manifesto tester 2


Upload: daniel-blachford

Post on 09-Mar-2016




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tester for uni work



Make Trading fairly a standard for all.

FAIR AWARE is an organisation that aim to improve working conditions, to agree fair wages/trading costs and bring financial

stability throughout farmers and workers across the world starting with 5 simple steps.

Conditions now.

Labourers throughout under developed countries are fighting to survive with poor working conditions and unfair trade

prices. unbearable heat without breaks, children workers and low pay, as little as £1 a day. The circumstances these people are forced to work in is unacceptable and must be stopped.

How the conditions should be.

The people being miss treated by companies and consumers should be entitled to fair working conditions, good health and acceptable wages according to work load. These are the basic human rights that we are entitled to. Why shouldn’t everyone

be treated equally?

How to change them.

We at here at FAIR AWARE are doing everything we can to ensure that trading fairly can be agreed and ensured

throughout all companies and countries. We hope by ‘naming and shaming’ all companies that don’t trade fairly, we can raise awareness of lack of human rights throughout many



Building relationships.

Building relationships between producers, workers and buyers, encourages equality in the

partnerships. Putting the buyers in contact with the chain of people who worked on their product will help encourage them to start working with fairer agreements. Once companies are fully aware of the standards of living which farmers and their

communities are reduced to, it would be unreasonable for them to carry on trading the way they are at the moment.

For the larger companies to be able to say that they have had direct contact with the source of their produce will enhance

their reputation as an honest supplier, which will in turn, allow customers piece of mind when they spend that little extra on the sustainably sourced produce. Poor countries are limited when it comes to helping themselves, as they do not have

rights to enforce the taxes, which would protect their commu-nities


Change the rules of trade.

At the moment the rules about trade are in favor of the rich countries and only hinder the poorer ones. We need to help

poorer economies grow and become self-sufficient. In order to achieve this, the richer countries need to step out of the pic-

ture, stopping selling poor countries cheap, subsidized products in order for the local farmers to have a chance in the market, instead of having to lower their costs, becoming poorer and poorer. We need to stop the corruption within the trade laws that feed the greedy, keeping poor countries poor. New trade

rules will help bring about a fairer world.

Workers deserve a fair wage.

People in poorer countries are drawn to the work created by rich companies. They provide jobs where there are not many,

however, this does mean that the workers are treated unfairly as they are unlikely to leave. Companies put so much pressure on producing faster, cheaper products that the workers face

intimidation, harassment and lack of safety in the work place. If this type of work environment was to occur in this country

there would be an uproar and yet the workers from the poorer countries have no other option. If they were to leave they

would starve. 4


Improve attitudes, spend a little extra.

The main objective of Fair Aware is to make consumers and retailers alike realise that we shouldn’t be worried about

making profit at any cost, but to help people in the world’s most marginalised communities escape poverty and promote

sustainability. We have a society that is obsessed with fast fashion. We hope people will begin to be more concerned about where the materials they are wearing are sourced from and then benefits that the workers will be receiving

from their decision to buy something that is fair trade. In the UK 2/3 consumers buy fair trade and 95% of people would

recommend it based on the quality and the positive impact it makes for the workers. Sweatshop workers earn as little as ½ to ¼ of what they need to provide nutrition, shelter, energy, clothing and education for their families. Almost 75% of the

retail price of a garment is pure profit for the manufacturer and retailer. For less than 1% of Nike’s advertising budget, wages could be doubled for all workers. Surely this isn’t fair, people

shouldn’t have to be living this way.