methods in tesl(ppt for lesson 2)

Clever Katya (A story from Russia) Methodology In TESL (Project) The project was conducted in SK Cator Av

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Project (Clever Katya)Year Four


Methodology In TESL (Project)

y Clever Katya y (A story from

Russia)The project was conducted in SK Cator Avenue


Retold by Julia Donaldson Illustrated by Jane Kochnewitz

The Czar of Russia was out in his coach when he saw a farmer eating some bread. Im hungry, said the Czar. Stop the coach! He got out and asked the farmer for some bread. The farmer bowed low and gave him some

This is the best bread I have ever tasted, saidThe Czar. Who made it? My daughter, Katya, your Majesty, replied the farmer. Tell me about Katya, said the Czar.

Oh, shes a wonderful girl, said the farmer. So pretty, so good, so strong such a good worker, such a good singer.. And such a good baker. said the Czar with his mouth full of bread. Is she clever too?

Oh yes, boasted the farmer. Shes the cleverest person in Russia. What ? Cleverer than me ? asked the Czar. Oh no, your Majesty. Im sorry, I didnt mean that, began the farmer. But the Czar had jumped back into his coach. Ill be back! he called out.

The next day the Czar came back. He gave the farmer a basket of eggs. If your Katya is so clever , see if she can hatch these eggs into chickens, he said .Ill be back tomorrow!

The farmer took the eggs to Katya. But these eggs are hard boiled, she said. They wont ever hatch out. Oh no! said the farmer. What shall we do? Dont worry, I know what to do, said Katya with a smile.

The next day the Czar was on his way back to the farmers house when he saw a girl throwing some beans onto the ground. She was singing a song. Grow, beans, grow! she sang.

The Czar laughed. How can boiled beans grow, you silly girl? he asked. They can grow just as quickly as hard boiled eggs can hatch out, replied Katya. The Czar laughed again. That s a clever reply, he said. I thought I could trick you but you were too clever for me. All right, you can win this time, but lets see if you can do something else. Whats that? asked Katya.

The Czar gave her a handful of wool. I want you to make curtains for the palace out of this, he said

Katya took the wool home and told her father what she had to do Oh no, said the farmer. How can you make curtains with so little wool? Its impossible. Dont worry, Father, replied Katya. Ill think of something.

The next day the Czar came back to the house. He was beginning to like Katya. Well? he asked. Have you made the curtains?

Katya smiled and gave him a little twig. What s this for? asked Czar. Well, your Majesty, its like this, said Katya. Were very poor too poor to buy a spinning wheel. But if you can make a spinning wheel out of this twig, then I can spin the wool and make your curtains

The rl hed. e ew he ldnt t f little twig. Y win gain, he aid. at a laughed t ar t li e the

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inning wheel he was eginning

Theres ne re thing I want u t do said The ar, and he gave at a a up. I want ou to fill this up with all the water from the sea, he said

Katya told her father what she had to do. But thats impossible, he said. Dont worry, Katya replied. Ill think of something.

The next day the Czar was back. Katya came to the door with the cup. Its empty! said the Czar. oure not so clever after all. ou cant do What I asked.

es, I can, replied Katya. I can fill the cup with all the water from the sea, but theres one problem. Whats that? asked the Czar. Well, said Katya, if I do that, then all the rivers will flow into the sea and fill it up again. But if you dam up all the rivers first, then I can fill the cup with water from the sea.

The Czar laughed louder than ever. He knew he couldnt dam up all the rivers. oure a very clever girl, he said. Will you marry me ? I will if you promise me one thing, said Katya. Whats that? asked the Czar.

Promise me that if you ever get fed up with me and send me back home, you will let take one thing with me. What thing? asked the Czar. The thing I love best in the palace, replied Katya. I promise, said Czar

So Katya married the Czar, and for a year they lived happily. But one night the Czarwas in a bad mood and he quarreled with Katya. ou think youre so clever, he said. Well, you can go back and be clever in your fathers house.

He called his servants and told them to get a cart ready to take Katya home. All Katya said was, ou look tired. Have a cushion for your head. The cushion was very soft. The Czar closed his eyes and Katya began to sing softly. Before long the Czar fell asleep in his chair .

When the servant came back, Katya gave them a big chest and told them to put it on the cart. My clothes are in there, she said. our clothes are very heavy, said the servants, but they heaved the chest onto the cart.


The servant took Katya home. Its good to see you, Katya, said her father, but he looked worried. Why are you back? Did you quarrel with the Czar? es, said Katya. But dont worry. I wont be back for long

They heaved the big chest off the cart And took it into the house. Its very heavy, said Katyas father. Whats in it? Oen the lid and see, said Katya

The farmer opened the lid of the chest. There inside lay the Czar, fast asleep. Whathave you done? asked the farmer. He looked frightened.

Just then the Czar woke up and saw Katya. I thought I told you to go back to your fathers house, he said. I did, replied Katya.

The Czar sat up and looked around. He saw Katyas father. ou wicked girl! he said to Katya. How dare you kidnap the Czar of Russia!

The Czar laughed. He jumped out of the chest and hugged Katya. ou were right, he said to the farmer. our daughter is the cleverest person in Russia, and Ill never send her away.

The End