new zealand tamil christian fellowship (serving … · 02.01.2013  · again when the angel of the...

1 NEW ZEALAND TAMIL CHRISTIAN FELLOWSHIP (SERVING CHRIST SERVING COMMUNITY) JANUARY 2013 “The Year of reaching the un-reached” Lead me, O Lord, in your righteousness.-- Psalm 5.18 OUR VISION To have a deep relationship with God, and to share the Gospel with enthusiasm, and to serve others and make disciples in Christ’s name. OUR MISSION Is to deepen & strengthen the Christian faith through the pursuit of Bible study, prayer and worship of the risen Christ, and by proclaiming the truth of the gospel of Jesus Christ to witness through our ministries, and also encouraging one another in proclaiming Jesus Christ as Saviour and Lord and leading others into personal faith in Him.

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    JANUARY 2013 “The Year of reaching the un-reached”

    Lead me, O Lord, in your righteousness.” -- Psalm 5.18


    To have a deep relationship with God, and to share the Gospel with enthusiasm, and to serve others and make disciples in Christ’s name.


    Is to deepen & strengthen the Christian faith through the pursuit of Bible study, prayer and worship of the risen Christ, and by proclaiming the truth of the gospel of Jesus Christ to witness through our ministries, and also encouraging one another in proclaiming Jesus Christ as Saviour and Lord and leading others into personal faith in Him.

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    From the Editor’s Desk

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    Your Life is Your Time

    Read Ephesians 5:14-17

    Our lives are governed by time. That’s why we’re surrounded by clocks

    and calendars that dictate our activities. As the minutes tick by, we

    wonder where the day went. When responsibilities and pressures mount,

    we complain. “I just don’t have time to get it all done.” But the reality is

    that God has given us enough time to do exactly what He’s planned for

    our lives. Perhaps the bigger issue is whether we are using our time to do

    our will or the Lord’s. Time is a gift from God, and He has allotted each

    of us a measure in which to live and accomplish His purpose. We have

    only two options – to spend it temporally on our own interests or invest it

    eternally. Since time can never be retrieved or reversed, It’s critical that

    we make the most of every opportunity the Lord provides. The key to

    investing in eternity is following God’s plan for your life, nor just filling

    your days with activities. Jesus was allocated just thirty-three years of life

    on earth, but only the last three were spent I fulfilling His Messianic

    ministry. To us that seems like a waste of time. Yet Christ accomplished

    everything His father gave Him to do. That’s why on the cross He could

    say. “It is finished” (John 19.30)

    Early Light: Scripture compares earthly life to “a vapor that appears for a

    little while and then vanishes.” (James4.14) but eternal life never ends.

    Spending your life on a vapor is foolish when you can reap everlasting

    benefits by following God’s will for your time here. Each day is an

    opportunity to choose. (Adapted from In Touch Magazine October 2012)

    Prayer Points for this month: Pray that child abuse, violence in families will cease Pray for people seeking jobs and work permits, for immigrants Pray that our countries will see the Light, will abandon witchcraft, magic, corruption Pray for Arab World, their leaders and political parties

    Pray for Tear Fund, World Vision, Scripture Union, Gideon International, Bibles

    in School, C M C T

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    From the Committee’s desk

    God Guides and Protects us But you Bethlehem, in the land of

    Judah are important among the tribes of Judah, A

    ruler will come from you who will be like a

    shepherd for my people Israel…… Micah 5:2

    As we approach the New Year it is always the fear that occupies our mind

    with unpleasant memories and uncertainty little more than the joy &

    happiness filled days. This leads to refocus and reset our goals in order

    that the year ahead will be brighter and fruitful than the year passed by but

    how often we forget that in all the travel of Israelite, the glory of God

    filled the tabernacle by day, and the fire was in the cloud by night and He

    directed their path.

    There is no clear direction and guarantee elsewhere in this world than to

    those who seek and find the truth from the Bible. Every day of our life

    can be God-planned and directed. Day by day, moment by moment, step

    by step. God desires and delights in directing our life.

    God Guides and leads that history’s testimony. Looking back over lives,

    we can see how beautifully, wonderfully, lovingly God has led. “As for

    me, the Lord has led me,” testified the servant of Abraham (Gen 24:27)

    Just like the Israelites, “when the cloud did not move they wanted to move,

    but when the cloud moved, they did not want to move “and this could be

    our life experience too.

    God directs and protects our paths but we need to listen to his voice.

    When the angels spoke to Wise men they listened and they returned to

    their country by a different way in spite of the direction by King Herod.

    Again when the angel of the Lord came to Joseph and directed him to take

    the child Jesus and his mother Mary and escape to Egypt, he obeyed and

    was saved from the wrath of King Herod.

    If we trust and obey to the voice of God, Jesus will guide and protect us in

    all the journeys till we meet Him in glory. Wish you all a Blessed Year


    “I will put my dwelling place among

    you, and I will not abhor you. I will walk

    among you and be your God, and you will be

    my people “…..…Lev 26: 11-12

    Watch your Thought - By..Teena Joseph

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    For we walk by faith, not by sight. 2Corinthians 5:7



    For if ye forgive men their trespasses, your heavenly Father will also forgive.

    Mathew 6:14

    Kids Space Jesus wants us to have faith

    A boy was rolling on the ground, foaming at the mouth. It was a sad thing

    to see. He was having an epileptic fit and the people believed that an evil

    spirit (or demon) has caused it. Jesus’ disciples tried to cure the boy, but

    they could not. Read in Mark 9:20-24 what happened when Jesus arrived.

    What did Jesus say was needed to help the boy (verse23)? When I find it

    hard to trust, help me, Lord Jesus.

    Jesus still works to help and heal children through the love and care of

    parents and teachers, and through the skill of doctors and nurses. He also

    works through all of us who pray for sick and handicapped children. Write

    a prayer for children who are sick or handicapped.

    Shut up! Be quite! The people growled at the beggar by the roadside. But

    hearing the crowd passing by he shouted even louder, Help me! Have pity!

    Read in Mark 10:46-52 about this man and how Jesus helped him. What

    did Jesus say to the man in verse 52? When we have faith in Jesus, then he

    is able to help us. Pray for blind children and their teachers.(adapted from Bible Trail for Boys and girls IBRA)

    If you wish to give toward the ministry of this fellowship you can pay as a

    contribution or set up an Automatic Payment to our fellowship account no: 12-

    3011-0740948-00. If you would like a tax receipt at the end of the year, please

    use your name as reference. Thank you.

    Quiz for the month of January – R.J. Godwin

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    1. Which disciple found a coin in the mouth of the fish?

    2. Which King had a sun-dial?

    3. Which 2 books in Old Testament start with “Z”?

    4. How many books in New Testament start with “P”?

    5. Who was standing near river Kebar ?

    6. Which towns were destroyed by fire & brimstone?

    7. What was the name of Jacob’s eldest son?

    8. Do you know who Zippora was?

    9. Who was Zerubbabel ?

    10. Who was Iddo’s son? (Answers on page 9)


    1stFeb Javis Sasikumar


    Feb SasiKuman.N.N

    5thFeb Arvind Abraham

    6thFeb Cecil Jebamony

    13thFeb Mrs.Jeyasingh Peter

    15thFeb Devika Abraham

    17thFeb Romauld Joseph

    25thFeb Severina Joseph


    thFeb Mahendiran & Mary Mahendiran

    9thFeb Angelo & Rathika Jebamony

    13thFeb Gilbert Dawson & Cynthia Dawson

    May God shower His blessings on all those who celebrate their

    Wedding Anniversary and Birthday


    Praise God for His faithfulness to us during the year 2012 and for His gracious

    provision for the ministry and for the many opportunities He has given to us. PRAYER

    Please pray for NZTCF as we start the New Year 2013 that all of us in the

    fellowship will commence the New Year with a fresh dedication to serve the Lord

    with all our hearts, for His glory alone.

    The Light of Life

    God’s Spirit Transforms Us When We let Him illuminate Our Hearts

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    O Master, let me walk with Thee, In lowly paths of service free;

    Tell me Thy secret! Help me bear, The strain of toil the free of care.

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    The teaching of Your word gives light … Psalm 119.130 NLT

    God’s Word has the answer you need, but you’ve got to read it! You say, But I’m

    not sure where to start. Here are some hopeful Scriptures from the New Living

    Translation: When you are worried: 1Peter 5.7 Give all your worries…to

    God…He cares about you. Philippians 4.6 Don’t worry about anything…I will

    not be shaken. Isaiah 26.3 You.. keep in perfect peace all who trust in You..

    whose thoughts are fixed on You! Deuteronomy 31.6 ..the Lord…will…go ahead

    of you. He will neither fail you nor abandon you. When you are heartbroken:

    Psalm 147.3 He heals the broken hearted and bandages their wounds. Psalm 23.4

    Even when I walk through the darkest valley, I will not be afraid, for You are

    close beside me. 2 Corinthians 1.4 He comforts us in all our troubles so that we

    can comfort others. Deuteronomy 33.27 ..God is your refuge and His everlasting

    arms are under you. When you are feeling guilty Acts 13.39 Everyone who

    believes in Him is declared right God 1John 1.9 If we confess our sins to Him, He

    is faithful and just to forgive us our sins and to cleanse us from all wickedness.

    Colossians 1.22… you are holy and blameless as you stand before Him Isaiah

    1.18 Though your sins are like scarlet, I will make them as white as snow,

    Romans 8.39…nothing in all creation will ever be able to separate us from the

    love of God. Isaiah 43.25 I…alone – will blot out your sins for My own sake and

    will never think of them again.

    Soul food Micah 1-4, John19:17-30, Ps 105:16-22, Pro 30:10-14

    (Adapted from The Word for Today December 2012)

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    A 45-Year Old Promise (Read Joshua 14:6-13) Nola Ochs, a student at Fort Hays State University in Kansas, took a break

    from her studies recently to celebrate her 95th birthday. She began

    attending college at Fort Hays in 1930 but didn’t graduate. When she

    realized she was only a few credits away from earning her degree, she

    returned to the university in 2006. Nola is not going to let her age prevent

    her from honoring a commitment over 76 years ago to finish her

    education. In Joshua 14 we read that Caleb did not allow his advancing

    age to prevent him from believing that God would still honor His promise

    given 45 years earlier (vv10-12). As one of the original scouts sent into

    the Promised Land, he saw large cities inhabited by powerful people of

    great stature (Num 13:28-33). But Caleb was faithful to God and believed

    He would help the Israelites conquer the land (14:6-9). At 85 years of age,

    Caleb was still physically strong and his faith unwavering. He trusted that

    God would help him to conquer the land, even though it still had giants.

    So Joshua blessed Caleb with his portion of the land, fulfilling God’s 45-

    year-old promise. Like Caleb, we must not allow age, our personal giants,

    or yet-unfulfilled promises to prevent us from believing that God still

    honors His word to us – Marvin Williams If God’s creation help us see

    What wonders He can do,

    Then we can trust His promises,

    For they are always true – D.De Haan

    Every Promise of God comes with His personal gurantee (Adapted from Our Daily Bread Magazine Sept,Oct,Nov 2007)

    Answers (1) Peter (Matt 17.27), (2) Hezekiah (Isaiah 38.8),(3) Zephaniah &

    Zechariah,(4) Four (I and II Peter, Philippians & Philemon), (5) Ezekiel

    (Ezekiel 1.2) (6) Sodom and Gomorrah (Gen 19.24) (7) Reuban (Gen

    29:31) (8) Moses’s Wife (Exodus 4.25) (9) Governor of Judah (Haggai

    1:1) (10) Berekiah (Zechariah 1.1)

    Keep Thou me ever hungry, Lord,

    Until I famish for Thy Word

    Thy Word which is my meat, my bread,

    Thy Word, which feeds whenever read.

    Keep Thou me ever Thirsty, Lord

    Stay not Thy hand till Thou has poured

    Thy living water in my cup

    Which I am humbly holding up

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    When you walk through the fire, you will not be burned – Isaiah 43.2

    Ye shall eat the good of the land – Isaiah 1:19

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    God’s Power Promises for YOU when you need A New Dream

    “You will make known to me the path of life; you will fill me with joy in your

    presence, with eternal pleasures at your right hand.” Psalm 16.11

    “Wait for the LORD; be strong and take heart and wait for the LORD.” Psalm


    “ I will instruct you and teach you in the way you should go; I will counsel you

    with my loving eye on you.” Psalm 32.8

    “….those who hope in the LORD will renew their strength. They will soar on

    wings like eagles……” Isaiah 40.31

    “And afterward, I will pour out my Spirit on all people. Your sons and daughters

    will prophesy, your old men will dream dreams, your young men will see

    visions.” Joel 2.28

    The Power of Jesus is so great that He is always able to help you.

    Heavenly Father, I thank You for the assurance that my troubles are not greater

    than You, my Helper, and my sins are not greater than Jesus, my Saviour. There

    is no reason for me to despair. I have a God who helps me and saves me. I thank

    You for the assurance that I am not forgotten in my troubles. Your fatherly eyes

    watch over me. You count all my tears, and Your loving heart has already

    planned help for me. If there is one thing You cannot do, that is disappoint Your

    child, and for this I thank You. You are holding me in Your hands and will draw

    me out of the depths, because You love me and will never forsake me. Heavenly

    Father, I am Yours now and for ever. Amen (adapted from ESM –Australia)

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    NZTCF Monthly Calendar

    Rest Home visit:

    Date : 02.02.2013, (First Saturday)

    Time : 3.30pm to 4.00pm

    Venue : Glen Burn Rest Home, 33-41 Astley Ave, New Lynn,

    Auckland Hospital Visit:

    Date : 03.02.2013

    Time : 9.15am

    Venue : Auckland Hospital @ Chapel on level 6

    Home Cell Prayer meeting:

    Date : 08.02.2013, (Second Friday)

    Time & Venue : 8.00pm - (1) Residence of Ponnudurai Abraham

    No.3/24 Alcock Street, Mt. Wellington, Auckland

    Phone. 5253212

    PULSE meeting:

    Date : 09.02.2013 (Second Saturday)

    Time & Venue : 06.30 pm - St. Margaret’s Church

    102 Hillsborough Road, Auckland.

    Fasting & Prayer

    Date : 15.02.2013 (Third Friday)

    Time & Venue : 8.00pm – St. Margaret’s Church,

    102 Hillsborough Road, Auckland.

    Prison visit

    Date : 11.02.2013 (Second Monday

    Time & Venue : 05.45pm, Auckland Prison, Albany.

    For your articles to be published, and your feedback about the Newsletter


    Alfred Luther- (09) 2754442 Paul Jaswanth - (09) 9506632

    Mary Mahendiran (09) 6207991 Prabha Anthick- (09) 5775575

    Rachel Samuel – (09) 838 9702

    Email address: [email protected]

    Visit us on

    The Last Saturday fellowship meeting scheduled to be held on

    Saturday 26th January 2013 will not be held at St. Margaret’s,

    Church, as we are away on a camp during the last week end.

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