middle ages knowledge challenge

Middle Ages Knowledge Challenge Submitted by C. Stephen Ingraham 2013

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Middle Ages Knowledge Challenge. Submitted by C. Stephen Ingraham 2013. Middle Ages Knowledge Challenge. The time of medieval Europe from 500 CE. - 1,500 CE. Is known as The Byzantine Empire b) The Golden Age c) The Middle Ages d) The Age of Augustus. - PowerPoint PPT Presentation


Page 1: Middle Ages Knowledge Challenge

Middle Ages KnowledgeChallenge

Submitted byC. Stephen Ingraham


Page 2: Middle Ages Knowledge Challenge

Middle Ages Knowledge Challenge

The time of medieval Europe from 500 CE. - 1,500 CE. Is known as

a)The Byzantine Empire b) The Golden Age c) The Middle Ages d) The Age of Augustus

Page 3: Middle Ages Knowledge Challenge

Middle Ages Vocabulary ChallengeThe Paintings and pictures using bits and

pieces of colored glass or stone area)mosaics b)icons c) pictographs d) hieroglyphics.

Page 4: Middle Ages Knowledge Challenge

Middle Ages Knowledge ChallengeTo help build the Byzantine Empire,

Justinian I based his new code of laws on the old?

a)Code of Hammurabi b) Egyptian code of laws c) Christian Code of Laws d) Roman Twelve Tables

Page 5: Middle Ages Knowledge Challenge

Middle Ages Vocabulary ChallengeThe officially accepted Christianity

of the Byzantine Empire and centered in Constantinople is

a)orthodox b) catholic c) patriarchs d) caliphs.

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Middle Ages Knowledge Challenge

The Byzantine Capital was a)Meca b) Cordoba c) Constantinople d) Rome

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Middle Ages Vocabulary ChallengeThe Roman laws made simpler and more

understandable by Byzantine Emperor Justinian were known as

a) Justinian Code b) The Just Rules c) Code of Hammurabi d) Pharaoh’s Monopoly.

Page 8: Middle Ages Knowledge Challenge

Middle Ages Knowledge ChallengeEmpress Theodora improved the lives of Byzantine

women by helping to make laws? a)Giving all top government jobs to women b) Allowing parents to leave property to daughters c) Opening private schools for female children d) Making women the leaders of the Christian


Page 9: Middle Ages Knowledge Challenge

Middle Ages Vocabulary ChallengeThe Byzantine church leaders

were known as a)orthodox b) catholic c) patriarchsd) popes.

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Middle Ages Vocabulary ChallengeThe leader of the Christian church

based in Rome is called a)Crusaders b) pope c) caliph d) patriarch.

Page 11: Middle Ages Knowledge Challenge

Middle Ages Knowledge ChallengeOne reason that the Christian Church split into the Eastern

Orthodox Church and the Roman Catholic Church is that? a)Church leaders disagreed about where the church should

have its headquarters b) Church leaders disagreed about the use of icons c) Church leaders disagreed about whether women should

be priests d) Church leaders disagreed about who should be taught to

read and write .

Page 12: Middle Ages Knowledge Challenge

Middle Ages Knowledge ChallengeMecca was an important city in Arabia because of?a) farmingb) tradec) Miningd) shipping.

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Middle Ages Vocabulary Challenge

The religion of the followers of Muhammad’s teaching and Islam.

a)Hindu b) Muslim c) Qur’an d) Buddhism.

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Middle Ages Knowledge ChallengeWhy did the leaders of Mecca oppose the message of

Muhammad?a) They feared Islam would keep people from

worshipping at the Ka’bab) They believed he would cause the city to go to warc) They did not want Muhammad to take over the

Byzantine Empired) They thought he would move trade routes to the city

of Medina.

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Middle Ages Vocabulary Challenge

The holy book of Islam is a) Torah

b) Muslim Law c) Qur’an d) Bible.

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Middle Ages Vocabulary Challenge

The Muslim religious leaders who are successors to Muhammad.

a) orthodoxs b) catholics c) patriarchs d) caliphs.

Page 17: Middle Ages Knowledge Challenge

Middle Ages Knowledge ChallengeThe Muslim Empire split into several groups because

of?a) Disagreements over who its trading partners

should beb) Disagreements over what to call their numbering

systemc) Arguments over who should rule the empired) Arguments over which holy book to use.

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Middle Ages Vocabulary Challenge

This means submitting to God’s will or following the Qur’an.

a) Islam b) Muslim Law c) Hinduism d) Bible.

Page 19: Middle Ages Knowledge Challenge

Middle Ages Knowledge ChallengeWithin a few years after the death of Muhammad,

the first caliphs?a) Wrote the Qur’anb) United Arabia under Muslim rulec) Made Medina a holy cityd) Worked to spread Christianity.

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Middle Ages Vocabulary Challenge

The Muslims who remain loyal to the descendants of the fourth caliph are called

a)Orthodox b) Sunni c) Catholic d) Shiite

Page 21: Middle Ages Knowledge Challenge

Middle Ages Vocabulary ChallengeThe Muslims who accept the changing

dynasties of caliphs or successors to Muhammad are known as

a)Orthodox b) Sunni c) Catholic d) Shiite

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Middle Ages Vocabulary Challenge

The peasant farmers who worked the noble’s land and were tied to the land of a Noble.

a) muslims b) serfs c) vassal d) caliphs

Page 23: Middle Ages Knowledge Challenge

Middle Ages Knowledge ChallengeTo help strengthen his empire, Charlemagne a)Provided ways for scholars and priest to

teach others b) Made Islam the official religion c) Sent people to study at Persian universities d) Forced the people of Europe to speak Latin


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Middle Ages Vocabulary ChallengeA noble who agrees to perform

service for the king in time of war in exchange for use of the land is known as a

a)muslim b) tenant c) vassal d) caliph.

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Middle Ages Knowledge ChallengeLife in the Middle Ages included a system of

trading protection for loyalty, which has come to be known as the

a) caste system b) Draft system c) Feudal system

d) civil service system.

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Middle Ages Vocabulary Challenge

A written agreement (with the king & vassal) is a

a)covenant b) contract c) inscription d) minaret.

Page 27: Middle Ages Knowledge Challenge

Middle Ages Knowledge ChallengeDuring the Middle Ages, a Knight was a) the ruler of a manor b) The next in line to be king c) A special king of soldier

d) A squire’s assistant.

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Middle Ages Vocabulary ChallengeThe Christian volunteers who fought to free

the holy land from the Seljuk Turks who were Muslims are

a)crusaders b) popes c) caliphs d) patriarchs.

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Middle Ages Knowledge ChallengeWhat was the purpose of the Crusades? a) to unite the Roman Catholic Church and the

Eastern Orthodox Church b) To conquer the Byzantine Empire c) To spread the religious teaching of


d) To regain the Holy Land from the Muslims.

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Middle Ages Vocabulary Challenge

The idea that all the Christians of every kingdom formed a community is called

a) The Kingdom of God b) The Middle Kingdom c) The Kingdom of Christ d) Christendom.

Page 31: Middle Ages Knowledge Challenge

Middle Ages Knowledge ChallengeOne result of the Black Death that occurred in

the late 1340s was? a) the population of Europe decreased greatly b) That Charlemagne was given the title of

“Augustus c) A large increase in the number of manors in


d) That the pope moved to Constantinople.

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Middle Ages Vocabulary Challenge

People who pays rent to the landowner are called

a)muslims b) tenant c) vassal d) caliphs

Page 33: Middle Ages Knowledge Challenge

Middle Ages Knowledge ChallengeBy signing the Magna Carta, King John

agreed to? a) allow a president to govern England b) Follow the laws like everyone else c) Eliminate all nation-states in Europe d) Make the Roman Catholic Church the

official church of England.

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Middle Ages Vocabulary ChallengeA government with a strong central

government, laws, single ruler, language, customs, & standing army is called

a) fatal system b) feudal systemc) nation-state d) city-state.

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Middle Ages Vocabulary Challenge

The list of 63 demands of the Englishnobles forcing King John to follow All laws like everyone else. a) code of Hamurrabi b) The Justinian Code c) common law d) Magna Carta

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Middle Ages Vocabulary Challenge

A system of laws based upon court decisions, doctrines, customs, and usages rather than written laws is known as

a) code of Hamurrabi b) Ten Commandments c) common law d) Magna Carta

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Middle Ages Vocabulary Challenge

Bonus Questions

Page 38: Middle Ages Knowledge Challenge

Middle Ages Vocabulary ChallengeThe Muslim houses of worship are a)manor b) minarets c) mosques d) vassals.

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Middle Ages Vocabulary ChallengeThe towers on mosques where

Muslims are called to worship five times a day are

a)manor b) minarets c) Mosques d) vassals.

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Middle Ages Vocabulary Challenge

The complete control of the means of production is called

a) Justinian Code b) The Just Rules c) Code of Hammurabi d) Monopoly.

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Middle Ages Vocabulary Challenge

The holy pictures of Jesus and the saints are called

a)mosaics b)icons c) pictographsd) hieroglyphics.

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Middle Ages Vocabulary Challenge

The word meeting universal or “all embracing” is

a)orthodox b) catholic c) patriarchs d) caliphs.

Page 43: Middle Ages Knowledge Challenge

Middle Ages Vocabulary ChallengeThe Semi-dry plains of grass lands

are a)Steppes b) Muslim Deserts c) Qur’ans d) Swamps

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Middle Ages Vocabulary Challenge

A large block of land made up of forests, meadows, a church, a village, and the castle of the noble, who owned it all is called

a)manor b) minarets c) mosques d) vassals.

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Middle Ages Vocabulary Challenge

The system of trading protection for loyalty is known as the

a)fatal system b) feudal system c) nation-state system d) city-state system.

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Middle Ages Vocabulary Challenge

A sickness causes by bites from fleas on rats is known as Black Death or the

a) fatal death b) inoculation c) sickness-state d) bubonic plaque.