n.i.j.c. cardinal review vol 21 no 6 dec 7, 1966

Ken Marcure Heads Dean's List With 4.0 Grade Average The rPalst1111• otclc' r••pon that th<>r<' wer<' 89 lulHlm students dolna 3. IB or 1.:.;b r work at thl' end or th• br nlne·,,.eek Ken Mar· CUI• )Pd Ille J1iluP With •'stnLls!Jt A" (4,) u&!le point avenaie. Thos.. 3.5 1111d O•cr ,.ere Cathr7n A!ldre...-a. Sharon Barie!. Richard B<-o- nett, Dennis Burr, Arthur J. Cooper, Canaac" Dahl. Linda F'lnley, COnd.) Jan'l £, Harris. Gr<'cory Ha)<'DP. I M&rl70 Randllll Henle7. Ka,) Llndircn, Rci- .unne \lcCoy, \"alorJe l!On, Lucile Rl1C11. Jacque· line Ross. Mar1ortc Rubo•" Bobby Kenneth Walters, Karen ll11tta. Others earning 3. and over avemges were £lu.lne Adkins, Carol Anderson, Shciyl strom, $baron BlaynP, Mark 1 Bozarth. Paul Breithaupt. Janet Brueher. Jan Bull, Shannon Culson. Gan Casev, John Cranc, Robcn Crockeit, Joy Culp, Chrtatlnf' De\'ort, Rlckanl Diemert, Robl'rt Olct:.:. Diane Douatas. Durfee, Ron11ld FlsMr, JoAnn Ford, Walter Gllmnn. Jack Hammond, JoAnn Hnwks, Carol 1low11rd, Julli. Jcnat'n, Claudia John· 600, Man•ln Kirchner, Shrryl Leonard. Pearl F.. Loni:.:, Rober1a \lcCo), Janice Mc £uen, llllllam Mcf'arland, Bevercy \!cHeno, M•r5ba \lann. Barbara PhU Meredith, $tPphf'n \lor«an. Karol Olkonen, CIGrk son, Nell Pcwr .. on, AnUlony Popp, Janice Purd.)', Ch06tcr RelllJ' , JoAnne RJchmond, Jerry Riebe, Denni- Rius. Thomas Rocers, Rene.- Ro· 1 mine. John RucbehnaM, Karen Scllooler, Dorothy S<:caur, Robin Seh'llce. Sorma Sher· man, Claire Simmon!<, Sharon Smith. K&¥ Stoddald, Linda Thlemens. John Thomas, Michael Thomas, Jeanne Thompson, L:my Verhei. 1 Betty llalkcr, Robert Wilbur, Earl l\olle, Lesli lloltNs. Cat0l Wortblncton. 1 Youn_'- _______ _ Winter Concert Set For Dec . 14 SIJC's Cone< rt Band .. u1 present lt.s annuGl ,. Inter concert Dec. H at 7:30 p.m. In the l:)'m, No ad· mission ,.111 be A hlchllcht or the concert 1 will be' the numbrr "Mt. Lucb" b) Henry Mancini. It wilt rea1ure solos bv on tbt' trumpet and K&1h1 Givens on lbe alto aauphooe. The l\IJC twlrlcr.1, dlrectc.'d b) £Jaine Adkl ni1. and the Swinging RPdblrds, lhl' collecc danc:I' band, will also perrorm. Director Jaml'S Bum& said hl' bopei1 that Pt'rsonnel !tom other colleces wUI a1tcnd. iioc11• other numbers plann..i arc: "SI. Antho07 Divert!· meo10" by J. Ho.ydn. man" (Concert March) by R. H. Peavlo. "Thr Golden E1u" by M. San MIQU•·I. "Ja· malcM F'olk Suite" by H. L. Walters and "Rhythm or the by F' £rick en SKI LESSOH S 8E CI H Ski lesson" r. r SIJC stu- dents ..ianl>d Sat. I> c '!lb 1 3 at Schsettzer Ski Basin. coeori C'Alt•H, IOo\HO Thanbgfoing Dance Some ot rhe c o.tplirs ....+.a ett/oYod th. a done. '\ov. 19 ""'•'• '¥'-.,• I OIOl"I'• 'tr•ll•t, Gory Af.-J,,, Btv'bilr:t f-- ,, .. ,,., olld Carol 0 ,... """c·d er. CALE. YD AR ' Sleigh Ride' Theme Dec ., 6:30 p.m. E4 n t • dlnnet. For Christmas Formal Dec. 9 - "The Carpctbo..1>" gers Dec. 13 - on 34th Street" Dec 1; - Band Concert Dt!e. I!'> - A'\S Chr stca.S F'omal GOOD HEYS FOR ALL Su.d n ..11' .a!t "'111 probabcy L oar-111 10 l'-'&111 that the collece cataloc con· talns an error on Christmas vacation dates. The \'Ilea· tton period ,.Ill bci:lo aft.er classes on Dec. 16 and "111 sum ap.in Jan. 3. Football rans ...-m at' Y !be Po un or rao r tb !lrat nlM->"' k h.l b. o co"'· pletcd In the ft i;Jatrar· o! · !Ice. \lld·St'ml'Mrr 11r11de Ille not permwicnt and repan catds .. -111 not be 11 nt out a.. a Sl'neral rule. Studcnt.s who would llke to •' · lbelr grades may do so by alUnc at the registrar's !lice. "SleJith RJdP"' I thl' '11 'll for the AllS Chrt tu1as Form..! this 1tar. It will be held In lbl" Edmlnstt' r Studul t:alon Dec. I Strom 9:30to 12-30 a.o. A hlJbllr.hl Of lbt' e'N!allli Ul be lbe crowning of a klac and quet'n. Candidates tor kine are John Atcblso11. Duoote, Ntll Pete:· son. Ray ll.Jlll'lson. &11d Gary Anderson. Queen candlda1e1 .,,.. Eva Roed, Patt.Y L• noon. Kristy Sherr! Ro...-r, and Lorayne Pao let ti. The "1nnln1 couple will be selec· 1ed by thr people attendinc lbe d:uice. •bo •!!I CASI lbrl! rotes as Ibey en:e: doc-:. The mu1lc •111 be rurnlsbed b) TooU.e J41:1c·s ::wi or· che11t111. A pho1ocr11phrr will be pr • sent 10 lake pictures of couples who wlll pose on an old · IL!>hlont'd slclch. Cooklu. and punch ... ut be sened durlnc th,. ennlni:. The Student l/a!on •111 Ile cloac.'d D1!C. I ;-Jan. 2 Incl sire. AAUP TO SPONSOR BAllOllT DEC. I HOllORHI& MRS. ANNA EDMINSTER, LOll&-TIME NUC TRUSTEE \1 na R. Edmln t r, M trustee 01 North Idaho Junior Coll c for 27 y<!ar11 .... 111 b" bonorml at a banqurt Dec, 8 for her unllrlnc l'lfor111 In bebalf or lbe collcce. lb<' dlon r Is 001n1 sponaored by collcc chapt r of th<' or UnlversllJ' Proteasors and "Ill be hcld ln f:dmtn!ler Student Union. e&rll< r In htr honor b.J th" NIJC Dor· mltory llouslnic comml11111on. Col. John McFarland will be mastrf or C<'rl!monltrn !or th" procrllln uran;r.d by the AAUP. Dr. E\a Ou. 0< Dl1 ot llomen. will be Ule apeak..r, reYlt>•lnc Mr11. £dm1nslN'.S aaaocl1111on with the collo1 The NIJC ,.\ Car>ll<'lln Choir will o!for a muslcral pro1r.un. The bnnqutt will be aerved b\ lhr Student Union 11111tr. Durlnc an lntcn•t•'I• with Revlt1• reporter Jim Youns. )lrs. F'.dmlnatN "I can hardb belle\'O that Ibey are havlna this wondetrul nq •l • r .., Th.., Junior Student Bo•d Is Considering Naming A Student Manager fl <I• In ot u old boolt· IOI room In th SUB ...... dl5CUHed 117 the Stud nl Board at their last mc :Inc. Included In tbe plannlni ue c111vctlnc. paneilnr. chair cabinet and a phooe In tbe room. A com· mlttae la still 1nveat1cu11n1 t>rlc J;. Preald nt Chrl&tlanaon al· the :"O\. 15 meetln1 to aucr:est the appointment or a Stud nt :o be r spon· SIDie !or ..SB propertlt.'S, In · and : c 1d11. Mr. Hatcb explained th laocllon or the &uder:t r at Ille llnh rsl17 of Idaho. disco ICCI a: se"tnal me tnc , ASB President :-/ell Pcteraoo app0111wd Mt. Trlt· t n, Mi. Burns, .i.tr. Hauibl. P.. c Dohr:::an. Da' c Pnano. \\Ink And raon aod blcMll as a come! uce to ceet wl lb Mr. Ch: Uanson aplo to dl.scu the appoint!lent. At:poln:ment or :->ell Pet r- aon, K111 Glt'ason and Anderson lO the Studfnt Union Comclttee bu been announced by thP ASB. h.1A alw&.> bo"•n a challen•" 10 m<>. I am o-. r- Joyed wllh Its arowth nnd aucc11as throuah \lrs. Fdnlln•IN ,..,. C•n of lhe founders of s IJC. Shl• wa one ot lbe Int re tcd I ctJ\Onl\ •hose U rt r • 11ultml In ler.talallon In t •)Q which C11> I vosslblr er allon or Junior coll•11n 11 lrlcta ln hlnho. Sh• lhtn worko<I hard to 1•t \'otrr" to ct• 11te ' col· dl11trlo1. All theirn l'!fort• wr r1 succ• a&lul untl North Idaho Junior Collog Dlalrlcl wa In op 1 1t111n ln !nil of I '13!1 In th city hall :.tr • F:dmlnstt>t aald she "DI 1.lw.,11 1.w11r that bclor lu1ure ell!,., n11 could be ed· unatrd to assume cl vi r • .pon•lbllllle11 and "lrf<'IZt> brrtln God aovii lhrm, they would ll rllt hOVP ltl h KtYrn 1n opportunity to I< 11rn. F'11ctllllea In lh" clt1 hall had become lnod quot In posiwai and np_la Mrs. Eammste-1 worked hard to secure a new plant lot :-!JC. 511., ll'a In •"curlnc land ror a c11mP11s tot the collc1c. A site WllJI donlll<'d by th Winton Co.. m11klnc pos lhl., th nut or a bund IBllU" by district o"nt>rs 10 a .,.,. ctaa111oom· amna tum bulldini;. OUler bu1ldlnES l1u be n addod to U!e NIJC cams;Na since and ' lr.s. £dmlnBl t aald abe feels rewarded tor e1tor:s by lht tact th111 IHUdents IU now r<ilPlnc th• benollts of a mod rn collee that Is nationally accr<'dlted. Mrs. EdmlnatN wu appointed by th covernor to the ouctnal Board ol Ttu:ne • In lb" e! J 93G. Tb 8'>ard met tor !be /lrsl time on Ju:ie :?l. 1939 and Lira. £d- mlna:er sN-.ed aa is coll 1• unlll Sept mil<>:, IO!l!l. Or. o,,, as apokl' man tor tM A/lt.:P. comment d !or th R .. v11:>w: "I am most cratdul 10 Edminster. a "" all art. to: Ille untlcJn11 a d ahe hu r.IHn the callee . Sb Wllll OD thl' l<p(lDliW croup lo 1933 and bostess d par.I s 10 ra.ae fll.'lds to &tan Ille coll IC· "Se• nil !oreli.:n students have been •elco:it'd gueata In llt'r home duunc lht'lr stay Bl ;>; IJC. Sbe has llSUJhl lh<'m the ruodam•nta.la of our cultur and bu mora or lt'sa u a !lnlsbtne achoo! tor thee. :-.; II Peterson and P<'C Dohr· man "ff•' delepied to attend !be ..SB prestdent.s• conYentlon at ld:lho State 1.inlnnlll7 Pocaiello Dec. 3. Another • c 01 action wu the appolntm at ol 11lnk Ar. · d raon. Dave ?Tiano and :.'rtl P.. tersoo to at: nd as dt!l "''"• a m..,unc or a.r<a hl&'.b achoOI student lead.rs ;lioY. :?2. The mee11n11 1'05 to dlB· cuss "Bo Iler School Reio· uons.. and wu hl"ld In the stud at union. The Board also appo•l'd p rdlue 0: a piano tor lb SUB. S11bjee1 to appronl of lb<! ol kC\' bOard. "I tblnk !bat W11. Edclc· l\ltr•s prate.II contrlbullon be: uod)'lni: faith In tht' coll<'ce proJt'Cl and h r n vcr- eodlnr. con!ld•nc ID lb ol · people. I onlY h pe '"' PPOPIC. I only hOPt' that, In their cratltud... tht' lei;to P<!OPI<'. I onb hope lb&t, In lhPlr erott1ud . Ult' J'OUOI adults at tllf' ooll 1 will prom 1rom bff t'.tample and a!Mua Ile alWllJ'll IK' conscious noa.ii lO car ."

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Published Semi-Monthly During The College Year By Journalism Students At The North Idaho Junior College


Ken Marcure Heads Dean's List With 4.0 Grade Average The rPalst1111• otclc' r••pon

that th<>r<' wer<' 89 lulHlm students dolna 3. IB or 1.:.;b r work at thl' end or th• br • nlne·,,.eek p~rlod. Ken Mar· CUI• )Pd Ille J1iluP With •'stnLls!Jt A" (4,) u&!le point avenaie.

Thos.. &>t·ra~nl 3.5 1111d O•cr ,.ere Cathr7n A!ldre...-a. Sharon Barie!. Richard B<-o­nett, Dennis Burr, Arthur J. Cooper, Canaac" Dahl. Linda F'lnley, COnd.) F'ull~r. Jan'l £, Harris. Gr<'cory Ha)<'DP.

I M&rl70 Heln~me)er, Randllll Henle7. Ka,) Llndircn, Rci­.unne \lcCoy, \"alorJe Pc~r­l!On, Lucile Rl1C11. Jacque· line Ross. Mar1ortc Rubo•" Bobby J~ Sh~ldon, Kenneth Walters , Karen ll11tta.

Others earning 3. and over avemges were £lu.lne Adkins, Carol Anderson, Shciyl B~r1· strom, $baron BlaynP, Mark

1 Bozarth. Paul Breithaupt. Janet Brueher. Jan Bull, Shannon Culson. Gan Casev, John Cranc, Robcn Crockeit, Joy Culp, Chrtatlnf' De\'ort, Rlckanl Diemert, Robl'rt Olct:.:. Diane Douatas. Ell~n Durfee, Ron11ld FlsMr, JoAnn Ford, Walter Gllmnn. Jack Hammond, JoAnn Hnwks, Carol 1low11rd, Julli. Jcnat'n, Claudia John· 600, Man•ln Kirchner, Shrryl Leonard. Pearl F.. Loni:.:, Rober1a \lcCo), Janice Mc £uen, llllllam Mcf'arland, Bevercy \!cHeno, M•r5ba \lann. Barbara \lannln~. PhU Meredith, $tPphf'n \lor«an. Karol Olkonen, CIGrk Os~r­son, Nell Pcwr .. on, AnUlony Popp, Janice Purd.)', Ch06tcr RelllJ', JoAnne RJchmond, Jerry Riebe, Denni- Rius. Thomas Rocers, Rene.- Ro·

1 mine. John RucbehnaM, Karen Scllooler, Dorothy S<:caur, Robin Seh'llce. Sorma Sher· man, Claire Simmon!<, Sharon Smith. K&¥ Stoddald, Linda Thlemens. John Thomas, Michael Thomas, Jeanne Thompson, L:my Verhei.

1 Betty llalkcr, Robert Wilbur, Earl l\olle, Lesli lloltNs. Cat0l Wortblncton. \l•·rll~e

1 Youn_'-_______ _

Winter Concert Set For Dec. 14

SIJC's Cone< rt Band .. u1 present lt.s annuGl ,. Inter concert Dec. H at 7:30 p.m. In the collec~ l:)'m, No ad· mission ,.111 be ch1u~ed.

A hlchllcht or the concert 1 will be' the numbrr "Mt.

Lucb" b) Henry Mancini. It wilt rea1ure solos bv S~ll Pet~rsoo on tbt' trumpet and K&1h1 Givens on lbe alto aauphooe.

The l\IJC twlrlcr.1, dlrectc.'d b) ~Uss £Jaine Adkl ni1. and the Swinging RPdblrds, lhl' collecc danc:I' band, will also perrorm.

Director Jaml'S Bum& said hl' bopei1 that Pt'rsonnel !tom other colleces wUI a1tcnd.

iioc11• other numbers plann..i arc: "SI. Antho07 Divert!· meo10" by J. Ho.ydn. "Mlnul~ man" (Concert March) by R. H. Peavlo. "Thr Golden E1u" by M. San MIQU•·I. "Ja· malcM F'olk Suite" by H. L. Walters and "Rhythm or the Wind~" by F' £rick en

SKI LESSOHS 8ECIH Ski lesson" r. r SIJC stu­

dents .. ianl>d Sat. I> c '!lb 1 3 at Schsettzer Ski Basin.

coeori C'Alt•H, IOo\HO

Thanbgfoing Dance

Some ot rhe c o.tplirs ....+.a ett/oYod th. T~O'\•.SQlllf'•no s•~t·:!Or a done. '\ov. 19 ""'•'• '¥'-.,• I P~"""· OIOl"I'• 'tr•ll•t, Gory Af.-J,,, o~d Btv'bilr:t f-- ,, A~ .. ,,., olld Carol

0 ,... """c·d er.

CALE.YD AR 'Sleigh Ride' Theme Dec .,

6:30 p.m. E4 n t • dlnnet. For Christmas Formal

Dec. 9 - "The Carpctbo..1>" gers

Dec. 13 - ··~urtctc on 34th Street"

Dec 1; - Band Concert Dt!e. I!'> - A'\S Chr stca.S


GOOD HEYS FOR ALL Su.d n ..11' .a!t "'111

probabcy L oar-111 10 l'-'&111 that the collece cataloc con· talns an error on Christmas vacation dates. The \'Ilea· tton period ,.Ill bci:lo aft.er classes on Dec. 16 and c~es "111 sum ap.in Jan. 3. Football rans ...-m

at' Y !be

Po un or rao r tb !lrat nlM->"' k h.l b. o co"' · pletcd In the ft i;Jatrar· o!· !Ice. \lld·St'ml'Mrr 11r11de Ille not permwicnt and repan catds .. -111 not be 11 nt out a.. a Sl'neral rule.

Studcnt.s who would llke to •' · lbelr grades may do so by alUnc at the registrar's !lice.

"SleJith RJdP"' I thl' '11 'll

for the AllS Chrt tu1as Form..! this 1tar. It will be held In lbl" Edmlnstt' r Studul t:alon Dec. I Strom 9:30to 12-30 a.o.

A hlJbllr.hl Of lbt' e'N!allli • Ul be lbe crowning of a klac and quet'n. Candidates tor kine are John Atcblso11. llan~n Duoote, Ntll Pete:· son. Ray ll.Jlll'lson. &11d Gary Anderson. Queen candlda1e1 .,,.. Eva Roed, Patt.Y L• noon. Kristy ~Ito. Sherr! Ro...-r, and Lorayne Pao let ti. The "1nnln1 couple will be selec· 1ed by thr people attendinc lbe d:uice. •bo •!!I CASI lbrl! rotes as Ibey en:e: ~ doc-:.

The mu1lc •111 be rurnlsbed b) TooU.e J41:1c·s E·::wi or· che11t111.

A pho1ocr11phrr will be pr • sent 10 lake pictures of couples who wlll pose on an old · IL!>hlont'd slclch.

Cooklu. and punch ... ut be sened durlnc th,. ennlni:.

The Student l/a!on •111 Ile cloac.'d D1!C. I ;-Jan. 2 Incl • sire.


\1 na R. Edmln t r, M

trustee 01 North Idaho Junior Coll c for 27 y<!ar11 .... 111 b" bonorml at a banqurt Dec, 8 for her unllrlnc l'lfor111 In bebalf or lbe collcce. lb<' dlon r Is 001n1 sponaored by th~ collcc chapt r of th<' A~rrlcan A~soclatlon or UnlversllJ' Proteasors and "Ill be hcld ln f:dmtn!ler Student Union. e&rll< r nram•~I In htr honor b.J th" NIJC Dor· mltory llouslnic comml11111on.

Col. John McFarland will be mastrf or C<'rl!monltrn !or th" procrllln uran;r.d by the AAUP. Dr. E\a Ou. 0< Dl1

ot llomen. will be Ule apeak .. r, reYlt>•lnc Mr11. £dm1nslN'.S aaaocl1111on with the collo1 • The NIJC ,.\ Car>ll<'lln Choir will o!for a muslcral pro1r.un. The bnnqutt will be aerved b\ lhr Student Union 11111tr.

Durlnc an lntcn•t•'I• with Revlt1• reporter Jim Youns. )lrs. F'.dmlnatN c:omm•nt~d "I can hardb belle\'O that Ibey are havlna this wondetrul

nq •l • r .., Th.., Junior

Student Bo•d Is Considering Naming A Student Manager fl <I• In ot u • old boolt·

IOI room In th SUB ...... dl5CUHed 117 the Stud nl Board at their last mc :Inc. Included In tbe plannlni ue c111vctlnc. paneilnr. chair • cabinet r~modl!Unc and a phooe In tbe room. A com· mlttae la still 1nveat1cu11n1 t>rlc J;.

Preald nt Chrl&tlanaon al· ~ndc-J the :"O\. 15 meetln1 to aucr:est the appointment or a Stud nt J.!&o~e: :o be r spon· SIDie !or • ..SB propertlt.'S, In· \'l'n~ and : c 1d11. Mr. Hatcb explained th laocllon or the &uder:t ~oai; r at Ille llnh rsl17 of Idaho. At~r disco ICCI a: se"tnal me I· tnc , ASB President :-/ell Pcteraoo app0111wd Mt. Trlt· t n, Mi. Burns, .i.tr. Hauibl. P .. c Dohr:::an. Da' c Pnano. \\Ink And raon aod blcMll as a come! uce to ceet wl lb Mr. Ch: Uanson aplo to dl.scu the appoint!lent.

At:poln:ment or :->ell Pet r­aon, K111 Glt'ason and ~ke Anderson lO the Studfnt Union Comclttee bu been announced by thP ASB.

Coll•·~· h.1A alw&.> bo"•n a challen•" 10 m<>. I am o-.r­Joyed wllh Its arowth nnd aucc11as throuah th~ vear~."

\lrs. Fdnlln•IN ,..,. C•n of lhe founders of s IJC. Shl• wa one ot lbe Int re tcd I ctJ\Onl\ •hose U rt r • 11ultml In ler.talallon In t •)Q which C11> I vosslblr er allon or Junior coll•11n 11 lrlcta ln hlnho. Sh• lhtn worko<I hard to 1•t \'otrr" to ct• 11te ' col· Ira~ dl11trlo1. All theirn l'!fort• wr r1 succ• a&lul untl North Idaho Junior Collog • Dlalrlcl wa In op 11t111n ln th~ !nil of I '13!1 In th city hall

:.tr • F:dmlnstt>t aald she "DI 1.lw.,11 1.w11r that bclor lu1ure ell!,., n11 could be ed· unatrd to assume cl vi r • .pon•lbllllle11 and "lrf<'IZt>

brrtln God aovii lhrm, they would ll rllt hOVP ltl h KtYrn 1n opportunity to I< 11rn.

F'11ctllllea In lh" clt1 hall had become lnod quot In th~ posiwai ~tl?d and np_la Mrs. Eammste-1 worked hard to secure a new plant lot :-!JC. 511., ll'a acth~ In •"curlnc land ror a c11mP11s tot the collc1c. A site WllJI

donlll<'d by th Winton Lumb~r Co.. m11klnc pos lhl., th nut 111~p-pas••K• or a bund IBllU" by district pro~rty o"nt>rs 10 con~uuct a .,.,. man~nt ctaa111oom·amna tum bulldini;.

OUler bu1ldlnES l1u be n addod to U!e NIJC cams;Na since and ' lr.s. £dmlnBl t aald abe feels rewarded tor h~r e1tor:s by lht tact th111 IHUdents IU now r<ilPlnc th• benollts of a mod rn collee that Is nationally accr<'dlted.

Mrs. EdmlnatN wu appointed by th covernor to the ouctnal Board ol Ttu:ne • In lb" apr1~ e! J 93G. Tb 8'>ard met tor !be /lrsl time on Ju:ie :?l . 1939 and Lira. £d­mlna:er sN-.ed aa is coll 1• trJa~ unlll Sept mil<>:, IO!l!l.

Or. o,,, as apokl' man tor tM A/lt.:P. comment d !or th R .. v11:>w: "I am most cratdul 10 ~lrs. Edminster. a "" all art. to: Ille untlcJn11 a d ahe hu r.IHn the callee . Sb Wllll OD thl' l<p(lDliW croup lo 1933 and bostess d par.I s 10 ra.ae fll.'lds to &tan Ille coll IC·

"Se• nil !oreli.:n students have been •el co:it'd gueata In llt'r home duunc lht'lr stay Bl ;>; IJC. Sbe has llSUJhl lh<'m the ruodam•nta.la of our cultur and bu OP<'rt~d mora or lt'sa u a !lnlsbtne achoo! tor thee.

:-.; II Peterson and P<'C Dohr· man "ff•' delepied to attend !be • ..SB prestdent.s• conYentlon at ld:lho State 1.inlnnlll7 I.~ Pocaiello Dec. 3.

Another • c 01 action wu the appolntm at ol 11lnk Ar.· d raon. Dave ?Tiano and :.'rtl P .. tersoo to at: nd as dt!l • "''"• a m..,unc or a.r<a hl&'.b achoOI student lead.rs ;lioY. :?2. The mee11n11 1'05 to dlB· cuss "Bo Iler School Reio· uons.. and wu hl"ld In the stud at union.

The Board also appo•l'd p rdlue 0: a piano tor lb SUB. S11bjee1 to appronl of lb<! ol kC\' bOard.

"I tblnk !bat W11. Edclc· l\ltr•s prate.II contrlbullon •a.~ be: uod)'lni: faith In tht' coll<'ce proJt'Cl and h r n vcr­eodlnr. con!ld•nc ID lb ol· 1~1e people. I onlY h pe '"' PPOPIC. I only hOPt' that, In their cratltud... tht' lei;to P<!OPI<'. I onb hope lb&t, In lhPl r erott1ud . Ult' J'OUOI adults at tllf' ooll 1 will prom 1rom bff t'.tample and a!Mua Ile alWllJ'll IK' conscious noa.ii lO car ."


QVCSTTO.\ llhat I II•"" C>Pt•IM Of Uc Jlod looA: •• clot.tu Jad1ou•

LINDA LARSEN. Soplu>­mort'. Sodoloc: \ar1et)' 111 ht'allll.1 and lnt<~tloi It It docan'I distract '"*ch•:.:; and 111ud<nts lo cla .....

D" Barr ..• Re· Carp.nt-r, Tom Caz :.!l· r.,, G~" ChaP1><1I. Biii Charles. R. H. Ctoclte : r. Carobn C::i..-e-. Rlck OAy. ~like EICet', RoY L. Eycan. l><;nny rosier. Joh:: Ginns.

I au nd<!d "' ~1"1' " Suds In \'our fJ .. &:id found tin• play to ~ • ry etJJo_yable wl lb eic P'.toaall.y talent~ acuni:. JEANNIE STONE. F're&b­

man. Home Ecooomlca: I think some or the Shlr1a the bovl ••ar loo~ Uk;: blouR• . ui>eclall.r the paJalry prlnt5. and I hate shJru wHh polka dot•. Th• mtnl · skJns a1en't 100 bad. but I wouldn't wellt one ti.cau.sc I'd r .... 1 IOO Sf'lf"(X)nSt"IO<lll.

MIKE 51.iSALLA. Sopbomc: t . Scleoc~emJ&!t:i : Pal~ley

shin•. chf'Cked P•nts. and polka dots bt'loni; ID a ClrCUS.

It a pe1&on wanta to be a clo•n. that's all rlcht with let'.

CHERYLSPERLL"G. F'rcsh· man. Bualn('ss Admlnlatra· !Ion: On thls campus I Ju t don't •ee all that much. I wish more kJds woold eo ror the mod look . becaust' I Ilk~ II.

SHERYL J. BERGSTROM. Sophomor<'. English S1udf'nta should be able to dr~-Sll u they plrast>. but "He 'A1IO oaould be an lndh1dual. WOQld be a cian." CR. w. Emerson)

K E.'I 1' ALTERS. Sophomore. Such.•., En&1netrln11: llha.1 a 11trson •Hrs Is his own bu • lnf'u. If he wants to •<"1ll mod clotb~ft . cowboy cloth~s. or no rlothe • It's nobody'B bu•lnc:.a but hh1 own.

"Trn m111 who shout at thi top or thf'lr luncs attract far morr attention than a thou· Hnd who dlaa11rr with the t•n but rl'lnaln •ll~nt."

Srn. 'T'homu J. Dodd

G\'~tilt'! Gorr.=atl. Robl'rl Ga~t'. J ohn G:o&bllll:. Ron Groin". Priscilla HOdi;aoo. Beulah Rtrt•, Bob Huskey. Diane James. J ohn II. Jones. Barbara Karl 111ad. Kath$ Karr. Pa1ncl1t l.ami>en. Albl'rt Mc Casklll. Skip Murph}. Henry Sa;;el. John Neann,, She:r1 Rov. e , Linda Scba'fn'-'· John Tho:n~. Crat. n.cmpsoo. Pat Il l Ill am

FlllES Jtci Ba ,.. '4!r, Barbara

ou:z. L• a o.:nel. F'red .Emeblser. Hl'len Holland. Gary Jackson. Harald La:so::. Grant :.I r•Jman. Tamao" Shaw. Alan Sl:tlth. Cbr s Thompson. Gar- Turi.


There w1a. la:~• tum out \\ dnl.i..'.I&, ror th first or a series ol lt-ctur s sponsorj!(j br Phi Tbua Kappa le their pro11a:r. Tbc Conqu~st ot Ma::. Jaocs B. Crawc PTe a thoui;!lt provoking lt'Cture on "Palltlc11 - Paar. Prl'&eot and F'uture."

F'ollo,.lnc his lecture •ere questions rro:n llO:le or lb" man) •lud•n111 and facull) ml!!llbc rs Pf<!1ten1. ThP next I "'lur• will b" Dec. 7. g1v~n by Robe rt E. llrtaht on th .. topJc or "'Space ...

An l'OlhUMlllltlC tum out IB antlcloal.t'd tor this lecture Judlllnt hom th• lz~ of th~ lt!OUP jlrt•sf•nt JO I \\l'dnPsd~',

THE N.L J.C. REVIEW ......... s..,; w .. iw, D.iot "" c;.-_ v­

• .. Jew..-~ .. "'" NOlTH IOAHO JUNIOl COLUGE


E «lilo.t • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • Borkro MotWlln; Acht1111in9 Mona;tr •• , • , , • , , , • • ••••••• Pct..,nne M<C•vre C11c1i1tot.Of\ ••• , •• •• , • , , • , , ••• , ••••••• P•t~l' Br"" ngo

P"'oto ,0 •·••. • • Don o Haen'' 1 P ' • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • Qv.,.._. B 1c.hoh f:tto~'""' 1' Don Sn\,.., J,... Y°"""t. Robb Seh.,.;e-. R aol e Trv•. O.o~ $c:ti,,,•btrq•1. °'°"•Id th • • 110

How~vrr. lb • one POrtlon or the pla -s :oln at whlch I "-us ver) mu•·h niJla!I 11nd taU!N dumlound d. I do not know It It ta a cuatom to attend the N IJC plllJ'll 10 the "am" au.:e 11s the ac1ori1 on lM IUAl«l' o: not . but I am sure that 11.1 most colleces Ille stu1eni.a bave mote col· 1 .. e pnde tbn.n to do tba.t.

M I o~rved the audlerce bdote the PlllJ' bepll aor:I durlnc tb" lotermlss1oc. I noticed that al:ncst C'll!Q'body sas lo sem!·'o::::al atU:e with lbc excrp:.on o! many :0.1JC 111u1~nt11. I hardly bt'­llt • e that blue Jeans. sueu:h 1rouser11. and 11h1ns "1th tails oot alopp; . loost'-tllled d ress-i s apprc.pr11te clothJn& lo •bJch to attend a collece play p:)ducllon.

It It Is a CUl!otOlr. to: :.1JC s1ud~nta t.o attend social fancllons :n .-err cas:ial a111te. t.hen I bdleTe It .s tlme for a change. I also bcllc\'c that tbt' '>LJC 11tud<'..nt llOdy •bould 1'CI :tr. elllCPI" o: Pro~r ata::dar;:l o! aulre for tile CO::ll!lllolty and pa.nlc· ularl.y tor our cuests •ho attend our !unclloru1.

At the neu college social function "111ch I au11nd. whelht'r It be a play. ba..ak._.,. Dall Clllll4' ordanc<'. I slncNely bope that I •ill r._.el a sense ol prld" for th~ &tud<'nt-~ appearancl', rathtr tb11n a ~ruse ot amazcm~-01 and de ·


!.!arvln ''" Farmer. ln!t:uctc.: D< B f:~u ... uon

HUC Prof And Author Correct Book Error F'ran~ r • n h d the

Bl 'ICI I>< P r' n • •NI"" ell:ed tor not horlni; writ! n sooner to Dr. Gxrr It Hardin, 11u1hor of the modrm cla sic ot bloloRl lf'llll, concerning a. mistake that has oppear<'d lo t.h: " cd1t1on1 of "Bloloa Its Prlnclrlrs ond l::iphca· Lions." Th :r r. •blcb cC"Urrcel In ompuuni: the

'lt'QC ncy I X·I kl'd Ct:llCS Ln •o n. •ll •I lraJ'• potntl'd

1111 to the etas u p:oe: lbat b aulh r waa not ln!alllbl • "Tbe: hav be n othe: e1·

Chan 11 IK>I• n Dr Ha:dtn and mr.'' ET&n1 Htd "but I IUH al•:iya bl? n too busyto nut blm "1ten TC"t I stw:iblcd on lhl• fault. Dr. Hardin .,..s most araetous In Ba) inc. 'Ro" rtcbt JOU Ill ,. "

E•llZIB runber commented tlat Science boots can only ICCOme better lhro11c11 n !1· 111e•a b 1P. f t II I• I i>oasible · o: ll!l)'Oll al on 10 !""

tlect text •




P .. c,.c wO•••• • •1115

co "- ••· S••tt• Coc:v• OA\.C.,.t ID A•O

N. J.C. REVIEW C ~'Alon•. ldo!>o 'ftt. 0. .•mbo• 1. 19~



Aft : traTellnc ov r 10.000 :nl!es lbrou"1 U state11 and three provinces In Cannda searching for ll place to live. ~CltlY< \\11t1s Md her husband Tom. Who 15 a muon. decld&d to make U!elr home In Coeur d 'Alene.

They cho'e Coi•ur d'Aleoe. ~lrs. l'la11a said. because It rs a smo.l! to'A'll w1lh blc 101111 assets. She also tnJo' s the re-cr~atlon created b) L.ake Col"Ut d' Al :ir and t!:e su:­rocndlnc CO"UOtalns.

"We becaor ti.red of the tur.:iall and beetle llfl' In California.'' Mrs. \\atts con· tinued. "l enJ y horsebacli 'ldln ve:y much &:id It was 1-::po.,slble 10 o•n horses In San Jose. \\e plan 10 build a house Mxt summer wher<

e can keep horses." Mra. \\all5 said.

Mu. Watts Is employr.d at !'!JC as the counsellni: and faculty ~ecretary. Sh• at· :ended San Jose Stale Col· leEe thrtt scmestrrs and t.-aduar.ed rrom H~rald'• Col· lei:e. Silo Jo • as a l!.';111 sec:eu." nn r one semcs1N.

F' : tao and o:it-half 'ellrd SM •o:kt"d IOI ll prJ\'ate d 1e live o ne) In San Josl'. Tbl'?I fib ..-orked about one and n ·:ialf yea:s to: a law f.:m 11150 In S:.n Jose.

J.!IA. l\atts has bc•n married to: 11 months and enJoy s al I sports. lln fovortt~i1 nrc hun:rnc. swto:nminc and watl'! "titnc. She 11ald she want~ to leam bov. to ano11 · kl thls sinter. llben lhl' m ntloncd that !lshlac 1<as on~ ot her bobbies aM cusl.ncly saJd. "lt alwu.-s mskes cu hu•· ba::d a::i:y •ben wr Co fish· Ing because I cateh mo:t fish tb~ he does.··

tn azidluon to llll o• b": otllr: acl!Ttti s , l!A:!rs Is a sea:Aueu •:id r.:akrs most or l!:e clat.h a t : bNM!l! and her h~sband.

Hn •ho ltt.5 the •orld. o: his own JIOl"Jon ot II. choose b. • PllUI of h I f r Ille, has co need of llll.f other rac:11lty than IU "l>t'- lae one cf Im!· tau ::. He wbo c.'looRs bis pla11 !01 bl ell. plo7• all bls f&CIU ti

a art lolill


Woodcock's Drug Store Co"IO e· - r "d' .

P·escr o• Of'!.

11• N ~"'"" S• • c .... , 411 A •"•

OAr, C ' LE'ARY Joan O'Leary. 11l'crrtal) ·

bookke<'pe: n: :0.1JC '"as born lo :S"bra.ska. ral sed In Colo· n.do . and ,radutall'<I from Ro • " •II Busloess Coll!!~"· Ro • W• II . !'. M.. wh "' she r< · cetnd 1> certtncaie In 11core· tart11l !iclence. llbllc at Roll· •eU. she NBS 11n acllV!' ml'tn· ber of lbe GAA (Girls ' Ath· lellc ASsoda11on). In this orp.nJuuon she playt'd on • professional c!rls' bas ball 1ca::i from 19~9·51.

Mrs. O'Uo&ry ts 11!"4 a ~rad· ua~ or Pterce Juntor Coll•~<. l\oodl:uid Hiil !<, California. wlle:e she also r•'c···I\'~ a certificate in •ecretanal sciences.

Mrs. O'Ll'lll') lhl'S In Coeur d'Alene '"Ith her t"O boys - Blll Danny. 9, and nmottiy Patr1ck. 7. Shi' hM previously been actlv~ all a den mother tor a Cub Scout oraanlzaUon. CU1d In the Mar t\.11ure she will IK-comr the leader ot 11 n1•11 ~-H tor~Sll')'

club wllb H mcmb!'r.1, In add! t!oo she •~ the llPcond 1t1ade room mOlher reprellcn· tallve at lbe SI. Thomas School In Coeur d' Alf'ne. •

''"'· O'Lea1y &ald that Nie enjoys all sports. partlculart.r bo" Une. s"tmmlnc. horst· beck rtdln~. campln1, and photogrnpby. Sh• also 11aJd that Shi' wnnt--' to ll'am ho" to ski thl.s winter. And 11lon11 With these \\orthwht11> en · d!'a,ors she l!i nn &\'Id r!'t1dN.

Mrs. O'Lean snld that she thinks ~IJC Is one ot th" most IK>autlful colltot1ea . and that she enJoys worklnc "'1th rhe faculty and stud~n111 very much. •

··1 am !lrm!y con•1nccd U!at thPre Is nothJnG more tx>uull · tut than lhe autumnal renec ­tlons or the plne·clad mour.· :alrus of lbe Col'ur d'Alene area In the s!Q·· blue wotN:i or Lake Coeur d' Alene.'' says Mrs. O'Le1u~.

:-.othlnc Is bettP r ror m id• ,.,. t:llUl b<'J nc tall.

Flash Bulbs

S1.00 Per Dozen

From Our

Flash Bulb Basket While They Last

Floyd's Camera Center •

ioJ S».-· -" •·919• C0ti..r ct•At,..,c. ld~o

Choir Works On Christmm Numbers


Dlrot:tor Lov Kelly h tho'4n •Ol"lrr9 °"'r o ,.,.~ Q('f'fOl"'lttoP"C•s 11;".hedul.-d ~ ,.,. school nvmb4r ....,,,,. th NIJl. i\ Cll µollo Chou d ,.,,,Q -..r•lr rlJe- c"°1 io n wor'• ~ a • 01 • -· fhOlf t'tOC>n ,..hf!odr al >llrlo '• nte- c!x>u as. mo..., ""01 0.,.-#o~e • ---------- -

Dl'Cl'mber Will be a bu$1 month lot th" Clt'mbers oC tbe SJJC A Cap).'.>tlla Choir.


"Beckrt" was sbow'l'I to a hltil 11roup or ~tudtnrs and a ce.. facu11.1· membNS In th• SUB llcdneadtl.l eHnlnG fol­lowln& a lecture b.) James B. Crowr.

The 1 wo and a bait hour mo• ll' "'a" shown b) rhe i;rud•·nt acthlU~s committee and Jack ll&rgi, wbo OP<r&tl'I\ thP proJcctor ror all mo•les In tM SUB tor the •ntctt&ln· ment or the :.;1JC atudents.

The nut mo• ltJ will b" "The Cal'!>l'lb&~cers" 11ho•n tbl" Frida.'. D A •tdlna:: 10 Jan Bui


Tb• colh Con r Band "'111 prearnt ~one· ~ ot llor· leJ. Plumm1·r. and SI. ~larlc~ hlJh schools Dec. 13.

This tour continues a it1ldl· uon ol lhc band In 1l61Unc nt<'ll hlllh schools c&ch vro.r 10 ill e cone• rl .


H of o'1d De c 04.ll HambfJr~ '

SJ>o- • O•ders ., F" ' ...

C ircfA ""t .o""'

Ii bcctos on Dee. 8 &I ~ .30 Wllb a CODCtrl trlbut" lo ,\I,,;. Anna E:dmtnstt:, lorn:er cec:· b<'t of lbe SIJC Board 0: Trustl'es. Thhi con~n wlll be held in the Edl!!IM:cr Stud•nt Union Bu1ldtnr.

J.C. Ptnn<'y'i; s~ d•1i1t.~· ment t<lll be lb" seen<' o! lhe lll'COnd Dl'c ::ober coc­rer: Dec. I:. 'Ibe Cl:olt and cnsembl<' •Ill lnW.tl! M.Ct~. aplrtlual. 11nd Cbns:mas aoncs In th• p:tsc:itstlon. The propam 1r1!1 bec:n at 7:30.

Oil Dl'ce::ober H. the cbo:: and t'D&emble ><!II entmaln th•• Girls Fedrt1l1ton or C<>rw d'Altne Hl'b School Wllh special s...iecllons. IUld on December 16 v.UI P"rConn !or thi> entire studeo1 bod~ 0: Post Falls Hl'h School.

l)('cember concert appear· anct>s .. 111 close with an Ht•nlnc of carolloc on tb" :?3rd. Community Singers and m<·mbers and alumni or the ?>1JC choir "Ill sing tta.dl· Ilona! Christmas carols for lh!! P•'OPle of Coeur d'Aleoe.

There Is probably oo man Uvtng, tbOugh el'er so gr~t a •ool, tt;al cannot do someth.lnc or •It .. r ell. - sar.u I l'tan•n

MODERN DRUG CENTER s~c-·ol.rm9 .n Co ·~•OI• N..Cs

'"' H.a/•;, and Hop()<,,.SS

Out Ofozo Re,ro.,on• o •o~s Polo•• ond P.,..se

1107 H, f..,, ... MO· 4-nzl


,ASTIUllZED MILK MUNS IOOo/o SAFE MILK , ....... ,. O-.w1h - 0--4 HMh trii - l"•'9t

USE COEUR D' ALENE CREAMERY MILK )O.& N 4.+i ~·· "°''E C·1161


SIJC Bo h~ I •

• i •tel • Pill" Problem noi Tan,ltd Tale" and "Div r· .:.Ions and Dier 11&lon&" b:r Lewis Cartoll. :llr,., Eileen ,\nderson. boobtore manai r, sa75 that th• books .,., of cu:l'.!nt lnte:~11 becaus of !Ile Kaleldoscol><' Play r • 1>"tlon:1ance, "The 0th•: Sides of !hr Looklni Glau". 10 be pr.,seoted here Dec ~r i.

"Pillo"' Problelll!I"'. one of the rar~st ol C&rroll's books. offers i:? 1:1alhe::>atlC'al poser11 as diversion lor ISU!I : r ot 1.nSomnla. In tbe same >oluml' "TIUl&led Tale" Ile math • matlcal 1111zzles Into 10 "knots" or cbao1ers. ID the lone appendix Carroll di • cusses bolh rl cbt and Moo G all&clu• IO his problems.

··Oh er,,loos and Dla&1c&· slons" otters further salltl' and pa:OO, by th" author or "Allee 10 "0ndNl&nd". Also Included are matbrmaUcal games 1UJd brain teasers, and the nu~ book "Doublet".

The PQualll) W" bllVt! aJ• "11.YS "DU"11 In America baa been the equal 011portunll7 to do WleQUal lbin~'·

- All•·n C. Br .wn:• Id


aO? p.,..., A... . MO t•?OOO ,_ ......... ~,,.

Coeur d'Alene Laun rt & Dry Cleaners

Ou•c•, Covr·~s ~r.•c"

SDPCrol, Qne~:>o, 5'>nrc•

N • •.c. R£v1£ .... _ , ., ...... ~ •. '"'~· ••'·· o.-.:: ..... b&', ·. ,~ ... --- =-----Home Ee Instructor finds Hawaii Is Very Commercialized

r · 1 .r-. I! Eeonomlcs t n r. r~tumru from Hawaii rec nt!J" nrr &Uendln11 tbe :.; at onal Counr.J ,\C\"nlll A oclatlon Connn· llOD •llh b r busb&nll.

Ou $ls &t !be convention • re entenaln d b• A llaWlll· •an sr.Jle llhow In •hleh mlc· di • ~ ..-:lmen mod.,l<"<I ::>I • alonnn- ai, It! dr.saes lhat ..-ere Pf rscnal anllQU""3· Man) or lbc CUlll'nl dr .. saes wom In Hnwall ar ra hlonecl Alttr the e ntucy-olrt nppa1 I wllh blouson bOdleos, lllt•d wal&tll, ""d putrrd slri Its.

:.SrR. Stranahan toured lhll t ~land or Oahu which hous"a Lw.:i·thtrds or the 1w11ulQtlor1 r llawall. Silo obarrveil

thn procrdur1•8 Of llU~t Can1 proePaaln11 and w1u1 shown tho lntrlenclr.11 or 111oduc1ni:: plnM1111lr, Japnnu" b11nnnu. papaya and COC!lPUIS. "ll wu storming 10 badly when w wert> thNo lhal the I · land ra v. ·rt• conunually warnlnc ua 10 &Ill)' away !tom 1b11 coconut ll•Oll. 11rn ttl&h •Inda and rain could have cau i1d aevtrnl coconut lumpeel h ada wnonc 1he vtsllor ", &b Hid.

On tho ouuk11ts or Hono· lulu sb•' riallcd th~ Amert· Cllll soldl ta' <:l'metery whrra gun· " r pla~ed In a ct1lttr or an exunct volcano. A m morlal I• C't ct d there rcn lh ramoua World llar II corr apondent F.rnle Pyle. Sol lat from thtr , ll Oo:itln1 m mcnal !or !lie ballkllblp Artzona la consuucted on Pl'llt I Harbor. "It see mod as thou£h all lhR natives h•d soml' comment to make to Amorlt"an tourl•t• conctmlng Pearl HarbOr. It waa lnlete!$1· Inc io Jull sit sllen1l7 In the ('&ba lllld bu ea and Listen to the drtveN." "I nollc<d how commNclal ·

lzed Hawaii la Crom lhe Irv mendous price nuctuuuon ot !toms. \\ •et able to bllY a man's shin In a la<:tory shop ror $2.91 which was neatly $'!.00 leas th&n What It .,.aa sold !or In \he cor:nn~r· clal dlawct. \\oolwor.b'S, Penn 1' and Sura ar lhe

lldlnc: chain &tores tbt:..-. AID iuona. •hlcb extends Coe

,r e atones wttb dnwc·ln :=p parkln;:. la tbe brcest 11boppln; center n lbc world".

.lolll. SC.:.inahl>D WU Ill:· I'! sed by lh congenial 0.1-

osph re In which tb nnou!I raopa accrplf:d ("1aCb olber a::1l • rited bannonlat:ab' C&­£"1ber. 6h cooald '~ Ha"'111 lb " tuns: pot" o! lb Uni~ Staces.

Thal w :lei hlp "111 not co::· llnue 10 tbl' rod lll'lllcb Is '-run to: 1UJ ed. - Qi:111lu

NUC Student Is Bird Counter For Audubon Society

ET I') )'t'&t Around ChrlAI· m1: t1m mo: lhan 12,000 !>l'r on sp nd an el1ht·hour da, counlln1 blrd11 by loot. on anowabol'a. ak111, bv aut o-bi!" and brJAt. Over 700, U·mlle n>dlu 11r & ar covucd In th United RtatH and Cann~a. This 11n11ua1 bll"l c n LI' I callvd U1 Sallonal Audut>on 6ocl 1)'11 Chrlsun.• Ulrd count O«'rm~r ::S Is the du • I

for 111" ln~lan ~wuntaln Bir J Count. "hlch covrrs 1 att of ll•rrlson Fla13 nntl surround· tni: ar• llS. lnlormo!lon lln<l r~g1a1r1u1on lorms nr uvall· nblc by wrllin~ lo l>un.ild lklkklla, lndlnn \!ounloln Bird Counl Com1•1l<.'r, llurrl• son , Idaho. D•ndllno Cur t•n· trunts to turn In lh,.lr r gl • 1r11t1on RllP& lft D••cem~r :?J,

This y1•ar'11 counl wlll I moll o u \en·mll• hlk~ ovrr fll'lrlB, alone 11 lak~ nhorc. ..nd up lo thP. top of lndlun MounU1ln, plu11 11 count or birds that m!U' bt• """ n· rout,, 10 th• count on that lfll), provldin11 Lht>y ar a n within u 15-<nlle rarllu• oC th bird count c nt• r.

Sta111111ca comoll d 11)' lbtll volunl•cra will provld b lp­lul inron:iatlon In d ttr lnlnc m11ra101y 1iautm of birds aDd a cross aecllon ot lb numL"r ol 11 c 11111n IP I lhroucllOul lhl' Unit d SUit • 11nd Can:ida.

Results of lndl•ldu>.I bird counts tbrou'110ut lbe Unit d Suite5 and CanDtla nr pub-11 h~ ln Audubon f I Id Sot s. nlonc with th nam~ ot th• parL1e1pants A f of 50 cent.11 IJ<'r bird count 1 artl· clpanl must be cb>.r& d to help P"-' ror thP co 1 or pub­llsh1n1 bird count lnfortnn· lion.

l\11hou1 the rC!ortll v ry , ear or th• s 'olun1e1;r much ~ d11J1bl<.' Information would b lost. TM Fish anrl Oamr Departm nt atmpl' docs not bavt> the :lmi> 10 eompll 11uch a d• !A!led c n us, bul wben the~ recPlv~ thin nl· uabl lnfor::iallon It enabl a them to lnstltult' mcaaur lbal '"111 LSlllJrC tht' lon~vlt7 al every i;pecle of bird and wild II r . Too manJ apecl s such u lll'l pa1Jac-nc•: plicon b1l\e beeoe>e .. xllnct, or MatlJ so.

~ UJ for


~a cl er -··- ff W I N oltb Sltfft

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Cardinal Ba&ketball Squad

Eagles Guests At


ur 1& .. nal CUlo:;n.wn .. kto- Um ' arlN :arc II all!Lbl" ID tilt' !).1JC llbm: now, accordlni: • , Res" JI Sodcrlloc. llbrar11111. Film Is ll\'Allabl rro:n Jan. •.

Basketball Game New Tape Recorder

HJ to !)j>c, :?~. l'IS6 for l..H • Jan .. 19$0 untll D"c .. 1956 Cor nme, J11.n., l!H3 until 0 C' •• 1956 for SCl<nCt' :O:cw~•Nt r. 11nd !rom J11n •• 1950 until Dec.. 1956 Cor U.S. :-; ws and \\arid R.\-pon , Sod rime said.

•If '." r r..ii;le _: th ·:uc

Yak mn •enlnc.


I OUQulf\ (IJllA ,1• & ••IH$ COEUR D' ALOl['S

EVERGREEN FLORAL AND GIFT SHOP '·· o .. . . , •• , '•·· • .... . ..

HJ , ... .... A·• • c. .... " . O•


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111~ main a•ha.ntaac of uslni: r.ncro-!llm. Soderling s111d. Is lx>CAuse lhl' film tak~s up much less s i;acc thllO the actu&i lssut-s. This ellmt · r.:ues c •torai:e l>rJbl m and 1•11nbl '5 th lltrnl:} to keep a

cell la· : b:ieliloc of mega· Th ~ "111 tlfl no Sod :llni: emphn· bu Id UP Olm o! ll

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c~<>d fo, ••mo~)

Any gomo Is more fun whh Ice-cold Coke on hond. C~co-Colo hos tho Josie you • ne•er gel ti~d of.,. olwoya refresh ng. Thot's why lh1ngs go bettor with Coko... , • ofter Coke ••. ofter Coke.