napoleon creates an empire. napoleon seizes power born in 1769 on the island of corsica. sent to...

Napoleon Creates an Empire

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Page 1: Napoleon Creates an Empire. Napoleon seizes power  Born in 1769 on the island of Corsica.  Sent to military school at the age of 9  1785 – finished

Napoleon Creates an Empire

Page 2: Napoleon Creates an Empire. Napoleon seizes power  Born in 1769 on the island of Corsica.  Sent to military school at the age of 9  1785 – finished

Napoleon seizes power

Born in 1769 on the island of Corsica. Sent to military school at the age of 9 1785 – finished school and became a

lieutenant in the artillery When the revolution broke out, he joined the

army of the new government

Page 3: Napoleon Creates an Empire. Napoleon seizes power  Born in 1769 on the island of Corsica.  Sent to military school at the age of 9  1785 – finished


October 1795 – he was handed a chance of glory When royalist rebels marched on the National

Convention, an official told Napoleon to defend the delegates.

He greeted the royalists with a cannonade. In minutes, the royalists fled in panic and

confusion. He became a hero and was hailed throughout Paris

as the savior of the French republic

Page 4: Napoleon Creates an Empire. Napoleon seizes power  Born in 1769 on the island of Corsica.  Sent to military school at the age of 9  1785 – finished


1796 – the Directory appointed Napoleon to lead a French army against Austria and Sardinia.

He crossed the Alps and won a series of remarkable victories in Italy

To protect French trade interests and disrupt British trade with India, he led an expedition to Egypt.

Did not repeat the same success he had in Europe.

These defeats did not hit newspapers and he remained a great hero.

Page 5: Napoleon Creates an Empire. Napoleon seizes power  Born in 1769 on the island of Corsica.  Sent to military school at the age of 9  1785 – finished


1799 – Directory lost control of the political situation and the confidence of the people of France.

After he returned from Egypt, he was urged to seize political power.

His first action was in November 1799.

Under his command, troops surrounded the national legislature and drove out most of its members.

It was then voted upon to dissolved the Directory.

Established three consuls, one of whom was Napoleon

Page 6: Napoleon Creates an Empire. Napoleon seizes power  Born in 1769 on the island of Corsica.  Sent to military school at the age of 9  1785 – finished

Napoleon seizes power

Napoleon took the title of the first consul and assumed the powers of a dictator.

This seizure of power is known as a coup, or a blow to the state

During this time, France is still at war

1799 – Britain, Austria, and Russia joined forces to drive Napoleon from power.

Eventually, the countries signed peace agreements

Europe was finally at peace for the first time in 10 years by 1802

Napoleon begins to focus on restoring order in France

Page 7: Napoleon Creates an Empire. Napoleon seizes power  Born in 1769 on the island of Corsica.  Sent to military school at the age of 9  1785 – finished

Napoleon’s rule

He pretended to be the constitutionally chosen leader of a free republic in the beginning.

1800 – a plebiscite, vote of the people, was held to approve a new constitution.

Due to the need for a strong leader, people voted in favor of the constitution. All power granted to Napoleon

Kept many of the changes that came with the Revolution

Supported laws that would strengthen the central gov’t and achieve some goals of the Revolution

Page 8: Napoleon Creates an Empire. Napoleon seizes power  Born in 1769 on the island of Corsica.  Sent to military school at the age of 9  1785 – finished

Restoring Order

First task – get the economy on solid footing.

Set up an efficient tax collection and established a national banking system.

As well as a steady supply of tax money, these actions promoted financial management and better control of the economy.

Also wanted to end corruption and inefficiency in gov’t

Dismissed corrupt officials and set up lycees, gov’t run public schools.

Open to male students of all backgrounds and appointed public office based on merit.

Page 9: Napoleon Creates an Empire. Napoleon seizes power  Born in 1769 on the island of Corsica.  Sent to military school at the age of 9  1785 – finished

Restoring Order

Disregarded changes when it came to religion Clergy and peasants wanted to restore the position of

Church in France As a result, Napoleon signed a concordat, agreement,

with Pope Pius VII. Established a new relationship between church and

state. Recognized the influence of the Church, but rejected

the Church control in national affairs.

Page 10: Napoleon Creates an Empire. Napoleon seizes power  Born in 1769 on the island of Corsica.  Sent to military school at the age of 9  1785 – finished

Restoring Order

Napoleon gained support from the concordat of the Church as well as the French people.

Created a system of laws, the Napoleonic Code

Gave the country a uniform set of laws and eliminated many injustices.

It limited liberty and promoted order and authority over individual rights. (Freedom of speech and press were restricted)

Restored slavery in the French colonies of the Caribbean

Page 11: Napoleon Creates an Empire. Napoleon seizes power  Born in 1769 on the island of Corsica.  Sent to military school at the age of 9  1785 – finished

Napoleon creates an Empire

1804 – made himself emperor and French people supported him.

He was crowned by the pope and it signaled he was more powerful than the church

1801 – Napoleon wanted to take back the colony Saint Domingue and restore its sugar industry. The rebels were fierce fighters and it was a failure for Napoleon.

Napoleon eventually cuts ties with America.

He sells the Louisiana territory to the US for $15 million

Page 12: Napoleon Creates an Empire. Napoleon seizes power  Born in 1769 on the island of Corsica.  Sent to military school at the age of 9  1785 – finished

Conquering Europe

After cutting ties with America, focuses on Europe.

Annexed Austrian Netherlands and part of Italy.

Looked to expand even further.

Britain persuaded Russia, Austria, and Sweden to join against France due to fear.

Napoleon crushed the opposition in a series of brilliant battles

The commanders of the enemies could not predict his next move and often took heavy losses

Page 13: Napoleon Creates an Empire. Napoleon seizes power  Born in 1769 on the island of Corsica.  Sent to military school at the age of 9  1785 – finished

Primary Source

Battle of Austerlitz in 1805, he says “Soliders! I am pleased with you. On the day of Austerlitz, you justified everything that I was expecting of you…in less than four hours, an army of 100,000 men, commanded by emperors of Russia and Austria was cut up and dispersed…120 pieces of artillery, 20 generals, and more than 30,000 men taken prisoner – such are the results of this day which will forever be famous…And it will be enough for you to say “I was at Austerlitz” to hear the reply: “There is a brave man!”

Page 14: Napoleon Creates an Empire. Napoleon seizes power  Born in 1769 on the island of Corsica.  Sent to military school at the age of 9  1785 – finished
Page 15: Napoleon Creates an Empire. Napoleon seizes power  Born in 1769 on the island of Corsica.  Sent to military school at the age of 9  1785 – finished

Napoleon’s Empire Succeeds

Napoleon’s successes forced Austria, Prussia, and Russia to sign peace treaties.

It also enabled him to build the largest empire in Europe since Rome. His only other major enemy was Britain

To create the European empire, he had one major defeat – Battle of Trafalgar.

It was a naval defeat that was more important than all his victories on land.

Took place in 1805 off the southwest coast of Spain

Page 16: Napoleon Creates an Empire. Napoleon seizes power  Born in 1769 on the island of Corsica.  Sent to military school at the age of 9  1785 – finished

Battle of Trafalgar

British commander, Horatio Nelson, was brilliant in warfare at sea.

He split the French fleet and captured many ships

Two major results from this

Ensured supremacy of British navy

Forced Napoleon to give up his plans of invading Britain

Due to his efforts to crush Britain, it eventually leads to his downfall

Page 17: Napoleon Creates an Empire. Napoleon seizes power  Born in 1769 on the island of Corsica.  Sent to military school at the age of 9  1785 – finished

The French Empire

Napoleon’s victories in the first decade of the 1800’s had given him mastery over most of Europe

Only countries free of French control – Britain, Portugal, Sweden, and the Ottoman Empire.

The empire was huge, but very unstable Napoleon was able to control the empire for only 5

years until 1812.

Page 18: Napoleon Creates an Empire. Napoleon seizes power  Born in 1769 on the island of Corsica.  Sent to military school at the age of 9  1785 – finished

Napoleon’s Mistakes

His own personality was his greatest danger

His desire for power raised him to great heights and this led to his doom

1806 – He set up a blockade to prevent all traded and communication with Great Britain

Was meant to make continental Europe more self-sufficient

It was not a tight blockade and people were able to smuggle items

British responded with their own blockade, which was stronger due to its navy

British would also stop neutral ships going to Europe and forced them to sail to a British port

Page 19: Napoleon Creates an Empire. Napoleon seizes power  Born in 1769 on the island of Corsica.  Sent to military school at the age of 9  1785 – finished

Peninsular War

US ships were stopped by the British navy and this angered the US and the US Congress declared war on Britain in 1812

1808 – Napoleon made a second mistake

Sent an invasion force through Spain to capture Portugal

Spanish people protested this action.

In response, Napoleon removed the Spanish King and put his own brother in power.

This again outraged the Spanish people and they also feared Napoleon would attack the church.

Page 20: Napoleon Creates an Empire. Napoleon seizes power  Born in 1769 on the island of Corsica.  Sent to military school at the age of 9  1785 – finished

Peninsular War

For six years, Spanish peasant fighters, guerillas, would strike at the French army in Spain

British then sent troops to aid the Spanish

Napoleon lost 300,000 men during this war. Weakened the French Empire

In Spain and elsewhere, nationalism was becoming a powerful weapon against Napoleon. Nationalism was loyalty to one’s country

People began to feel abused by the French conqueror

His biggest mistakes was in 1812, when he invaded Russia

Page 21: Napoleon Creates an Empire. Napoleon seizes power  Born in 1769 on the island of Corsica.  Sent to military school at the age of 9  1785 – finished

Invasion of Russia

Alexander I was Napoleon’s ally, but he refused to stop selling grain to Britain

They both also suspected each other of having competing designs on Poland.

This resulted in the breakdown of their friendship and Napoleon decided to invade Russia

June 1812 – Napoleon and an army of 420,000 marched into Russia

As he advanced, Alexander pulled back his troops, refusing to fight an equal battle.

Practiced Scorched-Earth policy – burned grain field and killed live-stock

Page 22: Napoleon Creates an Empire. Napoleon seizes power  Born in 1769 on the island of Corsica.  Sent to military school at the age of 9  1785 – finished

Invasion of Russia

September 7, 1812, armies clashed at Battle of Borodino – the Russian fell back and Napoleon moved to Moscow.

After entering Moscow, 7 days later, the city was in flames.

Alexander destroyed the city instead of allowing Napoleon to capture it

In the middle of October, he decided to move back toward France

His enemies were quick to take advantage of his weakness.

Britain, Russia, Prussia, and Sweden joined forces against him

Austria later declared war

In a few months, Napoleon had raised another army

Page 23: Napoleon Creates an Empire. Napoleon seizes power  Born in 1769 on the island of Corsica.  Sent to military school at the age of 9  1785 – finished

Napoleon’s Downfall

His troops were mostly untrained and ill-prepared for battle.

October 1813 – faced the allied forces in Leipzig, Germany

Easily was defeated and French resistance crumbled quickly

January 1814 – allied forces pushing towards Paris and the King of Prussia and Alexander I of Russia led a parade through the French capital

Napoleon wanted to continue fighting, but his generals refused

April 1814 – he surrendered and gave up his throne

Napoleon was given a small pension and exiled to Elba.

Louis XVI’s brother, Louis XVIII assumed the throne

Page 24: Napoleon Creates an Empire. Napoleon seizes power  Born in 1769 on the island of Corsica.  Sent to military school at the age of 9  1785 – finished

Hundreds Days

He quickly became unpopular, especially among the peasants and they suspected him of undoing the Revolution’s land reforms

This news was all Napoleon needed to try and regain power.

Within days, Napoleon marched to Paris and was again emperor of France

The European allies quickly marshaled their armies. The British army prepared for the Battle at Waterloo

June 18, 1815 – he attacked and the British defended their ground all day.

Two days later, his troops gave way and the British and Prussian forces chased them from the field.

This was his last bid for power – the Hundred Days

Page 25: Napoleon Creates an Empire. Napoleon seizes power  Born in 1769 on the island of Corsica.  Sent to military school at the age of 9  1785 – finished


Napoleon was sent to St. Helena.

He lived there for six years, eventually dying in 1812 from a stomach ailment