media evalution main task

EVALUATION OF MAIN TASK Christopher Demetriou

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Post on 30-Jul-2015



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Page 1: Media evalution main task


Christopher Demetriou

Page 2: Media evalution main task

In our horror film we have developed typical horror film conventions.

What we have done to develop them is:Someone getting killed in the beginningA man getting killed instead of the womenThe killer is not seen at all Nobody tried to escape

We did this to bring variety and make it different from all the same conventions. By developing the conventions we have made a product 100 times better than if it was the same.

Q1: In what ways does your media product use, develop or challenge forms and conventions of real media products?

Page 3: Media evalution main task

How does your media product represent particular social groups?My media product represents particular social groups by

having actors that are of the same age and class status, working class. We represent this age group by the clothes the actors wear which are modern and trendy; hat. Also comfterable such as a tracksuit bottoms and leggings. Our media product also represents young women. The relationship with Lucy and Rose highlight conventional stereotype of young women which are gossipy, want to have fun and get frightened easily. The relationship with Lucy and Sam represent a typical boyfriend girlfriend relationship which is fun, banter between the two but also the man trying to protect his girlfriend from danger. This is how our media product represents particular social groups.

Page 4: Media evalution main task

What kind of media institution might distribute your media product and why?

I used IMBD database and searched similar products to ours and found Dimension Films. I chose Dimension Films, because they have distributed similar products such as scream and scary movie. This screen grab shows the 10 most popular films they have distributed and 90% are horror films. Also our film is similar in terms of context by having a phone ringing and scaring the characters. The terms of camera use and sound by playing dramatic music and still but sudden movements of the camera which gives the indication someone might be watching them.

Page 5: Media evalution main task

Dimension filmsThey have distributed 146 films that include the

Halloween trilogy, all the Scary movies and Scream. They also have distributed extreme horror films such as Hellraiser, Sin City and Piranha 3DD.

Perfect candidates:

-They love producing horror films and have been very successful in doing so

- They have a lot of experience which means a lot in the film business. This is why we will choose them