may, 2017 our lady of peace catholic school newsletter

May, 2017 Our Lady of Peace Catholic School Newsletter PRINCIPAL’S MESSAGE During the month of May, we will be focusing on the virtue of COMPAS- SION. May is also known as the “Month of Mary and is a great opportunity for all of us to renew our own devotion to the Mother of God. The tradition of dedicating the month of May to Mary began in the 13th century. We offer our devotions to the Blessed Virgin Mary, the Queen of May as a way of showing our love towards her. In the month of May, the Toronto Catholic District School Board, along with the Archdiocese of Toronto, celebrates Catholic Education Week from April 30 th to May 5 th . This years theme is- Catholic Education: Walking Forward Together”. The scriptural passage that guides our theme is, Do justice, love, kindness and walk humbly with your God.” ~Micah 6:8. On May 5 th we also celebrate Parish Family Day. Catholic Education Week is a wonderful opportunity to celebrate all those who are working tirelessly to impart Catholic values to our students in the TCDSB. May also marks the period of time in which many of our students will be involved in standardized testing. Throughout the month of May, students in Grades 2, 5 and 7 will be preparing and writing the CAT-4 test, which assesses the essential learning outcomes in reading, language, spelling and math. Information obtained through this assessment enables teachers to develop a deeper understanding of students, areas of strength and needs. Starting May 24th, students in Grades 3 and 6 will be completing the EQAO Assessment. Grade 3 and 6 teachers have been very busy preparing their students and we wish our students all the best as they complete these assessments. There are fantastic Parent Resources to help prepare for EQAO listed on and we encourage you to work with your child over the next few weeks in preparation for their assessment. On behalf of the Our Lady of Peace Catholic School Community, I would like to wish all the mothers in our community a Happy Mother’s Day. Please check the school website regularly for OLP news and information. OUR LADY OF PEACE CATHOLIC SCHOOL 70 Mattice Ave. Etobicoke, Ontario M9B 1T6 416-393-5253 Fax:416-397-6061 Principal S. Figliomeni Vice Principal D. Whicher Superintendent D. Yack 416-222-8282 Ext: 2732 Trustee A. Andruchuk 416-512-3408 Parish Our Lady of Peace Fr. Yaw 416-239-1259 CSPC Chair: J.Celio Hours of Operation: 9:00 a.m.-3:30 p.m. Lunch Hour: 11:45 a.m.-12:45 p.m. _______________________________ OLP is now on Twitter!! Follow us at @OLP_TCDSB for news, reminders, information and fun!

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Page 1: May, 2017 Our Lady of Peace Catholic School Newsletter

May, 2017

Our Lady of Peace Catholic School Newsletter


During the month of May, we will be focusing on the virtue of COMPAS- SION. May is also known as the “Month of Mary‟ and is a great opportunity for all of us to renew our own devotion to the Mother of God. The tradition of dedicating the month of May to Mary began in the 13th century. We offer our devotions to the Blessed Virgin Mary, the “Queen of May” as a way of showing our love towards her.

In the month of May, the Toronto Catholic District School Board, along

with the Archdiocese of Toronto, celebrates Catholic Education Week

from April 30th to May 5th. This year’s theme is- “Catholic Education:

Walking Forward Together”. The scriptural passage that guides our theme

is, “Do justice, love, kindness and walk humbly with your God.” ~Micah

6:8. On May 5th we also celebrate Parish Family Day. Catholic Education

Week is a wonderful opportunity to celebrate all those who are working

tirelessly to impart Catholic values to our students in the TCDSB.

May also marks the period of time in which many of our students will be involved in standardized testing. Throughout the month of May, students in Grades 2, 5 and 7 will be prepar ing and writing the CAT-4 test, which assesses the essential learning outcomes in reading, language, spelling and math. Information obtained through this assessment enables teachers to develop a deeper understanding of students, areas of strength and needs. Starting May 24th, students in Grades 3 and 6 will be completing the EQAO Assessment. Grade 3 and 6 teachers have been very busy preparing their students and we wish our students all the best as they complete these assessments. There are fantastic Parent Resources to help prepare for EQAO listed on and we encourage you to work with your child over the next few weeks in preparation for their assessment.

On behalf of the Our Lady of Peace Catholic School Community, I would like to wish all the mothers in our community a Happy Mother’s Day.

Please check the school website regularly for OLP news and information.




70 Mattice Ave. Etobicoke, Ontario

M9B 1T6 416-393-5253



S. Figliomeni

Vice Principal D. Whicher


D. Yack 416-222-8282 Ext: 2732


A. Andruchuk 416-512-3408


Our Lady of Peace Fr. Yaw


CSPC Chair: J.Celio

Hours of Operation: 9:00 a.m.-3:30 p.m.

Lunch Hour:

11:45 a.m.-12:45 p.m. _______________________________

OLP is now on Twitter!!

Follow us at @OLP_TCDSB

for news, reminders, information and fun!

Page 2: May, 2017 Our Lady of Peace Catholic School Newsletter



“Jesus saw her weeping…his heart was touched, and

he was deeply moved.” John 11:33

For the month of May we will be focusing on the virtue

of COMPASSION. Our quote is from John’s Gospel,

”Jesus saw her weeping...his heart was touched, and

he was deeply moved.” John 11:33 True compassion is

not always easy to practice as in the words of Jean

Vanier “Compassion asks us to go where it hurts, to

enter into places of pain, to share in brokenness, fear,

confusion, and anguish.” Who wants to go there when

spring has finally arrived and the sun is shining down

us. This is all the more reason to show our compassion

for those who cannot share in the light. OLP SCHOOL LEARNING IMPROVEMENT PLAN (SLIP):

Our school goal and focus this year is to continue to develop student achievement and confidence in Mathematics. Here are some tips you can do with your child at home to nurture their love of Math, reading and learning.



Ten Black Dots

Donald Crew

Counting One-to-One Number


Chicka Chicka 123

Bill Martin Jr

Counting Zero Number



I. C. Springman

Quantity More/Less


Just How Long

Can A Long

String Be?!

Keith Baker


Balancing Act

Ellen Stoll Walsh


Anna Carries


Olive Senior



Margarette Reid


Same Same

Marthye Jocelyn

Classification Sorting

Tally O’Malley

Stuart J. Murphy

Graphs/Surveys (Tally Marks)

Twitter @HeatherRyanTDSB Pinterest heatherr33


On Tuesday, March 29th, the Junior Boys Volleyball Team defended their Divisional title by coming in 1st place and bringing another banner back to school. The team went on to Regionals on Tuesday, April 5th and made the school proud by playing well and showing great sportsmanship. They came in 1st in their pool and gave it their absolute all but were defeated in the semi-final game by 2 points in a very exciting game. Coaches, Mme DelGiudice, Mme Ventura, Mme Alaimo, Mme Micco and the entire school community were so proud of their incredible efforts. Thank you to all the coaches for their dedication and hard work throughout the season. CO-ED HOCKEY TEAM: We would like to congratulate the members of our Co Ed Hockey team, who won the championship game for Pool C in the TCDSB finals on Tuesday, April 11th! The team took an early lead in the game and won 4-0 against St. Bonaventure. They represented Our

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Lady of Peace well throughout the season. Each player played with determination and dedication during our tournaments and even gave up their lunches to practise. We would like to thank Mr. Primeau, Ms. Pontes and Ms. Morassutti, who dedicated their time coaching the team.

SCHOOL CLEAN UP DAY: THANK YOU! On Friday, April 21st, OLP Eco Team and class ECO Reps participated in Clean Toronto Together. Many thanks to the leadership of Ms. Laxton and to the collaboration by our teachers for organizing this school event. Thank you to our students, caretakers and all other TCDSB staff for their assistance in making this day a huge success. Our future will be cleaner and greener thanks to your hard work. CHESS CLUB: Spring has been an exciting season for the chess players at Our Lady of Peace. On March 31st, 2017, Our Lady of Peace participated in the TCDSB Individual Chess Tournament at Monsignor John Corrigan Elementary School. Our school was lucky to be represented by Connor M., Andrew C., Christopher G., Kevin M., and Adriano N., who all played well and showed great sportsmanship. OLP also participated in the TCDSB Team Chess Tournament on April 28th, 2017. It was an exciting afternoon at Don Bosco for both our Intermediate and Junior Chess Teams, who played extremely well. Our Intermediate players (Connor M, Lucas G., Maksym W., Tyler S., Conrad C., and Xavier R.) came fifth in their division. Our Junior players (Christopher G., Madeline C., Kevin M., Ava A., Adriano N,, Henry P., and Jacob F) came third in their division. Congratulations to both our Junior and Intermediate Teams! In addition to constantly improving their game, they showed great dedication to each other. This was evident by the way they cheered each other on, no

matter the outcome. We are so proud of you!

A special thanks to parents who helped get our team to the tournaments and supported us on the sidelines, especially Ms. Mazzaferro and Ms. Galluzzo and a big thank you to Ms. Wong-Hing for her work with the Chess Teams. SPRING CONCERTS:

On April 26, our student from grades 4-6 displayed their dance skills and talents at our Spring Talent Show held at Don Bosco C.H.S. Thank you to the following classes M. Alphons, Ms. Pontes, Ms. Del Giudice, Mme. Mirija, Mr. Perzia, Mme. Sliwa, Ms. Carlino and Ms. Ryan for performing various dances from salsa, Bollywood and hip hop. Merci to the many students that shared their talents from dancing, singing, playing musical instruments, and stand up comedy. Many thanks to Mme. Alaimo, Mme. Del Giudice and Ms. Pontes for their tireless efforts, collaboration and leadership in organizing this year’s Talent Show!

W5H TOURNAMENT: With a dedicated group of students, OLP's Intermediate W5H Team competed at Holy Angels School where they won all but one game against a very strong team of female competitors from Our Lady of Sorrows School. Their second place finish at the first round of competition shows that their hard work both during school practices and at home paid off and they represented our school very well during the competition. Our appreciation and thanks goes out to the parents and coaches for giving their time to the team to help them prepare

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WELCOME TO KINDERGARTEN NIGHT: The Kindergarten Team is thrilled to meet and work with our newly registered Junior Kindergarten students at our annual "WELCOME TO KINDERGARTEN' evening on May 25th at 5:30 pm to 7:30 pm. The newest members of Our Lady of Peace will officially start school this coming September, but will first have an opportunity to come to their new school to meet their teachers and early childhood educators and participate in an evening of 'hands-on' learning. The children and parents will be shown how they can begin to learn important kindergarten skills and concepts over the next few months before beginning school. They will go home with a valuable bag of learning materials to use together to get ready for school! Our CSPC team will also be here that evening to welcome our new families to Our Lady of Peace. We can't wait to meet our new little ones! LEUKEMIA FUNDRAISER: Our Annual Leukemia Fundraising event which will begin with the sales of raffle tickets starting from May 8-25 and end with the drawing of the prizes on June 6. This fundraiser is held annually in memory of an Our Lady of Peace student, Isabel Walker, who sadly passed away after losing her battle with leukemia. We continue the tradition with Isabel in our hearts, but also we do this for our current student Frankie O., who is a Grade 1 student that completed his leukemia treatment last May after 4 long years. This annual event has proven to be very successful due to the generous prize donations from our family community and local businesses. On average each year, through our raffle ticket sales, we donate approximately $5000 to Sick Kids Hospital. This year we are hoping to exceed this amount. If every student sells one sheet of tickets (5 tickets at $2 each), we can raise $7000. Please help us to achieve our goal this year in memory of Isabel and for children like Frankie who deserve all the support we can give.

DRESS CODE: Now that spring has finally arrived, it is necessary to review our spring dress code under the Appropriate Dress Code Policy. The Appropriate Dress Code consists of any combination of white and navy blue garments (i.e. plain white top, navy blue bottom, navy blue top and bottom).

Only walking shorts are permitted- no athletic shorts

Collared shirts only- no t-shirts and/or shirts with logos, stripes and/or graphics.

All shorts and skirts must be to the knee or fingertip length above the knee.

Knee socks worn with skirts, tunics and shorts must be plain white or plain navy blue.

Sweaters or hoodies worn in school must be solid navy or solid white, no stripes and/or logos.

Running shoes or closed toe shoes only, no open toe sandals.

CATHOLIC SCHOOL PARENT COUNCIL (CSPC) Our next CSPC meeting will be held on Wednesday, May 24 at 6:30 p.m. in the library. New members are welcome. THANK YOU and MERCI: The staff and students of Our Lady of Peace would like to thank the many parent volunteers that donated their time to assist with Subway Lunch and Pizza Lunch. Many thanks to the following volunteers: S. Baker, T. Brenner, J. Celio, G. Solares, A. D’Urzo, T. DeMaria, P. Fedrigo, S. Hingley, L. Jahshan, S. Jahshan, D. Melo, M. Hennessey, R. Fournier, K. Saldutto, C. Trachuk, S. Venditti, Z. David, S. Massis-Dalakouras, R. Mazza, V. McDonald, E. Quinn, G. Vujeva, J. Warner

May Message from Trustee Ann Andrachuk Spring is an incredibly important time for many of the students in our Board. I would like to send my sincere congratulations and prayers to our grade two and grade seven students as they receive the sacraments of First Holy Communion and Confirmation. These moments form the foundation of our faith journey as we strive to follow the example of our Lord Jesus Christ. The TCDSB and the Board of Trustees continue to work on the budget for the upcoming 2017/2018 school year. The most recent round of community consultation has recently closed and I would like to thank our stakeholders for the impressive response rate. I look forward to incorporating this feedback as we move closer to setting next year’s budget. Additionally, proposed changes to our Secondary School Admission’s Policy will be going out for community consultation in early May. Check out for more information and to participate. Finally, with Mother’s Day approaching on May 14th I would like to take a moment to thank all the mothers in our system. Use the day to cherish, honour and say thank you to Mom. Blessings- Ann YMCA PROGRAM: YMCA is in the process of implementing a new entry system to ensure the safety of your children. We are asking that families with students in Kindergarten use the new doorbell located outside of the Kindergarten classroom. School age families are to use the YMCA doorbell located at the main entrance of the school. A

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YMCA staff will let you in as soon as we can. Thank you in advance for your cooperation. OUR LADY OF PEACE CHURCH: Calling All Moms! Do you want to be refreshed? Inspired? Meet other Catholic moms? We invite you to attend the Mothers Group at Our Lady of Peace parish. Upcoming dates: Wednesday May 31, 2017 at 7:30pm Wednesday June 28, 2017 at 7:30pm Our meetings are held at Our Lady of Peach Parish, Address: 3914 Bloor Street West, Etobicoke, Ont. To sign up and get reminders right to your inbox or for more information visit


Teaching Students How To Use It Appropriately

The use of technology and access to the internet has enabled students to connect to others as well as gain information instantaneously. It has enabled children to use interactive games to learn information, practice social skills through online communities, and has opened up a world of endless possibilities. While this has been a tremendous benefit, it has also brought with it many challenges. “Technology use presents a problem when it interferes with young people’s ability to do the things that are expected of them, such as attending school regularly and on time, maintaining good grades, participating in family life and engaging in face-to-face friendships” as indicated by CAMH (Centre for Addiction and Mental Health). According to

CAMH, it’s important to consider the following questions:

Where do young people use technology?

What are they doing with it?

How much time do they spend using it?

CAMH outlines several tips for teaching children how to use technology safely. Here’s a few to consider:

Prior to allowing your child to use technology have a discussion about appropriate and safe use. Engage in open conversations about the possible dangers of using the internet and communicating with others via social media.

Discuss family “rules” around the use of technology and how to respect others eg. you may consider a “no-texting” rule during mealtimes.

Monitor your child when they are using technology. This can be done by having a computer in a common area of the house or having access to their accounts.

Discuss priorities and having a balanced lifestyle. Establish limits with regard to use of technology versus doing other tasks or activities eg. completing homework, getting together with friends, playing sports etc.

Pay attention to your own use of technology and remember that you are a great role model.

If you have concerns regarding your child’s use of technology engage in an open conversation with your child. You can also speak with a school mental health professional for further support.

Information obtained from CAMH “Youth, Families and

Interactive Technology, 2016” at

Angela Gauthier, Director of Education 80 Sheppard Ave. E., Toronto, ON ∙ Website:



1. Joseph Martino 5. Maria Rizzo 9. Jo-Ann Davis 2. Ann Andrachuk 6. Frank D’Amico- Vice Chair 10. Barbara Poplawski 3. Sal Piccininni 7. Michael Del Grande 11. Angela Kennedy- Chair 4. Patrizia Bottoni 8. Garry Tanuan 12. Nancy Crawford, Katrina Dubrovskaya, Student Trustee Rhea Carlisle, Student Trustee

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Congratulations to the following recipients for March – Forgiveness Medal and Peace Certificate.



Ms. R. Della Mora Amelia D. Gabriel S.

Ms. S. Fisher Noah M. Lewy N.

Mr. C. Walters Ava C. Carter S.

Ms. R. Pontes Gui D. Mariah L.

Ms. A. Ryan Lucas C. Madeline C.

Ms. S. Guido Gillian S. Sara S.

Ms. S. Ludlow Olivia P. Miguel A.

Mr. M. Perzia Tristian M. Hannah S.

Mr. Vennare Thibault L. Catherine A.

Ms. C. Laxton Stefani P. Joseph G.

Mlle. E. Robinson Emma B. Mark D.

Mlle. S. Morassutti Charlotte A. Savanah A.

Mme. H. Fortino Lucas U. Ciara C.

Mme. S. Marrone August L. Lily M.

Mme. B. Wysokinski Sierra S. Xavier C.

Mme. F. Cote Dean B. Simona F.

,Mme. I. Richard Martina O. Josh B.

M. J. Prifti Amira J. Emily P.

Mme. S. Correia Jack C. Oliver M.

Mme. J. Giordano Makaius T. Ava J.

Mlle. M. Boragina Olivia M. Matthew R.

Mme. A. Mondano-Ventura Aaron D. Ava G.

Mme. K Micco Charles P. Aurora C.

Mme. T. Del Giudice Gavin B. Amara F.

M. S. Alphons Luca C. Petro C.

Mme. S. Mirija Ciara D. Allen J

Mme. M Sliwa Kathleen P. Luke R.

Mme. M. Mayer Tyler S. Jacob A.

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Congratulations to the following recipients for April – Justice -- Medal and Peace Certificate.



Ms. R. Della Mora Julia V. Aiden M.

Ms. S. Fisher Sebastian S. Deny A.

Mr. C. Walters Oscar L. Priscilla C.

Ms. R. Pontes Sabrina C. Jack S.

Ms. A. Ryan Luis D. Rachel H.

Ms. S. Guido Daniel P. Carter H.

Ms. S. Ludlow Anita O. Jack K.

Mr. M. Perzia Michael G. Julia K.

Mr. Vennare Daniel C. Matthew O.

Ms. C. Laxton Matylda S. Vanessa B.

Mlle. E. Robinson Austin W. Jolie S.

Mlle. S. Morassutti Connor B. Austin V.

Mme. H. Fortino Maria A. Isaac P.

Mme. S. Marrone Tara G. Adam G.

Mme. B. Wysokinski Sophie F. Lucas S.

Mme. F. Cote Constanza A. Thomas C.

,Mme. I. Richard Charlotte W. Franz C.

M. J. Prifti Denver I. Joseph C.

Mme. S. Correia Jackson R. Sean B.

Mme. J. Giordano Andrew Y. Enya T.

Mlle. M. Boragina Isabella C. Julian C.

Mme. A. Mondano-Ventura Chloe H. Madeleine L.

Mme. K Micco Nathan T. Fiona C.

Mme. T. Del Giudice Connor L. Diego R.

M. S. Alphons Matthew S. Izaak D.

Mme. S. Mirija Christopher M. Maya F.

Mme. M Sliwa Matteo J. Karina W.

Mme. M. Mayer Elena A. Julian B.