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IT Education Partnership A Solid NetPrep ® Foundation in IT Education ®

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IT Education Partnership

A SolidNetPrep®

Foundationin IT Education


D I G I T A LNetPrep®


BridgingDigital Dividethe


NetPrep provides a SOLID EDUCATIONAL FOUNDATIONthat will help prepare students to transition across the ‘digital divide’into this dynamic high-tech environment.

If the global economy is to grow and thrive in the21st century, we must support schools in theirefforts to produce a generation of workers whohave the high-level information and communicationskills to fuel that growth. This standards-based, platform-neutral program gives schools and collegesacross the country the opportunity to provide theirstudents with a SCHOOL-TO-CAREER CONTINUUM, which will enable thousands ofstudents to immediately enter high-paying jobs andproductive careers.– BRUCE CLAFLINPresident and CEO, 3Com Corporation

Attend any party, ball game, or boardroom meeting, andyou’ll hear a lot of discussion about the ‘digital divide’—the separation between workers in the high-tech informa-tion technology field (IT) and those in non-IT fields.Information technology positions such as network administrators, computer support specialists, systemsanalysts, and other computer scientists are expected toincrease more than 100 percent in the next five years.NetPrep provides a solid educational foundation that willhelp PREPARE STUDENTS for this dynamic high-tech environment.– JOSEPH A. SCULLIONPresident and CEO, WestNet Learning

NetPrep: UnifyingIT



NetPrep is a standards-based, vendor-neutral cur-riculum designed to meeta variety of teaching andlearning styles. NetPrepprovides educators with acomprehensive curriculumthat gives students thecore information technolo-gy (IT) knowledge theyneed to pursue and suc-ceed in more advancedstudies, including vendortraining and certification.Each course includesapproximately 45-90hours of instruction, usu-ally covered in onesemester per course.

After completing theNetPrep program, gradu-ates are familiar with thestandards and architec-tures of the industry’smajor manufacturers. Thisknowledge makes stu-dents eligible for entryinto a wide variety of high-paying IT careers.

The NetPrep program isfocused on teaching real-world, marketable skillsso students can immedi-ately move into ITcareers after com-pleting the requirededucation programs.

The success ofNetPrep and its wide-spread acceptance isdue, in part, to its inde-pendent certification bythe Computing TechnologyIndustry Association(CompTIA) and theNational Association ofCommunication SystemsEngineers (NACSE), twoleading vendor-neutral ITprofessional organizations.After satisfactorily com-pleting NetPrep cours-es and programs, grad-uates are eligible to earnthe following certificationsthat will signify their quali-fications and readiness forimmediate employment:• CompTIA’s Network+• CompTIA’s i-Net+• Certified Internet

Webmaster (CIW)Foundations

• NACSE’s StudentTechnology Certificateof Achievement

• NACSE’s AssociateNetwork Specialist (NANS)

• NACSE’s Senior NetworkSpecialist (NSNS)

A SolidFoundation






NetPrep provides educators with a comprehensive curriculum that gives students the CORE INFORMATION TECHNOLOGYKNOWLEDGE theyneed to pursue andsucceed in moreadvanced studies,including vendortraining and certification.




NetPrep isPlatform andVendor Neutral

Students need to developa foundation in informationtechnology that will allowthem to manage environ-ments that include prod-ucts from a wide range ofdifferent manufacturers.Why? Because while prod-ucts are often built aroundthe same technology,manufacturers often addunique and valuable fea-tures that can make theirproducts more difficult touse with other manufactur-ers’ products. Studentsmust understand how toassess the trade-offs.

For example, with morethan 15 manufacturers ofnetworking products in anygiven segment of the net-working market (hubs,switches, etc.), networkingcan become very confus-ing unless an MIS managerhas a strong foundation inthe basics and can exer-cise critical judgement.

As future MIS managers,your students will beexpected to make inde-pendent decisions aboutproducts and manufactur-ers. NetPrep’s goal is toprovide this information onmultiple products, ven-dors, and manufacturers –helping to build your stu-dents’ critical judgement.

NetPrep fits with many dif-ferent learning styles andenvironments. NetPrep iscurrently offered in 40U.S. states, acrossCanada, and around theglobe – including Japan,China, India, the UnitedKingdom, and Australia.

Instructors and administra-tors alike share a fondnessfor NetPrep – not onlydoes it provide studentswith up-to-date course-ware, it also providesinstructors with a much-needed support network.This includes customizable

resources for flexible rede-livery and course manage-ment, such as PowerPointpresentations for each sub-ject by unit, lesson, andactivity; sample syllabi;hands-on labs and exercis-es; activities and homeworkassignments; customizablequizzes and interactiveexams; and an onlineInstructor’s Guide/AnswerKey to the student textbook.

NetPrep helps students develop a foundation in information technology that willallow them to MANAGE ENVIRONMENTSthat include productsfrom a WIDE RANGE OF DIFFERENT MANUFACTURERS.

“Students knowthey are learning REAL-WORLD, MARKETABLESKILLS, notjust theory. WithNetPrep, thecurriculumchanges as theindustrychanges. It’salways up todate.”– JANET GELBNetPrep AdministratorGrossmont College,Grossmont, Calif.

“NetPrep allowsour students tostart building skillsfor good careers inthe IT industrywhile they are stillin high school.They can continuewith NetPrep in college to qualifyfor even HIGHER-LEVELJOBS.”– JIM JACKSONNetPrep AdministratorSilver Creek High School,San Jose, Calif.

“The FLEXIBILITYOF THENETPREPCURRICULUMallows us to adddistance-learningclasses in additionto our regularclassroom courses. We’vebeen able to workwith the Army andNavy to providenetwork trainingfor their on-dutypersonnel.”– BARBARA HOTTANetPrep AdministratorLeeward CommunityCollege, Pearl City, Hawaii

“With NetPrep asthe foundationwe’ve seen our students BETTER PREPARED TO SUCCEEDin vendor-specifictraining and other networking specialties.”– SHEILA TANNetPrep AdministratorMoorpark College,Moorpark, Calif.

“WestNet’s trainingand support are EXCEPTIONAL.”– STEVE STROMMCSE Instructor and NetPrep AdministratorButler Community College,Eldorado, Kans.

“The studentresponse toNetPrep has beenoutstanding. Inless than twoyears our enrollment has significantlyincreased, andwe’ve had to buildthree new labs toaccommodate thestudents. This isone of the MOST SUCCESSFULPROGRAMSwe’ve ever undertaken and itdirectly respondsto the needs of theindustry through amodel educationaland corporatealliance.”– THOMAS JOHNSONDean of Business and Social ScienceWilliam Rainey HarperCollege, Palatine, Ill.




Instructor Training& Support

Student Support













textbooksare published

in a user-friend-ly format, making

the subject mattereasy to teach and learn.Written in a format that isappropriate for all learningstyles, the textbooksdivide topics into individ-ual lessons within eachunit/chapter. Printed intwo colors, and availablewith a soft cover for cost-efficiency, each textbookboasts illustrations, a fullglossary of terms, and anexhaustive index. The text-books are printed so thestudents can write in themargins. Every coursetitle is updated on a rigor-ous schedule so studentsstay current with changesin technology.

Online CourseNetPrep’s interactiveonline courses containmultimedia content tobringthe text-book pre-sentationsalive—including ani-mations and streamingaudio and video with linksto additional Web-basedresources. Students keepup-to-date on IT terms,vocabulary, and defini-tions via a hyperlink,which takes them directlyto an online glossary. Inaddition, each onlinecourse contains a “testbank,” which enables stu-dents to take quizzes andreceive instant onlinegrading. These students’quiz scores are then automatically recorded inthe instructor’s onlinegrade book.

CourseManagementSystem(CMS)Each onlinecourseincludesthe free useof a proprietary coursemanagement systemthat includes: • Customizable syllabus• Test engine• Grade book• E-mail communication

management• Private “message

boards” for individualclasses

• Course calendar

Online courses can alsobe easily adapted toadditional CMSs, includ-ing Blackboard, WebCT,eCollege, eEducation(Jones Knowledge), and others.

Online Course




Resource Site

Multimedia CD-ROMTheCD-ROMis a dual-plat-form companionto the course andcomes packaged with thetextbook to allow the stu-dent access to additionalresources.

InstructorResource Site

The NetPrep InstructorResource Site pro-

vides customiz-able resources

for flexible coursemanagement and redeliv-ery, including:• PowerPoint

presentations for eachsubject by unit, lesson,and activity

• Sample syllabi• Hands-on labs and

exercises• Activities and

homework assignments• Answer Keys to student


InstructorTraining &SupportThe NetPrep programoffers full trainingand supportto its edu-cationalpartners. Trainingis delivered throughAuthorized RegionalTraining Centers through-out the United Statesand internationally. Uponcompleting the training,instructors will becomecertified to redeliverNetPrep courses.NetPrep teacher- trainingprograms familiarizeinstructors with the useof all courseware materi-als, teaching aids, hard-ware, and lab equipment.In addition, participantsobserve trained instruc-tors delivering actualcourses.

Course developers andmaster instructors pro-vide support to instruc-tors via an online mes-sage board. The mes-sage board allowsNetPrep instructors toview and search by topicfor answers to specificquestions, or to post newquestions and sugges-tions. The messageboard also allows instruc-tors worldwide to interactwith each other, creatinga sense of community.

Student SupportStudents areprovided thesame supportas instructorsthrough a sepa-rate online mes-sage board. This supportallows students technicalassistance outside theclassroom. NetPrep students have fullaccess to these supportfeatures.







Data NetworkingSeries

Core Courses• Introduction to

Networking• Introduction to Local

Area Networks• Introduction to Wide

Area Networks• Introduction to TCP/IP• Networking Essentials

Advanced Courses• Internetworking Devices• Protocol Analysis• Network Design• Implementation of Data


Telecommunications& ConvergenceSeries

• Introduction toTelecommunications

• Introduction to Wide Area Networks

• Introduction to Data andVoice Communications

• Design and Implementation of VoiceNetworks

• Convergence of Technologies

• IP Telephony Principles and Applications

CompTIAApproved QualityCurriculum

• Network+ CertificationStudy Guide

• i-Net+ CertificationStudy Guide

• Security+ CertificationStudy Guide (2003)


• i-Net+ CertificationStudy Guide

• Internet Technologies• Web Site Design &

Architecture• Web Strategies for

Business• Web Programming


• Certified WirelessNetwork Administrator(CWNA) Official StudyGuide

• Certified WirelessSecurity Professional(CWSP) Official StudyGuide (2003)

To receive desk copies and evaluation materials, [email protected] orcall (888) 452-6902 ext. 119.

AdditionalLearningResources forNetPrepSchools

Pathways PrescriptiveLearning SolutionsThrough targeted pre-assessments and certifi-cation prep exams,Pathways creates a per-sonal learning plan foreach of your students.You can also create cus-tomized IT courses withcontent selected from ourlibrary. Give Pathways atestdrive at

Test Your IT KnowledgePlan your IT learning pathwith this complimentarypersonal online assess-ment tool that includesfive general IT knowledgequizzes and eight IT certi-fication quizzes.

IT Education Glossarywith MultimediaFrom our catalog of datanetworking, telecommuni-cations, and Web devel-opment courses, we’vecompiled the essential ITterms students need toknow. Desktop referenceand web applications ofthe glossary are availablefor NetPrep memberschools.

For more informationabout additional IT learning resources,, e-mail: [email protected],or call (888) 452-6902ext. 119.




NetPrepProgramEligibility &ApplicationGuidelinesThrough the NetPrep pro-gram, 3Com is seeking tobroaden access to infor-mation technologycareers by making qualityinstructional materialsavailable to high schoolsand colleges around theworld. Successful second-ary and post-secondaryapplicants must meet thefollowing requirements:• Have a working comput-er lab connected to theInternet.• Register for at least oneNetPrep class.• Purchase student materi-als from WestNet Learningat specially discountedprices.• Identify a qualifiedinstructor for the program,and arrange for atten-dance at the NetPrepInstructor Training session.

NetPrepCoursewarePricingEach NetPrep studentmaterials package is cur-rently available at US$45-$50 per course. Onlinecourse-only licenses areavailable also at US$23-$37 per student user. A US$1,000 license feeper member school is alsodue upon enrollment in theprogram, which is usedtowards an advance pur-chase of student materials.

Get Started1. Go andselect the Products andServices button. NetPrepprogram information is avail-able in the Secondary andHigher Education areas.2. Request evaluationmaterials through the onlinestore interface or write to [email protected] request instructor deskcopies for review.3. Upon receiving yourevaluation kit, review thedetailed course contentand determine if individualcourses or a series meetsyour curriculum needs.4. Complete and submityour NetPrep licensingagreement.

Need MoreAnswers?For NetPrep curriculuminformation, e-mail [email protected],or call 1 (888) 452-6902.International inquiries, call (00) [1] 303-424-9168.

3Com Corporation, Corporate Headquarters, 5400 Bayfront Plaza, P.O. Box 58145, Santa Clara, CA 95052-8145

To learn more about 3Com solutions, visit 3Com is publicly traded on Nasdaq under the symbol COMS.

Copyright ©2002 3Com Corporation. 3Com, the 3Com logo, and NetPrep are registered trademarks of 3Com Corporation. Windows is a trademark of Microsoft Corporation. NetWare is a trademark of Novell Inc. All other company and product names may be

trademarks of their respective companies.

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About 3Com3Com is a tier-one provider of innovative, practical, and high-

value networking products for enterprise customers. 3Com is also a leader in Internet protocol (IP) service

platforms and access infrastructure for the network serviceprovider market. For further information, please visit, or the press site

About WestNet LearningWestNet Learning offers comprehensive information

technologies (IT) education and certification programs and curricula to secondary schools, colleges, and

universities, as well as corporations, resellers, and individualparticipants around the globe. These programs provide

participants with the tools necessary to further their technicalknowledge and skills and to obtain hands-on experience and industry certification. For further information, visit or call 1 (888) 452-6902.
