newsletter november 2010

1. Anything less than 5 minutes to fall asleep at night means you're sleep de- prived. The ideal is between 10 and 15 minutes, meaning you're still tired enough to sleep deeply, but not so exhausted you feel sleepy by day. 2. After 5 nights of partial sleep depriva- tion, three drinks will have the same effect on your body as six would when you've slept enough. 3. 10% of snorers have sleep apnea, a disorder which causes sufferers to stop breathing up to 300 times a night and significantly in- creases the risk of suffering a heart at- tack or stroke. 4. Teenagers need as much sleep as small children (about 10 hrs) while those over 65 need the least of all (about six hours). For the average adult aged 25-55, eight hours is considered optimal. 5. Some studies suggest women need up to an hour's extra sleep a night com- pared to men, and not getting it may be one reason women are much more sus- ceptible to depression than men. 6. 17 hours of sustained wakefulness leads to a decrease in performance equivalent to a blood alcohol-level of 0.05%. The 1989 Exxon Valdez oil spill off Alaska, the Challenger space shuttle disaster and the Chernobyl nuclear acci- dent have all been attrib- uted to human errors in which sleep-deprivation played a role. NRMA esti- mates fatigue is involved in one in 6 fatal road acci- dents. 7. To drop off we must cool off; body temperature and the brain's sleep-wake cycle are closely linked. That's why hot summer nights can cause a restless sleep. The blood flow mechanism that transfers core body heat to the skin works best between 18 and 30 degrees. But later in life, the comfort zone shrinks to between 23 and 25 de- grees - one reason why older people have more sleep disorders. To Improve you quantity and quality of sleep get active. Research has shown the individuals who take part in regular exercise enjoyed upto 6 extra hours sleep per week. So swap the hot choco- late for the cardio!!! 7 reasons you need sleep!! Country Club News November 2010 Health & Fitness Team ‘Those who do not find time for exercise will have to find time for illness’ Earl of Derby

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Are you geting enough sleep?


Page 1: Newsletter November 2010

1. Anything less than 5 minutes to fall

asleep at night means you're sleep de-

prived. The ideal is between 10 and 15

minutes, meaning you're still tired enough

to sleep deeply, but not so exhausted you

feel sleepy by day.

2. After 5 nights of

partial sleep depriva-

tion, three drinks will

have the same effect

on your body as six

would when you've

slept enough.

3. 10% of snorers

have sleep apnea, a

disorder which

causes sufferers to

stop breathing up to

300 times a night and significantly in-

creases the risk of suffering a heart at-

tack or stroke.

4. Teenagers need as much sleep as

small children (about 10 hrs) while those

over 65 need the least of all (about six

hours). For the average adult aged 25-55,

eight hours is considered optimal.

5. Some studies suggest women need

up to an hour's extra sleep a night com-

pared to men, and not getting it may be

one reason women are much more sus-

ceptible to depression than men.

6. 17 hours of sustained wakefulness

leads to a decrease in performance

equivalent to a blood alcohol-level of

0.05%. The 1989 Exxon Valdez oil spill

off Alaska, the Challenger space shuttle

disaster and the Chernobyl nuclear acci-

dent have all been attrib-

uted to human errors in

which sleep-deprivation

played a role. NRMA esti-

mates fatigue is involved in

one in 6 fatal road acci-


7. To drop off we must

cool off; body temperature

and the brain's sleep-wake

cycle are closely linked.

That's why hot summer

nights can cause a restless

sleep. The blood flow

mechanism that transfers core body heat

to the skin works best between 18 and

30 degrees. But later in life, the comfort

zone shrinks to between 23 and 25 de-

grees - one reason why older people

have more sleep disorders.

To Improve you quantity and quality of

sleep get active. Research has shown

the individuals who take part in regular

exercise enjoyed upto 6 extra hours

sleep per week. So swap the hot choco-

late for the cardio!!!

7 reasons you need sleep!!

E D E N M O R E G O L F & C O U NE D E N M O R E G O L F & C O U NE D E N M O R E G O L F & C O U NE D E N M O R E G O L F & C O U N T R Y C L U B


Country Club News

November 2010 Health & Fitness Team


who do

not find

time for



have to


time for


Earl of Derby

Page 2: Newsletter November 2010

P A G E 2

“Money is the most envied, but the least enjoyed. Health is the most enjoyed, but the least envied.’’

Charles Colton

Do you want to

change your shape?

Children In Need– Get Pedaling

WHY TAKE PROTEIN SHAKES Protein shakes are in my opinion

probably the most important sup-

plement there is, and it is basi-

cally the only supplement that I

use and will ever use.

First off, unless you are taking

something crazy like 800 grams

of it a day or more, it is com-

pletely safe. No side effects or


Why do I use it and why is it so

important? Well, because protein

is the most important part of your

diet, whether your goals are to

increase muscle and get bigger

and stronger, or lose weight and

lose fat and get/stay lean. Protein

is the building block of muscle,

and without enough of it, your

body won't change shape.

So the obvious thing to be think-

ing now is, "why do I need pro-

tein shakes, can't I just get

enough of it from regular foods?"

The answer to that question is

yes! But the problem here is, for

best results we should try to eat

at least 1 gram of protein per

pound of body weight, it gets

VERY hard to eat so much regular

food every day. Not many people

have time to make chicken

breasts all day long, which is

where protein shakes come in.

They take just a minute or 2 to

prepare, just scoop out the pow-

der, put it in a cup, pour in a liq-

uid of some kind (anything from

water, to milk, to fruit juice), and

mix it for about 20 seconds, and

drink. WAY more convenient then

eating a regular food.

Of course, you should try to get

most of your daily protein from

regular foods, however, there are

a few times of the day where pro-

tein shakes would be better then

eating a regular food. One of

these times is first thing in the

morning. Your body has not eaten

for the last 8 or so hours while

you were sleeping, so a whey

protein shake (which is the fast-

est digesting protein there is)

would be the perfect thing to give

your body. The same goes for di-

rectly after your workout. Since

you just worked out, your mus-

cles need to rebuild and repair


I use a Maximuscle or a recog-

nised brand for my protein

shakes. Why? Well, you must first

make sure that the brand you

buy is top quality, because there

are tons of low quality powders

around. Maximuscle is one of, if

not the best quality powder there

is. They are the #1 selling pow-

der in the UK. It comes in a whole

bunch of flavours, Chocolate, Va-

nilla, Strawberry (and more). I

personally use and like the Straw-

berry the best.


We have organised a sponsored spinathon on Friday 19th November 2010 with

proceeds in aid of children in need.

The day has been split into 2hour slots for each member looking to take part

and will run over 16hours, from 6am until 10pm.

Each member looking to participate should contact a gym member to arrange a

time that best suits them.

Please book early to avoid disappointment and to get a sponsorship form.

Go on, you know you can do it! GET ON YOUR BIKE!

Page 3: Newsletter November 2010

Break your weight plateau!!!

P A G E 3 S E P T E M B E R 2 0 1 0


Break Your Weight Plateau You’ve been training hard and eating clean, and you were doing great for a while. Then all of a sudden, you hit that barrier that won’t allow you to get past. You haven’t changed anything in your fitness regimen, and you just want to get those last 10 to 15 pounds off. So, what’s the deal? Where do you go to break that plateau?

Before giving tips, I want

you to be honest with yourself. Do you really need to lose those last few pounds? Are your goals realistic? You must keep in mind that your fitness regimen that had been working for you naturally slows your progress when your body senses that it is losing too much weight. If you are being realistic and still need to bust some fat, then you might want to modify your routine. Try these tips:


REST! You want to train smart! Over-training is for amateurs. Muscle is built during rest periods. And, interestingly enough, muscle burns fat during rest as well. If you overtrain, you are placing your body in a dangerous situa-tion. Microscopic tears from working out will not be allowed to heal, and that places your body in a catabolic state where you actually burn muscle rather than fat. So, ease up and give your body a rest!


THAN SCALE WEIGHT Rather than measure your body with the weight scale, measure your body fat percentage instead. Each woman’s desired body fat is different depending on their goals. The average healthy fe-male usually hovers between 22 to 25 percent, while athletes and competitors are lower. There is no “magic” number, but let a healthy range be your goal rather than the scale weight. .

CHANGE IT UP! Switch up your routine. Our bod-ies adapt after a certain period of time. Four to 8 weeks is a typical time frame for adaptation when it comes to your fitness routine. Try a new workout with super-sets or circuits. Trade up the cardio ma-chine for some plyometrics, metabolic resistance training, or kickboxing. Even the good ole fashioned jumping jacks or jump roping will get your heart pump-ing an extra beat and help you towards your goals.


FESSIONAL! Sometimes, you just need a professional to help. The opinion of a personal trainer can be very valuable. They may see something that you are doing (or not doing) and give you advice on how to break your plateau.

Heart Rate Monitor

Sale Price

FT4 £65

FT7 £80

Diet 3 Tubs


Promax 3

Tubs £95

We are having a sale on

all our products this


So it’s a great time to

get the benefits from

using a polar and maxi-

muscle products.

Speak to the team to

get your training on

track for less.

Page 4: Newsletter November 2010

MAKE YOUR TRAINING MORE EFFECTIVE If Fitness is already an important part of your life

and now you’re ready to move to a higher level –

whether it’s to get fitter, lose weight or just for the

satisfaction that comes from getting a faster time.

Our range our products can fit into your weekly

routine, and help you get

even fitter, faster. Plus, it

means you can see your

improvement tracked after

each session.

When you’re serious about your training, so are

we. That’s why so many athletes choose Polar. If

you’re looking for something to push you to the top

of your game, take a look at

our products for the

elite. We’ll help

make sure you fulfil

your potential in every session, so you get the thrill

of beating your personal best.

We have a variety of heart rate monitors in stock

so contact member of staff and we’ll get you up

and running!

This Month we have 10% off!!!

November Timetable 2010