march 16 kindergarten newsletter

March 16, 2015 Saint George Kindergarten Kindergarten MS. POLLINGTON 2014-2015 Weekly Learning Targets: Math I can count to 100 by 1s and 10s. I can tell you two numbers that make 5. I can add 2 and subtract 2. Reading/Handwriting I can tell you the sounds that dr, tr, gr, and pr. I can read and write words in the ask, est, ost, and ust word family. I can retell the story of the Odd Princess Who Swallowed a Pea. I can tell you the main character of the story. I can tell you my opinion of the story using evidence from the book. (I like the book because.... or I didn’t like the book because) I can read all of the poems in my poem book. Saint George Newsletter What are we doing this week? Specials: Art: M; PE: T, F; Music: M, TH; Library: TH;

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Kindergarten Newsletter


  • March 16, 2015

    Saint George Kindergarten






    Weekly Learning Targets: Math I can count to 100 by 1s and 10s. I can tell you two numbers that make 5. I can add 2 and subtract 2. Reading/Handwriting I can tell you the sounds that dr, tr, gr, and pr. I can read and write words in the ask, est, ost, and ust word family.

    I can retell the story of the Odd Princess Who Swallowed a Pea. I can tell you the main character of the story. I can tell you my opinion of the story using evidence from the book. (I like the book because.... or I didnt like the book because) I can read all of the poems in my poem book.


    t G






    What are we doing this week?Specials: Art: M; PE: T, F; Music: M, TH; Library: TH;

  • March 16, 2015

    Saint George Kindergarten

    Whats happening in Kindergarten? Classroom Special Events & Important Information

    Class List: 1. Jayden

    2. Ruth

    3. Evan

    4. Henry

    5. Tremar

    6. Naomi B.

    7. Nio

    8. Nolan

    9. Lena

    10. Nico

    11. Germaine

    12. Osmond

    13. Dale

    14. Katelyn

    15. Isabella

    16. Justin

    17. Micah

    18. Miggy

    19. Naomi M.

    20. Oliver

    21. Estella

    22. Felicia

    23. Joshua

    24. Athaniel

    25. Kenese

    26. Mana

    27. Salem

    28. Sofia

    29. Bathsheba

    Please turn in your field trip forms!

    Weekly Learning Targets (cont):

    Writing I can plan, illustrate, write and title my story. I can write a story about a snowman. I can work quietly.

    Religion I can tell you one way that God made the Star of the Week unique and special. I can tell you the three things we do during Lent (prayer, fasting, almsgiving). I can tell you about the Fifth and Sixth Station. I can be a good listener.

    Social Studies (ongoing) I can follow the classroom covenant. *this is a list of classroom promises(rules) we have made. I know what to do if I am at school and there is an earthquake. I know what to do if I am at school and there is a fire. I know what to do if I am at school when there is a lockdown. *Parents please talk to your children about safety at school. *additional information

  • March 16, 2015

    Saint George Kindergarten

    Whats happening at Saint George? School Wide Special Events & Important Information

    Saint George Mission Statement

    Tomorrow kids can wear green if they bring $1.00.

    School Auction is Saturday, March 21st. The theme is 80s prom. Get your donations in!

  • March 16, 2015

    Saint George Kindergarten

    Saint George SLEs (Student Learning Expectations)

    St. George graduates will:

    Display Their Christian faith by: 1 A - Demonstrating knowledge of Catholic scripture, tradition, doctrine and moral teachings.

    1 B - Participating in liturgical celebrations and

    school prayer.

    1 C - Engaging in acts of Christian service.

    Demonstrate personal growth and leadership traits by: 2 A - Solving everyday conflicts respectfully.

    2 B - Developing personal goals and evaluating progress.

    2 C - Practice healthy habits.

    2 D - Accepting responsibility in everyday lives.

    Create relationship with the local and global community by: 3 A - Celebrating the unique gifts and talents of each of God's people.

    3 B - Becoming responsible stewards of all the natural resources with which God has blessed us.

    3 C - Maintaining Christian integrity in a changing world.

  • March 16, 2015

    Saint George Kindergarten

    Saint George S.L.E.s Continued

    Demonstrate academic proficiency by: 4 A - Taking a disciplined, dedicated approach to academic excellence.

    4 B - Applying analytical, ethical, logical, and creative skills in problem solving.

    4 C - Reading with comprehension, writing with skill, and communicating effectively and responsibly.

    4 D - Knowing and applying the principles of mathematics, the sciences, social studies, geography, and fine arts.

    4 E - Working cooperatively and productively with others.

    4 F - Meeting or exceeding state standards.

    4 G - Being prepared and meeting deadlines.

    Office Phone Number: (206) 762.0656

    School Address: Saint George 5117 13th Ave S Seattle, WA 98108

    School Website: Click here or go to

    School Information

    Ms. Pollingtons Kindergarten Page: Click here or go to

    Hot Lunch: No Junk Inc: Click here for info. Contact: [email protected]

    (Student Learning Expectations)