no246 newslettr daily e-25_9_2013

The Electronic Newsletter for Syrian News NO0 )246( 2013/9/25 Syrian Arab Republic Ministry of Information The Directorate of Electronic Information Page NO .1 Dead civilians in (Tadamon).. And shells in Damascus The “Islamic state in Iraq and the Levant” (DA’ACH) is announcing its responsibility for the car bomb explosion in the street Nasreen in (Tada- mon) residential neighbor- hood in Damascus, which led to the deaths of three people and wounded several others, in addition of material dam- age in the place, and 3 citi- zens were killed and others injured after the fall of mor- tar shells at the graves (Een Al-Tenaa) in (kotaifah) in the countryside of Damascus and on Aleppo Street and on (Abbaseen) Stadium and on the road of (Al-Zblatani) in Damascus. According to a military source, that the units of the Syrian army are faced of trying of gunmen which Militants of (DAASH) are dead in Deir al-Zour attacke on military check- point in (Hqahb) in Damas- cus countryside, and seized their weapons which were an Israeli-made automatic rifles and packages intended for bombing and mortar “RPG”, and also the units of army are foiled an attempt of attack on a military checkpoint in (Al- zeriqih). In Jobar the army was destroyed the warehouse of weapons that containing an explosive devices, and confis- cated ammunition, masks and protective were had in car in (Harasta), and killed a num- ber of leaders of armed groups in (Zabadani) (Duma) and (Daria), and some of them are from Arab nationalities knew of them Saudi, “Abu al-Walid Alahsana”, “Ayman Keder”, “Bashar Na’oura” and “Tariq Al-Haw”, and the units are elimination the groups which belong to “Jabhat Nusra” in the vicinity of the (Al-Safer) hotel in Maalula and the South Valley of (Al-Sarka) anf the farm (Berta) near (Rankous) in Rural Damascus. The Syrian army in Deir ez-Zor is targeted the headquarters of gunmen for “Islamic state in Iraq and the Levant”, and killing a nine of them in the village of (Jaded Ekadat), includ- ing “Abu Dujana” a leader of group and a number of them were killed in a bomb explo- sion in (Al-orefi) neighborhood.

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Page 1: No246 newslettr daily e-25_9_2013

The Electronic Newsletter for Syrian News NO0 )246( 2013/9/25

Syrian Arab Republic

Ministry of InformationThe Directorate of

Electronic Information

Page NO.1

Dead civilians in (Tadamon)..And shells in Damascus

The “Islamic state in Iraq and the Levant” (DA’ACH) is announcing its responsibility for the car bomb explosion in the street Nasreen in (Tada-mon) residential neighbor-hood in Damascus, which led to the deaths of three people and wounded several others, in addition of material dam-age in the place, and 3 citi-zens were killed and others injured after the fall of mor-tar shells at the graves (Een Al-Tenaa) in (kotaifah) in the countryside of Damascus and on Aleppo Street and on (Abbaseen) Stadium and on the road of (Al-Zblatani) in Damascus. According to a military source, that the units of the Syrian army are faced of trying of gunmen which

Militants of (DAASH) are dead in Deir al-Zour

attacke on military check-point in (Hqahb) in Damas-cus countryside, and seized their weapons which were an Israeli-made automatic rifles and packages intended for bombing and mortar “RPG”, and also the units of army are foiled an attempt of attack on a military checkpoint in (Al-zeriqih). In Jobar the army was destroyed the warehouse of weapons that containing an explosive devices, and confis-cated ammunition, masks and protective were had in car in

(Harasta), and killed a num-ber of leaders of armed groups in (Zabadani) (Duma) and (Daria), and some of them are from Arab nationalities knew of them Saudi, “Abu al-Walid Alahsana”, “Ayman Keder”, “Bashar Na’oura” and “Tariq Al-Haw”, and the units are elimination the groups which belong to “Jabhat Nusra” in the vicinity of the (Al-Safer) hotel in Maalula and the South Valley of (Al-Sarka) anf the farm (Berta) near (Rankous) in Rural Damascus.

The Syrian army in Deir ez-Zor is targeted the headquarters of gunmen for “Islamic state in Iraq and the Levant”, and killing a nine of them in the village of (Jaded Ekadat), includ-ing “Abu Dujana” a leader of group and a number of them were killed in a bomb explo-sion in (Al-orefi) neighborhood.

Page 2: No246 newslettr daily e-25_9_2013

Page NO.2

The Electronic Newsletter for Syrian News NO0 )246( 2013/9/25

Rocket-propelled grenades in Homs.. The dead in the countryside of Idlib

Arabs dead in the countryside of LattakiaClashes in Aleppo and its


Two shells rockets are fell on the village (Abualallaya) in country of Homs which led to the damage in place, also fell ten mortar shells at the village of (Dnaner) in Homs, while the Syrian army is faced to attack on the village of (Kfernan) in the country-side of (Rastan), and foiled an infiltration attempt to (Al-Kousor), and killed “Mo-hamed Abdel Wahab” a lead-

In the countryside of Latakia the Syrian army was killed a ten armed men whose are a follower for “Jabhat Nusra” including of them the Pales-tinian “Khaled Aldraoshh” and the Algerian “Imed Ben Jouhar” in the village of (Beit Ebleq), and also was killed

The Syrian army in Aleppo is targeted an armed group which attempted to infiltrate into neighborhoods (Maliki) and (Salah al-Din), and also 9 insurgents were killed in (Ashrafieh), and destroyed the headquarters of the gun-men in the surroundings of a prison Aleppo Central and the Hospital “Canadi” and vil-lages (Mansoura) and (Khan Al-Asal), also had been de-stroyed the rocket launchers and mortars in (Kwers) and (Jdeda), and also had been destroyed cars which loaded with weapons in (Kfrckar) and (Deir Hafer). To that, a media sources reported that “the Islamic State in Iraq and the Levant” (DA’ASH) was destroyed the largest shrines archaeological in (Tadv) in the countryside of Aleppo, while the clashes are con-tinuing between gunmen for (DAASH) and “Jabhat Nusra” and “Free Army”. In (Al-Raqqa) 83 gunmen were killed from “Jabhat Nusra” in (Tel Abeed), including Libyans and Tunisians, as sources said the gunmen of (DAASH) about three weeks ago are seizure on a convoy of trucks which loaded with French weapons in (Raqqa) and (Deir ez-Zor), and oth-er sources are talked about mutual accusations between armed groups about the use

of chemical weapons.

in the village of Al Rabiah both “Adnan Khairallah” and the Palestinians “Iyad Sheikh Al-Soq” and “Ahmed Al-Kaboat”, and an Iraqi “Mus-tafa Zaytouneh” and the “Za-hid Hama” Egyptians “Taj Din Sbahi” and “Adel Al-Nouras”.

ership for “Jabhat Nusra” in an ambush in area (Haseaa) in south of Homs, in addi-tion to a number of militants from non-Syrian nationali-ties in the valley (Al-Daeef) and (Rastan). In the country-side of Idlib an army units are targeting an armed group in (Marhamshh) and killed it members “Saeed al-Atrash”, “Abdulkadir Al-asfar” and “Mahmoud Al-Masri”.

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Page NO.3

The Electronic Newsletter for Syrian News NO0 )246( 2013/9/25

Egypt.. A fall of Syria is danger for the region Global concerns of owning the “opposition”

to chemical weapon.

Egyptian Foreign Minister “Nabil Fahmi” considers in a press statement and that the presences of non - Syrian fight-ers were fighting with armed

Russian Foreign Minister “Sergei Lavrov” said that Russia hopes to be consensus on the Security Council reso-lution on Syria without go-ing out form frames Geneva agreement, stressing after a meeting with his American counterpart on the talks of destruction of all chemical weapons found in Syria be-cause there are serious con-cerns over the possibility of possession the opposition to some components of toxic


groups, is a big dilemma, and warning that “the collapse of the Syrian state” if that hap-pened “would be serious reper-cussions on the entire region”.

West is training the “opposition” on the negotiations

An official at the U.S. State Department said that “the opposition Syrian National Coalition” works in Istanbul with representatives of the West and the Arab countries

to gain the experience of con-ducting negotiations before the Geneva conference 2, stressing the need to work to bush the “coalition” to partic-ipate in the conference.

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Page NO.4

The Electronic Newsletter for Syrian News NO0 )246( 2013/9/25

International calls for a peaceful solution in Syria

Higher Education receives (178 703) studentsThe number of users in the general trade-off for univer-sity admission for the current academic year is 178 703 students, out of a success-ful high school of (203- 345) students, according to statis-tics of the Ministry of Higher


Iranian President “Hassan Rohani” welcomed in his speech during the meeting of the General Assembly of the United Nations at its 68 acces-sion of Syria to the Treaty on Non-Proliferation of chemical weapons, saying that getting the extremist groups on the chemical weapons is the big-gest threat to the region, and should be viewed upon in any plan regarding these weapons. American President “Barack Obama” was announced that his country is committed to the political path to resolve the crisis in Syria and welcomes the efforts of all the countries that can assist in reaching to a peaceful solution, but it “will

use military force if diplomacy fails”.“Ban Ki-moon”, Secre-tary-General of the United Na-tions said that the diplomatic momentum which has occurred after the use of chemical weap-ons in (Gouta) in Damascus countryside is form a first op-portunity to resolve from long time, stressing that there no so-lution to the crisis in Syria only by the negotiations. French President “Francois Hollande” asked that holding the Geneva Conference is not just to talk, but to decide what the objec-tive of the transitional gov-ernment representative has all the capabilities and costly to restore peace to civil society and the organization of elec-

tions in a timely manner. Also the Bolivian President “Evo Morales” was described,the U.S. president’s speech as a “playboy” and talking with everyone lightly for the free-dom, justice and peace, as if he has the whole world. For its part, the President of Argentina “Cristina Fernandez Kirchner” stressed on the need to reveal the international community the agencies that provide “the Syrian opposition” arms. While “Jacob Zuma” the President of the Republic of South Africa, condemned the use of chemical weapons in Syria, saying that there is no justification for the use of these weapons by any party under any circumstances.