moore's law - soc

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  • 8/3/2019 Moore's law - SoC



    Motivation for SoC Design

    Review of Moores Law

  • 8/3/2019 Moore's law - SoC



    History of Transistors and circuits

    The Integrated circuit manufacturing


    Moore Law is announced

    Benefits of ICs

    Extrapolating Moores Law to itsconclusion

    Technological advances

    Moores Law version 2?

  • 8/3/2019 Moore's law - SoC


    Discrete Transistors and Circuits

    The transistor succeeded the valve in the late 1940s

    Electronic engineers began to design complex circuits usingdiscrete componentstransistors, resistors, capacitors

    Performance and other problems were noticed due to thenumber of separate components

    Circuits were unreliable and heavy

    High power consumptionlong time to assemble

    Expensive to produce

  • 8/3/2019 Moore's law - SoC


    The SolutionIntegrated Circuits

    Build entire circuit on a wafer of silicon

    Use masking and spraying techniques in manufacture

    Pure silicon wafers made from large crystals of silicon

    Areas of silicon doped with suitable elements e.g. Be

    Conductive tracks made from aluminium

    Use this technique to produce other components e.g. capacitorsand resistors on the same wafer

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    Problems solved

    Inter-device distances reducedfaster circuits

    Lightweight circuitssuitable for space travel

    Cheaper assembly costafter recovery of R&D costs

    Identical circuit propertiesbetter matching

    Less power requiredless heat dissipated

    Smaller circuitssmaller devices could be built

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  • 8/3/2019 Moore's law - SoC


    Birth of Moores Law

    The 19 April 1965 issue of Electronics magazine, marking theMcGraw-Hill publication's 35th anniversary,

    It contained an article with the title "Cramming morecomponents onto integrated circuits."

    Its author, Gordon E. Moore, director, Research andDevelopment Laboratories, Fairchild Semiconductor, had beenasked to predict what would happen over the next 10 years inthe semiconductor components industry.

    His article speculated that by 1975 it would be possible tocram as many as 65 000 components onto a single silicon chipabout 6 millimetres square.

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    Gordon Moore - Observations

    Gordon Moore worked for Fairchild Semiconductors

    He noticed a trend in IC manufacture

    Every 2 years the number of components on an area of silicondoubled*

    He published this work in 1965known as Moores Law

    His predictions were for 10 years into the future

    His work predicted personal computers and fast

    telecommunication networks

    * Sources vary regarding time period

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    Moore's Law

    Defined by Dr. Gordon Moore during the


    Predicts an exponential increase incomponent density over time, with a

    doubling time of 18 months.

    Applicable to microprocessors, DRAMs ,

    DSPs and other microelectronics.

    Monotonic increase in density observed

    since the 1960s.
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    # Components / Integrated function

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    Moore's Law and Performance

    The performance of computers isdetermined by architecture and clock speed.

    Clock speed doubles over a 3 year period

    due to the scaling laws on chip. Processors using identical or similar

    architectures gain performance directly as afunction of Moore's Law.

    Improvements in internal architecture canyield better gains than predicted by Moore'sLaw.

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    Moores Law - Density

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    Moores Law - Clock Speed

  • 8/3/2019 Moore's law - SoC


    Moores Law (Technologists)


    16 transistor/chip circa 1964

    59% growth/year

    36 years (2000) and counting

    1styears 16 ??? 3rdyears 64 ???

    15thyears 16,000 ???


    years 100,000 ??? 36thyears 300,000,000 ???

    Was useful & then got more than 1,000,000 times


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    Moores Law Data (Technologists)

  • 8/3/2019 Moore's law - SoC


    Other Moores Laws

    Other technologies improving rapidly

    Magnetic disk capacity

    DRAM capacity

    Fiber-optic network bandwidth

    Other aspects improving slowly Delay to memory

    Delay to disk

    Delay across networks

    Computer Implementors Challenge Design with dissimilarly expanding resources

    To Double computer performance every two years

    A.k.a., (Popular) Moores Law

  • 8/3/2019 Moore's law - SoC


    Cost Side of Moores Law

    About every two years: same computing at half cost

    Long-term effect:

    1940s Prototypes for calculating ballistic trajectories

    1950s Early mainframes for large banks

    1960s Mainframes flourish in many large businesses

    1970s Minicomputers for business, science, & engineering

    Early 1980s PCs for word processing & spreadsheets

    Late 1980s PCs for desktop publishing

    1990s PCs for games, multimedia, e-mail, & web

    Jim Gray: In ten years you can buy a computer for the cost of its salestax today (assuming 3% or more)

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    Graph of Moores Law

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  • 8/3/2019 Moore's law - SoC


    IC Technologies

    Small Scale Integration (SSI) combined around 10 discretecomponents onto 5mm square of silicon substrate.

    SSI led to Medium Scale Integration (MSI), then Large ScaleIntegration (LSI) with many thousands of components in thesame area of silicon.

    Very Large Scale Integration (VLSI) provided the means toimplement around 1 million components per chip.

    Current technology produces silicon wafers with around 50million components per chip. The Pentium 4 has around 55million components on the wafer (2003).

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    IC Technology

  • 8/3/2019 Moore's law - SoC


    The Next Step

    INTEL have announced that they have the technology

    to produce microprocessors containing more than 400

    million transistors, running at 10 gigahertz andoperating at less than one volt, in the next five to ten


    This is in line with Moores law

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    Shrinking the Size of a Component

    How small can a component become?

    What limits the size of a device?

    What do we make the devices from?

    Do quantum effects have an influence here?

    If there is a limit, what happens to Moores Law?

  • 8/3/2019 Moore's law - SoC


    The Current Limitations

    Circuits cannot be reduced beyond atomic size

    Quantum effects reduce the reliability as size decreases

    Lithographic techniques become more complex as the size of

    components becomes smaller than the wavelength of light

    Speed of electrical signals is finite

    This suggests that Moores Law will finally end

  • 8/3/2019 Moore's law - SoC


    Why does the law exist?

    Some of the factors that contribute to Moores Law:

    Manufacturers wishing to keep up with the law

    Competition between manufacturersSuccessive technologies providing better design tools

    Customer demand for better products

    Mans constant struggle to advance knowledge

    There may be other factors too

  • 8/3/2019 Moore's law - SoC


    Future of Moores Law

    Short-Term (1-5 years)

    Will operate (due to prototypes in lab)

    Fabrication cost will go up rapidly

    Medium-Term (5-15 years) Exponential growth rate will likely slow

    Trillion-dollar industry is motivated

    Long-Term (>15 years)

    May need new technology (chemical or quantum)

    We can do better (e.g., human brain)

    I would not close the patent office

  • 8/3/2019 Moore's law - SoC


    Future of Harnessing Moores Law

    Thread-Level Parallelism Multiple processors cooperating (exists today)

    More common in future with multiple processors per chip

    Parallelism in Internet? The Grid.

    System on a Chip Processor, memory, and I/O on one chip

    Cost-performance leap like microprocessor?

    (e.g., accelerometer at right)

    Communication World-wide web & wireless cell phone fuse!

    Other properties: robust & easy to design & use

  • 8/3/2019 Moore's law - SoC


    Lateral Thinking

    To improve the performance of devices, new technologies arein development:

    Quantum storage (quantum data registers - a faster, more

    efficient way to store and retrieve data than the binary system

    we use today)

    Light operated transistors

    Electro-optical polymers and more are showing newtechniques for achieving the ever higher performance

    demanded by industry and consumers
  • 8/3/2019 Moore's law - SoC


    The Future of ICs

    Moore acknowledged that his "law" won't hold forever. Heasserted that the right technological approaches can delay

    "forever", extending the longevity of his original prediction.

    Intel are working on new ideas such as SiGe and strainedsilicon to delay the end of Moores Law

    Designing transistors that switch at speeds around THz (can

    switch on and off a trillion times per second)

    The advances continue!

  • 8/3/2019 Moore's law - SoC


    The End of the Line?

    It is obvious that technology will improve

    We may meet the lower size limit of a transistor

    Therefore the abilities of the transistor itself will

    have to improve instead

    Faster switching, lower power designs etc.

    ICs still improve

  • 8/3/2019 Moore's law - SoC


    Moores Law version 2?

    After his law is no longer validwhat can we use to measuretrends?Component density?

    Noit would be fairly constant

    Performance?Yesbut which metric?

    Switching rate?Individual or bulk?

    Rise time?

    Access time or read/ write timeOther measurable attributes

  • 8/3/2019 Moore's law - SoC


    Moore version 2s metric(s)

    Technological advances will continue as long as there isdemand for digital devices

    It is immaterial whether the component density limit is

    reachedAnother metric will have to be chosen to allow the ICevolution to be mapped and to allow valid predictions to bemade

    Which metricthis is extremely complex to choose

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    Moores law will eventually reach its inevitable conclusion

    Technology will continue to advance

    ICs with improved properties will be manufactured

    Another metric will need to be chosen to allow the future trends

    to be mapped and predicted

    The complexity of current IC design means this choice will be
