nagw webinar: social media - the good, the bad, and the wow!

Social Media: The Good, the Bad and the Wow! Jessica Best [email protected] @bestofjess or @emfluence

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Post on 12-Nov-2014



Social Media

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Social Media best practices, presented by Jessica Best on the August 2014 NAGW webinar. In 2014, social media is no longer optional. At the very least, business leaders have to understand its impact and how it works. At its best, it's an impactful part of an integrated marketing strategy. This session is perfect for marketers who are already trying a social media channel or two or who are just dipping their toes into the social media water. Learn 10 things you should always do in social media and and 10 things you should never do, plus see great ideas from those who are innovative in social media and do it well.


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Social Media: The Good, the Bad and the Wow!

Jessica Best

[email protected]

@bestofjess or @emfluence

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What is Social Media?

Web- and mobile-enabled marketing & engagement channels that allow groups to generate content and engage in peer-to-

peer conversations and exchange of content (examples are Facebook, YouTube,

Twitter, blogs, email, etc.).

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The Draw of Social Media

• Low barrier to entry

• Immediate

• Trackable

• Cost-effective

• Sharable


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The Draw of Social Media

• 60% of marketers say they have generated leads from social media sites, with over 50% of those having generated revenue from social media leads.

• Because of this success, 65% of respondents plan to increase social media marketing budget in 2014.

Source: webmarketing123

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What Social Media Isn’t

• A strategy

• A stand-alone channel

• A magic pathway to success

Social Media + Digital Marketing + Traditional combine to create successful communication.

Marketing Strategy







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What Social Media Isn’t

• FREE – It always costs your time, invested by you or your

marketing/PR/customer service department

– Budget $5K for paid/promoted posts, prizes for giveaways, message management tools and measurement tools

– Budget $25K to hire a consulting firm for market and competitive research, social media strategy and execution and targeted paid ad placement

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Understand why you want to utilize these channels and what you want to accomplish.

• Sales and Marketing

• Branding

• Web Traffic

• Customer Support

• Reputation Management

• Hiring



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What you’ll learn about Social Media if you stay awake

The Good = YES 10 things you should always do

The Bad = NO 10 things you should never do

The Wow That Kicked Ass

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What you’ll learn about Social Media if you stay awake

The Good = YES 10 things you should always do

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The Good 10 things you should always do

Focus on the majors.

• Facebook: 1.3 billion users spend 640 million minutes on Facebook each month

• Twitter: 58 million tweets per day

• LinkedIn: 2 new users every second

• YouTube: 1 billion unique visitors each month

Source: eMarketer, Socialnomics, LinkedIn, etc.


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The Good 10 things you should always do

Focus on the majors.

• 75.3% of B2C companies are the most active on Facebook, followed by 8.4% on Twitter and 6.2% on LinkedIn.

• B2B companies are active more evenly across all three leading networks: 34.6% Facebook, 25.6% Twitter, and 25.3% LinkedIn.


Source: Social Media Examiner

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The Good 10 things you should always do

Focus on the majors.

What do you want to accomplish? Which channel(s) fit that goal best?



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The Good 10 things you should always do

Know your audience.

• Where are your prospects in Social Media?

• How do they use Social Media?

• Use Insights Tools on Facebook and Google Analytics & Alerts.


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The Good 10 things you should always do

Know your audience.

• Alerts. 2

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The Good 10 things you should always do

Listen first.

• How are your customers/prospects using social media in your industry?

• What do they pay attention to?


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The Good 10 things you should always do

Engage. Have conversations.

• Tweets and posts don’t have to stay on topic all the time.

• Keep topics light.

• Learn what gets people talking.

• You want people to always pay attention to what you’re saying.


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The Good 10 things you should always do

Engage. Have conversations. 4

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The Good 10 things you should always do

Build relationships.

• This is relational marketing.

• Develop long-term relationships.


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The Good 10 things you should always do

Be timely

• Follow the trend, if/when it’s relevant to you.


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The Good 10 things you should always do

Learn from the success of others.

See how partners and competitors have successfully utilized social media to engage their customers.

Every social media plan is unique.


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The Good 10 things you should always do

Partner with others

• Who else suits your audience and how can you play nicely together?


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The Good 10 things you should always do

Share good “stuff” – Jason Falls

• Share your own messages

– Entertain, inform, engage

• Share others 4-8x more than yourself


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The Good 10 things you should always do

Go beyond promotion.

• Social media provides easy access to reputation research and management.

• Cast a wider net (think viral) for your newest rockstar employee. (or your next employer?)

• Social media customer service can turn squeaky wheels into evangelists.


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The Good 10 things you should always do

Go beyond promotion.


Within five minutes, @DunkinDonuts was following me on

Twitter. Five more minutes and they had tweeted at me to

send a direct message with my phone number. Five minutes

later they called, asking to know which Dunkin' Donuts this

happened at and what my experience had been. They took

my address and a week later I received a $10 gift card.

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The Good 10 things you should always do

Go beyond promotion.


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What you’ll learn about Social Media if you stay awake

The Bad = NO 10 things you should never do

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The Bad 10 things you should never do

Don’t post without a plan

• Define your goals up front

• Where/when can you find your customers or prospects in social?

• How do you plan to interact with them?

• How will you handle a crisis?


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The Bad 10 things you should never do

Don’t post without a plan

• Measure growth/engagement

– Google Analytics, Facebook Insights, Crowdbooster Follower trends, click-throughs


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The Bad 10 things you should never do

Don’t anticipate mega $$.

• Social Media likely won’t be a cash cow. Dell’s old story is the exception.

• Definitely consider ROI in your efforts if it’s part of your social media goals.

• Customer happiness > revenue

2 $6MM

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The Bad 10 things you should never do

Don’t ignore negative feedback.

• Engage with your current customers as well as your prospects.

• If one person asks, there are likely others watching to see your answer.

• Respond to questions and feedback in a timely fashion.


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The Bad 10 things you should never do

Don’t ignore negative feedback. 3

Source: Shel Holtz, 2011

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The Bad 10 things you should never do

Don’t ignore negative feedback. Etsy’s blog: “If you see any offensive material on here, please let us know,” adding that comments are welcome.

Comment: “If that’s the case, why is every single post related to this person gone? There have been multiple posts that I have personally viewed…and they have all been deleted…The way Etsy is responding to this issue is leaving a lot of your customers feeling as though their thoughts and feelings do not matter.”


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The Bad 10 things you should never do

Don’t ignore negative feedback. That comment was deleted, too.


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The Bad 10 things you should never do

Don’t force the relationship.

• Keep your audience aware of your presence, but don’t force the issue.

• People are looking to be your ‘friend.’

• But, don’t get too personal.

– Avoid inflammatory topics (politics, religion, etc.)


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The Bad 10 things you should never do

Don’t do social media in a vacuum.

• It works best as part of a larger marketing mix.

• Strategy should come from the same main hub as other media.

– Don’t make a Social Media strategy. Make a marketing strategy with a SM “spoke.”


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The Bad 10 things you should never do

Don’t do social media in a vacuum.


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The Bad 10 things you should never do

Don’t repeat others’ mistakes.

• Don’t repeat what others have already done.

• Understand WHY the mistake was made.


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The Bad 10 things you should never do

Don’t treat people like dollar signs.

• People engage because they are fans. Help them become your advocates.


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The Bad 10 things you should never do

Don’t treat people like dollar signs.

• If you’re B2B, be an expert! Educate your audience.


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The Bad 10 things you should never do

Don’t be forgettable.

• The second your posts get boring, people will begin to ignore you.


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The Bad 10 things you should never do

Don’t ignore what employees.

• Are employees positive or negative about your business?

• Use social to create an online sense of community as your IRL business grows.

• Find willing representatives.


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The Bad 10 things you should never do

Don’t ignore what employees.


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The Bad 10 things you should never do

Don’t go on the defensive.

• Take feedback to heart.

• Kill ‘em with kindness instead.

• Legal action will confirm you as the “bad guy”


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The Bad 10 things you should never do

Don’t go on the defensive.


Source: CNET, 2010

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The Bad 10 things you should never do

Go on the defensive.

10 A provocative Web video campaign

on behalf of Greenpeace's U.K. arm

targeted the food manufacturer as a

threat to the livelihoods of

orangutans, and according to

Greenpeace, Nestle lobbied to have

the video removed from YouTube,

citing a copyright complaint.

Cue plenty of free press for


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The Wow, That ROCKS!

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Wow H&R Block

Social Media is year-round.

• Despite their seasonality, email and social don’t stop in summer & winter months.


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Wow Downtown Council of Kansas City

Comment bait is the new link bait.

• Promotions that gain interactions keep you at the top of the news feed.


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Wow Donna’s Dress Shop

Tell stories. Use images! $

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Wow Donna’s Dress Shop

Extend the customer experience. $

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Wow Country Music TV

Behind the scenes at events

• CMT’s website has a page that aggregates tweets from artists and event hosts on the night of the event. It provides awesome content that users want from CMT artists on the CMT main website to drive traffic “home.”


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Cross promote to grow.

Wow Multi-media

$ Invite your email subscribers to find you in social media & vice versa. Tell them WIIFM?

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Wow American Century Investments

Augment existing sponsorships.

With all the industry regulations, American Century legally prohibited from discussing $$.


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Ready for 2.0?

Don’t Just Add Social Media – Integrate It! In 2014, you can't just launch a social media profile or assign it to the person who is least busy in the office. Social media should be fully integrated into your business, from research & development to customer service to awareness and advocacy. Learn how to seamlessly integrate current and emerging social media channels into your organization's plan for success.

3 key takeaways:

1. Integrating for branding and advocacy

2. Integrating for better customer service & consistent customer experience

3. Learning to listen for more successful campaigns & outreach

Speaker: Jessica Best Session time: Wed, Sept. 10 @ 1:30-2:45PM

Venue: Breakout Room 2

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Social Media: The Good, the Bad and the Wow!

Jessica Best

[email protected]

@bestofjess or @emfluence