messenger — 2015 september october november

MESSENGER Vol. 78 n No. 5 n September-October-November 2015 | Partnering with God in Changing Lives

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Partnering with God in Changing Lives


Page 1: Messenger — 2015 September October November




Vol. 78 n No. 5 n September-October-November 2015 |

Partnering with God in Changing Lives

Page 2: Messenger — 2015 September October November

KBC Anniversaries

Concept of GRACE

“One of my more memorable seminary professors had a practical way of illustrating to his students the concept of grace. At the end of his evangelism course he would distribute the exam with caution to read it all the way through before beginning to answer it. This caution was written on the exam as well. As we read the test, it became unquestionably clear to each of us that we had not studied nearly enough.

The further we read, the worse it became. About halfway through, audible groans could be heard throughout the lecture hall. On the last page, however, was a note that read: ‘You have a choice. You either complete the exam as given or sign your name at the bottom and in so doing receive an A for this assignment. ‘

Wow! We sat there stunned. ‘Was he serious? Just sign it and get an A?’ Slowly, the point dawned on us, and one by one we turned in our tests and silently filed out of the room.

When I talked with the professor about it afterward, he shared some of the reactions he had received through

the years. Some students began to take the exam without reading it all the way through, and they would sweat it out for the entire two hours of class time before reaching the last page.

Others read the first two pages, became angry, turned the test in blank, and stormed out of the room without signing it. They never realized what was available, and as a result, they lost out totally.

One fellow, however, read the entire test, including the note at the end, but decided to take the exam anyway. He did not want any gifts; he wanted to earn his grade. And he did. He made a C+, but he could easily have had A.

The story illustrates many people’s reaction to God’s solution to sin. Some people look at God’s standard – moral and ethical perfection--and throw their hands up in surrender. Why even try? They tell themselves, ‘I could never live up to all that stuff. ‘

Others are like the student who read the test through and was aware of the professor’s offer but took the test

anyway. Unwilling to simply receive God’s gift of forgiveness, they set about to rack up enough points with God to earn it.

But God’s grace truly is like the professor’s offer. It may seem unbelievable, but if we accept it, then, like the stunned students who accepted the professor’s offer, we too, will discover that, Yes, God’s grace truly is free. All we have to do is accept it.”

Pastor Kelly

Sharon & Ed Pinkston, 19 years, Oct. 19

Kelly Burris, 27 yrs, Sep 25 Pastor

Tim Zittle, 9 yrs, Oct 1 Missions & Children’s Minister

Kelly Burris, Sep. 15Pastor

Birthdays Wedding Anniversaries

Staff Recognitions

I want to share with you a great article that illustrates the concept of grace written by Charles Stanley.


Page 3: Messenger — 2015 September October November

Each family is asked to bring a family-sized dish (e.g., vegetable, salad, macaroni and cheese, etc.) or dessert. Remember to bring your serving utensils and label your dishes! The church will provide paper products (plates, cups, utensils) and beverages. As this is not picnic style, the church kitchen will NOT be open to accept dishes. No heating or refrigeration will be available. You must bring your food in appropriate containers (e.g., crock pots, coolers, hotplates, etc.). Seating will be in the Family Life Center and outdoors (weather permitting).

Activities: Outside: Horseshoes, Corn hole, Inflatables, 4-square!

Inside: Board Games, Bingo, Dominoes and more!

Complete a yellow Special Events envelope so we will know how much chicken to prepare. Place your envelope in the offering plate. Deadline for reservation: Monday, October 19!

WAYS YOU CAN HELP: (1) Candy donations: please bring bags of individually wrapped candy to the Welcome Center. (2) Booths: please sign-up through your Sunday school class to help with your sponsored booth. (3) Additional help is needed with the snack bar, set-up and break-down; call Johanna Wright, 288-0031. She’s got a place for YOU!

FREE! Open to the Public!

Fun for all ages!

n Live Entertainment!n Carnival Booths with Prizes!n Pumpkin Patch!n Pony Rides!

n Hayrides!n Inflatable Bouncer!n Cake Walk!

n Fire Truck Display!n Popcorn!n …and much more!

Page 4: Messenger — 2015 September October November

APEX Student MinistryIt is a privilege to be able to lead the student ministry through discipleship, evangelism, week-ly meetings, events, and outreach. Getting to see students come to know Christ is the greatest thing I can possibly witness.

This past year on Sunday mornings we have explored different countries with a missions focus. Now we are starting a new adventure with a new curriculum, “Explore the Bible,” which will be taking us through the entire Bible centering on Jesus. Wednesday nights will continue the theme from Sunday morning, but with a different perspective. Also on Wednesday nights, we will break into small groups where the small group leaders have a significant opportunity for discipleship with our students.

The more help we get, the better. If you feel like God has called you to work with youth, please send me an email at [email protected] or call me at 757-416-8996. I would love to chat with you!

Sep 6 – Promotion SundaySep 23 – See You At The PoleOct 24 – DC Training for Christmas EventNov 21 – Turkey Run

Check us out online:

Facebook: KBCAPEX



Andrew KnollenbergStudent Minister


Kicks off in September! The last Friday of every month, our high school and college group is invited to learn about the tough topics in Scripture. This is a time for us to go into some of the deep waters in the Bible and explore the many mysteries God’s Word has for us.

Andrew Knollenberg Worship Leader & Students Ministry

Special Night of Missions Reports & Prayer for Healing

September 20 at 6:00 p.m. Come out and join us as we hear reports from our Damascus Mission Team and Kathy Thompson. Kathy will be reporting about her trip to Ukraine, and the Damascus Team will share about their annual trip reaching out to the Appalachian Trail Hikers. Following the mission reports we will go into a time of special prayer of healing for the many needs both physical and spiritual of our congregation. If you have family or friends who cannot attend on this special night, you can sit in on their behalf, and we would love to pray over you. It will be an amazing night. You won’t want to miss it!

In Concert...The Harvesters Quartet

September 13 | Sunday | 6:00 pmFree!

Open to the PublicChildcare avaialble for children 3 yrs and under




Page 5: Messenger — 2015 September October November

Tim Zittle, Associate PastorEducation, Missions, & Children

CENTRI-KID 2015Thanks to Lisa, Leigh-Anne, Matt, Madison and McKenzie for leading our crew for Centri-Kid this year. We had an amazing time learning about being a true disciple of Christ.

The Father’s Heart Ministry

DC CHURCH PLANTChristmas Event Outreach Training October 24 at 1:30 p.m. in the Large Conference Room

Training is being made available to help us get ready for the Christmas Outreach event on Dec. 19. Pastor Angel will be here to lead the training. If you are interested in helping with this event, plan to attend this training.


Missions OfferingDonate Fall Festival Candy

OCTOBER Fall Festival

Volunteering (10/3)DC Christmas Outreach

Training (10/24)

NOVEMBEROperation Christmas

Child Shoeboxes (11/8)Annual Turkey Run (11/21)

Kick-Off Night WednesdaySeptember 9

M&M (Music & Missions)Moves Back to Sunday Nights

Starts up September 27Ages: 4 yr. olds through 5th Grade

Pastor Angel

One week each year, from Sunday to Sunday, Southern Baptists join together in praying for state missions. The official Vision Virginia Week of Prayer for 2015 is September 20–27.

Outreach MinistryAre you looking for a place to serve? Outreach Ministry Teams meet Wednesday nights at 6 p.m. in room B-128. If you are interested in serving, please sign-up in the Welcome Center. For additional information, contact Bob Jolly, [email protected], or call 467-1848.

6:05pm – Drop Off 6:15pm – Start Time 7:45pm – End Time

AwanaBees: Babies Puggles: 2’s Cubbies: 3’s/4’s Sparks: K-2nd Gr. T & T: 3rd-5th Gr. Children need to be registered each year, so don’t forget to register your kid(s) today!

Watch for details on the

Children’s website and

weekly bulletins.


Ministry Support

Monthly meetings start

back in September.



Page 6: Messenger — 2015 September October November

Ken Carlton, Associate PastorAdult Ministries & Pastoral Care

Adult Bible Studies

Summer break is over and we look forward to getting back to our Fall schedule with the fellowship and ministry opportunities. So take the time and thought to include in your calendar planning the classes which are significant for our engaging and supporting each other and equipping us for the work of the ministry. Our Lord has much work for us to do and we are in it together.

Gear Up and Engage

Must register by completing a yellow Special Events envelope, place in offering plate or bring by the church office. Deadline: Wednesday, Nov. 11. For more information, contact Bobby Powell, 546-1000.






Senior Adult Brunch & Bible StudySermon on the Mount, Tuesdays at 11:00 a.m., beginning Sept. 15 in the Large Conference room. Facilitator: Rev. John Williams

WOMEN: “Esther” by Beth Moore — Meets at 10:15 a.m. in the Large Conference room. Workbook cost: $10. Facilitator: Mary-Ellen Weissinger.

WOMEN: “Interrupted” by Jan Hatmaker — Meets at 6:15 p.m. in room A113. Facilitator: Lisa Hathaway.

WOMEN: “James: Mercy Triumphs” by Beth Moore — Meets at 6:15 p.m. in room A200. Workbook cost: $10. Facilitator: Jynn Albano.

MEN’S FRATERNITY: “Resilient Faith” by Mary Jo Sharp — Meets at 6:15 p.m. in Pleasant Hall. Workbook cost: $5. Facilitator: Rob Jeffrey.

MEN & WOMEN: “The Daniel Plan— 40 Days to a Healthier Life” — Meets at 6:15 p.m. in room B128. Workbook cost: $10. Facilitator: Sean Burris.

ADULTS: “Gospel of Luke”, Bible Study & Prayer Service, meets at 6:30 p.m. in the Large Conference room. Led by: Ken Carlton.

Adult Activities:

8:00 a.m.FREE!

Bacon, Biscuits and Gravy, Eggs (omelets & scrambled), etc.

Ladies, dust off your china to decorate and host a table or host a pre-decorated table. Invite co-workers, family members, and/or neighbors. To register and pre-pay, complete a yellow Special Events envelope, and place it in the offering plate or bring to the church office. For additional information contact Bonnie Hester, 499-5965; Lisa Hathaway, 671-8125 or Debbie Howard, 467-4613.

Guest Speaker & Special Musical EntertainmentCost: $6 per person

Beginning September 9

Tips will go toward the Damascus Mission Trip. MENU: Meat Loaf with Mashed Potatoes, Green Beans, Lemon Meringue Pie. Reservations: complete a yellow Special Events envelope, enclose payment, place in the offering or bring by the church office. Deadline: Tuesday, Sep. 8.

Sunday, Sep. 13, Noon, Family Life Center SENIOR ADULT LUCHEON

Cost: $6.50 per peson


Page 7: Messenger — 2015 September October November

Johanna Wright, Director of Family Life & Facilities Ministries

Service Ministry Opportunity

Family Night Dinner Menus

September2nd – Fried Chicken / 9th – Lasagna /

16th – Pot Pie / 23rd – Meat Loaf / 30th – Soft Taco Mexican Night

October7th – Fried Chicken / 14th – Soup & Potato Bar /

21st – Stuffed Chicken Breast / 28th – Spaghetti with Meat Sauce

November4th – Fried Chicken / 11th – Chicken Alfredo /

18th – Burger Night / 24th – (Tuesday) Church-wide Thanksgiving Dinner (no meal Wed.)

Please Note: The cost for an Adult/Student meal is $6.00.

MOVIE NIGHTS: September 11

October 23November 20

Pull weeds in flower beds, clean gutters, clean up playground and lots more! Bring your

family, work gloves and a willing spirit!

Please complete a yellow Special Events envelope so we will have

enough food and supplies. Place the envelope in the offering plate.

Building Maintenance Church Grounds (weeding flower beds, playground, etc.) Kitchen help on Wednesday nights and special dinners Set-up and Break-down for dinners and eventsSpecial Events (Fall Festival, Harvest Day, etc.)

Please contact Johanna Wright, 288-0031. She has the right place for you to serve!

We have a beautiful church and facilities which need cleaning up and much needed repairs. Become a steward of the Lord’s church and volunteer to help in one or more of the following areas:

Dinner: 5:00 p.m. – 6:15 p.m. Cost: $6 ages 12-Adult / $3 ages 4-11 /

$2 ages 3 & under Reservations and payment in advance are required by Friday, Nov. 20. Complete a yellow Special Events envelope, place payment inside, drop in offering plate or bring to the church office.

Tuesday, Nov. 24, Family Life Center

Thanksgiving Worship Service:

6:30 p.m. Family Life Center

Everyone Welcome!

(You do not need to attend the dinner to come to the service.)

FREE Admission! Free Popcorn! Concession stand food and drinks available for purchase. Having a birthday party? Call Johanna to reserve a table or two, 288-0031. Watch the Sunday Bulletin for movies titles.


Page 8: Messenger — 2015 September October November

5204 Princess Anne RoadVirginia Beach, VA

Thank YouFROM:

Thelma Hogge and FamilyJudy Harrell

Judy BeechamVirginia Campbell

Virginia KlemmNancy Stone

Bryan & Carolyn Nichols and Family

The Cupp Family: Dan & Lucy, Paul & Patricia, Richard

& Debbie, and Tom & Jeannie Miller

Grace, Kimberly & Olivia Spear

Jim & Shirley Taylor


Dr. Kelly J. BurrisSenior [email protected]

Rev. Timothy G. ZittleAssociate Pastor, Minister of Education, Missions & [email protected]

Rev. A. Kenneth CarltonAssociate Pastor, Minister of Adult Ministries & Pastoral [email protected]

Andrew KnollenbergWorship Leader & Student [email protected]

Johanna WrightDirector of Family Life [email protected]

Rev. Charles H. JonesPastor Emeritus

Sympathy To:Wayne & Judy Barbour and Family in the death of his sister, LORI BARBOUR, on 6/3 in FL.

Joe Kloock and Family in the death of his wife, and Cody, his mother, VICKIE KLOOCK, on 6/3.

Eloise Bryant and Family in the death of her husband; and Harvey Bryant, III & Donna, his father, HARVEY BRYANT, JR. on 6/6.

Dot Hathaway and Family in the death of her brother, and Tim & Lisa Hathaway, his uncle, CLIFFORD WINSLOW, on 6/7 in NC.

Jean Lay and Family in the death of her brother, HAYNES CHUMLEY, on 6/8 in TN.

Ed & Linda Glisson and Family in the death of their brother-in-law, CHARLES AMICK, on 6/11.

J. D. & Teresa Burgoyne and Family in the death of his mother, MURRIEL FRITZ, on 6/16 in OR.

Pearl Reasor and Family in the death of her brother, and Roy and Judy Reasor, his uncle, LEWIS BUTTON, on 6/29 in KY.

Charles & Lynne York and Family in the death of her cousin, BOBBY ARNOLD, on 7/12 in IN.

The Family of JOYCE MCDONALD upon her death on 7/20.

Bryan & Carolyn Nichols and Family in the death of her father, and Matt & Rachel, their grandfather, JOHN GLADWELL, on 7/20 in MI.

The Family of ELIZABETH RICE upon her death on 7/25.

Grace Spear and Family in the death of her husband, and Kimberly & Olivia, their father, JOE SPEAR, on 8/3.