for a single storey detached garage to servethe dwelling granted under Reg. Ref.F13A/0386 and F14A/0423. The planningapplication may be inspected or purchased ata fee not exceeding the reasonable cost ofmaking a copy at the offices of the planningauthority during its public opening hours anda submission or observation may be made tothe authority in writing on payment of theprescribed fee (€20) within the period of 5weeks beginning on the date of receipt by theauthority of this application.

Fingal County CouncilPermission is sought for a 1st floor extensionto the rear of existing dwelling @ 22 DelvinBanks, Naul, Co. Dublin for J. Finegan. Theplanning application may be inspected orpurchased at a fee not exceeding the reason-able cost of making a copy at the offices of theplanning authority during the public openinghours and a submission or observation inrelation to the application may be made inwriting to the planning authority on paymentof the prescribed fee (20 euros), within theperiod of 5 weeks, beginning on the date ofreceipt by Fingal County Council of the appli-cation.

Fingal County CouncilI Ms. Julie Flanagan intend to apply forPlanning Permission at Shadow Glen, No. 3Back Road, Malahide Co. Dublin. To construct two storey dormer type dwellingwith pitched and hipped roof finish and wastewater treatment system, soil polishing filterper EPA COP. 2009 soak way system, relocateexisting waste water treatment system andpercolation area serving existing house asshown, access to proposed site via existingprivate vehicular entrance, modified internallyto provide gates and piers with in the site andall associated site works. This planning application may be inspected orpurchased at a fee not exceeding the reason-able cost of making a copy at the offices ofFingal County Council, County Hall, Main St.Swords Co. Dublin during the public openinghours 9-30am 15-30pm Monday to Friday anda submission or observation in relation to theapplication may be made to the planningauthority in writing on payment of a fee of€20.00 within the period of 5 weeks begin-ning on the date of receipt by Fingal CountyCouncil of the application.

Fingal County CouncilPermission sought for attic conversion andextension to non habitable study/storage at 81 Priory Wood, Donabate, Co. Dublin for Mr.And Mrs. N. Noonan.The Planning application may be inspected orpurchased at a fee not exeeding the reason-able cost of making a copy at the offices of thePlanning Authority during its public openinghours 9:30 - 16:30 Monday - Friday.A submission or observation in relation to theapplication may be made in writing to thePlanning Authorityon payment of the prescribed fee within theperiod of 5 weeks, beginning on the date ofreceipt by the Authority of the application andsuch submissions or observations will beconsidered by the Planning Authority inmaking a decision on the application. ThePlanning Authority may grant permissionsubject to or without conditions, or mayrefuse to grant permission.

Page 20: North County Leader - 17th February 2015

20 Your No.1 Local Newspaper 21 Years Serving The Community Of North County Dublin 17.02.2015

2009 Opel Astra

Mileage: 68,000 miles3x3 point rear seat belts, ABS,Front head restraints, Front elec-tric windows, Full service history,Central locking, Electric windows,FSH

was €8,750NOW €7,750

1.7 Diesel - ESTATE


2011 Toyota Avensis

Mileage: 56,214 miles16" light alloy wheels, 3x3 pointrear seat belts, GPS, Electricallyadjustable seats, Electric mirrors,Outside temperature meter,Mirrors electric and heated, FSH

was €15,990NOW €14,990

2.0 Diesel


2009 Nissan Micra

Mileage: 46,213 miles3x3 point rear seat belts,Traction control, Metallic paint-work, Remote central locking,Mirrors electric, Electric mirrors,Electric windows, FSH

was €7,500NOW €6,500

1.0 Petrol



2009 Ford Focus

Mileage: 86,992 miles3x3 point rear seat belts, Childlocks, Remote central locking,Metallic paintwork, Mirrorselectric, Front electric windows,FSH

was €9,750NOW €8,750

1.8 Diesel - Style 1.6 Petrol


2011 SAAB 9-3

Mileage: 66,000 miles16" light alloy wheels, 3x3point rear seat belts, Tractioncontrol, Driver airbag, SideImpact Protection System,Metallic paintwork, FSH

was €14,900NOW €13,900

1.9 Diesel

2005 Nissan Almera

Mileage: 92,584 miles16" light alloy wheels, 3x3 pointrear seat belts, Windows frontelectric, Remote central locking,Foglights, Multi function steeringwheel, FSH

was €3,995NOW €2,995

1.5 Petrol


2005 Renault Laguna

Mileage: 85,000 miles16" light alloy wheels, 3x3point rear seat belts, Tractioncontrol, Side Impact ProtectionSystem, Remote centrallocking, FSH

was €3,500NOW €2,500


2011 KIA Ceed

Mileage: 63,000 miles16" light alloy wheels, ABS, Airconditioning, Mirrors electric,Metallic paintwork, Foglights, Fullservice history, Electric windows,Body coloured bumpers, FSH

was €11,750NOW €10,750

1.6 Diesel


2008 Toyota Auris

Mileage: 39,000 miles3x3 point rear seat belts, 16"light alloy wheels, Childlocks, Air conditioning, SideImpact Protection System,Drivers airbag, FSH

was €10,500NOW €9,500

1.4 Diesel2011 Skoda Superb SE

Mileage: 69,432 miles16" light alloy wheels, 3x3point rear seat belts, Fullservice history, Windows front+ rear electric, Bumpers incolor, FSH

was €16,950NOW €15,950

1.6 Diesel - Comfort line


2006 VW Touareg

Mileage: 170,000 KMAir conditioning, Anti theftsystem, CD, Park distancecontrol, Multi function steeringwheel, Metallic paintwork,Front electric windows, FSH

was €7,995NOW €6,995

3.0 Diesel


2010 Skoda Octavia

Mileage: 56,321 milesABS, Adjustable seats, Remotecentral locking, Cloth uphol-stery, Full service history, Frontelectric windows, Electricmirrors, Driver airbag, FSH

was €13,500NOW €12,500

1.9 Diesel - Comfort line



2009 Toyota Prius

Mileage: 59,000 miles16" light alloy wheels, 3x3 pointrear seat belts, Traction control,Remote locking with key card,Drivers airbag, Power Steering,FSH

was €11,500NOW €10,500

1.5 Petrol - Hybrid



2011 Mazda 6

Mileage: 68,312 miles16" light alloy wheels, 3x3point rear seat belts, Mirrorselectric, Metallic paintwork,Isofix child seat anchor points,FSH

was €15,900NOW €14,900

2.2 Diesel - ESTATE






2008 Mitsubishi Colt

Mileage: 66,000 miles3x3 point rear seat belts,Metallic paintwork, Mirrors elec-tric, Foglights, Isofix child seatanchor points, Full servicehistory, Electric windows, FSH

was €7,400NOW €6,400

1.5 Diesel



2011 Volvo V50

Mileage: 53,561 miles16" light alloy wheels, 3x3 pointrear seat belts, Traction control,Side Impact Protection System,Metallic paintwork, Multi func-tion steering wheel, FSH

1.6 Diesel - R Design


was €17,950NOW €16,950



2012 Ford Fiesta

Mileage: 41,700 milesChild locks, 3x3 point rear seatbelts, Traction control, Metallicpaintwork, Side ImpactProtection System, Multi functionsteering wheel, FSH

was €12,990NOW €11,990

1.4 Diesel


2011 Ford C-Max

Mileage: 58,000 miles16" light alloy wheels, 3x3 pointrear seat belts, Metallic paint-work, Traction control, SideImpact Protection System, Sideairbags, FSH

was €15,950NOW €14,950

1.6 Diesel


2009 Citroen C4

Mileage: 53,000 miles16" light alloy wheels, ABS,Child locks, Remote centrallocking, Mirrors electric, Metallicpaintwork, Multi functionsteering wheel, FSH

was €11,900NOW €10,900

1.6 Diesel Grand Picasso



2012 Ford Focus

Mileage: 49,751 miles17" light alloy wheels, 3x3point rear seat belts,Immobiliser, Isofix child seatanchor points, Electric mirrors,Foglights, FSH

was €15,900NOW €14,900

1.6 Diesel 2.0 Diesel


2010 Ford Galaxy

Mileage: 68,353 miles17" light alloy wheels, CD,Cloth upholstery, Outsidetemperature meter, Electricwindows, Side ImpactProtection System, FSH

was €16,950NOW €15,950

1.8 Diesel

2011 BMW 7 series

Mileage: 53,800 miles3x3 point rear seat belts, SateliteNavigation, Windows front +rear electric, Computer, Xenonlights, Trip computer, Tractioncontrol, Tiptronic, FSH

was €45,950NOW €44,950

3.0 Diesel


2008 Ford Focus CC

Mileage: 39,000 miles16" light alloy wheels, Alloywheels, Metallic paintwork,Traction control, Multi functionsteering wheel, Full servicehistory, Electric roof, FSH

was €8,995NOW €7,995


2011 Alfa Giulietta

Mileage: 44,341 miles16" light alloy wheels, Driversairbag, Power Steering, Remotecentral locking, Windows frontelectric, 3x3 point rear seat belts,Foglights, Electric windows, FSH

was €15,900NOW €14,900

1.6 Diesel


2012 Honda Jazz

Mileage: 19,000 milesABS, Central locking, Mirrorselectric, Remote centrallocking, Multi functionsteering wheel, Child locks,Metallic paintwork, FSH

was €12,900NOW €11,900

1.2 Petrol2012 Ford S-Max

Mileage: 56,231 miles3x3 point rear seat belts, Clothupholstery, Side ImpactProtection System, Full servicehistory, Remote centrallocking, Electric windows, FSH

was €26,500NOW €25,500

2.0 Diesel - Titanium


2012 Hyundai i30

Mileage: 19,000 miles16" light alloy wheels, 3x3point rear seat belts, Windowsfront + rear electric,Immobiliser, Driver airbag,Electric mirrors, FSH

was €17,950NOW €16,950

1.6 Diesel - Automatic


2012 Ford Mondeo

Mileage: 53,000 miles16" light alloy wheels, 3x3point rear seat belts, Remotecentral locking, Isofix childseat anchor points, Electricmirrors, Electric windows, FSH

was €17,900NOW €16,900

1.6 Diesel - Titanium



2012 Audi A3

Mileage: 46,300 milesWindows front + rear electric,Heated seats, Front electricwindows, Traction control, Frontarmrest, 16" light alloy wheels,Front electric windows, FSH

was €17,995NOW €16,995

2.0 Diesel _SE



2010 Audi A4

Mileage: 69,000 miles3x3 point rear seat belts, SideImpact Protection System,Leather seats, Foglights,Leather upholstery, Remotecentral locking, FSH

was €19,750NOW €18,750

2.0 Diesel - SE







2011 BMW 5 Series

Mileage: 74,600 miles17" light alloy wheels, 3x3 pointrear seat belts, Isofix child seatanchor points, Air conditioning,Full service history, Multi func-tion steering wheel, FSH

was €28,750NOW €27,750

2.0 Diesel



2007 Hyundai Santa Fe

Mileage: 74,565 miles17" light alloy wheels, 3x3 pointrear seat belts, Leather uphol-stery, Outside temperaturemeter, Remote central locking,FSH

2.2 Diesel - Automatic


was €11,500NOW €10,500



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