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No. 21/2011

INFOSYLVA is an information service of news clippings provided by the FAO Forestry Information Centre with news on forestry in English, French and Spanish.

INFOSYLVA est un service d'information à partir de coupures de presse, mis à disposition par le Centre

d'Information sur les Forêts de la FAO et qui fait le point de l'actualité dans ce secteur, en anglais, français et espagnol.

INFOSYLVA es el servicio de información de recortes de prensa suministrado por el Centro de

Informacion Forestal de la FAO con noticias sobre las actividades forestales, en inglés, francés y español.

Infosylva customer survey / Infosylva enquête / Infosylva encuesta Infosylva customer survey Dear Reader, We take your feedback seriously, so please let us hear from you. Regards, Infosylva Team Infosylva enquête Cher lecteur, Vos commentaires sont importants pour nous. Merci de nous les faire connaître. Avec nos salutations les meilleures, Équipe d’Infosylva Infosylva encuesta Estimado lector, Nos tomamos en serio sus comentarios, por favor háganos saber su opinión. Cordiales saludos, El equipo de Infosylva

Forthcoming FAO events December Forest Day 5 Durban, South Africa - 4 December 2011

Other forest-related events November 25th International Congress for Conservation Biology (ICCB 2011) Christchurch, New Zealand - 28 November - 02 December 2011 VI Congresso Forestal Venezolano - “Conservar y Plantar Bosques No Es Un Lujo, Es Una Necesidad” Barquisimeto, Venezuela - 29 November - 02 December 2011 X Congreso Mexicano de Recursos Forestales Hidalgo, Mexico - 22-25 November 2011 Global Business of Forests London, United Kingdom - 28 November 2011 Usages, biodiversité et forêt méditerranéenne Bouches-du-Rhône, France - 17-18 November 2011 December Conference on NWFP (Non Wood Forest Products) for Sustained Livelihood Bhopal, India - 17-19 December 2011 May 2012 Convención Tropico 2012 La Habana, Cuba - 14-18 May 2012 Forests for People – International experiences and the vital role for the future Alpbach, Tyrol, Austria - 22-24 May 2012 July 2012 World Forestry Center International Educators Institute (IEI) Portland, Oregon, USA - 08-14 July 2012

FAO Forestry announcements FAO Forestry releases enterprise development training package The FAO Forestry Department’s Community-based Forest Enterprise Development programme has released an updated Market Analysis and Development (MA&D) training package. MA&D aims to assist rural people in developing enterprises that generate and improve incomes, while also sustainably using and managing forest and other natural resources. To learn more about MA&D, please visit: or contact [email protected].

Le Département des forêts de la FAO publie une nouvelle méthode de formation pour le développement des entreprises Le programme de Développement des entreprises forestières communautaires de la FAO a publié une nouvelle version de la méthodologie « Analyse et le développement des marchés » (ADM). L’ADM a pour but d’aider les populations rurales à développer des entreprises qui génèrent et accroissent les revenus, tout en utilisant et en gérant de façon durable les produits forestiers et les autres ressources naturelles. Pour plus d'informations, s'il vous plaît visitez ou contactez [email protected]. Forests through your lens We want to get an impression or image which best explains what the forest means to you and why you decided to devote your life to serve forests. We would like to get a better idea of you, the people who work in forests and what links you to the forest. Les forêts à travers votre objectif Nous souhaitons obtenir une impression ou une image qui explique le mieux ce que la forêt signifie pour vous et la raison pour laquelle vous avez décidé de consacrer votre vie à servir les forêts. Nous aimerions acquérir une meilleure idée de vous, les personnes qui travaillez dans les forêts, et de ce qui vous lie à la forêt. Los bosques a través de su lente Queremos tener una idea o imagen que mejor explique lo que significan los bosques para usted y el por qué decidió dedicar su vida a servir a los bosques. Nos gustaría también tener una mejor idea de usted, de las personas que trabajan en los bosques y lo que le vincula con el bosque.

FAO Forestry vacancies Director, Forest Economics, Policy and Products Division (FOE) Forestry Officer (Statistics) Forestry Officer (Wood Products) Java Programmer/System Developer Liaison and Meetings Officer

FAO in the news Advierte FAO que cambio climático favorece propagación de plagas forestales Milenio, 10/11/11 La Organización de Naciones Unidas para la Agricultura y la Alimentación presentó este jueves su Guía para la Aplicación de Normas Fitosanitarias en el Sector Forestal. Brazil exports satellite rainforest monitoring Deutsche Welle, 10/11/11

Brazil has been monitoring illegal logging in the Amazon with satellite technology for 23 years. Now, interest in this pioneering know-how is growing in other countries that are struggling to deal with deforestation. En Mongolie, la sauvegarde des moyens de subsistance passe par la protection de la forêt FAO, 07/11/11 Un projet de la FAO qui aide les communautés locales en Mongolie à prendre soin elles-mêmes de leurs propres forêts connaît un succès susceptible d'en faire un modèle au plan régional et ce, au moment où se tient à Beijing (Chine) une importante réunion sur les forêts de la région Asie-Pacifique. Guía para frenar la propagación de plagas forestales "exóticas" FAO, 10/11/11 Una nueva guía publicada por la FAO tiene como objetivo ayudar a los países a prevenir la propagación hacia nuevas zonas de plagas nocivas para los bosques. Guidebook aims to stop spread of ‘alien’ forest pests FAO, 10/11/11 A new guide published by the UN Food and Agriculture Organization (FAO) aims to help countries prevent forest-damaging pests from spreading to new areas. La FAO edita una guía para ayudar a los países a prevenir la propagación de plagas forestales Eroski Consumer, 14/11/11 La Organización de las Naciones Unidas para la agricultura y la alimentación (FAO) ha publicado una guía destinada a ayudar a los países a prevenir la propagación de plagas forestales nocivas para los bosques. "Debido al cambio climático, lugares antes inhóspitos ahora pueden albergar plagas exóticas transportadas por accidente a través del comercio internacional de productos de madera, semillas o plantas de vivero, así como en el comercio de otros productos embalados con materiales de madera", ha explicado el subdirector general del Departamento Forestal de la FAO, Eduardo Rojas-Briales. Locals 'can play key role in helping forests recover' BBC, 07/11/11 Involving local groups has been a key factor in halting the loss of forest cover in the Asia-Pacific region, a UN study has concluded. Protección a los bosques para conservar los medios de subsistencia FAO, 07/11/11 En la reunión sobre bosques que se lleva a cabo en Beijing, para la región de Asia y el Pacífico, se considera un modelo un programa de la FAO que ayuda a comunidades locales de Mongolia a proteger sus bosques. Protecting forests to preserve livelihoods FAO, 07/11/11 A UN Food and Agriculture Organization programme that helps local communities in Mongolia protect their forests is being seen as a model for regional action, as an Asia-Pacific forestry event gets underway in Beijing. SADP ropes in Tanzanian agro-forestry expert Swazi Observer, 01/11/11

The Swaziland Agricultural Development Programme (SADP) has roped in services of an agro-forestry expert from Tanzania to assist farmers increase crop production and income. Tanzania Food and Agricultural Organisation (FAO) Agro-forestry and Conservation Agriculture Expert Joyce Mulamiti will conclude her teachings to farmers next week. Tempers rise over oil palm in Sierra Leone Reuters, 11/11/11 In a remote corner of Sierra Leone, signs of a bonanza are evident. New corrugated zinc roofs have replaced simple thatch on houses, motorbikes ply the streets and market stalls are well-stocked. Un manuel explique comment empêcher la diffusion des ravageurs forestiers exotiques FAO, 10/11/11 La FAO publie un nouveau guide dans le but d'aider les pays à éviter la propagation des organismes nuisibles forestiers vers de nouvelles zones. U.N. Stresses Community Involvement for Forest Management Hardwood Floors, 07/11/11 The United Nations Food and Agriculture Organization (FAO) hopes to use a pilot forest management program that stresses community involvement as a model for the Asian Pacific region.

Press review/ Revue de presse/ Informe de prensa: 01-15 November 2011 International Year of Forests 2011, Année internationale de la forêt Linfo, 06/11/11 Avec l’incendie qui ravage les hauts de l’Ouest depuis le 25 octobre dernier, détruisant des milliers d’hectares de végétation, difficile d’imaginer que 2011 a été proclamée Année internationale de la forêt par les Nations Unies. Plus de 2 900 hectares de terrain ont été consumés par les flammes, qui ont anéanti sur leur passage l’habitat naturel de la faune et de la flore endémiques de La Réunion. Le Parc national, inscrit au patrimoine mondial de l’UNESCO est touché en plein coeur, mettant en péril un écosystème unique mais fragile. Banco Galicia dio a conocer los ganadores de la 2da Edición del Fondo para la Conservación Ambiental Mercado, 02/11/11 Se presentaron 125 proyectos de todo el país. Un jurado de expertos seleccionó cinco ganadores que recibirán $30.000 cada uno y cinco menciones especiales. La ceremonia contó con la presencia de investigadores y autoridades del banco. Big trees feature on forest tour The Bellingen Shire Courier-Sun, 01/11/11

Another fantastic ranger-guided National Parks Discovery vehicle tour is planned for next weekend (November 5) as part of the celebration of the International Year of Forests 2011. Clonar árboles y hacer volar cohetes de agua, atractivos de Semana de Ciencia EFE, 05/11/11 La Semana de la Ciencia 2011, que arranca el lunes, día 7, permitirá desde clonar árboles a entender las matemáticas en un copo de nieve, observar en directo cachorros de lince ibérico y hacer volar un cohete únicamente con agua y aire. EAD to observe Paperless Day on November 23 Khaleej Times, 10/11/11 The Environment Agency - Abu Dhabi (EAD) is organising Paperless Day for the fourth year on November 23 and has urged interested people to register online. At the heart of the campaign is the Paperless Day website, where participants can register their intent to take part in Paperless Day 2011, gain tips for paper reduction through a variety of toolkits, and also add in their paper savings (which are automatically translated into savings of carbon dioxide, a Greenhouse gas contributing to climate change). FotoAves 2011 se vuelca con el Año Internacional de los Bosques ABC, 10/11/11 305 profesionales de 13 países han presentado un total de 1.050 imágenes durante esta cuarta edición del concurso de SEO/BirdLife. La campagne de reboisement est lancée Le Télégramme, 03/11/11 En cette année internationale de la forêt, vous vous verriez bien profiter de la sainte Catherine pour planter arbustes ou arbres. Cela tombe bien, la campagne 2011 de reboisement est lancée. Aussi bien dans le sud du Pays bigouden que dans le haut. L'arbre-girafe élu 'arbre de l'année' par le public - Fouesnant Ouest France, 05/11/11 L'arbre-girafe, ce grand chêne de près de 200 ans que tous les enfants de la commune connaissent si bien, vient d'être élu « arbre de l'année », par le public. Le célèbre arbre du bois de Penfoulic a en effet été désigné par 2 546 votes, suivi par la Provence Côte-d'Azur (2 239 votes) et la Martinique (2 120 votes). Public urged to go ‘paperless,’ contribute to cutting carbon emissions The Gulf Today, 10/11/11 On Nov.23, the Environment Agency-Abu Dhabi (EAD) will be organising ‘Paperless Day’ for the fourth time and it has urged interested residents to register online. On the website designed for the cause, participants can register their intent to partake in Paperless Day 2011, gain tips for paper reduction through a variety of toolkits and also add in their paper savings (which are automatically translated into savings of carbon dioxide, a greenhouse gas contributing to climate change). Una exposición en la Biblioteca de Yamaguchi homenajea a los bosques Diario de Navarra, 03/11/11

La muestra está compuesta por diverso material gráfico cedido por el Ministerio de Medio Ambiente y el Departamento de Cultura y Turismo. Esta iniciativa se completa con la proyección del documental ‘El bosque’, grabado durante los meses de invierno de 2009 en el bosque de Quinto Real. Angola Draft law on national parks passed All Africa, 10/11/11 The draft law on creating national parks of Mavinga and Luengue (Kuando Kubango province), as well as Maiombe park (northern Cabinda province) was approved this Thursday, by majority, in the speciality, in a plenary session of the National Assembly held in the country's capital city. Argentina Advierten por las “amenazas ambientales” Clarín, 03/11/11 El PNUD destaca que los países de América latina y el Caribe están reduciendo las enormes desigualdades en los ingresos, al tiempo que toman medidas para frenar la deforestación y otras amenazas ambientales que podrían detener los avances en desarrollo humano. No obstante advierte que la rápida deforestación y otras amenazas ambientales podrían eclipsar esos logros. Campaña contra la deforestación Rio Negro, 02/11/11 La Dirección Provincial de Bosques propuso un nuevo reto ambiental avanzando en una campaña masiva de prevención, protección y control de los montes nativos de la estepa rionegrina. Repoblar nuestros bosques La Gaceta, 01/11/11 Algunas veces hemos recordado que, en 1913, el tucumano Julio López Mañán propuso públicamente que nuestra provincia celebrara el Centenario formando una gran reserva en sus sectores de selva. El célebre naturalista Eduardo L. Holmberg (1852-1937), alabó calurosamente la idea, en una carta a López Mañán que publicó LA GACETA en diciembre de 1913. Brazil Brazil court approves building of Amazon dam Al Jazeera, 10/11/11 Contentious Belo Monte dam project in the north to proceed without additional consulation with indigenous communities. Brazil faces $100 billion hit if forest farming bill fails, senator says Bloomberg, 03/11/11 Brazil would lose about $100 billion in agricultural output if the senate rejects legislation that forgives farmers for illegally clearing protected rainforest, said Senator Katia Abreu. Brazil wants Indian satellites to monitor Amazon Associated Press, 08/11/11 Brazil is negotiating to use satellites from India to improve the monitoring of deforestation in the Amazon rain forest.

Brazilian anti-dam campaigner sacked The Guardian, 02/11/11 Megaron Txucarramãe loses job as co-ordinator for indigenous protection service. Brazilian minister notes appreciable deforestation reduction Prensa Latina, 01/11/11 The Brazilian Minister of Environment, Izabella Teixeira, highlighted an appreciable reduction in deforestation in the Amazon in September, when the loss of trees was the lowest in that month since 2004. Mapinguari, criatura mítica del Amazonas, buscado por una expedición española EFE, 11/11/11 La expedición al Amazonas del proyecto Gran Simio español (PGS) tiene como uno de sus objetivos principales la búsqueda del mapinguari, criatura de la mitología amazónica de la que quieren dar cuenta científica. The crying forest Al Jazeera, 07/11/11 Al Jazeera's Gabriel Elizondo follows the story of an activist who lived and died for the Amazon Rainforest. Burkina Faso Exhausted, deforested landscapes show the truth about over-population The Independent, 04/11/11 I imagine most people would be hard put to place Burkina Faso on a map; it neatly fits that cliché of a faraway country of which we know nothing. It is a landlocked state in West Africa, a bit bigger than Britain, once a French colony; it used to be called Upper Volta. Burkina is in the Sahel, that semi-arid belt of savannahs, grasslands and dry forest which runs across Africa below the Sahara, the transitional zone between the desert to the north and the rainforest to the south. Cambodia Cambodia: forestry and development, it's not always clear cut The Guardian, 10/11/11 Is helping indigenous people develop community forestry good for development, or is it better to let foreign companies log the native forest and replace it with rubber plantations? Cameroon Charcoal - mass production to begin soon All Africa, 08/11/11 An agreement between the German Technical Cooperation and a logging company was signed recently in the East Region. Huge quantities of charcoal will henceforth be produced from sawmills in forest exploitation areas in the East Region for sale especially in the three northern regions to meet demand for charcoal fuel by households and help prevent deforestation that is becoming the main cause of desertification. Canada Cessez de détruire la forêt! Le Quotidien, 02/11/11

L'Association de protection du lac Kénogami (APLK) porte plainte au ministère des Ressources naturelles et de la Faune pour faire cesser ce qu'elle qualifie de «destruction de la forêt» par les Industries TLT qui effectue des travaux de coupe dans le secteur du lac McDonald. Greenpeace affirme que la biomasse forestière pollue plus que le charbon 20 Minutes, 02/11/11 La combustion du bois de forêt pour produire de l'énergie est en fait plus polluante et dangereuse pour l'environnement que l'utilisation de l'essence ou du charbon, affirme mercredi Greenpeace Canada dans un rapport basé sur de nombreux travaux de recherche. Plusieurs provinces canadiennes ont ouvert les forêts publiques à l'extraction à grande échelle de matière végétale (arbres, arbuste, souches, racines et feuillages) pour produire de l'énergie à partir de leur combustion dans des centrales électriques. Greenpeace alerta de 'bio-desastre' por la quema de madera como combustible Univision, 02/11/11 Greenpeace instó el miércoles a Canadá a dejar de quemar madera para producir calor y electricidad a gran escala como alternativa a los combustibles fósiles, advirtiendo que esto podría devastar a los bosques del país. China China's 'warrior of the sands' battles deserts AFP, 01/11/11 Battered by sandstorms and under threat from expanding dunes, farmers in China's remote Ningxia region next to the vast Gobi desert are planting vegetation with a special technique to check the encroaching sands and try to avoid the ravages of desertification. Congo Congo launches large-scale tree-planting programme All Africa, 12/11/11 The Republic of Congo has embarked on a vast tree-planting programme to guard against the twin scourges of deforestation and soil degradation that plague many African states. El Congo reforestará un millón de hectáreas en diez años EFE, 07/11/11 La República de Congo ha puesto en marcha un ambicioso plan de reforestación de un millón de hectáreas -de los 22 millones de hectáreas que ocupa el país- durante diez años (2011-2020) para luchar contra el cambio climático, indicó hoy la web "Congo-site", especializada en información congoleña. Democratic Republic of the Congo DR Congo seeks to keep its huge green lung breathing All Africa, 04/11/11 Forest conservation is a major challenge for the Democratic Republic of Congo, the world's second biggest green lung after the Amazon, amid a paucity of energy production and renewable alternatives. Stolen futures - conflicts and logging in Congo's rainforests - the case of Danzer All Africa, 08/11/11 In the Democratic Republic of the Congo (DRC) violence associated with logging companies is not uncommon, but evidence and testimonies collected by Greenpeace show that the Yalisika community of Bosanga was punished with exceptional violence on May 2, 2011.

Ecuador Ecuador suma 70 millones de dólares entre depósitos y ofertas para Yasuní-ITT EFE, 08/11/11 El proyecto ambiental Yasuní-ITT para dejar en tierra el petróleo de una parte de la Amazonía ecuatoriana suma hasta el momento unos setenta millones de dólares entre depósitos y ofertas de contribuciones, señaló hoy la responsable del proyecto Ivonne Baki. El Salvador Disminución de bosques incide en el desarrollo La Prensa Gráfica, 02/11/11 El Salvador mantiene su posición con respecto a 2010 en el grupo de los países con desarrollo humano medio, con un valor de 0.674, según el IDH 2011. El Salvador retrocede en lucha contra la pobreza, según estudio El Diario de Hoy, 01/11/11 Informe de Desarrollo Humano del PNUD ubica al país en la casilla 105; antes ocupaba la casilla 90. Hay un retroceso. La deforestación, la contaminación y el cambio climático, entre otros riesgos ambientales, le pasan factura a los países de Desarrollo Humano Bajo y Medio. Lo dicen, aunque se sabe: el país se empobrece El Diario de Hoy, 01/11/11 Crear embalses en los que ahora son cauces secos, o en los pocos riachuelos que sobreviven, puede ser un interesante proyecto comunal promovido por las alcaldías. Hay experiencia en eso; lo que se requiere es voluntad. Eritrea Tree seedlings planted in central region is in good condition All Africa, 10/11/11 Around 731 million tree seedlings planted in 28 villages of Serejega, Berikh, and Gala-Nefhi sub-zones, as well as in 12 Administrative areas in the Central region are in good conditions, according to Mr. Abraham Teklu, from the Agricultural Ministry's branch office in the region. France Feux de forêt à La Réunion: les flammes ne progressent plus Le Nouvel Observateur, 01/11/11 Plus de 1.100 hommes ont participé mardi à la lutte contre les feux de forêt qui ravagent le Parc national, a annoncé la préfecture de l'île en soulignant que l'incendie était désormais "contenu" dans une zone de quelque 2.800 hectares et qu'aucune augmentation de surface brûlée n'était à signaler. On recense par ailleurs 29 blessés légers depuis le début du sinistre la semaine dernière. La Réunion: la traque du pyromane est un casse-tête mais il existe quelques indices Libération, 03/11/11 Près de dix jours après le début de l'incendie du Parc national de la Réunion, la traque du ou des pyromanes s'apparente à un casse-tête pour les enquêteurs de l'île qui restent sur un échec dans les investigations sur le sinistre de 2010. Une légèreté de discours et une frivolité d’engagement inquiétantes Le Quotidien, 01/11/11

Je me permets de réagir suite à l’écoute et l’analyse des témoignages, certes préoccupés, mais quelque peu légers et insipides des différents représentants des instances en charge de la surveillance et de la gestion de notre biodiversité reconnue comme d’intérêt mondial depuis le mois d’août 2010. Les discours de ces derniers jours ont souvent été décousus et manquent d’ampleur, de profondeur et d’argumentation scientifique. Ils manquent aussi cohérence entre les différents acteurs en jeu. Ghana Ghana can apply for help from $3b Sahel Programme to tackle desertification in north – Prof. Ncube Ghana Business News, 02/11/11 Ghana has an opportunity to apply for some financial help under the $3 billion Sahel Programme jointly funded by the Global Environment Fund (GEF), the Least Developed Country Fund/Special Climate Change Fund and the African Development Bank (AfDB), a seniour official of the Bank has said. India India reconoce por primera vez el derecho de pueblo indígena sobre su tierra ABC, 02/11/11 India ha decidido aplicar, por primera vez en el estado meridional de Karnataka, una ley que permite a los pueblo indígenas usar su territorio ancestral, informó hoy la organización no gubernamental Survival. Indonesia Borneo's endangered orangutans pay price of progress Voice of America, 01/11/11 Just a week after the last known Javan rhino was reported dead in Vietnam, a new study shows that orangutan hunting is on the rise in one of that animal's last refuges, the Borneo region of Kalimantan. With swathes of forests being cleared for industry, the endangered primates are entering villages and plantations for food - leading villagers to kill them as pests or to eat them. Los indonesios matan 750 orangutanes al año EFE, 14/11/11 Los expertos cuestionaron hoy un nuevo estudio que sitúa en 750 los orangutanes muertos por cazadores en el último año en la isla indonesia de Borneo, aunque creen que la cifra se acerca a la realidad. Japan The man behind the masks The Hindu, 02/11/11 Kneeling over an assortment of oddly-shaped chisels that he examines, Hideta Kitazawa proceeds to pick out a tiny serrated one he will use to carve out features on a mask he has fashioned. Kenya Bwindi gorilla census concluded All Africa, 07/11/11 The mountain gorilla census for Bwindi Impenetrable National Park which began in mid September this year successfully ended on October 22, 2011 with Dr. Martha Robbins of the Marks Planck Institute announcing that it would take at least a year to come up with a more accurate figure of the gorilla numbers from the exercise.

Celebrating vultures at Ol Pejeta All Africa, 04/11/11 The clouds part. On the left is the Aberdare range where the intrepid Joseph Thomson spent a night in 1883 and saw "the gleaming snow-white peak" of Mt Kenya, confirming Dr Ludwig Krapf's sighting on December 3, 1849. Krapf's report had been ridiculed, because snow on the equator was said to be impossible. Dispute over Nandi game park All Africa, 11/11/11 A project by the Kenya Wildlife Service to establish a national game reserve in Nandi county has hit a snag following a dispute over the ownership of more than 5,000 acres of land where the park was to be established. It's official - the key to conservation lies with indigenous peoples All Africa, 10/11/11 Indigenous peoples are key to preserving the world's forests, and conservation reserves that exclude them suffer as a result, according to a new study from the World Bank. Lugari land set aside for Maathai Memorial Park All Africa, 11/11/11 The forest department in Lugari district has set aside land for a memorial park in honour of Nobel laureate Wangari Maathai. Regional forest manager Stanley Mwangi said the park will inspire upcoming environmentalists in the area. He added that 1,400 indigenous trees have been planted in the park near Turbo district forest headquarters. Nairobi park diary - the Mukomo lioness All Africa, 12/11/11 A few months ago there was a dramatic incident on Mukomo road when a lioness with three small cubs entered this residential area. During confrontation a dog was wounded and one of the cubs climbing high into a tree to take refuge. Printer earns tidy profit from 'green' paperbags All Africa, 08/11/11 Over the last decade or so, the world has woken up to the reality that there is need to conserve the environment even as companies seek to make a profit by exploiting natural resources. Stray elephants destroy crops in Laikipia All Africa, 04/11/11 A herd of elephants yesterday destroyed acres of maize plantations in Ndindika village in Laikipia West. Attempts by the villagers to drive them out were futile. The locals had to seek the intervention of the Kenya Wildlife Service wardens. It took the wardens four hours to drive the elephants out of the farms. The KWS officers also shot dead two rogue elephants. Madagascar A Madagascar, Air France tente de conjuguer lutte contre la déforestation et aide au développement Les Echos, 03/11/11 A Durban, dans un peu plus de trois semaines, les négociations internationales sur la lutte contre le changement climatique reprendront dans une atmosphère morose. La crise économique et la réticence

américaine ont mis un frein au volontarisme des Etats qui devait permettre de prendre le relais du protocole de Kyoto. Malaysia Guidelines to ensure forests are well-managed The Star, 01/11/11 Way back in 1999, Malaysia was just beginning her journey towards a national forest certification scheme. It was for this purpose that the Malaysian Timber Certification Council (MTCC) was established the previous year. Logging with care The Star, 01/11/11 The first tropical rainforest in the world to be certified under the Forest Stewardship Council (FSC) standards for sustainable forest management is in Sabah, Malaysia. Back in 1997, the certification of Deramakot Forest Reserve was progressive; moves to create Malaysia’s own national forest certification had not even begun yet. Mozambique Poachers slaughter elephants in Niassa All Africa, 02/11/11 So far this year, poachers have killed at least 52 elephants in the Niassa Reserve, in the far north of Mozambique, according to a report in Wednesday's issue of the Beira daily paper "Diario de Mocambique". Smuggled timber seized in Mueda All Africa, 06/11/11 The Mozambican authorities in Mueda district, in the northern province of Cabo Delgado, have seized an unspecified quantity of wood that was being illegally logged by Tanzanian citizens un the administrative post of Negomano, near the border. Southern region at risk of desertification All Africa, 02/11/11 Satellite images of Mozambique show that the southern interior of the country runs serious risks of desertification. The images were taken under Project "Desert Watch", which is looking at the problems of desertification in Mozambique, Brazil and Portugal. The project is implemented by the European Space Agency (ESA), under the terms of the United Nations Convention to Combat Desertification, Timber companies lose their licences All Africa, 01/11/11 The National Directorate of Land and Forests, part of the Mozambican Ministry of Agriculture, has cancelled the licences of 16 Mozambican and foreign timber companies who were caught attempting to export illegally logs, ivory and other natural resources, the export of which is forbidden or restricted. Namibia Lucky catch on the Kwando All Africa, 03/11/11 A rare sighting of four endangered wild dogs, Namibia's most endangered mammal, in the Caprivi was made recently by a group of Namibians travelling along the Kwando River. The Kwando four, consisting

of two playful sub-adults and two adults, are thought to be part of the estimated 20 free-roaming wild dogs living in the Caprivi. Poachers slaughter rhino calf in Kunene All Africa, 02/11/11 The first black rhino poaching case in 17 years has been reported in the Kunene Region. This was inevitable according to rhino activists who say that as rhino poaching has surged in South Africa, with close to 400 reported cases this year so far, everyone was "geared up and preparing for bad things to come. There is an international increase in the demand for rhino horns," Bernd Brell from the Save the Rhino Trust in Namibia said yesterday. Questions over baby black rhino's death All Africa, 03/11/11 Chief conservation scientist in the Ministry of Environment and Tourism, Pierre du Preez, says the young black rhino calf that was found dead in the Huab Conservancy did not have a GPS tracking device. Veld fires and how to prevent them All Africa, 10/11/11 The problem of veld fires in Namibia has reached alarming proportions and it is time for our Government to take appropriate measures to arrest the situation. The veld fires are really a big problem for the whole country and its economy, more so for farming communities and other businesses. Niger Capital's 'green lung' facing suffocation All Africa, 01/11/11 Once lush and abundant, the "green belt" surrounding Niger's capital of Niamey, created 50 years ago to try and halt the advance of the Sahara desert, is dying a slow death. Niger capital's 'green lung' facing suffocation AFP, 01/11/11 Once lush and abundant, the "green belt" surrounding Niger's capital of Niamey, created 50 years ago to try and halt the advance of the Sahara desert, is dying a slow death. A rural exodus has taken its toll on Niger's greenest project, as populations left destitute by low crop yields move to the capital and cut down its trees to make ends meet. Nigeria LG chairman urges communities to protect trees AllA frica, 11/11/11 Alhaji Hassan Dembo, Acting Chairman, Kafur Local Government Council of Katsina State, has appealed to the people to protect the 30,000 trees planted in the area. Wildlife - where have all the animals gone? All Africa, 12/11/11 Wildlife in Nigeria is virtually getting into extinction due to a gamut of factors. Across the country, little or no attention is being paid to the maintenance of infrastructure that once provided a safe haven for flora and fauna. Similarly, while more and more Nigerians appear to be patronizing tourism, zoos and gardens seem to be fast disappearing in the country.

Pakistan 'Father of Mangroves' fights for Pakistan's forests AFP, 09/11/11 It was a brutal kidnap that turned him into an eco-warrior, and 27 years later Pakistan's "Father of the Mangroves" still lets nothing get in the way of fighting against timber "mafia" and deforestation. Peru Más de mil hectáreas deforestadas La Republica, 02/11/11 Se sigue atentando contra la Reserva Nacional de Tambopata. Expertos critican ausencia del Estado y piden que se regule esa actividad. Rwanda Country to achieve 30 percent forest cover by 2020, says Kamanzi All Africa, 07/11/11 The Minister of Natural Resources, Stanislas Kamanzi, yesterday launched a new forest intensification programme, which is aimed at achieving a 30 percent forest cover in the country as provided for in Vision 2020. Country to plant 68 million trees a year All Africa, 02/11/11 The Minister of Natural Resources, Stanislas Kamanzi, on Monday, announced that beginning this month, 67,840,000 trees will be planted countrywide in a period of one year. Gorillas safe despite volcanic eruption All Africa, 10/11/11 Mount Nyamuragira in the Democratic Republic of Congo, located about 25 km north of Lake Kivu, erupted on Tuesday evening, spewing lava into the neighbouring Virunga National Park. Over 12,000 trees planted in Ngororero All Africa, 11/11/11 At least 12,400 trees were planted in Gishwati forest in Ngororero District as part of the ongoing national tree planting drive. Over 35,000 trees planted as caravan of hope sets off All Africa, 13/11/11 Residents of Kigali Sector in Nyarugenge District, together with representatives of various private and public institutions, Thursday planted over 35,000 trees. South Africa Humphrey the pet hippo kills owner in South Africa The Guardian, 14/11/11 One-tonne pet tragically and violently ends bizarre 'father-son relationship' with farmer Marius Els. Hyenas recaptured after chewing to freedom All Africa, 02/11/11 Two hyenas escaped from a South African wildlife park Wednesday by chewing through an electric fence during a power outage, but were recaptured within half an hour, the park said.

Mpuma pupils plant indigenous trees All Africa, 03/11/11 Pupils from a Mpumalanga school want all schools in the province to have indigenous trees. The pupils, from Tekwane Primary School outside Mbombela, planted 50 indigenous trees on Wednesday following a donation from ABSA. Rewilding the south China tiger - in the country All Africa, 08/11/11 The South China tiger is the rarest of five extant tiger subspecies. It is at best extremely rare and might well be extinct in the wild, PRNewswire reports via MarketWatch. Captive facilities in China house 82 individuals and the rewilding centre in South Africa has 9 individuals. Rhino poachers bring death toll in South Africa to record high The Guardian, 04/11/11 Rhinos are being killed at an average of one a day to supply the rhino horn market in the Far East. SANParks overhauls wild card programme All Africa, 03/11/11 The South African National Parks (SANParks) Wild Card programme, which allows nature lovers to have unlimited access to some of Southern Africa's premier conservation areas, has been overhauled and members should be receiving their new cards by the end of the year. South Africa record for rhino poaching deaths BBC, 03/11/11 The demand for rhino horns has led to record poaching this year in South Africa, wildlife charity WWF has said. Spain Descubierta una nueva especie de insecto en Castilla-La Mancha y Murcia EFE, 08/11/11 "Opilo lencinai" es como ha sido bautizada la nueva especie de insecto descubierta en Murcia y Castilla-La Mancha. Los autores del descubrimiento han sido los investigadores y entomólogos españoles Pablo Bahillo de la Puebla, doctor en Ciencias Biológicas por la Universidad del País Vasco, y José Ignacio López-Colón, El Gobierno contará con las empresas para desarrollar su plan forestal EFE, 02/11/11 El Gobierno liderará la redacción y el desarrollo de un plan estratégico forestal en Cantabria, un proyecto en el que se quiere contar con las empresas del sector para ponerlo en marcha a corto y medio plazo y cuyo objetivo será optimizar los recursos y mejorar el aprovechamiento de las zonas de bosque. La CEA denuncia que "el PP quiere legalizar los peligrosos eucaliptos nitens" EFE, 03/11/11 En un comunicado, la CEA explica que la Junta General del Principado de Asturias tratará mañana una proposición del grupo popular sobre autorización de cambio de uso de los montes de plantaciones de eucaliptos "globulus" por el de "nitens" en tanto los estragos causados por el gorgojo no sean controlados.

Más de 72.000 hectáreas de bosque riojano cuentan con un certificado forestal ABC, 01/11/11 Más de 72.000 hectáreas de bosque riojano cuentan con un certificado forestal que acredita que sus materias primas se han gestionado de forma sostenible y responsable. Millions of birds migrating to Spain face painful deaths in glue-filled traps The Guardian, 04/11/11 Up to 4m birds trapped illegally this year face a slow, sticky end before being sold to restaurants for tapas, say campaigners. Reforestación simultánea de 3.500 árboles en ocho comunidades autónomas EFE, 04/11/11 Madrid, Cataluña, País Vasco, Comunidad Valenciana, Baleares, Canarias, Asturias y Andalucía son los territorios elegidos para plantar 3.500 árboles de forma coordinada y simultánea, el próximo día 12. Sólo el 31% de las emisiones de CO2 en La Rioja son fijadas por los bosques El Correo, 03/11/11 Los bosques riojanos fijan al año 1,27 millones de toneladas de dióxido de carbono, el 31% de las emisiones que se producen en la provincia. Las choperas, los tratamientos contra las plagas y las repoblaciones de bosques han contribuido a esta lucha contra el cambio climático que ha emprendido la naturaleza. Uganda Forest body accused of selling off Entebbe reserve to investors All Africa, 01/11/11 There is panic among environmentalists and wildlife activists in Entebbe after it emerged that the National Forestry Authority okayed the sale of Kitubulu Central Forest Reserve to an investor. Forestry body has four days to explain sale of Entebbe reserve All Africa, 08/11/11 An umbrella group of environmentalists have given the National Forestry Authority (NFA) a four-day ultimatum to explain circumstances under which they sold plots of land in Kitubulu Forest Reserve to a private investor. United Kingdom Bill Oddie: We must 'name and shame' landowners who poison birds of prey The Guardian, 08/11/11 The TV presenter and birdwatcher said names of offenders who may think they are 'above the law' should be made public. Bringing bees and business closer with corporate lessons from the beehive The Guardian, 11/11/11 Honey Club is a new initiative aiming to encourage collaborative values through helping honeybees to flourish. Dartmoor National Park The Ecologist, 03/11/11

Andrew Cooper’s latest tome offers a fascinating insight into the life of Britain’s best-known national park. Endangered spoon-billed sandpipers arrive in UK BBC, 14/11/11 Conservationists have brought one of the world's most threatened bird species to the UK in order to start a captive breeding programme. Lapwings become jailbirds to avoid extinction The Guardian, 09/11/11 Dozens of birds given sanctuary at top-security prison in Northern Ireland after numbers plummet. RSPB calls for ban on owning deadly poisons The Guardian, 03/11/11 The RSPB's latest annual bird crime report showed there were 128 reports of illegal poisoning in 2010. RSPB urges crackdown on poisons BBC, 03/11/11 The RSPB is calling for the possession of poisons used to illegally kill wildlife to be outlawed in England, Wales and Northern Ireland. Scotland may cull deer in greater numbers to reduce road accidents The Guardian, 14/11/11 Deer cause an estimated 7,000 collisions a year, with experts blaming new lowland and urban woodlands for population surge. Sir Peter Scott's legacy lives on at the Wildfowl and Wetlands Trust The Guardian, 10/11/11 The conservationist realised that his reserves would thrive if he encouraged people to come, rather than keeping them out. Spoon-billed sandpipers brought to UK in last-ditch rescue attempt The Guardian, 14/11/11 The 13 young birds have come from Russia to the Wildfowl and Wetlands Trust to form a captive breeding programme. United Republic of Tanzania DC warns leaders against bushfires All Africa, 02/11/11 Mbinga District authorities in Ruvuma Region have vowed to deal squarely with village, ward and division leaders whose areas will be a source of bushfires. Fear as croc finds home behind pub All Africa, 04/11/11 A crocodile has found home in the most unlikely place - the backyard of a popular drinking and "nyama choma" joint Dar es Salaam city suburb. Some residents of Ada Estate in Kinondoni municipality who say they are used to seeing the crocodile in their vicinity over the last two years are, however, raising the alarm as the predator is gaining in size.

Huvisa seeks help to save Africa's forests All Africa, 03/11/11 Tanzania has joined the rest of African countries to demand that major emitters of green house gases to support the continent adapt alternative energy sources in order to save African forests which are major mitigating factors of the effects of climate change. Intensify tree-planting All Africa, 04/11/11 Although forests provide substantial non-monetary and intangible social and environmental benefits, the natural resources are not secured by sustainable management. Several factors lead to dependency on forest products in Tanzania and, therefore, contributing to the 130,000 hectares cleared for agriculture alone, annually. U.S. offers 7 billion for wildlife management All Africa, 02/11/11 AN investment of six million United States dollars (about 9.6bn/-) which the United States government through its Agency for International Development (USAID) in establishing wildlife management areas (WMAs) in communities bordering conservation areas is a milestone in fighting poverty and sustainable development. United States of America Alan Mootnick, who studied and gave a home to gibbons, dies at 60 The New York Times, 09/11/11 Alan Mootnick once said he felt a certain kinship with gibbons, a small, acrobatic and endangered member of the ape family. Like them, he said, “I was lean, agile and comical.” Alaska considers aerial wolf kills in tourist area Reuters, 11/11/11 Alaska state officials on Friday were considering a controversial plan to shoot wolves in an effort to boost moose populations in one of the state's top tourist and recreation areas. Birds fly in the face of climate change expectations The New York Times, 03/11/11 As we noted here in a recent post, a substantial body of research indicates that species tend to become smaller as a result of global warming and other climate change patterns. So researchers in California were surprised to find that West Coast birds, on the contrary, have been growing larger in recent decades. Colourful remembrances of lost birds BBC, 02/11/11 The Dodo, Pallas's Cormorant and Great Auk may be extinct bird species - but they, and dozens more winged creatures no longer with us, have been brought back to life for a new exhibition in London that aims to raise awareness of the need for bird conservation. Coyote-wolf hybrids have spread across U.S. East National Geographic, 07/11/11 Scientists already knew that some coyotes, which have been gradually expanding their range eastward, mated with wolves in the Great Lakes (map) region. The pairings created viable hybrid offspring—

identified by their DNA and skulls—that have been found in mid-Atlantic states such as New York and Pennsylvania. Entregan decenas de animales exóticos no nativos a las autoridades de Florida EFE, 07/11/11 Más de sesenta animales exóticos de especies no nativas fueron entregados este fin de semana a las autoridades de Florida (EE.UU.) para su posterior adopción, con motivo del Día de la Amnistía de Mascotas Exóticas, informó hoy la Comisión para la Conservación de la Pesca y Fauna (FWC) de este estado. For a baby okapi, don’t push too hard The New York Times, 07/11/11 M’bura, an okapi calf revealed to the public at the Bronx Zoo last week after more than 18 months of delicate husbandry work, was stretching out her stubby zebra-striped legs before a crowd of young admirers on Thursday. For bird lovers, a race to the finish The New York Times, 01/11/11 When people think about birds in games these days, they are usually of the angry variety. But a different kind of game is unfolding on the Web, with 34 pecking and chirping species just daring users to catch them. Gas drillers invade hunters’ Pennsylvania paradise The New York Times, 11/11/11 For those who have ever stalked deer, turkey and bear here in “God’s Country” in north central Pennsylvania, this hunting season is like no other. Heat, beetle assail pine The Olympian, 07/11/11 Whitebark: climate change linked to shift in insect’s eating habits, tree’s endangerment. How is a grizzly bear like a wolf? The New York Times, 08/11/11 In Saturday’s paper, I wrote about the repercussions of a Congressional decision in April to remove the gray wolf from the endangered species list through legislation. In a California vineyard, bluebirds earn their keep The New York Times, 14/11/11 In an innovative study, nest boxes installed at a California vineyard attracted hundreds of birds that picked the farmers’ crops clean of pests in exchange for the free housing. The experiment is heartening news for conservationists amid reports of shrinking habitats and population declines for so many species. Nearly 500 birds found dead near wind farm The New York Times, 09/11/11 A West Virginia wind farm that I wrote about last month because of its battery installation was the site of a big bird kill in October, according to a consultant’s report for the Fish and Wildlife Service. But it

wasn’t the blades of the wind machines that killed the birds, according to the consultant. Rather, they seem to have been drawn to lights around storage batteries and an associated electrical substation. Study: Most U.S. forests not adapting to climate change USA Today, 02/11/11 More than half of Eastern U.S. tree species are not adapting to climate change as quickly or consistently as predicted, posing risks for their survival, says a new Duke University-led study. When a giant sequoia falls in the forest Los Angeles Times, 02/11/11 Now we know that when a tree, a really big tree, falls in the forest, it creates a lot of noise. At least, noise among the people who debate what to do with it, as people are with a 1,500-year-old tree that recently fell across the Trail of 100 Giants in the Sierra Nevada. Where the Lenape trod The New York Times, 03/11/11 I thought I knew about old forests. First impressions came from childhood, when all woods can seem deep, fearsome and immense. Then from books: They are where Shakespeare’s characters magically shed their identities, where Hester Prynne is released from shame, where nature’s healing forces are harbored. I have also walked amid the red cedars of the Pacific Northwest, feeling a hushed awe in the presence of the forest primeval. Viet Nam Lawmakers review land use policies Viêt Nam News, 02/11/11 Land use and sustainable forest cultivation were key topics discussed by National Assembly deputies yesterday. According to attendees, wasteful land use has remained a problem, necessitating a review of current regulations. Zambia Jumbo invasion sparks student protest All Africa, 10/11/11 More than 300 students from David Livingstone College of Education (DALICE) yesterday stormed the Zambia Wildlife Authority (ZAWA) offices in protest over the continued intrusion of elephants at the institution. President Sata revamps wildlife authority All Africa, 10/11/11 Zambia's newly elected president Michael Sata last week disbanded the leadership of the country's wildlife authorities and pardoned 76 convicted wildlife poachers. Zimbabwe Harare/Mutare march to raise tree-planting awareness All Africa, 13/11/11 Stakeholders in the environment sector will hold a march from Harare to Mutare at the end of this month to raise awareness on tree-planting.

Plant a tree and help save the world All Africa, 06/11/11 Voluntarily or otherwise, the concept of green has grabbed the world by the collar; green economy, green fuel, green building and green belts, to mention but a few. Perhaps we should also include green people to the list of greens. World Adrian Cowell obituary The Guardian, 03/11/11 He alerted the world to the plight of the Amazon rainforest and its 'hidden' tribes. Amazon: an exhibition in aid of Sky Rainforest Rescue - in pictures The Guardian, 09/11/11 Award-winning photographers Sebastião Salgado and Per-Anders Pettersson are taking part in Amazon, an exhibition in aid of Sky Rainforest Rescue - a partnership between WWF and Sky that aims to help save 1 billion trees in the state of Acre, in north-west Brazil. Here is a selection of images from the free exhibition, that runs until 4 December at Somerset House, London. Amazon fire season 'linked to ocean temperature' BBC, 12/11/11 Sea surface temperature (SST) anomalies can help predict the severity of Amazon fire seasons, a study has suggested. Bracing for a bullfrog invasion The New York Times, 06/11/11 The consequences of climate change for animals can seem very direct, as with polar bears in a warming Arctic. Others involve leaps, like the case of an invasive bullfrog: by 2080, it could splash into some of South America’s most ecologically rich protected areas, disrupting unique hotbeds of biodiversity. At least, that’s the prediction of a new study in the journal PLoS One. Competition for seven wonders of natural world runs into trouble The Guardian, 10/11/11 Organisers of contest to choose seven wonders accused of asking for millions for marketing, despite entry fee of $199. Consumers’ call to promote sustainable forestry The Star, 01/11/11 Logging is sometimes seen as a dirty word. It throws up emotive images: death and destruction of wildlife and their habitat, and human rights violations of the forest’s indigenous communities, for example. El Patrimonio de la Humanidad, en peligro EFE, 09/11/11 Las minas de salitre de Humberstone y Santa Laura en el desierto chileno de Atacama, o el yacimiento arqueológico de Chan Chan en Perú son algunos de los Patrimonios de la Humanidad en peligro, que un proyecto de la Unesco presentado hoy, ha fotografiado desde el espacio en alta resolución.

Entire mammal genus on brink of extinction National Geographic, 08/11/11 For the first time in 75 years, an entire genus of mammal may go the way of the dodo—unless a new conservation effort shepherded by Somalian herders succeeds. EU lawmakers call for action to protect bees Reuters, 15/11/11 European Union lawmakers on Tuesday called for stronger action to protect Europe's bees, saying that the rapid decline in the bee population could affect the growth of important food crops. Head of UN-backed Convention urges greater effort to combat illegal rhino trade All Africa, 10/11/11 The head of the United Nations-backed convention on endangered species called today for the stepping up of efforts by countries and international organizations to combat the illegal trade in rhino horn, after a leading conservation group declared Africa’s Western Black Rhinoceros officially extinct. Human-induced fires sow the seeds of the future BBC, 11/11/11 Human-made fires are influencing the evolutionary process of some plant species' seeds, a study has shown. In changing ecosystems, winners and losers The New York Times, 04/11/11 Two new peer-reviewed studies, one about forests and the other about oceans, predict that existing ecosystems will rearrange themselves over the next 70-plus years in response to global warming. Interpol works to save Asian tigers Associated Press, 03/11/11 Interpol has launched a campaign to help save the world's last wild tigers in the 13 Asian countries where they still exist, winning praise from conservationists on Thursday. IUCN: quarter of the world's mammals are at risk of extinction BBC, 10/11/11 No wild black rhinos remain in West Africa, according to the latest global assessment of threatened species. The Red List, drawn up by the International Union for Conservation of Nature (IUCN), has declared the subspecies extinct. IUCN red list 2011 – in pictures The Guardian, 10/11/11 The latest update of the IUCN 'red list' of threatened species illustrates the efforts undertaken by the International Union for Conservation of Nature (IUCN) to expand the number and diversity of species assessed, improving the quality of information in order to build up a better picture of the state of biodiversity. Killer frog fungus 'spread by trade' BBC, 08/11/11 The fungus killing frogs around the world comes in several forms, and has almost certainly been distributed by trade in amphibians, research shows.

La temperatura de los océanos puede ayudar a predecir los incendios en Sudamérica EFE, 11/11/11 Las temperaturas de la superficie de los océanos Pacífico y Atlántico pueden ayudar a predecir, con una antelación de tres a cinco meses, la intensidad de la temporada de incendios en Sudamérica, según un estudio publicado hoy en la revista Science. Los riesgos ambientales amenazan los avances en Latinoamérica, según la ONU EFE, 02/11/11 Los riesgos ambientales son las principales amenazas contra los avances en desarrollo humano en América Latina y el Caribe, según el informe anual del Programa de Naciones Unidas para el Desarrollo (PNUD), presentado hoy en Copenhague. McKinsey trampled on the rainforests – it can't be trusted The Guardian, 10/11/11 The firm consulting on the NHS shake-up has given advice on forest protection that benefits only big business. Its secrecy is causing concern. Medicinal tree used in chemotherapy drug faces extinction The Guardian, 10/11/11 Annual IUCN 'red list' of endangered species includes upgraded threat to tree whose bark is harvested for cancer treatment. Pine trees help reconstruct a long-ago drought The New York Times, 07/11/11 As they struggle to understand modern climate change, scientists have long realized the importance of reconstructing past climate variability. That’s the only way to gain a sense of perspective, to understand how anomalous modern climate events are or aren’t. Plant pests: The biggest threats to food security? BBC, 09/11/11 The threat posed to crop production by plant pests and diseases is one the key factors that could lead to "a perfect storm" that threatens to destabilise global food security. Already, the biological threat accounts for about a 40% loss in global production and the problem is forecast to get worse, scientists warn. Scientists unite to put drylands on Rio+20 agenda All Africa, 07/11/11 Scientists and policymakers from Africa, Argentina, Brazil, and France have called for better scientific cooperation and capacity building in the drylands with an eye on putting the drylands agenda on the UN Rio+20 summit agenda next year. Sebastiao Salgado's Genesis project BBC, 03/11/11 The name Sebastiao Salgado is one that is associated with long term documentary photography projects resulting in exquisite black and white photographs, lovingly crafted from the camera to the finished exhibition print.

Seven wonders of the natural world – in pictures The Guardian, 10/11/11 A list of the new seven wonders of the natural world is about to be announced following a global poll. But which sites will make the cut? We present the 10 most likely candidates. Should we give up trying to save the panda? BBC, 13/11/11 A survey of about 600 scientists published this week found that a majority think it's time to consider conservation triage - focusing resources on animals that can realistically be saved, and giving up on the rest. The Amazon through two different lenses New Scientist, 08/11/11 The plight of the world’s largest rainforest, the Amazon, is nothing new. We are frequently bombarded with statistics of its natural wealth and how we are squandering it. Now a joint exhibition has brought together two photographers who show these different sides to the region. Their contrasting images are being exhibited together in Amazon at Somerset House in London. The beetle plague devastating North America's forests New Scientist, 08/11/11 Bark beetles have been using all-out biological and chemical warfare to massacre vast swathes of North America's pine trees. Can nothing stop them? The right backing on forest management The Star, 01/11/11 In a nutshell, the Forest Steward-ship Council (FSC) serves as a stamp of approval – only logging companies that are found to meet its set of forest management stan-dards are endorsed to use its logo. The western black rhino has been declared extinct. Does that bother you? The Guardian, 10/11/11 An IUCN report says 25% of the world's mammals face being wiped out. Should we protect them, or is it just part of nature? Western black rhino declared extinct BBC, 10/11/11 No wild black rhinos remain in West Africa, according to the latest global assessment of threatened species. What to do with Wyoming's wild horses? BBC, 10/11/11 Nothing speaks more powerfully of the American west than the horse. No Western film would be complete without a cowboy and his trusty steed. But the relationship between modern-day ranchers and the wild horse is under strain.

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