mindanao examiner regional newspaper feb. 8-14, 2016

Founded 2006 mindanaoexaminer.com P10 Feb. 8-14, 2016 FOR ADVERTISEMENTS, PLEASE CALL (062) 9925480 or (082) 2960658 ARMM Eastern Mindanao Western Mindanao Cebu Manila NOW HIRING MUSLIM NURSES NOW HIRING MUSLIM NURSES NOW HIRING MUSLIM NURSES NOW HIRING MUSLIM NURSES NOW HIRING MUSLIM NURSES Kusug Tausug (Pagbaugbug Ha Kamaruan Iban Martabbat) Listen to MINDANAO EXAMINER HOUR, 5-6 p.m. daily on RPN-dxXX Zamboanga 1008 kHz RUSH SALE Honda Civic P365,000 Call 0917-7103642 Zamboanga City (See page 2) OUTBREAK: ZIKA VIRUS! HE DEP HE DEP HE DEP HE DEP HE DEPAR AR AR AR ARTMENT OF HEAL TMENT OF HEAL TMENT OF HEAL TMENT OF HEAL TMENT OF HEALTH has ur TH has ur TH has ur TH has ur TH has urged the ged the ged the ged the ged the public to destr public to destr public to destr public to destr public to destroy br y br y br y br y breeding gr eeding gr eeding gr eeding gr eeding grounds of mosqui- ounds of mosqui- ounds of mosqui- ounds of mosqui- ounds of mosqui- toes and use self-pr toes and use self-pr toes and use self-pr toes and use self-pr toes and use self-protection measur otection measur otection measur otection measur otection measures es es es es, and , and , and , and , and seek early consultation for fev seek early consultation for fev seek early consultation for fev seek early consultation for fev seek early consultation for fever lasting mor er lasting mor er lasting mor er lasting mor er lasting more T than 2 days follo than 2 days follo than 2 days follo than 2 days follo than 2 days following the outbr wing the outbr wing the outbr wing the outbr wing the outbreak of the Z eak of the Z eak of the Z eak of the Z eak of the Zika vir ika vir ika vir ika vir ika virus us us us us disease in Asia and other par disease in Asia and other par disease in Asia and other par disease in Asia and other par disease in Asia and other parts of the world. ts of the world. ts of the world. ts of the world. ts of the world. It also recommended the use of fogging when there is an impending out- break in the country. “The first step to pre- vent mosquito-borne diseases is within our homes. We should not only remember the information being delivered by DOH to the communities. Instead, let us make it a practice and instil cleanliness in our surroundings. It is not only your family that will benefit from this habit, but the entire community as well,” Health Secretary Janette Garin said. She said a docu- mented case of Zika virus infection was traced in Cebu City in 2012 when a 15-year old boy was re- ported with symptoms of fever, headache, conjunc- tivitis, sore throat, muscle pain, abdominal pain, and loss of appetite, nausea and vomiting. Garin said the patient eventually re- covered fully after 3 weeks of continuous bed rest and medication. In Sulu province and Zamboanga City in south- ern Philippines, government officials and health workers have began a clean campaign to rid breeding grounds of mos- quitoes and stop them from multiplying. Sulu Governor Toto Tan said the campaign is ongo- ing in different villages in the 19 municipalities there. “Even before the outbreak of this Zika virus disease, we have been ridding villages of mosquito breeding grounds and launched a campaign – together with health au- thorities and village leaders on how to deal with mosqui- toes, especially these Aedes, to prevent the spread of communicable diseases,” he told the regional newspa- per Mindanao Examiner. Zamboanga City Mayor Beng Climaco also ordered health authorities to inten- sify the cleanliness campaign in villages too, es- pecially in resettlement areas. She sought the help of village leaders in destroying breeding grounds of mos- quitoes and keeping their area clean. “We have been doing this now and even in the past, and we are intensi- fying our cleanliness program just to be on the safe side. We don’t want (the spread of ) Zika (virus dis- ease) and dengue (fever) in Zamboanga. We are a clean city, but just the same, the campaign goes on,” she said in a separate interview. WHO joins the fight WHO joins the fight WHO joins the fight WHO joins the fight WHO joins the fight The World Health Orga- nization or WHO has responded to the outbreak of the Zika virus disease - caused by a virus transmit- ted by Aedes mosquitoes - which is now spreading in Asia, Africa, the Americas and the Pacific. It said people with Zika virus disease usually have a mild fever, skin rash or exan- thema, and conjunctivitis. These symptoms normally last for 2-7 days. It said there is no specific treatment or vaccine currently available and that the best form of prevention is protection against mosquito bites which usually bite during the morning and late after- noon/evening hours) WHO said Zika virus is an emerging mosquito- borne virus that was first identified in Uganda in 1947 in rhesus monkeys through a monitoring net- work of sylvatic yellow fever. It was subsequently identified in humans in 1952 in Uganda and the United Republic of Tanza- nia. Signs and S igns and S igns and S igns and S igns and Symptoms ymptoms ymptoms ymptoms ymptoms It said the incubation period or the time from ex- posure to symptoms of Zika virus disease is not clear, but is likely to be a few days. The symptoms are similar to other arbovirus infec- tions such as dengue, and include fever, skin rashes, conjunctivitis, muscle and joint pain, malaise, and headache. These symptoms are usually mild and last for 2-7 days. Continue to page 6 ontinue to page 6 ontinue to page 6 ontinue to page 6 ontinue to page 6 Military told to stay apolitical in May elections DAVAO CITY – Defense Secretary Voltaire Gazmin has ordered troops in southern Phil- ippines to stay apolitical in the May local and na- tional elections. Gazmin was in Davao City recently and met with military com- manders and soldiers at the headquarters of the Eastern Mindanao Com- mand, according to Capt. Alberto Caber, a regional army spokesman. Caber quoted the De- fense chief as saying: “You have to remain apolitical and not get involved in any partisan political ac- tivity.” He said Gazmin dis- cussed with commanders the military’s role in the upcoming polls – to en- sure clean, honest and orderly elections and to assist police forces and the Commission on Elections in the implementation of gun ban. Continue to page 6 ontinue to page 6 ontinue to page 6 ontinue to page 6 ontinue to page 6 Tight security after car bombing, BBL failure TACURONG CITY – Police and military authorities have tightened security here following a car bomb explosion last week that in- jured at least 3 people. The bomb was deto- nated during the visit of vice presidential candidate Leni Robredo who was in Tacurong to campaign ahead of the May national elections. The bombing oc- curred just when the locals were celebrating the Catholic feast of Nuestra Señ0ra dela Candelaria, according to Captain Jo- ann Petinglay, a spokes- woman for the 6th Infantry Division. She also identified the wounded as Freddie Tumindig, 42; Nicole Fobar, 19; and Patrick Pepito, who were all rushed to Quijano Hospital. “The incident is now under in- vestigation by the police and military ordnance di- vision teams and forensic experts,” she told the re- gional newspaper Mindanao Examiner. A stringer for the Mindanao Examiner who was in the area said Robredo’s convoy passed just 50 meters away from the car be- fore the explosion. No individual or group claimed respon- sibility for the bombing, but it also coincided with the failure of Con- gress to pass the Bangsamoro Basic Law (BBL) which would have given the Muslims an expanded autonomy in the restive region where security forces are bat- tling jihadists and insurgents. Continue on page 4 ontinue on page 4 ontinue on page 4 ontinue on page 4 ontinue on page 4

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Feb. 8-14, 2016


Founded 2006 mindanaoexaminer.com P10 Feb. 8-14, 2016FOR ADVERTISEMENTS, PLEASE CALL (062) 9925480 or (082) 2960658

ARMM Eastern Mindanao Western Mindanao Cebu Manila


Kusug Tausug (Pagbaugbug HaKamaruan Iban Martabbat)

Listen to MINDANAO EXAMINER HOUR, 5-6 p.m. dailyon RPN-dxXX Zamboanga 1008 kHz



Call 0917-7103642Zamboanga City

(See page 2)

OUTBREAK: ZIKA VIRUS!HE DEPHE DEPHE DEPHE DEPHE DEPARARARARARTMENT OF HEALTMENT OF HEALTMENT OF HEALTMENT OF HEALTMENT OF HEALTH has urTH has urTH has urTH has urTH has urged theged theged theged theged thepublic to destrpublic to destrpublic to destrpublic to destrpublic to destroooooy bry bry bry bry breeding greeding greeding greeding greeding grounds of mosqui-ounds of mosqui-ounds of mosqui-ounds of mosqui-ounds of mosqui-toes and use self-prtoes and use self-prtoes and use self-prtoes and use self-prtoes and use self-protection measurotection measurotection measurotection measurotection measureseseseses, and, and, and, and, andseek early consultation for fevseek early consultation for fevseek early consultation for fevseek early consultation for fevseek early consultation for fever lasting morer lasting morer lasting morer lasting morer lasting moreeeeeT

than 2 days follothan 2 days follothan 2 days follothan 2 days follothan 2 days following the outbrwing the outbrwing the outbrwing the outbrwing the outbreak of the Zeak of the Zeak of the Zeak of the Zeak of the Zika virika virika virika virika virusususususdisease in Asia and other pardisease in Asia and other pardisease in Asia and other pardisease in Asia and other pardisease in Asia and other parts of the world.ts of the world.ts of the world.ts of the world.ts of the world.

It also recommendedthe use of fogging whenthere is an impending out-break in the country.

“The first step to pre-vent mosquito-bornediseases is within ourhomes. We should not onlyremember the informationbeing delivered by DOH tothe communities. Instead,let us make it a practiceand instil cleanliness inour surroundings. It is notonly your family that willbenefit from this habit, butthe entire community aswell,” Health SecretaryJanette Garin said.

She said a docu-mented case of Zika virusinfection was traced inCebu City in 2012 when a15-year old boy was re-ported with symptoms offever, headache, conjunc-tivitis, sore throat, musclepain, abdominal pain, andloss of appetite, nauseaand vomiting. Garin saidthe patient eventually re-covered fully after 3 weeksof continuous bed rest andmedication.

In Sulu province andZamboanga City in south-ern Philippines,government officials andhealth workers have begana clean campaign to ridbreeding grounds of mos-quitoes and stop themfrom multiplying.

Sulu Governor Toto Tansaid the campaign is ongo-ing in different villages in the19 municipalities there.“Even before the outbreak ofthis Zika virus disease, wehave been ridding villages ofmosquito breeding groundsand launched a campaign –together with health au-thorities and village leaderson how to deal with mosqui-toes, especially these Aedes,to prevent the spread ofcommunicable diseases,”he told the regional newspa-per Mindanao Examiner.

Zamboanga City MayorBeng Climaco also orderedhealth authorities to inten-sify the cleanlinesscampaign in villages too, es-pecially in resettlementareas. She sought the help ofvillage leaders in destroyingbreeding grounds of mos-quitoes and keeping theirarea clean. “We have beendoing this now and even inthe past, and we are intensi-fying our cleanlinessprogram just to be on thesafe side. We don’t want (thespread of) Zika (virus dis-ease) and dengue (fever) inZamboanga. We are a cleancity, but just the same, thecampaign goes on,” she saidin a separate interview.

WHO joins the fightWHO joins the fightWHO joins the fightWHO joins the fightWHO joins the fightThe World Health Orga-

nization or WHO hasresponded to the outbreak

of the Zika virus disease -caused by a virus transmit-ted by Aedes mosquitoes -which is now spreading inAsia, Africa, the Americasand the Pacific.

It said people with Zikavirus disease usually have amild fever, skin rash or exan-thema, and conjunctivitis.These symptoms normallylast for 2-7 days. It said thereis no specific treatment orvaccine currently availableand that the best form ofprevention is protectionagainst mosquito biteswhich usually bite during

the morning and late after-noon/evening hours)

WHO said Zika virus isan emerging mosquito-borne virus that was firstidentified in Uganda in1947 in rhesus monkeysthrough a monitoring net-work of sylvatic yellowfever. It was subsequently

identified in humans in1952 in Uganda and theUnited Republic of Tanza-nia.

SSSSSigns and Signs and Signs and Signs and Signs and SymptomsymptomsymptomsymptomsymptomsIt said the incubation

period or the time from ex-posure to symptoms of Zikavirus disease is not clear,but is likely to be a few days.

The symptoms are similarto other arbovirus infec-tions such as dengue, andinclude fever, skin rashes,conjunctivitis, muscleand joint pain, malaise,and headache. Thesesymptoms are usuallymild and last for 2-7 days.

CCCCContinue to page 6ontinue to page 6ontinue to page 6ontinue to page 6ontinue to page 6

Military told to stayapolitical in May elections

DAVAO CITY – DefenseSecretary VoltaireGazmin has orderedtroops in southern Phil-ippines to stay apoliticalin the May local and na-tional elections.

Gazmin was inDavao City recently andmet with military com-manders and soldiers at

the headquarters of theEastern Mindanao Com-mand, according to Capt.Alberto Caber, a regionalarmy spokesman.

Caber quoted the De-fense chief as saying: “Youhave to remain apoliticaland not get involved inany partisan political ac-tivity.”

He said Gazmin dis-cussed with commandersthe military’s role in theupcoming polls – to en-sure clean, honest andorderly elections and toassist police forces and theCommission on Electionsin the implementation ofgun ban.

CCCCContinue to page 6ontinue to page 6ontinue to page 6ontinue to page 6ontinue to page 6

Tight security aftercar bombing, BBL failure

TACURONG CITY – Policeand military authoritieshave tightened securityhere following a car bombexplosion last week that in-jured at least 3 people. The bomb was deto-nated during the visit ofvice presidential candidateLeni Robredo who was inTacurong to campaignahead of the May nationalelections.

The bombing oc-curred just when the localswere celebrating theCatholic feast of NuestraSeñ0ra dela Candelaria,according to Captain Jo-

ann Petinglay, a spokes-woman for the 6th InfantryDivision.

She also identified thewounded as FreddieTumindig, 42; NicoleFobar, 19; and PatrickPepito, who were all rushedto Quijano Hospital. “Theincident is now under in-vestigation by the policeand military ordnance di-vision teams and forensicexperts,” she told the re-gional newspaperMindanao Examiner.

A stringer for theMindanao Examiner whowas in the area said

Robredo’s convoypassed just 50 metersaway from the car be-fore the explosion.

No individual orgroup claimed respon-sibility for the bombing,but it also coincidedwith the failure of Con-gress to pass theBangsamoro Basic Law(BBL) which would havegiven the Muslims anexpanded autonomy inthe restive region wheresecurity forces are bat-tling jihadists andinsurgents.

CCCCContinue on page 4ontinue on page 4ontinue on page 4ontinue on page 4ontinue on page 4

Feb. 8-14, 20162 The Mindanao Examiner

‘Pagbaugbug Ha Kamaruan Iban Martabbat’

‘In Defense of Honor and Dignity’

ARMM holds 1st BangsamoroWomen Leadership Summit

COTABATO - The Au-tonomous Region inMuslim Mindanao(ARMM) recently held aleadership summit forBangsamoro women tohelp enhance women’spolitical participation inlocal and regional gover-nance.

Sittie Jehanne Mutin,chairperson of theARMM’s Regional Com-mission on BangsamoroWomen (RCBW-ARMM),said the 1st ARMMBangsamoro WomenLeadership Summit aimsto "strengthen women'sroles and leadership,power and decision-making towardstransformative gover-nance."

The summit is a jointactivity of the RCBW-ARMM and theDepartment of Education(DepEd)-ARMM. It willbe held at the ShariffKabunsuan CulturalComplex inside theARMM Compound inCotabato City and is ex-pected to draw in around1,000 women leaders

from civil society organi-zations, localgovernment units andthe academe. Somewomen educators fromdifferent parts of the re-gion will also be invited.

The ARMM is com-posed of the provinces ofMaguindanao, Lanao delSur, Basian, Sulu andTawi-Tawi.

Mutin said 12 re-source persons whosebackground and exper-tise are on women inlocal governance andother women advocaciesspoke in the summit.

"The projection is todevelop a critical mass ofBangsamoro womenleaders who will lead andbe part of the change ingovernance and peacebuilding," Mutin said.

She said the summit,which carries the theme" S t r e n g t h e n i n gBangsamoro Women'sLeadership towardsTransformative Gover-nance”, will giveparticipants “an oppor-tunity to understand andappreciate deeper the in-

tricacies of transforma-tive governance that isresponsive to the culturalidentity of theBangsamoro people.”

Republic Act 9710 orthe Magna Carta forWomen promotes the fullparticipation and equi-table representation ofwomen in all aspects ofsociety particularly in thedecision-making andpolicy-making processesin government and pub-lic spheres entities inorder to fully realize theirroles as agents and ben-eficiar ies ofdevelopment.

The RCBW, being theprincipal women devel-opment agency of theARMM, has initiated pro-grams designed toempower and developwomen's rights and wel-fare. The programsincluded trainings on ba-sic gender anddevelopment (GAD) con-cepts, GAD Focal PointSystem, gendermainstreaming, and basicgender analysis. (Bureauof Public Information)

A "sea train" is one of many boats in Davao City that bring tourists and visitors to nearbySamar island in the background. Davao is one of the most peaceful cities in the Philippines.(Mindanao Examiner Photo)


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Zamboanga City

Feb. 8-14, 2016 3The Mindanao Examiner

Sinusuri ng mga forensic experts o Scenes of Crime Officer ang bangkay ni Barangay ChairmanArnel dela Cruz matapos itong mapatay sa Barangay Upper Tungawan sa Zamboanga Sibugaysa larawang ito na inilabas ng pulisya. (Ely Dumaboc)

Pagpaslang kay Kapitan,wala pa rin linaw!

ZAMBOANGA SIBUGAY –Wala pa rin linaw angpagkakapatay sa isangbarangay chairman naitinumba mismo sakanyang lugar sa bayan ngTungawan sa ZamboangaSibugay province.

Sinabi ng pulisya napatuloy pa rin angimbestigasyon sa

pagpaslang kamakalawakay Arnel dela Cruz, ngBarangay UpperTungawan. Nabatid nakandidato ito sa halalanpara sa Sanguniang Bayan,ngunit hindi pa malinawang motibo sa kaso.

Tatlong armadonglalaki umano ang tumira sabiktima habang papauwi

sakay ng kayang motorsiklosa kanilang bahay.

Binaril sa ulo si DelaCruz ng .45-caliber pistol atdalawang basyo ng balaang natagpuan sa lugar.Walang ibinigay napahayag ang pamilya ngbiktima o kung maynatatanggap itong banta sabuhay. (E. Dumaboc)

ARMM builds newARMM builds newARMM builds newARMM builds newARMM builds newemergency operation centeremergency operation centeremergency operation centeremergency operation centeremergency operation center

COTABATO CITY - Resi-dents in the AutonomousRegion in MuslimMindanao (ARMM) willget better calamity assis-tance and services oncethe construction of anew, fully-equippedemergency response op-eration center iscompleted, a regional of-ficial said.

Ramil Masukat, re-gional disaster riskreduction managementofficer, said the regionalgovernment will put up athree-storey building toserve as headquarters ofthe region’s Humanitar-ian Emergency ActionResponseTeam (ARMM-HEART).

The ARMM-HEARTwas created in 2013 to re-spond to emergency andhumanitarian needs dur-ing man-made or naturaldisasters in the region.

Masukat said the newARMM-HEART Opera-tion Center, which islocated inside the ARMMcompound in CotabatoCity, will have state-of-the-art disastermonitoring facilities andthat additional rescueequipment will be made.

He said the project

will augment the presentcapacity of the ARMM-HEART. “We haveinsufficient facilities andequipment to fully caterour constituents in timesof calamities and disas-ters. The project will makethe delivery of our ser-vices more effective. Wewill still monitor 24 hoursa day, seven days a week.”

The project has a to-tal cost of around P97,000,000, which wasearmarked from theARMM’s General Appro-priations Act for 2015.ARMM Governor MujivHataman and ExecutiveSecretary Atty. LaisaAlamia led itsgroundbreaking on Janu-ary 18, 2016. Itsconstruction, which is be-ing undertaken byMaguindanao’s 1st Dis-trict Engineering Office ofthe Department of PublicWorks and Highways(DPWH)-ARMM, is ex-pected to be finished inSeptember 2016.

Masukat said theycontinue capacitatingtheir volunteers andstrengthening their part-nership with otherstakeholders as the build-ing of the new operation

center gets underway.“Capacity building for

our volunteers will con-tinue. We will also boostour partnership withother stakeholders like ra-dio communicationgroups, people’s organi-zations, civil societyorganizations, Local Gov-ernment Units,Philippine National Po-lice, military, theInternational MonitoringTeam, and the Coordinat-ing Committee on theCessation of Hostilities(CCCH),” he said.

ARMM-HEART is aconvergence of agenciesinclined with disasterpreparedness and re-sponse. This includes thePhilippine Institute ofVolcanology and Seismol-ogy, Office of CivilDefense, Department ofSocial Welfare and Devel-opment, Department ofScience and Technology,The Philippine Atmo-spheric, Geophysical andAstronomical ServicesAdministration, Depart-ment of Interior andLocal Government, andthe Regional Planningand Development Officeamong others. (Bureau ofPublic Information)

Pagpasok ng kontrabando,binabantayan sa Zambo

ZAMBOANGA CITY –Mariing ipinag-utos niMayor Beng Climaco angmahigpit na pagbabantaysa Zamboanga Citymatapos ng sunod-sunodna pagkakakumpiska ditong mga bigas at iba pangkontrabando na ipinuslitmula Malaysia.

Kamakailan lamang ayhalos 100 sako ng bigasang nabawi ng mgaawtoridad habangipinupuslit ito ngdalawang lantsa sa isangbeach sa Zamboanga City.

Mabuti na lamang umanoat nai-timbre ito agad ngilang residente sa pulisya.

At nitong Enero 22 rinay sinalakay ng mga ibat-ibang law enforcementagencies dito ang isangbarko na galing salalawigan ng Tawi-Tawi nakung saan ay nakumpiskaang daan-daang reams ngFort cigarettes at 400 sakong bigas at iba pang mgakontrabando.

Ibinigay sa Bureau ofCustoms ang mga epektosna nakuha mula sa MV

Trisia Kerstine 2. Hindinaman agad mabatid kungpaanong nakaalis ito ngPort of Bongao sa Tawi-Tawi lulan ang maramingmga kontrabando.Kamakalawa lamang aynakapag-pulong si Climacosa pamunuan ng Bureau ofCustoms sa City Hall.

Talamak ang smug-gling sa Tawi-Tawi ngunitwalang balita na maynakukumpiskang mgakontrabando angawtoridad doon.(Mindanao Examiner)

Feb. 8-14, 20164 The Mindanao Examiner

ARMM deworms thousandsof school children

COTABATO CITY - TheDepartment of Health inthe Autonomous Region inMuslim Mindanao (DOH-ARMM) successfulydeworming thousands ofchildren across the regionto fight the health and nu-tritional impact of worminfection.

As of January 28, theDOH-ARMM has alreadyadministered dewormingmedicines to a total of303,523 children aged 5 to12 years, which make up52.64% of the total numberof children enrolled inpublic elementary schoolsin the region.

Soraida D. Amilil, re-gional coordinator of theIntegrated Helminth Con-trol Program, said theinfection from intestinalworms or soil-transmittedhelminthiasis (STH) has anadverse effect on the devel-opment of the mind andthe children’s school atten-dance. It is also relatedwith nutritional deficien-

cies specifically iron andvitamin A.

The de-deworming ispart of the country’s simul-taneous NationalSchool-based De-worm-ing Day (NSDD). It is aschool-based dewormingactivity jointly conductedin partnership with theregion’s Department ofEducation (DepEd-ARMM).

This year’s NSDDstarted in January 27 andwill end on Wednesday.The DOH-ARMM will re-lease a final and completereport of the activity onFebruary 9.

Amilil said they ad-minister 400mg ofAlbendazole to the chil-dren for the masstreatment of intestinal in-fections.

She said theAlbendazole is candy-fla-vored chewable drugwhich was included in theWorld HealthOrganization’s list of essen-

tial medicines for the treat-ment of intestinalhelminthiasis.

Amilil said the drugmay cause possible side ef-fects or“contra-indications suchas allergy, abdominal pain,diarrhea, and erratic mi-gration of worms are beingobserved and monitored.”

However, she said that“as of today, no adverse ef-fects or reactions of thegiven medicine were re-ported.”

Amilil said drugswhich include antihista-mine, antispasmodic, andoral rehydration solutionplus Zinc were provided tothe local health centers incases of adverse events fol-lowing the de-worming. Incases of erratic worm mi-gration, she advisedparents to pull out theworms and do proper waysof disposal which includeflushing and incineration.(Bureau of Public Informa-tion)

Tight security aftercar bombing, BBL failure

CCCCContinued frontinued frontinued frontinued frontinued from page 1om page 1om page 1om page 1om page 1President Benigno

Aquino blamed lawmakersfor the failure of the BBL, anoffshoot of the peace agree-ment the government signedwith Moro Islamic LiberationFront (MILF) rebels in 2014.

The MILF has repeat-edly warned that violencemay erupt if Congress fails topass the proposed laws thatwould guide the Muslims inthe new autonomous region.

Just in December, MILFrebels – despite the peacedeal – attacked civilians andkilled at least a dozen of themin Tulunan town in NorthCotabato province nearTacurong. The police said theviolence was an offshoot of along standing land conflict.

The MILF is pursuing awider rule over the Muslimregion, but lawmakers re-jected the demand and saidthe BBL that will govern theareas is flawed and unconsti-tutional. The BBL is stillpending in Congress withmany lawmakers makingsure that it would not passlegislation unless some of itscontroversial items are re-moved.

But the MILF, which stillmaintains its huge arma-ments and recruited far moremembers during the longpeace talks, said it will notrevisit the BBL and insistedon the original draft it sub-mitted to Aquino.

However, many politi-cians and residents in theproposed expanded Muslimregion also rejected the BBLand wanted out of the deal,citing various reasons andthe failure of the Aquino gov-ernment and peacenegotiators from both sides

to include recommenda-tions submitted by theprovinces in the autono-mous region.

The BBL was drafted bythe 15-memberBangsamoro TransitionCommission appointed bythe MILF and the Aquinogovernment.

Last year, villagers in thetown of Wao in Lanao del Sur,one of five provinces underthe Muslim region, rejectedthe BBL, saying they do notwant to be included in thenew Bangsamoro territory.

Villagers said shortly af-ter the peace deal wassigned, several Muslimgroups have emerged andstarted claiming farmlandsowned by Christians as theirsand invoking their ancestralrights in Lanao del Sur.

Now, many residentshave started arming them-selves for protection fearingthat once the newBangsamoro autonomousgovernment is installed,Muslims will take away theirlands which they inheritedfrom their clan. Majority ofthe town’s 40,000 inhabitantsis Christians.

Some villagers said sev-eral groups of Maranao, oneof several Muslim tribes inMindanao, have started put-ting up markers and beganclaiming farmlands as theirancestral domain. The mark-ers had been destroyed bylandowners.

In Sultan Kudarat prov-ince, villagers in the town ofPresident Quirino were alsofacing the same dilemma,but many also have pur-chased illegal weapons toprotect their families andlands from unjustified take-

over by Muslims whowarned them that theyshould leave the town imme-diately once theBangsamoro autonomousregion is installed becausethey would take over theirfarms.

Leaders of ZamboangaCity and Isabela City inBasilan, also a province un-der the Muslim autonomousregion, also vowed to fight fortheir inclusion in the newBangsamoro homeland, al-though many of the residentsthere are Muslims and sup-portive of the peace deal.

Should Congress haveapproved the creation of newBangsamoro region, it wouldhave to be decided on a ref-erendum in the autonomousregion and in areas wherethere are large Muslim com-munities. The newBangsamoro region will re-place the current Muslimautonomous region that hassuffered from decades ofpoverty, corruption, andconflict.

The mineral-rich regionof Mindanao, once under thepowerful rule of the sultans,is now home to minorityMuslims – about 4 millionfrom the region’s 18 millionmostly Christian inhabit-ants.

The MILF – a breakawayfaction of the Moro NationalLiberation Front whichsigned a peace deal withManila in September 1996 –had fought fiercely for de-cades for self-determinationand had been accused of ter-rorism in the past andcoddled Malaysian and In-donesian jihadists. (RoseMuneza reported fromTacurong City.)

The Mindanao Examiner 5Feb. 8-14, 2016


The convergence of Tausug professionals and scholars working on rewriting the history of Sulu through the initiative of Vice Governor Sakur Tan, who is also running for ARMM governor inthe May polls. (Nickee Butlangan &Sulu Provincial Government)

Feb. 8-14, 20166 The Mindanao Examiner

The Mindanao Examiner Regional Newspaperis published weekly in Mindanao, Philippines.

ZAMBOANGA CITY OFFICE:Unit 15, 3/F, Fairland Building,Mayor Vitaliano Agan AvenuePhone & fax: 062-9925480

Mobile: 0917-7103642

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CCCCContinued frontinued frontinued frontinued frontinued from page 1om page 1om page 1om page 1om page 1During large out-

breaks in FrenchPolynesia and Brazil in2013 and 2015 respec-tively, national healthauthorities reported po-tential neurological andauto-immune complica-tions of Zika virus disease.

Recently in Brazil, lo-cal health authorities haveobserved an increase inZika virus infections in thegeneral public as well asan increase in babies bornwith microcephaly innortheast Brazil.

Agencies investigatingthe Zika outbreaks arefinding an increasingbody of evidence aboutthe link between Zika vi-rus and microcephaly.However, more investiga-tion is needed before weunderstand the relation-ship betweenmicrocephaly in babiesand the Zika virus. Otherpotential causes are alsobeing investigated, ac-cording to the world

health body.TTTTTrrrrransmissionansmissionansmissionansmissionansmission

WHO said Zika virus istransmitted to peoplethrough the bite of an in-fected mosquito from theAedes genus, mainlyAedes aegypti in tropicalregions. This is the samemosquito that transmitsdengue, chikungunya andyellow fever.

Zika virus disease out-breaks were reported forthe first time from the Pa-cific in 2007 and 2013 - Yapand French Polynesia, re-spectively - and in 2015from the Americas - Braziland Colombia- and Africa- Cape Verde. In addition,more than 13 countries inthe Americas have re-ported sporadic Zika virusinfections indicating rapidgeographic expansion ofZika virus.

DDDDDiagnosisiagnosisiagnosisiagnosisiagnosisZika virus is diag-

nosed throughpolymerase chain reactionand virus isolation fromblood samples. Diagnosis

by serology can be difficultas the virus can cross-re-act with other flavivirusessuch as dengue, West Nileand yellow fever.

PPPPPrrrrreveveveveventionentionentionentionentionMosquitoes and their

breeding sites pose a sig-nificant risk factor for Zikavirus infection. Preventionand control relies on re-ducing mosquitoesthrough source reduction- removal and modifica-tion of breeding sites - andreducing contact betweenmosquitoes and people.

This can be done byusing insect repellent;wearing clothes, prefer-ably light-coloured, thatcover as much of the bodyas possible; using physicalbarriers such as screens,closed doors and win-dows; and sleeping undermosquito nets. It is alsoimportant to empty, cleanor cover containers thatcan hold water such asbuckets, flower pots ortyres, so that places wheremosquitoes can breed are


Special attention andhelp should be given tothose who may not be ableto protect themselves ad-equately, such as youngchildren, the sick or eld-erly.

During outbreaks,health authorities may ad-vise that spraying ofinsecticides be carriedout. Insecticides recom-mended by the WHOPesticide EvaluationScheme may also be usedas larvicides to treat rela-tively large watercontainers.

Travellers should takethe basic precautions de-scribed above to protectthemselves from mosquitobites, WHO said in a factsheet released just re-cently.

TTTTTrrrrreatmenteatmenteatmenteatmenteatmentZika virus disease is

usually relatively mild andrequires no specific treat-ment. People sick withZika virus should getplenty of rest, drinkenough fluids, and treatpain and fever with com-mon medicines. Ifsymptoms worsen, theyshould seek medical careand advice. There is cur-rently no vaccineavailable.

WHO said it is sup-porting countries tocontrol Zika virus diseasethrough define and priori-tize research into Zikavirus disease by conven-ing experts and partners,and enhance surveillanceof Zika virus and potentialcomplications.

It said WHO hasstrengthened capacity inrisk communication tohelp countries meet theircommitments under theInternational Health Regu-lations and providestraining on clinical man-agement, diagnosis andvector control includingthrough a number of WHOCollaborating Centers, andthe capacity of laboratoriesto detect the virus.

It also supports healthauthorities to implementvector control strategiesaimed at reducing Aedesmosquito populationssuch as providing larvicideto treat standing water sitesthat cannot be treated inother ways, such as clean-ing, emptying, andcovering them. (MindanaoExaminer and WHO)

Military told to stayapolitical in May elections

Defense Chief Voltaire Gazmin during his recent visit at the Eastern Mindanao Command inDavao City.CCCCContinued frontinued frontinued frontinued frontinued from page 1om page 1om page 1om page 1om page 1

Gazmin also discussedthe modernization pro-gram of the Philippinemilitary, but details on thiswere not made available tothe media.

Caber said Gazmin

lauded the EasternMindanao Command forits many accomplish-ments, especially on itsso-called peace and devel-opment program andhumanitarian missions inthe region where security

forces are battling commu-nist insurgents andjihadists.

Before leaving, Gazminhad a lunch with militaryofficials and soldiers in thearmy and navy base.(Mindanao Examiner)

The Mindanao Examiner 7Feb. 8-14, 2016

HEALTH: Paano Iiwas Sa KanserPayo ni Dr. Willie T. Ong

NAKAKATAKOT ang sakitna kanser dahil mahirapitong gamutin. Sa kanser,ang mga selula ngkatawan ay bigla na langnagbabago ng anyo atnagiging masama. Hindipa alam ng mga doktorang tunay na sanhi nito.

May kanser sa utak,sa baga, sa ilong, sa atay,sa bituka, sa colon, sapancreas at sa balat. Iba’tibang lugar angpinagmumulan. Angpaniniwala ng mga can-cer specialist ay may mga“triggers” onagpapasimula ngkanser. Ang mga payongito ay hindi pa tiyak, peromagandang sundin parin natin ito:

1. Iwas sa sigarilyo atalak – Makaiiwas tayo sakanser sa baga, atay attiyan.

2. Iwas sa polusyon atusok ng sasakyan.

3. Iwas samatitinding sikat ngaraw. Gumamit ngsunblock. Puwede kasiitong magdulot ng kansersa balat.

4. Iwas sa mga sunogna pagkain o “smoked”foods tulad ng mgatinapa at barbeque.Puwede kasing may mganagdudulot ng kanserdito.

5. Magbawas sa alat

Dr. Willie T. Ong

tulad ng patis, toyo,bagoong, alamang. Hindipa ito tiyak, pero ayon saespesyalista, puwedengmagising ang mga selulanatin at maging kanser angmga ito.

6. Iwas sa mga lamangloob tulad ng bopis,dinuguan, bituka at iba pa.Hindi po ito malinis atbaka magdulot ng masamasa katawan.

7. Iwas sa pagkaingkalye. Umiwas sa mgamaduduming pagkain sakalye tulad ng fishball,kweck-kweck at betamax.

8. Magbawas sapagkain ng “processedmeats” tulad ng hotdog,langonisa, sausage, bolo-gna at iba pa.

9. Magbawas sapritong pagkain.

10. Iwas sa karnengbaka at baboy. Tanggalinang lahat ng taba.

11. Kumain ngmaraming gulay atprutas. Puwedengkumain ng manokpaminsan-minsan. Masmahaba ang buhay ngmga vegetarian.

12. Iwas sa galit, inisat iba pang negatibongemosyon. Naniniwalaako na ang positibongpananaw sa buhay aymakapagpapalalakas ngkatawan atmagpapahaba din nginyong buhay.

13. Maging aktibo atmag-exercise palagi.

14. Alamin anginyong lahi. Kung maylahi kayo ng breast can-cer, magpasuri ng susobawat 6 na buwan. Kungmay lahi kayo ng kansersa tiyan, magpa-ultra-sound o CT Scan ngtiyan.

15. Magpa-check upsa doktor kada 6 nabuwan. Ikonsulta angkahit anongn a r a r a m d a m a n .Makatutulong angdoktor para makita anginyong sakit.

Gawin ninyongmisyon ang mabuhay ngmalinis, masaya atmahaba. Kung susundinniyo ang mga payo na ito,siguradong hahaba anginyong buhay. Good luckpo.

RECIPE: Sinigang na Baboy


INGREDIENTINGREDIENTINGREDIENTINGREDIENTINGREDIENTS:S:S:S:S:2 lbs pork belly (or buto-buto)1 bunch spinach (or kang-kong)3 tbsp fish sauce1 bunch string beans (sitaw), cut in 2inch length2 pieces medium sized tomato,quartered3 pieces chili (or banana pepper)

2 liters water1 large onion, sliced1 big radish (labanos),sliced1 pack sinigang mix (fine for 2 literswater)* you may also add okra and eggplant ifdesired

INSTRINSTRINSTRINSTRINSTRUCTIONS:UCTIONS:UCTIONS:UCTIONS:UCTIONS:1. Boil 2 liters of water into pot.2. Add onions and tomatoes into boiling water for 5 mins.3. Add the pork belly and boil for 30-40 mins. or until pork tenders.4. Put-in the sinigang mix and chili simmer for another 5 mins.5. Add the string beans (and other vegetables if there are any) and simmer for 5 to8 minutes.6. Add fish sauce or salt to taste.7. Put-in the spinach, turn off the heat, and lid the pot. Let the spinach chef usingthe remaining heat in the pot.8. Serve hot with steamed rice.

TECH TIPS: How to stream moviesand TV shows for free on Android

PEOPLE have been say-ing that the best things inlife are free for a longtime, but it's only now welive in the app era thatI've started to truly be-lieve it. For example,there's a huge number ofapps that let you streammovies and TV shows forfree on Android. We'vegathered the best of themtogether for you here.

A note on PA note on PA note on PA note on PA note on PopcoropcoropcoropcoropcornnnnnTTTTTimeimeimeimeime

You may have heardof Popcorn Time, aNetflix-like app with aneven bigger selection ofcurrent movies and TVshows. Sadly we cannotsanction the use of thisapp, because PopcornTime is illegal. Try outsome of the other optionsbelow instead.

SSSSStrtrtrtrtream moeam moeam moeam moeam movies in thevies in thevies in thevies in thevies in theUSUSUSUSUS

HBO NOWThe stand-alone app

corresponding to argu-ably the greatest TVnetwork on the planethad a bit of a shaky startin life, with many usersreporting that they'dbeen having troublestarting it on launch day(at the time of writing, italso didn't work withrooted devices).

But if you can get it towork, then you gain ac-cess to the greatest TVcatalog in history(US$14.99 a month aftera 30-day trial). Its big-hit-ting shows include Gameof Thrones, The Wire,True Detective, The So-pranos – it's worth agamble for those alone,right?

HuluHulu lets users watch

premium TV shows andmovies on theirsmartphones or tabletswithout paying a sub-scription fee. It's packedwith current and classicshows, Hulu originals,movies and plenty ofkids' shows, making it aperfect family tabletcompanion.

If you want full ac-cess to the Hulu libraryyou will need to payUS$7.99 a month, but

there are plenty of gemsin the free version too.

SSSSStrtrtrtrtream moeam moeam moeam moeam movies invies invies invies invies inCCCCCanada / the USanada / the USanada / the USanada / the USanada / the US

CrackleCrackle is a hugely

popular free app avail-able in the US andCanada, which is up-dated monthly with newTV shows and movies.Created by Grouper butlater bought by Sony, theapp features ads whichrun at regular intervalsthroughout the content,the trade-off for which isthat you get an excellentselection of media and anapp that functions farbetter than some of theother TV service ports onthe list.SSSSStrtrtrtrtream moeam moeam moeam moeam movies and vies and vies and vies and vies and TTTTTVVVVV

shoshoshoshoshows in the UKws in the UKws in the UKws in the UKws in the UKBBC iPlayer

This catch-up servicehas been going strong fora number of years andthe slick Android app is agreat way to watch TV se-ries and movies.

It doesn’t have a hugearchive to sift through,but the iPlayer catch-upservice was extended to30 days last year, mean-ing you have a month tocatch up on almost any-thing played on the BBCin the past month.

ITV PlayerThe ITV Player app

suffered a woefully badintroduction to the PlayStore (it was essentiallybroken on many devices)but it's finally in a decentstate. The ITV Player applets you stream ITV chan-nels live to your device,as well as catch up on anyshows you may havemissed from the pastweek.

All 4 (4oD)The recently

rebranded All 4 – for-merly known as 4oD –has a fantastic selectionof shows, aimed at aslightly younger crowdthan BBC iPlayer. Manyusers have been report-ing crashing andinconsistent perfor-mance recently, but it'sfree and has some greatcontent, so don't let thatput you off.

Featuring interestingexperimental shows suchas Black Mirror and Uto-pia, as well as theinimitable comedy, PeepShow, All 4 is the place togo for the best of Britishoffbeat TV.

Demand 5Channel Five’s pre-

mier catch-up serviceDemand 5 is now avail-able on Android. Theupdates aren’t as regularas we would like, butnonetheless, Demand 5offers a wide selection ofChannel 5 shows andarchived programs to re-watch on your Androidsmartphone or tablet.

The programmingquality is arguably lowerthan the standard offeredby Channel 4 and theBBC, although a bit ofAmerican Horror Story orreality cop shows nevergoes amiss.

SSSSStrtrtrtrtream Meam Meam Meam Meam Mooooovies vies vies vies vies WWWWWorld-orld-orld-orld-orld-widewidewidewidewide

SPB TVThe Android SPB TV

app is not region-specificand offers content fromaround the world via aselection of weird andwonderful stations.

You won't find thelatest Hollywood block-buster, NBC or Showtimeon SPB TV, but if youwant to take a chance ona wild card, this is the appto use. A few of the sta-tions definitely appear tobe of a more adult nature(how you choose to usethat information is up toyou).

LiveNow!TVLiveNow!TV streams

a broad range of chan-nels from around theworld live, as well as avariety of classic/B-mov-ies; mostly a bizarre butentertaining mix of hor-ror and Kung Fu movies.

LiveNow!TV is a freeservice supported by adsand doesn't have thesame clout as Netflix oreven Hulu, but the live TVstreams work well, andit's a great option forstreaming a number ofwell-known channels.(Scott Adam Gordon,AndroidPIT)

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The Asia Journalism Fellowship program, which is alsosupported by Temasek Foundation, is bringing in 15 journalistsfrom all over Asia to stay in Singapore for three months asjournalism fellows.

The fellowship will be fully funded and fellows will get to workwith our experts here for research or investigative projects. Thefellowship will run from July 18 to October 7, 2016.

If you are interested in applying or know of anyone who will beinterested, please visit our website:


Employer compliance istriktongipatuman sa SSS ug DOLE

ANG SOCIAL SECURITYSYSTEM (SSS) ug Depart-ment of Labor andEmployment (DOLE)istriktong mopatuman saMemorandum of Agree-ment (MOA) mahitungod salabor and social securitypolicies ug SSS related issuessa mga trabahante ugmopahamtang sa tukmangsilot sa mga makalapas samaong balaod.

Ubos sa maong MOA,ang DOLE mu sumiti ngadtosa SSS matag bulan samonthly summary of em-ployees’ SSS Request forAssistance gikan sa labordepartment’s Single EntryApproach Program. AngDOLE muhatag ug kopya saofficial records sa final and

executory orders base sa la-bor standards niini sa mgakaso sa agalon nga walamutuman sa Social SecurityLaw sama sa pagpa rehistrosa ilang mga empleyado, re-porting and under reportingsa mga trabahante, ug angnon remittance ug under re-mittance sa SSScontributions.

Muhatag usab angDOLE ngadto sa SSS sadetalyado nga report sa kasokung adunay kalapasan ngagihimo ang agalon ug angtrabahante diin hatagan angSSS ug katungod ngamokuha ug dokumentosama sa Labor ComplianceInspection Reports ug tran-scripts and evidence gikan saDOLE adjudication hear-

ings.Ang Operations Group

Heads usab sa SSSmakiglambigit sa DOLE re-gional directors sa ilangmga lugar alang sahimoong mga lakangpagsulbad kung adunaymga kaso sa SSS ngagisang-at.

Ang SSS operationsgroup heads mohatag usabsa tukmang impormasyonngadto sa DOLE regionaldirectors sa gihimo niininga lakang batok sa mgaagalon nga wala mutumansa ilang katungdanan ug sailang gihimong aksyon samga trabahante ngamihangyo ug ayoda gikansa DOLE. (Leandria P.Pagunsan)

Salary adjustmentfor civil workers soon

THE DEPTHE DEPTHE DEPTHE DEPTHE DEPARARARARARTMENT of BTMENT of BTMENT of BTMENT of BTMENT of Budget and Mudget and Mudget and Mudget and Mudget and Managementanagementanagementanagementanagement(DBM) is pr(DBM) is pr(DBM) is pr(DBM) is pr(DBM) is preparepareparepareparing its ring its ring its ring its ring its recommendations to Pecommendations to Pecommendations to Pecommendations to Pecommendations to PrrrrresidentesidentesidentesidentesidentBBBBBenigno Aenigno Aenigno Aenigno Aenigno Aquino on the possible implementation of thequino on the possible implementation of thequino on the possible implementation of thequino on the possible implementation of thequino on the possible implementation of thefirst trfirst trfirst trfirst trfirst tranche of salaranche of salaranche of salaranche of salaranche of salary adjustments for goy adjustments for goy adjustments for goy adjustments for goy adjustments for govvvvvererererernmentnmentnmentnmentnmentworworworworworkerskerskerskerskers, as pr, as pr, as pr, as pr, as prooooovided for in the prvided for in the prvided for in the prvided for in the prvided for in the proposed Soposed Soposed Soposed Soposed Salaralaralaralaralary Sy Sy Sy Sy Stan-tan-tan-tan-tan-dardardardardardization Law 4 bill, Cdization Law 4 bill, Cdization Law 4 bill, Cdization Law 4 bill, Cdization Law 4 bill, Communications Sommunications Sommunications Sommunications Sommunications SecrecrecrecrecretaretaretaretaretaryyyyySSSSSonny Conny Conny Conny Conny Coloma Jroloma Jroloma Jroloma Jroloma Jr. said.. said.. said.. said.. said.

said, adding, the proposedNEP for 2017 will be turnedover to the next administra-tion.

DBM SecretaryFlorencio Abad said thePresident has options withinhis power to effect the pro-posed compensationadjustment. He cited Sec-tion 13 of Presidential

500T Catholics joinedEucharistic Congress

ALMOST half a millionCatholics participatedin the recently con-cluded 51stInternational Eucharis-tic Congress or IECculminating mass orStatio Orbis held at SanPedro Calungsod Tem-plate in Cebu City,organizers said.

Organizers said de-spite the hot weather,people from all over theworld, IEC delegatesand non-delegates, at-tended the Statio Orbisinitiated by Papal LegateCharles Maung CardinalBo, of Myanmar. Withhim were cardinals,bishops and priestsfrom 73 countries.

In his homily, Bosaid that after 8 days inIEC Congress, he felt sadleaving Cebu because healready learned to lovethe place, the food, thepeople and the strong

faith of the Cebuanos. Hesaid the locals are greathost and “it was a greatexperience being here.Eucharist is the goal ofmission to proclaimChrist, the Hope of Glory,to all nations.”

Bo also encouragedthe Filipinos to rejoice forbeing a “nation of hope”whose light will shine notonly in Asia, but to thewhole world. He high-lighted in his homily theimportance of the familyand youth in the church,saying families need to beprotected and nurtured,and the youth, to be un-derstood.

Pope Francis, in hisvideo message at the IECCongress, said the cel-ebration was fitting in theYear of Mercy. “It remindsus that the risen Jesus isalways alive and presentin his Church, above all inthe Eucharist, the sacra-

ment of his Body andBlood,” he said.

The Pope stressedthat the Eucharist is aschool of humble servicethat teaches the readinessof the people to be therefor others. This too is atthe heart of missionarydiscipleship, he added.

He summoned thepeople to go forth as mis-sionaries, to bring themessage of the Father’stenderness, forgivenessand mercy to every man,woman and child. ThePope also encouraged ev-eryone to follow Jesus’example by reaching outto others, in a spirit of re-spect and openness, inorder to share with themthe gift we ourselves havereceived.

IEC is held every fouryears and the next IECwill take place in 2020 inBudapest, Hungary. (Ha-zel F. Gloria)

DOH, nangandam na batok sa Zika virusGI-ANDAM na sa De-partment of Health(DOH) ang unom niininga pampublikongospital sa nasud diindalhon kun adunay kasosa Zika virus sa PIlipinas.

Apil sa mga ospitalnga ibutang alang saZika cases ang ResearchInstitute for TropicalMedicine saMuntinlupa, BaguioGeneral Hospital,Vicente Sotto MemorialMedical Center sa Cebu,Southern PhilippineMedical Center saDavao, Lung Center ofthe Philippines sa

Quezon City ug SanLazaro Hospital sa Manila.

Sa lalawigan sa Bohol,gibutyag ni ProvincialHealth Officer Dr.Reymoses Cabagnot ngaang Provincial Health Of-fice (PHO) nagsugod na sainformation campaignilabi na kun unsa angbuhaton kun makasulodsa nasud ang maong sakit.

Matud pa ni Cabagnotnga ang nagdala sa Zikavirus mao ra usab angAedes Aegypti, susamanglamok nga nagdala usabsa dengue virus,chikungunya ug yellow fe-ver. Ang sintomas sa Zika

virus mao ang hilanat,walay gana sa pagkaon,trangkaso ug skin rashes.Grabeng maapektuhanniini ang mga nagsabak.

Si Cabagnotnagkanayon nga niadtongtuig 2012 pa nakatala angDOH og usa ka kaso sazika virus sa nasud apanwala na kini nadugangisukad kaniadto. Sublinggipahinumdoman saDOH ang publiko ngaipabiling limpyo angpalibot aron dilimakapangitlog ang mgalamok nga mahimongtinubdan sa sakit. (ElviraC. Bongosia)

“A total of P57.9 billionappropriation is includedin the General Appropria-tions Act of 2016 and thiswill fully cover the firsttranche. DBM will includea similar item in the pro-posed NationalExpenditure Program orNEP for 2017, to cover thesecond tranche,” Coloma

Decree No. 985 and Item 17of Congress Joint ResolutionNo. 4, s. 2009, authorizingthe President to periodicallyrevise or update, upon therecommendation of theDBM, the government’sCompensation and PositionClassification System.

Based on these laws,Abad said, the Presidentmay effect a compensationadjustment that is still con-sistent with thecompensation adjustmentstrategy under the proposedSalary Standardization Lawof 2015.