
. ^iiii uii'i<!iii: ;iiiuiiwiiiii! >i!!!llM iiiiiiiiiiui rimiiilliiMiiiiiiiiiitiiiliilliiH J THE DISCOUN T KING WL f tkJ **% ^i ul »¥il ¦ ¦ I I i 1 Ji £o-lnch H -^ " M"LSJLAii yiSwL ^A-^^iA^^^B With Remote Control =j .{• |w g»«£ * if*^r±^- ^^^^ S ^ ^^^^BBM^^/ M MBBMB^^W^B VJ.IL HileCtTlC 5 ii ^ li iiiwff TT / i ^i«iaHBH ctsiicr j ivt/ I 'II | | ||sl^ I ONLY HEATERS IN I | 11 ^^^^ mj STOCK I X ^ ^S ^ ^ ^ ^^^ ^ 9 "5125 * GE Glass -Li^d ~~™~ | 1 rW&Mk^& s ¦ ^ B ww EEK u &QASK5 ¦ | Vy l ^^ag t^^^^^ Up i0 3 Yf AR S T0 PA Yl -?i l Sal1 «_—__ I |p \^ 1 All These Advance 30% OFF ON SKIL and I I YOU Can IW a I GENERAL ELECTRIC BLACK & DECKER I Uefteral Electric Ran9 e \ 1961 FEATURES ! PORTABLE TOOLS ^ Ivvl _— ^& flC 1 SENS1-TEMP UNIT Automatl. >—u ¦iiHtnw. i^n n —.. ,>—*>— j" = 1 __ tt MB - _¥ __ " * I tally eonlroU lemperaturel /^ *C **>/** » * *L CI i.^_ I I ^ OS $Bjff l &M \ ^BUTTON CONTROtS-TeN GE 30-inch ElcctllC 3 I H lftfflH ^-W <nr Model I o-Cook Lights show setting of f| ti*« «\/\€|S: p i 9 fl W I FOCUSED HEAT BROIlER-RodN I^WIAg V * w,/ •**•= I 1 on! deaf focused on meat) t n^:i ll/r Tl O '1 | \e==:=^^\ and a. Kttto « I . 23,N. MA STER OVEN. J _I ,lS,^, = VCS ^ **^^ ffi *9C I AUTOMATIC OVEN TJMERl " ClTlIT" 1 / * '~T~""~"-*" ' *** B I \^!^- ~- ~~ ^ Xi < @ I N°-DR|p COOKTOP I blvIL /4-inch I l\ !i ^\ ¦ A ^ 1 RE ' AovABLE ovEN DOOR , Dfill K* if $Q^ 5 ¦ 11 I ESSS^ o »er small I f-Bf P FULL-YEAR Lr i lII Ii.l l */ I \ I v^S> ^?> d0 * n paYtneni I ¦ !wt SERVICE $1 8 95 List § \\X ^^^A D i l By Central Electric Factory Expertol ^,, ^,!_., '^,, ,«^1 „—,>—„ — ,— =• 1 Yi*****^ ^^ io 3 I6JTS iw ra J* 1 iiiiMi fi- <ii /-« I - I ^ i 1 ^^ J-299 Uuy Only ot This j f S SS *W**mu liE ElCCtnC i ¦—¦ s,°" o' Vi"° ; taw n™ fl f «QQ »5 1 l£J SS S ETS5 >1 «SHP !r Dryer 93 13 " I KING APPLIANCE ® 1 TOP BRAND MERCHANDISE :: :: AT LOWEST PRICES s ¦* I 444 E. MAIN ST., PATCHOGUE (One Door West of PELCO) | GRover 5-3244 E Monday and Friday, 9 a.m. to 9 p.m. j, Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday and Saturday, 9 a.m . to 6 p.m. W imuiiiiiiimiiimiii iiiiiiiuiiiiiiiiiniiiHiiiiiitiuiiiiiiiiiMiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiuniiiiiiiniiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii'iittittiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii ¦¦¦¦iiiiiiiutiiiiiiiiiiiiitiii ¦iiiiiiiiiuiiiiiin iiutiiiiiiiniiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiitiiuiiiiii AA, '"' •on Forgot Our Anniv ersary !* " Wo hav e almost forgotten about diptheria . . . mastoiditis . . . M.i- lot fe\tr . . . pneumonia. 1 hi so disease s h a v i' been con- quered bv new wonder drugs. That 's win* T 0 D AY'S PRE- S( R1PT10N IS THE BIGGEST BARGAIN IX HISTORY. ^^^^^^ L W DEMOCRATIC RALLY—Enthusiastic crowd of over 300 persons turned out in Centereach Satur- day night at VFW Hall on Route 25 to see and hear the Democratic candidates. Pictured , left to right , are : Robert Coone> , candidate lor tow n clerk ; Robert Cedar , for -justice of p.ace; Dominic J. Baranello , HrooKlnn eu Tow n Demo- cratic leader; Super\ isor VuRust S-'uit, runiiin" tor re-election ; and Ra\ Hatt . candidate lor jus- tice of peaci\ Rall > was sponsored !)^ local Dem- ocratic clubs in Centereach area. —Maple Leaf Photo Set vice EASTWOOD VILLAGE and DAWN ESTATES Mrs. Ethel Smith , JU 8-8752 Daniel and Eileen Klarmann, twin children of Mr. and Mrs. Ed- ward Klarmann of 160 Mark Tree Road celebrated their third birth- day with a party Sunday. Guests were Mrs. Abbie Schwinn an' / daug hter , Doroth y of Brooklvn and Owen , Brian , and John Mc Guiness and Mrs. Lenore Wrubel of Centereach. Robert Goot. son of Mr. and Mrs. Robert Goot of 15 Stirup Lane , is very fond of pizza pie , so in honor of his third birthday Oc- tober 6. he was treated to a pizza pie luncheon at Don ' s Restaurant. Those attending - the luncheon and helping* him celebrate his birthday were his mother , Mrs. Goot , Mrs. Jane Werner and children , Mark and Joann , and Mrs. Rita Vaca- rella. A family party was held at the home of Mr . and Mrs. Walter Ol- sen of 148 Noel Drive October 10 in honor of their daughter Ev- elyn ' s sixth birthday. Mr. and Mrs. Herbert Hess of 160 Mark Tree Road entertained Fridav at a family party in honor of their son Richard' s fourth birthday. Present were his grand- parents. Mr. and Mrs. John Hess , and uncles , aunts and cousins , Mr. and Mrs. Kurt Danler and chil- dren , Gary and Ronald , Mr. and Mrs. Jack Gera 'ldi and children , Thomas and Stephen , Mr . and Mrs. Howard Mueller and children , Deb- ra. Bonnie and Howard , also his friend , Bruce Crebber , and sister , Marie , and brother. Joh n Annette Warfield , daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Warfield of 148 Stanley Drive celebrated her fourth birthday with a party Sat- urday. Her guests were her sister Diane, and brother Arthur , and also Donald and Charles Sayers , Frank , Roselie and Matthew La Barber , Elaine and John Valinanla of Centereach. Kathleen Kelly, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Frank Kelly of 2 Hunter Lane , gave a Rock and Roll party at her home October 7 in honor of her eleventh birthday. Her guests were 15 of her classmates at «chool . who all enjoyed a birthday party with all the trimmings. Mr. and Mrs. Alfred Oldenborg of 131 Dawn Drive held a famil y partv on Columbus day, in honor of their daughter Lynn ' s fourth birthday. Guests were her grand- mother , Mrs. Sarah Oldenborg of Centereach and grandmother, Mrs. Edward Vatovic of Queens Vil- lage; Mr. and Mrs. Edwin Olden- borg of Centereach , Mr. and Mrs. Edward Vatovic. Jr., of Jamaica and Lynn ' s brother , Ronald , and sister , Carol. $300 Tool Box , Stamps Are Stolen From Auto Company A tool box* , valued a** s M0 . and Si 5 worth of three-c ult -t'lmn** w ere reported Monday f o hav been stolen over the weekend from South Lav Pontiac of 25*2 Ea- * Main Street. Patchog-ue. .ucoi'iiim to Fifth Precinct police r> port -. John Marconi , ov nfi of the firm , fold police that the burulai\ was discovered bv Zenon "Dannv "' Wa« \e.\ ii Y. of *lf» Lake D*i\ e Ea*t PatohoiHie. who i- en***lo\ ul a* * a rvcYnnic. Police -aid that V] . W' -ilewic v ' s -even-drawer tool oox wi- -tol^n U'om the len.u ' r -hon Ti o n + h«* » firm ' - up- ^ aii- offic e, th-ee roHs of three-cent -tnm*** -- . v ith "00 ^t- an lis in <*ach ro 'l , woe stolen . *ic- cordinir to nolice. P ' ' u-e - *)id the bui* o"larv took place betv eon 5 p. m S'lturdav and 8 a. m Monday. Police Sut Jo 'in T "VTiMuHcn in- ve-tiuated the b**r< - . l>*v when it was reno-ted . Mini F ; f*h Souad Dete -tiv Fdw n-' Mm >* I- eontinu- ine- the investigation. r)F*- W pr \v MEETING M \STIC PF \CTI There will >* >e a leeidir bu-ine-^ m^etin°* Tup dav at ••! n. m of members of ?he Alasne Beach Dcnoi-rati'* Club •it + he clubho'i-e ou T .ccu-t Drive. \ ma-- rail-* ha- a ' so been idan- "ed for October °T beginnirni - at s ' TI . m , a ' -o at th e o 1 **hhou* *e i\*ith th ¦ * Detnocrafic Chibs of "UMS + I V Reach. M " a- f ic . "Moriches . "^hi'dev and Center ^Toriche- * * tak- *""* nart. \11 are welcome to at- tend . \ nuestion ap'l answer session w ill hn nar f of +he nroo*ram and i'fre-hments w ill be served Unitarians Will Hear Rev. Nicholas Car de ll The Re v. Nicholas C. Cardell , Jr., minister of the Unitarian So- ciety of Plainfield , N. J., will pre- sent -some views on children ' s re- ligion to the Brookhaven Unitar- ian Fellowship Sunday, at 8:30 p. m. This regular bi-monthly meeting will be held at the Brook- haven Township YMCA. South Ocean Ave., Patchogue. Religious education is a special- t y of the Rev. Cardell , who has been directing these activities for Plainfield for the past five years. He was also the main speaker at a workshop for religious education directors of Long Island Unitarian groups held this past September in Plandome. The Rev. Cardell ser- ved too , as a regional committee member and discussion leader at the annual Middle Atlantic States Religious Education Conference held in June. 19(50. After the meeting there will be a social hour with refreshments. The public is invited to attend. Sunday School is held at 10:lo a m. every Sundav. SPEAKER—Francis Giaccone, president of West Brookhaven Republican Club, is shown addressing meeting of his club at Veterans of Foreign Wars hall in Centereach last Wednesday night. Several Republican candidates are shown in audience, in- cluding Justices of the Peace Leon E. Giuffreda , running for re-election ; Alex Proios , running for receiver of taxes; Sheriff Charles R. Dominy, supervisor candidate; George Fuehs and Clarenc" L. Hough , councilmen candidates ; and Edwin Arnzen , candidate for tow n clerk. —Maple Leaf Photo Seiw icc Mrs . I'tliel fmi 'li . .1 1* h- . s7">2 t HOME i:\lKNSION "\1 -iiibi of I ii' I" . 'i Rem violin ,; cl , --. < I t 11 1 .K iii -\ e-t eute K. i' i. Mill i - t' '1- . ii l' n t w i ll 1 ,\, . » , .th .ird t ,ii il le-son on | ' d > -H - U ' . i \ i' ai oils , a to ' ii\ h a.ii * lias show n th da-- how to make a be uitiful I ' m | ec e mit ol old and worn diseaided i o.i ' - 1 e I'll d ail hi -l les-Oii on . ei' , 1'1 too'i' i '; will al-o be held on I' II ' ' (1 i\ \1' - . l- v.. * . Burr and Mi- \\ iiiu li.ii ' a * s , '11:111 aie the io, a! i 'd.M - \h "i ' i . x t ikmg this i n >i i l ,i " e Ue-d im ' . - Doloi e- \\ l ' , 1 1' ih< 111 Ol'W'i , Betty ! ,,|, . , . * -"aie ( eo . Pel i \ Gehm. Loii 0 I .u 11 . > , i.i . Aliiure Goldie. In ii- llai ili. . Kitty Chu ke and I' ii \ ' i I. omb u di. Thn t\-four n ••mix , ul ' I, ' unit aie p lanning t i a . i il lie . 'in ual (. ountyu ide i vliu i a ii\iee luiuheou-fa-hion , i-u ..n 1 n.i' i tmu .it th ¦ Hunting- ton Ti wi lliu-e. lluntinuton . Oc- tohei .' ,:. EIRE DEPVRTMEXT The Medical Unit of the Cente- leam Fire Depa'tnu nt will hold it- - fouiteenth annual dance at the f IK house Saturday night , George M utin * - the cha ' unan. Music will 1) , 1 \ the Half Beats. Tlie ambulance was called out i nly om i las ' week , at !):05 p. m. Octobei !. " > . w hen S. Tine of Adi- iord.u k Du\e. Seidon. was taken ti. Smithtown Ch neial Hospital by i ulei ol Di. Moiton Jagu-t. Dnver v . - \! Xmheig and i 'ir-t aid linn. Ilaiold Fislici. RLPl IJLICAN CLl B The ^\ e-t Brooknav en Republi- < ri C uli h"!d its meeting nt the \ F\\ Hall (Klohoi 11 uitli Fiank til... i ore . pii-ident. m (baige. A I ' IKMII\ iiuinbei a 'tended and the tollow ii; Ri juiblii -an candidate- ! ij '\i 'ie pi. sent ami .spoke to the "• (inn ( hailes Don uv. sheiiff. who is tunning for Tow n Supei- j\i-oi ; Edwin Anu' .en loi Tow n l.l'ik; t 'laioncc Hough , < i.ulidate loi councilman; George Fuehs , for i uu din,ui; L ' "ii Gpill' i * ' d i , jiin- lite o) the pe:u e; Eil'ng Larsen. in he ol the pe ice . Ale c I' K io , iecei\er of taxes. Tlv club will be holding a dance at CI ib Chile in Lake Ronkonkoma Octo- 1 er 28. and anothi r rally for the paity ' s candidates on No\ember -1. DEMOCRATIC RALLY A large motoiv id" spo'-sm-'d bv the Democratic Clubs of Coram , ( ent"ie:i 'h and Sehten wa lielu Saturday, starting 7 p. m. at the Hideaway Re tauiant MI Coiam and t*a\ i liiig thiough (\iram, Middle Island. Golden Heights. Selden and Cent'M-eacli. They en- ib ><] al the VFW Hall in Center- i e:uh. wheie all B ooklun en Town ,nd county D- mociatic candidates aihliessed th" large eiow d atten- i ; ir.g Ji h-i Foley wa- the chair- man for the rally committee. Mr. and Mrs . Rudolph Helf. Jr.. and childien Robert . Thomas and Diane Marie, of McGaw Avenue were dinner g .tests of Mrs. Helf' s parents. Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Pur- tell of Central Islip, Saturday. The o( casion was in honor of the Helfs ' eighth wedding anniversary. Other- piesi nt were Miss Tara Purtell and Mr. and Mrs. Charles Downey and children. Kevin , Ei- le en and Michael , of Amityville. Mrs . Bea Abremsen and Mrs. ( elia Brow nworth attended the U aders meeting of the Pioneer Girl s at Camp Xorge , Talman , Fi iday and Satuiday. Over 100 leaders attended. Mi*, and Mrs. George Edwards o f Elliot Avenue entertained at dinner Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. Jer- ald Stewart and Mi. and Mrs. Clinton Stew ait of Smithtown. Mis . Susan Holmes of 1 Bony- lull Drive entered her orange sable female toy pomeranian in the Brookhaxen Plan A show at the Rei rea <ion Field in Bellport Sun- da\. Tlv 1 dou, who is one and a half year- old , came in first place , Best ' Breed Adult and re ceived a si ' ver trop hy tray. Mr- . Holmes , whose hobb y is raising and breed- ing tov pomeranian? and other show dogs, has a cabinet full of many trophies w hich her dogs have won. Mr. and Mrs. Ernest Overton uiti rta i ned the Central Long Is- land Camp of Gideons at their business and devotional meeting Friday nig ht at their home. The Rev. Moe Sabina. pastor of the Smithtown Baptist Church, was the guest speaker. Othe rs present w ere Mr. and Mrs. Samuel McDan- iel and the Rev. and Mrs. Stanley Dixon of Patchogue ; Mr. and Mrs. Fred St yle of West Sayville ; Al- fred Olsv n of Holtsville and Mr. and Mrs. George Boschen of Cen- tereach . Mr. and Mrs. Frank Walsh of Smith Street had as weekend house guests Mr. and Mrs. Carlton Reriy. Mrs. Charles Gillespie and daughters, Ma rsha , Doroth y and Linda , of Waltham , Mass., and Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Stothers and Mrs. Josep h Varrecchio of the Bronx. Salvatore Farrugia , nine-year- old son of Mr. and Mi*s. Salvatore Farrugia of 100 North Colman Road, returned home October 10 from Mather Memorial H-ospital after being confined there since October 3. Mary Sorenson , daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Harold Sorenson of St, •Tames Road , celebrated her fourth birthday with a party Octobei* 9 . Her guests were Jeannie and Chris Rasmussen of Lake Grove anel David and Diane Lilja of Lake Ronkonkoma. also her sister , Ca- lol. and brother , Richard . The home of Mr. and Mrs. Rus- sell Zabriskie e>f Middle Country Road has recently been mo\ ed to another lot on Hawkton Place , wrere it will be renovated. Mr. and Mrs. Georg e Edwards of Elliot Avenue were pleasantly surprised October 11 , after the prayer meeting at the First Con- gregational Church of New Vil- lage , when it was announced that a party would be held in the Sun- day School basement in liquor of the Edwards ' twentieth wedding anniversary. All the congregation was invited to attend and all en- joyed a social time with anniver- sary i efreshments. Carol Booth , daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Richard Booth of 32 Minerva Lane , celebrated her sixth birthday with a family party on October 8. On October 10, Den Mother Mrs. Walter Seitz of 7 Minerva Lane held her Cub Scout Pack meeting at her home. Boys present were John Regan , Raymond Seitz , Ro- bert Stout , Donald Frick and Er- nest Geiger. One of the boys , Don- ald Frick , Was celebrating his tenth birthday that day, so the pack held a little party in his honor. Mr. and Mrs. John Frick and children , Ann Marie and Donald , of 36 Anne Road spent the meek- end with Mrs. Frick s parents. Mr. and Mrs. James Marinan in Brook- lyn. While there they celebrated Donald' s tenth birthday with a family party. Gary Drossel , son of Mr. and Mrs. Eugene Drossel of 10!) Gould Road , celebrated his third birthday with a party October 8. His guests were his cousins , George and El- ena Schoen of Hauppauge ; his grandmother, Mrs. Doris Musson of Stony Brook ; Mrs. William Drossel anel children , Janet and Lorraine , of Setauket ; Mrs. George Schoen and Mrs. Mary Myles of Hauppauge ; Mrs. Robert Rehak and children , Robert , Diane , Frank and Doris , of East Northport , and Gary ' s brother , Gregory, and sis- ter Ga T e. Mrs. Rehak , an aunt of Gary ' s, also cele b rated her birth- day the same day. Mrs. Margaret Williams o f Manhattan is spending a week visiting her daughter , Mrs. Jac- e]ueline Matheson at 19 Locust Street. The Rev. Norman Minard , pas- tor of the Centereach Community Church , is confined at the Colum- bian Presbyterian Hospital in Manhattan , where he is receiving more treatment on his arm. Mr. and Mrs. Terry Burr of Woodland Road was pleasantly surprised Sunday afternoon when they were given a party by their daughter , Miss Ruthann Burr , in honor of their twenty-fourth wed- ding anniversary. Their guests were Mr. and Mrs. Otto Lubrich and children . Otto and Melody, Mr. and Mrs. Alfred Fridlund , Mr. anel Mrs. Albert Abramsen, Mr. and Mrs. Alvin Smith and Richard Benkert of Centereach and Mr. md Mrs. James Trappen of Stony Brook. Also Mr. and Mrs. Burr ' s other two daughters , Miss Janet Burr , who was hoime from Bar- rington Bible College. Providence, R. I., for the weekend , and Miss Lorraine Burr. Mr. and Mrs. Alvin Smith of Smith Street accompanied bv their son-in-law and daughter, Mr. and Mrs. Pierson Van Orstrand , and children , David and Cindy of Bav- port spent three days of the holi- day weekend cam-ping at Hither Hills , Montauk Point. Mrs. Ei*nest Overton spent sev- eral days last week visiting her cousins , Mrs. Harold Grey and Mrs. Henry Reinhardt of Hunting- ton. Mr. and Mrs. Nicholas Hawkins of Edgewater , N. J., are spending several weeks visiting Miss Doro- thy Konkel of Hawkton Place. Word has been received here that Mrs. Edward Pullen of Levit- town , formerly of Lake Grove , is seriously ill at South Nassau Com- munit y Hospital , Oceanside. CHURCH NEWS The First Congregational Church of New Village has Sunday School at 9:45 a. m.. worship at 11 a. m., Youth Fellowship at 6:30 n. m., Gospel service at 7:30 p. m., Sunday. Prayer and Bible Study hour is at 8 p. m. Wednesday, and Missionary Pray Q r Circle at the home of Mrs. William Wortley at 1:30 p. m. Wednesday. The - Centereach C o m m u n i ty Church holds Sunday School at 10 a. m,. , worshi p at 11:15 a. m. and Westminster Fellowshi p at 6:30 p. m. Sunday. On Sunday an elder of the church , Benjamin Graham, will be in charge of the service in the absence of the pastor , the Rev. Norman Minard. The Centereach Mennonite Church holds worship at 10 a. m., Sunday School at 10:45 a. m. and gospel service at 7:45 p. m. Sun- day. Bible study hour is at 7:45 p. m. Wednesday with a special class for young people. The Men- nonite Hour can be heard over Radio Station WINS at 10 p. m. Sunday. Our Savior Lutheran Church holds Sunday School at 9 a. m., worship at 8 and 10:30 a. mt. Sun- day. Adult Discussion Group meet- ings are at 8 p. m. Wednesday. Eighth grade confirmation class meets Saturday from 9 to 11 a. m. Seventh grade confirmation class meets 4 to 5:15 p. rn. Thursday. Junior choir meeting, 7:30 p. m. Wednesday and Senior choir meet- ing 8:30 p. m. Wednesday. Sunday School Teachers meeting is Octo- ber 26. St. Andrew' s Reformed Episco- pal Church has Sunday School at 10 a. rn., morning prayer and ser- mon at 11 a. m., evening prayer and sermon at 8 p. rn. Sunday and evening nraver and Bible study at 8 p. m. Wednesday. The Assumption of the Blessed Virgin Mary R. C. Church has masses at 8. 9, 10:30 and 11:30 a. m. and 12:30 p. m. Sunday, and a daily mass at 8 a. m. Holy Name Society movies are at "£:3Q p. m. Sunday in . the church audi- torium. ** .mmn*tmW*nXiAMMtmmtim.'^* A^mit*m^»mmMVmmmAmmwMMM Centereach and Lake Grove MASTIC BEACH The Repub- lican Club of Mastic Beach is sponsoring* a dinner and dance October 28 beginning at 8 p. m. at the Mastic Beach Property Owners Association clubhouse on Neighborhood Road. Music will be furnished b y the "Svncopators." William Vopelak is chairman of the dinner-dance committee. Ad- mission can be obtained at the door. ' DINNER-DANCE Patchogue Area FIRST CHURCH OF CHRIST < SCIENTIST Roe Boulevard and N. Ocean Ave. 11 a. m.—Sunday school. 11 a. m.—Sunday service. Salvation is attaineel throug h sp iritual awakening, growth , and progress. This is a theme of the Lesson-Sermon entitled "Proba- tion After Death" which will be presented at Christian Science e-hurches Sunday. The Golden Text is from I Cor- inthians (6): "God hath both rais- ed up the Loid , anel will also raise up us bv his own power. " WEDNESDAY 8:15 p. m.—Testimony meeting. DAILY Reading room hours 11 a. m. to 4 p. m., dail y, Fridays 7 to 9 p. m. except Sunday and legal holidays at 38 South Ocean Avenue. THE LUTHERAN CHURCH OF OUR SAVIOR 231 Jayne Avenue Dr. Lammert R delf.s , Pastor THURSDAY 7 p. m.—Junior choir rehearsal. 7:30 p. m. Senior choir re- hearsal. SATURDAY 9:30 a. m. Confirmation class . 10:45 a. m. Beginners ' class. SUNDAY 9 a. rn. and 10:30 a. m. Sun- day School anel nursery for babes in arm s anel children up to three years of age. 9 a. m. and 10:30 a. m. I Divine worship. Sermon , "The Stewardshi p of The Gospel. " Ser- mon No. 4 in tie series: "Chiis- tian Stewardship." 7:30 p. m. Pastor ' s Class for prospective members. THE CONGREGATIONAL CHURCH 95 East Main Street Mr. and Mrs. David D. Larson , Missionaries Rev. Stuart W. Vai Cof t Minister SUNDAY 9:30 a. m. Church School. Two Worship Services 9:30 a. m. Early famil y serv- ice. Parents and others may at- tend the early service during the church school hour . Nursery for infants. 11 a. m. Worship service. Meditation b y the pastor at both services. 7 p. m. Pilgrim Fellowship. TUESDAY 8 p. m. Couples Club. Eve- ning of folk dancing. 7:30 p. m. Boy Scout Troop 44 THURSD AY 7 p. m. —Junior choir rehearsal. ' 8 p. m.—Senior choir rehearsal, j THE METHODIST CHURCH South Ocean Avenue Patchogue Rev. Donald W. Hamblin Minister THURSDAY 8 p. m. Choir rehearsal in the Ladies ' Parlor. 9 p. m. Alcoholics Anony- mous meets in the parish house. SUND AY 9:45 a. m.—Church school with classes from nursery through high school . Adult Bible class. 11 a. m. Morning worship service. 7 p. m. Junior and Senior Methodist Youth Fellowshi p, Young Adult Fellowship meet. 7:30 p. m. Young Adult Fel- lowship meets in the church. MONDAY 6:30 p. m. Methodist Men ' s supper served by the Mizpah and Mary Martha Circles in the Sun- day School room. WEDNESDAY 7:30 p. m. Boy Scouts meet in the parish house. EMANUEL LUTHERAN CHURCH East Main Street Rev. Daniel G. Fiehler , Pastor THURSD AY 7 p. m. —Walther League choir. 8 p. m. Senior choir. SATURDAY 9:30 a. m. Confirmation classes. SUNDAY 8:30 a. m. Church service. 9:30 a. m. Sunday School and Adult Bible Group. 10:45 a. m. Church service. WEDNESDAY 1:30 p. m. Senior Ladies ' Aid Society. *> FIRST BAPTIST CHURCH New North Ocean A\enue Rev. John E. Southard , Pastor Till RSDAV 7 p. m. Membe rshi p class. 5 p. m. Midweek sen ice. FRIDAY 7 p. m. Boys Bri gade (age 8-12). SATURDAY 7:.]() p. m. Boys Brigade (ages 12 up). SUNDAY 9:15 a. m.—- Bible School. Clasps for all ages fiom nur-»ei> clas.s thiough an Adult Bible class. Buses pro\ ide free tianspoi tation for those who desire it. For in- formatiem call G Ro\er 5-1172. 11 a. m. —¦ Morning woiship. Organist , Miss Emma Kalle-r. An- the m b y the choir. Message b y the pastor. A nurseij anel a junior churct are cemelueted for infant- anel small childien. 6 p. m. Youth Gioups and Adult Bible Stud y Class . 7:15 ]>. MI . Community Gospel service. S pecial music. Song sen - ice. Message b*. the pastor . A nur- sei v is conducted for infants . MONDAY 3:30 p. m. —Pioneer Girls (ages 8-12). 7 p. m . Evang-'lical Skating Fellowship at Bav Shore link. TUESDAY 8 p. m. Boaid of Deacems meet. WEDNESDAY 10 a. m. Women ' s Prayer Greiup meets at home of Mrs. Van- Le-euwen , 44 Chestnut Avenue. 7 p. m. Pioneer Girls (ages 12 up). 7:30 p. m. Choir practice. ST. PAUL'S EPISCOPAL CHURCH Rev. Richard C. Chapin , Rector Ret . E. A. W. Wibon Rector Emeritus THURSDAY 9 a. m. Hol y communion. 8 p. m. Bui'ding fund. FRIDAY 12 noon Holv communion. SATURDAY 7 p. m. Evening .prayer. SUNDAY ' Twent y-first Sunday after Trinity 8 a. m. Hob r Communion . I 9 a. m. Family Eucharist and Church school. 11 a. m. Morning prayer and sermon. WEDNESDAY 9:30 a. m. Hol y communion. 7:30 p. m. Junior choir . 8 p. m. Senior choir . THE PATCHOGUE CONGREGATION OF JEHOVAH'S WITNESSES Woodside Avenue near Rt. 112 North Patchogue THURSDAY (Today) 7:30 p. m. Ministry Improve- ment School. Written review in- c l uding Lesson 1 anel 2 from book. "Equipped for Every Good Work. " 8:35 p. m. -— Sen ice meeting. "Ove-rcoming Objection with ser- mon outlines. " SUNDAY 1 p. m. Public address. "Will Many Now Living* Never Die?" Speaker: O. J. Hibbard. 5:15 p. m. Wateditower stud y. : "Using Life in Haimonv with the Will of God. " TUESDAY 8 p. m. Congregation Bible Book Study. "Gatheiing of the Nations to Armageddon. " News of the Churches The trial of two Mastic men. a | Shiiley man and a Mastic Beach man was aeljourned from Octeibei j 11 bv Brookhaven Justice of the I Peace Milton A. LaGattuta to Dec- ember 6 , according to Mrs. Lena Sedate , town court clerk. The men face charges arising fiom an altercation August 11 in Mastic Beach. They are Richard Johnson , 22 of Fulton Road , Mastic, charged with resisting arre-t , third degree as- sault and disorderly conduct: Don- ald Joseph Johnson. 23 , of Ftdton Road , Mastic, charged with third degree assault and public intoxica- tion: George Anthonv Rose , 23 , of Shivvesant Avenue Mastic B^aeh , charsred with disorder ' v conduct , •md John Savoca of 390 Lake Stre- et , Shirley, charged with resisting arrest and disorderly conduct. Mrs Sedate paid the October 11 trial of the four men was adjourned because a wdtness was unable to ap- pear- -—Since they are " comp ani on" cases, she said , the trial of all of the men was adjourned. Live new s and eye-catching ad vertising make the Advance* stand out in point of reader in- terest for every member of the family.—Adv. Trial of Four Men Adjourned to Dec. 6 Suffolk N ews Roundup A Riverhead man tntically in- jureel in a aeu o cia-h in Xoithamp- ton Sunela . \ night, dud Jn ee houi- > latei of internal nijuiies at Central Suffolk Ho-pital , ' liiveihead. The victim wa- Chaile- A. Har- grove , 35 , ed Riveiside Drive , Riv- erhead. According to Southamp- ton Poliee , Mr. Hargiove was in an auto that skidded out of control 1 (H) feet on the Rivei head-Mot it-hes, Road , slamnv el into a concrete po-t- I ' ence , skidded »noth"i 70 leet and ledled ovei* . Mr. ILugiove was throw n out into a fence polo , sti f- ftnng two lichen 1< g- and othei injuri" -. He died at 9 p. m. in the he>s*)ital. Police -aid the car wa- heading- north on the highway at about 6 p. ni. when the accident octuiied. Mr. Haigiov ' - brother Amos 37 , alse> of River-iele Drive, told police the gas pedal wa- -tuek. He -aid 1 e tried to f re it w ith his hand and then lo-t eon *"iol of the tar . Police sc.id Amos Ihu giove , and another man in the auto , Geoige Ja< kson, 27 , of Cianbeny St., Riverhead , wei e unin jureel. Patrolmen Roger King- and Mic- h:'"l Muiiay invt-tigated t li c at cidont. A S50 .000 fiie eai*V Sundav morning destroyed a potato -forage ham on Middle Road, liiveihead, 18 000 bushels of potatoe- , several vehicles , and valuable farm ec-uip- pient. The fire was di-covered at about 4.20 a. in., after it had appaiently heen binned for seveial bouts and Riverhead firemen were called in About 75 vamp , led b y F ii< *> Chi'-f Harold Hothhei-er. fought the fames fe>r three honi- . but could not «ave the 60 bv '10 foot w eiode n structure. Damage to the budding wa- li-t ^d at about £15. 000 . and lo- - of the potatoes vva- e-t ' mated ai SI 5, 0(H) Two tractois, a cai , and two truck- , phis seveial ni-ee- of faim nun - hineiy v.dued at a total of S2O . 000 w ei e til -o de-troyed. The luildui g wa- owrod bv Ch do J. McBurnie. Pol'ce and firemen weie unable to dot rmiie the ori- gin of the hla/e imt -ahl it p'i ght have been cati-ed bv faulty ¦ lecric wi* ing* .

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I 444 E. MAIN ST., PATCHOGUE (One Door West of PELCO)| GRover 5-3244E Monday and Friday, 9 a.m. to 9 p.m.j , Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday and Saturday, 9 a.m. to 6 p.m.W imuiiiiiiimiiimiii iiiiiiiuiiiiiiiiiniiiHiiiiiitiuiiiiiiiiiMiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiuniiiiiiiniiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii'iittittiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii ¦¦¦¦iiiiiiiutiiiiiiiiiiiiitiii ¦iiiiiiiiiuiiiiiin iiutiiiiiiiniiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiitiiuiiiiii

AA,'"'• o n Forgot Our Anniv ersary !*"Wo hav e almost forgotten aboutdiptheria . . . mastoidit is . . .M . i - lot f e \ t r . . . pneumonia.1 hi so disease s h a v i' been con-quered b v n e w wonder drugs.That 's win* T 0 D A Y ' S PRE-S( R1PT10N IS THE BIGGESTB A R G A I N IX HISTORY.

^ ^ ^^LW

DEMOCRATIC RALLY—Enthus ias t ic crowd ofover 300 persons turned out in Centereach Satur-day night at VFW Hall on Route 25 to seeand hear the Democratic candidates. Pictured ,left to right , are : Robert Coone> , candidate lortow n clerk ; Robert Cedar , for -justice of p.ace;

Dominic J. Baranello, HrooKlnn eu Tow n Demo-cratic leader; Super\ isor Vu Rus t S-'u i t , r un i i in "tor re-election ; and Ra\ Hat t . cand ida te lor jus-tice of peaci\ Ral l > was sponsored !)^ local Dem-ocratic clubs in Centereach area.

—Maple Leaf Photo Set vice


Mrs. Ethel Smith, JU 8-8752

Daniel and Eileen Klarmann,twin children of Mr. and Mrs. Ed-ward Klarmann of 160 Mark TreeRoad celebrated their third birth-day with a party Sunday. Guestswere Mrs. Abbie Schwinn an'/daughter , Doroth y of Brooklvnand Owen , Brian , and John McGuiness and Mrs. Lenore Wrubelof Centereach.

Robert Goot. son of Mr. andMrs. Robert Goot of 15 StirupLane, is very fond of pizza pie , soin honor of his third birthday Oc-tober 6. he was treated to a pizzapie luncheon at Don 's Restaurant.Those attending- the luncheon andhelping* him celebrate his birthdaywere his mother, Mrs. Goot , Mrs.Jane Werner and children , Markand Joann , and Mrs. Rita Vaca-rella.

A family party was held at thehome of Mr . and Mrs. Walter Ol-sen of 148 Noel Drive October 10in honor of their daughter Ev-elyn's sixth birthday.

Mr. and Mrs. Herbert Hess of160 Mark Tree Road entertainedFridav at a family party in honorof their son Richard's fourthbirthday. Present were his grand-parents. Mr. and Mrs. John Hess,and uncles, aunts and cousins, Mr.and Mrs. Kurt Danler and chil-dren , Gary and Ronald , Mr. andMrs. Jack Gera 'ldi and children,Thomas and Stephen , Mr . and Mrs.Howard Mueller and children , Deb-ra. Bonnie and Howard , also hisfriend , Bruce Crebber, and sister,Marie , and brother. Joh n

Annette Warfield , daughter ofMr. and Mrs. Arthur Warfield of148 Stanley Drive celebrated herfourth birthday with a party Sat-urday. Her guests were her sisterDiane, and brother Arthur, andalso Donald and Charles Sayers,Frank , Roselie and Matthew LaBarber , Elaine and John Valinanlaof Centereach.

Kathleen Kelly, daughter of Mr.and Mrs. Frank Kelly of 2 HunterLane , gave a Rock and Roll partyat her home October 7 in honor ofher eleventh birthday. Her guestswere 15 of her classmates at«chool . who all enjoyed a birthdayparty with all the trimmings.

Mr. and Mrs. Alfred Oldenborgof 131 Dawn Drive held a familypartv on Columbus day, in honorof their daughter Lynn 's fourthbirthday. Guests were her grand-mother, Mrs. Sarah Oldenborg ofCentereach and grandmother, Mrs.Edward Vatovic of Queens Vil-lage; Mr. and Mrs. Edwin Olden-borg of Centereach , Mr. and Mrs.Edward Vatovic. Jr., of Jamaicaand Lynn 's brother, Ronald , andsister, Carol.

$300 Tool Box,Stamps Are StolenFrom Auto Company

A tool box *, valued a** s M0 . andSi 5 worth of three-c ult -t ' lmn **w ere reported Monday f o hav beenstolen over the weekend from SouthLav Pontiac of 25*2 Ea- * MainStreet. Patchog-ue. . u co i ' i i im toFif th Precinct police r> port -.

John Marconi , ov n f i of the f i rm ,fold police t h a t t h e b u r u l a i \ w a sdiscovered bv Zenon "Dannv "'Wa« \e.\ ii Y. of *lf» Lake D *i \ e Ea*tPatohoiHie. w h o i- en ***lo\ ul a** arvcYnnic.

Police -aid t h a t V] . W ' -ilewic v 's-even-drawer to ol oox w i - - tol^nU'om the len.u' r -hon Ti o n + h«*»f i rm '- up- ^ a i i - o f f i c e, t h - e e roHsof three-cent -tnm***-- . v i th "00 ^t-an lis in <*ach ro 'l , w o e stolen . *ic-cordinir to nolice. P ''u-e -*) id thebui* o"larv took p lace betv eon 5 p.m S 'lt u rdav and 8 a. m Monday.

Police Sut Jo 'in T "V T i M u H c n in-v e -t iu at e d the b**r< -. l > * v when itwas reno -ted .Mini F ; f*h SouadDete -tiv Fdw n - ' M m >* I- eontinu-ine- the inves t ig a t ion .

r)F*-W pr \ v MEETINGM \STIC PF \CTI There will

>*>e a l e e id i r bu - ine -^ m^etin°*Tup dav at ••! n. m of member s of?he Alasne Beach Dcnoi-rati '* Club•it + he clubho 'i-e ou T .ccu-t Drive.

\ ma-- ra i l -* ha- a ' so been idan-"ed for October °T beginnirn i- ats' TI . m , a '-o at th e o1**hhou**ei\*ith th

¦* D e tn o c r a f i c Chibs of"UM S + IV Reach. M"a- f ic . "Moriches ."^hi 'dev and Center ^Tori che- ** tak-*""* nart. \11 are welcome to at-tend .

\ nues t i on ap 'l answer sessionw il l hn nar f of +he nroo*ram andi ' f r e- h m en t s w ill be served

Unitarians Will HearRev. Nicholas Cardell

The Re v. Nicholas C. Cardell ,Jr., minis ter of the Unitar ian So-ciety of Plainfield , N. J., wil l pre-sent -some views on children 's re-ligion to the Brookhaven Unitar-ian Fellowship Sunday, at 8:30p. m. This regular b i -monthlymeeting will be held at the Brook-haven Township YMCA. SouthOcean Ave., Patchogue.

Religious education is a special-ty of the Rev. Cardell , who hasbeen directing these activities forPlainfield for the past five years.He was also the main speaker ata workshop for religious educationdirectors of Long Island Unitariangroups held this past Septemberin Plandome. The Rev. Cardell ser-ved too , as a regional committeemember and discussion leader atthe annual Middle Atlantic StatesReligious Education Conferenceheld in June. 19(50.

After the meeting there will bea social hour with refreshments.The public is invited to attend.Sunday School is held at 10:loa m. every Sundav.

SPEAKER—Francis Giaccone, president of WestBrookhaven Republican Club, is shown addressingmeeting of his club at Veterans of Foreign Warshall in Centereach last Wednesday night. SeveralRepublican candidates are shown in audience, in-cluding Justices of the Peace Leon E. Giuffreda ,

running for re-election ; Alex Proios, runn ing forreceiver of taxes; Sheriff Charles R. Dominy,supervisor candidate; George Fuehs and Clarenc"L. Hough , councilmen candidates ; and EdwinArnzen, candidate for tow n clerk.

—Maple Leaf Photo Seiw icc

Mrs . I 't l iel f m i 'li . .1 1* h- .s7">2 t

H O M E i : \ l K N S I O N

"\1 - i i ib i of I i i ' I". ' i Rem v i o l i n ,;c l , --. < I t 11 1 .K i i i -\ e-t euteK . i' i . M i l l i - t ' '1- . i i l' n t w i ll1 ,\ , •. » < ¦ , . th .ird t , i i il le-sonon | ' d > -H - U ' . i \ i ' ai oils ,a t o ' i i \ h a .ii * l ia s show n th •d a - - how to make a be u i t i f u l I'm| ec e mi t ol old and w o r n diseaidedi o.i ' - 1 e I ' l l d a i l hi -l les-Oiion . ei ' , 1 ' 1 t oo ' i ' i '; w i l l al-o be heldon I' I I

'' (1 i \ \1 ' -. l-v.. *. Burr and

M i - \\ i i i u l i . i i ' a *s ,'11:111 a i e theio, a! i ' d .M - \h "i ' i . x t i k m g t h i si n > i i l ,i " e Ue -d im '.- Doloi e-\\ l ', 1 1' ih< 111 Ol'W'i , Bet ty! , , | , ., .*- "a i e ( eo . Pel i \ Gehm.Loi i 0 I .u 1 1 .>,i.i. A l i i u r e Goldie.I n i i - l l a i i l i . . K i t t y Chu ke andI' ii \ ' i I . omb u di. Thn t \ - f o u rn • • m i x , ul ' I , ' u n i t a i e p l a n n i n gt i a . i il l i e .' in ua l (. ou n t y u idei v l i u i a i i \ i e e l u i u h e o u - f a - h i o n

, i -u ..n 1 n . i ' i t m u .it th ¦ H u n t i n g -t o n Ti wi l l i u - e . l l u n t i n u t o n . Oc-tohe i .', :.


The Medica l Un i t of the Cente-leam Fire Depa'tnu nt w i l l holdit - - f o u i t e e n t h annua l dance at thef IK house Saturday n igh t , GeorgeM u t i n * - the cha 'unan. Music will1) , 1 \ t he Half Beats.

Tlie ambu lance w a s called outi n ly om i las ' week , at !):05 p. m.Octobei !." > . w hen S. Tine of Adi-iord .u k Du\e . Seidon. was takenti . S m i t h t o w n Ch n e i a l Hospital byi u le i ol D i . M o i t o n J agu-t . Dnverv .- \! X m h e i g and i'ir- t aid linn.I l a i o l d F i s l i c i .


The ^\ e-t Brooknav en Republ i -< ri C u l i h"!d i t s mee t ing nt the\ F\\ H a l l (K loho i 11 u i t l i F i a n kt i l . . . i ore . p i i - i d e n t . m ( b a i g e . AI' I K M I I \ i i u inbe i a ' tended and t het o l l o w ii; Ri ju ib l i i -an candidate- !

ij '\i ' ie p i . sent ami .spoke to the"• ( i n n ( h a i l e s Don uv. s h e i i f f .w h o is t u n n i n g for Tow n Supei -

j \ i - o i ; E d w i n Anu '.en lo i Tow nl . l ' i k ; t ' l a ioncc Hough , < i .u l idate

lo i c o u n c i l m a n ; George Fuehs , fori uu d i n ,u i ; L '"ii Gp il l ' i * ' d i , jiin-

l i t e o) the pe:u e; E i l 'n g Larsen.in h e ol the pe ice . Ale cI' K io , i e c e i \ e r of taxes. Tlv clubwil l be holding a dance at CI ibChi le in Lake Ronkonkoma Octo-1 er 28. and anothi r rally for thep a i t y 's candidates on No\ember -1.


A la rge motoiv id" spo'-sm-'d bvthe Democratic Clubs of Coram ,( ent"ie : i 'h and Sehten wa lieluSa tu rday , sta r t ing 7 p. m. at theH i d e a w a y Re t a u i a n t MI Coiamand t *a \ i l i i ig t h i o u g h (\iram,Midd l e I sland. Golden Heigh t s .Selden and Cent 'M -eacl i . They en-ib > <] al t he VFW Hal l in Center-i e:uh. w h e i e all B ooklun en Town,n d county D- m o c i a t i c candidatesaihliessed th " large eiow d atten-i ;ir .g Ji h-i Foley w a - the chair-man for t h e ra l ly commit tee .

Mr. and Mrs . Rudolph Helf. Jr..and chi ldien Robert . Thomas andDiane Marie , of McGaw Avenuewere dinner g .tests of Mrs. Helf'sparents. Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Pur-tell of Central Islip, Saturday. Theo( casion was in honor of theHelfs ' e igh th wedding anniversary.Other- piesi nt were Miss TaraPurtel l and Mr. and Mrs. CharlesDowney and chi ldren. Kevin , Ei-le en and Michael , of Amityville.

Mrs . Bea Abremsen and Mrs.( elia Brow nworth attended theU aders meet ing of the PioneerGirl s at Camp Xorge , Talman ,Fi iday and Sa tu iday . Over 100leaders a t tended.

Mi*, and Mrs. George Edwardso f El l io t Avenue enter tained atd inner Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. Jer-ald S tewar t and M i . and Mrs.Cl in ton Stew a i t of S m i th t o w n .

M i s . Susan Holmes of 1 Bony-lu l l Drive entered her orange sablefemale toy pomeranian in theBrookhaxen Plan A show at theRei rea < i o n Field in Bellport Sun-d a \ . Tlv 1 dou, who is one and ahalf year- old , came in f irst place ,Best ' Breed Adu l t and re ceived asi 'ver trop h y t ray. Mr- . Holmes ,whose hobb y is raising and breed-ing tov pomeranian? and othershow dogs, has a cabinet full ofmany trophies w hich her dogshave won .

Mr. and Mrs. Ernest Overtonuiti r ta i ned the Central Long Is-land Camp of Gideons at theirbusiness and devotional meetingFriday nig ht at their home. TheRev. Moe Sabina. pastor of theSmithtown Baptist Church, wast h e guest speaker. Othe rs presentw ere Mr. and Mrs. Samuel McDan-iel and the Rev. and Mrs. StanleyDixon of Patchogue ; Mr. and Mrs.Fred Style of West Sayville ; Al-fred Olsv n of Holtsville and Mr.and Mrs. George Boschen of Cen-tereach .

Mr. and Mrs. Frank Walsh ofSmith Street had as weekendhouse guests Mr. and Mrs. CarltonReriy. Mrs. Charles Gillespie anddaughters, Ma rsha , Doroth y andLinda , of Waltham , Mass., and Mr.and Mrs. Joseph Stothers and Mrs.Joseph Varrecchio of the Bronx.

Salvatore Farrugia, nine-year-old son of Mr. and Mi*s. SalvatoreFarrugia of 100 North ColmanRoad, returned home October 10from M a t h e r Memorial H-ospital

after being confined there sinceOctober 3.

Mary Sorenson , daughter of Mr.and Mrs. Harold Sorenson of St,•Tames Road , celebrated her fourthbirthday with a party Octobei* 9.Her guests were Jeannie andChris Rasmussen of Lake Groveanel David and Diane Lilja of LakeRonkonkoma. also her sister, Ca-lol. and brother , Richard .

The home of Mr. and Mrs. Rus-sell Zabriskie e>f Middle CountryRoad has recently been mo\ ed toanother lot on Hawkton Place ,wrere it will be renovated.

Mr. and Mrs. Georg e Edwardsof Elliot Avenue were pleasantlysurprised October 11, after theprayer meeting at the First Con-gregational Church of New Vil-lage, when it was announced thata party would be held in the Sun-day School basement in liquor ofthe Edwards ' twentieth weddinganniversary. All the congregationwas invited to attend and all en-joyed a social time with anniver-sary i efreshments.

Carol Booth , daughter of Mr.and Mrs. Richard Booth of 32Minerva Lane , celebrated her sixthbirthday with a family party onOctober 8.

On October 10, Den Mother Mrs.Walter Seitz of 7 Minerva Laneheld her Cub Scout Pack meetingat her home. Boys present wereJohn Regan, Raymond Seitz , Ro-bert Stout, Donald Frick and Er-nest Geiger. One of the boys, Don-ald Frick , Was celebrating histenth birthday that day, so thepack held a little party in hishonor.

Mr. and Mrs. John Frick andchildren, Ann Marie and Donald ,of 36 Anne Road spent the meek-end with Mrs. Frick s parents. Mr.

and Mrs. James Marinan in Brook-lyn. While there they celebratedDonald's tenth birthday with afamily party.

Gary Drossel , son of Mr. andMrs. Eugene Drossel of 10!) GouldRoad , celebrated his third birthdaywith a party October 8. His guestswere his cousins , George and El-ena Schoen of Hauppauge ; hisgrandmother, Mrs. Doris Mussonof Stony Brook ; Mrs. WilliamDrossel anel children , Janet andLorraine , of Setauket ; Mrs. GeorgeSchoen and Mrs. Mary Myles ofHauppauge ; Mrs. Robert Rehakand children , Robert , Diane , Frankand Doris , of East Northport , andGary 's brother , Gregory, and sis-ter GaT e. Mrs. Rehak , an aunt ofGary 's, also celebrated her birth-day the same day.

Mrs. Margaret Williams o fManhattan is spending a weekvisiting her daughter, Mrs. Jac-e]ueline Matheson at 19 LocustStreet.

The Rev. Norman Minard , pas-tor of the Centereach CommunityChurch , is confined at the Colum-bian Presbyterian Hospital inManhattan, where he is receivingmore treatment on his arm.

Mr. and Mrs. Terry Burr ofWoodland Road was pleasantlysurprised Sunday afternoon whenthey were given a party by theirdaughter, Miss Ruthann Burr , inhonor of their twenty-fourth wed-ding anniversary . Their guestswere Mr. and Mrs. Otto Lubrichand children . Otto and Melody, Mr.and Mrs. Alfred Fridlund , Mr. anelMrs. Albert Abramsen, Mr. andMrs. Alvin Smith and RichardBenkert of Centereach and Mr.md Mrs. James Trappen of StonyBrook. Also Mr. and Mrs. Burr 'sother two daughters, Miss JanetBurr , who was hoime from Bar-rington Bible College. Providence,R.I., for the weekend , and MissLorraine Burr.

Mr. and Mrs. Alvin Smith ofSmith Street accompanied bv theirson-in-law and daughter, Mr. andMrs. Pierson Van Orstrand , andchildren , David and Cindy of Bav-port spent three days of the holi-day weekend cam-ping at HitherHills , Montauk Point.

Mrs. Ei*nest Overton spent sev-eral days last week visiting hercousins , Mrs. Harold Grey andMrs. Henry Reinhardt of Hunting-ton.

Mr. and Mrs. Nicholas Hawkinsof Edgewater , N. J., are spendingseveral weeks visiting Miss Doro-thy Konkel of Hawkton Place.

Word has been received herethat Mrs. Edward Pullen of Levit-town, formerly of Lake Grove, isseriously ill at South Nassau Com-munity Hospital , Oceanside.


The First Congregational Churchof New Village has Sunday Schoolat 9:45 a. m.. worship at 11a. m., Youth Fellowship at 6:30n. m., Gospel service at 7:30 p. m.,Sunday. Prayer and Bible Studyhour is at 8 p. m. Wednesday, andMissionary PrayQr Circle at thehome of Mrs. William Wortley at1:30 p. m. Wednesday.

T h e - Centereach CommunityChurch holds Sunday School at 10a. m,., worship at 11:15 a. m. andWestminster Fellowship at 6:30p. m. Sunday. On Sunday an elderof the church , Benjamin Graham,will be in charge of the service inthe absence of the pastor , the Rev.Norman Minard.

The Centereach M e n n o n i t eChurch holds worship at 10 a. m.,Sunday School at 10:45 a. m. andgospel service at 7:45 p. m. Sun-day. Bible study hour is at 7:45p. m. Wednesday with a specialclass for young people. The Men-nonite Hour can be heard overRadio Station WINS at 10 p. m.Sunday.

Our Savior Lutheran Churchholds Sunday School at 9 a. m.,worship at 8 and 10:30 a. mt. Sun-day. Adult Discussion Group meet-ings are at 8 p. m. Wednesday.Eighth grade confirmation classmeets Saturday from 9 to 11 a. m.Seventh grade confirmation classmeets 4 to 5:15 p. rn. Thursday.Jun ior choir meeting, 7:30 p. m.Wednesday and Senior choir meet-ing 8:30 p. m. Wednesday. SundaySchool Teachers meeting is Octo-ber 26.

St. Andrew's Reformed Episco-pal Church has Sunday School at10 a. rn., morning prayer and ser-mon at 11 a. m., evening prayerand sermon at 8 p. rn. Sunday andevening nraver and Bible study at8 p. m. Wednesday.

The Assumption of the BlessedVirgin Mary R. C. Church hasmasses at 8. 9, 10:30 and 11:30a. m. and 12:30 p. m. Sunday, anda daily mass at 8 a. m. HolyName Society movies are at "£:3Q

p. m. Sunday in. the church audi-tor ium.

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Centereach and Lake Grove

MASTIC BEACH — The Repub-lican Club of Mastic Beach issponsoring* a dinner and danceOctober 28 beginning at 8 p. m.at the Mastic Beach PropertyOwners Association clubhouse onNeighborhood Road. Music will befurnished by the "Svncopators."William Vopelak is chairman ofthe dinner-dance committee. Ad-mission can be obtained at thedoor. '



SCIENTISTRoe Boulevard and N. Ocean Ave.

11 a. m.—Sunday school.11 a. m.—Sunday service.Salvation is a t ta ineel throug h

spir i tual awakening, g rowth , andprogress. This is a theme of theLesson-Sermon entitled "Proba-tion Af ter Death" which wi l l bepresented at Christian Sciencee-hurches Sunday.

The Golden Text is from I Cor-inthians ( 6) : "God hath both rais-ed up the Loid , anel will also raiseup us bv his own power."

WEDNESDAY8:15 p. m.—Testimony meeting.

DAILYReading room hours 11 a. m. to

4 p. m., dail y, Fridays 7 to 9 p. m.except Sunday and legal holidaysat 38 South Ocean Avenue.


Dr. Lammert R delf.s, PastorTHURSDAY

7 p. m.—Junior choir rehearsal.7:30 p. m. — Senior choir re-


9:30 a. m. — Confirmation class.10:45 a. m. — Beginners' class.

SUNDAY9 a. rn. and 10:30 a. m. — Sun-

day School anel nursery for babesin arm s anel children up to threeyears of age.

9 a. m. and 10:30 a. m. —I Divine worship. Sermon , "TheStewardship of The Gospel." Ser-mon No. 4 in t ie series: "Chiis-tian Stewardship."

7:30 p. m. — Pastor 's Class forprospective members.


95 East Main StreetMr. and Mrs. David D. Larson ,

MissionariesRev. Stuart W. Vai Cof t


9:30 a. m. — Church School.Two Worship Services

9:30 a. m. — Early family serv-ice. Parents and others may at-tend the early service during thechurch school hour. Nursery forinfants.

11 a. m. — Worship service.Meditation by the pastor at bothservices.

7 p. m. — Pilgrim Fellowship.TUESDAY

8 p. m. — Couples Club. Eve-ning of folk dancing.

7:30 p. m. — Boy Scout Troop44

THURSD AY7 p. m.—Junior choir rehearsal. '8 p. m.—Senior choir rehearsal, j


PatchogueRev. Donald W. Hamblin


8 p. m. — Choir rehearsal inthe Ladies' Parlor.

9 p. m. — Alcoholics Anony-mous meets in the parish house.

SUNDAY9:45 a. m.—Church school with

classes from nursery through highschool . Adult Bible class.

11 a. m. — Morning worshipservice.

7 p. m. — Junior and SeniorMethodist Y o u t h Fellowship,Young Adult Fellowship meet.

7:30 p. m. — Young Adult Fel-lowship meets in the church.

MONDAY6:30 p. m. — Methodist Men 's

supper served by the Mizpah andMary Martha Circles in the Sun-day School room.

WEDNESDAY7:30 p. m. — Boy Scouts meet

in the parish house.


East Main StreetRev. Daniel G. Fiehler, Pastor

THURSD AY7 p. m.—Walther League choir.8 p. m. — Senior choir.

SATURDAY9:30 a. m. — Confirmation


8:30 a. m. — Church service.9:30 a. m. — Sunday School and

Adult Bible Group.10:45 a. m. — Church service.

WEDNESDAY1:30 p. m. — Senior Ladies' Aid


*> FIRST BAPTIST CHURCHNew North Ocean A \ e n u e

Rev. John E. Southard , PastorT i l l R S D A V

7 p. m. — Membe rshi p class.5 p. m. — Midweek sen ice.

FRIDAY7 p. m. — Boys Bri gade (age


7:.]() p. m. — Boys Brigade (ages12 up).

SUNDAY9:15 a. m.—- Bible School. Clasps

f o r a l l a g e s f i o m nur -»ei > clas.st h i o u g h an A d u l t Bible class.Buses pro\ ide free t i anspo i ta t ionfor those who desire it. For in-format iem call G Ro\e r 5-1172.

11 a. m. —¦ Morning w o i s h i p .Organist , Miss Emma Kalle-r . A n -the m by the choir. Message by thepastor. A nu r s e ij anel a jun io rchurct are cemelue t ed for i n f a n t-anel small c h i l d i e n .

6 p. m. — Youth Gioups andAdul t Bible Stud y Class.

7:15 ]>. MI . — C o m m u n i ty Gospelservice. Special music. Song sen -ice. Message b*. the pastor . A nur-sei v is conducted for in fants .

MONDAY3:30 p. m.—Pioneer Girls (ages

8-12).7 p. m . — Evang- ' l ica l Skat ing

F e l l o w s h i p at Bav Shore l i n k .TUESDAY

8 p. m. — Boaid of Deacemsmeet.

WEDNESDAY10 a. m. — Women 's Prayer

Greiup meets at home of Mrs. Van-Le-euwen , 44 Chestnut Avenue.

7 p. m. — Pioneer Girls (ages12 up) .

7:30 p. m. — Choir practice.


Rev. Richard C. Chapin , RectorRet . E. A. W. Wibon

Rector Emeri tusTHURSDAY

9 a. m. — Hol y communion .8 p. m. — Bui 'd ing fund.

FRIDAY12 noon — Holv communion.

SATURDAY7 p. m. — Evening .prayer.

SUNDAY 'Twenty-first Sunday af ter Tr in i ty

8 a. m. — Hobr Communion.I 9 a. m. — Family Eucharist andChurch school.

11 a. m. — Morning prayer andsermon.

WEDNESDAY9:30 a. m. — Hol y communion.7:30 p. m. — Junior choir .8 p. m. — Senior choir .


JEHOVAH'S WITNESSESWoodside Avenue near Rt. 112

North PatchogueTHURSDAY (Today)

7:30 p. m. — Ministry Improve-ment School. Wri t ten review in-cl uding Lesson 1 anel 2 from book."Equipped for Every Good Work."

8:35 p. m. -— Sen ice meeting."Ove-rcoming Objection with ser-mon outlines."

SUNDAY1 p. m. — Public address. "Will

Many Now Living * Never Die?"Speaker: O. J. Hibbard.

5:15 p. m. — Wateditower stud y. :"Using Life in H a i m o n v with theWill of God."

TUESDAY8 p. m. — Congregation Bible

Book Study. "Gathe i ing of theNations to Armageddon."

News of the Churches

The trial of two Mastic men. a |Shi i ley man and a Mastic Beachman was aelj ourned from Octeibei j11 bv Brookhaven Justice of the IPeace Milton A. LaGattuta to Dec-ember 6, according to Mrs. LenaSedate , town court clerk.

The men face charges ar is ingf i o m an altercation August 11 inMastic Beach.

They are Richard Johnson , 22 ofFulton Road , Mastic, charged w i t hresisting arre-t , third degree as-sault and disorderly conduct: Don-ald Joseph Johnson. 23, of FtdtonRoad , Mastic, charged with thirddegree assault and public intoxica-t ion : George An thonv Rose , 23, ofShivvesant Avenue Ma st ic B^aeh ,charsred with disorder 'v conduct ,•md John Savoca of 390 Lake Stre-et , Shirley, charged with resistingarrest and disorderly conduct.

Mrs Sedate paid the October 11trial of the four men was adjournedbecause a wdtness was unable to ap-pear--—Since they are "companion"

cases, she said , the tr ial of all of themen was adjourned.

Live new s and eye-catching advertising m a k e the Advance*stand out in point of reader in-terest for every member of thefamily.—Adv.

Trial of Four MenAdjourned to Dec. 6

Suffolk NewsRoundup

A Riverhead man t n t i c a l l y in-jureel in a aeu o c i a - h in X o i t h a m p -ton Sunela .\ n i g h t , d u d Jn ee h o u i - >latei of in te rna l n i j u i i e s at Cent ra lSuffolk Ho-pi ta l , ' l i i ve ihead .

The v ic t im w a - C h a i l e - A. Har-gr o v e , 35, ed R ive i s ide Dr ive , Riv-erhead. Accord ing to S o u t h a m p -ton Poliee , Mr. Harg iove was in anauto tha t sk idded out of control

1 (H) feet on the Rivei head-Mot it-hes,Road , s lamnv el into a concrete po-t-I'ence , skidded »noth"i 70 leet andledled ovei*. Mr. I L u g i o ve wasthrow n out in to a fence polo , sti f-f t n n g t w o l i c h e n 1< g- and otheii n j u r i " -. He died at 9 p. m. in thehe>s* ) ital .

Police -aid the car wa- head ing -nor th on the h i gh w a y at about 6 p.ni. when the accident o c t u i i e d .Mr. H a i g i o v '- b ro the r Amos 37,alse> of River-iele Drive, told policethe gas pedal w a - - t u e k . He -aid1 e t r ied to f re • i t w i th h i s hand andthen lo-t eon *"i ol of the t a r . Policesc.id Amos Ihu g i o v e , and anotherman in the a u t o , Geo ige Ja< kson,27 , of C i a n b e n y St., R i v e r h e a d ,we i e u n i n jureel.

Patrolmen Roger King- and Mic-h:'"l M u i i a y i n v t - t i g a t e d t li cat c idont .

A S50 .000 f i i e eai*V Sundavm o r n i n g destroyed a potato -forageham on M iddle Road, l i iveihead,18 000 bushels of potatoe- , severalvehicles , and va luab le farm ec-uip-pi ent .

The f i re was di-covered at about4.20 a. in., a f te r it had a p p a i e n t l yheen binned for seveial bou t sand R i v e r h e a d f i remen were calledin About 75 v a mp , led by F i i < *>Chi '- f Harold Hothhei -er . fough tthe fames fe>r three h o n i - .but could not «ave the 60 bv '10foot w eiode n s t r u c t u r e .

Damage to the b u d d in g wa- l i - t ^dat about £15.000 . and lo- - of thepotatoe s vva- e-t 'mated a i SI 5,0 (H )Two t r ac to i s , a cai , and two t ruck-,phis seveial n i - e e - of f a i m nun -h i n e i y v.dued at a to ta l of S2O .000w ei e til -o de- t royed.

The l u i l d u i g w a - o w r o d bv Ch doJ. M c B u r n i e . Pol 'ce and f i r emenwe ie unable to dot rmi ie the ori-g i n of t he h la /e imt -ahl it p ' i gh thave been cati-ed bv f a u l t y ¦ lecricwi* ing *.