multi-sensor gamma ray tool

Description Applications Schematic diagram of the Multi-Sensor Gamma Ray Tool. Specifications ODP Logging Services, Lamont-Doherty Earth Observatory, Rt. 9W, Palisades, NY 10964 Multi-Sensor Gamma Ray Tool Logs from the MGT show more finely layered structure than those of standard gamma tools, which can exhibit pronounced smoothing effects due to their bigger detec- tor size and lower sampling rate The Multi-Sensor Gamma Ray Tool (MGT) is a complete natural gamma spectrometry system consisting of four gamma spectrometry sensors and a variety of electronics for pulse processing and analysis. Each sensor module includes an NaI detector with an internal calibration source, programmable power supply, digital pulse analyzer, and pulse height stabilization circuitry. Individual calibration results for each sensor are stored in microcontroller memory; thus, the modules are interchangeable and independently replaceable. Spectral data are collected from each of the four individual gamma ray modules, as well as from downhole accelerometer and temperature sensors, and transmitted uphole to the data receiver in a surface panel. The MGT increases the vertical resolution of natural gamma ray log data by a factor of 3-4 over conventional logging tools, allowing for detailed characterization of thin bed layering and sedimentary cycles when their gamma ray response is sufficiently large. Clay typing Mineralogy Ash layer detection 0 20 40 60 80 100 120 540 542 544 546 548 550 MGT - HNGS Comparison Hole 1194b MGT NGT DEPTH, m MGT Telemetry MGT Measurement Four detectors spaced at 0.6m Telemetry section for data transmission and to switch from stand-alone to combination mode 28.1 meters 33.7 meters Zero : t h g i e W ) g k 1 . 9 5 1 ( s b l 0 5 3 : h t g n e L : e l u d o m y r t e m e l e T ) m 5 7 . 2 ( t f 0 . 9 : e l u d o m t n e m e r u s a e M ) m 0 9 . 2 ( t f 5 . 9 : ) s r e z i l a r t n e c t u o h t i w ( r e t e m a i D ) m c 7 5 . 8 ( . n i 5 7 3 . 3 : e r u t a r e p m e t m u m i x a M C ° 0 0 1 : e r u s s e r p m u m i x a M i s p 0 0 0 , 0 1 : s e l u d o m y r t e m o r t c e p s - a m m a g f o r e b m u N 4 : g n i c a p s e l u d o M m 4 6 . 0 : s r o t c e t e D : e p y T ) I T ( I a N : s n o i s n e m i D . n i 2 x . n i 4 : e g n a r t n e m e r u s a e m l a r t c e p S V e M 0 . 3 - 2 . 0 : n o i t u l o s e r l a r t c e p S V e K 0 4 : h t g n e l e l b a c m u m i x a M t f 0 4 : n o i t c e n n o c d a e h e l b a C e l y t s r e g r e b m u l h c S : d e e p s g n i g g o l m u m i x a M . r h / t f 0 0 9

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ApplicationsSchematic diagram of the Multi-Sensor Gamma Ray Tool.


ODP Logging Services, Lamont-Doherty Earth Observatory, Rt. 9W, Palisades, NY 10964

Multi-Sensor GammaRay Tool

Logs from the MGT show more finely layered structurethan those of standard gamma tools, which can exhibitpronounced smoothing effects due to their bigger detec-tor size and lower sampling rate

The Multi-Sensor Gamma Ray Tool (MGT) is a completenatural gamma spectrometry system consisting of four gammaspectrometry sensors and a variety of electronics for pulseprocessing and analysis. Each sensor module includes an NaIdetector with an internal calibration source, programmablepower supply, digital pulse analyzer, and pulse heightstabilization circuitry. Individual calibration results for eachsensor are stored in microcontroller memory; thus, themodules are interchangeable and independently replaceable.Spectral data are collected from each of the four individualgamma ray modules, as well as from downhole accelerometerand temperature sensors, and transmitted uphole to the datareceiver in a surface panel. The MGT increases the verticalresolution of natural gamma ray log data by a factor of 3-4over conventional logging tools, allowing for detailedcharacterization of thin bed layering and sedimentary cycleswhen their gamma ray response is sufficiently large.

♦ Clay typing♦ Mineralogy♦ Ash layer detection








540 542 544 546 548 550

MGT - HNGS ComparisonHole 1194b



MGT Telemetry

MGT Measurement

Four detectors

spaced at 0.6m

Telemetry section

for data transmission

and to switch from

stand-alone to

combination mode

28.1 meters

33.7 meters


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:eludomtnemerusaeM )m09.2(tf5.9

:)srezilartnectuohtiw(retemaiD )mc75.8(.ni573.3

:erutarepmetmumixaM C°001

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:seludomyrtemortceps-ammagforebmuN 4

:gnicapseludoM m46.0


:epyT )IT(IaN

:snoisnemiD .ni2x.ni4

:egnartnemerusaemlartcepS VeM0.3-2.0

:noituloserlartcepS VeK04

:htgnelelbacmumixaM tf04

:noitcennocdaehelbaC elytsregrebmulhcS

:deepsgniggolmumixaM .rh/tf009

The data repeatability of the MGT is excellent, as depicted in the figure above.

Deployment of the Multi-Sensor Gamma Ray Tool










170 180 190 200 210 220

Hole 1179D

MGT Main and Repeat Run















Depth, mbsf
