non-science example of classification the item in this picture is the item in this picture is...


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Page 1: Non-Science Example of Classification The item in this picture is The item in this picture is Automobile: Automobile: Truck, Car, or SUV? Car Truck, Car,
Page 2: Non-Science Example of Classification The item in this picture is The item in this picture is Automobile: Automobile: Truck, Car, or SUV? Car Truck, Car,

Non-Science Example of Non-Science Example of ClassificationClassification

The item in this picture isThe item in this picture is Automobile:Automobile:

Truck, Car, or SUV? Truck, Car, or SUV? CarCar Made by? Made by? FordFord

Type of Ford car? Type of Ford car? MustangMustang

-Was made in what year? -Was made in what year? 20022002

-Is it Convertible? -Is it Convertible? NoNo

-Color? -Color? SilverSilver

Page 3: Non-Science Example of Classification The item in this picture is The item in this picture is Automobile: Automobile: Truck, Car, or SUV? Car Truck, Car,

Classification: Goes from General to Specific

Automobile – Biggest

• Car

• Ford

• Mustang

• 2002

-Non Convertible

-Silver - Specific

Page 4: Non-Science Example of Classification The item in this picture is The item in this picture is Automobile: Automobile: Truck, Car, or SUV? Car Truck, Car,

ClassificationClassification Classify Classify – to group things together based – to group things together based

on similaritieson similarities Why Classify?Why Classify?

To make organisms easier to To make organisms easier to identify & compareidentify & compare

How do we classify?How do we classify?CompareCompare Traits Traits – features or – features or

characteristics of an organismscharacteristics of an organisms

Page 5: Non-Science Example of Classification The item in this picture is The item in this picture is Automobile: Automobile: Truck, Car, or SUV? Car Truck, Car,

The Million Dollar The Million Dollar Question is:Question is:

Why do we need a Why do we need a system of order and system of order and organization among the organization among the extreme diversity of life? extreme diversity of life?

Page 6: Non-Science Example of Classification The item in this picture is The item in this picture is Automobile: Automobile: Truck, Car, or SUV? Car Truck, Car,

ANSWER: Little Known ANSWER: Little Known Fact: Fact:

There are over There are over 1.5 Million 1.5 Million OrganismsOrganisms__; and more are __; and more are discovered each year.discovered each year.

Why do we classify? Somewhere Why do we classify? Somewhere between 2 and 100 million have yet between 2 and 100 million have yet to be be discovered.

Classification serves as Classification serves as an an organization system for all the organization system for all the existing and new organismsexisting and new organisms

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The science by which organisms The science by which organisms are classified and placed into are classified and placed into categories based on their categories based on their structural similarities and structural similarities and evolutionary relationships. evolutionary relationships.

Early attempts at classification Early attempts at classification often described the physical often described the physical characteristics of organisms. characteristics of organisms.

Page 8: Non-Science Example of Classification The item in this picture is The item in this picture is Automobile: Automobile: Truck, Car, or SUV? Car Truck, Car,

Aristotle 384-322 B.C.Aristotle 384-322 B.C. 2 Groups: Plants and Animals2 Groups: Plants and Animals



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Plant/Animal System Plant/Animal System ExampleExample

2 Kingdom Broad classification 2 Kingdom Broad classification based on:based on:Color & MobilityColor & Mobility

Green, Non MobileGreen, Non Mobile

Not Green, Not Green, MobileMobile

Page 10: Non-Science Example of Classification The item in this picture is The item in this picture is Automobile: Automobile: Truck, Car, or SUV? Car Truck, Car,

How would you classify this How would you classify this using the Plant/Animal using the Plant/Animal


Page 11: Non-Science Example of Classification The item in this picture is The item in this picture is Automobile: Automobile: Truck, Car, or SUV? Car Truck, Car,

How would you classify this How would you classify this using the Plant/Animal using the Plant/Animal


•Praying Mantis•Green but..

•Mobile•Aristotle’s Grouping of life not specific enough

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Swedish naturalistSwedish naturalist Laid the groundwork for the Laid the groundwork for the

modern classification system.modern classification system. Based his work on Based his work on

morphological similarities.morphological similarities.

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Basis for Classification:Basis for Classification: 1. 1. Comparative Anatomy (Structure)Comparative Anatomy (Structure)

Compares Physical ex: Compares Physical ex: Homologous Structures, Homologous Structures, TraitsTraits

2. 2. BiochemistryBiochemistry – – ex: ex: DNA and RNADNA and RNA

3. 3. EmbryologyEmbryology – – ComparingComparing Developing EmbryosDeveloping Embryos

4. 4. Molecular BasisMolecular Basis – – ex: ex: Cellular StructureCellular Structure

5. 5. PhylogenyPhylogeny Related Organisms with common ancestorsRelated Organisms with common ancestors ex: Derived Characteristicsex: Derived Characteristics

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Linnaeus Divisions Still Linnaeus Divisions Still Used in Modern Used in Modern ClassificationClassification

1. 1. Kingdom – largest groupKingdom – largest group2. Phylum2. Phylum3. Class3. Class4. Order4. Order5. Family5. Family6. Genus6. Genus 7. Species 7. Species (Most Closely Related)(Most Closely Related)

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Mnemonic Device – To help Mnemonic Device – To help remember categories and remember categories and

orderorder Kingdom - Kingdom - KKinging

Phylum - Phylum - PPhilliphillip

Class – Class – CCame ame

Order – Order – OOver ver

Family - Family - FForor

Genus - Genus - GGingeringer

Species - Species - SSnapsnaps

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TaxonsTaxons Within each category, a particular group is Within each category, a particular group is

called a called a TaxonTaxon There are many taxonsThere are many taxons

for eachfor each catergory.catergory.

Ex: Ex: MammaliaMammalia is the is the

Taxon for the Taxon for the ClassClass

category in panthers.category in panthers.

Ex: Ex: PantheraPanthera is the is the TaxonTaxon for the for the GenusGenus category in panthers. category in panthers.

Page 17: Non-Science Example of Classification The item in this picture is The item in this picture is Automobile: Automobile: Truck, Car, or SUV? Car Truck, Car,

Linnaeus Introduced Scientific Linnaeus Introduced Scientific NamingNaming Binomial NomenclatureBinomial Nomenclature is the 2 word is the 2 word scientific scientific

namename of an organism of an organism UsesUses Genus Genus and and SpeciesSpecies

Genus is capitalized, not species, all Genus is capitalized, not species, all italicizeditalicized In In writingwriting the name, can’t italicize, so the name, can’t italicize, so

underlineunderline Homo sapienHomo sapien ( (GenusGenus and and speciesspecies of Human) of Human) Panthera leoPanthera leo (Genus (Genus andand species species of Lionof Lion))

Used Latin – Used Latin – Felis concolor Felis concolor or or Felis concolorFelis concolor

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Example ClassificationExample Classification LionLion 1. 1. Kingdom – AnimaliaKingdom – Animalia ( (all Animalsall Animals))

2.2. PhylumPhylum – – ChordataChordata (All vertebrate animals) (All vertebrate animals)3. 3. Class – MammaliaClass – Mammalia (All Mammals – (All Mammals –

mammary glands)mammary glands)

4. 4. Order – CarnivoraOrder – Carnivora (Meat eaters) (Meat eaters)

5. 5. Family – FelidaeFamily – Felidae (includes all Cats) (includes all Cats)

6. 6. Genus – Genus – PantheraPanthera (Includes all (Includes all roaring Cats)roaring Cats)

7. 7. Species – Species – leoleo ( (LionsLions))

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From Kingdom to From Kingdom to SpeciesSpecies

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Page 21: Non-Science Example of Classification The item in this picture is The item in this picture is Automobile: Automobile: Truck, Car, or SUV? Car Truck, Car,

Three Domain Three Domain SystemSystemClassificationClassification

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Timeline of ClassificationTimeline of Classification1. 384 – 322 B.C. Aristotle1. 384 – 322 B.C. Aristotle

2 Kingdom Broad Classification2 Kingdom Broad Classification2. 1707 - 1778 Carl Linnaeus 2. 1707 - 1778 Carl Linnaeus

2 Kingdom Multi-divisional Classification2 Kingdom Multi-divisional Classification Kingdom, Phylum, Class, Order, Family Genus, Kingdom, Phylum, Class, Order, Family Genus,

SpeciesSpecies3. Evolutionary Classification – (After Darwin)3. Evolutionary Classification – (After Darwin)

Group By lines of Evolutionary DescentGroup By lines of Evolutionary Descent4. 5 Kingdom System – 1950s4. 5 Kingdom System – 1950s5. 6 Kingdom System – 1990s5. 6 Kingdom System – 1990s6. 3 Domain System – 1990s6. 3 Domain System – 1990s

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Three Domain SystemThree Domain System

BacteriaBacteria – Common Bacteria – Common Bacteria

ArchaeaArchaea – Ancient Bacteria – Ancient Bacteria

EukaryaEukarya – Includes everything – Includes everything else, Protist, Fungi, Plants, else, Protist, Fungi, Plants, and Animalsand Animals

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Which is the most primitive?Which is the most primitive?

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Domain BacteriaDomain BacteriaCorresponds to Corresponds to Eubacteria KingdomEubacteria Kingdom

Unicellular Prokaryotic (No Nucleus)Unicellular Prokaryotic (No Nucleus) Ecologically Diverse – Ecologically Diverse –

live everywhere!live everywhere! Cell Walls contain substance called Cell Walls contain substance called

Peptidoglycan – Peptidoglycan – special protein and sugarspecial protein and sugar Autotroph and HeterotrophsAutotroph and Heterotrophs

Target of many Antibiotics ex. Strep Throat and Target of many Antibiotics ex. Strep Throat and Food PoisoningFood Poisoning

Not all bad….used to turn grapes into wineNot all bad….used to turn grapes into wine Ex. Cyanobacteria, blue-green algaeEx. Cyanobacteria, blue-green algae

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Domain ArchaeaDomain ArchaeaCorresponds to Kingdom ArchaebacteriaCorresponds to Kingdom Archaebacteria Unicellular Prokaryotes (No Nucleus)Unicellular Prokaryotes (No Nucleus) Heterotrophs and AutotrophHeterotrophs and Autotroph Cells Walls without peptidogylcanCells Walls without peptidogylcan Live in Live in Extreme environmentsExtreme environments like like

those of early Earththose of early Earth

ex. Volcanic Hot Springs…..some even live in your ex. Volcanic Hot Springs…..some even live in your gutgut

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Summary of BacteriaSummary of Bacteria

All Unicellular All Unicellular Prokaryotes Prokaryotes (No Nucleus)(No Nucleus)

Heterotrophs or Heterotrophs or AutotrophsAutotrophs

What is the big What is the big difference?difference?

Cell Wall – Does it Cell Wall – Does it have Peptidoglycan?have Peptidoglycan?

Bacteria – With Peptidoglycan Archaea – Without Peptidoglycan


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Domain EukaryaDomain EukaryaContains Multiple Kingdoms:Contains Multiple Kingdoms:

Protista, Fungi, Plantae, AnimaliaProtista, Fungi, Plantae, Animalia Eukaryotic – Has a nucleusEukaryotic – Has a nucleus Single Single oror multi-cellular multi-cellular Most visible lifeMost visible life Humans are in Domain EukaryaHumans are in Domain Eukarya Diatom

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Fungid Coral – It can Fungid Coral – It can movemove

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Fungi - MushroomsFungi - Mushrooms

All in the same domain as us!All in the same domain as us!

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3 Domains 3 Domains contain 6 contain 6 KingdomsKingdoms


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5 Kingdoms turns into 65 Kingdoms turns into 6

Monera is now Eubacteria andArchaeabacteria

Just another example of Just another example of changes in sciencechanges in science

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6 Kingdom System6 Kingdom System







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Domain EukaryaDomain Eukarya EukaryoticEukaryotic Majority are unicellular, Majority are unicellular,

but some are colonial or multicellular.but some are colonial or multicellular. Heterotrophs and autotrophsHeterotrophs and autotrophs May or may not have a cell wallMay or may not have a cell wall Extreme diversity! Can be plant like or Extreme diversity! Can be plant like or

animal like.animal like. Examples: Examples: Algae, AmoebaAlgae, Amoeba, , ParameciumParamecium, ,

EuglenaEuglena, , VolvoxVolvox..

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FungiFungi Domain EukaryaDomain Eukarya Eukaryotic; cell walls of Eukaryotic; cell walls of chitin.chitin. Majority multicellular; few Majority multicellular; few unicellular. unicellular. Heterotrophs; feed on dead or decaying Heterotrophs; feed on dead or decaying organic matter. (_organic matter. (_DecomposerDecomposer_)_) Examples: Mushrooms, yeast, Examples: Mushrooms, yeast, bread mold.bread mold.

Bread Mold

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Domain EukaryaDomain Eukarya Eukaryotic, multicellular, Eukaryotic, multicellular,

cell walls of cellulose.cell walls of cellulose. Autotrophs; photosynthesis Autotrophs; photosynthesis

chloroplast. chloroplast. Examples: Mosses, ferns, Examples: Mosses, ferns,

flowering plants, cacti.flowering plants, cacti.

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Domain EukaryaDomain Eukarya Eukaryotic, multicellular, Eukaryotic, multicellular, no cell cell walls. HeterotrophsHeterotrophs Examples: Sponges, worms,Examples: Sponges, worms, insects, fishes, mammals, reptiles.insects, fishes, mammals, reptiles. Extreme diversity is Extreme diversity is found in this kingdomfound in this kingdom

Page 38: Non-Science Example of Classification The item in this picture is The item in this picture is Automobile: Automobile: Truck, Car, or SUV? Car Truck, Car,