may 2013 thebulletin - blcc2013/05/05  · sports sub committee chair - rod hall & events...

News in Brief May 2013 TheBulletin WHAT’S INSIDE: Arron Secombe’s President report PAGE 3 Smart Phone App In what seems like just another forward step in technology but for our club is really something Evan Dekker, our new tech wiz and webmaster has already brought our club forward with his innovative new smart phone app. See page six for more information. Autocross, reports and results See pages 20 and 21 for the report and results of round 1 tight timeline. Noel Peers as usual not only organising the deliveries but taking a lions share of the work as well. Bulletin Deadline In an attempt to get our club newsletter to those that choose Australia Post delivery we must enforce a deadline of Wednesday 7pm the week before the monthly general meeting. In addition we are calling for motorsport content to be included e Official Publication of the Ballarat Light Car Club inc Calendar of Events PAGE 6 VRC Calender PAGE 11 Continued page 4 Ballarat Light Car Club FANTASTIC!! Our first VCAS round a runaway success

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Page 1: May 2013 TheBulletin - BLCC2013/05/05  · Sports Sub Committee Chair - Rod Hall & Events Secretary - Phone: 5331 3546 Mobile: 0438 313 546 Email: 2 TheBulletin

News in Brief

May 2013





E: Arron Secombe’s President report


Smart Phone AppIn what seems like just another forward step in technology but for our club is really something Evan Dekker, our new tech wiz and webmaster has already brought our club forward with his

innovative new smart phone app. See page six for more information.

Autocross, reports and resultsSee pages 20 and 21 for the report and results of round 1

tight timeline. Noel Peers as usual not only organising the deliveries but taking a lions share of the work as well.

Bulletin DeadlineIn an attempt to get our club

newsletter to those that choose Australia Post delivery we must enforce a deadline of Wednesday 7pm the week before the monthly general meeting. In addition we are calling for motorsport content to be included

Th e Offi cial Publication of the Ballarat Light Car Club inc

Calendar of Events


VRC Calender


Continued page 4

Ballarat Light Car Club

FANTASTIC!!Our first VCAS round a runaway success

Page 2: May 2013 TheBulletin - BLCC2013/05/05  · Sports Sub Committee Chair - Rod Hall & Events Secretary - Phone: 5331 3546 Mobile: 0438 313 546 Email: 2 TheBulletin

Sports Sub Committee Chair - Rod Hall& Events Secretary - Phone: 5331 3546 Mobile: 0438 313 546Email: [email protected]

2 TheBulletin May 2013

TheBulletinA monthly newsletter of the Ballarat Light Car Club

E-Mail: [email protected]: 0428 994 821 Contributions can be e-mailed or posted to 1014 Ring Road Ballarat 7 pm Th ursday, 8 days prior to monthly club meeting.

Website Info

Webmaster: Evan Dekker Mobile: 0427 381 213E-Mail: [email protected]

Non Committee Positions

CH Plates - AX Series - Chris Hall - 5342 4397 State Council - Offi cials Licences - Damian Faulkner 0458 566 619

MK Series - Ben McKee - Keys Keeper - Rod Robson - 0408 754 931

VCRS - John Wellford - 5341 7645 CAMS - Permits - Andrew McKellar- 9593 7732

Committee 2012 - 13President - Arron SecombeMobile: 0425 857 824 - Email: [email protected]

Vice-President Ben DavisMobile: 0411 366 153 - Email: [email protected]

Treasurer - Nigel StevensMobile: 0408 519 868 - Email: [email protected]

Secretary - Clare BennettPhone: 5330 2295 Mobile: 0439 652 325 - Email: [email protected]

Membership - Michele BayleyMobile: 0437 959 928 - Email: [email protected]

House Chair -Noel PeersPhone: 5341 8124 Mobile: 0408 033 895 Email: [email protected]

Bulletin Editor - Steve EzzyPhone: 5339 4821 Mobile: 0428 994 821Email: [email protected]

CAMS State Council Rep - Les Noonan& Media Liaison Offi cer Phone: 5331 6148 Mobile: 0401 056 089 Email: [email protected] Climb Panel - Barney Haddon

& Motorsport Complex ManagerPhone: 5335 5112 Mobile: 0437 167 790

John WelfordPhone: 5341 7645 - Email: [email protected]

Paul HockingPhone: 0439 576 [email protected]

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May 2013 | TheBulletin 3

Presidents Report May 2013

Arron Secombe President 2012 - 2013

Here I sit once again thinking where has the month gone, once again? There seems to be so much going on this time of year and BLCC seems to be right in the mix of it with events of some kind on every weekend. To start the ball rolling we had our 1st round of the VCAS series and to say that the series was impressed would be an understatement, and to say I am proud being the president of the BLCC receiving emails and chatting with people about the event would also be a underselling the event also, each time people say something about the event my chest seems to puff up a bit more. These events take a lot of man power and experience something as the director of the event I had with a truly amazing directing team that just did as they always do, and made it happen. Jade the president from VCAS sent out an email to the group giving us a big boost and advised that the BLCC had set the bench mark for these events, and it looks like our timing could be the model for the series in time to come. I don’t think that I could thank everyone enough for their efforts to pull the event off. There are discussions about another round coming our way this year so watch this space.There have been some questions raised around the new Club Permit rules that the committee have set, in regards to the 3 club activities. I understand that some people are just car nuts, never want to race and just want to enjoy their cars; the sad part is that we sometimes never see these cars again once Chris Hall has signed off the forms. This can be a big risk to the club and with no more clubs being granted club plates at present we are trying to protect our investment with the scheme. People may ask what the 3 activities maybe, pretty simple really. Attend a club night or put your car on display at an event or official at an event. Other clubs have set rules around theirs

that seem a lot harder to comply with, and many now are asking for members to complete a full RWC. Where we are offering 3 activities, full membership and the offer of a scrutineer to check over your vehicle. We as a committee are happy to take on feedback about the ruling around the permits.Last weekend we saw Chris Hall (looking a bit fresher than the weekend prior) return as a director of round 3 of the Autocross series, with the numbers down on the last few rounds, but still a good spread of entries in all classes. Chris and Noel set a tight and challenging track with a very different line being used on the track that kept us all on our toes and kept Rod Hall busy in the tower adding witches hats to the times. The event also seen 4 new competitors and a couple of older faces Rod Rocket Robson and Mark Fawcett. A great day and a well organised event seeing everyone have 6 runs. Thanks Hally for a great event once again.By the time you have read this the Cooper Rally will be run and won, BLCC will have run and manned a stage and we have about 8 entries running also. I am a bit excited as this will be the 1st time me and Scott will compete against each other and the BLCC will field 4 Dunnydores (we could just about start our own commodore cup series) . It’s a shame that there isn’t as many rallies around the Ballarat area these days , growing up there seemed to be so many, I guess it’s a sign of the times. The Winter Classic directing team have been working hard behind the scenes , getting ready to deliver an action packed event , as always we are looking for sub event directors and officials , so if your unable to enter please let the guys know I am sure they have a job with your name on it.With May over its not long till the AGM , and nomination time for the committee so if you would like to put your hand up and attend the meetings there are nomination forms in this month’s bulletin . If you’re not

sure if it’s for you or not have a chat to the current committee and see what it’s all about, I am sure they will tell you warts and all.The other weekend some other club members and I attended the last ever round of the VCAS at what was the Melton Car Clubs autocross track. President Simon and his crew have worked so hard to try and save the track, with only 25 members it was a tough fight against the council and to stop progress of the Rockbank area. The track has never been on my favourites list, but it has always challenged driver and their car, ask Simon and his partner as they wrecked two of their own on that weekend. Pondering about the closure over the last few weeks, and what could happen to our beloved track has ignited an inner passion to call all members to share their thought and views of a future home for us, how we can raise the funds to buy and develop the land. I am opened to discuss all options as it would be fantastic to have a future goal as a club moving forward. Food for thought I guess???

This month’s meeting will be a normal business as usual, but in June we are hoping to see the return of the QUIZ night , so if you’re a game show host type of person let us know and we can arrange to put you in the spot light.

See you at the club Friday night

Arron Harry Secombe President 2012-2013

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4 TheBulletin May 2013

Liability Disclaimer – All material in this magazine represents the opinions of the authors and does not carry any endorsement by the Editor or the Committee, Ballarat Light Car Club has no offi cial connection with any public or commercial organisation and it does not provide product recommendations. Names of commercial products mentioned in this magazine are registered names and trademarks of their owners. Copyright Notice – Material in this magazine may be copied by any other club without fee or written permission provided that the copyright rests with the Ballarat Light Car Club. Th e copies are not to be used for commercial advantage and the origins of the material and this permission to copy are acknowledged in the reprinted item. Th e Nissan Car Club-Australia is acknowledged as the source for the wording of this Disclaimer.

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News in Brief continued

in the Bulletin, such as photographs, results or reports on events our members may have competed in or organised Please feel free to email items to [email protected] or post to Editor, 1014 Ring Road Ballarat

From the Committee Please be aware that the email address for the committee have changed bringing them in line with our new web media.

Pay your membership from anywhere!!Ballarat Light Car Club banking detailsBSB No: 633-000 Account No: 141857458

Committee Message

We are looking for a new home for our complex - are you aware of any suitable land close to Ballarat - call us

E-Mail Notifi cations

A new e-mail notifi cation system has been implemented on our website to simplify the process of keeping members and other interested parties informed of goings on in the club.

Sign up to receive event updates and announcements from Ballarat Light Car Club about upcoming events and activities. E-mail announcements will be sent out occasionally about website-related activities and new website features.

Note: this feature is not in place of the electronic send out of the club newsletter. And all recipients of the bulletin should feel free to sign up for notifi cations.

Chris Hall Grade 25342 4397 - 0438 313 8124

Noel Peers Grade 35341 8124

Darren Wythe Grade 30448 417 506

Ben McKee Grade 35336 1172 - 0418 313 695

C l u bScrutineers

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May 2013 | TheBulletin 5

Members listed below have nominated themselves as being willing to assist fellow members

Peter Ellis (Driving Ambition) Driver Training Specialist to Individuals and Business - Mobile 0419 002 007 Phone. (03) 5334 3144

E-Mail Up To Date?A reminder to all email recipients of this publication, please keep your email

address current with the membership secretary.

Michele Bayley -Email: membershipsecretary@

Phone Mob: 0437 959 928

EditorialOk, so things are starting to get serious. You would have heard that funding for a new freight hub has been allotted to the council. The only saving grace is that if there is a change of government the funding may never arrive. The whole things makes me a little nervous, I can only hold my breath like the rest of the club and hope for a miracle. There are other signs that our particular brand of club is being squeezed, the Melton and Avalon closures a case in point. There is little information as to whether any land is available to us and it is not clear if the council will provide any assistance.I had a day in the paddock for the recent VCRS and I have to say that the Bennett’s where a welcome relief from my usual cooking duties. I

spent a number of hours watching proceedings (see pic). I was also very pleased by the number and quantity of feedback that came in after too. There have been a number of people who would like to increase or in fact starting a more social side of the BLCC. There have been some ideas discussed and I for one would like to see some ‘drives‘ organised. The formal side of things need not be anything formal. Everything from visiting other clubs to drives to a pub or BBQ spot. Impromptu, that may be the key, similar excursions are devised and run by Early Holden, Morris and the 4WD clubs it may

even be that we just tag along with one of them? Any ideas will be welcomed, everything from a poker or pool night, let us know your thoughts .Regards ED

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6 TheBulletin May 2013

AGM- Nominating for Committe

Club Live Timing - Progress

Greetings Fellow BLCC MembersGiven that its now May

and the Annual General Meeting is fast approaching its time for us all to think about who wants to be on committee.

Being elected for a 3 year term both Clare Bennett and Rod Hall have finished their 3 year terms. Clare has decided she wont be standing again and has given us far warning some time ago that this would be the case. We all need to thank Clare for her 6 years on Committee where she capably looked after our finances for 5 of those years. Rod has indicated that he will stand again if someone is game to

nominate him. Both John Welford and

Paul Hocking were co-opted onto committee during the past 12 months which means that their terms also finish and they are both up for election. In order for this to happen someone needs to nominate them also.

This all means that there are 4 positions about to become vacant on committee. The nomination form should be elsewhere in your Bulletin. This form needs to signed by 2 BLCC members who nominate and second the nomination along with the signature of the person being nominated. This form then

needs to either reach Clare Bennett as our secretary or be in PO Box 400 in both cases by the 5th July. The only other thing the nominee’s need to do is provide Mr Ez as our current Mr Ed with a paragraph blurb for the July Bulletin of why they want to be on committee and what they can offer your club though the committee. If there are more than 4 nominations an election will then be held at the AGM on the 26th July. Please don’t hold back from being nominated to stop an election. Having an election is a very healthy sign.

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May 2013 | TheBulletin 7

Event Calendar

• June 2013• Sat 1st Khanacross BLCC Complex BLCC

Sat/Sun 1-2nd Ararat Hillclimb One Tree Hill ACC VHC

Sun 16th Motorkhana Rns 3 BLCC Complex BLCC MK Rd 3

Sat/Sun 29 / 30th Winton Sprints Winton Raceway Maserati BLCC CDC Rd 3

• July 2013• Sun 14th Autocross Reserve BLCC Complex BLCC NA

Sat/Sun 20th / 21st 2DAYTA BLCC Area HRA CTC

Sun 28th Motorkhana BLCC Complex BLCC MK Rd 4 CDC Rd 6

• August 2013• Sun 11th Social / Economy Run Somewhere in Vicoria BLCC NA

23rd to 25th Winter Classic Around Ballarat BLCC NA

• September 2013• Sun 1st Festival of Motorsport Ballarat Airport

Sat 7th Mt Porpunkah Rally Sprint Mt Porpunkah NECC CTS-5• Sat 14th Day / Night Autocross BLCC Complex BLCC Ax Rd 4 CDC 7

21st Spring 200 Murrindindi FFCC CTS-6

• October 2013• Sat/Sun 5th-6th Masters Games Mt Leura Camperdown BLCC

Sat/Sun Bathurst 1000 Bathurst NSW

Sat 26th Bagshot Rally Sprint Bagshot HRA CTS-7

• November 2013

Sat/Sun 2-3rd COG’s Carnival BLCC Complex BLCC

Sun 17th Sandown Sprint Sandown Maserati CDC 8\

Sun 8th Geordie Fawcett Memorial AX BLCC Comple BLCC

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8 TheBulletin May 2013




EBLCC Club Permit Scheme Regulations

You may be aware of the recent changes to the Vicroads Club Permit Scheme. This has opened up freedoms on the use of red plated vehicles. This in turn has led to an increase of enquiries and demands from members and prospective members of our club.

Due to this, there has been some concern that some people may take advantage of the cheap “rego” offered by the scheme without putting anything back into the club. As a result, the committee have moved that some requirements be placed on members, especially members who have joined our club simply to benefit from membership to use the scheme.

The following are the new regulations :-

Members who have vehicle/s on the Vicroads Club Permit Scheme must participate in at least three (3) activities that the Ballarat Light Car Club is involved within a membership year.

It is the member’s responsibility to maintain proof of this for the committee at time of renewal, a suggestion of this proof is to get an official of the attended function to sign your Vicroads Logbook.

The club activities that are eligible for this are:

A Monthly General Meeting

Club run motorsport events, competitor or official

Social tours / Working Bees / Fundraisers etc

BLCC Club Permits will not be renewed by the club if proof

of participation is not provided

All Club Permit holders must :-

Be a full financial member of the BLCC

( Associate Members will be required to upgrade to full membership )

Comply with the current rules and regulations outlined by VicRoads

Be aware at all times that every time you use your vehicle you are representing your club and should always act in a responsible manner.

Our club has designated Mr Chris Hall as our CPS vehicle inspector, there is a $45 fee for this inspection. He will not sign off on the inspection paperwork without sighting a full current membership card, receipt of the fee and successful comple-tion of the inspection. To ensure that there is no deterioration or modification in our Club Plated vehicles an annual inspection may be required for continuation in the scheme.

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May 2013 | TheBulletin 9

BLCC Club Permit Scheme Regulations Continued

Financial members of VicRoads’ approved clubs are able to apply for either a 45 or 90 day permit depending on how much use they expect to make of their vehicles over a 12 month period. If a person obtains a 45 day permit but later decides that this is not enough, another 45 day permit may be purchased later on. However, no-one will be able to obtain a permit to drive their vehicle for more than 90 days in each 12 month registration period.

Modifications. The club’s position is that the club permit scheme is there to preserve CLASSIC and HISTORIC vehicles and to allow members to utilise their vehicles in various club events including driving to and from them.

Regulation 155(1)(b) states

“Club responsibility for verifying that a vehicle is safe for use will be the same as currently i.e. by club inspection and a letter confirming the vehicle’s state or by sighting a current Certificate of Roadworthiness for the vehicle”.

All modifications for safety or performance must be approved by our CPS inspec-tor. In other words the vehicle should be and should remain in a safe condition and not have post inspection alterations made. These may result in your permit being suspended or worse, having your vehicle defected by police. This will also mean that a full roadworthy will be required. Please note that the scheme is not there to allow cars to be driven that would not normally be able to be registered. Vic Roads and the police are likely to start stopping cars for checks with the result that the club can lose its ability to have vehicles on Club Plates.

A reminder to all club members who usie this scheme that you must renew your membership otherwise your permit lapses (no membership, no permit)

If you use your car without renewing your membership you are driving an unregistered, uninsured vehicle ( a $600 plus fine )

Vicroads will be notified of un-financial members who are using the scheme.

If you sell a car that is on the scheme you must inform the club, as the permit is not transferable when the vehicle is sold.

You must fill out an entry in your log book for each day of use BEFORE you begin your journey. Failure to abide by this rule may result in you getting a fine for an unregistered vehicle and of course you'd have no TAC cover. You won’t have time to fill out your log book after an accident or when you are pulled over by the police





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10 TheBulletin May 2013

John Bourke Richard GayMick Goossens Les ListenDarren Everett Damian FaulknerBen Fawcett Keith McElroyWayne Drew Gary Harrowfi eldEngels Leoncini Ben McKeeRussell McKenzie Ben DavisRob Prosser Barney HaddonPeter Elis Darren WytheSteve Richards Mark FawcettChris Hall Mark HunterGreg Pitt Sharon PittRod Hall Kat MeyerStacey Noonan Ian Brain

Club Driving


Leaving the complex after Scrutineering

If a competition vehicle needs to leave the motor sport complex, the vehicle needs to be re-presented for scrutiny upon its return before continuing competition.

Sport Sub Committee

Rod Hall (Chair), Barney Haddon, Damian Faulkner, Wayne Sleep, David Marmo, Ben Davis, Steven Richards, Ben McKee.

Meetings: Wednesday night immediately prior to monthly committee meeting.

Welcome to our new members:

There has been a good level of returning / renewing members the

latest members to join are:

Rob, Matthew & Rachel Beardall

Kayne Begbie

Joseph Luciani

Michael Hamilton

Tristan Dodds

Jesse Litchfi eld

Vicki & Ashlee O’Neill

Bernie Gladman

Max Lyons

Peter & Vicki Kandavnieks

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May 2013 | TheBulletin 11

VCAS Reports Rounds 3 & 4 2013 BLCC VCAS Round 3

On the 21st of April we seen the 1st ever round of the VCAS ran at the BLCC motorsport complex, with 89 entries of all shapes and sizes. Being the first time we ran such an event at the complex took the skills of many of the experienced members of the club, with planning etc.

The day started early at 7am, with book in and scrutineering, to also help speed up the process we had groups of 10-20 doing parade laps at the same time. With the track set open and fast it was always going to be a driver’s event. From the start Martin Griggs was out to set the pace in his mighty buggy setting a mid-74 lap , by the end of the day Martin had stolen the lap record with a 72.67 , the angles and line Martin takes in the buggy are outrageous but do they bloody work , looking at the times they sure do.

The feedback that the event received from all the VCAS committee and competitors the BLCC is certainly on the VCAS map in regards to setting the bench mark for future VCAS rounds. An event this size has so many people to thank, my directing crew Rod Hall Clare Bennett Barney Haddon Les Noonan , Booking people Damian Faulkner Andrew Bayley Michele Bayley , Scrutineers Noel Peers Chris Hall Mick Goossens Paul Duncalf Ian Brain Ben McKee , Catering Mark Bennett Tamarel Wright, Infield Steve Ezzy Catherine Ezzy Robbie Prosser Damian Quirk Kate Meyer Ben Davis , Water Truck Sam Quick and Roy Parkinson ,Timing Sam Bennett and Evan Dekker Set and pack up Paul Hocking Scott and Stacey Secombe, without all these people being the director would have been a tough gig , but with a team like this it made my day a dream.

The series is looking forward to returning later in the year so please watch this space.Results are available on webpage and Facebook.Thanks Again to all that made this event so awesome Arron Harry Secombe Director

VCAS Round 4 Melton

Sitting on the line at round 4 of the VCAS series in the commodore , thinking we have all had 5 runs and here goes run 6 and this will be the last time that I or anyone else will race on this track , after 25 + years of Autocrosses and it finishes today. At this round BLCC was represented by 4 members Paul Hocking in the Pulsar, Mick Goossens in the Scoobydoo, Sean Payne in the WRX and I in the commodore for a shake down. Melton has always been known as a tough track to run at with floating rock ready to pop up at any time and today was no exception. The track was rough and rocky as with a few DNF’s during the day. All 4 BLCC cars survived the day with everyone having a great day out, Paul Hocking was the highest placed followed by Sean, Mick and I. The nest round is Swan Hill on the June long weekend.

Arron Harry Secombe

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12 TheBulletin May 2013

Date Event Name

4-May-13 East Gippsland Stages State Championship Special Stage VRC - 311-May-13 Old BP Rally Multi-club Touring Road Event25-May-13 Cooper Memorial Sprint Rally Multi-Club Special Stage VCRS - 39-Jun-13 Bega Valley Rally State Championship Special Stage VRC - 415-Jun Acheron Rallysprint Multi-Club RallySprint22-Jun-13 Nissan Nightmoves Multi-Club Non Special Stage VCRS - 410-Aug-13 RSM Baden Powell Intro Trial Multi-Club Non Special Stage Novice17/08/2013 Rallye du Mont Col Multi-club Touring Road Event25-Aug-13 Winter Classic Trial/Tour Multi - Club Touring Road Event7-Sep-13 Mt. Porpunkah Rally Sprint Multi Club Rally Sprint14-Sep-13 Ivans Folly Multi- Club Touring Road Event21-Sep-13 Spring 200 Multi-Club Non Special Stage VCRS - 55-Oct-13 Victoria Cross Rally Multi-club Special Stage rally20-Oct-13 Akademos State Championship Special Stage VRC - 526-Oct-13 Bagshot Rallysprint Multi-Club Rallysprint15-16-17 - Nov-’13 Rally Victoria ARC, VRC.30-Nov-13 Alpine Rally Club Special Stage Rally

Victorian Rally Calender 2013

Round 4 - 2013Host Club: MMSCSaturday, 11 May, 2013Venue: Mt Cottrell

Round 5 - 2013Host Club: SHSCCSaturday, 8 June, 2013Venue: Swan Hill Sporting Car Club Twin Track

Round 6 - 2013Host Club: PACSaturday, 29 June, 2013Venue: Boisdale Hill Climb Track

Round 7 - 2013Host Club: MADCCSaturday, 20 July, 2013Venue: Boisdale Hill Climb Track

Round 8 - 2013Host Club: CCCSaturday, 24 August, 2013Venue: Broadford Motorcycle Complex

Round 9 - 2013Host Club: CCRMITSaturday, 21 September, 2013Venue: Boisdale Hill Climb Track

Round 10 - 2013Host Club: RSMSunday, 27 October, 2013Venue: Mafeking Rover Park

Round 11 - 2013Host Club: BCCSunday, 17 November, 2013Venue: Th e Bagshot Motorsports Complex

Round 12- 2013Host Club: SDCCSunday, 1 December, 2013Venue: Mooroopna Autocross Track

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Sports Sub Report May 2013 Sports Sub Bulletin Precis May


MK2 & CDC 4. Paige and Britney Haddon and Ben McKee. Girls did a marvellous job under Ben’s guidance. 32 entrants which is big for a MK. Entries exploded a bit between Friday night and Sunday (12-32)

VCASGreat event. Really positive feedback from all and sundry. Was great to see so many cars. Next time need to put all cars down on bitumen at start and bring them up from there. Tracks in and out seemed to work OK although weren’t needed much. Cars need to be presented for scrutiny in race trim as a few changed tyres afterwards which could potentially change classes. A couple of competitors also added cameras etc after scrutiny which is not quite right. Nice open track and 6 runs was awesome! Rally tyres were confirmed to put cars into Modified if otherwise standard.

Rob Roy Hillclimb – Richard Monty went

Coming Events

BP Couple of BLCC crews competing. Finishes at BLCC Clubrooms in the wee hours.

AX3 19th May – Chris Hall & Roy Parkinson. Regs are back ready to go. Chris looking for infield officials. Now run and won. Practice and 6 runs Awesome. Tight track dodging the puddles and damp sections.

Cooper Memorial Sprint Rally 25th May CT1 A few BLCC Crews having a go. BLCC to man a stage at start & finish. Finally get first round of Club Trials Championship.

KX on 1st June – Rob Prosser to direct. Please note this event is on SATURDAY 1st June. Regs are just back form CAMS and about to go up on Website. Rob Prosser is looking for timers if anyone can help.

16th June MK 3 Nigel Stevens & Ben McKee

28th July MK4 Damian Quirk

Winterclassic – starting to fall into place. Added to the Club Trials Championship CTC to increase numbers of events.

AMG at Mt Leura weekend before Bathurst – starting to fall into place.

2DAYTA – 2 Day Touring Assembly being road directed by Fred Lakerink under HRA umbrella. Event comprises 3 Divisions over 2 Days. Will start and finish out of BLCC rooms on both days. Division 1 will be suitable for inclusion in CTC. Division 1 only attracts a $70 entry fee. Now part of Club Trials Championship again to bolster event numbers. Put in your calendars please if doing the CTC. Will be primarily on dirt roads. Details as provided below

The Historic Rally Association is conducting the 2DAYTA, a multiclub touring assembly, in the Ballarat area on the 20th and 21st of July.

The Directing team are COC Peter Parry, Route Director Fred Lakerink and Event Secretary Rob Willet.

At this stage Event will be based at the BLCC clubrooms with BLCC members assist us with the catering.

The event start on Saturday is 8:00am and finish around 6:00pm.

The event start on Sunday is 9:00am and finish around 2:00pm.

HRA expect that there will be 15 to 20 crews competing in this event, and welcome entries from BLCC crews – local navigators should have a distinct advantage.

A Query was made at recent MK if a steering wheel twirler knob could be used. Deemed it should be OK as long as its there when car is scrutinised and has no sharp or protruding edges.

CAMS licence expiry date to be added to BLCC’s Club Event Entry form to prompt entrants to check and renew when required.

Coming Soon !

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14 TheBulletin May 2013

Call in and see Nathan and David, for there huge range of stock, 7 days a week, for friendly advise and great prices, supporting the

Ballarat light car club for 15 years! Auto Parts Professionals, 9 Doveton St Nth, Ballarat, 53322187

Bell Helmets from $329!

RPM Racegear, Suits from $199! Boots from $199, Gloves from $89, HANS Device from $699!!!

Auto Parts Professionals proudly supports BLCC’s and its Members!

Don’t forget Auto Parts, stocks brake pads, disc rotors, fuel pumps, Penrite and Nulon Oils, Rare Spares, Mothers and

Meguires Car polish, Work shop Manuals, Holley Carbs, Microtech Fuel Injection, Redline Performance, Nitrous refilling MSD ignition,

plus much much more!

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May 2013 | TheBulletin 15

BP Midland / Pedders No Bull Sprint Series Rnd 2

Winton Motor Raceway

2 21 Richard Gay Datsun 1600 2100 B 15 S2 1:46.4710 S1 1:46.2280 3:32.6990 best lap 1.46.22, 2nd in class B

3 22 Sam Mennen Datsun 1600 2100 JNR 12 S2 1:55.2330 S1 1:48.5050 3:43.7380 best lap 1.48.50, 3rd in Juniors

FOR SALE$9,500

1982 Mazda RX7 13B BridgeportCurrently on club plates which may be transferrable to BLCC member, Note: Vehicle offered for sale as is, which includes Needham C/R gearbox with broken input shaft. The rest of the car is in excellent condition with great attention to detail throughout, well researched modifications, and maintained to a high standard. Very suited to track days and hillclimbs etc. Used very sparingly since completion in 2008. Extensive file of receipts available. Please call Steve for a more detailed description 0422 476 070

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May 2013 | TheBulletin 17

Th e HRA 2DAYTA 2013 The Historic Rally Association is conducting a multiclub touring

assembly, in the Ballarat area on the 20th and 21st of July.

The Directing team are COC Peter Parry, Route Director Fred Lakerink and Event Secretary Rob Willet.

This event will be base at the BLCC clubrooms, and BLCC members will be assisting with the catering.

The event will start on Saturday at 8:00am and fi nish around 6:00pm and will recomence on Sunday at

9:00am and fi nish around 2:00pm.

We expect that there will be 15 to 20 crews competing in this event, and welcome entries from BLCC crews –

local navigators should have a distinct advantage.

This event has been added to our club’s event calendar and will be included in CTC

We look forward to working with BLCC and it’s members to make this a successful event for all concerned.

Entry fees are as follows, 1 Division $70, 2 Divisions $110 and 3 Divisions $150.

Fred Lakerink. 0427 305 311


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May 2013 | TheBulletin 23

( from Ballarat City Council website -Wednesday, May 15, 2013)

The City of Ballarat has welcomed the announcement of $9.1 million for the new freight hub, in the Federal Government’s Budget last night.

Mayor Cr John Burt says the new freight hub is a priority project for the City of Ballarat and the Federal Government has committed valuable funds to the development.“The Ballarat West Employment Zone (BWEZ) is a very important project for the city and our region as we grow and develop, and the freight hub is a key piece of the puzzle,” he said. “The high cost of freight has been identified by manufacturers as a key cost that affects the viability of their businesses. The new freight hub at the Ballarat West Employment Zone will mean businesses can get their product to market cheaper due to the accessibility of cutting-edge freight handling and freight aggregation services at a collocated freight facility.”

“This funding will assist in bringing the project to the market sooner and will make investment in the Employment Zone extremely attractive to potential developers.” Mayor Burt said the BWEZ and the new freight hub was a popular topic of discussion on Council’s recent lobbying trip to Canberra.“In Canberra, we talked to key members of the Federal Government and Opposition about funding and development of the Ballarat West Employment Zone,” he said.

“It’s gratifying that the importance of this project has been recognised with $9.1 million in funding and we look forward to continuing to work closely with the Federal and State Government in the future on the Ballarat West Employment Zone.”Following yesterday’s budget announcement, the City of Ballarat will continue to work with Major Projects Victoria, seeking to deliver the freight facility in the first stage of the BWEZ development.The Ballarat West Employment Zone will deliver 9,000 local jobs on completion and assist Ballarat to remain a self-sustaining economy by injecting $5 billion in additional economic activity. Funding of $637,000 in the Federal Budget will also deliver three new road works projects in Ballarat

There will be new roundabouts are at the intersections of Barkly Street and Gladstone Street, and Wendouree Parade and Pleasant Street, and marking and installation of centre and edge lines works at Navigators Road, between Bulters Road and Mullanes Road.The Ballarat City Council is committed to providing for Ballarat’s current and future infrastructure requirements funded through the 2013/14 Draft Budget.

The 2013/14 Draft Budget includes the biggest ever program of capital works for Ballarat with $72 million in works planned in the coming 12 months. The announcement of the funds for the Freight Hub will mean there will be more than $81 million in works for Ballarat supporting around 729 jobs Future infrastructure is also well in hand with a $230 million Growth Fund announced on Monday, in Council’s Draft Budget briefing.The Growth Fund will cover all of Ballarat’s future infrastructure costs and will deliver the infrastructure our future generations deserve. With an investment of $1 million per annum, the Growth Fund will deliver future new infrastructure to ensure new and rapidly growing communities are well serviced and includes parks, playgrounds and community centres.

Council has also directed an additional $450,000 investment into infrastructure maintenance and standards per year. This investment will compound over the four year period, delivering a total of $4.5 million to improved service delivery across the city.

City of Ballarat BWEZ update

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24 TheBulletin May 2013

TotalNo Name Car Cl Run 1 Hats Run 2 Hats Run 3 Hats Run 4 Hats Run 5 Hats OR Class Outright ResultsBLCC AX RD 3

19/05/2013Run 6 Hats

306.64314 Ben McKee Subaru Liberty F 77.106 0 78.809 1 79.104 2 76.739 0 76.597 0 1 176.201 0

310.09711 Damian Faulkner Ford Laser TX3 4 F 79.805 1 78.02 0 78.272 0 79.193 0 77.176 0 2 276.629 0

313.22110 Shane Ratcliffe Subaru WRX F 96.697 1 80.976 0 80.457 0 78.786 0 76.986 0 3 376.992 0

322.54530 Paul Gladman Ford Laser B 81.011 0 81.015 1 79.453 0 77.831 0 79.774 1 4 179.25 1

325.6852 Darren Hetherington Mitsubishi Sigma D 84.121 0 83.007 0 83.409 1 81.409 0 80.449 0 5 180.82 0

328.3398 Rod Robson Honda CRX I 82.613 1 82.742 0 83.131 0 82.086 0 80.725 1 6 180.38 0

329.78817 Clinton Harris Datsun 1600 H 83.275 0 82.891 2 82.292 0 82.831 0 83.498 1 7 181.39 0

335.04234 Damian Quirk Nissan Pulsar A 86.362 2 86.439 0 85.419 3 82.995 0 83.127 0 8 182.481 0

335.10626 Sam Quick Ford Laser I 81.919 0 82.534 1 83.4 2 81.265 2 79.879 1 9 280.774 0

336.02812 Les Noonan Mazda Familia F 824.212 0 83.873 0 85.009 0 84.519 0 82.627 0 10 483.532 1

338.9036 Rod Hall Holden Gemini I 87.856 0 85.437 0 87.026 1 85.004 0 84.932 0 11 383.53 0

339.9584 John Welford Peugeot 504 D 87.981 0 86.95 0 85.771 1 85.276 0 84.304 0 12 283.428 0

342.1747 Arron MR PREZ Sec Ford Laser I 87.174 1 106.184 2 85.11 0 86.292 3 82.123 0 13 482.767 0

343.94518 Leon Harris BMW 323i H 88.203 1 85.654 0 86.884 0 89.138 1 85.326 0 14 286.081 0

344.56128 Peter Stapleton Pulsar A 86.93 0 85.987 0 85.555 0 113.237 0 86.089 0 15 2104.972 0

344.94129 Les Liston Mazda MX6 B 90.457 0 106.257 0 86.218 1 84.718 0 83.797 1 16 280.969 0

347.37616 Marc Salter Toyota Corolla H 92.419 0 88.94 0 86.487 0 86.263 1 87.307 0 17 384.642 0

348.38924 Kate Meyer Mitsubishi Lancer L 88.998 0 89.567 0 85.312 2 88.33 2 85.487 0 18 184.337 0

349.0971 Matthew Davies Ford Escort D 128.748 0 87.002 1 84.57 1 83.383 0 84.82 3 19 384.142 0

351.0831 Kayne Begbie Nissan Silvia D 88.587 1 90.18 1 87.019 0 86.059 0 84.415 0 20 498.934 3

357.05525 Sharon Dekker Ford Laser L 123.748 0 92.07 0 91.524 2 88.472 0 89.108 0 21 287.405 0

359.01332 Robert Dekker Nissan Silvia B 87.417 2 85.237 3 84.423 2 84.794 3 83.923 0 22 383.25 0

359.93713 Mark Fawcett Porsche Cayenne F 82.586 0 92.049 0 80.33 0 114.237 0 108.479 0 23 5104.972 0

360.29733 Tristan Dodds Holden Vectra B 90.093 0 96.973 2 90.489 0 89.825 3 85.578 0 24 484.137 2

365.45721 Zac Griffith Nissan Pulsar J3 95.978 1 91.008 1 91.195 0 93.195 1 90.718 0 25 187.536 0

387.4719 Andrew Robinson Holden Vectra B 94.968 1 97.697 0 94.43 0 109.237 2 103.479 1 26 590.375 1

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TotalNo Name Car Cl Run 1 Hats Run 2 Hats Run 3 Hats Run 4 Hats Run 5 Hats OR Class Outright ResultsBLCC AX RD 3

19/05/2013Run 6 Hats

402.14723 Heath Salter Ford Laser J2 101.816 0 101.257 0 114.488 1 98.926 1 99.432 1 27 195.148 0

408.00422 Paige Haddon Camira J2 114.897 0 102.79 0 102.172 0 103.07 0 101.379 1 28 299.972 0

Autocross Rnd 3 2013

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May 2013 | TheBulletin 25

TotalNo Name Car Run1 Hats Run2 Hat Run3 Hat Run4 Hat Hat OR ClassRun5

19/05/2013BLCC AX RD 3Classes Results

Cl Run6 Hat

A0-1800cc Standard335.04234 Damian Quirk Nissan Pulsar A 86.362 2 0 85.419 3 82.995 0 83.127 0 8 186.439 82.481 0

344.56128 Peter Stapleton Pulsar A 86.93 0 0 85.555 0 113.237 0 86.089 0 15 285.987 104.972 0

BOver 1800cc Standard322.54530 Paul Gladman Ford Laser B 81.011 0 1 79.453 0 77.831 0 79.774 1 4 181.015 79.25 1

344.94129 Les Liston Mazda MX6 B 90.457 0 0 86.218 1 84.718 0 83.797 1 16 2106.257 80.969 0

359.01332 Robert Dekker Nissan Silvia B 87.417 2 3 84.423 2 84.794 3 83.923 0 22 385.237 83.25 0

360.29733 Tristan Dodds Holden Vectra B 90.093 0 2 90.489 0 89.825 3 85.578 0 23 496.973 84.137 2

387.47019 Andrew Robinson Holden Vectra B 94.968 1 0 94.43 0 109.237 2 103.479 1 26 597.697 90.375 1

DOver 1800cc Modified325.6852 Darren Hetheringto Mitsubishi Sigma D 84.121 0 0 83.409 1 81.409 0 80.449 0 5 183.007 80.82 0

339.9584 John Welford Peugeot 504 D 87.981 0 0 85.771 1 85.276 0 84.304 0 12 286.95 83.428 0

349.0971 Matthew Davies Ford Escort D 128.748 0 1 84.57 1 83.383 0 84.82 3 19 387.002 84.142 0

351.08031 Kayne Begbie Nissan Silvia D 88.587 1 1 87.019 0 86.059 0 84.415 0 20 490.18 98.934 3

FFour Wheel Drive306.64314 Ben McKee Subaru Liberty F 77.106 0 1 79.104 2 76.739 0 76.597 0 1 178.809 76.201 0

310.09711 Damian Faulkner Ford Laser TX3 4 F 79.805 1 0 78.272 0 79.193 0 77.176 0 2 278.02 76.629 0

313.22110 Shane Ratcliffe Subaru WRX F 96.697 1 0 80.457 0 78.786 0 76.986 0 3 380.976 76.992 0

336.02812 Les Noonan Mazda Familia F 824.212 0 0 85.009 0 84.519 0 82.627 0 10 483.873 83.532 1

376.36713 Mark Fawcett Porsche Cayenne F 82.586 0 0 80.33 0 114.237 0 108.479 0 25 5119.488 104.972 0

HHistoric Plated329.78817 Clinton Harris Datsun 1600 H 83.275 0 2 82.292 0 82.831 0 83.498 1 7 182.891 81.39 0

343.94518 Leon Harris BMW 323i H 88.203 1 0 86.884 0 89.138 1 85.326 0 14 285.654 86.081 0

347.37616 Marc Salter Toyota Corolla H 92.419 0 0 86.487 0 86.263 1 87.307 0 17 388.94 84.642 0

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TotalNo Name Car Run1 Hats Run2 Hat Run3 Hat Run4 Hat Hat OR ClassRun5

19/05/2013BLCC AX RD 3Classes Results

Cl Run6 Hat

ISpecials328.3398 Rod Robson Honda CRX I 82.613 1 0 83.131 0 82.086 0 80.725 1 6 182.742 80.38 0

335.10626 Sam Quick Ford Laser I 81.919 0 1 83.4 2 81.265 2 79.879 1 9 282.534 80.774 0

338.9036 Rod Hall Holden Gemini I 87.856 0 0 87.026 1 85.004 0 84.932 0 11 385.437 83.53 0

342.1747 Arron MR PREZ Se Ford Laser I 87.174 1 2 85.11 0 86.292 3 82.123 0 13 4106.184 82.767 0

J2Juniors 14-16 Years402.14723 Heath Salter Ford Laser J2 101.816 0 0 114.488 1 98.926 1 99.432 1 27 1101.257 95.148 0

408.00422 Paige Haddon Camira J2 114.897 0 0 102.172 0 103.07 0 101.379 1 28 2102.79 99.972 0

J3Juniors 16-18 Years365.45721 Zac Griffith Nissan Pulsar J3 95.978 1 1 91.195 0 93.195 1 90.718 0 24 191.008 87.536 0

LLadies348.38924 Kate Meyer Mitsubishi Lancer L 88.998 0 0 85.312 2 88.33 2 85.487 0 18 189.567 84.337 0

357.05525 Sharon Dekker Ford Laser L 123.748 0 0 91.524 2 88.472 0 89.108 0 21 292.07 87.405 0

Autocross Rnd 3 2013

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I (name)__________________________________ of (address)____________________________________

membership number _________ wish to nominate (name)_________________________________________

membership number _________ for a position on the Committee of the Ballarat Light Car Club

Signature __________________________________ Date ______________________

I (name) _________________________________ of (address)_____________________________________

membership number _________ second the above nomination of the member

Signature ___________________________________ Date ___________________

I (name)__________________________________accept my nomination (signature)____________________

This nomination must be received by the Club Secretary no later than July 5th 2013

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May 2013 | TheBulletin 31


(Given Names in Full) (Surname)

(Postal Address) (Town / Suburb ) (Post Code)

Category Nomination Annual

Ordinary $25.00 $90.00

Family $25.00 $120.00 (2 Adults, any number of own children up to 17y.o) *Associate Family nil $83.00 (2 non-competing Adults, 1 competing child )

Associate Parent nil $58.00 (Parent/Guardian, 1 Child competing)

Associate Couple nil $50.00 (2 non competing adults)

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Next Club night 31st MayIf undeliverable return to Ballarat Light Car Club

PO Box 400 Ballarat Vic 3353

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