montpelier today, march/april 2012

MONTPELIER TODAY 1 March-April 2012 The Newsletter Of The Montpelier Community Association Montpelier Today March-April 2012 Meet Some of Our Montpelier Marlins Young and Talented Year Round Swimmers! Marlin - Young Guns – Matthew, Frankie, Carolyn, Suzannah See page 12 for more on the Marlins *** 2012 ASSESSMENTS  ARE DUE ** *  

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MONTPELIER TODAY  1 March-April 2012 

The Newsletter Of The

Montpelier Community Association

Montpelier Today March-April 2012

Meet Some of Our Montpelier Marlins

Young and Talented Year Round


Marlin - Young Guns – Matthew, Frankie, Carolyn, SuzannahSee page 12 for more on the Marlins


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MONTPELIER TODAY  2 March-April 2012 

Office: 301-384-8700

Direct: 301-873-4769









E-Mail: [email protected]







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MONTPELIER TODAY  3 March-April 2012 

Inside this issue: MONTPELIER TODAYis published by the


http://www.montpelieronline.orgCommunity Information Line-


M O N T P E L I E R T O D A Y i spublished six times per year (Jan/Feb, Mar/Apr, May/Jun, Jul/Aug,Sep/Oct, and Nov/Dec) by theMontpelier Community Association,

Inc. Material for the newsletter must be submitted by the 15th of the month prior to publication.Please forward all association andnewsletter correspondence to:

P.O. Box 2503Laurel, MD 20709-2503

or e-mail to:[email protected]

 Advertisements are not anendorsement of products or 

services by the Board of Trustees or the Montpelier 

Community Association, Inc.

Please Note

If you have sold your home

or are a new owner, please

drop us a note listing the lot 

number and the name of the

new owner. Requests for 

resale packages should be

sent to the above address or call 888-622-4630 x102.

If you are renting your home andhave a mailing address other thanMontpelier, please let us know.We want all members to receivetheir MCA correspondence andMONTPELIER TODAY in a timelymanner.

2012Advertising Rates For Montpelier Today

Per Issue PrePaidAnnual

(6 issues)Full page $ 120.00 $ 648.00Half page 85.00 459.00Quarter page 60.00 324.00Business card 40.00 216.00

License information, as required by the

State and County, must be

displayed on all advertisements

For Inquiries:Mary Hughes, Editor [email protected] or 888-622-4630 x103 


March-April 2012  Bob Derrick, President Chair, Executive Committee

301 [email protected]

Jack Keating, Vice President 

 Member, Executive CommitteeChair, Facilities Committee 301 325-0497

 [email protected]

Lillian Fazio, TreasurerChair, Finance Committee

Chair, Tennis Committee

301 [email protected]

Patricia Douville, Secretary Member, Executive Committee

301 490-7614 [email protected]

Paul Buehler, TrusteeChair, Pool Committee

301 776-9886 [email protected]

Dave Eisenberg, Trustee 301 [email protected]

Tim Jacobs, TrusteeChair, Communications Committee 916 [email protected]

Jean Sorrentino, Trustee301 [email protected]

CommitteesArchitectural Control & Compliance—Michael Boddie, Chair301 [email protected]

Benevolent Fund — Vacant

Elections & Swim Team — Lynne Collman, Chair301 [email protected]

Security — Richard Mason, Chair301 [email protected]

Social — Carla Bowen, [email protected] 622-4630 x104

Assistant to the BoardMary Hughes—888-622-4630 [email protected]

Resale Packages—888 MCA INFO x102

2012 Board of Trustees

President’s Letter  4

Braggin’ Writes & Announcements 5

December 2011 MCA Board MeetingMinutes 6

December ACCC Meeting Minutes 7

January 2012 ACCC Meeting Minutes 8

Treasurer’s Report 9

Easter Egg Hunt 10

Security Committee Report 11

Marlin’s Corner  12

 ACCC Approval Form18

Helping Hands 22

GLO in the Garden 14

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MONTPELIER TODAY  4 March-April 2012 



Mark your calendar for Tuesday March 13 and Tuesday, April 10 for the monthly board meetings at

Deerfield Community Center, preschool room. All meetings begin at 7 PM. Montpelier homeowners are

encouraged to attend.


Meetings are the first Thursday of every month at 7 PM at the Deerfield Community Center, preschool room.

The next meetings will be Thursday, March 1 and Thursday, April 5.

Dear Neighbors,

I would like to thank all of those residents who cast

their ballot for the 2011-2012 Board of Trustees and

attended the Annual Meeting on September 25th


Turnout was very light leading one Trustee to quip “wemust be doing a good job” but, for the Board to really

work we need nine members!

The beauty of having nine Trustees is that Montpelier

is almost sure to get a diverse group “at the helm.”

Trustees pull and tug at every issue until, in the end, a

fair and reasonable compromise decision is reached.

We are fortunate to have just enough variety to keep

us on our toes, but not so much that we cannot end

our meetings as friends. With 695 families in Montpe-

lier I am sure there is someone interested in devoting

two hours one evening a month to their community.

Our Board is a “government for the people, by the

people” type group. It is remarkable to see the dy-

namics of the Trustees as they impart their personal

values and beliefs on the community’s business. A

little microcosm of democracy at work. A quorum is

required to conduct business and a simple majority

rules. If you have been considering getting involved in

your community, now is the perfect time to step up to

the plate. We need one more Trustee!

I would like to welcome   Jean Sorrentino, our newest

Trustee. She is an original resident and raised a family

right here in Montpelier and provides a tremendous

balance to our deliberations. Thank you to her for

volunteering her time to the community.

One of our longest serving Trustees, Richard Dengler  

chose not to run this year. He has served in a variety

of capacities over the years. He has made significant

contributions during that time as a Trustee, the Secu-

rity Committee Chairman, Facilities Chairman, and

thousands of hours volunteering and watching over

our community. On behalf of MCA, I would like to

thank Richard for his hard work, master keying skills,

vision for the common grounds and dedication to our

community over these many years.

Our monthly Board meetings are held the second Tuesday of each month at 7:00 pm at the Deerfield 

Run Community Center on Route 197 just north of 

Montpelier Drive. All homeowners are invited to at-

tend and be part of the planning for the upcoming

year. Many of the questions and concerns that are

posted on the Yahoo Group Page or topics found on can be discussed with the

Board in person at these meetings. Let your ideas and

suggestions benefit the entire community. Come on

out and let your voice be heard.

Bob Derrick



Send in your 2012 MCA Assessment ($275) before March 31 and earn a 2012 pool guest pass.(These passes are kept on file at the pool, are non transferable, and expire at the end of the 2012 pool season.

Regular Pool Passes do not expire and can be purchased at the pool or with your assessment for $25.00.)

Assessments received in April must include a $50 administrative fee and $2.75 interest

($327.75). Need another Affidavit/Pool User Form– download a copy at or call 888

622-4630 x 103 and leave your address and another will be sent to you.

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MONTPELIER TODAY  5 March-April 2012 

Maddox Locher made Honor Roll for first and second

quarter in 4th grade at Faith Baptist Christian School!!!

Jennifer Locher

Pleasant Court

This might be a bit late for the spring newsletter, but I

  just had to brag and write a bit. My son, Rich the

Clown, got a nice spread in our local Gazette newspa-

per, 9 Feb. 2012. He was featured with a couple of his

clown buddies in a front page article, with photo, re-

garding his show, 'Clown Caberet'* which is a showcase

for entertainment talent. When his sister and brother

were visiting in December, we all went to see the show,

which is at NY Ave. near 6th St., NW D.C. We

enjoyed the unusual entertainment, and were glad we

were able to see it together.

Rilla Potter


* More information is at &

read the article online at


ALSO FROM YOUR NEIGHBORS First United Methodist Church

424 Main St., Laurel, Md.

Coming Events: In the Fellowship Hall

Lite Lenten soups on Thursdays at 6:30 from Feb. 23 toMarch 29, speaker to follow.

Women's "Glow for GOD" Event , MARCH 16 + 17; Fri-

day 6:30-8:30 p.m. "Beautification of body " with work-

shops on make- up, nails, sleep and foot massage.

Saturday 8:30 to noon "Beautification of Soul"  with

breakfast at 8:30 and seminar speaker Flossie Dryden,

graduate of Lancaster Bible College and former mission-

ary to Barbados

Events are free and babysitting provided.

Sign up by March 11 at 301-725-3093.

Questions call Lois Hamilton at 301-498-9736.

Vacation Bible School

Our Savior Lutheran Church on Rt. 197 is excited to

host Sky VBS the week of July 23-27, 2012. Children

from age 4 through the completion of 6th

grade are in-

vited to join us daily from 9 am to 12 noon for songs,

games, Bible learning, and other enrichment activities.

Registration will be available online beginning in June;

the cost is $10 per child. Check the church website for

more information,, or call 301-776-


MONTPELIER SENIORS (50+) -Looking for an opportunity for

regular exercise and friendly com-

petition at exceedingly reasonable

costs. Join the Maryland Senior

Men’s Golf Association at Patux-

ent Greens Golf Club in Lau-

rel. Several of your Montpelier

neighbors regularly participate in this activity; Patuxent

Greens is undergoing a major upgrading this winter and

it is one of very few area courses that allows golfers to

walk; power carts are available, but not mandatory forthis golf league.

WHO: Maryland Senior Men’s Golf Association (MSGA)

WHAT: An affiliate of the state-wide Maryland Senior

Golf Association, the Patuxent Greens senior’s group

offers weekly local tournaments plus opportunities to

travel to other golf clubs for friendly competition. Golf-

ers of all ability levels are welcome.

WHEN: Wednesday mornings – April thru the end of 

golf season

WHERE: Patuxent Greens Golf Club – Rt. 197 in Laurel

(14415 Greenview Drive)

Details: MSGA membership @ $15 per year is open to

players 50 years of age and above and requires an ac-

tive handicap. Handicap service can be purchased

through the club, but is free if you join the Insider Plus

Membership at Patuxent Greens @39 per year. Weekly

Greens & Cart Fees depend on the membership cate-

gory chosen by each player -- Costs and other details

for INsider Plus or other membership categories can be

obtained from Patuxent Greens Golf Club (301-776-

5533) or

For more information on the Maryland Senior Golf As-sociation, please contact Montpelier resident John Ber-

tak at [email protected] (301-490-5286)

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MONTPELIER TODAY  6 March-April 2012 

Montpelier Community Association, Inc.Board of Trustees Meeting Minutes

December 13, 2011 

Trustees in Attendance: Bob Derrick, Patricia Douville,

Lillian Fazio, Jack Keating and Jean Sorrentino. 

Trustees Absent with Cause: Paul Buehler, DaveEisenberg and Tim Jacobs.

Community Members Present: Mary Derrick and Mary


President B. Derrick called the meeting to order at 7:13

PM. There was a quorum to conduct business. Trustee

Derrick thanked Trustee Sorrentino volunteering for

one of the vacant positions on the board. [By action

taken by the Executive Committee outside of the regu-

lar Board of Trustees meeting, Ms. Sorrentino’s nomina-

tion was accepted and she was appointed to fill a vacant


Secretary’s Report: Tricia Douville

The minutes of the November 2011 board meeting

were reviewed. Trustee Keating made a motion to ac-

cept the minutes. Trustee Fazio seconded the motion

and it passed unanimously.

Treasurer’s Report: Lillian Fazio

Trustee Fazio distributed the monthly statements.

• Trustee Fazio reported that she expects to put

$40,000 into the reserve account at the end of the


Delinquent accounts and legal suits were reviewed.A spreadsheet of all delinquent accounts and their

legal status was distributed to the board.

• The budget for 2012 was discussed. Maintenance

funding has been moved into the contingency fund.

Several projects will have to be considered in the

future: cracked concrete around the pool; the path

near the tennis courts from Briardale Lane; the pool

parking lot; and white coating for the pool. Repair-

ing the parking lot was estimated to cost $60,000-

$80,000 and white coating another $20,000. Trus-

tee Keating made a motion to raise the assessment

$10, to $275, for 2012. Trustee Fazio seconded the

motion and it was approved by unanimous vote.

Trustee Derrick made a motion to accept the

budget, pending the adjustment to reflect the in-

crease in assessment. Trustee Keating seconded

the motion and it passed unanimously.

ACCC: Michael Boddie, Chairperson (absent)

• Two of the vacant houses have been cleaned up

after several calls to Property Standards and the

maintenance companies contracted by the banks

with an interest in the properties. Neighbors of 

both of these houses will be given the telephonenumbers of those entities so that they can register

complaints or request maintenance of the proper-


• A cease and desist should be prepared by the attor-

ney regarding the neighbor who is feeding vultures.

Communications Committee: Tim Jacobs, Chairperson


• Trustee Jacobs needs to put the audit/compilations

on the website.

• The administrative assistant was asked to pick out

the laptop and software needed for the MCA work.

A new recorder which can transpose the minutes

directly to a Word document was also discussed.

• Trustee Derrick reported that a member was auto-

matically removed from the list serv after having

his email “hacked.” Communications Committee

needs to explain the procedures for removing

someone from the list serv.

• The ACCC Groupsite needs to be paid via the MCA

account before it is shut down. The admin assistant

was asked to take care of this and authorized to

reduce the managers to two (M. Boddie and M.

Hughes) and upgrade the storage space for a cost

of $9.00 per month.

Facilities Committee: Jack Keating, Chairperson

• Trustee Keating reviewed the insurance and the

upgrades are fine.

• Trustee Keating will meet with Brickman to discuss

the maintenance contract. Brickman will deliver 11

yds of dirt for support to the tennis courts now that

the ground is not so soft. Trustee Keating asked if 

volunteers will spread the dirt or if quotes are

needed. Brickman will also be asked how much it

would cost to cut the grass around the power line.

• Trustee Keating donated a cover to keep the tennis

court cleaning equipment protected while it is

stored at the courts.

• The tennis courts will be secured with a lock and

key. Trustee Fazio will handle the distribution of 

the keys to tennis players. She will keep track of 

the keys handed out and members will be asked to

sign for a key and will pay a small fee if the keys are

(Continued on page 7)

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MONTPELIER TODAY  7 March-April 2012 

lost. This procedure will be phased in over thewinter and notices will be put in the newsletter,

on the website, on the info line and the list serv.

A sign will also be posted at the tennis courts.

• All of the tree work has been done and Abbey Fritz

submitted the contract for the fencing ($1,068).

The contract will be signed and the treasurer will

send in a down payment.

• The revised Guidelines for Making Proposals to

the Board for Expenditures was discussed. A writ-

ten scope of work is required to be submitted to

the board for all expenditures over $1,000. This

will help determine if the project has enough sup-port to warrant additional effort to secure three

bids and ensure that all bids are for the same

scope of work. It will also provide the board with

the information needed to make an informed de-

cision. Trustee Keating made a motion to adopt

the revised Guidelines for Making Proposals to the

Board. Trustee Sorrentino seconded the motion

and it passed unanimously.

Pool Committee: Paul Buehler, Chairperson (absent)

No report.

Social Committee: Carla Bowen (not present), Chair-person

No report.

Security Committee: Richard Mason, Chairperson

Trustee Derrick made a motion to approve Richard

Mason as Security Committee Chairperson. Trustee

Douville seconded the motion and it passed unani-


Tennis Committee: Lillian Fazio, ChairpersonTrustee Fazio reported on her meeting with Mark Far-

thing who installed the new surface. Mr. Harkins was

also present. The hairline cracks are on the painted

area, not where they repaired the surface, but he will

talk to his operations person and get back to Trustee



The contract for the admin assistant was reviewed.

Trustee Derrick made a motion to approve the con-

tract, not to exceed $20,000. The motion was sec-

onded and passed unanimously.


Trustee Derrick asked that the admin assistant keep

board members informed of decisions made in their

absence from a board meeting. This will be a regular

procedure to be taken by the assistant.

The Marlins Swim Team would like to continue the

“sponsorship” of non-members to try to increase swim

team participation. Use of the pool is limited to swim

practice, meets and swim team events. Trustee

Keating made a motion to approve the “adopt a Mar-

lin” swim team sponsorship. Trustee Douville sec-onded the motion and it passed unanimously.

The next board meeting will be held on Tuesday, Janu-

ary 10, 2012 at 7:00 PM at Deerfield Recreation Cen-

ter, preschool room. The motion was made and sec-

onded to adjourn at 8:55  pm. The motion passed


(Continued from page 6)

Meeting Minutes of December 1, 2011

Committee Members Present: Michael Boddie, Toni

Byrd, Brian Dennis, Jack Keating, Ron Lenart, and Pauline


Committee Members Absent: Tim Shrewsbury and

Diana Sowle.Community Members Present: M. Hughes.

The meeting was called to order at 7:03 PM. J. Keating

made a motion to accept the amended November 2011

minutes. The motion was seconded by R. Lenart and

passed unanimously. 

Old Business:

8713 Crystal Rock – Photos reviewed and file will be

scanned and distributed for further discussion.

9314 Montpelier Drive –Legal action proceeding

against non-compliant homeowner (fence in

disrepair, no paperwork regarding the State’s

plan to fix the fence and algae was not removed

from house).

9302 Montpelier Drive – Legal action proceeding re-

garding violations (oversized shed, placement, noprior approval).

12202 Mt. Pleasant Drive – No response to cease and

desist (10/4) regarding missing gutter. T. Byrd

made a motion to levy a $200 a month fine if 

repairs not made to bring the house into compli-

ance. R. Lenart seconded the motion and it

passed unanimously.

9203 and 9207 Twin Hill - No response to letters sent

(Continued on page 8)


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MONTPELIER TODAY  8 March-April 2012 

that sticks at the curb need to be bundled. R. Le-

nart will revisit to check for debris in the drive and

numbers on the house.

New Business:

12804 Cedarbrook Lane – J. Keating made a motion to

send a letter to the homeowner asking for a de-

tailed description of the repairs being made to the

home damaged by fire and reminding them that

an approval request may be needed. T. Byrd sec-

onded the motion and it passed unanimously.

12509 Cedarbrook Lane – Complaint received regarding

noise, junk and business activity at the home cre-

ating a nuisance. B. Dennis made a motion to

send a letter citing Article IV, Section 3 of the

covenants. The motion was seconded and passedunanimously.

12412 Eastgate Lane – Complaint received regarding

tires and junk. It will be checked to see if they

have been removed.

The next meeting of the ACCC will be Thursday, January

5, 2012 at 7:00 PM at Deerfield Community Center.

The meeting adjourned at 7:49 pm.

(Continued from page 7)


Deerfield Community Center

Meeting Minutes of January 5, 2012

Committee Members Present: Michael Boddie, Jack

Keating, Ron Lenart, Pauline Pettitt, and Diana Sowle.Committee Members Absent: Toni Byrd, Brian Den-

nis, and Tim Shrewsbury.

Community Members Present: M. Hughes.

The meeting was called to order at 7:02 PM. J. Keating

made a motion to accept the December 2011 minutes.

The motion was seconded by R. Lenart and passed


Old Business:

8713 Crystal Rock – The railing clearly was not removed

which was part of the settlement. Letter neededthat they have 30 days to remove the railing. A

fine of $200 a month will be imposed if the railing

is not removed.

12202 Mt. Pleasant Drive – Gutter has been replaced.

Thank you.

12412 Eastgate Lane – Tires and junk are still there so a

letter will be sent.

12804 Cedarbrook Lane – No response to letter

(12/12/11) to the homeowner asking for a de-

tailed description of the repairs being made to the

home damaged by fire. Hold to next month.

12509 Cedarbrook Lane – No response to letter

(12/12/11) citing Article IV, Section 3 of the cove-nants regarding noise from business activities and

  junk around house. Revisit next month. M. Bod-

die suggested that the committee be prepared to

act before the next meeting if additional informa-

tion is provided.

9207 Twin Hill Lane – The debris is still there. A letter

will be sent.

9203 Twin Hill Lane – The limbs are gone and there are

house numbers on the house.

New Business:

9201 Lawnview Lane – Request for approval of 6 foot

fence for privacy and hot tub. The request was

approved unanimously.

8908 Churchfield Lane – Request for approval of two

garden windows. The request was approved


12101 Mt. Pleasant Drive – R. Lenart asked if large

stand of bamboo behind the house visible from

Muirkirk Road is a violation.

12203 Barclay Place – D. Sowle will check on the vacanthouse.

8804 Churchfield Lane – P. Pettitt checking on the va-

cant house. The trash cans are stored in front of 

the garage and bushes and leaves at this house are

no worse than the neighbors. No violation exists at

this time.

Neighbors should be encouraged to clean up the leaves

in front of their houses. The county will pick them up if 


The next meeting of the ACCC will be Thursday, Febru-

ary 2, 2012 at 7:00 PM at Deerfield Community Center.

The meeting adjourned at 7:32 pm.

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MONTPELIER TODAY  9 March-April 2012 




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MONTPELIER TODAY  10 March-April 2012 

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MONTPELIER TODAY  11 March-April 2012 


COPS Coffees

The Prince George’s County Police COPS Coffees are held

monthly, the first Thursday of every month, at the Laurel

Senior Center at 1:00 PM. The topics will be published

on and the yahoo list serv as soonas the information is available.

At the February 2nd coffee, an attentive group of about

30 seniors fixed their eyes on a couple of disciplined per-

formers in a meeting room at the Center. The pair, a man

and his dog, was a team from the County K-9 Unit. The

man was Cpl. Scott Allen. His companion - a year old Bel-

gian Malinois/German shepherd mix named Rambo.

Cpl. Allen put Rambo through his paces with all-but in-

visible gestures and an occasional whispered command.

Instant Obedience could have been Rambo’s middle

name and it was hard to tell who was having more fun:the Corporal, Rambo or the audience. It did seem that

those who saw the performance left feeling a little bit

safer knowing that Cpl. Allen and his partner, the fearless

- and at this time - only strictly attack dog, are on the job

in Prince George’s County.

The next presentation is from the Prince George’s County

Dept. of Environmental Resources on Thursday, March 1.

Additional Events in March & April


Jason Wilson, our Police Community Representative to

speak to the members about safety in your home and in

the community. Officer Wilson will start his presentation

at 8:00 PM. For more information, call Marge Bresson @


March 26 - CITIZENS POLICE ACADEMY is a free, 12-week

course conducted by the County Police in Lanham, 6 to 9

PM every Monday. Learn the responsibilities of our

county police officers. There will be exciting demonstra-

tions about action taken in specific situations. To learn

more, please email me at [email protected] or call me

at 301-346-6250.


big meeting of Neighborhood Watch for West Laurel will

be Thursday, April 19th at the West Laurel Community

Center. A Secret Service Agent will speak about identity

theft. Learn how this increasing theft is done through

banks, checks, and the internet, etc. See counterfeit

money and the difference with the real thing.

The Home Security Survey 

Please review the following information to help protect

your home. Most of these are reminders and please re-

member to watch you neighbors property too. Cpl

Woody encourages questions via his email. Have the

police visit your house and get friendly advice to help you

protect your house and property. I had the survey and

learned additional ways to protect my family.

They inspect the following inside and outside:

• Hinged, garage and sliding doors

• Frame and strike plates

• Locks

• Hinges

• Door viewers

• Windows and casements

• Alarms

• Lighting

• Shrubbery

They introduce and review:• Security habits

• Operation ID

• Vacation practices

• Neighborhood watch

• Safety inside and outside of your home

For more information or to schedule a home security

survey, please e-mail [email protected]

Protect Your Automobile From Theft

PFC Wilson, our Community Relations Officer from the

County Police asked me to share this excellent informa-

tion on how to protect your automobile from theft.

1. Park your vehicle in a well-lighted area.

2. Remove all items of value. If you have a portable

GPS, wipe off suction cup marks on your windshield

or dash. Thieves break into cars suspecting that a

GPS is hidden in the vehicle.

3. Lock all of your doors and roll the windows up.

4. Activate your vehicle alarm, if you have one.

5. Be sure to keep garage doors closed when not in

front of the house.

These are easy steps to reduce the probability of becom-

ing a victim of theft from auto. Remember, if an item is

stolen from your vehicle and it is not permanently at-

tached or is an aftermarket product, it may not be cov-

ered by your insurance company. - Please remember to click on to

our community web site for interesting topics about our

community, including a video of the Police Canine pres-

entation provided by Laurel-TV.

Richard Mason

Security Committee

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MONTPELIER TODAY  12 March-April 2012 

If you want to be part of this fun and make new friends, come join the Marlins!!If you don’t swim all year round – many of our swimmers don’t, no worry, just bring your fun loving enthusiasm and

determination. The Marlins look forward to meeting new swimmers this season!!!

Need more information, contact me – Lynne Collman at [email protected]!! See you at the pool!

Marlin Corner:It’s 4:15 am when the alarm sounds, the blender whirs, and a protein shake is hastily assembled.

Next, a swim backpack containing fins, paddles and goggles is found, then parent and swimmer are

off to a 90 minute early morning swim practice before school.

This is part of the routine for a year round swimmer these days. Yardage may vary, but 20,000 y a r d s

and 12 hours a week of training is not uncommon. As the MCA Marlins approach their 2012 summer season, several

neighborhood kids anchor the team with their dedication to the sport and year round swimming. These kids arecertainly doing their part to support Michelle Obama’s “ play 60” campaign for young kids to stay healthy and fit!

The Montpelier Marlins continue to be highly ranked in the Prince-Mont Swim League thanks to all the Montpelier

families who participate in summer and winter swimming. Here are some interesting facts about the four swimmers

featured on our MCA cover “Young Guns” this month.

R.P. Buehler

Carolyn SuttonSwimming Age-13/14. Swims for Maryland Suburban

Swim Club (MSSC) at Fairland Aquatics Center. Favorite

strokes are the Butterfly and Backstroke. Favorite events

are the 100 Fly and 200 Individual Medley. Enjoys draw-

ing in her spare time. Favorite celebrity, Taylor Swift.

Favorite Books, The Hunger Games, also enjoys the HarryPotter series. Carolyn has been swimming with the Mar-

lins for three seasons and enjoys the Marlins Pep Rallies.

Carolyn will no doubt be a top scorer in our girls 13/14

age group this year. It is especially enjoyable to watch

her swim the individual medley as she is well rounded in

all her strokes. Carolyn is also an integral part of the

Marlins girls relay. Carolyn’s parents are Paul and Su-

sanne Sutton.

Frankie SpitzaSwimming Boys 11/12, Swims for Maryland Suburban

Swim Club (MSSC) at Fairland Aquatics Center. Favoritestrokes are the Breaststroke and Freestyle. Favorite

event is the 50 Breaststroke. Favorite Swimmer, Michael

Phelps. Favorite Books, Harry Potter. Also enjoys playing

basketball and is currently playing with LBGC’s winter

basketball league. Favorite celebrity, Tim Duncan of the

San Antonio Spurs. Enjoys playing the NBA 2012 on his

Xbox. Frankie has been swimming with the Marlins for

six years. Frankie is quite talented for his age and being

12, will be anchoring the Boys 11/12 age group this sum-

mer. Frankie’s brother, Andrew, also swims for the Mar-

lins. Frankie’s parents are Ken and Anne Spitza.

Suzannah MillsSwimming Girls 11/12 Swims for Fairland Aquatic Swim

Team (FAST) at Fairland. Favorite strokes are the Back-

stroke and Freestyle. Favorite event is the 200 Back-

stroke. Favorite Books, Percy Jackson Series. Youngest of 

the seven Mills children (all Marlin swimmers – past and

present), Suzannah has been swimming for the Marlins

for seven seasons and enjoys the summer swim season as

she “gets to hang out with all my friends.” Suzannah has

learned the sport well from her siblings as she has estab-

lished pool records in the 9/10 age group. Her freestyleis smooth and efficient and a thing of beauty to watch.

The Marlins are expecting amazing things from Suzannah

in the future. She is very fond of the egg “McMarlin”

breakfast sandwich sold at the Saturday swim meets.

Suzannah’s parents are Charlie and Jane Mills.

Matthew CollmanSwimming Boys 13/14, Swims for Maryland Suburban

Swim Club (MSSC) at Fairland, Coached by former-

Marlin/Marlin Coach Matt Harris. Favorite stroke is the

Backstroke. Favorite Event is Relays. Matthew has been

swimming with the Marlins for seven years. Enjoys thecheering and encouragement at swimming events from

the team and Marlin parents . Also enjoys being with

community friends and the camaraderie of the swim

team during the summer. Favorite Swimmer -Michael

Phelps. Matthew loves just going down to the pool to

hang out and meet new friends. Other interests include

the Boy Scouts where Matthew is currently a “Star” rank.

Matthew enjoys camping and learning new skills with the

boy scouts. Enjoys playing and watching football, espe-

cially the Baltimore Ravens. Favorite Celebrity - Ray Rice

from the Ravens. Wears a “Live Strong” wrist band in

support of Lance Armstrong’s Cancer Research. Matthew

will be rounding out the Boys 13/14 age group, contribut-ing big numbers to the Marlins tally. Matthew’s sister,

Danielle, is also on the Marlin swim team. Matthew’s

parents are Paul and Lynne Collman.

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MONTPELIER TODAY  13 March-April 2012 


The keys to the new tennis lock are available. They can be picked up at 8716 Crystal Rock Lane. Please call

301-776-3267 before attempting to pick up your key.

It is imperative that all tennis players respect the use of the courts and make every effort to pre-vent unauthorized use. That means locking up after you play and not giving out the key to people

who will not abide by the rules.

Lillian Fazio

Tennis Committee Chair



Name: _________________________________________

Address: _________________________________________

Phone(evenings) or email: ________________________________

Please mail to: MCA

P.O. Box 2503

Laurel, MD 20709-2503

Architectural Control

and compliance


Election committee


Facilities (Grounds)

Governing Documents

Pool Operations


...or call/email a chairperson or board member to volunteer.

 ACC Committee

Michael Boddie

[email protected]

301 317-5535

12402 Eastgate Lane 

Communications Committee

Tim Jacobs

[email protected]

240 841-2787

8711 Crestmont Lane 

Elections Committee Lynne Collman 

[email protected] 


12309 Shadetree Lane 

Facilities Committee

Jack Keating 

 [email protected] 

301 325-0497 

9307 Montpelier Drive 

Nominating Committee 

Patricia Douville 

[email protected] 

301 490-7614 

8904 Eastbourne Lane 

Pool Committee 

Paul Buehler 

[email protected] 

301 776-9886 

9000 Golden Pass 

Social Committee

Carla Bowen

[email protected] 

Security Committee

Richard Mason

[email protected]


Swim Team Committee Lynne Collman 

[email protected] 


Tennis Committee

Lillian Fazio [email protected] 

301 776-3267 

8716 Crystal Rock Lane 

2012 Committee Chairpersons

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MONTPELIER TODAY  14 March-April 2012 


Hi Neighbor,

I look out the window and notice the forsythia bushes

of lemon-yellow are reaching out through the ever-

green bushes, small crocuses are tenderly popping up

and the King Alfred daffodils genuflect near the en-trance my home in glorious bouquets of majesty.

SPRING IS HERE ! That means there is plenty of work to

do. One of the first tasks is to rake up any leaves and

debris left from winter.


• Hydrangea: Hydrangea are globular, conical, or flat-

tish clusters of many individual flowers. Some bloom

on old wood and some bloom on new wood.

Mopheads bloom on old wood so do not cut them

back or you will be cutting off potential flowers.

These varieties are often blue, pink, or rose. The Pani-

cle hydrangea flower on new wood or current sea-son’s growth and can be severely pruned after the fall

frost or early spring. White flowers bloom in pyrami-

dal panicles in late summer to fall, turning pinkish-

purple with age. These plants can take the strong

summer sun. They

are well-suited to

use in dry flower

arrangements and

a favorite of the

Spicebush butter-

fly. There is also a

Oakleaf hydrangeathat grows four to

six feet in height

and has wide, deep-green leaves that turn red to pur-

ple in the autumn, tapered panicles of midsummer

white flowers that persist into fall and exfoliate rusty

brown stems are revealed in winter. The flowers

grow on new wood. Lastly, there are the latest intro-

duction of hydrangea to the market called rebloom-

ers. Their reblooming potential is dependent on

weather, fertilization and good luck!

• Roses: Pruning your rose bushes is not difficult.

With a little knowledge, you’ll find it to be a creativeprocess, rather then a chore. For

shape and growth, cut off old or

diseased canes to help your rose

maintain an attractive, full

shape. If the canes are not white

or green inside, cut lower. Cut

away thin, stringy canes-these

will not be able to support

blooms and will waste the

bushes’ energy. If canes are crossed and rubbing to-

gether, cut the smaller one back. Proper pruning pro-

motes the growth of new shoots and buds,

strengthen existing canes, helps the bush produce

more blooms and opens up the form of the rose bush

aiding air circulation. This is key to preventing fungaldiseases. Always purchase roses from a dependable

nursery and enjoy their perfume, color and presenta-


• Liriope and Tall Grasses: This is also a good time to

cut back Liriope and tall grasses. If the grasses are

getting too large for the space, dig them out, cut in

half and replant. You can start a new landscape island

or share your plants with a neighbor.


Have you heard of the Fertilizer Use Act of 2011? One

of the main goals is to limit the amount of nitrogenand phosphorus that will eventually end up in the

Chesapeake Bay. An easy guideline is to pick a lawn

fertilizer who’s middle number is very low or zero. The

plants need nitrogen not phosphorus. Don’t let the

product shower into the street where it will wash into

the sewer system.

Remember dear neighbors to take time to notice the

signs of spring, stroll the garden and enjoy the bless-

ings. Happy Gardening!

Gloria Hynes, Master Gardener

Prince Georges County

Comments ? Questions ?

Email: gloriahynes@verizon .net

Photos courtesy of Gloria Hynes

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MONTPELIER TODAY  15 March-April 2012 

True Life:I Am A LaurelMill Worker 

The exhibit ex-plores Laurel’shistory as a milltown and the com-munity’s early

growth. Using areal 1870s familyto tell the story, itintroduces visitorsto the lives andexperiences of thep e o p l e w h oworked in town’scotton mill be-tween the 1830s-1929, when themill closed forgood.

Using the 10-member Water-

man family, selected from 1870s census records, visi-tors learn about the jobs different members of the fam-ily, including its seven children, might have performedat the cotton mill. Visitors will be given a card for oneof the family members and follow them through theexhibit. An adult visitor might follow Mark Waterman,49, who may have worked in the picking room at themill, where once the cotton bales were moved into thepicking room, the cotton was unpacked and debris suchas twigs, leaves, and bugs were removed. He mighthave earned: $7.43/wk or 11 cents/hr. A younger visi-tor might follow Sarah, his 13 year –old daughter, whomay have worked as a creeler in the weaving room,making sure there was a constant supply of fresh bob-bins for the cotton emerging from the card frames. Shewould have earned $4.00/wk or 6 cents/hr. In a pay-master’s section of this room, and in an area in the

Museum’s downstairs, visitors learn firsthand whatthese wages might have purchased.

The exhibitions’ second area re-creates an 1870s millworkers home in the Laurel Museum’s building. This isthe first time that the Laurel Historical Society has re-created millworkers' quarters. Housing 10 people (9family members and one other individual) the spacewould likely have been very crowded, with multiple

children sharing beds and bedrolls. In addition to bed-ding, and trunks to store items, the space includes 3kinds of lighting (kerosene, candle and oil), 2 types of heating (wood and coal), a chamber pot, sewing imple-ments, fishing rod, baseball bat, clothing, and otheritems of everyday life that might have been present ina mill family home. The Laurel Museum building wasoriginally 4 separate apartments, with individual kitch-ens for each family in the basement. The re-creationalso includes a basement kitchen set-up as the 1870sfamily might have had, and where, the exhibit specu-lates, Virginia Bradley, a 25 year-old, white femalelisted as living with the family, might have slept.

True Life: I am a Laurel mill worker  

will run through December, 2012.

Calendar of Events

March 8, 2012 Life after Freedom: Maryland's African AmericanCommunities during Reconstruction and BeyondLaurel Municipal Pool Room - 9th and Main - 7 PM.Free

April 12, 2012 Run of the Mill: History and Archaeology of Mary-land MillsLaurel Municipal Pool Room - 9th and Main - 7 PM.


Laurel MuseumHours of Operation Wednesday and Friday 10am-2pm 

Sunday 1pm-4pm 

John Calder Brennan Research

Library Monday 10-12 & By Appointment 

Group Tours can be arranged 

through appoinments. 

Laurel-Beltsville SeniorActivity Center7120 Contee RoadLaurel, MD 20707301-206-3350; TTY 301-446-3402

Mondays-Thursdays: 8 am-9 pmFridays: 8 am-5 pm (evening rentals)Saturdays: 8 am-2 pm (evening rentals)

Sundays: Closed (evening rentals)

This state-of-the-art senior activity cen-ter is built adjacent to the Laurel Re-gional Hospital. The center amenitiesinclude a lobby; a snack bar; a fireplacelounge; game tables; a fitness room; aceramics room; an exercise room; an arts and craftsroom; a hobby woodcraft room; a billiards room; a com-puter lab and conference room; and the great room,which has a stage and a catering kitchen. If you are

60 and better and reside in PrinceGeorge's or Montgomery Counties,membership to the center isfree. Non-residents may purchase amembership. To get your free Senior ID,bring proof of residency and age to anyMNCPPC facility during normal operatinghours. Not quite 60? If you are 50-59years old you, too, can purchase a mem-bership. Don't miss out! Be sure to enjoy

the benefits of this new senior activitycenter.

The great room is available for rentalsand seats up to 220 people comforta-bly. The great room is well appointedand features a platform stage, state-of-

the-art sound system, and a catering kitchen. For de-tails on rentals, please call 301-206-3350.

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MONTPELIER TODAY  16 March-April 2012 

The Property Standards Group (PSG) is responsible for

ensuring that exterior property/premises are maintained

in a clean, safe and sanitary condition.

• All exterior walls should be free from holes, breaks, and

loose or rotting materials.

• Exterior wood surfaces should be painted or covered

with a protective treatment.

• The exterior property should be free from weeds,

grasses, annual plants, and vegetation in excess of 12


• Plant growth must not obstruct walkways, sidewalks,

streets, adjoining driveways and/or the house numbers

identifying the address of the dwelling.

• Gutters and downspouts must be maintained in good

repair and free from obstructions

PSG will inspect property complaints and can issue a cita-

tion to the owner of record if the property is not main-

tained properly. Unfortunately, this can be a slow process,

but conditions will eventually improve — it may also take

multiple phone calls. The Board has found that some

“interested parties” do not maintain vacant property

unless there are complaints, so don’t hesitate to report a

problem. Please also let the Board and/or the ACCC about

any vacant/abandoned homes.

DO YOU HAVE A VACANT OR ABANDONED HOUSE NEARBY?Call the Property Standards Group of the Prince George’s County Department of Environmental Ser-

vices to report deteriorating conditions or maintenance issues with vacant or abandoned homes -

301 883-6100 


The MCA receives many notices of proposed development of property in Prince George’s County, notices of hearings,

invitations to become a person of record for specific projects, etc. Unfortunately, most of these are time-sensitive

and cannot be reprinted in Montpelier Today or they simply contain too much information to reprint. Whenever

possible, anything dealing with our area will be included in the the newsletter; however, they will be consistently

posted online at Links to the Virginia Manor and Contee

Road Realignment are posted there as well. These links come from the Public Works and Transportation section of 

the County website which is another great source of information regarding major road improvements in Prince

George’s County.

The map on page 17 shows the Stormwater Concept Plan related to the Intersection Improvement Project near Ce-

darbrook Lane and Muirkirk Road. There was no timetable included with the information and as of the printing of 

this newsletter, the editor had not received a response to that request. According to the Chief Engineer for WBCM,

the engineering firm submitting the plan: “The plan does not impact developed property on Cedarbrook Lane and 

Orwood Lane. Our concept plan proposes four bio-swales to meet the stormwater management requirements for the

 project. These bio-swales are basically roadside ditches with a special planting soil to promote vegetative growth to

improve nutrient uptake from the ditch flow. The bio-swales are not designed to retain ponded water.”  The map on

page 17 and two additional maps of the adjacent area are posted on the Montpelier website and any additional infor-

mation received will be posted there as well.

We realize that our whole community is not online and if there are individuals in the community who would like to

submit articles for the newsletter on area development, including road and traffic issues, we would be very inter-

ested in hearing from you.

M. Hughes, Montpelier Today editor & website contributor

[email protected]

888 622-4630 x 103 

For information about yard waste collection, call (301) 952-7630. Yard waste must be placed in securely tied,heavy-duty paper or plastic bags, or heavy-duty trash cans with handles and a secure lid. Cardboard boxes are

not acceptable containers. Limbs must not exceed four (4) feet in length and three (3) inches in diameter and

must be securely tied in bundles. Bundles of limbs and bags of dry grass and leaves must weigh less than 60

pounds. Wet grass and leaves must weigh less than 25 pounds.

If you rake and bag the leaves, the County will pick them up

weekly (Wednesdays). Don’t forget our Helping Hands (pg

22) if you need to hire someone to help you with this chore.

It’s Spring—Get Rid of ThoseDecaying, Dangerous Leaves

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MONTPELIER TODAY  17 March-April 2012 

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MONTPELIER TODAY  18 March-April 2012 


 Approval FormMember No: Date:

Name: Address:  Telephone: Email:

House Type:  Framingham  Jamestown   Gramercy Eton

 Type of Alteration:    Addition/modification of basic structure Fence  Shed

Siding/Paint Deck  Other (Including PODS, Dumpsters)Describe the alteration in detail. Information about dimension, materials and design must be included with this form or the project will not be considered by the ACC. Include any statement of special circumstances that may require deviation from

established and published guidelines. Any changes to the exterior of your home, including paint color, siding and win-

dows, will require the approval of the neighbors on each side and in back of your home. Siding must blend harmoniouslywith the neighborhood. The neighbors residing across the street must also be contacted if the project, when completed, can  be seen from their property. Major landscaping projects such as retaining walls, etc. must also be approved. Plans for major alterations must be submitted to the ACCC two weeks before the meeting. Applications for approval of PODS,dumpsters, or similar structures should check the “Other” box and must include the maximum time that the structure will be on the lot.

Attach the following:

 Note (1) Copy of plat of your property showing location on your property of the requested alteration. Note (2) Detailed scale drawing or copy of blue prints of proposed alteration.I understand that these items are needed for the committee to make an informed decision about the requested

alteration. When completed we agree to allow the ACCC to inspect this project.

Signature of requester

Neighbor comments:

Name (Print) Address Concur/Non-concur Signature

Name (Print) Address Concur/Non-concur Signature

Name (Print) Address Concur/Non-concur Signature

Name (Print) Address Concur/Non-concur Signature

 The homeowner requesting approval of a project (requester) will contact the neighbor(s) residing on each side of hishome to obtain their concurrence or comments. In the event the requester resides on a corner lot, the neighbor re-

siding adjacent to his rear property line must be contacted. The neighbors residing across the street must also becontacted if the project, when completed, can be seen from their property. Space for their name(s), address, concur-rence or comments is provided above. If the required neighbor approvals are not obtained by the requester the

 ACC will contact the neighbors to get their comments which will delay processing of the request. Neighbor com-ments will be considered by the ACC in making a decision. Those neighbors that non-concur in a project will benotified in writing of the action taken by the ACC and advised of their right to appeal. If a project requiring ACCapproval is started without such approval it shall be considered in violation of the covenants of the Association.Mail completed forms to MCA ACC Committee, P.O. Box 2503, Laurel, MD 20709.

 Note (1) Prince George's County law requires a building permit for all structural changes or additions to your home. 

For ArchitecturalCommittee Use OnlyProject No:

Date Received:

Letter Sent:

Revised 1207

8/2/2019 Montpelier Today, March/April 2012 19/28

MONTPELIER TODAY  19 March-April 2012 

Replacing your fence or driveway?


an ACCC Approval Request Form first.Covenants are enforced and fines are levied and col-

lected. If you are planning any work to the exterior of 

your home, first fill out the ACCC Approval RequestForm located in every Montpelier Today newsletter and

on-line at Submit to:


ATTN: Architectural Control & Compliance Committee

P.O. Box 2503

Laurel, MD 20709

Or by email to [email protected]. Meetings are

the first Thursday of every month at 7 PM at Deerfield

Community Center.



REPLACEMENT) REQUIRE PRIOR APPROVALNo construction, addition, or alteration of a Montpelier

home shall be made without prior approval (see ap-

proval form on preceding page) from the Architectural

Control & Compliance Committee. This includes satel-

lite dish installation. All exterior colors and materials

shall blend harmoniously with the neighboring dwell-




PROVAL. All other changes/replacements require

PRIOR APPROVAL. Proceeding without prior approval

shall constitute a covenant violation subject to en-

forcement, including fines.

BOAT, CAMPER, RV, TRAILER ENFORCEMENTBoats, campers, RVs, trailers must be in storage by

November 1.

Boats, campers, RVs, and camping trailers must be in

storage from November 1 through March 31. Viola-

tions can result in a fine of $250 per month.

USE OF PODS, DUMPSTERS, ETC. The ACCC requests notification before placing a POD,

dumpster, or similar structure on any lot. Please in-

clude the maximum time that the structure will be on

the lot. Use an Approval Form for notification.




Printable copy of the MCA Governing Documents and the

 ACCC Approval Form can be found online:



1 888 MCA INFØ( 1 888 622-463Ø )

Press Ø (zero) for Community Announcements 

Press 1Ø1 for the ACCC

Press 1Ø2 for Resale Packages

Press 1Ø3 for the Administrative Assistant 

Press 1Ø4 for Social Events & RSVPs 

Press 1Ø5 for Tennis Court Access

Messages can be left at all extensions except for the

Announcement Line Ø.

Remember you can call the Information Line

(1-888-622-4630) or check the website

( or call the pool (301-317-

0106) for updates on activities that may not be in-

cluded in the Montpelier Today newsletter.

Join the MontpelierJoin the MontpelierJoin the MontpelierJoin the Montpelier EEEEMAILMAILMAILMAIL GGGGROUPROUPROUPROUP 

1. Connect to the Internet and enter: http://

2. Click the Button at the middle right of the screen.

3. You will now have different steps depending whether

or not you already have a YAHOO account:

If you do, skip to STEP 7. If not ,click the button to cre-

ate a new account. Enter all information.

4. Enter the Code numbers as they appear on the screen

and follow the directions.

5. You MUST VERIFY your Email account.6. Once the account is verified/saved complete the FORM

on the GROUP. Go to:


7. Enter your House Address or LOT number and enter

your REAL name.

8. Once submitted wait a few days to get your request. If 

you need it quickly or need help, please call Tim Jacobs,

Communications Chairperson, at 240-841-2787.


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MONTPELIER TODAY  20 March-April 2012 

ExhibitionsResident Artist Gallery

March 4-28Patricia Philips Bowden, Paintings

The Montpelier Spring Jazz SeriesThe complete spring jazz series (7 concerts) is $125Montpelier Members and seniors 60+ receive a 10%discount. Individual Concert Tickets are $20 unless oth-erwise noted. For tickets please call the arts center at301-377-7800. Visa and MasterCard are accepted.

Friday, March 2, 8 pm

David Sánchez 

Friday, March 9, 8 pmTony Martucci 

Friday, March 16, 8 pmEthel Ennis 

Friday, March 23, 8 pmDick Morgan 

Friday, March 30, 8 pmRon Kearns and Paul Wingo Quartet 

Friday, April 13, 8 pmGerald Clayton 

Friday, April 20, 8 pmDave Ballou, trumpet trio 

The Folk & Blues SeriesThe complete spring Folk and Blues (6 concerts) is $104Montpelier Members and seniors 60+ receive a 10%discount. Individual Concert Tickets are $20 unless oth-erwise noted. For tickets please call the arts center at301-377-7800. Visa and MasterCard are accepted

Friday, April 27, 8 pm Al Petteway and Amy White Their repertoire includes original, traditional, contempo-rary Celtic- and Appalachian-influenced music with occa-sional nods to rock and jazz.

Friday, May 4, 8 pm Deep River Rising David Holt,Bryan Sutton, and T. Michael Coleman There is a deep river of traditional music runningthrough North Carolina. Grammy Award winners David

Holt, Bryan Sutton, and T. Michael Coleman explore the

richness of that musical culture. Please note tickets forthis performance are $25.

Friday, May 11, 8 pm Cantare These WAMMIE award winning musicians hail from Braziland Argentina with Bolivian roots as well, and performmusic from all of Latin America.

Friday, May 18, 8 pm Memphis Gold Memphis Gold is Chester Chandler a Blues musicianfrom Tennessee who began his career on Beale Street atage eight and has played with many bluesmen over theyears including B.B. King and Bobby Parker.

Friday, May 25, 8 pm Aaron Jones and Claire Mannof Old Blind Dogs featuring Run A world Celtic program featuring performers from Scot-land, Ireland, Canada, USA, and Japan. British Islesroots music comes to life in a new, fresh take.

Friday, June 1, 8 pm Jeff AugLaurel native, Jeff Aug is a cool underground guitaristwho Plays a six string acoustic guitar with amazingspeed and uses it as his percussion section as well “Thisis extreme acoustic guitar and extremely good.” 

The Montpelier Film SeriesSaturday, March 17, 6 pmBreaking Through the Clouds

Breaking Through the Clouds United States, 2005 (G)Celebrate International Women’s Month with the finalfilm of the series: a documentary about the first all-female air race in the 1920s. This tribute to these pio-neering pilots includes original footage of the race, andthe story of 20 gutsy ladies from ace pilot AmeliaEarhart to a preacher’s wife with a foul mouth. The ban-quet served in the film at the beginning of the race willbe served as the dinner for this film. Tickets for bothdinner and the film are $25 and must be bought by Fri-day noon preceding the Saturday screening. Tickets forthe film only are available for $10 on the day of screen-ing. Seated is limited and film only tickets may not al-ways be available. Seniors (60+) and arts center mem-bers receive a 10% discount. Call the arts center to pur-chase tickets with either Visa or MasterCard. 

Montpelier Cultural Arts Center 9652 Muirkirk Rd, Laurel, MD 20708

Gallery Hours: 10 am-5 pm, seven days a week  

Jurying for Studio Space—Deadline Tuesday, May 15, 2012Montpelier holds an annual jury for studio space at the arts center. The next jury will take place in May of 2012. Allinterested artists should check back for the prospectus which can be downloaded or mailed. Contact the arts cen-ter, 301 377-7800 or email: [email protected]. Montpelier Arts Center has three galleries, class-rooms and studios for artists. Studios vary in size and is rented to qualified artists at the rate of $8 square foot peryear ($9.60 for artists residing outside of Prince George's and Montgomery Counties.) Resident artists who havestudios at Montpelier are also eligible for solo exhibitions in the Resident Artists Gallery on a rotating basis andhave access to the studios seven days a week. Interested artists are encouraged to visit the center.

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MONTPELIER TODAY  21 March-April 2012 

Montpelier Mansion:

(301) 377-7817;

TTY (301) 699-2544

[email protected]

Spring at Montpelier Mansion!

March 3 – April 29, 11 am-4 pm daily

“    Dinosaurs Invade the Mansion!”   an exhibit of fos-

sils found at the Dinosaur Park, Laurel's own 100 millionyear old deposit of fossils. Why dinosaurs at Montpe-lier? Because these fossils were first discovered by work-

ers at the Muirkirk Iron Works, on land that was ownedby the Snowdens, the owners of Montpelier. It seemedlike a natural fit, and a great way to share these rarefindings with the public. There will also be lots of dino-saur related activities for kids. The exhibit is open daily,11am to 4pm. The cost is only $3 for adults, $2 for sen-iors 60 and up, and $1 for children.

March 17 at 1:30 is our St. Patrick’s Day Tea, com-

plete with live music provided by Sine Nomine, a re-corder trio playing music from the renaissance and ba-roque eras, tea sandwiches, cakes and pastries, and of course, tea and scones. Tea will be served in Montpe-lier’s elegant East Wing. The cost is $27.50 per person,includes gratuity and self-guided tour. Reservations Re-

quired., payment required in advance. Adult event.

Spring History Lecture SeriesJoin us the third Wednesdays in March, April and May at7:30 pm for free history lectures. The talks are enlight-ening, relaxed, and the refreshments, delicious!

Chesapeake Campaigns of the War of 1812

Wednesday, March 21, 7:30pmScott Sheads, historian with the National Park Service atFort McHenry National Monument and Historic Shrine inBaltimore, will speak on the Chesapeake campaigns of the War of 1812.

Saturday, March 24 and Sunday, March 25 (same

 program both days), 1pm to 4pm Hands-On HistoryDay: Be a Wood Turner’s Apprentice

Work in a wood turner’s shop and help make chairs theold-fashioned way. First, you’ll see how the legs andspindles are turned on lathe. Then you’ll sand and polishthem, and weave the seats. When you’re done, you’llget your very own apprentice’s contract, that you’ll fill

out yourself with a quill pen and ink! Cost $5 per par-ticipant. All ages. Reservations recommended.

Spring Bonnet Tea at Montpelier Mansion

Saturday, April 14, 2:30 pmWear your favorite bonnet, hat, chapeau or sombrero.Get creative! Prizes awarded in several catagories. Livemusic provided by Zephyrs and Flora, an ensemble of recorders, harp, tambourine, drums, and viola da gamba,whose repertoire includes music many eras and parts of the world. Indulge in a seasonal, prix fixe menu of finefinger sandwiches, scrumptious cakes and pastries, but-tery scones your choice of quality loose leaf teas, servedon imported English china and tiered silver stands. Teawill be served in Montpelier’s elegant East Wing. Reser-vations required! Call 301-377-7817 (no e-mailreservations) $27.50 per person, includes gratuity andself-guided tour. Payment required in advance. Adult 


Annual Montpelier Festival of Herbs,

Tea and the ArtsSaturday, April 28, 10am to 4pmStroll among vendors of fragrant herbs, fine arts, hand-

made items like baskets, garden accessories, jewelry,and much more. Hear live music. Enjoy tea and sconesin the mansion. Visit artists in their studios and see avariety of art exhibits. Take a tour of Montpelier. Enjoya tasty lunch, take in a lecture. Kids can play colonialgames, do art projects, see a live animal exhibit, andmore. This year’s theme is “teas of the world,” so there

are lots of international treats in store. Free 

Mail to:FOM Membership ChairPO Box 3006Laurel, MD 20709

Benefits Include:

• Quarterly subscriptions to

the Fireback Newsletter

• Invitations to special


Friends of Montpelier Friends of Montpelier Friends of Montpelier Friends of Montpelier Membership Fee: $15/yearAdditional Family Member: $5/year




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MONTPELIER TODAY  22 March-April 2012 

Advertise your businessIN COLOR on

Ads will run for two months for only $30.00 and arerenewable for 2-month periods.

One advertisement will be displayed on each page of 

the website in random rotation.

Advertisers (community or resident businesses) will be

responsible for providing finished graphic:

• 280px wide x 120-350px high

• 300 dpi resolution

• PSP or EPS (Photoshop formats) preferred,

but .JPG, .TIFF, .GIF also acceptable

• No animated or transparent graphics

• Have your own website? Include the link!

• Design services available at an addition $20 /


Graphics received by the 15th of the month previous tothe rotation period (i.e., June 15

thfor July-August rota-

tion) will be published for the full 2-month period.

Statistics on impressions and click-through rates for

each two-month billing period available upon request

(first reports available July 1).

Space is limited to ensure optimal visibility for ads.

MCA reserves the right to refuse advertising for any


Contact Mary Hughes, [email protected],

888 622-4630 x103 for more information.

A NEW Way to

Advertise !

Advertise on

Helping Hands are younger Montpelier residents willing to work for other residents at

hourly or fixed rates arranged between you and the helper. There is no charge for a

“Helping Hands” listing. Please call 888 622-4630 x103 to be included on the next

Helping Hands registry or if any updates are needed on your listing.


the listing 

 We have some

new helpers


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MONTPELIER TODAY  23 March-April 2012 

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MONTPELIER TODAY  24 March-April 2012 

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MONTPELIER TODAY  26 March-April 2012 

MontpelierResidentMontpelierResidentMontpelierResidentMontpelierResidentMontpelierResidentMontpelierResidentMontpelierResidentMontpelierResident Phone:301-776-2355/301-221-0745Fax: 301-776-2355

E-mail: [email protected] 


Pet Grooming

301 490-1126

Special attention to theYOUNG , OLD , and BAD!

$10 off for all new customers

Laurel Business * Est. 1980 * Montpelier Resident

We charge by the job,not by the hour! 

WSSD #71122 MD 24148WSSD #71122 MD 24148WSSD #71122 MD 24148WSSD #71122 MD 2414824 Hour Service24 Hour Service24 Hour Service24 Hour Service

410 798-6408

  No Job Too Small Free Estimates

Alex’s Electrical Alex’s Electrical Alex’s Electrical Alex’s Electrical Service Inc.Service Inc.Service Inc.Service Inc.

301301301301- -- -490 490 490 490- -- -2484 2484 2484 2484 

Fax 301Fax 301Fax 301Fax 301- -- -490 490 490 490- -- -3170 3170 3170 3170 

All work performed by a All work performed by a All work performed by a All work performed by a MASTER Electrician MASTER Electrician MASTER Electrician MASTER Electrician 

Servicing Laurel and surrounding com- Servicing Laurel and surrounding com- Servicing Laurel and surrounding com- Servicing Laurel and surrounding com- munities for the past 25 years ! munities for the past 25 years ! munities for the past 25 years ! munities for the past 25 years ! 

Montpelier Specialist Montpelier Specialist Montpelier Specialist Montpelier Specialist 

  Licensed & Bonded State Masters Lic#1291

 Residential & Commerical 

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MONTPELIER TODAY  27 March-April 2012 













We can beat any reasonable price. Best rates and satisfaction.We can beat any reasonable price. Best rates and satisfaction.We can beat any reasonable price. Best rates and satisfaction.We can beat any reasonable price. Best rates and satisfaction.

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