materials (1)


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Post on 22-Aug-2015




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Are the basic material from which goods that are extracted directly from natural objects.

examples: tree,

1.Raw materials

It can be classified in 3 groups:Animal Origin: come from animals: wool,silk…Vegetable origin:came from vegetables:

cotton,wood,cork…Mineral orgin:came from minerals: marble,clay...

1.2-Origins of raw materials

Materials are transformed by two process: phisycal process and chemical process into the various types of materials that are used formanufacturing


Lluc Floris Marti
tu que et creus eh pol estas com una xota
Lluc Floris Marti
que has tret pol al control de tecno
Isaac Homar Frances
esigual el fondo va deixeu
Pol Fuster Carim
ola lluki estas molt gilipollas

-Physical process: Is when a substance changes its state, for example when a metal melts.

-Chemical process: Is when a substance is transformed into a different substance with different characteristics. Ex: petrol transformed to create some types of platic.

2.1.Physycal and chemical process

Is any object created by humans to satisfy their needs and improve their standard of living.

Examples:books,clothes,a sofa,glass, bottle...

3.-Manufactured goods

Isaac Homar Frances
En Lluc ha de treballar més i dexiar de fer el tonto!
Lluc Floris Marti
isaac as de treballar mes i deixar dinportar imatges
Isaac Homar Frances
Pol Fuster Carim
k fas

Common materials used to make manufactured goods:

Wood, metals, plastics, textils, stones and ceramics.

3.1-Technical materials

Pol Fuster Carim
avera començem ja lluc

5-Properties of materials1.PHYSICAL PROPERTIES: To how materials reacted to external stimuli, e.g. electrical, light, heat or the applaying of various forces

2.CHEMICAL PROPERTIES:We can see these properties when the chemical composition of a material changes because it interacts with other materials.

3.ECOLOGICAL PROPERTIES:It can be recyclable, toxic and biodegradable

Lluc Floris Marti
graciosos e
Lluc Floris Marti
Pol Fuster Carim
Lluc Floris Marti
calla pringat*Lluc Floris**2 ESO E*2013/11/6 Pol Fuster Carim (Google Docs) <
Pol Fuster Carim
Pol Fuster Carim
k s'ha de posar a properties of materials
Lluc Floris Marti

Electrical: electrical conductivity and electrical insulatorThermal: thermal conductivity and thermal insulatorAcoustic: acoustic conductivity and acustic insulatorMagnetic: Some metals attract some others and this is the

magnestism funtionOptical:opaque, translucent and transparentMechanical:mechanical strengh, elasticity,plasticity, malleability,

hardness, toughness, brittleness and ductility.Others: density,porosity, permeability and impermeability

5.1-Physical properties

Pol Fuster Carim
k collons s'ha de fer tio???
Lluc Floris Marti
k dius
Isaac Homar Frances
el q vull dir ok
Lluc Floris Marti
pues ok
Isaac Homar Frances
Hola q ve arar de titol llucuet

Oxidation: this happens when a material reacts with oxygen in the air or water. Metals are the most sensitive materials to oxidation.

For prevent rusting are coated to with paint,varnish...

5.2-Chemical properties

*Recyclable:Are materials that can be reused(Glass,paper,metal…)

*Toxic:These are harmful to the enviroment(Mercuri,petroleum…

*Biodegradable:There are materials that descompose naturally and don’t cause damage to the enviroment

*Renewable: raw materials that can be regenerated: wool, cotton and wood.

5.3-Ecological properties