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  • 7/31/2019 murano A-Z


    Maclay Residence, Session 2011/12

    Welcome to University of Glasgow, Maclay Residences. We hope that you will enjoy your stay.

    The purpose of this booklet is to provide you with as much information as possible for living at Maclay Residences.

    Please take some time and read it before arriving. If you have any questions, please do not hesitate to contact the

    Residences Office.

    Absence from residence: In the interests of safety & security residents are asked to advise the Reception if they intend

    to be away overnight by completing an out off residence advice slip available from the reception at any time.

    Please note that if you are off site for more than one week we are required to flush all water outlets in your room as part

    of our legionella avoidance programme and we will require access.

    Access for Tradesmen: Tradesmen have access via the reception in the event of an emergency, to carry out repairs

    (which you may have reported) unfortunately we tend not to know in advance when these visits are scheduled and

    mostly cannot provide advance notification.

    When the visit is for a scheduled repair (eg boiler safety checks, fire system maintenance work) we will notify residents

    via e mail.

    We do have strict controls of the issuing of all access keys. University Estates and Buildings staff will always carry

    photo identification with them.

    If at any time you are unsure about providing access to anyone please clarify first at the reception.

    In the event of you requiring any item in your room should you be away from residence we are unable to allow access to

    staff or friends to retrieve the item.

    Animals: Pets no matter how small are not allowed in any of GU Residences. This includes fish.

    Bedrooms: One quilt, pillow and linen set will be left in each room prior to moving in.

    Please leave the bedding and linen in your room at the end of your contract do not throw out any items

    Cleaning services are not provided. Residents however are expected to keep their flats in a clean and tidy condition.

    Rooms will be inspected each term to check for any repairs & to ensure that the rooms are kept in a clean condition.

    No electrical domestic items (kettle, heater, rice cookers etc) can be used or stored in your bedroom. If they are found

    they will be removed for you to collect when you leave the residence at the end of your contract. Please note that we

    cannot return these items to you until the end of your contract even if you indicate you have found a buyer for the


    Bicycles: Bicycle sheds are provided for the storage of all residents bikes however all items are left at your own riskand you may wish to top up your current insurance cover adding on your bike. Unfortunately bikes cannot be stored in

    any areas (including main hallways) of the blocks of flats, or on lampposts/gates inside the residence.

    Candles and Incense Sticks, etc. In the interests of residents safety & security all forms of candles, incense sticks and

    plug in air fresheners, or any other device involving burning or combustion / inflammable liquids are all strictly

    forbidden within any part of the residence.

    Cash Dispenser (ATM) The nearest free cash dispensers are: Sandyford Post Office on Argyle Street, the petrol service

    station on Old Dumbarton Road and Tescos on Argyle Street.

    Central Heating: All flats are equipped with full central heating systems. The heating times are displayed on the noticeboard in each block.

    Churches/Places of Worship: The University Chapel is available for all denominations and the following

    churches/mosques are a selection of those close to Maclay Residences

    Sandy Henderson Memorial Church 13 Kelvinhaugh Streeet, Glasgow

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    St Simons 33 Partick Bridge Street

    Masjid Dawat Ul Islam 31 Oakfield Avenue, Glasgow

    Cleaning: There is a vacuum cleaner in each flat for residents use only. No cleaning services are provided but you are

    expected to keep your room and flat clean. Stairwells inside blocks are cleaned on a regular basis by site cleaning staff.

    Please remember that problems can occur with insect infestations when bedrooms and kitchens are not kept adequately

    clean and free from all food sources.

    Approx every six weeks the warden responsible for your zone will carry out inspections of communal area (specifically

    kitchens) to make sure they are all cleaned to an acceptable condition.

    Each term we will carry out a flat inspection when we will be checking on any repair requirements which may not havebeen reported and also to check on the cleanliness of your flat.


    Below are some pointers you may find useful when cleaning the kitchen.

    HOB / COOKERMake sure and clean at least once a week, to avoid a build-up of grease and dried in foods. Use a good surface cleanser

    that is appropriate for Cookers/Hobs, and remember to use a scouring pad to get the dried in foods off easily.

    KITCHEN WALL TILESClean with some soapy water and a cloth, or with a spray on cleaner, and wipe down. This helps to remove a build-up of

    grease and dried on foods.

    MICROWAVEClean outside and inside regularly, including the plate which can be removed and washed separately.

    Dont allow food splatters to build up inside the unit cover all food being cooked

    OVEN / GRILL PANCook food using a tray/oven proof dish and use aluminium foil to capture oils and grease. Regularly clean bottom of oven

    and grill pan to avoid built up of grease/food items.


    Throw out foods that have expired/ to avoid a build-up of smell.Clean shelves and unit doors with a damp clothAvoid ice building up in the freezer if there is a problem with the door not closing it is often caused by a build of up ice

    due to the freezer being overfilled and the door not closing properly.

    WORKTOPS/SINK AND SURROUNDSWipe down at least once a week with warm, damp cloth and some antibacterial spray.

    KITCHEN FLOORSUse the mop (BLUE) to clean the vinyl (smooth) flooring in the kitchen at least once a fortnight to avoid a build-up of dirt.

    Use the Vacuum to collect food crumbs, and to clean the carpet. If you spill anything, mop/clean it up immediately to avoidstains and slippages.

    BINSEmpty regularly and use a refuse sack inside the bin keep the lid clean


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    Use the mop (RED) to mop your bathroom/shower floor. Vacuum your bedroom floor, and wipe down your desk (with adamp cloth or antibacterial spray) and shelving at least once a month to avoid dust and germs. Please clean your toiletbowl with bleach or a toilet cleanser at least once a month to avoid a build-up of grime (use the toilet brush provided toclean the bowl and rim!). Wash your shower curtain frequently on a high temperature wash in the washing machine to

    remove a build-up of grime.

    Comments, Concerns or General Enquiries - All general enquiries can be initially made at the Reception. Any undue

    concerns you may have can also be dealt with via the Warden or Chief Senior Resident and any of the Senior Residentstaff members. The main office can also be contacted via e mail [email protected]

    Cooking: Cooking is restricted to kitchens only. The use of deep fat fryers is not permitted. Microwave ovens, rice

    steamers, toasters, kettles etc., must not be used in bedrooms

    Compliance Testing - As part of our HMO (Houses of Multiple Occupancy) Licence, we have to carry out maintenance

    /servicing tests throughout the year e.g. fire alarm maintenance, water testing, gas maintenance etc. To carry out these

    services contractors will need access to your bedroom. You will be notified of these works at least 24hrs beforehand via


    Computer hardware/software: The nearest computer store is PC world on Finnieston Street (approx. 15mins walk).

    Please see map below.

    Confidentially - It is policy not to disclose any information about residents to outside parties with the exception of the

    Police, Immigration or other legitimate authorities.

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    Damage to Hall Property / Departure/End of Session: Residents will be held personally responsible for any

    vandalism, damage or loss they or their guests cause the Hall or its property. Anyone who removes equipment/furniture

    from any public part of the hall without permission Residence Office will be subject to disciplinary action with the

    Warden of the site. Vandalism or deliberate damage to property is considered to be very serious misconduct.

    Unattributable damage will be monitored termly and appropriate action will be decided by your Warden and the Director

    of Residential Services. A list of damages will be posted at the Reception to give students an idea of the costs involved.

    Departure/End of Contract: Residents are expected to leave their rooms and kitchens in a clean & tidy condition. All

    foodstuffs must be disposed of, food lockers cleaned & keys returned to the Reception by 10 a.m. on the morning of your


    Here are some images of what is an acceptable standard when you vacate Maclay Residences. If you require further

    information / advice then please contact reception.

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    Disposal of Refuse: It is essential that all refuse is disposed of in the correct manner, i.e. carried down in tied black bags

    to the designated bin areas every day. Please use the full allocation of bins to dispose of your waste, and do not use

    already filled bins this can cause infestation and attract vermin.

    Under no circumstances should rubbish be dumped in the street or common stairway or thrown from windows.

    Dangerous items such as glass tin lids and broken china must be very well wrapped in newspaper before being thrown


    Doctors & Dentists: All residents are required to register with a local Doctor as soon as possible after their arrival.

    Registration it is essential that you complete a registration card which must be handed in to the practice If you have an

    NHS doctor, please bring your medical card with you if you have one.You are free to register with any local practice full details are available at

    Consultations are by appointment only. To register you should telephone one of the practices and ask to make an

    appointment for a registration medical. You will be given a form on arrival which you should complete and hand back to

    the residence reception.

    (a) Out of Hours Service; Please contact NHS 24 08454 242424

    (b) Patient Transport Service;- When calling the Health Centre out of hours you may request this to take you to the

    Primary Care Centre. This vehicle will also bring you back here after you are seen by a doctor. This service will not

    take you to Casualty

    (c) Accident Report Form: In the case of an accident or a near miss, an accident report form must be filled in at the

    earliest opportunity. Please contact the Reception for a blank copy which should be completed and returned to the site

    for processing.

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    (d) NHS 24: this is a free out of hours medical advice service please phone 0845242424 and answer all questions with as

    much information as you can

    If further advice is needed please contact reception -

    From your Room dial 5699

    Or from your mobile dial 0141 339 6272

    Remember IN AN EMERGENCY CALL 999

    Door Closers: In order to comply with fire & safety legislation we are obliged to have automatic door closers fitted on

    all doors. Please do not tamper with them. If yours is not working properly please contact the office & we will repair it.Once per term our handyman will carry out inspections of all door closers you will be notified in advance when these

    have been arranged.

    Electrical Items: Information copied from the contract to remind you of the standards required - The Student shall not

    bring or allow to be brought into the Hall/Room (as the case may be) any portable electrical equipment (or any white

    goods or other consumable durables) unless required for medical reasons unless it complies with all current regulations

    and, if requested to do so, to produce evidence to the University that such equipment does comply. Where such evidence

    is not produced to the University or where in the opinion of the University and/or its agents (acting reasonably) any such

    equipment does not comply with current electrical regulations, the University or its agents shall be entitled to remove

    such equipment from the Hall/Room (as the case may be).

    Please note that electrical items Non-compliant with BS 1363 (13 amp plugs, socket extension, connection units

    and adaptors)will result in items being removed from the kitchen/bedroom.

    Any electrical items brought into the hall must comply with British Standard 1363. You may be asked to provide an

    annual electrical safety certificate for any electrical item. Electrical cooking items can only be used in the kitchens

    (including kettles, rice cookers etc) Please note heaters and electric blankets are strictly prohibited for safety reasons and

    will be confiscated.

    Any items we believe not to be compliant with British Standards will be confiscated

    Electoral Roll: A list of Residents names will be submitted in mid October to Glasgow District Council for inclusion in

    the Electoral roll. If you do not wish to be registered to vote in Glasgow you must notify Reception in writing before

    end of first week in October. Polling cards will be sent to all residents who are eligible to vote in local or nationalelections in advance of an election taking place.

    E Mail: Throughout your time at Maclay Residences you will receive many e mails updating you on what is happening

    on the site. If at anytime you change your e mail address, or the e mail address we have is not one you access please

    update us with your new address to allow us to change your details on our system you can do this either in person at

    reception or via [email protected]

    Emergency (out of hours): If there is an emergency and the office is closed, you can contact the on duty senior resident

    by dialling 5699 from your room phone, or dialling 07917663319 from any other phone. Alternatively, a security guard is

    based at the office from 8pm 8am every night.

    We have a phone located at Reception externally near the door, should you in the event of Reception being closed requireassistance you can contact the on call duty member of staff by using thepress to call button

    Fees: Failure to comply with the payment instructions is likely to result in a late payment fee being imposed.

    Please note that anyone experiencing any difficulty in paying must contact the Finance Section in the

    Accommodation Office as soon as possible.

    Fire Alarm: If the fire alarm sounds, residents must evacuate the building immediately. Under no circumstance should

    anyone attempt to silence the alarm. No one should attempt to re-enter the building until the Fire Brigade and Duty

    Senior Resident has granted you permission.

    Do not touch the fire panel a member of the fire brigade or Maclay Residences staff will deal with it.

    Fire Doors must be kept closed at all times mainly as a safety precaution but also because of security. Note that

    kitchen & corridor doors as well as your room door are all fire doors.

    Within each kitchen /lounge area there is a battery operated smoke detector this is a stand alone unit for that area only

    and is not linked to our monitoring companyand has been fitted in the hope of reducing full alarm activations. If this

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    detector is activated treat it as a pre alert remove item from heat source, ventilate kitchen and check kitchen door is

    securely closed

    The fire alarm system is normally tested once per week on a Wednesday between 10.30 and noon the activations will

    be very quick and there is no need to evacuate the building unless the sounder is longer than approx 10 seconds then

    evacuate the building. During the weekly checks we will also be carrying out brief inspections of flat entrance halls to

    ensure that no items have been stored in the hall. This is the main fire escape route and must be clear of any items at all


    Smoke detectors are installed in all rooms, hallways and main staircases. Heat sensors are located in all kitchens and at

    Maclay Residences each kitchen also has a back up battery detector used only to provide advance warning these detectors

    are not linked to the main fire alarm system.Do not try to remove or cover the detector. All detectors are linked to the main system and the panel will detect which

    sensors have been removed

    False fire alarm activations cause huge strains on the resources of Strathclyde Fire and Rescue.

    Please help reduce the amount of false fire alarm activations by when cooking and ironing

    1. Ensure the kitchen door is closed2. Leave the extractor fan operating at highest setting and if possible also open the kitchen window3. Stay in the kitchen during cooking4. Clean the grill pan and bottom of the oven after each use to avoid a build up of grease.

    5. Do not iron directly under the heat detector to avoid any build up of heat setting off the alarm

    When using hairdryers/aerosols/hair straightners etc

    1. Do not use these items under a heat/smoke detectors2. Keep the area well ventilated open room window, keep en suite door closed/keep fan on till aerosol has


    3. Keep room door closed

    Do not vandalise or maliciously use fire fighting equipment/detectors

    Please remember that smoking, candles, plug in air freshners, heaters and incense are all banned within university

    accommodation. If any of these items are found within Maclay Residences they will be removed.

    First Aid: Senior Residents are all required to attend a basic training session in First Aid & they are all issued with a

    first aid kit for emergency use only, there is also a first aid box located at reception. However residents may find that

    having their own kit will be beneficial

    Flat Inspections: Are carried out termly and you will be given advance notice via e mail.

    In addition to termly inspection the senior resident responsible for your block will carry out random unannounced kitchen

    inspections (usually in the evenings) to ensure that public areas are being cleaned and kept to an acceptable level of


    Some problems associated with communal living include

    _ Excessive rubbish and bins overflowing with food debris etc not being disposed of via the bin.(this will cause insect

    /pest infestation)_ Dishes and cooking utensils not being cleaned and stored in cupboards

    _ Surfaces(including hobs and inside fridge freezers) and floors not being cleaned.

    - General untidiness which could be a fire hazard

    If the problem of dirty kitchens continues we have a structured procedure in place and the worst case scenario will result

    in disciplinary action being taken.

    Furniture: Anyone bringing furniture into Maclay Residence must remove it at the end of the Session. All upholstered

    furniture must meet current fire retardancy regulations. Anyone bringing in a piece of furniture that does not have a fire

    retardant label attached to it will be asked to remove it immediately.

    Gambling: Gambling in all GU Residences is forbidden.

    Grounds: Please keep noise to a minimum and do not litter

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    Guests: Guests are welcome in Maclay Residences but must adhere to the regulations that have been put into force with

    the safety and security of the residents in mind. In common with all the University Residences: -

    a) Residents must take full responsibility for their visitors.b) All guests must leave the residence by midnight at the very latest.c) Senior Residents are well within their rights to ask guests to leave the premises and anyone who is asked to leave

    must do so immediately.

    Overnight Guests: All students in Maclay Residences can have a guest stay overnight in their bedroom for a maximum

    of three nights, free of charge, provided the following procedure is followed:

    Prior to arrival:

    1. Firstly, please obtain consent from fellow residents of your flat. Only one guest per flat is allowed at any time.

    2. Collect and complete a booking form from your site office and submit your request with a minimum 24 hours

    notice. The top part of the form will be returned to you and the bottom kept by the office.

    When your guest arrives:

    3. Please pass your part of the booking form onto your guest and ensure your guest carries this with them at all

    times. If they do not have this to prove they are entitled to be staying, they will be asked to leave.

    4 Guests must sleep in your study room and not in communal areas.

    5. Your guest is responsible for familiarising themselves with action to take in case of fire alarm activation.

    6. As per your residence contract, you are responsible for your guests behaviour therefore you should inform them

    of dos and donts in the residence. Failure of you to do this and your guest breaching any Health & Safetyguidelines or terms of the accommodation contract will result in you being banned from having guests and you

    may be disciplined.

    Heaters: Residents are not permitted to use a personal heater of any kind in their rooms. This constitutes a fire and

    safety hazard. An additional charge for electricity may be levied if a heater is found in a room If the main heating in your

    flat is not working we can provide a temporary heater to cover the time you are without heating from the central system.

    These can be signed out via Reception

    Heating & Hot Water: Hot water is available at all times. Central heating times are controlled by the University & will

    vary according to the season. Current heating times are displayed on the notice boards in the hallways.

    Heating is never provided during daytime hours in any of our residences.

    Most room radiators have control valves; turn it clockwise for off & anticlockwise for on.

    Household goods: Common items such as bedding, crockery and electronic items can be found in shops such as Argos.

    The nearest Argos is on Crow road (approx. 30 mins walk). Please see map below.

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    Illicit Substances: The possession or use of illicit substances is banned on all University of Glasgow Residences,

    including Maclay Residences, and is also an offence under law. If you are found to be using or in possession of illicit

    substances your residential services contract may be terminated, at the discretion of the Warden and the Director of

    Accommodation, and you may be referred to the police.

    Insurance: All residents will automatically be registered with from the 2011/2012 academic year onwards, theblock policy will be operated by UK & Ireland Insurance Services (Online) Ltd. who operate the basic group insurancescheme. Residents are advised to make themselves familiar with the terms & conditions of the scheme & to take out

    additional insurance for such items as bicycles, mobile phones, etc. The University Court, the Management Staff of the

    Hall and the employees of the University do not accept liability on any grounds whatsoever including fault or negligence

    for loss or damage to any property belonging to or in the possession or custody of any resident in the Hall and that

    whether such property be deposited, stored or otherwise left in the residence or elsewhere and its outbuildings or within

    the grounds thereof.

    Internet Access: Internet access is available in all study bedrooms via the use of an RJ45 ethernet cable (available from

    local shops and the University Book Store in the Fraser Building). Wireless Internet is available in the lounge. Residents

    will be required to complete an internet access registration form. If you have any problems with the internet or phone

    systems please dial *6 from your room phone. Keycom are the provider, and reception/senior residents are unable to

    answer questions or resolve problems. You must report all problems/questions to Keycom.

    Keys: The loss of keys must be reported immediately to Main Reception (if lost during office opening times) or to the

    Duty Senior Resident. A charge of 20 will be made for lost keys. Security can assist you in gaining access to your roomin the interim period between you losing your keys and receiving your new set. Please note if a new lock is required you

    may be charged for its replacement

    Kitchens: In each kitchen a cooker, fridge/freezer, microwave, electric kettle and toaster are supplied. We do not

    provide dishes, pots, pans, cutlery or cleaning materials. Residents are reminded that they are expected to wash, dry and

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    put away all dishes, pots, pans, cutlery etc. immediately after use, keep the cookers & grill pans clean, defrost and clean

    the refrigerator. Rice and any other grains must be stored in plastic containers with lids, never in sacks. Cleanliness in

    the kitchen is of the utmost importance as we have had to call in the pest control contractor to deal with problems caused

    by dirty kitchens

    No items can be left on the external kitchen ledges as this can be a health and safety hazard if they fall off the sill or can

    attract birds/ vermin.

    Laundry: The laundry is located in the area next to the main reception and will be available 24 hours. You will need to

    provideyourown automatic washing powder. The prices will be 2 per wash and 1 for a full 50 minute dry which is

    competitive to local laundries, with the additional benefit of being on your door step. The laundry has a 24 hour freephone helpline and latest technologies to ensure speedy breakdown response to guarantee you will be getting the best

    possible service at all times. We will also be providing you with further information in due course regarding 'Laundry

    View', a communications system whereby you will be able to go online to check immediate availability ofwashers and

    dryers for your use.

    You are advised not to leave your laundry unattended during the washing/ drying process as responsibility cannot be

    accepted by the Site or The University should any of your laundry be lost

    Light Bulbs: Please complete a repair request form giving details of any non working lamps.

    Mail: Mail is delivered direct to the individual addresses and floors. Please ask family & friends to address mail to the

    correct block, flat and room otherwise your mail may go missing. Mail / packages cannot be delivered to thereception address as we are unable to accept any deliveries

    When you leave Maclay Residences we cannot keep or forward any mail, it is your responsibility to arrange for mail

    redirection mail for non residents will be automatically returned to sender

    Moving Out: Anyone wishing to leave the house during the session but continuing at University must fill in an Early

    Departure form that can be obtained from the Accommodation Office. Liability for payment of fees for the remainder of

    the session will remain until the place has been filled.

    Noise: Under the terms & conditions of residence there should be no noise at all between the hours of 11.00pm and

    8.00am. At all other times noise must be kept at a reasonable level. Please consider the large number of residents and

    also our neighbours who live in the surrounding area and keep noise levels to a minimum particularly if you are returning

    to the residence late at night.

    No Smoking Policy: There is a no smoking policy throughout the Student Houses which must be strictly adhered to.

    Note that all areas (bedrooms, kitchens, hallways, staircases, bathrooms, public internal areas.) are non-smoking nor can

    residents smoke outside their bedroom windows.

    Offensive Weapons: These are not permitted into the residence or the grounds. Please refer to point (p) in the

    conditions of residence

    Parking of Cars: Limited resident parking available on site . Please register your car registration with the reception

    staff during office weekday opening hours.

    Parties : NO PARTIES OR BBQs CAN BE HELD AT MACLAY RESIDENCES. If required we can offer advice

    on alternative venues to help with your plans.

    Pictures & Posters: Anyone wishing to put up posters can only put them on the notice boards provided and not on the

    walls nor should you stick, pin or nail anything onto the furniture.

    Any damage caused by poster/items stuck onto walls etc could incur a charge.

    Police Station: The nearest police station is Glasgow West End Police Office, 609 611 Dumbarton Rd, Glasgow, G11

    6HY Phone number 0141 532 - 3555. Overseas residents may be required to register with the Police. This can be done

    at the Pitt Street Police Station. You are required to arrange an appointment prior to visiting the station and you should

    do this within 7 days of your arrival in Glasgow.

    Reception is usually open Monday to Friday 8 a.m. till 6p.m. On Public Holidays or GU other days the Reception is

    open from 8 a.m. till 4 p.m.

    The duty senior resident is based in the Office weekdays 6p.m. till 7 p.m. and weekends 12 noon to 1 p.m. and also

    between 6 p.m. and 7 p.m.

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    Recycling and green issues: Here at Maclay Residences we try to encourage that everyone recycles as much as possible,

    Blue recycling bins are located in the site close to the main exit available next to the site entrance.

    Items that can be recycled in these bins are -

    Mixed papers (office paper/newspapers/magazines/telephone directories/yellow pages/junkmail/white envelopes (with/without windows)

    Plastic bottles (please remove bottle tops)

    Food and drink cans (please wash out food tins)Glass cannot be recycled in these bins.

    We do have a Green Noticeboard in the Common Room for more green issues.

    Repairs: Repair request forms are available on the accommodation office website (

    Alternatively a paper version can be collected from the Reception which should be completed and returned to Reception

    as quickly as possible. Residents are asked to try to be specific about the nature of the repair required. Emergency repairs

    will be completed as a matter of urgency but residents should allow several days for non urgent repairs.

    Room Inventory: A completed inventory will be left in your room prior to your arrival.

    Security: Please read the be safe be secure leaflet. Close and lock your main flat and room doors every time you leave

    your room/flat. Always make sure the main flat entry door is securely closed. Do not let anyone into the block or flat if

    you are unsure of them.

    Block Door Entry Handset each flat has a handset located next to the main flat door if a visitor requires access theycan press the bell at the main external door and once you have established that they are a legitimate visitor you can open

    the door from within the flat.

    These handsets can be silenced from within the flat should you require privacy if two red lights are on in the handset

    this indicates the silence mode is in operation and it will not work. By pressing the remaining button on the handset

    holder this allows the full operation of the system.

    Always close and lock all ground floor kitchen windows when you are not in the kitchen.

    On moving into the house all residents are given a set of keys, these keys must not be labelled. Residents are asked to

    make sure that doors are kept locked. It is particularly important that room doors and main flat doors are kept locked at

    all times. If you loose a key please report to Reception where a replacement key can be issued costing 20.00

    There is a night security guard based in the Reception from 8 p.m. to 8 a.m.

    Senior Residents: Senior residents appointed by the University Court are responsible for the welfare & discipline of

    students within their particular area. The Senior Resident will either be resident within a student house or will have a

    study bedroom on the floor above or below. He or she will be available on a rota basis and can be contacted in to discuss

    any problems etc. with residents via the mobile phone number on display. Senior Residents are on duty between 6pm-

    8am Weeknights and from 6pm Friday to 8am Monday through the weekend, so we are always here to help when the

    office is closed. Residents should not be afraid to approach him/her to talk about any matter that might be of concern.

    Residents are asked not to disturb the S.R. late at night unless an emergency occurs.

    You can contact the Senior Resident by dialling --

    From your Room dial 5699 or from your mobile dial 0141 339 6272

    In the event of being unable to reach the Senior Resident in an emergency Residents should contact the Security

    officers at the Main Gatehouse on University Avenue or on 0141 330 4282.

    Spill Kit / Access to Sharps Box: via Reception

    Supermarkets: The nearest supermarket is Tesco Metro on Argyle Street (approx. 10mins walk). The nearest large

    supermarket is Morrisons and is on Vine Street, next to Partick Subway station (approx.15mins walk). Please see map


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    Television: Anyone bringing in a television or watching television via their computer on IPTV Internet Protocol

    Television must purchase a TV licence.

    Vacation: Residents wishing to remain during the summer vacation may do so, (though they may have to move toanother residence / room) information is normally e mailed out to all students in residence in early 2


    Ventilation: With bedrooms being en suite problems can occur with excess condensation. To help reduce this problem

    please see below.

    1. When using the shower in your room ensure the en suite door is closed once you have finished using theshower try to keep the door closed with the fan on in the shower room to assist with reducing the level of


    2. The extractor fan in your shower room is on a timer and will continue to operated for a specific length of timeeven after you have switched it off this is usual and not a fault

    3. If the fan is not working in your shower room please report to main reception to allow us to arrange repair /

    replacing unit4. All windows have a ventilation strip fitted on the frame keep open at all times5. When you are not in the room you may wish to keep the window open for additional ventilation for security

    reasons keep ground floor windows open for minimum amount of time and when open make sure the window is

    securely open.

    6. Avoid drying towels on radiators in room as this produces more moisture.

    Water: Tenants Guide to Good Water Hygiene Practice

    The water systems in Maclay Residences have monitoring schedules in place to ensure good water hygiene. You can

    assist us in protecting your health and safety by:-

    Ensuring that all outlets are used regularly [preferably once per week] or run for a couple of minutes per week tokeep the water fresh;

    Reporting any water system defects, such as hot water temperature failure or dirty drinking water, to the MaclayResidences Reception as soon as possible;

    Do not tamper or alter the hot water system temperatures, these are preset according to Health & Safety Legislationto maintain good water hygiene. If you choose to alter the hot water settings you do so at your own risk.

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    If you return to your accommodation after a period of time away [i.e. more than a week] it is good practice to run thetaps in your property for 2 or 3 minutes to ensure you receive a fresh supply of water.

    Please note that if you are off site for more than one week we are required to flush all water outlets in your room as part

    of our legionella avoidance programme and we will require access.

    Welcome Talk at start of term a short and informative welcome talk will be organised and you are advised to attend

    which will help with settling into your new environment. More details will be emailed to you or will be on display during

    move-in weekend.

    Wi-Fi is available in the common room

    Withdrawal from University: Anyone deciding to withdraw from the University is required to:

    a) Supply Maclay Residence Reception on site, with a letter from an advisor confirming withdrawal.b) Advise the Manager or Assistant Manager and the Accommodation Office of the decision.c) Complete and submit an Early Departure form to Reception (which is available from the reception or the

    Accommodation Office).

    d) Return all keys to Reception office prior to departure.e) Pay all Accommodation Fees due up and until the day that all paperwork and keys have been handed in plus 4 weeks


    Important Additional Notes on Electrical Appliances and Other Equipment

    In the interest of safety the following restrictions are placed on electrical items, which you may wish to bring in to the

    Halls of Residences:

    1 The following items are strictly forbidden for use inA) All forms of heating appliances including electric fires, Emerson heaters and any incandescent burners (this

    includes all electric heaters).

    B) Any form of deep fat frying cooking appliance.

    C) Any heavy-duty electrical appliance or car battery chargers etc.

    D) Fridges freezers and any other white domestic appliances.

    E) Electric irons (these are provided by the site and should be used in kitchens only).

    2 In addition to the restrictions in section 1 all electrical items brought into the Hall/House, which are recognisedas being permissible, should be fitted with a correctly rated fuse, a correctly wired plug and a cable in good order

    see electrical items section above for specific details.

    No electrical blankets are permitted without a current test certificate from a qualified electrician and a medical

    certificate from your G.P.

    Irrespective of any restrictions made above, the Warden, Senior Resident or Manager can refuse introduction of any

    piece of electrical equipment which is deemed not to be in the interest of the welfare of other residents of the flat or of

    the flat itself.

    Should you have any queries relating to electrical items, they should be addressed to the Manager of MaclayResidences. Please remember that this list of regulations is drawn up for your own well being and safety.

    Please note in addition that all gas appliances are strictly forbidden

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    GO OUT.