no. 01/ 01/2012 infosylva is an information service of news clippings provided by the fao...

No. 01/2012 INFOSYLVA is an information service of news clippings provided by the FAO Forestry Information Centre with news on forestry in English, French and Spanish. INFOSYLVA est un service d'information à partir de coupures de presse, mis à disposition par le Centre d'Information sur les Forêts de la FAO et qui fait le point de l'actualité dans ce secteur, en anglais, français et espagnol. INFOSYLVA es el servicio de información de recortes de prensa suministrado por el Centro de Informacion Forestal de la FAO con noticias sobre las actividades forestales, en inglés, francés y español. Dear Reader, After 12 months of national and international events and important activities, the International Year of Forests came to its end, and left the whole forestry community worldwide with a lot of expectations. The Rio+20 United Nations Conference on Sustainable Development and the 21st Session of the Commission on Forestry (COFO) are just two of the many important events programmed for 2012 to discuss the role and challenges of forests. 2012 is not just about global scale forestry events and discussions! Infosylva readers will also find a few innovations in our future issues. Following the survey we did last year, during the next months we are going to introduce some of the suggestions we received, always keeping in mind the vast scope and range of opinions that characterizes our service. Thank you for your contribution.

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Page 1: No. 01/2012...No. 01/2012 INFOSYLVA is an information service of news clippings provided by the FAO Forestry Information Centre with news on forestry in English, French and Spanish

No. 01/2012

INFOSYLVA is an information service of news clippings provided by the FAO Forestry Information Centre with news on forestry in English, French and Spanish.

INFOSYLVA est un service d'information à partir de coupures de presse, mis à disposition par le Centre

d'Information sur les Forêts de la FAO et qui fait le point de l'actualité dans ce secteur, en anglais, français et espagnol.

INFOSYLVA es el servicio de información de recortes de prensa suministrado por el Centro de

Informacion Forestal de la FAO con noticias sobre las actividades forestales, en inglés, francés y español.

Dear Reader, After 12 months of national and international events and important activities, the International Year of Forests came to its end, and left the whole forestry community worldwide with a lot of expectations. The Rio+20 United Nations Conference on Sustainable Development and the 21st Session of the Commission on Forestry (COFO) are just two of the many important events programmed for 2012 to discuss the role and challenges of forests. 2012 is not just about global scale forestry events and discussions! Infosylva readers will also find a few innovations in our future issues. Following the survey we did last year, during the next months we are going to introduce some of the suggestions we received, always keeping in mind the vast scope and range of opinions that characterizes our service. Thank you for your contribution.

Page 2: No. 01/2012...No. 01/2012 INFOSYLVA is an information service of news clippings provided by the FAO Forestry Information Centre with news on forestry in English, French and Spanish

Happy New Year! Infosylva team Estimado lector, Después de 12 meses de eventos nacionales e internacionales y actividades importantes, el Año Internacional de los Bosques llegó a su fin, y dejó la comunidad forestal en todo el mundo con muchas expectativas. La Conferencia de las Naciones Unidas sobre el Desarrollo Sostenible (Río + 20) y la 21 ª reunión de la Comisión Forestal (COFO) son sólo dos de los muchos eventos importantes programados para el año 2012 para discutir el papel y los retos de los bosques. 2012 no sólo se trata de eventos de escala mundial en el sector forestal y discusiones. Infosylva lectores también encontrarán algunas innovaciones en nuestras futuras ediciones. Tras la encuesta que hicimos el año pasado, durante los próximos meses vamos a introducir algunas de las sugerencias que hemos recibido, siempre teniendo en cuenta el amplio alcance y la gama de opiniones que caracteriza a nuestro servicio. Gracias por su contribución. Feliz Año Nuevo! El equipo de Infosylva

Other forest-related events February Conferencia Panamericana en sistemas de humedales para el manejo, tratamiento y mejoramiento de la calidad del agua Pereira, Colombia - 26 February - 1 March 2012 March Beyond carbon - Ensuring justice and equity in REDD+ across levels of governance Oxford, United Kingdom - 23-24 March 2012 May Convención Tropico 2012 La Habana, Cuba - 14-18 May 2012 Forests for People – International experiences and the vital role for the future Alpbach, Tyrol, Austria - 22-24 May 2012

Page 3: No. 01/2012...No. 01/2012 INFOSYLVA is an information service of news clippings provided by the FAO Forestry Information Centre with news on forestry in English, French and Spanish

July World Forestry Center International Educators Institute (IEI) Portland, Oregon, USA - 08-14 July 2012

FAO Forestry announcements Forests through your lens We want to get an impression or image which best explains what the forest means to you and why you decided to devote your life to serve forests. We would like to get a better idea of you, the people who work in forests and what links you to the forest. Les forêts à travers votre objectif Nous souhaitons obtenir une impression ou une image qui explique le mieux ce que la forêt signifie pour vous et la raison pour laquelle vous avez décidé de consacrer votre vie à servir les forêts. Nous aimerions acquérir une meilleure idée de vous, les personnes qui travaillez dans les forêts, et de ce qui vous lie à la forêt. Los bosques a través de su lente Queremos tener una idea o imagen que mejor explique lo que significan los bosques para usted y el por qué decidió dedicar su vida a servir a los bosques. Nos gustaría también tener una mejor idea de usted, de las personas que trabajan en los bosques y lo que le vincula con el bosque.

New publication from FAO Forest products statistics (1961-2010) New update in FAOSTAT-ForesSTAT. Nature & Faune, Vol. 26, no. 1 - Le secteur forestier dans l’économie verte en Afrique Avec son accent spécial sur “Le secteur forestier dans l’économie verte en Afrique”, ce numéro montre plusieurs moyens par lesquels les secteurs de la foresterie et des ressources naturelles peuvent contribuer aux besoins de l’économie verte en Afrique. Une économie verte est une économie qui entraine un mieux être humain et l’équité sociale, tout en réduisant de manière substantielle les risques environnementaux et les pénuries écologiques. Le Global Citizens Center dirigé par Kevin Danaher définit l’économie verte comme un agrégat global de communautés individuelles qui satisfait les besoins de ses citoyens grâce à la production locale responsable et à l’échange de biens et services. Nature & Faune, Vol. 26, no. 1 - The forest sector in the green economy in Africa With its special focus on “The forest sector in the green economy in Africa”, this issue shows many ways in which the forestry and natural resource sectors can contribute to the needs of the green economy in Africa. A green economy is defined as one that results in improved human well-being and social equity, while significantly reducing environmental risks and ecological scarcities. The Global Citizens Center, led by Kevin Danaher, defines green economy as a global aggregate of individual communities meeting the needs of its citizens through the responsible, local production and exchange of goods and services.

Page 4: No. 01/2012...No. 01/2012 INFOSYLVA is an information service of news clippings provided by the FAO Forestry Information Centre with news on forestry in English, French and Spanish

FAO in the news FAO commissions study on indigenous plants The Zimbabwean, 11/01/12 The Food and Agriculture Organization is to produce an inventory of Top Ten underutilized plants with commercial potential for smallholder production. Bio-Innovation Zimbabwe, an innovation hub acting to develop new business opportunities using indigenous plants, was recently commissioned to produce the report. FAO warns against speedy destruction of Iranian forests IRNA, 03/01/12 Representative of the Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations Nooreddin Mona on Tuesday warned against speedy destruction of Iranian forests. MENA mountains and sustainable development Oman Daily Observer, 07/01/12 SQU is an official member of the Mountain Partnership at FAO Rome, Italy and has been a focal point for the Sultanate of Oman on Mountain Issues. This partnership is an honour conferred on SQU because of its contribution to the mountain research through “Al Jabal al Akhdar Initiative” a multidisciplinary landmark research that has become a reference for mountain studies in arid and semi-arid regions.

Press review/ Revue de presse/ Informe de prensa: 01-15 January 2012 Angola Approval of draft on new national parks marks environment sector All Africa, 04/01/12 The approval at a plenary session of the National Assembly (Angolan Parliament) of the draft law on the creation of three new national parks in the provinces of Cabinda and Kuando Kubango is a relevant step set by the Ministry of Environment in 2011, as part of the expansion of the country's preservation areas. Ministre de la Défense pour la conjugaison d'efforts dans la préservation de l'environnement Agência Angola Press, 12/01/12 Le ministre de la Défense National, Cândido Pereira dos Santos Van-Dúnem, a appelé à la conjugaison de synergies, afin de mettre fin à l'exploitation irrationnelle des ressources naturelles, entre autres actions défavorisant l'environnement. Argentina Arden bosques en provincia argentina de Chubut Prensa Latina, 05/01/12 Más de mil hectáreas de bosques fueron dañados hasta hoy por el incendio declarado esta semana en el extremo noroeste de la provincia argentina de Chubut, unos mil 400 kilómetros al suroeste de esta capital.

Page 5: No. 01/2012...No. 01/2012 INFOSYLVA is an information service of news clippings provided by the FAO Forestry Information Centre with news on forestry in English, French and Spanish

Bosques Modelo: San Pedro será pionero en el país en certificación forestal con nativas Misiones Online, 09/01/12 La primera experiencia de planificación forestal con pequeños productores, en el marco de un acuerdo de cooperación que está a la firma con el Gobierno de Navarra, España, se desarrollará en el norte de Misiones, impulsado por la Secretaria de Ambiente de la Nación. Dos mil hectáreas de bosques han sido consumidas en incendio en el sur de Argentina El Nacional, 07/01/12 El trabajo de los brigadistas está enfocado en proteger la integridad física de los pobladores, gracias a lo que no se han reportado víctimas. El fuego consume bosques y acorrala a los pobladores en la zona de El Hoyo Diario Jornada, 05/01/12 Hay 40 evacuados en los centros habilitados. Puerto Patriada es el lugar más afectado por las llamas. Para el gobernador, el incendio fue intencional. Cayó una avioneta hidrante y su piloto se salvó de milagro. Incendios forestales afectan al menos 5.000 hectáreas en Patagonia argentina EFE, 07/01/12 Al menos 5.000 hectáreas de bosques ardieron en dos provincias de la Patagonia argentina vecinas a Chile, aunque no han causado víctimas, informaron fuentes oficiales. Las cenizas volcánicas complican control de incendios en la Patagonia EFE, 09/01/12 Las cenizas del volcán chileno Puyehue suspendidas en el aire, sumadas al humo y restos forestales quemados impiden el empleo de helicópteros y aviones hidrantes para tratar de controlar los incendios que afectan a la provincia argentina de Chubut, vecina a Chile. Los bosques ya no arden Página 12, 10/01/12 El incendio que se desató en la comarca andina del extremo noroeste de Chubut "está controlado" gracias a la lluvia, por momentos torrencial, que cae desde anoche en toda la zona, informó Gabriel Rapoport, director de Defensa Civil de la localidad de El Hoyo, epicentro del siniestro que afectó a más de 3.500 hectáreas. Más de mil hectáreas de bosques incendiadas en el sur de Argentina EFE, 05/01/12 Más de mil hectáreas de bosques han resultado incendiadas en la provincia argentina de Chubut, vecina a Chile, donde unos 200 bomberos buscan apagar el fuego iniciado en forma "intencional", informaron hoy fuentes oficiales. Más de mil productores se volcaron a la fabricación de leña en 2011 Misiones Online, 02/01/12 El Plan leña renovable cerró el año con más de 2.500 hectáreas solicitadas. Por medio de la Ley XVI 106, la Provincia promueve las plantaciones forestales con destino a la producción de energía. La meta es lograr al 2015 la sustitución total del consumo de leña de bosques nativos.

Page 6: No. 01/2012...No. 01/2012 INFOSYLVA is an information service of news clippings provided by the FAO Forestry Information Centre with news on forestry in English, French and Spanish

Preocupa riesgo de incendios forestales en La Angostura La Mañana Neuquén, 04/01/12 La ola de calor y la imprudencia a la hora de hacer fogatas ponen bajo amenaza a los bosques. Según el responsable de la brigada de lucha contra incendios, la zona más vulnerable es Puerto Manzano. Un incendio destruyó bosques en Moquehue Rio Negro, 07/01/12 Abarcó 17 hectáreas y consumió especies autóctonas e implantadas.Lo combaten cien brigadistas y estiman que hoy sería apagado. Belgium Les frênes de la forêt de Beloeil sont malades… RTBF, 12/01/12 Une étrange maladie touche l’essence dominante des 350 ha de la forêt domaniale de Beloeil : le frêne. Rien à voir avec la tempête de ces derniers jours, le mal remonte beaucoup plus loin et a fait ses premières victimes... en Pologne. Bolivia (Plurinational State of) Amazonía sin fuego La razón. 07/01/12 Bolivia presenta una tasa de deforestación que ha crecido de manera exponencial a lo largo del tiempo hasta llegar a 350.000 hectáreas por año. En los últimos 20 años, el país ha perdido más de seis millones de ha de superficie forestal. Bolivia, el difícil camino de los bosques y la madera Prensa Latina, 02/01/12 Bolivia constituye hoy una de las reservas de maderas preciosas más grandes del mundo, sin embargo cada año miles de pies de variedades de incalculable valor se marchan de manera clandestina a través de sus fronteras o se venden ilegalmente en el país. Los apoleños deciden cercar sus bosques La Prensa, 04/01/12 La reducción de áreas forestales y de la cantidad y calidad del agua preocupa a los lugareños. El escaso bosque que queda en seis comunidades de Apolo, en el norte paceño, impulsa a sus habitantes a asumir medidas de protección para asegurar no sólo que éstas áreas verdes sigan existiendo, sino la provisión de agua, que se reduce con el paso del tiempo. Piden un manejo profesional en construcción de carreteras Opinión, 12/01/12 Representantes de Ingenieros al Servicio de la Comunidad (Insercom), demandan manejo técnico y profesional en la construcción de carreteras. “Estamos construyendo caminos sin siquiera hacer investigación hidrogeológica de las regiones”, explicó el ingeniero Hugo Balcázar. Indicó que si el tramo II pasa por el corazón del TIPNIS generará mucha deforestación.

Page 7: No. 01/2012...No. 01/2012 INFOSYLVA is an information service of news clippings provided by the FAO Forestry Information Centre with news on forestry in English, French and Spanish

Brazil Amazonie: une fillette brûlée vive à cause d'un conflit ethnique? Paris Match, 15/01/12 Une fillette de 8 ans, appartenant à l'ethnie indienne des Awá-Gwajá, aurait été brûlée vive par des bûcherons qui essayent de les chasser de la région du Maranhão, dans le Nord-Est du Brésil. Grâce au travail acharné des blogueurs et ONG, l'affaire commence à s'ébruiter et les autorités se sont décidées à enquêter. Deforestación amazónica, una historia de destrucción con final feliz BBC, 08/01/12 Durante años, la historia de la Amazonía ha sido una de destrucción. Una batalla sin éxito para proteger al bosque tropical más grande del mundo, clave en la lucha contra el cambio climático. Sin embargo, esta afirmación a la que estamos tan acostumbrados, ya no representa con veracidad la situación que atraviesa en la actualidad este inmenso manto verde. Once hidden by forest, carvings in land attest to Amazon’s lost world The New York Times, 14/01/12 Edmar Araújo still remembers the awe. As he cleared trees on his family’s land decades ago near Rio Branco, an outpost in the far western reaches of the Brazilian Amazon, a series of deep earthen avenues carved into the soil came into focus. Saving the Amazon: Winning the war on deforestation BBC, 02/01/12 For years, the story told about the Amazon has been one of destruction - the world's largest rainforest, a region of amazing biodiversity, key to the fight against climate change, being remorselessly felled. But that is no longer the whole truth. Una ONG denuncia la invasión de madereras en la Amazonia brasileña habitada por indígenas awás ABC, 10/01/12 Según aseguran desde Survivol, el 30% de uno de los territorios awás ya ha sido destruido e incluso una niña ha sido 'quemada viva'. Canada La Forêt éphémère reprend vie Metro, 04/01/12 Pour une deuxième année, les abords du Biodôme seront verdis grâce à la mise en place d’une forêt faite de sapins de Noël récupérés. Une planche de salut pour le bois de nos forêts L’Écho de la Lièvre, 12/01/12 Depuis deux ans, Signature Bois Laurentides pilote des projets d’innovation et d’expérimentation dans le but de trouver de nouveaux débouchés pour d’importants volumes de bois à pâte et de biomasse forestière qui ne trouvent actuellement pas preneurs. Ces volumes, qui suscitent présentement peu d’intérêt, pourraient cependant connaître de nouveaux destins par la voie de l’énergie verte, de la chimie verte et des biomatériaux.

Page 8: No. 01/2012...No. 01/2012 INFOSYLVA is an information service of news clippings provided by the FAO Forestry Information Centre with news on forestry in English, French and Spanish

Chile Alerta amarilla por un incendio cerca de la capital chilena EFE, 11/01/12 La Oficina Nacional de Emergencia (Onemi) decretó anoche la alerta amarilla por un nuevo incendio que afecta esta vez al sector de Laguna de Aculeo, 70 kilómetros al sur de la capital chilena. Bosques chilenos bajo fuego Diario de Yucatán, 03/01/12 De 48 incendios que en los últimos días afectaron la región del Biobío, en el sur del país, aún hay 15 fuera de control y 20 controlados y 13 ya fueron apagados, informaron autoridades del gobierno y bomberos. Chile en alerta por 6 incendios EFE, 03/01/12 Casi medio centenar de incendios forestales, que han dejado un muerto, unas 23.000 hectáreas arrasadas y un centenar de viviendas y algunas industrias calcinadas, mantienen en alerta a Chile en el inicio del 2012 debido a la complejidad y rápido avance de varios de ellos. Chile's fire-ravaged Torres del Paine national park to partly reopen The Guardian, 04/01/12 President Sebastián Piñera says 80% of the popular Patagonian park will reopen as firefighters continue to battle forest blazes. Chile’s president defends his response to wildfires The New York Times, 02/01/12 Wildfires swept through unseasonably hot, dry parts of southern Chile on Monday, as firefighters struggled to extinguish the blazes and as the government of Sebastián Piñera, Chile’s beleaguered billionaire president, defended its response. Chili: six pompiers tués dans un incendie de forêt Le Parisien, 05/01/12 Six pompiers ont péri et quatre ont été blessés jeudi dans un feu de forêt dans le sud du Chili, frappé dans les derniers jours par une vague d'incendies dont certains pourraient être d'origine criminelle, selon le président Sebastian Pinera. El panorama en Torres del Paine "es desolador" EFE, 02/01/12 La congresista chilena Carolina Goic ha dicho, tras visitar este domingo la zona del incendio que ha consumido ya más de 12.000 hectáreas en el parque nacional Torres del Paine, que "el panorama es desolador". Expertos israelíes ayudarán a reforestar Torres del Paine (Chile) EFE, 04/01/12 Israel enviará una misión de expertos en reforestación a Chile para ayudar en las labores de rehabilitación del parque de Torres del Paine, en una iniciativa conjunta del Ministerio de Asuntos Exteriores y del Fondo Nacional Judío (JNF).

Page 9: No. 01/2012...No. 01/2012 INFOSYLVA is an information service of news clippings provided by the FAO Forestry Information Centre with news on forestry in English, French and Spanish

Incendios consumen planta de paneles y 4.000 hectáreas de bosques del Grupo Angelini Estrategia, 03/01/12 En el holding que controla Forestal Arauco y Nueva Aldea informaron que se encuentran 'evaluando los daños relacionados con estos incendios, por lo que no estamos aún en condiciones de cuantificar el efecto que tendrán en los resultados'. Incendios forestales: degradación y destrucción de bosques nativos El Ciudadano, 03/01/12 La conducta negligente de las personas, en ocasiones intencional; y una legislación débil ponen año a año en la boca de todos lo graves que son los incendios forestales y nos recuerdan, una vez más, que son causal histórica de la degradación del bosque nativo, a pesar de que CONAF impulsa campañas de educación para la comunidad. Siete muertos en incendios en Chile que el Gobierno atribuye a "terrorismo" EFE, 06/01/12 La ola de incendios forestales que estos días azota a Chile, y que el Gobierno atribuye en parte a "actos terroristas", dio hoy un giro aún más dramático con la muerte de seis brigadistas en la Araucanía, que se suman a otra persona fallecida la semana pasada en al región del Biobío. Un amigo del detenido por incendio en Chile dice que no se controló a tiempo EFE, 01/01/12 Un amigo y compañero de viaje del israelí Rotem Singer, detenido en Chile como presunto autor del incendio en la Patagonia, aseguró hoy que la rápida propagación del fuego se produjo porque durante doce horas nadie trató de apagarlo. Un mort et 23'000 hectares détruits par des incendies d'été au Chili Le Matin, 02/01/12 Quinze feux d'été étaient actifs en ce début d'année au Chili. Cette série a déjà tué un homme et effacé de la carte 23'000 hectares de forêt. China China to release six giant pandas into wild The Guardian, 10/01/12 The project is of the most ambitious attempts to replenish the endangered population with captive-bred animals. Colombia El hombre que 'adoptó' una montaña en Providencia El Tiempo, 02/01/12 El 'Peak', la montaña más alta que hay en Providencia, debe ser el único lugar en todo el Archipiélago de San Andrés y en cientos de kilómetros de agua salada alrededor en donde -como hilitos de oro- brota agua dulce.

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Côte d'Ivoire Le ministre des eaux et forêts annonce le déguerpissement des clandestins de la forêt classée de Yapo-Abbé Abidjan, 05/01/12 Le ministre des eaux et forêts, M. Nabo Clément a annoncé des mesures « vigoureuses » de déguerpissement contre les individus installés frauduleusement dans la forêt classée de Yapo-Abbé, dans la sous-préfecture de Yakassé-Mé, lors d’une visite, vendredi, dans cette localité. Denmark Eating Christmas trees at the 'world's best restaurant' BBC, 07/01/12 Rene Redzepi is the Willy Wonka of food science, conducting gastronomic experiments so popular that customers fly round the world to eat at his £150-a-head Copenhagen restaurant. Dominican Republic Destruyen cientos de hornos y decomisan miles sacos carbón Hoy, 03/01/12 La Comisión de Control de los Depredadores Ambientales Fronterizos desmanteló una red dedicada a la elaboración y tráfico de carbón vegetal en la zona fronteriza, destruyó cientos de hornos y se incautó de miles de sacos, en una acción relámpago, pocas horas después de producirse la visita del director del Servicio Nacional de Protección Ambiental. Ministerio Ambiente destaca los aspectos clave y metas cumplidas en el 2011 Hoy, 02/01/12 Durante el año 2011, el Ministerio de Medio Ambiente y Recursos Naturalesemitió 1,203 autorizaciones ambientales a través de la eficientización delproceso de evaluación y autorizaciones, dinamizando así el sector económiconacional. Ecuador Ecuador appeals court rules against Chevron in oil case BBC, 04/01/12 An Ecuadorean appeals court has upheld a ruling that Chevron should pay damages totalling $18.2bn (£11.5bn) over Amazon oil pollution. Ecuador court upholds $18 billion ruling against Chevron Reuters, 03/01/12 An Ecuadorean appeals court on Tuesday upheld a ruling that Chevron Corp should pay $18 billion in damages to plaintiffs who accused the U.S. oil giant of polluting the Amazon jungle and damaging their health. Ecuador keeps big oil away from forests UPI, 03/01/12 A large undeveloped oil field in a national rainforest reserve in Ecuador will remain off-limits to oil companies for at least a year, the government said. 'Extinct' Galapagos tortoise may still exist BBC, 09/01/12 A giant Galapagos tortoise believed extinct for 150 years probably still exists, say scientists.

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La comunidad Awá se queja por la contaminación de los ríos El Comercio, 04/01/12 Filomena Rosero muestra el río Tululbí, ubicado en el sector de Minas Viejas, en el norte de Esmeraldas. El líquido se ve café y turbio y esta mujer exclama que es la única fuente de agua para 150 personas de la nacionalidad Awá, que habitan en el sector. NY court loss for Chevron on Ecuador pollution Reuters, 06/01/12 A federal court judge on Friday denied a Chevron Corp bid to prevent Ecuadorean plaintiffs from collecting on an $18 billion damages award against the U.S. oil giant over pollution in the Amazon jungle. NY judge declines to halt $18B Ecuadorean judgment Associated Press, 06/01/12 A federal judge said Friday he's not yet willing to block collection of an $18 billion court judgment against the energy giant Chevron for environmental damage in an Ecuadorean rain forest despite claims by Chevron that it faces imminent irreparable harm to its holdings around the world if U.S. courts do not intervene. Pollution de la forêt amazonienne: La condamnation de Chevron à payer 18 milliards de dollars confirmée en appel 20 Minutes, 04/01/12 Une cour d'appel en Equateur a confirmé mardi une décision de justice condamnant Chevron Corp à payer 18 milliards de dollars (13,8 milliards d'euros) de dommages à des plaignants, qui accusent la compagnie pétrolière américaine de polluer la forêt amazonienne et de porter atteinte à leur santé. Programa Socio Bosque firma acuerdo con Centros Shuar El Ciudadano, 03/01/12 El Programa Socio Bosque del Ministerio del Ambiente suscribió un acuerdo de entendimiento con la Federación Interprovincial de los Centros Shuar (FICSH), en el cantón Sucúa, en Morona Santiago, informó el gerente del Proyecto, Max Lascano Vaca. Tras incendio, instituciones coordinan una estrategia El Telégrafo, 08/01/12 La Comisión de Biodiversidad de la Asamblea Nacional presentará un informe sobre el incendio que consumió el 60% del bosque protector Cerro Colorado. With $116 million pledged, Ecuador moves forward with plan to protect rainforest Science Magazine, 13/01/12 After receiving pledges totaling more than its goal of $100 million by a year-end deadline, the Ecuadorian government last week announced that it would move forward with the so-called Yasuni ITT Initiative, an innovative plan to leave untapped more than 900 million barrels of crude oil beneath a pristine Amazonian nature reserve, in exchange for annual international donations. Eritrea Extensive reforestation campaign underway in Massawa town All Africa, 02/01/12 An extensive reforestation campaign is underway in Massawa town, according to Solomon Araia, in charge of supervision duty regarding trees in the town.

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France Adrien teste une vie sans huile de palme 20 Minutes, 11/01/12 Son but n'est 'pas de délivrer un message moralisateur, mais d'inciter les gens à se poser les bonnes questions', explique Adrien Gonthier. L'étudiant strasbourgeois de 26 ans a décidé de 'ne pas consommer d'huile de palme pendant un an'. Il entame actuellement la seconde moitié de son 'expérience de vie' débutée en juillet. 'L'huile de palme est produite en Asie du Sud-Est de manière totalement industrielle. Des centaines de mètres cubes d'arbres abattus qui ne doivent pas nous gâcher la forêt La Voix du Nord, 12/01/12 Depuis novembre, l'Office national des forêts procède à des abattages dans la forêt domaniale de Vimy (174 hectares). Dordogne: les richesses des forêts Sud Ouest, 09/01/12 Les professionnels regroupés au sein d'Interbois ont de nombreux projets pour aider cette filière importante et fragile. "La forêt alsacienne est menacée", selon le professeur Annik Schnitzler L'Alsace, 04/01/12 Spécialisée dans l’étude des forêts primaires, la Strasbourgeoise Annik Schnitzler est chercheur et enseignante à l’université de Metz. Elle est très pessimiste quant à l’avenir des forêts alsaciennes. L'Agglo a des projets pour la forêt La provence, 03/01/12 Lors du dernier conseil communautaire de l'Agglo qui s'est tenu le 7 décembre à La Destrousse, cinq délibérations concernant les massifs forestiers du territoire ont été adoptées à l'unanimité. Un ordre du jour correspondant à l'engagement de l'Agglo dans la gestion des espaces naturels et forestiers qui composent 70 % du Pays d'Aubagne et de l'Étoile. Le passionné des singes veut son parc L'Union, 03/01/12 Avec une trentaine de singes chez lui, Laury Venant ne se considère pas comme un collectionneur. Il défend son projet de parc animalier avec pour objectifs de sauvegarder certaines espèces et de sensibiliser le public. Le sort des cerfs du Donon en question France 3, 06/01/12 La mésentente semble terminée entre les gestionnaires de la forêt du Donon et les chasseurs. Selon l’Office National des Forêts, les chasseurs et les cervidés menaceraient la biodiversité. Une convention est signée vendredi 6 janvier 2012 pour établir un équilibre durable entre milieu forestier et populations animales. Les forestiers de l’ONF entrent en ornithologie La Croix, 02/01/12 À Fontainebleau, en forêt d’Orléans ou d’Orient, comme au pied des Pyrénées, des forestiers s’engagent dans l’étude et la préservation des oiseaux. Mais l’impératif de productivité contrarie cet élan.

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L'Île de la Réunion salue l'action des pompiers de Haute-Corse Corse Matin, 03/01/12 L'expérience des sapeurs-pompiers de la Haute-Corse dans les actions commandos en terrain difficile a été appréciée par leurs collègues réunionnais. Mon défi: vivre un an sans huile de palme Le Nouvel Observateur, 12/01/12 Biscuits, plats préparés, sauces, cosmétiques... l'huile de palme est partout, ou presque. Pourtant, son exploitation massive menace la biodiversité. Souhaitant se comporter en consommateur actif et responsable, Adrien a décidé de s'en passer pendant un an. Gambia Sub-regional convergence plan document validated All Africa, 03/01/12 The Ministry of Forestry and the Environment (MoFEN) recently concluded a two-day national workshop for the validation of the draft report and development of the Sub-regional Convergence Plan for sustainable management and utilisation of forest eco-systems in West Africa, held at the Baobab Holiday Resort in Kololi. Ghana Bawku: Paramount Chief urges people to halt desertification Ghana Broadcasting Corporation, 13/01/12 The Paramount Chief of Bawku , Naba Asigri Abugrago Azoka, has appealed to people in the area to preserve the environment to halt the movement of the desert to the area. Honduras ICF y Fiscalía detiene deforestación en cuatro comunidades de Talanga La Tribuna, 06/01/12 La Fiscalía del Medio Ambiente de Tegucigalpa y el Instituto de Conservación Forestal (ICF), determinaron ayer frenar la deforestación que se realiza en el perímete de cuatro comunidades por irregularidades en la ejecución del plan de manejo. India Andaman Islands tribe threatened by lure of mass tourism The Guardian, 07/01/12 Jarawa people at risk from disease, predatory sex and exploitation as tourist convoys crowd the road through their jungle. Andhra wildlife park loses 27 sq km to encroachment, deforestation in 10 yrs Indian Express, 02/01/12 The Kawal Wildlife Sanctuary in Adilabad district — where a new tiger reserve is being established but is opposed by tribals — has lost 27 sq km of dense forest area between 2000 and 2010 due to cutting of trees and encroachments. Deforestation forces wild boars to enter human settlements The Times of India, 11/01/12 Cases of wild boars entering human settlements are on the rise in areas of Keri and Valpoi forest ranges during the last two years.

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En Inde, des commandos armés pour protéger les tigres Le Point, 04/01/12 Des commandos armés vont être déployés dans les jungles du sud de l'Inde pour empêcher les braconniers de capturer et tuer les tigres, dont le nombre a fortement diminué, ont annoncé mercredi des responsables locaux. India orders crackdown on 'human safaris' in the Andaman Islands The Guardian, 14/01/12 Embarrassed officials in the Andaman Islands are desperately attempting to deal with the fallout from reported abuse of tribal women, after revelations in the Observer that they were being exploited for the benefit of paying tourists. Joda stares into a dusty future The Times of India, 09/01/12 Villagers of at least 10 gram panchayats in Joda mining area remain bereft of basics of life such as clean drinking water, child and health care, education, proper communication, etc., even though the resources of the land are filling up the coffers of mining companies with crores of rupees on an average. Leopard kills man in India, scalps another CBS News, 09/01/12 A leopard that wandered into a city in eastern India went on a rampage, killing one man, swiping off part of another man's scalp and injuring three other people before authorities tranquilized it. Les tigres d’Inde protégés par des commandos armés Libération, 09/01/12 L’Inde compte sur son territoire le plus grand nombre de tigres au monde. Le pays abrite même plus de la moitié des tigres recensés sur la planète. Mais celui-ci n’arrive pas à assurer la pleine protection de ces animaux, disparaissant de plus en plus sous le coup du braconnage, du trafic international et de la destruction de l’habitat naturel provoquée par l’urbanisation, l’agriculture intensive et la déforestation. Stop mining to save Goa The Times of India, 05/01/12 Mining may have generated a few jobs in Goa, however, for every job in the mining sector, over 150 jobs are lost due to fields rendered infertile as a result of mining rejects, mineral toxicity to plants and a shortage of water since mining depletes ground, surface and underground water reservoirs. Un leopardo desata el pánico en la India ABC, 09/01/12 El animal se atrincheró en el barrio de Nabagraha, en Silpukhuri, provocando heridas graves a varios hombres que intentaron ahuyentarlo. Indonesia In Borneo, a safe place for orangutans The New York Times, 04/01/12 In the Malay language, “orang” means “person” and “utan” is derived from “hutan,” which means “forest.” The name of the orangutan, Asia’s only great ape, literally means “person of the forest.” These animals once lived throughout much of Southeast Asia, but now 90 percent of the world’s orangutans live in Indonesia. The endangered Bornean orangutan (Pongo pygmaeus) numbers between 40,000 and

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50,000, while the population of its critically endangered Sumatran counterpart (Pongo abelii) has dwindled to less than 7,000. Land reform protest turns into violent fracas in Ambon too The Jakarta Globe, 13/01/12 Hundreds of demonstrators in Ambon, Maluku, came close to blows with members of the provincial legislature on Thursday. The demonstrators, who called themselves the Joint Secretariat for Land Reforms (SBURA), broke into a plenary meeting at the Maluku Legislative Council. Local woman: I saw impact on rainforests The Northern Virginia Daily, 06/01/12 When Susie Ellis of Strasburg learned of the accusations against Mercury Paper Co.'s parent, Asia Pulp & Paper, and its deforestation practices, she felt compelled to offer her local community a window to what she's seen happening in Indonesia. New to nature No 63: Dalara garuda The Guardian, 15/01/12 A fearsome giant 'warrior wasp' discovered in a tropical forest in Indonesia uses its huge jaws to grab hold of its mate. Nosy babies born in Indonesia Reuters, 03/01/12 An Indonesian safari park welcomes three newborn endangered proboscis monkeys for the New Year. Orangutan conservation project, Indonesia The Guardian, 02/01/12 Indonesia has lost half of its rain forests in the past 50 years, putting the 50,000 to 60,000 orangutans that live there in scattered, degraded forests, in frequent and often deadly conflict with humans. The ABCs of REDD+: on building a new forestry model that works for Indonesia The Jakarta Globe, 04/01/12 It has been joked that anyone who claims to understand REDD+ must, in fact, be under-informed on the meaning of this complicated and highly discussed acronym. Behind the scenes, plans to decide how to implement a Reducing Emissions from Deforestation and Forest Degradation (REDD+) scheme in Indonesia are still a work in progress. Tribal villages, mining firms fight for land in Indonesia The Jakarta Globe, 09/01/12 Mataram. Members of two tribal communities in Sumbawa, West Nusa Tenggara, say they are being driven from their homes by the authorities as part of a land dispute with two mining companies. Authorities, they say, burned down their homes after accusing them of illegal logging, charges they vehemently deny. Iraq Iraq Kew flora project revived after 25 years on hold BBC, 03/01/12 A project to catalogue every plant species in Iraq has been restarted, 25 years after it was put on hold because of the political situation in the country. Experts from Iraq are once again working with botanists

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at Kew Gardens in London to finish the reference work Flora of Iraq, the first volume of which was published in 1966. Ireland Irish wild boar population 'not invasive' RTE News, 11/01/12 A wildlife group has said that wild boar should not be classified as an invasive species in Ireland. Israel Environment minister: desertification intensifying, rainfall decreasing Globes, 10/01/12 The Ministry of Environmental Protection yesterday announced a comprehensive national plan of action for what it called, "adaptation to climate change". The plan is based on a report prepared by a team of experts that examined the government's readiness for anticipated climate changes in the coming years. 'Higher temperatures, extreme weather coming' The Jerusalem Post, 10/01/12 Environmental Protection Ministry climate change report predicts country will see decrease in rainfall, increases in temperature. An Environmental Protection Ministry climate change report predicts that over the next decade, the country will see an annual decrease in rainfall, and increases in temperature, southern desertification, heat waves, periods of torrential rains and flooding. Kenya Don't plant gum trees on rivers, Kisii advised All Africa, 09/01/12 An environmental expert yesterday said that many people in Kisii region will lack water if they continue planting blue gum trees near water sources. Hippo victorious in battle with villagers baying for its meat All Africa, 05/01/12 Kisumu residents on Thursday missed a rare delicacy when a hippopotamus and its young one they intended to feast on was rescued by Kenya Wildlife Service officials. KWS' advice to ranchers in Taita All Africa, 07/01/12 Ranchers in Taita Taveta county have been challenged to convert their ranches into community wildlife sanctuaries if they are to realise maximum economic benefits from the wildlife around them. Nairobi park diary - the hunted hunters All Africa, 07/01/12 Last week, a headline flashed on my inbox: Lions killed in Kitengela area. I learned that three lions had been killed in two separate incidents near the hippo pools by angry Maasai warriors after the lions killed their domestic animals. The warriors also vowed that they would kill more lions if they came near their animals again.

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Madagascar Meet Madagascar’s new lemur The New York Times, 09/01/12 Finding a new species may look easy on paper, the conservationist Jonah Ratsimbazafy says, but it takes a long, long time. He and his colleagues spent many a night in the jungle chasing after camouflaged hamster-size creatures hopping around the branches and brush. Their work paid off, though: after snagging 14 mouse lemurs, they were surprised to find they had a new species. Malawi Malawi traditional leaders step up to help fight forest fires AlertNet/Reuters, 03/01/12 Malawi’s traditional leaders have been enlisted to help prevent forest fires that are threatening livelihoods, producing climate-changing emissions and damaging the environment in this southeast African nation. Mexico Mexico can’t see the wood for the trees Le Monde Diplomatique, 09/01/12 An indigenous community in Mexico wants to drop protected conservation status for its area because it feels it has lost real control of its land and way of life. Concern about carbon emissions is blinding policy makers to the failures of some of their conservation policies. Nepal Abide by regulations to preserve forests: CIAA to ministry República, 06/01/12 The Commission for Investigation of Abuse of Authority (CIAA) has directed the ministry of Forest and Soil Conservation to abide by the regulations related to community forestry, and form a new mechanism, dissolving the existing one, for forest preservation. Chure deforestation probe The Himalayan Times, 02/01/12 Wildlife officials, including director-general of the Forest Department Bajra Kishor Yadav, today visited Chure forests on the border of Kanchanpur and Dadeldhura districts in the wake of reports that deforestation has been going on unabated in the area. High level panel begins probe into tree felling The Himalayan Times, 10/01/12 A High Level Probe Committee today initiated investigation into rampant tree felling in Chure area located between Kanchanpur and Dadeldhura districts. Nigeria Benue raises alarm over wildlife extinction All Africa, 05/01/12 The Benue State government has raised alarm over threats of extinction facing wildlife in the state.

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Gombe community tormented by snakes All Africa, 07/01/12 If there is one thing that constitutes a snare to the people of Kaltungo community in Gombe State, it is the venom of snake bites. While many in the not-too wealthy state are worried about their daily needs, the natives of Kaltungo, are primarily obsessed with how to cope with the menace being posed to their lives by poisonous vipers. Pakistan 1% increase in forest cover The News International, 13/01/12 Since the adoption of Millennium Development Goals (MDGs), the government took measures to enhance forests cover from 5% to 6% including approval of forestry mega projects at the cost of Rs12 billion, said Muhammad Javed Malik, Federal Secretary, Ministry of National Disaster Management. Punjab has no funds for forests The Nation, 10/01/12 The Punjab Assembly was told by a minister on Monday that the Punjab has a much lesser part of forest than the international requirements and needed Rs 10billion and 55000 acres of land just to raise one percent of forest in the province. Papua New Guinea World's smallest frog discovered BBC, 11/01/12 A frog species that appears to be the world's smallest has been discovered in Papua New Guinea by a US-based team. Paraguay Bomberos evacuan el parque Caazapá ante avance del fuego Ultima Hora, 06/01/12 Al menos 1.000 hectáreas ya fueron consumidas, mientras las llamas se avivan cada vez más, a pesar del enorme esfuerzo de 50 voluntarios. Otras áreas protegidas del país también están quemándose. Cuatro incendios, ahora en Paraguay EFE, 05/01/12 Al menos cuatro focos de incendio afectan a tres regiones del sur de Paraguay y uno de ellos está fuera de control tras arrasar 50 hectáreas de bosques, han informado fuentes de la Secretaría del Ambiente (Seam). Depredadores ABC Digital, 08/01/12 Las invasiones y las deforestaciones de reservas de bosques en el departamento de Caaguazú son alarmantes. Los supuestos sintierras o “carperos” persiguen las propiedades con reservas naturales, que representan mucha madera, ante la desidia “cómplice” de las autoridades fiscales, ambientales y policiales.

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Incendios forestales arrasan hectáreas de bosques en Paraguay Telesur, 04/01/12 Unas 50 hectáreas de bosques han sido consumidas por un incendio forestal que se mantiene desde hace más de tres días en el Parque Nacional Caazapá, así como en la Reserva de Recursos Manejados del Yvytyrusu y la Reserva San Rafael al sur de Paraguay. Irrisorias multas por tala ABC Digital, 04/01/12 Las irrisorias multas por las talas ilegales alientan esta actividad que está acabando con los bosques en el departamento de Canindeyú. Un ejemplo de esto es el empresario Wilfrido Arias, quien por la deforestación de 200 hectáreas se expone a pagar apenas G. 87 millones. Le Chaco, paradis des loups à crinière, des fourmiliers et des tatous Courrier International, 05/01/12 Dans cette région du Paraguay, la biodiversité est plus riche encore qu’en Amazonie. Mais les écosystèmes se dégradent à vue d’œil. Llamas devoran hectáreas de bosques en Paraguay Prensa Latina, 04/01/12 Un total de 50 hectáreas de boques fueron consumidas por las llamas en la zona del Parque Nacional Caazapá, en la Reserva de Recursos Manejados del Yvytyrusu y la Reserva San Rafael, informaron hoy fuentes oficiales. Reacción tardía de la Seam facilitó destrucción de 1.500 Ha. de bosque ABC Digital, 08/01/12 El combate contra el feroz incendio forestal que azota al Parque Nacional Caazapá, que ya consumió unas 1.500 hectáreas de bosque, comenzó siete días después de haberse iniciado el fuego. La reacción tardía de las autoridades de la Secretaría del Ambiente (Seam) favoreció la destrucción de la importante masa boscosa. Philippines A CSR project for protecting the Bataan National Park Philippine Daily Inquirer, 09/01/12 The project was started after the Bases Conversion Development Authority (BCDA) and the Manila North Tollways Corp. (MNTC) signed a business and operations agreement on the Subic-Clark-Tarlac Expressway (SCTex). In order to insure payment of the debt service obligations of BCDA for its construction, MNTC must promote the use of SCTex to motorists. But as traffic volume increases, so does carbon emission. Bamboos stitch the soil together Business Mirror, 07/01/12 The Catholic Church is known for its hard stance on environmental issues, such as mining. Pastoral letters are released now and then to state its positions. Here in the city, the Church takes one step beyond an anti-campaign approach. In a big way, it is part of the solution. Bishop Carlito Cenzon of the Vicariate of Baguio is actively involved in propagating bamboo plantations to reforest the denuded mountains of Baguio and Benguet.

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La colère monte contre une déforestation incontrôlée Le Monde, 06/01/12 Jusqu'au passage de Washi, une semaine avant Noël, l'île de Mindanao s'était presque toujours imaginée hors de portée des typhons qui passent, au rythme ravageur d'environ vingt par an, dans un couloir bien connu et situé plus au nord de l'archipel des Philippines... Philippines seizes turtle scutes and meat and scales of endangered anteaters The Washington Post, 04/01/12 Philippine authorities have seized large shipments of anteater and turtle parts in a sign that the illegal trade in the endangered animals is booming, officials said Wednesday. PWPA sets record straight The Philippine Star, 08/01/12 The Philippine Wood Producers Association (PWPA) wants to set the record straight that its Integrated Forest Management Agreement (IFMA) holder company-members are engaged in sustainable management of natural residual forests and abide by government rules and regulations. We reap what we sow Sun Star, 06/01/12 Like an old broken record or a pirated music CD, we return to the same spot, over and over again. The spot where devastation is written all over. Ormoc City, Guinsaugon, Ondoy, Pepeng, Sendong, and yes, the landslides in Compostela Valley, plus a lot of other disasters from natural hazards that we already know by heart. Romania Les forêts grignotées par les Chinois Courrier International, 09/01/12 Au contraire de ses voisins qui ont sévèrement limité leurs exportations de bois, la Roumanie voit des millions de mètres cubes lui échapper, et la déforestation gagner du terrain. Jurnalul National dresse un constat inquiétant de la situation. Rwanda Ex-poachers now park rangers All Africa, 03/01/12 Scores of former poachers around the Virunga Massif, are contributing to a good cause as conservationists, after being rehabilitated. Kamanzi launches Gishwati reforestation programme All Africa, 07/01/12 The Minister of Natural Resources, Stanislas Kamanzi, yesterday hailed the Reserve Force and the community surrounding Gishwati forest for their efforts in protecting the forest during the launch of the forest's reforestation campaign. Senegal Océanium “régénère” le Balantacounda Sud Quotidien, 11/01/12 L’association de défense de l’environnement «Océanium» est en train de dérouler un important programme de reboisement de mangroves en Casamance, notamment dans le Balantacounda, depuis

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cinq ans. Il s’agit pour l’Océanium de restaurer les écosystèmes de la mangrove fortement dégradés par l’activité de l’homme. Ce programme est renforcé depuis 2010 par le reboisement de rônier, une plante utile. South Africa Illegal South African rhino killings hit record high The Guardian, 12/01/12 Final 2011 death toll of 448 represents one rhino lost every 20 hours, a slaughter driven by increased Asian demand for horn. Rhino hunting auction sparks controversy All Africa, 03/01/12 A decision by South African wildlife parks to auction the right to hunt white rhinoceros has stirred up controversy, with lobby groups warning that the species is already under pressure from poachers. Spain Colectivos españoles y franceses piden la paralización de la tala de hayas de Zilbeti EFE, 03/01/12 Organizaciones ecologistas españolas y francesas han reclamado hoy la paralización "inmediata" de la tala de hayas que lleva a cabo la empresa Magnesitas de Navarra en el Monte Antzeri, en el municipio navarro de Zilbeti, "por su irreversibilidad y elevado impacto ambiental". El Consell realiza un seguimiento de los árboles monumentales de la Comunitat EFE, 07/01/12 La Conselleria de Infraestructuras, Territorio y Medio Ambiente ha puesto en marcha un programa de seguimiento de árboles monumentales en los espacios protegidos de la Comunitat Valenciana, han informado fuentes del departamento. Finaliza con éxito la recuperación ambiental del Monte Peñas Negras en Maoño EFE, 10/01/12 La Fundación Naturaleza y Hombre (FNYH) ha finalizado las actuaciones incluidas en el proyecto de recuperación ambiental del Monte de Peñas Negras, en Maoño (Santa Cruz de Bezana), según ha informado esta organización conservacionista. Los concursantes de Voz Natura participaron en el año dedicado a los bosques La Voz de Galicia, 11/01/12 El 2011 fue declarado por la ONU Año Internacional de los Bosques con el objetivo de llamar la atención sobre los peligros que acechan a estas superficies naturales. Voz Natura tiene la gran suerte de contar entre sus participantes con auténticos especialistas en la recuperación de los bosques. Tan solo el año pasado cerca de 30.000 ejemplares autóctonos repoblaron los montes gallegos gracias al trabajo de los colegios, escuelas taller y asociaciones que participan en el programa. Más de 500 voluntarios participaron en la 'Reforestación de Bosques' El Diario Montañés, 11/01/12 Un grupo de más de 500 personas participó en el Programa de Reforestación Voluntaria 'Bosques de Cantabria de 2011' organizado por la Asociación Cultural Bosques de Cantabria, con sede en la villa marinera de Laredo. Y todo ello dentro de la campaña de plantación de arbolado autóctono que se viene realizando desde 1994.

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Nova lei permitirá ampliar períodos de caza ás especies máis abundantes EFE, 02/01/12 Galicia terá neste ano unha nova lei de caza en que primará unha función ambiental e de desenvolvemento rural da actividade cinexética e que permitirá ampliar os períodos hábiles de caza daquelas especies cinexéticas que pola súa abundancia, tal é o caso do xabaril ou do corzo, causan danos na agricultura. TV3 recorre los bosques de Cataluña de la mano del geógrafo Martí Boada ABC, 10/01/12 Los bosques de ribera, de hayas, de robles, de pinos rojos, de castaños y de encinas son algunos de los diferentes tipos que se pueden encontrar en Cataluña y en los que adentra el programa "Boscos" de TV3, de la mano del geógrafo y doctor en ciencias ambientales Martí Boada. Vidanes acoge un centro de estudio del cambio climático en los bosques Diario de León, 08/01/12 La Comunidad Europea ha puesto en marcha el proyecto Reinfforce, establecimiento de una red de arboretums en la zona atlántica europea para el seguimiento de la adaptación de los bosques al cambio climático, que incluye un total de 68 proyectos propuestos que se ejecutarán en España (31), Francia (10) Portugal (14), Reino Unido (14) e Irlanda (5). Dentro de los que se realizarán en España, la comunidad de Castilla y León acoge tres proyectos de arboretos y dos de demostración. Sri Lanka Sound of axe rings death knell for Lanka’s forests The Sunday Times, 01/01/12 The past year, 2011, was declared International Year of Forests by the United Nations. The message was sent out to all countries. Sadly, this message has not been taken seriously in Sri Lanka. Last year was not a good year for forests here, and the year ended with the news that yet another forest is being destroyed – one of the few remaining mangrove covers in Puttalam. Sudan Gum arabic cultivation in Sudan and why did the US exempt it from sanctions Sudan Vision, 09/01/12 Sudan for a very long time has been classified as the largest producer and exporter of Gum Arabic in the world. The country produces about 75 to 80 percent of world consumption, with the North Kordofan State being the largest producer amongst all other states by contributing about 75 percent of the production. The amazing gum arabic tree that bears only in Sudan Sudan Vision, 02/01/12 On a visit to Northern Kordofan, the beautiful Gum Arabic trees grace the land from Al Obeid to Um Rawaba and from Um Rawaba to Rahad. The fruit of tree is considered to have widespread use. Everything from pharmaceuticals, various foods, ink, sweets, to even Coca Cola contains Gum Arabic, from Sudan! Much of it hails from Northern Kordofan, approximately 75 percent, according to government statistics.

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Uganda Deforestation and destruction of wetlands heats up Kabale All Africa, 09/01/12 In the early 1990s Kabale was nicknamed "The Switzerland of Africa" by white settlers because of its cool weather. But with environment degradation and accompanying high temperatures, the name rings hollow. Elephants on rampage, oil firm blamed All Africa, 08/01/12 More than 1 000 homesteads have had their crops destroyed after hundreds of elephants and other wild animals from Uganda's largest national game reserve, Murchison Falls National Park, broke out of their habitat. Encroachers clear Sembabule forest cover All Africa, 09/01/12 Authorities in Sembabule District have expressed concern over the increasing number of pastoralists encroaching on natural forest reserves and cultural sites. Govt plans to fence off its national parks All Africa, 08/01/12 Uganda has developed a long term plan to fence off its National parks in a measure to curb human-wildlife conflicts surrounding them. Land use killing forests - report Daily Monitor, 05/01/12 By end of this year, about 88,638 hectares of forest cover will be converted either to farmland, built up area or cut down for firewood. The same size of forest cover was lost last year and could probably continue next year, a recent study by the National Biomass has revealed. Mabira forest destruction continues All Africa, 09/01/12 The controversial felling of trees in Mabira Forest has continued, despite public uproar against destruction of the largest urban forest reserve. Ugandan tree planters out on a limb Al Jazeera, 11/01/12 More than 500 tree plantation workers in Uganda are set to lose their jobs after a UK-based forestry company, which hired them, decided to suspended plantations for this year in the wake of what it called bad publicity. Unknown people cud Down part of Mabira forest All Africa, 01/01/12 Vincent Lubwama, a motorcyclist in Mukono, sees over 20 truck-loads of timber going towards Kampala from Mabira forest every week. Behind that heavy traffic is a beehive of illegal activities. As each truck passes by, Lubwama feels the pain of a tree being felled.

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We must restore our forest cover All Africa, 06/01/12 A recent report by the National Biomass has revealed troubling data on the state of Uganda's forest cover. According to the report, about 88,638 hectares of forest cover will be converted either to farmland, built up area or cut down for firewood by the end of this year. Moreover, the same size of forest cover was lost last year and it is projected that the same trend will continue next year. United Kingdom An early spring may be bad news for honey-poor bees The Guardian, 05/01/12 Sightings of snowdrops and hazel catkins mean spring may be nearly here, but bees' honey stocks are low after a tough 2011. Badger baiting has been outlawed since 1835 – so why is it making a comeback? The Guardian, 03/01/12 Perpetrators are employing bull lurchers – a lethal mix of speed and aggression – to kill their prey. Big cat may prowl Gloucestershire wood, says National Trust The Guardian, 11/01/12 Evidence of big cats at large grows as charity investigates killing of roe deer at Woodchester Park near Stroud. Canal network could be used to transport biomass for power plants The Guardian, 01/01/12 Canals are a cleaner way of moving fuel than by road, says energy group Dalkia. Cross-laminated timber: the sky's the limit The Guardian, 13/01/12 Although the wood technology is popular in Europe for building, it has only recently begun to gain acceptance in Britain. Leopards from British zoos could boost wild population The Guardian, 02/01/12 Fewer than 40 Amur leopards remain in the wild, but plan to use animals bred from captive big cats may provide a lifeline. Rare oil beetles found at Gloucestershire nature reserve BBC, 09/01/12 The discovery of a number of rare beetles at a Gloucestershire nature reserve is being celebrated by experts. RWE to open UK's biggest biomass plant this month Reuters, 05/01/12 RWE npower will start commercial operations at Britain's biggest biomass power station at Tilbury in Essex at the end of January, a spokeswoman said on Thursday.

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Stroud deer carcass tested for 'big cat activity' BBC, 11/01/12 DNA tests for "big cat activity" are being carried out on a roe deer carcass found near Stroud in Gloucestershire. United Republic of Tanzania Elephant population in Tanzania sanctuaries drops Reuters, 03/01/12 The number of elephants in two wildlife sanctuaries in Tanzania has fallen by nearly 42 percent in just three years, a census showed on Tuesday, as poachers increasingly killed the animals for their tusks. Find out why jumbos are vanishing, says Jk All Africa, 03/01/12 President Jakaya Kikwete has directed the Tanzania Wildlife Research Institute (Tawiri) to conduct research to determine factors behind the disappearance of sable antelope in Saadani National Park in the Coast Region. Meet Matilda's horned viper, the newest snake in the world The Guardian, 11/01/12 Snake discovered in Tanzania two years ago has been named after seven-year-old girl. New viper snake species found BBC, 10/01/12 A new species of brightly coloured snake has been found in a remote area of Tanzania in East Africa. United States of America Aux Etats-Unis, une alliance pour protéger les forêts anciennes 20 Minutes, 04/01/12 Les globe-trotters d'Un an pour la planète ont rencontré des membres de Dogwood Alliance, une association qui milite pour une production responsable de papier aux Etats-Unis... Blackbird killings in Arkansas believed intentional Reuters, 02/01/12 Someone intentionally set off fireworks under a blackbird roost in Beebe, Arkansas on New Year's Eve, killing about 200 birds on the first anniversary of the similar death of 5,000 of the birds, authorities said on Monday. Confiscated bushmeat 'poses virus threat' BBC, 11/01/12 Scientists have documented potentially dangerous viruses entering the US through illegally imported wildlife products. Crane migration can resume, F.A.A. rules The New York Times, 09/01/12 The Federal Aviation Administration has relented and will allow pilots flying ultralight craft to finish a trip on which they are guiding whooping cranes from Michigan to their winter nesting grounds in Florida.

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From the jungle to J.F.K., viruses cross borders in monkey meat The New York Times, 13/01/12 It’s a familiar story: deep within the jungle, an intrepid explorer or hunter awakens something he shouldn’t have. Maybe he bagged the wrong bat or came into contact with an ailing chimp. Whatever the origin, he unsuspectingly becomes host to something deadly and unseen and unwittingly carries it back home across the river or the ocean. And then the pandemic begins. Legal problem grounds a bird migration The New York Times, 07/01/12 Birds and planes don’t mix, as was demonstrated strikingly three years ago when Canada geese were sucked into both engines of a USAir flight from LaGuardia, forcing the plane into the Hudson River. But it turns out that a more benign interaction, using ultralight planes to teach endangered whooping cranes their migration route, has its complications, too. More of state’s species may be endangered The New York Times, 05/01/12 Near a glade of blackened pines, a Ph.D. student at Texas State University used microchip technology to search for an endangered Houston toad. Her device beeped as she held it over a carpet of pine needles, and after a bit of digging, a live toad emerged, half-buried in dirt. Snowy owls make rare southern journey into central U.S. Reuters, 10/01/12 Something white is providing a lot entertainment across the United States this winter, and it's not snow. US Forest Service approves 15 wind turbines in national forest in southern Vt. The Washington post, 04/01/12 The U.S. Forest Service has approved the construction of 15 wind turbines in southern Vermont’s Green Mountain National Forest. Whooping crane migration given green light by FAA Reuters, 09/01/12 A flock of rare whooping cranes has been given the go-ahead to complete its inaugural winter migration after a U.S. agency lifted restrictions on the pilots, who will guide them wearing bird costumes. Uruguay Alerta roja en Uruguay por riesgo muy alto de incendios forestales EFE, 10/01/12 La Dirección Nacional de Meteorología (DNM) de Uruguay emitió hoy una alerta roja debido al "muy alto riesgo" de incendios forestales en el país como consecuencia de la sequía y altas temperaturas del verano austral. Viet Nam Growing threat to biodiversity Viêt Nam News, 09/01/12 Biodiversity and the natural environment in central Viet Nam are being increasingly degraded due to economic development, according to a recent study by the Viet Nam Environment Administration's Biodiversity Conservation Department.

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Vietnam has fewer than 50 wild tigers left Thanh Nien, 01/01/12 Illegal poaching and deforestation have narrowed the wild tiger population in Vietnam to below 50, scattered at national parks and reserves, experts said at a conference Friday. Zimbabwe Border Timbers invaded by ZANU-PF 'settlers' All Africa, 10/01/12 Zimbabwe's leading timber producer, Border Timbers, is reportedly struggling to cope with ongoing invasions by groups of "settlers" who are not only destroying the soil but are ignoring bilateral investment protection agreements, intended to protect the German owners. Rhino horns found in minister's car All Africa, 10/01/12 Local Government, Rural and Urban Development Deputy Minister Cecil Zvidzai has been named in a case in which three men were arrested in possession of two rhino horns worth US$120 000 last week. World Achieving land degradation neutrality no longer an option, claims UN All Africa, 05/01/12 The United Nations at a ceremony to mark the Decade for Deserts and the fight against Desertification (UNDDD) and the International Year of Forests said that achieving land degradation neutrality was no longer an option. African rainforests continue to face challenges Voice of America, 06/01/12 The African continent contains about 30 percent of the world’s global rainforests, second only to the Amazon. Scientists and conservationists met at Oxford University to discuss changes the forests are expected to undergo in the 21st Century. African rainforests said to be resilient UPI, 06/01/12 Tropical forests in Africa may be more resilient to future climate change than the Amazon and other regions, scientists at a conference in Britain heard. Africa's rainforests 'more resilient' to climate change BBC, 06/01/12 Tropical forests in Africa may be more resilient to future climate change than the Amazon and other regions, a gathering of scientists has said. Déforestation: les bienfaits de l'agroforesterie Afrique en Ligne, 06/01/12 Les pratiques agroforestières ont un double avantage. Elles permettent, non seulement, aux populations d'être en sécurité alimentaire, mais aussi de lutter contre la déforestation. 'La régénération naturelle assistée (Rna), une forme de protection des arbres, constitue un moyen efficace de lutte contre la déforestation', a déclaré Bara Gaye, le directeur de l'Ong Innovation environnement et développement en Afrique (Ied). Il s'exprimait lors de l'ouverture des travaux de l'atelier sur l'initiative de

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reverdissement en Afrique. Le thème de la rencontre a porté sur 'promouvoir les pratiques agroforestières pour renforcer la performance des systèmes de production'. Desert's advance a mix of human and natural causes The New Zealand Herald, 10/01/12 As far as natural disasters are concerned, the jury is still out on whether 2011 was better or worse than 2010. It would be difficult to experience a year worse than 2010, with devastating earthquakes in Haiti and Chile and volcanic eruptions in Iceland and Indonesia. El bosque tropical africano, más resistente al cambio climático Semana, 09/01/12 Expertos reunidos en una conferencia internacional sobre el clima aseguraron que las especies de árboles del continente africano han sobrevivido a un alto número de catástrofes naturales en los últimos 4.000 años. Film sur les dégâts forestiers au Congo Le Figaro, 12/01/12 L'exploitation forestière des Français dans le bassin du Congo, deuxième massif de forêts tropicales humides au monde, provoque d'importants dégâts dont témoigne un film documentaire, réalisé par les Amis de la Terre et rendu public aujourd'hui sur leur site. Finding a way to put a zebra in your tank The New York Times, 09/01/12 Prowling the animal cages at the Audubon Zoo with tweezers and sandwich bags was an unusual and somewhat disconcerting experience for David A. Mullin and his graduate students. Incendios forestales azotan Suramérica Prensa Latina, 06/01/12 Los incendios forestales irrumpen hoy con fuerza devastadora en gran parte de las naciones suramericanas y constituyen una importante amenaza para los seres humanos y la rica biodiversidad de la región. Les animaux en danger La Vie, 03/01/12 De nombreux animaux sont menacés d’extinction, impliquant de lourdes conséquences sur la biodiversité. Un bref aperçu de ces menaces. Plants at risk from seed dispersal threats BBC, 10/01/12 Drivers of biodiversity loss, such as habitat fragmentation and climate change, are threatening seed dispersal around the globe, a study has warned. Species in the US-Mexico borderlands BBC, 05/01/12 The US-Mexico border fence, designed to deter illegal immigration into the US, cuts through wildlife corridors in one of the most ecologically important areas of North America. Here javelinas hunting for a place to cross into Mexico from Arizona turn away at the wall.

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The contribution of trees to our lives: it is time to take stock The Guardian, 03/01/12 French botanist Francis Hallé makes a case for the defence of trees as a powerful ally in saving the Earth's ecosystems.

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