nejat newsletter - issue 25

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  • 8/14/2019 Nejat Newsletter - ISSUE 25


    Issue No 25

    Nejat Newsletter

    Periodical Publ icat ion of the Nejat Society

    Future of the Ashraf



    MEPs intrigued by

    accounts of newly ar-

    rived escapees

    2, 3

    Nejat Society Visits



    Deciding the fate of the



    Ashraf when is a city

    not a city?


    MKO, 'another version

    of al-Qaeda'


    Iranian exiles arrested 12

    How many women have

    reached the summit?


    Resolution ratified by

    the Iraqi Administra-



    A Camp Ashraf in



    Pardoned ex-MKO

    members return to Iran


    International law to

    determine MKO fate


    The MEK and US-Iran



    OPINION - America's

    tough decision


    Iraq: No country will-

    ing to take MKO


    Ashraf camp captives. 10

    Iraq urges US to stop

    backing MKO


    Mojahedin Khalq onthe run 7

    Inside this issue:

    The Sahar Family

    Foundation SFF in

    Iraq which is a non-

    governmental anti-

    cult organization tries

    to help the families

    and the victims of theMKO terrorist cult.

    The SFF has thor-

    oughly studied the

    destructive cult of

    Massoud Rajavi and

    his wife Maryam and

    their base in the Ash-

    raf garrison in Iraq.

    The SFF has issued

    several statements

    regarding the fact

    that the Iraqi admini-

    stration is right-

    eously trying to hold

    control over the head-

    quarters of the cult.In an article titled

    Ashraf Base in

    Iraq, from inside

    and from outside it

    is shown that the Ash-

    raf base facility in

    Iraq has several ad-

    vantaged for the MKO

    as an isolated cult. In

    this article we read:

    Then the Ashrafbase is an opportu-

    nity from inside to

    preserve and con-

    trol the forces and

    is an opportunity

    from outside for


    The article then deals

    with this questionthat But what

    would happen if the

    Ashraf Base is dis-

    mantled? Then after

    discussing this ques-

    tion it concludes that

    In one word the

    cult would loose its

    main vessel and

    without that no

    content of the MKOwould exist.

    Future of the Ashraf Base

    20 October 2008

    How many women of PMOI have reached the summit?

    Fars News Agency

    October 19 2008

    New details on the

    Unfertilization Plan of

    MKO to promote the

    ranks of women in the


    A former member of

    MKO, in Iraq said:The peoples Mujahe-din of Iran does hys-terectomy surgerieson women ranks andfile and promotesthem to the IdealSummit [total devo-

    tion to leader] .Theyhave made 150women barren so far.

    Mrs. Batoul Soltani(43) who has a 20-year experience ofmembership in MKOand worked profes-sionally and actively inIraq, Britain andFrance and mountedto the rank of theleadership council ofPMOI, participated apress meeting amongforeign journalists of

    Iraq answering theFNAs correspondentsquestions.

    At the beginning she

    explained the recruit-

    ment methods thatthe group uses to in-

    crease the number of

    members and said

    that she joined the

    organization due to

    her adolescence ideas

    that needed to be

    filled by political ac-


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  • 8/14/2019 Nejat Newsletter - ISSUE 25


    Not only does the MKO not allowwomen to marry, women are

    made to work in the scorching sunfor hours at a time so their com-plexions are ruined and they be-come ugly. This is so they do notdevelop the vanity to think theycould be attractive to a man, shetold delegates.In order to remove hope from thewomen of ever having a family,they are being sent under surgeryfor spurious medical conditions tohave their wombs removed[hysterectomy] and around tenpercent of women in Camp Ashraf

    have now undergone this surgery.When they tried to impose it onher, Ms Ebrahimi ran away. Shebegged delegates to take doctorsto Camp Ashraf to check the ve-racity of what she was tellingthem.The MKO told her that if she leftthe camp and went with theAmerican soldiers, they would rapeher. For this reason it took twoyears before she was able to havethe courage to escape.Ms Ebrahimi said she saw Mr Paulo

    Casaca when he visited Camp Ash-raf. We were not allowed to ap-proach him and speak to him, sheexplained to delegates. If they hadsomewhere to go, she told dele-gates, without doubt ninety-ninepercent of the people in CampAshraf would leave the camp andthe MKO.Mr Hamid Siah Mansoori (speakingEnglish) told delegates he hadbeen in the MKO for over twentyfive years. He described how hehad gone to Iraq from Canada. He

    had a good education, and a goodlife in Canada and had his ownbusiness before leaving everythingbehind in the mid 1980s to go toIraq. He then described the MKOsattitude to family. He said no oneis allowed to contact their family,except in a few cases where peo-ple were told to contact their fam-ily to get money from them. Hesaid the MKO told his family hewas dead. They came to look for

    him five years ago at the begin-ning of the American occupation

    but were told he was dead.Mr Hamid Siah Mansoori said hehad arrived only a week ago, buthad lost any contact details for hisfamily. Nevertheless, his first pri-ority now was to make contactwith his parents and the rest of hisfamily.

    Ms Beer asked delegates if theyhad questions. One delegate askedhow the MKO continued to be fi-nanced which allowed them tocontinue to undertake such expen-sive campaigns in parliament andelsewhere. Another delegate askedfor more detail about the role ofthe Americans in supporting CampAshraf when the US State Depart-ment so strongly describes them

    as a terrorist group.

    Anne Singleton answered thesequestions, pointing out that duringthe reign of Saddam Hussein theMKO had received almost unlim-ited finance from Saddam Hussein,as well as from Saudi Arabia andsome western governments frombehind the scene. Now, however,although it is clear that MKO fi-nances are dwindling somewhat, itwas unclear how the MKO couldcontinue to spend so much money,

    and the only people to answer thatare the MKO themselves.

    Ms Singleton pointed out a fiveyear rift in policy toward the MKObetween the US State Department which has a very thoroughknowledge of the MKO and theUS Defense Department underDonald Rumsfeld. Some in the USAdministration wanted to use theMKO in confronting Iran and there-fore Camp Ashraf has been pro-tected by the US military in Iraqfor five years. Ms Singleton con-ceded that this protection wasbeneficial in keeping the MKO out

    of danger in the midst of a warzone. But that the Americans hadalso flouted the UN Fourth Genevaprotocol by not allowing MKO tomeet their families and not ena-bling them to leave the situation.Ms Beer then introduced MrMohammad Sobhani who had pre-viously addressed the Delegation.Following that meeting he hadbeen the subject of unfounded ac-cusations of having attacked MKOmembers in Paris. Instead, MrSobhani was the victim of a violent

    attack when some fifty MKO sup-porters ambushed a meeting atwhich Mr Sobhani was a speaker.Following this, Mr Hadi ShamsHaeri briefly pleaded with dele-gates to help him have contactwith his children whom he has notbeen allowed to see for eighteenyears. He asked that Mr PauloCasaca accompany him to CampAshraf and help him meet withthem again.At the end of the meeting Ms Beerexpressed her appreciation for the

    speakers and said it had been avaluable meeting. One which,given the ongoing situation atCamp Ashraf, might soon be re-peated.After the meeting, several of theattendees stopped to talk to thevisitors in particular the threewho had just arrived from Iraq -and asked them to keep them in-formed of developments.

    MEPs intrigued by accounts of new lyarrived escapees from Camp Ashraf


  • 8/14/2019 Nejat Newsletter - ISSUE 25


  • 8/14/2019 Nejat Newsletter - ISSUE 25


    Deciding the fate of the Mujahedin (MKO, MEK,...)doomed if it doesn't.

    Members of the terrorist organization

    have protested outside the White House

    this past week, angered by the Bushadministration's decision to hand over

    Camp Ashraf to the Iraqi government.The government of Iraqi Prime Minis-

    ter Nouri al-Maliki will surrender the

    MKO members to Tehran, they argue,

    who in turn will imprison and execute


    Though approximately 500 MKO fight-ers have been repatriated to Iran and no

    reports of abuse have emerged accord-

    ing to the International Committee ofthe Red Cross, which oversaw their

    return, sending rank-and-file

    Mujahedin members to Iran

    against their will would beirresponsible.

    Hated by the Ira-

    nian people for

    having fought onSaddam's side in

    the Iraq-Iran war,

    the Iranian Mujahedin is

    understandably fearful of thefate awaiting them in Iran.

    After all, the Iranian govern-

    ment systematically violatesthe human rights of journalists and un-

    ion leaders alike, let alone anti-Iranianterrorists.

    Yet, contrary to the protesters outside

    the White House, the issue is not a

    choice between freedom in Camp Ash-

    raf and captivity in Iran.

    The Mujahedin is not an effective op-position to the unpopular government

    in Iran as the organization's defenders

    in Washington claim, but a politico-religious cult that brainwashes its mem-

    bers, places children of Mujahedin

    members with other families in order to

    prevent parents from defecting, and

    who according to Human Rights

    Watch, maintains control by torturing

    its rank and file. "Members who try to

    leave the Mujahedin pay a very heavy

    price," according to Joe Stork of Hu-man Rights Watch.

    Its involvement in terrorism is undis-

    puted. It assassinated several Ameri-

    cans in Iran in the 1970s. It supported

    the taking of the U.S. Embassy in Iran

    and blasted Ayatollah Khomeini for

    Trita Parsi, Washinton times,

    October 5, 2008

    / 2 0 0 8 / o c t / 0 5

    /deciding-the-fate-of-the-mujahedin-80160510/The Bush administration inherited

    many of Iraq's problems when it in-vaded that country, including an Ira-

    nian terrorist organization funded and

    armed by Saddam Hussein, the Muja-

    hedin-e Khalq (MKO). Though in the

    midst of a war on terror, the Bush ad-

    ministration chose in 2003 to protect

    3,000 of the organization's militants

    and house them in a camp given to the

    group by Saddam Camp Ashraf justnorth of Baghdad.

    Ever since, the faith of this State De-

    partment-listed terrorist or-ganization has been unclear.

    Hated by Iraqis for its in-

    volvement in Saddam's

    crimes against the Iraqi peo-

    ple, the Baghdad govern-

    ment wants to expel the group. But no

    country is willing to take them.

    Though the Iranian government wants

    to put the group's leadership on trial inIran, it seems less interested in the or-

    ganization's rank and file. The Euro-

    pean governments have little interest intaking in 3,000 battle-hardened Muslim

    militants, fearing that they will use

    Europe as a base to plan and execute

    further terrorist attacks.The U.S., on the other hand, has al-

    ready contradicted its own principles

    by giving preferential treatment to an

    organization on the State Department'sterrorist list even though President

    Bush himself pointed to the organiza-

    tion's patronage under Saddam Hussein

    as evidence of Iraq's support for inter-

    national terrorists in his speech to theUnited Nations in September 2002.

    "Iraq continues to shelter and supportterrorist organizations that direct vio-

    lence against Iran," President Bush

    said. To complicate matters further, if

    reports that the U.S. has used MKOterrorists for cross-border raids into

    Iran are true, then Washington certainly

    doesn't want these militants to end upin Iranian hands.

    Washington seems doomed if it does,

    releasing the American diplomats in

    1981, arguing instead that the hostages

    should have been executed. It made a

    pact with Saddam Hussein in the 1980sand fought alongside his army against

    their Iranian countrymen. Later in the1990s, they became Saddam's most

    trusted henchmen, tasked with quelling

    Kurdish and Shiite uprisings against the

    Iraqi dictator.

    According to defectors, Mujahedin

    members in Camp Ashraf celebratedthe Sept. 11 terrorist attacks.

    In 2004, French authorities descended

    upon the Mujahedin headquarters inFrance, arresting the leader of the cult,

    Maryam Rajavi. Immedi-

    ately, zealous Mujahedin

    members staged hungerstrikes and several set them-

    selves ablaze. Hardly the

    behavior of a democratically

    oriented opposition group.But the vast majority of the

    Camp Ashraf residents are

    not so much members of a

    terrorist cult as they are vic-tims of it. The camp is itself

    a prison. It may have pro-

    vided Mujahedin militantswith protection against ordinary Iraqis

    who sought to avenge their relativeskilled by the Mujahedin at the behest of

    Saddam Hussein, but the prison has

    primarily enabled the leaders of the

    terrorist organization to prevent the

    rank and file from defecting.

    Rather than debating where to expel theMujahedin terrorists, help should be

    provided to the rank and file to break

    with the cult and make free choicesabout their future. It's the only humani-

    tarian solution to this dilemma - and

    one that defeats rather than protects this

    anti-American terrorist group.

    Trita Parsi is president and founder of

    the National Iranian American Council

    and author of "Treacherous Alliances:

    The Secret Dealings of Israel, Iran, and

    the United States."

    Human Rights Abuses Inside the

    Mojahedin Khalq Camps (HRW,

    M a y 2 0 0 5 )

    (Rajavi cult Headed by Massoud

    Rajavi Maryam Rajavi)


  • 8/14/2019 Nejat Newsletter - ISSUE 25



    September 12, 2008 Apparently we - the 'rest of theworld', that is - are not allowed to

    refer to Camp Ashraf as anythingother than Ashraf City. Says who?Says Massoud Rajavi, leader-in-hiding of the Iranian Mojahedin-eKhalq organisation (MKO, MEK,aka Rajavi cult). Why?Well, the MKOs military camp isnow under the control of the Iraqigovernment. American forceshanded it over this week. In spiteof a deeply insulting scaremonger-ing campaign by the MKO, whichclaimed that the Iraqis wouldstage a Srebrenica-style massa-

    cre if they got their (dirty, bar-baric) hands on the MKO, thehandover to Iraqi military person-nel has gone ahead, as planned,without incident.The Iraqi government will nowwork with MNF and internationalagencies to find a satisfactory so-lution to the illegal presence offoreign terrorists in its territory.The MKO response to the inevita-ble loss of its main base for ideo-logical indoctrination has been in-teresting. Aside from the

    massacre tactic, the group hasalso gone all out for an ostrich-like

    pretence that it is not really a uni-formed military group and that thepeople in Camp Ashraf sorry, 'Ashraf City' are just likeordinary citizens living in a small,

    thriving town.Last week, Iranians were amusedto watch Voice of America televi-sion when it gave air time to MKOspokesman Alireza Jafarzadeh. Inthe programme Jafarzadeh ex-tolled in glowing terms the greatachievement of the MKO in creat-ing this wonderful city and de-scribed the facilities enjoyed bythe MKO there.Without contradicting his words,let us have a little glimpse at this

    city and compare it with our own

    towns and cities, the places we alllive and work and send our kids toschool.Ashraf has an extensive cemeterybut no maternity hospital hashuge, well-equipped salons formass meetings but no arrange-ments to register or celebratemarriages or births has (gendersegregated) swimming pools butno nurseries, primary schools orhigh schools and no playgroundshas prisons but no court of law hasstrictly enforced regulations

    (including compulsory hijab) butno council elections has gas sta-

    tions (segregated, with differentopening times for men andwomen) but no place to drive resi-dents work up to 18 hours a daybut there is no bank because they

    dont get paid - unpaid workersneed no shops they have nomoney to buy anything residentsonly wear military uniforms sothere are no shops to buy prettydresses and make-up, or smartsuits or casuals has air-conditioned, gender segregatedaccommodation but no hotels forvisitors from out of town to visittheir families has no internet ca-fes, no newspaper deliveries, noradio or television sets for individ-ual use, no satellite channels to

    choose from has no public tele-phones and no mobile phonesIs anyone allowed to keep a pet?Does this sound like the town youlive in, or would want to live in?No?So when is a city not a city? Whenits a cults military and ideologicalheadquarters of course.Over forty people who have es-caped from Camp Ashraf have ar-rived in Europe in the past fewweeks. They are happy to talkabout current conditions inside the

    MKO. Please contact Iran-Interlinkfor further details.


    Ashraf when is a city not a city?

    Iraq urges US to stop backing MKO Terrorist Groupparty,'' a statement said on


    In the statement, the govern-

    ment of Prime Minister Nouri

    al-Maliki said the Mujahedeen

    Khalq Organization is med-

    dling in the country's internal

    affairs and supporting anti-

    government activities.

    The statement warned that

    those who violate the order

    will face charges under the

    anti-terror law.

    Earlier today, Iraq's main po-

    litical blocs in the parliament

    demanded the expulsion of the

    MKO members from the coun-


    Before the US-led invasion in

    2003, the Mujahedeen Khalq

    Organization had enjoyed Sad-

    dam Hussein's support.

    After the US-led invasion of

    the country the US put the

    group's members under protec-

    tion in a northern part of Iraq

    amid reports that they had

    been used for by Washington

    for espionage and violence-

    related activities.

    June 17, 2008

    Press TV



    Iraq bans any deal with the

    members of the Mujahedeen

    Khalq Organization (MKO),

    calling on the US to stop sup-

    porting the terrorist group.

    "The Cabinet decided to ban

    any dealings with this organi-

    zation by any Iraqi or foreign

    individual, organization or

  • 8/14/2019 Nejat Newsletter - ISSUE 25


    Fri, 26 Sep 2008

    Press TV

    A spokesman for the family

    members of terrorism vic-tims in Iran says the Muja-hedin Khalq Organization(MKO) is simply an earlierversion of al-Qaeda.

    Iraj Moradi, the spokesman forthe Edaalat Society, whichrepresents over 12,000 rela-tives of Iranian victims of ter-rorism, said the MKO and al-Qaeda use the same methodsto lure their members into car-rying out terrorist attacks.

    Iraj is the son of Ebrahim Mo-radi, a blacksmith who was as-sassinated by the MKO in June1984.

    The Mujahedin Khalq Organiza-tion is a terrorist group bannedby many countries includingthe US. It has claimed respon-

    sibility for numerous terror at-tacks inside Iran and Iraq sincethe 1979 Islamic Revolution.

    At a recent UN human rights

    conference in Geneva, EdaalatSociety revealed documentshighlighting the extent of MKOactivities in Iran as well as thegroup's cooperation with for-mer Iraqi dictator SaddamHussein.

    The MKO has long beencharged with assisting Saddamin the massacre of thousandsof Iraqi civilians.

    A British envoy, who has re-ceived the documents, askedthe delegation to shed light onMKO crimes in a visit to the UK- where a British court hasdropped the MKO from itsblacklist of terrorist organiza-tions.

    "Edaalat Society does not seekrevenge," said Sepehri, the

    daughter of another Iranianvictim.

    "Branding some terrorists'good' and some 'bad' would

    legitimize their actions andprovide a pretext for their exis-tence," she said referring tothe recent UK court ruling.

    She added that is why the MKOhas continued its existence.

    According to Sepehri who is theofficial spokesman for theEdaalat Society, terrorists aresick people who are sufferingfrom hallucinations due to the

    cult-like structure of their or-ganizations and could be curedif they were freed from themind-control tactics of theirleaders.

    A delegation of the Edaalat(Justice) Society has recentlyvisited Geneva to attend theUN human rights summit andmeet NGOs and rights groups.

    MKO, 'another version of al-Qaeda'


    Mojahedin Khalq on the run(The recorded video file is44.04 minutes. the discussionon MKO starts in the secondpart of the programm. 22.56min)

    http:/ / ww Programs/ player/ ?id=69853

    Useful sits onthe MKO

    Massoud Khodabandeh and

    Arash Sametipoor join

    live from Geneva

    4 corners,

    Press TV,

    September 18, 2008

    http:/ / ww Programs/ #1

    Massoud Khodabandeh andArash Sametipoor who are at-tending the UN Human RightsCouncil meeting in Geneva,Participate in a discussionabout the future of Camp Ash-raf after hand over to the IraqiGovenment.

  • 8/14/2019 Nejat Newsletter - ISSUE 25


    Tue, 02 Sep 2008

    Press TV

    The Iraqi government says thecounty will deal with the anti-Iran Mujahedin Khalq Organi-zation (MKO) based on Inter-national regulations.

    Ali al-Dabbagh, Iraq's governmentspokesman, said that his countryis seeking to gain full control ofthe terrorist group's Camp Ashraffrom US forces.The comment comes as the Iraqimilitary forces have surroundedthe camp since Wednesday night.

    The Ashraf Camp in Diyala prov-ince was the headquarters of theMKO members during the reign offormer Iraqi dictator Saddam Hus-sein, but has been converted to a

    training center for MKO terroristsunder the US control since the2003 invasion of the country.The Iraqi official warned the ter-

    rorist group against engaging inany political activities inside thecountry."Iraq will support voluntarily re-turn of MKO members to Iran or

    any other countries, "Dabbaghsaid adding "Iraq will not considerexpelling MKO members forcefullyfrom the country and will deal with

    them according to internationalregulations."Along with at least six other sitesin Iraq, Camp Ashraf was given tothe MKO as their headquarters andtraining site by the former US-backed Iraqi dictator.It was from this base the MKOlaunched operations against Iranduring the Iran-Iraq war and laterassisted Saddam in violently sup-pressing the Iraqi Kurds during the1991 uprising.The MKO is blacklisted by many

    countries including EU memberstates as a terrorist organization.The group has claimed responsibil-ity for hundreds of terror attacksinside Iran.

    Pardoned ex-MKO members return to Iran

    International law to determine MKO fate

    civilians over the past 30 years,including the assassination of thelate president Mohammad-Ali Ra-

    jaei, prime minister Bahonar and jud i c i a ry ch i e f Aya to l l ahMohammad Beheshti.

    The MKO is also known to havecooperated with Iraq's US-backedformer dictator Saddam Hossein insuppressing the 1991 uprisings insouthern Iraq and the massacre ofIraqi Kurds.On Tuesday, Iraq's governmentspokesman Ali al-Dabbagh saidthat his country is seeking to gain

    full control of the terrorist group'sCamp Ashraf from US forces. Thecomment came after the Iraqi mili-tary forces surrounded the campon Wednesday.Situated in Iraq's Diyala province,Camp Ashraf was used as an MKObase during the rule of SaddamHussein. Following the 2003 occu-pation of Iraq the camp--under UScontrol-- was converted to an MKOtraining center.In August, the Iraqi parliamentpassed a resolution setting a six-month deadline for an MKO depar-ture from the country, threateningexpulsion.Iraq's Government Spokesman, Alial-Dabbagh, Tuesday modified thestance, saying that the country willsupport the voluntarily return ofMKO members to Iran or any othercountry. He added that Baghdadwill not expel MKO members force-fully, and will deal with them ac-cording to international regula-tions.

    Sat, 06 Sep 2008

    Press TV

    Senior Iranian diplomat saysTehran has pardoned severalformer members of the MKOterror group, allowing them toreturn to the country.

    During the past two years, nu-merous members of the Mujahe-din-e-Khalq Organization haveabandoned the MKO base. Theyhave also expressed regret fortheir past actions, Iran's Ambas-sador to Baghdad, Hassan Kazemi-Qomi, said on Saturday.

    Iran has pardoned a number ofthese people, allowing them toreturn to the country and theirfamilies, he added.Iran, Iraq, Canada, the UnitedStates, and the European Unionrecognize the Mujahedin KhalqOrganization (MKO) as a terroristgroup.The group is responsible for bomb-ings, killings, and attacks againstIranian government officials and


    Ali al-Dabbagh, Iraq's govern-

    ment spokesman

    Iran's Ambassador to Bagh-


    Hassan Kazemi-Qomi

  • 8/14/2019 Nejat Newsletter - ISSUE 25


    Resolution ratified by the Iraqi Administration on the MKO,

    October 3, 2008

    http:/ / www text_news_en.php?

    id=1828Once and following the French

    police raid against MKOs HQs

    in Auvers-sur-Oise, M.

    Bousquet de Florian, the direc-

    tor of French counter-

    intelligence, confirmed that

    many MKO leaders had re-turned to France since the

    American intervention in Iraq

    to turn Auvers-sur-Oise into

    an operational headquarters for

    terrorism. It was hard to be-

    lieve what he meant. The

    Camp Ashraf once turned into

    a bastion of terrorist plots and

    operational headquarters heav-

    ily supported by Saddam, nowMKO needed new HQs the pa-

    tron being fallen.

    Reported by VO news on 24

    September 2008, a number of

    elected representatives of Val-

    d'Oise gathered to support thePeople's Mojahedin Organiza-

    tion of Iran (PMOI/MEK). As

    the report states, sixty may-

    ors of Val-d'Oise support the

    PMOI, main opposition to the

    regime to the mullahs in Te-

    hran. All are demanding the

    withdrawal of the Iranian Re-

    sistance from the list of terror-

    ist organizations of the Euro-pean Union.

    In its 8 October 2006 edition,

    the paper Al Irak Al-Yom

    wrote: "72 sheikhs and leaders

    of the tribes in the vicinity of

    Ashraf City, while supporting

    the charter of honor of the

    tribal sheikhs of all the Prov-

    ince of Diyali which states that

    the People's Mojahedin arehonorary citizens and members

    of their tribes, signed a new

    charter in which they under-

    take the defense of Ashraf City

    against all threats constituted

    from the ruling regime in Iran.They emphasized that any at-

    tack against the People's Moja-

    hedin and Ashraf City

    amounted to an attack against

    themselves, their families and

    their tribes".

    Now the Province of Diyali in

    Iraq becomes known as Val-

    d'Oise in France in the same

    way that the mayors of Val-d'Oise replace the Iraqi sheikhs

    and tribe leaders. Has France

    really accented to the forma-

    tion of another Camp Ashraf in

    the heart of the country?

    Human Rights Abuses In-

    side the Mojahedin Khalq

    Camps (HRW, May 2005)

    Rajavi cult Headed by Mas-

    soud Rajavi and Maryam


    they are expelled from the coun-

    try. In this respect any interac-

    tion with them must be done ac-

    cording to the Iraqi laws.3. Any interaction with the ter-

    rorist MKO by any organization

    or party or establishment or en-tity (whether Iraqi or foreigner)

    inside Iraq is forbidden and any-

    one having any interaction with

    them (breaching the law) is liable

    of being prosecuted according to

    the terrorist acts of the country.4. It is essential that the multi-

    national forces to give up the or-

    ganization and hand over all

    check points and points of obser-

    In the Name of God

    Number: 216, Year: 2008

    The Iraqi Administration, in its

    27th ordinary session held on 17th

    June 2008, ratified the followings:

    To approve the binding measuresdescribed below regarding terror-

    ist Mojahedin-e Khalq Organiza-

    tion (MKO):1. Emphasizing on past resolu-

    tions regarding the MKO as a ter-

    rorist organization and its expul-

    sion from Iraq.2. Putting the MKO, currently

    on Iraqi territory, under full con-

    trol of the Iraqi government until

    vation to the responsible Iraqi

    authorities.5. Activating the judicial sen-

    tences issued against the terror-

    ist MKO elements who have com-

    mitted crimes against the Iraqi

    people.6. Cooperating with the ICRC

    in order to find basic real solu-

    tions for the problem of the pres-

    ence of the MKO in the Iraqi ter-

    ritory and to activate the past

    resolutions about their expulsion

    from Iraq.

    Ali Mohsin Ismail.

    The Secretary of the Iraqi Ad-


    A Camp Ashraf in France


  • 8/14/2019 Nejat Newsletter - ISSUE 25


    Mon, 22 Sep 2008

    Iraq's ambassador to Iransays so far no country inthe world has agreed toshelter the dissident mem-bers of the US-backed MKOterrorist group.According to International Law,the outlawed Mujahedin KhalqOrganization (MKO) should behanded over to any countrywhich is prepared to harbor itsme mb e r s , Amb as sad o rMohammad Majid Al-Sheikhtold Fars News Agency.However, no government hasso far expressed willingness toadmit the group into theircountry, al-Sheikh added.Baghdad has issued a six-month deadline for the MKO toleave the Iraqi soil.He ruled out the possibility ofextraditing MKO members to

    Tehran saying according to In-ternational Law, Iraq is not al-lowed to force the members toreturn to Iran.

    Al-Sheikh explained that any amember who is willing to re-turn to Iran, should be handedover to the Red Cross, and themovement would then deliverthem to Iran.Al-Sheikh said that the Iraqiforces will soon take control ofthe Mujahedin group enclave, asmall area about 60 km (35miles) north of Baghdad.

    of the MKO who managed to es-cape Camp Ashraf by taking refugewith American forces in the TIPFwhich was established to help peo-

    ple escape the cult. When TIPFwas closed earlier this year, MrPiransar made his way throughIraqi Kurdistan and on to freedomin the west where he is now a po-litical refugee due to his opposition

    ... He emphasised that massof misinformation issued bythe Rajavis and their back-ers such as Robin Corbett,Paulo Casaca and StruanStevenson, is aimed atkeeping human rights or-ganisations out of CampAshraf so that Massoud andMaryam Rajavi can continue

    their inhuman mistreatmentof their captives behindclosed doors

    Hassan P iransar,

    Paris, October 02, 2008

    Mr. Hassan Piransar arrived inEurope a few weeks ago. He is oneof the former executive members

    to the MKO and the IRI.As one of the executive members,he has experienced and witnessedthe many abuses and deceptionspracticed by the Rajavis not onlytoward outsiders but in particularagainst their own members. He at-tended a meeting of the Iran Dele-gation of the European Parliamenton September 9, 2008 to ask thatCamp Ashraf be opened up to hu-

    manitarian bodies and that the peo-ple trapped inside be rescued. Heemphasised that mass of misinfor-mation issued by the Rajavis andtheir backers such as Robin Corbett,Paulo Casaca and Struan Stevenson,is aimed at keeping human rightsorganisations out of Camp Ashraf sothat Massoud and Maryam Rajavican continue their inhuman mis-treatment of their captives behindclosed doors.

    Iraq: No country willing to take MKO

    Ashraf camp captives. Ask yourselves What kind of city is this?


    "The MKO members are notallowed to exit the camp, northey are not permitted to usearms," the ambassador said.

    He added that Iraqi officialswould hold meetings with thegroup members to persuadethem to return to Iran, in casethey were reject by all theother countries.The dissident group leaderswhich are accountable for as-sassinating officials in Iran fol-lowing the 1979 Islamic Revo-lution are based in France, butsome 3,000 members of thegroup reside in Iraq.Backed by the United Statesand the former Iraqi dictatorSaddam Hossein, the grouphas used its northern Iraq en-clave - Ashraf - to launch mili-tary incursion against Iran.The MKO is blacklisted as a ter-rorist group by a majority ofthe European Union memberstates as well as the UnitedStates.

    Iraq envoy to Tehran

    Mohammad Majid Al-Sheikh

  • 8/14/2019 Nejat Newsletter - ISSUE 25


  • 8/14/2019 Nejat Newsletter - ISSUE 25


    Iranian exiles arrested in France, Switzerland


    P O Box 14395/679

    Tehran, IranFax: 88 96 10 31




    Swiss judges examining the fund-ing of a group linked to the PMOI.One of the PMOI's lawyers, WilliamBourdon, said the investigationwas unfounded and was aimed atcovering up what he said was thefailure of an existing French probe."The Swiss case file is empty, andthere is every reason to believethat the same is true in France andthat this second judicial front hasbeen opened to try to hide the firstfile's certain collapse," he said.In June 2003, police arrested 167people in the Paris suburb of Au-vers-sur-Oise where the PMOI isbased.Of those arrested, 17 were placedunder formal investigation, includ-ing Maryam Rajavi, the leader ofthe PMOI's political wing, the Na-tional Council of Resistance of Iran(NCRI) , on susp i c i on o f "associating with wrongdoers inrelation with a terrorist undertak-ing".That judicial probe has lost mo-

    Reuters News,

    Sep 29, 2008

    PARIS, Sept 29 (Reuters) - About10 people close to a banned Ira-nian opposition group were ar-rested last week in France andSwitzerland in connection with amoney-laundering investigation,

    judicial sources and the group'slawyer said.Several of the people close to thePeople's Mujahideen Organisationof Iran (PMOI) -- listed as a terror-ist group in the European Unionand United States -- were in policecustody on both sides of the bor-der on Monday, the sources said.The police swoop was coordinatedbetween French and Swiss officialswho were acting at the request of

    mentum and many of the restric-tions on the suspects' movementwere lifted in 2006.Earlier this year the PMOI calledon the EU to remove it from its listof banned terrorist organisationsafter the British parliament upheldin June a court ruling that its inclu-sion on a list of banned groups inBritain was wrong.But the EU said in July it waskeeping the PMOI on its blacklist,adding it saw no grounds foramending the listing of 48 groupssubject to asset freezes and othersanctions in Europe.A French source said then thatParis -- a major player in diplo-matic negotiations over Iran's nu-clear programme and the currentholder of the EU's rotating presi-dency -- came forward withgrounds for the group to remainon the list. (Reporting by ThierryLeveque; writing by Francois Mur-phy; editing by Janet Lawrence)

    [email protected]

    Were on the web

    Nejat Society

    The MEK and US-Iran Relations

    Category: Documentaries

    Regions: North America, Middle East

    Topics: Current Affairs / News, War / Violent Conflict special report by filmmaker James Longley focuses on the

    impact of the MEK on USIran Relations. Though the MEK, anexiled Iranian group, is listed on the State Department's list of

    Foreign Terrorist Organizations, they continue to enjoy both the

    covert and overt support of some members of US Congress and

    the Bush Administration because of their opposition to the Ira-

    nian government.

    This filmed report explores the history of the MEK, their ideology,

    their participation in the Iranian revolution and exile from Iran,

    and their collaboration with Saddam Hussein's regime. Using in-

    terviews with historians, journalists, and first-person accounts of

    former members of the MEK, their shifting role is tracked

    through to the present day, as they continue to play a central role

    in US-Iran relations and create sharply divided opinions between

    various branches of the US government.


    Learn more about filmmaker James Longley at Daylight Factory