newspaper just in time

Authors: Daniel Hernández Nela Méndez Ana Yancy Moya Fabián Solís April, 2013 Newspaper Just in Time

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Daniel Hernández

Nela Méndez

Ana Yancy Moya

Fabián Solís

April, 2013

Newspaper Just in Time

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Bullying culpability of many? By Fabian Solis .................................................. 3

......................................................................................................................... 4

Inequality between women and men by Ana Yanci Moya .............................. 5

......................................................................................................................... 6

How to make a trip by Daniel Hernandez ........................................................ 7

......................................................................................................................... 8

...................................................................................................................... 9

Nurses work by Nela Mendez ........................................................................ 10

....................................................................................................................... 11

.................................................................................................................... 12

Games .............................................................................................................. 13

....................................................................................................................... 14

.................................................................................................................... 15

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Bullying culpability of Many?

Bullying is any verbal, physical or

psychological abuse produced by a student to another. This is one of the main

problems faced by young people around the world in their schools. In Latin

America, 51% of all children enrolled in sixth grade suffer from some

form of bullying. This social problem can lead to lower grades, being too shy

to interact with people, or in the worst case they reach the point at which they

want to commit suicide. I will mention the three most common causes of

bullying. First cause of bullying is the family, the environment in which the

child grows. Also, the school and the peers play an important role, and finally

the TV programs with high levels of violence.

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The family is one of the causes of bullying, because in the family the

kids learn manners. These manners will have a great influence on the rest of

the relationships established with the environment. When the children are

exposed to family violence, they will be more violent with classmates in

school. “They can see the life as if there only existed an aggressor and an

assaulted”. In the future, violence might regarded by them as the only solution

to any problem.

At school you can find evidence for the occurrence of negative behavior

in school because of friends. Children spend much of their day at school; this

is one of the main places where violence occurs. But what causes this school

violence in children? Studies show that there are times when the school

teachers create expectations about students, and interact with students of

whom they expect positive performance. This causes that a small group of

bright students participate in class, continuously and a small group of less

bright students feel threatened and jealous of all the attention that others

receive. This situation may cause anxiety and depression in children, which

could free up aggressively with their classmates. It will be important to raise

our children with values of tolerance, and make them understand that there is

no need to feel envy or jealousy about any partner. Violence only leads to

violence, and it is not a way of finding a solution to any problem.

The last cause of bullying in children is TV. If it is true that TV is an

instrument to do many things, it also exposes our children to violence in

cartoons and TV shows. Hence it is one of the most common causes of

violence in children and young people. Things or attitudes that children watch

on television have a great influence in their behavior with their classmates.

But it is not true that in all children, the violence manifests itself equally, even

if they are exposed to the same programs; it depends on the child's personality.

This repeated violence can cause children to see violence as normal and this

way behave “normally” with their schoolmates. For this reason, it is the

responsibility of parents to see what programs their children watch. Thus it

can be avoided that children watch programs that are not suitable for their age,

because the violence will be reflected in their future behavior.

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Bullying is a problem that affects the victims both psychologically and

socially. I mentioned in this report some of the many factors that can cause

bullying, for example the family environment, school and television programs.

This is one of the biggest problems that affect the social harmony in which

people live. But can there really be a way to stop or reduce this social

problem? In my opinion, it is very difficult to completely eliminate bullying

from the society in which we live, but we can teach our children and us to

learn how to be kind, and values such as tolerance and respect for others. With

our supervision of the behavior of the younger ones and teaching them that

violence does not solve any problems, I think it would be one of the best

ways to reduce bullying in society as it is a problem of many!

By Fabian Solis

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Inequality between women and men

Have you ever experienced unequal treatment because of your gender? This

question might sound kind of weird considering our century—taking into

account all the laws against gender bias and the evolution of human beings´

thinking. But many women experience this kind of mistreatment every day.

To be more specific, women face unequal treatment in the job market. There

fewer job opportunities for women and in many cases lower wages for

women, even for women who are performing the same tasks as their male


Sadly, when it happens we do not speak out; we do not raise our voice against

this bad behavior thus, we become accomplices of these actions and denigrate

our society and all the efforts and fights of those who hoped to change our

industry and provide equality of opportunities.

Are we passive people or afraid of advocating our rights?

It has been demonstrated that women do as well (or even better) than men, but

there still seems to be a gap in all the areas mentioned before. Regarding the

first one –job opportunities- it is clearly seen how women have to work in the

service sector in order to get hired and that they are employed mostly for

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positions where social skills are required. Sometimes they have to disregard

the executives positions because these ones require skills like forcefulness and

availability, characteristics that are apparently mostly possessed by men.

Besides the service sector, women are employed as domestic workers and the

conditions are not always steady for them and also be kind of abusive. This

kind of activity is frequently looked down upon and most of the time

performed by migrants - Which is a cause of financial problem in our country

due to the money is transferred to another country instead of being spent here,

in order to support our economy- I consider that companies must be more

concerned about recruiting people with specific characteristics and disregard

the gender as a stereotype of performance.

In Costa Rica, our women are highly educated, since they have the same

opportunities and access to the free and obligatory educational system.

However, our culture still assigns them the traditional roles and the

importance of them in order to be considered a “good woman”. Chauvinism

can be a cause of that way of thinking, but what it is more regrettable is the

idea of chauvinism being promoted by our women. Then, our own culture is

making us sick, since our women are not only expected to be “good ones” at

homes, performing all the roles and household chores imposed by our society,

but also getting into the labor force accepting being less paid or treated

different from the male colleagues. We cannot deny that female insertion in

the labor force is making them change in their way of thinking about

themselves, their society`s roles and responsibilities, but this change is not

going as fast as we like!

Even though our traditions keep assigning specific roles to many women we

can see how our generation steps forward and advocates genders´ equality.

Even our country promotes laws to guarantee equal conditions for women. But

most of these laws are oriented to the work field and ignore those like

household chores, raising of the kids and motherhood. Since we live in a

patriarchal country it seems like we are condemned to see how men make the

decisions for us. Or we can start making little changes in our home, raising our

children in equal conditions, disregarding their gender and teaching good


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In conclusion, as long as we settle behaviors that devaluate all the capabilities

that women have, we will continue with the problematic of inequality between

men and women. We will keep on affecting ourselves and our society and we

will miss the opportunity to be competitive under the same circumstances. As

a woman, I can say that sometimes it seems like our own nature is against us,

taking away all what we fight for and what we work for, just because we are

women. But, if our selfishness blinds us or takes advantage of or changes our

mind about equality, we should stop and reconsider all the efforts that brave

women have done before and recall if we are being right about our judgment. I

strongly advocate for equality between genders because we are all valuable

and deserve a chance to contribute with our knowledge, aptitudes and skills to

our society and make it better for ourselves no matter what our gender is!

By Ana Yancy Moya

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How to make a trip.

To everyone's happened that when they make a trip wound when they

realize that they are missing something important as sunscreen at the beach or

something more important like that the money is not enough for your entire

trip. That’s why when you are planning to do a trip; you have to think about

many things before. You need to think about what you are going to need in

there. You have to think about where you are going to stay. And finally you

have to think about how much you are going to spend. If we do these steps it

is very difficult that we forget something.

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The first step is to know what you are going to need in the place that

you are going to visit, obviously first you need to know where you going to go

exactly. For example if you go to the beach or mountain, and then if you want

adventure or relaxing time. Based in that you can do a list of things that you

going to need. Maybe some people thinks that it is going to take a lot of time

but it is better that than you forget something, because it is really boring if you

arrives and say oh my god I forget something. So we can do a list and check

before leave the house.

The second step is to decide where you

are going to stay. You have to decide if you go for camping or to a hotel.

When you decide that you have to choose if you go to the beach or the

mountain. Then you can search a good place to stay in the internet or in

newspaper or wherever you prefer. You have to choose very well what you

want to do and based in that you can see what hotel or camping lot offer the

best things to do or who offers the best food or if you haven’t a lot of money

you can choose who is the less expensive.

The third step is having a budget. Once when you have decided what

you are going to do, where you are going to stay and all of these things, then

you know how much you are going to spend. We need to have a budget for the

trip and to not exceed it. A lot of people go on a trip with a credit card and

spend a lot of money, and when they come back, they do not know how to pay

all they had spent. That is why we need to have a budget before leaving. When

you are doing a budget, you have to take into account what you are going to

do, where you are going to stay and based on that you can list the prices of

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everything you are going to do on the trip. You can separate the money for the

trip from your money for other things.

Finally when you follow all this three steps you can know what you are going to do,

where you going to go or stay and how much you are going to spend. It is better if you are

planning a trip follow the steps to be sure that you know exactly what you need and do not

forget anything. These steps are really easy to realize and can facilitate any trip so it is

better if every person do. And if you do time before the trip like two months you can

improve the trip and could be better.

By Daniel Hernandez

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Nurses work

A lot of people hate being sick and having to go to the hospital for

medical attention, and they try different remedies for not going to the doctor

and neither to the hospital. But when you are in a hospital, or when one of

your relatives is in one, you want the best attention for you or your relatives

don't you? But have you ever thought about the people who work in a hospital,

especially nurses? Every day, in the hospital, nurses have a lot of

responsibilities. This is a very challenging job. The first challenge is their

schedules. Then, people think that there exists one nurse for each patient and

they have to take care of a lot of patients with different needs. And the last

challenge is the responsibilities and daily activities they have.

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One of the principal challenges of being a nurse is our schedules. We

have to rotate in three different schedules. First, in the morning, we have to

work from 6 am to 2 pm. In this shift we have a lot of work, like to baths

patients, to making beds, to go with some patients to different exams, to

administrate medicines, to put intravenous access (IV’s), to control vital signs,

to weite nursing notes, to make the entry of new patients and to administrate

mists. The second schedules is from 2pm to 10pm, we have to do the same as

in the other shift but without bathing patients, but we have three different

medicine and mists schedules: at 3 pm, 5 pm and 9 pm. And the last one is

from 10 pm to 6 am. This one is the most tiring shift, because we have to be

awake the whole night making all that work. In this shift you practically lose

your life; you have to decide if you do something during the morning whether

you sleep while every normal person is working. And if some friends invite

you to go out at night, you cannot go out because you have to work, or you

have to wake up early the next day to go to work. Also, nurses have to work

24/7, 365 days per year, without holidays. So, that is part of the challenges of

a nurse.

A lot of people think that nurses do not do anything important and the

only thing nurses do is cleaning poo but this is not the case. However, nurses

have a lot of tasks to do in eight hours. First, we have around 5 to 12 patients

per shift. Second, have you ever thought about who is responsible for

preparing medicines, taking care of patients, putting IV’s, preparing and

administering nebulizer, preparing patients for exams, and many more tasks

that are important for the patients’ recovery? Let me tell you that nurses are

responsible for all of that and more. For example, in some heart and kidney

diseases, patients need to have a very strict liquids control, so nurses have to

measure all the patients’ drinks, urinates and all the medicine which is

administered intravenously and at the end of each day we make a balance

between what went in and out. Further, nurses have to write down everything

what was done to the patient, like how the patient passed the shift, and the

vital signs. Also, if the patient cannot eat, go to the bathroom or needs

supplies, nurses help the patients to cover all his/her needs. All these tasks and

more are made by nurses in only eight hours.

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The last challenge for nurses is to fight with people because they think

we are some kind of machine. But that is not true; the truth is we are human

beings and we have needs too. We have to eat, to go to the bathroom, and

some days we are tired. In the same way, people believe that we are only one

nurse for him/her or his/her relative, but the reality is different. We have at

least five patients and in the worst case we have 15 patients at the same time,

so we have to juggle between medicines, mists, nursing notes, taking patients

to exams, and patient needs. Finally, we have feelings and when a patient is

feeling bad or dies we suffer too, and we have our personal troubles too, so

sometimes we are sad, tired, confused or some similar feeling, and we have to

make a really good effort to show a big smile to make you feel better. I hope

someday people can understand and value our job.

As you can see, nurses do more than only to cleaning poo, and we have

a lot work to do in eight hours. Almost all nurses love their job and say that it

is nice, challenging, and very interesting but we have more responsibilities

and stress than people usually think. Also, we have three different shifts and

that allows us to know better than the physician each patient, because we stay

24 hours 7 days per week next to him/her. However, the only thing we ask for

is respect and understanding, because we have a least 7 patients and a lot of

work and we are not machines. We do not have eight arms and we cannot

divide us into a lot pieces to supply every need of each patient. Finally, we

almost always give our best to help our patients and their needs with love,

patience and dedication.

By Nela Mendez

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