news of the there are many more in and rothert's. · 2017. 12. 16. · krsmer. marguerite...

NEWS OF.... THE SUBURBS FAIRMOUNT NEWS. Mr». Jamo* Gnlne» and Mrs. 8. I!. Hall and little daughter, lire In Washington, T>. 0., for a ten days' stay with relatives of Mrs. Halt. Mr. H. B. Smith, of Trineo Edward county, who Iiiih been visiting hi» sinter, Mrs. J. L. l-niiRhlln, has left for Clifton forge. I Mr«, L. n. Morrison nnd children have re- turned from ? ilollehf ful visit to Mr. nnd Un. Milton Bendles In Hnnover county, Howard Parrlih hns left for fitsnton, after spèndine several months with relatives here. Mis· Ruth Illuni recently visited friends at Dun lop. H. II. Snnpp, who .went to Olndstone on a bii«inc*e trip, hns rotiirned home after a slay of 'several days. Lltlle Howard Newsomo, son of Mr. and Mis. Newsonie, of 200ft Fnlrmount Avenue, is im¬ proving slowly after nn illness of severnl week«. Mrs, Victoria Ünier, of Powhntan county, wns ihe guent of Mra. Kate Putre hero thin week. Mrs. Denn, of Hanover county, hna re- turned home after a visit (o Mrs. William Bhernnult. The Kir Knight« of the Falrmonnt. Tent nnd tlio Lndy Mncealiees, of Ihe Fnlrmount Ulve, will givo a strawberry feast nt manor's farm, on Meebenlcsvllle Turnpike. In i\ short while. Mr. manor has fields of ripening berries, and the sffalr promises to be quite enjoyable. Ernest Oormolmnn la unite sick at his fa¬ ther's residence nn Howard's drove Hill. Following la the roll of honor for Misa Itobersob's school.Willie Mall, Loney Brandt, Arthur Knight, Ilolnnd Licitan, Nellie· Morris, Mary Hull. Stanley Hodges,- Melvln Wise, Joseph Layne and I/>rrlmer Brandt. Mr. nnd Mrs. J. T. Michel! will move Into their new residence on tho Avenue this week. The Aid Society of Falrmonnt Hnptlst Church will meet to-morrow evening at 3:30 In the Indies' parlor. Mrs. Mnry Rtirru»« is itendlly Improving at her home on M Street. She recently under¬ went n serions operation at tho Virginia Ho»· pita!. Master Frank Rolney Is out ngnln after being confined to hi» home by sickness for the past week. The Scott Circle will hnve the "Chinese Wedding' at the Town Hall next Friday night. This entertainment quite a nice arrslr. and doubtless It will attract a large crowd, ns it hn» never been seen In this section be. fore. Mr«. Scott will have ? call meeting of tho members of her clrclo Monday night at ß o'clock nt the pnrsonnge. Mr. nnd Mrs. Leonard Beadles and little son, of Hnnover county, were the guests of Mrs, Bottoms on the Turnpike, recently. The reception which was given Rei·. Mr. King, the· new pastor of the Rnptlat Church, during the past week, wa« largely attended, end proved a moat enjoyable affair. Music recitations, and hearty handshake», were Ihe pleasant features of the evening. Refresh¬ ments were served by the ladles. Howard's Grove b»» s new lodge. Wa»h- lor·"" Crini" -io gnnlzcd a short lime »go, with a chartered membership of thlrtr-slt. This nex lodge hn« started under bright prospects, and the members arc determined to make It a leader. HIGHLAND SPRINGS. There will bo no services in tho Methodist Episcopal Church to-dny. The Union League will meet in the Methodist Episcopal Church thl» evening at 7:30 o'clock. A good attendance Is molt earnestly desired. The Highland Spring»' Drench of ths Woman's National Alllaneo. will hold Its regu¬ lar bi-monthly meeting with Mrs. E. S. Read at the "Manor House" on Monday, the 16th. The Ladles' Aid Society, of the M. E. Church, met on Tuesday last with Mra. D. A. Smith, nt the "Tower House," when an in¬ teresting meeting was held. Mr. Albert Hut.ers and Mr. Frank Kerr were guests during the week of Miss Nina Cotton,, nt "Lynhurst." * . ~ Mrs. r.ydla Thorpe, who bas been a guest at the Tower House for tbo pa«t few week«, ha» returned to her home with her grand¬ daughter. Mrs. P. S. Read, nt "Redydale." Mr. H. T. Woodcock bas sufficiently re¬ covered to be able to sit up a «hile each day. Mr. Daniel Bmtth, of "Town Mouse." now In Lyncbbnrg· attending the Odd Fellows' convention, which Is In session títere. Mr». E. S. Read and Mrs. H. L. Vinal were entertained at ? five-o'clock tea by Mr». D. A. Smith on Tburaday. There was n" game of golf played at the "Links" on Wednesday last, which was much enJoyVd, several from -Richmond taking part In the game. Mr». D. A. $mlth was entertained at dinner on Thursday by Mrs. ReWitt Hubbard, who bas apartments at the "Tower House." Mr. John MeOum. of Washington. D. C, and MI»s Brooks, who recently lived In Wash- ton, were quietly married at the Methodist parsonege ono' evening lost week. A party of young people wero delightfully entertained at the home of Mr. Fred Frank on Wednesday evening. Those from this place were Misses Rosa and Mary Morano, Ruth nnd Leila Atkinson, I/>ul»e I'nrrlPli. Mamie Bald¬ win nnd Nlnn Cotton; Messrs. Harvey Atkin¬ son, Oscar Lowmnn, Frank Chapel, Sam Har¬ rison. Archie Thomas, Irvln Pillow and Hart¬ ley Spence. The roll of honor for ihe past week follows: nester Allen. Collier Cumbca, Rosa Drake, ROD- ert Drake. Stanley Oriffln, Elder Qunn, John Hubbord, Jessie Klbler. Gertrude Kramer. Leni Krsmer. Marguerite Murano. Lillian Model¬ lami. Willie Murnno. Catherine Raabe. Valary Rlchardl. Myrtle Reltelbach, Carlyl* Rohledtr. CHESTNUT HILL AND HIGHLAND PARK Mrs. Mortimer McCluer and two children have returned tfl their home after spending* the past week with relative« In Orange county. Miss Dimple Moon, of Cartersvllle, Vs., Is the guest of Mita Delia Baker, of Fourth Avenue. The Earnest Worker· Society of Mlrpab Presbyterian Church, held Ita regular monthly meeting yesterday (Saturday) afternoon, at 4 o'clock at the "Mnnse." Tho Young People'» Social Club will be en¬ tertained next Wednesday evening by Miss Re¬ becca Clarke at her home on Third Avenue. Ml»» Nance, of Now Kent county, la »pending the summer months with Mrs. Yarbrough, of Fifth Avenue. Mrs. Réunie, of Amelia county, ha» been ?lulling her »on, Mr. F. F. Rennte, of Fourth Avenue. Tbo Senior Card Club waa, on last Thurs¬ day evening, delightfully enterta'incd by Dr. and Mrs. Paul Redd, nt their homo on Third Avenue. There will bo a rehearsal at North Side ???? next Tuesday evening at 8:30 o'clock, of the "College Girls." who arc to take part In Ihe entertainment, which Is to he given next Friday evening, May 30th.. Ml»» Lottie Hnrrlion. of Ashland, Vn.. la vlfitlng Misa. Renala Wlngfleld, of Highland Park. Ml»» Gregsby, of King George county, Is spending Rome timo with Mra. yarbrough,- of Fifth Avenue. Mr. Slffln. of Cheitnut ??11. who has been quite sick for the past month, Is Improving rapidly. Mrs. White, of Norfolk, Vn., visited friends There Are Many More In Richmond. Gratitude, makes thousands of willing witnesses. There are many grateful peo- pe In Richmond. The testimony of friends and neighbors, of people you know, is evidence beyond dispute. Read this state¬ ment made by a citizen: ' J. C. Bosher, manager for Yarborough & Son, tobacconists, of 813 North Twenty- eighth Street, says: "When a man has dull pains across tho small of tho hack with wenkness In and around the muscles of his loins ho may ho a Httlo uncertain ns to It« cause, but when tho action and condition of the kidney secretions plainly proves to him that thero Is some Inflam¬ mation he may be certain that' his kid¬ neys nro nt faut and require attention. To anyone who follows my calling a good, sound back Is lndlspenslble, and when Dean's Kidney Pills, procured at Owens A Minore drug Btorc, stopped a rather serious attack a short time ?ß?, and stop¬ ped It absolutely,' I am only too pleased to recommend the preparation." For sale'by all dealers. Price 60 cents. Fostcr-Mlburn Co., Buffalo, ?. Y., sole agents for the'United States. Remember the name.Bonn's.and take no substitute. L^- ,| on Chestnut ??1?1 In-t week. Mrs. it. D. Balli-r. ubo bas been stele for the psst week. Is Improving. Mr, B. J. Ray ha» returned home, after a snort trip to Norfolk. Vs. Min« Carson Is riattili·* Mr». Klippen, of Fifth Arenilo; Mrs. Enslow, of Highland Park, Is visiting reis tires In New York. ' SHORT PUMP NOTES. Sirs. J. K. Cottrell, óf Erla Shades, who bas been quite sick. Is now able to be out again. Mrs. J. T. Duvnll and her daughter, Mine Mamie, spent Tuesday with Mrs. h. A. Hnead. Little Miss Sadie Houles, of Krln Shades, Is visiting her cousins, near Gayton, ? Oie Deep Hun School closed on Friday last, with a large basket píenle. Four -u-esoiite were giren for diligent lessons end attrndanee. Tliey were awarded to Verna Jacksorr Sadlo Howies, Walter Durai, Harry Scott. The Her. Mr. Ojler presented them with a nice little talk. Those present from Illchmond were: Miss Knie snd Anilin wiitfein-, Miss Berths Deltrlek, Jesslts Donald. Anoye Allison, Miss Lscky, 'Mrs. Talbolt. Mrs, Allison; Messrs. Gano, Allison, B. Msrtln, .Thomas Watklns, Tbomss Baker. It wee enjoyed by all In st- tendsnee. Mrs. LIkIo Snesd spent Thursday with her sister. Mrs. Bowles, of Erin Shades. A rery plesssnt evening was spent In the home of 'Mrs. Splller on Thursday. A box party was given for the benefit of Sbady iîroro Church. Thoso In sttendance ware: Misses Nannie Paryear. Jétesele Puryesr, Blsnebe Puryenr, Mrs. Nasb. Mrs. J, M. Henley. Mrs. II. B. Leaks, Misses Calile Leake, I-'annle Splller, Helen Splller, Norms Bererage; Messrs. Herbert Puryear, Tom Pnrycar, Jlobert Puryear, J. M. Henleyt Joe Nasb, Babnoy Henley: B. B. l,eake, Herbert Johnson, Logan Spillar. Mita Bessie Puryear has returned to ber home nesr Cblckabomlny. after a visit to rola· tires at Taylorsvllle, Vai Mr. A. B. Snesd, who has been rlslllng friends In HanoTer for the past week, bas returned to bis home near Gnyton, Vn. Mr. T. H. Jackson Is confined to his home on Broad Street Road, from sickness. Ml*- Helen and Arne« Bowles, of Erin Shades, rislted, Mil- Rebecca Kennedy, on lsst Sunday. Mr. nnd Mrs. L. A. Snesd snd Miss Agnes Bowles spent a very plessant a/renlng at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Resmes, of Pleasant Hill. Va., on Thursday. Mr. S. T. Wiade Is quite sick et bis boms on Brosd Street Roed. Dr. L. P. Michaels, of Rldgp. visited friends In Upper Henrleo county, Thursday. Mr. Logan' SpHler rislted frleids In the city on Friday. There will be preaching at Deep Run Baptist Chureb on the second Sundsy morning st 11 o'clock. Mr. Lynn Henley, of West Virginia, is tIb- Itlng his pnrenta near Short Pump, Va. Misa Agnes Howie· spent Friday wltb her aunt. Mrs. Scott, near Gsyton, Va. Mr, Thomas Powor». of Cblckshomlny, tIs. Ited frlenda near Ridge on Wednesday evening, Mr. R. J. Henley, of upper Henrleo county, spent Sunday with his sister, Mrs. 11. B. Leslie. Mrs. V. ?. Henley, Mrs. Lois Mills, and Mrs, B. B. Leake spent Wednesdsy with Mre. Ross Henley, of Hylors, Va. Miss Reboces Kennedy, who bas been quito sick for the past week, is now able to .be out sgotn. RIDGE HAPPENINGS. The closing exercises of Ridge School took place at Jr., O. U. A. M. Bali last Wednes- day night. Much credit is due the teachers, Miss Gllnn, and Miss Thorpe, for tralnlng the scholsrs so well. Following la the pro¬ gramme enjoyed by a largo gathering: Song, "America," by the school! Dialogue, "Three little mothers," by Msmle Eubank, Mag- gle Hawkins, Jessie Shcpperson; Recitation, "The Pride of Rettery B," by Gladys Pem- bcrton; Rcclfation and song, "Young Amer¬ ica," by school; Recitation, ''Willie's Breeches." by Henry ???t??; Dialogue, "The Gossips," by Ruby Franklin, « Maria Sbepper- son, Viols *art|ott and Flora Badcnnch; Dia¬ logue, "The .liners," by Wlldo Shepperson and Marlon Pemberton; Song, "Song· That We ??t?," by school; Dialogue, "Playing grown¬ up," by Lillian E>ibank nnd Elgin Pemborton; Recitation, "Thé Photograph Album," by Flor- enee Goodma"n; 8oi<g. "To the Right bo True," by school; Dialogue, "Four Celebrated Characters," by Agnea Hadenoch, lassie Shep¬ person, Allee Bolts and Ruby Franklin; Reel- tatlon, "The Freckled-face Girl," by Gladys Pemborton; Song, "Class, Song," by tho school; Recitation, "The Dead Doll," by Stella Obrer; Reeltntloji, "Higher Culture," by Wlldo Shepperson; "The Fairy Tribunal," by the school. Much sympstby Is felt for Mrs, J. T. Eu¬ bank, of Westhsmpton, and Mre, N. II. Tboniss, of Ridge, who are so deeply grieved oTor the loss of their sister who csmo to her untimely end In so unusually, a snd msnner. The friends of Mrs. II. A. Smith are glad to know thnt abe la so much Improred as to be brought home from the hospital, where she has been under medical treatment for sereral weeks, Walter L. Browning, of "Wayside," has beefr- quito Indisposed this week. Mrs. 33dns Franklin, of West Cary Street, THE PUBLICS OPINION < Is Worth Following in Some Instances. For Instance, in the Selection of New Refrigerators or Ice Boxes The opinion of tho public Is that tho North Star Refrigerator is the best made, "none as good," It uses lees ice than any other make, is made of solid oak, cork lined, with air traps and is per¬ fectly ordorless. It will not warp. · Be sure to inspect this grand refrigerator before buying yours. $4.98 to $100.00 A FEW MONDAY SPECIALS. Dinner Plates, ile each. Glass Water Pitchers, 10c Screen Doors, with spring hinges, knobs and hooks, 70c ßf.08 to close out patterns of Dinner Bets. 100 pieces, with Soup Tureens, white and gold Mid decorated, worth 910,00; only three of these. Special prices on 1-uwn Swings, Water Coolers, Oil and Gas Stoves, Screen Windows and nil summer specialties, We Hang Screen Doors. BROWN & CONSTINE, 205 East Broad Street. :¿ Richmond, »pent Thursday with her parent», Mr. nnd Mí», ?. W. Drowning, of "Way»lde." Mra. Iterilo Dick«, of Ilio Viale, «pent Wednesday with friend« on the Brook noad. Mr«. Beatrice Tarne, of Duntroath, «pent laat Friday In Richmond. » nace, hfl» returned homo after ? few day« nace, ha« returned bom* after a f«w day» visit to relative», near Weethnmptnn I'ark. ?? m Mettle Kuban«, of Wcsthampton Tark, »pent Sunday afternoon with Mra. Jonc« on Broad Street noad. MIpb Maggie Andernon, of Richmond, wa« ? guest of Mr», fuller, of nio Vlata, on la»t Sunday afternoon. Mr. and Mr». Uruce 1/jvlng and their little *oii. Mnster F.ruce, Jr., of Bluefleld, We»t Virginia, and Ml»* Mnry William», of lllch- mond, visited frtctrda at Choiwlck ln«t Sunday afternoon. W. II. Miller, of Weit Cnry Street, Rich- mend, »pent Sntnrdny night nnd Sunday with relative»Hear Itldge Church. Mr. and Mr». Alley Franklin, of Wo»t Cary Street, Richmond, «pent Sunday with the lat¬ ter'» parents, Mr. nnd Mr«. H. W. Browning, of "Wa.v«|de." Ml«» llo«n nelle Thorpe, of Broad Street nond. »pent Monday night with Mre. Ethel B»denoch, of Cheswlck. Mr. and Mr·. Netherland, who have been living for »nme time nt Home Place, moved Into their new home on the Cary Street noad Monday. Ml»« Mille Bntighnn. of Ridge, ha» re¬ turned homo nfter «pending «omo time with relative« ln Richmond. GAINES-S MILL. The regular monthly meeting of the Craw, ford W. C. T.- V. will bo held In the home of. Mr«. Samuel Jciei Wednesday, May 17th, at MI»« Brcclle Beadle» ha« retnrned to hot homo «fter a week'» visit to friend« and rela¬ tive« nt Atice. TI«· W. C. T. U. County Esecutive will hold a meeting nt the home of Mr». S. K. Bate« on next Monday, May Hth, at 3;S0 P. M. All members are requested to bo present a meeting of Importance Is to be held. Mr«. G. C. Smith, of Atice, much indis¬ posed at her. home. On Sunday uext thn Qetbscranno congrega tlon will meet at tho chapel, near Polo Green to 'organize It. Mr». K. C. Oauldlng, who ha« been much Indlipoacd for »ome time »nil wa» thought to be rapidly Improving, suffered another attack on Tuesday InM. but Is somewhat better now. Ml«s Gertie Ilurnette. of poplar Grove, Bpendlng »ome time with her sister on Venable Street, Richmond. Tho little child of Mr.' and Mrs. Jnllnn Bowl», who was taken to the hospital in Rich¬ mond, when six week» old,.!» now at home and much Improved. HI»» Pearl and Lena Tnlley, of Sunny Sldq, nnd Ml«« Williams, or Richmond,'vlaltcd Mrs. Ahnlo Burnett, of Kentucky, recently, Ausey Jenkins, who wa» much brul«ed and «lightly hurt by a runaway mule recently, has entirely recovered. Rev. J. I/. Prlblco and wife apent the day recently In the home of Mr. and Mra. J. W. Beadle«. The children of Mr. and Mr«. Mnwood Wood are quite «lek with measles. Mr». J. W. Beadle» visited her »on nt Highland Springs, recently. Mr. nnd Mrs. Oliver Miller, of Highland Springs, arc visiting relative« near Pole Green. Mrs. U B. Morrison and children havo re¬ turned to Falrmonnt. nfter a pleasant vl«lt to friend« and relatives near Walnut Grove. Mrs. Ella Cosby visited her «later In Rich¬ mond recently. Mr. David Grnbb«. who hns been quite «ick nt hie home near Walnut Grove, somewhat Improved. Mrt !/>e Miller, of Meadow Farm, wn« a recent visitor at Highland Springs. Miss Sarah Allison apent Tuesday night at Gly Mount. The Walnut Grove Missionary Society met la»t Monday at the home of Mrs. Ryland ïenkln». Mr». Beadle» and daughter«, Ml»«es Nannie and Leila, wa« In the city durlug the past week. Mr». M. C. Martin, of Gly Mount, is «pend¬ ing «ome time wltli relative« at Hickory Grove. Mr. nr.iJ'Mr«. Robert Jenkins visited friends nt the Cliffs on Sunday. Mra. J. M. Beadles, of Hickory Hill, expect« to leave In a few week» for Norfolk to vieil ber «on, Herman Beadle«, at that place.'. Mrs. J. E. Smith, Of Falrmount, visited relatives near Atlee recently. Preaching at Black Creek Baptist Church next Sunday at 3 o'clock by the pastor. Rev. Mr. Jone». The time ha» been changed from the first and third Sunday« in the forenoon to the second and fourth Sundays ln the after¬ noon. Mrs. Bottle Allison is visiting her daugh¬ ter on Church Hill. . Master Ellison Gauldlng »pent a part of laat week with bl» cousin» In tie West End. Mrs. Mamie Gauldlng. of Shady Valley, visited relatives In Richmond Thursday. Mr. Charlie Beadles, of King William, ha» ¦returned homo from a visit to hla uncle. A medal contest will bo held vat Walnut grove Saturday night. May 20th. A large crowd Is dealred. Mr»: Ml C. Tlmberlake. of Polo Green, hns been »pending »ome time with friends nnd relatives near Old Church. Ml«a Lena Tucker, ot Old Churoh. ex¬ pects to make her future home In Richmond. James Lynch, of Horse Shoe, who has been suffering from malaria la again ablo to be out. « Ml»« Hilda .West visited friends near New Castle recently. Mr. Woodall. of Woodlawn, visited friends In New Kent during tho past week. Mr. Hughe«, of New Caatle. »pent «ome time nt hi« farm near Old Church, recently. SEVEN PINES. The roll of honor for the past week follows: Primary Gradée.Ethel Clarke, Pauline Stingi«, Lois Tiller, Emmott Bottoms, Floyd Clarke, John Goodwin. Eddie Grlgga. Edwin Houston, Charlie HouBton, Thomas Jordan. Raymond West; Grammar Grades.Virgle Bottoms. Net¬ tle Bottoms, Mamie Gllham, Oiah Houston, Ruth Pollard. Hazel Reld, Bernard Bottom«, Courtland Tiller, Floyd» Wymani Fred Werner, Louise Gllham. There, were quite a number of visitors at Fair On'ke and Fulton Park during tho past week. ' The "Mea»urlng Party, which wa» given at the pnvllllou on Wednesday night wa» quite a »ucce»«ful «ffair. aa well a very enjoy- abl* one. nnik qnlte a neat little »nm was realized for the benefit of Corinth Church. Mr. James Lynn, tho veteran guide, who wa« so unfortunate to loso hla horse very much behind In hla business affairs owing tu this los«. ELKO NOTES. Mr. Dunnavnnt. section foreman, who haa beep 111 for «ome time, hns gone to the hoa- .pltal at Clifton Forge. 11. A. Watklns and 0. S. Sharp« went to Richmond Thursday on ? business trip. Fred Furmnn, af Petersburg, visited his parents the first of tho week, Children's Day will bo observed at Wlllla Church on ßunday, May 21st. Misses Anni« and Ethel Hunnuvnnt have re¬ turned from a trip to Newport News. A magic lantern show wn« presented nt Wil¬ lis' Church on Wednesday night for tho bene¬ fit of the missionary causo. Tho roll of honor for the<pa«t week follow«: Jame» PeLong, Evelyn Kehl, Jnniata Robin«, Lolla Robins, Mabel Robin«, Emma Schroeder. WILMINGTON, N. C. (Special to The TlmoB-Dlapatch.) WILMINGTON, ? C, May 13.Saturday afternoon there will be an Interesting tennis tournament between representatives ot tho Nor¬ folk Country Club and Ihe Cape Four Golf Club. Norfolk will be represented by tho Anelaste brothers, nnd Wilmington by Robert Gwaltney nnd Charles E. Tuylor, Jr. Miss Victoria Stone and Mr. W. H. Stono bave gone to Baltimore to utlend the gradu¬ ating exercises at the University of Maryland, where their brother. Dr. J. A. Stone graduate· this month with high honor«. Mr». M. 0. Galloway, mothor-ln-law of Dr. Alexander McClure of the Presbyterlau church here, after spending the winter In this city bag gone to rTpartnnhurg, S. C, to remain the sum¬ mer with 'relatives. · Tba flrst dance of the season at. Wright«· ville Beach takes piece next Wednesday, May 17. A number of 'young society poopio of the city have the matter In hand and a special suburban car' will transport the crowd Io tho bench· where they, will remain until nildnlsJit. The Council of tbe Dloceae of Eost Carolina will convene in Wilmington on May 80th, und there will be nt least one hundred delegate* hero. Bach parish is entitled to four delegate«, and a number of prominent ministers will nlso bo on band. The body Is a legislativo one. Friday wn« ? big day with the Red Men of the city, who held an nil day carnival and dance at Wrlghtsvllle Bench to which tho general publie wns Invited. Tho occasion was In honor of St Tammany's day and a very elaborate programme was carried out, Including numerous side attractions furnished by tbo liberal hearted Red Men. Mr. and Mrs. Mills, of Baltimore, are the gueat« this week of Captain and Airs. ?. C. Twining on Fourth Street. Governor Glenn has honored two Wilmington mou, Messrs Hugh Meline and J. .Edgar Lewi«, by naming Iheni on tho Stnto commute« to attend the Industrial Convention ln Washing¬ ton an May Slid, to 29th. The "nnnuul ten." given by tho Hospital Circle of the King's Daughter« this week ot St. Jumen Episcopal Church, was quite a eucoose and WBB attended by mony of the leading* peo¬ ple of the city. The proceed« wcrn for use In hospital work, and In caring for those who aro unable to secure proper medical attention in sickness out of their own means. Ono of thu society events of the season for the month nf June, will be the presentation of tho opera "Piuafore" at the Academy. There will bo more than liait a hundred little people ot tbe city, and some nf older years, who will take part In this production, which offer« the amateur umple opportunity to show what be or ehe can do la tbe theatrical Un«, <¡íh Satisfaction Shoes..... Hunt and Hunt, shop and shop,K go where you will, you won't find Shoes that for extreme satisfac¬ tion will excel the splendid Shoes at your disposal right here at our 301 East Broad Street Store. Misses' & Children's Oxfords and ^Gibson Ties in all leathers, Plain Black, Patent Leathers and Light and'Dark Tans. Beautiful and good .wearing Shoes. Children's, 75c to $2.00. Misses', $1.00 to $2.50. J BABY [ Yes, we have some fine little soft sole, dainty Shoes in many different colors. Little Shoes made to fit the tenderest feet.will not cramp the toes or get the little feet out of shape. 50 Gents. ¦ 9 Ladies Stylish Ribbon Ties, )$4·00 Ç They're simply beauti¬ ful. Come iii Light and Dark TANS, BLACKS, PAT. LEATHERS; Also a fine selection of GIBSON TIES and OXFORDS. Some beauties in WHITE CANVAS and WHITE KID for $1.50, $2.00, $3.00 and $3.50. Dabney & Johnston, "Shoestere," 30Z East Brpad (Corner Third Street), Richmond, Va. Fine line of Trunks, Traveling Bags. Every¬ thing for the travelers. 1 f 1 QUERIES AND .ANSWERS } i+0mm»*i m***»*»** **> mum m*>«J Jamaica Ginger. Editor Tho Tlrnes-Dlspatch: Sir,.flense say If ft merchant the right to soll Jamaica ginger under a merohant's license. READER. Yes. Who Is It? Editor of The Tlmes-Dlspatch: Sir,.Plcaso give me.information about a person in Richmond -In -tho harness bus¬ iness who was cured of blindness by a Philadelphia doctor. His place of btislnepe If) either on Main or Market Streets. MRS. Mi B. Poems Wanted. Editor of Tho Tlmes-Dlspatch: Sir,.AVO should like to have the fol¬ lowing poems; "Tlio Denominational Team," "Pilate's Wife," by iMaodonald; "Dream of Pilate's Wife," by Brydges; "Preeent Crisis," by Lowell ; "Cood-Bye, Old Booze." Rural Carriers. Editor of Tbo Tlmes-Dlspatch: Sir,.Was ft rural free delivery carrier ever yet promoted to a better Job? Please answer in your query columns. SUBSCRIBER. He is not eligible to any other position In tho clasained service, performed by classified employes, unless he passes an examination for tho position he desires. Where Is David Johnson? Editor of Tho Tlmes-Dlspatch: Sir,.Will anyone knowing the where¬ abouts of John David Johnson, of Cov- Ington, Vn., please communicate with his friends ¡at that place. Any Information Will be gratefully received. S. B. JOHNSON. Covlngton, Va. St. Patrick Wanted. Editor of The Tlmes-Dlspatch: Sir,.Will you please tell me If you can In next Sunday's paper -what will keep snakes away from a country home; also keep them away from the barn? I am anxiously waiting for Sunday's Dispatch. Oblige, P. S..Jj. We know of no way of getting rid of snakes but to kill them. Crum's Nomination. Editor of .Tho Tlmesf-Dlspatch: Sir,.Will you please answer the folio-w¬ ing in your daily: (X) Has the appointment of the negro, Dr. Crum, of South Carolina, been con¬ firmed? (2) How many acres are contained in tho Hollywood Cemetery, Richmond? "SUBSCREBER, Pittsburg." 1. Yes. , 2. About one hundred. A Legal Point. Editor of The Times-Dispatch: Sir,.Please stato through your query column the legal way land that had been seized end a fence put across should be turned over to tho owaor, after court has deolded in 111« fave**. Also who is the proper persons to cut tho wire at the line? and oblige CONSTANT READER. The sheriff is the proper officer to put the owner in possession, after which the owner may out the wire. A Base-Ball Query. Editor of. The Tlmes-Dlspatch: " Sir,.Please answer In next Sunday's paper, "Why Is it that the adimiseion to the Twin City base-ball games this year is twenty-flve cents, grand stand t-hirty- flvo cents, when last year admission was fifteen cents, grand stand twenty-flve cents, and last year the games wero twice ns good?" and oblige A SUBSCRIBER. Respectfully referred to the manage¬ ment. Thé Ben Hur Horses. ' Editor of The Tlmes-Dlspatch: Sir,.Will you kindly publish in your query column at which performance (dur¬ ing the week of Ben Hur) were there eight horses and which four horses used in the chariot race. Your attention to this will greatly oblige E. M. W. Manager Rex, ot the Academy of Music, says that eight horses were used at every performance. To Cure Corns. Editor of The Tlmes-Dlspatch: Sir,.Will. you please publish in your Dally Tlmes-iDlspatch queries a euro cure for corns on tho feet? You will greatly oblige A SUBSCRIBER, Corns aro caused by tho constant pres¬ sure ot ill-fitting ehoes. Therefore, an easy, comfortable ehoe Is Indicated. APPly ring protective -*>laetere around tho corn; soak the corn In hot water, morning and night, after which apply with a camel's ho-lr brush tho enclosed: Aclol SaleoycUcl, half drachm; Ecxt. Cannale Indlcae. gr. vii; Collodi!, half ounce. M. Slg. Apply with camel's hair brush, morning and night. , A Matter of Dress. Editor of The Tlmes-Dlspatch: Sir,.To eettle a dispute kindly answer through your Query Column the follow¬ ing: Would it bo considered proper for a gentleman to wear an evening dross suit (Bwailow tail) to a morning re¬ ception or wedding, when full dress is re¬ quired, and oblige, A. V. S. Sometimes upon wedding occasions in the daytime tho church windows are darkened and tho gas lighted to make a night effect. In that ense a "swallow- tall" would be proper, but not otherwise. The conventional coat for morning dress is the Prince Albert. Pittsylvania's Old Church. Editor of The Tlmes-Dlspatch: Sir.-What was the namo of tlio Epis- copal Church, built In Pittsylvanla coun¬ ty In the eighteenth century, by Captain John Donelson, who afterwards founded Nashville, Tennessee? Have you data of family? Captain Donolson and his son-in-law, John Caffrey, of Bedford; Thomas Wilcox and his wife, Winifred Cnffery. also of Bedford, moved to Ten¬ nessee after 1787. Later they were Joined by jacor; Reld and his wife, Nancy (Anne) Thomas, of Botetourt. Captain Donol- son's daughter, Raohnel, married An¬ drew Jackson, who wes her counsel In pronurlng her divorce from her first hus¬ band, Robards. D- C. Bishop Meada, in his "Old Churches, Ministers nnd Families of Virginia," has only this to say In reference to this churcji: "As to churches (In Pittsylvanla), 1 have hoard of one about twenty miles from the courthouse. In the year 1773 Mr. Richard Chamberlatno, of St. Peter's Church, New Kent, convoyed to the vos- try, for one hundred and elxty-flve pounds, live hundred and eighty-eight »crea of laña. On Hi's 1QM t»e Rev. Mr. RQTHERT Ai COMPANY. j! Rothert's. Now Is the Time to Buy your housefurnishings. You realize the fact that , warm weather is upon us. Why not/provider your- § self with a little comfort % We are hero to help j| you.' Our little-at-a-time payments is at your h service. « Refrigerators. Ours recommend themselves. Their? good points, are visible. No other refrigerator on· the market is as economical in the use of ice. SARATOGA MONARCH, plain or enameled, with porcelain ice tanks or coolers. "White Frost" Refrigerators, are sold exclusively by us. KITCHEN COMFORT, that's what we claim for our Kitchen Cabinets. "Aplace for everything." We have them /from, $6.50 up. Imperial Excelsior Gas Ranges are meeting with great favor. We have never had a range to sell so well and to give so complete, satisfaction. MATTINGS, LINOLEUMS, OILCLOTHS, PORCH AND LAWN SETTEES. AND ROCKERS. Fourth and Broad j Streets. Gullllam lived. Ono of the vestrymen, to whom the lana was conveyed, John Donelson, emigrated to Tennessee, and was the father of Mrs. General Jackson. The globe lay on· the rood to Henry Courthouse, a few miles from "Callands." It doubtless shared the talo of other glebes." The name of the parish appears to have been "Camden." What the name of tile church woe he does not disclose. It seems to have been non-existent In 1S57, the date ot publication of Bishop Me&de's book. Mourning. Editor of Tho TirneB-Dlsputoh: Sir,.You will obligo by answering tho following questions: 1. How did the custom of wearing black as mourning originate? What are some of the colors of mourning adopted by heathen nations "and what are they Intended to eympollze? 2. Is it correct to say , "Each one of us have an interest ln the nm'tter," or "Each one ot us lias an lntorest in tho matter?" B. R. A. 1. From tho earliest ages It has been NATIONAL TRAVELERS PROTECTIVE ASSOCIATION, REDUCED RATE TO SAVANNAH, GA. VIA SEA¬ BOARD AIR LINE RAILWAY. Account of tho T, P. A. Convention ut Savannah, Git., the SEABOARD Agents will sell round trip tickets from Rich¬ mond at ruto of $15.55 enoh; tickets gold Muy Hth and 16th, limited to return on or Itfiforo Muy Üotlr, X'Mô. TUE SICA- BOARD has been chosen as tito OFFI¬ CIAL ROUTE to Savannah ror this occa¬ sion, and has the shortest route und most convenient schedules. Extra Pullman sleepers will be operated for this conven tion, and everything possible will bu done for tho convelnence and comfort of dele¬ gates 'attending this convontlon, For Pullman réservations und all Information apply to Richmond Transfer Conipuny, any SEABOARD Agent or to U. 8. L13ARD, W. M. TAYLOR, Die. Pubs. Agt, City Pass. Agt. 8Ü0 East Muin Btroet. | o jiL· m ·?« ? ?. t .?. . Beer· the j* ìho KM Ha,e Always ????ß?? VERY LOW RATES TO THE WEST AND NORTHWEST. Tlie Chicago Groat Western will, to May 15th, sell one-way colonista' tickets to Arlsonn, California, Idnho, Montuna, Nevada, Oregon, Utah, Washington, Al¬ berta und British Columbia at greatly reduced rates. Kor further information apply to \V. M. McPonnell, T. P. ?., 5U Bourse Building, Philadelphia, l'a. «a .a. m »a? n, s: a. . Hours tta /} Tftq KiPJ You Havo /i^ays Ba^r*' lìit; itiVturt- /flf . ¡¿.¿-F/? j~#- r?ATKHT LOUl Absoluto cleanliness is the law In tho manu¬ facture of "Dunlop Patent Flour.'» Tho human hand does not come in contact with either tlio wheat or flour. Tho wheat is unload¬ ed by power shovels, and ground by auto¬ matic machinery. The flour sacks aro sewed by machinery. No other flour just as good. Manufactured by tho Dunlop Mills, Rich¬ mond, Vn. Capacity 2,500 bbls. daily. =-< tho custom bereaved persons to testi¬ fy their grlet for the loss of friends or relative« by some external change of dres>9 and deportment. The Eastern nations and tlio Greeks cut off their hair, whllo the Romans allow the, beard and hair to grow in mourning. Different colors have been adopted as emblems of grief. Tho ancient Egyptians wore yellow; the Ktheoplans gray; the Roman and Spartan women white, which is still jtho color of grief In China, Japan and Slam; in Tur¬ key blue and violet; In other European countries «and in Amorica black is tlio mourning color. The kings of Franco mourned-in violet. 3, Each one of us has. Crater Still to be Seen. Editor of The Tlmes-Dlspatch: Sir..1. Will you please inform me how far is ilio city of Newport News from where the Untied Stated military prison. built in IS6Í, is located? 3. the Crater, near Petersburg, itili to bo seen? S. In what year did Oeneral Henry A, Wise die, und whir« was he burled? EX-CONFEfcKRATE. 1. We do not know what you mean, Fortress Monroe, at Old Point, about ton miles from Newport News, 2. Yes. 3. Oovernor WUe died In Rlohmon4 September 12. 1S7G, »"d hl'J rsin&lu* r**t Ul ???G,???a C*U"«tWJ/..

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Page 1: NEWS OF THE There Are Many More In AND Rothert's. · 2017. 12. 16. · Krsmer. Marguerite Murano. ... Mrs. White, of Norfolk, Vn., visited friends ThereAre Many More In Richmond


FAIRMOUNT NEWS.Mr». Jamo* Gnlne» and Mrs. 8. I!. Hall and

little daughter, lire In Washington, T>. 0., fora ten days' stay with relatives of Mrs. Halt.Mr. H. B. Smith, of Trineo Edward county,

who Iiiih been visiting hi» sinter, Mrs. J. L.l-niiRhlln, has left for Clifton forge. I

Mr«, L. n. Morrison nnd children have re-turned from ? ilollehf ful visit to Mr. nndUn. Milton Bendles In Hnnover county,Howard Parrlih hns left for fitsnton, after

spèndine several months with relatives here.Mis· Ruth Illuni recently visited friends at

Dun lop.H. II. Snnpp, who .went to Olndstone on a

bii«inc*e trip, hns rotiirned home after a slayof 'several days.

Lltlle Howard Newsomo, son of Mr. and Mis.Newsonie, of 200ft Fnlrmount Avenue, is im¬proving slowly after nn illness of severnlweek«.

Mrs, Victoria Ünier, of Powhntan county,wns ihe guent of Mra. Kate Putre hero thinweek.

Mrs. Denn, of Hanover county, hna re-turned home after a visit (o Mrs. WilliamBhernnult.The Kir Knight« of the Falrmonnt. Tent nnd

tlio Lndy Mncealiees, of Ihe Fnlrmount Ulve,will givo a strawberry feast nt manor's farm,on Meebenlcsvllle Turnpike. In i\ short while.Mr. manor has fields of ripening berries, andthe sffalr promises to be quite enjoyable.

Ernest Oormolmnn la unite sick at his fa¬ther's residence nn Howard's drove Hill.Following la the roll of honor for Misa

Itobersob's school.Willie Mall, Loney Brandt,Arthur Knight, Ilolnnd Licitan, Nellie· Morris,Mary Hull. Stanley Hodges,- Melvln Wise,Joseph Layne and I/>rrlmer Brandt.

Mr. nnd Mrs. J. T. Michel! will move Intotheir new residence on tho Avenue this week.The Aid Society of Falrmonnt Hnptlst Church

will meet to-morrow evening at 3:30 In theIndies' parlor.

Mrs. Mnry Rtirru»« is itendlly Improving ather home on M Street. She recently under¬went n serions operation at tho Virginia Ho»·pita!.Master Frank Rolney Is out ngnln afterbeing confined to hi» home by sickness forthe past week.The Scott Circle will hnve the "Chinese

Wedding' at the Town Hall next Friday night.This entertainment I» quite a nice arrslr. anddoubtless It will attract a large crowd, nsit hn» never been seen In this section be.fore. Mr«. Scott will have ? call meetingof tho members of her clrclo Monday night atß o'clock nt the pnrsonnge.Mr. nnd Mrs. Leonard Beadles and little

son, of Hnnover county, were the guests ofMrs, Bottoms on the Turnpike, recently.The reception which was given Rei·. Mr.

King, the· new pastor of the Rnptlat Church,during the past week, wa« largely attended,end proved a moat enjoyable affair. Musicrecitations, and hearty handshake», were Ihepleasant features of the evening. Refresh¬ments were served by the ladles.Howard's Grove b»» s new lodge. Wa»h-

lor·"" Crini" -iognnlzcd a short lime »go, with a charteredmembership of thlrtr-slt. This nex lodgehn« started under bright prospects, and themembers arc determined to make It a leader.

HIGHLAND SPRINGS.There will bo no services in tho Methodist

Episcopal Church to-dny.The Union League will meet in the Methodist

Episcopal Church thl» evening at 7:30 o'clock.A good attendance Is molt earnestly desired.The Highland Spring»' Drench of ths

Woman's National Alllaneo. will hold Its regu¬lar bi-monthly meeting with Mrs. E. S. Readat the "Manor House" on Monday, the 16th.The Ladles' Aid Society, of the M. E.

Church, met on Tuesday last with Mra. D. A.Smith, nt the "Tower House," when an in¬teresting meeting was held.Mr. Albert Hut.ers and Mr. Frank Kerr

were guests during the week of Miss NinaCotton,, nt "Lynhurst." *



Mrs. r.ydla Thorpe, who bas been a guestat the Tower House for tbo pa«t few week«,ha» returned to her home with her grand¬daughter. Mrs. P. S. Read, nt "Redydale."

Mr. H. T. Woodcock bas sufficiently re¬covered to be able to sit up a «hile eachday.Mr. Daniel Bmtth, of "Town Mouse."

now In Lyncbbnrg· attending the Odd Fellows'convention, which Is In session títere.

Mr». E. S. Read and Mrs. H. L. Vinal wereentertained at ? five-o'clock tea by Mr». D.A. Smith on Tburaday.There was n" game of golf played at the

"Links" on Wednesday last, which was muchenJoyVd, several from -Richmond taking partIn the game.

Mr». D. A. $mlth was entertained at dinneron Thursday by Mrs. ReWitt Hubbard, who basapartments at the "Tower House."Mr. John MeOum. of Washington. D. C,

and MI»s Brooks, who recently lived In Wash-ton, were quietly married at the Methodistparsonege ono' evening lost week.A party of young people wero delightfully

entertained at the home of Mr. Fred Frankon Wednesday evening. Those from this placewere Misses Rosa and Mary Morano, Ruth nndLeila Atkinson, I/>ul»e I'nrrlPli. Mamie Bald¬win nnd Nlnn Cotton; Messrs. Harvey Atkin¬son, Oscar Lowmnn, Frank Chapel, Sam Har¬rison. Archie Thomas, Irvln Pillow and Hart¬ley Spence.The roll of honor for ihe past week follows:

nester Allen. Collier Cumbca, Rosa Drake, ROD-ert Drake. Stanley Oriffln, Elder Qunn, JohnHubbord, Jessie Klbler. Gertrude Kramer. LeniKrsmer. Marguerite Murano. Lillian Model¬lami. Willie Murnno. Catherine Raabe. ValaryRlchardl. Myrtle Reltelbach, Carlyl* Rohledtr.


Mrs. Mortimer McCluer and two children havereturned tfl their home after spending* thepast week with relative« In Orange county.

Miss Dimple Moon, of Cartersvllle, Vs., Isthe guest of Mita Delia Baker, of FourthAvenue.The Earnest Worker· Society of Mlrpab

Presbyterian Church, held Ita regular monthlymeeting yesterday (Saturday) afternoon, at 4o'clock at the "Mnnse."Tho Young People'» Social Club will be en¬

tertained next Wednesday evening by Miss Re¬becca Clarke at her home on Third Avenue.Ml»» Nance, of Now Kent county, la »pending

the summer months with Mrs. Yarbrough, ofFifth Avenue.Mrs. Réunie, of Amelia county, ha» been

?lulling her »on, Mr. F. F. Rennte, of FourthAvenue.Tbo Senior Card Club waa, on last Thurs¬

day evening, delightfully enterta'incd by Dr.and Mrs. Paul Redd, nt their homo on ThirdAvenue.

There will bo a rehearsal at North Side???? next Tuesday evening at 8:30 o'clock, ofthe "College Girls." who arc to take partIn Ihe entertainment, which Is to he givennext Friday evening, May 30th..

Ml»» Lottie Hnrrlion. of Ashland, Vn.. lavlfitlng Misa. Renala Wlngfleld, of HighlandPark.

Ml»» Gregsby, of King George county, Isspending Rome timo with Mra. yarbrough,-of Fifth Avenue.

Mr. Slffln. of Cheitnut ??11. who has beenquite sick for the past month, Is Improvingrapidly.

Mrs. White, of Norfolk, Vn., visited friends

There Are Many More InRichmond.

Gratitude, makes thousands of willingwitnesses. There are many grateful peo-pe In Richmond. The testimony of friendsand neighbors, of people you know, isevidence beyond dispute. Read this state¬ment made by a citizen: '

J. C. Bosher, manager for Yarborough& Son, tobacconists, of 813 North Twenty-eighth Street, says: "When a man hasdull pains across tho small of tho hackwith wenkness In and around the musclesof his loins ho may ho a Httlo uncertainns to It« cause, but when tho action andcondition of the kidney secretions plainlyproves to him that thero Is some Inflam¬mation he may be certain that' his kid¬neys nro nt faut and require attention.To anyone who follows my calling a good,sound back Is lndlspenslble, and whenDean's Kidney Pills, procured at OwensA Minore drug Btorc, stopped a ratherserious attack a short time ?ß?, and stop¬ped It absolutely,' I am only too pleasedto recommend the preparation."For sale'by all dealers. Price 60 cents.

Fostcr-Mlburn Co., Buffalo, ?. Y., soleagents for the'United States.Remember the name.Bonn's.and take

no substitute.L^- ,|on Chestnut ??1?1 In-t week.

Mrs. it. D. Balli-r. ubo bas been stele forthe psst week. Is Improving.

Mr, B. J. Ray ha» returned home, aftera snort trip to Norfolk. Vs.Min« Carson Is riattili·* Mr». Klippen, of

Fifth Arenilo;Mrs. Enslow, of Highland Park, Is visiting

reis tires In New York. '

SHORT PUMP NOTES.Sirs. J. K. Cottrell, óf Erla Shades, who bas

been quite sick. Is now able to be out again.Mrs. J. T. Duvnll and her daughter, Mine

Mamie, spent Tuesday with Mrs. h. A. Hnead.Little Miss Sadie Houles, of Krln Shades,

Is visiting her cousins, near Gayton, ?Oie Deep Hun School closed on Friday last,

with a large basket píenle. Four -u-esoiitewere giren for diligent lessons end attrndanee.Tliey were awarded to Verna Jacksorr SadloHowies, Walter Durai, Harry Scott. The Her.Mr. Ojler presented them with a nice littletalk. Those present from Illchmond were:Miss Knie snd Anilin wiitfein-, Miss BerthsDeltrlek, Jesslts Donald. Anoye Allison, MissLscky, 'Mrs. Talbolt. Mrs, Allison; Messrs.Gano, Allison, B. Msrtln, .Thomas Watklns,Tbomss Baker. It wee enjoyed by all In st-tendsnee.

Mrs. LIkIo Snesd spent Thursday with hersister. Mrs. Bowles, of Erin Shades.A rery plesssnt evening was spent In the

home of 'Mrs. Splller on Thursday. A boxparty was given for the benefit of Sbadyiîroro Church. Thoso In sttendance ware:Misses Nannie Paryear. Jétesele Puryesr, BlsnebePuryenr, Mrs. Nasb. Mrs. J, M. Henley. Mrs.II. B. Leaks, Misses Calile Leake, I-'annleSplller, Helen Splller, Norms Bererage; Messrs.Herbert Puryear, Tom Pnrycar, Jlobert Puryear,J. M. Henleyt Joe Nasb, Babnoy Henley: B.B. l,eake, Herbert Johnson, Logan Spillar.Mita Bessie Puryear has returned to ber

home nesr Cblckabomlny. after a visit to rola·tires at Taylorsvllle, VaiMr. A. B. Snesd, who has been rlslllng

friends In HanoTer for the past week, basreturned to bis home near Gnyton, Vn.Mr. T. H. Jackson Is confined to his home

on Broad Street Road, from sickness.Ml*- Helen and Arne« Bowles, of Erin

Shades, rislted, Mil- Rebecca Kennedy, onlsst Sunday.Mr. nnd Mrs. L. A. Snesd snd Miss Agnes

Bowles spent a very plessant a/renlng at thehome of Mr. and Mrs. Resmes, of PleasantHill. Va., on Thursday.Mr. S. T. Wiade Is quite sick et bis boms

on Brosd Street Roed.Dr. L. P. Michaels, of Rldgp. visited friends

In Upper Henrleo county, Thursday.Mr. Logan' SpHler rislted frleids In the city

on Friday.There will be preaching at Deep Run Baptist

Chureb on the second Sundsy morning st 11o'clock.Mr. Lynn Henley, of West Virginia, is tIb-

Itlng his pnrenta near Short Pump, Va.Misa Agnes Howie· spent Friday wltb her

aunt. Mrs. Scott, near Gsyton, Va.Mr, Thomas Powor». of Cblckshomlny, tIs.

Ited frlenda near Ridge on Wednesday evening,Mr. R. J. Henley, of upper Henrleo county,

spent Sunday with his sister, Mrs. 11. B.Leslie.Mrs. V. ?. Henley, Mrs. Lois Mills, and Mrs,

B. B. Leake spent Wednesdsy with Mre.Ross Henley, of Hylors, Va.Miss Reboces Kennedy, who bas been quito

sick for the past week, is now able out sgotn.

RIDGE HAPPENINGS.The closing exercises of Ridge School took

place at Jr., O. U. A. M. Bali last Wednes-day night. Much credit is due the teachers,Miss Gllnn, and Miss Thorpe, for tralnlngthe scholsrs so well. Following la the pro¬gramme enjoyed by a largo gathering:Song, "America," by the school! Dialogue,

"Three little mothers," by Msmle Eubank, Mag-gle Hawkins, Jessie Shcpperson; Recitation,"The Pride of Rettery B," by Gladys Pem-bcrton; Rcclfation and song, "Young Amer¬ica," by school; Recitation, ''Willie'sBreeches." by Henry ???t??; Dialogue, "TheGossips," by Ruby Franklin, « Maria Sbepper-son, Viols *art|ott and Flora Badcnnch; Dia¬logue, "The .liners," by Wlldo Shepperson andMarlon Pemberton; Song, "Song· That We??t?," by school; Dialogue, "Playing grown¬up," by Lillian E>ibank nnd Elgin Pemborton;Recitation, "Thé Photograph Album," by Flor-enee Goodma"n; 8oi<g. "To the Right boTrue," by school; Dialogue, "Four CelebratedCharacters," by Agnea Hadenoch, lassie Shep¬person, Allee Bolts and Ruby Franklin; Reel-tatlon, "The Freckled-face Girl," by GladysPemborton; Song, "Class, Song," by thoschool; Recitation, "The Dead Doll," by StellaObrer; Reeltntloji, "Higher Culture," byWlldo Shepperson; "The Fairy Tribunal," bythe school.Much sympstby Is felt for Mrs, J. T. Eu¬

bank, of Westhsmpton, and Mre, N. II.Tboniss, of Ridge, who are so deeply grievedoTor the loss of their sister who csmo to heruntimely end In so unusually, a snd msnner.The friends of Mrs. II. A. Smith are glad

to know thnt abe la so much Improred asto be brought home from the hospital, whereshe has been under medical treatment forsereral weeks,

Walter L. Browning, of "Wayside," hasbeefr- quito Indisposed this week.

Mrs. 33dns Franklin, of West Cary Street,

THE PUBLICS OPINION< Is Worth Following in Some Instances.

For Instance, in the Selection of New

Refrigerators or Ice BoxesThe opinion of tho public Is that tho North Star Refrigerator is

the best made, "none as good," It uses lees ice than any othermake, is made of solid oak, cork lined, with air traps and is per¬fectly ordorless. It will not warp. ·

Be sure to inspect this grand refrigerator before buying yours.

$4.98 to $100.00A FEW MONDAY SPECIALS.

Dinner Plates, ile each.Glass Water Pitchers, 10cScreen Doors, with spring hinges, knobs and hooks, 70cßf.08 to close out patterns of Dinner Bets.100 pieces, with Soup Tureens, white and gold Mid decorated,

worth 910,00; only three of these.Special prices on 1-uwn Swings, Water Coolers, Oil and Gas Stoves,

Screen Windows and nil summer specialties,We Hang Screen Doors.

BROWN & CONSTINE,205 East Broad Street.


Richmond, »pent Thursday with her parent»,Mr. nnd Mí», ?. W. Drowning, of "Way»lde."

Mra. Iterilo Dick«, of Ilio Viale, «pentWednesday with friend« on the Brook noad.Mr«. Beatrice Tarne, of Duntroath, «pent

laat Friday In Richmond. »

nace, hfl» returned homo after ? few day«nace, ha« returned bom* after a f«w day»visit to relative», near Weethnmptnn I'ark.??m Mettle Kuban«, of Wcsthampton Tark,

»pent Sunday afternoon with Mra. Jonc« onBroad Street noad.MIpb Maggie Andernon, of Richmond, wa« ?

guest of Mr», fuller, of nio Vlata, on la»tSunday afternoon.Mr. and Mr». Uruce 1/jvlng and their little

*oii. Mnster F.ruce, Jr., of Bluefleld, We»tVirginia, and Ml»* Mnry William», of lllch-mond, visited frtctrda at Choiwlck ln«t Sundayafternoon.W. II. Miller, of Weit Cnry Street, Rich-

mend, »pent Sntnrdny night nnd Sunday withrelative»Hear Itldge Church.Mr. and Mr». Alley Franklin, of Wo»t Cary

Street, Richmond, «pent Sunday with the lat¬ter'» parents, Mr. nnd Mr«. H. W. Browning,of "Wa.v«|de."

Ml«» llo«n nelle Thorpe, of Broad Streetnond. »pent Monday night with Mre. EthelB»denoch, of Cheswlck.Mr. and Mr·. Netherland, who have been

living for »nme time nt Home Place, movedInto their new home on the Cary Street noadMonday.

Ml»« Mille Bntighnn. of Ridge, ha» re¬turned homo nfter «pending «omo time withrelative« ln Richmond.

GAINES-S MILL.The regular monthly meeting of the Craw,

ford W. C. T.- V. will bo held In the homeof. Mr«. Samuel Jciei Wednesday, May 17th, at

MI»« Brcclle Beadle» ha« retnrned to hothomo «fter a week'» visit to friend« and rela¬tive« nt Atice.

TI«· W. C. T. U. County Esecutive will holda meeting nt the home of Mr». S. K. Bate«on next Monday, May Hth, at 3;S0 P. M. Allmembers are requested to bo present a« ameeting of Importance Is to be held.

Mr«. G. C. Smith, of Atice, I« much indis¬posed at her. home.On Sunday uext thn Qetbscranno congrega

tlon will meet at tho chapel, near Polo Greento 'organize It.

Mr». K. C. Oauldlng, who ha« been muchIndlipoacd for »ome time »nil wa» thought tobe rapidly Improving, suffered another attackon Tuesday InM. but Is somewhat better now.Ml«s Gertie Ilurnette. of poplar Grove, 1«

Bpendlng »ome time with her sister on VenableStreet, Richmond.Tho little child of Mr.' and Mrs. Jnllnn

Bowl», who was taken to the hospital in Rich¬mond, when six week» old,.!» now at home andI« much Improved.HI»» Pearl and Lena Tnlley, of Sunny Sldq,

nnd Ml«« Williams, or Richmond,'vlaltcd Mrs.Ahnlo Burnett, of Kentucky, recently,Ausey Jenkins, who wa» much brul«ed and

«lightly hurt by a runaway mule recently,has entirely recovered.

Rev. J. I/. Prlblco and wife apent the dayrecently In the home of Mr. and Mra. J. W.Beadle«.The children of Mr. and Mr«. Mnwood

Wood are quite «lek with measles.Mr». J. W. Beadle» visited her »on nt

Highland Springs, recently.Mr. nnd Mrs. Oliver Miller, of Highland

Springs, arc visiting relative« near Pole Green.Mrs. U B. Morrison and children havo re¬

turned to Falrmonnt. nfter a pleasant vl«lt tofriend« and relatives near Walnut Grove.Mrs. Ella Cosby visited her «later In Rich¬

mond recently.Mr. David Grnbb«. who hns been quite «ick

nt hie home near Walnut Grove, I» somewhatImproved.Mrt !/>e Miller, of Meadow Farm, wn« a

recent visitor at Highland Springs.Miss Sarah Allison apent Tuesday night at

Gly Mount.The Walnut Grove Missionary Society met

la»t Monday at the home of Mrs. Rylandïenkln».

Mr». Beadle» and daughter«, Ml»«es Nannieand Leila, wa« In the city durlug the pastweek.

Mr». M. C. Martin, of Gly Mount, is «pend¬ing «ome time wltli relative« at Hickory Grove.Mr. nr.iJ'Mr«. Robert Jenkins visited friends

nt the Cliffs on Sunday.Mra. J. M. Beadles, of Hickory Hill, expect«

to leave In a few week» for Norfolk to vieilber «on, Herman Beadle«, at that place.'.Mrs. J. E. Smith, Of Falrmount, visited

relatives near Atlee recently.Preaching at Black Creek Baptist Church

next Sunday at 3 o'clock by the pastor. Rev.Mr. Jone». The time ha» been changed fromthe first and third Sunday« in the forenoonto the second and fourth Sundays ln the after¬noon.Mrs. Bottle Allison is visiting her daugh¬

ter on Church Hill. .

Master Ellison Gauldlng »pent a part of laatweek with bl» cousin» In tie West End.Mrs. Mamie Gauldlng. of Shady Valley,

visited relatives In Richmond Thursday.Mr. Charlie Beadles, of King William, ha»

¦returned homo from a visit to hla uncle.A medal contest will bo held vat Walnut

grove Saturday night. May 20th. A largecrowd Is dealred.Mr»: Ml C. Tlmberlake. of Polo Green, hns

been »pending »ome time with friends nndrelatives near Old Church.Ml«a Lena Tucker, ot Old Churoh. ex¬

pects to make her future home In Richmond.James Lynch, of Horse Shoe, who has been

suffering from malaria la again ablo to beout. «

Ml»« Hilda .West visited friends near NewCastle recently.Mr. Woodall. of Woodlawn, visited friends

In New Kent during tho past week.Mr. Hughe«, of New Caatle. »pent «ome

time nt hi« farm near Old Church, recently.

SEVEN PINES.The roll of honor for the past week follows:

Primary Gradée.Ethel Clarke, Pauline Stingi«,Lois Tiller, Emmott Bottoms, Floyd Clarke,John Goodwin. Eddie Grlgga. Edwin Houston,Charlie HouBton, Thomas Jordan. RaymondWest; Grammar Grades.Virgle Bottoms. Net¬tle Bottoms, Mamie Gllham, Oiah Houston,Ruth Pollard. Hazel Reld, Bernard Bottom«,Courtland Tiller, Floyd» Wymani Fred Werner,Louise Gllham.There, were quite a number of visitors at

Fair On'ke and Fulton Park during tho pastweek. '

The "Mea»urlng Party, which wa» given atthe pnvllllou on Wednesday night wa» quitea »ucce»«ful «ffair. aa well a« a very enjoy-abl* one. nnik qnlte a neat little »nm wasrealized for the benefit of Corinth Church.Mr. James Lynn, tho veteran guide, who wa«

so unfortunate a« to loso hla horse I« verymuch behind In hla business affairs owingtu this los«.

ELKO NOTES.Mr. Dunnavnnt. section foreman, who haa

beep 111 for «ome time, hns gone to the hoa-.pltal at Clifton Forge.

11. A. Watklns and 0. S. Sharp« went toRichmond Thursday on ? business trip.Fred Furmnn, af Petersburg, visited his

parents the first of tho week,Children's Day will bo observed at WllllaChurch on ßunday, May 21st.Misses Anni« and Ethel Hunnuvnnt have re¬

turned from a trip to Newport News.A magic lantern show wn« presented nt Wil¬

lis' Church on Wednesday night for tho bene¬fit of the missionary causo.Tho roll of honor for the<pa«t week follow«:

Jame» PeLong, Evelyn Kehl, Jnniata Robin«,Lolla Robins, Mabel Robin«, Emma Schroeder.

WILMINGTON, N. C.(Special to The TlmoB-Dlapatch.)

WILMINGTON, ? C, May 13.Saturdayafternoon there will be an Interesting tennistournament between representatives ot tho Nor¬folk Country Club and Ihe Cape Four GolfClub. Norfolk will be represented by thoAnelaste brothers, nnd Wilmington by RobertGwaltney nnd Charles E. Tuylor, Jr.

Miss Victoria Stone and Mr. W. H. Stonobave gone to Baltimore to utlend the gradu¬ating exercises at the University of Maryland,where their brother. Dr. J. A. Stone graduate·this month with high honor«.Mr». M. 0. Galloway, mothor-ln-law of Dr.

Alexander McClure of the Presbyterlau churchhere, after spending the winter In this city baggone to rTpartnnhurg, S. C, to remain the sum¬mer with 'relatives. ·

Tba flrst dance of the season at. Wright«·ville Beach takes piece next Wednesday, May17. A number of 'young society poopio ofthe city have the matter In hand and a specialsuburban car' will transport the crowd Io thobench· where they, will remain until nildnlsJit.The Council of tbe Dloceae of Eost Carolina

will convene in Wilmington on May 80th, undthere will be nt least one hundred delegate*hero. Bach parish is entitled to four delegate«,and a number of prominent ministers willnlso bo on band. The body Is a legislativoone.Friday wn« ? big day with the Red Men of the

city, who held an nil day carnival and danceat Wrlghtsvllle Bench to which tho generalpublie wns Invited. Tho occasion was In honorof St Tammany's day and a very elaborateprogrammewas carried out, Including numerousside attractions furnished by tbo liberalhearted Red Men.Mr. and Mrs. Mills, of Baltimore, are the

gueat« this week of Captain and Airs. ?. C.Twining on Fourth Street.

Governor Glenn has honored two Wilmingtonmou, Messrs Hugh Meline and J. .Edgar Lewi«,by naming Iheni on tho Stnto commute« toattend the Industrial Convention ln Washing¬ton an May Slid, to 29th.The "nnnuul ten." given by tho Hospital

Circle of the King's Daughter« this week otSt. Jumen Episcopal Church, was quite a eucooseand WBB attended by mony of the leading* peo¬ple of the city. The proceed« wcrn for use Inhospital work, and In caring for those who arounable to secure proper medical attention insickness out of their own means.Ono of thu society events of the season

for the month nf June, will be the presentationof tho opera "Piuafore" at the Academy.There will bo more than liait a hundred

little people ot tbe city, and some nf olderyears, who will take part In this production,which offer« the amateur umple opportunity toshow what be or ehe can do la tbe theatricalUn«,


SatisfactionShoes.....Hunt and Hunt, shop

and shop,K go where youwill, you won't find Shoesthat for extreme satisfac¬tion will excel the splendidShoes at your disposalright here at our 301 EastBroad Street Store.

Misses' & Children'sOxfords and ^Gibson Tiesin all leathers, Plain Black,Patent Leathers and Lightand'Dark Tans. Beautifuland good .wearing Shoes.Children's, 75c to $2.00.Misses', $1.00 to $2.50.

J BABY [Yes, we have some fine

little soft sole, dainty Shoes

in many different colors.

Little Shoes made to fit

the tenderest feet.will not

cramp the toes or get the

little feet out of shape.

50 Gents.

¦ 9LadiesStylishRibbonTies,

)$4·00 ÇThey're simply beauti¬

ful. Come iii Light and



a fine selection of GIBSON


Some beauties in WHITE


KID for $1.50, $2.00, $3.00and $3.50.

Dabney &Johnston,

"Shoestere,"30Z East Brpad

(Corner Third Street),Richmond, Va.

Fine line of Trunks,Traveling Bags. Every¬thing for the travelers. 1



L· i+0mm»*i m***»*»** **> mum m*>«J

Jamaica Ginger.Editor oí Tho Tlrnes-Dlspatch:Sir,.flense say If ft merchant the

right to soll Jamaica ginger under amerohant's license. READER.Yes.

Who Is It?Editor of The Tlmes-Dlspatch:Sir,.Plcaso give me.information about a

person in Richmond -In -tho harness bus¬iness who was cured of blindness by aPhiladelphia doctor. His place of btislnepeIf) either on Main or Market Streets.

MRS. Mi B.

Poems Wanted.Editor of Tho Tlmes-Dlspatch:Sir,.AVO should like to have the fol¬

lowing poems;"Tlio Denominational Team," "Pilate's

Wife," by iMaodonald; "Dream of Pilate'sWife," by Brydges; "Preeent Crisis," byLowell ; "Cood-Bye, Old Booze."

Rural Carriers.Editor of Tbo Tlmes-Dlspatch:Sir,.Was ft rural free delivery carrier

ever yet promoted to a better Job? Pleaseanswer in your query columns.

SUBSCRIBER.He is not eligible to any other position

In tho clasained service, performed byclassified employes, unless he passes an

examination for tho position he desires.

Where Is David Johnson?Editor of Tho Tlmes-Dlspatch:Sir,.Will anyone knowing the where¬

abouts of John David Johnson, of Cov-Ington, Vn., please communicate with hisfriends ¡at that place. Any InformationWill be gratefully received.

S. B. JOHNSON.Covlngton, Va.

St. Patrick Wanted.Editor of The Tlmes-Dlspatch:Sir,.Will you please tell me If you can

In next Sunday's paper -what will keepsnakes away from a country home; alsokeep them away from the barn? I am

anxiously waiting for Sunday's Dispatch.Oblige, P. S..Jj.We know of no way of getting rid of

snakes but to kill them.

Crum's Nomination.Editor of .Tho Tlmesf-Dlspatch:Sir,.Will you please answer the folio-w¬

ing in your daily:(X) Has the appointment of the negro,

Dr. Crum, of South Carolina, been con¬firmed?

(2) How many acres are contained intho Hollywood Cemetery, Richmond?

"SUBSCREBER, Pittsburg."1. Yes. ,2. About one hundred.

A Legal Point.Editor of The Times-Dispatch:Sir,.Please stato through your query

column the legal way land that had beenseized end a fence put across should beturned over to tho owaor, after court hasdeolded in 111« fave**. Also who is theproper persons to cut tho wire at theline? and oblige

CONSTANT READER.The sheriff is the proper officer to put

the owner in possession, after which theowner may out the wire.

A Base-Ball Query.Editor of. The Tlmes-Dlspatch:

" Sir,.Please answer In next Sunday'spaper, "Why Is it that the adimiseion tothe Twin City base-ball games this yearis twenty-flve cents, grand stand t-hirty-flvo cents, when last year admission wasfifteen cents, grand stand twenty-flvecents, and last year the games wero twicens good?" and oblige

A SUBSCRIBER.Respectfully referred to the manage¬


Thé Ben Hur Horses. '

Editor of The Tlmes-Dlspatch:Sir,.Will you kindly publish in your

query column at which performance (dur¬ing the week of Ben Hur) were there eighthorses and which four horses used inthe chariot race. Your attention to thiswill greatly oblige E. M. W.Manager Rex, ot the Academy of Music,

says that eight horses were used at everyperformance.

To Cure Corns.Editor of The Tlmes-Dlspatch:Sir,.Will. you please publish in your

Dally Tlmes-iDlspatch queries a euro

cure for corns on tho feet? You willgreatly oblige A SUBSCRIBER,Corns aro caused by tho constant pres¬

sure ot ill-fitting ehoes. Therefore, an

easy, comfortable ehoe Is Indicated. APPlyring protective -*>laetere around tho corn;soak the corn In hot water, morning and

night, after which apply with a camel'sho-lr brush tho enclosed:Aclol SaleoycUcl, half drachm; Ecxt.

Cannale Indlcae. gr. vii; Collodi!, halfounce.M. Slg. Apply with camel's hair brush,

morning and night.

, A Matter of Dress.Editor of The Tlmes-Dlspatch:Sir,.To eettle a dispute kindly answer

through your Query Column the follow¬ing: Would it bo considered proper fora gentleman to wear an evening drosssuit (Bwailow tail) to a morning re¬

ception or wedding, when full dress is re¬

quired, and oblige,A. V. S.

Sometimes upon wedding occasions in

the daytime tho church windows are

darkened and tho gas lighted to make

a night effect. In that ense a "swallow-tall" would be proper, but not otherwise.The conventional coat for morning dress

is the Prince Albert.

Pittsylvania's Old Church.Editor of The Tlmes-Dlspatch:Sir.-What was the namo of tlio Epis-

copal Church, built In Pittsylvanla coun¬

ty In the eighteenth century, by CaptainJohn Donelson, who afterwards foundedNashville, Tennessee? Have you dataof family? Captain Donolson and hisson-in-law, John Caffrey, of Bedford;Thomas Wilcox and his wife, WinifredCnffery. also of Bedford, moved to Ten¬nessee after 1787. Later they were Joinedby jacor; Reld and his wife, Nancy (Anne)Thomas, of Botetourt. Captain Donol-son's daughter, Raohnel, married An¬drew Jackson, who wes her counsel In

pronurlng her divorce from her first hus¬band, Robards. D- C.

Bishop Meada, in his "Old Churches,Ministers nnd Families of Virginia," has

only this to say In reference to thischurcji:"As to churches (In Pittsylvanla), 1

have hoard of one about twenty milesfrom the courthouse. In the year 1773

Mr. Richard Chamberlatno, of St. Peter'sChurch, New Kent, convoyed to the vos-

try, for one hundred and elxty-flvepounds, live hundred and eighty-eight»crea of laña. On Hi's 1QM t»e Rev. Mr.


Rothert's.Now Isthe Time

to Buyyour housefurnishings. You realize the fact that

, warm weather is upon us. Why not/provider your-§ self with a little comfort % We are hero to help j|

you.' Our little-at-a-time payments is at yourh service.«

Refrigerators.Ours recommend themselves. Their ?good points,

are visible. No other refrigerator on· the marketis as economical in the use of ice.

SARATOGA MONARCH,plain or enameled, with porcelain ice tanks or

coolers. "White Frost" Refrigerators, are soldexclusively by us.

KITCHEN COMFORT,that's what we claim for our Kitchen Cabinets."Aplace for everything." We have them /from,

$6.50 up.

Imperial ExcelsiorGas Ranges

are meeting with great favor. We have never

had a range to sell so well and to give so complete,satisfaction.




j Streets.

Gullllam lived. Ono of the vestrymen,to whom the lana was conveyed, JohnDonelson, emigrated to Tennessee, andwas the father of Mrs. General Jackson.The globe lay on· the rood to HenryCourthouse, a few miles from "Callands."It doubtless shared the talo of otherglebes."The name of the parish appears to have

been "Camden." What the name of tile

church woe he does not disclose. It

seems to have been non-existent In 1S57,the date ot publication of Bishop Me&de'sbook.

Mourning.Editor of Tho TirneB-Dlsputoh:Sir,.You will obligo by answering tho

following questions:1. How did the custom of wearing

black as mourning originate? What are

some of the colors of mourning adoptedby heathen nations "and what are theyIntended to eympollze?

2. Is it correct to say , "Each one of

us have an interest ln the nm'tter," or

"Each one ot us lias an lntorest in thomatter?" B. R. A.

1. From tho earliest ages It has been



Account of tho T, P. A. Convention ut

Savannah, Git., the SEABOARD Agentswill sell round trip tickets from Rich¬mond at ruto of $15.55 enoh; tickets goldMuy Hth and 16th, limited to return on

or Itfiforo Muy Üotlr, X'Mô. TUE SICA-BOARD has been chosen as tito OFFI¬CIAL ROUTE to Savannah ror this occa¬

sion, and has the shortest route und mostconvenient schedules. Extra Pullmansleepers will be operated for this convention, and everything possible will bu donefor tho convelnence and comfort of dele¬gates 'attending this convontlon, ForPullman réservations und all Informationapply to Richmond Transfer Conipuny,any SEABOARD Agent or to

U. 8. L13ARD, W. M. TAYLOR,Die. Pubs. Agt, City Pass. Agt.

8Ü0 East Muin Btroet. |

o jiL· m ·?«? ?.t .?. .

Beer· the j* ìho KM ?µ Ha,e Always ????ß??


Tlie Chicago Groat Western will, toMay 15th, sell one-way colonista' ticketsto Arlsonn, California, Idnho, Montuna,Nevada, Oregon, Utah, Washington, Al¬berta und British Columbia at greatlyreduced rates. Kor further informationapply to \V. M. McPonnell, T. P. ?., 5UBourse Building, Philadelphia, l'a.

«a .a.m »a? e»n, s:a. .

Hours tta /} Tftq KiPJ You Havo /i^ays Ba^r*'lìit; itiVturt- /flf . ¡¿.¿-F/? j~#-

r?ATKHTLOUlAbsoluto cleanliness

is the law In tho manu¬facture of "DunlopPatent Flour.'» Thohuman hand does notcome in contact witheither tlio wheat orflour.Tho wheat is unload¬

ed by power shovels,and ground by auto¬matic machinery. Theflour sacks aro sewedby machinery.No other flour just

as good.Manufactured by tho

Dunlop Mills, Rich¬mond, Vn.Capacity 2,500 bbls.



tho custom oí bereaved persons to testi¬fy their grlet for the loss of friends or

relative« by some external change of dres>9and deportment. The Eastern nationsand tlio Greeks cut off their hair, whllothe Romans allow the, beard and hair to

grow in mourning. Different colors havebeen adopted as emblems of grief. Thoancient Egyptians wore yellow; theKtheoplans gray; the Roman and Spartanwomen white, which is still jtho color ofgrief In China, Japan and Slam; in Tur¬key blue and violet; In other Europeancountries «and in Amorica black is tliomourning color. The kings of Francomourned-in violet.

3, Each one of us has.

Crater Still to be Seen.Editor of The Tlmes-Dlspatch:Sir..1. Will you please inform me how

far is ilio city of Newport News fromwhere the Untied Stated military prison.built in IS6Í, is located?

3. 1« the Crater, near Petersburg, itilito bo seen?

S. In what year did Oeneral Henry A,Wise die, und whir« was he burled?

EX-CONFEfcKRATE.1. We do not know what you mean,

Fortress Monroe, at Old Point, 1· aboutton miles from Newport News,

2. Yes.3. Oovernor WUe died In Rlohmon4

September 12. 1S7G, »"d hl'J rsin&lu* r**tUl ???G,???a C*U"«tWJ/..