moee food - chronicle_19180112.pdf · __ 16...

cases j 15/-, 21/- :!.' ■ -s; /6 -'a n d V g i 9 /6 1/6 and 3 9 / 6 ^inon. -) 21 /-, 3 0 /- It le-maele pe only, le Price We have purchased . prices. t - I Houses. 3s 4/11, 6/11 11/9, 12/11 ■W . . ... ............................... ' . ■If,-' 1! ■• ° } - s 3 W ■ . I- - r > ' li : \i • . j |'; •■■ - ! . !■ f I * . ; {• * ' ■■ ' - . ■; - . i ;• ;! . • -* . i : 1 1. ' ; 1 i . !• * •• • I ; . • . . V • 1 c* . , 1 I * i * . !| ; !• ! , fr ! ; n] ' / . > ' ) l i- - i j • ;• -y ' - i i p * * ’• . | ' . . ' ; - . ..1 350 EASTBOURNE;' Registered at the 0 P.O. as a Newspaper. m EASTBOURNE, SA' ill DAY, JANUARY 12, 1918. E stablished 1856. BEDFORD & SON, Watchmakers, WELLERS & SILVERSMITHS BEST VALUE. QUALITY GUARANTEED. Repairs bp Expert Men. 9, Termious-rd., Eastbourne And at EXETEB. EASTBOURNE SCHOOL OF COMMERCE Ad(Iroua—11, F ev en sey -ro a d . 'Shorthand, Typewriting, Book-keeping and Business Training. F.R S.A., F.O.T.S., ETC (Awarded Gold and Silver Medals). B ID K ® ASTBOURNE. ary School for Boys. W. H JONES, tf.A.. F.R.G.8., CUfton College r-mel CoHego,' Cambridge. RECEIVES B< __ 16 to be prepared for the Pnbllo Schools ,N.C,. Osborne octal f.rrangeme: its for Day Pupils and the Sons of tort, £j acres of Playing Field In Gildredge Park. O B O E O C flE S C H O O L UPPER AVENUE, EASTBOURNE. G. 'GILBERT, B.A. (Lend.). G. GILBERT, (Loud. Uhlv.). Private School for Boys. _ __ ___ 3 acres cf ground. Ohi ___ slcai Laboratories, Gymnasium and Playing _ p&ration for London Matriculation and Oxfi Cambridge libcals. ^derate and Inclusive. Psi^eisals {g ;* Premises witt and Fees M S’ GPORGF for soys xnth : S'i/SCHOOL NOL'D FOR BUSINESS The Subjects cf Iiisirocrian include those tw ' Schools end. in addition. ■all Pnhiio Sooondary •Mention Is paid to hangnisei1 , J-or ProTpeetus appl; 7 /1 1 per pair rUNIOIPA (1 nciq.-rc-AL JAY acd EVEN abea ot Art, lieJudfc. I Food Gar' ’ir.g an' itbourne. MR. SMALLWOOD iTCALFE. _ r. John William Smallwood ) away on Tuesday at 5, Gardnor- ow, Hampste: id, N.W., at th& sincerely regrt tted by the many, iff the ’deceased genpleman, who. i a prominent and 1most useful' life of Eastbournej. The public by Mr. Metcalfe were aiwaya ; his. choir being large and well his solo artittes being some ofi icalists of the Hay. Mr. Metcalf©- rSt-elass choir in London, which ids occasions jat Queen’s Hall and tidgntres. The deceased retained tion at Eastbourne, which he _j shortly before Christmas last. . plaoe. yesterday at Hampstead. V J MUNICIPAL S ilUNICIPAL S and __obtained from T mtttee. Town H all,' .< £ 20 For information and ’ applt MR. A e . sty : ' 1J S I L TeL 261 JJUH E A N N E ’S ROAD, MATtY H. COOPEK, Court Dressmaker. E ASTBOUR Smart COAT DRESSES, SUITS & RESTAURANT GOWNS for Summer Wear RUB P,H-> » —j „ *TCoh*CIW/ | OOLLK Tele, 763. 6, LISMORE ROAD, EASTBC DICKER AND (Proprietors, E. & F. SLOCOMBE), GE. HIGrH-CLASS PROVISION MERCHANTS AND GROCERS, Opposite Town Hall, Eastbourne. WINES, SPIRITS and MINERAL WATERS Telephone No. 68. BAKER & SONS’ MACHINE MADE BREAD. DELIVERIES TO ALL PARTS OF THE TOWN DAILY. [ I1 ', I ! 19 & 21, CHURCH STREET; 15, PEVENSEY ROAD and 175, SEASIDE. and ilda. (UPPKRTON). Commercial Snbjeoba and Hsad Mabteb. L SCHOOL OF A1 INSTITUTE, GROVE-ROAD). TNG CLASSES are held in Classes In Metal Work, Leather Work. Visitors o&n join for short periods. ECONDARY DAY SCHOPL FOR GIRLS (UPPEHTON-ltOAD). PCONDARY DAY SCHOOL FOR BOYS SIJTUTE, GH sove -eoad ). enlars of these Schools can ICRETARY, Education Com- laebbhnrne. AWARDED EVERY MONTH I n P rizes ' I: for Translation a E nglish essays Lesson (fee, 2/6) LEU, iVERl Teacher of Languages, iro Ale road . CHURCH, WHITLEY ROAD |h op C hrist C hurch). \ n Ind absolutely necessary to provide %r this church. ' The cost of this- Tith certain alterations to the heat- J probably be about £150. ■of the congregation have already Ijal sum by their own efforts, but’ [rich enough nor niimerous enough auce the whole;amount, and wo are pr outsido help. . j ,_.-ch has had ’ a refutation an past: j cold building, but wo believe .that; s that are now being made will ha and have the effect of increasing) igregation. ■ j at the services have improved tho last twelve months,I. aa is ■t that the number of communions, hove that of 1916, imd the Amount) about £28 larger, iconfidence to the generosity of ^onrnc to help us in this emergency; [reat deal to the work of the Church bo gratefully received by either i Hi E/SCOTT, Christ Church Vicarage, Seaside. .. CORBETT, i r |- it. Philip’s Parsonage, Whitley-road, .'E. PRESCOTT AWARDED THE D.S.O. i -x' Under Royal Patronage. E s t. 1899. c en tr a l gym nasiui CORNFIELD ROAD. Eastbourne. Proprietor, P rofU GEORGE RABEY (late) Sergt.- Instructof H.M. Coldstream Guards. H ie Subjects of Instruction are: Gymnastics, Depo ment, Military, Physical and Swedish Drill, Boxit... Sword, Single-stick, Life Saving, Resuscitation, , : First Aid, &c. class Army Instructors. Schools attended, ladies’ ind Juvenile Classes are held daily in Deport- ment, Physical and Swedish Exercises, and aro under the personal supervision of Mrs. G korge R abey. For Particulars apply at the Gymnasium. Fencing, First Tel THE DUKE OF DEVONSHIRE. ' Head Master i The BEV V. 8. WILLIAM, M.A The School is a FIRST-GRADE SCHOOL for the Son* Of Gentlemen. j • \ Boys are prepared for the Universities, the Army, Nary and Civil Servioes, Professions and Commercial life. There are special Army and N avt Classes. For Prospectus and information as to recent Bnooesses, application should be made to the Head Master. P hysical Drill is oompnlsory for the whole School. p S I I i Y -K K P P L ® ST ON K, ^ BTAVHLEY ROAD, MEADS. BASTBOl Telephone No.118. School /or Girls (Preparatory and Finishing). Mrs. F. H. Browne and Kiss Tait-Reid, B.A., Assisted by a large Resident 8taff of Trained Oertdfloated English and Foreign Teachers. Sbt Lindiur Undew-Hon, Bart, and Lady Llndaay-Hogg, the Bar. Charles Orovden, D.D. (late Head Haater ot Eastbourne OoUece and Kn. Orovden, Henry Colgate, Em ., M.D., F.B.O.8., O H. E.B.O.P., M.B.C.S., D.Ph. Cane, and Mrs. Cameron, T"J, ISINGTON ROAD, EASTBOURNE. A D GTON IES* O O 169. T elephone 623. \ F R E D K . SJ S H E L L E Y , ! j. Builder, Decorator, Plumber, Gas, Hot Bfater and Bleetrieal Engineer. ' Contractor for General House Repairs, ij - 8, TERMINUS PLACE. Personal attention given to all orders. \ I OfQ.ce and Showrooms and at 48, MILL ROAD. uain.,Niu wib. cuntuvn. E. Frost, Bxj., M.D., Astiey Roberta, Eat , L B.C P., and Mra Aatley Boberm, O. O’Brien Hardin*. KmT j .P.. M.B.O.P., L.B.O.P., F. HolUna, Em ., and Mra. HoUlnai the Bev. O. and Mra. Horahnnh, the BarTHTa. and Bdra. Jameaon, W. J. O. Merry, Eaq„ M B , and Mm, Merry, Gathome On. Era., and Mn. On, the Her. TJrlin* imdJMtn. Wheaton, the Bar. F. S. WUllami, M.A. (Head Master S SAVIOUR’S CHOIR SCHOOL, SOUTH STREET. BOYS ABE TAKEN FROM THE AGE OF EIGHT. F ees A6 peb Annum. Many C horal B oholabshxps, some of which cover the whole amount of the Fees. Training for Business Life. For Prospectus and other information apply r , ' ! THE WARDEN. A Day School for the Daughters o Prinotpal: MIBB HITCHCOi Pupils prepared. If desired, for the Preli. Senior and Higher Cambridge Local Exa for Matriculation. London University. Examination by the Associated Board Academy bf Mnslo and Royal College of Mnsii Students desirous bf pursuing their stndlef School may jofn Advanced Classes In Engl and History. French. Italian, Latin, Mat,’ FROEBEL TRAINED TEACHER for tl CHILDREN. . lockey and Tennis Clubs. A FEW BOARDERS ARE K NextTermjbegins on Wednesday, Jab The' Principal will be at home on January id, 11.30--4AO, to see Parents. QRAwnria AND PAINTING SARKT BENECJKH Beatrloe Maiodto. and Mr. W . __ __________ LIFE CLASaEaat THE STUDIO, BATH (next to <8, GI^OVE ROAD). Hours dally lp—d and on Tuesdays and Thursdays T. 4S * p>4 op.n, { - ' Classes to* ehildren. Special arrangements made with •ehools. Foil particulars on application. ' i f ISS GRAHAM SCHOFIELD, Dlpldmde, Paris i(1st Class Certificate), QII aaw 1f^ 9 ? 8„l?^, 5 ^ CT1CAL drbsscutting and MAKING, FRENCH^PATTERN MODELLING Miss Sohofleld L pupils; i Bl 2. ) had 15 years' ( nd in olass t M ISS VISITS DR. YORK: Flannels Washed in Fain Water, fo r the storage o f tohieh large underground Concrete Tanks have been constructed. EA STBO U RN E M 1 ic.-r-n/l SANITAKY STEAM LAUNDRY CO., L imited , LATIMEU ROAD, EASTBOURNE. 60 b provided tor ensuring the Highest plasa ol Work tor Families, Lodging Patterns a Speciality. RNFIBLD TERRACE L.R.A.M., Lessons in ELSA LEACH, EASTBOURNE to give1 E TROTTER’S Method of Musical Training: tlso MATTHAT TEOHNIHUE For Terms apply THE MUSIC STUDIO, MARINA, BEXHILL. PRICE THREE HALEPENCE. LE ilnary. Junior, inations, also and for if the after leaving ih Literature ematics, &c. YOUNGER Sell Your Old Gold. Ts it advisable to store old gold articles or no further nsb when the gold can be exchanged-fojr money ? - •j- We are prepared to value old gold in large or small quantities free of cost and to give cash’or cheque payments m exchange for it. W. Bruford & Son, 100 , Torrainns-rd., Eastbourne and 241, High-street, Exeter. Telephone 452. . »; n of Miss ) HOLDS “ ROAD /N R EENCROFT-EI,LESM ERBr 1 IU5. VJ 1, SPENCER ROAD, EASTBOURNE. r •■ ';■* I ' . ' - I; - i. Home School for the Daughters of Gentlemen. MISS LLOYDS, assisted by Miss C. A. Davies. B.A„ Hons.. Camb. Teachers’ Diploma, and Miss S. Davies. lenne with private ! in schools. MOEE F O O D Sulphate of Ammonia. 1 Every convenience _ _ Houses, or Hotels. i SPACIOUS OPEN DRYING GROUND. Letters should be addressed “ Mbs. K. R. H ill , Manageress, Sanitary Steam Laundry, Latimer-road, 'Eastbourne.” MONEY. MONEY. WARDROBES. WARDROBES. E stablished 1879. W. T. LAMB & SON, Pawnbrokers, Jewellers And General Salesmen, 104, SEASIDE ROAD (opposite the Colonnade), EASTBOURNE. Always ON BALE a Large Assortment of NEW and SECOND-HAND WATCHES, CLOCKS, Jewellery, Silver Plate, Electro-plated Goode, putlery, Teleeoopee Marine, Field and Opera Classes, Spectaolos, all kinds of Musical Instruments, Books, &c„ &o. " - Cash Wardrobes Purel PARTIES WAITED ON AT ANY TIME AT OWN RES N A T I O B Y £25 WAR BOND A L L C A N BU NAL WAR BOHD N8TALMENT8. SMALL I for 20/- down And any multiple of , and 24 monthly instalments 125 in exact proportion. nia ?ht of £1. BOROUGH OP ST. PANCRAS NATIONAL WAR BOND INSTALMENT ASSOCIATION, TOWN HALL, PANCRAS ROAD, LONDON, N .W .l. P r e s i d e n t : T H e W a YOR OF ST. PANOR.AS. Application Forms may be obtained from London and South-Western Bank, Sussex-gardens, or London and Provincial Bank, 37, Terminus-road, Eastbourne. n ~ n I I i T kl. 260x. 3R . N . COjLLINS, Sports Outfitter, SOUTH . STREET, EASTBOURNE Near Town Hall). FOOTBALL, HOCJtEY AND GOLF. BILLIARD REQUISITES. CfASH ADVANCED PROMPTLY APPLY to the Oldest Resident Lender, 7VfIS3 A. JEWELL, 11, WILMINGTON SQUARE, Eastbourne. AHV REPAYMENTS. FOR iti is ACTUAL LENDER than wil apanles. i better Agents to deal wi or Financial PROMPT CASH l] V £10 upw. London & Provinces Disco 19, Lansdowne-n Stocaptltude, Privacy, Easy Te: Dealing. th ADVANCES. \ ■ ' t Company, Ltd., Croydon. and Straightforward r \rJPrescott, wh6 [rather Over, 'a year : relinquished his]position as borough her to undertako (important road-con- at the Western Ipront. is hotne qn: poking reinarkablyl well, despite the led strenuous duty. Previously men- atchesJ the Colonel has now bednl ed in lieing awarded the D.S.O. (Ui^“ c-ico Orde?), ih Recognition of hi| i!n q . very: important department or any Eastbourne friends will heartily; n ion this new \yfell\merited honour^ deed, of which tho borough generally howing as it docs that its responsible of grit and high calibre. 3 tt ieturns to^duty, wo understand* Ik > N E Y ] £10 to £5,( Advances made at a few hours’ notice upon Simple Promissory Notts to all responsible Applicants. (STRICTEST PRIVACY ASSURED No Fees Charged or Sureties Required. Apply, in strict confidence, to 1 the Old-Established Firmi of j lYTESSRS.' M. BARNARD & CO 44, L angney -road , E astbourne . ^Manager attends personally eveiy Saturday at 11 a.m. EstaBi.iflaxD 4880. ; iyx, LIGHTEN MENT,—A little &gri-^ had been billed with “ Lecture on Keats light. The evening length, seturer ready to discourse on tlie poet. ( chairman, taken ill at the last moment, i local farmer. This worbhy^ntroducea ad terminated his remarks by yj friends, we shall soon all know what i. e wondered—what are Keats ? ” MONEY £10 to XI,000 LENT. c ash A dvanced daily to _ Farmers, Tradesmen, Clergymen, Hotel Proprietors and others. Special Rates during the War, on Note of Ha or Furniture without removal. Advi and informations Free. Strictly con- fidential. M. LANCASTER, 4, P ark L ane, CLissoii P ark, L ondon, N. II M, • ___ ^tors, F arnoombb S c Oo., L i ^ t e d . r them ever^feturday at their Offices, t bourne, I I. HEIRS TO jKONEY. "YXTHY WAIT for DEATH of RELATIVES \T or FRIENDS when immediate Loans can be arranged. £6 a Year Interest for every £100 licnt, Capital can remain so’Interest is paid. W rite : R. HARRIS, 42, LANSDOWNB PLACE, HOVE. D “S Limited) Prli ON LABELS ot all Mnda manufac- _ at London Prices at' Famoombe Sc Co.’’ Printing Works, Sonth-atreet. Eastbourne. Space j O E’ given by ! ZMANN & CO., L td., L ondon, N.W l. D irect I mp orters s. MmuFRCruRiNG F urrier Telephone N9 +411. BRIGHT! Reporting on the Third Annual Patriotic Root Crq Competition organized by the Sulptate of Ammo: Association, the Judges say that the difference in weig] between the manured crops (mangels, swedes, cabbages and potatoes) and the unmanured or cintrol plots affords unmistakable testimony to the great vi due of sulphate as a manure for all descriptions of root jrops, increases jf 20 to 30 per cent, in the yields being shown in many M A t In small . quantities or . large. 21, SEASIDE Eastbourne Gas Go. MORRIS & SONS, : -I, ’ 1 ' I TeL 440. ROAD, EASTBOU Ironmongers, Cutlers, Electric and Gas Fitters, b n s. Hot Water and Sanitary Engineers. i (TELEPHONE 106) MARK MARTIN I - UAD REALLY "1 Garments B mokpok . ; W E are now offering our Immense Stock, comprising many thousands Up-to-date Models FUR GOATS and FUR SETS, all at Bargain Prices.! f J j! THE CHEAPEST HOUSE FOR FURS IN THE KINGDOM—(much below Wholesale. We are direct Importers, Dressers, Dyers and Manu- facturers. I T .[ . , CONSULT Mr . DUD KIN, the EXPERT FC RRIER, with life experi- ence of the Trade, and his knowledge and expert free advice is always at yoqr service. Inspection of our enormous Stock without obligation is /cordially invited. , > ' , : , -I :| f DYEING, EE-MODELLING FARNCOMBE & CO., L imited , EXEOUTE ALL KINDS OE COMMERCIAL AND ARTISTIC PRINTING AT V i ' and RENOVATING a SPECIALITY. MODERATE CHARG1 “ CHRONICLE” PRINTING WORKS, SOUTH STREET, EASTBOURNE. Building, & SONS SS WORK FOR HIGH - CLA IN Decorating, Electric Lighting, Hot Water [ i | and Sanitary Work. I No. 335. CHARLES BREACH, j Builder, Contractor and Sanitary Pluihbor. West End Building Works, Meads. Residence^, Matlock-road, Meads. GENERAL RAINAGE SPECIAL ESTIMATES GIVEN FOE G1 ATTENTION GIVEN TO DI ’Phone 9x. Bnilders. MILLER & SEJLMES, decorators. HOUSE REPAIRS. AND HOUSE S ATION. Every Description of Building arid House .Repairs done at Moderate Charges. Special attention to Drainage and Sanitary Worl i. Office and W orks: 75, TIDE8WELL D O L P H I N 5d. PER LARGE BAR. F ob EFFICIENCY and EOONOMY. .-atea Free. Plumbers. U ndek R oyal P atronage. - j j . DANCING and RHYTHMIC EXERCISES. li/TllSS ELEANOR RATCLIFFE XVJL110 years Assistant to Mrs . WORDSWORTH, W ill R esumk her C lasses at the GRAND HOTEL, i S atdrday, .T an. 26th , at 2.45 ; Juveniles, 11 o’clock. ■Also W ednesday, .T an1 . 60th , at 3 o’clock. At DEVONSHIRE PARK, T ransition C lass, W ed L nesday, J an. S>Th, 2.45; Special Baby Olaks, 11.15. 'At SAFFRONS ROOMS, W ednesday, .T an. 30th , aft 3.30;, Juveniles, 2.30. At) THE LODGE, BLACK- WATER ROAD, B eginners’ C lass, F riday, 3.15. Deportment and Ball-room Dancing (for Girls over 15), M onday, ^T an. 28th , 5.30. Special Classes for Operati® Technique Daily. A Dance Practice Class for Adults^ W ednesdati & F riday, at 8.45.—For Particulars, ayiply T he L odge, B i.ackwater-iioad, E astbourne. (Opposite the Presbyterian Church). DANCING, DEPORTMENT and EURHYTHMIO EXERCISES, lyriss HUTTON-MOSS and MISS PAINE Will Resume their Classes on JANUARY 26 th . CHILDREN’S CLASS on SATURDAYS at 2.30, at THE GYMNASIUM, York - road (conimencing J anuary 28th ). ----- j— "— h- ------- ------ :— PRIVATE LESSONS & HOLIDAY CLASSES. For particulars apply-! , j 39a, H arrington- road, L ondon, S.W., or 8, G orringe-road, E astbourne. DANCING and DEPORTMENT. ALTERATION OF DATE 5 IS S L U C Y W A Y Will be resuming her CLASSES THE SAFFRONS; ROOMS, on SATURDAY J anuary 26 th , a t 3.0 and 4.45 'p.m.., SCHOOLS ATTENDED. PRIVATE LESSONS GIVEN. The usual Friday Evening Classes will be continued* For particulars, Address; 28, S outh Street, E astbourne. DANCING AND ELOCUTION. M " ADAME VANDYCK’S CLASSES DfJ. -i ... : are now resumed A t DEVONSHIRE PARK. I Special elapses for Operatio Dancing (Russia^ Method). For particulars apply 2, HAREWOOD PLACE, HANOVER SQUARE, W %/f ISS LIZZIE BARTHOLOMEW 7 * (Cert. Pianist, T.C.L., and Cert. Senior R A M . [ and RC.M.) gives Lessons in f PIANOFORTE, THEORY OF MUSIC and HARMONY. Pupils successfully prepared for Local School & Centra Examinations of Associated Board of RA.M. & RC.M. 1 and other Colleges. Schools visited. Receives or visits private pupils. — Apply, by letter, Crookham House, York-road, Eastbourne (near Town Hall), or Clift’s Music Saloons, Gildredge-road, Eastbourne. CHANGE QF ADDRESS. M R. and MRS. DARBISHIRE JONES beg to notify their CHANGE OF ADDRESS and that they are now j. BOTH GIVING LESSONS ON THE VIOLONCELLO. For terms, write K ilncombe L odge, B eoforDwell-road, E astbourne. Tfyf ISS MINA HUDSON, Cert. Voo. T.O X - i.T_JL Mem. ISM ., RECEIVES PUPIL8 for SINGING, VOICE CULTURH and PIANOFORTE PLAYING in London and East- bourne. j T Ladies’ Choir. Choir Training given by arrangement. Preparation for Musical Examinations. Many suocessea and honours. Special arrangements for Visltora. Communications should be addressed to Miss H udson, care of Messrs. Clift Gildredge-road ; or The Library, Daiton-terrace, Meads-street. 1\TISS ELSIE S. M: REED, Certificated LT-I- Advanced Grade Associated Board RAM . and RC.M. Piano and Organ (Honours), Organist of the Eastbourne College, Assistant Organist at St. Saviour’s Church, Eastbourne, Accompanist to the Eastbourne Amateur Operatio Sooiety. Open for Engagement aa Accompanist. GIVES LES30NS in PIANOFORTE and ORGAN PLAYING and in HARMONY and THEORY. Students prepared for the various Musical Exariiibationa 4, K ilbcrn Terrace (3 minutes from Station), • j . , j ,11 - E astbourne. ; IS8 B. NOAKES, Certificated in Harmony and Counterpoint (Senior Local, Associated Board 3t tht GIVES LESSONS on the Sanitary ROAD, 3t the R AM. and'R.O.M.), PIANOFORTE and American Organ, Cormterpoinb.—For Terms apply 8 , Oalverley-road. , and In Harmony BA8TB0IJKNB. S O A fed. PER LARGE BAR. :!: •■■■■ j ; D IX E Y •« I- W, 21, KING’S ROAD, BRIGHTON. | Branch A Workshops: 96, Western Road, Hovai H A N U f ACTURING OPTICIANS To the Buuex Eye and County Hospital*. Surgical Aid Society, ICO., fco. RIMLESS SPECTACLES and EYEGLASSES a Speolalit e. S pectacles and E yeglasses from 2/6. No Charge for Sight Testing. F ihld and O pera G lasses, B arometers , T hermometers, T elescopes , Microscopes, &o . Estd over 70 years '. B righton : Honrs, 9 till 7; Thursdays, 9 till 1. H ove : Honrs, 9 till 7; Satnrdnvs, 9 till 1. Tele.: 4,482 both Shops. ~ A BEAUTIFULLY ILLUSTRA1 GUIDE TO HEKSTMO j (C BY XBH Bay. E. E. CRAKE, M.A, One of the most Interesting and Picturesque PRION SIXPBNO May be obtained of the Printers and Publishers, FARNCOMBE & CO., Limited, SOUTH HISTORY AND CEUX CASTLE Castles in the County of Sussex. ?• . STREET, EASTBOURNE J SINGING, VOICE PRODUCTION & CULTURE. M R. C. WYNDHAM ROBINSON receives and Visits Pupils. T erms :—Single Lessons, 10s. 6d.; 10 Lessons, £4. Is. Special Terms for Schools. .. . K ya L ami, T he G reys, E astbourne. , London, Wednesdays, Weekes’ & Co.’s Studios, 14L Hanover-street, W. , Patronised by Royalty, ' - SrSM THE g - ymnasia and Schools op P hysical E ducation YORK ROAD, E astbourne (near Town Hall), Tel 917 and DERWENT ROAD, MEADS ' Also at BEXHILL. Every branoh of Physical Eduoatlon scientifically taught by fully qualified and experienced Instructor and Lady Teachers, under the direction of Mr. Moss- Then is a Medical Gymnasium attached for Remedial Exercises and Swedish Massage, under the direction ot Miss F. 0. Charlesworth, M.G.T.L, M.N.S.P.B. Go i. .• M\ il'. ’* i : s .3U it ;4: m Ti j ,j r M -i ■} i r 1 H. CHATFIKLD & SON, WEST HUD DAISY; Oowheepers and Dairy Farmer., DELIVER HIGH-OLASS DAIRY PRODUCE Three Times Dally t>o all parts cf Eastbonrne. As It Is necessary to know from whence the milk supply is derived we invite Patrons to inspect our Farms and Dairies. 1-. Farm Spots: Dairies : Hampden Park, 18, Cornfield-terrace, and Telephone 463. 49, Church streets OIANOFORTES, AMERICAN ORGANS, '¥r\- HARMONIUMS and HARPS. . ' By the Best Makers, on the Lowest Terms, for Sale, Hire and on the Three Years’ System. LYON & HALL, Warwick Mansion, 5, KING’S ROAD, BRIGHTON. Experienced Tuners sent to all parts of the Country. Illustrated Catalogues Free by Post. jtj

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350 E A S T B O U R N E ;'R egistered a t the 0 P .O.

as a N ewspaper. •



i l l

DAY, JANUARY 12, 1918. E s t a b l i s h e d 1856.

BEDFORD & SON,W a tc h m a k e r s ,



R e p a ir s bp E x p e r t M en .

9 , T e r m i o u s - r d . , E a s t b o u r n e

A nd a t EX ETEB .


S C H O O L O F C O M M E R C EAd( Iroua— 11, F evensey-road .

'Shorthand, Typewriting, Book-keepingand Business Training.

F.R S.A., F.O.T.S., ETC

(A w arded Gold and Silver Medals).


ary School for Boys.W. H JONES, tf.A.. F.R.G.8., CUfton College

r-mel CoHego,' Cambridge. RECEIVES B<__ 16 to be prepared for the Pnbllo Schools,N.C,. Osborne

octal f .rrangeme: its for Day Pupils and the Sons of tort, £j acres of Playing Field In Gildredge Park.


G. 'GILBERT, B.A. (Lend.).G. GILBERT, (Loud. Uhlv.).

Private School for Boys._ _____ 3 acres cf ground. Ohi___slcai Laboratories, Gymnasium and Playing _

p&ration for London Matriculation and Oxfi Cambridge libcals.^derate and Inclusive.

Psi^eisa ls {g

;* Premises witt

and Fees M

S ’G P O R G F

f o r s o y s x n t h :


NOL'D FOR BUSINESSThe Subjects cf Iiisirocrian include those tw

' Schools end. in addition.■all Pnhiio Sooondary •M ention Is paid to h a n g n ise i1,

J-or ProTpeetus appl;

7 / 1 1 per pairr U N I O I P A

(1 nciq.-rc-ALJA Y a c d E V E N

abea ot A rt, lieJudfc. I Food Gar' ’ir.g an'

i tb o u r n e .


_ r. Jo h n W illiam Sm allwood ) away on Tuesday a t 5, G ardnor- ow, Hampste: id, N .W ., a t th& sincerely regrt tted by th e many, iff the ’deceased genpleman, who. i a prom inent and 1 m ost useful' life of Eastbournej. T h e public

by M r. M etcalfe w ere aiw aya ; his. choir being large and well

his solo a rtittes being som e ofi icalists of the Hay. M r. Metcalf©- rSt-elass choir in London, w hich ids occasions jat Queen’s H all a n d tidgntres. T h e deceased re ta in ed

tion a t Eastbourne, which h e _ j shortly before C hristm as last.. plaoe. yesterday a t H am pstead.




and__obtained from Tmtttee. Town H a ll , '

. < £ 2 0

F o r in fo rm a tio n and ’ applt

M R . A e . s t y :' 1J S IL

TeL 261J J U H E

A N N E ’S R O A D ,

MATtY H . COOPEK, Court Dressmaker. E A S T B O U R


R U BP,H-> » —j „*TCoh*CIW / |


T ele , 763. 6 , L IS M O R E R O A D , EA STBC

DICKER A N D(P roprie to rs,

E . & F . SLOCOMBE),

G E .


W IN E S , SP IR IT S a n d M IN E R A L W A T ER ST elep h o n e N o . 6 8 .

B A K E R & SO N S’M A C H IN E M A D E B R E A D .




(U PPK R TO N ).

Commercial Snbjeoba and

Hsad Mabteb.


TNG C L A S S E S a re h e ld inClasses In M etal Work, Leather W ork.

V isitors o&n join for short periods.ECONDARY DAY SCHOPL FOR G IR LS


SIJTUTE, GHso v e -e o a d ).enlars of these Schools can

ICRETARY, E ducation Com-laebbhnrne.

A W A R D E D E V E R Y M O N THI n P r iz e s '

I: f o r Tr a n s l a t i o n a En g l i s h e s s a y sLesson (fee, 2/6)


T each er o f L anguages,ir o Al e r o a d .

CHURCH, WHITLEY ROAD|h op C hrist C hurch).

\ nI n d absolutely necessary to provide %r this church. ' T he cost of th is- Tith certain a ltera tions to the heat- J probably be about £150.■of th e congregation have already I ja l sum by their own efforts, b u t ’ [ r ic h enough nor niimerous enough auce the whole;am ount, and wo a re

p r outsido help. . ■ j,_.-ch has had ’ a re fu ta tio n an past: j cold building, bu t wo believe .that; s that are now being m ade w ill ha and have the effect of increasing)

igregation. ■ ja t the services have im proved tho last tw elve m onths,I. aa is

■t th a t th e num ber of comm unions, hove th a t of 1916, imd th e Amount) abou t £28 larger,

i confidence to th e generosity o f ^ o n rn c to help us in this em ergency; [reat deal to th e w ork of the C hurch

bo gratefu lly received by e ith e ri

Hi E /S C O T T ,C hrist Church V icarage, Seaside.

.. C O RBETT, i r |-it. Philip’s P a rsonage, W hitley-road,


U nder R oya l Patronage. E st. 1899.c e n t r a l g y m n a s i u i

CORNFIELD ROAD. Eastbourne.Proprietor, P rofU GEORGE RABEY (late) Sergt.-

In stru c to f H.M. Coldstream Guards.H ie Subjects of Instruction a re : Gymnastics, Depo m ent, M ilitary, Physical and Swedish Drill, B oxit...

Sword, Single-stick, Life Saving, Resuscitation,, : F irs t Aid, &c.

class Arm y Instructors. Schools a ttended, la d ie s ’ in d Juvenile Classes are held daily in Deport­m en t, Physical and Swedish Exercises, and aro under

th e personal supervision of Mrs. Gkorge R abey . For P articu lars apply a t the Gym nasium.


F ir s t



' H ead M aster iT h e B E V V. 8 . W I L L I A M , M .A

The School is a FIRST-GRADE SCHOOL for th e Son* Of Gentlem en. j • \

Boys are prepared for the Universities, th e Army, N a ry an d Civil Servioes, Professions and Commercial l i f e .

There a re special Army and Navt Classes.For Prospectus and inform ation as to recent Bnooesses,

application should be m ade to th e Head Master. Physical Drill is oompnlsory for th e whole School.


Telephone No.118.School /or Girls (Preparatory and Finishing).

M rs. F . H . B row ne a n d K is s T a i t-R e id , B .A .,Assisted by a large Resident 8taff of Trained Oertdfloated English and Foreign Teachers.

Sbt Lindiur Undew-Hon, Bart, and Lady Llndaay-Hogg, the Bar. Charles Orovden, D.D. (late Head Haater ot Eastbourne OoUece and K n. Orovden, Henry Colgate, Em ., M.D., F.B.O.8., O H.E.B.O.P., M.B.C.S., D.Ph. Cane, and Mrs. Cameron,



169 .

T e l e p h o n e 623. \ FREDK. SJ SHELLEY, ! j .Builder, Decorator, Plum ber, Gas, H o t Bfater and B leetrieal Engineer.

' Contractor for General H ouse Repairs, ij- 8, T ER M IN U S PLACE.

Personal attention given to all orders. \I OfQ.ce a n d Show room s

a n d a t 48, M ILL ROAD.

— uain.,Niu wib. cuntuvn.E. Frost, Bxj., M.D., Astiey Roberta, Ea t , L B.C P., and Mra Aatley Boberm, O. O’Brien Hardin*. KmT j .P.. M.B.O.P., L.B.O.P.,F. HolUna, Em ., and Mra. HoUlnai the Bev. O. and Mra. Horahnnh, the BarTH Ta. and Bdra. Jameaon, W. J . O. Merry, Eaq„ M B , and Mm, Merry, Gathome On. Era., and Mn. O n, the Her. TJrlin* imdJMtn. W heaton, the Bar. F . S. WUllami, M.A. (Head Master


BOYS A BE T A K E N FROM T H E AG E O F E IG H T . Fees A6 pe b Annum .

Many Choral Boholabshxps, some of which cover the whole amount of the Fees.

Training for Business Life.For Prospectus and o ther inform ation apply

r , ' ! TH E W ARDEN.

A Day School for the Daughters oP rino tpal: MIBB HITCHCOi

Pupils prepared. If desired, for the Preli.Senior and H igher Cambridge Local Exa for M atricu lation . London University. Exam ination by th e Associated Board

Academ y bf Mnslo and Royal College of Mnsii Students desirous bf pursuing th e ir stndlef School may jofn Advanced Classes In E ngl and History. French. Italian , Latin, Mat,’


. lockey and Tennis Clubs.A F E W BOARDERS A R E K

N ex tT erm jbeg ins on W ednesday, Jab The' Principal will be a t home on Jan u ary

id, 11.30--4AO, to see Parents.


Beatrloe Maiodto. and M r. W . ____________L IF E C L A S a E a a t T H E STUDIO, BATH (next to <8, GI^OVE ROAD).

H ours dally lp—d and on Tuesdays and Thursdays T.4S*p>4o p .n , {- 'Classes to* ehildren. Special arrangem ents m ade with

•ehools. Fo il particulars on application. '

i f ISS G R A H A M S C H O F I E L D , Dlpldmde, P aris

i (1st Class Certificate),QII aaw 1f ^ 9 ? 8„ l ? ^ ,5 ^ CT1CAL d r b s s c u t t in g and M A K IN G, FREN CH ^ P A TTERN MODELLING

Miss Sohofleld Lpupils; i

B l2 .

) had 15 years' ( nd in olass t


D R . Y O R K :

Flannels Washed in Fain Water, for the storage of tohieh large underground Concrete Tanks have been constructed.E A S T B O U R N E M 1 ic.-r-n/l

SANITAKY STEAM LAUNDRY CO., L i m i t e d ,LA TIM EU R O A D , E A ST B O U R N E .60 b provided to r ensuring th e H ighest p lasa ol W ork to r F am ilies, Lodging

P a tte r n s a S p e c ia lity . R N F I B L D T E R R A C E

L .R .A .M .,Lessons in


E T R O T T E R ’S M ethod of Musical T rain ing : tlso M A T T H A T T E O H N IH U E




ilnary. Junior, inations, also and for if the

a fte r leaving ih L ite ratu re

ematics, &c.YOUNGER

Sell Your Old Gold.Ts it advisable to store old gold articles

or no fu rth er nsb when the gold can be exchanged-fojr m oney ? - • j-

We are prepared to value old gold in large or small quantities free of cost and to give cash’or cheque paym ents m exchange for it.

W. Bruford & Son,100 , T o rra in n s-rd ., E a s tb o u rn e

and 241, High-street, Exeter.Telephone 452 . . »;

n of Miss) HOLDS “ ROAD


r •■';■* ■ I ' . ' - I; - i.Home School for the Daughters of Gentlemen.

M ISS LLOYDS, assisted by M iss C. A. Davies. B.A„ Hons.. Camb. Teachers’ Diploma, and M iss S. Davies.

lenne w ith private ! in schools.

MOEE F O O D Sulphate of Ammonia.


E very convenience _ _Houses, o r H otels.

i SPACIOUS OPEN DRYING GROUND.Letters should be addressed “ Mbs. K . R . H il l , Manageress, Sanitary Steam L a undry, Latimer-road, 'Eastbourne.”



E s t a b l is h e d 1879.

W . T. LAMB & SON,Pawnbrokers, Jew ellers And General Salesmen,

104, S E A S ID E R O A D (opposite the Colonnade), E A S T B O U R N E .Always ON BALE a Large A ssortm ent of N E W and SECOND-HAND W A TC H ES, CLOCKS,

Jew ellery, Silver P la te , E lectro-plated Goode, pu tle ry , Teleeoopee M arine, Field and Opera Classes, Spectaolos, all k inds of M usical Instrum ents, Books, &c„ &o. " -




£ 2 5 W A R BOND


N A L W A R B O H DN 8 T A L M E N T 8 .S M A L L I

for 20/- down And any multiple of ,

and 24 monthly instalments 125 in exact proportion.


of £ 1 .


T O W N H A L L , P A N C R A S R O A D , LO NDON, N .W .l .P re s id e n t: T H e W a Y O R O F ST. PANOR.AS.

A pplica tion F o rm s m a y be o b ta in ed from L ondon an d S o u th -W este rn B ank , S ussex-gardens, o r L ondon a n d P ro v in c ia l B an k , 37, T erm inus-road , E astb o u rn e .

n ~ nI I iT kl. 260x.

3 R . N . COjLLINS, Sports Outfitter,S O U T H . S T R E E T , E A S T B O U R N E

N ear Town Hall).F O O T B A L L , H O C JtE Y A N D GOLF.


CfASH A D V A NC ED PROM PTLYA PPL Y to the Oldest Resident Lender,

7V fIS3 A . JE W EL L ,11, WILMINGTON SQUARE, Eastbourne.

AHV R EPAY M ENTS. FOR iti is ACTUA L L EN D E R th an wil


i better Agents

to deal wior Financial

P R O M P T CASH l] V £ 1 0 upw.

London & Provinces Disco19, L a n sd o w n e -n

Stocap tltude , Privacy, Easy Te: Dealing.


A D V A N C ES.\ ■ ■'

t Company, Ltd.,Croydon.and Straightforw ard

• r\rJ P rescott, wh6 [rather Over, 'a y ear : relinquished his]position as borough her to undertako (important road-con- a t the W estern Ipront. is hotne qn: poking reinarkablyl well, despite th e led strenuous duty. Previously m en- a tch esJ the Colonel has now bednl ed in lieing awarded the D.S.O. (Ui^“ c-ico Orde?), ih Recognition of h i | i!n q. very: im portant d ep artm en t or any Eastbourne friends will heartily; n ion this new \yfell\merited honour^ deed, of which tho borough generally howing as i t docs th a t its responsible of g rit and high calibre.

3t t ie tu rn s to^du ty , wo understand*Ik >

N E Y ]£ 1 0 to £ 5 ,(

Advances made at a few hours’ notice upon Simple Promissory Notts to all responsible

Applicants.( S T R I C T E S T P R I V A C Y A S S U R E D

N o Fees Charged or Sureties Required.A pply , in s tric t confidence, to1 th e Old-Established

Firm i of jlYTESSRS.' M. BARNARD & CO

44, L a n g n ey -r o a d , E a st b o u r n e . ^Manager a tten d s personally eveiy Saturday a t 11 a.m.

Esta Bi.iflaxD 4880.


iyx, LIGHTEN MENT,—A lit t le &gri-^ had been billed with “ Lecture on K eats ligh t. T he evening a rriv ed .a t length,

seturer ready to discourse on tlie poet.( chairman, taken ill a t the la s t m oment,

i local farmer. This w orbhy^ntroducea ad term inated his rem arks by yj friends, we shall soon all know w hat i. e wondered—what are K eats ? ”

M O N E Y£ 1 0

toX I,0 0 0

L E N T .

ca s h A d v a n c e d d a i l y to

_ Farm ers, Tradesm en, Clergymen, H otel Proprietors and others. Special R ates during the W ar, on Note of Ha or F u rn itu re w ithou t removal. Advi and inform ations Free. Strictly con­fidential.M . L A N C A S T E R , 4, P ark L ane,

C L is so ii P ark, L ondon, N.


M, •

___ tors, F arnoombb Sc Oo., L i^ te d .r them ever^feturday at their Offices, t bourne,

I I.

H E I R S TO jK O N E Y ."Y X TH Y W A IT fo r D E A T H of R E L A T IV E S

\ T or FR IEN D S w hen im m ed ia te Loans can be arranged . £6 a Y ear In terest for every £100 licnt, C apita l can rem ain so’In terest is paid.

W r it e : R . H A R R IS,42, LANSDOW NB PLACE, HOVE.

D “ SLimited) Prli

ON LA BELS o t all Mnda m anufac- _ a t London Prices a t ' Fam oom be Sc Co.’’ P rin tin g W orks, Sonth-atreet. E astbourne.

Space j O E ’ given by ! ZM ANN & CO., L td., L ondon, N.W l.

Direct Im p orters s.M muFRCruRiNG Furrier

Telephone N9 +411. BRIGHT!

Reporting on the Third Annual Patriotic Root Crq Competition organized by the Sulptate of Ammo: Association, the Judges say that the difference in weig] between the manured crops (mangels, swedes, cabbages and potatoes) and the unmanured or cintrol plots affords unmistakable testimony to the great vi due of sulphate as a manure for all descriptions of root jrops, increases jf 20 to 30 per cent, in the yields being shown in many


In small . quantities or

. large.

2 1 , S E A S I D E

Eastbourne Gas Go.

MORRIS & SONS,: - I, ’ 1 ' ITeL 440.

R O A D , E A S T B O UIronmongers, Cutlers, E lectric and Gas F itters,

b n s .

H ot W ater and Sanitary Engineers.

i (TELEPH O N E 106)



" 1Garments B mokpok.

; W E are now offering our Immense Stock, comprising many th o u sa n d s U p-to-date M odels F U R GOATS a n d F U R

SETS, a ll a t B argain Prices.! f J j!T H E C H E A P E S T H O U S E F O R F U R S IN T H E K IN G D O M —(much

below W holesa le . W e a re d ire c t Im p o rte rs , D ressers, D yers a n d M anu­fa c tu re rs . I T .[ . ,

CO N SU LT Mr . D U D K IN , th e E X P E R T FC R R IE R , w ith life ex p e ri­ence of th e T rade, a n d h is know ledge a n d e x p e r t free advice is a lw ays a t y o q r service.

In sp ec tio n of o u r enorm ous S to ck w ith o u t ob lig a tio n is /cord ially in v ited . ■ , >' , : , ■ -I :| f

D Y E IN G , E E -M O D E L L IN G

FARNCOMBE & CO., L i m i t e d ,E X E O U T E A L L K I N D S O E C O M M E R C IA L A N D A R T IS T IC P R IN T IN G A T

V i '

a n d R E N O V A T IN G a S P E C IA L IT Y .

M O D E R A T E C H A R G 1



& S O N SS S W O R K



Decorating, Electric Lighting, Hot W ater [ i | and Sanitary Work.

I No. 335.CHARLES BREACH, jBuilder, Contractor and Sanitary Pluihbor.

W est End B uilding W orks, Meads. R e s id e n c e ^ , Matlock-road, Meads.GENERAL RAINAGESPECIAL


’Phone 9x.




E very Description o f B u ild ing arid House .Repairs done a t M oderate Charges. Special a ttention to D rainage and San ita ry W orli.

Office and W ork s: 75, T ID E 8W E L L




.-a te a Free.


U ndek R oyal P atronage. - j j .D A N C IN G and R H Y T H M IC E X E R C IS E S .

l i / T l l S S E L E A N O R R A T C L I F F E XVJL110 years A ssistant to Mrs . W ORDSWORTH, “ W ill R esumk her Classes a t th e G R A N D H O T E L , i S atdrday, .Tan. 26th , a t 2.4 5 ; Juveniles, 11 o’clock.

■Also W ednesday, .Tan1. 60th , a t 3 o’clock.A t D E V O N S H IR E P A R K , T ransition C lass, W ed L

nesday, J an. S>Th , 2.45; Special Baby Olaks, 11.15.'A t S A F F R O N S ROOM S, W ednesday, .Tan. 30th , aft 3 .30;, Juveniles, 2.30. At) T H E LO D G E, B L A C K - W A T E R R O A D , B eginners’ C lass, F riday, 3.15. D eportm ent and Ball-room Dancing (for Girls over 15), M onday, Tan. 28th , 5.30. Special Classes for Operati® Technique Daily. A Dance Practice Class for Adults^ W ednesdati & F riday, a t 8.45.—F o r Particulars, ayiply

T he L odge, B i.ackwater-iioad, E astbourne. (Opposite the Presbyterian Church).

D A N C IN G , D E P O R T M E N T and E U R H Y T H M IO E X E R C IS E S ,

l y r i s s H U T T O N -M O S S a n d M IS S P A I N EW ill Resume their Classes on JA N U A R Y 26t h .

CHILDREN’S CLASS on SATURDAYS a t 2.30, a t T H E GYMNASIUM, Yo r k -road (conimencing

J a n u a r y 28t h ).----- j— "— h - ------------- :—

P R IV A TE LESSONS & HOLIDAY CLASSES.For particulars apply-! , j

39a, H arrington-road, L ondon, S.W ., o r 8, Gorringe-road, E astbourne.

D A N C IN G and D E PO R T M E N T .A L T E R A T IO N O F D A T E 5

I S S L U C Y W A YW ill be resum ing her CLASSES

T H E SAFFRONS; ROOMS, on SATURDAY J anuary 26th , a t 3.0 and 4.45 'p.m..,

SCHOOLS ATTENDED. PRIVATE LESSONS GIVEN. The usual Friday Evening Classes will be continued*

For particulars,A ddress; 28, South Street, E astbourne.

DANCING AND ELOCUTION.M " A D A M E V A N D Y C K ’S C L A S S E S D f J . - i ... : a re now resum ed

A t DEVONSHIRE PA R K .I Special elapses for Operatio Dancing (Russia^ Method).

For particulars apply2, HAREW OOD PLACE, HA NOV ER SQUARE, W

% /f IS S L IZ Z IE BARTHOLOM EW7 * (Cert. P ianist, T.C.L., and Cert. Senior R A M .

[ and RC.M .) gives Lessons in fP IA N O F O R T E , T H E O R Y O F M U SIC and

H A R M O N Y .Pupils successfully prepared for Local School & Centra

Exam inations of Associated Board of RA .M . & R C .M .1 and o ther Colleges. Schools visited. Receives or v isits

private pupils. — Apply, by letter, Crookham House, York-road, Eastbourne (near Town Hall), or Clift’s Music Saloons, Gildredge-road, Eastbourne.


MR. a n d M RS. D A R B IS H IR E JO N E Sbeg to notify their CHANGE OF ADDRESS

and th a t they are now j.B O T H G IV IN G LESSO N S ON T H E

V IO LO N C ELLO .For term s, w rite

K ilncombe L odge, B eoforDwell-road, E astbourne.

Tfyf ISS M INA HUDSON, C ert. Voo. T .O X -i.T_JL Mem. IS M .,


bourne. • j TLadies’ Choir . Choir T raining given by arrangem ent. Preparation for Musical Examinations. Many suocessea

and honours. Special arrangem ents for Visltora. Communications should be addressed to Miss H udson, care of Messrs. Clif t Gildredge-road ; or The L ibrary ,

Daiton-terrace, M eads-street.

1 \T IS S E L SIE S. M: R EED , Certificated LT-I- Advanced Grade Associated Board R A M . and R C .M . Piano and Organ (Honours), Organist of th e Eastbourne College, A ssistant Organist a t St. Saviour’s Church, Eastbourne, Accompanist to the E astbourne A m ateur Operatio Sooiety. Open for Engagem ent aa Accompanist. GIVES LES30NS in PIANOFORTE an d ORGAN PLAYING and in HARMONY and THEORY. S tudents prepared for the various Musical Exariiibationa

4, K ilb c r n Terrace (3 m inutes from Station),• j . , j , 1 1 - E astbourne. ;

IS 8 B. NOAKES, Certificated in H arm onyand C ounterpoint (Senior Local, Associated Board

3t tht GIVES LESSONS on the

San ita ry


3t the R A M . and'R .O.M .),PIANOFORTE and A m erican Organ,

Cormterpoinb.—For Term s apply 8, Oalverley-road., and In Harm ony




:!: •■■■■j ; D I X E Y •« I-W, 21, KING’S ROAD, BRIGHTON. | Branch A Workshops: 96, Western Road, Hovai

H A N U f A C T U R I N G O P T I C I A N STo th e B uuex E ye and County Hospital*. Surgical A id Society, ICO., fco.

RIMLESS SPECTACLES and EYEGLASSES a Speolalit e. Spectacles and E yeglasses from 2/6. No Charge for S ight Testing. F ihld and Op e r a Glasses, B arom eters, Therm om eters, Tele sc o pes , M icroscopes, &o. E s td o ver 70 y e a r s '. B righ to n : Honrs, 9 till 7 ; Thursdays, 9 till 1. H ove : Honrs, 9 till 7 ; Satnrdnvs, 9 till 1. Tele.: 4,482 both Shops. ~



BY XBH B ay. E . E . CR A K E, M.A,

One of the most Interesting and Picturesque


May be obtained of the Printers and Publishers,FARNCOMBE & CO., Limited, SOUTH



Castles in the County of Sussex.

? • .



S IN G IN G , V O IC E PR O D U C T IO N & C U L T U R E .

MR. C. W Y N D H A M R O B IN SO N receivesand V isits Pupils.

Term s :—Single Lessons, 10s. 6d .; 10 Lessons, £4. Is. Special Terms for Schools.

.. . K ya L ami, T he G reys, E astbourne. ,London, W ednesdays, W eekes’ & Co.’s Studios, 14L

Hanover-street, W . ,

Patronised by R oyalty, ' -

S rS M THE g -ymnasiaa n d Sc h o o ls o p P h y s ic a l E d u c a tio n

YORK ROAD, E astbourne (near Town Hall), Tel 917 and D ERW EN T ROAD, MEADS '

Also a t BEXHILL.Every branoh of Physical Eduoatlon scientifically tau g h t by fully qualified and experienced Instructor and Lady

Teachers, under the direction of Mr. Moss- T h e n is a Medical Gymnasium attached for Rem edial Exercises and Swedish Massage, under the direction ot

Miss F. 0 . Charlesworth, M.G.T.L, M.N.S.P.B.

G o

i . .•

M \i l ' .

’* ■

i : s .3U it

; 4 :m

Ti j

,j r



■} i r



O ow heepers a n d D a iry F a r m e r ., DELIVER HIGH-OLASS DAIRY PRODUCE

Three Times Dally t>o all parts cf Eastbonrne.As It Is necessary to know from whence the m ilk supply

is derived we invite Patrons to inspect our Farm s and Dairies. 1 -.

Farm S p o ts: Dairies :H am pden P ark, 18, Cornfield-terrace, a n d

Telephone 463. 49, Church streets

O IA N O F O R T E S , A M ER IC A N O R G A N S,'¥r\- HARMONIUMS and HA RPS. . ■'By the Best M akers, on th e Lowest Terms, for Sale,

H ire and on th e T hree Y ears’ System.LY O N & H A L L , W a rw ic k M a n sio n ,

5, K IN G ’S R O A D , B R IG H T O N . Experienced Tuners sent to a ll p a rts o f the C ountry.

Illustra ted Catalogues Free by Post.

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E A ST B O U R N E C H R O N IC L E , SA T U R D A Y , JA N U A R Y 12 , 1918.

B R U E O E D & S O N .

II . f

SOLID S H Y E R W R IST W ATCHESfor Service use, luminous dials, jewelled lever movements ... .»• ... •••

Ditto, with non-magnetic electric work

movement,, for use in


2 1 / - each.

2 5 / ,7 each.


AMMIOKS LIMITED,13 & 15, Carlisle Road (T. 323). Also Meads (T. 316)


. 1(« )

i i-

Purchased, paid for, and taken from shop Delivered for cash, ^nd booked for weekly account only Delivered and booked forJ credit ibeyond

TB .

H o u r s


o f B u s in e s s :— 7 1

Q U O T E D O N A P P L I C A T I O N .

Wednesdays included (Saturdays, 9 o’clock).i . until 7 p.m' ■

Luncheons and Teas served Daily, except on Sundays.All classes and forms of Confectionery and Catering according to opportunity and

II" ' : | ; 1 : ; ; restriction.


llE U T .iC O L . PO D M O R E , D.S.O. oL H ulfert Podm ore, D .S.O., N ortham pton-

;iment’, who was accidentally killed on active t Dec

T rooper J . W ilson | :oon Guards), E astbourne.itboi

r ^ ,

L ieut.- shirfeReiservice‘‘o n 31st j December, was a grandson of th e late R ev . Thom as Podm ore, who was a t one tim e head m aste r ofl E astbourne College. Before th e w ar Col. Podm ore was an assistant m aster, a t Rugby. .H e woe h is D .S.O , for conspicuous gallantry and ab ility in repelling a n igh t attack . H is age was 30. .

(P R IV A T E H A R O L D S M IT H .A n in teresting reference to tble la te P riv a te H aro ld

S m ith , form erly head boy of S t.‘Saviour’s Choir School an d a server a t th e Church, is m ade in th e current num ber of St. Saviour’ P arish M agazine.

“ W e have since heard ,” says the magazine “ th a t H aro ld Sm ith was killeid in Palestine when his platoon cap tured a T urkish b a tte ry of big guns. One of his officers has w ritten to his m other, speaking very warm ly q{ th e boy’s excellent work ever since he joined up three y ears agq. ' -1

“ N o t long ago he sent h is m other some verses he had ■written about his experiences in th e South of Palestine. W e venture to p rin t tbi^ l^st two. A pathe tic in terest is aroused by th e first' of them as we reflect th a t the w rite r’s body now rests beneath one of those w hite crosses.” T he verses are as follow s:—

There's m any a Tom and Jack ,To his home will ne'er go back.

F o r they sacrifice th e ir lives moat every day, S ir ;" An 1 a little sun-bleached cross t- Is t .ll we have to m ark the loss *O f a chum out on th a t plain ju s t south of Gaza.

And so, k ind frierids, remember.W hen enthralled by victory’s splendour.

T h a t the ugh we did not m eet m en of the Kaiser,O ur job w e did nq t shirk, l o r we smashed his pal th e T urk

On th a t blood-stained, shell-torn plain ju s t south of Gaza.SK C O N D -LIE U T . M A SON .

“ W e have no t been able,’’ says th e sam “ to learn any particulars of R oy M ason’s death, except th a t he died two days a fte r being wounded somewhere o n th e ] Trench F ron t.

“ H e was always one of th e very best of boys, quiet, b u t full of fun and f good .'humour. H e had some lite rary instinots, and while a t school produced from tim e to tim e a so rt of Choir School M agazine, m ostly w ritten by himself. 1

“ On leaving school he w ent to th e F re e L ibrary , and in tended to qualify himself for a librarian’s post. H e enlisted in th e G uards early in th e war, served for some tim e ir F rance, bu t on g etting a commission came back fo r b is train ing in England. H e bad no t been ou t very long as an officer when he m et h is d eath .”

P riv a te T . W . bourne.

P riv a te H . E . E astbourne.

M issin g .G eer (Cambridge Regim ent), E ast-

L ane-V errall (Royal Ir ish Rifles),

A W A R D S F O R 1 G A L L A N T R Y .D.O.M .

A./O .S.M . J . B a rtle tt (Royal Sussex Regim ent), E a s t­bourne. ,

M eritorious S ervice M edal.Staff-Sergt. (A .S.M .) O. O rchard (R .A .M .O .), E a s t­

bourne.', „ ! r 1' • , .



O rchestral concerts during th e week-end were well a ttended, and on Sunday evening, despite th e heavy rain, there was an enthusiastic audience, preponderantly m ilitary in character. An artistio program m e was presented under the direction of M r. Norfolk Megone, including the M editation from “ T hais,” in which M r. George C athie was enabled to display his ta len t as a violinist. T he songs contributed by M r. P h ilip JR itte were a very popular feature, and a t each appearance he had to respond to a oouple of recalls.

On M onday in terest centred in th e very b righ t and fascinating suite f‘ L a V erbena’,’ (Lacome), of which the orchestra gave an adm irable exposition. O ther in te rest­ing num bers w ere th e andantino from Tsohaikowsky’s F o u rth 1 Sym phony and th e finale frqm Beethoven’s E ig h th Sym phony. P rom inent features of Tuesday’s program m e were th e opening m ovem ent from the “ P a th e tio ” sym phony, th e tone poem “ Z orahayda” (Svendsen), and th e a ir de balle t from “ Scenes P it- to resques” (Massenet), w ith ’oello solo by M r. W . Sasbaok. Therej Were twoxsoneerts on W ednesday. In the afternoon the orchestra played th e th ird and fourth movem ents from Tschaikowsky’s F o u rth Sym phony, th e concert piece “ Siegfried Id y ll” (W agner), and the suite “ Scenes Bearnaises ” (Broustet). A Gounod and Sullivan program m e was muoh enjoyed in th e evening.

A t th e concerts arranged for to-day arid to-morrow evening the vocalist will be M r. Jam es Tootal, an firtist of considerable talen t. H e has come from serving in France, where his eyesight sustained severe damage.

N ex t Week’s musical arrangem ents include a special concert on Tuesday afternoon.

T h is E vening.Frenoh m ilitary m arch, “ Le RCgiment de Sam bre

e t M euse"........................... i....................... TurletOverture, “ Sem iram ide”........................:....RossiniBallet m usic from “ F a u s t” ..................i....GounodSong ...........L........................ c.........................................“ MClodte C aprice” ...........................................Squire“ Danse den faylphes” .......... ............!............B erlioz“ Shepherd’s! H ey” ............ G raingerOverture, “ Migoon " ................A m broise Thom asFantasia, “ The Bing Boys”.................. a..... ....A yerSong ....... L......................................... ..........................Valse, “ The W hirl of the W altz”................ Linc.keFinale, “ Calais-Ostecde " ...............................Vivier

- i i Sunday E vening.Overture, “ The F lying Dutchm an ..'W agnerSuite, ” The Sleeping B eauty f ......Tschaikow skiSong .. ....... :......................... ..“ Hym ne 4 Salnte CUcile” ...........................Gounod

' Solo violin: Mr. George Cathie.


‘ - H a rp : Mr. Fred Haslam.IriRh Rhapsody ” ........ VJn

Fantasia, “ I Pagliacci"

T h eweek’s

following nam es have appeared in th e curren t official lis ts of casualties:— . i

T o th e E ditor.S i r : F rom rem arks which I have beard when solicit

ing subscriptions for th e above fund, there appears to be a wrong impression as to th e : object th e prom oters have in view. I t is not alone to provide for th e future of th e fatherless child, b u t in order to perpetuate the memory of th e gallant soldier who sacrificed his life for ■others and thereby obtained th e first V.G. for E as t­bourne. H ad he lived to oome home afte r being decorated by th e K in g w hat a reception he would have had 1 A band to m eet him a t the station, probably a civic welcome, a banquet, speeches and all the rest of i t and a good fa t cheque. .B u t th e grand fellow did not live to oome in to th e ! lim elight. A fter bringing in seven Sussex boys he w ent op t for th e eighth, and a la s ! paid th e penalty which bravery too often exacts.

Shall he be th e less honoured] now ? T he answer rests w ith th e publio of E astbourne, and I cannotfbut believe th a t when th e m atte r ia| placed before; t fairly, as i t doubtless w ill be when onr M em ber’s is able to get her com m ittee together, th e response be entirely satisfactory. -1 ;.

M y son, C apt. H . O. T . Robinson, who commanded th e company of Which th e la te V .O. was C .S.M ,, and w ent over the top w ith him, re tu rned to F rance yester­day afte r short leave, during whioh he m s only able to se t the ball rolling. H e asked me to do w hat Ii c ould in his absence, an a I am only too glad to accede tp his wish. , ;

T he: “ V ictoria C ross” is on view in Mpssrs, B ruford’s window, Term inus-road. T he C apital Counties’ B ank has k indly consented to receive Boriptipns. I Y ours tru ly ,

O. W Y N D H A M R O B IN SO N , Treasurer pro tern.

K y a Lanai, T he Greys, J a n . 8th. '



, Hailsham .

, 1

■" 1 s

R O Y A L S U S S E X R E G IM E N T .K illed .

F rig a te H . O. Sm ith, Eastbourne.W ':- D ied op W ounds.

P riv a te J . Sands, Eastbourne.' Died .

Lanoe-Corpl. R . H . Jackson, Hailsham .j j ; ■ .- W ounded.

P riv a te 8 . Chandler, Eastbourne.Oorpl. J . Coleman, H ailshair

l P riv a te H . Fears, Polegate.» P riv a te T . H ..O . H arm er, H

P riv a te A V . Hawes, Eastbourne.Private: E . Mockford, Hailsham .P riv a te H . S tanley Terson, Eastbourne.

O T H E R U N IT S .K illed .

0, Eastbourne, ourne.

K illed , P reviously R eported M issing . iv a te R . T u rk (London Regim ent), E astbourne.

D ied op W ounds.nce-Corpl. J , P . Bowd (M .G.C.), Eastbourne.

W ounded. '. jj face-CorpL E . B aker (London Regim ent), E ast-

, 10. ,-f.ance-Corpl. J . S. B allantine (M.G.C.), Eastbourne, iv a te B. Cox (Sherwood Foresters), H ailsham . ■ivate J . L . Cowlin (Lincolns), Eastbourne.

Private F . L. K ane (The Buffs), Eastbourne.Private G. N . V . R anger (K ing’s Royal Rifles), E ast­

bourne.Private G. W . Saunders (R. Irish Rifles), Eastbourne. ~ ivate W . H . Sm ith (Northam ptons), Eastbourne.

RESIGNATION OF AN ORGANISM r. G ilbert A Alcook, of Fernholm e, H am pden

P ark , has resigned tb e post of organist and ohoirmasterof S t. Jo h n ’s, M eads, a position he has filled

I n a le tte r to tb e



................. . Villiers S ta n fo rd_ tool ” .......................Leoncavallo

Song ....................Farandole from “ L’ArlPsleqne ” ......j............B ize tM IS S J E ^ N , S T E R L IN G M A O K IN L A Y .

R E C IT A L S F O R C H IL D R E N A N D A D U L T S.Our readers are rem inded th a t Miss Je a n Sterling

M ackinlay oommences iu theiV audeville Pavilion on M onday next a week of speoial matinees for young people.- T he program m e will be alm ost an exact replica of th a t given w ith such great success a t the recent season a t th e M argaret M orris T heatre, London. Ajisa M ackinlay will be assisted by the boys from the London College for Choristers. On W ednesday and Saturday evenings, a t 8, there will be a ballad and folk song program m e for th e “ grown-ups.” Seats m ay b e booked in advance for any of the performances.

G E O R G E R O B E Y C O M IN G .The m anagem ent have arranged for a visit t o Devon­

shire P ark , on W ednesday, the 30th inst., of M r. George Robey, th e famous comedian, who will appear bo th afternoon and evening.

“ C A M O U F L A G E .”Following the very successful run of “ C ham pagne”

a t tb e Devonshire P a rk Pavilion, M r. F ran k Dunlop introduced th is week his old company under a new name.1 One supposes th a t the only reason for his choice of “ Camouflage” as th e title is that, like the show itself, i t is up-to-date. However, under w hatever cover he ohooses,\Mr. D unlop is sure of a welcome. The new venture includes some novelties and th e cream of th e old favourites. Am ongst the la test is th e q u arte tte “ T he C ottage bv the Sea,” m ost effectively sung with hum orous asides by M r. Dunlop, who is, of course, the life and soul oU th e production. M iss Phyllis Rose contributes her c lever. character stu d ies ; Miss H ilda Thurlow is as charm ing as ever in soubrette songs ; and M iss G ladys R ennard sings delightfully ballads from her extensive repertoire. The baritone songs of Mr. Jackson P o tte r are; as eagerly antic ipated as ever, and a t each perform ance he has had to respond to insistent dem ands fo i fu rth er contributions. M r. H arry Collins gives considerable help iq th e concerted numbers, w hilst M r. E ric Ross plays th e “ k iiu t” in an amusing way. U nfortunate ly-M iss Gwen Albsfh is indisposed, b u t th e company have secured the* services of Miss W inifred Ifairleigh a t th e piano. One of th e most successful burlesques presented th is week is a perform- ance by M r. Suflfblk M egaphone’S: Devonshire Cream Orchestra. T here will be a matinee and an evening perform ance to-day. !


I M D M E. K A R IN A 'S A R T IS T IO D A N C IN G .T he outstanding feature of th eo h arm in g en terta in ­

m ent now being produced a t th e P a rk T heatre, under th e direction of C aptain Jannsen , is th$ artistic, and finished dancing of M dtne. K arina, a Danish lady who enjoys a well-won repu te not ODly in her own land, bu t in th is and o ther countries where opportunities of appreciating he r ta lep t have been afforded. Of fine natural figure and enthusiastically wedded to he r a rt, her powers have evidently been developed under the happiest auspices, and all her work bears a uniform m ark of effortless fluenoy, superb poetical grace, and perfection of technique. On Thursday, the opening n ight, Mdme. K arina gave enchanting exam ples of her ra re skill, first in th e now well-known “ S w an ” dance, which was rapturously redem anded, and afterw ards in a succession of figures of , her own conception^ her success throughout being undeniable and greatly delighting all, present. M dme. K arina was supported in a perform ance of muoh beauty and pleasing variety by num erous gifted and highly-trained artists, of whom a considerable proportion are qu ite young ladies, and tw o of th ree l ittle more than infants.

T he in troductory or miscellaneous section of th e p ro­gram m e included a neatly-executed Scottish step dance by M iss N p tta Nichol, several concerted, dances by combinations of youthful perform ers, songs by Mr. F ra n k E n rig h t (a capable tenor vocalist), and a sweetly- danced m inuet by two tiny executants (L ittle R ene and Winnie).

T hen came a fairy musical play, suggested in its broad outlines by H an s A ndersen’s F a iry Tales, in which the en tire company had full opportunities of revealing their individual and associated capacities, whether in dancing, acting, singing, or in the presentation of p re tty and novel tableaux. The play is of ligh t texture, and is essentially fanciful in s p i r i t ; bu t i t introduces a con­siderable num ber of in teresting characters, m ost conspic­uous of which are “ the little m atch g i r l” (afterwards “ The P rin cess”), adm irably filled by Mdme. K arina; “-The K in g ” (Mr. F ra n k Enright), “ The P a g e ” (Miss B arbara Cnidford), “ The Sold ier” (Miss Alice Carter), and “ T he C oster” (Mr. Tom Fancourt). The success of: th e play was enhanced by beautiful scenic and illum inative effects, while in the im portan t m atter of costumes th e company is generously equipped. N ote­w orthy item s of a diversified display were the sue- cession of fancy and descriptive dances, and also th e comedy exhibition of Mr. Tom Fancourt, who worked very hard and showed uncommon versatility, supplem enting various character impersonations by “ w a r” recitations of a movingly dram atio character. H is tu rn as the coster, • in a comic episode with his “ donkey ” (Miss R u th Flatow ) proved especially d iverting. A ltogether the representation was dis­tinc tly entertaining, and fully deserved the hearty reception accorded it. i, To-day will be given th e two concluding performances, af-2.30 and 8 p.m.

“ T H E M A ID O F T H E M O U N TA IN S,.”T his charm ing musical play, in which an alluring

dram atic romance is allied to deftly-arranged elements of hum our, music and scenery, held the enraptured a tten tion of large audiences during the first hall of the week. Since its appearance in Eastbourne du ring ’the la tte r p a r t of the sum m er season, The M aid o f the M ountains has had a most successful run both in London and the provinces, and it is generally adm itted to be one of the p rettiest, most an using and generally fasci­nating productions of th is type now before the public. P resented th is week by a G( orge Edw ardes’ company, i t was seen in all its phases arid characteristics to the best advantage. The hauntir gly melodious music, both solo and concerted, was a lm irab ly in terpreted , its effect being enhanced no t n little by aii augmented orchestra. A ll thfe leading characters were finely cast, w ith M iss M arie Hancock a most engaging “ T eresa,” M r. H arold T h irley a m anly and commanding “ Balda- sarre,” M r. Josh Dixon and M r. Lionel V ictor most diverting in the comical part: i of “ Tonio ” and “ General M alona,” M iss Billie Bell is a b righ t and winsome'

Angela,” and M r. Lennox Lochner a sufficiently ardent, though unsuccessful, rival to the robber-ohief lover. A ll three acts were splendidly staged and developed, and the course of the stirring, picturesque and amusing play was followed w ith great zest and enjoym ent. A tribu te of praise m ust be accoirded the uniformly good work of th e s m artly-dressed chorus.

“ U N D E R C O V E R .”M essrs. George G rossm ith and E dw ard Laurillard, in

conjunction w ith M r. M atlieson Lang, will present on M onday, for th ree nights, th e la test American crook play, Under Cover. The p ecB, prior to its most suc­cessful run a t the S trand T heatre, London, had a long run in America, and undoubtedly is one of the best th a t has ever come to us from the o ther side of the A tlantic. I t is w ritten in fourjacts by Roi Cooper Megrue, and deals w ith the sm uggling of a valuable necklace through the U n ited S ta tes customs. J Exposing the g raft system carried on by high officials in th is departm ent, M r. M atheson Lang, th e popular and versatile actor, whose perform ance of “ M r. W u ’ is well remembered, will play his original part, of: |“ S tephen D enby.” H e is


w ithVicarm arked ability for 21 ye

notifying his resolve, M r. Alcook sa y s:—“ Ciroumstances have arisen in my m usical career |

during the last tw o ori th ree m onths which necessitate m y devoting more, tim e to composing ; and an oppor­tu n ity has presented itself of coming Before th e public— -----:poser which i t would be foolish of me to ignore.

I feel I cannot—under these circumstances—


FACIALTREATMENTSso beneficial to the c o m p l e x i o n a n d health , consult

Greta Grey101, SOTTTH-ST.

(F irst F loor).



P r vate J . E . Griffen (Northaniptons), I T rooper T . S h ad b o lt (Hussars), Eastbou

iy church a iuraUy

work a t 3 B. In

as a cam;‘ B u t

give th e ,tim e and undivided a tten tion to du ties which I feel I ought, jand which you have a rig h t to expect.

“ I therefore feel i t m y du ty to give u p m;St. Jo h n ’s Church, which I do w ith m any re t our Work together our relations have always been of th e happiest, and th e thought of th e m any friends I have m ade in M eads during m y 21 years as organist will serve to rem ind m e of a very happy period in my life.

“ I Bhall no t be leaving Eastbourne, b u t hope to goon w ith m y teaching as usual, and still often hope to m eet my St. Jo h n ’s friends when I am in M eads.” j

L e a f H o m c k o p a t h ic C o t t a g e H o s p i t a l .— P a tien ts in th e H ospita l on Deo. 30th, 12! (including ft w niindndl: riincharirad dnrimr' th e week. 2 : died, 0 ;

J a n . 5th, 13 visits durinivisitors bn £ ____, , . . .friends Sundays and W ednesdays from 2 tiU

8 w ounded); discharged during th e week, 2 , adm itted during th e week, 3 ; rem aining in H ospita l on

13 (including 8 wounded). O u t-P a tie n ts ’ uioag th e week, 3. T he in stitu tio n iso p en t o I a j . g t_ Anne's Church th is (Saturday) morning, and the Sundays, Tuesdays and F rid ay s and pa tien ts jnternient ............................... - '

4.—M r.At.p rkd T abor, H on. Treasurer, Sunnydene, Grassing- ton-road.


E arly on W ednesday m orning M r. W illiam R eid A lbury, bf, Redoliffe, Old Orchard-road, Eastbourne,

sd away afte r a brief illness. Though his health___ not been satisfactory for some time, he did nottake to h is bed un til Tuesday of last week. A n opera­tion was perform ed, b u t on Sunday n ight pleurisy and pneum onia supervened.

Twenty-five years ago M r. A tbury came to E a s t­bourne and entered’ in to partnersh ip w ith M r. Spain They traded as w ine ana sp irit m erchants for many “ ears under the! nam e of Messrs. Spain & Albury.Sventually M r. A lbury acquired the whole of the

business, and five years ago he re-entered in tb partner ship, on th is oocasion w ith M r. Percy Glanfield and M r. Lawrence. Since then tb e business has been extended under i ts original name.

M r. A lbury had given two sons to the army. H is younger boy was killed w hile serying w ith th e R .F .C . last Septem ber, and th e elder is still a t the F ront.

T he first p a r t of the burial service will be conducted a t Anne's Church th is (Saturday) morning, and the

dent will take place in the family grave a t Lady- dear Lewisham, la te r in th e day.

THE PIER.□g case of m istaken iden tity much i the up-to-date comedy Beaucham»

A round an amu linjhum our is woven 5n the up-to-date comedy Beauchamp <?nd Beecham. T he main characters are privates in K itchener’s A rm y, who have been invited to stay in a middle-class hom e a t E aling for ten days. The lady of the house has m staken the aristocratic Hon. R obert Belchamber Beauchamp for R obert Beecbam, a linen d raper’s assistant Of course m any comic situations result. M r. Hale ane Crichton’s company extracted the last ounce of hum aur from the piece. Honours fell to M iss Constance Slgiu (“ Mrs. B oyd”),jjMiss France M ary K endal (he) niece), M r. Ja c k Crichton (the rea linen d raper’s assistant) and M r, Douglas Cecil (the fu ture E arl of Cfistlovain). F our perform ances of the comedy were giv<)n in the early days of the week.

“ A N N .”T h at delightful comedy of a bride who jeame through a

window was presented on Thursday and lyesterday, and will be given twice to-day a t the Pieri Theatre. The 5fc,° ry^ , > th is ;time, fam iliar toJocaU playgoers, and Mr. H aldane Cr chton’s company handle i t w ith skill. As the aydaciouip b u t very charm ing woman-reporter, M iss Frances M ary .K endal is rea lly '. Excellent: H er

cute ways captivate her audience, abd on Thursday evening she wa* [ greeted with appreciative applause. Mr. Douglas C edi plays the prim , proper Englishm an very convincingly, while his far-seeing Another—a very delightful character study—gives Miss Constance Elgin an opportunity c f which she takes full advantage. The prudish “ Evan jeline,” who coolly acbepts E dw ard’s, proposal over t le telephone, ■ is well dnadted by Miss M argaret E aton and M r. V incent Beechpy is responsible for a great deal of th e hum our in his impersonation of the “ V ery Revj Samuel H argreaves,” who has a strong objection to An i’s wheedling way. The production is well staged, a n i some exceedingly .dainty frocks are displayed by Aj m. There is k matinee, and an evening perform ance to- lay. I j . • II S U N D A Y ' C O N C ER TS. , . f/ T he concerts by tbe men a t Summerjbown Camp are to be resumed tg-morrow (Sunday). In[ the afternoon a


cleverness, provide th e entertainm ent.

“ T i i E L a d y o f . o s t :N ext week S [r. H ayes has arrange:

b rillian t fareic d comedy, en titled TheThe piece is b 'imful of hum our dfid ______bring a smile to the most weary countenance. Lawrence Brough’s company are ce them selves we 1, and the production should prove a very a ttractive one. II

D .”for' a visit of a

d y of Ostend. Is calculated to

M r.



M i OME.

supported by a strong and M iss Id a S tra tb ran , Miss Russell, MiBS Ja n e G raht M r. H orton .Cooper, M r, 1 M enpes, M r. Sydney Pease G us Sharland, &c. JThe pl| en tirety from th e S trand under the personal directioi

M R . M A R T IN H A R T M r. M artin H arvey is,

a special th ree days’ visit m encing on Thursaay_

ell-balanced cast, including iolet W inter, M iss Helen

ie ; also M r. F red Lewis,. S. H artford , Mr. W alter M r. F ra n k Litchfield, Mr.

•y, which is sent out in its "lheatre,.has been produced of M r. Felix Edwardes.

:Y’S COMING VISIT, already announced, to pay to the P ark Theatre, com­

et. T he famous actor will

The "revui a t the Royal of its kind, for its»humo are credited duction Mr.1 The clever

I T ’S. A B A R G A IN )” in an. office,’’.which has djtverted audiences hippodrome th is week, is one of the best Untitled It's a Bargain, til" book—notable '—is by Cyril Melvin, [tiie tuneful lyrics o M r, H ugh Pereival, while i or the pro- -illy Caryll is responsible..

. ,it of |a really exceUent[jcomi> ,ny is Miss Gracie Fields! who] with songs and impci conations is responsible fcjr much of th e laughter] which is evoked from the audience. ! She is, perhaps, moat successful in her presentation of the great film favourite, Charlie Chaplin. T h e most effective number in the production is th a t in which she participates with th e beauty chorus

“ The Valley of th e _Moon.” T h e ‘rem ainder of the comedy elem ent is; m ainly in (be haiidsbf Mr. Archie P it t, as the head of the Office staff, and M r. P a t Aza, his overwork 3d, underpaid" assistant.! M r, Archie P it t is especially mccessfiil in th e ’ episode on the staircase w ith the charm ing “ Peggy O’D air.” 1 In th a t character M iss M ona E rewer is delightful, particularly when she sings of the joys of “ H arvest Time,j” w ith the assist­ance of the b >vy of p re tty country maidens. One has often m et w: th the tiresome, meddlesome, precocious office boy pr< sented by M aster .Tames Clark, though he is no t . often so-successfully and severely admonished. Two more psrforinances will be giiien to-day a t the usual times. j 1

R O L L O F H O N O U R .”A n attrac iive engagem ent has been made- by the

H ippodrom e m anagem ent for next will be perform ances twice nightl}’Gladys H ast ngs W alton, entitled Ron _____topical piec< will be-produced uric dr the direction of

d by Mr. A rth u r

eek, when there of the play by

‘oil o f Honour. This

the authores i,|'and i t will be presen H inton’s co npariy, w ith Jerro ld hero,” G. H astings W alton as “ the Corentez as ‘‘ the wanton,” The pi e ight scenes. The performances will 9 p.m.


leather as “ the coward ” and Leah lay is divided into £tart a t 7 p.m. and


have th e assistance of hi i fine company, headed by M iss N. de Silva, and inch ding such gifted players as M r. R utland B arrington, M r. F re d G rove, M r. J . Cooke Beresford, M r. Alfr :d Ibberson, M r. F . Forbes Robertson, M r. A lfred Fie ier, M r. H . Forbes Dawson, M iss M arie L inden and M ss M ary Gray.

T he plays to be offeree are Tom Robertson’s D avid Garrick, Charles H annan’: adaptation of M arion Craw­ford’s novel A Cigarette M iker’s Romance, am i M urray Carson and L. N. P a rk er’s Rosemary, M r. M artin H arvey’s la te s t production.

I t is Robertson’s D avid Garrick whose revival M r. M artin H arvey has brought to such conspicuous success during his recent tours. As--courtly G arrick the famous actor gives a representation which is a model of its kind. As “ C ount Skariatine,” in A Cigarette Maker's Romance, M r. M artin Harvey achieves, not only some of his most delicate and sensitive histrionic effects, bu t la quality of acting which, of its genre, is a standard of the English speaking stage of to-dayj Rosemary takes us back to th e year 1837, and there introduces us to a group of people each of whom has a strong individual appeal, th e while th a t the narrative of the play --one of love and self-sacrifice which is greater than love—fascinates th e in terest and appeals tp the heart.-

D avid Garrick will be given on Thursday night, A Cigarette Maker's Romance on Friday] night, and Rosemary on Saturday afternoon and evening.



Special al tBntion is drawn to alterations in the tim es of exhibitic US a t the above picture Shall.' On and afte r M onday ne i t the matinees will commence a t 2.45, while the eveniffi programmes will be presented from 6.30 to 10.30, coriti auous.

During^! le past week good houses have evinced keen appreciatic a of the two adm irable series of pictures. The films f re of both a varied and artistio order, and they are screened to the best possible advantage. Chief place in th 3 current program m e is tmken by a powerful dram atic a ibject, “ T he Book A gent.” N ot only is the story intei sely dram atic throughout, but. many of the situations ire most vividly depicted. In addition there are shown striking and enterta in ing films of an amusing and scenic character.

C apital arrangem ents have been made for both sections o n ex t week. 1

' E A S T E R N C IN E M A .“ A M U N IT IO N G IR L ’S R O M A N C E ”—p - .: “ U N C O N Q U K R F.D .”

Th& la it exhibitions of “ Freckles;” 'an adaptation from th e well-known novel by Gbne^ S tra tto n Porte r, will be gi v$n to-day.

P ic turt -goers should not miss seeing “ A. M unition G irl’s Rom screened during the first half picture, which features V iolet thrilling theme, in which ah aer< _ the featu res. Included in th e program m e is “ A Sacred T rust,” k jhe second episode of the magnificent serial “ P a tria .” H ere Pa tria , escorted by Captain Parr, arrives in New Y ork to find th a t her guardian hae been m urdered. She learns th a t a treasure is hidden to be hsed in jdefence of the C hannin^ works, if they are threatened. Num erous adventures follow, and eventu­ally M orales obtains possession of the treasure.I A nother capital programme h is been compiled for Thursday and th e rem ainder of -the week, the s ta r film being “ U nconquered.^ This is a, splendid film which depicts how a girl jmakes an unwise m arriage bu t is q u ite ready to die t 6 save her child from death.

Fresh) hours have heen arranged here.also, the new tim es being the same as those. Ifixed for th e C entral Oinema !

T he annual m eeting of the Lcivos D istrict of Odd Fellows was held a t the L ecture ftoom , ! 'islier-street Lew esl 011 W ednesday afternoon. T he chair was occupied by Bro, VY. H o w e l l ' (Provincial G rand M aster), of the “ Soaford ’’ Lod'/rie, and the vice-chair by B ra , G .. H ill (Deputy Provirifcial G rand M aster),

* ° ^ ■ 4‘Good In ten t ” .Lodge, A lfriston. j O therofficers p resen t w|erov tho Im m ediate P a s t P rovincial G rand;M aster (Bro. J . R. Green), of the “ Sussex ” Lodge; H ailsham ; the D istrict A uditor (Brol E. A. Newm an, Eastbolurne); the I Exam iner of Lbdgo A ccounts fBro. G. I . Hughes) ; and the C orrespond­ing Secretary (BrO. Thos. Buokman). * Tho follow ing ; delegates, a ttended : Bros. II . Wood and A. E . H ughes (“ Good In ten t;” A lfristoh); W . Polling; W.Su . p f ? Cot'vingham (“ South • Saxon ,”'-C hadey); E. H untley, E. .Broomfield, C. H . N oakes and .Sl G. B ennett (“ S outhern ,” E astbourne); H . Newm an J J t W alker and A. Izzurd- (“ .Princess AI100, ’ E astbourne); G. G. Guy, \V. Stevens, Silas

-.Guy. and T. Vim. (“ Sussex,” H ailsham ); T. J . B arrow (“ Hea'tliiidld. ]') ; G. Dunford, .1. G Chap- m an H Breadbenfi, W. G. Reynolds. H . N orm an and J]. Muzzell (“ Clarence do W arrenne, ” Lew es);G. Renville, YV. L iiiegar and »J. Billion (“ P rince o£ W ales,” Newliaven) y II . W heatley (“ Ashdown F o rest,” N utley); W. Page. W. Coleman and H . R . Terry (“ Seaford); J . W .-G ould (“ V ictoria ,” U ck- field); Sisters C. D eighton and A. L. Read (“ Leaf ” Fem ale, Eastbourne). a *

Previous to proceeding w ith the business on th o agenda, th e Purp le L ecture was given by th e G rand M aster .to S ister A. - L. ReacT (Eastbourne) and Bro^W. G. Day (Chailey).

T he sta tem en t of accounts for the htdf-year ended December,^ 1917, showed th a t the M anagem ent and •General Fu n d had a balance brought forward o f £24. 10s. 6d. Tho levy for D istrict expense®amounted- to £35. 16s. 4 d .; levy for U nity M anage­m ent, £12.; 19s.' 4 d .; U n ity R eserve Fund , £24.- 9s 4 d .; U n ity w ar contributions, ££9. 4s. 6d .-5 received from ■ M anchester Un-jlty. Roliea Fund , £17. * 10s.; m edical trea tm ent, £11.. 3d .; w ar con tribu­tions repaid, £92. 13s. 4dJ; a-nd ] am ount repaid fo r sickness, £28. 6s. ; the total receipts am ounting to £336. 13s. 7d: T ho various payrhents totalled £315.13s. 7d., thero being thus, a balance to carry fo rw ard of £21. Tho, Funeral Fund commenced w ith ai balance of £91. 12s. 5d.,'; to this was added a £400 levy th a t had been raised during tho past six m onths. TherO ■ was also a g ra n t, received from th e W a r M utual Liability Fund; of £48;, tho total receip ts am ounting to ,£539.'15s. Id. T ho funeral claims paid, am ounted to, £164. 10s., deaths having been rep o rted of 11 m em bers and four m em bers’ wives. T he sum 1 of £37. 7s. had been paid to tho U nity W a r M utual L iability , Fund, a .balance being shown of £337. 18s. Id . T here had been, e igh t serving m em bers who had died during the past halLyeair, th is bringing th e to ta l up. to. 34 m em bers th e D istric t have lost' du ring th e period of the war.

The-accounts were unanimously* passed. L T he E xam iner o f Lodge'. Accounts presented hi©. 0

report on itho various ‘lodges ho had visited during rthe past yt^ar, and this was unanim ously received. ~Ho was accorded .a I vote of thanks for his services. 1 and re-elected to carry on the duties. Bro. J . Muzzell was elected to exam ine the Newhaven L odge accounts. ^ l '

T he • Deputy G rand M aster (Bro. <jl. Hill) was appointed G rand ‘M aster w ithout opposition, b u t fo r the office of D e p u ty , G ra n d ' M aster th ere Was a contest. T here w ere th ree candidates nom inated , and th e resu lt of the b illo t was th a t Bro. G. D unford (Lewes) was feuccessfirl w ith 20 votes, as against n ine recorded for Bro. E. Broomfield (Eastbourne) and fo u r fo r Bro. J . J.. W alker (Eastbourne).

Bros. E. A. Newm an and W. G. R eynolds wero appointed auditors.

I t was decided to m ako a levy on the lodge© tow ards th e Funeral Fund of £10d. ‘Z~ *

Tho question of the D istrict being represented a t tho nex t A nnual M oveable Conference, which is to be held a t C heltenham during W hitsun week, ?w as considered, and 7 i t was ultim ately decided to send a - delegate, .! and the Corresponding Secretary wastt appointed-, w ith th e G rand M aster to .stand as a j {reserve., I. I t was agrieed* to allow 10 guineas fo r expenses, o n e h a lf to bo borne by th e D istrict an d th e o ther | by the Steito. /. , ;L;

T he question of . appointing a D istrict C om m ittee | of M anagem ent w as. again discussed, b u t-n o actibu f was takefi. ,

A proposition from tho “.Princess Alices” Lodge, -E astbourne, to the effect th a t sum m er m eetings b e

discontinued during the period bf tho w ar was lost.Tho deputies decided to hold the nex t m eeting ini

Ju ly , a t Uckfield. r !A/ vote df thlanke was accorded th e outgoing G rand

M aster, and he was presented w ith the usual jew el and; certificate!, and his name" is also to be added toth e respect boarc),'• In re tu rn in g thanks Bro. IIoWELL re^err()d to th© kindness and courtesy th a t had btien shown to him during hia term of ofhco, both by tho Corresponding Secretary and also by the various lodges th a t he h ad been brought! in con tact with. He. said he was sure th a t th e experience ho had gained during th e tim e he had been in office would bo m ost helpful to h im in th e fu ture. ;

A vote of thanks was passed to tho Corresponding Secretary and D eputy G rand M aster, bo th of whom

'briefly re tu rn ed thanks* vTheA hstalljition of th e new officers then' took place,

and both were aceoVdod a h earty reception. T qg officers hay ing siiitably replied, tho m eetingterm inated . - ' | V 1 .


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the opportunity of nee,” which will be f next week. This opson, embraces a lane fight is one of







Kang up a sack, in the office, warehouse, or kitchen, and fill it with Waste Paper and Cardboard, or turn out your old Books, ; Magazines, or Newspapers. - 1 I

We will provide the Sacks, and call fo r them when full. Cash will follow in a few days.

■> S E N D , A PO ST C A R D TO T H E —

lussex W aste Paper Compa:P R O PR IE T O R . . . .. . , ° . O. B A R L E Y


67a, TIDESWELL ROAD, EASTBOURNE.. ‘ ' . 1 " ■ i l l ! i '•


TO THE EDITOK.S i r : I t will in te rest yonr readers -to know th a t M r.

R ichard B agot(O rder of the Grown of Ita ly ) has kindly promised to speak a t E astbourne on Jan u ary 23 (3 p .m .) m aid of the Ita lian refugees and th e noble effort made by English ladies on tb e R iviera to supply requisites to the m any Ita lian hospitals—some of which lost every­th ing during the re treat—as well as those newly estab­lished for B ritish wounded. H e hopes to illustra te his subject w ith slides of the Is trian and D alm atian a rt m onum ents and those in th e hands of the enem y ;j also views of Padua, M antua and o ther cities, and the work of B ritish ambulances there. T he M ayor of Eastbourne has kindly prom ised to preside. j

I am, Sir, &o., ..H A S T IN G S CROSSLfeY


W oodleigb, Arundel-(Of Qasa del V allone, Bordighera). ndel-road, Jan u ary 10.


A c le r g y m a n w a s a b o u t t o l e a v e h ie c h u r c h One evening wheq he encountered an old lady exam ining the carving on the font. F inding her desirous of seeing th e beauties bf tbe church, he volunteered to show her over, and the flustered old lady, much gratified a t this unexpected offer of a personally conducted tour, shyly accepted it. f“ T h at,” 'explained the clergyman, “ is a memorial tab le t erected to the memory of the late- vicar.” “ There now! A in’t i t beau tifu l?” exclaimed th e-adm iring old lady, still flustered and anxious fjo, please. “ An d I ’m sure, sir, I ’ope i t won’t be long afore we see one erected to you on t ’o ther side ! ’ f

C o n c e s s io n t o H o s p i t a l P a t i e n t s .— A n A rm y Council In struction states th a t i t has bei decided to extend th e hours in the afternoon during which patien ts may -be allowed to leave hospital for recreation from four o’clock to five o’olock during the w inter months.



“ E lj Bium,” tlje 1918 cineraal j is to be opened on M onday next, a t 2.30, imd the'w nole proceeds are to be given t > the local Red Cross funds. The D eputy Mayor (Councillor Bolton) will perform [the opening ceremony. The_“ .Sly8iu m ” is situated in .Seaside, almost opposite C hrist Church. T he building is one of the most modern of its 1 ind on th e south coast. || I t has seating accoijn- modation for about 050 people, is well heated and ventilated, and is cleaned twicb daily ^jy the vacuum method. The whole of the building La.s been entirely redeco‘ated under the direction i f Mr. Edm und W ard, th e w^ll-known London architect. The lighting and heating are by Messrs. R. H . &||»T. Pearsons, L td l, and Messr^. Bobby have supplied all furnishing and drapenes. .

D r. M cKechnie m ust be congratulated on the am ount

The M aybr (Alderm an O’B rien H arding) is chair­m an of the Eastbournp Advfisoi*y Com m ittee appointed to advise tho M inister of Labour J n con­nection Xvith the adm inistration of the E m ploym ent' Exchanges in tho ".London and South-Eastern D ivi­sion. A t a ijecent m eeting of Chairmchi of thb various Committees,|

M r. W.- O. B^IDGEMAN, M .P ., wfio presided; said tlio Committees, whoso constitu tion he explained, would 1!k3 a&ked;to tak e an in te res t in :tho work o f the Exchanges, to fam iliarise b o th 'em p lo y ers an d ^ w orkpeople’[with th e m achinery, and to encourage th e staff to .con tinue 't|ie good Work which they, had already perform ed—in m any 11 cases under difficult conditions. A n im portan t branch of the w ork of tho Com m ittees would bo in connection with the problem of .finding suitablo em ploym ent for discharged and disabled sailors and soldiers. In this connection i t would bo necessary to work in close touch with the M inistry of Pensions and the local V. a r Pensions Com mittees, and definite arrangem ents foft th is p u r­pose were under Consideration. F u rther, there would be im portant' work iti connect ion with substitu tion , i.jc.j- replacing men r»-h/ased from industry for m ilitary service. T here was also perhaps tlio most 'Im p o rtan t Qf aU-Ltho| question of dem obilisation.‘ .D uring tho period of demobilisation a largo am ount of work would be thrown upon the Em ploym ent {Exchange® in replacing irten in industry as tin y were#'released from the 'Amiy.* A lthough wo were not prepared for war, m ere was no reason why we sh o u t! no t be prepared foiv peace,’ and tho Committees w ould bo asked to [get t-b work forthw ith with a view to

iestablishing, suitable machinery, to ^cope with th e problem qf demobilisation when the, tim e happily arrived. -I

of wdrk he has been do ings opening ceremony ; the ealefbfL him. |A special feature a t the! musici A wonderful instrument

|i '^connection w ith . the d ie ts will amply1 repay V Elysium.” will be the has been erected—the

M artin H arvey S ir Ja sp e r in “ RbsEMAgY.”

I n q u is it iv e n e s s . — W illiam’s uncle was avery tall, fine-looking man, while his fa ther was very| small. W illiam adm ired his uncle ahd wished to grow! up like him. One day be said to his m other, “ M amma,! how did uncle grow so) big and tall ? ” I H is m other saidy “ W ell, when uncle was a small boy he was always a very good boy, and tijied to do whait was rig h t a t all timfes, so he grew up big and ta ll.” W illiam thought th is over seriously for a few m inutes, then saidj “ M amma, w hat k ind of boy was papa ?”

“ OlaVerchester,” twelve instrum ents in one, a t which M iss E d ith Lipscombe, L .R .A .M ., &c., from the Dome,

hton, will preside. Mrs, R ockett, who will be the m anageress,s is well known, in . cinema circfesi as an expert film viewer. .There will be a matinee e&ch afterijoou a t 2.30 to 4.30, and jtji non-stop performance every < week and(Essaiay).

evening from p.m.lj The sta r films for this.: are “ Periw inkle,” featuring M ary M iles-W inter, S tinner’s Dress Suit,” fea turing B ryant W ishburn

W i t h O n e F ir m f o r 6Sr Y e a r s .—T h e d e a t h has tjaken place of W illiam Jjauneey, who served for 68 years w ith the firm of G uest, Keen & Nettlefold, Birmingham. H e sta rted vfi^h the firm in 1846 and retired in 1914 on a pension.

MAN TUB MiyiUK'ySM.“ COG 1 TO p ( ^ ‘> U M ,”

Through me, through every soul th e passion runs As surely as.the glory of tlift--sans,Of each {fresh coiime moti m ; *■-, ?The burly burly of the fight, the guns,And m urm urs of th e ocean. jN o prayler, no penance, and Uo fleshly ache B u t moves to mns.e or in 'One th o u g h t/ one feeling.Unconscious, iL it Vje a t st Ours is.'a common.L'.eIng ;One grand despair, <Tne ev T h at ends in God ar.d x Y ea, if Kve know it not.Eclipsei and eai th qua*. «. •/'■rI am, we arc, .-i ] ••» *i-*n-! *f tin- W Ju>h\- ^The stars and sy^u-me .•> ih.»<y um vaakrili In every pulse are th in k in g ;'; " : "And fiihm the .saute y ast ! nteor^al Sum,E ach life a t l is t b «i;. inking. . - ~W e lie in C'hriLt throuifh unni or r iehec lote, \And hang together on W ar s ;.bloody.^Ci-oss. ?

y. w. Oudej Warix j__----------- — - ■ — I

pi iyf break-:.stirs tin*. Vi-um rife of rest- —

:;.n l>rea.'i-

’el’histing (pie-i t , .ing.ii* tii--irnII’ D'k’- siouid-tl.i- >

- lance,• t ic dance:

a g r e a t dea l o f Lime in y o u r m otor car.” “ Nij,” replied Mr. Higgins, “ no tasm uch as I spend outside fixing it up-! ”

Y o u sp jem l.i

W a n t s ,. ( LS F u v .v . t e s 4 r .i s i r r A T i O ' -

. A ftT iC L i-js J ’U u i 'K l;) y i f '.

| - jHtpir.sHs .fVAral A .lw rti-,

W idely C irciih /e l"u ; if E ’a-.s‘/7;p?|ry|

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ON E iN S K ltT IO N i..■ j-- And „!.[?,

.TniiiKK I.v>::rjv Special QuoUilianA f.

*X}iorcbs: scCtti-iiig. I.t through out the i|» ii

z': •• iSu.-^c.v, iiiuongil■ U N E Q U A L L E D [

I |; A D V j

NoTti-r-K tlvis cl.-i ; 4n c-xtia c-34t

«Ordqi-S and Item. . and (Ltd.) (Jiljt street,, ICtistboimie

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posse jddo o js oqM p s joj p a s ‘jsm jo s jo iio su d eqq joj ‘popnnoM p a s qpis eqq joj „ : a eosjd siqq jo so p irn s j p a s som oq eqq m o jj qqjoj eao 8 e.Asq oqM Bsoqq Xi'jsjnoiqjsd ‘8013 jn o jo s je ip ios p a s s jo p s s eqq jo j „ ! tleJidrao p u s uoiqsu jn o jo qaduuuoAoS eqq u i OJsqs oqM p s joj p a s “s o ip y jn o 10 sjo[iu oqq joj p n s '8013 oqq joj „ sJoX sjd p o p n p n i Xoqx ’poMopoj ‘b o s jo p u e g -q •£ -ae g eqq Xq {loqonpuoo ‘s8uiAi8s3plisqq p a s snoissoojoqui

•OAiopsasg -f -3 "AOg oqq Xq psoj ssm ‘(pno oq XX “'Ai "q^H) uossoi piiooos oqq noisnxoaoo sqi qs pus ‘atuiq qxoa oqq ssm „ qqpdjpunu p;o e q x „ eqj,

« 'P ° 0 O ‘e e q x s q u s q x , , ‘spjOM'oqq u i eonoqnes qoso joq js 8u ipaodsdJ Xiqaiosss oqq ,,‘soiojom p s jo posj oqq pq - s8aiAi8sb(iisqq,, n i uoiqs8e i8aoo oqq x>oi Xj j « 3 oqosfesg -g -xj -.leg eqq qoiijM joq js ‘(g—X — “!! 'tqiX X) aosso] qsjg oqq p s e j X sp -g -AOg e q x

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-ootj .jos oqq jo suoiqjod xsjoqo oqq ujnq ni poqonpuoo e u a o g -g - jjy p a s js o q g '£ J ]y -panos iso isnra : o etnniOA p u s j8 s peonp OJd eooioa oaiinossm peu iqsioo eqq qnq ‘Xqjseq Xjoa

8a i8a ts oqq ssm Xjao qoa ‘A] jraosss oqq jo ao iq jodo jd 08is ] s 8aiqnqiqsuoo n o jy s i taXq joqqo oqq p a s srqq oq pqaeniiasdmodDS oqq SuiA sgi . jqsoqojo oqq £('ls sd sd3s n i d p q Jno ‘p o g g „ ‘iraiXq eqq qqtM p eqedo ooiajos o q x

•psq oqq jo s: j s d p s u i p jso q Xxqqaiqsip oq pjnoo pjOM Xjoao qsqq os ‘souoq o'qsjoquep ‘8uojqs ‘j s o p u i ao iq sa is[o o jg jsX o g eqq pso jj d jq s jo ^ y e ig ,,-suoiu iaiop siq qnoq8nojqq soqojnqo oqq p s n i uaiA ia -sq as 'q x p u s je A s jg jo X s(j i s s op iss qos eq oq Xsp stqq 8a iiu g )d d s ' 8013 eqq Xqso|s]ii s i j j jo sjudm eqq Jseq noX piq x ‘u o jq q o jg „ : spjo.*. eqq qqiM qi 8m onp o j;u i ‘ao iq sd is io o jg S.8UI3 eqq pseli oq fiepdaoojd JoX sjy eqq ‘Xoiiopisejd eqq pem nsss 8 a i . i s g -sqaem eoanoaas Xjss -sodou oqq opsm p u s samX'q oqq qno oas8 ppojqsojqg a o u s g -soqoj Jioqq n i 8m »q nocajoppy p a s joXsxy X qndeg ‘joX sjy eqq p a s X8Jo|i 1 eqq ‘aoissoooJd a i jeqqiqq pepeeoo jd m jo jq sid oqq uo saosxd ponSisss 'osoqx

• Xjioq isquom njqsai eu g eqq jo ojXqs qseq eqq n i ojom qqiqM jo qqoq •so o asau o jjo d oqq poqonpuoo euoS ejy jpo jj'o^ j 1-Jjy -({xiunog) „ s q s g ep e n io g s g „ ‘q o jsta ]sn t isseoojd eqq p u s „ ’Jeqsjy q s q s ig ,, E.iuisBog m o jj , / t m i a m y sn fn g „ seusquajoA s s poXsjd ‘m 'jnjqsid eqq MO]eq' X[eqsipeaiuii qjom oqM •sjq seq o jg i j j s g eJ tq sao A sg eqq eoiXjes eqq e jo je g

.•oy ‘sqooog jo sqaemqosqep ‘aoqsqqsg qepsg eajnoqqssg eqq jo nop oes s ‘s[sqidfao jj sso ig p>eg eqq jo sjoqsis Suisjnu pus sinspnsiuidoo eqq ‘eps8u g eJig qSnojog eqq ‘qaomiSeg aeeiumo^y eqq jo Xusdaiog eudnoqqssg eqq ‘daisg'queos 0]SAaog UMopjeaunng eqq mojj nom pas sjeoogo peaow simmoo-noa 0O0 looqs pqs sjeogjo ‘qodeg pusm m og eoigo eqq mojj sioogjo jo qnoaaiquoo e3JS] s ‘(su s ifjsn g jo p jso g eqq jo sjeqmdai) qompi^yy -jjy pns pasjqong -Jjy ‘pjdiqg -JK ‘flgq^O ssi'k jwoiqon pjom psq eqq jo Xpoq eqq a j d)je[o eqq si eq toiqM jo ‘jtoanog qouqsig; is jn g eqq! pbiaeeejdej asp 113 -A 3 -x -Jiy ‘ usm •II!H O T •JK P“* a5!-10:! pus[og -jjy Sins^y 3 mT,!Il!AV Jiy ‘nospnpj XanpXg -jpf ‘potueg -q h 'aK ‘u!aK -3 'V 'log ‘qa j g paJJIV JJS ‘xnemiojy g j j Jofsjy; ojom ‘ipunog |o m o x eqq qqiM poqooaaoo

osoqq oq uoiqipps ui ‘qaosajd soqsjqsjasjy" eqq 8aotny'(asuoqX qsojg)

f• a a o j a v s g 3 ( ra sx H a g -qqxx A J sn a s f

V k o s ? a a o ^ a v n a T a n r e r s a o a'X p n jq q is j s jn o A

•jCjvsB0oauun 4U143 ©m 3U©mmoo J©q3jn ij•sqMo'gx suoq t£ ‘qqQS Jo q raaaag

8a ip a e qoOM : -sqMO g saoq gp, ‘p a j j jo q in o o ag an ip u o qooM 1-eqMO f- saoq yx ‘qqax Joqm oooa 8a ip a o ^ oom i -6qMO e snoq qc .‘qqg jo q ra e o e g S aipuo ijoe^yy : SMopoj s s 0J9M uoiqsonb u l sqouqsip oqq joj sa jn q o j XpfoOM j n o 'pe in o ex o an qqqg oqq uo sosssio 8a ijn o q s ieqq jo j jo p jo 0[8a i6 s p sq om qsqq o jsm s qou o js o^y

' 1 ■' | ' ■ l -p[nooXiqissod ioqq p s p ip sjd x so p p u s sqasqo jon i jeqqo OAOpoq oq liossoj OAsq om p a s ‘oiqissod s s XjqdinoJd s s pieAieoej s je p jo p s poquooxo om jjoujoouoo o js om ss jb j s y

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• a a u a g u h i o x r if

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•psoa-OAOig *X9 jo ‘asmosi^y pojjiy o8jo o g ‘JoXo[daio siq oq poSaoxoq qoiqM -p X, "681

ajeqq oqq poqqimps *(gx) popasg som sf ssm oqx• H a i o v a v H O a v a s< av T ; v

' x a a o o s . N a a c n i H o

u 'a o o a 3 H Xa o a 3 NO N q n v n o i a a n x a o a i X N a n a .

‘A l d d l l S 1 V O O 3 H I

jo oq oq joao jonosud•sqqaoaz x is jo j jnoiA sqoq poo8 p arq oq pep ioep q d a o g o q x

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’H ’f -TM ‘(en8asA °g - j

•qqaisjqsd eeq oq ra tq d jo q pjnoM d iq s 8a in is jq s n o e jp qsqq qqSnoqq q o u e g eqq p iss “siqq uo 8diqdeiumoo u i ‘io X sjy eqq p a s ‘eu p d io s ip oq qodrqns ssM eq epqM jeqosjsqo quepooxe u s p sq psx eqq qsqq poMoqs q jodej jooqos y

•ueqsq eq iq 2 im esjnoo s iq 3 jsq q qq8iaq jo j s jo j p e ie p jo ssm queauunoC ps a s p u s ‘d iq s 8a im sjq s oq qaos eq p jnoqs p s] eqq qsqq poqsazXns “scU og eo rie jog eqq u i si oqM ‘jeq q s j sg tjsp a e jo p eqq m o jj joqqej y

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-m iq eqsq oq p a n o j eq qq8;iu d iq s 8a ra is jq s qsqq qq8iuqJOj s jo j poujnoTps ssm esso e q x

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;aeeq psq ejeqq piss btiom Joqoodsuj-eAiqoeqe(j joiqg Y ' V -aoiqos Jeq jo j uossoj

on 9Ai8 pxnoo qnq ‘m ojjos jeq pessojdxo jouosug•pjiqo e a o psq eq s pas

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"qi qsqq qdeaxe ‘qjeqq dqq joj ssm ejeqq uosboj qsqM s s | qou pinoo e q g -iuooj sgeqqpin s,sseaqiM m o jj qf

ujd joist dus ‘asoi ssm a i ’jeqsis qaoeso jg

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iX aoiqsqs oqq oqai OAOjp qaspuo jep—anna d n -8aiqq8tx ioqjs soqnann o x -^ a h ’d s qs qsqq p iss saom U ng -g -g

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.qgqi'jaqx"-puodsraaa'q;) eira r: a 2pcg -qq" ■ 'aounqsyg- ,-y 3 -da?' aoqmny ar-a}!* •B xoKBUg.; eua jb ‘(sfooagff

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8 4 , T e r m in u s-r o a d , E a s tb o u r n e .


Ail Garments Made on the Premises by First-class Workmen in good Sanitary Workshops.

J O H N N i x


T elep h o n e N o . 441.

G o ld sm ith S ilv e r s m ith

T e r m i n u s R o a d W a tc h m a k e r

J e w e lle r .


• ■■


F u rn itu re

TH E T E R M !


O K Sk D A V I E S ,E S T A T E A G E N T S .

D VA LU ERS.Sales o f P ro p erty a n d


'dhtaHons fo r P robate a n d other Purposes.

EsTASUfiHxD 1879,I ^ A K D E N & C O . .


l i y Order o f the E xors. o f the late W i i-liam H ooper, Esq. ST.

•'.ft ]_ .E S S R S . K I L L I C K f t D A V I E S

e received instructions to Sel l by AtrcnON, on the rem ises as above, on TUESDAY, J anuary 22nd ,.

1918, a t One o'clock, the valuableO V S E & O L D F U R N I T U R E

AND EFFECTS, latalognes In due course.

Freehold Property could be trea ted io r of tho Auctioneers, as above.


JO H N NIXE s t a b l is h e d 1860.

R. FRANCIS a n d SONS, L t d . , E A S T B O U R N E C E M E T E R Y M A S O N S .

M o n u m e n ta l S c u lp to r s a n d E n g r a v e r s .

S h o w R oom s and S tu d io : 37, UPPERTONDESIQNS AND ' H8TIBLATES SUPPLIED.


B. & W. BENNETT, Ltd.S C U L P T O R S a n d M A S O N S ,

ISO, L E W E S R O A D , B R IG H T O N .

M E M O R I A L S iOf E v ert Descriptio n E xecuted , and Inclusive

E stim ates given tor th e ir erection in any pa rt _______ of the COUNTRY.

I l lu s t r a te d C a ta lo g u e S u b m it te d F ree.

A n d a t Hove, H astings, Ore, Bexbill, T unbridge W ells and Obichester.

G O LD F IN C H , A R T H U IDeceased .

H E R B E R T ,

T28. LI


E D G A R H O R NW ill Sel l by A uction , on th e Premises, on TUESDAY,

| F ebru a ry 5th , 1918, | 1Auctioneer’s Offices, 31, Cornfield road, Eastbourne.

N.B.—The V ery Desirable Residence is for Sale.


f ir t ty s , JE U rriageg amt j k a th s .

B I R T H S .BROW NE. — Jan . 6, a t S t. W ilfrid’s Lodge, L ittle

Common, Bexhlll, th e w ife of] H. Browne, of a daughter. v

HORNUNG.—Jan . 7, a t St. F aith ’s, Mede, W inchester, th e wife of C apt. B ernard Hornung,-Sussex Yeomanry, of a daughter.

P u rsu an t to 22 and 23 Viet., cap.NOTICE IS H ER EB Y GIV EN , th a t a ll Creditors and

o th er persons having any CLAIMS or DEMANDS against th e ESTATE of A R TH U R H ER B ER T GOLD­FIN CH, la te of 2, Borough-lane, E astbourne, Sussex, who died on th e 5th October laBt, arid whose W ill was proved in th e P rincipal P robate R egistry on the 12th Novem ber las t by the E xecutors therein named, Hen ry Stoddard W illis , of the London and Provincial Bank, Eastbourne, aforesaid, and W illiam W estcott W it h all. of the undermentionejd place, a re hereby required to send full particularsJ in w riting, of th e ir Claims, a S ta tem ent of_their Accounts! and th e na tu re ofi th e ir Securities (if any), to th e Undersigned, as Solicitors for such Executors on or before the 20th day of F ebru a ry , 1918, a fte r w hich da te , such Executors w ill proceed to d istribu te th e E sta te and will no t be liable to any person of whose Claim they shall not then have had notice.

Dated 2nd January,1918. \ )0 . R. SAWYER & W ITH ALL,

24, Lincoln’s In n Fields, Loudon, W .C. 2, Solicitors for thd said Executors.

46*50,a l u a :


F U R N I-


L E F U R N IT U R E , &c. (rem oved v a te Residences for convenience).

E D G A R H O R NW ill Sell by Auction , on th e Prem ises, on T

F ebruary 12th , 1918.F u rth e r P articu lars in due course of the Aui

31, Cornfield-road, E astbourne.N.B.—A few more Lots can be included in



th is Sale.

B y order o f M r. W . T h w a ites , in consequence o f completion o f Contract.


Is instructed to Sell by Auction , on FR ID A Y NEXT, J anuary 18t h , a t One o’clock, th e Capital

TOOK of a C A R R IE R , T E N H ORSES,S'__ useful seasoned anim als, in hard condition, rig h tou t of th e ir work, including several Cpbs and Vanners, Sev en L ight Tilted V ans, T wo Open VansJ T rolley and E ight Sets of H arness.

On View M orning of Sale. Catalogues of th e A uc­tio n eer , 12, Beaconsfleld-villas, Brighton.



personal supervision.AREHOU SING In

New C entra Look-up Stores.F or Lowest Quotations apply


■ ’ v v.'A S T B O U R N E M A ST !


MARRIAGES.K IT E —FOW LER.—On Jan . 5th, a t C hrist Church, East-

bourne, 2od-L ieui Fred. K ile, of Leyland. Lancs., to Lilian I Ada, younger daugh ter of Mr. and th e la te Mrs. | G. Fovller, o f 67, Willowfteld-road, Eastbourne, i

BRS—K IR TLA N .—On Jan u a ry 5th. 1918. a t St. M atthew ’s Church, Bayswater, by the Rev. Erie O. Norm an, Captain Stafford Dudley Bolingbroke Masters, Suffolk Regim ent, elder son of John 8 idney Masters, of W innipeg, Ontario, to Gladys Maud M ary only child of Mr. T. E. TVarley K irtlan , and Mrs. K irtlan , of G arden G raith , Eastbourne.

W RATTEN—M ASON.-iJan. 6th , a t St. Anne's Church, Lewes, by the! Rev. Duncan Pearce, F red erickJam es, elder Son of the la te Mr. J . W ratten , and Mrs. W ratten . o f . E lm s Farm , Isfleld. Lilian Mabel, younger

” ‘ ' i W e

Owing to th e M eat Shortage find the diffi­culties of distribution, th e B utchers of E ast­bourne, acting on in s tru c t iv e received from • \ th e Local Food Control Committee, A R E CLOSING T H E IR ESTABLISHM ENTS on W EDNESDAY and THURjSDAY IN EACH / W E E K u n til fu rth er notice.

(Signed) O. O. GODFREY.Hon. Secretary.

Eastbourne,Jan u a ry 8,1918.


Offices . - - . 10, CORNFIELDTelephone E astbourne 1284. Telegram s Oakdens, Eastbourne.





H ave received instructions to Subm it f o r Sale by P ublic A uction , a t an E arly Date, all th a t detachedf E A S E H O L D P R O P E R T Y ,L i KNOWN AS

T H E GLEN, 7, UPPERTO N ROAD,W ith a garden of about one acre.

Auction Offices. 10,Cornfield-road. Eastbourne. Telephone Eastbourne 1234.Telegram s Oakdens, Eastbourne.

D E V O N S H I R E:i«rrw ?3K i:

Manager and S« cretary ,■;*Tel eph o n e : N IN E (3 Lines).

DevonshireK B .

M usical



Pjark Orchestra.DiBEOThB:

m e g o :

T H IS D A Y (Sa t u r d a y ) a t


H ave received instructions to S ubmit fo r Sale by P ublic Auction , a t an E arly Date, all th a t detached.


Solicitor: R . H . Douglass, Esq., 5, Copthall Court, London, E.C.2.

Auction Offices : 10, Cornfield-road, Eastbourne. Telephone Eastbourne 1231.Telegram s Oakdens, Eastbourne.



P o p u l a r



S u n d a y ) a t


T O O T A L .


ROLLERS A T U R D A Y (without

I „E S D A YU R S D A Y (without

nusic) ...10.30



H ave received instructions to Su bm it f o r Sale by P ublic Auction , a t an E arly date, all th a t


CAVENDISH PLACE (At the rear of Numbers 84, 86. 88 and 90).

Solicitors: Messrs. Coles) Sons & Tilburn, Claremont Chambers, Eastbourne. ,

Auotion Offices, 10, Cornfield-road, Eastbourne. Telephone Eastbourne 1234.Telegram s Oakdens, Eastbourne.


Sole Lessees—Mu rray K ino & Clark .Telephone 121 Eastbourne.

M atinee To-Day (Saturday) a t 2.30. T H IS (SA T U R D A Y ) E V E N IN G at 8.


87, 101, 103 and 108, and W ish


T H E L I T T L E M A T C H G I R L .”

Included in th e Cast, M A D A M E K A R IN A ,■ th e W orld-Fam ous Dancer, j


J . 0 . TO W N ER f tTELEPHONE 73.




F or P a rticu la rs o f P roperties To L e t a n d fo r Sale k by P riva te 'trea ty see page 7 .

T B B B Y S A U C T I O N R O O M Sand S A L E Y A R D ,

M O N D A Y , T U E S D A Y and W E D N E S D A Y , J anuary 14th , 15th and 16thJ

M atinee ........... W ednesday a t 2.30.


F R ID A Y ...


Sea ts m a y be Booh ed fo r a n y o f D evonsh ire P a rk!

M anaging Dire

MONDAY, J anuap. y




“ ROLLBy Gli

N E .




at 3.15.

a.m. t o l p.m. 3 to 5.15 p.m.

8 to 10 p.m. 11 h.m. to 1 p.m.

8 to 10 p.m. 8 to 10 p.m.

r ■ « . i r » jg-c m r -

... E dgar A llan Brown. Teleg ra m s : “ CONCERTS."


J a n u a r y 14th , D A I L Y a t 3,

J e a n S te r lin g ’ S S a e k in la y 's

CHILDREN S MATINEES.Wednesday 8f Saturday only, at 8>


B A T II s ! !


THE /DEVONSHIRE PARKSwimming and Private Baths


T H E S O U T H O F E N G L A N D .

the above Concerts, E n te r ta in m e n ts , &c. a t a n y tim e , or a t Clifts] P ia n o fo rte Saloons, 4,

opposite the R a ilw a y S ta tio n .

a t the B o x Office, GUdredge R oad ,

O I A I ,


M r . S id n e y E r n e s t B r id g

W . W i n t e r .BN.




U N D E R C O V E R .55T he L a test L o n d o n Success.


Gd au g h te r of M r. and Mrs. 8. Mason, of 16, ’ m ad , Lewes.


DEATHS. 1} 'EtY.—On th e 9th inst., a t his residence, Redclyffe,

chard-Toad, Eastbourne, W illiam Reid Albury, 1)59 Service at.St. Anne's Church to-day (Saturday),| Funeral a t Ladywell 1.30.IE S.—J|an. 5; a t 39, Brondesbury V illa, K ilburn,, Beddoes, la te of H astings, aged 74.

tiTIAN. - Jan . 6. a t 101. M arina, St. Leonards, r C hristian Christian, widow of th e R igh t Hon. J .

ttian , the Lord Justice pf Appeal, Ireland.US._Jah . 4, a t Eastbourne. W illiam Thomas Evans,he Rowans, St. M argaret’s, T w ickenham ; and on

.0 date, also a t Eastbourne. Edith M ary, bis wife, eldest daugh ter of the late W illiam A rnott S tew art, of Couftfleld-gardens, South Kensington, abd Perth , N.B.

L IL L IE .—On 110th iriBt., a t P a rk House, Burlington- Kastbourne, Emm a, widow of the la te Rev. Lillie, rector of Newchurch, K en t, and g h te r of the la te W illiam H err|ng , of Southw ick li, co. Durham , aged 85. jDERS.—b n th e Feast of the E piphany, a t The

Chichester. Jam es Hoare M asters, Canon Resi r of (Chichester C athedral, aged 84.

IN MEMORIAM.- In over-loving memory of Stephen ColenBO I

h;'w ho passed aw ay Jan u a ry 9th, 1905._________


S U N D A Y , Ja n u a ryPreachers:

1 1 .0 -R E V . H U G H M . B R O O K , B.So.6.30—R E V . E . O. L A N S D O W N . ;



S U N D A Y N E X T , J A N U A R Y ISth, P re a ch e rs :

11.0 a.m .—R E V . D A V ID B A R R O N . ,6.30 p .m .—R E V . W . M A O F A D Y E N SCOTT. Intercessory Service for th e W ar on Thursday.

a t 7.30 a.m . j

C O R N F IE L D R O A D , E A S T B O U R N E . y L ’Phone 844.

T E R R Y S — A uctions Mondays.T E R R Y S — F u rn itu re Received D aily.T E R R Y S — A ll K inds of F u rn itu re B o u g h t. ' T E R R Y S — M oderns and A ntiques V alued.T E R R Y S — Auction Rooms always on View. T E R R Y S — Auctions ab P riv a te Residences.T E R R Y S — E sta te and H ouse Agency.T E R R Y S —- Exejusive L ists of Furn ished and U n fu r­

nished Residences.T E R R Y S — Insurances in th e N orw ich U nion effected

only. - jT E R R Y S — Resits Collected. P roperties M anaged.

T H U R S D A Y , F R ID A Y and SA T U R D A Y ,■ J anuaby 17th , 18th and 19th .

M atinee ... ... Saturday a t 2.30.


S u p p o rte d b y M ISS N. D E S IL y A ,“ D avid G arrick,”

“ A Cigarette Maker’s R om ance,” a n d “ Rosbm ary.”


Produced undei Note the Prices

(may be booked); Stalls, G rand j Ciri Is. 6d. (early dodrs. Circle, 3d. (early c

__ 14t h , and during the W eek.Twice h ightly .a t 7 and 9 .

ARTECITE H IN T O NH I S ‘q o m p a n y ; j

IncludingATHEK as “ The Hero,”

(VALTON as “ The Coward," INTEZ as “ Tho W anton,”

- -j IN . . -i 1 -

p . H O a r p u a ,”ys H astings W alton,

the direction of the Authoress.


c O U N T Y B O R O U G H O F E A




A C O N F E R E N C E OF E M P L O Y E R S W ill be held a t the Town Hall, Eastbourne, on T H U R S­DAY NEXT, 17t h J a n u a r y , a t 2.30 p.m., to consider the question of the T raining of iHsclrargi-d Sailbrs and Soldiers, when CAPT \ I N BAIRD ,", R epresentative.of the Ministry!of Pensions, will speak 6h the:subject. ]

AH Employers interested are .invited to--attend th e Conference.!

H. W . FOVARGUE,! Town Clerk and* Clerk to the Local W ar ]-• Pensions, &c.,‘Committee.

Town Hall, l l t l i January , 1918.



, S U N D A Y N E X T , J A N U A R Y 13th,AT 1L0 AM. AND 6.30 P.M,

Preacher R E V . J .

[■RS. SM A L L W O O D M E T C A L F E w ishes to th ap k all friends for kind sym pathy in her sad

avem eot also for floral tributes.


. 1

6 Gardnor-i nanslons, Ham pstead.

T -A .M E 9W orks:

Residence, Of P ark (a


Telephone 130. !A N D R E W S , M a so n a n d S c u l W o b , Bakbb’s-boad (near S t. M ary’s Church).

lee and Show-room : Cabbaba. Villa , Gobb kdjoining th e Cemetery), EIastboubnb. esigns and Estim ates Furnished.

Mkhlkbad7aYaaa. Telephona No*. 801 an4 DOS.

11.0 a.m .—“ Living Temples.”6.30 p.m.—“ Can we depend upon God ? ”

T . A N D R E W ’SCHURCH, Blaokwatkb-boad.

S U N D A Y N E X T , J A N U A R Y 13th. 11.0 a.m . and 6.30 p.m .

P re a c h e r:REID,.. L R E V . JA M E S

THURSDAY, a t 7 .3 0 p.m.All v acan t Seats a re F ree fiv e m inutes before the

tim e of Service.

M .A .W eek-night Servloe.

E a s t b o u r n e b a p t i s t c h u r c h ,CEYLON PLACE (second tu rn ing , right.

Cavendish-place, from Pier).S E R V IC E S N E X T SU N D A Y , Ja n u a ry 13th,

M orning, 11.0—R E V . W . M A C F.A D Y EN SCOTT.Evening, 6.30—R E V . D A V ID

A I N B f t S O N ,

m, q.

UNDERTAKERS, and ,Funeral Carriage

Motor Hearse Proprietors.

B A R R O N .

4D1SH PLACE & 10, SOUTH STREET It H E M IL D M A Y M ISS IO N t o t h e JE W S .

Teli 788. A . H A Y L A N D , TeL 788. F U N E R A L C A R R IA G E

‘EY ES ON ‘ Across th e E a st<


O P E N CARS, GLASS OB CLOSED H EA RSES. to Y e a rs ' L o n d o n E xp e rie n c e .


Established 1871.O B E R T 8 . H A R T ,


H ig h -s t b k e t , Ol d E a s t b o u r n e .I - j: I

F unerals Conducted to A ll P arte .

intelligence.__i k H A il s h a m H a r r i e r s w il l m e e t t o - d a y

aturdavh Jan . 12, Sackville Farm , H erstm oncenx; Tues­d ay , 15, RiCkney; Saturday, 19. The Yew Tree Inn . Chal- v ington ; Tuesday, i22. T he, Ctowd Hotel,, Haileham ; ~ tu rd ay . 26, The K6yal Oak Hotel. P evensey ; Tuesday,

W artliDg Hill ; Saturday. Feb. 2. The Lamb Inn, R ipe ; Tuesday, 5, M arland Bridge. Glenleigh ; Satur­day . 9, H qraeEye; Tuesday, 12, Kussells in the M arsh. M eet a t 11J30 a.m . ,each day, unless otherw ise Btated.

i e E a s t S u s s e x F o x h o u n d s w il l m e e t to -- (Saturday), Jan . 12. Hailsham , 10.30 a.m .

t S o u t h d o w n F o x h o u n d s w i l l m e e t o nM bnday, Jan . 14, Barcombe V illage, 11 a.ra.; W ednesday,

R ingm er Green (bye-day), 11a.m .; Friday, 18, W hite >rse, H urstpierpoint. 10.30 a.m .

IE e IaST.”.o „„„ — n sky,

“ The A dvent-glory soon shall break— i | “ Redem ption dra.weth nigh.” .3.

On FR ID A Y AFTERNOON. J an . 18th , a t Three o’clock, in th e SAFFRjONS ROOMS, .

T h e R e v . S A M U E L H IN D S W H -K IN S O N (Honorary D irector of the above Mission)

W ill deliver a B.IBLK Le c t u r e . Subject: “ The Develop­m ent o f th is Great W ar, a n d the prospect in P alestine, “

The Rev. A. E. Glover, M.A., will preside.

| In th e E V EN IN G a t Seven o'clock, a t CAVENDISH ' ! PLACE CHAPEL,

T h e R e v . S. H i W IL K IN S O NW ill speak on “ God’s W ork among the Jews," w ith

special reference to his recent V isit to Petrograd. P asto r W . M. EvANs w ill preside.

At.t. a re cordially -in v ited . Collections a t both M eet­ings tow ards expenses, and on behalf of the M ildmay

Mission to the Jews-(VL L et your New Y ear’s M otto be “ TO i TECK J e w F ir st They th a t did the K ing’s business helped the

Jew s.”—E sther 9, 3 (B.V.). I

i t Comrades Club,” late

E M P I R E C L U B , S O U T H S T R E E T(Oppqsite “ Chronicle ” Office),

W E A RD I C K B 1 L

AND SH01A b so lu te ly P ro o f -a g a in st W e t, S n o w a n d

“ M ud.

R P T t u r u T 8 9 . Grove Road,• « J • U l L lY , L i l l i , EASTBOURNE. A - t| — 1 ' T o be

|IR l$C T IO N L A B E L S of a ll k in d s m a n u ­factured at London Prices at Kara combe and Co.'s

nited) Printing Works, South-street, Eastbourne.

I s N o w O p e n e d D a i l y fro m 4,30 ti l l 9 fo r th e G irls a n d th e ir S o ld ier F rien d s .

U n d er sam e Old M anagem ent and tiie same ■ -J - | O ld H egrty W elcome. ■

L ight R efbeshments. j i G amesM usic, &o.


f e S U P E R F L U O U S H A IRD A B A , ,

H E R E L IA B L E H O M E T R E A T M E N T . Sure, Safe and 'Painless. P rice 10s. 6d. (Did 21s. 6d.

obtained a t A dair G anesh E stablishment, pNDON, 92, New Bond-street, W . (Oxford-street end), i i iTelephone: G errard 3782.Rem ove Superfluous H air comfortably in your own



B A R R A T T t e r r y , f .a .i .

(30 Years' Local Experience).--------------------- !---Established 1875.

R A S T E R f t W R I G H T ,

A U C T IO N E E R S a n d V A L U E R S , H O U S E < LAND and ESTATE AGENTS,

U0, TERMINUS ROAD, EASTBOURNE (Adjoining the London and County Bank).

V alua tions fo r P robate, T ra n sfer a n d other purposes Properties fob Sale.< and U nfurnished R esidences.

EASTBOURNE.M anager G. H ayes.

TO -D A Y (SA TU R D A Y ), a t 2.30 and Last Two Perform ances of

( ( A N MV

M E S S R S . L L O Y D SO N E E R S, V A L U E R S a n d E S T A T E


Facing the Railway, Station).and Rents Collected Weekly and .

Prompt Settlements.n Nrrr tt tt a TyTTlT.W



M r. H ., having had over 38 years’ local experience (durlngEhe first 13 of which he was occupied in practical w ork in th e Building Trade), is specially qualified for V aluing knd M anaging House P roperty ; or Supervising Properties du ring erection. . •» )

Established 1880.iE8 E . H O R N E , F .A .I . ,

a U C T IO N E E R ,V A L U E R , H O U S E A GEN'J’J \ ]| AND GAUGER, j ’ , " f


0H A R L1U C tlO N E l

S U N D A Y , J A N U A R Y 13 t (i . A F T E R N O O N A T 3.

T H E B L U E B O Y B A N D .Seats ... 1/-, 9d., 8d., 5d., and 2Jd.

E V E N IN G A T 8.

Knuts Kamp Koncert Kompany(By k ind permission of Col. J . S. Bostock, r .a.m.0.).

M O N D A Y , J anuary 14th , and during the W eek. Every E vening a t 8.

I Matinees, W ednesday & Saturday a t 2.30.MR. LAW REN CE BROUGH and Company,

Including M iss Olga E sm e,In the B rillian t Farc ical Comedy,

“ The Lady o f Ostend,”In T hree Acts,

1 By S ir F rancis B urnand.1 Seats ... 2/4 to 5d. (including Tax).

Seats m ay be reserved a t 2/4,1/10 and 1/3 a t the P ier G ates (Telephone 574).

P I E R T H E A T R E , E A S T B O U R N E .M anager .. Mr. G. H ayes.



CERTIFICATED BAILIFF, by His Honour Judge Martineau to Levy ' ts under the Amendment Act, 1888. i o f E v ery Descriptio n fo r D isposal.

H . <T. C H A R T R E S ,

Y A L U E R a n d a u c t i o n e e r ,HOUSE, FA RM AND ESTATE AGENT,

Offices: 69, SO U T H S T R E E T , E A S T B O U R N E , and 6, South S id e , Olapham Common, S.W .

T il. N o s.: E astbourne 356; B a tte rsea 920. VcUtiatii m s fo r P robate a n d , other purposes a specia lity


H o t ) B E H O L D i f c M O V A L S

a n d S T O R A G E .



V icto ria St a t io n .„ .Te r m in u s Ga t e s .........65, Grove Ro a d .............

LO N D O N , S .W .B R IG H T O NE A S T B O U R N E .

A P P L Y F O R F R E E E S T IM A T E D .

Tele. 481 Eastbourne.

D IR E C T IO N L A B E L S of a ll k in d s m a n u ­factured at London Prices at Farncombe and Co.s

Limited) Printing Works, South-street, Eastbourne.

A ID o p C O U R T

U nder the■ • - j C

A CHILDRW ith D ance,


T jl A STB O U R N E D IV IS IO N ■ / ' E Q U IP M E N T


R E Deserved Boxes, l!!s. 6d, and 10s. 6d.

’auteuils. Is. 6d. (reserved, 2s.); P it | le and Prom eua le. Is. reserved, 8d.); Pit, 6d. (early doors, 9d.); Upper

irs, 4d.). Telephone No. 336.A N D W A R



S U P P L Y D E PO T ,

3atronage of the Com m andant r s . KoLAN.d B u r k e ),

EX’S. DANCING PARTYG am es, a n d C otillon F ig u res

Gfon^ille] House, Carlisle-road, Eastbourne.

W e e k l y W a n t s .K N IT T E D B A L A C L A V A H E L M E T S , M IT T E N S ,


(Fancy Dress Optional),

W ill be given (tinder th e direction <j>f Miss H arding)

A t t f H E G R A N D

On SATURDAY. JA N. 12tb,No Refreshm ents. Carri

To be followed by

A n A F T E R - I t E A D A N C E

O T E L ,

1918, a t 2 ,45. |,ges 4.45 p.m .

•om 5 to 7 p .m .

T ickets for eltl ier function for Children, Spectators, and I Dancers, 3/- ea( h, can be obtained from Miss H arding , Kenilworth-Co: irt H o te l; and Mrs. JiIeley , G rand’Hotel.

D R . W I L L I A M A . H A L L , M u s . D . ( O x o h .kF.K.C.O.,

O rganist and Choirmaster of All Saints’ Church, Eastbourne,

(Late Organist and Choirmaster of 9t. Jam es’ Church. Garlickhythe, London, E.C.,and Visiting Singing M aster

a t the County School, Tottenham , London, N.),P r e p a r e s P e r s o n a l ly , o r b y C o r r e s p o n d e n c e , f o r U n i v e r s i ty D e g re e s a n d a l l r e c o g n is e d

E x a m in a t io n s .Pupils also received for the S tudy of th e O rgan,

Pianoforte, Singing, • and all branches of T heoretical Music. .;

For Terms, &c., apply—“ SunnyiA ne,” B edford W ell R oad,

1 , : -1 ’ E astbourne.

B y E

1. Prelude anc2. a,

b. _____3. Vocal solo.

^ L L . S A I N T S ’ C H U R C I I , E a s t b o u r n e .

P R O G R A M M E o f O R G A NT O -D A Y (S A T U R D A Y ), J A N .

R . W I L L I A MMus. D.; Oxon, f .r .

K indly assisted by M iss V ekonAngel'siFarewell ” (‘

Allegre ;to in B m inor ”Reverip in E f ia t”........

Rejoice G reatly ” (‘ ___M iss V eronica Sisk .

Allegro ci m G razia’\(from Symphony No. 6)

Collection to be devoted, after , to the All Sain ts 'C hoir Schri T i

5. “ F an tasia Sonata in A flat (Firs)6. Vtpeal solo,

R E C IT A L ,13th, at Three p .m ,A . H A L L ,c.o.,

:ca piSK, Vocalist. Gerontius ”) ...E lgar.....'i“ J..... . | LenuircM essiah”) ...H andel ',

B IN C O M E T A X .U S I N E S S | O W N E R S a r e n o w b e in g

Assessed upon their profits for the ensuing year, and should a t once consult M e s s r s . BRADLEY and VAUGHAN, E state A gents and Accountants, of H ay­w ards H eath, who a re experts in this m atter, in order to ascertain th a t their assessment is correct. Our advice is the best obtainable and no charge is made for an in te r­view. If you cannot spare tim e to call ,on us, why not w rite us? Our advice is a t your service. Profit and loss accounts prepared.

personal anis ^ociai.

O Divine R edeem er” .... M iss Yekonica $ isk .

7. “ Pastoralf ” (from Sonata No. 1 '** Parsifall”............8; Prelude to

Tschaikow ski j paying expenses, larships Fund.m ovem ent)......

Itheinberqev .....Gounod

N E X T R E C I7 S'A TU R D A Y , J anuary 19t

Q O U N U t

;...G uilm ant ...... W agncy

A L th , a t Three p .m .

B O R O U G H ,O F E A S T B O U R N E ].

H O R T I C U L T U R E .The Education Committee beg tjo announce th a t thejy

ticul-have m ade a *rangements w ith the Eastbourne Hortici tu ra l Society (Entrance, (

15t h , a t 7.45 p

for a LECTURE in ijieT echnicaljnstitu tie O rchard- road), on TUESDAY, J anuary

“ Profitable Vegetables

S P E C I A L A T T R A C T I O N .PotaUes" (Illustra ted by Limelight Views)

D, } A fternoons Only, a t 2.50.]-

M O N D A Y , J anuary 21st,T U E S D A Y , J anuary 22nd,

ANDW E D N E S D A Y , J anuary 23^d, a t 2.30 and 8.

M R . | R . T. T H O R N T O N presents the F am ous M irth -P rovoking ' Comedy, j

“ T I E P A S S P O R T . ”One of the Favourite! Plays of the late Mr. E d w a r d

T e r r y .T h e C a b t k in c l u d e s : I T

Of Messrs. Admissioi

B y M R . W . F .Sutton & Sons, Seed Free.' I


WILL speak

m.for Sm all Gardens, including

G IL E S , jM erchants, Reading.

Ladies invited.

W edt esday, 23rd J a n u a r y , a t 3 p .m ..IN th e LECTURE ROOM, TEC




Mrs. M ay Burke, Com mandant U rm ston and Kair- ield Auxiliary H ospitals,’ has been awarded the B ritish Empire Order. ' ■' •’ |. C apt.1 W alter Douglas .Downes, Royal Sussex R egt- |tn d Nig. R egt., second son of the la te Dr. Downes, of MellerBtein, who is serving in E ast Africa, has been awarded the M ilitary Cross. Capt. Downes has been twice wounded—once in F landers and again in E as t Africa.

Bom bardier H . R. Baleombe, R. A., headm aster of the H am pden P ark School, was mentioned in S ir D . H aig’s recent despatch under the heading of “ G allan t service on the W estern F ro n t.” . r~ --

Sub-Lieut. O. P.-T idm an, R .N .V .R ., has been pro­moted L ieutenant and appointed as 3rd G rade T rans­port Officer on the staff of the Divisional N aval T rans­port Officers, Portsm outh.

T he engagement is announced of Capt. B rian Charles O’Driscoll Douglas, C onnaught Rangers and Royal F ly ing Corps, only son'of Mr. and Mrs. .Tames Douglab, of 96, Inverness-terrace, H yde P ark , to M iss W inifred K ath leen Gamble, second daughter of M r. and Mrs. H enry Gamble, of Sutton Lodge, Cookliam, and lla in - hill, Lancs, and grand -daughter of (he late Sir D avid Gamble, B art., K .O .B ., of W indlehurst, St. Helens.

Lieutenant-Colonel A rthur H enry Ilabgood, son of Dr. H . Habgood, Eastbourne, has been aw arded the D.S.O.

Brevet-M ajor C. L. St. J . T.uder, who has been m en­tioned in despatches three .times.-has ju st been raised to the rank of Tem porary Lieutenant-Colonel.

A t the recent examinations, he'd a t H astings' by the Assegi^ted Loan! of the Royal Academy and Royal

I College of Music, Miss G ladys A. Reed, pupil of M iss Elsie id. M. Reed, passbd tLe 'i:i6er.T.ed;ate grade in pianoforte playing. ■ I


R . C. H IC K S.fee.

S eats ... 4/-, 2/4,- l /l0


M IS S F A R N E L L . G R E E N FO L E Y .

M R. R . T. T H O R N TO N .’ See.

1/3 and 8d. (including Tax).

A n d E n g lish H o sp ita l S u p p ly W o rk i n Ita ly ,Illust a ted by L antern Slides (Istlia, Padua,

■ M antua, etch.I n the C hair - T he M ayor Of E astrourne

I n A id o f the■. F u n d s o f the E a stb o u rn e E ye ; . Ir .firm a ry ..


E l y s i u m , S e a s i d e ,; E a s t b o u r n e .Opposite Christ Church.

c i n e :T H E 1 9 1 8


'■F, U

E N T R A N OE F R E E . Calf,ectioii w ill be taken ip.


M A Y 1 3 th , 1 4 th ,. 1 5 th a n d 1 6 th , 1918 .


Chief A djudicator: Dr .,H> W alford Davies.

TH E ' SYLLABUS iriay be obtained .at! the various. Music Shops, or (Post Free l}d.) froni

W ith a View -to aiacrmentiin^i the funds of the above institu tion perform ances of iho well-known comedy The Passport will bg given, under th e direction of M r. R. T. -Thorntoh, a t..the T ie r T heatre , on M on­day, Januai'y 21st, and two folio v inh days, a t 2.30, and on 'Wednesilay!, tin* 23rd, a t u also. ■ A strong

-ludin”- Miss '-Elsie Davjjl- , C aptain Foley, Sertrt.

H icks, M r. Green and Mr. R l T.‘ T hornton, and the • play w produced by Mr. T . Ire by t '

caste has been, secured, son, ‘ Miss Winifred Farnell,

orchestra1 will bo juunmerited , from the Band, by kind perm i-don of t?olohcl Bost from 4s.'1 to pd., including tax,! m ay jw w ! b»


M A .J a n . 14t h ,

A t 2.30, by, the Depujty-Mayor (Councillor Bolton).The. whole Jof the pre ceeds will be de \o ted to Local

Red Cross Funds. .Come a n d hear t he CL A V E R C H E S T E R ,

Twelve Instrum ents in One.

47, Havdlock-road.Uastings.


DL L B A NConductor:

E dith F . LiPscpMiiE, l.b.a.m., a.A c.m., f.g.c.m. P O P U L A R P U C E S (inclusive o f Tax).

D A IL Y a t 2 .30, a n d 6 - t i l l 10 N o n -S to p .

jV T O T E P A P E R , V is i t in g C ard s, 1. yI fashionable styles a t Farncombe

Fin fa

R E S H A I R a n d

(fee., In most: styles a t Farneombe & Co.’s, Ltd,


e, jun

C O M F O R T a r e B a b y ’sOur Pram s sjire the acme of comfoi

Moi'cover, th e hric_____ , . . .. Jort,eal aii^s to Baby s health. Moreover, the piices

ate, jjmd our -large Stock varied to sui^i allgiro i t need,

i fact, idea’ ajre mud4rci pockets.'

CaU ari|l Inspect our Special Ifra-tn Showroom. Allfew shop-soiled Pram s a t 45s. and 55s. Large Twin Pram , 81s. Prainettes, 55s. each. :

Praha W heels Re-tyred and Pranis Repaired a t !Shortest Notice. '• j ' ' . i

10, Term inus-road, Eastbourne.GE-WHITWORTH Ltd.

H o n o u r f o r P o s t O f FIf'B- () •T'Tri AliSid--- -Miss M. B urrell and M is-s ■!. Dar t i.i t •! i. foi tingclerks am i ti.legraplibt-;. j , \y iilciiworkm an, on the! s-tatf >■- iR *,i 1 i*ii; in' P ost ficc,have bejen .appointed dr.i m'u i> if tii»«• I’•ridsii Ldn pi roO rder ill reco trn iiionof m-d-iiii.; i >-1 .v S i<••' .< -rciiqeredbv them at poskoni. . v. h-— ti I’V ill"-’ ■ryir:y du ringth e war. Tbo„ 0’lik;i.rl ! • /)\\ {51 r *;. ihe ' Jio m urhas beeln awiinlud Lio tiiv l'un-f'!! {inn Dartnehfor .great, devotion to duty an 1 co nra •_e .hinny Mirra id s ,‘a.ud to Mr. fji< k? tor re-mr» in i i,i y o i duly siibanded duidiig a tfinn.* of

A r t is t ic W k k a t h s , r s , !L n ts . H a r p s ,Chaplets, Spray,-<1 W edding ’Em quet's, &. l , r*s., is. tid.,lOs. Gd.j 15s. J Hxt i large bj/as. 21s. :- ) • i-N-'.--J . C.H astings. 10, Pevurt-n 1??. V..-’ !'.! Wto'i?-Mireet,Tele. 580, 708.

i .

! - - • / I

I9 w

SVBEYTH]! . | 1 P i

. , . N E W IN N E Iil

D0XJLL, tli|T-. ’P h o n o <


,] jFloral

i 3 & j>,, T el

j L E A R , N |FOP. A i

D O U L L ,I P a r c e ls

G E O S*■ ■ i

p W ith eiucli W e have ctj

■ o u r u tm ost to I, i . L1 , ; l o CaLTV :ipurchase of st}| such a p ositio i ex ten s iv e , but

B earin g in e n U n iiO u s ex{^ fa r as possib specia l notice of. ind ispensa

B o y s’ aiid B lack J tickets

B ritish Yv’siri: ; ^


Ofiim-rs’ 1X

' v i R e g' P: T iTelephciH If

Pm i* Tv--I

J 3 .-

Bhowy.feCEF.TS." * I (


'D A I L Y . a t \ 3 , ,,T"r ■i I • 1 '

: M ackinlay s| > ! . \ T l > ' K ! 3 .

f iAjj lturdu y onlyf at '8,i W N T I P S .

H s :11


i Private,,iFINEST IN -

i O F E N G L A }

~&c \t ihk\ B ojc Office* Gfi ldr

K x H O F EA


W. F lie .ltd.■jiSior


BathsrN D .

r id g e B e a d *

S T B O U R N B];



to consider Sailors and 1•i.-ehi|rgtd

lP|t lieEres-entative of aid on I the .-pbjeet- invitejd to | a tten d th e

AJIGUE,k 1 3 the Local W arCcm m ittee. , !


L D IV IS IO N Lu i p m E n t



lc R p s s

S U P P L Y D E PO T%GariUle\road\ East



1|l A. HALLi, A lu i D. (O xon.).

F.RX.O., |ICLoifmiiCftr if All] Sain ts’

flb, Eitatboa me,ho;~m.L. :or or a t. f ames’, Church* .E .C d Viaitinp iingintf M aster

London, N.),

ally,ool, Tottenham , ly , 01 fay -Co

lo a m s.

M IT T E N S ,

feg re irt a m i i a

fay 'C orrespondence,firid a ll recognised.

ifiatiojas.,r tbc s tn d y of th e O rgan, all ^ranches | of T heoretical

oJ d |Wei. , R oad, . |ll i E astbocbn*.

M E T iO W N E R!S I a re now b e in g

i th e ir pro at.- for tile ensuing year,- consult MF.sijas. IfRADLEY ani>

Agents and Accountants, of H ay- : experts in this m atter, in order to-

Pasi-es.stnent is ebrreeb. Oar advice is ■ and no charge1 is m ade for an in ter- "otisprire t ime to call on us. why n o t

rice is a t yfmii service. Profit andr j ic

m a i a n b S o c i a l .

, Commainkar|t TJrfmston and F air- picals, has been awarded the B ritish

, oughts Dowiies, Royal Sussex Regt- leiond son of the latte Dr. Downes, o f ' ' porting ir. E ast lAfrica, has been

ary C ross.; Downes has been uce in Flaudrhrs and again in E a s t

I i T; R . Balcombe, R. A , headm aster of xk' School, was mentioned in S ir D . jateh under the heading of “ G allant s te m F ront.”

|P . T idm anj R.IN.V.|R., has been' pro-!

' Suttoii

,e,i 3rd Grade T rans- Divisibrial N aval T rans-

to Alias Win !of Mr. and okham.and i

I t -and appointed as ssta if of "iSmouth. | ■ ;, is announced of C-ipt. Brian Chari

Conndugiit Rangers and Ro; !y son of M'r. and Hits. .1 rtme.-t Dong:

trace, Hgde Park, second daughter-

•ai Lodge, Cjand-dauihter of the late Sir David

IC.B.^r.f Windlehbrst, St. Helens, one! Arthur Henry Habgood, son

Eastbourne, has been awarded

. L . St. J . Tuduri hes three times, h aporaryjL ieatenar t-

ninatfons, held of th e Royal At Miss OJladyd

rirlR]e>' au^m



A. 1.


been me been i

>nehHastings, by ti

ladem y'and Roy oed, pupil of

■passejd tua intermediate grade

: . t .

outing the3 of i -shi risen,: hind t p e : P ier

st, anil .two folio 23rd, a t



cl]:(i amg

, meMEHrment,

-ion of intf tad,

Caj .1f t . T .

by Mr. T, 1 £r,Cololi

n P o s iill a riii! M irapi.

.jEt* $*;! pit ion

m o m r;| nf5r:q fljd to

fjLintld of th e abovi . ell-known com< J f*r the direction T heatre , on Mi *in£ days, a t 2.6 also. A e tron Miss Elcie David- a in Foley, Se; Thornton, an d th e I re by Cape. T h e

om the ;‘£5lu^ Bo; nel Bo^took. S*

now be secured.


M isses o duty- and

___ k* fo r ryrna’time r>f danger

ATHl*» C ro s r i

vecu ev-rfTad,

m •

i’r ,eddfng


A .

e O f f i c i a l s . -D artpell/

W> Hicks,soilrne Po^t Offi . the British Empire

us service^ rendered are eervinp d

tiow that the; ho Burrell and jDar' couia^e dbring

niiipr .on duty single-

Heia r ts , H. &c., 5e., 7s.

fi3e.—vT. omuton-sti

i, !


, ■ ■ !


” . ■!

C | W

YISTO.I t A S T T fi

T ra d e M a rk i w ■ ■»/ -mm mSTOCKINGS

TRUSSES, BANDAGES f t SURGICAL BELTS,I K at w wrf dwwiw fat^pn.


* SS U E G IC A L i 8 U P P O B T 8 D E P O T ,


P honz 1183.IKc m r F R A i u


LOCAL NEWS.T i m e s o f H i g h W a t e r a jtd S h -v d is g L i g h t s

To Shade Lights.

10.1S _ 10.43 _ -4 42 11. 3 11.460. 251 . 8 1»49 2.33

— I.

Saturday. J a n . 12Sunday, Ja n . 13 ___M onday, J a n . 14 ___Tuesday, J a n . 1 5 .......W ednesday, J a n . 16..Thursday, Ja n . 17.......Friday, J a n . IS........ ..


ALTERATIO N OP TIMES.On and after M onday, January 14th. M atin ees w ill com m ence a t 2 .4 6 and th e E v e n in g program m es a t 6 .3 0

con tinu ous to 10 .30 .Doors open S.30 a n d 6 o'clock.

S3- N O T E .—D A I L Y - 2 .4 5 a n d 6 t i l l 10.• l 4 I 1 . ' | | *

TO -D A Y (S A T U R D A Y ), Ja n u a ry ISth,

j BOOKF eaturing GEORGE W A L SH .


M O N D A Y , J a n . 14th, a n d Trco follow ing Days.


(« ! OFC l a ^ N . J7

EVERYTHING for CYCLES and MOTOR CYCLES.P r o m p t C y c le a n d M o to r C y c le R e p a ir s .


DOULL, the Cycle Mid Motorman, 48, GROVE ROAD.’P h o

T H U R S D A Y , J a n . 17 th, a n d Two follow ing D ays



SEA TS— kL, Sd. and la. 3d. (including Tax).

( i


1 *


one 6 0 8 . O arage an d W o rk sh o p : 1, W E ST ST R E E T . E A S T E R N Telephone 706.



A U S T & C O L E M A N ,W h o a r e G r o w e r s a n d R e ta ile r s .


Floral Work o f all descriptions designed by expert artists.

S E A S ID E . CIKEMA. A L T E R A T IO N O F T IM E S .On and after M onday, Jan uary 14 th . M atin ees w ill com m ence a t 2 4 5 and th e E v e n in g program m es a t 6 3 0

con tinu ous to 10 .30 .Doors open S.30 a n d 6 o’clock.

TO -D A Y (S A T U R D A Y ), J a n u a ry

“ FRECKLES.”i t t h .

JA C KFKATuanffa

P IC K F O R D and L O U IS E H U F F .

D E P O T S :

3 & 5, CARLISLE ROAD Aiffi 5, CORNFIELD ROAD,T e l . 7 6 8 . & A S T B O U R N E . T e l . 769 .


M O N D AY, J o n . 14th, a n d Two follow ing Days,


., BjzATunrsG V IO L E T H O PSO N .


TO SMOKE. — Smoking is a Fine Tonic.I : FO R A L L K IN D S OF TOBACCO, C IG A R S arid C IG A R E T T E S T R Y

D O U I i t i , The Tobacconist, 56b, GROVE ROAD. ’Phone 608.3 s e n t t o o u r T r o o p s in a n y p a r t o f t h e W o r ld .



SACRED TRUST.’Episode 2 of “ PATRIA.”

W i th each N ew Y e a r ev e ry ind iv id u al m ore o r less m akes n ew reso lu tions.W e h av e overcom e th e d ifficulties bese t us d u r in g 1917, an d h a v e reso lved to do

p u r u tm o s t to overcom e th e d ifficulties th a t m a y a rise d u r in g 1918.T o |carry th is in to effect w e h av e h a d to a n tic ip a te v e ry con sid erab ly in th e

purchase of sto ck s to m ee t th e d em an d s of th e c u r re n t y ea r, a n d in so-doing w e a re in m ch a p osition to be ab le to offer o u r n u m ero u s1 p a tro n s th e choice of, n o t o n ly a n (extensive ,1 b u t a v a rie d stock: o f a ll k in d s of w ea rin g ap p are l.

B e a rin g in m in d th e co n tin u ed d ra w on th e pub lic resou rces n ecessa ry to m e e t th e en o rm o u s e x p e n d itu re to secu re th e desired V ic to ry , we feel i t in c u m b en t to a s s is t as far a s possib le in th e exercise o f E conom y. I t is th e re fo re o u r in te n tio n to d ra w ------n o tic e to th e re a lly n ecessary a rtic le s o f c lo th in g th a t com e u n d e r th e h ea d in g

>nflflh1pQ 1 j. ■ * K, • • - ■.-> - ■ ■v'•••.. •> .■ j - ■;SC H O O L O U T F IT S .

TH U R SD A Y , J a n . 17th, a n d Two fo llow ing Days

“ UNCONQUERED.”F eaturing F A N N Y W A R D .

____ |P A T H F. G A Z E T T E and o ther In terestin g F ilm s. >

DAILY AT 8 , 7 and 8 . Doors open a t 2.30, &30 & 8.45.P rices : l a , Sd., 5d. and 4d. (including Tax).



100 .A N D 200 Candle PjbwER.

ispecia l i o f indispeu

P R IC E :

«*M 1 ) •

Boys’ and Youths’ Overcoa s, Hard-wearing 8uits, Boys’ Eton Jackets and VeflSs, Black Jackets and Yeats and Trousers, Boys’ Shirts, Pyjamas, Collars and Underwear,

Boys’ Dressing Gowns, Ties, Braces, etc.


Officer^’ Uniforms, Gentle Ladies’ Costumes.


Telephone 47.

a rp s ,6d.



24 /6 AUU

33/iO F F IC E R S ’ O U T F IT S.! ' "

Warms, ;Trench Coats, Woollen Jackets, Leather Shells,, Puttees, Leggings, Valises, Sleeping Bags, Blankets and complete Camp Outfits

N ’Sj R e a d y - t o - W e a r C L O T H IN G .Hosiery, Shirts, Hats and Fancy Goods.

L A D IE S’ | ,Eain Coats and Tweed Coats ready to wear.

T A IL O R IN G D E P A R T M E N T .intleme



T e l e p h o n e 1157.


en’s Lounge Suits, Biding Breeches, Sporting Garments, HIGH-CLASS W ORKMANSHIP ONLY. M A R IN E STORES,


e g e n t H ou se , T erm in u s R oad.K I N G & CO. ,

Closed 1.15 to 2.15.


Q b n a m e n t a l / t b e e s

R O S E S ,

Fruit Trees and Hardy Flowers, Jco

N U ISERIES 113 A C R ES.O A T A L O O U B 8 F R E E .


SAL & SONS, Ltd.I N U R S E R IE S O H A W L e It.

t * 1 .1

C 0 F sMakes


N kvxe Blocks thk Kitchkhee F lubs.M m m with a Lo t u s Coal Makks Splkxdil

D rxm o Ann Drawing B ooh F m as.

P an CHAimaos, D e liv eb e d . . . . ; . . . . . 17/3

j,« ! Meads & H ampden P ark 18/-

P er Sack, 1/11; Meads, 2 /-.

The above Prices are subject to Alteration without Notice

E a s tb o u r n e G as O om p an y.

I^(OTK P A P E R , V is itin g C ards, &c., in m ostfashioi





J . K IN G & S O N S, 2 , F ir le -r o a d .

H O T C H K IE S & SO N ,) G ^ N G I N S 5 R S £ M I L L W 3 I 8 H T 8i l f PA TIK K N M AKEttfl,B L A C K S M IT H S a n d b o i l e r m a k e r s ,' Arid Reim.irr.t3 of all kinds of M/wchlnsry anoh as

Steam, Gas & W ater Engines, H ydraulic H i ts , A cASHFORD ROAD, EASTBOURNE.

1| , B nglnenrlns W orks ati Rear.

R o y a l S o c ih x y f o r F b k v k n t i o n o f C r c k l t y . to AiriMALa, Eastbourne Branch. Hon. See., Miss

Locks P addon, L C om pton^treet. Subscriptions a re u rgen tly needed, a n a m ay be paid to Che Hon. T reasurer. Hk xbt Holyoakx, Esq., a t Lloyds Bank. Ltd. All complaints should be addressed to Inspector Harwood, a t the Office, 1a. Compton- s tree c, E astbourne; or 5, St. Jam ess-terrace, Poiegate.

Gold , S il v e r , J e w e l l e r y , A n t iq u e S il v e r ,&C.. Purchased for Ca<h or Exchanse. Specialite: R em ounting and Remodelling Jewellery, bringing old Jewellery up-to-date a t reasonable cost. . i 'e-igus and estim ates free.—F. 6 . Cle.mence, Goldsmith, Cornfield-road. Eastbourne.

N o t ic k . —A ll th o se w ho w ish to W areh o u se th a lr Furn itu re should not do so un til they have inspected Messrs. Q. E. Maynard’s, Lim ited. W are houses, which are the finest in Eastbourne. Estim ates tree.—Note th e address. G. E. Maynard , Limited, Removal and Storage C ontractors, Greystone- butidings. South-street. Eastbourne.

T a il o r in g fo r L adies a n d G entlem en a t H a r t and Son’s, 24, Terminus-road, also a t 1S4 and, 1S6, Regent-street. London. W . Service Outfits and Breeches, Coats and Skirts, R iding Habits, Astride Coats, etc. (W est End C utter and F itter).

H i g h -c l a s s F o o t w e a r . N o b e t t e r v a lu e .New season’s goods.—J . J . Saun d ers . 106, South- street (between St. Saviour’s Church and Devon- shire-place).

T h e “ Ma tc h -l e s s ” L ig h t e r , a lw a y s a l i g h t and ready. A great help in the kitchen and saves m atches." 3s. l i d .—Eastbourne Gas Co.

Co n f e r e n c e oe: E m p l o y e r s .—A c o n f e r e n c e of employers is to be held a t the Town H all on T hurs­day next, a t 2.30 p.m ., to consider the question of the train ing of discharged sailors and soldiers, when pa r­ticulars of w hat the M inistry of Pensions aro doing, and desire to be done, for these men will be given by Capt. Baird,' *he representative of the M inistry of

- Pensions.T h e E n g a g em en t o f Ge o r g e R o b ey .—W e

were informed last evening it was doubtful whether M r. George Robey would be able to fulfil his engagem ent a t Devonshire P ark on the 30ch inst.

H o r tic u ltu r a l So c ie t y 's P ublic L ec­tures.— A nother public lecture arranged by the H o rti­cultural Society is to be given on Tuesday evening next a t the Technical Institu te . The lecture, which will be given by MrJ W . F . Giles, of Messrs. Su tton &■ Son’s, Reading, and which will be illustrated by lantern views, will be on t^ie subject of “ Profitable Vegetables for Small Gardeps, including potatoes.” The M aypr is to preside a t tbje meeting, of which allotm ent holders and others are aqvised to take full advantage, the lecturer being not only an expert bu t unusually capable as an exponent of ;the subject. ^

G e r m a n I r o n C r o s s o n V i e w . — M e ss rs . Bruford & Sim, 100, Terminus-road, are showing in their window a Germ an Iron Cross, brought home by an Eastbourne Jofficer.

E a st b o u r n e V o l u n t e e r s .—T he local Com ­pany of th«i 4th Battalion Sussex V olunteer Regim ent attended the service of prayer and intercession a t Devonshire P ark on Sunday afternoon and ^attracted considerable attention . The i Company band, which (by kind permission of Bandm&kter A. E. Hopkins) was augm ented for the occasion by 14 musicians I from the 13th Hussars Band, num bered 30, and theirj perform ­ances both on the march to the P ark and on iht> return journey created considerable public in terest and reflected

rea t credit on the bandm aster, M r. Hargreayes. I t is oped in the near future to bring the local |VoIunteer

band up to full strength , and thus obviate the necessity of obtaining men from the 13th Hussars Bapd to com­plete its num bers when m aking a public appearance. T his should not be difficult to accomplish, apd we have no doubt the required num ber of musicians will be speedily obtained.

S u c c e s s f u l " F a n c y D r e s s B a l l £. — A s a result of the fancy dress dances, arranged by M iss E leanor Ratcliff, and held through the kindness of M r. and Mrs. Eeley in the ball room a t the G rand H otel, there will be a profit of about £100 to divide between the Princess Alice a n i De W alden C ourt Hospitals. Some GoO tickets were disposed of a t 3s. each.

A D ram atic a nd M u sic a l E n t e r t a in ­ment, in aid of the funds of the Girls* Recreation Room, Seaside-road, will be given in the Devonshire P ark Pavilion on Thursday, the 24th inst., ajt ?> p.m. The first p a rt will consist of an “ E astern Im agery,’* arranged by Mrs. W ade-Cook and played by ladies, the second pa rt tak ing the form of a concert.

D r . W . A. H a ll 's , >Organ R e c it a l s .—Inthe presence of an appreciative assembly the first of his special series of recitals was given on Saturday a fte r­noon, a t A ll Saints’ Church, oy Dr. W illiam A Hall, who presented a singularly interesting programme. H e was assisted vocally by Mr. Percy Stone, who contributed two solos. This atternoon Dr. H all gives another recital, the same to commence an 3 o’clock. Particularly in terest­ing features of an a ttractive program m e are the preljide and angel’s farewell from E lgar’s 44 Gtirontius,” the A llegretto con G razia from Tschaikowskv’s Sixth Symphony, the first movement of R heinberger’s fantasia sonata in A flat and the prelude to W agner’s “ Parsifal.’” T he vocalist will be M lss Veronica Sisk, whose solos will include 44 Rejoice g reatly .” (Haudel) and “ O Divine R edeem er ” (Gounod). J •* |j

E a stb o u r n e a nd D is t r ic t A llo tm en ta nd S m a llh o ld ers’ So c iety .—Thl? annual m eeting of th is Society was ft#id a t the Leaf H&tl on Tuesday evening, th ere being a good num ber of m em bers present. Ajldermaii J . C. W rig h t (the president) occupied th e ch a ir ; tihe V ice-President (Councillor P rio r) was also present. T h e Hon. Secretary (Mr. A. O. Cosham) read his report fo r (the past year. I t s ta ted th a t n early 110 tons of seed potatoes had been purchased and delivered ou t to th e mem bers, who now num ber abou t 380. J A to ta l of £270 had passed th rough th e T |reasurer’s hands in the course o f 1' th e y ear as m em bers’ j subscriptions, potato purchase m oney, &c. [T h e Society, which has m ade: 128 new m enibers in th e past 12 j m onths, hopes) shortly to be federated to the Southern Division of j th e ' N ational Federation, [of Ailotmjent and , Sm all­holders’ U n io n ; the qbject of the Society is to give free lectures and adv[ice on gardening and horticul- j tu re by experienced and practical gardeners, and also' to assist ariy of its m em bers in legal proceedings: against garden thefts j !

I n c o m e T a x R e b a t e s . . — T h e R e v e n u e R e tu rn s for the financial year ended pti the 31st M arch last show th a t over J^205,000,(300 was received in the . form of Incom e Tax. TLJnfortiixiAte*!y th is would include a very considerable am ount of over-paid tax, claims for repaym ent'of which can npw be made.: A not unreason­able estim ate of such am ounts would probably be 5 % of th e to ta l sum. The Intricacies of the various measures dealing w ith W ar F inance have madti i t impossible for a very large proportion of tax payers) to conduct their own ’claims. U n d er)th ese circumstances application for free advice should be made to The Eastbourne and District Income T a x Reclamation Society, of 7, Bolton- road, Eastbourne, whose ohly charges are an inclusive scale fee based on benefits obtained where they are instrum ental in securing repaym ent or saving of tax.

P r i n c e s s A l i c e M e m o r ia l H o s p i t a l ,supported by voluntary contributions. —The following is the weekly re tu rn of patients! for week 0ndea Jan u ary 9th : N um ber of patien ts Jan u ary 2nd, 35; adm itted during th e week, 10 ; discharged during the week, 9 ; died, 0;j remaining in bosp::aI ar diU'\ 30. This hospital is open to thfir inspection of the public any week-day between .the hours of 2 and 4 p.m. Patient4 may be visited bv their friends on Sundays, W ednesdays and B ank H oliday from 2 to 4 p.m. Additiofial annual sutiscribers are! urgently nerilod. Contributions will be thankfully received by the Hon. Treasurer, M r. C. O’Brien H arding, J .P . , 15, South Cliff. House visitor : T he Rev. G. M. Hanks.


j ln t h e S p r in g a lm o s t a l l k in d s o f C o t to n a n d W o o lle n M a n u f a c tu r e d G o o d s w ill s h o w g r e a t a d v a n c e s , a n d s o m e c la s s e s o f g o o d s w ill b e lu n o b ta iu a b le . W e a r e , t h e r e f o r e , u n a b le to fo l lo w o u r u s u a l c u s to m :of m a k in g r e d u c t io n s o n e v e r y a r t i c l e t h r o u g h o u t tire d e p a r t m e n t s ^d u rin g t h e J a n u a r y S a le . IA t t h e s a m e t im e o

^an d in t h ee v e r oeeu la rg e r .mp S to c k s a t t h e m o m e n t h a v e n

H O U SE H O L D D R A P E R Y . COTTON an d

V i

\ i

y W O O L L E N GOODS S E C T IO N SI we a r e o f f e r in g a q u a n t i t y o f l in e s a t p r ic e s w h ic h s h o w a v e r y

c o n s id e r a b le a d v a n t a g e o v e r th o s e r u l in g to -d a y .


h av e n o w b e e n m a d e , a n d t h i s o c c a s io n p r o v id e s a n u n e q u a l le d o p p o r t u n i t y f o r s e c u r i n g C o s t u m e s . C o a t s . M i l l i n e r y . B l o u s e s . F c r s , e t c . , 'a t B a r g a in 'P r i c e s . . 1 1 j


• e. s

! "


B R E A K F A S T FOOD. I : | SO U P PO W D E R S (a n . F lavocks)PR O TO SA V O U R Y (jnstead of M eat). EM .PROTE.

. ! “ B A Y K E E S IA .” etc.1 T h j U

" H E AR CA DE a n dT E R M I N U S ROAD


! i

r I




o u

o u

25 R a in c o a t s J’or Ladies at from 29/6 to 49/6, wore do/- to 84.-each.


aablo styles, a t Farncom be and Ckx’s, L td.


ME M O R IA L C A R D S, a v a r ie ty of p a tte rn s .Farncom be and Co.,Ltd.,I>ew es,Eastboarne, etc.

- I

NELSON CARTER, V jC;; MEMORIAL.T he M ayor (Alderm an O’Brien H ard in g \ with refer­

ence to the above, writes us denying the a.-*sertion th a t he promised to take up th is m atter. [The statem ent complained of d id not appear in th is paper). His W orship says his only promise (made to Capt. Robinson in Septem ber, 1916) was “ to see th a i Mrs. C arter should never be in w ant,” and jthis hie has ifaithfully kept. In proof of this he sets out iii detail tlje grants made from the M ayor’s Emergency Fund, fori which Mrs. C arter expressed, herself as nicjre than grateful.

T he M-ayor adds : ‘j Ij do not, however, wish i t to be understood for one nuiihent th a tto ’the.raising of th e fu objections , ar^ to the have l>een made about

id foiok* her unv.iil^anted


have anyi objectiofi lind her cnild .« My

allegativns which

call purcliase it at

Every, P U R COAT is much Reduced,

can purcliase it at'' . 1 : . C H E I M E S ’ S A L E

handsome Stoles and Pur Mufflers Reduced, purcliase it at

CHRUKEES9 S A L Kr Coats, all Colors and Latest Shapes, all Reduced.

piiroHase it at I ]i’ S A L E

Every one Much Reduced.

one at J



Evpry Fur Muff and You can

Over 10O Winte ou can

'ou can

Best M aterials tinil ali New SluidcsJver 70 L atest Costumes,

o u c a n p u r c l i a s e

puroliase atJ

Latest Slack Costumes and Latest Black Coats all Reduced.

ou can purcliase.5

Ladies’ Trench W aterproof Coats all Reduced.

A L Ufor the Sale.

>xi can purobase atC E U I M E S ’

ack, N avy & Grey odd Tailor-made S k ir ts from 14 9 to 21All FUJIS very much Reduced.All FUR CO ATS very'much Reduced. All COSTUM ES very much Reduced.All WOOL C O ATS very much Reduced.

H R IS K S , F uiTiejr & G o s t ti m i e r,ONE ADDRESS ONLY:

Sussex, Gardens, Terminus Road.

r *



The DcA lderm an K. Duke A lderm an «1. E aster .Alderman H. \y . Kes A IdermanJ M. Marfcir

COUNCIL,.T he m onthly m eeting of th e Council was held a t the

Town H all c n M onday, when there were p re se n t:—The M ayor (Alderman<C. O’BJrien H arding) in tko chair,

c pu ty May<

Councillor R. Alee Oouncilloif A. Avard Oouucilloij T. Heal Councillor B. Bradford Councillor O. B ieac h Councillor F. A. C arter Councillor C. H. era ve Councillor A . A.Chdpman Councillor .1. Duke Councillor J . Eden Councillor J . Hoad ey Councillor F . Holli.

> The Town Clerk (Mr. H. VV. Fovargue), the A cting

ob;ret, b e la id , was tain ' admission.

L-l •'

(Councillor C. W . Bolton)., A lderm an T. B. Rowe

A lderm an W. Sharp A lderm an C. F. Simmons

■. r A lderm an J . C. W righ tCouncillor F. J . H uggett Councillor 1). K night Councillor II. Morgan

gouncillor N iedenriayer ouncillor J . W . Pearson Councillor J . P rior Councillor J . Pulsford

Councillor J . Rawles Councillor S. Russell Councillor (1. B. Soddy Councillor R. T. Thornton Councillor A. L. Wood

M otor.'B us M anager (Mr. P. Ellison),1 and the A cting Borough Accountant (Mr. H. Burrell).

'th e absentees wer j Councillors F. 6 . Durell and A. J . M arshall. \ £ • v ' .

“ M OST M OM ENTOUS* Y E A R .”The M ayor, in wishing the members and officials a

i happy new year, sai 1 1918 was probably going to be the m ost m omentous y?ar the B ritish E m pire had ever en tered upon.' L e t them try and show a fortitude a t home equal to th e valour of our sailors and soldiers abroad. T he M ayer w ent on to allude to th e interces­sion service a t Devonshire P a rk on th e previous a fte r­noon and expressed his g ra titude to all who assisted in i t s arrangem ent anc. carrying out. T he only cause for xcuret. he said, was 1'th a t so m any people were unable to______, _______ I t was mooted before the servicebjrgau whether i t would be possible to hold an overflow m eeting, bu t th is was no t found practicable and it ilould, in th e 1 tirdu instances, have been ra th e r a fiasco, [the large attendance only showed w hat a grand feeling lias growing ib the m inds of1 the people of Eastbourne.

H e could sum up the service in two words—th a t i t was ‘ enthusiastically religious.”

W O M E N A N D H O U S IN G .The T own Clerk read a le tte r w ith a resolution

adopted by the W omen’s Local G overnm ent Society, expressing the opinion th a t every local Housing Com m ittee should include some suitable women.

On th e proposition of A lderm an D uke, seconded by A lderm an W right), the communication was referred to th e Housing Committee.

T H E D IS T R IB U T IO N O F COAL.A le tte r was read from the Trades and L abour Council,

com plaining of unfair d istribution of coal, which had, i t was said, caused considerable hardship -in certain localities. In Bomb cases people could no t get sufficient fuel to oook their C hristinas dinner. They were of opinion the tim e gad come fpr ceasing the delivery of

- 4 ■ - \

I .1


! J M

- ■■■■!■ I ' i , - i : ■; M 'J , I iH ave your VEG ETA BLE SEEDS to hand hy ordering /, . to-day from th is L ist. M ost Seeds w ill be scarce.

B R O A D B E A N S . T~'Per Pint.

E L P H IC K ’S iC L IF F E P R IZ E ...... 1/2E L P H IC K ’S 'G R E E N G IA N T ........... 1/2G R E E N W IN D S O R ................................... 1/-JO H N S O N ’S W O N D E R F U L ............... lOd.

. P E A S .E L P H IC K ’S T O R PE D O ....................... 2/-E N G L IS H W O N D E R ............................... 1/4G R A D U S- ...........................i.................. 1/4L IT T L E M A R V E L ............................... 1/6T H E P IL O T ................. 1/6W IL L IA M IIU R S T ... .: . : ............. 1/4D A IS Y - .................... J~r................................ 1/8F IL L B A S K E T .............................. 1/4R E N T E A Y E R .................. 1/6E L P H IC K ’S C O T T A G E R ....................... 1/2Y O R K S H IR E H E R O ...! .. ....................... 1/4

B O R E C O L E o r K A L E .Per Oz.

C O T T A G E R S .......................................... 5d.G R E E N C U R L E D (Tall or D w arf)....... Gd. 'R A G G E D JA C K ......... .'i 6d.

B E E T .E L P H IC K ’S’ M O D E L ) . v J V-N U T T IN G S R E D ......./ long varletles \ «d.E L P H IC K 'S F IR E B A L L ) d f 1/- C R IM SO N G L O B E ........ j round vara. | 6(J

B R O C C O L I. i jV E IT C H ’S S E L F P R O T E C T IN G ... 1/3P U R P L E S P R O U T IN G ........................... 8d.

. W H IT E S P R O U T IN G ............ 8d.ADAiMS’ E A R L Y S P R IN G W H IT E 1/3F L O W E R O F S P R IN G ......... ........... 1/3B R IM S T O N E ..............................................v 1/-

B R U S S E L S P R O U T S .E L P H IC K ’S S E L E C T E D ....................... lOd.C A M B R ID G E S H IR E C H A M P IO N ... 8d.S O R Y M G E R ’S G IA N T .........................l. 6d.T H E W R O X X o N ..;.............. L. 7d.

CABBAGE.E L P H T C K ’S E X P R E S S ...........C O C O A N U T ..................................ELLA M ’S EA R LY D W ARF FL O W E R OF SPR IN G ...... ...

C A R R O T .Per Oz.

E A R L Y SC A R L E T H O R N ....... 8d.G U E R A N D E or E A R L Y G E M ........... 8d.JA M E S ’S IN T E R M E D IA T E ].............. 8d.

C A U L I F L O W E R .V E IT C H ’S A U T U M N G IA N T ........... 1/4E A R L Y , L O N D O N ............................. 1/4


Per Pkt._ _ ____ ... 3d.

W R IG H T ’S G IA N T W H IT E ............... 3d.C L A R K E ’S SO L ID R E D ....................... 3d.

LEEK .I_j,l t . PerOz.

,ETAKER ....... ...............•....;........ II-AL EAVOURITE ........................ 1/-


E L P fH IC K ’S M O N ST E R C O S............... 1/-S E L E C T E D ;P A R IS W H IT E COS... 7d.E L P H IC K ’S S U P E R B C A B .,............... II-W E B B ’S W O N D E R F U L C A B ............ 7d.

E L F A ll B E D J Jn u nw ifi

s e l :t h :


O NIO N.H IC K ’S I S O U T H D O W N ............... 2/63A C R A IG . . . J ............................................... 2/3'F O R D S H IR E C H A M P IO N ...... 1/4E S K E E P I N G ................................... 1/6

T E S P A N IS H ............ L .................. 1/2

P A R S L E Y .S L p H IO K ’S S P E C IA L C U R L E D 8d.

E ,

P A R S N IP .h o l l o w Gr o w n ....... ....................... 1/-

E C T E D L IS B O N N A IS ..... ............. 1/-'.ST-UDjENT .................................. 1/-

R A D I S H ............... 6d.

EAKFAST .................... oddN I P ......... ........................... 4d.

T U R N IP .SNOWDROP ....J........ 6d.T E STONE ...... ].......... 5d.LY W H IT E T O P ...... 6d.GARDEN S W E D E ....... 5d.


s p a r k l e :F R E N C H BRM IX E D TUP,


SATURDAY, JA N U A R Y 12,Councillor B ea l seconded the am endm ent.T he T o w n Cl e b k explained th a t the resolution

applied only to milk. A t th e p resen t tim e the re ta ile r of m ilk relied on his w arranty . T he prosecutor proceeded against th e | w arran tor, bu t under th e existing laws i t was only needful _ fo r th a t m an tq say th a t he sen t off his m ilk believing i t to bo up to the standard . I t was absolutely impossible to take proceedings against th e w arrantor.

Councillor R u ss e l l : H as n o t he to give reason­able proof iof his belief?

T he T o w n Cl e r k : No. H e has only to 6ta te th a t he sen t i t . o u t , believing it to be up to standard . C o n tin u in g he pointed ou t th a t th ere was no reason why the re ta ile r could no t have a rem edy against tho w arrantor. T he second p a r t of th e I resolution was an alternative. T he M ilk Bill [Would have been in operation b u t for the war. The reason f o r i t was th a t in m any cases m ilk had been proved to be below th e standard , b u t no conviction was registered. Tho judges had held in one case th a t so long as a farm er

as i t cam e from th e th e cow or how far


Thero w people who th e m atch

13 no football again on Saturday and w ent to the Saffrons in the hope of seeing betw een tho Soaplano Station and the

pxactl;ju st y

proved the m ilk was sen t out cow—no m atte r ihow he fed below th e standard i t was—lie was subject to no penalty. I t was extrem ely difficult fo r the sanitary au thorities to p ro tec t th e con&umer unless th e law was m ade m ore definite. j

Councillor R u ss e l l w ithdrew his am endm ent.A llo tm en ts at G il d r ^ d ge H o sp it a l .

In regard to th e recom m endation th a t holders of allotm ents a t G iidredge Hospital should bo required to en ter in to an agreem ent jto give up possession w henever asked to do so withojut compensation, Councillor P ea rson asked w hether th e holders woqld be com pensated fo r growing crops? v k

A lderm an R o w e said it- njiignt be necessary to en large the sanatorium and th e Council m ust nave 'some so rt of an understanding so th a t th a t could be ’ done.’ t i f - j * -

Councillor Ca rter ©aid thejre wpuld be bound to be a certa in am ount of notice before building could commence and tenan ts would have tim e ,to rem ove th e ir crops. I J

T h e m inutes of th e com m ittee w|ere agreed to.W A T C H CO M M ITTEE. j] 'j

A lderm an E. DUKE; in proposing tho adoption of th o m inutes, referred tx> the resolution of i thanks passed by the cpm m itteo to th 3 C aptain and m em bers of the F ire B rigade for their services in connection w ith tho recent fire a t th e premises of Messrs. Noakee. Only abou t 12 or 13 m em bers o i th e old F iro B rigade w ere left, and consequently a large pro­portion of the brigade present a t; th e firo had been tra ined since th ^ w ar began. T h e brigade’s splendid work had no doubt prevented a m ore serious con­flagration than} occurred, and the W atch C om m ittee’s com m endation ' would bo supported by tho whole Council (hear. hear). - . # 1

Cduncillor PRIOR seconded tho resolution, which was carried.

F IN A N C E CO M M ITTEE.A!dormer* Stmmons proposed tho adoption of the

m inutes. R eferring to tho com m ittee's decision io m ake a g ran t o f £50 to the Sussex County Prisoners of W ar Fund , A lderm an Sim mons said he had visited Miss M acCartie. T here w ere 160 prisoners belonging to th e Royal Suasox R egim ent in G erm any, and parcels were sen t to each m onthly. U nfortunate ly thero was n o t such a favourable rep o rt abou t tho

in T urkey . 3*ho expenditu re am ounted

B y S P E C T A T O R .

Polegato R .N . A.S. : had to go away

SUMMERDOWK CAMP NOTES.Things a t Summerdown are going smoothly an d

1 m errily on. Among recent events in^the en terta inm ent lipe the outstanding feature was, of course, the panto*

• mime produced by officers, non-comniis^ioned officers and pnen in the P ie r Theatre.* This was em phatically 'One [of th e cleverest and most a ttractive pioductions yet Turned out by the Camp, and all concerned are heurjtity to be congratulated on the-successful result.

disappointed.W hy tho g&mo should havb been cancelled I do not

T here had been “ 6pino ” weather bu t except for being a b it greasy

on t-op theBs wasn’t 1 m uch .tho m atte r with

kn j>w. >vic |isly,

w ere inte:i©4l; frozen up. show and thaw anc described a© w arm enc h a rd again

?he Crum ps,” from' the Officers’ Command Depol had ja qordial reception oh Thursday, when they gave peifprm ance on somewhat the lines of th a t given recently a t Devonshiie Park . Needless to say, th e ir

ipreciated__________ ___________ ___ ____ ___ tho pitch -admjirable entertainm ent was immensely apprta t tho Sa irons. Tho E astbourne ground, though Y esterday th e Blue Boys were regaled with a popular fairly exposed to in jurious attack© from tho weather, Cinematograph exhibition, is notoriou s for the quick recoveries i t makes. i l ^

. . . ! L ^st Tuesday evening, following the final perform ancePerhaps bur airm en friends don’t know this. I ; of Panto-Land, the artistes and all who had taken p a r t

have seen the Saffrons under w ater pno day and fit in t&e production were entertained to suppfer by Coh to play or th e next. I have seen'! m atches played Bosbock. The arrangem ents were organised by M ajor th ere whet the tu rf has been churned up into a Pagpton. black m a« i of m ud and slush, when jtiio whole p itch ! has had t i 3 appearance of being irretrievably and Sergb. J . ‘G. Crombie, A .S.C., .who achieved Such hopeleesljr mined for e v er; and yijtj—such are its ; distinction as “ o,ne of the K n u ts '’ during the period of recuperating powers—in a day or tjwJoR ha© been | his location here, lias received a commi-sion. H is p re­

sent; title , therefore, is 2nd-Lieut. Orombie. A t tho majiy entertainm ents of the Knuts, and on .other

the ground a t played to -d ay ,. the arrival of

H ow ever th a t m ay be, tho sta te of, p resent w ll p rev en t th e m atch being and I am very m uch afra id th a t until more! su itil le w eather no football will be seen on tho Saffrons. M eanwhile spectators m ust possess th e ir souls in patience apd tak e to tobpganning instead.

E astbourne has indeed been in the during th e pa&t week, and visions

ly cold and everybody w A t th e tim e of writing, e have disappeared befor

iho w eather .outlook may .no\V .be best messy, m uddy, and mug-gy. I t is alm ost

................probably snow ;

occasions, public and otherwise, he afforded sincere pleasure by his talented efforts as a character-actor and elocutionist..• i i i. • j i. * * #

The Camp Journal makes regretful allusion to recenfr los|hs sustained. The Journal says :— . /

*f A very great benefactress of tlie D am p has passed awpy iu the person of Mrs. B utton, of Luckffow, Silver-

g rip of w inter dale-road, w to died December .‘10th last. Mrs. B utton’s of skating a t benjejices were not well knowm outside the Camp—th ey

H am pden P a rk have filled our minds!- with pleasur- „ wete even seldom acknowledged in 'th is Journal, s^ she ablo antic ipktions. M onday and Tuesday especially i was one of those who do good by stealth and blush tidrtiU

• ' * ' ’ ’ S m ore or less I i t sham e; having a most, rooted and insistent objectionhowever, both [ to !any sort of publicity being given to her very m any j re -tho ©udden donations and benefactions. B ut now she has gone;

h for cricket, bu t i t .will jto-morrow.

• • •T he prbdjiction this Christmas, of *j‘P an to Land ”

by tho Si mpiordown B lue 'B oys will long bo remem-

frobi us we may lift the curtain a little. We cannot* reveal all th a t is there, but wo can give a hin t of .whah lies beyond and give full expression to o u r^d eep gratitude. - -j

r Condolences are also expressed]on* behalf of th e latle M r. G. T. Scott, who m et su c li’a tragic death o a Boxing Day. M r. Scott wiw a leaTibenc factor to th e

bored ndt only for its excellence, bu t for the j ^ m p , as the gardens around th e iw st^flice can testify .” unbounded sucoees which th a t excellence deserved. [I t was un< oubtodly the beet th ing tho Blu.o Boys | havo ovei cone. And w ith all its sparkle and bright- | ness and cl jvcmoea thero wasn’t oven a suspicion of ! vulgarity about it. N o t a word, no t a gesture could have pos sibly. given offence to tho m ost fastidious I person ir Jth e audience, and yet th e production Was1


A T T R A C T IV E E N T E R T A IN M E N T S .-hork fill r f eaioty and rolliokino- fun from beginning | to end. It would bo impossible jn this notable , perfol-manca to m ontion all th a t w ere dosorving of

raise, hut tho brigh t smilo of Aubrey the Straw- _yrry haun ts mo still, w hilst C aptain G reen Foley, us a gontl) m aiden—several mnulet]|*. in fact—was altogethi r too charm ing fo r words. H o m akes one of th e infttiest. girls im aginable, and hnd I no t

i him to be a m ere m ale m an like

Two successful perform ances wero given a t th o wn H all on Saturday and M onday evenings by 3 employes of Messrs. Caffyns, Eim iled, the welir

known local.aefoplifno m anufacturers. Styling them - illve* Calfyns Concert Company; an en terta inm en t igrty baa been formed, >cloarlv proving th a t a con-

erabio am ount of ta len t is available.


form of

| ' , ( IA S

T h e r e se e m s ! expressed that o f g a s fo r -mill r u n n in g id JbiiM- W h ich toU kJefTee;In th e sa iiits c .ilip r o h ib i te d , f t lie i i n e e d s .” R e tro ! i f fo llo w s t h a l gjus m jt. a s s u m in g f t is a p p r o q u a n t i t ie s . '* :v l t j- c d i f f ic u l ty ; w ill iriM ip ip ro v e d ! ’b u s vli o l t h e d a y ; b u s !j. i

] ; , PflLK.H a VIXU k cc .fp led

m a y be Til|e 1 u i i >•) i ■ i,; W a t c h GMtnioP ti*i* r le s s n e s s iin EnJ > j-i ?x- ;: d u t y . Iri [ th e (sjuiii w a lk a b o u t .w i th ih e : a b u n d a n f , ^g o p .■ ji JM4l cjf s e v e ra l! sn^taTiii; w; t r u e , in d e e d , o f inoriii. a r re s t in g - it i id loofcinjg at

. is n m n iU ^ f iv h e td e r je i i!t h e sa tn e lse x : b ; i in W h en a gfifeymis- sRiite Ui t o e x is t ln jc e r ta i i i s H a t; p e c u l i a r a ^ d ui-gj-n-t n - q u a lif ie d ? W om en \V i U n io n oil ’jV o iiU 'iA Y e L l a t e d o n jlAesr 'p.ubiic-dp

SiAKS.A j 'O n e u iiis n o t sh rp ili o u t s id e a ;T e r u i jm u s - n > O u ssio n ati t h e U iem c il t h e p u b lic , w h o ' u em ird v e n t ib le j iscau d e jl, ni* in s i s t e d o n a n ejiyilaim C o m m i t te e ’s! p o llg y -n i c a n t c o r is id e ra t iiins poi

> o f o ffic ia l can ' w; o f t h e digcus.-i.up.*‘_ <f) s u p p l ie d jof fa v o u re d d e e re d , t^>e Cariij.'iini j f u tu r e d e p r iv e Ka>’t b m e n t s . ! T h e 0 t i l e r in

i th e c u s td m e r . sh a ll ’fn (p re v e n ts ; u n s c r u p u lo t j t i ie i i p u rc h a se s u.'share ojf | the ajailabjb eeru o tb ib v , - i . . in : : .jm e th o d j [o f, s ^ r v in g j im p r o v e d w a y s !ia \

j is. in -re s is t 'd jto s', c h j C o m in i t th e m if ih t

\ V 'T -


A lderm an K. Duke I A lderm an J . Faster. A lderm an H. W. Keay A lderm an M. M artinCouncillor R. Alee Councillor A. Avard Gdupcillor T. BealCriuricDlorB. Bradford COuwoillor O. Breach Councillor F. A. C arter Councillor O. H, Cave Councillor A. A.Chapman Councillor .1. Duke Councillor J . Eden Councillor J . HoadleyCnuireillm* TT<vllin«.

TOWN r o o u n c :m onthly m eeting of th e Council was held a t the H all on M onday, when there were p re sen t:—

The (AldermalnjC. ojBrien Harding) in th e chair.The Deputy Mayor (Councillor C. W. I lolton).'

. I

A lderm an T. B. Rowe A lderm an W. Sharp A lderm an C. F. Simmons Alderm an J . 3. W righ tCouncillor F. J . H uggott Councillor f t K night Councillor H. Morgan

SOuncillor Ni cdem iayer ouncillorJ. VV. Pearson Councillor J . P rio r

Councillor X jPulsford Councillor J . Rawles Councillor S. Russell Councillor G. B. Soddy Councillor R. T. Thornton Councillor A. L. WoodCounjcillor F. Hollins

' The Town Clerk (Mr. H. W. Fovargue), the A cting Surveyor (Mr. N, Kcay). the Building Surveyor (Mr.

iie ld ); the E lectrical Engineer Mr. J . K. »), tlio. Chief Constable (Major E. J . J Teale), the Bus M anager (Mr. P. Ellison), and th e A cting

B o ro u e 1 A ccountant (Mr. H. Burrell).The absentees were Councillors F. O. Durell and A. 3;

M arshall. ] ' >“ jllO ST M O M E N T O U S Y E A R

The 'Mayor, in -w ish in g ,the jnem bers and officials a/ happy new year, said 1918 wa!s probably goin g to be' the m ost m omentous y ea r th e B ritish E m pire had ever en tered upon: L et them try and show a fortitude a thomo e jual to the valour o f our sailors and soldiers abroad. T he M ayor w ent on to allude to the interces­sion ser dee a t Devonshire P ark on the-previous after-

\ noon a r d expressed his g ra titude to alljsvho assisted in i ts arrangem ent and carrying out. The! only cause for regret, he said, was th a t so m any people were unable to obtain admission.- I t was mooted before the service began whether i t would be possible to hold an overflow m eeting, bu t th is was not found prat itica )lo and i t would, in the circumstances, Have been (father, a fiasco. Tho large attendance only showed w h a t |i grand feeling wus growing' in the minds of the people of Eastbourne. H e could sum up. the service in two words—th a t i t was

! “ enthusiastically religious.”

! W O M E N A N D H O U SIN G .The T own Clerk read; a le tte r with a resolution

adopted | by the W omen's iLocal Governm ent Society, ' expressing th e opinion th a t every local H ou ling Com­m ittee should ificludq some suitable women.

T H E D IS T R IB U T IO N O F COAL.A iletter was read from the T rades and L abour Council,

1 com plaining of unfair distribution of coal, which had,* i t was said, caused considerable hardship in certain localities. In sdme cases people could no t get sufficient fuel to cook their C hristm as dinner. They were of opinion-jthe tim e had Comp for ceasing the delivery of coal by tonnage. |

Councillor Chapman (chairman of th e Coa.1 Control s Com mittee) said a t the last meeting; i t transpired th a t ' th e collieries had supplied coal well up to their Ipromisea.

T here had been a few- complaints, but inquiry had show n th a t, w ith one or two exceptions, they were -unfounded. : ' ] •'

Councillor T rior movejd, and A lderm an K eay seconded, th a t the communication be referred to the Coal Control Committee. I

Councillor H uggett said he could say w itheu t fear of contradiction poor people had been unable bo obtain coal, no t only in the Old Town, bu t in o ther d istricts.

The May; >r observed th a t if the nam es of the parties and o ther circumstances were sent in to the Com mittee th ey would be gone into. I

Councillor H uggett said a dealer who had professed inability to supply poor people .with sm all Quantities hud been seen carting a large /supp ly to a house in College-road. T he excuse given in the form er case was

' the- scarcity of labour. W hile poor persons \yere going w ithout, m any tons of coal ip ’ 'Meads-road district.

; T he M ayor said th a t was ipf the Committee.! Councillor P earson said if the Council had done their - du ty and had purchased a supply of coal for d istribution th is difficulty would no t have arisen.

Councillor T hornton said they could i lot have obtained coal, and, if i t had been possible, there was no iplaoel to sKge it. ,•!

Coilnciilor P earson.: Then how did th e Lewisham

ad been seen going to the

no t w ith in the knowledge


" 6

■V :




H a v e y o u r V E G E T A B L E to -d a y fro m th i s L ist.:

Town Council get coal, as I can vouch for i t thBy did? f Councillor T hornton : 1 can’t say. W e are1 not the iLewisham Town Council. j >I Councillor P earson : I f they can do it we c£ n.! Councillor T hornton : |l say i t r'was absolutely SmpossiblB. h . 1 1 “ ■ ,1 Councillor P earson : And! J aav i t was not (laughter).1 Councillor A variS : H ow did "Hastings d o i t?

T he motion was agreed to. | . I . 'I - D E V O N S H IR E P L A C E R A IL IN G S .

■Councillor T hornton asked the Chairm an of the H ighw ays Com biittee w hether he was aw are th a t accidents had occurred through people falling over the railings in DevOnshire'-placo, and w hether he d id not flunk the tim e bad come to remove these dangerous ibstacles ? , ' | j l - -a . 1/ i ’

A lderm an K eay, in reply; said he had heard of dents (in Devonshire-placb having fallen over the

flings, and he thought they ought to have known letter (laughter). The question had been before the lommittee, who were strongly of opinion th a t th e

railings ought no t to be remdved. i *• ‘Councillor T hornton : H as the Town Clerk

£,ny intim ation as to accidents? '<!A lderm an | K eay said he believed the Town Clerk hi.

received a le tte r from a firm of lawyers. A private hotel had been opened in the thoroughfare, and he Understood it was wished to have th e railings in front Qf th e premises removed. 1 , iI B U IL D IN G S C O M M IT TE E .

The report of th is committee, which contained a list •Of plans recommended for a pproval, was! subm itted by Councillor Chapman, who moved its adoption.

Counoillor A loe seconded.—Carried.. 1 | E D U C A T IO N C O M M IT TE E .

Councillor H ollins move 1 and A lderm an W right seconded! the adoption of so m uch of the above com- •luittee’s ieport as required the approval of the Council.

In reply t 6 A lderm an Sin mons, th e T own Clerk sa id they wore under agreem ent w ith the E ast Sussex C o u n ty Council to-take a certain num ber of boys from outside the borough in the Boys’ Secondary School, bu t there was no sim ilar obligation in regard to the G irls’ Secondary School. There were 24 girls in the la tte r School npt belonging to the borough.

Councillor J ., D uke asked w hether . these non residents paid the full fees ? M. j:

Councillor H ollins replied I n the affirmative. Councillor AyAHD asked whbther i t m ight not be

desirable to acquire th e freehold of the jG irls’ School before spending more money on the premises ?

Councillor H ollins said the poin t h ad been con­sidered, and it was f e l t 'i t would be unwise to acquire th e freehold. 1j T he T own Clerk , replying to Councillor ‘A vard,

Tid the lease had about fifty years to run.Councillor H 6 lliNs said the G irls’ School had only

rjecently become so full th a t fu rther accommodation was necessary. ‘ U n til they got more room no addi­tional pupils would be adm itted from the outlying listriets. The enlargem ent scheme now before the ommittee would only, be carried ou t if the Board of Education sanctioned the expenditure, and there would e full opportunity of (discussing th e proposal.A lderm an W eight expressed satisfaction a t th e con

cjlusion(arrived a t by the comm ittee respecting juvenile crim e, namely, th a t i t was induced by th e attendance cjf children a t cinemas. H e hoped th e W atch Com m ittee would act in harm ony w ith the resolution.,

C ouneillbr Carter endorsed the views of the last speaker, rem arking th a t when he had suggested to the com m ittee th a t som ething should be done he got no support. ( I.

• T he motion .was carried.Councillor Carter said he had been rem inded by

Councillor W bod th a t he had supported his (the speaker’s) suggestion to the com m ittee.. .R E PO R T S A P PR O V E D W IT H O U T DISCUSSION .

A lderm an M a r t in m oved th e adoption of th e rep o rt of 'the E lectricity and S tree t L igh ting Com­m ittee. 5 :

A lderm an Sim m o n s seconded th e m otion, whioh Was carried w ithout discussion.

Tho rep o rt of th e H ighw ays and D rainage Com m itteo, moved by A lderm an K eay and seconded by A lderm an SHARP, was passed in equally sum m ary fash ion ., j I

M O T O R ,O M N IB U S CO M M ITTEE. Councillor E d en m oved, an d Councillor D uke

seconded tho adoption of th is com m ittee’s report.A lderm an WRIGHT asked for inform ation j as to

how thev stood respecting th o use of gas cyjindors fo r tho ’buses?

Councillor Brea ch asked how i t cam e abou t th a t , 2,247 book tickets had b een used sinoe th e public

notification was given th a t no fu rth e r books would be issued?

A lderm an SIMMONS alluded to tho frequent insufficiency of tho ’bus accommodation, particularly in tho middle of th e day, an d suggested th a t th e com m ittee should consider th e desirability of h iring

B R O A D j B E A N S .

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- 1. .P E A S .

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B R O C C O L LV E IT C H ’S S E L F P R O T E C T IN G ... 1/3P U R P L E S P R O U T IN G ...............■;.......... 8d.W H IT E S P R O U T IN G ............................. 8d.A D A M S’ E A R L Y S P R IN G W H IT E 1/3F L O W E R O F S P R IN G ......... .-.................. 1/3B R IM S T O N E :.i.;................................ 1/-

ii '-j., . MB R U S S E L S P R O U T S . '

E L P H IC K ’S ‘S E L E C T E D .......... lOd.C A M B R ID G E S H IR E C H A M P IO N ... 8d.S C R Y M G E R ’S G T A N T .......... 6d.T H E W R O X T O N ..........l .k . ; . . . . . . . J ....... 7d.

- ( i i ■ - ;'■ C A B B A G E .

E L P H IC K ’S E X P R E S S ..:.,! ....... ............ 1/-C O C O A N U T 7d. ‘E L L A M ’S E A R L Y D W A R F .... . ........ 7d.F L O W E R O F S P R IN G !.!.......... j 7d

'■ ■■ ..j - •. 1 ■'S A V O Y .

E L P H IC K ’S E M E R A L D !.................. 1/-T R U M H E A D ..........J..L-..................... 6d.

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fo r such tim es some- of Messrs'. C hapm an & Son’s gas-driven chars-a-bano. |

Councillor E d e n , in reply, aaid th e only book ticketa issued had been for R ed Cross workers. O ther tickets used were the rem ains of books previously on hand. W ith regard to th e cy lin d e rs ,'b u t for an unfo rtunate h itch compressors would have been in ■use some weeks ago. T hero w ere good hopes th a t one or two ’buses fitted w ith compressors Would be in use before th e present m onth was out. W hen these and o th er additional ’buses w ere once got runn ing he did no t th in k th e service would be found inadequate. R eplying to Councillor H u g g e tt, Coun- oillpr E den said C hristm as week was chosen fo r those

............................ • ' td ibeing th e m ost Con- would n o t be m ade

’employes entitled to a holiday as venient tim e. H o hoped that, th e cause of any unpleasantness.

T he rep o rt was raop ted .P L E A S U R E G R O U N D S C O M M ITTEE.

Councillor S oddy m oved, and Counoillor P r io r aeoonded, thq? confirm ation of th is com m ittee’s p ro ­ceedings. 1 j . - . !

A lderm an B eay alluded to th e action tak en by tho com m ittee respecting tho unpleasant atm ospheric conditions in which th e m em bers of th e publio band play in th e G rand-parade bandstand. One probable reason why th e cold was so muoh fe lt was th a t the bandsm en were muoh older th an th e m en who had h ithqrto done duty. T his was, he believed, th e first serious oom plaint received in a period of forty years. W hat E astbourne w anted, b u t w hat i t would probably have to w ait for, was a su itably .a rran g ed place where th e public could congregate under th e shelter of th e W ish Tower. In -the w in ter m onths th e p resen t situation was unfavourable owing to th e cold n o rth wind th a t cam e down Devonshdre-place. They propounded a scheme once and i t was alm ost adopted, bu t th rough some triv ia l m a tte r th e th ing got knocked out. U n til som ething could be done by th e C orporation, he w ondered w hether th e Devon­shire P a rk d irectors would allow free perform ances to tak e place in th e P a rk in th e m orning, charging only for th e chairs? H e only suggested th is fo r such days as those on which th e band could no t play in the open. In conclusion, - A lderm an K eay referred to the com m ittee’s recom m endation to appoint M r. T hom as Sm ith, tho p resen t forem an gardener, head gardener, and m oved th a t th e m atte r should be con­sidered as p rivate and confidential business.

Councillor B rea ch seconded th is ,1 b u t on a division th e proposition was negatived by 16 votes to 15, and the com m ittee’s recom m endation as to M r. Sm ith was subsequently approved.

A lderm an Sim m o n s renew ed his objection to an expenditure of £17 on extending th e ho t w ater system a t Roselanda for heating th e forcing frames.

Councillor S oddy said tho com m ittee had sought th e advice of tb e firm m entiqned by A lderm an Sim mons on a previous oooasion and they were urged to adopt th e ho t w ater process. T herefore , i t was th e work had been p u t in hand. |

Councillor PRIOR, replying to! some rem arks by Councillor Russell, said ho should ob ject to any portion of the Soaside R ecreation G round b e in g con­verted in to allotm ents un til th e p rivate schools j a t tho west end utilised th e ir recreation grounds for a sim ilar purpose.

A lderm an W r ig h t said th e steps taken for heating the bandstand had rendered th e conditions there m uch (more satisfactory.

Aldqrm an M a r t in called a ttention , to tho foliown paragraph in tho re p o rt:—

' L ottbridge-drove.—R esolved : th a t th e 1 a tten ­tion o f . th e responsible landow ners be draw n to th e bad condition of th is roadway.

H o asked whethor th e com m ittee w ere aw are this was only an oooupation road for th e use of th e farm ers? I t was not, he said, a public highway.

Tho M ayor observed th a t they wero m erely calling th e a tten tion of th e landow ners to th e condition of the roadway. , . , I .

Councillors B ea l and PEARSON m ain tam ed’.tha t it was a publia road.

T he T ow n C lerk : I t is n o t a by tho inhab itan ts a t large.

T he report was adopted.PUfBLIC L IB R A R IE S C O M M ITTEE

A iderihan E a ster proposed the confirm ation of tho com m ittee’s m inutes. j - .

A lderm an J . C. WRIGHT seconded.—Carried.S A N IT A R Y CO M M ITTEE.

A lderm an T . B. R o w e m oved th e adoption of the com m ittee’s report. ■

Councillor Alce seconded. jT he M ayor said though i t was no t absolutely

m entioned Sin tho m inutes, he did no t th in k Uio Council should fo rget w hat Dr. Adam s had done for the Corporation since D r. W illoughby had been


highw ay repairable


to Oar on

N or should th ey pass over th e w ork of D r Sm ith, - "th e assistant m edical officer, who

unfortunately had had a very severe illness. I t was no t tjhe first tim e th a t Dr. Adam s had helped the Council. H e, personally, knew th a t Dr. Adam s had givenj a trem endous am oun t of tim e and had brought

Councillor B ea l seconded the am endm ent.T he T ow n Cle r k explained th a t the (resolution

applied- only to milk. A t th e p resent tim e the re ta ile r of m ilk relied on his w arranty . The prosecutor proceeded against th e w arran tor, bu t under the existing laws i t was only needful for th a t m an to say th a t he sen t off his m ilk believing it to bo up to the standard . I t was absolutely impossible to take proceedings against the w arrantor;

Councillor RtJSSELL H as no t ho to give reason­able proof of his belief ?

T he T o w n Cl e r k : No. H e has only to s ta te th a t b e sen t it ou t believing it to be up to standard. C ontinuing, he pointed ou t th a t th e re was no reasoii why tho re ta iler could no t have a rem edy against tile w arrantor. T he second p a r t of tho resolution was an alternative. T he M ilk Bill would have been in operation bu t for the war. Tho reason for i t was th a t in m any cases m ilk had been proved tO|bc below th e standard , bu t no (conviction was registered. Tho judges had held in one case th a t so long as a farm er proved the m ilk was pent ou t as i t cam e from tho cow—no m atte r how ho fed the cow or how far below tho' standard ' i t was—he was subject to no penalty. I t was extrem ely difficult for the( sanitary authorities t o , p ro tec t tho consum er unless th e law was m ade m ore definite.

Councillor RUSSELL w ithdrew his am endm ent.A llo tm en ts at G il d r e d g e H o spita l’.

In regard to th e recom m endation th a t hblders of allotm ents a t G ildredge H ospital should -be Required to en ter in to an agreem ent to give up possession w henever asked to do so w ithout comppnsation, Councillor P ea rson asked w hether th e holders would be com pensated fo r growing crops?

A lderm an R o w e said i t m igh t be necessary to en large the sanatorium and tho Council m ust have 'some sort of an understanding so th a t th a t could be done.

Councillor Ca r t e s said there would be bound to be a certain am ount of notice before building could commence and tenan ts would have tim e to remove th e ir crops.

Tho m inutes of the com m ittee were agreed to.W A T C H CO M M ITTEE.

A lderm an E. D u k e , in proposing th e adoption of th e m inutes, referred to th e resolution of thanks passed by the com m ittee to the C aptain and m em bers of th e F ire B rigade for th e ir services ip connection w ith th e recen t fire a t th e premises of Messrs. Noakes. Only abou t 12 or 13 m em bers of th e old F ire B rigade were left, and consequently a large pro­portion of tho brigade present a t tho firo had been tra in ed since th e w ar began. T ho brigade’s splendid work had no doubt prevented a m ore serious con­flagration th an oocurred, and th e W atch Com m ittee’s com m endation would be supported by th e whole Council (hear, hear).

Councillor PRIOR seconded’ th e resolution, which was carried.

1 1 -FIN ANCE C O M M ITTEE.A lderm an S ig m o n s proposed tho adoption of the

m inutes. R eferring to the com m ittee’s decision to m ake a g ran t of £50 to th e Sussex County Prisoners of W ar Fund , A lderm an Sim mons said he had visited Miss M acCartie. T here were 160 prisoners belonging to th e R oyal Sussex R egim ent in G erm any, and parcels w ere sen t to each m onthly. U nfortunate ly th e re was n o t such a favourable rep o rt about i the prisoners in T urkey. Tho expenditure am ounted to £400 per m onth, and E astbourne’s was no t the only m unicipal body which m ade a g ran t tow ards the funds. B righton was tak ing a sim ilar line.

Counoillor M oroan seconded the m otion, which was carried.

W A R P E N S IO N S C O M M ITTEE.A lderm an D u k e proposed th e adoption of th e

is work his lengthy and valuable experience. H e th ough t th a t a definite resolution of thjinks should .be passed under tho seal of tho C orporation and sen t to Dr. Adams. T h a t course should also b6 pursued in th e case of Dr. N ora Sm ith, who a t one tim e was working on he r own to th e en tire satisfaction of Dr. W illoughby. N ever Ijad any assistant given m ore com plete Satisfaction, and it was duej to her hard work th a t she had been so seriously illj j i

A jderm an R q w e seconded th e M ayor’s proposition. Dr. Adam s wad alwaysr-ready to step in to th e breach, and they recognised th e splended work th a t he and Dr. Sm ith had] done, j : j

R efuse at i L ottbridqe D rove,Councillor H o l l in s referred to th e le tte r sen t to

th e S an itary Com m ittee by Councillor Pearson com­plaining t h a t 1 refuse containing fish offal had been deposited on Lottbridge-drove. I t was only fair to the officials to explain .that th a t rep o rt was no t correct. A c a rt had stuck in a riit, and, to g e t i t out, th e ca rte r j had had to lighten th e load of refuse which he carried. T h ere was no fish offal am ongst the deposit, which had only been m ade once, and would no t happen again. W ith regaird to Councillor Pearson’s suggestion th a t th e Council should get m otor refuse ckrts, th ey would no doubt be willing to do so if th a t gentlem an would supply th e petrol to run them (laughter).

Councillor PEARSON: H e /will n o t do, anything of th e kind (laughter). C ontinuing, ho said th a t the com plaint was m ade on behalf of some of th e ra te ­payers. T h ere :w as fish offal—he saw th a t for him ­self. H is word; was as good! as th a t of th e officials.

Councillor EDEN referred, to th e rep o rt th a t £20 had been expended in th e ^repair of lavatory locks. W as n o t th a t a! large sum? .

A lderm an R o w e explained th a t locks p u t on on Friday were knocked off th e n e x t m orning and the money: stolen. T hey had arranged fo r m ore frequent collection, b u t i t was difficult to see w hat else could be done. n

M il k W a r r a n t ie s .A lderm an S im m o n s asked if the San itary Com­

m ittee realised I w hat they were asking tho Council to do when they suggested th a t they should support the' Camberwell B orough Council’s resolution asking th e G overnm ent (a) to m ako orders which will pre­d u d e persons against whom proceedings m ay be in stitu ted in reispeefc of offences against these Acts from relying upon w arranties as defences, or (b), as an a lternative (to m aking of such Orders, to take im m ediate step s to bring in to operation th e provi­sions contained in th e M ilk and Dairiee (Consolida­tion) Act, 1915/ If th e first p a r t of the resolution were agreed to by ther G overnm ent i t would deprive th e consum er of tho guaran tee of purity th a t ho now had. . _ •]_'

Councillor Boi.TON said he had some doubts when he read th e resolution. H e thought i t would be a g roat m istake to r iv e th e ir support un til they know

w hat they were doing. H is own view was m atte r should be left to Parliam ent,

sillor B rea ch said if th e com m ittee w ere no t m ilk experts they did rely a little on the Town C lerk’s advice, j which he would ra th e r havo than th a t of in terested parties.

Councillor Cave did no t th in k th e public would be any b e tte r off if th e Camberwell resolution was complied with, jj A sm all re ta iler could no t analyse his goods to discover w hether or n o t they w ere pure, and in m any cises no am ount of experience would tell him. H e could only rely on th e w arran ty .1 U nder' th e prestent order of th ings th e guilty party —the m anufacturer—was m ade responsible for any im purity of food, and th a t was as i t should bo.

Councillor B olton pointed ou t th a t as m atters stood tlipse whq voted against th a t particu lar recom­m endation wouild vote against th e whole of the m inutes!

T he Ma y o r : (T h at is no t m y fault. Y ou should have proposed an am endm ent.

Councillor R uhselt, proposed th a t th a t section of the rep o rt should bo'-referred back to th e comm ittee.

A lderm an SlMMONS said he had never in his tw enty-one years of. publia life had th e reflection cast on has words th a t they cam e from “ an in terested p a r ty .” ,; ]] ‘

Councillor BREACH denied th a t h e in tended to cast any reflection, b- T he Mayor th o u g h t Councillor B reach was speak­

ing generally, ijA lderm an R o w e suggested th a t th e Tow n Clerk

should expound th e legal side of th e m atter.

m inutes in so . fa r as i t was necessary. H e pointed ou t th a t there was to be a little a lte ra tion in the constitu tion of tho com m ittee. T he work was large and im portan t, and representatives of different positions in life wero to be asked to give th e ir help. -

T he M ayor said th e N ational H ealth Insurance Com m ittee had w ritten suggesting th a t the r um ber of th e ir representatives should be increased to two. H e though t i t was advisable th a t, like o ther Bodies, they should have only pne representative. O ther m em bers of the Insurance Com m ittee were on the Pensions Committee.

T h e m otion was carried.FOOD C O N TR O L CO M M ITTEE.

Councillor R. it. T h o r n to n proposed the adoption of th e m inutes in so fa r aa was necessary, and Coum c illo r-P r io r seconded.

Councillor R u s s e l l : H ow do we stan d in th e m a tte r of ra tion ing? \ ‘- ' -

Councillor H o l l in s : H av e you any inform ation on th e subject of potatoes in bread?

Councillor T h o rn to n suggested th a t his friend Councillor Russell should “ ask an o th er.” B e did n o t th ink th e g re a t. Food C ontroller himself^ knew exactly w hat he was going to do about rationing by compulsion. Personally, he understood they would be lim ited to 14-oz. of te a pe r head pe r week 4-oz. of b litte r and 4-oz. of m argarine . T here was nothing definitely announced,and rationing was still voluntary except as regarded sugar. In regard to potatoes in bread, i t had been suggested by the C ontroller th a t bakers should instal a p lan t in o rder th a t they could m ix a m inim um of 7 per cent, of potatoes wi l l the p resent G overnm ent flour. A sub-com m ittee of the bakers had been form ed and h e believed tho m atte r was really one of national im portance. H e was-quite sure the Council would help th e bakers in any way to carry ou t th e wishes of th e Governm ent.

T h o s e M a r g a r in e Qu e u e s .Councillor J o h n D u k e c illed a tten tion tJo the

queues which had form ed in Term inus-road to obtain m argarine. H e asked if i t were no t possible for the Com m ittee to divide th e m argarine up betw een the shops and th u s p reven t the queues? H e also!asked if the policemen who w ere taken off th e ir ordinary work to conduct the queues were compensated? for their services? _ | 1

Councillor P e a r s o n : I shall move th a t wo take charge1' of th e goods and deride them am ong the poor people.

T ho MAYOR: Y ou have no power.A lderm an M a r t in rem arked th a t a t one of th e

m ultip le shops th ere was a long queue while a t ano ther traders in th e same greet there was no t single customer. Could no t the m argarine be evenly d istributed?

Councillor D u k e pointed out) th a t o ther Food (Com­m ittees h/ul com m andeered ar)d distributed supplies.

T h e MAYOR: T h e Com m ittees have the power, b u t no t the . Council. I

Councillor THORNTON (the chairm an of th e Com­m ittee) said he had been gii en th e power by the Com m ittee to com m andeer a r y - stocks of m argarine w here th e re was a queue outside tho shop to the d e trim en t of th e passers-by.

Councillor PEARSON: I say •power.

A lderm an ROWE: T hen th a t settles i t (laughter).w ent to th e M ayor of

r S P E C T A T O R .


Thero was ao ■ football* again on Saturday and people who we it to the Saffrons in the hope of seeing th e m atch be iween the S eap lan e , S ta tion and the Polegato R .N.A .S., had to go away disappointed. W hy t i e .gairu should have been cancelled I do not exactly know. T here had been “ some ” w eather jujst previously; bu t except for being & b it greasy ori- top thero vsasn’t m uch the m atte r with tlie pitch a t ' tho Saffror s. T he Eastbourne ground, though fairly exposed o in jurious a ttacks from tho weather, is |notp]rious for] the quick recoveries it. makes.

SUMMbRDOWN CAMP NOTES.Things a t Summerdown are going smoothly and

m errily on. Among recent events in the entertainm ent line the outstanding feature was, of course, the panto­mime produced by officers, j non-commissioned officers and men in the P ie r Theatre. This was emphatically one of tlie^cjleyerest arid mbst .attractive productions y e t turned “out b y 'r i ie Camp, and all concerned are b e irtily to be congratulated.dti the successful result.

j * ~” T he Crum ps,” from the Officers’ Command Depot

had a cordial reception on Thursday, when they gave a poi formane'e on somewhat the lines of th a t given recently a t DeVonshiie Tiirlt. Needless to say, their

i.admirable enterta inm ent wais immensely appreciated. Yejsterday the [Blue Boys wtjre regaled with a popular cinem atograph exhibition. 1

Perhaps our ,airmon friends don’t know this.halve seen th e Saffrons under w ater one day and f i t i i b j t h e productibh were enterta ined to .supper by ll’ol. to play on the next. I have seen m atches played fB ostock. -The arrangem ents! were organised by Mali or there w h e n .th * tu rf has been churned up in to a n a e s of, m ud and sl,ush, when tho^ whole p itch \ *\ !" ■ . *has had th e .appearance of being irretrievab ly and Sergb. J . O. Grombie, i A.SvG., who achieved such hopelessly ruined for e v e r ; and y e t—sqch are its ! d istinction asj “ jone of .th^ Ivriuts ” during the period of recuperating p< wers—in a day or two it has been j hisjlqcatiqp here, has received a commi>>ioii. JI is pre- ju s t as playabh and alm ost as presentable as over, jjserit ititlb, (therefore, is 2nd-f-»ieut.. Crombie.^ A t the

I * * . - Tiimany en terta inm ents of the K nuts, and on otheroccjasions, public and o therw ise ,' he afforded sincere pleasure by his talented efforts as a character-actor and elocutionist, i I -

H ow ever tha i m ay be, th e s ta te of th e ground a t p resent will pri ven t the m atch being played to-day, and I am very m uch afra id th a t-u n til the arrival of m ore suitable w eather no football will be seen on thb Saffrons. . M eanwhile spectators m ust possess th e ir souls in patience, and tak e to- toboganning instead.

E astbourne h 13 indeed been- in .th e g rip of w inter during the pa*t week; and visions o f skating a t H am pden P a rk have filled our m inds w ith pleasur­able anticipatio is. - M onday and Tuesday especially were intensely cold a n d everybody was m ore or less frozen ip. A t th e timje of w riting, however, both snpw a id ice ,'iave disappeared before th e sudden th 4w_ a id th e weatheii outlook m ay now be best described as me^sy, m uddy, and m uggy. I t is alm ost w arm e lough fo r cricket, bu t i t will probably snow h ard ag to-n o r ro w ..

of the personal! myself, w ith hi. spot.

Our mid-weekA large

ion M onday staff. Then

Evidently th ei t has an

| L ast Tuesdaylevening, following the final performance- I ! of Panto-larid, the artistes and ail who had taken part

T he Camp Jo u rn a l makes regretful allusion to recent losses sustained.) The Journa l says *

“ I A very great benefactress of the Camp has passed away m the person of Mrs. B utton, of Lucknow, .Silver- d.ale-rqad, wtio died December 30th last. Mrs. Button’sbenefides were no t well known outside the Camp_theywere even seldom acknowledged in this .lom nal. as she was one of those who do good by stealth and bhi.>h to call i t sham e having a most rooted and insistent objection Jo ,any sort of publicity being given to her Very many donations and benefactions. 'But now* she has gone

T he jroducfckn this Christm as of “ P an to -L an d ” ! by jthe Siummerdown B lue Boys will long bo. remem- ’ berjed 1 Ot only for its excellence, . b u t for the j unbounc e d . succ eee which th ^ t excellence deserved. | I t |was undoubtedly the best th irlg . the B lue Boys | haye ever done.. A nd w ith all its sparkle and bright.- 1 nese anc e leven ees th ere wasn’t even a suspicion of j vulgarity about it. ^-Not a word, no t a gesture could j have possibly g iven offence to . th e m ost fastid ious) person in th e ai idiemee, and ye t th e production Was1 ] chock full of gai >ty and rollicking fun from beginning j to end. I t w m ld be impossible -in this notable ) perform ance to m ention all Jha t w ere deserving of ; prajse, b u t thg , b righ t sm ile of A ubrey th e Straw- ;• berry haunts m f dtill, w hilst C aptain Green Foley, as & gentle rpaiddii—several m aidens, M n fact-^-was a ltogether too < harm ing for words. H e” m akes one

rettiosi girls im aginable, and*, had I no t r know n him to be' a m ere m ale m an like shoulc have fallen head over ears in lpve and offered him m y hand and h eart on tho

from us we may lift the curta in a little.. YVe cannot rev.eal all that' hi £here,.but we can gi ve a hin t of what lieeT beyond and give full expression to our; deep gratitude. ; .U

“ Condolences are also expressed on'behalf of the late M r. G. T. Scott, who m et such [a tragic death on Boxing Day. - M r. Scott was a l eal .bene factor to the Camp, as the gardens around th e post-office can testify.’*


contem porary says:—F arty was given a t th e Grand; H otel

afternoon - to the children . of the toere about JfiO vpr£*cnt.

staff is e ither a very largeexcepl ionally la rg e , family.

one or4

I notice th a t- a defendant was sum m oned a t th e ^Police C purt a day or two back fo r having an un-

h t whose beam s fell upon th e H ippodrom e, never do. Y ou m usn’t cast reflection^


ihe Council haB the

tick e t fo r £-it>. of

exactly th a t thb -- C ounff

Councillor PEARSON said he Lewisham , who gave himm argarine (laughter). 7 . , .

T he Ma y o r *. Y ou would n o t g e t i t if you cam e to m e (laughter).

Councillor PRIOR eaid the question of com m andeer­ing supplies had been seriously considered. I t was probable th a t, if they took th a t action, th e company concerned would no t send a surplus in fu tu re and E astbourne would then be worse off.

B u t t e r by R a il t^ e W e st E n d ?Councillor HiTGGETT sta ted th a t according to his

inform ation considerable quantities of b u tte r ta m e into, tho tow n th rough the public services. I t was common knowledge arriong th e working m en j th a t people living a t th e west end Pf the town go t b u tte r sent to them from outside districts. Gf course, 'they paid fo r it.

Replying to th e M ayor, h e (promised to send con­cre te instances to the Food Control Committee.!

Councillor PEARSON asked why i t was necessary for people to have to produce sugar card's to ge t m argarine? ; , •

Councillor THORNTON answered th a t i t was thought i t would preven t people ge tting m ore margajrine th a n th ey were entitled to. H e added th a t i t ihad been brough t to his notice th a t mpn were makinjg i t th e ir business to see w hat gooffs cam e in to the town th rough th e post office and thfi railway, and to} sees w hat was delivered to privatq residents and large hotels. H o w ev er,' the Food Controller had a lready said th a t no b u tte r was to come th rough th e post. Therefore, they could now leave the post office lout of it. W hether the Food Controller had prohibited p rivate people and hotels frorrj. receiving b u tte r by Tail he did n o t know. v . ;

T he m inutes w ere agreed to.|

shaded li T his wil

: upon the ; H ip p drom e, and besides, they have no occasion for ass stance for ex tra lights of this sort. T hey h a \e always enough “ sta rs ” o f their own.

j ( ._ / • ' * - * • # ‘i E astbourne b itch e rs , un d er the instructions of th e local Food Com n ittee , are closing their shops each W ednesday and T hursday un til fu rth e r notice, and in referring; to h is a London evening paper sta ted on W ednesday l i s t th a t only one bullock instead of an average of 6( killed weekly had been secured for th e town th is w >ek! Did you heifer? J u s t you try to cu t up and t istribu te one bullock am ongst fifty- five thousand pe iple and 6ee w hat sort of a jo in t you are going to ge t for to-m orrow’s Sunday dinner. . Oh, th e roast beef of old E ngland! I t ’s about tim e we had compulsory rations, I think.

H ow ever, I hf d a walk round th e butchers’ shops, yesterday m orn:ng, and though I d idn’t notice single whole h illo c k hanging u p anywhere, I 6aw qu arte rs and sirloins and ribs and o ther jo in ts galore and in sufficient quan tities to m ake th e very biggest bullock th a t ever tro d th is terrestial globe—;or any o th er globe, if iL cornea to that. I had no difficulty in*~obtainihg in: ’ jo in t. T he difficulty these hard tim es was .in payincr fo r it.

By tho way, why does everybody nowadays pro­nounce ra tion “jrash-on? T he word ^cornea from th e L atin ratio, and, previous to th e vtar, I never anyw here heard] i t called anything else* b u t “ ra - shon,” w ith the f a ’’ long. T he A rm y—who ough t to have known betto r—started it, and I suppose i t is the c o rre o th ing to follow th e A rm y’s ©xkmple.

“ Once. jthe whole nationPronounced th e ,wor,d 1 ra-tion ,’

B u t to ibe in th e fashion •> .'.You] m ust now call i t ‘ rash-ion.’ ”

T here s lould be a law forbidding people—and especially^ ::emale| people—to be accom panied, by dogs on leads in rour public thoroughfares. T o th e unw ary pedestrian J a dog) on a lead even in daytim e is often a nuisance, b u t j a t n ig h t h o is a positive danger. Y ou m ay see and avoid th e dog perhaps, b u t the invisible lead is jalmost certain to trg p your ankles and tr ip you up unless you a re blessed w ith th e best of good lubk. Aj m an I know m et a' young officer and his best girl [in T h e Avenue tho o ther evening. They were accompanied • by two pe j dogs on one lead, b u t j t h e lpve sick couple were too m uch engrossed m each] o ther to pay th e sligh test a tten tion to the anim als of! which they were supposed to be in charge. [.The consequence was m y friend camel a m ost lawful ]cropt>er over th e lead and used m ost aw fu l; language v hen ho cam e in contact with, the hard brick pavem ent. T o m ake m atters worse, in try in g to rise he go t entangled fin th e lead, and couldn’t got loosi , and go t so m ixed up w ith th e dogs and cursed {them so whole-heartedly th a t one of th e beas a b it h ;m in th e leg ou t of sheer revenge.

Tw o successful vperformaneffs were given a t the Town H all on Sa tu rday and M onday evenings by tho employes of Messrs. Caffyhs, L im ited, tho well- knovyn local aerojplano m anufacturers. Styling them­selves Caffyns Concert Company, an entertainm ent party has been form ed, clearly proving th a t a con- 6iderable am ount of ta len t is a vailable.)

T h e perform ance on Saturday took th e form of a ' dress rehearsal, to which 400 wounded soldiers were invited from th e various local hospitals, and during th e in terval the (Blue Boys and others were enter­tained to tea by the employes olf the firm. Tho men? were conveyed; to th e Town Iffall by ambulances and cars |kindly lenjt fjor th e occasion by local people and were in charge of th e V .A.D. M en’s Detachm ent, un d er Colonel |0\Yen, who was ably assisted by Miss T horn ton and jMij. St. George. T he m en thoroughly enjoyed themselves,' as was evidenced by the recep­tion of M r. Percy T . CafFyn, who a t the interval gave! them a hearty welcome on behalf of his firm.

T he first half of th e perform ance consisted of part- songs rendered by tho Company, with solos by Miss R osina Broad,; who 'has a fine] soprano voice, and hum orous songs by M r. Creeger, assisted"by Bomb. .Willianis, G unner do M etz and Corpl. VArah (by k in d ; permission of Colonel Bostock). T he second p a r t ^of the program m e was composed of an early E nglish operetta;* entitled “ S t . , : Distaff’s Day ** w ritten and arranged by M r. [Hildcr Daw. Tho dancing of th e Old English gavotte was especially pleasing, and no small praise .iff. due to Miss Lucy W ay; who was responsible, for').the annpuncepient, and ivho spared no effort in train ing the girls. A violiii solo, ably rendered by Mrs.} Cathie, was greatly appreciated, as were tho songs by M r. Cyril B eard. Tho Ichor us and orchestra ; were j under the efficient direction of M r. JffR . D ear, Mus Bac., who is to b e .congratulated on the success he achieved in the sh o rt tim e a t his disposal for instruction. _ T he dresses were [most effective, and g rea t credit is due to M r. Efilder Daw, who was hot] only 'responsible fo r the? play, | bu t for the stage {fropclrties and general m anagem ent. •

Thff en tire proceeds, of the concert will be g iven to the R ed Cro^s funds, and it is* hoped th a t a con­siderable sum Will be handed over.


T h a t good old adages—“.Think twice and act once ” b rough t to m ind by th e following account of

■c—n--------- —1!------- -!— —:—■!--- ** - Creasyand a t

an E astbourne wom an’s experiences. Mrs, m ade a public s ta tem en t seven




Do not lkt Grey H airs a ppea r . Restores Grey or W hite H air to its original colour, where the glands are not destroyed. Prevents Dandruff, and the H air from coming out. Restores and strengthens the Hair.J la not a Dye

For Rates Particu lars

Apply, Ou gate, E.C. 2 street, Bris: H igh-street, Local Agen s.

of Pasi


L O N D O N —N E W Y O R K .L O N D O N — O ANADA—N E W Y O R K . B R IS T O L —jO A N A D A —N E W Y O R K .


. 1 years ago, ___ ___th is tim e repeats he r form er testim ony w ith renewed emphasis. ■ j ' ; ! ' J' f ' .!*

On I October 1st, 1910, -M rs. E. Creasy, of 2, Sum m erdown-road, Old Town, (Eastbourne, j©aid: “ F or (years I was] a g reat su fferer'w ith kidney com- pjaiinti 11 had sharp, cutting; pains in m y loins, a t tim es so badly th a t I could hardly m an a g e 'to crawl about. T h ere wab bladder iro.ublje as well, gravel appearing iii 5 the j. urine, and dropsical' swellings in m y lege, which were often so healvy th a t I had to be always resting} them . I was unable t-o sleep a t night,; and also cam e over dizzy1, and m y eyes wero affected. I was troubled, ;tpo ,/w ith palpitation.

“ I spen t pounds on different remedies, b u t go t no peiroainerit relief un til I sta rted with D oan’s Back­ache K idney Pills. I t was (not long before J found these pills were (doing mo good, and by the.,tim e ii had given them ; a fair tria l I had lost th e pains in m y back and thej dropsical swellings had gone. I could (not p u t m y books- on before I took - Doan’s pills, b u t they have m ade a new woman o f me as far as health is concerned. (Signed) Ei (Creasy. ’’

On Octo ber 15t h , 1917—S E V E N " Y EA R SL A T E R —M r s . ; .C reasy said : 1‘S in c L J Doan’sPILLS CURED ME SO WELL SEVEN YEARS AGO, THERE HAS BEEN NO RETURN OF THE COMPLAINT.’*

M any m edicines may relievo, bu t too m any fa il to give lasting “results.* As th e system gets used to th e effects i t takes a larger and larger dose, un til finally th e rem edy fails. N ot so with Doan s B ack­ache K idney Pills. Cases are recorded and w atched fo r years a fte r the relief was first recorded. T h ey have been tested by time, and the cures havo proved perm anent. ,

Of all dealers, o r 2s. Dd; a box, from Foster- McClelJan Co., *8, W ells-street, Oxford-street, London, W . 1. 1 Don’t ask (for backache or kidney pills—ask distinctly for B o n u s Backache K idney Pilfs, th e sam a as Mrs. Creasy had!

Freight, Dates of Sailing, and ! j is to Loading Berths,*ard L in e , L iverpool; London, 51, Bishops- j 29-31, Cdck8pur-street, S.W . 1; 60, Baldwin- 1

t o l ; 1 arid 2, Millbay-road, P lym outh; 18a . j Cardiff ;)117, New^etreet, B irm ingham ; or to


C l a r e : ‘ Y o u r i f r i e n d A r c h ib a ld b ra g s t h a t he is a selfjmade man. Y ou ne.ver hear a self-made woman boasting about it .” H er b ro th er: “ No. She likes every fine to thikik she’s n a tu ra l! ”

prs, 116,

Broncjhitis from Birth.


' Y V E T O ’S L IG H T N IN G CC U G H C U R E .

W ho doubts th e infinite, f Denies a God !

Stand on this wind-swept height And qluiefc -

W atch the he.avrins ablaze w ith worlds unknown H ear Oeeivn’8 thunderous heart beat

F a r below, ! -|Then call i t chance. ; • j

R etu rn to inan’s poor piles1 of iron and clayT h a t stancl a tim e, then

Pass away. M ech a n ic .

R H E U M A T I I S M A N D L U M B A G O '.

Duko-road, Chiswick, London,Mrs. W altr _ ,W . 4, says: “ Almosb from b irth .m y little boy wus subject to bronchitii T he attacks wero so severeth a t he used to be ill'bed for th ree weeks a t a tim e,

little wreck. I always had d continued till ! tried Veim ’s.

O relieved and soon ho was com-,

“ G la d y s ,” s a id M r. H i lb y , “ w h a t ’s t h e idea of these extravagant clothes arid th e face make­u p ? ” “ W e can’t ignore the fashion. I don’t w ant Sto be different and conspicuous.” “ M aybe it’s all r ig h t ; b u t i t dori^ seem to me th a t in a comm unity th a t is still , peaceable there’a no need of so muoh cam ouflage!”

and looked just advice bu t th e troiib T ho first dose or{ twipletely cu red .” J • i

T ru st always to Vjeno’s L igh ting C ough C ure for Influenza and Nasal C atarrh , for Coughs and Colds, L ung Troubles, ,A sth na, B ronchitis, Difficult B reath ­ing , Hoarseness, and fo r W hoopiiig Cough and o ther Bronchial T roubles iii Children. P rices ll£ d ., Is. 5d. and 3s., from Chem ists and Stores everywhere.

Veno’a L ightning p ough C ure is guaranteed free from opium and ever? narcotic. I t is


RUB IN , tfi P O T E 2 K n * N khjt anDg

I t aAts like M agic. T R Y I T 1

Is. 3d. and 2s. 6d. Bottles, of Chemists and Stores, or direc r from T he “ SANITIES ” Co., Ltd ., Limehouse, E. 14.fl

T w o S e p a r a t io n A l l o w a n c e s . — A t t h e S o u th w e s te rn Police C ourt on Saturday a woman was sentenced to four m onths’ imprisonm ent with hard labour for obtaining money by false pretences. I t was sta ted th a t the woman’s husband, joined the Army Orffnance Corps in August, 1914, bu t w as discharged in the following October. N otw ithstanding, the woman, owing to an official oversight; . continued to draw her Arm y separation allowance of loveri £2 a week until J u n e ,1917, receiving in all £262. -7s. Gd. The husbancf meanwhile had rejoined th e Arm y in M ay, 1915, in the Royal F ield Artillery, and the woman made application I and was granted another separation allowance of 35s: 6<L, weekly and for a tim e was in receipt of two allowances.

S T R A Y/ G as: 1

T h e k r seein.-i


e x p re sse d that- th c o l do f g a s 1 #<j r n »«»t «>!’ villiru n u in g ii! 1 ‘bus by giw h ic h , t-ej|>k ell'e Cl li bni n t h e ’/sa m e c a t /•■>] a

, p r o h ib i te d , th e •ef o re )n e e d s .” ' i| Je tm l bci Uf*. tii t fo l lo w ^ t h a t g a s 11 aa s s u m in g i t is ipfl-C

- q u a n t i t i e s . I t IS ct:.d i f t ic u l ty i w ill HI ibe, !•im p r o v e d ’b u s s e r *o f t h e d a '

1 t. 1y, l ia s •Id • n ll u

I j s|- 1 -D-iW

H a v I ni >- a cc e d u hm a y be isef ul! yW a t c h C in n rii \ • <-ai)le s s n e s s iti a p ’pi ir:d u t y . Uii| tin* (ij.tin'ioji w a lk a ‘b j)u t w ill, , tlu ii a b u n d a n t! s c iq i . i»i H a lt o f teevei‘.|l M iitiriiiij \%i t r u e , im ltefi’, o f nijn-uL a r r e s t i n a |a m l lo o k id ^ a i s m a n ih j s t ly bl-tU -r eii t h e sa tq e ise x ; l id t in tii w h e n a g r ie v o u s s t a le o f | t o ex ist! in c e r ta in s l im , p e c u l ia r tej,;• <i u rg .ih it :!■]; q u a lif ied ijw o im -n ;. W U n io n 6 f j |\V o u ie a \ 'v o | l a t e d o n th e i r |m b!ie-sp!

i ' i©NE Wilh n o t s u r jn - h

o u t s id e a | T e ru iin u s j-rd a l c u s s io n atS th e C iq inb i) 1 t h e p u b liq , w h o r e g a n

i v e n t ib l e is c a n d a l . m - in s i s t e d 9(1 a n e x p 'a h a t- C o n iin i t ta ,e ’s p o lic y aij:! c a n t c o n s id e ra t io n s p o ’ o f o f f ic ia lje a u tio ti wter o f th ^ d isb u ss iu n . O s u p p l ie s o f fa v o u re d d e e re d , tihe Cu(u|>anids- f u t u r e d e p r iv e K asthilT m e n ts . T h e o t h e r is (.1 t h e c u s to ij ie r sh a ll p ri p r e v e n t s ; p n sc rtip u lq u L t h e i r p u re jd ases a n d phfcaj

. s h a r e o f jtlhe a v a ila jlilb . s e e m s to be r e ip i i r e d ;is| m e th o d jot' se rv ing ;!; im p r o v e d ! W ays h a v e J i t i s in r e g a r d to su c h a n d C o m m itte e ! m ig l i t p u t m u n ic a t io r i w i th th e s h 5 j

j: l ’.UC \!>KA l t h o l ' iI i i s o n ie ih ih g l

m e a n s o f d ie a t in g ap p .a i t p t a n d e n d u i;a b lc fo r tlite c o n d it io n s a r e S till la r . m i d - w in te r , e sp e c ia lly Iw e a th e r a s t h a t latte]-; 'n o r th - e a s t ! w in d s c a n h e j k n o r t n a r t i f ic ia l e x p e d it a b le , th e r e f o r e , fo e x p e c t d a y s o f e x c e |i t io iia l ;'si K e a y r e g r e t s t h e tii q u a s h e d the! p r e -w a r sciie i n g th e b a n d a t th e W d o u b t m a n y w ill endo: o p in io n . W h e t h e r a oei; f o r t h e b a n d to p e r fo r in o n in c le m e n t m o r n in g s ’w t h e p u b lic is a t l e a s t d i iu l j o f t h e v is i to r s w h o fre e w o u ld b e (J i^ p o se d ito f o i “ c o n s t i tu t io n a l ” fo r t l i e I i n g m u s ic w i th in d o o rs , w o u ld b e tD im p ro v is e p l a t f o r m o n th e s h e l t t r e j T o w e r . T h e e x p e n s e .he s u c h a s i t w a s w o u ld p le a s u r e a f fo rd e d v is ito r:! a s p o t p r o te c te d a g a in is t e a s t e r l y w in d s .I- . , j i ;

C o m m it t e e s aN d i A n a t t e m p t to d isc u ss

fiio n o f th q ! P re s s to ]me P e n s io n s a p d F tio d Oointi] a b r u p t l y s to p p e d on M oc g iv e n , t h a t t h e q u e i t ih j i ' m i t t e e s th e m s e lv e s , a p p e i i n a d e q u a te o n e . As' a p p o in t e d th e O o in n ii,t te | n o t h in g to p r e v e n t th e e x p r e s s in g a n o p in ip n o n 1 t h o u g h th e y m ig h t h a v e 1 t h e i r o w n w ill. .A t th e in c l in e d to e n d o r s e t h e v ie ' t h a t t h e p e r s o n a l a n d ]ad l o f t h e b u s in e ss m a k e s i t i i m e e t in g s s h o u ld be n p e n e J q u e s t s f o r w a r p e n s io n s a n i l d e ta i le d in q u ir y in to tb le p e j c i r c u m s ta n c e s o f th e a p p l o t h e r m a t t e r s o f a p e rso n a d e m a n d o ffic ia l s c r u t in y ; b u s in e s s o f t h is c h a r a c te r , ] - t io n s a t t e n d in g i t , w o u ld t io n s , a n d so f a r a s w e teitn I u s e f u l p u rp o s e . I n tbe- c a s t r o l C o m m it te e , - t h e a r g i l d b o r s ” is s c a rc e ly le s s s tro P a t t e n t i o n of t h e (Jo iiim ftfe J t h e c o n s id e r a t io n o f c b m p U J a f fe c t in g p r iv a te in d iv jd if w h o s e in te i ie t ls m ig h t! 'h i/s i b y p u b lic d isC ussiiins.' e speq o f c o n te m p la te d leg a l p rii C o m m it te e q re c o n c e r n e d ) o f g e n e r a l p h l j l lc in te r e s t d e c is io n s a r r i re ac li.h l ifV'L c e r t a i n l y t o lie ta k e f . j to rn a la c q u a m i e i ! wiitn. in t h i s d o rin eifli.i C o m m it te e 's - >a n d th a t , th e jUne a n y p o r t ib n s j tb 'e in g o r s e rv ic i j ti i ii

L I II A V Evie t i i ’.'


• I l l•-■'ll I

I '


KBGAR.Uh|il| •a r e — Con;ti!cw'<>r I i ' - 'b . l c o m m e n ts .uni in u : : a n il »t.H o ffe n s iv e , J 'SsIhvcli a i pQ t h e vel-terafi | i n i s h 1: “ p p e ’s ” hin H i.'u i b a r k a t thi-liirlp-'-ril. flu o f t h i s p n g n jii- io u - (L'i u n p a r d o n a b le lib 1 iy j f i a v in g ondindi]]M'e:-e'i'jiii f o r a n ignhraj^!.? I ’.u q ie i i s rq-assiw-.ilnfr'l o 'Mini i K o n e im iL adiila i-i Cui:%c! r e a d e r s m a y b i:,!,-r:-i> t h i n g in C o u n c il! . 1 : i s so .”

' ; i . a ~ ’ • jC i.; ii l*i •! 1 ■*

A n oppi.iiitu p y l i t t l e 1 ili n t jnjf 1* ' ml: A u x i l ia r y C o rg s . ajs'et:: a t t h e ( HTicdi> ] ' f ' • ■ s e e n 1T 0111 a Ipt-.l'lr i C a n o n S tiea i-jle iim u t h e “ k h iik ig iif j.i * r ^ b u t the\ro» in ji! p l.b --.S e n io r A r i n y ' . C ; . mu ajfd V i c a r n eed s ; fi-.n.r?] !ny a t l m u s ic a l i i;is l(m e , i,’ gauf el c o r d ia l ly n.; i tie h io r g i f t o f t l l e l 'e i lU ir e d e q j l jt o c o n t r i b u t e |u ;y o f ( he/cikl f o r c a p , b e .ov i-tcom e. b y f u n d f o r p u r c h a s in g th e m .

: It !



smoo ;hly an<J: enter tainmenri

rse, the panto- [ssionel officers

emphatically ve production® concerned are

ful result.

mand Depot, en thpy gave & of that given

to say, thieir . appreciated,

with a popular

si performance ad taken part supper by. Col. used by\ Major-

achieved such *|?, the period ofsion. Plippre-Wne. A t the knd on other (forded sincere aeter-actor and! ■ . ^ - t .

ijtusion to recent

has ____Ucknow, Silver-.

passedlckn_ __ _Mrq. Button’s

le Camp—they Joui rial. its she (rid blush do dallis tent objection Iher very many she lias gone 3- We cannot .a hint of _what I to our^deep

' behalf of th e tragic death on ine factor to the Bee can testify.”



j given a t th e y. evenings by rite cl, the wefi- [■Styling them- ] entertainment ijg that a con­

form of a [ ,soldiers were

and during wero enter-

The men bulancee and 1 [people and Detachment, sted by Misa'

gn thoroughly by the reoepV

the interval of hja firm. '

eisted of part- solos by Miss

rjo voice, and ted by Bomb.

Varah (by The second of an early

listaff’s Dayy” Daw. The as especially

to Miss. Lucy mnouncement,

the girls. A ie, was greatly

p Cyril; Beard, ar the efficient

who is to be 1 in the shdrt

■ , The ! dreswtee■ i is, due to Mr.

risible for- theand general

p'will be given that a con-

JES. [ ' J r£|and act once *

account of ['Mrs., Cjreasy ; ago,j and a t

N 1dr--’ ?®-;'

E a s t b o u r n e c h r o : ,, SATURDAY, JA N U A R Y 13, 1918.a


G a s f o b M o t o b ’B u s e s .T h e r e seem s l i t t le g ro u n d fo r th e fe a r

ex p re sse d t h a t th e O rder re s tr ic tin g th e use o f g as fo r m o to r v&ljicles,.w ill p rev e n t th e running of ’buses b y 'g as power, t k a ,Order.„ „ T h e O.rder,-which to o k effect from W ed n esd ay , p u ts gas

p atro l, Its use beingi n th e sam e ca teg o ry as . p ro h ib ite d , the re fo re , fo r a ll h u t “ essen tia l n e e d s ,” P e tro l being! allow ed fo r m o to r ’buses, i t fo llow s th a t gas m a y b e s im ila rly applied, a s su m in g i t is ap p ro p ria te d in m o d era te q u a n titie s . I t is ce r ta in ly to be h o p ed no d ifficu lty w ill arise , as th e need fo r a n im proved ’bus service1, especially in th e m iddle o f th e day, has been keen ly fe lt of la te .

' Y P o l ic iH a v in g a c c e p te d t t

e fu i ly

W o m e n .le p rincip le th a t w om en

m a y be usefu lly engaged in police w ork, th e W a tc h C om m ittee c a n n o t be accused of reck ­ a p p o in tin g a sing le p erson fo r such d u ty .- I n th e op in ion of m a n y people w ho w a lk a b o u t w ith th e ir eyes open, th e re is a b u n d a n t scope in E as tb o u rn e fo r th e energies o f severa l su itab le w o m en .J T his w ould be tru e , indeed, o f n o rm a l tim es, fo r even th e a r re s t in g an d looking a f te r of fem ale p risoners is m an ifestly , b e t te r e n tru s te d to m em bers of th e sam e sex ; b u t in tim es such as th e present^ w h e n a g rievous s ta te of. m o ra l la x ity is know n to e x is t in ce rta in s t r a ta o f society , th e re is a p ec u lia r an d u rg e n t need fo r th e v ig ilance of qualified w om en. W e th in k th e N a tio n a l U n ion of W om en W o rk e rs a re to be co n g ra tu ­la te d o n th e ir pub lic -sp irited in te rv en tio n .

-I'M a r g a r i n e Q u e u e s .

O n e w as n o t su rp rised th a t re c e n t queues <Outside a T erm inus-road shop p rovoked dis­cussion a t th e Council m eeting . O n behalf of t h e public , w ho re g a rd th e se queues as a p re ­v e n t iv e scandal, m em bers v e ry p ro p erly in s is ted on a n ex p lan a tio n of th e F ood C on tro l C o m m ittee ’s policy a n d ac tion . Tw o signifi­c a n t co n sid era tio n s p o in tin g to th e im p o rtan ce o f official cau tio n w ere e lic ited in th e course o f th e d iscussion. O ne is th a t if th e e x tra su p p lies o f fav o u red shops w ere com m an­d ee red , th e C om panies concerned m ig h t in f u tu r e dep riv e E a s tb o u rn e of such consign­m e n ts . ' [The o th e r is t h a t th e cond ition th a t t h e cu s to m e r sh a ll p roduce h is su g a r ca rd p re v e n ts un sc ru p u lo u s i persons m ultip ly ing , th e i r pu rch ases a n d o b ta in in g a n e x tra v a g a n t s h a r e of th e ava ilab le . local j supply . W h a t seem s to be req u ired is a noiore exped itious m ethojd I o f se rv in g custom ers. Several im p ro v e d w ays h av e been suggested , a n d i t i s in re g a rd to such a n d s im ila r p o in ts th a t th e C o m m ittee m ig h t p u t them selves in com ­m u n ic a tio n w ith th e shop-keepers.

v j


P a r a d e B a n d .A l t h o u g h so m e th in g has been done b y

m e a n s of h e a tin g a p p a r tu s to re n d e r th e band s ta n d en d u rab le fo r tihe in s tru m e n ta lis ts , th e c o n d itio n s a re s till f a r fro m sa tis fac to ry fo r m id - w in te r, especially i d u rin g such severe w e a th e r as th a t '- l a t e ly experienced. Icy n o r th -e a s t w inds can be co u n te rac ted b y no k n o w n a rtific ia l exped ien t. I t is u n rea so n ­ab le , th e re fo re , to ex p ect th e b an d to p la y on d a y s o f excep tional sev erity . - A lderm an JKeay re g re ts th e sh o rts ig h ted n ess t h a t 1 q u a sh e d th e p re -w ar schem e fo r accom m odat­in g th e b an d a t th e W ish Tow er, a n d no d o u b t m a n y w ill endorse th e A ld erm an ’s op in ion . W h e th e r a te n ta t iv e a rra n g e m e n t f o r t h e , b and to p erfo rm a t D evonsh ire P a rk o n in c lem en t m orn in g s w ould be w elcom ed by th e pub lic is a t le a s t doub tfu l. P ro b a b ly few o f th e v is ito rs w ho f re q u e n t th e sea-fro n t w o u ld be d isposed to forego a n in v ig o ra tin g

co n s titu tio n a l ” fo r th e o p p o rtu n ity of h e a r ­in g m usic w ith in doors. A better, a l te rn a tiv e w o u ld be to im prov ise a partia lly -sc reened p la tfo rm on th e sh e lte red side of th e W ish T ow er. T he expense n eed n o t be g re a t, a n d e a c h as i t w as w ould be n eu tra lise d by th e p le asu re afforded v is ito rs of p ro m en ad in g a t a sp o t p ro tec ted a g a in s t k een n o r th e r ly a n d e a s te r ly w inds.

A l l o t m e n t S o c ie t y ’s P r o g r e s s .U n d e r th e w a tc h fu l p residency of A ld erm an

J i C. W r ig h t , th e A llo tm e n t H o ld ers’ S ocie ty has m ade s tr ik in g p rog ress an d been th e m edium of m uch usefu l ed u catio n al an d p rac tica l w ork d u rin g th e p a s t year. T he re p o r t p resen ted to th e an n u a l m eetin g on T uesday w as in all essen tials h ig h ly satis- fac to ry . T h e P re s id e n t’s a im a t secu ring 400 m em bers is so n e a r ly accom plished th a t ai to ta l of 500 is now c ited as th e goal of h is am b itio n —a by no m eans e x tra v a g a n t objec­tiv e if a n y th in g like th e p a s t y ea r’s num erical g ro w th c a n be m a in ta in ed d u rin g th e ensu ing tw elve m on ths. In affilia ting itse lf to th e N a tio n a l U n ion of A llo tm en t O rgan isa tions th e S ocie ty ap p ears to h av e ac te d w isely, as th e financial ob lig a tio n is in sign ifican t an d th e p rac tica l a d v a n ta g es a re very considerable.

SUSSEX VOLUNTEER REGIMENT. ,4th b a t t a l i o n .

i j “ O” Company.Company H eadquarters: The Drill Hall, Junotion-road,

. , Eastbourne. -Orders (or week commencing 13th January : 1918.

, Company Ord ers .All (Parades a t the Drill H all unless otherw ise stated,

i f Eastbourne.Sunday, Jan . 13th.—10 30 a.m .: Signal Section ; special

Instructor fromH.Q., Tunbridge W ells- 11a.m.: Lecture by A d ju tan t toofficerslandN.O.O.’s. 2 to 2.45 p.m.: Field work. 2 45 p.m : A dju tan t's p a rad e ; drill order.

Monday—7.30 p.m.: Hotchkiss pun class drill.Tuesday.—7.30 p.m.: Parade, a ll ra n k s ; bayonet and

ihysical drill. 7.30 p .m .: Signaller.,’ instruction, Corpl. lalchin. 7.30 p .m .: H otchkiss gun class.

W ednesday.—7.45 p.m : Lecture for officers, N.C.O.'s and men by the A d ju tan t—field w ork—a t the Technical In stitu te Lecture Room. 7.30 p.m.: Hotchkiss guu class a t Drill Hall.

Thursday.—7.30 p .m .:. Signallers’ instruction, Corpl. Balchin. 7.30 p .m .: Parade, officers and all ra n k s ;1 mtruotion in use of field dressings. 7.30 p.m.: Hotchkiss gun class. j

Friday.—7.30 p.m.: H otchkiss gun olass. 7.30 p.m.: M iniature range.

Platoon Commanders are responsible to arrange drills for th e ir recruits.

Pevensey.Sunday, Jan . 13th.—Field work a t E astbourne (see

above).Tuesday.—7.15 p.m.: Parade as ordered.W ednesday.—7.45 p.m.: A t Eastbourne ; -A djutant’s

le c tu re ; field work.Thursday.—7.15 p.m.: m usketry under R.S.M. Balder-

son. v i I _ • .Hailsham . f

Sunday, Jan . 13th.—Field w ork a t Eastbourne (see above).

Tuesday.—7 p.m.: Parade as ordered.'W ednesday.—7.45 p.m.: A t E astbourne; A d ju tan t’s

le c tu re ; field work.Thursday.—7.30 p.m.: M usketry.Recruits can be taken a t E astbourne from 8 to 8.30 p.m.,

except S aturdays and Suhdays.— » A. J . Ha rt , Captain.

........T ------------------------------BRITISH, RED CROSS SOCIETY

(EASTBOURNE DIVISION).(Sussex/ 15 V .A .D .).

Com m andant and A cting M .O .: Lieut.-Col. Owen, C.M.G., C.I.E., I.M.S., J .P . ,i

Ord ers f o r J anuary , 191b., A course of lectures in N ursing w ill commence on W ednesday. Jan u ary 23rd, at. '7 p.m , a t th e Technical Ip stitu te . L ecturer: Dr. A. P . Sherwood, M.D. Text book: RiR.O.'S. M anual. No. 2. Fee tor the course, 2s. 6d. Nam es of intending studen ts should be sen t to the R egistrar, 33, Pevensey-road.

On Tuesdays, Am bulance and S tretcher Drill a t head­quarters. Sutton-road. a t 7.15 p.m.

On W ednesdays (commencing Jan u ary 23rd), a t 7 p.m., a t the Technical Institu te , a lecture in Nur-ing.

On Thursdays, instruction In T raining M anual No. 3, B.R.C.S., a t headquarters, a t 7.45 p.m.; On Fridays, practice ' class Iii F irst Aid and Hospital W ork, a t Avririue House, a t 7.45 p.m.

Notes. ,General Service Probationers; are required, especially

those who are willing and anxious to help a t the hospitals, and have tim e a U h e ir disposal.,for emergency stretcher work and wdrdgtwork. Candidates should intervie Com m andant a t headquarters on drill nights.I Orderly d u ty for J a n u a ry : Section C. section Leader

Hoare, Deputy S.L. Terry, Orderly Scott, Orderly W ake­field.

Hon. Sec., H. R. J . Copleston ,33, Pevensey-road. i

Tel. Eastbourne 1,218.Q uarterm aster R. H. W oodland,

10, Upper-avenue. ■‘t ,

Jreasy, of 2,‘ ourne; eaid :

kidney com- \my loins, ab

ge to crawl j well, gravel 1 swellings in hat I had to

|lo to sleep a t ny eyes were Jpitation., .s, but got no

I Doan’s Back- 1 fore I found

the ta m e l 'i ; the pains in

I had gone. I " took Doan’s ij'of me as far easy.”

EN Y E A R S sce D oan’s YEARS AGO.

| COMpLAINT.tiany fail

gets used to dose, until

oain’s Back- and watched

orded. They l have proved

I from Foeter- et, London,

|riey pills fils,, the i

i unknown

I clay -I t . . •

[M echanic.

I m b a g o .

Tig ht and Morning .

Iff r

ores, or d ireo house, .E. 14.

L — At thel a woman w as I t w ith h a rd tee s . | I t w as Id thd A rm y

discharged in I th e wom an.[ [to draw he®

, week u n til J h e husband , 1915, in th e 3 application

eo f 35e. 6cL Uowancee,

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C o m m it t e e s Ia n d P u b l i c i t y .A n a t te m p t to diecuSs th e suggested ad m it

Bion o f th e P ress to m eetings of th e W a r P en sio n s a n d F ood Control- C om m ittees w as a b ru p tly stopped on M onday, b u t th e reason givep , t h a t th e ques tion is one fo r th e Com

lit te e s them selves, ap p ears to us a w ho lly la d e q u a te one. A s th e i T ow n C ouncil

appo in ted th e C om m ittees th e re su re ly is- nothing' to p re v e n t th e m d isc u ss in g ' an d

cp ressm g a n op in ion on suoh a sub ject, even hough th e y m ig h t have: no pow er to enforce heir ow n w ill. A t the. sam e tim e, w e a re uclined to endorse th e view of th e C om m ittees

. a t th e persona l and , ad m in is tra tiv e n a tu re of th e business m akes [it in e x p ed ie n t t h a t th e m e e tin g s shou ld be opened to th e P ress. Re-

g sts fo r w a r pensions a n d allow ances involve filed in q u iry in to th e persona l a n d dom estic U m stances of th e a p p l ic a n ts ; find m a n y Br m a tte rs o f a personal n a tu re c o n s ta n tly

g an d official sc ru tin y . P u b lic ity g iv en to ness of th is c h a rac te r , a n d to th e ae lib e ra s a t te n d in g it, [would h av e m a n ifes t objec- s, an d so f a r ah w e can see w ould se rve no u l purpose. In th e case of th e h o o d Con­

t r o l C om m ittee, th e a rg u m e n t fo r “ closed d o o rs ” is scarcely less s tro n g , seeing th a t th e

- A tte n tio n of th e C om m ittee is la rg e ly g iven to th e co n sid era tio n of com plain ts a n d g rievances a ffe c tin g p r iv a te [individuals a n a tra d e rs , w hose in te re s ts m ig h t be seriously p rejud iced by pub lic d iscussions, especially in th e ev en t o f co n tem p la te d legal proceedings. T ru e th e C o m m ittee a re concerned also w ith questions o f g en e ra l pub lic in te re s t, a n d w hen im p o r ta n t

1 decisions a re rea ch ed p ro m p t steps o u g h t c e r ta in ly to be tauten to m ake th e in h a b ita n ts ac q u ain ted w ith tb(em.’ I t is on ly la ir to add in th is connection! t h a t a n am p le rec o rd of th e C om m ittee’s w ork is p r in te d ev e ry m o n th , a n d th a t th e P ress h av e fu ll l ib e r ty to pub lish a n y p o rtions th e y m ay consider to be in te re s t­in g o r serviceable.

TOWNER & BROMLEY,House and Bstate Agents,

57, TERMINUS ROAD, EASTBOURNE.Messrs. Towner & Bromley are Agents for all Available Houses in Eastbourne and Neighbourhood, and a Care­fully Selected List will be sent, phst free, on application.

TT PPKRTON.—To be Let or 5 I 1 bith. ground floor offices:

£80; ground ren t £8. 8s .; price £ 1.

G rMid

S(>ld: 3 recoption, 6 bed, early possession; ren t 150Folios 12704 and 5305.

OOD POSITION.—To be Let, tion 7 bed, dressing room ;

Id su m m er; ren t £90.PPERTON.—To be Let, U nfurn ished ; detached ; 3' reception, 7 bed, dressing room, bath, conservatory;

ren t £80.

U nfurnished; 2reoep- posseosion Lady-day or

Folio 13301.

Folio 9202.

H IGH GROUND —To be Let, U nfurnished, d e tached ; 3 reception/ 8 bed, bath, g o r 's ----J —' • ---- *- J’, ’“

De t a c h e d .—Toibe Let, Unfi be ., b a th ; re n t £9C

l garden ; ren t £ 110.! Folio 6603.jn ished ; 4 reception, 7

. ____ f Fo lio3301.

CENTRAL.!—To be Le Fum i,lied ; 2 reception, 4 bed;2 dressing rooms, b a th ; early possession; 12 months,

let a t £4. 4s. per week. j Folio 11802.TWTEAR' DEVONSHIRE PA R K .—To be Let, Fur- A x nished: i3 reception, 8 bed. b a th ; detaohed; eood g a rd en ; electric l ig h t ; rdn t £8. 8s. j Folio 11703.T T IG H GROUND.—To be Let, Furnished : 3reception, 1 1 5 bod, dressing room, bath,: ground floor offices; large g a rd en ; re n t £5. 5 . ( Folio 11801.

HIGH GROUND —To be Let,^Furnished, Detached H ouse ; 3 reception.14 bed, dressing room, bath, day

nursery, large garden ; electric l ig h t; ren t £ 1 .14s. 6d.Folio 11803.

CENTRAL.—For S a le ; 2 reception, 6 bed, ground floor offices; nossesBion in the sp rin g ; ground rent!

( f .a . i .)(SO years' Local Experience),

A u c tio n ee rs , H o u se A g e n ts a n d V a lu e rs .Offices and A uction Room

19, CORNFIELD ROAD, EASTBOURNE.H ouses Quickly L et or Sold.F urnished H ouses Quickly L et.

>900.—Close to Station. — Commanding PREM ISES j FOR SALE, w ith po3sessloin. Likely to be Improv­

ing Investm ent. j TERRY3.

FREEHOLD. — Exceptionally nice DETACHED HOUSE TO BE LhJT or SOLD ; 3 reception, 6

bedrooms, b a th room, g a rd en ;; c en tra l; price £2,000 ; ren t £120. -1 j i T ER R YS

LUSHINGTON ROAD. — One of these convenient HOUSES FOR SALE, w ith possession; price £975.


CONVENIENT to SummbMoivn Camp, FU RNISH ED HO USE; 2 guineas a week; TERRYS

CLOSE TO TOW N HALL.—Lop F lat' of 3 rooms and bath , TO LET, U nfurnished; ren t £52, inclusive.

S TEKRYSLET. Capital SHOP PREM ISES, w ith good living accommodation above, id one of best business

loroughfares; ren t £140. i TERRYSNFURNISHED HOUSES TO LET.—The A re me, , £65: Hartfleld Square, £70: De Roos Road, £90;

leaux Road, £95; The Goffs, £115. TKKKYS

EXCELLENT GARAGE for 2 ears, w ith 4 good living rooms o ver; cen tral; electric l ig h t; inclusive ren t


£3. 6s.; price £950.f TPPERTON - F o r Sale k J bath , conservatory

ground ren t £12; price £9/5.


Folio 6403., detaohed; 2 reception..6 bed* non-basem ent; laree garden 5

Folio 4701.

M E E T I N G A T T H E T O W N H A L L .

“ N A TIO N S A N D T H E IR R U L E R S .”

A week of up ited prayer has been held in Eastbourne under the auspices of the [World’s Evangelical Alliance. T he m eetings took place in the Saffrons Rooms, with the exception of th a t on W ednesday, when nations and their rulers were specially remembered before God. On th a t occasion the m eeting was transferred to the Town H all. The Rev. David Barron presided oyer a

food attendance, and was supported by the Rev. G. M.[auks, the Rev. G. P . Bassett K erry, the Rev. !W.

Maofadyen Scott, the Rev. H. W . Tegart, the Rev. W . Lee, the Rev. E van H opkins, the Rev. J . L. Reid, A lderm an E . Duke and Mr. Strange. A fter the singing of “ Blessing, and honour, and glory, and power,’’ the Rev. J . L. R eid offered prayer and A lderm an E . Duke read portions Of Scripture. The hym n, “ Lord, a nation hum bly kneeling for her soldiers ories to Thee,” was sung. . .

T he Chairman pointed [out th a t they were asked th a t day to pray th a t the purposes of God in C hrist m ight be sought and known among the n a tio n s; th a t in the developm ent of national ideals the nations m ight Bud C h r is t ; th a t efforts for he establishm ent of lasting peace among| th e nations m ight be Divinely g u id ed ; th a t reconstruction m ight be considered and effected w ith due regard to the W ord of God and the things which were e te rn a l; th a t the burdens of rulers and of those who made and influenced public opinion m ight bp laid upon the hearts of C hristians everywhere. They were also asked to remember the sm aller nations, sorely troubled and suffering through the war, and a ll servants of th e community. A t th is tim e they required some­th ing more than loyalty tej their traditional faith ; they heeded to discover the living and eternal quality in th a t faith. They needed, by a new sp irit of personal devo­tion, to make known th is th e ir relationship to each o ther .and thh fidelity of their witness the coming of H is Kingdom. - ,

T he Rev. G. P . B assett K erry led intercessions and

S a v e s B r e a d , M e a t a n d P o t a t o e s .

A r e a l f o o d .

(Toffee fieLUXE

1AVE SAID IT ! ” iotjisly—w hich th e y seldom

P ea rso n ’s b lu n t, o rac u la r

" ■ r■ ' “ I HA’R e g a r d e d serio

a re — C ouncillor co m m en ts on- m en ah tT th in g s look so m ew h at offensive, a s w ell i s p resum ptuous. W h e n th e v e te ran H am p d en P a r k rep re se n ta tiv e “ o p e V ’ ihis m o u th [o ther m u n ic ip a l '“ d o g s” (bark a t th e ir peril, fo r to, cha llenge th e d ic ta o f th is (pugnacious C o u n c illo r»is to ta k e an u n p ard o n a b le liberty .- T he sa p ien t P a rk m an L av in g once delivered him self, n o th in g rem a in s fo r a n ig n o ra n t Oouhcil biut to acquiesce. I t is jfe -assu rin g to find .E a s tb o u rn e h as ab le a s t o n e im m acu la te Councillor. H encefo rth ' o u r re a d e rs m a y u n d e rs ta n d th a t if th e y see a th ing ! in Councillor; P ea rso n ’s speeches “ i t is: so .1?

A LFRISTO N.[ T h e D a m a g e t o t h e M a r k e t C r o s s .—

T he damage which was caused to the M arket Cross-by soldiers on the evening of th e 29th ult. was referred to by M r. A. S. H aynes a t the m eeting of th e E astbourne R ura l D istric t Council on Friday. H e said the General Officer commanding the .troops a t Seaford had been communicated w ith and a reply had been received from th e C anadian H eadquarters’ [ Staff regre tting the occurrence, and sta ting th a t steps would be taken to identify the man or men concerned. T he village had also been p u t ou t of bounds. H e understood th a t a soldier climbed the g reater p a r t of th e way up the stone, which, being very muoh decayed by th e weather, came away and he fell book in to the road w ith th e top, weighing about 1-owt., in his arms. T he man, who was unconscious for several minutes, was picked up and hurried away .by his comrades, practically befdre any­one could come on the scene, though, th e occurrence was witnessed by a m an cooling along the road. H e thought th e soldier m ust have been considerably in jured .—The Chairm an (Lieuti-Cq). Owen, O .M .G .,1 O .I.E .) said i t was a great p ity a th in g like th a t should have happened.—The Rev, A. A. E vans said th e cross was one of the m ost in teresting su rv iv es of its kind and practically the only one in the d istrict. H e did no t th in k “ (Tbe M arket Gross” was th e correct name for it, bu t th a t i t should be called “ T he Cross.” I t was no t necessarily, associated w ith the m arket.—The Rev. J . T. B urns said he supposed they had nothing so old in C anada like th a t to destroy .—Mr. H aynes said he thought ithe stone could be pu t back, bu t i t would no t be the same as before.—I t was understood th a t the advice of th e Society for the Preservation o f Ancient Buildings is to be sought a s to the best m ethod of repairing the Cross.—[ i t will be some satisfaction -to the public to know th a t the cu lp rit has been discovered and is being dealt w ith by the M ilitary a t Seaford.]

■ 1 , --------' "fi


C l u b f o r

uxiR ary c o rp s , a secI t hen fto m a le t te r

C anon S tre a tfe ild , a_ - 1.'! £

K h a k i G i r l s .A n ipportunity* hap a rise n to help a w o rth y

li t t lp l ififort ori behalf of th e W o m en ’s A rm y

fthction of w hich is em ployed

leers'- C onrhiand D epdt. A s will be o u r p re se n t issue fro th

________ __________ _ _ c lub is being opened fo rth e “ k h a k lg ir ls ” in S a leh u rs t-ro ad , O JdTow n, b u t th e room p laced a t th e d isposal of th e S en io r A rm y C hap la in a n d h is w ife by th e V ic a r needs fu rn ish ib g a n d p ro v id in g w ith m u s ic a l in s tru m e n ts ,! gam es, books, &c. W e cordiailly recom m end! th e ap p ea l fo r th e loan or[ g if t o f th e req u ire d eq u ip m en t. _' In a b il i ty to icon tiribu te an y of (the a c tu a l a r tic le s aske/l fo r can be overcom e by su b sc rib in g to th e f u n d fo r p u rc h a s in g th em , i

In these days, boys fresh from school can enter m unition factories and earn good money, bu t m any th ink ing parents are not content to see their sons in highly-paid em ploym ent of a tem porary nature, for i t is ev ident th a t a fte r the w ar most of them will have to find o ther positions and s ta it again.

I t should be more widely known th a t a t the present tim e young men from 16 to 18 years of age are accepted by the M arconi Company, of Marconi House; Strand, London, given free training in London and provincial towns, arid appointed wireless operators on board ship, Y hung men so ehhsen are serving their country equally w ith those in H is M ajesty’s Forces, b u t w ith the great advantage th a t they re ta in their positions perm anently,

i They have charge of some of th e m ost wonderful scientific instrum ents ever invented, the work is fascinat­ing, the pay is good, and the prospects excellent, w ith a pension on retirem ent. _ i .

T he course of train ing occupies roughly six months, bu t m any youths com plete i t in less. I t should be rem arked in passing th a t owing to th e present Urgent dem and for wireless operators in the M ercantile M arine, studen ts entering the school p rio r to their 18th birthday and - m aking &u(m progress th a t they are-able to obtain th e1, necessary certificates on or before reaching the age of 18J will be tem porarily exem pted .from m ilitary service un til a sufficient num ber of operators has been obtained. T his exem ption continues so long as students of m ilitary age who have passed in to th e M ercantile M arine are employed as operators a t sea.

S c a r c it y o f G l o v e s .— T he sc a rc ity ■ ofgloves is again pronounced. So far as the fabric makes a re concerned we !werq m ainly dependant on Germ any for supplier) before tHo war, and although much larger quan tities have since been produced in th is country and im ports from America and Ja p a n have expander: considerably, they have fallen fa r short, of the require­m ents. T here is a m arked dearth of lea th er for glove­m aking purposes.'

1 !

thanksgivings, including E m peror and people migh of God. T his was folio recessional hymn.

prayer [that the G erm an have a desire for the th ings

wed by K ipling’s fam iliar

In an eloquent address, the R ev. G. M. H anks (vicar of A ll Saints’) outlined th e need of prayer for the nations, especially for G reat B ritain. Some people, he said, were opposed to the! sp irit of nationality. They thought th a t competition between the nations was provo­cative of war. The answer to th a t was that God made th e nations. N ationality ajrose from the essential needs of man. N ational sp irit was not necessarily geographical o r historical, and least of all was i t political N othing so thoroughly dem onstrated national un(ty--even in so widely scattered dominions as ours—as a common peril, when everything one held dear was a t slake. The history of th e nations would teach them tor w hat to pray th a t day. H istory dem onstrated th a t rif ;hteousness exalted and unrighteousness debased nations. T h at testim ony was given in the negative form, fo : no nation had been really Chijistian. H e did not mean to say th a t there were no t C hristians iii the nation, or t nat nations had not tried, in a measure to carry out the: principles of the GoapelJ B u t no nation had really tried as a nation, wboleheartiedy, to carry out those principles. T h a t was one of th e reasons why he hailed t le national day of -intercession and thanksgiving on t i e previous Sunday, W e had acknowledged, as a nation! the omnipotence Of God. Th i t act m ust be con tinued ; there was top much of a, tendency to regard i t as finished.- ,

Speaking particularly of G reat B ritain , the rev. gentlem an said the reason why she was m istress of the seas and comprised lands on which the sun never set was th a t God 1 m ight be exalted am ongst the heathen. G reat B ritain was a missionary nation and [he had no patience w ith th e C hristian who had “ no , use for missions.” H d thought the leason of B rita in ’s greatness was th a t she should win the world for Christ. I f we would no t do th a t we should be sw ept aside as certainly as o ther power^ had gone to oblivion.

N ations did no t exist for (elf-aggrandisement, hu t for m utual .enrichment. The vision of the Kingdom of C hrist was a city in to whic i the nations wore bringing glory arid1 riches and laying them a t the feet of God- One of the1 reasons why nations existed was, he believed, th a t they m ight develop some special g ift to [lay before the Throne. . The sm aller rations had sometimes con­tribu ted more th an the g re a ; ones. In th is connection he instanced the Jew s, who had a t present np territory of th e ir own. Concluding, the speaker said the world of m an’s devising lay in ruins to-day a t their feet. I f i t pleased God; ou t of those ruins would rlise to the praise and glory of God a emple, m aking (Jerusalem come down from on high among men, he


i3ause H isom was honoured and. Hi;* will done.

T he arrangem ents for the week have been made under th e direction of M iss Galway, w hojis the )local hon. secretary of the! Alliance.

L ieut. H . M aynard, whope relatives reside a t T he Hom estead, M ilton-road, E astbourne, hae missing for several weeks. H e had been serving since the ou t­break of war, as in August, 1914, he was mobilised with th e local R .F .A . T erri tor iijds then undergoing their annual training. A t the ei^d of th a t year ije went to In d ia and rem ained there fop a yeaf*, when he returned

~ ------ — T~ the.early p a rt of 1^16 L he had been there ever

amission. In i t io France iM aynard went

since.L ieut. M aynard’s sister h!as received a le tte r from

Capt. H u b ert B^resford Po§r, R .F .A ., in the) course ofwhich th e Writer! statesyou th a t your Jbjrotfyer, L ieut; I i . M aynard, has been

However, from inform a collect from men who were

^ihcereljF. regret to inform

'P hone 844.


r n o iJL ‘thorou

___ rooms over£52.10s. JF ob TERRYS A uction! Advertisements

see page!4.

gertiants & Assistants SEantefc.

ADVERTISEM ENTS are inserted under either of these headings a t the following charge, if cash is

sent w ith the order: One insertion, not exceeding 12 words. One sh illin g ; and Id. foir each additional word. Three insertions for double this charge. Special quota­tions for longer periods oa application a t e ither of our offices. :

BOY W ANTED ; wage 10aj—W . H. Sm ith & Son, Bookstall, Lewes.

■ /S iR M A N W ANTED, m ust be ineligible for Arm y.— Apply, a t once. The Universal C arrying Co., 28,

Junction road. Eastbourne. 1p o c \ j m Girls ’

OOKS, Cook-Generals, Hoiiseparlourmaids, House­maids, K itchenm aids, General Si

-3 W anted Lewes.

ruA'UUIIDlulOf AAUqaUUalIUU1 HlOrKICt nuubu*itchenmaids. General Servants and Young and su ited Free |—The SuSsex Registry,

COOK-GENERAL W ANTED ; tw o in family ; easy s itu a tio n ; good wages and ontings ; personal char-

acter required.— Mrs. Calif, Rosedene, Seaford.TV R ESSM A K IN G .— BODICE HANDS and ASSI3 l j f . TANTS W ANTED.—M, Phillips, 44, Grove-road,Ee stbourne.

X PERIEN CED GENERAL SERVANT W ANTED _J on February 8th ; good| wages. — Apply, Mrs. alcolm, Woodcock Hill, Felbridge, E ast Grinstead.

GENERAL and HOUSKPARLOURMAID W anted for Lingfieldj wages £20 arid £18.—Apply, by letter,

‘Observer” Office, East Grinstead.p i OOD DAILY SERVANT W ANTED ; assistance VX g iv en ; m ust be good plain cook.—W heatley, Park-

d, Lewes, ;

Go o d j o b b i n g c o m p o s it o r <n .s.) w a n t e d . -Farncom be & Co., L td.. Lewes.

S TAND W ASH ER WANTED' ; good money to L suitable person.—Apply, Bpx S. O. E„ “ Chronicle ” ce, Eastbourne. 1 -

HOUSE AGENCY CLERK (Senior) W A N T E D .- Messrs. Killick & Davies, Auctioneers and Estate

Agents, Terminus-road, Eastbourne. _________,

HOUSEMAID W A N T E D ; [m u st have been I ou t

___ before ; parlourm aid arid cook kept. — Mrs.M athews, T urret House, East Grinstead.

OUSEPARLOURMAID W ANTED endof Jan u i r y ;___- experienced ; family tw o ;! insurance p a id ; ion-basem ent; good outings.—Goode, Foy Lodge, 12, H art- field-square, Eastbourne.

I t GHKNMAID W ANTED j good w ages; iriE fam ily.—W rite or apply to F . E. O,, Avoca,

ish-road, Eastbourne.AD.—Strong, active LAD W ANTED for INDOORT __ ______________

L i CLEANING.—Apply, Terminus-road. Eastbourne.

Bobby Be Co., L td.,



T ADY ASSISTANT REQUIRED for Boarding House JL i. in Bonrnemouth, w ith experience; some o Ell COwork ; also assist in cateringreferences required.—Apply, road, Bournemouth.

MAN (ineligible) W ANTED General Farm W ork, w ith .

musical preferrriH., T he Osborne,

for Ploughing rind Lad able to milk, drive

” ’ ood wages,'arm. H art

VI ACH1NIST (N.s.) W ANTED! m ast be used to | iTJL work.—Farnoombe & Co.. L td., Lewes.

AWSON'S CANDY STORE requires a Relii _ GIRL as permanent, hand.—Apply a t 5, Termii uildings, Eastbourne,

Pb u f i____________________________________________

P IA N IST for Dance Music REQUIRED immediati —Apply, The Lodge, Blackwater-road, Eastbou

between 11 and 12 o'clock Tuesday; B ring music.

Re s p e c t a b l e p e r s o n w ia n House, from 7.30 a.m. to ID a.

week.—Apply, A. B. C., “ « ” stead.

NT ED for Business m. d a ily ; 5s. ber

O bserver” Office, E ast Grin-

TO B LACKSM ITHS.-W ANTED , good SHOElf SM ITH.—Apply, Sm ith & Green, Lewes.


fT P H O L S T R E S S REQUIRED for V j Curtains, &e.; best biass work

Apply, Stephen bourne.

Bindon, Ltd.,Loose : Covers, perm anency. —

vensey - road, East-

I X T AREHOUSEMAN W ANTED, ineligible for Army. I f —Apnly, W ightm an & Parrish, *. Lewes.

WELL-EDUCATED YOUTH V be apprenticed and trained

wages from commencement. — AJ News ” Office, Lewes.

’ANTED, a t once! to as a REPORTER

>ply, “ E ast Susriex

N O T I C E .'EN ob W OMEN wishing to occupy the

well-paid positions of N ational im portance h. Cross, Governm ent or Commercial Services

I as-Motor Drivers, and who require the necessary prelim inary training, should apply a t once for

,■ full particulars of ;the••WAR; EM ERGENCY TRAINING COURSES”

IN MOTOR DRIVING AND MECHANISM. Only a lim ited num ber of these popular priced

courses can be obtained bach week. Applicants should call or w rite [without delay to


6, Coventry St r e et , P iccadilly Circu s, W . L i !

WA N T E D , a t once, HOUSEPARLOURMAIC . family tw o ; cook k e p t ; separate room s; Insur­

ance p a id ; bourne.

gas fires.—Apply, 21, [The Avenue, Kast-

WANTED, good PLAIN COOS lady ; two m aids kopt.—A|j

!; sm all house, on _ . . ply. a fte r Monday,

Miss Anderson, Denchurst, East Grinslead.

WANTED, a LABOURER for [a M arket Garden. Apply, Stream Place (laidon, Felbridge.

WANTED, CHARGE HAND orW O R K IN G FOR MAN in small M arket Nursery, Sussex; mui

understand tomatoes, chrysantheinum s and gener work, in and o u t—Reply, w ith particulars, to W in 8-11, Pavilion-buildings, Brighton. I


Have All Ho a sesTo Let or for Sale



L ocal Office—

116 TERMINUS R0&D 'Opposite the S tation


T elephone 87. T elegram s ‘ Blp&m.’

M A Y N A R I* o b , . L IM IT E D


Jfor gale or to Jet.2,000,, DETACHI

PROPERTY,£ ! __________,South-3treet[~Eo8t’bourne,

D, double-fronted, ear Station.—H. Jl

-TTRACTIVE Chartres, 59,

A8T SUSSEX.—On th e main road And w ithin one mile of station, a FREEHOLD SMALL, HOLDING,

iprising eight-roomed house, bath, w ith good garden, half acre of fru it trees and seven acreslof g rass; good outbuild ings; price, £750, w ith possession-—Cartw rights, 28, iNew-road, Brighton,.-'t

¥ AYW ARD8 HEATH AND DISTRICT. — For L Particulars of HOUSES TO BE LET or SOLD in 3 oharm ing and healthy locality, w ith excellent ra il­

way service to London, B righton and Eastbourne, abply T. B annister & Co., House and E sta te Agents, M arket­place, H ayw ards H eath. - |


69, South-street, Eastbourne, and Sdrith-slde, Clapham.r-T O B

___ . DKNCE,accom m odation; low prico to imm ediate pure!Full particulars, J . K. Thornton & Co., Ljewes.

BE SOLD, _ w ith goofl


EW ES, (near Station).—TO BE ’ freehold modern built RESIDENCE, w ith good

price £350.—Apply. 'accommodation Co., Lewes.

LD, a capital.............h good

Thornton and

1 Q K ACRES excellent M IXED FA R M ; modern l u w buildings; two houses, two cottages; price £5,000, including tim ber.—Milton Bridger. Land Agent, I, Three Bridges-road. Crawley. [ r ;__________

; Meads, £160; Chartres, 59,FACING 8EA. £70; £95, Prideaux-r,

near Golf Links, £350 rent. —! H. ,South-street, Eastbourne..

u r n i s h e d T on same floor, jTWjO or TH REE_ ROOMS ;l bath, electric l ig h t ; nice house [m oderaterent.—37, Elms-avenue (opposite Pier), K4stbourne;F I


LADY highly recommends BED-SITTING ROOM she ; ha^ occupied since E aster ; 10s. 6d.; clean,

central, convenien t; Bedroom and S itting Room also v acan t; 16s. weekly.—W rite, B. N. JL ’‘ Chronicle” Office, Eastbourne.

LARGE comfortable BED-SITTING ROOM TO LET, w ith attendance ; reasonable term s ; central.-

E. A. H „ “ O [server ” Office, E ast GrinsteaV | ID W AY between Crawley and Horsham .—P retty L v l ENTRANCE LODGE to Gentleuian’s Property

TO BE LET Unfurnished for the poriodof the w ar, on a quarterly tenancy; th ree rooms upstairs, three down ; ren t £4 per quarter ; w ater laid on.—Apply, W m . Wood; 8on & Gardner. Crawley, Sussex.

P LEASANT FURNISHWD HOUSE-; i three reception, four bedrooms, bath l

balcony : neAr motor serv ice; electric lighl ing.—L. S., 93, Vicarage-road, Eastbourne.!

louth' a sp e c t, com, covered ;; h igh; brae___ _■ l -

trticles for




M io m s ii Depa rtm en t . ' . -2 6-ton Trucks. (One sold.)1 Pow erful Steam Wluch. (Sold.)1 Complete Set E xhaust H eater Colls (suit Laundry), 1 Engineer's Emery W heel Machine, i 1 Pow er Chaff C nttor (by B entall); nearly new (sold), 1 Corn Crusher (by B entall); nearly new.


BICYCLES.—A large selection FOR S.including Prem ier, Swifts, Sunbeams, Trium phs- - - - - - - ' " A.

or H IR E,__ _ i ,vu ..v ., Trium phsand Eirflelds. Also Peram bulators and M ailcarts. A quantity of good Second-Hand F u rn itu re for Sale.—Jur; and Son, Tnnlty-buildings (near T rin ity phuroh), an 131, Seaside, Eastbourne.

cHICKEN INCUBATOR FOR SA L E ! eggs ; 15s. 6d.—Brigstocke, Falkland,


CLEAI i Garde Nurseries,

ICE SALE of Ferns, Palms, P lants, Bulbs, Lights ; m ust be cleared. 4- Eastbourne


CYOLE81 MOTOR CYCLES and CYCLE O A K S.- W e have the Pick of the_Market.__ Trium ph, B.8 .A.


TTHREWOOD ECONOMY.—Save money! r large |and small quantities oP FIR^l

WOOD, chopped ready for use; order now Deal off-cuts for chopping ; delivered Ea Apply, Beal & Co., Tim ber and Firewood Hampden If ark , Eastbourne.

now selling LIGHTING

Oak Logs, .stbourne.— Merchants,

T O R SALE, GOVERNESS CAR, excelled X1 smooth running ; su it pony 11J to 13 h i ra te price ;lon view.—Apply, Lady Gordon,; Dormansland.

condition ; nds; mode Hollowden,

TCIOR SALE, a now SUSSEX BROAD X1 M ANURE OART.—Apply, Mrs. G. Blacksm ith, &c„ W est Hoathly.

- W H EEL Newnham,

T T E IF E R S .-T K N DOWN CALVING HI U BE SOLD in H ailsham M araet,

Jan u a ry 16th.CIFERS TO Wednesday,

m A B L E C tO T H S — Lady OFFERS THRU X real IR ISH DAMASK TABLItCLOTHS yards square; al6o six handsbm e-Serviette perfectly new condition ; accept 25s. lot. wi approval willingly. — W rite, R. P., “ Cour Lewes. r |

K beautiful nearly two

3. unsoiled; rth double ; ie r ” Office,

VHTOULD L IK E TO SELLor.LET ON HI \ \ of DRAW ERS, large, Two Bam

Baniboo Cupboard. Fender, Cabinet. \ reasonable term s— W rite, 3, “ Chronicle” bourne. j

tE , CHK-jT ioo Tables, Tashstand ; ffilce, East-I

V ylTIC K ER B A T H -C H A IR FOR SAL ▼ ▼j new ; up to da te ; self-steering; detac

—'R.J 82, W illingdon-road, Eastbourne.D; good as jhable hood.


.’AY •


Goods Warehoused La Separate Lock-up Compai’tiaeata.

S''. I ' '/] • . •0 ,Finest Fireproof Warehouses

i j in Eastbourne.• •• • ‘ • i j ;-.j i. ' , r | ..;

Smart and Up-to-date Vans.

Experienced and Careful Men only Employed.

E S T I M A T E S F E E E .


G . E . M A Y N A R D , L t d .,

Complete; House F iim isliers,

Grey stone Buildings,X S a stb o n r n e .

ADVERTISEM ENTS are inserted under either of these headings a t the following charge, if cash is

sent w ith the order : One insertion, not exceeding 12 words, One Shilling; and Id. for each additional word. Three insertions for double this charge. Special quota­tions for longer periods on application a t either of our offices. " »

.4 SPRINKLING of OVUM, Thorley’s Poultry Spice, £ \_ given in the Boft mash, will repay you by tho increased num ber of eggs:—Sold by Elphiok & Sons, • Ltd., Corn and Seed Stores, Lewes.

BOARD - RESIDENCE W ANTED for Officer and W ife; preferably neighbourhood Victoria-drive.—

State terms, which m ust be moderate arid inclusive, to " Alexander," “ Chronicle ” Office, Eastbourne.

3 0 0 T S W ANTED.—Good price paid for discarded 3 Boots and Shoes, also Cast-off Clothes, Uuderlinen, ouseh'old Linen, Curtains. &c.; bankers1 reference,—

Send post|-card, Mrs. E. Morgan, 6a, Ocklynge-ioad, Eastbourne.

CAST-OFF CLOTHING.—Ladies’, Gentlemen’s and Children’s Boots, Household Linen, &c., Bought for

Cash.—Mrs. H art, 5; Station-street, Lewes.

FRENCH.—MISS ADOLPHUS, from Paris, R e c e iv e s ).or V xsits PU PILS;—Ivy Down, 7, Williugdon-road,

Eastbourne. A t home Mondays, 3 to 4.


Fu r n i s h e d a p a r t m e n t s —r e q u i r e d , prob­ably for long period, superior SITTING ROOM and

TWO BEDROOMS ; neighbourhood lCnys - road or A venue; or would entertain Small Furnished F la t.— 768, "C hronicle” Office, Eastbourne.

FU R N IT U R E -W A N T E D , TO PURCHASE, largo quantities of Furn itu re for cash, o rtheC onten ts of a

whole H ouse; good prices g iv en ; no oxpenses— W right, 85-87, South-street, Eastbourne./ G e n t l e m a n w a n t s f u r n i s h e d q u a r t e r sV X in Private House in Eastbourne ; permanency ; Meads district preferred—Apply, sla ting term s, R. N., 436, “ Chronicle Office, Eastbourne.

AR3WOOD POULTRY SPICE, containing ground insects, will double your egg supply. Packets 2d.

6d., Is., from Stanford. Corn M erchant, Liugfleld:

LADY, willing to pay 10s. a week and Help Light House Duties and Needlework for hospitality in

Eastbourne, where m aid k e p t ; no cooking; central.— L. S., “ Chronicle” Office, Eastbourne. ) | .T ADY REQUIRES SELF - CONTAINED FLAT,■ J U nfurnished; modern conveniences; three or four

room s,-bath loom, k itchen ; w ithin easy! distance of Station or 'bus.—W rite, H. S. V., "C hron icle” Office, Eastbourne. _________ ' ’ _______ . J . '.; 1

MEMORIAL CARDS.— Artistic Folded Cards : 12, 43.;25. 5s. 6d.: 36, 7s.; 50. 9s.; 100, Iasi Black Edged

Folded Cards: 12, 2s, 6d.; 25, 4s.; 50. 6s. 6d.; 100. Us. 6d. Cash w ith order. These prices ineludo Envelopes— Farncombe & Co., L td., Prin ters, Lewes, East Grinslead and Eastbourne.

FFICERS' CONVALESCENT HOME, Eastbourne. —WANTED, a PIANO for the above, which would

be most gratefully appreciated— Apply, Ksporance, H art- ington-place, Eastbourne._____________ _____, _____ ■

P IANO W ANTED, about £25; or Grand about £50.— W hite Cottage; Crowhurst, Sussex.U N T P O L I N K ”' GROWS EYELASHES like

magic ; used by professionals. — Is. Id., from CraynS, 8, W ordsworth-road, W ellington, Surrey.1>UBLICANS' SPIR IT BOOKS One l sixpence each (Postage 2d. extra), for tho wholesale trade.—Farnoombe St Co. and Eastbourne.

Shilling and Larger sites

i„ Ltd., Lewes

- In S

WANTED, LAD, about 17 (ineligible), to look afti motor J '

usot'ul; live in

missing since Nov. 3pth last, tion th a t I have beeri able to with him a t the time; there seems to be no d oubt th a t he was captured on the u lxne date, anil is now prisoner in Germ au bands. H e was last seen by two gunners,'being-m arched aws,y under escort, ind they both agree he appeared to be p iite all rig h t and unhurt. Though this is all tho inform ation I qau get your brother’s capture, I am perfectly convinced he is a prisoner and quite safe oth irwise. As you probably know your brother had been one of my subalterns since Septem ber, 1916, [and I cannot tell you how sorry I am [to lose him. H e was one of the best in ev Pry (way most painstaking; thorough in all his duties, and a great favourite w ith his brother qfficers, and his n e n were very fond of him; while for my p a rt a bette r comrade I never wish to have. W e became the greatest < )f friends and I have never ceased to regret his untim ely capture, my great consolation being in thfi fact th a t I believe him to be quite safe. A fter All, sad though his capture may be, he, a t al( avents, will re tu rn to you safe and sound when th is terrible war [is over. I am -glad to be able to tell you th a t from inform ation received from iriends of m ine who arc in G erm an bands, the life of officers is not disagreeable, though of course monotonous. I f th e re is anything fu rth er you wish to knowl I should be very glad to tell [you, w ithin the lim its of the censor­ship.' I again wish to express to you and all bps family how sorry I am for your b rother’s capture, and his brother subalterns wish also to express to yoii all their great sorrow a t losing pro tem. a splendid conirade and soldier.” j

^Fa i t h f u l A t t e n d a n t s .— S hadow s.

m otor arid horse, also m ake himself generally _______ .—Apply; J . Cl Munbyj, Oliffe, Lewes.

WANTED, COOK-GENERAL; early riser essentia —Apply, Mrs. Johnson, Rowlands, Lingfleld.

WANTED, thoroughly experienced, capable, Single handed COOK-G EN ERAL, i for two ladies,

small ho u se ; good references re q u ire d ; wages 17s. weekly—Apply. The Elms, Park-lane, Willihgdon.XTOUNG WOMAN (domesticated and strong) Required X to W ait ori partly paralysed ladv aud to take l ilt

in w icker bath-jehair— Apply, Mrs.! W ells, Suiiiiycroft; Perryflold-road, ICrawley.

| ‘VTTOUNG LADY W ANTED for Corn and Soed Trade ; I X I one vyith counter experience pi eferred.—Apply, Ri

Stevenson, Ltd., 4, Npith-street, Levies.r OUNG GIRL. 14-16, RKQUIRKD; live in or out

30, St. Sw ithun’sYi_____ ____comfortable place.—-Mrs. Silk

terrace, Lewes. V

DAILY W ORK REQUIRED by Young W om an in Newhaven.—L. C„ 180, Hartington-road, Brighton.


ANTED. RE-ENGAGEM ENT as C LER K ; Lewespreferred.—Apply, J . G. A.

1 Office, Lewes.R., “ E ast Sussex

O c c u p a t io n s f o r W a r W id [o w s .— A schem e! is being considered by the Pensions [Ministry by which! the widows of sailors and soldiers will be found employe m ent in drapery stores in London arid o ther towns. Inj connection w ith the proposal the London Em ployers’: Sub-Com m ittee are discussing with the Pensions M inis/

■ try a scheme for train ing the women in m achining and1 blouso-making.

M ■

t. M ary ’s

in d friends, -Escorted

M a r r i a g e o f M i s s L k v e t t .Church. Hailsham,^ on W ednesday afternoon, Miss, Lucy N ellie L ev e tt was m arried to M r. F ran k Hicks. T he bride is the sixth daughter of M r. and Mrs. W m. L evett, of [Westbury House, Hailsbam , and the bride-

froom the youngest son of M r. and Mrs. Heriry Hicks, liddenden Farm ; Rotherfield. The cert mony was lerformed, in the presence of m any relatives i >y the Rev. Prebendary F . Clyde Harvey,

to th e a lta r by her uncle, M r. G. E . Collins, the bride was in navy blue silk, her ha t being wretithed with orange blossom. She carried a bouquet of lilies and chrysanthemum s. H er only bridesmaid , was M iss’ Jessie L e v itt, who wore a fawn costuriie, w ith nigger brown hat. M r. H . R . Freem an, of Rotherfield; dis­charged the dutios of best man. A recepticn was held a t th e bride’s homo and the wedding cake was a gift from her brother, M r. G. H . L evett, of Fulham . S ir. and Mrs. F .‘ H icks will live a t Rotherfield.

SECOND-HAND NOVELS, Magazines. Books, &c„ always W ANTED in any quantity for c ask ; also

House Clearings.—O. E. Jones, 24S. Seaside (opposite C hrist Church), Eastbourne.

SEND Is. 6d, for Professor Severn’s famous book, “ POPULAR PH REN O LO G Y ;” most useful; 50

subjects dealt w ith.—Professor Severn, 63, W est-street; Brighton, ' ____________

n SERS of Karswood (harmless) Spice arc getting double 'tho eggs they d id before. 2d., 6d;, Is.—

Nightingale. Curl) Merchant, Crawley.TRA-VIM POULTRY PONVDEg will m ake vour

hens lay bucketstull of fine, large eggs ; 6d.’carton lasts 20 hens a fortnight—Sold by M. Nightingale, Corn M erchant, Crawley.

W E W ANT TO PRODUCE MORE EGGS, thure- fore wo m ust m ake sure we are going the

righ t way to do so. Those who are sprinkling a little OVUM, Thorley’s Poultry Spice, with, the m orning’s m ash are going the righ t way to produce a m axim um num ber of eggs for a nllnim um outlay.—Soli! by R ichard Stevenson, Ltd., Corn M erchants, 4, North-street, Lewes.

COUNTRY. COTTAGE, w ith good &c.; three bedrooms; distance from

R E L I E F F O R A L L .





W hy not try those T for your fidgety They are the old-fashioned, remedy for 1;he alleviation of Coughs, Hoarseness, Sore Throa^, Bronchitis and Asthm a. They contain no opiate,^ttnd are m uch appre­ciated by Singers ana Public bpeakers. i

W ANTED,garden, ____ , ___ ______

station no o b jec t; ren t pr buy freehold.—Lox-A . B., **Ea$t Sussex News,” Lewies. -j. \ i { .

W jANTEjD. Small comfort'ably1 furnished FLAT dr \\ H O U SE ; two or three bedrooms; sitting room ; m oderate r e n t c a r e f u l tenants. — 4 KL, ••Cluonieie 1

Office, Eastbourne. 1 ! I jANTED,'FURNISHED HOUSES —H. J. Ohartlies,

59,-Southrslieet, PJastbourne, and Clap ham, has m any enquiries a[t all rents, i .'. j * • .Y IT A N T E D , . YY h ealth y !

M r. S i l to n h a s a m in d t h a t d e l ig h t s in fact,s . One evening he laid down the paper, was silent for a

. moment, and then said, “ T h at’s o d d !” “ jW hat is,?” ■| ^inquired his wife. “ W hy, here is a man who says tfyafc

i t would take twelve million years to pum p the sea dry" a t the ra te of a thousand gallons a second!” Mrs. Silton sa t thinking the m atter over. F inally she said, “ iW hy, John , where would they pu t all the w a te r? ”

O u t f i t G r a n t s f o r C h a p l a i n s — I t isannounced th a t in future the outfit g ran t for chaplains who are granted perm anent or tem porary commissions during thej.war will be (a) £15 on first appointm ent, (b): a fu rther £7. 10s. when ordered for service in the field w ithin a sphere of active operations, and (c) cam p kit g ran t of £7. IDs. from the Paym aster oni the usual certificate th a t i t has necessarily been provided.

W . ANTED, befo re :

W ANTED to Purchase,Odd pouts. Wai.-icoats

. K. C. K ., “ Chronicle’

CH E A P PIANO W ANTED for practice.—-Box Q.Y.C., “ Chronicle” Office, Eastbourne.

RAW ING AND PAINTING LESSONS RE-CJOM- MENCING'; Schools v isited ; preparation for

exam s.; fully certificated teacher. — Miss Rigg, 82, l W illingdon-road; Eastbourne.

F~ OOD^PRODUCTION.—W ill anyone GIVE or LEND a DONKEY or SMALL PONY, Harness and C art

to assist a Food Production Scheme in East Grimstead ; good home guaranteed. —'R eply, X. <X., “ O bserver” Office, E ast Grinstead. J

rood permanent:! HOMES ;.fbr Ei-YE. . ______ _iABIES.; ages from 7 to. 18 mpiiths filom

thb .-Babies’ Home, Royal-parade,! East bourne, which is being closed down tem porarily. —tA pp.l-y<. sta ting 'term s, and. references, to thel Hon. decrctary, Miss Chance,Ensham, Grajnviile-road, Eastboiii!i:e. __

ANTED, Pedigree NANN Y, good in mflk or due to kid shortly ; also Pedigree B ILLY foi! stud,

required a tt once.r-State full particulars, Adams. H.latch-'in^ton[House;. Seaford. Sussex^ |_____| ■ J, .

’— ---------- UN FURNISH CD 1 HOUSE, March orthree or foUr bcd.Uvs'o reception., oath,

\ garden ; ront|£3S to £40; iiear an Afct bchooi.-4 W rite, L., j 17, Langney-road, Eastbourne. .1 '

ohd-harfd Dress Suits, or Trousers. — W rite,

Office. Eastbourne. -p ^ •


L W A N T E D TO EXCHANGE. 65. NOTE M U blO 7 t ROLLS and Grainophone R ecords; can be seen,

in Eastbourne.—For particulars, 513, ’- Chronicle ” Office,1 j Eastbourne, i i \- . 1

W ANTED. CLOTHING, OFFlOiLR^’ OUTblTS, TEETH. High prices paid according to condi­

tion. Suits up to £1; Trousers, (>s.; .1'ackeU, $s.; Over- poats, J5s.; Boots, :10s. Ladies’ good .Clothing,■ Jewellery and Children’s Underclothing, Bags, Trunks, &c.; Carriage paid.—Locock, 200 And 201, Queen’s-road, H ast­ings, Sussex, i Cash per return .

i . ( C o n tin u ed on page S.J


; / -


8 E A ST B O U R N E CH R O N IC LE, SATURDAY, JA N U A R Y 12, 1918.

E A .y-s


F U R T H E R R E D U C T IO N S .

: \

O N M O N D A Y N E X T a g re a t n u m b er of B A R G A IN S m a y be fo u n d in Costum es, Blouses) Gowns, C oats, a n d also M illin e r y

t a n d F u rs, o u r stock h a v in g a g a in been m a rk e d dow n. M a n y o f these a re su ita b le f o r the a p p ro a ch in g Season,


59, 61, 6

j KI1J JCK &A U C T IO N E E R S , H O U S E AG:

3, & 63a , Grove Road(N e a r T o w n H a l l ).

Apt. and Mrs. H B . Cardwell, gold and enam el Inkpot. Ir. Donald Campbell, se t of coffee cups and saucers

in icase and silver c igarette case, frs. Case. book.iss Rosraead Case, real lace handkerchief.ady Cameron, cheque.

Lady Dent, silver card case.


■J • t i

ALL AVAILABLE HOUSES.—Illustrated Register and Guide-—Selected lists on reoeipt of requirements.

F O R SA L E , with. P ossession.£!M)0. Carkw-road. Detached No Basement. £H7o. . ■ V ictokia-dkivb. Detvched. G. K. £o.£775. W illingdon-uoad. Fine views.£2,000. Meads. Southern aspect.£1,350. UfPEHTON. Detached. Gardens and Stabling. £ ‘2.750. Sa ffrons. Very a ttractive . Detached.£S00. U p p e r t o n -g a r d k n s . Central.

For orders to view the above and particulars of all Houses To bo Lot or Sold, apply, Messrs. Killick and Davie-,, Auctioneers and Estate Agents, Terminus-road, Eastbourne.


^ e v b m t s & A s s i s t a n t s S B an tib .

LL( C o n tin led* f r o m p age 7 .) ^

MAIDS REQUIRING good SITUATIONSshould apply to; Mrs. Duncomb, Myrtloholme

Agency.! Eastbourne- ‘Phone 616. No booking foo. [Terms xipon engag<*ir ont. Notice.—T his office will be closed ou Wednesdayt and Satu iday^ a t 1 p.m._________V.4 PPRKNTIOE.—W ANTED, well-educated Y outh as J \ . APPRENTICE to the GENTLEM EN’S OUT­FITTIN G ; also to the Tailoring Show Room.—Apply, Bobby & Co„ Lt<j., Eastbourne. „ j -r


Lieut. F. A. Long and


Miss Canipbe 1.

J^iO A L CARMAN. - W ANTED, respectable MAN, \ J 1 used to . drivin ? j good; wages.—Apply, R ickett Cockerell & Go., L td., Sfotioptparaqtej Kastbpurne.

C^OOK-GENERAL; small business house; kitchen- j m aid and boy l:epb|-^Mrs. Shepherd, Chadwicks, L id ., Grove-road, Eas! bourne.

ATLY GIRL or WOMAN ‘ W ANTED.—Apply, 43,Cavendish-placc,


Eastbourne.ENERAL SERVANT, thoroughly good, W ANT ED

V X in E astbourne; slight knowledge cooking; four lad ies; wages £30 tc £35.'—<Write H. L.t “ Chronicle” Office, Eastbourne.

OUSEPARLOU J.M AID W ANTED on Jan u ary 25th; country girl preferred. — Address, Mrs.

ghani, Melton, Enys-road, lEastboiirhe. iOTEL - PORTER W A N TED ; 20s., all found.—

Southdown Ho,tel, E astbourne.!

T he m arriage of Miss B eatrice Neilinai (M’A m ee) Campbell tc Lieu t. F ran k A idap L ong, A .S .C j w a s - solemnised a t H oly T rin ity Church on W ednesday afternoon. N atu rally th e nuptials of th e {elder d augh ter of M r. and Mrs. A lexander Campbell, of St. B rannock’s (and of Shanghai, China), -was an e v e n t ' whose in te rest extended beyond the personal circle of friends. Shortly a fte r one o’clock spectators arrived a t th e c lurch , and al {quarter o f ari hour before th e bride’s coming th e jeeats. ab u ttin g or ! the central aisle were tilled. A m opgst the congregation were m any ladies i n 1 V.A.DL uniform , for ’Miss Campbell was in pre-w ar days a w orker in Mrs, R oland B urke’s detachment.- H e r t r a i l in g A was utilised, when .hostilities commenced, first a t TJrm- ston an d Fairfield Hospitals, (and la te r in France, w hither she proceeded in Jan u a ry , 1915. T here she worked am ongst th e wounded fo r fo u r m onths! bu t had to ^return to Her hom e th rough ill-health. |

A m ongst th e . guests who Assembled w ere [M m M cNeill, Mrs. M acray, Miss Spihclaif (aunts of thd bride), M r. F . K enneth Sinclair (uncle), iLieutl M urray M acDougall, M.C;, Miss M acDougall, j Mrs. aud M iss Follett, M r. and M iss Bowen, Mrs. Edw ards, M r. and Mrs. H e rb e rt Palm er, -M rs, and th e Misses Beriecke, Mg’. fP. V J Benecke, Mrs] and th e Misses Davies-G ilbcrt, Lady; D ent, Mrs. A rth u r M ay, M r. and M rs.,-Roland B urke, Lady and Miss B en how, M rs. and] Miss G rant-D alton, M r. .and Mrs. C harles Green, Mrs. Cornyn Pljatfc, Mies Jo a n W ick­ham, Mr. and Mrs. Farnell, Lady E lliot, Mrs. and Miss Peray-SmitH,j Mrs. D avid iLandale, Mrs. Astley R oberts, Mrs. U rljng W helptonl Miss Akers-Douglas, Mrs. Tweedie, Mjiss In ez1 Parkdr, M is | M a th f Miss W hatford, Sister Moss,- M ite H anson, M iss Case, Miss M acDonald, jMr. and -Mrs, Jacob , Mrs. B assett K erry , Mrs. L orrain and Mrs. Rahnage. T hey ivero ushered to th e ir seats by C aptain E van M cPherson, Gordon H ighlanders; M r. G eorge Paine, and M aster K enneth Campbell, the bride’s brother. Each of the ushers wore a sprig of hog m yrtle , the badge of Campbells, |which' had been specially, sept

ervice L ieut. J

Ir. G. Dickson, cheque.Mr. and Mts. Edm und, cu t crystal dessert d is h /Mr. and Mrs. Evill, fitted lunch basket.Gapt. and Mrs. Charles Edwards, peridot and diamond

pendant.' , - .Miss Edwards, silver and enacqel ink pot.Mrs. Ew art, pair silver caudlesticks.Mr. and M rs.Jtrakine, silver and ivory crum b scoop,

and Mrs. Farnell, old silver inkstand, iff o f Fairfield C ourt V.A.D. Hospital, gold pencil

io and gold knife. •‘.rs. H. E. Forman, lea ther photo fram e, ol. and-Mrs. Speucer-Eollett, silver dessert dish.

Col. Roland |V. GWynne, D.S.O., pair old silver coasters. '

Mr. R upert Gwynno, M.P., and the Hon. Mrs. .R upert Gwynue, pair old silver breakfast dishes.

M rvand Mrs. Green, old silver coasters.Miss Priscilla CJrwyune, old brocade veil case.Mrs. and Miss G Wynne {Folkington Manor), ruby ring. The Misses Davies 4 Gilbert, grey suede and. gold-

m ounted vanity hag. | I. ...Mr. and Mrs. Vyade Gardner, silver teaspoons. f Miss W ade Gardner, I silver-mounted cu t crystal scent

bottle. | TCapt. and Mrs. P a t Gardner, enam el trin k e t box.Miss Heathfield, cosyj, -iMrs. Howey, cheque. f fMrs. J . 8. Hog£. cheque. ■M ajor and M m Douglas Herbert, Irish crochet.teadoth. M rs. Hulbert, oJd Sheffield p late hot w ater jug.Mr. O Brien Harding and family, cut crystal w ater jug . Mrs. Hulton, opera bag and silk handkerchief.Mrs. and Miss H arding (Torfield). cake staud.Mrs. Bryer-Hinde, silver sw eet dish...M iss Bryer-Hidde turquoise and pearl ear-rings.Mr. and Mrs. Jacob, two silver fru it spoons.Mr. George Jamieson; two silver b u tte r dishes.The Rev. G. T*. and Mrs. B assett Kerry, Irish crochet

tray cloth. . | ' ! !Mrs. E. S. Johnson, silver b u tte r knife.Mrs. Langdah\|leai her trin k e t box.Mr. and Mrs. Owen Langham, silver muffin dish.Mrs. Leggat, epeque. - i |M ajor Leggat, cheque.Mrs. Lorraine, ! silver fish knives and forks, and six

hors d’ceiivrosifopks,. : - • .Miss Langham,{silver photo frame. ’ ' !

<7 Mrs, and Miss Howard Lyons, silver muffin dish.* 'The Rev; F rank Long, gold watch, i, i .

Miss Lane (cook a t tot. Brannock’s), china dessert service, tablecloth and lucky pig.

Maids Bt St. Brannock’s, teacloth.Mrs. S. F. iMajrtin, silver dish and Chippendale table.Miss M aynard, silver clock.-Mr. and Mrs. A rth u r May, silver flower bowl.Miss McDonald,'silver flower vases;Miss M. B. Martau, photo in ^ilv;er fram e.Mrs. H. A. J;. McCray, cheque and jad e pendant.Miss M acray, handkerchief sachet. I Mrs. McNeill, cheque.M r. H ector McNeill an d Mr. Ian McNeill, cheque.Mrs. Manisty. cheque.Sir John and Miss M aitland, early m orning tea se t and

tray. I • (The Rev.'C. D. M ackintosh, silver Iona Mies McNeill, spent bottle.Mr. and Mf s. W illiam Merry, old coloured print.Mr. and Mrs. A.IF. Nichol, silver coffee spoons.;M r. and Mrs. Oxley, cheque. * [' ! 1Mr. George Paine, silver pepper pots.Mr. and Mrs. G. Leonard P arro tt, silver teaspoons and

sugar tongs. > / • ! ‘ •Mrs. Porges, gold and tortoiseshell card tray and gold-

m ounted tortoiseshell paper knife. . .Miss Percy-Smith, two silk cushions.Mrs. Comyn P ra tt, real lace handkerchief.M r. and Mrs. J . Ppwys Penruddocko, silver muffin dish.

"S ir David and Lady Paulin , silver-m ounted tortoise­shell trin k e t box. |

Mr. and Mrs. H erbert Palmer.Lsilver sw eet dish.Mr. and Mrs. W infrid P la tt, silver photo frame.Mrs. Rose-Terry, silver sa lt cellars.

i cross and chain.

Miss Rose-Terry,|pair silver napkin lings. Mrs. Russell,:china fioWer bowl.Mr. and Mrs;] Rhodes, cheque.


P rio r to th e sd:T T O T E L . fr- REQUIRED,rgOod ' a ll-round' w ork ing1 JLA CHEF ; good \yageS/ A lso VEGETABLE MAID to ;assist Chet.—Apply, M; B., “ Chronicle” Office, E ast­bourne.

H OTEL. WANTIED. strong M an or Y outh '.las PORTER, m ake himself generally u se fu l; steep‘ ■ - - - — - - - ej •in .—Apply, Sussex Ho

MOTOR.—WAlNTE Dj LAD, age lj7, w ith knowledge ':6t m achinery, to tra in driv ing M otor T ri-C ar; young discharged sold er would be entertained.—Apply,

H. W . N icholson, Ltd, j Corn field-terrace, Eastbourne.

MILLIN ER Y .—Ass ist a n t s W a n t e d for W ork Room.—Apply,


£enil>vorth C ourt Hotiel, Eastbournel

Sparrow , R .N .A .^ .j music;

Shortly before two o’clock the' choir proceeded of the church, followed byth e west entrance

Rev. P ra n k Long]

el, EastbourneJ { B assett K erry

played selections of approp

of C hattohi Belford, N orthum lier-land, th e bridegreom ’s father, an d th e Rev. , G. P .

M illinery Bobby & Co., L td., East-

rj^TU RSERY GOVERNESS W ANTED, daily ; one lA l child.—Apply, a “ter 5 p.rq., to| Mrs. M artin Row,K en:1----- ------------------------------------- ‘-1-T J.E S P E C T A B L E YjOUNG. WOMAN W ANTED as J tV ^ len era l Help np eookipg ; reference necessary.-Miss Gillingham, 1, Lu dnngtdn-roaA, Eastbourne.-4 * rA N T E D . MAN f i r M iC H IN E K Y R EPA IR S and V ? E R E C T IO N ; also first class Wood - .Working

M achinist for Aeropla le W ork. Those not engag^ l on W ar W ork or outside 10 mite radius.!—Apply, by tetter, T . T. M., “ Chronicle ” < )ffice, Eastboqgjie. i !

*7"ANTED, respect ible YOUTH ail'ER R A V ▼ —Clemence, Goldsmith, 18, Cornfleld-r

bourne.15iijroad,£ 2 $

r OUNG LADY as required a t once

ij)ENTAL N U RSE ATTENDANT 2. College-road, Eastbourne.

S i t u a t i o n s 1 SE anteb.


S IT U A T IO N REQU tO good references, bourn o.

RED as good -F . C„ 10, Gi

PLAIN COOK ; bert-road. East-

m S K COMPTON GO> -X AGENCY, 6, 8 ta 15, H igh-strict, Lewes Dauerhter (tbgctner). Useful and Companion several good Daily Ma will close a t one o’olock

^ERNESSKS’ a on-parade. Ea

—Disengaged N ursery r Gove H e lp s Lady’s, a s .“ During tn on W ednesday

nd SERVANTS’ stbourne!! and a t

Man, V^ite ^nd •nesses. Nurses, Ja id , Cooks and e w ar tliis office •( and Saturdays.]


bright, capable and experience.—16, “ Chron

YOUNG LADY desires POST ,Y or Secretarial C om panion; energetic; very good clerical icle ” Office, Eastbourne.

.! J o t I c o r t o | ! e t . ■[:

4 R L I N G T O N R t J A . DKTACHKD RE reception, h a th ; FOR s Cornfield-road, Kastbou

[AD. — vW y a 3IDENCE; six ALE,—Price of pne.

iltractive, siinny bedrooms, three E dgar Horn, 31,

T ^U R N ISH K D HOUS Xl sitting, bath, telep s ix mouths.—Edgar Hor

fe, south aspectj four bed, \two hone, electric light ; 3 guineas, i f 31, Cornfield-road, Eastbourne.I t____ - — ____ L - a _-

DURHAM HOUSE SCHOOL ¥or G irls and K inder­garten RE-OPENS JA NUA RY 16t h ; moderate

te rm s ; boarders reccivjed ; all exams. — Coylon-place, Eastbourne.

DOG.—LOST, Tuesday, near Railway Station large Brown Spaniel, .“ J im " ; reward.—Royal Hippo,

drome, Eastbourne. ' 1

F u r n i t u r e , pianc . ________ . .large quantities of Furniture, Pianos, &c., or the

Contents of a whole House; .good prices g iv en ; no expenses incurred.—W rit ht, 85 - 87, South street. East-hmirnAI I Y D K ROAD DISTHICT. -W A N T E D , to PUR, J O . CHASE, HOUSE — W rite, w ith prieo, &c. Osborne, Agent, 12, Gildrodge road, Eastbourne.

Eastbpurne. 1— Dual ,e-opens

■ 3E N D 0W E R , Silverdajle-road, l School for Ciiildrt n of Gentlemen.

Jan u ary 23rd, 1218.. ________ ____________ ______JMAITl HOUSE W ANTED TO PU RCHASE; throb

or four bedrooms, wi :h good garden ; price about —Edgar Horn, 31, Oor ifleld-road, Eastbourne, s ^ NFURfNISHF,D FLA) F of about six (rooms1} appli

U cantjwill purchase t il furn iture, &c.; ren t about £80.—Edgar Horn, 81, Odin aeld-ragad, E astbourne. | V.'ETAN'tED, Al'AKTM CNTSin good"locality ; sittingV ▼ room and two bediooms, w itlruseiof bath room.

-r-Write, sta ling indlugive charges, to M|rs. Bradford, Wlhissend,®ne» Eastbourfie]\ \7 A N T K 1 ) , H a nd! si;W IN G MACHINE iln good

Y Y condition; sta te tprms.—“ Gam ma,” 39, H ruai’., Eastbourm;. . (


1!MTANTED, good H> >MtC FOR BOY, agied 3 ybais, as , . V Nurse Ciiild.— W ;i e. No. II, “ Chronicle" Oliice,


me i r Polegate; Are good bed- robms, bath (b. ando.); main d ra in ag e ; stabling; tennis court.—Mis. Owen, Pekin, Hastings.:

P rom ptly a t two thq bride arrived w ith he r fa th e r, and, preceded by th e choir and clergy, she walked to th e chancel steps. Q uite th e p re tties t featq|:o of the wedding p a rty was jtho group of tiny children!w ho followed. They were |tho Misses Priscilla alia Elizabeth, daughters of M r. and the Hon. Mrs. R u p e rt G Wynne, Miss Rachel, daughter of M r, And Mrs. U. j R oland Burke, and Miss Peggy, daugh ter of M r. arid Mrs. A rth u r May. The tw o elder bridesmaids, in tile rea r of th e p rofes­sion w ere Miss Iren e Campbell; sister of the bride, and Miss E ileen Macray, cousin of ithe bride. C aptain Donald Forbes Campbell, of the i 2nd Scottish Rifles,

■ was “ best m an.” i jT he processional hym n was ;‘Lead us, heavenly

F a th e r .” T h e bridegroom ’s fa th e r conducted very impressively th e - in i tia l portion of th e ceremony, during which the Psalm “ Blessed a re all they ” was chanted. T h e prayers were said and a brief address on th e sp iritual n a tu re of th e m arriage tie given by th e Rev. G. P . B assett K erry . In cohclusioif, th e hym n “ O peiaect lo v e ” w n g while th e congregation knelt! -Again music th a t is usually, associated w ith bridals was played while th e reg ister was being signed, jand as the newly-wedded p a ir left th e vestry th e tritm iphant stra ins of M endelssohn’s “ W edding M a rc h ’s rang out. B oth received hearty g reetings from their friends and well-wishers as they left, th e sacred edifice.

i Miss. Campbell Mad chosen w hite crepe ninon for hfer bridal a ttire . :H er dress was simply m ade, and from th e shoulders fe ll an abbreviated tra in of w hite brocade, liped w ith jguaged chiffon and adorned with tassels of pearls. .The r ig h t corner of the! tra in was folded to disclose tile lining and i held in place by a norsethoe • o f’ w hite h ea th er. Qver a coronal of orange -blossom arid m yrtle fell jin graceful folds a veil of tulle. T he ornam ents, worn included a diam ond and platinum pendant and a diam ond and sapphire brooch with pearl tips; th e bridegroom ’s gifts, as well as 'a diam ond crescent given by her fa ther. T he bride also carried a beautiful bouquet m ainly of w hite carnations, tied w ith silver tissue.1 T he fo u r children were cap tivating ly p re tty in cream p e t frocks over underskirts of pale pink, blanket stitohed w ith n a ttie r blue silk. R ound the h igh waists were posies of blue and p ink buds. They wore close-fitting bonnets of lace and ba r brooches of sapphires and pearls, th e la tte r souvenirs being presented* by L ieut. Long. A charm ing finish was added by th e silver . baskets Holding p ink carnations and forgeGme-nots which they carried. T he elder bridesm aids gave an effective touch of colour to the little group in dresses of rose pink georgette, ;w ith flowing veils of pink tulle, on which were m ounted n a ttie r blue leaves. T he sam e shade of blue was repeated in th e bead ornam ents on th e ir girdles. T heir gifts from th e bridegroom were also sapphire and pearl brooches. N a ttie r blue sa tin ribbons bound th e bouquetsri of p ink carnations which they carried. , 1

No form al reception was held, bu t la te r in the day L ieut, and Mrs. F ra n k A. Long left for th e ir honey-, moon. Mrs. Long travelled in a sm art coat and sk irt of grey-blue corduroy velvet with blu© fox furs. H e r h a t was of black and silver brocade.

I Following is th e list of p r e s e n t s ■Bridegroom to bride; diamond- and platinum pendant

and diamond and sapphire brooch.Bride to bridegroom, suit case.Bride’s father, cheque, furs, diam ond crescent and

carved ivory boxesi -i; .,(.Bride’s mother, sliver tea service and down quilt.I; Bride’s fa ther and m other (to bridegroom), case of silver brushes and comb.

Oapt. A. S. Campbell, cheque.Miss Irene Campbell, cheque.K enneth Campbell, silver m anicure set. iMiss Irene Campbell (to bridegroom), set of silver

liquor tots. , : , „ , 'Kenneth Campbell (to bride-room). Thermos flask.The Rev. F rank Long (to bridegroom), cheque.M ajor VV. Long (to bridegroom), chequo.M bs Alves, workbag. i i ■ !Mr. P. V. M. Benecke, cheque. I- ,M r., Mrs. and the MGses Beriecke, pair of silver napkin

II Xfr." and Mrs. A. J. Bowen, six old qu t crystal goblets.Mrs. Blood, old French pendant. |.M r and Mrs. R oaald Baker and Pat, diam ond and

sapphire pendant. . . .Lady and Miss Benbow silver clock and w riting pad.Miss Bartholomew, chain bag.Capt. Collis Brown, Sheffield plate entrde dish.Mrs. Barnes, old silver candlestick, • -Mr. and Mrs. Edgar Allan Brown, Georgian snuff box.Lady Benson, Bilver-mounted m agnifylog glass.Mrs. H. Beazl y, silver sweet dish.Mr. and Mrs. Roland Burke, crocodile lea ther dressing


Col. and M is. Aslley Roberts and Clive, silver toast rack. v It- , .. | 1

Mtv and Miss Bruce Roberts, silver coffee pot and stand.

Mrs. Ramsey, bag. 1rMiss Sinclair, opal and ruby ba r brooch.Mr. Sinclair, one dozen cut-crystal w ine glasses and

decanter. . .Dr. and Mrs. A rth u r Sherwood, scent bottle.Airs. Burdon Sanderson, leather w riting and Treasury

notecase -. by, e s b j ^ -■Commander and Mrs. P. Shepherd, p late warm er.Mr. and Mjs.j il. If- Swift, silver trinke t case.Rev. E. W.’ Tborpe, cheque. 5Mrs. Thorpe.!silver sa lt cellars.The Misses Thornton, headed bag.Mrs. Tweedy and|M issParkor,-fltt(

vanity bag. jMembers of W omen’s Union Jack Club, silver sauce

boat. ,Staff of UrmstonlY.A.D. Hospital, silver powder box. M r, and Mrs. Noel Villiers. pair silver candlesticks, Mr. and M rs, EdWard Vicars, old silver pen tray. Lieut.-Col. and Mrs. M. W ard, four Georgian crystal

goblets. 1 - I-M r.-and M rs;B ertram W ilkinson, silver.sweet dish, Mr. and Mrs. Mi R- W yer and Miss W yer, silver

c igarette box. i! ; v | „Miss Joan W ickham , old brass candlestick.Rqv. and Mrs. E. W illiams, gold mounted pocket book. Rev. and Mi st Williams, diam ond and ruby brooch. Mrs. John W alters, silver tea caddy.

't fitted bead embroidered

Mrs. George Keighley, suede travel- U rling W helpton, gold-mounted

The Misses W alters, powder box.Mrs. Weatley and

ling clock.Rev. H. and Mrs,

stam p box.Mrs! W atson, cheque.Canbn and Mrs. Vfitham, chequo.Indoor and outdoor servants a t C hatton, Belford,

N orthum berland ito bridegroom), fitted su it case.



of thq W onien’ work have Chaplain, and

Mission Room ,needs


To t h e E d it o r .A club is about to be opened fo r th e m em bers

omen’s Alrmy Auxiliary Corps .who are a t th e OlHct-rs’ Camp, -Victoria-drive. W e

len t to th e Kev. H . B. Ellison, tho Senior his I wife for th is purpose the- large

in Salehurst-road, which was form erly ourfree of charge. B u t Mrs. Ellison also

very m uch indeed th e following, for which I

or funds to purchase any of these.

grateful if offers in reply to this 51, E ast Dean-

ven tu je to 'appfcal! to y o u r ‘.readers: Tho loan o f a piano, the loan or yifl, of a gram ophone and records,- some basket and deck chaijrs, small tables, games, books and papets, " * 'T he m em bers of in our th e rhst I shall bo ver.appeal will bo sen t to Mrs. Ellison, road. - j o I -V !' ‘

I am, yoiire very tru ly ,j ,’W m . c . ST R E A T FE IL D ,

V icar of Eastbourne.T he V icarage, Ja n u a ry 10th.

J U t ic k s J o r § a l e .MAIL CART P R 7

__ _ ____condition; £3.—DanCrest, Carew-road, Eastbourne.Da r k b l u e

very goodfor one cb

seen a t

A IR R A ID S .O A / . W IL L O v r / j D eath(hostile o r otlo -ovi

IN $ U R E Y O U for a year against^ In ju ry caused by A erial C raft

i or Bombs, Shells, &e., discharged from or! a t Aerial Oralft. , ,

B E N E F I T S . 1 I321000 In ever t of Death.£ 1 0 0 0 In event of Loss of H ands or Feet, or Eyesight.1

£ 5 0 0 In event of Loss of One H and or Foot, or One1 s'-' J E ye.. , '

£ 6 per week during Tem porary Total Disable m etit. |

30/- per week during Tem porary P a rtia l Disable­m ent.

In addition to above, all M edical Expenses u p to 15 per cent, of the Compensation otherwise payable.

L arger or Hmailer A m ounts p ro rata .A P P L IC A T IO N FOR IN S U R A N C E .

N am e in f u l l ......A ddress ............... .Occupation............Do you a t present hold

a n Anffident P olicy 1r e>«o7/ioA f^h ortm o C } ....

A g e ....

I enclose Cheque: Treasury

D ate ..........M e } £ .....t ....................................... J. S ignature ............................


M issio n to t Ue ! J e w s .— U n d er th e auspicesof the M ildmay Mission to the Jew s, a m eeting will be held in tne Saffrons Rooms, on Friday afternoon, a t 3 o’clock, a t which the Rev. Samuel H inds W ilkinson will lecture on “ The Developm ent of the G reat W ar, and th e 1 prospect in Palestine.” In the evening a t the Cavendish-place Chapel, he will also speak on “ God’s work among the Jew s,” w ith special reference to his recent; visit to Petrogfad. M r. W ilkinson is the hon. director of the M il im ay Mission, and has thus first-hand knowledge of the work in Jew ry. Collections a t both m eetings will, after expenses have been defrayed, be given to- th e funds pf the Mission,


"W e s t r o n g l y a d v i s e C u s t o m e r s t o p u r c h a s e t h e i r H o u s e h o l d L i n e n G o o d s , F u r n i s h i n g G o o d s a n d a l l W o o l l e n G o o d s a n d S i l k s

NOW.P rices w ill be considerably sidvanced w hen ou r p resen t Stocks are sold.




i |L O W IN G :— j=

C L O T H S. Exceptional value ir

2 yards square. To

2 yards by 2% yards

A M A S K N A PK ![N S- To-day’s Yalue 10/11 to 21/9I& H EETS. Over 1,00

Hemstitched Cotton


Damask Cloths for Hotels and Boarding Houses. To-day’s Prices! 7/11’ and 8^11. S ale P r iPrices 4/11, 6/11.

-day’s Value 10/11 to 18/11., 1 ; 1 i S a le P r ic e s 8/11, 10/11, 11/9, 12/11

To-day’s Value 14/11 to 25/9.S ale P r ic e s 10/11, 12/11, 14/11

S a le P r ic e s 7/11, 10/11, 12/11, 15/110 Pairs in stock to-day,

Sheets fqr Single Beds. To-day’sSheets for Single Beds.

for Single and Double Beds, in Linen, Union and Strong Cotton. Value 10/11.U ' : j S ale P r ic e s from 7/11' per pairTo-day’s Val|e 23/9_. 1 S ale P r ic e s from 18/11

E n o rm o u s S to c k p f T u r k i s h B a th T o w e ls a n d H u c k a b a c k B ed ro o m T o w e ls a t

Huckaback Bedroom Towels, Worth to-day l /3 f , 1 / I l f and 2 /6 i-.

Roller Towels. Exceptional Sale Line. tEoiday’s Value 3 /9 .

1,000 yards of Roller Towelling, ib-day’s Value 1/6-J and 1/11J.

V E R Y E X C E P T IO N A L P R IC E S .S a le P r ic e s 1 /0 |, l/3 f , i/ef,

S ale P ric e , each S a le P r ic e s , per yard, 1/0-f and

CO TTO N P IL L O W C A SES. To-day’s Prices 1/9-1, i/1 l i and 2/6J. Hemstitched Cotton Pillow Cases. Worth to-day 2/6£.

K IT C H E N CLO TH S, large size . ; I .GLASS'' CLOTHS ‘ ! ' . j . J .!C H A M O IS D U S T E R S . . ! .

S a le P r ic e s l/3 f , l/6 f, I S a le P r ic e

1 /l lf1 /l lf1 / 3 f



S ale P ric e s , the half-dozen, 4/11 and 5/11 S ale P ric e s , #ie half-dozen, 3/11 and 4/11 Sal^ P ric e s , the half-dozen, ,2/3.1 and 2 /6 /

S u rp lu s S to c k fro m e v e ry D e p a r tm e n t h a s b e e n tu r n e d o u t a n d m a rk e d at* r id ic u lo u s ly lo w p r ic e s to effect a n im m e d ia te c le a ra n c e .

j N o t e tf ie f o l l o w i n g O ffe r s f o r T O - D A Y ( S A T U R D A Y ) :

M ILLINE&Y. ALL TRIMMED MILLINERY further. Reduced.Genuine Bargains To-day, 7 /6 and 10/6

. Season’s Prices 21/- to 42/-



SURPLUS STOCK in AFTERNOON GOWNS, COAT FROCKS apd COATS and SKIRTS.' 1 Genuine Bargains at 4 0 /- , 60 /-, 6 0 /-

. Season’s Prices 63 j - to 5 J Guineas. . . .il ' • 1 •■.■■■ * 1 ' • * I

SjMART BLACK VELVET “ MODEL ” COATS.Reduced to 6 j G uineas^ Season’s Price 101 Guineas

WARM TWEED COATS. S a le P r ic e 39/6. Season’s Price 52/6 NAVY, BROWN, GREY and MIXTURE WARM COATS, some with Fur Collars.:

Reduced to 5 9 /6 . Season’s Price 79/6ENG.L A D IE S ’ O U TI*ITTI



Surplus fitock of Hand-made and Irish Embroidered and Machine-made is turned out and marked at! Sale Prices.

.r -------------- ---------- ----- .GOWNS and JACKETS, SILK and MOIRETTE UNDER­SKIRTS, DRESSING GOWNS and JACKETS is GENUINELY;, REDUCED to clear before Stocktaking.

O D D M E N T S H A L F - P R I C E .

C H IL D B E D ’S D E P A R T METhe Stocktaking Sale affords an E


Eords an EXCEPTIONAL OPPORTUNITY for procuring Maids’ and Children’s specially- Low Pi ices. We genuinely reduce. ou,r entire Stock—PALETOTS,

MILLINERY, &e., &c., and all Odd Garments we mark at

H -


“ IR IS O F T H E R A IN B O W . i ;— )— m—

Tho funds of De W alden C ourt R ed Cross Hospital will benefit I to th e ex ten t of about £28 by a delight­ful en terta inm en t 1 provided by children, in the P rince’s Room, on T hursday afternoon. Thl possiblo th rough the sympath;

bevy of a t tho G rand

venue was

pre tty H otel, m ade

of Mr. and M ratanisedEeley, while the perform ance | itself was or

by Mrs, Church, who is Q uarterm aster a t tho hospital to which tlie proceeds are 'devo ted .

T he form bf en terta inm en t was an Early Victorian fantasy, entitled “ Iris of the R ainbow ,” cloverly written, in tlvvo acts by Miss Gwen Forwood.H The story is woven around a s ta tie of Iris, carved in ivory and gold by Phidias, rescued from oblivion and se t up jin his beautiful gi.rden by an Mpglish gentlem an. 1 V ery shortly beforo his death tho sta tue disappeared —to tho chagrin of his soil, who tw enty years' a fte r when one m akes his acquaintance is still harping (to tho d isgust of his spouse) on the loss. .One isi introduced to them a t a tim e when they are about, to receivo in to 1 their hom e a niece from India. iTheir wonderful garden is peopled by fa iry folk, onij of whom—the Spirit of tho G a rd e n - hails with gleje the arrival of the m ortal m aiden, who is tho first dhild to en te r, th e | enchanted precincts for tw enty yfears. She, w ith tljio aid of H arlequin and Columbine, entices- Ann in to th e garden a t night, enveigles her in to singing and dancing in th e hope th a t sho will bring back “ Iris of tho R ainbow ,” who had eve)* been the fairies’ friend. Thej spell works, and I n s re tu rn s both to im m ortal and m ortal vision, to the great delight of Tames Sowerby and |h o overwheli ning surprise of his wife.

74, 76, 78, 80 82, Terminus Road,Telephone 1000; j E a s tb o u r n e .

T he curtain rose [to discover Mrs. Am elia Spwerby arrayed in a fascin iting pearl grey crinoline,; busily preparing for" he r niece’s arrival. Miss Delphino Gibbs no t only, acted charm ingly, bu t sung a couplo of ballade in a sweeTv clear voic£. Miss Gipsy j Pegge played fthe p a r t of h e r husband in very natural' fashion,! !while Mi^s I*slancy Cumberleggc, in the q uain t jattiro to j^hich V ictorian children . were accustomed, was delightfully prim as Ann. <pne of th e m ost successful [impersonation© was th a t ojf MissAudrey L indsay, wlio depicted Folly, the Sowerbya* maidserjvant.. H e r piistress is endeavouring to con­vert her in to a staid, "sensiblo woman while 6he has really riot outgrow n' dolls or ceased to believe in fairies, j Chief am ongst [the fairy throng cam e the Sp irit Off!! tho Gardrai, daintily played, by the. little daugh ter of th e pifomoter, Miss B arbara /Church.Fickle H arlequ in dm! by th e Misses Louie O thers of the fairies F a iry Ii;l6.we$y Bird (Miss Pam ela Linds* M adeleine Lindsay) iriortal for tho occasi

alluring Columbine v]orei taken Airey and Violet T u rn er Lang, who graced, the revels were Miss (Miss M argaret W arren), Echo y) and the Fairy P ed lar (Miss

Two flowers also became Miss Jo an T ay lo r looked

very sw&et in the golden robes of H is Majesty] K ingn i J v i ■, Hjllnn Mnnmr U/ a rron na t*.no oloomrNancy W arren, as the sleepywon all hearts w ith her dainty n it important,.' was the p a rt of and i t . was originally allotted

U nfortunate ly illnesvi pre- and a t tho eleventh hour she

Dorothy Pegge, y^hoso persona­tion was! m arked by c legant grace.

A very pleasing fe itu re , especially to those who > crowded hall,, was the distinct dren voiced their parts. They very careful training; and tli

bursts of applause dem onstrated :th e favour ch the audience viewed the productiop.

T he piece was in te r ipersed with dances given with skill by both fairies 4n d mortals) A word m ust bo

Cup, and ' little Misslittle Forget-M e-Not, little dahee. Small, I r is of the Rainbow to Miss] Elsa Pidcocl:. vented nor appearanc was replaced by Miss

were a e rear-o f th way in which the chi

pie proof ofgave am frequent with wh

said for the staging, particularly of the last ac t% where the scene Was the rose garden and tho tim o the witching hour! of m idnight. Mrs. Russell B arry gavel, g rea t assistance in the position of stago manageress, while. Miss H inrichs contributed! to tho success by her accQrnpn nimbi its a t the piano. A band of children disposed 'df the program m es for, “ any-*, th in g above threepence^” and this proved a profit­able source of dnepme. t -

EASTBOURNE RIFLE CLUB.1 (Affiliated to the N .R .A .)


I nducem ent to L ads.T his week five youths \zer,e successful in making the

inch fer.otq), and have tifeen p r i n t e d with the prize of 2s. 6d. which the Club qives to every youth m aking his first inch group on the target. The names of the winners are Cadet R. U nsted, Cadet R. Jefferies, Cadet R . Lq.mb (of “ B ” Company, Eastbourne C adet Corps), Scout. L. V inall and W. Ilillenness.

T his range is open free to the public every W ednesday and Saturday evenings between 7 and 10 o’clock. Asmall charge for amm unition is made.

W. W J D E N H A M , Hon. Sec.

F r i e n d o f t h e f a m i ly : “ H o w d o y o u l ik e your new mamma, Bertie ? ” Bertie ; “ Oh, very much !

a ja r of plums- yesterday; and she blanfed the. I »I ate servant 1

P rin ted by the Proprietors, Farncomuk & Co., L im ited ,, and Published by them every Saturday a t their Offices, South-street Eastbourne.

N o . ! $ ,2 5 * 1 .

l bb e u f o e :

S C H O O L • ok-

Shorthand , I v i, e r r! i ; /. ‘ .!J W. H.

■ kastIjo Prep(*i> ,i.-* rj/j.V-J

M R. W. h JJON to'; A.J FJOliver 16 jtb ’ c p iutia.r.: 1 fcR.N.C., cir-beme.

Special Vf.v.ttut-p fc) i l V isito rs, j of P ia jlcg J

B n p : o oU P P E U A V K N llE .

Prirlc|i5at* ‘ f <’ PjL'H

| P r iv a te S choo l P<'em!=6M with 3 acre*- .

^hyaical IkJbbraLeriee. G y rm i Pcepars.tiOD for Loudon JVI4

and Camb n d | 1 ]j Fee? Moderate !'i

Q T , G E O R G E ’S ’ S f l

y O R B q s j f j iN T S iN D jc d v The Subject^- r.t IusLructflon|

a ll Public ,£k>cc»ndary Schpolal •Biwctioc te/paid to Ccmiii&rJ

- ‘ 1 I ^ Prospectun applj

Mu n i c i p a l s e a(T^cfefwiCAZ. iK s rZ T fR i

D A Y and! 3S Y E N TNG CL'.! B ran ch es A c t, lue. acihiL *

W oqd C frv !t!« a n l: Visitors ears join, la

M U N IC IP A L S E C O N D I l f : - F O E 'o i

| I ’ (^JPPERTOS-m u n i c i p a l s e c o k d A I

■' ., j | l F O R IJ (Te c h n ic a l I n stitd

. Prospeotrcts tand full partici obtained from THE SEC I

'faibtee, Towtc Hall, Eahtbouri

•1 /A W A R D E Dr ii i

i t J ! J ’ Tel. 261.

£ 2 0 mF O R t r ]a| s| s l a t i 6 x &

For ih^oj-mation and Tr El i.yipi.v

MR. A. E. jjSTYLElt;| 1| S 1 I.\ K iU i.v i.I

i-4-*r-yj. I

\\'tid< r Royal /Fhl

T ;H E c a S N T I l A U / j••CORNFIKLP UOAfflJ

Proprioujr. ih : n . i :c-1); ]IUstliUCLui H..M. I.o iL t

T he Subjects hif. I - n - i r n v '4 i - ( moiit. Military, P h j- 'r .! ;Fenciing. Swuid; sh ig le-ti-k .'lli

; - E- J- ii-i Abli iFirst-class Army In-tnu to(s.|

Ladies' and Jiii/enilc IUCnt, P hysical a,.;! s,.,

the per.'onajj s i ; » r <\ Lm | Foi-I’aliJj. I.: ... .1 .tf-sl

i ; ' 1 1 1 /f 1 ■- TiX. L’lllx

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CASH Ai)VA-t: C TSDAPPljjl^ to 'th e Oi.iAst

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d l . ’W llfeu i '-G T O :/ |,Q 1 AfiY R E F A Y k r.rT i! fW > it , ACTUAL liKNLLK ihask -f

! Companies, j j

P E O M F T C ' n *.; ‘ j: I £ A C> -v /’V

London-ic P i | r ; n a -b i)19, TXxnsdou~i: -js,

Psom ptltiide, Piliv-acy, : / .

f o r . B T

A dvances, i i ii i/ ,. .. a ; S im p le F ie n liS 'r i” '• •

I ‘V|S T R I C T jE . s h ' P I; i V

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Lim ited) Printiuj:; VVorks, toouin