media pack 2012 -

More than just a Newspaper... Media Pack Introducing the Gleaner Voice Group - publishers of Britain’s favourite African Caribbean reads 2012 Moorfoot House, 1st Floor East, 221 Marsh Wall, London E14 9FH • Web: • Switchboard: 020 7510 0340

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More than just a Newspaper. . .

Media PackIntroducing the Gleaner Voice Group - publishers of Britain’s favourite African Caribbean reads


Moorfoot House, 1st Floor East, 221 Marsh Wall, London E14 9FH • Web: • Switchboard: 020 7510 0340

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Media Pack2012

Introducing the Gleaner Voice group publishers of Britain’s favourite African Caribbean reads

WELCOME TO THE GLEANER COMPANY LIMITED THE GROUP BEHIND BRITAIN’S MOST ESTABLISHED AND POPULAR AFRICAN AND CARIBBEAN PUBLICAT I O N SThe Gleaner Company is the Caribbean’s oldest publishing entity; founded in 1834 the company has over one hundred years worth of ethnic focused media expertise. The Gleaner Companyrecorded in the last financial year a turnover of £42 million and realised £9.8 million net profit. The Gleaner is engaged in the printing and publishing of newspapers and books.It operates in entertainment products such as, radio-Power 106 & Music99FM, and in print a diverse range of publications.

IN THE UNITED KINGDOM:GV Media group was formed in May 2004, through a company merger of The Gleaner Company UK Ltd and The Voice Communications Group. These two companies represented the longestestablished ethnic media companies in the UK. The GV Media Group’s ABC1 readership spending power today offers a £34 billion pound opportunity for media buyers and agencies.Smart mainstream media buyers such as Tesco, Central Office of Information, Asda and Virgin are amongst a few of our clients that have recognised greater return on investment throughsustained ethnic targeted campaigns that speak directly to the ethnic consumer, by placing seasonal cross-platform integrated campaigns across GV Media titles from print to on-line.

PRINT AND ONLINE• The Voice newspaper w w w. v o i c e - o n l i n e . c o . u k• The Weekly Gleaner w w w. j a m a i c a - g l e a n e r. c o m• Young Voices Online w w w. y o u n g - v o i c e s . c o . u kGlossy magazine supplement range The Cookbook, Body beautifulNewspaper supplements (weekly): Your Voice series: Health, Education, Church, Parenting, Business (Schedule dates availible on request)Regional supplements (weekly): West Midlands News

GV Media Pack 2012

Gleaner Voice group-publishers of Britain’s best African Caribbean reads

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Brand Vo i c e Newspaper • Online • EventsThe Voice, Britain’s award winning flagship African Caribbean newspaper has captured overthe decades, the stars, events, and pulsating issues concerning the Commonwealthcommunity for over 25 years, making it the most popular and longest running black newspaperin the country to date.

Launched in 1982 the newspaper set out to represent the unheard voice of multiculturalBritain. Emerging out of the ashes of the 1980’s race riots, The Voice provides extensive ethnicnews coverage missed in mainstream media, delivering gutsy insightful features that resonatesdirectly with its readers. Generations of families have grown up withThe Voice, and editorially the newspaper has evolved with its readership. Today’s editorial hasan edgy urban contemporary feel, publishing a weekly mix of mid-market, challenging andaspirational range of ethnic interest stories and advertorial campaign

“The Voicehas beencriticised fromall quartersat some pointsince 1982and that isbecauseit does itsjob and notafraid totell it as it is.”Fo u n d e r,Val McCalla

Product information

Frequency We e k l yOn Sale ThursdayCover price £ 0 . 9 0Format M i d - m a r k e t

Distributors: Comag

CirculationAverage weekly sale 4 0 , 0 0 0Average readership 200,000

Regional coverage demographicsL o n d o n 6 0 %B i r m i n g h a m 2 0 %M a n c h e s t e r 1 0 %O t h e r 1 0 %

Readership profile

Caring Parents (CP) - 30–45 BC 1 C 2These are middle to lower income familiesvery interested in the needs of their children.New Empty Nesters (NEN) - 45-55 ABThis group has just got rid of the kids and are

getting used to having more money and timethough they are probably still working.Conservative Hats (CH) - 45-60 BC 1 C 2Typically urban/suburban dwellers withtraditional tastes.Active Retired (AR) - 60-80 BC 1This is a time rich group with mediumdisposable income.

In addition, another potential segment thatcan be identified is Cultural Explorers (CE).These are typically aged 50-70 years and fromAB socio-economic groups. This group iskeen on the Arts and Theatre, are well-educated and enjoy extending theirappreciation of culture and history throughtravel and new experiences.

0ver 200,000 readers per weekSocio Economic GroupingsAB 15% C1 56% C2 17%

Gender ProfileWomen: 55% Men: 45%

A g e15-24 3 3 %25-34 4 1 %35-44 1 4 %45-54 1 0 %

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The Voice: Display advertising & Run of Pa p e rRun of paper offers mainstream advertisers the opportunity to tightly position their brand toAfrican Caribbean audiences. Our publications have worked with clients such as CancerResearch UK, Post Office, Carphone Warehouse, Virgin Airways, Vodafone and Tesco haveenjoyed strong responses to their ad-campaigns by being placed next to high profile newsand entertainment stories.

According to our research Voice readers can be broken down into specific sections of thepublication. The Voice has regular weekly sections which attracts a diverse demographic.

The Voice Onlinew w offers visitors great functionality, with plenty of daily news coveragespanning entertainment, politics, sport and current affairs all of which have a strongcontemporary African and Caribbean focus. The voice-online social networking channelshave something for everyone, from dating to setting up very first business. Voice onlinejob site, currently hosts over 250,000 jobs across 36 sites which in total average over 6million users per month. The newspaper’s 18-35 demographic are extending their 25 yearloyalty to the Voice brand to the site.

More advertisers are waking up to the exciting commercial and recruitment opportunities thatlie within the unique demographic of the ethnic minority group population (EMG). Accordingto latest research undertaken by Ofcom, the African Caribbean profile as compared to all UKadults tends to be younger, larger in household and more likely to have under sixteen livingwithin the family home, and a higher proportion of African Caribbean and Asian demographichave a broadband service than the general population.

“Segmentation analysis of consumer attitudes show that EMGs are very enthusiastic usersof communication services, greater proportions of EMGs have a contract mobile phone,than the general population and are more likely to receive most of their incoming calls ontheir mobiles.”S o u r c e : Ofcom, 2008, Communications Market Special Report: ethnic minority groups and communications services.

Online Advertising Fe a t u r e sOnline RecruitmentBuy batch job postings giving clients flexibility and savings during recruitment processDirect access to over 40,000 Jobseekers CV’sJobs are exposed to over 400,000 searches and 200,000 jobseekers a monthEmailed Job Alerts, Sponsored Newsletters, Logo’s and Banners available on NewslettersSponsored Online Advertorials and company profiles

Online Display AdvertisingHomepage site position branding and product awareness. Sponsored client micro pagelinked via Voice Online site incorporating new product launches, sponsored surveys andinteractive content. Client branded micro site hosted and designed by Voice Online teamcreating a vibrant interactive environment to speak directly to our core audienceInteractive CPU players available on the Home page and selected feature pages acrossVoice Online site


statistics:250,000unique usersper month.504,262* pageimpressionsper month

Voice onlinecontent:celebrity storiespictures andvideos

Recruitment:Over 250,000jobs postedeach day

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Cookbook and Body Beautiful magazinesseries led magazine supplements insertedinto the Voice and Gleaner newspapers

Cookbook magazine“Where eating is presented as a lifestyle experience rather than a chore or quick eating fix.”

Cookbook Magazine is a series led publication inserted into the Voice newspaperCirculation: 40,000 copies

GV Cookbook’s advertorial features are positioned to maximise coverage of traditionalunhealthy African Caribbean cooking and to showcase healthy ways of cooking AfricanCaribbean national favourites and ethnic super health foods and drinks. Restaurant advertisershave the opportunity to highlight new seasonal menus.Through a variety of advertorial features, such as:Restaurant reviews, chef in profile, food agony pages, food life style photo shoots andrestaurant owner feature interviews. Cookbook, provides a unique opportunity to engage bothintelligently and intimately.

Cookbook targets three customer groups:• young demographic18-25• the mid-market 25-35 demographic• the affluent 35-45 up-market high cuisine dinerswho dine out a least twice a week.

Cookbook advertising solution offers the client the smart way to controlling client growth andencouraging sector crossover, through strategic advert-editorial media placements in popularsupplements such as the Cookbook. GV Cookbook readership includes the ABC1 socialgrading bracket, with an average weekly disposable incomes of £600 in London and around£500 in the regions. [Disposable income source: Expenditure and Food Survey, ONS]

African and Caribbean restaurants and take- aways tend to be highly localised, targetingdistinct and limited communities. Due to the fact that the mainstay of UK consumers areunfamiliar with this cuisine and many of the ingredients used. Unfortunately current marketfindings show there is a strong and growing perception amongst traditional and mainstreamdiners, that African Caribbean take-away and dining is unhealthy and fattening. GV MediaCookbook Lifestyle magazine, is about challenging these perceptions with both trade andcustomers alike. Yet Vietnamese restaurants also tend to be localised in urban areas, howeverits growing popularity is due to the nutritious nature of the cuisine through the use of fresh andplentiful vegetables and their associated health benefits.[Source Mintel 2007]

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In the UK ethnic restaurantsand take-away segmentmake up in total 13% of the totaleating out market.GV advertising business solutions are more than a one off advert placement. We offer brandstrength to your product or service and deliver integrated multi-platform bespoke campaignpackages, that market your product (s) over financial quarters, for a sustained print, onlineoutreach and distribution presence.

Body Beautiful magazineEditorial is closely linked to advertorial placements, and focuses on the current and future:hair care, make-up, skincare, ethnic specific product ranges, lines and solutions. Editoriallythis will also include various culturally tailored: leisure, beauty, life style services available forAfrican Caribbean, Black British and Mixed Race consumers.

Body Beautiful is the ethnic brand advertisers’ solution to limited shelf exposure and visibilityon the high street.

According to Mintel's most recent figures, the ethnic make-up, skincare and hair care nichemarket was worth £65 million in 2007, and is one of the fastest growing, with an 18% increasein its segment size since 2002.

Editorially Body Beautiful Gossip will provide industry insight, news and commentary on ethnicproduct developments and campaigns by ethnic specific targeted companies, and mainstreamones. Each Body Beautiful edition will have a lead theme. Body Beautiful lead themesspecifically falling into these four categories:

1.Ethnic make-up2.Skin-care3 . H a i r-care4. Fa s h i o nBeauty will however, be a constant advertorial editorial pillar in each Body Beautiful edition.

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BRAND GLEANER N E W S PAPER • ONLINE • EVENTS“The Gleaner is an institution in Jamaica. Founded in the 1830s for many years it wasJamaica’s only newspaper and the population’s sole source of information. When Jamaicanimmigrants first arrived in Britain they would ask for “a Gleaner” as a generic term for anyn e w s p a p e r. It has developed into a newspaper group: Daily Gleaner, Sunday Gleaner, Starand is still billed as the Caribbean’s leading newspaper.” Clayton Goodwin, The Independentn e w s p a p e r.

Launched in 1951, The Weekly Gleaner is the successful off shoot of The Gleaner, the oldestoperating newspaper in the Caribbean and is distributed to over twenty-two American and eightCanadian cities. The Weekly Gleaner is Britain’s top selling Caribbean newspaper, distributedthrough Advantage to over 7,770 news trade outlets across the country. Produced in the UK,The Weekly Gleaner is targeted towards Caribbean immigrants, descendents, and internationalbusiness and holiday-makers worldwide, with an interest in issues and main events hitting theCaribbean. The paper offers in-depth coverage of news in both the Caribbean and the UnitedKingdom and was the first newspaper to cater for the Caribbean community.

“The only UK title serving the Caribbean”

Audited Bureau of Circulation1 0 , 8 2 2

Advertising Rates Print & online contact:

Fr e q u e n c y We e k l yOn Sale ThursdayCover price £ 0 . 7 0Format M i d - m a r k e tDistributors Comag

Readership Profile0ver 87,500 reader

Socio Economic GroupingsGleaner readers are between,30-55 with 37% being graduates

Gender ProfileWomen 5 4 %Men 46%A B 1 5 %C1 45%

CirculationAverage weekly sale 17, 500 copies

Average readership 8 7 , 5 0 0

Ethnic brakdownJ a m i a c a 7 5 %B a r b a d o s 6 %Tr i n i d a d 1 0 %St Lucia 6 %O t h e r 5 %

Insert cost £70 per 1000

Product in information:

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Overseas Pu b l i c a t i o n sDistribution: Jamaica and the Caribbean• The Gleaner: a daily broad sheet print title

C i r c u l a t i o n 7 5 , 0 0 0Readership 3 0 0 , 0 0 0

• The Sunday Gleaner: A sunday broadsheetC i r c u l a t i o n 250,000Readership 1 million

• The Star:A daily tabloid entertainment pressfeaturing the latest cultural eventsC i r c u l a t i o n 146,000Readership 586,000

• YouthLink magazine: Inserted into The Daily Gleaner• Flair Magazine: Inserted into The Daily Gleaner Monday’s covering women’s issues• The Financial Gleaner: Inserted into The Daily Gleaner Fr i d a y ’ s• Track and Po o l : Stand-alone magazine distributed at race tracks and betting shops• Jamaican music arts and theatre: Feature within The Sunday Gleaner

Pu b l i c a t i o n s : The Weekly Star • The Weekly GleanerD i s t r i b u t i o n : North America: Toronto, Chicago, Ontario, Florida, New York, Atlanta

“The Star is compilation news, entertainment, sportsand features from the Daily Star published in Jamaica.It is widely available throughout North America and Canada.The primary market is the Jamaica/Caribbean diaspora.The age group for weekly Star readers is between 20-45.”

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Brand: Young Voices Online • Events & OutreachYoung Voices readers make up one of the hardest demographics to reach within the UK.The Urban Youth audience is a diverse group who tend to be the influencers within there peergroups. Young Voices delivers to this audience relevant content to what's happening in theentertainment scene here in the UK as well as the US and tackles some of the core issuesplayed out within the media such as Gun and Knife Crime as well as Sexual Health and Gangculture head on. Our perspectives come straight from young people themselves which is whywe have won the Urban Music Award best magazine title two years in a row 2007 and 2008.

Higher Education:Ethnic Minoritiesin Higher educationin 2007/08: 14, 1270

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Soul stirringsThe Souls Supplement is a feature lead, 8 pages pullout aimed to highlight the significantcontribution that Black led Churches make to the UK economy and communities.

As you know, people of African and Caribbean origin make up 2% of the UK’s population butaccount for more than 66% of Sunday church-goers in London and 7% of worshippersnationwide, and is continuing to grow compared with a drop for churches nationally. Blackmajority churches are not only successful at attracting worshippers; many are hugely financiallysuccessful too, in stark comparison to many of the UK’s traditional churches. However, this hasnot always been reflected in the mainstream media which has for sometime now carried adisproportionate number of negative stories in the media.

Our aim is to redress this apparent imbalance, bringing an unbiased analysis of “blackled”church life in particular; allowing us to reach the heart of our readers.

As churches/organisations provide various activities to suite the average Church goer,Soul Stirring magazine will highlight a number of these activities which will include;• Places of worship • Workshops/Seminars • Holidays / Retreats • Events• Music / Entertainment • Special Offers/Giveaways • And more.

As well as its inclusion in the Voice/Gleaner newspaper, we will deliver copies to all of theadvertising churches/organisations for distributions among their members. The magazine(in PDF form) is also uploaded to the Voice website 2 weeks after the issue date.

Your Voice Your ChurchGV Media sponsorship oppertunities accross GV media bramnds• The Voice• The Gleaner• The Voice online

Churches: Number of UKblack led churches over15,000.

Number of black churchgoers weekly approx750,000

Soul Stirrings:Regular feature pageContent reviews Newsand features of churchesand pastors

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GV Media Business Solutions DeptGV Media Is Able To Successfully Plan And Implement A Variety of Cost Effective Media Solutions.

Business Solutions and Services• Research Strategies• Data Leasing• Online Solutions• Consulting Marketing Services

GV Media Operates Within The Best Practice Guidelines And Ensures That BusinessStrategies Are Thoroughly Analysed; Projects Are Delivered On Time, As An Indication Of ItsCommitment To Quality.

Consulting ServicesGV Media Has Gained Valuable Experience Within All Businesses Targeting The BME Market.• 250,000 Readers A Week• Population Increase Of 53% Since 1991• Presently Worth 4.3bn (300bn By The Year 2011)

GV Media Business Solution Offers:Consultant Specialists and Project ManagementPerformed As Temporary or Pa r t-Time Roles Thus Assisting Client Teams with One or MoreProjects Life Cycle Elements and Planning

Consulting ServicesCost Benefit and Roi Analysis.

Providing a Complete. Consultancy Service Including:• Business solution services• Research and Development• Focus groups• Mystery shopping

Design and conceptualisation• Copywriting• Design consultation• concepts and layout• Printing• Business solutions• Direct Mail (Mail-Shots)• Leaflet Distribution• E-Mail and Database Leasing• Market Promotions at Events and Functions• Outreach

GV Media Business solutions...

Collaboration and Content ManagementGV Media Offers Collaboration, Content Management And Strategic Solutions That EnableOrganisations To Increase The Efficiency Of Business Processes And Improve CompanyProductivity Simplifying How People Find And Share Information And Enabling Better InformedDecisions. GV Media Collaborate With Companies To Stay Connected Across OrganisationalAnd Geographical Boundaries, Our Services Give People Access To Information They Need,Built On An Already Existing Database Which Provides A Foundation Platform For BuildingBusiness Opportunities That Can Flex And Scale Easily To Meet The Changing And GrowingNeeds Of Businesses.

• Collaborate Easily And Effectively• Get Started Quickly• Deploy A Manageable Infrastructure• Provide A Foundation For Successful Planning

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Reaching a diverse African Caribbean market place

Organisations Can Use Our Services To Implement Management Features, Business ProcessesAnd Access Information That Are Essential To Achieve Organisational Goals. We Can ProvideEffective Business Solutions By Offering Modes Of Delivery, Which Are Designed To Meet Yo u rR e q u i r e m e n t s .

S t a t sO u t l e t s :Convenience stores: 1,100General stores: 700News agents: 2,500Rounds men: 30Multiples (supermarkets etc) 500Other 500

The Voice Sales:43% from independent stores.17% from multiples.25% form convenience & general stores.

Top 8 London boroughs with black British populations:• Lambeth• Southwark• Lewisham• Newham• Brent• Hackney• Croydon• Haringey

Total black British populations in:Birmingham: 5 9 , 8 3 2Greater Manchester: 2 9 , 7 4 7Manchester: 1 7 , 7 3 9Bristol: 8 , 8 3 1Nottingham: 1 1 , 5 8 2

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Advertising RatesMedia PackThe Vo i c eSingle Column Centimetre Rate: £ 1 9 . 9 5Full Page £ 5 2 9 0 . 7 4Half Page £2645.37Quarter Page £ 1 3 2 2 . 6 9Eighth Page £ 7 7 8 . 0 5

Other rates:Spot Colour Rate + 15%Colour Rate + 30%Front Pa g e 150% LoadingBack Pa g e 90% Loading

Series discountNo. of We e k s D i s c o u n t3 - 1 5 5 %Up to 25 1 0 %Up to 35 1 5 %Up to 52 2 5 %

I n s e r t sR e g i o n a l £150 per 1000N a t i o n a l £100 per 1000NB. Subject to weight of the insert

Display Ad Specifications/ ClassifiedD i s p l a y Ad (ROP) D i s p l a yC l a s s i f i e dOne – 40 mm One – 30 mmTwo – 87 mm Two – 65 mmThree – 132 mm Three – 98 mmFour – 177 mm Four – 132 mmFive – 222 mm Five – 166 mmSix – 268 mm Six – 200 mm

– S e v e n – 234 mm– E i g h t – 268 mm

O n l i n eB a n n e r 468 x 60 £ 5 5 0Tower 600 x120 £ 4 5 0Large Button 180 x120 250Main Box 250 x 251 £300Side Button 120 x 60 £150

C o m m i s s i o nAgency Commission 10%.All prices shown here exclude VAT

The GleanerSingle Column Centimetre rate

Double Page SpreadM o n o £ 4 , 5 3 6C o l o u r £ 5 , 8 9 6

Single Pa g eM o n o £ 2 , 4 4 8C o l o u r £ 3 , 1 8 2 . 4 0

Half Pa g eM o n o £ 1 , 2 2 4C o l o u r £ 1 , 5 9 1 . 2 0

Quarter Pa g eM o n o £ 6 1 2C o l o u r £ 7 9 5 . 6 0

Eighth Pa g eM o n o £ 3 6 0C o l o u r £ 4 6 8

Column Specifications / ROP

D i s p l a y Ad (ROP) D i s p l a yC l a s s i f i e dOne – 40 mm One – 30 mmTwo – 87 mm Two – 65 mmThree – 132 mm Three – 98 mmFour – 177 mm Four – 132 mmFive – 222 mm Five – 166 mmSix – 268 mm Six – 200 mm

– S e v e n – 234 mm– E i g h t – 268 mm

I n s e r t s

R e g i o n a l £150 per 1000N a t i o n a l £100 per 1000NB. Subject to weight of the insert

C o m m i s s i o n

Agency Commission 10%All prices shown here exclude VAT