mass intentions -week of jan. 31st · 1/31/2016  · mass intentions -week of jan. 31st the 4th...

Mass Intentions -Week of Jan. 31 st The 4 th Sunday in Ordinary Time Saturday 4:30pm @ SM January 30 Vigil of 4 th Sunday in Ordinary Time Patricia Colliss (9 th ann. & birthday), by Henry & family Sunday 8:00am @ SH 10:30am @ SH January 31 Fourth Sunday in Ordinary Time Edmond Cassavant, by M/M Bernard Kulas Giovanni Pisano, by M/M Joseph Spadea Saturday 4:30pm @ SM February 6 Vigil of 5 th Sunday in Ordinary Time All OLSH parishioners, living & deceased Sunday 8:00am @ SH 10:30am @ SH February 7 Fifth Sunday in Ordinary Time Barbara Fountain, by her husband & family Robert Trudeau, by the OLSH Choir DAILY MASS WILL RESUME ON MONDAY, FEBRUARY 8 TH . Please pray for our brothers & sisters who have asked for our prayers: Micah Burt, Myong Cote, Fr. Dave, Ginger Duhamel, Peter Jennette, Deborah Kaplavka, Jeanne Kaleskas, Bernie & Priscilla Kulas, Theresa Lupacchino, Julie Nydam, Fr. William O’Brien, Reggie Ostrout, Rita Pare, Joseph Putch, Loretta Roberge, Judy Stickles, Brian Trudeau, Richard Trudeau We pray for all the deceased members & benefactors of our parish; all those in Military Service; those suffering from the effects of natural disaster, epidemics, and political strife. Please send us the names of any loved ones you would like to be included on (or removed from) the list. Call 508 867-6469 or email [email protected]. Anointing of the Sick is the sacrament that is received by those who are ill or suffering. By the sacred anointing and the prayer of the priest, the whole Church commends those who are sick to Christ. The sick person receives the Holy Spirit’s gifts of strength, faith, peace, and courage, and his or her suffering is united with the suffering of Christ for the building up of the Church.” (Catechism of the Catholic Church nos. 1520-23) And in Scripture, through the Apostle James Christ has commanded us: “Is anyone among you sick? He should summon the presbyters [priests] of the Church, and they should pray over him and anoint [him] with oil in the name of the Lord, and the prayer of faith will save the sick person, and the Lord will raise him up. If he has committed any sins, he will be forgiven.” – The Letter of James 5:14-15 So, if you wish to arrange for the Anointing of the Sick for yourself or a loved one, or before or during a hospital stay/surgery for yourself or another, please call the parish office at 508 867-6469. Remember, this sacrament is not reserved only for those who are near death, but for anyone who may be ill or suffering. Fr. O’Brien is residing at Notre Dame Long Term Care Center in the Memory Unit. The address is 551 Plantation St., Worcester, MA 01605. Please keep him in your prayers. Baskets for old Palms will be at the back of both churches next weekend. Your Sacrificial Offering Last Weekend General $1,840 Fuel Donation $100 Catholic Home Missions $375 Thank you! Your support is our parish’s strength. Special Collections 2/6 & 7 Monthly Renovation Fund 2/6 & 7 “Souper Bowl” for St. Vincent de Paul & Brookfield Ecumenical Food Pantry (at church doors) Please make sure your checks are dated 2016. ~Stewardship~ “Love is patient, love is kind. It is not jealous, it is not pompous.” (1 Corinthians 13:4) Do you get jealous? Do you focus more on the things that other people have than on the gifts that God has given to you? Are you pompous? Do you acquire more possessions to impress others? At times we are all guilty of these things. Pray for more humility. Pray to become less self-centered and more God- centered. ~Word of Life~ “A sense of deep communion with the rest of nature cannot be real if our hearts lack tenderness, compassion and concern for our fellow human beings. It is clearly inconsistent to combat trafficking in endangered species while remaining completely indifferent to human trafficking, unconcerned about the poor, or undertaking to destroy another human being deemed unwanted. This compromises the very meaning of our struggle for the sake of the environment. Pope Francis, Laudato Si, no. 91 © 2015 Libreria Editrice Vaticana. Used with permission. Priesthood Discernment Retreat Have you thought of a vocation to the priesthood? Come and learn more. The Diocese of Worcester’s annual discernment retreat, directed by Bishop McManus, will be held on March 18 & 19. This retreat begins 6 pm Friday and ends 6 pm Saturday. It is for men high school or college age, and older. The retreat is only 30 minutes from Worcester at the Immaculate Conception Retreat Center in Putnam, Connecticut. There is no cost, and transportation is provided if needed. Visit for more information. Contact Fr. Jim Mazzone at [email protected] or by phone at 508-340-5788 to sign up.

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Page 1: Mass Intentions -Week of Jan. 31st · 1/31/2016  · Mass Intentions -Week of Jan. 31st The 4th Sunday in Ordinary Time Saturday 4:30pm @ SM January 30 Vigil of 4th Sunday in Ordinary

Mass Intentions -Week of Jan. 31st The 4th Sunday in Ordinary Time

Saturday 4:30pm @ SM

January 30 Vigil of 4th

Sunday in Ordinary Time Patricia Colliss (9

th ann. & birthday), by Henry & family

Sunday 8:00am @ SH 10:30am @ SH

January 31 Fourth Sunday in Ordinary Time Edmond Cassavant, by M/M Bernard Kulas Giovanni Pisano, by M/M Joseph Spadea

Saturday 4:30pm @ SM

February 6 Vigil of 5th

Sunday in Ordinary Time All OLSH parishioners, living & deceased

Sunday 8:00am @ SH 10:30am @ SH

February 7 Fifth Sunday in Ordinary Time Barbara Fountain, by her husband & family Robert Trudeau, by the OLSH Choir



. Please pray for our brothers & sisters who have asked for our prayers:

Micah Burt, Myong Cote, Fr. Dave, Ginger Duhamel,

Peter Jennette, Deborah Kaplavka, Jeanne Kaleskas,

Bernie & Priscilla Kulas, Theresa Lupacchino, Julie

Nydam, Fr. William O’Brien, Reggie Ostrout, Rita Pare,

Joseph Putch, Loretta Roberge, Judy Stickles, Brian

Trudeau, Richard Trudeau

We pray for all the deceased members & benefactors of our parish; all

those in Military Service; those suffering from the effects of natural

disaster, epidemics, and political strife.

Please send us the names of any loved ones you would like to be included on (or removed from) the list. Call 508 867-6469 or email [email protected].

“Anointing of the Sick is the sacrament that is received by those who are ill or suffering. By the sacred anointing and the prayer of the priest, the whole Church commends those who are sick to Christ. The sick person receives the Holy Spirit’s gifts of strength, faith, peace, and courage, and his or her suffering is united with the suffering of Christ for the building up of the Church.” (Catechism of the Catholic Church nos. 1520-23) And in Scripture, through the Apostle James Christ has commanded us: “Is anyone among you sick? He should summon the presbyters [priests] of the Church, and they should pray over him and anoint [him] with oil in the name of the Lord, and the prayer of faith will save the sick person, and the Lord will raise him up. If he has committed any sins, he will be forgiven.” – The Letter of James 5:14-15 So, if you wish to arrange for the Anointing of the Sick for yourself or a loved one, or before or during a hospital stay/surgery for yourself or another, please call the parish office at 508 867-6469. Remember, this sacrament is not reserved only for those who are near death, but for anyone who may be ill or suffering.

Fr. O’Brien is residing at Notre Dame Long Term Care Center in

the Memory Unit. The address is 551 Plantation St., Worcester,

MA 01605. Please keep him in your prayers.

Baskets for old Palms will be at the back

of both churches next weekend.

Your Sacrificial Offering Last Weekend

General $1,840

Fuel Donation $100

Catholic Home Missions $375

Thank you! Your support is our parish’s strength.

Special Collections

2/6 & 7 Monthly Renovation Fund

2/6 & 7 “Souper Bowl” for St. Vincent de Paul & Brookfield Ecumenical Food Pantry (at church doors)

Please make sure your checks are dated 2016.


“Love is patient, love is kind. It is not jealous, it is not pompous.” (1 Corinthians 13:4)

Do you get jealous? Do you focus more on the things that other people have than on the gifts that God has given to you? Are you pompous? Do you acquire more possessions to impress others? At times we are all guilty of these things. Pray for more humility. Pray to become less self-centered and more God-centered.

~Word of Life~ “A sense of deep communion with the rest of nature

cannot be real if our hearts lack tenderness, compassion

and concern for our fellow human beings. It is clearly

inconsistent to combat trafficking in endangered species

while remaining completely indifferent to human

trafficking, unconcerned about the poor, or undertaking

to destroy another human being deemed unwanted. This

compromises the very meaning of our struggle for the

sake of the environment. — Pope Francis, Laudato Si,

no. 91 © 2015 Libreria Editrice Vaticana. Used with


Priesthood Discernment Retreat

Have you thought of a vocation to the priesthood? Come and learn more. The Diocese of Worcester’s annual discernment retreat, directed by Bishop McManus, will be held on March 18 & 19. This retreat begins 6 pm Friday and ends 6 pm Saturday. It is for men high school or college age, and older. The retreat is only 30 minutes from Worcester at the Immaculate Conception Retreat Center in Putnam, Connecticut. There is no cost, and transportation is provided if needed. Visit for more information. Contact Fr. Jim Mazzone at [email protected] or by phone at 508-340-5788 to sign up.

Page 2: Mass Intentions -Week of Jan. 31st · 1/31/2016  · Mass Intentions -Week of Jan. 31st The 4th Sunday in Ordinary Time Saturday 4:30pm @ SM January 30 Vigil of 4th Sunday in Ordinary

“Adopt-a-Poinsettia” 1/30 & 31

Ash Wednesday 2/10

K of C Sunday Breakfast 2/21

K of C Meatloaf Supper 2/27

Religious Education News…

Sunday 2/7 – NO EVENING CLASSES ONLY – Super Bowl Confirmation is scheduled for Thursday, April 28th at 7pm at Mary,

Queen of the Rosary in Spencer. First Communion will take place on Saturday, April 30th at 10am at


Venerini Academy Winter Open House

This Sunday, January 31, 12:15-3:00 p.m., Venerini Academy will hold its

Winter Open House at 27 Edward Street, Worcester MA 01605. New for

2016-2017: Full day Pre K-3/4! For more information, please call the

Admissions Office at 508-753-3210 ext. 7310.

Now that the Christmas season is over and we

are into Ordinary Time, the poinsettias are

looking for new homes. Please feel free to

“adopt” one on your way out of church this


~Respect Life Ministry~

40 Days for Life Begins on Ash Wednesday

40 Days for Life is a pro-life campaign to end abortion through prayer, fasting, public vigil and community outreach. The upcoming spring campaign will coincide with Lent and run from Ash Wednesday through Palm Sunday, February 10 - March 20. The public vigil will be held across the street from Planned Parenthood, 470 Pleasant Street, Worcester from 7:00 a.m. - 7:00 p.m. each day of the campaign. Volunteers are needed to commit to praying at the vigil site. Visit and click on Vigil Calendar. Churches and groups are invited to sign up for a half day or day at the vigil. Call Lee Crowley at 508-887-1064 for more information.

16th Annual Diocesan Catholic Men’s Conference

All men are invited to this important annual Conference, scheduled for Worcester’s DCU Center, on Saturday, March 12. Hear dynamic talks from outstanding Catholic leaders: Navis Pictures' Jim Morlino, football superstar Father Mike Lightner, With All Your Heart’s Bob Kroll, and evangelist-convert Mike Cumbie. Deacon Harold Burke-Sivers will offer a special presentation on the Sacrament of Reconciliation prior to confessions. Bishops and diocesan and religious priests will hear confessions. Bishop McManus will offer Mass. For a Conference brochure, further information, or registration, call 508-929-4345. Visit our website - - for information and ticket purchases.

Tentative Ash Wednesday Schedule* Mass with Ashes – 8am at SM Ashes Only – no Mass – 4pm at SH Mass with Ashes – 7pm at SH

*Check next week’s bulletin for any changes.

Next Officers’ Meeting Monday, Feb. 8th at 7pm

K of C Sunday Breakfast Sunday, February 21st from 8:30 until

Noon in Dugan Hall. A delicious meal for only a $5 donation

All are welcome!! *********************************

Meatloaf Supper Saturday Feb. 27th 6 PM in Dugan Hall Take-out @ 5:30

********************************* Our Knights of Columbus Council 11080 will be

sponsoring a Lenten Drive to benefit the Knights of Columbus Christian Refugee Relief Fund. They will be conducting a presentation

during all Masses next weekend.

The Knights will have a Calendar Raffle during the month of May. 31 chances to

win! More info soon.

“Soup-ER Bowl wEEkEnd” FEB. 6 & 7

Our annual special collection to replenish funds

for the Brookfield Ecumenical Food Pantry and

the St. Vincent de Paul Society of OLSH Parish

will be taken up NEXT WEEKEND. Envelopes

are in this weekend’s bulletins.