meeting minutes & group communication, daren welsh, smwcon fall 2014

Meeting Minutes Semantic MediaWiki Conference Fall 2014 Or … How we learned to stop emailing and love the wiki Daren Welsh, NASA Flight Opera0ons

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By using a single form and one key property, notes from meetings are now appended to associated topic pages (no more searching through email archives!). Going further, how to use the main page as a plaza to annunciate relevant meetings and featured articles.


Page 1: Meeting Minutes & Group Communication, Daren Welsh, SMWCon Fall 2014

Meeting Minutes

Semantic MediaWiki Conference Fall 2014

Or  …  

How  we  learned  to  stop  emailing  and  love  the  wiki  

Daren  Welsh,  NASA  Flight  Opera0ons  

Page 2: Meeting Minutes & Group Communication, Daren Welsh, SMWCon Fall 2014

Copyright © 2014 by United Space Alliance, LLC


16 September 2014 2

•  Email  is  necessary,  but  abused  •  Email  is  good  for  conversaAons,  but  a  terrible  way  of  storing  data  

Page 3: Meeting Minutes & Group Communication, Daren Welsh, SMWCon Fall 2014

Copyright © 2014 by United Space Alliance, LLC

MeeAng  Minutes  

•  We  can’t  eliminate  all  email,    but  maybe  just  notes  from  meeAngs  

•  MeeAng  Minutes  template/form  is  very  simple  –  Type  of  meeAng  –  Date  –  Time  –  AIendee  –  AIachments  –  Links  to  documents  –  Topics  

§  Title  §  Content  

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Copyright © 2014 by United Space Alliance, LLC

MeeAng  Minutes  

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Copyright © 2014 by United Space Alliance, LLC

MeeAng  Minutes  

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Copyright © 2014 by United Space Alliance, LLC

MeeAng  Minutes  

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Copyright © 2014 by United Space Alliance, LLC

MeeAng  Minutes  

•  Now  meeAng  minutes  –  Can  be  entered  by  anyone  –  Are  linkable  –  Are  Web  accessible  –  Can  link  to  hardware/topic  

pages  –  Are  searchable  …  ?  

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Copyright © 2014 by United Space Alliance, LLC

MeeAng  Minutes  

We  can  do  beIer  with  one  addiAonal  property:      

Related  arAcle  [[Has  type::  Page]]  

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Copyright © 2014 by United Space Alliance, LLC

Related  ArAcle  

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Copyright © 2014 by United Space Alliance, LLC

Related  ArAcle  

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Copyright © 2014 by United Space Alliance, LLC

Related  ArAcle  

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Copyright © 2014 by United Space Alliance, LLC

Related  ArAcle  

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Copyright © 2014 by United Space Alliance, LLC

Related  ArAcle  

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Extension:HeaderFooter  –  Enables  headers  and  footers  per  namespace  

Extension:  Header  Tabs  –  Adds  tabs  to  a  page  separaAng  top-­‐level  secAons  

__NOTOC__<br  style="clear:both;"  />    {{#ask:  [[Topic  from  meeAng::+]][[Related  arAcle::{{PAGENAME}}]]  |mainlabel=-­‐  |?  From  page  |?  Has  date  |?  Has  topic  Atle  |?  Synopsis  |?  Related  arAcle  |link  =  none  |format  =  template  |template  =  MeeAng  references  row  |intro  =  <h1>MeeAng  References</h1>  |offset  =  0  |limit  =  10  |sort  =  Has  date  |order  =  DESC  |searchlabel  =  <br  /><br  /><br  />Click  to  browse  earlier  meeAng  references  }}  <headertabs  />    

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Copyright © 2014 by United Space Alliance, LLC

Related  ArAcle  

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Copyright © 2014 by United Space Alliance, LLC

Related  ArAcle  

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Copyright © 2014 by United Space Alliance, LLC

Related  ArAcle  

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Copyright © 2014 by United Space Alliance, LLC

Related  ArAcle  

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Copyright © 2014 by United Space Alliance, LLC

Related  ArAcle  

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Copyright © 2014 by United Space Alliance, LLC

Related  ArAcle  

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Copyright © 2014 by United Space Alliance, LLC

More  SemanAc  Linking  

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Copyright © 2014 by United Space Alliance, LLC

User  Queries  

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Copyright © 2014 by United Space Alliance, LLC

User  Queries  

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Copyright © 2014 by United Space Alliance, LLC


•  Individual  pages  are  linked  –  [[wiki  links]]  –  SemanAc  queries  (inline,  infobox,  and  footer)  

•  User  queries  –  Somewhat  exposes  users  to  unfamiliar  pages,  but  limited  in  scope  

 How  do  we  make  sure  our  users  are  aware  of  pages  they  might  be  interested  in?  

16 September 2014 23

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Copyright © 2014 by United Space Alliance, LLC

Warrens  &  Plazas  

•  Discussion  at  Houston  wiki  summit  with  Brandon  Harris  and  Philippe  BeaudeIe  (Wikimedia  FoundaAon)  

•  Each  wiki  page  is  maintained  by  a  small  community  •  Even  with  SemanAc  sharing,  there  are  disconnects  •  How  do  we  connect  these  communiAes?  

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Copyright © 2014 by United Space Alliance, LLC

The  Main  Page  Plaza  

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Copyright © 2014 by United Space Alliance, LLC

The  Main  Page  Plaza  

•  Masonry  Main  Page  –  Masonry  Javascript/CSS  

packed  into  an  extension  for  MW  

–  Provides  auto-­‐sized  blocks  based  on  content  and  window  size  

•  MeeAng  Minutes  is  the  focus  

•  AddiAonal  blocks  provide  relevant  arAcles  and  queries  

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Copyright © 2014 by United Space Alliance, LLC

The  Main  Page  Plaza  

MeeAng  Minutes  •  Link  to  form  for  new  

minutes  •  Title  linking  to  full  

minutes  •  Topics  and  synopses  

16 September 2014 27

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Copyright © 2014 by United Space Alliance, LLC

The  Main  Page  Plaza  

Featured  ArAcle  •  Title  linking  to  arAcle  •  Primary  image  •  Overview    

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Copyright © 2014 by United Space Alliance, LLC

The  Main  Page  Plaza  

Upcoming  Events  •  Encourages  users  to  

contribute  to  events  they  are  supporAng  

•  Helps  us  ensure  we  are  tracking  the  correct  event  dates  (they  change  A  LOT)  

•  Currently  only  vehicles  and  missions.  Eventually  will  include  training  and  on-­‐orbit  acAviAes.  

16 September 2014 29

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Copyright © 2014 by United Space Alliance, LLC

The  Main  Page  Plaza  

Recent  Discussions  and  Changes  •  Helpful  for  new  users  not  familiar  

with  “Recent  Changes”  •  Highlights  discussion    

16 September 2014 30

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Copyright © 2014 by United Space Alliance, LLC

The  Main  Page  Plaza  

Proficiency  Training  •  Currently  a  passive  system  •  Users  unknowingly  get  

addiAonal  proficiency  training  and  review  our  data  

•  In  the  future,  we  could  track  click-­‐through  of  these  types  of  boxes  for  proficiency  training  

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Copyright © 2014 by United Space Alliance, LLC

The  Main  Page  Plaza  

Morning  RouAne  •  Coffee  •  MeeAng  Minutes  •  Recent  changes  •  Recent  discussion  •  Watchlist  •  Email  (yes,  sAll,  but  less)  

–  Now  more  focused  on  discussions  and  less  focused  on  “documenAng”  technical  info  

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Copyright © 2014 by United Space Alliance, LLC

The  Future  

•  Future concept of expanding engagement •  Connect warrens •  User watches one page, but does not watch related page

(determined by Property:Related article, wiki links, common contributors, etc.)

•  Main Page blocks customized by username, expiration date, etc.


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