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Un j Hr1;irbiA GENERA

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Nó Clasificación .LL1/i'/.t'34.

J' , 1 Iai • S J/epq 's;Zc Áz4il




-Uiiversdad Técnica Partcuar de LojaUNIVERSIDAD ABIERTA-- T t

racuiau ue ienguas y iiiguisiic

The importance of becomiogaskilled Teacher ot English

as a foreign language


Licentiate's Degree in Englisha$ a foreign laloguage











Li C2i:Ni'iI lE: .. L)E.CtEE.


Prof.Genoveva Zavala de t'IEyEr Lic. Y : ic:r Salinas aResearcher i Ecr


1 9 8 7

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THE :1.


OF :.NJCL_ 1 E3F•I j::;3 A 1::

PROF. GENOVEVA : (I i/ I::::.

I.Jni\'Ers1c:!cJ Tecnica Particular ..c. .j

Universidad Abierta



íi :)rE?E.Er1t 0ELYc:t0: t:çEn y ii Ii. y n

1 r1c:i c:cur c:v i n c:y m c iur

st;y 1 e ¿1ruJ 1. c: c:c' y l'erit :.

rç:e Fz ietc:r L1:'1 z?LC:L C.I ¿O

t y r vLc•1' c;5...:'1

r eq(.. . r ement t Ci L C i1 t e e i Ii

F c're. g n L. a, 1 ctqe


Genc veva Zava 1 a Vi ncr1z ir i. de Mayor is an Engl teache-i---

f ornid in the OponUniversity. Since 1967, sho has 3 L 1

teach i. nci Enq 1 i. sh ¿u; ¿i foro i qn 1 ¿nquaqo in ci it forE.it

educat i o na l institutions ¿nd academias. [u 1964 ote wont

tot he Uni ted btates fc' r a oneyear scholarship undor the

nricari r.:i:icj Si'ic:o F'icqram and c: adutecl t'rc(i 1:igl

Sc1co1 in Jffen'sc:' rí;.L 1:' indiana. 5hc: re-enterad a

local ochoc:i • 15 'cas .Lat;or, , in cr-doí to .:bt.cn .ue

Ecuador ian Diploma cf Machil len en Comercio y

u2 undergraduate C.CtÁicE3 cf

the Opon University, arid cb .tained Mio degree c. Í

de Segunda Ense1anza' in 1984 She startad wcIki c.; at

the Gorman School of Guayaquil in 198; anci in .Jaivarv cf

!9S6, olio was. —appcintad Rec: to 1 a f nr tIlO poriod nt

.years beinq ree1oc:tei::I in 1988. bhe boldo this poui iori

st the present t ime.,, IiS' is nni .J expei: t; mu 1c:; ob Lain

1 i c:onl; ia te o ctoç.j co in English as a foreign 1 a: rl


( :N0 LE 1) GEM EN T

1 wish t:c:; thank theç.:c:c: Colegio Nacional 20 de "lTi'JL

Colegio Nacional Vfmccnbc Roc:afuorte Colegio Nacional

Doloresc' rs Siic:re Unidad Educativa E . 1 1 r'q..e J!ffersc:r' and

Colegio Tecn i. co F 1 na:: .1 c na 1 ( 1 Emari Humboldt cf L.y<q u i. .1.

fc' r thei.r permissic:' n tc la t; my s y m fal ]. into tea

Enql i.sh c:1asses

1 am çateful tc:' my fami l y f.:r próviding c::cn:.tant; arld

moral suppc' 1; and tolerating endiessly ny hc.'urs c'f vur.:

c' utside our homo.-

F 1 na u y my man', thanks 1 o thepa u p 1 a of the Op e

Un i vera 1 ty and tc' my (tdv 1 sc:'r • Lic. Vi c. tor Oa 1 a ñas

cc' nt i nuouc. 1 y c:nr c:ur ac cci n h .i. c: al

advice and strc'nq influence th la m'c' rk vou1d not haya


Guayaquil, Jt..t :t. y 1989

R E: F (

The ].ening of ene languago ín childhood W

inevitablele process b.tt 1.;he 1 earni. nc cf e eec:crd 1 ec;ueqe

is a tc:taliy diffevent situaticn eince t deai.s chcEc:tiy

ith the levolof accomplishment aid the facilitiesi. 1; es

student Tec:1v?E NI. 1.1 ic: ' rs cf pec:j:: le ¿'cunc:I t:he 'Jci I.ci

tr-y te i 1 qn 1. nqt..aqe • bu t; vecy few suc:c:ee:l in,

masteri.ncj it.

Mcst of th le success le based c.r) the ¿d: II. 1 ty iof tie

teacber te beccne a stronq bc ' t.n'd :eeor the student aid

l;e ne'j iaquac:;e I3ut this e. c::c:ess rjueri t como re

ne 1 the r there are no fu the r t.echn 1 c::e 1 devicos in,gamo.

Improvisation le 1;he wot çist;ake a teachor can

For tha t r eesc:' u ¡t is extremoly risc.. ese Kr y 1 o have a

critical profess:cc:na:L SYS working c.c.í Lnc:usly vit:hin I.hs

teac:h 1 riçj tc'un . Supervision cJe ss 'io t meen d set rey i. un th e

t lC her e se 1 f cc nf 1 denc: e meane CIÇL. it 1 rq moro ma

acrspt the errcrcc ci isc:c!vsred by pesre or sc'lcrs

iearninq te reconst uc:t cur cen pro

deve 1 cpment


8CTECA(..; Li l'.l1 1,1 1


Fre 1 i. mi nir ies

No t; i ce

Çbcut tI'e ítithcir

ic knc1 edClefleflt


E o n t; en t;

In t roductiori

:1 '1



vi 3.

.v j .1. ix



1 1-lE NEEL) OF FOLLEN :[ NO A 1 EL:HN 1 C(;L LOÑL.' E :r EL) fIEl E-UJL) 111


1 What is a methcid 13

E Programming a new nethcicj 1 3

3 'ihat; cic'we::nco a:)c:Ltt; the metfctçíç:iioqy :ti

teach ). nq a sec::o d 1 anqt.aq e 10



1 The deve lc:ipinent: of e peal.:: i nq and 1 i eten i nq 33

2. The deve :i opment of reading and writing

3 Creativo writing eI.:n.11e 39

vi i :1



1. Res .arc::h work c:cn: Stato and pr i. vt

sct:t ci 1. anci ti:Le ir methc:ds 47

2., Riieirq the Ciffici.1 Frc:qrarn c:f English so

3 Why shc:t_1d a sc:hcc.t trvto :rt€ t;heir

bi.nced proqr'm 55



cI_ASSES IN SUME PR i: vATE: AND s"ri"E: sc::HooL_.s OF t:uw: &u i

1 . 01 !35 cibse iat; i c:n qt.i i cte 57

2 ::r.çtfiC. i.ency test for 1;eachers cí Erci 1. i sh 75

3 Survey on the st;uc?nf:s final c1racic:'s 7,11,


cHi pTFP Fi VE.

1 Conc 1 us i o n . an:i r ec: c nírienct a f: j ci ns 07

2 Bib 1 icmctraphy 91

3 Append 1



1 N ÍRL)Dt.JL [1 uN EC

In ths bref Intrcd1.ct:ic:n 1 shall give an

the am arid nature of th s Tw0ri:. .i ts tber .Lt:isl

background, the lay Englisi ci asses aro be i. oc:; cari.ed

n Guayaquil, and the recc:mmenciatc'fla 1 would succjast foc

mp r o y n jt h e m

F irst hcever • 1 ShOU 1 ci 1 . ka tc:' ofar a few general

thoughts :n :I.nqcga 1ervi.nçj and ., n pa rt:LLuiai

teachars pa r'fc'rmanca.

i'iost organizad iarquacja 1earc'.ciçj takos placa in L E

c1assrc'c'in What s taught in the classroom lE what

sti.dent will use n cc:'mmon !¡fe,./

Often techers don 1; realizo ti. Impc: rt anca cf Lhalr job

and c :iasses sta' to be usal ESE ci' maai'n. ng lESO 1

unfc:rtunate gap 15 whera tii.cz vcr'i:: m aY haip i.o b 1 dcja

- The flrst tc' chaptercs countai.r' thE?crlc:ai infcri,.10i

tha mcist ac:c:epted pr:. nc Ip 1 es on ].anquaçje ;:'c: 1

Chapter three dc'ais with the ELfl vay Drí t c.:'

methc;ds LE2CI In the schools, Hd Li a:

requlrczments of the MInls't: r y . of E:,,Ic,a'L1 u ii as Lc:

e ccncerned




In Chap t? rf ciur 1 h avu L i. d t c. ' do an

Short, researc:h • c:n the ac:tual est;te cf t.hc Enctl :Lc:h

c:LassEs, aid alsol thu fYtil result cf khE:' students

passinq cc Faiiinc the ccurse.

ly, • 1 make some recommendations on what 1

bc1 e'ie may L:efi. t te studev t;c as woll as tI a Ieachar s

in their rcifi.c:: purpose c:f I;aac:Ii .cq and iaan:Lc a

1 aricivacjE


TI-lE NFEE) UI:: FOL.L..Clw i ic a 1'ECF•il\l i: C(-'L. t:cn\Ic:E i: E:s:o ME 1 HOD ]: N

TEACH 1 I'lO 1 FDF;i 1 SN L.íI\lGLJ(EE

1 1 Wh a t i o a me thod

Wh en w2 th i. nk of me thod o 'je i mag ino a cc her en 1:

svstem of ideas, bui. 1 t up uñ th tha c:cnt

cf succeosive qoneratic'ns c:f authcr it :eo and on the

bai. o of oc ient; i f ic: f • i;s But the tr uth i o th,t vhat

has happened ¡S sooth inc$ quite cli f•

Methodologists, i. incuistic:s ac:cordin q fr thnir neodo fcr

changos in the c .1 aso proc::edures ha yo prc' duc:od rol al; i \ O 1 y

in br i of Antervals a ooquenc: e of " mo thod 1! nr

''apprc' achoo" •, aoci iETTOdi!te:Ly tho prcfcnot; oclucators of

each hayo tended tc: den y t:ha val. idi t y c:i al! thai;

proceded So 1 anquaqe teach inq instead c't bei nc an

estab 1 i ohed oc ient i f i c discipline, o ari i mpc:r tani;

featur e of sever a 1 of theoe methods a nd app ro ac hes

ment ionci befc:cre It al so q iven; os the idea that these

methc' do ma y aoci mc.st; claf :t ic-tc 1 y Ii ave qroa t: orrors whicí

accc'rdi.nci to the educ:atc' nal trenc:l c:' f t;ha (T(:rEcil; ., aro

more c' r leso cc' mmc'ni y acceptec:l b y everybody.

There is, therefore ltheAdea c:' f solf o'.i:;.dcic::€: of the

od c' f an axcuí;tic cut:1 me with whir:h te'relate tlio

has i.c el eruc?nts in an y teec:h i nq situatiOnn the taac:hr:r


c' jc..ti.ves of • thc instruction. [t:is 1 iI::c: fc:rminc ac

qiit içn is the fc:rniq c11 a mcthod

then st :i adapt the techniques of cortainmet1'ccJ in

voqL.teq blÁt: if he is responsible enough he shc:u.LcJ use thc:

techn i qttes wh ch he feols moro su t;ab 1 e to h :t e

personal i t y and to what he fas le tu be apprcp:.at e for a

particular clase, havinci raciard tu ths aqe of tire

sl;udentsq their situation, anc:I thsi' ed uc:ational reacia.

1 - 2 Prcigramminçj a ns methcd

(ny methc' d stops be i ncj sff i ç.:nit c'hsn :i, i. i -• applied

inflexibly, according to set ii cLE isc , e\/ery

e i tu a 1; i o n

1 has bec:om e 3Treverí be t ax:c:r i a nc.: e to take b: k a

methcccl ieft cut befc:cre ellaborate ¡t anci rafaah i un ik,

so that the best :Dar t St e no t 1. ost but c:rvas the

purposes of the present Th i a Sta what we Jo in uur

schc' ci 1. Wc take t;he ci irec.t maithc:d • rh i.ch Si. e out

fash i un now fur cuna i dei i nc:j crammar fact a toc:

superf it: ial ly , and we el labore te qrammar dril lacad

axer c St sas fo r sach of th e suppo asti e :t tute t Si u u in vh St

the cii ret: t speec:h St e ncredsd For examp le 1) ial oq tc: be

ac: tad and memo St :z ed (1

1. Ernst Klett Verlage GnibH u. Co. K, Learning English Hcdern Cçurse Vol. 1 Kontrcliaufgaben p. i, Stuttgart, W.

6ev any

, cu m i

NC' q 1 haven lt qut W Fapsit; ic on the table in th:

1< i. tcheri

NC q it't.

- 15 it in ycur sc:hcmol-baq?

- No, it i.sn' t

- Oh! What s this in ycur cupbcar'd?

-- Oh! I'i' . English boce' le: Thank you Mcm

Grammar Exerc i ses

1 Cross tilo c ' rroct answerz,

Examp1e L4hat '5 tuis?

) ] t ¿:: [:)c?)"i -

lt , s a

c) This iee; a

ci) Thia

1- Is this a des!.::? . a) No, it i.sn't

L) Vas, it W.

[1LV [[i1 ci ita aLab:Le.ci) It 'a a c:bair,

2- Isthis a map? a) Yes it i.s

Nc, it isn't.

) [te' a ,. hcc.j::

chl :c a achc. ' c. 1 -L'aci

Sc: wh i le sc ianc:e has advanc:aci by appc::< i,rat .c: ' u'i in v•I i.ch

ech flON atacie resulta from an i mprc' vement role a

ro OL ..i c n • cf what has cono befcrc ., 1 anquacia .... toach nq

me thcids have followed tbc pondulum cf 'aeh cii 'fr c:ri one

extreme to the o thar muc::h (:I f the fieldlanguaga

method has bec:cinie a matt.er cf op ini en rather fJ',:ti"i cf


Nevert he! ese i t i. e i mper tant that t:ha tec.c:he' .and t.ha

technic:al hod y cf the sc;:hccil pi.ii the mathcd uh ich is

çJc:i inc te be fc:! lous'd in the par':Lcci ahead ir c: ' rc:ia' te

obtain a clear result fi" e m t h a c b . cx:

03 i4hat de w@ f2çb:1i

Gr ea t 1 i ncu i st e h ave bu i .i 'e up me 'eh cd e and '1; r er'c! a u i t:h a

qreat amciunt cf enthi.tsiasiic:: 'fc:! lcuu re :1 ka Gc:'ucj .n 1')e

Sai.t:.é.1Ben its West Kaui feca Ocii.lci'i. Frie s , etc., Lu

in tbe general run , they ha've clave 1 cpad i"c c:oher ant bc ci

cf doctrino; i.ndaed tha . r dom i .....cnt ideas ala tc a

considerable e......ant mutual 1. y exclusive.

Wh al; we cc:t..t 1 ci s.R7 is e ..... tch .L V1Ç an-c 'id language 3. e

bcth en art anci a sr aenee .. ha; 15 t:o ea',', rL ...... as L)ean

iarqely intu.tive dapendant'on thc personal skill and

convic:t ion cf the teac:hccr, arid hanc:a pal....1i.c::ui.ar 1'

sub .j ec ttc fac: te a rid ab...... . 1it ab uU 1: faces... Ge..: cuse i t cc

irlE:vi:tab le the :LE.í'iiarit cf human natura arici bel....cvi. c:r

prccciseiy thcc ccicx'rant; ......tat is. mc,at' Ci f'f'ic:ui 1. to l::i'ac'

jit1''i sc:ienti'fic viqc:i", is ec pv'cii.ccnL Iii


t e a : h i. n t Ii a t a n p e b ab 1 y e aer b e m ; de a e t r e

i esr ien t i fi e ter me. Sc: 1; ci t: h€ çjx en : ha 1: j 1: r ama nr

se art • it p ,J.ecli vidual trecha' tc:u exerc: J. se

such persc:val cj if te se'. ehe may br endoJed v,1 i. th

sed • te the r 1;sr ji.;i ca he l atad tc: a. sr: i.

c'r S i eec: es sed t i as i t se 1 f beco me se ap p 1 i ed sr: eec a

it e.: ¿a be deve lepad ir a c c, h E,.- r . i vi sy. be qiven

C. 1-1 iriui ty . sed be taUch t

"rhE basic elemente i n anv tesch ......q e i tue tic "are the

t rarh er t:h e sub .j e et ma t ter • th e 1 ea........ier • sed tI e a. i me

rif, i.nstruc:t ion. r'u;c: :crc»tS are re].atec:l te ea.ch cthar'

n I 3. ifi 1 .. t •• . ce

any equa t i o e the va .L cta cf 'i Ii i. " e u :t

t rar: h er ebria 1 ci va ry Sc.! i 'ffer en tvs 1 :s ar' e s J. cined t;ci


1) ri , --- v4 ¿-.( y , the metbcid rif 1 anquaqc:: t:E:ac:b . nq shc:u .1. (J be a.sa(:J

rin st least ........ re correr :z5 c:,

a ) Wi • i t i t k y-tojt- abcutthe ...st ura cf the 1 anquaqe'

b) Whst i •icm about the esture cf thr: J. esi.......

e) T h e sims of inetruct ion ( 1

1. Marianne Celce-Murcia Lüis McIntosh, Teaching English as a Second or Frei q r Language Nebury HeusePublishers, Inc. Rley, Mass. P . 7

17The cc: . c:c vh i c::h anal y:: Es th e na tu( e of 1 ancuacis i

general as woll as thai; of particular languago

1 i nqu i st i os ícsc:: i ence. that has dc:'ep 1 y stuc:I i ecl Lije

processea cf human :Leainci is psycho lcqy (.i Lha aiu3s

of inctructions are not sc:ient:tficai iv determired but

depenci on tha needsfel t by the coc: icty and ti e

humanist jo disciplines can however, •i-hrow ecífle ]. i cht c:'

individual at a q i van momentp a numbor of cc i en i f o

faots cf thece nceds

Personal ly 1: consider that thsse thros cornerstones ¿:t5

definítely ths trua ones as fc' r e 1. smc nts i nvc 1 ved lo

cc'noerncd but j •f vje te tha ao t vi t y of teaching

rainiy as a hcunenisL.ic: ecLi vil.y q:r vjoulci prefer.'

chango the c:rc:Ier cf the U'ree anc:l pt tic: aims cf

instruotion first, ic :1 ic'ccJ 1:3',' thc nat re cf the :ie:Ei-r

ancJ afterm.jards t he retuve cf thc :LarqL qe Lo be taught.

•flhe nc tuve of e 1 anqt..ac: e c an casi 1 y be o ecl i cd ii r o ucj h

1 i nqu i st ics • ch i ch t eatc mcct di cccl; 1 y with the

prcmbi.ems (_I the lanquaqe. Diechrc'nic: syrolm'oni ' ..: oc

descr i p ti ve 1 i ncj..t i st i os dcc is e i th tho' deve 1 opmcnt of

1 anguacjes ev i L ten 1 anquaqes , anci the qenel í c: re 1. ci; ion

amonq them. Th is sc:ience eas c:levelcm IJecl ir ordor tcm

prov ide a y i qc:m r'c' us methc' d fc y anal y. i no living

lanquaqes Living .onques are in c:cnt 1OUOUO cI m anqes 0Cm

spciken lanquages are constantly stud i cd by descriptivo

1 inquistics The U.S.have p .... cviciecl the ecid cf Lhc?



18 1fE(

mo st reknown ciesc: r 1 p t 1 vs linguists, as. i :t .:cr fi. c'

brough t th Is study tc' U-e c a tecici y cf a sc.: 1 sricss af er

bIs pub 1 lc:eton of Lancuags In 1933 ths Univeral ;y cf

Mic:h Iqan with Fri eses ¿id bis

Englly 3 0 E:2 in 1945 al so re 1 sed the

value of tb is new as Ienc:e

It la sisar tial; 1 lnqui.str; se rur: ' t; tha orlv and isst

word In answering el .1. ths ciuest; Ic: ' rts ragardi. ng t:sac:h lnc: a

languago, nc 1 tharthat 1 anciusqa learning 1 a a

eppendaqe of descr Ip tivp 1 Inris 1 st Isa ihe a la a

ml stakn trend that E'VEflI a chango in tsr ma 1 a nE•:c: a.;eu y

''appl i.cd 1 inciulst Isa' for " lanqi..ta.:je t.::s ' ,, v•Ii lc:h

ia to t 11 y unasseptab 1 e Wbat bec:c' mss real erd ser tel u

lathat tbc prc:fesslcn cf ta:ac:hlnq a sccc:' r'd }.ancjuacir.: nr

a foreicm 1 anquaqe la cc ' mi nq cf ecje aud will , parbapa

nF::e better progresa in ta near futuro than ¡t has in

tbe past.

Fsycho 1 oq 1 sta aud teaiera ha yan 1 be en together very

icnq 'et astc' tc:' rm a atrc' ncj relation..tel; 55 555 thSL

fr- orn 1925 LIS t 11 1940 1: h a Raer 1 sri Approach was c' r: a l:y 1 a

anci thc reaponalb lcr; fc • its popu laritY Mest "iii t) .1.5

fc' ]. :t. o ers fr orn the 51 tt 1 ah Ccrnmc: riea 1 th J . i_

(mer 1 can sud Caviac:I 1 as Committees c' Mcd si L..sric uaq sr; i.

No st h iirner ir: a- v.sr e dat sr mi nd t c: ' reducee 1; he role c

çiuesswort:: in iC..Iaqet.as(.h Ing Frs doing ti.s, they

1 9

i.ivited mariy .sicrc1cq ite tc partir i p ata in th:i.r wcv-k

of t..s i ng experimenta! EV i cieni: E in ase C3r ea t arr: un t

of 1 i te!at'..r e ias ::ib 1. i.ahad cn 11.rs raspar.: U Uu Ii ci thcse

years (1) F3ut vi tUi the advent of 1 i.n uiet ic::a]. ly

or ieritect la quepa tec:h np • this 1 taratura wal.E


These p ;c hc c:c: ). c.;tri; c: ci rir: 1 edad that en ab i. 1. c ti t c: Y

as the onlv toraiqn :ienquaqe eki u. =01Y Uc be

ch i eved in sr he c' 1 e Critics ci i Uh e Ñeed i nc. op pr c ec: h

po i nted out; mora Uhan oiles thKt the ev í. '..Jen.:a pethar ad

e leer ly. did nc:t support the rrccimn:'nc:)at 1CIc15 ni3cJe ii'tE

iiame Of tha Cciiyimitteas (2) FsycJc1cp.isUs rt: ej. e


ibera were moro rE:asc' ns fcr dc' ubt iiicj thet c:a yc:nc' Icqy Lci

a cjreat dea 1 of he ip te r'tter tora i qn languago 'Ueacl ana;

reasona en i si np frc:m he e tate of tb ce e a ere e in general

and frcim its mathaide of deve.i.op inri a learning Uhec:ry in

perticL(lar. Psycholcqisi:s at tilis :::cint Llera dividaci

in ;c::hoc la, EiEtCh Of which cli:;pt......cci tho validity c: ' f thei

rival l s analysis rif irianta]. enci behavioural Prgcosses.

We iii sea moro o 1 tI1 i. e spc: ac:i. 1 a c: u .... fi ana: eS O 1

sc:Ix:iols cjheri cieal mp citi Ch::: ' tar 11 c. r ......

1. This material was arialyzed ir, soee detail by C1esan and Fife (933-49).

2. The Co itees' formal report was cede by Colesen (1929). The lack of correlation betíeenrecoeeendations and date was pciinted out by Hercier (1930) 4 Carroll (195) and others.

p EO

nci fna:L l,, the ams of cnstructccn aro 'ir'.' crt.:c'nt

tc:' c'they deal '.'i th the metc:' ds iD be used.

resu 1 ts do nc t coincide tj i.th the ob oc t i. ves ,, a t leas t

part iaL l' ., tbe teac:her has boen unsuc::c:estu 1 ihe

teacEr should have a c:1 oar idea as what he Vt t;s Lo

acccimp 1 i sh and shou .L d chocise h i o or her t;ec:hni c:tues sud

meter ial c; ec:cc' rd inri 1 y hevery oe i. u :. te nrrods uf the

stuclents is 'hat shoulci determino these alta. In a

schcic' 1 q :t i. ke C'LtrS ihore t'jc: foro i qn languages are

tauqht et the S amo time • the a i.mr; are bao. ca J. ]. y in

fc'rc ing the student Lo di otingu 1 oh wo 11 encuch the

d if.ference in oriundo and otructure in t:ha tc :it.i;c4es

in oidor t o a''c:id rnisprcnounc_.iq cr i.spel 1 mo .

needs rnet,' nc't he the same a sin a fully b 11 :cnouai

(E:nil ish-Spartish ) schc' ci., vjh'etheotudent ir; more

ex pcised to cine fc' re 1 cj u 1 ancius e:t a t th e time sud h 1 a mi nd

1C ncit fc'rc:ed Lo diot i.n q uish cc' nstsnt .L y and chc'ose

ccinstant].y f rom thc: threo iirc:;uirrt 1;: fO £31::) 11 ii: les

current in c' ur scI3cc'l moU'terLc'rique, E.nq .iai ¿:tnd (3E:::r mar.

In general, teechero hs'.'e the most ti:. fÍIC:U 1 ty in t:i rav 1 tU.

op a general ly ac:cepted statementc:f oL:joc.tivos

ccc or d 1 nq t o h. o noed a 1 hoy h ave sr quocl long enc:uql in

what aim la the mc..st i.mf:c:rtaut onei opt:sI. Inc. kicelscJqo

readinq knowledgo, cc bc:th nativo 11 I::e aposk r hab

cr reesonable .....te]. 1 iqibi 1 ity practical isrtcusqe ..........la

o r Ltllcj 2i st:and 1 vtq c: f It ce languago oc ka literatura L. c: LiS


tauqht ¿Ricino cir ast bu insqhts cr acu cul 'S.0

are many quest ons tc: ' bu anssrecI orn this r:p: t

r caso n why thesu q ues 1; i. c:;ns, can not be answered is ma i u 1 y

because there are a creat' .i. o y cf purpk.:000 in

t each i. nq 1 ancuaq es ¿md evor th e 1. eso :bh c reecis fc: r

Encj 1 i oh is fe 1 t arounci the world tcda y , the reaso no •for

teach 1 nc.j 1 t , are pan:. rular 1 y diverso ¿inri preso 1 nc For

examp 1 e in tbs Un 1 tec:i Stats'r. Enq 1 : oli 1 o taurjht tu eriaL:' lE?

immigrants'chi :lhn tc: atudy in American ochc ' clo sud

for adul 1; immi çirsnts to •f • i t ic:' n sffec: ti vol y in a ne

soc:iety 1¿Riso tc' put fcreiq nst udenl.o in a pc:r:;iticn bc:i

copo with Ufl1VO1 sity lOVCiOq etc. In other countries,

Enq 1 1 gb 1 o hci.nq taucjh t fcr o iher equally va lid

So 1 f necds are cii ffE:'r cnt so bbc me thc' ds ohou 1 ci be

cii fferen t loar hero mus t be co no t ant 1 y r cm 1 cid cd th st

there 1 s no t suc:h th 1 nq so the perfec::t muthc:ci

C H 1 E: R i. i


Ever y timeme the e tuci eni; i e ex pc cccl 1; c a

1 anquaÇJe vha tever ::::duc? :t e he i nc ue.eci -

cçinvereat i cm st:c' ry, dialogue, etc.- the sts SI Ot..( 1 cI he

as :t lo

1 Studeiit;s ehc' u 1 ci be 1 ecl tc' underst;and f;hc material.

Th i e may be done thrciucjh pie t;ures parapbraeee

a bric'í ?xpiaatiC'n

This is cal lcd lic.:cqfl3t.icinfl

2. They ehc' u id be lcd to repeat the material the I;eache'

modele as oftcn as ncccssery -in cjr cupe ema 11 cc qrcupS

cir md ivi.dua le

3. They sIiciuld be lcd tc' practic:o t;he material in maiy

ays. E:x

a) Tcec:hers 1 ncl lvi due i. 8 tudente

1) Do yc' u cal: brcal::fast at 8 c' 'cicick? \'ss. 1 dc:i,

2) Do ydiu eat breakfaet at 7 or at 9? P t; ci qht

3) Do yciu eat; breakta .i; at 7 cv aL; 87 1 ea L bceektact; a; 9.

"Complete sentence p 1 caso'

4) At; what time do you eat .. -oakfaet ? (l; ciql 1.., -cv --

I eat; breakfast ¿t 0.-

b) El!! in the b l.anks

1) 1 cook I::reakFeet at


£VQ (_ \17/ ••?

\\\.7 $L'A ,//) ) wash .1.

- -(1r uc:) UCHCO

L.T.) 1 como i;c:, School ;1t:

:. .::7 (7

4 They should bo holppd

Thay UI Ci le enc o uraged to gip the new materialu


This IC Called

;C:l th0 sOquence of • 1:

listOning, t: speak ing, t:. ': reading, •'•••:

11.1 •!. c. I:::1nEri; 2f TORMO9 7 .:ç ;•ci

Correct :7c:Ilcr1:].¼J.c

stress cnc pauso, ic 0 5 pri.Tcu-v importanca nc

any cif t:• conmunical ion •cu:c. :ju counds and 1(.,1C:t

cc:c icicLttciC.: r.:c7?cl constant attention •riçi F77CCc •

1ct; C17.t',' (:. ' r the ::r:ccr.cr.

In (2Z71 1 •y Stagos this :74iÇ..t.0 1. tI be !¡m ••••• uc udc; in,

StVuctural p;c1.

•;cd eqpliiilee are

i;E; key jç t: .! :1 :ç be c:sc:..c •c:: in teach ing c::': t.

P r Onunciation 7tci


('; the pupil 1 '.


¿iic: in tho Lin .: fo r L:.:hjr,

arbitrary¿:::c.i.particular1 .'çi'?ç:c


tc! syntact j c patterni,,,

he E:cl3.. familiar

dcen t .::ncj exactly 1hc .:.: whojo stream of . -,

ic:t comprohonsion

It LE oniv with .:; .tt::

thE? r:t stago, He CV rocognizascruci,l r.

determino the messago, He I•-.%:•r1n A

JLJ.t: is not yot ready t 9 remombor

1; 1:!;.: -;: human

s 1 Ul t.d capacip fort:c-1:] YC iefDrmatibn,

l. i i.c'i..i •f • C.í7i EÁ whole sEqu Once of .....çl.:... not

the last sound IV:yL1. rstain

.icrrnt3.c.r t;li..;- racirculation,.:::.:j i(rfC

f:..(.T. succweding sEquences, Ex. 1 1.

1. D. E. Brodbent, .urcticn, Lomn



E I:;_rt


12 )

II }:.l;JEl


3 ) .. <.:


1.'. rc:..;...:.

1 ::c,: ;r(:..r

3 bECI Lj.;::

L;. . .. .

5,, ru


Listen nd F:.l:, R U

• I::EE:t b :. U




Say all the wordsji ...:ui.nci :i

b) %ay al! t h e words in c:..

c) Soyt !io ':: 5

) Gise tic:: words fron Pither list students tu

L:r•f .;

o) Givo throe vcrde from áither ii U

ti e h t v o aro t e sama.

1) 0 . voovc:rd orct oc:k t!'eot..:or.:e.. 11:. hold

i ç.ioro

g) Ooy eoch word in Column 1 OId ask Ui.:i to repeat

h) Do tho sorne -U - [::c i. sr

i) 0ev tbe wordsoc::ei...e; ¿:1idclOI.. ti Oíd LE 0EV thnm 10

ccup 1.

j) i;Iici word and ¿.:v.;.: ic:'ni bc. repeat, t:.í: .c . -

ttie roritroot i. Ec:rd

k) Turn'c:u..ir i:oc:: 1< t:c tbe e Uí.ic:ft: U-e eL:i rop pat.

• • • 1 •----- 1 • -1. say) 1i-' E' f u Ii u u

roet ehc.i [ci re::cob p p cii ve Ule c::citr :-'eU

c.. d

LiL. rot bEgin wi t !


:c::'. he have


followed thc

b) 1 r-

a V a [pen^ afpeneill a p d 1. e.i..

) In attached .. ..

lrtcnuticn :.ilrt.. through b!r ;..J.

1 pc.I

Engl i sh.:

:. .

1:: U nger u tteranc2, thE teanhEr should d ivi da A. E n ,,

ji / TTO day e t


i/ ¡.)

LI .\\. !CTç /1

Af ter rz.??t3.tj.c:tn tIa taac:lier hcc.t}.çj no no n. th dr i. i. 1s'//

of icinqar exerc is:-s tina:L iv i th t:he 1aad:tnc3 of

a whole paracraph c:r stciry.

11.2 Me lomilipion p.:f q inc:i

fha nain probiem of t:e:inc:i readinq Eno .L fLsh even tú

nativa speal<ers i a thai; id E.nc4l ísh the sama r i ttari

1 et ter may represen't; d i 'f'ferent aciunda, wha 1; i a c:a 11 ed in

1 iruiatic:s a pcc' r ''fif;” . . NevaiLhai.esa tc?re are

sufficient c:c' rresponcli.nq acunda thai; tan he usad by the

teacher in tac:h inc.i read 3. nc.3

There are a:1c c:itu?r problems relat ion tc' raadmflC3 i'ihich

can be simplified as fc:c11civts

1 Readinq is a comp icex pr:iC:eSS requirinq the

knc,41edqe of separata ah:: fi. Ii. a. Eac:h of tcso ak fl. Ji. S will

have lo be deveiped in a psyc:ho .[cqical ly aci....id ., ciradeci

sequence 'fha aqe aoci the laval of Ii tnrac: y in En q i i ah as

wel 1 as in ihe st;udant a cwn ianciu.a q e is what determines

the act ions ta::en byt he teachar. Feachera shcct..t id than

a) Bit; toqather aoci ta:ik about the dftffernnt; laveis of

the i ndividual stw:iants

b) set up c cmiii i 1; teas :t:n p rep are anc:I aci ap t difforent

(Ir aoci nater íaia


c:) E:stabli.sh class lbrari.es with a ,.ñçJe ranqo of book.

ci) Place cir sepratefrcrn the repular qroups l thc'ce

studerits thc:i need soec ial help or even spet: i. al. ly

a i ned teachers f:Ç intensivo instruction.

Current researc:h alsc' seerns to i. nd icate that t;here are

sorne advanta q es ii, t;each i nq reading to studentc '3hc'

a 1 reaci y k no how to read in thai r nativove 1. anquaqe hi oca

read inc is lanquaqe-re 1 atad nativoF?al::s of c'ther

]. arquaqes can be t; ai.wl'rL rnc:' ra eas i 1. y to r aad the o thar

tonciue Problems aise c:*f cc:' use when ¡he (::rt;Iocpaphy

of t;he nativa tOnCe is nol; similar to E.nql ish

In anv case • teacher s ci a fore i qn languago shou 1 ci nc t

lose siqht of the fact that; it; ti. 1.]. ta::e severa 1 years for

their pup i is tc c:atch up with the nativo Enc 1 1 ah speakers

Nativo speakars of E.nql ish st;art thair prc ' cess al ready

i th a knc'iadqe cf the struc: ture avat;ern . of

pro nunc i a t ion and v i th enc:' i.tcjh speaking vcc abu 1 ar y The

fc' reiqn lanquaqe learners, on the other hand haya t;c:

acqL.ira tha basic prcinur: iat ion str uctura s y st;em and

vc' cabul ary befcre they can beq i n tc' read

"For the q.Aest ion of how tc t?ac:h read i.... q it; 3.s i.mpc:rt;ant

tc' ernphasi za that lanquaqa icarni nq ¡S a c:urnu E a ..

procesa and that read inq i a 1 anquacie relatad. We cannc t

ak ip ant iraly or teach inadecuat;aly any ci the f pahus crf


pro,nciation, wor ci fo rm wo rd ccqt..&ence and voc abu 1 ar y

Iiici cc:' nstitute the signals cf Enq.t ish 1)

For eximp 1 e nat i. ve- 1 ancjagc read i nq fi ucnt rea(:icrs t<::'

lc' c' k etcaci tc' thc next '%or(J 'jhc:h is more difficult t:c dc:'

in a fccreiqn 1 ancJucc.Je becaLtsc the re ac:lcr shc:uid qet sure

th&.it he has understc' cid the wcrd .just: passed befcre he qc'es

o ri to the nex t 8 tudent e need i;o practico muc: h in r ccc:1 i. nq

nican i nqfu 1 thfu :i , n2v2r p....ciucinq orally a new

seqrnent unt i 1 the y have i dent it i cd thc wc' rd qroup i nq to

which it be1c'ncs. •flt- is whv it is:imocrbcnt te take

sorne time beforé and t:: i nd c:cf briofly set the scene tal 1<

i tseif

He wi 11 al so encure the students te have a qrcct dcci of

pract ic inq in reaci inq cf ter h i.rn or cf ter a nocie 1. hefc: re

they essay the reading en t;he ir cwn

Sometimos it i e t.nderest irnated the tendanc:y of buildingn up

read 1 n hab i ts • as te cay ci ciud wi th case bcfcrc we can

real iy enjoy read inca., In readi nq a nativo lanquaqe c:ne

alzo pasces thr ouqh long yecrs cf th i s practico in

eiernentary echeo 1 If stuciente are enc:c:' uracjed tc' compete

in qroups in cc ti nc.i cir clramatizinq a read inq paesaqe they

1. Hary Fínocctiiaro. Teaching English as a SecDndLanguage, Harper 1 Row Pub., N.Y., 1969 p. 137.

11 en.jc'y fc:' rt;he mc' .t,4read mcc L:c:k the same paE;s.cc

aqai.n anci aq.n tji.thc:' ut hc' r inq

There gire ci :. fferent; st: is in réading s:Ln(::e the cn€: with

nc.' vc::' rds ihclucisci but; tt;h pmc:tures up tc:' the level mr

i.ch the student; can read w. th complete understanding

i. thc' i.tt any he 1 p from the t;c.ac::her.

We can cc' nsider the fo iionci pr cr!L sos as a rc. cunee ci

tcaach inq read i ncc

1 ) Understand i ncc anci speal< i. nq comes bof ore rc•?a(:'l :i nc.i -

2.) Read inq takes a prudent mal time lcr c:reat c.nq hab i

3.) In reading1 even in a nativo t;c' nque Wo sub-voc.al i ze

the sound wherr Iie read fast fi t means i;hat wo come

out t' i th the sc' ind wl thc' ut st;umb 1. inq

4.) The teac:her shouJ. d a :i. ja's. rsad al. ciud t ir si; ..

hc'u1d do it i f so that the'i

t_inrJerstard t;hat t;ie u'n::.rcIs are sJ:::ic:ien

5_ ) Many vords in English are muit:i-referentiai. t.ke F:El4

& cjEí - :c t; '5 importantt bat they kncw tbe word in the

cc' ntext of the p isce ., and al so tbat they are c:ai::.ab la

of understand i nq b y co rr el at; i ncc

6. ) Di ff icul t reaci i nq shc' u id be avc' ided ., The teacher

shc' uld c:larify all difficulties cf prc.nunciaticn

structure , vc.c:abul -y c' r cul t;ure passaqe

7.) Read i nq . :t c' ud shc' u 1 ci be cicuia c:.n :L y by ab le reaclers


8.) I1ateri1s sic'u1cI ccver a wido rangoof writinq

sty1s -dialogues, in'fcirrnl and formal narrativo

passagesm pciems SC'flCS pi a y s q

9.) [he theme, should be of interest tc: the etudeni;

There are then sobe ba:.c: sr:: i 11 s tat; shou 1 ci be encourac.ed

accord inq to the ci tfferent types of pup J.


-Ui. c;c: i i.r3t:cn botween :t tt



RE(D 1 N(3



-Di. tinc; ish one—syl labio words

f•. L• sad, rat, baci.

-Roc:c:iqrii. t.(n c'f strcd:e/c ircie?

wc ' r ci s

a) short VC't\'O 1 . -ft:Jr- k'íb) 1. rci VOl/JO 1. s HOPE FE:c) cliauar.::hs. BE'E:, I:;("lflNlfíHci) si Jent vowei.s UOAT ..

'Fççuqi .p ' .[rit;aai

cc lic , final cc:nsonants

c(:nsc:' rT1t b ].ds c:cnsc' nant anci

clusters, otc

'--Recoc.iri ZE? ifleaY1L rlc in c:or'cxk;s -

-'Fc:c'c.ir.ze c:oni;r ac::t; ic

-pf i. <os suffixes, rcc.t;s

cc:rnpc:(t..(nd t.Jc4rci s ci vI. 51.0 Vl

c' rdsinto syl labios.,

+'çcnio cultural and social

OilV jj_ Ci 1' flcaii 1:

i: LL iÍEF"íE8 (:F-Devc' i. op ove mc: 'in 1; s and

NO LEFÍ /RIÍ3H'Í recocini.tc'n of '1ot;ters

REçi:)INe --Thon start with tho ski. lis of

:I.it'-a't;e pup:i1s

rhev-e aro c ertain sr:: i. 1 ts which can tncrease ccmoreheis:tci

1. Recc' qn ze ma i n idea c:f the paraqr ¿iph

E. F:eccqnize rolationshi ps amc' nc.i facts cf t;he reading.

3 Grasp seqenc:e c:f i ci€?aS/a(: t . ons anci prc-?c:I . c: t the


4 c:onc 1usic'rs



2 "Fi.nd the c' rc:I/vc:rds vjI ic.h te .1. le

3 Farranqiric set;en(:es which are not; in ccrrec:t c:rcjer.

In qnerai , tho idea rif reac:linc is, as all pcF.1t1ve Jran

act ivi tice a vay of becom i. nq a more Lteetul and

ccimprehcni ve per:n

Lc' mprehend c' thers ideas

p P 1 y the i nrormat i c' n anci al; 1; i t;udes qa 1 ned

Hl' WE tiET •frr'r red inq in ciur c:In 1 :I'vee

FROtI READINLi - L.earn te use toe le of research

di ci; i cenar i es encyc 1 oped i as books, etc

- Organizo and exprese aur evn thourilite and

fee 1 i nne


First comes all the p: sib le manke the c tud p nt makes rin a

paper cir board afte y they uridcrstand an:l have tho will te





1 he process of writing f j j r(lJ 4

1erriinc te r'e1cI cl?pend inq on various factorEn ths Etcie cf

st;t.dent how woll t4:?y can wri te in U4nr cnn }anc!ulqe.

nd the d i fferences of cor r osp o ndcnc:e fr cm 1 ncivaqe t o t he

c:' ther ihese c:ctnsi.derat ione 1oci us tc:' the po intt

tie ability te exprese ono e ideas in nr i t ten form in

seco nd 1 nquaqe anci te do sc:i ni. th roasc ' nb 1 e and c:c'herence

is no mean achievoment, ei.nue many nativo spoikors of

Enqiieh ncrver truiy master thi.s eki1i' 1

So (JO shouid hVO in mind U, , following statomentsi.n

order no t tc:i fc:' r m ve i. ci i de as ac:' u t oi.tr c:' b .j oc: 1; i vcis

teech inq how t;c'-nr i tei.n , fc:'4-E'iqn :Ic

1. Chi 1dri (LJp t;o t;hi.rd grado), ii. 1. it;eretes erd it:uc:Ients

i th a different nr i tinq systems shc.uld lean te print

capital 1 et toce fi y st and thon eme i. 1 lot ter e bofc:ro

C u r e i ve rtt i n q

2. The ietter te be tauqht nc?od nc' t tc. fc:' ]. Ion the

eJ.phebot ihe sequ4:nco mey depenci c:' c'4 di. f'fe'rent

point;s icr e>mpie it:tors nith strc' kes (e E. L., II.,

N etc.) may cic:' fi ret t.h en the enes ni. th curves O p

E R 1 ot(:..

1. Marianne Celce-Murcia & LDiS McIntcsh Teaching Enqlish a. a Second or Foreicn Lanquaqe1p. 187, Newbury House Publishers Inc., 11a5s. 1979


3 1'hey can mke the I.etters (::(f tIie alphabet nc:t oniv hi

'ritiriq, but; ter e>mpJ.+z?, by pic:ki.nq up Y- ' c?n pie(:es

of papar as 1 i oes I:: scci o o the teac:her s mc:de 1 c:l r


4. After pr imic-y (fc' urth q rad€r ) , littlE ii it mci can he

done in c 1a-s-s excop t by studerits c'ho cannct write at

a].]. Class time sh:_iid be clevctoci primar ily tc

1 istnl]r1c1 í;j:ieal:: tncj aoci readinci

5. t4r i t ten pat t:e....os can be tauih t then t:ooe t:her i,ji th

struc: tura 1 framcs tc: be cop i cci i n tho i r nc'it:ebcc:

d ictat ion and eral comprchons ion exercises. }1L(t m

general th 1 s shou 1 ci be 1 i. t t 1 e and bot ter a t: tho snd

of the clase.

8 Wr i ti nci exerc i ces clicu 1 d be done for ro :i nforc i no

1 i steri i nq spe?ak i nq aoci read no ab i. 1 i i cc,, aoci te

q i ve practico in struc tures arid vcc:abu:[ ....

7.. Puric tuat ion rnarks chc:i,t Id he c:no or t.'jo al; a time,.

Twc d ifferent ça yc of r p i i'if'c r i no the ir use aro

a) fii ve d ic tat ione lo wh i c:h the punc: tuat i c:n mar ks aro

q i ven.

L) tirite a r)cci lr)('lic''l' çJ&lrtcra:ll

.LA Pk

•/' T;!.;

Iza t)r 1

81 They 5Iic:Lti.cj lear ns:1 1 i.rq l\'

a) Recurr iT)(: ptt?rns , Fí- -i lE:.,

b) 'ien i. nq ch anqsd by inflections c:r mar Es.

BO\'S. b(JY'S, EfiJYS I'S., lb..

c) Chanqe of the ¡u HAFFY. H(PPJLY HPt:::IEt::;,

d) Lisua 11 y i. comes beforee excep t after c

(Seo Chart 1)

9. Use cc' lc' ur calE or c' thr devi.c:es fcr similar sc'urids

and different spe]. 1 ncs Examp les

(31 VE RED CO4í


F: LE:

And fc' r d ifferent sounds u'n th same spel 1 inqs

TH1K REÇt) (base) 10

THERE RE:D ( past )


10. i.0 i. writings, whether done in c:lass or al; homo,

shc' uld be correcterJ as quickly as possihle..

rhei-e are sim taj ri st:: ii. 1 s tha t the s tuden t shon Id deva lop

after h is first letters are learned


WR 1 1 I'4G


CC:iFY 1 WEi: "He çal.::s E31c 1 u'"He Ena i. i:.h wa1V

tifITE IiJL.L IrT ''E1 :is a dcct;c

"Shoo ¡s a t

coI'IBIr1E: EjENTEI\tL2E.Ei ''Ha actor anc:t a

teac:her •


a) ''íhe sky ic blue" b) Is t;hc sky bine?

c) Yes .tt ts, d, Nc:'itisn't;.. 1t'3 CIÍkY

1Dt) ÑEW E:LEi'IEI'.I 1 s rc: SE:N E:NCE:s

a)e c:lass fjt•• iy•tFEt1.yq

\.b)Ie E:nqui.h c::lass i's

11.3 ]1:ç.ti..t g Ç:cç::, ft:;. 'i

It id irnport;a nttc' írial::e sw - e what we want tç,

frc' rn the students sirca (;hare 3.S a range c:' t ab .1c?c:tivEs

tc' be chosen in th i s act iv fi. t ydepend i nq h fLclh Ev on th

level of the studerits Fc:'r cpi(.

1. Tc' iearn to name what; to say.

2 lo 1 earn how tc' seq.tenc:e msaid.

3_ lo learii how tc' expi ess u'lat icJ

The t;eacher sl3c' t.( J. d t;h eief c:m re check1:: tli e following after

the icmr : ¡s corn: 1 eted

1 Cirthoqraphic: and punctuation ç_iiic:e3

8. 1 f what the student wr i tos i s ciramrna t :1 ca .1

3. ii what i s 'n- i t ten i s cc' ntox tua 11 y apprc:pr 1

and that t;lie soloct ion of vc:cabuiary is c:c

F'or al 1 th is it i s i :essary that the teac:her carr is a.

set of syrnbc' 1 s c:haractor i z i nc the d i fforent; types cf,

err:rs and to familiarizo the st donts with them at the

beci i nni ncj of the course

In order not tc: dopress students ¡t ¡S sensible tc:'

cc'ncentrate on a 1 imi tod set cf f3•Çm

ERROR PL69PIEllojig1 PHART. ( 1)

Sp11ing and Punctuaticmn

Error in spe:t:LiVi(;, pr..h.i..:LC(n cr capítal:izaticm

c i r c 1 e error.)

(3r amrna t; ¡cal1 errc:' r ( under ti no

Grammat icalness:

a Error in use (cr ctmission) cf artic.to

t Error in tc93Se

aux Error in use of (ux u iary

aci Error in acreement

tr I nappropr i ate sontenco cc.nnec tcr

,c:. Incorre:t; word ordec

1. 1arianne Ce1ce-Murcia bis Mcintoshm Ed., Te,achir q EnQlish as a Seccnd or Foreian Lanquaqeq p. 2OtI2O

Rowley, tlass. 1979

Lexico/Semntjc error

Lexical/semantjc error (undarline)

A 1 nser t a AtorcI ::' r phr ase

Delete th i. s '.'jcird or phra

Sty1istj/Rhetcirjca1 error:

< > Inccurnpiete sen'L ence

Ret.r i te as a series of shc:irter santences

Col. Ccii loquial tc.c informal fcir the conta>t

Lit. L. i terary.: tcc formal fo rtha ccnt:x t

Rec Not apprc' priate for the vtr i t;tsn recii.stei- usad

Aud Nc:it appropriate f nr the aud icce ¿cic;!sed

Orgariizational error:

11 Inadequate intrciduct ic'n

Inadequate cctnclusjon

ir ECCI i. n a flE•?b'J parac.1ral::)I1

iR 1 nacJeqt.tate transi ti. c:ln nr c:c'nr€?ç t . j- btjp-i


Error iii cc'ntent:

1 nadequate deveiopment of a propcsi t ion nr arument

7 C ] Unc 1 car propos i t ion c:ir arqument

X( ] F'rc'posi t ion nr arqi.unent inaccurataAs •fc' r the suqqest; i. on q i ven a]. nne i: personal 1 y fo J. 1 ow a

shc'rter and simpier schsme frir cc'rrec:tinq cc'mposi tinns

al thouqh 1 am now aare that a more spec i fiad methcd mav

in t: heionq rur be more cc'nvaniant fc:i rthe st:ucient 1

heneti t 1 herebv i.ntrodu(::atha stamp 1 usa in c: Lasa

- Firna

:1 Cj1rÓWAR Y:: /


1 f w2 ccns i cler the cii ffEren t i. cvs Es ¿nc ' nci the studn i;5

we may suqqest thes p exrc: i. ses


ths paraqraph :1 cc' : i.no at; a


"The dCsC! i. E. Ltflde rthe tab 1 .. He ¡S:,:

Mino o Mi ....

-Su bst:i t;ute ma.jor parts cf the sf?tenc:s

PRE-COMPOSITION fT:: i nc tl°ie ne?c:c?ssarv changos. Ex.-

i s MUEMP -

-Combining sc-iterç:es i ntc' cine.. Ex

"The cic:' c:tc:' r has a ntunber in h i.s hand

'It is c' f a teiephcine"

"The cicc:tcr has a telephccne nt..nber in

h i s hand


-Si tat i ona 1 (:c:' mpos :t t ions 'Wr i te a

cccmpOi tic: n'f'Cci.J.(Di.flq thc? c 3.rc.tfflct;arC:eS

qiver bolo

Yot..t are the secret;a......of ¿\ basketball

team \'cu have been askec:l by the Cap tai n

tc:''r i te a 1 et tEr tc a member of the team

th ani:: i nq h i m o r he.....fo r the ve ....:1 pc: 1. i te

a y in which he/shE to id h irn he had been

rep 1 aced by a yc:uflqer nemb er

(3U 1 DEt)

C(JMPOS [TI ON -Letter clia i ns Students are aEked tc'

v'rite and repiy tc: ietter sent b y c:ther

students t,.ho are tak i nn thr roles çf c: ther

charac ters

-Text .... based activities :invcuivinq the

d iscuss ion c:r refutat ic:n of an acument

it advanced st: acies • this miqht; i nvc' ive

titilixat ion of styiist;ic features

character i st i c of the paseaqe under


4/t. 4ÇcÁ P\

Rs.pc t;s in wh i ch the /)

i ntentioni sto ccRE H .--:

FPERS:i rtor-rnat i cn accuatE iv ay-id

c :ieav- ly Ilethc'ds c' f apprcach

cirani. zat ion of fc' o tno t:€. s and

hibi io q raphicai data.



a) Personal diariosCREITIVE

b) Original essays short storiosWRITING

c'r poems.

This rEsurnee of t'h p classifi.catjcn c:cf thc tJri.tinc,i :l.e?\'els

ave been taken .from tEC di 'ffercrit; op ini c' ns q i VFfl i y)

the books by ('Ii. r iarn t2elce-Nurc: i a/Lo . s MC 1 ntcish and the

Mary Fi ncich jaro 1s Ieach ing Enc:i :i sh as a Second


Thre are c'ther broader ci ass.tficat; ions in which wo cc:ujd

i. nc lude B 1 c:c' m s ci], fferent leve is of ac::qu i. r i no the

knc'wledqe like:

E2. i ,nJçl 1 f(nci1Jqc .

1 Ccupy i. nq IJncterstancl i nq

2. Reproduc t ion pp i. i. cat i. c: n

3. Reccirnb inat ion rr 1 i ino/S ints i zat: i nq


4 . Ciu i ded and F:_ po \'r i. t i nq F:.-.cd- t 3. C'fl

rhe irnpc' rtant issue in al! this techni que cii teach i nq

wri.ti.nci1 in my pc:ii.nt c'f vi.ew, is mctivat en íc:ir wri.tiric_i

in a fcireiqn lanquacse i,'jhich imp lies aisci a h i.ciher ievel

of mi nd / thou q h t i mprovement

There are scime sub i tems in wh i ch there ¡S c:cintr over s''

and has not; yet heen reacheci a commc:in rule. Ecir exampie

the fact of hcit' rnuch writing i.s pcuib Ls! te teach in a

general foreic!n 1 ancuaqe c:c:iúrse

Aisci the i• t ií an absoluto standard cf ac:c:inacy shc'u:Ld

be requi. red in fore i qn- 1 nnua ci e writing exerc: ]. sos

teachers be:L ieve thet studcnts shciu id be n irr relativo

rner i ts and sorne that there shc:iuld be a standard ac:curacy

in writíng wh ich ccu 1 d be acc:epted by the tarqet; 1 anquaqe

original speakers

t4hat is certaini y cibv ious is that; wr it inq cc'nsists cii

somethinq more than mere accurac:y..

If a t;eacher ta kes c:'n:L y cir mainly accuracy in mmd • it;

cou 1 d happen tha t a very qc:icici cc:impcis 1 t: i crin with qciod

idiornatic flavor • where st;ruc:tural patternc; are va.....ted

'JIre lexical itcrns ta','e boen c:hcisc?n correctlyp buf; 'iith

misspelled words dr ac:cent; mar::s lefi.: cut cr evrc:' rE. in

4 é)

capitaii::atic!n have bec ccmmiLt:E?ci is (:ii\'en a ic:w grade.,

And y fi. cevr sa wh2n poor cc' mpc' s . t i c:tns in c:c.nt:ent and

strtcture prent aimc' t a pe rfect spelling, a h ioh grade

is qvn

Dii the c' ther hand i 'f 1 itt le a:curac:y 1 S demanded

st;i.dents tend t;c' reduce t;e i. r effc4r t in getting be t ter in

the aspects cii te 1anci..tace

ihe anser tc' tIi fi. s prcib iern ma" be a set cf reard i nq

grades for each of the partp, as wo ment icined t:)efore

ÇL E '1 E R



'r Ç1'1 ..,Pl


4. y

III 1 Research cir:: cm Stat. ¿nd Fr" ivi1 schoc is and

their methc:ids.

Mcist cf the schcici ti s cbservE:. d wor k witha mc'dern and

tecl-inicai J.y cc'ncei ved methbdy depend i. nq cm the

pcissibi 1 ities of the schools tc qet books printed

abrc:iad -

Cci1eqic Nacional 28 de Mayo work with American Enqi. ish

Series by the Enq 1 i sh Sect ion of the Depar tment of

Educat ion of Puerto Ricci

Th is method cj i ves them the pcssib ji i t ies of tex tbc:iok of'

general Enq 1 ish as fc' r the: Ciclo Das ico cc'urses as vei :1

as. the Secretariai Cc' ursos in Ciclo Diversificado.

The particular pc:' int thai; was disccivered in this

series • is that they po frc:tm the assurnpt ion tht the

q reat rna.icir i ty cii the teachers as woll as .....e stLtdents

are nc.t nat ive speakers cf Enqi ish and that their 1 ife

and cul tw'-e ere relativeriv d i'fforent



Colegio Nacional Vicente Rccafuerte and Dolores 8t..c:ro

work 'ith ''Enci .h for cidav" frofn Mc8ra' Hi 11 }3ocE:: Co.

lii i.s series has tc:' bc:' cks and presonts a complete c:o.rso

in Enq 1 tsh as a •fion imquace ,Ihis methc'd is a

(3rarnrnar rnethod in vh i.c:h the st..dent; mast ero a c..drnful 1

graded set of sontenc:e patterns wi th a limiten

vocabt..1 ary In those claosoo i o where 1 fc:iunci the mc'ot.


Colegioio E(i. 1 i nciue Jefferoc' n usos " E ruo St:orv No. 1 tc 611

.f: rc,(T Oxford Junio Roadero fc:' r Road i nq and "L..ancivage

Struc tuve and Use No 1 to 10" frcm McGraw El i 11 Goci k Co

Th i s spec ific method separates tho sub .jec: t ''En q 1. ish

intc' two 0v throe other minor sub jecto 1 i::e "Road mci"

"Spe11ing" "8f;rt.cture" etc.,tEio is tEo mc:'st

eff ic iont proqrarn 1 cihoervod wi th i n tho four ochc' c' 1s

It ci ives the teache rthe oppc' rtun. t y to wc:' rk c:n each

very thorouqhiy..

it aisc' qives the otudento tho chance tc' rec:c' vor •frc' m a

bad grade in any c:' f thom. Tho negativo po mt abc: ' ut th is

method is that it is set fc'r nativo speakers c' t Enci 1 ioh

anri so i t dc' osn Y t ].oc' k qraded enc:' uqh fc:' r cur schoc:' lo,

It also meano a extra amc ' unt cii money for bu y inq a bc'c'k

fc:ir each mi nc:'r E.nci 1 i oh çub . oc t


Finally, (c.liLicAlEman Humboldt c:.i

th dialoguescçua CT %uqc:s10ci practical situations.

cthc:c:I &iso i(i:eE. an E(T]1. in f.: ¿3fiTl:Y( £.i l.!1...!h

'i';?I')( subtle way. This r12ti(j i:. ÇJ.LflEJ forn

ten F'hE difficultim, 1 persDnally fc.i. i ci ':ca

nysc:Lf teach with. VJC.

the Ejrarnrnar exorcisos start becomming intricated and ) O

easy to followtollo c:.nje br ammar i. y. apoarontly a

ob .i ec: ti vc

Tvo c:' t;ev difficulties arisa when 1.. aac:. 1 a sithsi. U

Ec.icI::; English tIrder : CoursE, from <:i.:t.

btuttqart Learning E.aic 1 . .h iaa German Ua> UUL.uk a

consequently, (jyy (.:.f(: U alwayE find :i.. in stock in Ulc

local in:íket English facilit a tEs t ay t eaching

cf British E/E? 'day English whichi . ay.t

rql jch ci.r ntudents will be in a i..?

FilE? pc 1 .1; . :.. . a method.emphasizes

it ÇJi./E?. ¿ s tronger basis for communicativo Englishn

ltliEli r written.

l CJIVE?5 a .Jccci c.c,a].b.. 'J3 Lii

audiovisual aias

it fc .1. loas tFa?? traditional J.ayn?.-r';t..r'a a

seeing, seeing/undprstanding/talking/reading

V'fl 1 1 i. iç

as-- it; fn iI. c.:a?.; the c:E ura]. t.dea o f iba U 1 c•.. . ma U ha c:i

t oit pr.:'vdes with E • : rvc.:Iav SrL tL . t CL'.

.JE' f0 11Ow th e

1. :Lc'i (

:eprcciLtLt: Li.]... reading, ct:

ci i i

3 Frcduc:tj.c, ( Description, free transcri p t, transfer

sss , dialogues by thE st.tdsL:s.

IT: fv:i.a'irc 1.HE C..f .:.is1. Erp9LIT c:t

1hs CJff.c:i.a1 Pr ogram fc.r

establismos Li'- (ct:ci:, ofp Oral

Production, f:E\iii :.t , Writing,

Vr:abt..1a y- y . for 1€? thi-ss ::ctss cf 'Ti ].ç

7ti- 8th and 9th e.rsc)e

In the i.VtYc.icj(..tc:tiç,n, they oc' i.i. i;L_iç_

English languago. Thisri:; based in

cc rs i. der at c'rs

1 st ud y nc:; a flSVj language, the st Y Sr ]

himself in ::i'1çJ.r1c t.::

i.s Original .:Li1 tLtr : in a mo r e c:b .iar 1: '/5


E' IlE learns te :jorE...: . le othe r national

bel i. ve.: and i. r:Fe 1. oqi.


tcr,c:' J.oqic:a:i. advances from .:+rei culturem.U

TItE General ObjECtiVOS i. ttc: 1 ocIe the main objECtiVES in mO Y

tCiVe1. t_Jfl lztc?aE :i r:q t.10 UE-fl.Lt't!

production :' cv.1 sounds, ic:dirig ct.i

1 Di. sor 1m.nt ion o U

1.2 Reprc:ciucL 3.00 ¿rd rr:'c:!uc: tico Li munda

paragraphs, dialogues, e

Reaci .

2.1 Fhc'netc: '.'.iu€c ci : Ib.' English ei.ito..t;

.2 Association DE sounds and i'c.t. writtm

1er:)I- pc:::mfl;:(i

2,á Us.:tqe C 1 different «eed i. re Ueei ni . 00:3

2.4 Comprehonsionc.f stories encording Le Lie be; Lb.:.uU.

.used in c:: 1 eecn

3.1 F?f.:'r odt_ti:t.cr end pc odi.tctcr cf ssntences b

Copying, dictation, II L( I { J words III right sentencc-.-!

crcier • oiciti.tc: icr ., combination and t. :ti:tc.lrrc U

c i f° sen tenc..ee




4.1 Be. eimi:::i.c i::r"L:,..rIt v a r ious tvoes cf

4.2 rI''-u.('Y» personals, demonstrative, possessivR

4,3 Adjectivesn possessivo, (:Iy:'r»'t.'

nominalization, L "cIE'f, r'i t(?

4.4 ci j ec t . ves and "ICUflS as cc mo 1

4,5 F1ura1s regular, :i.rr"eou1r

4,6 Defin.te

4 .7 Possessive Case cf" OC Une

.8 Frpc;i. ti. cn:. i • cn,



4.11 The'e i'• Be Fvescyn 3; 'l'er'ne

4.12 1.s i e Sentencas f'• Ci"i t

Second Cc'Ltrse

5.1 F rese'nt Progressivo 3

5.2 F3as i e Sentences- » 1 r ene fcr"me'f; 1

5 . 33 d verb ie 1 e N3ennei' p 1. ec': e timeme

54 Simple Py.rjfl1• .c'Jc' vc•:'rbs

5,5 Direct Cbjec:t. Vcn'bs

5.6¿ 1 rifo eme. 1; i. ci n QuestiDrísi Who.y'ci NI"ce t %u1j cc t enc1


7 Frequency adverbsi Be and

3 L.;cpr 1 Çi «el' end mire

53Third Ociurse

6. :1. "Be" in the Simple

6.2 Fas i c: sen ec.es r nsfc.

e affirmativo, negativo, c.::' mb i.

6.4 Information :.Les'; i.c:ns

6.5 Mere Be" ri the Simple

6..6 "Do rbs in t.:h;. Simple Fas';

6.7 Di. ec: 1; and .. ¿cii. e'..: i; c.b. ec:

6.7 Faet Progressive

cc;) .:t(.L_1.l._, .'ji.t:I' Cc:' i.r': tç:'

6.10 Frnpccji-ic" i.n. IMI Unders DVErs Lv,,

be ••n bosidos, among, with, V?.L .!en ..

6.11 Conjunctionsi tc.c. so, g ith gr, neither, ?.


First Cc'urse

.1. t... ExpressiDnsi qreet ings , ?. ?J?..I' i:. ]. .

c::13.yi 'cii

7.3 fLe 5chcc'i.

7.4 Tíc

7.5 fLe Fam :

7 (].i::;Ics

7.7 Oc:cupat. jons

7.8 Nationalities

7.9 Colore,

7.10 Cardinal N..m:::e


' •i :'



Scc' rid CC'UVSE?

8.1 M o a 1. s

e. Dailyac::tivIt:lcL;

E3 1]e Tina i.c:'c:k

8.4 t)vs cf tue vE!.::

8.5 (3rc:'cer i.

8.6 Mc:vci

8.7 Ecuador

8.8 Ordinalia .1. nLT:::n•:;

Thi.rd Ccturse


92 A Party

Holidaysi national

9.4 Iicrt;hs c:f

9 5• Seasons (_i

9.6 F:ev i. EVJ Lf 11.íTibcfl s

!;; c:' (Trnerd cd

íe? audio—lingual Presentation of the structures in

sentences offers E% satisfactory result i.1

c lassos, as the ma jority Lf tc classes in

ict this is recommended fc:v' ¿a cjt:rr:1 Mart.

:a basic structural patterns ¶a 1 a: . 1 d be repeatEd

timos(TI.r . r ci c:Icaa' c ¿a:: ci. 1 ¿_qc h ab i. t: c; Th i

that i: I:)c.n'i:;c:r S;'.Lt :i ci L.cccc ti cc pot torní:. jp9 OL'L .L

0(3 ¿coid writing C:.On be oasi ly dono O

c' rk1 repotition of the structuros has i:c9c31i (i(c) ccci (1)

gby c:r€ck L 111 balanced

Wcc h ove ob servad t h o t v q ry ci cf i. o i 1 cc f ccc.: t cc cc 1 . : e

numbor of students por class, numbor( f hDurs por

fc:tr Enql ish oi:c.ec:Li.vecs set oc.c..uidilic:J Lo :o Li...u:.a

neecJs the limiting indes for O Woll


Referring I;c crol eopreo.icn Icho objectivos cc f t..ho 'yncor

prcciram shccu:i.ci t::e Yory icç3ccc::i.iJ.L: oiri'._:o repetition

E.pcctaic:Ltc; uccc:: c:f t-E languago RCE ti Lok 1

¿r;ti.ri t t.coc. crcc:I i.icc. 45 minu te:. i.cc:cc i: no t

suffYLc:LEcnt ircJi.\'1ciLi.i proc::t:lc..c: in largo r

EES i. (:(c the spontanous use is moro o ncoo ' o J. cc o Lo cc tic

coy o ther th

Tico teachor p asoes L u bc:cc cc e o 1 mc st a SiMP I O esPOctatOr,.

II; is littie he can ccc. (:(L_(.(. U loo courecting

prünunciat:cccn errors aod repeating c j.c.hLoncco. T:ccL

1. Plinisterio de Educcion y Cultura. Planes y Fr ramas de E;tudic -Nivel iledir.- Ciclo Ba;icc, Qts


student shc'ui.d be al 1ot ' ed to let: h irnse i. f b een

tr-tnspc:' r ted tc' the new phcinct i c habite.

Reduc i nq the ob cc t ives or ¿it ieaet bei n q c:areful wh i le

select inq thernq is a very impoitant step

iIe dosification c:tf the vc:tcabulary slioui.d be c:c:ntrc:J. J.EiYd..

It is no use ciinq :Lr q e amcunte c:' f new wc.rcJs if the

student doesn t have thc ab i. 13. t y tc:' use tr ansform or

recal 1 when nocessary. Whcn h i e ab i 1 i ty is proved w : t:h

a certain qrOt.lp of words, the n(?Xt ciroup should be


Read i nq i s ccnsidercd avery iíriportant; stop in language

learn i ng 1 t i. e am instrument for I.::nciwiedqe as we 1. 1 as

a way of re i nforc i nq the qramma .... aoci voc:abu 1 ¿ir

struc tures of the new 1 anquaqe - y read inq a cortain

parayrapgh the student dc' osn t oni y revi ew morphemes

and graphernes but al so deve 1 ope h is intelectual

ab iii tice He fo 11 ows the relat i cm between the new idea

and the previc:ius c:ontext I n that way he i e ah le tc

follow the chrc' no loci ica 1 develcipment of the idea of the

wr. i ter

Wr i. t ing shculd be done observi ng. the suqqeeted techni ques

for this act ivi ty That i e why in the prograrr shouid a].1

these ac:tivities be, vcrv well especified..




1. ..Poor 1 /

2. Fair/

3. E;cci

4 /






4 ..12

/ PooP



:& . nq


•1 . ii.'f/


3 Gccd / / /• /

4 Su 1:1 i.c!r

Tc! .1; a :i

61? 1.50




3éO = 15012


i cn of the theme

1 F'c:c'r

2. }::: 1 Df)

3. C.icocl 71i1 1

4 SuperioiO II f.)

Total. 1 . o


4 30 12


5 360 150

IV '!cd El 1 nc:i tie new mx t:; ¿ .1

1 Fcc'r /.//


3 C3cic'd

4 upEr ci r 11 /

Total 12





3 3ó()12


1. 3éj()12

3 360 9012
















w o

Three Ir

E o u y 1

Fi ve 1/1

8 1 X O i mc:' r

Total 1 OC:

VI. Usetedhniques


1 Fc.icr

E F-r

3 Gc cd 1/1//

4. Superior


6 50 :1


4 1



6 360 !so-12

4 360 120lE

8 360 601.2


Vil. i. 1 i t y tc:; maintain the it:'rc•.t

1. Poor/ / ,' :.:. 12

2. Ia.r /1/ (

3 6€: cd /1/ 3

4 Superior 2 1

Total. :i

4 36012


E 360 6012

VIII. e command

1 Fc:'cr 3,33

2, Far /1 1.6,67

6c' ccI /i/// 41.67


4. Superior 1/1 / 1 E)


1 36012



Li. 36018

: 180








Final Summary of the 1


1 F'c:c'r /////

2. F.ir / 1

3 GocU .r'// 3

+,, Superior SJ

íc' ti 18




5 360 15012

• 3012


4 36012.




B)6LiC)Tfr4 /

md ic:atc' r l4ci 1 l''Iot'i.vat i::'n

As we can c:leclrlv seo in the first c:hart; of thi%.

chapter, . there has been EQ; c:f poor not i. vat ion in the

ci asses ci3erved Thip. tmpcir tant factortor 1 s cften

fccrqot ten and the toachor tencie te underet imate these

very impc'r tant fi rst minutos of the ci ass

L4i thc' ut a yood mot ivat í.c:in the c: 1 asc; i s actt..a 1. ly nc: t; been

started We shc' u id remembor that t;he scJerit; mc'st

rrc*bab lyhas had c' ther c: 1 asses hefore arid 1 t i s ver

hard te switch from cine sub ject te ano ther

The student ¡S in a c42:r tal n WaY, receptivo tc: c:tur

creet ivi ty He waitsfor the teacher te como in and

present an interest mci themo te fol lov

Fi nc 11 y a peor star t Will rJrctbtb :1v b r-:nci a peor

develc' pmenL; of the c 1 ass

. •.... Roviowing pa'.past matOrial

tb th j:. question wo observed tt the

phenomenon cf Indicator No. i. is repeated .;?, 1 rc!; t. exactIV

th t;hc same VEU .L t:; tv :::c:.rt pcc:r is als0 ¿

1€2st..i 1 c:fi' ;:trtwith no cjear visionc:f iiç

at:t vi tv te Lé c:arr y c: out in Lhe t:tr ••. i; minutos,

t eac: le • tcnid s 1c: q C: vague ¿c:i Ui!Çi E?C i S? 11.. in 1

lear ttt in t. ic. qi..te;L i c. ., W011 as, in Li

p ec:eci inc:t ono, t'ee 3.iu tvc: cajor groupá of .: :i.

peor cv qcod Thero is very little in bu t:'Jcuu uJd

So the mc:ic: technical or professional a Lo acho r

nce advit q e he is ab lee tú túi. :. 0 írc'm thL: fi

of the class.

TEchere tend tú fcrort tú review ti e e Lv .w. ter. rc.n

the :LEE.t class. i1:: is even advisable that ha e! Id

review e 1 1 i;t: le of t;he material ••f Lwc or thrrrc:. 1 ¿roer

For example in ter tijc:c. ko ehr.re ppicture

exere lees" orE? inc:i.i.tciec:! 3.t .uC:,umE?s en wasy and ni.L€.r

oc: t 1 y 1 t

Oi'e sI'C:iLt le! iL'.tE;t

; opon Ciii' l..CL.I'. Lc

'Ir::r r close I.Cc.:i':: Ob (:.OErC:, J.

1 wili vct; Ll1E'! diE,:LiLE.1 jusí tu.!.l Hc. 1,



In this va'i the student is forced to

activíties dono befcrE JE i::':J tL;

rc:t; evorything,but ¡t definstely P la Ys an Lr3:.;c:!rt;rl.: rc 1

in languago 1. •:?r n .

Ird.c:t.c'r 'Jo. .-- rf t.!yj

Ii3 LIi.; question the r:.:..t1t;; 'JE)E rathe r aucaptable-.

6c:cicl 41.67 and Fair 33.33.1 pEnaILJ.y Ii(i the u.:HE•al

idea that: tois ooint was very impDrtant in 'i;h

fltflhiq and this has been ::roI(J ;hr:i..L the::.:si.:I

c: .taE:ss t;l,a te:ic.hrn' prepares his c lass, he th i

cf f the 1'ct'. ¡heme ¿rc:i 'i.I.::Es h is t;ifl(? for . ici

cer t a i. n 1 i n kiq element ic r presentation.

J:-ciicat:cr Nc: Modeling the new í.3;í

re resuits of t'E' observation Of this

aspects shows ¿ ce tivi c:epic: i. 'Uy cf teachErs for nc: t

only eta 'U j,nq a new material, L'ct'U ei.ec. 'Ir c:cY'; cnui nq

handling i t Novertheless, U hes t a t i. SO CS al scSOL. show e

hiN percentaqe 'in por handling «25: 1 '3:

personal c1pinicn thai; od tea=hers show thei;ec. 'i. •.;oc; a

lot in this ir'id,,c:a1;Lr,

b 9

1 rci . c:at;cr FicVarioty c.

1'! is aspect of my observatiDn Class1

crut ial. .. The ability ¿nc:i th€• prc.itEs:Lc.Y 1 background

the teachor js shown clearly. Tus, not do:c:; f&:'

¿c:tj'/jbi.E.?s as tc let t:hE :::i.: 1 in a ncc

bc:'ri.rcj responso. .h' the L::rt'v t;E

ave written down t;iiE a:.:t vi. ice c: nu to f011^

in cider to avold !:::1ar:: mcmEHUs Or p:L

Or t h e ci 't;l'Er 1: is it: 1. convenient .c: OvOr ic LFtt:.

ac:ttv j tiss parsio fon ono tu c:thur without marts


a 1 i. tt :ic? osuh lt r.hot..t Li be clear for the j:t)t,5 ti E

1if-' :.E?r fL.' n,i y .I tc: It. should also bct

clear ts:.1t- that anc:thor tvi:c•:• ci actieitY

- 1 t ii an indescriptivo moment, but t.. r a 1 o ..:cI(Iincn 1

-sharecl fs.1 lnq viion another activitY 1 o- i

fcct many activitiesj..:jc I.id •::s:: :iISLl1:..l

the +0 or +5 m:tnuto-srtci di.UtibuUE 1.:t....t n.. t t..:cr0u U

t ¡me fçiy" eachic::tivi. y. It Ir C ovmally o,.

to 10 minutos pecic:ci 'rcr oach, oc st 1.ho qnd DI th&

c1 oes tho'e uhou id be from 4 Lo 5 acti v i t iEs -

This i.çtl"E result E c:Lt u.s:t.jijtt. j . 41,67% with Tc..r

ac:ti .ilt: ieE! .oic :iY ,i1t;h t:roe ;. :O;t:j f'.L-,a Lb

dependo on t;he thume end Ly.:E-L u laos ccc: 1 oto nq


it f:?ACi 1 YICj classJ... to'r 't;uro o

be :i ess and icv:?er o.c:h ono 1 s.' grammar o!

the ex:rc ses can ho c.hcu€:•:'d moro ocio LI. '1' JEoE.•.'Hc:LM o

the op oc f . c: eleme nt th;.L• teac h or tJ:k 1 UO. to c:' oc o

Ici 2 o "Jc 1.U;::' o ti oc: br i q u

TLlo lFcCioE t:c: th.Ls c(JEc.L;.L(:ric cc

Fift'7' çc:on; ci t10 Classes J rcL e ilE? C:I 'p..r' cf

teach i ro techn i queo Orcc again bocJ ]. ' cii ood .:c?J;c

brinq 1 ittio 00 flC'E t.L1fli.CKl dEVI000 for

fc' r E' j. cj n 1 ancuoqe

1 cii sc:o'íç roci thot teo.cboi o think tt more thoy 000'cic .,

- . tho botto'r the c:Icss is u; co t::c:bo:t. iv opç.::cs: L.o lOo'

StLtdltS .oio t iE OflE'O tc' do the L. :t cOE.. The Ur;:c:ic L;r

J(_l j

1. 1 ¡s importan' that class ' ••'r-'•• Lic; r.u.' ;. 1

oppc r ht1iii\ tu use I::.nql ish oc.L::i, V?.V, ond L:ho :, ir

ci so ib 1 o' when t br' teachor c.}c uon ' 1, know oir' o

pc-ssibi. .1 Lti.c?c'r chocisinci torhciquoo

1 cii.ccc:'ici:'i that E'::'cr English classos i';cL'rc:.-

excr ierce t? c:r t;ho.ot:t..cJE;t;o ,, ç.:rc; . c:hcr :i, ti L:h,::t

e'/er'/c:'vo I.iL::c?; E±;rj1iiJ' LLci; 1. Tc2rning


1agucje very ciften pc:icir natural ab i. 1 i ti es c:cíns tc: the

sur face anc.l thai; is.something nc 1; ]. . I .::ed by the students

md icator Nc' 7 AL: t 1 it y tc' ma inta ir the i nterest

Ir here • t;he 1 nd icator shows 32. 33% for Fc'c'r

maintenance of the i. nte est Al thciuqh 25 was for bc:ith

Fa ir and q ocid it is a 1oc ical c:cnsequence , a lack cf

goocJ techn i ques , a weak cleve 1 cpment of t;hc•? c: 1. ass w i. th

"repeat;eci " act; ivi ties br inq a bad resul 1; cn the


Apprec i at ion of the i;ear. T he nr 1 y way t;hey can

eact tc' a ''bad" teacher is by nc' t partic:ipati.nq ir c:].ass.

Ir my exper ience as a teache- .[ have alzo cibserved t;hat

somet irnes th is "dy i nq" c: 1 asees not neceesar i. ly can be

b lamed on the teac:hers 1 c' be fa ir students spec ial! y

teenaqere tend to pro- íudqe a teacher ehen he nr che

docen ' t fc' 1 ic' w thei. r present moment di spc ' si 1; i nr of not

1 i 1< e ly t o wo r ::

It aleo occurs thai; a last-per icid clase is a terrible

barrier fcm r tle tej:tc::her tc' trespaes. Kide are thinkinq

ir ''cc' inq hc' me" artd thev .Lsi; don 't pay toci 'TUch

at tent ion


\\i.. t3IBi!OTCA

For the?se reasons, ¡t is vory impc:ir tnh that;

in ch4ar ge of making tho c laso ocheclu 1 s for tIie courses

shu'u id take al 1 th i o i. nto c:onsiderat: ion. and shc:u id try

tc' balance the ti me-tab le for no t lot t i nq a.1.1 Enq 1 i oh or

Mus i c or Literatura classes be al ays a t the end c:tf a


•Lçit2E Nn, @.- L.anciva q e Cornmanri of the Teacher

14e hayo lecned that; ¡t jo met tech n'.tcai .L y accepted

that a t:oacr should lic pr rfec:tspeaker çjj: 1E?

tarciet J. ancuaqo it; i o suff it: i ent t;hat; he i o c: apab te c:uf

handling the lanquaqe t;c: be tau lii; in a faiç' Jevl of

l3rarnmar, , Vocabu:iary avid lrc:tr_tnac: :iat: ioi)

1h jo jo the natter to be ci i.scused in ou r next sub—-

ti ti t.We can cml y say thatthe ma or i tv of tho

teachero observad had a fa ir and ac:cept ab le leve! of

Enqi ish

1 nd i catar Ncc 9 Final Summar y of t,he? :t eo:n

In hero we ha yo addod the di ff'erent; el omento of

the the Ci aso Observat ion 8u ido and ha yo CO(flE3 tJ 1 th ¿f

final grada. Vory sadiy we d iscovereri thaI; th is resu 1 t:

as no t al 1 tho qc:mod ono oxpec ted

It shoved that 41.66% c:if t;he c 1 asses v.ere c:' f a rathor

pocir le',ei very few fa ir 8.34. ¿md an oven percentage

fcir Licicid and Superior c: 1 assos

1 am sc' rry tci say that the poc'rest c: 1 asses were cibservod

in the nat; i. c' na .1. state sch::ic:c 1 c;A 1 thc' uch 1: rec:o i ved a

very p loasant surpr ise with a c: 1 ass q iven at Co leqici

Nacional c'H de Mayo. 1 u' class2s c ' h'er' . d in private

schcxci 1 s wore rather cjood.. 1 w2nt te a twc' -hoLIrE clase

at Colegioic' Ei. 1 inque Jefferson,, a rather long por ic:' d but

necessary fo r;he ir b i 1 i nqua 1 status, and t;he youno

toa(:hor rnanaqed te ma í nta i n tIie i. ntersst and do a vorv

qcic' cI j ob wi th a read inq paesaqe a short stc:' ry, he had

te teac:h The qroup vas very ema 11 ., 12 stt.(dE'nts and

every activi ty seemed tc' hayo i te propor time..

Ano ther clase thai; impreseed me ths mc' st al thouqh

neqativoiy this time, was a clase qiven at Lcleqic'

Nacional Vicente Rcicafuerto A c:lass cf 70 1:: ide, al 1

"preseed tc'qether and perp 1 exed in front: cf the mcst;

desqual ifi.ed tc'acher J ve ever caen. She was teac:h i. nq

t;he "Do " verbc ¿md wrc' te a modo 1 sentonce on the

b 1 ackbc:' ard wh i.ch che asked thom te r:poat abc' i.d; a

hundred times the carne exac:t sontonco .. When sho

changed the prc' noun fc' r a ''he" she cc:' mm i t tad a

trernendc' us prc' nunc ja t i en mi st;a ke by cay i nq the wc'rd


DOE.B as DOUB (:1) She then as;:?d the JO 1< i ds tc:

prc:nc:ti.r1ce endesiass the sama vjc:rcJ

Al thc' LIch bad c. 1 asses were mc:;st; ly observed in st;ata

schc.c' ls, V4C cannot sa y that all the ce lassea. in the two

pr i vate schoo 1 s had been qocici t the German Schcuo 1 ve

were ah he to sea a teac:har with a complete

"desc;rqani zed ci ass She .jL(rnped frcim ona th i nq tc thc:

o ther and the poor stdenta di. dn t even knc:v what vas

go i ncj ciii

Enq 1 i sh ¡u a sub jec t many times, underest i matad and

schoo is tend to pay very 1 i. tt le attant ion t'jhom the y h i re

fc' r these c :lasses.. 1 h i s toqather mith the tremondous

lack of qocid prciffessicinal teachers of Encii ish br inq

definetelyq bad classes..

1. Pead as inF000.


F : r*ci fcirc: \, test fc:' r MOMEI c:'f EnqJ.

The test VJ$ passed to the tE?,Rc:hers vt;

profi c iency test q i '1n tc' ipp i i c nt ¿ t; E'erid i c t 8c:ht::c .i

of L_ançjuags (1)

j:t h a s tiroe mé.icr ptt (:irmrnckr I-ed irq

Comp r€hens ion and Compo s it i c: ' n Duo tc: the 1 &c: k c: t time

tI2 c' ii:Ly qk\/e t;s Grammar l::: t t ¿ic:I VE?\/

iic:t to all tho teec:hor'c; we hod oberved in their

:i asses 8 t nro the test vo aya 1 1 ab 1 e fc r tho

researcher lc:'n q after tlie classos had been observed,it;

as very hard to finci t;ho teachE'ro aca:ifl it was

po so i bi e tc:' f i. nd n i. re en; c: f tvo 1 ve teac::hrr e he

resulta, novertheless VJOTO quite 1 ItOV 051; 1 nq

Tle i. temo with moro or rorserror carne w i th 6 wrong ¿te rs out

o 9 The 1 tomo were

i: t;em \Ic:i 6 ( Verb lensos

Have the q est;s arrived y.;:.:t

Nc:'but 1 ' m c ure they W]. 1 .t Liv the time ','c't

qet dresoocL

a 'Jo

- be arriving

ha'o been arr ivinq

h aVe arr i ved

1. Seo model of the test - ppendi

ihe c:cie: 1; anser as: -- arr i. ve i nce the r.3rc:iqress i. ve

fcirms are ncit; accepted with ''hcirt" acticin veb and the

perfect; i:Cir.ffl dc:?sn' t match with 'i. 1.1.

The o t;her i. tems woro Nos 38 1 39 and 40 The f;c'

frst CmOS of verb tenses and% 40 c:cmn.unc: t ion

1 tem Nc' 38

Wh a t s he u :i ci :t do'?

'y'c'u the doc tor i cih t ¿way.

cm u 1 ci r ah t e r

are used

-. hd better

Jcmcil:: fcmr'vard te-.,

1 he c:c'rrect aser i. s ''vcmuici ra ther anci teachf:rs

ci idn t quite understand tho r iqht response due te t;he

chango of the auxiliary.

Mm Neo 12

Where is your sister?

Sho Iasn t; been al .1 day.


seo inri



I n th i s i tem tIie c:' rrec: t responso tas m seon anci • i n my

concept are rather eas y sontences Never theless l:;hey

c c m u 1 ci vi m t do i t


t I\lc:

borne peop :1 e never worry the i. r chi 1 dreri




- aboLit

ihis quest i :n i; ab:ut prepoei t ion usage, anc:l a isci scem

tOO easy to be anst' erec_1 error i: th nl:: was due

to ini sunderst;and i nq of the question.

The rest of the i tems ranked frorn + te 1 out of 9 tests

The oral pE?rt(:miflaflce cf ea(:h individual teac:her was a

lot better, al thc:muqh i f; was very .1. i t t; le cc:mnversat; ion

beteen the researcher ¿md the teac:hers


The resu 1 te c:cf th i. e i n'i eti. cia 1:; i c: n EhcmuecI tha t; T.-]

qerieral very few etudente donA apprc' ve the ccurse ciue

to fai lure in paesi.nq Enq 1 ish

First we would 1 i ke te I:o 1 ...........lat the Ecuador lan svstem

of ob i. y 1 nq a student te repeat the year when not

approv 1 nq everi "cne sub je(: t e te ta liv ant 1

pedaqog ica 1 in ric:' par t c:mf the world th 3.S happens Wc

th 1 nk en the mill ions of sucres epent in erie st:udent e

educatic:'n. E:i ther if this le oaid d irectl y b.....ie state

or by h le parentu. A atudent who had nel; boen ab le te


complete a minimum grade of :12 out c:if 20 pci ints i n cne

sub .iec t should repeat the same 10 or 11 sub jec:ts aqai n

in the nemtycar . What a ver'.' unfc' rtunate statement.

The Ecuacior i en educ:et i cina! svstem shc: ' u id be revi, sed fc: r

the sa::e of mii 1 i c' ns cf yciungetere In sp i te of no t

cc:insider i nq th i s survoy quitete dcmc:instrat ive of the

actual staqe cf th inqe 8 it wes very interest: mci tci

d i scover the t a low percenteqe of st;udents fi. unk because:

of Encilish

1 mentic'T'ed thai'; th.ts sur'vey 'Alas nct of my total

cccp ta'ice ., bec:ause i. t i s f;r'ue •. Fur'thsr i. nves't; i.qat ion

shc'u 1 d have been carr i cd fcur a bet ter end more

EPOSIMP pi.cture..

Fcir examp le the teachor 1 obsorvod at: Colegio Nacional

28 c.le Mayo was, in my op i ni. c:' n •, e very cjc:' c:id teac::her

never theiess th is áchool present's a rather hi qh number

of fa i 1L.res ......E » cj 1 ísh T he cm 1 y anser 1 have i, s thet

1. Othe r teac_-hers cii' the sanie schc' c' 1 don t: do a very

ci o cid ,j ob ., a nd

E The th i nk i nq cf a ycar nc t neceseer fi lv means a bad

teacher. .. it is a str'onq ci ement hut no t: the c:mni y

E? 1 C(flCfl t


Ano ther consideral; ion tha t the Char t No. 3.1 shows 1 S

that CiflC schoc' .l preE.(ntE'c:1 cero in the number c:itthirikiriq

students of Ciclo Easi.c:o duo to English. Eh i.

loq i cali y and techn i cali y al moEt impc.;s ib :t e. Nc are not

the ones yo be cal led to 3udC1e a c::cr ta i n schoc:i 1

performance But ¡t i s hard to bolieve thtt: th i s

happens This schc:cc' 1 i. e a total i. y b i 1 i n qual school ¿md

Enqi ish is a compound subject with one final cracIcq but

in the t ime-tab].e the students have other spec ific

sub .j cc ts under the word En q 1 eh For examp le: Lirammar

Spel 1 ing and Reaci i.nq ( 1 ) The schoo 1 secretar adde the

three grados the students c.iet in these sub . cc te ¿md

takes a rned ium grade out of them Th i e i e the final

Enq i ish grado. 1 think thie syst;em is vcrv qi:c:.d in the

di dac tic par t but referr i nq to eva ivat 1 ccvi i e a complete


In the ir plan they have ten hours of Enci 1. i eh per cek

and there is onl y one grado for al 1 these hcct..re

sub .j ects have three or tjci hours weel.:: ly

In my concept th i e ec:hoc:c 1 resulte to be an oasy school

tc' study i n because the i .......equ irements for pase i nq a

ycar no t neceesar :i. y show the ir stronq schedul ee charqe

on the Enqi ish subiect rhev-E sl-iccuic:l he a more balanced

ay for evaivat ion.

1. See Chart 4.1

TabEe 11 Mutrix sampte showing teachers' single performance on PLo.cement Test



N2 — cc Ln1

44-----------.--------- - 17.6

2 . ' • • 41 16.4

.41 16.4

39 15.6

5 1,111 • 38 15.2

6 ..••3614.4-

7 •• • • • ••• • • ••• •36 14,4

Cb B • ••• • • lo. • •• •


I • IUNrr 334

3.1 Cuadro de Pérdidas de Año por Inglés-Ciclo Bdsico -o

Año Lectivo 1988-89o

Colegio Nacional Colegio Bilingue Colegio Alemc(n Colegio Nacionalz 28 de Mayo Jefferson Humboldt Dolores Sucre

t 0/ 0/ 0/ %o o o o

AlumnosMatriculados 2.412 100 261 100 201 100 1.437 100

(b Q


Pierden Año 431 17,86 2 0,76 4 1,99 143 9,95

Pierden AñoPor Inglés 18 0,74 0 0 1 0,49 6 0,41

oO Nni

o> Nota: El. Colegio Nacional Vicente Roco.fuerte no envio' informacidnm



ÇD. .

Ch art 4.1o Schedule for Ctass Observation


IIC Prof. Castillo VI Irof Vilma de1 07H30-08H15 Ingles 819188 strella 12110188

2 08H15- 09H00

(b 09H20-10HOS-Col. Jefferson

4 10H05-10h50 use Tugenda1718188

-- 5 11H10-11HSOOO N Col. A1eidn

Mgda eng/ig1 6 11HSO-121-130 __________________________ 6thgrae1 Col. Nac. Dolores

110ml. Alemdn

m> / ' s B

12H35- 13H15 Sucre 10/17188grririea h688z -1c

- rT0 Nac. Vicentew

8 14H00- 14H45 occit. OfIge (OS An

7 14.H45-15H25cP_________

- rol Nac. Dolores SucrE10 151-135 - 16H20 prof. Arias 17I1

Colegio Bilingue JeffersonChart 4.1 Schedule of Clctsses for the First Lourse of Ciclo Bdsico



- 07H30 Red. Comercial Mecanografía Est. Sociales C.C.N.N. C.C.N.N.

Inglés: Reading Castellano Inglés: Grammar Inglés: Grammar C.LNN.

Inglés. Reading Inglés: Spelling Ingle's: Orammar Inglés: Drammar Inglés: Reudin

C.C.N.N. Inglés: Spealling Castellano Castellano2 -

1OH10-10H30 RECREO

Est. Sociales C.C.N.N. Mecanografía Est. Sociales Est. Sociales

Contabilidad M i.sica Matemdticas Est. Sociales Casiellano

- Castellano Matemdtjcas Matemdticas Asociuci6n Matemdticas

- 12H30-13H00 LUNCH

Mufemó.ticas Dibujo Edu. Física Edu. Física Matemcíticas

14H20 Orientación Computucidn Coro Desarrollo Personal Computaciónco

15H00 Coro

- --¡A-»'




- In tr y i nc t;ci ana lyze the tiecir i. cal background

heh 1 od Enq 1 i sti Cl avses aoci the ir actual1. stat;c in tour

schcic' is in the ncirthern area of the c i t:y of Guayaquil,

e made a ffield research recard i. rcq

(1) Elements in an C)bservat ion Li ass Cu i nc

(2) Personal and F:rclfEs i. c:ina 1 Data Sheet

(3) Resu 1 ts on Tca(:hers ' Prof ic i cnc::v Tcs'1: and

(4) Sur'vcy c:mn S'l;udents F inal Gvades

Since c' ur min c:b.iecti.ve of this work was based civi t:hc

r'e].at ion thai; ex i st:s bebeen well t;ra i ned i;eac:hers anci

the resu 1 ts cibserved in t;hc ir c 1 asscs wc tended- tc:'

observe, as f'ai r as possib le, ír'esent; j.ess(::mrcs of Enq 1 i sh

i n the schcmcm is Colegio Nacional 28 de Ilayci colegio

Nacionalcina]. Dci i. ores Sucre, Colegio 8 u 1 oque J effer son aoci

Colegio f. ieiican Humboldt cmf Guayaquil. NoVEth? leas

dcci ictaed the f i.rst twc:i chaptera of th i a wc:irk , tc:i po i nt

out which Te ccmnsider main c:cinsiderat:iona in tho

teaching of a fcmreiqn ].anqc.iaqe

Wc c:cmnsidered thai; sper: ial i zed tra mcci tcac:hc ..... make

c lasa cieveicmpment a more auccesfu 11 ac:t; 1V 1 t;y fon both



teach pr s and s tudont: - This was pr ovsd E; o be so

accord i ncç to the rosu E tç; ol:: ta i noci i n ths sta E; . si; i c c. c:'f

Class (Jbservattcin

íhe teachei-s who macie a qcc' d class iero t;eac:Eors vi th

a superioror ac adern i c bac: E::qrc:und cir those whc had

i;aJ::en a considerable flLiflb5r of scninars in 'tliich the

ma iii statementa c:n fc:re i.qn lanquage teac:h :s riq had beevi

cc' nsecLIt i ve]. po i nted

b) A rather hi q h amount of poc:r c].asses were 'foun(:j

-41 iesu :t t thatrnds to ci i fi ereni; e E einets

of the clase,, but mainly tc' a:Lack c:' f wei.1--tms

distrihution of activities to be fol lc:'wed,

c) Tci ourc:. eurpr i s , t:le ma n t;heme c;' f tho c 1 ase was

carried with a certain profi.cie'ic:v, in epite of

disreqardinq c:olatera1 a:tivíties as mc;'ti'rationi

envievinq, etc.

d) National state echocile presented the larqer numher of

''poor " c lacees. Al thouqh not all the pr i vate schc: ' o ls

t. er- e al 1 "cjood"

e) "Pc' c' r " c lacees depend al cc' in c' ther non-teach i n

fac tc' rs as h i qh number of studen te b i q r'c' oms where

audicivisuale are a irnc' st; i mpossib 1 e to be shc ' wn no

audiovisual aids bad admi nistrat ive proc:edures 1 ike:


c 1ases cal lcd off in the iast a'ute, chc:o1 extra-

curricular a(:t tvi tice carr ied on . etc

f) Schoo 1 admin]stratcrs should ded:u:ate mcr(? time and

effc' rts in findinci 'ell-qua1ifiee ET1cliEh teachere.

ihey pay more fcr a Fhyeic:s leseen than thev dofc:r

an Enci 1 i eh cne.

q)The Supersivicin t)epartrnent el t:he Minietry cf

Educat ion shc:ui.d pa'i more attentin in the 'epec:iai

plano accepteci fer ce ita i n schcci 1 e. Very of ten

t;hincis are just carried en v'i.th verv little analysis.

The relativo qood fli.tenc:,' and correct LI;age c:f thEr

1 ancjuaqc vocabu 1 ary p rc:t t..inc ia t i.c:' rl • structuros was found

in the ma j orit y of the teachereinvoived. (1) t4ith

except ion of tci very low grados, the Frofic: ic'ncy Tests

was acceptable.

The teacher e knci 1 edcie and usaqe of c:er t:a i o t:e clin i quce

lii. le w(::rl:inq citit; granar si;ri.ic:tLlres Ccr

read i rici/vocabu 1 ary units, not c' iil y hel pe i:ut: beccniee a

ma or element in t;he understanding and oasy fi t.t id ::f jj

c.lasses It al so ave ide t ime--tak i no useicee ac:t i vi tice

h ich oniy carry te lose time.

1. Chart 1.1 Results of Proficiency Test.


lt has been my 'JjSh • all through the c:Ieveionen1; cf kh i.

vc:'rkq tht by dicc:iverinq the reti. traninq skills of

local teachrs ve will cc' nt,r ibute in setting up an

spec ific error —cc' rrect ion prctcedure tlt will end in the

better performance of the classes.

i: Ci U R A P H y

LADO Robar t: Lr3ctç facI f.... ç.

McGraw Ii 1 1 Pub 1 i h nq Co. Ltd ec:c'nd 1 iriprcs.i cm

Bombay-N-De 1 h i ..Jan.

STACK EdrcI Nl I L:1.gç !I.:n

I!1LJi!. 'Eh td E:d it ion Uxord Univa F'ress


SUCF4ARD Dci ri 3.d L. nd SFAVEN1"A L.c'u . s J.: !

Antholocjy. Se iec ted Ar 1; i c i. es from The '1 eac:h . nq En q 1 ish

Fcirurn 1973-1978. Educat icna 1 and Cultural Aff a:irs

Internat ic' naJ. Cc:' m(T..nicat; in Acenc y , Washington Ji.. C


F 1 NUCH 1 AF<U Nlary T'each

Harper ? Rc' w Pub :1 i sErs , Eni arced Ed i '1; i cn .. New York,


LE 113 'rON Rcuber t C. and HE 1 NLE • Charles H.: lc'ward a

desultivoL.anquage and the "íeache r A Series of App 1 i ed

1'uistcs Vol. 17. The Center cmi' Lti''rcuiar

Develc' pment Inc., Fhiiadel:3hiaq Pa. 1971



1 rLHI SON Jean Ib !J:E!.. Çt2

Mcr- H i 11 ioci:: Co. York, 1978,

THE Ñr 1 ONAL COUNC 1 L. OF 1'EÇ. Ci-iER8 OF ENOL. 1 SH Enqlish tç::

íc' dav Teac:hers The McOr -Hi 11 Bc'ok CO, Inc Ne

York, 1 976.,

8A1\iKS Caro lino; SRi 888 • Sandra; HUI ;aE:N8( • Jam FETERSON

Constance and VERiMEN]DI , Judy English for a Cliancjing

World Acipo, rhi3'd E:d. • S(cctt 2: Co.

Glenview, iii .. 1976.

VARIOS: F: r_c(v€c:tc:cs de Fian de Tesis. Fcciiorafiadc en la

IJ.TP.L Universidad Abierta, Loja, 1983.

E{EST John Cómo i. nves t; i qar in E:duc:ac: i 6 n . Ccci

Pedagógica. Novena E:çJ . Ediciones Nccrat:a S. A. t'Iadr id


F, f:: E: t 1 X


IHE: £3E:NED 1 Ci SCHOOL. UF i..(N€3tJPc3E9 E•:NuR(3;::E E: X N.....U

Dvl\IcL:D (:c:JLJE:bE:




1 tiun d:Ld Jchi wr i t;e t;lic bc::'k

He . vritnq i.t since ist vear.

E has b(inq :1 Lhavo b:n J E h s bc::nn i

Hc.-,w ci i ci they pay yc'u?

1 in cash.

Ezne paid:J Chavo been paidu Ei. 11 be paid] [vas piidJ

3 What iiippencci that t( ntnq '?

r he a 1 a r m 1 o ud 1 y

Erfiiqs:i Ek.c13 EI:LFICI]

4. (iii 1 yC:IU hayo yc:'ur hair cut!'

Ves., 1 t::' have it cut

t:aa q(::inq] [n. 11] CsIial 1] Chas]

5 'ihat would yc:' t.i cic:i in n',' c:asr?

1 f 1 would seo a 1 awyer.

Ewerel i laml [ u

6 Heve the quests arr ived vet;?

hut; 1 m si.tre thrv will by thu

time ycu qet dressed

Earr ive] [he avrivir] Chavo beon ¿r....:i.'i:i

[:ha'c:' arr ivod]

9 ¿

7 t4t c:I:izs the doctor suggestyc:u Lr

Fc s.,tqcjast;sari aspir i n ..

Etrying on:]

S. 1) ci your pup i°.L do i 1

1ICq but; sho rnic;ht 1 w.th

little studying.,

Chavo J:' rr] [irlCt cIcc:] Ido:: [::t:tci

9 t4hat is the cpc: i t'y of oach c:c:m?

Eich rcc' rn 20 c:L:i scnvors

Esi. t;sJ i t:

1(:) L)c' 2s t;It; ci i+vt; (:(::no hero cFinii?

he iB ci. j.C?nt...

EfTc:Icrit;] [:t:c:ca.i:3] Lc::casicfr,i. :i LfrequwntlyA

11 Is tht isiind rrr c::i.vi.ii.zati.n:cn?

hIc it e i (::itrd ¿.iid

LJ.onqJ E ic:nei y l Esolitudel [1 i::,j

12 Wh y ¿re t;h p streets f :!ç.ç.c1ç.c1 ?

Bocause i. t. has I:)r?en r a i. ni nci

[havd:] [hd:LyJ ihc:?a'''/] E1.lt1y3

13. Why do yc:' u pun i eh Ii i. m?

E(ec: use he i líe such a mees

Ldciu. 1 f 1 ci 1 1 madc 1 EmakOS3

14_ Di.d the travollor have anvt;hica nJ.;c:; in his .I.uqaq?

._.__ ...............his cl.c:itn; thr:?re:: waçj

nr:' i;I i rq elso.

Lprcividec::l :1 i:r..r t;h&rmc:' e] Lbesciesi L Lhe'rc:rfc:


15 Doc h i. s mc ther kncw wh i ch pcsc:n he tc k?

he dc:' csn t know a he tcciESerel lwhatl i: th :i WLfl

16 I4hen will She qet there?

t'4c' t; (nc:'rTli

Ec' nJ [ ini [unt;i lj [.c: jj

17 Why d id Jcfhn stay anci ther vee.::?

He stayeci cme extra rest

Nc' r] [byl [frcm] [d

18. Whv did he cut short his tri.p?

He t;c: bei nc away

[:isr' t used] Cuseci nc:' tJ Eje

19,, Where i e thattç.:iwn?

It is te the ncrth,,

Efarthest;] Efartherl Efurther3 [:f t:h{:t ::i

20 What ci id the papere say?

Jeii 1 CLI far tht..

[are] Ehave ben:J t: :i [has been:i

21 I-4cisj dees ycur si eter frel ncw?

She fee le than bc.:fc:Ire

E happyJ L:ice h1tpp.' J [Iiapp iei ] [-ipp «:'st 1

22. How taJ. 1 3C h'?

1-le is ta:I.i. as h:te 1:rcthcr


23Has t1- 1'• mm ari'' f.... 1 ende?

Ves, he has

Ea f1 Ef2wj i:i itt-. te] [much]

How iniv' paintings aro(;li? in t:Iic: vccn

There aro paintinqs there.

c'neJEnoti E no j [nc'th nq .1

25. Whose fr iend is 1!?

Fk.? 15 a friond cf

Lc:' urJ [:i

26 14111 ch of h i s twc' dáUCh ter s c tnie ?

Nei ther there

[ ere :i Chavo been:] Ewasj MM

27. 14ht did he tel 1 ycu?

He te :1 ci me my hctnet'.tor k

Ldc:n' i; bring3 l::,c:t tc: bri.nci Ibring noti

[dc' esn' t brinci]

28 Wht d id l'iary ¿sI .:: you?

She as€d n: ifI thu e:erc:::ts(?.,

(:-fi.-id] r:hd fif.ShEç_i:j [d3.d ii.c%il:l

29,, t1o'.' many apples are ther el nie c:x?

íhere aro not

Enonel Esomel Eany3 EapplesA

30. Do ci 1 peop].e trcvei c'ftsn?

NtC'q onl yponple (hc:'.. ..........................................................•...j(:.h (:i(::..

ca y- e] Cis3 E:as:J

31,. DicI he pass?

No but ii , hehe u:'ui.d llave paeseci

Estudied] Chas st;udied] Chad studied] Estudio=


32. 1 t(j rathar'co by plano.,

Eneither tctL(id::I E:ri thor i&.:fl Eso do] [o: c:u1d]

33. Lid votar brother reirain in t:od?

te to nt tc. i. . baci c:o id

L:dtae tc' ] [in spite cf] C lrlEvt;oad c:f] Ln::vc.rthoirsE:]

34. Has the doctor como yot?

Nc but he arr ivo an,' minuto no,.

1 ouqh t ] Emus t3 Emay3 [ usod J

25.' 1 synur ht..tsb &tnd ¿t h c: ' mn ?

Nc:4 he has q o no

[t;i1J.] L.yot;] E.airoac.iy]

36,. Hc:ttj many days vaation i s he ¿al 1njrd

Hi s manager lot h i m a

[to haV?:I [l-',ei :tt:J

37 Whit dc:' es John vnit ?

Ile varits tc:' thank vc:tt.t fc:r

[holpinq] [:tc ht:lp:] [hclp::I [hlp€..'d:]

38, What shcft.tid 1 do?

\'ou seo ¿a dentist right aw.a,'

U b'Jc:.t ]. d r thor :i Caro used] Chad b€t tor .i

Elook forward to ]

39.. (4here is yctur sister?

Sho ha. TI t be?n 1 1.

U seen ] E 500 -q ] E : ats i U seos.]

40 Wh y cou 1 dn t; he qn?

HE? COU 1 dn t qo he h ad to s tudv


41 Some pE(:cp 1+Z? rver wccr f:p c:hi. ]chEcn

Cm] [frc:cm] Ec:cf] [abc:iut]

42,. The pup i 1 aas d ismt ssd c: lass

Infl [ahccut] I::f-:rn] [al;]

431 He visist.:d com.nci c•:'arly.

Cmr:] [c:tr] [by] r:tcc]

44 ni. cih 1; mv tan 1 : t.1,1

Cabc:cut] E:it;L:I

45. Thoy 1 aiicilied c lown.

Ctc:c] (:f-c:cçn] [c:'f]

46. [ *1'I •• i ec:' i' . ,. : I.;:'rk

[by] [:ji.th:j

47.. The secretary hc:c rr c' c:;I a pon

t: tc' ] [:-c:cn:J [ci] [abccut]

48.. The tfachcr was sai; r wcr k

[i.nSi [frccrn] [at]

49 The: 1c','Jr 'm('t c::: • tPT • c •c- td c: e;a t vq Tf::

schocc ls.

[::' f] [al;] [t.cu] U in]

;O. Please pay attntion ... thc 1css::cn,,

[t;c' ] [tI

f :: t(\i c3E IE•d) litE:. FOLL.Gw M3 FRcRH8 OMP ANSWER TM E::

't;hc:xt.ch Mr. Roberts has been living in Denmark for i::r

tc' years, he has mde pccr progress 11 learning

for sevr]. reasons. He has; ]acJ::c.:d c:pç:cH;'ni. ty.

cc' Tdfi.drce persistenco, ard j.nt(?'Est.. Since he int

EpE•?E\E:: Enci J. i. sh ?''2rycJy ¿it; work, he has Ii t t [e

cippcirt;un t;"' tc' use h LC 1)fli1Sh . Whcn(;:r? ie ¿

to speak the languago, he i. ; usué1 1 y tc' c shy tc:4 do so

He has always heen a1Tci that h? win m:o to(: m ny

mi stakes Tc:t years ac.ic: he bogan t:ak i nq i.)ani sh 1 :•:?s.c:'n

t;ice timos a ('J(oI:: and [e fTc::l(:' c1(:t(:ic:.t

the beq i. no i. rq c: f th i s yoar, hc:t'cvnr, h: has not •-n

persistent in h is stud :1.2s kc•::ent.ty, he has mado n::i

tffc:rt t;c: tI::z? }.escns or ev en tc: st..c:l y rogularly c:n lii

t;ii:' mainr p 'c 'cr maki ng Such r:tc:

prc:qress is his iac:t:: of interest.,

1 Is I'Ir Rc:ib€.:r ts a Dne?

2 Has he beEn living in t1)snmrk fc: ' r moro or :t.c:.s

2 years?


If he haci t• lac:keci confidonco, aoci r::?rie. trc::e nhat

ou 1 c:t tie ha yo m:tde


i/4 Nk.tt he speak Dani. li everyday at c:rk ?

5 What is he ifrai.d c:'f?

6 How iiarvy lossons i. B he ta'.:: i nc.3 a

7 Viovi long t he beon pes i tent. in his st;ud i. os?

8 i)c4:.?s he st. ud y requ 1 ar 1 y c:n h i. s c:\n ?

90 What; i. s the mai n reasc:crl fc:r f i. s sic:' t.'j procp'ess?

10. d i. d he beq i n t; ak i. nq Dan i. sh 1 esscns?


The fc:il 1c:u'jiric c:1t.ifs aro ¿c' ia tIiF: largest in the kc:Y Id.

L.cndc:' n and

iccc' rdinc t;c' the statistics 'I.ch moL; r'frnc:s c1'.'E

íc: ::yc: has the 1 r qest pc:pLA 1 t c:n c:f tIE threo with c:'ícr'

:t :i o n.nhab.ttnt,. L.oidcn hc:i'?'ie:•v • i.s the

1 &rqet in area, cc:' vZ?r i nc c:vr six hundrd square miles..

NeW York almast as largo. Furthermore, London ¡E

uc.h oidor thn p ithor Tc:4::yo co- New York ItE recordod

h i.;tc' ry goes bitrk to (D .. 43 Tc:'kyc:' i; te second

o i.dest .. 1 t vea liv bogan a.; a for tr?ss in 1457.

t.'Ic:h the D..t;ç.:l'i settIed in 124 js without cIc:..Dt:

t;he youngesti Tociay t;hee throe c: i. 1; i cs c:eft r many

attract;tcos. \'c:' u can t;aI ic-:i; man-made stT'k..rt ....

-. - in the world, ••th-e- naw Wc:r ]. frado Contor ( 1 .. :) ) ., in Nk.si

Yc,r:: and the fourth tai:iot.q a T.V. ]o•wr a 1 :ttt.tc'

c ' 'er 1.000 feet; hicih ) in ícd::yo fln: t;c: nc:t i.mportant

th€at;er districts in t1e 'Jc:iT1c:I ar€•:a tr 1...ondoii aoci N.Iot

York. tic:reovor, te; o t'o citios aro lc•:ad i nq fah lc:'n

centers ]. 1 throe c:.ties are t;he rc5t

comrnerc ial fi nanc: ial h i pp i. nq aoci cultural renter of

their countries.

:1., Aro tIu::? throe :1;Ñ.cs iii ntioriec:I s.1;t.tat:cr1 in Chinaj

Enq 1 ancl aric:l the Un i t:€..cl tato.;?

1 02

2. Is Tokc the 1czt cit y in ro?

3. Is New York as largo as ]c: t.::yo

4 Wh ich of the c: i t is trrt i ondi. s o 1 dcr than London?

Ei By whom was New York%*:? t; t 1 eci

- 6 (4h ic:h c: i. t'ç' b-€. qr; ¿ frtros?

7 Wha t is thz name c:4f the Jç:(r 1 ci s t;a 1. 1 c;t ckysc:rE:or

B Wht are Lc:ndc:i and New York f ic'. ' cn

9 Wha t i. mpc: u t n f; ac: t i. y . t i. c»i; are tc:i he fc:u..c:t in a l l

t;hree ci ties?

10. Hot' does.the ono thc' iind foo t TV Tower in i"c: k"/c:t

compare in he i ci h t w th o ther inri'--irdc' s tvucturos in

the wc:'r id?


t!FI TEa A COMPOSITION cw N{IÍ FEWER THñN 50 i.icws (::Hoos :EN6

ii: cn 2 THE L::c),....L..()'I1\ic EL ::.j'3

- THE c :iT' (JF-

- IF ]: t•EFF fJ(..4

COMPARE (:cJ1I(J :t (:i' :i (::)I'E3 c:JF: i1]J)\" i..l 1 TH THOSE OF 10!::)


A TERR 1 EV 1 N13 E:XPER :[ ENlE



Poor Fiv (3c' c' d Super ior

The Lesson.


Achievernent of ¿iirns

No ti vt ion

Revieinq previous lessccns

C1rity in new therne presentation --....

Sequentii1 deveic' pment of lessc' n ._ ....

Techer model inq new inaterial

Use of qestures correct:Ly

Variety of acti,vities ................. .. ........

Skili in questicunin ,. ..__.

S::iil in deii.nq vith answers ....

Use of teachinc aids .. ..........

Abi 1 ity to rnaintin int:erest ................

Sumrnary of iesson . -

1 I . FoRNAr 1 UN DArA







---------------------SUPERV 1 SOR



r i eiosu 1 C TESTS I : OR STU:OE:NTS OFIl. LUuRBE:















DLJR 1 NG THE SE:C0NL) couRsE: OF E ] do DAS i: c:i " ANUO IN




Presente Simple de "DO' verbs

4.3.1. oraciones básicas y transformadas.





• 44 Objeto Directo



4. 3 Preguntas Informativas en el Simplele Freeeni; Tense

4..5. 1 WHñT (sujeto), (4Hií (c:ornpltementc

4.5.2I4H;°1 TIMIE

4.5.3 WHEN

4.5.4 F1C)kJ c:IF1EN

4.5.5 WHERE

4..58 ('JHQ (sujeto) WHO (complemento) etc.!'

.1. :7

Fc' rthe i tal ic ized word or w:irds in oach scntenc::e iI:sti. Luto

the cor roc: t objectivO case personal pr o nc:un

1 1 seo John un the bt..is evory mo ni rin

2.. 1 cmften qe tcc the mc:mvic.s i:i. Ui Hary

3. i ti ke Jc:mhn end Henry very much

4 raver spea::s te Mary anci me

5. 1 cisc' like Mary and Holen very muc:h.

6. Sic tr i tos many letter .L.c:, hor si. st;c:r

7. 1 si t near Wi iii am and h ist hrother

8.. 1 seo Helen in the cafetor ja every dey.

9 - 1 under stand my toecher, Mr. J c: ' nes .i t.e.l. 1

10. He q ives his son muc:h monc:y

11 She a iwa ys speaks te her iJ'iciller in Spani sh

12.. He sericis h fl. s si ster many presents

13. John writos many letters te bis aunt

14 1 t' r i te many lot tere te m y unc 1 e

15.. 1 sit near Maiy and Eiien ci; t;ho :tec;s:i.

16.. He len si Le near Henry and t%ec.rqo

17 She sa ys thct eLio seos you and Hsnr y on the bus ove y

mc' r n i ng

18. 1 c' fteri seo thc' ee bo y e in the catoter ia

19.. 1 knc' w bc:mth Honry cric] bis brether verv ii'o1 .1..

20.. 1 c' fteri qo Lo tlie movies with my perontv.;

21. He tjant s to qe w i th Henr y and me tc:' the mciv i es. te ni cih t

22.. ill the qiris like thoir teachor, Mies bmith vorv well

E O1

hancie tct question fcmrm .. Wr i te (;hc nc:essrv auxiliary verb

foiicmed by the lubject in the blanks at the rqht .

i.ic1ucIe tc mi.n veib

1.. Ie comes tcm s::h::.c' 1 by

E... They speE.:: Spanish woll.

3.. He qets up early every icrninq.,

4.. Wc eat d inner at hcmmc..

5.. 1 like to study Enqi.ish

6. He u'ants tc' iearn Enci E. ish

7.. ' prefer tcm study in this c:las.

8.. He a1 .jast;a:[ks tc' us in Enqi ih.

9.. TheV 1 i ve near the comer

10.. He takes his c:ar tcm work eve:ry cEy..

11 John smokes very rnuc:h

12.. She dances woll.

13.. 1 know hi.m very woll.

14 You undcrstand cver y th 1 nq he says.

lEi.. 1 qet i.p early every mc:mrninq

16 He reads many En q 1. sh bccmk.

17.. Wc varit to 1 eamn Enq Ii. sh

18.. The y come tcm c 1 ass cari y *

19. Mary al vays arr i ves a t thc 1 essc:' n c: n ti me -

20. It; ra.ins very often du rina th is mcmnth

21 He cate lunch in the c:afetcria

22. í h y sell Tes[:aper e

10 1.9

Ir) the b 1 anks a t the y i ah t write the r•c:e:.r.arv au i. i. i ary

verh DO c' r t)OES in arder tú cci?fl:3].ete the reaninq c:f i:i":sç,:

present tense quest: i c'ns

1 Where ....... He i. en vJc:r k

8.. Where ..........r.0 1 ive?

3. What timeme •. ,.,,. vou arr 3 ve al; sc:hoo }. ayer day?

4.. What time . ,. ., .. .. cur 1 essCtn beq i a?

5. How e 1]. ...... Jc:hn sak E:nq 1 i. :h

6.. When ..... .. the next t:vain avive?

7.. Why.. the wari.:: so hard?

8. L4ha t time .... yo u :a t; upoevery mc. r ni. nc ?

9 Where ..... Jc:h a ea t lunch avar y d ay

J.C).. How rnuch ...... it ccst tú qc' tú Chic:aqo by piano?

11 When Smi th axpec t tú return?

18.. How c' fteri it va iii dur i nq the month of (pr i 1 7

13.. t4here ...... yctu eat di nner every nicih t'?

14. Why...... Jc' hn walk tú sç:hc' c, 1 a 1 cina every ci ay?

lE. Wher he qci after the lessc.n?

16.. 4here ......Nlary and ha y sister 1 iva?

17.. How of ten ........yciu qci tú the movies?

18.. What 1 anquaqe bes idas Enci 1 i ah ..... teache rapeak?

19 Ho .......ycu feei. today?

20.. What time.. ..... yc' u qci tú bed every nacih t?

21. Why Heien vant tú learn Enqi ish?

22.. Flow iany hciurs .... yc:u s:kep e'ry niqhf;?

INST. .. IMINIi .E EliteEmUl # 4


Nc:' te Th i s i s a rn i. vat;e st.. rvrv made b y a st1.u:J?nt / tea(::her ç:'tthe Liniversi tv cf Lo ja -Modalidad Abierta- and to be usedc' nly fcr the means of qraduat i nq

Instruct ions F iease answe rthe fol E owi nq quest i ons in thernc:ist; sincere manner. Use printing c:' r very c:: loar handir i. t inc.iWc need not •(ç know nflp • L:'....1; only thc' pr c: ' f ess i o na .1.background of the tcac:her s to be quost; i ci nod Eh ant:: you foryciur cociperatic'n.

fte Swveyor

1. Profess i ona 1 tiecireo

2 Given bv

3. Do yciu have any ci ther UJni versi ty diploma: yesno

4 What is the extra diploma you have . - ....

5, Hicih Schc' c' 1 ' Dip [cina cj iven b y.................................... - ........................- ............................................

6.. If yc'u are ¿ ''Ciencias de la Educación" cjrac:Iuat;e ploase

t.'r ite dc:' wn the sub.ject in whic:I ....rr nac:' res .....

7, .What; jobs ¿re yot_t handling at; the rnOITOct; ._....

8. Instituti.c:'ns fcir t.'jhic:h yc:iu ha vo wc:irl .::od in t;tie past:

9 What are the sui: .ectsvc:iu are teach i nq at tho mc'ment

10 The apprc:' x i. iate moiit:h 1 y pavment; you qst;

1 :L ..vl? you t;ra\/c.Lc•?cI abroad? ru

12..ro u'4iat countries: ..................................

.j. 11

13F?kcn of yciur iist; t:tto tr ips tc:ur :tsm studicz,,

#OV k Ci th?r

14 tIme the seminars çir spec: !i 1 cours2s th tCiL( :/€.?

fol 1 cind ir .de the normal curricular course of th

LI fl 1 '1 V t y

15.Where did you learri yc:ur E:-iq 1 i. c;h ( name sc::hcic:c i. a;,, academies

or if tiveirJ ¿brod)


E! Jio!'


C L 88 0 E 8 E R V 1 LO N

Li Li 1 E) E:

InformaL; ic:n L)ata


Cc.ur se L.essc n

Par!le1l Didact: ir: 1 nstr

L..esscl ri Time:

Numbor Ci f sti.d•!i t; s

i 1 Quc?sti.c:Inraire

LÍTe f:: çi c . r j:: ir t;ccit::l Superior

1 Mc' t i va t i o n

2. Revet.inq

3 Presentation rif netherne

4 MCI de ti nq t;he flE!t


5. Var icty Cf act ivi t les

6 Use of tec:hnitiues

7 Ñb u i t y tc' ma i nta i ninterest

El L.ancuacie (::clmmand

9 Final s..unmary c:m f LhelCiSSCmfl