no war!

No War!

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No War! is a poster and essay by Humberto Gómez Sequeira-HuGóS.


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No War!

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No War!By Humberto Gómez Sequeira-HuGóSSeptember 1, 2013

• On August 31, 2013 Barack Hussein Obama II announced that he had decided that the United States should take military action against Syrian regime targets. He justified his proposal arguing that the United States Government’s intelligence shows that the regime of Bashar al-Assad, the so-called President of Syria, and his forces had launched an attack against civilians in Damascus with chemical weapons. Furthermore, he stated that “This attack is an assault on human dignity. It also presents a serious danger to our national security.”

• There is no reason for war in any way or degree. War is the animal that the plutocracy keeps caged in its bank, incites and looses with the help of its lackeys in the government to create the destruction and human suffering that the bankers convert into a bestial feast of business opportunities. The people of Syria have not attacked the people of the United States of America (USA). None of the two peoples, whose majority is poor, have any interest in a plutocratic war. The people’s mandate to the government of the USA is not to function as the world’s judge and executioner of the compassion it does not apply to the taxpaying slaves who support its imperial opulence.

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No War!• Doesn’t Obama know that the United States government used Agent Orange, the

defoliant created by Monsanto, in the plutocracy’s war against the people of Vietnam and children and soldiers are still suffering the consequences?

• Obama is the President of the Board of Administration of the plutocracy of the USA. As such, he approved the Emergency Economic Stabilization Act of 2008, which provided up to $700 billion of taxpayers’ money to reward the money merchants who had manipulated the economy to enrich themselves first and then declare bankruptcy. The author of the ongoing economic crisis is the plutocracy who continues to also cause the plague of unemployment, which pushes the working class to social-emotional insecurity and the loss of its connection with the reason of government. It is a social parasite, whose stimulus is its insatiable hunger for money, which attaches itself to the body of any country to drain its resources, especially its working class, until they become exhausted.

• The plutocrats’ country, god, and allegiance are money. Therefore, they cannot live in a society where there is a government that operates based on legislation that imposes restrictions on the actions of the government and the rest of the citizens with respect to the means they use to obtain their sustenance to protect their social interests. In response to their drive and need of allies, they have corrupted the mind of the politicians, their concept and practice of government, and turned them into their lackeys. This is how they have turned democracy into a de facto autocracy. Consequently, the government has ceased to be the instrument of the people for the creation, preservation, and defense of the people’s and the Earth’s wellbeing.

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No War!• Obama and his kind are politicians who suffer from attachment disorder. They have

detached themselves from the people who are the reason of politics: the victims of the plutocracy, the dispossessed and persecuted as “illegal aliens” and suspects. In their confusion, they have accepted the plutocracy as the embodiment of the power of god and the state. This is the reason they have not solved the national problems that affect the lives of the nation’s working class majority that elected them and pay for their imperial salaries: starvation wages, unemployment, hunger, homelessness, health care, social security, education, racial violence, violence against women, violence against gays, violence against immigrants, and torturing of political prisoners. Instead of responding to the social crisis of which he is a component with social legislation and the enhancement of the people’s democratic power over the state, Obama approved the extension of the Patriot Act and the National Security Administration’s surveillance of the nation’s life, thereby overthrowing the remains of democracy and replacing them with constituent military elements of the police state.

• One of the real reasons for Obama’s war threat is the USA plutocracy’s historical competition with the Russian plutocracy for preponderance over the world market they need to control in order to exploit. Syria’s relation with Russia and its president, Vladimir Putin’s, refusal to extradite Edward Joseph Snowden to the USA are also unspoken factors in the militaristic degeneration of Obama’s mind as a public servant whose salary is $400,000 per year besides free imperial luxuries. Politics is the act of a rational or irrational animal.